MW3 and BO6 are made by different devs, they logically should have differences in feel and gameplay. They should only be consistent across their individual series
To be completely honest and IMO ive noticed tbere to have been a slight difference in sensitivities from Title to title ever since MW2019.(2which is why i set mine to whatever the default HIGH settings is as thats what ive played on since 07 in COD4 and then i set the vertical sens 1-2 notches below the high setting)Upon adding the option to adjust your X&Y(Horizontal&Vertical) sensitivity values independently which i believe was first incorporated in MW2019 alongside the list of various other control/sensitivity settings that us console players hadnt had access to previous such as turn speed ramp up& delay,daedzones, as well as having the option to set different sensitivities across the various scopes/levels of zoom etc.
@@theguardians7779 it's the same franchise, no one cares if the developers are different. Aim sensitivity should be the same across the franchise. I shouldn't have to look up who the developer is to figure out where to set my aim.
Kinda irrelevant to the video but Is anyone else experiencing really bad inconsistencies in gunfights? I'm putting 4-5 bullets into someone they just seem to obliterate me. I'm losing consistently i should not be losing. Is this a universal experience for anyone else or is just something we have to deal with? In order for me to win any gun fight I either have to use the AK or the m4 anything is super underpowered it feels like.
The AK's trash in this game, do not get fooled by it. Unless you're hugging them and you're within the 3-headshot kill range and just laser them, obviously. Model L feels much better (only than the AK) and XM4 is stupidly strong. Like it doesn't lose at any range to any gun, unless you get surprised by an SMG in hugging range and even then you still have a very good chance if you laser their head. Don't get me wrong, the more people learn the maps and stop challenging XM4 users at long ranges the worse XM4 technically will get and people will realize this CoD is just another "SMG meta" kind of a game, but we haven't gotten there yet. Right now people will challenge at any range, regardless of what weapon they're using and XM4 is king at most ranges, especially long.
@miguel_7515 brotha i just put 5 bullets into a dude sitting in a corner point black and he turned on me and put a burst into me and died. It's totally killing the experience for me.
@SlCKNESS_ at this point if you're not using the XM4 or AK, only other viable option is the Marksman Rifles and Snipers. SMGs feel completely useless. Idk how they went from a solid beta to a full release MP thats a complete 180 functionality wise.
The biggest issue I have with rotational aim assist is that there is no delay in reaction. A good reaction time for a human being is 150ms and I believe rotational aim assist should reflect that.
Perfect timing w this video XAce!!! I thought I was going nuts bc I couldn't shoot anything properly as in MW3. I was constantly changing my sens and curve. Can't wait to take this into account in game!! Great work for the community as always my guy!!!!
Hit detection is definitely nerfed. I'm seeing up to 9 hit markers on someone and then they 180 me and 3 shot me. I wish the death from attacker UI told me how many shots I did to them instead of seeing me getting 3 shot by the tanto across the map.
aim assist is just a BIG F U to all the people with actual reflexes, Its so funny how delusional controller players are thinking they are actually GODS at aiming. no bud, its AI that is playing the game for you
@@rossadamdixon It doesn't feel consistent because you have some holding your hand and then it feels like being a fish out of water when they stop. No doubt most of the controller players will moan enough to have it reverted for the COD.
As a KBM player in MW3, I could win 90% of pure 1v1 fights past point blank range. Point blank barrel stuff range, literally 10%. It’s unbelievable how when hit boxes touch, a controller players aim glues to me whereas I’m stuck looking stupid trying to find how far I need to flick in a circle. On the killcam, I never leave their vision even after flying past them.
As a KBM player with thousands of hours in games like BF3 and played a ton of warzone there seem to be 2 things: 1) COD has high-tick (laggy) servers, compared to games like Battlefield. In practice that means, that when opfor slides, you see the movement later. 2) Aim assist was broken at close range, and I liked close range. So eventually I stopped playing. If they nerfed aim assist, or better yet, let PC players disable crossplay, I might start playing Warzone again.
Yes sir, your comment is on point. The game is trash on mnk, the aimasist is aimbot on mid and long range and its where 90% of my fights on mnk happens. I am ouplayed by far worse players simply because of the legal aimbot that is aimasist.@@grenadebiter
@@grenadebiter at this point it's not even crossplay, we need input based matchmaking, Its getting frustrating only losing engagements because bro with his iron sights 60 meters away beaming me
Not to sound like a nerd but that’s common knowledge. If you want to challenge mid range or longer gunfights then you need to add an attachment to manage your aiming idle sway. I don’t think Ace is making a video about that because he’s talked about it years ago.
@@usze4880your average player doesn’t sit and watch every cod video and know every little thing about the game. It’s not common knowledge at all. The description makes it sound like it affects aiming down sights while not moving and there’s no info in game about what the op said.
@ the term “aiming idle sway” is self explanatory. I’m a gun owner, so maybe that’s why it made sense to me. When I’m going for long shots at the range I use a tripod to eliminate my idle sway cuz I don’t have steady hands. COD is a milsim, It just makes sense that if you wanna go for long shots you would use attachments to reduce your idle. You dont have to watch videos to know that. I just thought it was common knowledge.
@@usze4880 idle. The key word. Does not fit when we’re talking about movement and aim assist. Being a gun owner is irrelevant in this conversation so stop droning on about it. It’s not common knowledge. Deal with being wrong.
@@metzler1823 Yep, and when you see all those controler players "somehow" track all those sliding enemies without any issue you can just laugh about this "weaker aim assist".
@@madzaisabro its not that hard if u have an smg or ar. Specially if u have a higher sens on controller. Stop cryin, u gonna be cryin about it in bo10 a decade from now? Jesus
@@MISTAWULFYWhile that may be generally true, that was a smart design choice on SHG's part in my eyes. Mixing high visual recoil, fast movement and a higher TTK can lead to player frustration, but I feel like BO6 is still finding its footing in this regard. It feels like Treyarch intentionally limited the number of larger maps to account for this, but that's just my personal take.
MnK don't have 0ms reaction time like Rotational Aim Assist because it's human input not automated. It's the automation that tracks sudden directional changes that is one of the largest issues.
Makes sense. Close range tracking is one of the most difficult skills on KBM. But even with just controllers in mind, when the target is that big(close) the stronger AA meant you'd often get the kill with no stick input (depending on the gun of course).
As a MnK player, i used to play quite aggressively but ever since crossplay was implemented, i was really struggling to find the same level of success playing up close and really started playing more mid to long range to avoid controler players tracking. It's really a welcome change given the crazy movement, the gap between aim assist and MnK would have been ridiculous
I feel the gap is even worse in this game, despite this AA nerf. This movement is pretty unpredictable and difficult to track, the visibility is worse, the screen shake effects are crazy. With AA, it can see through all the screen clutter and shaking and it can track the unpredictable movement live. As someone who was dropping nukes in the last few cods, I am now struggling to even have a positive KD most games. I just can't aim in this game for some reason no matter how I adjust my settings. Maybe I'll get used to it, idk
It helps to use smoke grenades and also using aiming idle sway attachments. This will help the aim issue slightly because i couldnt hit shit without it even on ars and smgs. @@SurgeDashcam
@@urbancliff I think most of the time the desync makes the game unplayable. AA is strong in this game,but for MnK I still can get high KD but when desync happens things go down pretty bad
The biggest problem with Aim Assist imo rn is the fact that it starts WELL outside of the character model and is jarringly strong. This results in inconsistent experiences for anyone who has fine tuned aim, whether they realise it or not. We used to have “scale aim assist with FOV” and even the difference between default and black ops (where in the recent game, the former was much truer to the character model vs the latter was similar to what we experience in this game). It would be so huge to have this option again to reward consistency in natural aim. I’d even take less aim assist with this setting in a heartbeat.
Aim assist might've been nerfed, but that's because it was ridiculously OP. "Nerfing" it hasn't changed the fact it's a massive advantage over MnK. I'd even argue the gap is bigger in this COD than the last, due to the addition of the unpredictable movement and the TTK, not to mention the ridiculous visual recoil which makes it near impossible to track someone with MnK in certain scenarios.
Jesust as a PC player I always suspected aim assist was really strong for controller players. But my goodness a 68 degree rotation with 0 player input? I mean come on you're really stepping into aim bot territory I'm not sure if I'd even call that aim assist.
Dude it’s ridiculous. I started watching killcams and you can tell someone’s on roller because once they start hitting you they don’t miss a bullet from any range. I plugged in my controller just to see how strong it is and I kid you not, it’s literally like the aimbot aim assist in the old cod campaigns if you remember that. Every time you aim in with someone in your crosshairs it just locks onto them.
@@RickNocki tested it myself as well and at 5/5 sense i couldnt aim where i needed to save my life, but the second aim assist kicked in i did not lose my target and it sometimes even locked onto their head
Good changes but tbh, I think the biggest problem MnK has these days isn't even related to aim assist, but rather the visual clutter on gunfights. Visual recoil, muzzle smoke, weapon bounce... Just lots of unnecessary visual elements that obscure your view in the pursuit of 'realism'.
@MazevG You don't need to rotate your character when using controller when you cant see them so you can almost close your eyes and still hit the target whereas on mnk you have to be able to see your target to hit the shots
@@MazevGbc AA helps you stay on target through all this visual noise elements passively via aim slowdown/camera rotation. Whereas with mouse you have constant sensotivity so you can't really "feel" when someone gets obscured by terrain/smoke/fire/sparks because you have to see your point of aim reliably
been so used to playing in strict high end sbmm lobbies last couple year but this launch has been on another level. i have never ever found it so hard to even have a "good game" compared to past years even when im having rough games 0.8-1.2kd sort of area's my lobbies are still over and over again cranked to the max.??
That's odd. For me it has been the opposite. KD increased, and sbmm seems less aggressive this time around. But it may be a matter of time before I feel the same way as you.
@@youropiniondoesnotmatter It is just a matter of time. Give it a few days (at most). Now that I've been playing the game for 5 days and thought SBMM was going insane on Day 2 I wish I still had those "Day 2" lobbies. Can't wait until people optimize their loadouts and every single person in the lobby is using the same gun, lasering you before you have any time to react, that's gonna be fun. Oh yeah, that last bit was sarcastic, but also true - SBMM is only gonna get worse the more you play and the better people get with the new weapons and on the new maps.
strange because this has been the most balanced game for me in years. Probably because aim assist isn't nearly as strong, and as a MnK player, I'm not automatically losing up close fights with controller players.
@@EngineeringUSA That's odd. With how headshots are essentially useless on 99% of weapons and there's no limb damage modifiers it's basically impossible to outgun a controller player. They can't accidentally hit (a bunch of) limbs and increase their TTK time (killing you slower) and you can't focus on headshots on MnK to make your own TTK faster to out-damage them. Not to mention, at least for me, desync in this game has been so much worse compared to MW3 it's basically a guarantee I can't kill at least one specific player in the lobby no matter what, because they're always ahead of me (according to the netcode). And sometimes, when the game feels like it, it's the whole lobby that's ahead of me. Don't get me wrong, I occasionally get "bot lobbies", too, but that just feels even worse, cause you know it's just the game doing this, not you playing better or anything like that. Also aim-assist is literally the exact same as it's always been, until you're 5m or closer to them. Which, for my playstyle, almost never happens anyways.
@theXclusiveAce what about the Aim Assist Slowdown (right stick aim assist)? You only covered the difference for the Rotational Aim Assist (left stick AA).
1:55 im on MnK, trying to react to a jump or slide at point blank range required inhuman reaction time. It annoyed me enough with all the sweaty Superi and Statics movemenr. But damn over 60° of free tracking that reacts frame perfect, I almost switched to controller but decided to just stop playing CoD altogether instead.
Same. I quit because of aim assist. I did also switch to controller before I quit and my KD also increased substantially as the result in 3 weeks of me using it. But the game wasn’t fun on controller for me at all. I feel like once you know what it’s like to aim with MnK and flick and get rewarded cause of your skill, once you switch to controller you can see right through the facade and it’s just not enjoyable.
Assistance is something you give to people who can't do something themselves, to people with some kind of deficiency. Putting something like that into a multiplayer game is ridiculous.
I was addicted to the last game and last warzone, I quit because I raged too hard at aim assist, I have not been that angry at a video game since middle school. I was so glad quit once I did because it was so much better for my mental of not raging at the thing that was supposed to be fun. The game is not meant for mnk players. Tho I caved and bought this one because I was too curious about what omni movement feels like, and I wish I hadn't. I can already feel the aim assist rage demon inside me awakening, as I play the game more I'm going to reach that rage point I did in the past. It sucks cause the game is so fun, it's so fun to have something to grind for in the camos, to level them up for warzone, to then be able to use them in warzone, if only they cared to make mnk a viable input rather than something that is barely a feature.
It feels horrible in warzone now. I can not aim at all. It feels like the bubble that starts aim assist is larger but weaker, I swipe over targets constantly, I can not stay on a target.
@linhtrantuan1655 this claims the only difference is in very close range, and that's definitely not true or relevant for me. It's all livestreamed, I won warzone games solo last week, and now I can't aim at anyone. It's too slippery on targets but the bubble that starts the slowdown/rotation is way too large, so it pushed the reticle away when trying to catch up to moving targets.
I've been playing multiplayer and my kd dropped from 2.5-3 to 1 and yeah my guns are shit as am still leveling up and maybe some gun got nerfed but I cannot stay on target.
The fact sensitivity is not the same from title to title is insane. The fact it’s not even mentioned by the devs and requires a TH-camr to disclose is absofuckinglutely absurd.
Let's be real here. The Aim Assist has gotten to be insane, especially in the hands of an already good controller player. Some of these play of the game cams literally look like aim bots. Center mass with flawless accuracy during full movement is crazy, especially when weapon kick plus aim assist tends to mean the last 1-2 shots hit the head. We keep comparing TTK to older CoDs, but the older CoDs had much weaker accuracy and fewer "sprint/slide" mechanics, so you always felt like you could REACT. I swear the accuracy for some of these players has got to be over 60% The truth is, CoD is fine to great game that's become an exercise in frustration because if you're not playing perfect, you're fodder for everyone who is, and if the only way to have FUN is to be perfect, that's a problem. And that's all the case before we get into SBMM. For the first time ever, I also wish I could turn off cross connectivity with controller players. I'd rather wait a minute or three for a game than be demolished by someone who's overall account accuracy is 3x mine. If that makes me bad, that's cool.
@@iskabin Exactly! I don't mind people being better than me, but I at least want to feel that they ARE better than me, not just using the superior settings/input device.
Modern warfare three feels like there’s three aim bots every match minimum. This game I feel like I’ve maybe encountered three total the entire time playing. The game is a lot more fun as a result.
I suck at aiming with a controler and always loose to mouse and keyboard. With this cod things got even worse. And trust me, if it looks like Aim Bot - it is Aim Bot
@@GodwolfX I'm a controller player and everything you have described is exactly what I feel. I think this is a sbmm issue not aim assist. It really isn't that strong in this game. That might also be because the movement is so fast but my accuracy is about 20 -25% in most cods over the years. 60% would be better than top pros in the CDL who are at about 30-35%.
The strength of aim assist while already on target is something that might need to be tested. Especially while gaging the strength between titles. The aa bubble radius is definitely a factor, but I don’t think this tells the whole story at all. I don’t think it is detailed enough to claim that aa has not gotten stronger over the years.
tracking is the most dificult category of aiming task on mouse and keyboard for most players but maybe I am biased as a Counter Strike guy. Controller having perfect tracking in the average engagement distances just drops the time to kill compared to mouse and keyboard. There you tend to hit the first bullet faster due to fast and precise flicks and a wider effective field of view but you will tend to miss a shot or two when spraying an enemy. Conclusion = input based matchmaking is mandatory at least for now where the sweetspot for aim assist couldn´t be implemented due to controller players backlash.
This is exactly what’s been pissing me off the most in this game. I’ll out aim them, shoot first and still die because I miss one bullet but their aim assist just locks on and lasers me lol
Thanks for pointing out the difference in Sense..... I could not place my finger on what felt different, but that is 100% it. I agree that sense should be universal across all studios.
I'm still hoping for some added reaction time for the aim assist to counteract the instant adjustment to direction changes on ranges where aim assist is at it's strongest, after that I think we're basically there when it comes to making controller and mouse coexist in a somewhat balanced manner.
Can't believe they removed the "Precision" aim assist type. It had no rotational aim assist and relied on your ability to get on target. When you were on target it was super sticky. High risk high reward
That mid and long is still crazy looking to me.. I haven't played on a controller in a little over a year so it's easy to lose perspective because you just never knew what NOT having it felt like.
If you think it's harder to aim for controller players, Mouse players have a whole new league of difficulties in this game. It is impossible to track some of this movement as it's so unpredictable.
Im a mnk player and bought a controller the other day after not using one since 2017, always knew it was wild but i got play of the game first game, couldnt even use he controls again its wild, already getting more headshots then mouse it just auto aims for you, i now use 10% of my brain compared to 100%
This guy says then switch if only these kinds of people could understand Key board and mouse is more fun and is all you controller feels like cheating also after not playing with controller for a few years it hurts my hand now there is a spot on my middle finger that it digs into on the top left of the controller not comfortable anymore
As a PC player using mouse and keyboard I can certainly tell a difference when playing up against controller players. My complaint has always been in close combat situations its like controller players are running aim bot, mouse and keyboard just could not compete. Now things seem to be balanced significantly better. I will also add that I don't really see many people exploiting the rotational aim assist or glitch shooting in this version of COD either. Now that could be because the game is new and they have not yet figured out how to do those things or it could be a combination of better designed maps and a more balanced aim assist system. For me this is a welcome change. (Ace - Told you that they would start to favor PC players moving forward)
Give it a few more days of playtime, you just haven't gotten to the high skill lobbies yet. No, I know you think you have, but you're wrong. Trust me, you'll really see what I'm talking about when you get there.
@@SlCKNESS_ I don’t want to be in the high skill lobbies- that’s where all the hackers are at. I just want to have fun… sitting around a 1.5 KD right now.
the sensitivity differences explains a lot for me. in mw3 i played 6-6 linear but in bo6 i been playing 7-7 linear. i thought it was just better with all the movement but no it just feels more comfortable
The sensitive setting makes sense. I always played with a 7/6 in cod. Now I play with an 8/7 and that still feels slow at close range, which is likely due to a weaker rotational aim assist. I wanna play on KBM more to see which I prefer. I just been playing cod on controller for 20 years. From finest hour all the way till current.
It'll likely take you a while to get comfortable with mouse and keyboard. I prefer using it though because it feels like you're more "in control" of the aim. I'd recommend getting a mouse with 4 thumb buttons and a scroll wheel that pushes left and right.
@ oh I mainly play on pc, I’m comfortable with KBM, I use it in pretty much every game except cod lol. I have 2000 hours in apex and another 1000 in age of empires. All on KBM
Big respect for covering this early @TheXclusiveAce but what you didn't cover is the difference between aim walking speeds between this game and previous games. Aim walking speed ties in to aim assist especially when strafing. In this game your base aim walking speed is in line with stock attachment of previous games. Which also has a negative effect on rotational aim assist, making staying on target even more difficult.
After checking the actual numbers. In Black Ops Cold War base aim walking speed with an AK47 was 4mph and in BO6 base aim walking speed with an AK47 is 3.2 m/s and 3.2 m/s works out at 7.1mph. That is a big increase and this is why aim assist feels so much weaker
As a MNK player I’ve noticed I’m winning more gunfight due to just watching the killcam and you can tell they’re aiming rather than relying on the pull.
@@restructible9298 if your asking for an honest option I feel personally the aim assist shouldn’t be so sticky once it pulls initially that’s it. Hardest part of aiming is tracking and the aim assist is still to sticky, it sticks to a hitbox, another fair nerf should be to reduce the amount of stick by about 30-40% so that it’s up to the controller play to try and track the target which is the hardest bit about aiming imo.
I still don't understand why rotational aim assist is even a thing. Do they not realize they are actively handicapping all of their less skilled or less experienced players who aren't aware of how aim assist works? They are much more likely to stand still instead of constantly strafing while shooting so they have a major disadvantage in nearly every gunfight.
As an old PC player that has played every cod since 2019 on console this is a major change. I feel significantly weaker than before, especially with the new movement (which is also way easier to execute on a keyboard). For the first time in 5 years I've now felt like I need to switch back to mouse and keyboard. Especially with how Xbox will constantly match you up with MnK players anyways and you cannot turn off cross play without significant downsites. I'm no shroud ok MnK either but in the first few rounds after switching back I felt immediately way more competitive and could play way more aggressive.
Brother, this movement is made for controller. You know how hard it is to track this movement on MnK? Espexcially with the insane strafe speeds we get.
as a MKB player aim assist is soo rage inducing. It's complete garbage that it follows with no input at all by the user.. I don't want to hear anything about "mkb has finer movements so it's unfair" THIS shit is unfair.. by a large margin.
It doesnt track you on your hit box, if you dont add input its behind your character model. Stop pretending like its aim bot. Also, time to find something new to cry about cause its gone now.
yeah and especially considering that controllers don't even need aim assist anymore. since gyro-aim (motion aiming) exist, which allows for mouse-like aim on controller. CoD even has a great gyro-implementation but they give the player no incentive to use it and rather prefer to insist on OP aim assist
It's especially bad mix with omni-movement. As MKB tracking sliding that fast is real skill (no shit i have people sliding between shots on slow figin weapons like Tanto), while aim-assist do everything for you. Difference in sliding against MKB and controller players is huge.
@juicesghost8501 There's no point in trying to explain the difference to bot M&K players. There are plenty of M&K players with advanced movements who can outplay many controller players. As you see the OP, they already said don't use logic to reply to them.
I know I'm on an island here as a controller player but the aim assist is too strong for me. I've always preferred using the Precision aim assist option once they added it because I just don't like the way rotational aim assist feels in CoD, so it's been an adjustment for me since they removed that as an option in BO6. I'm constantly having my aim pushed or pulled off target by the aim assist because I'm used to having to do more of the target tracking manually. It's definitely not as intense as it's been in the past and I'm already readjusting to it but I'm just not a fan of how it feels and I wish there was a slider where we could turn down the aim assist strength like they have with the aim response curve, although that may be a significantly more difficult thing for them to do, I have no idea. I might actually try playing without any aim assist for a while and see how I do. I mean, worst case scenario my k/d plummets and the SBMM drops me into lower skilled lobbies until I'm able to compete again, right? 😂
That's a perception issue man. There's not a single semi decent player that turns off aim assist or used "Precision". You're only noticing the times aim assist works against you, which should be almost never (why are you frequently engaging two enemies, in the open, at once?) ... and ignoring the times it is massively helping, which is almost always.
@@brianbird7866 Yeah, I know you can do that, Brian. If you'd read the end of my comment before you replied, you'd have seen I mentioned that. I'm fine with some target slowdown, I'm just not a fan of rotational aim assist. Target slowdown makes it easier to make fine aiming adjustments on controller, but rotational aim assist can literally move your aim and I'm just not a fan of that. The Precision aim assist option let controller players like myself still get the benefit of target slowdown but with significantly reduced rotational aim assist. It also decreased the width around a target in which the aim assist occurred, which is another thing I really don't like about the standard aim assist. If it only triggered the rotational aim assist when my crosshairs were directly aimed at a player than I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it, but currently it triggers at about an extra body width on each side of a target. I did hop online after I commented to test a few matches in Hardcore with the aim assist turned off and I did fine (top 2 finishes each time and no worse than a 1.5 k/d) but I'll test it out in Core later tonight and see how much worse I do (spoiler alert: almost certainly way worse lol)
@@regular-thing Eh, calling it a "perception issue" isn't remotely accurate. It's mostly just a preference thing. And for the record, I'm obviously not saying aim assist makes you worse. It very clearly helps. I'm saying I personally don't like the feel of strong rotational aim assist, particularly in CoD. Saying players that typically perform better use the standard aim assist goes without saying. It's a significant disadvantage to not use it when you're playing against players who know how to really take advantage of it. I'm also not saying that's the only thing that makes them perform well. I've seen pro players play without aim assist, and even without it they would still dominate above average public players who were using aim assist. They're just that good. I'm also not saying I personally can't take advantage of stronger rotational aim assist. CoD had it for years before they added the Precision aim assist option and I'm already getting the hang of it again after years of not using the standard aim assist in CoD. It's like when they added the Aftermarket Part in MWIII that made the AK have zero recoil. At first I thought it was pulling my aim rapidly down at first but I was doing it without even thinking because I was automatically trying to compensate for recoil that wasn't there. It was much easier to use, I just had to consciously think about not moving the stick down every time I shot until I got used to doing it. I can give you a specific example of why I don't like it from a game I played last night. I was playing on Rewind, ADS walking down the strip because somebody had been camping on the other end for most of the match, and a player darted out of one of the stores and ran past me from right to left. The rotational aim assist moved my crosshairs with the crossing player's movement, pulling me off my original target as I was shooting. It also started tracking my crosshairs ahead of the crossing player, so I had to move the stick to the right to aim at a player moving quickly to my left instead of just having to move the stick left to track them myself. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it something I can't adjust to? No. Is it as strong as it used to be? Nope, which is great. I just personally don't like the game making adjustments to my aim for me. I'm not saying it has to be that way for everybody, I'm just saying I wish I at least still had the option to limit aim assist without completely turning it off. That's all.
One important thing that NO one is talking about is where the ‘aim assist bubble’ / ‘aim assist slowdown’ begins. In older cods (2019), we had “scale aim assist with fov”, with the recent cods, we had the difference between Default and Black Ops, which I know to many people didn’t feel different, but to me was obvious that default had the aim assist much more central and accurate to the character model vs Black Ops AA that kicked in well outside of the character model. If you do a test in a private match in this game, you’ll see how far outside of the character model the AA kicks in and imo it is way too much, resulting in a jarring, inconsistent experience for people who fine tune aim/sens. I can still crack out on this game, but limiting that control and giving us AA that isn’t accurate to the player model (especially when so damn strong), is unfortunate.
The way that I found out that the sensitivity values were not the same is in the settings in black ops 6 it allows you to import all your settings from MW3. When I did that, I noticed everything felt out of whack.
Mnk still an afterthought in this new cod. Not even fun being lasered all the time. I thought they would make some adjustments but it’s still a controller game. Why even have other inputs than controllers at this point.
Maybe unpopular opinion: I'd like to see an opt-in option for input based matchmaking. And in the controller only lobbies I'd like to see no AA at all. Zero. None. And in mixed lobbies maybe keep AA to only slowdown when on target, but no rotational assist. Signed, someone who hates themself and self harms by playing Warzone on a base PS4 with all aim assist turned off.
I like how it is now, with all the sliding we need to be able to swing on target faster the closer they are, if we get strong aim assist close up, I feel it would be easier to miss your target as it’s moving too fast.
I think they did a good change to aim assist, but i also kinda wish they nerfed aim assist a lil more at range, more so the aim assist bubble size or the strength of it overall.
lots of people complain about not being able to see, turning on color blind filter helped me a lot, also adjusted the "world" color intensity, I'm not sure if that was a feature in previous call of duty's
Thank you so much. I still cant help but feel like mouse acceleration for mkb is always on even when turned off but, this is a great start for us to fix the aim because this game feels weird as shit especially on mkb.
@@Itachi86Uchihaaim assist should exist in controller input, but i believe it should be a bit weak, not to the point you barely feel it but you have to put more work to your aim
@Timkorporation - we know you need all the help you can get to feel somewhat decent at the game while on M&K. SBMM is there to help you, too, since you need all the help available.
One thing that was nerfed that I absolutely can not stand is the ability to string consecutive jumps together like in MWIII. First Infinity Ward nerfs bunny hopping, now Treyarch nerfs jumping even more. What was the point of making a huge deal about omni-movement if you are going to nerf other aspects of movement? It's so irritating to see year after year these developers take one step forward and two steps back.
I will be honest, I never kept my MWIII sensitivity of around 6 or 7, and I cranked it up to 13 for this game. Especially if you practice on bots without aim assist in private match, it's actually incredible how much you are able to adapt to a faster sensitivity once you then put aim assist back on.
bigger problem is still desync. This problem exists for years. Everytime I watch kill cam. Enemy‘s version is that I literally didnot shoot him for couple seconds, but from my end I have shot about half a mag to the enemy. This desync problem is really annoying and always makes me feel like opponents only take several bullets to kill me but i need a whole mag to kill.
BO6 also removed precision aim assist. And it sucks because it was objectively weaker (no rotational) but more fun (at least for me, nobody else used it though), but now it's just gone, and it makes the entire game feel so much worse 😭
These tests are all well and good and give some insight about the mechanics of controller play but that's all. Unless testing on mouse and keyboard under the same conditions, you cant make any statements comparing the two. I played a few games with controller and its a world of difference. Once the AA kicked in and stuck on any enemy I didnt have to worry about them simply straffing left and right it just stayed glued to them. On mouse if the enemy takes a single step left or right you have to adjust meaning a bullet or two of yours might miss in that split second while the controller player hits every bullet. In a way this kind of kills the precision aiming argument.
It’s cz, we’re using one thumb to aim? You kids on mnk are using a whole arm to aim. Tell me if you’d arm wrestle with someone but you only use a thumb while he uses his whole arm, who’d you think will win?
the aiming in bo6 genuinely feels off, i dont think it is down to aim assist. First, the aiming from mw3 to bo6 is not the same, not 1:1 ratio. Second, the guns have way more sway especially paired with the more cracked out movement. There honestly feels like there is more visual recoil even though that wasn't supposed to be a thing.
See i thought so. I played 7 on mw3 and when I imported my settings over to bo6, my sense was set to 8. I thought i was tripping and had to go back to mw3 to be sure i was playing on 7 lol.
Crazy that AA is nerfed, movement speeds are crazier than ever, and headshots are weaker than ever; and yet headshots are the main challenge for all guns
I disagree. I switched to controller because AA was so busted as a former MNK player. People just need to adapt and get better aim assist is still busted, hence why I’m not going back to MnK personally
As a MnK player I quit COD, refunded BO6 and moved on to other games cause of how broken aim assist is, specifically rotational aim assist in COD. Now looking at your video I’m glad I did, cause aim assist is pretty much the same where it matters which are your close range gunfights outside of the point blank range. Aim assist should definitely exist, but this whole Rotational nonsense which you have to aim with your movement stick, instead of your shooting stick in one of the most popular shooter games is absurd and has to get a substantial nerf for MnK to be even competitive.
You get more advanced graphical settings, more accurate and fine tunable aiming, and more in-depth button mapping but you’re mad about a WEAKENED AIM ASSIST? Bro stop it. M&K players are the ones doing those damn diving 360 snipes and shotgun kills all over TT and IG reels. You think an even WEAKER aim assist would level the playing field against all of the inherent advantages in M&K?
@@WerewolfEntertainment as soon as someone makes this conversation about PC vs Console I immediately know they don’t know what the F they’re talking about and you are a shining example of that. You wanna know why? Cause most PC players in COD play on controller because of aim assist. Even looking at your own comment it’s obvious you are clueless when it comes to COD. Where are all these top tier MnK players in Top 250? What about the World Series? There are none! Almost all of them are on controller. So stop the delusion. For your own sake that is.
They've kept the sensitivity consistent for several years at least in regards to what they would annotate as "High", "Low", etc. which was nice because it gives that easily noticed baseline. I've been playing with the "High" sensitivity for as long as I've known and understood what sensitivities were so this threw me off and was kinda annoying. I did end up settling on 8,8 as you confirmed in this video: It's effectively what that 7,7 or "High" sensitivity was.
why change something thats been like that for atleast 13 years. Its a casual game, give PC players the ability to turn off crossplay if they cant keep up or refuse to buy a controller.
@mariorossi-k3s then they have to do it like apex and give PC players less aim assist. but not the players who are used to it for, again, 13 years. and yes, it is fun. i repeat, its a casual game. i could understand it for competitive games like R6, but most of us play to have fun, rank up and such things.
They will continue to complain even after this nerf, guaranteed. If a M&K player lose to a controller player, M&K player has a problem. #ConsoleOnlyCrossplay
I'm not, I can feel a great difference. I think it's just right, the best controller players are still dog walking me but average Timmy's are eating my fat saus
the fact that sensitivity isn't consistent across COD is mind boggling, especially since they're now all on the same engine as of MW2019...
Cold War was still the old engine, but yeah I think ever since BO2 Treyarch does sensitivity different from IW
@@xScruffyDaSasquatchxIt's still ridiculous.
MW3 and BO6 are made by different devs, they logically should have differences in feel and gameplay. They should only be consistent across their individual series
To be completely honest and IMO ive noticed tbere to have been a slight difference in sensitivities from Title to title ever since MW2019.(2which is why i set mine to whatever the default HIGH settings is as thats what ive played on since 07 in COD4 and then i set the vertical sens 1-2 notches below the high setting)Upon adding the option to adjust your X&Y(Horizontal&Vertical) sensitivity values independently which i believe was first incorporated in MW2019 alongside the list of various other control/sensitivity settings that us console players hadnt had access to previous such as turn speed ramp up& delay,daedzones, as well as having the option to set different sensitivities across the various scopes/levels of zoom etc.
@@theguardians7779 it's the same franchise, no one cares if the developers are different. Aim sensitivity should be the same across the franchise. I shouldn't have to look up who the developer is to figure out where to set my aim.
Anyone else noticing how bad the desync is ? Everyone about 100-200ms faster then everyone in my entire party
Yes it varies from lobby to lobby and I am 2 kd within 45 eliminations per game.
Yes the desync when it is bad it is basically unplayable for me
I'm always getting packet loss in BO6
I shoot someone 9 times, they hit me twice, I die 😭. Desync is BEYOND awful this year
Its terrible
Kinda irrelevant to the video but Is anyone else experiencing really bad inconsistencies in gunfights? I'm putting 4-5 bullets into someone they just seem to obliterate me. I'm losing consistently i should not be losing. Is this a universal experience for anyone else or is just something we have to deal with? In order for me to win any gun fight I either have to use the AK or the m4 anything is super underpowered it feels like.
Same here.
The AK's trash in this game, do not get fooled by it. Unless you're hugging them and you're within the 3-headshot kill range and just laser them, obviously. Model L feels much better (only than the AK) and XM4 is stupidly strong. Like it doesn't lose at any range to any gun, unless you get surprised by an SMG in hugging range and even then you still have a very good chance if you laser their head. Don't get me wrong, the more people learn the maps and stop challenging XM4 users at long ranges the worse XM4 technically will get and people will realize this CoD is just another "SMG meta" kind of a game, but we haven't gotten there yet. Right now people will challenge at any range, regardless of what weapon they're using and XM4 is king at most ranges, especially long.
I've noticed that and it was getting me heated
@miguel_7515 brotha i just put 5 bullets into a dude sitting in a corner point black and he turned on me and put a burst into me and died. It's totally killing the experience for me.
@SlCKNESS_ at this point if you're not using the XM4 or AK, only other viable option is the Marksman Rifles and Snipers. SMGs feel completely useless. Idk how they went from a solid beta to a full release MP thats a complete 180 functionality wise.
The biggest issue I have with rotational aim assist is that there is no delay in reaction. A good reaction time for a human being is 150ms and I believe rotational aim assist should reflect that.
it should be twice that. no human on earth is 150ms with MnK loss of visual clarity
Perfect timing w this video XAce!!! I thought I was going nuts bc I couldn't shoot anything properly as in MW3. I was constantly changing my sens and curve. Can't wait to take this into account in game!! Great work for the community as always my guy!!!!
Hit detection is definitely nerfed. I'm seeing up to 9 hit markers on someone and then they 180 me and 3 shot me. I wish the death from attacker UI told me how many shots I did to them instead of seeing me getting 3 shot by the tanto across the map.
What you are speaking on is De Sync, not hit detection, which happens in every CoD launch, and I have experienced it alot as well.
@@Tinder_TV you’re being nerfed in real time to sway the outcomes of a match.
@@Filthy150literally not how that works you old heads are gullible its crazy
@@Filthy150 how do you know that's the case and not issues with the servers and such?
@@Filthy150 proof? I made it the heck up!
aim assist is just a BIG F U to all the people with actual reflexes, Its so funny how delusional controller players are thinking they are actually GODS at aiming. no bud, its AI that is playing the game for you
This explains why i struggle so much when someone slides close past me. I wind mill all the time.
😂 they be having u breakdanceing
Because as seen in this video, the close range aim assist doesn’t track as long as before. The slide range/momentum exceeds aim assist’s working range
Skill issue
@@SpiffingDayOh it 100% is. However I feel it's strange to have aim assist and then switch it off. It doesn't feel consistent... Because it isn't.
@@rossadamdixon It doesn't feel consistent because you have some holding your hand and then it feels like being a fish out of water when they stop. No doubt most of the controller players will moan enough to have it reverted for the COD.
AIM assist not nerfed against me! I feel like the enemy is playing hardcore and I'm playing core
That’s cause it got nerfed at its close range intensity
But heavily buffed cause of movement
That’s cause it got nerfed at its close range intensity
But heavily buffed cause of movement
Its worse then ever before indeed!
@@reconn3cted276 same after the new update I went from an average 10 kill games to 1 kill
You're delusional that's all
As a KBM player in MW3, I could win 90% of pure 1v1 fights past point blank range. Point blank barrel stuff range, literally 10%.
It’s unbelievable how when hit boxes touch, a controller players aim glues to me whereas I’m stuck looking stupid trying to find how far I need to flick in a circle. On the killcam, I never leave their vision even after flying past them.
As a KBM player with thousands of hours in games like BF3 and played a ton of warzone there seem to be 2 things:
1) COD has high-tick (laggy) servers, compared to games like Battlefield. In practice that means, that when opfor slides, you see the movement later.
2) Aim assist was broken at close range, and I liked close range. So eventually I stopped playing.
If they nerfed aim assist, or better yet, let PC players disable crossplay, I might start playing Warzone again.
Yes sir, your comment is on point. The game is trash on mnk, the aimasist is aimbot on mid and long range and its where 90% of my fights on mnk happens. I am ouplayed by far worse players simply because of the legal aimbot that is aimasist.@@grenadebiter
@@grenadebiter at this point it's not even crossplay, we need input based matchmaking, Its getting frustrating only losing engagements because bro with his iron sights 60 meters away beaming me
Just updated all my settings gone back to dynamic and lowered sensitivity and game now feels so much better.
Low sens dynamic is the way
Ya low sens so you don’t have to actually aim .
How much have you lowered it to?
@@s3nTer I just put mine 1 lower than usually
Nothing about this AA change is significant.
I also learned about the aim down sight idle sway taking me off target aim and an attachment that fixes that. I hope you have an in-depth on it soon!!
Not to sound like a nerd but that’s common knowledge. If you want to challenge mid range or longer gunfights then you need to add an attachment to manage your aiming idle sway. I don’t think Ace is making a video about that because he’s talked about it years ago.
Target laser really helps especially on snipers
@@usze4880your average player doesn’t sit and watch every cod video and know every little thing about the game. It’s not common knowledge at all. The description makes it sound like it affects aiming down sights while not moving and there’s no info in game about what the op said.
@ the term “aiming idle sway” is self explanatory. I’m a gun owner, so maybe that’s why it made sense to me. When I’m going for long shots at the range I use a tripod to eliminate my idle sway cuz I don’t have steady hands. COD is a milsim, It just makes sense that if you wanna go for long shots you would use attachments to reduce your idle. You dont have to watch videos to know that. I just thought it was common knowledge.
@@usze4880 idle. The key word. Does not fit when we’re talking about movement and aim assist. Being a gun owner is irrelevant in this conversation so stop droning on about it. It’s not common knowledge. Deal with being wrong.
Can't tell with all the people sliding all over the place
ive never had to move my mouse so much whilst playing cod lol
@@metzler1823 Yep, and when you see all those controler players "somehow" track all those sliding enemies without any issue you can just laugh about this "weaker aim assist".
@@madzaisawish we had input based matchmaking so you mnk crybabies could play by yourselves.
@@madzaisabro its not that hard if u have an smg or ar. Specially if u have a higher sens on controller. Stop cryin, u gonna be cryin about it in bo10 a decade from now? Jesus
@@lum1notryc828 lmao this mfkr trying to police comments lmaooooooo gIT gUD sWEaT MoAR
The sensitivity values in treyarch games has always been slower than mw. In cold war we ran 8-8 but in mw3 we ran 7-7 or 6-6
I was boosting it to 10 but it's far too much. Thanks for the advice it's a nice medium for sure. I also used 0.9 ads!!
I use 0.80-0.85, very very smooth tracking with high sens @@DevoidVoid
@@DevoidVoid what did you use on mw3?
Aim assist isn't the problem , the problem is visibility , we can't see anyone
@@nhoffman0677real shit. in certain maps operators like mason blend right in
I don't hear many complaints about this, but I struggle with visibility too.
Blame infinityward for popularizing low visibility
Get you a proper tv/monitor and you’ll be able to see just fine
@@JGisMe2013you have to get a $1000+ monitor/tv just to see in COD, you dropped your hat 🤡
Been looking forward to this!
they really need to adjust visual recoil, it's ridiculous how much the screen can jump around when trying to adjust your aim
They won't, treyarch is specifically trying to nerf the actual gunplay in favor for movement BS.
I feel like the MW3 guns spoiled people, this is what the game has always looked like before that game
@@MISTAWULFY It was just MW2. MW19 didn't have as much crazy visual recoil.
@@MISTAWULFYWhile that may be generally true, that was a smart design choice on SHG's part in my eyes. Mixing high visual recoil, fast movement and a higher TTK can lead to player frustration, but I feel like BO6 is still finding its footing in this regard. It feels like Treyarch intentionally limited the number of larger maps to account for this, but that's just my personal take.
@@brakedown6MW3 weapons wise was better than 22 and 2019.
MnK don't have 0ms reaction time like Rotational Aim Assist because it's human input not automated. It's the automation that tracks sudden directional changes that is one of the largest issues.
Makes sense. Close range tracking is one of the most difficult skills on KBM. But even with just controllers in mind, when the target is that big(close) the stronger AA meant you'd often get the kill with no stick input (depending on the gun of course).
As a MnK player, i used to play quite aggressively but ever since crossplay was implemented, i was really struggling to find the same level of success playing up close and really started playing more mid to long range to avoid controler players tracking. It's really a welcome change given the crazy movement, the gap between aim assist and MnK would have been ridiculous
I feel the gap is even worse in this game, despite this AA nerf. This movement is pretty unpredictable and difficult to track, the visibility is worse, the screen shake effects are crazy. With AA, it can see through all the screen clutter and shaking and it can track the unpredictable movement live. As someone who was dropping nukes in the last few cods, I am now struggling to even have a positive KD most games. I just can't aim in this game for some reason no matter how I adjust my settings. Maybe I'll get used to it, idk
Man my wrist hurts so much after playing on mnk hahah
It helps to use smoke grenades and also using aiming idle sway attachments. This will help the aim issue slightly because i couldnt hit shit without it even on ars and smgs. @@SurgeDashcam
@@urbancliff I think most of the time the desync makes the game unplayable. AA is strong in this game,but for MnK I still can get high KD but when desync happens things go down pretty bad
Mouse and keyboard will always have the advantage
The biggest problem with Aim Assist imo rn is the fact that it starts WELL outside of the character model and is jarringly strong. This results in inconsistent experiences for anyone who has fine tuned aim, whether they realise it or not.
We used to have “scale aim assist with FOV” and even the difference between default and black ops (where in the recent game, the former was much truer to the character model vs the latter was similar to what we experience in this game).
It would be so huge to have this option again to reward consistency in natural aim. I’d even take less aim assist with this setting in a heartbeat.
We gonna talk about how the guy in that best play popped the f off?! lol
😂 he commented on this video, what are the chances
Aim assist might've been nerfed, but that's because it was ridiculously OP. "Nerfing" it hasn't changed the fact it's a massive advantage over MnK. I'd even argue the gap is bigger in this COD than the last, due to the addition of the unpredictable movement and the TTK, not to mention the ridiculous visual recoil which makes it near impossible to track someone with MnK in certain scenarios.
It's great to see my skills showcased in the play of the game to close out a great video! :)
Jesust as a PC player I always suspected aim assist was really strong for controller players. But my goodness a 68 degree rotation with 0 player input? I mean come on you're really stepping into aim bot territory I'm not sure if I'd even call that aim assist.
It's been like that for a long time now. It's just 'roller players always downplaying AA as if their (real) life depends on it.
I know right lol
Please play this game especially with controller and no aim assist and then let me know if you feel the same way again
Dude it’s ridiculous. I started watching killcams and you can tell someone’s on roller because once they start hitting you they don’t miss a bullet from any range. I plugged in my controller just to see how strong it is and I kid you not, it’s literally like the aimbot aim assist in the old cod campaigns if you remember that. Every time you aim in with someone in your crosshairs it just locks onto them.
@@RickNocki tested it myself as well and at 5/5 sense i couldnt aim where i needed to save my life, but the second aim assist kicked in i did not lose my target and it sometimes even locked onto their head
Good changes but tbh, I think the biggest problem MnK has these days isn't even related to aim assist, but rather the visual clutter on gunfights. Visual recoil, muzzle smoke, weapon bounce... Just lots of unnecessary visual elements that obscure your view in the pursuit of 'realism'.
thats over powered if thry get rid of that
What does that have to do with keyboard vs controller when controller has the same thing
@MazevG You don't need to rotate your character when using controller when you cant see them so you can almost close your eyes and still hit the target whereas on mnk you have to be able to see your target to hit the shots
@@MazevGbc AA helps you stay on target through all this visual noise elements passively via aim slowdown/camera rotation. Whereas with mouse you have constant sensotivity so you can't really "feel" when someone gets obscured by terrain/smoke/fire/sparks because you have to see your point of aim reliably
@@spakentruth I’m not trying to rage bait but if ur losing feel of ur gun just because of visual recoil then u need to get better with recoil control
been so used to playing in strict high end sbmm lobbies last couple year but this launch has been on another level. i have never ever found it so hard to even have a "good game" compared to past years even when im having rough games 0.8-1.2kd sort of area's my lobbies are still over and over again cranked to the max.??
That's odd. For me it has been the opposite. KD increased, and sbmm seems less aggressive this time around.
But it may be a matter of time before I feel the same way as you.
@@youropiniondoesnotmatter It is just a matter of time. Give it a few days (at most). Now that I've been playing the game for 5 days and thought SBMM was going insane on Day 2 I wish I still had those "Day 2" lobbies. Can't wait until people optimize their loadouts and every single person in the lobby is using the same gun, lasering you before you have any time to react, that's gonna be fun. Oh yeah, that last bit was sarcastic, but also true - SBMM is only gonna get worse the more you play and the better people get with the new weapons and on the new maps.
strange because this has been the most balanced game for me in years. Probably because aim assist isn't nearly as strong, and as a MnK player, I'm not automatically losing up close fights with controller players.
@@EngineeringUSA That's odd. With how headshots are essentially useless on 99% of weapons and there's no limb damage modifiers it's basically impossible to outgun a controller player. They can't accidentally hit (a bunch of) limbs and increase their TTK time (killing you slower) and you can't focus on headshots on MnK to make your own TTK faster to out-damage them. Not to mention, at least for me, desync in this game has been so much worse compared to MW3 it's basically a guarantee I can't kill at least one specific player in the lobby no matter what, because they're always ahead of me (according to the netcode). And sometimes, when the game feels like it, it's the whole lobby that's ahead of me. Don't get me wrong, I occasionally get "bot lobbies", too, but that just feels even worse, cause you know it's just the game doing this, not you playing better or anything like that. Also aim-assist is literally the exact same as it's always been, until you're 5m or closer to them. Which, for my playstyle, almost never happens anyways.
Close quarters aiming feels really weird because of it. But, sensitivity is the main culprit.
@theXclusiveAce what about the Aim Assist Slowdown (right stick aim assist)? You only covered the difference for the Rotational Aim Assist (left stick AA).
That is true. It could also explain why aim assist feels weaker even at a distance
Slowdown is too strong, which is causing aim resist.
1:55 im on MnK, trying to react to a jump or slide at point blank range required inhuman reaction time. It annoyed me enough with all the sweaty Superi and Statics movemenr. But damn over 60° of free tracking that reacts frame perfect, I almost switched to controller but decided to just stop playing CoD altogether instead.
Same. I quit because of aim assist. I did also switch to controller before I quit and my KD also increased substantially as the result in 3 weeks of me using it. But the game wasn’t fun on controller for me at all. I feel like once you know what it’s like to aim with MnK and flick and get rewarded cause of your skill, once you switch to controller you can see right through the facade and it’s just not enjoyable.
Assistance is something you give to people who can't do something themselves, to people with some kind of deficiency. Putting something like that into a multiplayer game is ridiculous.
There should be free aim lobby's especially in ranked
I was addicted to the last game and last warzone, I quit because I raged too hard at aim assist, I have not been that angry at a video game since middle school. I was so glad quit once I did because it was so much better for my mental of not raging at the thing that was supposed to be fun. The game is not meant for mnk players.
Tho I caved and bought this one because I was too curious about what omni movement feels like, and I wish I hadn't. I can already feel the aim assist rage demon inside me awakening, as I play the game more I'm going to reach that rage point I did in the past. It sucks cause the game is so fun, it's so fun to have something to grind for in the camos, to level them up for warzone, to then be able to use them in warzone, if only they cared to make mnk a viable input rather than something that is barely a feature.
Just use a controller
It feels horrible in warzone now. I can not aim at all. It feels like the bubble that starts aim assist is larger but weaker, I swipe over targets constantly, I can not stay on a target.
oh no you can't aim without slightest nerf aim assist.
@linhtrantuan1655 this claims the only difference is in very close range, and that's definitely not true or relevant for me. It's all livestreamed, I won warzone games solo last week, and now I can't aim at anyone. It's too slippery on targets but the bubble that starts the slowdown/rotation is way too large, so it pushed the reticle away when trying to catch up to moving targets.
I've been playing multiplayer and my kd dropped from 2.5-3 to 1 and yeah my guns are shit as am still leveling up and maybe some gun got nerfed but I cannot stay on target.
As a PC player the only answer is "I DAMN WELL HOPE SO"
The fact sensitivity is not the same from title to title is insane. The fact it’s not even mentioned by the devs and requires a TH-camr to disclose is absofuckinglutely absurd.
Let's be real here. The Aim Assist has gotten to be insane, especially in the hands of an already good controller player. Some of these play of the game cams literally look like aim bots. Center mass with flawless accuracy during full movement is crazy, especially when weapon kick plus aim assist tends to mean the last 1-2 shots hit the head.
We keep comparing TTK to older CoDs, but the older CoDs had much weaker accuracy and fewer "sprint/slide" mechanics, so you always felt like you could REACT. I swear the accuracy for some of these players has got to be over 60%
The truth is, CoD is fine to great game that's become an exercise in frustration because if you're not playing perfect, you're fodder for everyone who is, and if the only way to have FUN is to be perfect, that's a problem. And that's all the case before we get into SBMM.
For the first time ever, I also wish I could turn off cross connectivity with controller players. I'd rather wait a minute or three for a game than be demolished by someone who's overall account accuracy is 3x mine. If that makes me bad, that's cool.
Yep, all we want is a fair game without robot aim
@@iskabin Exactly! I don't mind people being better than me, but I at least want to feel that they ARE better than me, not just using the superior settings/input device.
Modern warfare three feels like there’s three aim bots every match minimum. This game I feel like I’ve maybe encountered three total the entire time playing. The game is a lot more fun as a result.
I suck at aiming with a controler and always loose to mouse and keyboard. With this cod things got even worse. And trust me, if it looks like Aim Bot - it is Aim Bot
@@GodwolfX I'm a controller player and everything you have described is exactly what I feel. I think this is a sbmm issue not aim assist.
It really isn't that strong in this game. That might also be because the movement is so fast but my accuracy is about 20 -25% in most cods over the years. 60% would be better than top pros in the CDL who are at about 30-35%.
The strength of aim assist while already on target is something that might need to be tested. Especially while gaging the strength between titles. The aa bubble radius is definitely a factor, but I don’t think this tells the whole story at all. I don’t think it is detailed enough to claim that aa has not gotten stronger over the years.
tracking is the most dificult category of aiming task on mouse and keyboard for most players but maybe I am biased as a Counter Strike guy.
Controller having perfect tracking in the average engagement distances just drops the time to kill compared to mouse and keyboard.
There you tend to hit the first bullet faster due to fast and precise flicks and a wider effective field of view but you will tend to miss a shot or two when spraying an enemy.
Conclusion = input based matchmaking is mandatory at least for now where the sweetspot for aim assist couldn´t be implemented due to controller players backlash.
This is exactly what’s been pissing me off the most in this game. I’ll out aim them, shoot first and still die because I miss one bullet but their aim assist just locks on and lasers me lol
@@RickNock Thank you!
Not competitively viable but try the Headshot barrel and aim for the head to lower TTK. High skill high reward
Thanks for pointing out the difference in Sense..... I could not place my finger on what felt different, but that is 100% it. I agree that sense should be universal across all studios.
I'm still hoping for some added reaction time for the aim assist to counteract the instant adjustment to direction changes on ranges where aim assist is at it's strongest, after that I think we're basically there when it comes to making controller and mouse coexist in a somewhat balanced manner.
Dude you’re so close to 1M, hopefully BO6 will be the game to push your channel over that threshold. Great video as always!
Can't believe they removed the "Precision" aim assist type. It had no rotational aim assist and relied on your ability to get on target. When you were on target it was super sticky. High risk high reward
That mid and long is still crazy looking to me.. I haven't played on a controller in a little over a year so it's easy to lose perspective because you just never knew what NOT having it felt like.
i switched from mouse to controller because aim assist is that much better
Ace coming in clutch appreciate you
If you think it's harder to aim for controller players, Mouse players have a whole new league of difficulties in this game. It is impossible to track some of this movement as it's so unpredictable.
I’ll be the first one to say this but console or controller are fucked with close range gun fights. Yes I’m crying
I'm an aim assist advocate coming from Halo but holy hell is this a good change, the old close range rotation assist was insane
I felt like the sensitivity was slower so I went up to 8 from 7 and then here you confirmed exactly that
Im a mnk player and bought a controller the other day after not using one since 2017, always knew it was wild but i got play of the game first game, couldnt even use he controls again its wild, already getting more headshots then mouse it just auto aims for you, i now use 10% of my brain compared to 100%
Then switch
@@Dayethoven some people enjoy actually playing the game and improving
Average controller player skill in reality = 🧟♂️ 🧟♀️ 😵💩🤡🧻🗑
This guy says then switch if only these kinds of people could understand Key board and mouse is more fun and is all you controller feels like cheating also after not playing with controller for a few years it hurts my hand now there is a spot on my middle finger that it digs into on the top left of the controller not comfortable anymore
@@Dayethoven thats like complaining about aimbot then some idiot coming along and saying if its so op then use aimbot. youre dense kid.
would love a video on the performance issues so far on bo6 especially when it comes to frames as well as just overall visual quality
As a PC player using mouse and keyboard I can certainly tell a difference when playing up against controller players. My complaint has always been in close combat situations its like controller players are running aim bot, mouse and keyboard just could not compete. Now things seem to be balanced significantly better. I will also add that I don't really see many people exploiting the rotational aim assist or glitch shooting in this version of COD either. Now that could be because the game is new and they have not yet figured out how to do those things or it could be a combination of better designed maps and a more balanced aim assist system.
For me this is a welcome change. (Ace - Told you that they would start to favor PC players moving forward)
💯 BO6 feels much more balanced between inputs in CQB
Give it a few more days of playtime, you just haven't gotten to the high skill lobbies yet. No, I know you think you have, but you're wrong. Trust me, you'll really see what I'm talking about when you get there.
@@SlCKNESS_ I don’t want to be in the high skill lobbies- that’s where all the hackers are at. I just want to have fun… sitting around a 1.5 KD right now.
the sensitivity differences explains a lot for me. in mw3 i played 6-6 linear but in bo6 i been playing 7-7 linear. i thought it was just better with all the movement but no it just feels more comfortable
The sensitive setting makes sense. I always played with a 7/6 in cod. Now I play with an 8/7 and that still feels slow at close range, which is likely due to a weaker rotational aim assist. I wanna play on KBM more to see which I prefer. I just been playing cod on controller for 20 years. From finest hour all the way till current.
It'll likely take you a while to get comfortable with mouse and keyboard. I prefer using it though because it feels like you're more "in control" of the aim. I'd recommend getting a mouse with 4 thumb buttons and a scroll wheel that pushes left and right.
@ oh I mainly play on pc, I’m comfortable with KBM, I use it in pretty much every game except cod lol. I have 2000 hours in apex and another 1000 in age of empires. All on KBM
Big respect for covering this early @TheXclusiveAce but what you didn't cover is the difference between aim walking speeds between this game and previous games. Aim walking speed ties in to aim assist especially when strafing. In this game your base aim walking speed is in line with stock attachment of previous games. Which also has a negative effect on rotational aim assist, making staying on target even more difficult.
After checking the actual numbers. In Black Ops Cold War base aim walking speed with an AK47 was 4mph and in BO6 base aim walking speed with an AK47 is 3.2 m/s and 3.2 m/s works out at 7.1mph. That is a big increase and this is why aim assist feels so much weaker
@@shawneric999 this is an unintentional bug and it’s being worked on. Treyarch acknowledged it
@emwols thank you for the update .
Fr why can't I talk shit?
Nothing warms my heart more than seeing roller players shooting circles 😊
As a MNK player I’ve noticed I’m winning more gunfight due to just watching the killcam and you can tell they’re aiming rather than relying on the pull.
Fellow MnK player here, thank god they finally made a change to AA, no longer is it an ULTRA crutch for controller players.
@@restructible9298 if your asking for an honest option I feel personally the aim assist shouldn’t be so sticky once it pulls initially that’s it.
Hardest part of aiming is tracking and the aim assist is still to sticky, it sticks to a hitbox, another fair nerf should be to reduce the amount of stick by about 30-40% so that it’s up to the controller play to try and track the target which is the hardest bit about aiming imo.
Ace you are amazing. Thanks for being the most in depth person on YT for COD
I still don't understand why rotational aim assist is even a thing. Do they not realize they are actively handicapping all of their less skilled or less experienced players who aren't aware of how aim assist works? They are much more likely to stand still instead of constantly strafing while shooting so they have a major disadvantage in nearly every gunfight.
Should've nerfed aim bot at all ranges
As an old PC player that has played every cod since 2019 on console this is a major change.
I feel significantly weaker than before, especially with the new movement (which is also way easier to execute on a keyboard).
For the first time in 5 years I've now felt like I need to switch back to mouse and keyboard. Especially with how Xbox will constantly match you up with MnK players anyways and you cannot turn off cross play without significant downsites.
I'm no shroud ok MnK either but in the first few rounds after switching back I felt immediately way more competitive and could play way more aggressive.
The faster movement is easier on keyboard? You have to play that shit like Beethovens Moonlight Sonata. Controller is way easier on your hands.
Yea you gotta be trolling or just bad on controller
Brother, this movement is made for controller. You know how hard it is to track this movement on MnK? Espexcially with the insane strafe speeds we get.
as a MKB player aim assist is soo rage inducing. It's complete garbage that it follows with no input at all by the user.. I don't want to hear anything about "mkb has finer movements so it's unfair"
THIS shit is unfair.. by a large margin.
It doesnt track you on your hit box, if you dont add input its behind your character model. Stop pretending like its aim bot. Also, time to find something new to cry about cause its gone now.
yeah and especially considering that controllers don't even need aim assist anymore. since gyro-aim (motion aiming) exist, which allows for mouse-like aim on controller.
CoD even has a great gyro-implementation but they give the player no incentive to use it and rather prefer to insist on OP aim assist
It's especially bad mix with omni-movement. As MKB tracking sliding that fast is real skill (no shit i have people sliding between shots on slow figin weapons like Tanto), while aim-assist do everything for you. Difference in sliding against MKB and controller players is huge.
There's no point in trying to explain the difference to bot M&K players.
There are plenty of M&K players with advanced movements who can outplay many controller players.
As you see the OP, they already said don't use logic to reply to them.
Spot on with the sensitivity settings testing. I noticed early on that I had to move from 7 to 8 to get the same feel.
I know I'm on an island here as a controller player but the aim assist is too strong for me. I've always preferred using the Precision aim assist option once they added it because I just don't like the way rotational aim assist feels in CoD, so it's been an adjustment for me since they removed that as an option in BO6. I'm constantly having my aim pushed or pulled off target by the aim assist because I'm used to having to do more of the target tracking manually. It's definitely not as intense as it's been in the past and I'm already readjusting to it but I'm just not a fan of how it feels and I wish there was a slider where we could turn down the aim assist strength like they have with the aim response curve, although that may be a significantly more difficult thing for them to do, I have no idea. I might actually try playing without any aim assist for a while and see how I do. I mean, worst case scenario my k/d plummets and the SBMM drops me into lower skilled lobbies until I'm able to compete again, right? 😂
Turn it off then in game menu
That's a perception issue man. There's not a single semi decent player that turns off aim assist or used "Precision". You're only noticing the times aim assist works against you, which should be almost never (why are you frequently engaging two enemies, in the open, at once?) ... and ignoring the times it is massively helping, which is almost always.
@@brianbird7866 Yeah, I know you can do that, Brian. If you'd read the end of my comment before you replied, you'd have seen I mentioned that. I'm fine with some target slowdown, I'm just not a fan of rotational aim assist. Target slowdown makes it easier to make fine aiming adjustments on controller, but rotational aim assist can literally move your aim and I'm just not a fan of that. The Precision aim assist option let controller players like myself still get the benefit of target slowdown but with significantly reduced rotational aim assist. It also decreased the width around a target in which the aim assist occurred, which is another thing I really don't like about the standard aim assist. If it only triggered the rotational aim assist when my crosshairs were directly aimed at a player than I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it, but currently it triggers at about an extra body width on each side of a target.
I did hop online after I commented to test a few matches in Hardcore with the aim assist turned off and I did fine (top 2 finishes each time and no worse than a 1.5 k/d) but I'll test it out in Core later tonight and see how much worse I do (spoiler alert: almost certainly way worse lol)
@@regular-thing Eh, calling it a "perception issue" isn't remotely accurate. It's mostly just a preference thing. And for the record, I'm obviously not saying aim assist makes you worse. It very clearly helps. I'm saying I personally don't like the feel of strong rotational aim assist, particularly in CoD. Saying players that typically perform better use the standard aim assist goes without saying. It's a significant disadvantage to not use it when you're playing against players who know how to really take advantage of it. I'm also not saying that's the only thing that makes them perform well. I've seen pro players play without aim assist, and even without it they would still dominate above average public players who were using aim assist. They're just that good. I'm also not saying I personally can't take advantage of stronger rotational aim assist. CoD had it for years before they added the Precision aim assist option and I'm already getting the hang of it again after years of not using the standard aim assist in CoD. It's like when they added the Aftermarket Part in MWIII that made the AK have zero recoil. At first I thought it was pulling my aim rapidly down at first but I was doing it without even thinking because I was automatically trying to compensate for recoil that wasn't there. It was much easier to use, I just had to consciously think about not moving the stick down every time I shot until I got used to doing it.
I can give you a specific example of why I don't like it from a game I played last night. I was playing on Rewind, ADS walking down the strip because somebody had been camping on the other end for most of the match, and a player darted out of one of the stores and ran past me from right to left. The rotational aim assist moved my crosshairs with the crossing player's movement, pulling me off my original target as I was shooting. It also started tracking my crosshairs ahead of the crossing player, so I had to move the stick to the right to aim at a player moving quickly to my left instead of just having to move the stick left to track them myself. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it something I can't adjust to? No. Is it as strong as it used to be? Nope, which is great. I just personally don't like the game making adjustments to my aim for me. I'm not saying it has to be that way for everybody, I'm just saying I wish I at least still had the option to limit aim assist without completely turning it off. That's all.
One important thing that NO one is talking about is where the ‘aim assist bubble’ / ‘aim assist slowdown’ begins.
In older cods (2019), we had “scale aim assist with fov”, with the recent cods, we had the difference between Default and Black Ops, which I know to many people didn’t feel different, but to me was obvious that default had the aim assist much more central and accurate to the character model vs Black Ops AA that kicked in well outside of the character model.
If you do a test in a private match in this game, you’ll see how far outside of the character model the AA kicks in and imo it is way too much, resulting in a jarring, inconsistent experience for people who fine tune aim/sens.
I can still crack out on this game, but limiting that control and giving us AA that isn’t accurate to the player model (especially when so damn strong), is unfortunate.
Thank you for telling us about the sensitivity difference!
When you do these test videos you should state the build version as well.
The way that I found out that the sensitivity values were not the same is in the settings in black ops 6 it allows you to import all your settings from MW3. When I did that, I noticed everything felt out of whack.
Mnk still an afterthought in this new cod. Not even fun being lasered all the time. I thought they would make some adjustments but it’s still a controller game. Why even have other inputs than controllers at this point.
The slide acceleration is crazy in this game at least it feels like it
Maybe unpopular opinion: I'd like to see an opt-in option for input based matchmaking. And in the controller only lobbies I'd like to see no AA at all. Zero. None. And in mixed lobbies maybe keep AA to only slowdown when on target, but no rotational assist.
Signed, someone who hates themself and self harms by playing Warzone on a base PS4 with all aim assist turned off.
I like how it is now, with all the sliding we need to be able to swing on target faster the closer they are, if we get strong aim assist close up, I feel it would be easier to miss your target as it’s moving too fast.
I think they did a good change to aim assist, but i also kinda wish they nerfed aim assist a lil more at range, more so the aim assist bubble size or the strength of it overall.
then mnk would be over powered if cross play didnt exist i would say yea
lots of people complain about not being able to see, turning on color blind filter helped me a lot, also adjusted the "world" color intensity, I'm not sure if that was a feature in previous call of duty's
Thanks so much for this. Please keep making update videos for this subject.
Aim assist was way too strong after the first warzone got released.
Thank you so much. I still cant help but feel like mouse acceleration for mkb is always on even when turned off but, this is a great start for us to fix the aim because this game feels weird as shit especially on mkb.
my biggest issue is this game caters so hard to PC players when PC players already had a major advantage over console players
@@crimnvL L reply
@crimnvL I'm a pc player and this is definitely true, nothing beats KnM, all the aim assist in the world and I'll still beat a controller player
exactly 💯
@@LatinoHeat1986 well, all the top players in the world are now using controller. Will you beat them? MnK player myself ...
Thanks for testing the sensitivity. Very useful info as always.
Less aim assist is best
I don’t think so..if you use MK ok..but with controller is more difficult
@@Itachi86Uchihaaim assist should exist in controller input, but i believe it should be a bit weak, not to the point you barely feel it but you have to put more work to your aim
Your lost
@Timkorporation - we know you need all the help you can get to feel somewhat decent at the game while on M&K.
SBMM is there to help you, too, since you need all the help available.
@@youropiniondoesnotmatter Ohh Timmy no thumbs is triggered because he knows he's bad and need a bot to aim for him, poor Timmy 😭😭😭
In firing range I get 0 aim assist at the far or mid target...nerfed
One thing that was nerfed that I absolutely can not stand is the ability to string consecutive jumps together like in MWIII. First Infinity Ward nerfs bunny hopping, now Treyarch nerfs jumping even more. What was the point of making a huge deal about omni-movement if you are going to nerf other aspects of movement? It's so irritating to see year after year these developers take one step forward and two steps back.
I will be honest, I never kept my MWIII sensitivity of around 6 or 7, and I cranked it up to 13 for this game. Especially if you practice on bots without aim assist in private match, it's actually incredible how much you are able to adapt to a faster sensitivity once you then put aim assist back on.
bigger problem is still desync. This problem exists for years. Everytime I watch kill cam. Enemy‘s version is that I literally didnot shoot him for couple seconds, but from my end I have shot about half a mag to the enemy. This desync problem is really annoying and always makes me feel like opponents only take several bullets to kill me but i need a whole mag to kill.
Hoping you’re cooking up an updated settings video 🤞🏼
BO6 also removed precision aim assist. And it sucks because it was objectively weaker (no rotational) but more fun (at least for me, nobody else used it though), but now it's just gone, and it makes the entire game feel so much worse 😭
These tests are all well and good and give some insight about the mechanics of controller play but that's all.
Unless testing on mouse and keyboard under the same conditions, you cant make any statements comparing the two.
I played a few games with controller and its a world of difference. Once the AA kicked in and stuck on any enemy I didnt have to worry about them simply straffing left and right it just stayed glued to them. On mouse if the enemy takes a single step left or right you have to adjust meaning a bullet or two of yours might miss in that split second while the controller player hits every bullet.
In a way this kind of kills the precision aiming argument.
good. aim yourself. quit relying on a robot and thinking youre good
It’s cz, we’re using one thumb to aim? You kids on mnk are using a whole arm to aim. Tell me if you’d arm wrestle with someone but you only use a thumb while he uses his whole arm, who’d you think will win?
I am for sure going to boost my sens after this vid, it has felt off a little. thanks
the aiming in bo6 genuinely feels off, i dont think it is down to aim assist. First, the aiming from mw3 to bo6 is not the same, not 1:1 ratio. Second, the guns have way more sway especially paired with the more cracked out movement. There honestly feels like there is more visual recoil even though that wasn't supposed to be a thing.
I agree about the visibility can’t see nothing
I think the nerf was a little too intense
A more middle ground should be more appropriate
Treyarch put my Sense to 8 automatically. It was 7 in MW3…
That’s why they did that. Going back up to 8. Thanks Ace!
See i thought so. I played 7 on mw3 and when I imported my settings over to bo6, my sense was set to 8. I thought i was tripping and had to go back to mw3 to be sure i was playing on 7 lol.
So they nerf aim assist when the movement is even more crazy? Makes no sense, man.
Yeah, it's especially makes no sense that AA is supposedly weaker but i can see controller players tracking this super-fast sliding like real champs.
@@madzaisalol cope
Crazy that AA is nerfed, movement speeds are crazier than ever, and headshots are weaker than ever; and yet headshots are the main challenge for all guns
That makes perfect sense. It's way more difficult to track enemies on MnK this game.
I disagree. I switched to controller because AA was so busted as a former MNK player.
People just need to adapt and get better aim assist is still busted, hence why I’m not going back to MnK personally
If you think aa was nerfed you are coping with how bad you are at fps games.
As a MnK player I quit COD, refunded BO6 and moved on to other games cause of how broken aim assist is, specifically rotational aim assist in COD. Now looking at your video I’m glad I did, cause aim assist is pretty much the same where it matters which are your close range gunfights outside of the point blank range.
Aim assist should definitely exist, but this whole Rotational nonsense which you have to aim with your movement stick, instead of your shooting stick in one of the most popular shooter games is absurd and has to get a substantial nerf for MnK to be even competitive.
Let them use the aimbots, but let me play only with people using my input, cmon
Yeah it feels even more punishing as an mnk player
You get more advanced graphical settings, more accurate and fine tunable aiming, and more in-depth button mapping but you’re mad about a WEAKENED AIM ASSIST? Bro stop it. M&K players are the ones doing those damn diving 360 snipes and shotgun kills all over TT and IG reels. You think an even WEAKER aim assist would level the playing field against all of the inherent advantages in M&K?
@@WerewolfEntertainment Most PC players are on controller, what are you talking about?
@@WerewolfEntertainment as soon as someone makes this conversation about PC vs Console I immediately know they don’t know what the F they’re talking about and you are a shining example of that. You wanna know why? Cause most PC players in COD play on controller because of aim assist.
Even looking at your own comment it’s obvious you are clueless when it comes to COD. Where are all these top tier MnK players in Top 250? What about the World Series? There are none! Almost all of them are on controller. So stop the delusion. For your own sake that is.
They've kept the sensitivity consistent for several years at least in regards to what they would annotate as "High", "Low", etc. which was nice because it gives that easily noticed baseline. I've been playing with the "High" sensitivity for as long as I've known and understood what sensitivities were so this threw me off and was kinda annoying. I did end up settling on 8,8 as you confirmed in this video: It's effectively what that 7,7 or "High" sensitivity was.
why change something thats been like that for atleast 13 years.
Its a casual game, give PC players the ability to turn off crossplay if they cant keep up or refuse to buy a controller.
@mariorossi-k3s then they have to do it like apex and give PC players less aim assist. but not the players who are used to it for, again, 13 years.
and yes, it is fun. i repeat, its a casual game. i could understand it for competitive games like R6, but most of us play to have fun, rank up and such things.
I was just thinking today that it feels like I have to increase my sensitivity and now I know why!
Watch pc player still cry
This too
Most PC players use controller.
They will continue to complain even after this nerf, guaranteed.
If a M&K player lose to a controller player, M&K player has a problem.
That explains a lot. I been playing on a 7, the same as MW3 and have been feeling like I just cant get on target. Will try bumping it up to an 8.
AA Nerf but KbM players still complaining 🤦♂️
Ahahah that’s right…I’ve heard a lot of complaints saying the aa got buffed, too strong, bla bla bla😂
I'm not, I can feel a great difference. I think it's just right, the best controller players are still dog walking me but average Timmy's are eating my fat saus
For real. MnK players just like to wine.
@Popsthechute wait a minute is this a genuine KbM player or a troll 🤨
@@sirfortescue1 lmao ever since warzone