Marquis (ponazuril) has been used to treat both coccidia and cryptosporidium. Your viewers might be able to use this info. Also for times when pups and kittens are getting critically dehydrated and they are refusing water. Forcing them could result in the aspiration of water into the lungs. Of course it's vet time. But sometimes vets are closed nights and weekends. A good solution is a retention enema. Keep your kitty hydrated by putting water to the intestines the back way. A few mils at a time every few hours. Let it absorb. I've saved critical puddins this way. The idea is to keep them on this side of the dirt until the vet office opens. Thanks for the video.
Me too. I just subscribed. It’s been nearly 20 years since I’ve bred a litter of pups. I’ve got an important breeding planned for this winter. Definitely nice to have the videos as well.
Coccidia been kicking my ass with this on particular breeding female I have her pups have caught coccidia as early as two days old. This video was very informative I'm already a revival customer.
We're happy to hear you found this video informative! If you need any help with coccidia, our Pet Care Pros would love to help you. 😊 -Maria at Revival
YeLa Kennels my Frenchie pup has it and it’s definitely fought on him. He’s very weak. My vet only gave him one treatment so I’m super curious as to why he only gave him one treatment.
Tiffany, I'm sorry we can't answer why the vet only gave one treatment. We don't know the medication your gave you. If you have any concerns about the medication or if you feel you may need more, I would recommend to consult with your vet immediately. Sheryl at Revival.
My puppy has coccidia, he’s 7 weeks old. He’s been treated but 4 days later no improvement other than his poop is mostly solid. He’s still very weak and not interested in food. I’m forcing A/D food, pedialyte and nutrical. I’m praying he feels better real soon.
Good morning Tiffany, I'm sorry to hear your puppy isn't well. I'm sorry we can't diagnose the situation for you. I would continue to give electrolytes to help flush out any bad bacteria. If no improvement, I would recommend to call your vet. I'm sorry we don't have any non prescription antibiotics at this time to help. Sheryl at Revival.
A 7 week old kitten i just recused just infected my 2 other cats that are two years old, are the chances of they recovering with treatment High with no long term damage? What can we do to get rid of off it from our environment?
Good morning LifeAsEmily J, Recovery from coccidia is good when given antibiotic for treatment. This article on treating and preventing coccida will help you> Sheryl at Revival.
Good morning Emily, unfortunately, there isn't any disinfectant on the market that will treat coccidia or giardia. This article regarding how to treat Coccidia and prevent it may help you> Sheryl at Revival.
Pure Ethanol 3x seems to be effective but it's toxic to animals. I'm guessing butanol would be ideal but again poison for animals. Meaning you should clean with it then rinse it off with some other animal friendly solvent and then air the kennel pretty profusely before letting them back in.
Correct Mara Ramos, Coccidia can't be passed from dog to cat or vice versa. Dog will pass it to each other through coccidia infected soil or from fece eating. Sheryl at Revival.
My 9 week puppy has Coccidia and is being treated with sulpha and metronidazole. Has had three days of meds. Eating well, very active, but still loose stool.
Good morning Sharon, I'm sorry your puppy isn't feeling well. I would recommend to add the GI synbiotics to the food to help. Antibiotic are flushed from the body through the intestines and this can cause loose stools and diarrhea. The probiotic will help with digestion and also the loose stool for you. Here's the link for you> Sheryl at Revival.
Could they get them from lizards as my cat toothed them as a kitten and also a few years ago he nearly choked on one's tail it dropped in his throat. Teeth could transfer parasites down their pharynx and with gravity could end up in their bowels I'm assuming.
Hello Danielle, Here is a link to the ParaTest Test Kit: Let me know if you have any other questions. -Maria at Revival
Question ? If my puppies have coccida should I separate my other dogs completely away from them ? There in both different kennels but very close together I have been cleaning and sanitizing there kennels and picking up there poop immediately. Can my other dogs get this just being next to them ? Or around them ? I heared if they eat there stools that’s the only way they can get coccida to?
My kittens have coccidia and just took their last dose of ponazuril for treatment today. I am wondering if I should clean and disinfect all their stuff now or in 24 hours (when the medicine has fully worked?) - I don’t want them to get reinfected.
Good morning Alejandra, There's various reasons for blood being in the stool. Some of those reasons are parasites, dietary, gastroeneritis, stress, or the use of anti-inflammatories for example. I would recommend having your vet examine her to determine the cause. I hope everything goes well and she's better soon. Sheryl at Revival.
The Paratest Test Kit is no longer available. The Doc Roy's GI Synbiotics is sold on Amazon and our website> Please contact us directly at 1-800-786-4751 if you have further questions. Sheryl at Revival
Hiya ! My 10months old dogo Argentino hasn’t exactly been himself ever since I got him . Apparently as a younger puppy , the litter suffered sever coccidiosis which they all recovered from , however their growth seemed slower than the usual.. my male in particular was smaller compared to the other males . I have realized , he is never really up to speed , always dull, looks like the wind could blow him off his feet , doesn’t finish his meals , eats it half way . Most recently I realized traces of blood in his feacal matter. A quick lab test on his feacal matter revealed , Toxocara sp +++ . My young vet prescribed sulpharidine to mixed with water and given to him. I still no improvement , he’s still weak , slow and I’m still seeing blood in his feacal matter . What do you advise ? I’m in a third world country ,lol , and not all our vets are up to speed .
Good morning Stephen. I would recommend a probiotic to help with the diarrhea and digestion. Antibiotics are flushed out of the body through the intestines and this also flushed the good bacteria out the puppy needs. A probiotic should be added to help put the good bacteria back. I would recommend a good dog food with 20-23% protein. I would also recommend an electrolyte to replenish the body fluids lost with diarrhea. Here are a couple articles to also help you> and Sheryl at Revival.
Good afternoon Ezra, I would recommend to contact your vet after day 7 of treatment if you're still having issues for a refill on the medication they gave you. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal one more thing, I’ve been treating my lawn with 1 part ammonia 9 parts water. Will that kill hookworms as well? Cause my puppy has both Coccidia and Hookworm. I always pick up poop immediately after it’s been done and then I spray the spot.. this is on top of spraying the entire yard initially.
I can smell metallicy blood smell when my foster puppy poops I’m almost positive it’s coccidia she was premature All her litter mates died I wish I knew about the probiotic treatment she is now 8 days old is it too late? I’m not experienced with dogs but she doesn’t seem right she fights and can’t quite get the nipple always she has cuts on her feet from constantly rooting around and not stopping ever she reminds me of a baby that is in withdrawal from herion or a baby with colic I have more experience with human baby’s lol.
I would recommend the GI synbiotics for you> here's the link> and I would also recommend the NurtureMate to help the puppy digest milk and thrive better> here's the link> Sheryl at Revival
Good afternoon Ricardo, I'm sorry I'm not familiar with poultry. We specialize in dogs and cats here at Revival Animal Health. I have heard of some people using Corid for treating coccidia in chickens. I would recommend to contact your local vet to make sure this would work for your needs and also how it would be dosed. Sheryl at Revival.
Our puppy willow was diagnosed with coccidiosis and she is on albon.. it’s been 3 days since we started it. She has been still poopin diarrhea and there is bright blood with the mucious. Is that normal? Just continue on w med? We are going to contact the vet Tuesday when they are open. We just keep freakin ourself out bc she was the runt of the liter and has a loud heart murmur. She is 10 weeks old
Good morning Marky, I would recommend to continue treatment using the Albon. Coccidia treatment may take 5-21 days. Blood in the mucus is normal to see. I would recommend to give the puppy an probiotic also. This will help with diarrhea and also help to flush out any bad bacteria. I would recommend the GI synbiotics. Just a pea size amount on your clean finger and then swipe on the inside cheek 3 times a day. Here's the link for you> This article on treating an preventing Coccidia may also help you>
My puppy’s have coccida they’ve been puking and having diarrhea and would have a bit of blood . They also have worms I have gaven them over the counter and gave them both half next morning there’s a bunch of worms in there stool , 2 days later there not throwing up any more and there poop is becoming more solid there only 6 half week . Today I took them to the vet and they did a stool sample confirming they have found coccida but not to much and gave me antibiotics for a week . My question is if my puppies don’t have severe coccida will it completely go away??? Will it come back again ? And after he’s negative can they pass it down to my other dogs ?
Good morning Alesha, I'm glad to here your puppies not throwing up any longer, that's good. Coccidia is a common bacteria that happens whenever puppies get stressed out. It's treated with antibiotics such as Albon or sulfa trimethaprin. Puppies are born with a sterile gut, and their mother seeds their gut with good bacteria during cleaning and care. However, puppies are often introduced to Coccidia through their mothers' infected feces. This article regarding treating Coccidia will help you> Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal my puppy has Coccidia and has no desire to eat I have been giving her water by a dropper and she is on meds from vet should I try and feed her with a spoon
I'm sorry Daniel, Albon is a prescription product. Only a licensed doctor is able to answer questions regarding the use of this medication. Please contact your local vet if you feel this is an emergency. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal he has dealt with crickets and it seems this parasite is recurrent in him. I am assuming the larvae are not entirely eradicated hence why.
Depending on what type of medication you're using some medications do not treat larvae. Please consult with your vet as to what medication may be effective for your needs. Sheryl at Revival.
Hey i am very sad right know my Cat just had her babies yesterday and i think one kitten has coccidia and im scared they are all going to die 😭😭what should i do?
Good morning K1mberlyy R, I would recommend to give each kitten a probiotic. This will help with digestion and also diarrhea. Here's the link for the GI synbiotics> This article may also help you> Sheryl at Revival.
My 5 week old kitten has coccidia and I had 4 other kittens previously die on me due to coccidia I caught this current kittens symptoms in time but I was wondering where could I get the treatment as I do know the medication can be pricey
Good morning Jesus Acosta, I'm sorry we don't know what is available locally in your area. Sulfa drugs have long been used to treat Coccidia, and they're also effective for prevention. Sulfadimethoxine Albon® works by preventing reproduction of the parasites. Sulfa-Trimeth is related to Albon and has been used as an alternative with excellent efficacy. Sheryl at Revival.
My 8 week old puppy just got diagnosed with coccidia and was prescribed Albon for 6 days but I see you say it’s recommended to take for 21 days I’m a bit confused now.
Good morning Birdie, I would recommend to follow your vets directions. Depending on severe the coccidia is, treatment may be up to 21 days. Sheryl at Revival.
Love your videos and full of infos Thank You👍👍The coccidia are nasty. All my cats and kittens infected becoz my filthy neighbor have lots of rats!!! I use Toltra and Kaolin Pectin for few weeks in very little dose and it really eases the coccidia conditions. Putting up fences help and mouse traps helped reduce my cat contact with those rats!! My neighbour are rats people!!! Frequent cleaning using clorox and steam at my cat’s house helps reduce all these nasty things!!
Marquis (ponazuril) has been used to treat both coccidia and cryptosporidium. Your viewers might be able to use this info. Also for times when pups and kittens are getting critically dehydrated and they are refusing water. Forcing them could result in the aspiration of water into the lungs. Of course it's vet time. But sometimes vets are closed nights and weekends. A good solution is a retention enema. Keep your kitty hydrated by putting water to the intestines the back way. A few mils at a time every few hours. Let it absorb. I've saved critical puddins this way. The idea is to keep them on this side of the dirt until the vet office opens. Thanks for the video.
Ordered from yall many times, had no idea you're on youtube. Helpful as always.
Thank you! We're glad you found us on TH-cam! -Shelley at Revival
Me too. I just subscribed. It’s been nearly 20 years since I’ve bred a litter of pups. I’ve got an important breeding planned for this winter. Definitely nice to have the videos as well.
They are sooooooooooooooooo underrated I love them so helpful
Thank you BankingFromTheBank. 🙂 We're always happy to help people improve the health of their animals. Sheryl at Revival
Good 😊
Keep it up, very educative
🙂 Thank you for visiting Revival Animal Health, enjoy your day! Sheryl at Revival
Thank you for visiting Revival Animal Health, have a good day! Sheryl at Revival
Coccidia been kicking my ass with this on particular breeding female I have her pups have caught coccidia as early as two days old. This video was very informative I'm already a revival customer.
We're happy to hear you found this video informative! If you need any help with coccidia, our Pet Care Pros would love to help you. 😊 -Maria at Revival
@@RevivalAnimal Ok Thanks
YeLa Kennels my Frenchie pup has it and it’s definitely fought on him. He’s very weak. My vet only gave him one treatment so I’m super curious as to why he only gave him one treatment.
Tiffany, I'm sorry we can't answer why the vet only gave one treatment. We don't know the medication your gave you. If you have any concerns about the medication or if you feel you may need more, I would recommend to consult with your vet immediately. Sheryl at Revival.
@@tiffanysantana7333sorry to hear that about your frenchie, what did the vet give you?
Product links would be helpful. I went over to the website and the article didn't link either. Thanks for information.
Very informative! Really enjoyed learning more about how to help prevent coccidia and the different products available.
Thank you Ron, feel free to visit our Learning Center on our website for more help and information. Sheryl at Revival.
My puppy has coccidia, he’s 7 weeks old. He’s been treated but 4 days later no improvement other than his poop is mostly solid. He’s still very weak and not interested in food. I’m forcing A/D food, pedialyte and nutrical. I’m praying he feels better real soon.
Good morning Tiffany, I'm sorry to hear your puppy isn't well. I'm sorry we can't diagnose the situation for you. I would continue to give electrolytes to help flush out any bad bacteria. If no improvement, I would recommend to call your vet. I'm sorry we don't have any non prescription antibiotics at this time to help. Sheryl at Revival.
He may have developed ibd. So likely a steroid with the antielmithic will be associated.
Awesome information, Thank you guys🐶🐶
We're happy to help!
Yes have an outbreak pups due tomorrow would be happy to phone and consult but don't see any links to numbers or emails
Pip, please contact us at 1-800-786-4751. One of our Pet Care Pro's will be happy to speak with you. Sheryl at Revival.
A 7 week old kitten i just recused just infected my 2 other cats that are two years old, are the chances of they recovering with treatment High with no long term damage? What can we do to get rid of off it from our environment?
Good morning LifeAsEmily J, Recovery from coccidia is good when given antibiotic for treatment. This article on treating and preventing coccida will help you> Sheryl at Revival.
Where can I find the best disinfectant against coccidia? I need it for my dog kennel
Good morning Emily, unfortunately, there isn't any disinfectant on the market that will treat coccidia or giardia. This article regarding how to treat Coccidia and prevent it may help you> Sheryl at Revival.
Pure Ethanol 3x seems to be effective but it's toxic to animals. I'm guessing butanol would be ideal but again poison for animals. Meaning you should clean with it then rinse it off with some other animal friendly solvent and then air the kennel pretty profusely before letting them back in.
Coccidia is a very specific protozoa, so it cannot be transferred from "puppies to kittens and viceversa".
Correct Mara Ramos, Coccidia can't be passed from dog to cat or vice versa. Dog will pass it to each other through coccidia infected soil or from fece eating. Sheryl at Revival.
My 9 week puppy has Coccidia and is being treated with sulpha and metronidazole. Has had three days of meds. Eating well, very active, but still loose stool.
Good morning Sharon, I'm sorry your puppy isn't feeling well. I would recommend to add the GI synbiotics to the food to help. Antibiotic are flushed from the body through the intestines and this can cause loose stools and diarrhea. The probiotic will help with digestion and also the loose stool for you. Here's the link for you> Sheryl at Revival.
Likely a bit anemic.
Could they get them from lizards as my cat toothed them as a kitten and also a few years ago he nearly choked on one's tail it dropped in his throat. Teeth could transfer parasites down their pharynx and with gravity could end up in their bowels I'm assuming.
If you have any concerns your cat may have parasites you can take a stool sample to your vet and ask them to do a PCR test. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal thanks I checked the stool sample myself and he has cytoisospora.
I would recommend to have your vet test to see what strain it may be. Sheryl at Revival
@@RevivalAnimal true, he's currently between vets. Seeing which one does the best job now. Thanks.
My pleasure. Thank you for visiting Revival Animal Health, have a good day! Sheryl at Revival
How can we get your products
Hello! You can shop all of our products here: 😊 -Maria at Revival
Can you please put the links in the comments when you speak of a product
Good morning Melody, I have passed on your request to links to be added for our products. Thank you for the feedback. The Revival Pet Paw Squad. 🙂
I cannot find that test kit online, or anywhere. Do you have a link? Thanks
Hello Danielle, Here is a link to the ParaTest Test Kit: Let me know if you have any other questions. -Maria at Revival
Question ? If my puppies have coccida should I separate my other dogs completely away from them ? There in both different kennels but very close together I have been cleaning and sanitizing there kennels and picking up there poop immediately. Can my other dogs get this just being next to them ? Or around them ? I heared if they eat there stools that’s the only way they can get coccida to?
You have a very good question and I’m surprised these two haven’t replied
My kittens have coccidia and just took their last dose of ponazuril for treatment today. I am wondering if I should clean and disinfect all their stuff now or in 24 hours (when the medicine has fully worked?) - I don’t want them to get reinfected.
I would recommend to clean now and again in a week. We recommend to disinfect once a week. Sheryl at Revival.
Is very dangerous if my dog has blood in her stool?????? I’m taking her tomorrow to the vet
Good morning Alejandra, There's various reasons for blood being in the stool. Some of those reasons are parasites, dietary, gastroeneritis, stress, or the use of anti-inflammatories for example. I would recommend having your vet examine her to determine the cause. I hope everything goes well and she's better soon. Sheryl at Revival.
Are these on Amazon
The Paratest Test Kit is no longer available. The Doc Roy's GI Synbiotics is sold on Amazon and our website> Please contact us directly at 1-800-786-4751 if you have further questions. Sheryl at Revival
Hiya ! My 10months old dogo Argentino hasn’t exactly been himself ever since I got him . Apparently as a younger puppy , the litter suffered sever coccidiosis which they all recovered from , however their growth seemed slower than the usual.. my male in particular was smaller compared to the other males . I have realized , he is never really up to speed , always dull, looks like the wind could blow him off his feet , doesn’t finish his meals , eats it half way . Most recently I realized traces of blood in his feacal matter. A quick lab test on his feacal matter revealed , Toxocara sp +++ . My young vet prescribed sulpharidine to mixed with water and given to him. I still no improvement , he’s still weak , slow and I’m still seeing blood in his feacal matter . What do you advise ? I’m in a third world country ,lol , and not all our vets are up to speed .
Good morning Stephen. I would recommend a probiotic to help with the diarrhea and digestion. Antibiotics are flushed out of the body through the intestines and this also flushed the good bacteria out the puppy needs. A probiotic should be added to help put the good bacteria back. I would recommend a good dog food with 20-23% protein. I would also recommend an electrolyte to replenish the body fluids lost with diarrhea. Here are a couple articles to also help you> and Sheryl at Revival.
Where do I buy the kit to check for coccidia ?
Yahshua Zion, I would recommend to check with your local vet or pharmacy where you'll be able to purchase a parasite test kit. Sheryl at Revival.
My pup has both Coccida and Giardia do I need to clean all bedding and toys?
Yes, it's important to disinfect all area and also to clean/wash bedding. Sheryl at Revival.
Vet only gave me treatment for Coccidia for 10 days. Would that be okay?? First time was just 6 days and then he got bad.
Good afternoon Ezra, I would recommend to contact your vet after day 7 of treatment if you're still having issues for a refill on the medication they gave you. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal thank you!!
@@RevivalAnimal one more thing, I’ve been treating my lawn with 1 part ammonia 9 parts water. Will that kill hookworms as well? Cause my puppy has both Coccidia and Hookworm. I always pick up poop immediately after it’s been done and then I spray the spot.. this is on top of spraying the entire yard initially.
Ezra, unfortunately, no it won't. It's really hard to clean dirt since you can only treat as far as water will go. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal then how do I keep my puppy getting reinfected with hookworms if he poops diarrhea in the grass and it’s hard to get everything?
I can smell metallicy blood smell when my foster puppy poops I’m almost positive it’s coccidia she was premature All her litter mates died I wish I knew about the probiotic treatment she is now 8 days old is it too late? I’m not experienced with dogs but she doesn’t seem right she fights and can’t quite get the nipple always she has cuts on her feet from constantly rooting around and not stopping ever she reminds me of a baby that is in withdrawal from herion or a baby with colic I have more experience with human baby’s lol.
I would recommend the GI synbiotics for you> here's the link> and I would also recommend the NurtureMate to help the puppy digest milk and thrive better> here's the link> Sheryl at Revival
What medication can we use for coccidia in a rooster
Good afternoon Ricardo, I'm sorry I'm not familiar with poultry. We specialize in dogs and cats here at Revival Animal Health. I have heard of some people using Corid for treating coccidia in chickens. I would recommend to contact your local vet to make sure this would work for your needs and also how it would be dosed. Sheryl at Revival.
thank you I think it does work
Thank you my sister work for dr. Heflin a veterinarian in Mission Texas
@@RevivalAnimalCan you tell me if activated Charcoal would have any effect in getting rid of coccidia please , Thankyou so much
Our puppy willow was diagnosed with coccidiosis and she is on albon.. it’s been 3 days since we started it. She has been still poopin diarrhea and there is bright blood with the mucious. Is that normal? Just continue on w med? We are going to contact the vet Tuesday when they are open. We just keep freakin ourself out bc she was the runt of the liter and has a loud heart murmur. She is 10 weeks old
Good morning Marky, I would recommend to continue treatment using the Albon. Coccidia treatment may take 5-21 days. Blood in the mucus is normal to see. I would recommend to give the puppy an probiotic also. This will help with diarrhea and also help to flush out any bad bacteria. I would recommend the GI synbiotics. Just a pea size amount on your clean finger and then swipe on the inside cheek 3 times a day. Here's the link for you> This article on treating an preventing Coccidia may also help you>
@@RevivalAnimalyeah I agree.
My puppy’s have coccida they’ve been puking and having diarrhea and would have a bit of blood . They also have worms I have gaven them over the counter and gave them both half next morning there’s a bunch of worms in there stool , 2 days later there not throwing up any more and there poop is becoming more solid there only 6 half week . Today I took them to the vet and they did a stool sample confirming they have found coccida but not to much and gave me antibiotics for a week . My question is if my puppies don’t have severe coccida will it completely go away??? Will it come back again ? And after he’s negative can they pass it down to my other dogs ?
Good morning Alesha, I'm glad to here your puppies not throwing up any longer, that's good. Coccidia is a common bacteria that happens whenever puppies get stressed out. It's treated with antibiotics such as Albon or sulfa trimethaprin. Puppies are born with a sterile gut, and their mother seeds their gut with good bacteria during cleaning and care. However, puppies are often introduced to Coccidia through their mothers' infected feces. This article regarding treating Coccidia will help you> Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal my puppy has Coccidia and has no desire to eat I have been giving her water by a dropper and she is on meds from vet should I try and feed her with a spoon
What happnes if you dog gets 2.5 ml over the amount it sholdve have this si
Albon suspension i Need a ansewer please
I'm sorry Daniel, Albon is a prescription product. Only a licensed doctor is able to answer questions regarding the use of this medication. Please contact your local vet if you feel this is an emergency. Sheryl at Revival.
Insects bring them too I'm assuming.
Yes, it's important to protect your pet against flea, tick, mosquito and biting lice and other insects. Sheryl at Revival
@@RevivalAnimal he has dealt with crickets and it seems this parasite is recurrent in him. I am assuming the larvae are not entirely eradicated hence why.
Depending on what type of medication you're using some medications do not treat larvae. Please consult with your vet as to what medication may be effective for your needs. Sheryl at Revival.
@@RevivalAnimal true. Yes been hearing from a different vet. Many thanks.
🙂My pleasure. Thank you for visiting Revival Animal Health, have good day!
Hey i am very sad right know my Cat just had her babies yesterday and i think one kitten has coccidia and im scared they are all going to die 😭😭what should i do?
Good morning K1mberlyy R, I would recommend to give each kitten a probiotic. This will help with digestion and also diarrhea. Here's the link for the GI synbiotics> This article may also help you> Sheryl at Revival.
My 5 week old kitten has coccidia and I had 4 other kittens previously die on me due to coccidia
I caught this current kittens symptoms in time but I was wondering where could I get the treatment as I do know the medication can be pricey
Good morning Jesus Acosta, I'm sorry we don't know what is available locally in your area. Sulfa drugs have long been used to treat Coccidia, and they're also effective for prevention. Sulfadimethoxine Albon® works by preventing reproduction of the parasites. Sulfa-Trimeth is related to Albon and has been used as an alternative with excellent efficacy. Sheryl at Revival.
Horror. So sorry. 😢 They shouldn't be that pricey I think it's some vets charge a bit strangely and it's best to be careful.
My 8 week old puppy just got diagnosed with coccidia and was prescribed Albon for 6 days but I see you say it’s recommended to take for 21 days I’m a bit confused now.
Good morning Birdie, I would recommend to follow your vets directions. Depending on severe the coccidia is, treatment may be up to 21 days. Sheryl at Revival.
Love your videos and full of infos Thank You👍👍The coccidia are nasty. All my cats and kittens infected becoz my filthy neighbor have lots of rats!!! I use Toltra and Kaolin Pectin for few weeks in very little dose and it really eases the coccidia conditions. Putting up fences help and mouse traps helped reduce my cat contact with those rats!! My neighbour are rats people!!! Frequent cleaning using clorox and steam at my cat’s house helps reduce all these nasty things!!
Rats become infected due to insects and reptiles too. The issue is animals don't know that diseases are contagious.
How do you get the Toltra and kaolin.
I wonder why they love the bowels perhaps because it's close to an exit (orefice) so they can spread once they are out. Evil.
Intestines are a food source unfortunately. Sheryl at Revival
@@RevivalAnimal true 😓
Sad but true. Sheryl at Revival
my dog was treated only for 3 days with Marquis solution
My dog died today cause of coccidia😔😔
how long did it take?
ordude123 like 2 months
ordude123 but she had it already when we took her home
That’s usually why people get cats for rodent control
why y’all so fkn chipper