I used to take ur training before some years. I am also watching ur videos and I am learning So many things. The way you explain by using examples are so incridble.
@ayalewyimer8017 Thank you for your valuable feedback. Absolutely right. If you overdo it, you tend to ignore the reality in the ground, which has negative repurcations.
So true…
We’ll have to learn appropriating others.
I used to take ur training before some years. I am also watching ur videos and I am learning So many things. The way you explain by using examples are so incridble.
Glad to hear that
In essence, positive inquiry seeks to build on existing strengths and successes, whereas negative inquiry
focuses on identifying and fixing problems and weaknesses.
ማድነቅ ጠቃሚ የመሆኑን ያህል ነቀፌታም ስህተቶችን ለማረም ይጠቅማል። እንደ አብይ አህመድ አንዱን ጫፍ ይዞ መክነፍ ለከፋ ውድቀት ይዳርጋል
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
Absolutely right. If you overdo it, you tend to ignore the reality in the ground, which has negative repurcations.