The gearbox seems pretty tight, but I can't say I've ever tested it. There's actually a pretty significant gear chain, between the gear motor itself, the spur gear transition to the worm, and then the worm drive itself. I know that on the worm there tends to be a decent amount of gap, as illustrated in my stiction video at
Thanks for the video. I just ordered a replacement encoder for my Nexstar GPS.
Cool! Did you confirm the CPR on the NexStar GPS? I haven't checked, but wouldn't necessarily expect it to be the same.
I have a dc motor like that. You can have it.
How much backlash is on the shaft?
Thanks! Not sure I'll need it, but it never hurts to have a spare!
The gearbox seems pretty tight, but I can't say I've ever tested it. There's actually a pretty significant gear chain, between the gear motor itself, the spur gear transition to the worm, and then the worm drive itself. I know that on the worm there tends to be a decent amount of gap, as illustrated in my stiction video at