The Causes of the Global Obesity Epidemic ft: Dr. Joseph Fraiman

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @sarahb.6475
    @sarahb.6475 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This may explain something to your guys. 😊
    My mother was born about a decade before WW2. She had little to eat. There wasnt much money. And then many decades later she had me quite late in life but my father was much older than she was - by about 20 years.
    My mother was thin as a stick her whole life. She always worked cheap jobs in factories, hard labor. So she didnt eat anything before work - only drink coffee. She lived on coffee. Nutrition was not really any part of the picture.
    From the little I heard of my father, he was a "big man" and his family owned a restaurant. That is his parents did. They probably ate good. I never met him.
    But I started school as one of the fattest kids in my class. My mother fed me mainly all cheap grains as my main diet. Lots of pasta, cheap sandwhich bread, lots of cookies, chips, donuts, homemade pancakes, jello + pudding from those boxes, fruit from cans with corn syrup, etc. And those ramen noodles. Only veggies bought were onions. Oh and cabbages in autumn to make coleslaw when they were on sale. So I mainly lived on grain. My daily sandwhich for school lunch was margarine on white sandwhich bread. That was my lunch from home from K to 12th grade.
    By the time I graduated I was 210 pounds at 5'5".
    But then I started to get these weird symptoms. Itching. Rashes. Stomach issues. Fast forward many many years and it turns out I had celiac! Plus a corn allergy!! And autism + chemical sensitivity.
    My mother by the way stayed only 99 pounds her whole life. She fed that stuff to ME. She would eat it a little bit but from when I was little she made me eat two big bowls of pasta at every meal. Because she was worried that "one bowl wasnt enough food". Mind you these were big heaping bowls.
    And in summer there were huge buckets of ice cream she would buy. Popsicles. Bags of candy year round. Even christmas gifts were various junk foods she would wrap up in gift paper. Like bags of corn chips + potato chips. There were fruit pies eaten while watching TV or sleeves of saltine crackers..
    But there was no actual nutrition..
    Also for a long time no milk in the house either.
    I think she didnt have these treats as a kid so she wanted to give them to me. But she went way overboard. She was willing to spend money on junk food but not on any toy, etc. I never asked for these things (as I had quickly learned from a young age if I asked for these things I wouldnt get them) but she bought this stuff on her own..
    We did not eat cereal or drink soda. No frozen foods. We did buy bags of russet potatoes. Most stuff she bought was "brand x".
    But I believe its the carb heavy diet. The grain. The sugar.
    These days I am 115 pounds. But I did that myself. As a kid I never understood why I was fat and the other girls in my class was so thin. Even in high school I didnt comprehend it. I only found out when we started to cut things out due to these weird reactions. And the more we cut out the more weight I lost.
    These days I am a LMHR. I do have a gene to be "heavier than normal" but I also have celiac. Celiac trumps the other gene. On a meat based diet. A small amount of organic fruit. But mainly grass fed beef + lamb, eggs + liver. Lots of exercise. Walking, hiking, yoga + riding horses. Grooming horses too. Keeps me busy.
    But that idea is linked to the war too. The "I didnt have this stuff but now I can give it to you" and so they give you a ton of it!

  • @helenreich713
    @helenreich713 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Fascinating thoughts. I would love to hear more about this in the future.

  • @kaunas888
    @kaunas888 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fraiman's argument is interesting and probably true to an extent. However I have seen obesity skyrocket in America during15-20 years and that is too short a time for genetics in the general population to be the driving factor. Probably there are many causes pushing this trend of which I believe food is the main one with changes in genetic playing some secondary or tericiary role as well.

  • @vernonkuhns3561
    @vernonkuhns3561 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    "Seed oils."

  • @maggiemay2630
    @maggiemay2630 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Obesity definitely seems inherited. An interesting thought I have is that around 1980, when AIDS came out, thin people were suspected of possibly having AIDS, since there was such a fear of it. So, many people were afraid of dating a thin or very thin peson, and started to pair up with heavier people, and so the gene is passed on to the children. It's just a theory I have. Not only that, but metabolic changes occur when an unnatural diet is introduced, like the addition of high fructose corn syrup, linoleic acid added to cooking oils, artificial sweetener, and a much more sedentary liufestyle than in the past.

  • @adlsaias
    @adlsaias หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    two words that have not been mentioned in this video "seed oils"
    As they say on the video Obesity started rising at the civil war. This was when seed oils started on their poisonous path into the human diet.
    Death in child birth was a thing for a long time after the civil war while the diabetes and obesity rates were rising
    The advent of industrial child birth in a society is occurs in close association with the adulteration of fats in the diet and medicines (ie "vegetable oils")

    • @clarkmobley
      @clarkmobley หลายเดือนก่อน

      Global study, seed oils are an American only problem , I think

  • @kimberlyf4888
    @kimberlyf4888 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No mention of our light environment?

  • @cure-eater
    @cure-eater หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Gary Taubes, who recommended The Illusion of Consensus podcast when it first came out, is almost assuredly having second thoughts. But I feel sure he’d be happy to offer his science-based thoughts on what causes obesity if you’d care to ask him.

  • @bigal6114
    @bigal6114 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wonder if there is data that goes back far enough in the UK's EHR to work backwards from people with obesity and see if their mothers were obese had the obstetrical conditions that required modern medical obstetrical interventions. Then compare them to a cohort with of non-obese with their mothers and see if they didn't require obstetrical interventions.
    "I'm not scientist, but I like to play one on the internet."

  • @glennbeard7219
    @glennbeard7219 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Has the gene pool changed as significantly for any other human characteristics ? I’m guessing no. Apparently, from what I’ve read, we don’t just inherit our genes at birth . We also inherit our microbiom which has been shown to influence tendencies towards obesity. It’s been shown that if you do fecal implants from obese rats into thin rats the thin rats become obese. That’s why antibiotic use is linked to rates of obesity. Body fat content = calories in-calories out although there are individual differences. Our caloric expenditure has greatly decreased since 1945 for obvious reasons. It should be easy to determine the effect of modern obstetrical intervention by looking at different regions in terms the level of intervention for each region. This would not be universal. So you would not expect the obesity rates to be universal. There is however a selection pressure towards lower IQ resulting from obstetric intervention . Ozempic and bariatric surgery like gastric sleeve cause weight loss by decreasing caloric intake not altering BMR. In order to get an obesity rate of 50% I would think the obesity would have to be selected for which is counterintuitive

  • @SlntFrtr
    @SlntFrtr หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I would imagine the short and simple reason is people who eat more than their daily RDA calories and do not move more than 20 minutes a day is the root cause.

    • @vernonkuhns3561
      @vernonkuhns3561 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @kennyopinmind7558
      @kennyopinmind7558 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@vernonkuhns3561 but the people who live like that will get fat