‘The Father's perfect reflection of Himself proceeds the Son. And because of He is the Truth, Goodness and Beauty, He loves Himself and this act of infinite Love proceeds the Holy Spirit’
Well done, man. The Trinity is NOT an easy thing to understand and even more difficult to adequately explain. I come from a Oneness (Modalist) background (15 years) where there is a tendency to see the doctrine of the Trinity as dividing God into separate beings. My conversion to Catholicism really began when I opened my mind to truly understanding what the doctrine of the Trinity is and what it isn't. Any sincere Modalist should be able to understand and accept this explanation of the Divine Persons. They would certainly balk at the depiction of the Father as a human being in some of your illustrations, but I've come to understand why that is sometimes done in educational illustrations and in art and have learned to give it a pass. I must say, the videos from the Dominican brothers on this channel and on Godsplaining have been extraordinarily helpful for me. I love what you guys are doing. If I wasn't married, I'd probably check into becoming a Dominican, myself. I'd be the worst of you, but I'd be happy.
I find the Holy Trinity the most difficult element of church doctrine to get my head around. This is the best explanation I have come across. Thank you!
It is not difficult at all if you ask God Holy Spirit to be your TEACHER John 14:25-26 (NIV)But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things . GOD SPIRIT WILL TEACH ABOUT GOD
@@PInk77W1 I am careful about a professed mystery without a divine revelation. The mystery of who God is, is revealed in the scriptures. Jesus is the revelation of the one true God of the holy scriptures.
That name is Jesus, The name of the Father is Jesus, The name of the Son is Jesus, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That is why name of the Father and of the and the Holy Spirit not the names of these titles.
That name is Jesus, The name of the Father is Jesus, The name of the Son is Jesus, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That is why name of the Father and of the and the Holy Spirit not the names of these titles.
Rev Fr Dominic Legge, first of all I like to thank the Holy Trinity for granting you wisdom to compress St. Aquinas' huge explanations to a 9 min video... The Mystery of the Holy Trinity has marvelled me since I was little.. I didn't fully grasp what u said Fr, but by God's grace I will be able to one day I hope.. I really appreciate what you and your colleages do in spreading the correct Catholic Theology.. i pray that more and more people will be attracted to your ministry and be nourished by it
If God is love then he MUST be triune, for in order for love to be present, there must be the lover (father) the loved (son) and the act of love (holy spirit). Should any of the three be absent, so too would be love.
Well said. Love is Substantial and Love has to be Living Substance or else it would not be Love. Substantial Love is the substance that is God and the only Substance that exist of Itself.
The thought experiment really helps. The journey through complexity started with the ideal image the of self, the word, and then to love that image or word, the holy spirit. Because love is the motion toward the realization of that image. It's fascinating to me that in a way, I experience genesis in my own life this same way, drawing me from an unconscious being toward a conscious one, toward the telos of complexity, that is to say, God.
“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts:” (Psa. 94:8) I used to be a Trinitarian in one of the world’s largest religious denominations for 53 years and taught and raised my own family the same for 18 years. I continued in this teaching right up until the day God had mercy on me and sent me the Holy Spirit who led me into all the truth (John 16:13). What does the Spirit have to say about this? If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, listen: “At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for HIDING THESE THINGS FROM THOSE WHO THINK THEMSELVES WISE AND CLEVER, and for REVEALING THEM TO THE CHILDLIKE. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.” (Luke 10:21) “Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will NEVER ENTER the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3) Now, remember that show, “Are you smarter than a 5th grader”? Are you willing to be humble and be like a child? Take the test yourself and find out. The topic is based on the doctrine of the Trinity. This doctrine declares the Godhead is triune being comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are “co-equal” with each other and “are all God”. Without being a bible scholar or having to twist scripture, this is really quite simple. Ready to test yourself? Elementary 5th grade reading and basic 2nd grade math show us the truth of this matter; hence being like a child just like our Lord said: Open your Bible (most won’t), go to the gospel of John and read John 1:1-3 as it is written: In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.” (John 1:1-3) Now do the basic math. How many God beings do you count? 2 or 3? Having established that BOTH the Father and the Son ARE GOD from what you just read, now read the following verses: John 5:17, 5:19, 5:20, 5:21, 5:22, 5:23, 5:26, 5:30, 5:36, 8:28, 12:50, 10:30, 14:6, 14:23, 14:28, 15:10, 17:3, 17:5, Rom. 1:1, Rom. 1:27, 1 Cor. 1:3, 1 Cor. 1:9, 1 Cor. 8:6-7, 1 Cor. 15:27-28, 2 Cor. 1:2-3, Eph. 1:2, 5:20, Philip. 1:2, Col. 1:3, 1 Thess. 1:3, 2 Thess. 1:2, Phil. 1:3, Heb. 1:8-13, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Peter 1:2, 1 John 1:3, 1: John 5:20, 2 John 1:3, 2 John 1:9, Rev. 3:12, 7:10, 21:22-23. Now do the basic math. How many God beings do you count? 2 or 3? Actually, do the work yourself just like the Holy Spirit instructed me and read all the cited verses. Again, most sadly will not. The Holy Spirit can keep going on with many more verses just like this. If you have the humility to be honest with yourself and what you just read, you will see the plain truth and the trinity doctrine is debunked. If the Holy Spirit was in fact God, why was he left out of all those verses? What happened to being co-equal? Little children truly believe in Santa Claus in all sincerity up until the day they discover the ugly truth of the matter, right? This isn’t any different. Why anyone would continue to believe in a lie after the truth has been revealed with the preponderance of overwhelming biblical evidence? Ripping the band aid off hurts, doesn’t it? But, “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). So now that you have read and seen the truth for yourself, do you still believe in the false trinity doctrine or did you fail the 5th grade test? If you failed it and still believe in the doctrines of men and not God, go to your Bible and read John 8:47. That is the harsh reality friend. Another biblical fact: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Holy Spirit is God. Nowhere! Christ also said, “the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). Clearly, Christ by his very statement of fact said they are NOT co-equal! This totally scotches the doctrine of the trinity that claims the Father, Son and Spirit are co-equal. Who on earth would dare call Christ a liar? It’s sheer foolishness! How can anyone believe in the false doctrine of the trinity after reading the gospel and letters of John? The gospel of John and other books of the Bible clearly testify that the doctrine of the triune god is a lie (John 1:1-3). The word “trinity” isn’t even written anywhere in the Bible, why would anyone believe it? The world foolishly says about the Spirit of God that he is “God the Spirit”. Christ tells us that “God IS spirit” (John 4:24). Do you see how foolish this is already? Why does God need another Spirit in the Godhead if he already IS spirit? It is the Spirit of God. The word “OF” being paramount as the Spirit belongs to God and Christ; the word “OF” denotes possession/ownership. The Father and the Son own it and they sent it (John 16:15). The Spirit is a servant, just like you and me, not God! Don’t know who the Holy Spirit is? Simple, read John 1:51 and Hebrews 1:7, 1:14, and Psalm 104:4. There is our Helper in plain sight yet most are so blinded by the years of false teaching and lies they can’t see the truth. Spirit of God, the Spirit/angel of the Lord, the Spirit = Holy Spirit. Read Hebrews 1:7 and Psalm 104:4. Now go to the Book of Acts and read Acts 2:1-4 (The Coming of the Holy Spirit). This isn’t hard to figure out. Still can’t see? Paul cautioned us about false humility and the worship of angles (Col. 2:18). The Holy Spirit warned John twice in the Book of Revelation that he should not be worshiped (Rev. 19:10, 22:8-9). Let’s really simplify this: If a fallen angel is a demon/evil spirit that belongs to Satan (Rev. 12:7), then an angel of God can only be what? A Holy Spirit because he belongs to God who is holy (Lev. 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16). Think about it, if the Holy Spirit was a single 3rd person of the Godhead, how is it even possible we can we all have him? See how foolish this is already? Do I get the Holy Spirit today and borrow him to you tomorrow? Can you see how foolish this world’s wisdom is? The answer is found again in Matthew 18:10 for it is written: “Beware that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven THEIR ANGELS are always in the presence of my heavenly Father.” (Matt. 18:10). The words “their angels” (holy spirits) shows ownership. The Holy Spirit for each one of us was not sent until Christ came into his glory (John 7:39). This is God’s gift of grace (Acts 2:38). Let the Bible explain itself, it's quite simple and straightforward. The teaching is very simple without having to twist scripture and believe in something that just isn't there like the word “trinity”. Biblical truth is solely based on the word of God (John 17:17) It’s time to unlearn one of the greatest lies of so called “modern Christianity”. Believe in what Christ said and taught. Believe in what is actually and clearly written in the word of God and not in the invented mythology or eisegesis of men. Get this, if you are worshiping the pagan invented god known as the “trinity”, you will never, ever receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32) as you are breaking the 1st Commandment, a spiritual law of God’s coming kingdom (Rom. 7:14, Rev. 11:19) by creating your own god made up in the mythology and eisegesis of men. “that their hearts may be encouraged, being KNIT together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, BOTH of the FATHER AND OF CHRIST, IN WHOM are hidden ALL the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE.” (Col. 2:2-3 NKJV). Whom has ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge as you just read? The Father and Christ. Again, how many God beings do you count? 2 or 3? Lay down your religious pride of what you think you know about God and the Bible. Become humble before God like I did and unlearn the lies you have been taught by men. Repent and let God through the Holy Spirit teach you. Unless you become like a child, you will never enter the Kingdom of God. Forget what you think you know as the Lord has sent me to reveal the simplicity of his teaching in spirit and truth. Finally, let’s read Proverbs 30:4 together: “Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is HIS NAME, and what is HIS SON’S NAME, If you know? One more time, how many God beings do you count? 2 or 3? Still don’t believe it? Let’s continue reading the rest of it: “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. DO NOT ADD TO HIS WORD, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.” (Prov. 30:5-6) FACT: The word “trinity” isn’t found anywhere in the Bible as it is “added” to His word. So now ask yourself, who is the liar? If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts! Repent for the Kingdom of God is coming!
GOD GIVE US HOLY SPIRIT TO TEACH US ABOUT GOD. Before open bible, praise Jesus n pray for guidance John 14:25-26 (NIV)But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things a
Praise our God and Savior Jesus Christ for disputing oneness false teachings and revealing the truth of the trinity to all those who will listen and obey Him.
Can somebody here please answer an Objection/Question i have towards/about the Trinity? It would be really helpfull and i would be really thankful if someone is able to answer it.
May I ask, an explanation of what? How to explain the unexplainable? Here is a simple Bible TRUTH. 'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Well? Wasn't Jesus actually SEEN? Just some help.
@@crusaderACR : Read Jesus' words at Matthew 7:14. People who can believe that the Creator of this energy pulsating Universe can change into a form of a human, get abused, run and hide from the Jews and finally get killed are certainty not from this age. Tell me what is it about this scientific statement of truth that is hard to comprehend? 'No man has SEEN God at ANY TIME ' - 1 John 4:12,20. PLEASE.
If God could be understood and explained, He wouldn't be God. I find it exciting to know that there is a Being that encompasses All. He is the answer to all infinite subsets. He is all fractions between 0 and 1 and can finish counting all numerals. WOW! When I contemplate God, my brain quickly short circuits. I sure hope I get to see him.
The doctrine is not only incongruent with much of the scriptures, it doesn't withstand reason. Yet you are expected to believe that God inflicted pain on a son...no wait, on itself, then while on the cross asks why have you, I mean I have/has forsaken me...I mean myself!!!
Good video. It does leave out the aspect of the Spirit that is Truth, ie the Spirit of Truth (see Isaiah 11:1-2 & John 14:17). It would be great to add that.
Of interest is this'Google' post by authour Andries Van Niekirk ( 2020-03-15) "Constantine did control the Council of Nicaea. He called the council, presided over it, actively guided the discussions, proposed the key word Homoousios, stepped in to enforce the formula that his advisor Hosius had agreed on with Alexander of Alexandria, exiled all bishops that were not willing to sign the creed and ordered all copies of Arius’ book to be burned, warning to execute those who refused to surrender the Arian’s writings. “Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination” (Britannica). In this way Constantine played a huge role in the formulation and acceptance of the creed, and consequently, in the eventual development of the Trinity doctrine. How can by any stretch of the imagination can it have had God's blessing since Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world" ( John 18:36) And Paul said "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" ( 1 John 5:19)
Because of Divine Simplicity. According to Aquinas, God is a being "whose Essence is Existence", or Pure Actuality. "I Am that I Am". God is not a composite being with multiple attributes. For Him to be a composite being would mean (using Aristotelian realist metaphysics) his attributes pre-existed Him. Meaning He had to have been caused, and therefore not God. Power, knowledge, intelligence, will, and even love and wrath are merely analogies we (and God) use to describe his single attribute of Existence. God does not have thoughts in the same way that we have thoughts, mechanistically using a sort of mental organ, conceiving images inside our head separate from the external world. For God to know Himself and conceive of an image of Himself, we can say that God IS His self-reflection (the Son). And also that God IS His very act of self-reflection, and the sort of love implicit in knowing oneself (the Holy Spirit). Meaning that God's self-reflection and act of self-reflection are real entities that share in the single Divine Essence of Existence. And we can say that no Person of the Trinity existed prior to any other, as for an "intelligent" being to exist is for them to be self-aware. This also further explains what Jesus Christ being the "Logos" or "Word" means. The Son is God's self-conceived image of Himself that He uses to interact with Creation, analogous to how we describe ourselves to others using a self-conceived image of ourself. But, again, this is just one of the best explanations man has deduced and is still just using analogies in a sense. We cannot fully understand a being who exists beyond the horizon of human comprehension. The Classical Theist has good videos on this describing it in greater detail: th-cam.com/video/YrXjmHdA1tg/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/Jcafuc_zoQU/w-d-xo.html
This just seems to lead to modal collapse. Or to maybe ditheism in which the the Father and Son have an ability that the Spirit does not. I don’t think it means God has parts if we take the Father as the sole ground of being and the Son is begotten of the Father and the Spirit is also from the Father but through the Son. There at least you have one ground of being, one source and the Son and Spirit from the Father. So you have God as One but not as a monad.
@@eapooda Thanks for the paper, but how could seeing the Trinity as as qua objects of the Divine Essence sufficiently explain the eternal generation of the Son and the procession of the Holy Spirit? Those are important aspects of the traditional understanding of the Trinity.
@@Eloign its an eternal generation because the divine intellect eternally knows itself and so the act of knowing is eternal the knower is eternal and the object known is eternal.
The concept of Trinity is very simple, considering that the hypostasis, known as the persona of God, stands for God's manifestation in the world, and the three personas are not separate deities, but share a single nature, as manifestations of the same God, since the third persona, the Parakletos is the spirit of God, the second persona, the Logos is the word of God, and the first persona, the Pater is the source of personhood, or the mind of God.
Thank you, Father! 1 Corinthians 15:28 - “And, when all things have been subordinated to him, then will the Son himself also be subordinated to the one who has subordinated all things to him, so that God may be all in all.”
I hope you're not implying this means Jesus is giving up his co-equal essence here...Revelation 5:13 13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
Can you recommend any noteworthy erudite text or thinker--whether Catholic or Orthodox--that manages to reconcile in a believable and coherent manner the Trinitarian views of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church?
I must admit that hearing a talk or lecture on the Holy Trinity, especially regarding St. Thomas' Sacred Theology, gives me a greater appreciation of St. Thomas's writings on the Holy Trinity. My background is in the Carmelite Tradition; therefore, I greatly appreciated the writings of the late Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange, who brilliantly related both Saints writings to one another, as instruments to the way of perfection. Both St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John of the Cross seem to me to encapsulate a very clear view of what it means for the Christian to tread the way of perfection in the Catholic Church and thru the sacraments of the Church offers its members. I hope that future talks or lectures of the Thomistic Institute will continue to bring forth these sacred truths for all to hear and appreciate, which have been so instrumental in bringing many souls to follow Christ Jesus and his GOspel message.
If you love this video give this simple test to your to your friends . 1) In Exodus 3:15 he was known as ___ ___ 2) In John 20:28 Thomas said to him My __ and my __ 3) In 2 Corinthians 13:13 his name is __ __ 4) In 1 Chronicles 29:10 Lord God is called __ from __ to __ 5) In Isaiah 9:5 a child is born is called __ _ 6) In John 10:30 The __ and I are __ 7) In Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2 __ hallowed (holy) be your name __ is a __ __ 8) In Matthew 28:19 the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit is __ 9) In John 4:24 __ is __ This would make the Father and the Son a __ 10) In Leviticus 11:44 God said make and keep yourselves __ because I am __ This would the Father and the Son __ _
Can someone answer two questions I have? 1. Jesus is one person with 2 natures. Is he one substance or two substances? 2. In his personhood is he a divine person or a divine-human person? Thanks
1. depends what you mean by substance? If you mean the substance in the sense it is used by trnitatinas to say Jesus and the Father are one in substance than yes Jesus has a second substance his human substance. 2. That isn´t really an attribute of the person but instead of the essence he is a person is possession of a divine nature and also a human nature
"Person" is defined by St. Thomas "an individual substance of a rational nature" --But God is One that is, an individual substance; So are there three individual substances (persons) in an Individual God? ---Does Trinity mean "three individuals in One individual?
Firstly, thanx for this series. I'll confess some parts are slightly over my head but useful in increasing my knowledge of what I do NOT know. Slight criticism....being an Eastern Catholic I sorta cringe upon hearing the added filioque ("and the Son") in your talks. Not meaning to be picky but even the Pope leaves it out when he celebrates the Divine Liturgy (Mass) in Greek. I'd truly be honestly interested in what St Thomas Aquinas thought of this western addition.
Great question. One of the Dominicans here at the House of Studies recently taught a course on the filioque doctrine (history, theology, politics, etc.). He recently gave a couple of lectures on the Trinity that might be helpful (though not 100% apropos to your particular question). You can find them here: soundcloud.com/thomisticinstitute/fr-john-baptist-ku-op-the-triune-god-the-central-mystery-of-the-christian-faith-part-one . . . soundcloud.com/thomisticinstitute/fr-john-baptist-ku-op-the-triune-god-the-central-mystery-of-the-christian-faith-part-two
@@Eloign Quit adding or changing words! Why don't the Roman Catholics just go back to the original Greek text of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381AD)? Seventeen years ago the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation concluded a four-year study on this wording and reached an agreement that recommends in part: "That the Catholic Church, as a consequence of the normative and irrevocable dogmatic value of the Creed of 381, use the original Greek text alone in making translations of that Creed for catechetical and liturgical use." See: www.usccb.org/committees/ecumenical-interreligious-affairs/filioque-church-dividing-issue-agreed-statement
@Prasanth Thomas From "Latin to Greek"? The original creed was written in Greek. A good to place to start is a good translation from Greek to English, don't you agree? Forget the Latin, it just muddies the waters.
@Prasanth Thomas Got it! So now the question is: How did a Pope's suggestion get inserted into the English RC creed? Yea, a lot of problems pop up with all these various languages. I remember a priest once sharing the following that he once overheard: "..why don't they all just use the King James version like Jesus did?" Hee Hee
@@PInk77W1 REFUTING TRIUNE GOD WORSHIPERS' DECEPTIVE ARGUMENTS Joh 20:28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"TRINITARIANS CLAIM THAT THOMAS BELIEVED JESUS IS GOD BECAUSE HE CALLED JESUS HIS GOD. RESPONSE: Scriptures prove that the use of the word GOD is not limited to "GOD THE FATHER" EXAMPLES: 2Co 4:4 In whom the God [theos] of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God [theos], should shine unto them. Both Gods in 2 Cor 4:4 means the same but we know that one is the devil. G2316 θεός theos theh'-os Of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate; by Hebraism very: - X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward]. Psa 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God [eloheem] standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the Gods [eloheem]. Exo_7:1 And YHVH said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a God [eloheem] to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. TRIUNE GOD WORSHIPERS ALSO CLAIM THAT AFTER THOMAS EXCLAIMED "MY LORD , MY GOD"...THAT JESUS AGREED WITH THOMAS ...THAT THOMAS WAS RIGHT TO BELIEVE HE IS GOD. BUT HERE IS THE TRUTH: Joh 20:29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Jesus told Thomas he has believed....BELIEVED WHAT? THAT HE IS GOD? NO! THOMAS BELIEVED THAT HE IS RISEN and alive...that is why he let Thomas insert his finger on him. BECAUSE IF YOU WILL READ IN THE PREVIOUS VERSES BEFORE JOHN 20:29... THE FIRST TIME Jesus appeared to the disciples Thomas was not with them. Joh 20:24 Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. Joh 20:25 So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "UNLESS I SEE IN HIS HANDS THE MARK OF THE NAILS AND PLACE MY FINGER INTO THE MARK OF THE NAILS, and place my hand into his side, I WILL NEVER BELIEVE.."
@@PInk77W1 Should we understand Thomas' words to mean that Jesus is God Almighty? A few verses later is John 20:31, it says, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God." In John 17:3 Jesus called his Father "the only true God."
@@jollyrancher521 I’m Catholic and I believe God the Father is the only True God. I also believe the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. There’s only One True God. Three persons in the one true God. That is the Trinity
If the Son is from the Father, and the Holy Spirit is from the Father, how are they also eternal? I understand they are eternally generated, but would they not have to be non-existent at one point in eternity to be generated in the first place?
I believe this comes down to potentiality and actuality. Going back to the 5 ways, everything in created reality must pass from potentiality to actuality. In other words, things before they exist have the potential to exist, and after they come into existence (are generated) they actually exist. In order to bring things from potentiality to actuality some act is necessary. Though this logic of generation is sound we cannot apply it to God because He is the uncaused cause. God is not potentially God but is actually God for all eternity, and since He was uncaused there is nothing that precedes or comes after him. Therefore generation in this sense does not necessitate a previously existent entity to undertake the act of generation since this would contradict God’s uncaused and eternal nature. God is pure act, therefore the other persons of the Trinity do not have the potential to be generated, but are actively generated for all eternity, not at one specific moment. As John says, the word was with God and was God since the beginning. The trinity is the ultimate mystery of our faith so we can only so imperfectly approximate an understanding of it using our limited natural knowledge. Aquinas also covers this issue in the summa prima pars question 27, article 2. Quoted below for convenience. “Article 2: Whether any procession in God can be called generation? Objection 1: It would seem that no procession in God can be called generation. For generation is change from non-existence to existence, and is opposed to corruption; while matter is the subject of both. Nothing of all this belongs to God. Therefore generation cannot exist in God. Objection 2: Further, procession exists in God, according to an intelligible mode, as above explained (Article [1]). But such a process is not called generation in us; therefore neither is it to be so called in God. Objection 3: Further, anything that is generated derives existence from its generator. Therefore such existence is a derived existence. But no derived existence can be a self-subsistence. Therefore, since the divine existence is self-subsisting (Question [3], Article [4]), it follows that no generated existence can be the divine existence. Therefore there is no generation in God. On the contrary, It is said (Ps. 2:7): "This day have I begotten Thee." I answer that, The procession of the Word in God is called generation. In proof whereof we must observe that generation has a twofold meaning: one common to everything subject to generation and corruption; in which sense generation is nothing but change from non-existence to existence. In another sense it is proper and belongs to living things; in which sense it signifies the origin of a living being from a conjoined living principle; and this is properly called birth. Not everything of that kind, however, is called begotten; but, strictly speaking, only what proceeds by way of similitude. Hence a hair has not the aspect of generation and sonship, but only that has which proceeds by way of a similitude. Nor will any likeness suffice; for a worm which is generated from animals has not the aspect of generation and sonship, although it has a generic similitude; for this kind of generation requires that there should be a procession by way of similitude in the same specific nature; as a man proceeds from a man, and a horse from a horse. So in living things, which proceed from potential to actual life, such as men and animals, generation includes both these kinds of generation. But if there is a being whose life does not proceed from potentiality to act, procession (if found in such a being) excludes entirely the first kind of generation; whereas it may have that kind of generation which belongs to living things. So in this manner the procession of the Word in God is generation; for He proceeds by way of intelligible action, which is a vital operation:---from a conjoined principle (as above described):---by way of similitude, inasmuch as the concept of the intellect is a likeness of the object conceived:---and exists in the same nature, because in God the act of understanding and His existence are the same, as shown above (Question [14], Article [4]). Hence the procession of the Word in God is called generation; and the Word Himself proceeding is called the Son. Reply to Objection 1: This objection is based on the idea of generation in the first sense, importing the issuing forth from potentiality to act; in which sense it is not found in God. Reply to Objection 2: The act of human understanding in ourselves is not the substance itself of the intellect; hence the word which proceeds within us by intelligible operation is not of the same nature as the source whence it proceeds; so the idea of generation cannot be properly and fully applied to it. But the divine act of intelligence is the very substance itself of the one who understands (Question [14], Article [4]). The Word proceeding therefore proceeds as subsisting in the same nature; and so is properly called begotten, and Son. Hence Scripture employs terms which denote generation of living things in order to signify the procession of the divine Wisdom, namely, conception and birth; as is declared in the person of the divine Wisdom, "The depths were not as yet, and I was already conceived; before the hills, I was brought forth." (Prov. 8:24). In our way of understanding we use the word "conception" in order to signify that in the word of our intellect is found the likeness of the thing understood, although there be no identity of nature. Reply to Objection 3: Not everything derived from another has existence in another subject; otherwise we could not say that the whole substance of created being comes from God, since there is no subject that could receive the whole substance. So, then, what is generated in God receives its existence from the generator, not as though that existence were received into matter or into a subject (which would conflict with the divine self-subsistence); but when we speak of His existence as received, we mean that He Who proceeds receives divine existence from another; not, however, as if He were other from the divine nature. For in the perfection itself of the divine existence are contained both the Word intelligibly proceeding and the principle of the Word, with whatever belongs to His perfection (Question [4], Article [2]).”
@@SheikhMawini yes and I’m just saying Only one thing is eternal. God. So when Jesus is called the eternal Son He is being called divine. That’s why they kllld him, for making himself equal to God
The Four first petitions in "Our Father" prayer that Jesus Himself taught us: 1. Our Father, Who art in Heaven (God the Father) 2. Hallowed be Thy Name (His Name is His Word, the Logos, God the Son) 3. Thy kingdom come (Reference to the incarnation of the Word, Christ Himself) 4. Thy Will be done as in Heaven and Earth (the Will of God = God the Holy Spirit) 🤔🤔 God bless you all.
Seems like a runaround to avoid the truth. Sorry. Isaiah 42: 8 I am JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images. "Our Father who lives in heaven. Let YOUR NAME be sanctified." - Matthew 6:9.
@@humbledandgrateful7411 : When has the ONLY TRUE GOD Jesus worshiped and prayed to (John 17:3,) whose name is Jehovah been anything but ONE. (Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. The disfigurement of God's personality came in with the apostasy. (Acts 20:30) and from among you yourselves men will rise and SPEAK TWISTED THINGS to draw away the disciples after themselves. (Paul's prophecy) I hope I understood one correctly.
@@tongakhan230 Oh... but I need to clarify some things. Are you making the point that Jehovah is the 'One' God or Jesus is the 'One' God? Jehovah would be the Father, the 'I AM WHO I AM', the Creator. Jesus is the Son of the Creator, Who is the Redeemer. (And the Holy Spirit is the Preserver or Comforter or Counselor, Who is sent to us after Jesus ascended.) Also, you mentioned Paul. As a devout and scholarly Jew, He would intimately know Jehovah, but also Jesus - because he was confronted by Him - and then the Holy Spirit, Who gave him the wisdom to know all the things he did. He would've been particularly aware of how God is Three "I don't know whats".
@@humbledandgrateful7411 : If there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD to whom Jesus prays to, how can Jesus also be God? (cf John 17:3). Jesus wanted DISCIPLES. Not worshipers. No one can become a disciple of God. (Romans 15:6) so that unitedly you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul's words. The Greek is 'ton theon hai patera'. Jesus has a God. After God resurrected Jesus he told Mary: (John 20:17) Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER and to MY GOD AND YOUR GOD.’” Jesus' words may help. (Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and IT IS TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.’” Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:13. 'To HIM ALONE' is quite clear.
The whole video discussed that it cannot be explained. Therefore we should just follow what was written in both tanakh and breit hadasha. Not some assumption of augustine who first of all was not a direct disciple of Jesus or even his apostle. It makes me wonder most us gentiles have so much tragedy on our lives isnt because we are being punished for being pagan in practice while thinking we already reconciled with God?
"Who do you say I Am?" A very important question that God Himself asked His disciples (matt 16:15), for He desires to be worshipped in spirit and truth (john 4:24). Therefore you ought to ask yourselves the same question, if you indeed worship Him in spirit and truth. Who is He? Is He the long haired jesus who is a second person in a trinity? Three spirits dwelling within, comforting the believer? Or just the third person in the trinity, the "another" comforter, the Holy Spirit? Lest you agree, then remember what YAHUSHUA said: "I am with you to the end of age" How is He with us? He breathed on His apostles HIS Spirit (john 20:22), for as it is written "Streams of life giving water will pour out from His side." (John 7:37-38 (GNT), John 20:22, col 1:19-20, ) And this same Spirit was spoken of in what you call the old testament... "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out MY spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" This Spirit who forbade Paul and his companions to enter Bithynia (acts 16:7) is the same as the one who has been poured out on all flesh.. "For by ONE Spirit are we all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE Spirit." (1 cor 12:13). And as the Word of the Lord has declared to this generation through one of the 144 000 mouthpieces.. "5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear " [The Lord answered] Beloved, I have poured out MY spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning. Yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. I have brought forth the rains in their due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes and bears only bitter fruit. Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear, few are willing to open their heart and truly listen. I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left. Their knowledge is corrupt; all their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature. For they do not retain God in their thoughts, and from the holy they are far removed." ~ "I have poured out MY Spirit, yet they refuse to drink! I have spoken to them, yet they shut their ears to My voice! I have sent My messengers to them, yet they cast them out With great anger and violence, persecuting and slandering them!... Behold, even the least of these, My servants, have been Mistreated by these so-called people of faith!... THEY HAVE SURELY HATED ME!" ~ "Therefore I shall indeed remove My hand, and My spirit shall return to Me. Behold, from every individual who refuses to give heed to My voice and embrace My correction has it departed already. Yet let all those who remain in My love understand and have peace. For though My spirit departs from the multitudes and the ensuing darkness be thick, though wickedness overflows and every man of pride who being wise in his own eyes is left confounded, I shall not make a total end. For My hand shall remain with the faithful, and My strength shall be revealed in My anointed. Behold, MY spirit shall well up within the hearts of the penitent and come upon My chosen as a welcomed rain, and they shall be greatly increased, shining ever brighter, even amidst thick clouds and darkness." To every brother and sister since the foundation of the world, drink yourselves full of this wonderful Truth... "Indeed holy, holy, holy is The Lord God Almighty... One God, invisible and visible, The Father and The Son; And the Spirit called holy, because I am holy... Therefore, accept My love and receive of My gifts; For the Spirit is indeed a gift given by The Father, Received through The Son... Call it not a person, call it a blessing; For blessed are those who have the Spirit of God, For God dwells within them." ~ "For thus has The Lord spoken: One God... One Son, The Only Way to The Father... One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit; One Food, One Bread and One Drink... One Body... Of which I am all, The All in All." ~ "The Lord is eternal; HE IS! He never ends! His love, His mercy, His justice, His majesty, His glory, His sorrow, all that He is endures forever! Likewise His creation has no end, no boundaries! There are no limits to contain it, for it is as He is!... HE IS THE CREATOR!... Everlasting, eternal, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, The First and The Last by whom all things exist and have their being, through whom all living things have life! Kiss The Son, therefore! Bow down heavily and give Him glory! Let the knowledge of who He is fill your heart with wonder and awe, with great reverence and worship! Give Him thanks and praise! For Holy is The Lord God Almighty, His ways past finding out! For who can understand the knowledge of The Lord contained within creation, or know the depths of His wisdom?! Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse! Behold, even the whole of creation shouts, “YAHUSHUA is YAHUWAH!” For it is He by whom all things consist, It is He who causes to be..." He is Immanu El! YAHUSHUA, God in the flesh! Died for your sins, for it had to be someone blameless. Since all have fallen, the answer is clear! A God of love who wishes not for all of His creation to be destroyed but enter the Garden once again.. "For I long for My children To be with Me where I am... I am eager to return them to the Garden That we may once again walk Together in the cool of the day." Yet heed this trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation, for he is also YAHUWAH, God of justice... "My people, how long shall you pollute My name?! How long shall you forsake My Sabbaths?! My people forsake My ways and will not hallow My Sabbaths; behold, My Commandments have no place in their hearts! Therefore, the dissident shall never prosper, for My every word is law!... Thus shall I kindle a fire in their courts, and bring upon them a fierce wind; great disaster shall befall them in one day! Woe to those who cry, “Immanu El!”, then break My Commandments by permission in HIS name; you know nothing of grace, and from you My spirit is far removed! Woe to those who say, “We are delivered!”, then persecute those sent to them; that by which you have judged shall return atop your own heads! Woe to those who love their houses of worship and lift up empty praise in My name, then turn their backs on the Word of My mouth and refuse My correction; you have secured your place in the valley! Woe to those who stop their ears to the Voice of God, and follow after men!... Yours shall be a bitter place, Filled with remorse and many tears; Hardship and troubles shall be your daily bread!... Woe to every man who teaches eternal torment And preaches everlasting burning... Woe to all those who embrace wicked And bitter doctrine, and hold it Over the heads of the ignorant!... I DO NOT KNOW YOU! NOR HAVE YOU ANY KNOWLEDGE OF WHO I TRULY AM, AT ALL! For your famine is great, your poverty severe, a very desolate people! Offer up no praises to My glory, and make no open supplications; I will not listen to your cause, nor will I hear your prayers; I do not accept your worship! Says The Lord. For dogs lick up vomit, and maggots devour rotting flesh, and do not swine wallow in their own filth? Yet you have wallowed in your uncleanness days without end, licking up doctrine meet for the dogs! Look now, death is near! The Day of Calamity is here and the Great Day is very near, where the flesh of the harlot shall be eaten and all her dead members shall be torn in pieces and strewn about! - Rotting flesh, maggot’s food, meet to be burned in the fire! Yet you say, “This word is false! For we are fat and very rich; not one of us is desolate. Our every doctrine is well accepted, for we are God’s elect, and our church is the true church and only bride. How dare you say we are filthy and shall be torn in pieces! We will live forever and will never be a widow!” Thus says The Lord: You are a widow already, very poor and desolate, a great number of starving people and very desolate, a perverse people who have made God in their own image. Therefore, because you have eaten Up My people and held My children captive, So shall you eat the flesh of Your own arm in your captivity!... Every house of worship shall be torn down! Every community devastated!... Even as Shiloh!"
How can people believe something that is beyond comprehension like, as you claim the Trinity ? How can you state a set of statements of beliefs if the doctrine such as the Trinity is beyond comprehension - a MYSTERY ?
Just like we don't completely know everything about our spouse or parents or even children. But we know some things and might be able to list the most important traits of these people. We cannot know God who is infinite, but we can use the intelligence God gives to us to understand God in some way. Otherwise if we can not understand God (say we were so corrupt it was impossible) God would not able to reveal himself to us. Obviously a good and powerful God would want to do this and would be able to. So though the person Jesus Christ and the church he founded God does this and through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit working in his creation also.
@@andrewheakes244 Trinity is completely contradicting God's given saving knowledge to mankind. " Watch your life and DOCTRINES closely. Persevere in them. They will save both yourself and your HEARERS. " - 1Timothy 4:16 NIV " I and the Father are one. " - JESUS CHRIST, Lord !! JESUS CHRIST . ( John 10:30 NIV ). Trinity contradicts Christ on this. Trinity, a spirit of antichrist !
@@andrewheakes244 Trinity is contradicting God's given saving knowledge. " Watch your life and doctrines closely. Persevere in them because they will save yourself and your HEARERS. : - 1 Timothy 4:16 NIV " I and the Father are one." - JESUS CHRIST, Lord !! JESUS CHRIST. Trinity contradicts Christ on this. Trinity, a spirit of antichrist.
Why does the NT say over and over again that Jesus is 'God's Son' & that the Holy Spirit is 'God's Holy spirit'? The very syntax 'God's Son & 'His Son' & 'God's spirit means that both these BELONG TO God, they are 'his' and therefore used at HIS direction and for HIS will at all times! The apostles always deferred to GOD THE FATHER in all things as Paul said "There is ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL PERSONS"( Eph 4:6) "The head of the woman is the man, the head of the man is Christ & the HEAD OF CHRIST IS GOD" ( 1 cOR 11:3) Amen!
Luke 11:13 Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give GOOD GIFTS to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven GIVE HOLY SPIRIT to those asking him!” It can be given as a GIFT. Acts 2:16 On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel: 17 ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will POUR OUT SOME OF MY SPIRIT on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams, It can be poured out like a liquid in portions. Acts 2:8 But you will RECEIVE POWER WHEN HOLY SPIRIT COMES UPON YOU, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.” It is power from God which emboldened the frightened disciples to preach fearlessly. The holy spirit is God active force. A power from God in action. Newton's first law may help understand what it is. It is certainly NOT God nor a person. Hope this helps.
Does everyone commit incest when they loved their parents or when parents love their children? If your reasoning is that this love is infinite therefore a kind of intense love like a errotic kind. Consider also that the father is not a physical being with a sex of any kind. Though we can say he is a Father due his generative aspect which is more similar to a males paternity than a maternity. Why? The world was not birthed or gestiated but created by the Logos, the reflection of the Father though the son. Though the Father is certainly not a male not physical and therefore not a sexual being. But good question.
The Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are opposed by the "anti-trinity" of the dragon (satan), The beast (antichrist) and the false prophet. The devil is called a "father" (John 8:44) and is opposite God the Father, The antichrist (son of the devil) is opposite Jesus Christ (Son of the Father) and the False Prophet works opposite the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit promotes Jesus Christ (John chapters 14-16) The False Prophet promotes the antichrist (Rev 13)
Firstly, jesus is also referred to as the lamb. Secondly, I'm beginning to think word is mental image. Third - and overall - the trinity has to do with knowledge - eternal knowing
Questions for Trinitarians 1. The Father has a name, the Son has a name. What is the name of the Holy Spirit? 2. In Paul’s epistles, why did he leave out salutations to the Holy Spirit? Eg. Romans 1:1-7, 1Corintians 1:1-3, 2Corintians 1:1-2, Galatians 1:1-5, Ephesians 1:1-2, Philippians 1:1-2, Colossians 1:1-2 3. Why is there no conversation recorded between the Father and the Holy Spirit or the Son and the Holy Spirit? 4. Who is Jesus’ Father? God the Father or God the Holy Spirit? 5. In the Bible, is Jesus the Son of God or God the Son? 6. Isaiah 44:6, how many beings are being mentioned here that are talking? 7. Isaiah 45:21, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in this verse? 8. Isaiah 57:15, the Father dwells only with the Son? 9. Matthew 11:27, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in this verse? 10. Matthew 28:18-20 - Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, his disciples in the book of Acts only baptise in Jesus name. Why? 11. Why John 1:1 does not mention the Holy Spirit? 12. John 5:30, John 6:38, If the Son is also the Father, why would there be 2 wills? 13. John 10:30, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned? 14. John 10:30, why Jesus did not include the Holy Spirit? 15. 1Corinthians 3:23, Christ belongs to God or Christ is God? 16. 1Peter1:1-3 and 2Peter1:2, why did Peter leave out salutations to the Holy Spirit? 17. 1John 1:3, why was fellowship with the Holy Spirit omitted? 18. Why was 1John 5:7 only added in AD325? This verse is not found in scriptures before that time. 19. 2John 1:3, why John’s salutation also omit the Holy Spirit? 20. Revelation 5:7, why would God hand the book to Himself? 21. Revelation 11:15, why only mention Lord and Christ but not the Holy Ghost? 22. Revelation 22:1, why is there a seat for Jesus but no seat for the Holy Spirit at the Great White Throne? If the Father is the Son and vice versa, why is there a need for separate thrones?
WAS God? Jesus is no longer God? How would that translation of John 1:1 make sense?. 'and the Word WAS a god' is the proper translation. When there is no definite article in Greek we put A or AN before the noun.
@@tongakhan230...ancient greek didnt have definite articles And your translation implies polytheism. Are you a polytheist? Why are you reading on Christian doctrine if you aren't Christian?
@@crusaderACR : There! One hit the nail on the head! Since there was nothing called an indefinite article in Greek, it means that in English A or AN is added to precede the noun when translating. See how this protocol is followed at Acts 12:22, 28:6. There are plenty of gods. It means MIGHTY BEINGS (cf Psalms 82:1,6). Angels are therefore gods. Jesus WAS an angel who became a human (John 1:14, Philippians 2:7). Hence, 'WAS a god'. Past tense. (Exodus 20:3) You must not have any other gods besides me. Just think. Would this command make any sense if there were NO other gods? It doesn't exclude the existence of gods. It however, makes clear that ONLY JEHOVAH should be worshiped. Jesus stressed this. (Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and IT IS TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.’” Christians are DISCIPLES of Jesus, Never his worshipers (cf Matthew 7:23).
@@tongakhan230 Ok first let me apologize. Apparently the "ho" etc. are indeed called definite articles. They work differently though and are the only ones that exist there. Now my objections are on mistaken grammar, vocabulary, contradicting scripture, missed context and flawed theology. Appending "a" before God in John 1:1 is still misunderstanding Ancient Greek grammar, of which I'm not an expert but know some. Something to note is that missing an article doesn't mean you HAVE to put "a/an" before it. Otherwise, John 1:18 would be "No one has ever seen a god". Would that make sense? It's a nuance in the case system. In John 1:1, it's meant to describe the nature of the Son, and thus a definite article MUST be omitted. But we can go further. I can bring up where Jesus says he is "I am" which is God's title, a being of pure existence. But you can twist that too. So say, we have 1 Corinthians 10:9 which goes: We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents. Isn't that a reference to Exodus? Paul is using the word Χριστός (Christos, means anointed) which he only ever uses to refer to Jesus. Every single time. No exceptions. Romans 10:13 is a direct quote from the Old Testament and Paul puts the word "Kyrios" there, meaning Lord. He uses it for God and for Jesus. Quick look through the context, oh snap he means Jesus. Next, consider vocabulary: The New Testament was all in Greek (as Hebrew was dying off and Aramaic was too varied and small). What do the authors use for angels? Αγγελος (Aggelos/angelos). This means Messenger. Theos is ONLY used for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Never for anything else. The Hebrew Old Testament has it wide, but that's because the word Elohim is wider in meaning. Angels and demons may count! Not so much with Theos. For Greek pagans, those called Theos were only those with direct dominion over nature (Sea, Skies, Thunder, Underworld, etc). Else, you were a Titan. Now theological: A Christian should firmly believe only YHWH has dominion over nature. Miracles are all divine. Demons can only do tricks. If a Christian says Jesus was theos, then Jesus was the One Theos. Simple as that.
@@tongakhan230 Almost forgot. The Greek does say WAS God but it's in the imperfect tense, which is like "has already been". It doesn't imply it's no longer the case.
Jefferson railed against the "paradox that one is three, and three but one" but, given the clarity of this short video, one has to wonder if he (Jefferson) ever even tried to read Aquinas. Of course, he could have been so dug into his position that he just wouldn't consider the fact that he might be wrong.
All three divine Persons of the ontological Trinity, that is to say, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, subsist in a single Godhead, which is to say, they are of the same substance, essence, attributes, nature, existence, being, energy, and consciousness. In short, they are coeternal, coequal, and consubstantial.
If there is one God (the trinity) why does Jesus have a God?Rev 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
When Christ refers to "my God" he is speaking in his capacity as the God-man, with a human will oriented towards the Father. The Son is not equal to the Father as man, but as God; and as man he is less than the Father.
Is the Trinity true? “Hear, O Yisra’ĕl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one! Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4 “You heard that I said to you, ‘I am going away and I am coming to you.’ If you did love Me, you would have rejoiced that I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I. Yoḥanan (John) 14:28 Yeshua said these words, and lifted up His eyes to the heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come. Esteem Your Son, so that Your Son also might esteem You, “And this is everlasting life, that they should know You, the only true Elohim, and Yeshua Messiah whom You have sent. Yoḥanan (John) 17:1, 3 Yeshua said to her, “Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My Elohim and your Elohim.’ ” Yoḥanan (John) 20:17 “He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place of My Elohim, and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him the Name of My Elohim and the name of the city of My Elohim, the new Yerushalayim, which comes down out of the heaven from My Elohim, and My new Name. Ḥazon (Revelation) 3:12 And you belong to Messiah, and Messiah belongs to Elohim. Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 3:23 For even if there are so-called mighty ones, whether in heaven or on earth - as there are many mighty ones and many masters - for us there is one Elohim, the Father, from whom all came and for whom we live, and one Master YESHUA Messiah, through whom all came and through whom we live. Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 8:5-6 one Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Eph`siyim (Ephesians) 4:6
Because we live in a rational world. You're not really gonna understand the trinity, because we are incapable of such. Rationalization via analogy can help us try to understand the trinity, but it is all going to fall short due to our human limitations.
Augustine referenced this: The Trinity was veiled revelation inter alia 700 years before Jesus. 2 Kings4….. An only young son of a woman has died and she pleads with Eliseus for help and he first sends his servant Gehazi to lay Eliseus’ staff on the boy but the boy remains dead so Eliseus arrives and descends on the boy matching his eyes, mouth and hands to those of the boy…the boy’s body grows warm then Eliseus descends again but now the boy sits up and coughs 7 times. Augustine said…Eliseus stands for God who first sent Moses to lay the Judaic law on mankind dead in sin ( the staff) but as Galatians says, “ had there been a law that giveth life, salvation would be from the law”…so God had to descend Himself onto mankind dead in sin first as Christ conforming himself to our body..eyes,mouth,hands…and in pain because an adult must grimace to make his eyes and mouth meet those of the smaller face. Then the second descent has no mention of that body parts ritual and does have the 7 coughs which connect to the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit.
A modern day anaology You took a picture of yourself on your phone and you send it to a friend. That friend opens the picture in his phone. That picture is you, right? Well yes and no. Its you in essence, but in being, it is a collection of pixels on the screen. So at the same time, it is you and not you. Does that mean you are two people? No. You are still one. Does that mean the picture can go to anyone he wants? No, it still needs you to send it. Does it mean that the picture has no real power? No, it still carries your person and that picture will still create an impact to the one receiving it. Again, those are a collection of pixels while you are a human. Two separate objects but one singular essence.
A picture is an image. It is NOT THE REAL THING. Isn't the use of analogies a desperate attempt to 'prove' the unprovable. Here is a clear scriptural TRUTH. 'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Wasn't Jesus ever SEEN?
@@tongakhan230 no catholic thinks the image is real… all love shown to their images is directed to the real thing. Just like you would for a loved one’s picture. Also, I’m not “proving” anything. I’m just letting u know what we do. If I say I’m doing it because of this and that, who are you to say i’m doing it for another reason? You are not me. You dont know why i do what i do unless i tell you. So i told you, and then you insist to tell me thats not what I MYSELF am thinking. You see how ignorant you sound?
There is only one God. Jesus is God. How is it incorrect to say that Jesus is the one God manifested in the flesh? Whether there is a trinity or not, is it correct for me to refer to Jesus Christ as one God?
@@JAZBLK I am not sure I would modalize all offices or functions of Jesus Christ. Father is a relation. I figure it is correct to refer to the Son and the Holy Spirit as modes.
@@JAZBLK what can't be refuted, is that Jesus is one God in the same distinguishable sense as one person. For trinitarians, call Jesus God, but don't call Him one God. I don't see how that will work. What refutes your understanding of St .John 17:5 and Acts 13:2, is St. John 17:3 in which verse Jesus as both a Jew and an Israelite, prayed to the only true God. Those verses you introduced, are explained in light of St. John 17:3. The reverse order never applies.
@ At this point you are just rambling. John 17:5 and Acts 13:2 demonstrate that the persons of the trinity are distinct. The language of the Bible allows us to identify & differentiate between the persons of the trinity to avoid confusion and heretical deductions like modalism. John 17:5 uses personal pronouns multiple times to distinguish between the Father and the Son however you believe Jesus in John 17 is praying to himself 🤦♂️😂
Contradictory if its a mystery why make it a standard dogma. Definitions are invalid to explain God ways and thoughts. Aquinas and others used the allegorical Greek definitions . Eventually you run out of definitions. In Islam they have 99 names of Allah same in the 10 sephiroths of Kabbalah mysticism . The 2 titles of blasphemy in Roman papacy' dogma is holy Father & pontifex maximus of your pope's. Greek logos has many definitions one is ratio.
Sorry but this makes absolutely no sense. The more Christians try to explain the Trinity the more a mess it becomes. Better if they just say they have absolutely no idea and leave it at that.
A Savior is born. He is Christ ----- the LORD ! ( Luke 2:11 NIV ) " He, Himself will redeem Israel from their sins." Psalm 130:8. Immanu'el ! ( Isaiah 8:8 NIV ).
God is this. = 1. Unitarian as One God Mark chapter 12 verse 29 2. Binitarian as two as One God Jesus Christ said = I and my Father are One John chapter 10 verse 30 3. Trinitarian as three as One God Matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 and Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 Here it says Father God Son of God Holy Spirit of God God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit All three of these are in relationship to each other
Shalom / Salam / Selamat / MGBWY , MTBWY and MTBWYAF. HOLY SPIRIT / SEMANGAT SUCI / YANG ESA Mark 12:29 "The most important one" answered Jesus, "Is this : 'Hear, O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is One (*not 3/not Trinity)." Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab' "Yang paling pentingnya sekali adalah ini : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel (*dan Kristian) : Tuhan/Tuan(*'Lord' ) kita , (*itu) Tuan (*Lord) yang Esa". Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab, "Inilah yang paling penting sekali : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel (*dan Kristian) : Tuan kita Allah(*God), (itu) Tuhan yang Satu (*bukan 3 / bukan Triniti)". Persoalan paling penting disini , siapakah Dia/IA yang dipanggil 'Tuan' (*Lord) yang disebut oleh Yesus dalam ayat di atas ? Yakni siapakah 'God / Allah / Tuhan' itu sebenar nya , dimana bila Yesus berdoa , beliau itu berdoa sambil 'memandang ke atas' ? ...... Dan yang sebenar-benar anti Christ atau anti Yesus adalah anti pada golongan yang dikiaskan sebagai MERPATI , BIRI-BIRI dan AWAN. ...... (*John 1:29 / Nabi Yahya si Pembabt iz 1:29 / Yohanes 1:29 "Lihatlah Anak Biri-biri Allah (Tuhan / God = *De wa),......") ...... (*The Comfort / *Lembut....."Bila dia datang.....") ......
I encourage everyone to read the entire first chapter of Hebrews. NOTE: Jesus is (a God .. or godlike one) But, he is not The almighty God. The whole first chapter of Hebrews is about jesus being an angel in heaven and Jehovah exalting him to a higher position than all the other angels. AFTER reading it, .. Can you explain verse by verse the relationship between Jehovah and his beloved son Christ Jesus? EXAMPLES: ** Verse 2 - How do you become an HEIR to yourself? ** Verse 3 - Did Jesus sit down on his own right hand? (NOBODY sits next to therself) ** Verse 4 - WHO did Jesus receive an inheritance from? ** Verse 9 - Regarding Jesus it says .. "THY GOD hath ANNOINTED THEE With the oil of gladness above thy fellows" ( Who are Jesus fellows? )- other angels . The whole first chapter of Hebrews is proof that the Trinity doctrine is FALSE.
John 6:44-52 No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him. And I will raise him up in the last day. It is written in the prophets: And they shall all be taught of God. Every one that hath heard of the Father and hath learned cometh forth me. Not that any man hath seen the Father: but he who is of God, he hath seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say unto you: He that believeth in me hath everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the desert: and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven: that if any man eat of it, he may not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world.
The Trinity "is not directly and immediately the Word of God. " (New Catholic Encyclopedia) The New Catholic Encyclopedia also says: "The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is NOT taught in the Old Testament." The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: "Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective." (Volume XIV, page 299) The New Encyclopedia Britannica states: "Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament."
If all three divine persons are almighty and Jesus is God. Then who died? (Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit who dwells in you.) (1 john 4:13 By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his own Spirit) (John 14:23 Jesus answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.) Now, If God is Spirit --- Jesus is spirit --- the Holy Spirit is Spirit -- how many spirits does the father send? Besides our own spirit, One or Three spirits?
When we speak of the "death of God," we are clear that divinity itself cannot die. It was the divine person of the Son who assumed a human nature and underwent death in that nature while remaining divine. The person of the Son is one, although in different natures, divine and human. In the incarnation, the second person of the Trinity took on a complete human nature without division, it is this human nature, united hypostatically to the divine person of the Son, that was capable of dying on the cross. Meanwhile, the divine nature could not and did not die. To your second question, while God is one essence in three persons, the Father sends both the Son and the Holy Spirit as two distinct missions for our salvation. The mission of the Son in the Incarnation and that of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost are really distinct from each other. Thus, the Father sends both His Son and His Holy Spirit, two persons, one in essence with Him, to dwell within us.
@@alphazero5614 Your explanation does not support any biblical texts. When we die the spirit goes back to God. Your explanation of divinity not dying because Jesus is divine basically professes to Jesus being incapable of death. But the text is clear it was God who raised the dead Christ.
@@johndavid3474 We must distinguish between Jesus divine and human natures. While His divine nature could not die, His human nature underwent the separation of body and soul which is death. In the raising of Jesus, the Father and Spirit acted in accordance with the hypostatic union to reunite His human nature with divinity. The Holy Spirit never departs from the Father (or Son). His procession from the Father is eternal and never ceases. However, in His economic mission to creatures, the Spirit operates through temporal modes that Sacred Scripture depicts as "comings" and "goings." His indwelling within us is permanent in its cause (God) and effect (sanctification), though not in every momentary manifestation. In this sense, the Spirit can be said to both come to dwell within us and to "return" to the Father. John 16:13 speaks of the Spirit guiding the disciples to all truth. Romans 8:9, 11 affirm His indwelling in believers. And John 14-16 frequently reference the Spirit being "sent" by the Father and Son. Galatians 4:6 declares the Spirit cries "Abba, Father" within us, displaying His procession from the Father.
@@alphazero5614 The Holy spirit did depart for 3 days and 3 nights while Christ died. The separation of Body and soul is best described in Ezekiel 18:4 "Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die" Christ divinity as you address it, earned him the right to be raised from the dead, because it was without sin. Jesus became the firstborn of the dead... Therefore common sense and fair reasoning refutes the claim that Jesus is God. A God cannot die.
I think of it like this (and it does come down to personal engagement): The Father is the essence of everything, but he is quite unknowable, rather distant. His creation and voice are revealed in the Word. Word is Voice, and Voice is authority and meaning. This is the part of God to whom we can relate: he lived and died. His resurrection is a foreshadowing of ours. The Holy Spirit is God's residual power (love, if you like) in the world, a guiding force. It's kind of like a normal family. My father raised me and his voice is now mine. My daughter will take some of my voice. We all empower one another. We create each other, we speak for each other and we empower each other.
‘The Father's perfect reflection of Himself proceeds the Son. And because of He is the Truth, Goodness and Beauty, He loves Himself and this act of infinite Love proceeds the Holy Spirit’
Well done, man. The Trinity is NOT an easy thing to understand and even more difficult to adequately explain. I come from a Oneness (Modalist) background (15 years) where there is a tendency to see the doctrine of the Trinity as dividing God into separate beings. My conversion to Catholicism really began when I opened my mind to truly understanding what the doctrine of the Trinity is and what it isn't. Any sincere Modalist should be able to understand and accept this explanation of the Divine Persons. They would certainly balk at the depiction of the Father as a human being in some of your illustrations, but I've come to understand why that is sometimes done in educational illustrations and in art and have learned to give it a pass.
I must say, the videos from the Dominican brothers on this channel and on Godsplaining have been extraordinarily helpful for me. I love what you guys are doing. If I wasn't married, I'd probably check into becoming a Dominican, myself. I'd be the worst of you, but I'd be happy.
We’re you a ones Pentecostal
@@wendymagg6483 Yes. I was UPCI.
I find the Holy Trinity the most difficult element of church doctrine to get my head around. This is the best explanation I have come across. Thank you!
It was not an explanation, but a rationalization.
The Trinity is a mystery.
A mystery is a truth above our nature.
If u get your head around it
You have messed up.
It is not difficult at all if you ask God Holy Spirit to be your TEACHER
John 14:25-26 (NIV)But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things .
@@PInk77W1 I am careful about a professed mystery without a divine revelation. The mystery of who God is, is revealed in the scriptures. Jesus is the revelation of the one true God of the holy scriptures.
In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Amen👍🏻👏💪🏻🙏🏼
That name is Jesus, The name of the Father is Jesus, The name of the Son is Jesus, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That is why name of the Father and of the and the Holy Spirit not the names of these titles.
That name is Jesus, The name of the Father is Jesus, The name of the Son is Jesus, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. That is why name of the Father and of the and the Holy Spirit not the names of these titles.
Rev Fr Dominic Legge, first of all I like to thank the Holy Trinity for granting you wisdom to compress St. Aquinas' huge explanations to a 9 min video... The Mystery of the Holy Trinity has marvelled me since I was little.. I didn't fully grasp what u said Fr, but by God's grace I will be able to one day I hope.. I really appreciate what you and your colleages do in spreading the correct Catholic Theology.. i pray that more and more people will be attracted to your ministry and be nourished by it
If God is love then he MUST be triune, for in order for love to be present, there must be the lover (father) the loved (son) and the act of love (holy spirit). Should any of the three be absent, so too would be love.
Reformed Theology:
(Please excuse the pun Lord ...)
Woooow, simple yet deep.
Thanks for this insight
What you said was so true, but lose the pfp bro, its mad cringe
Sounds like you are ready to start your own cult and your disciples are already lining up to join!
Well said. Love is Substantial and Love has to be Living Substance or else it would not be Love. Substantial Love is the substance that is God and the only Substance that exist of Itself.
This is the best explanation of the Trinity I have ever heard. Well done, thank you!
Go TI Institute! Your biggest fan! This videos phenomenal...keep up the great work! You’re doing huge things!
We will never comprehend the Triune God. In heaven we will apprehend. Only God as Triunity comprehends himself
God is One not three friend.
@@TruthFlix3 persons.
@@TruthFlix Both are correct.
This really helped me to understand. Thank you.
We're so glad to hear it! Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment, and may the Lord bless you!
I’ve watch this video a number of times, this is indeed the most difficult of all mysteries, but at the same time the most holy. God bless.👍👍👍
It's a lie that's why you can't understand it, there is one God and He sent His son into the world.
@@TruthFlixPolytheist detected
I don’t know that I understand everything you say, but I enjoy hearing it all articulated as you are doing.
Thanks for this presentation
The thought experiment really helps. The journey through complexity started with the ideal image the of self, the word, and then to love that image or word, the holy spirit. Because love is the motion toward the realization of that image. It's fascinating to me that in a way, I experience genesis in my own life this same way, drawing me from an unconscious being toward a conscious one, toward the telos of complexity, that is to say, God.
Excellent! Explained in simple and easy English. God Bless.
You're most welcome! Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment. May the Lord bless you!
“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts:” (Psa. 94:8)
I used to be a Trinitarian in one of the world’s largest religious denominations for 53 years and taught and raised my own family the same for 18 years. I continued in this teaching right up until the day God had mercy on me and sent me the Holy Spirit who led me into all the truth (John 16:13). What does the Spirit have to say about this? If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, listen:
“At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for HIDING THESE THINGS FROM THOSE WHO THINK THEMSELVES WISE AND CLEVER, and for REVEALING THEM TO THE CHILDLIKE. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.” (Luke 10:21)
“Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will NEVER ENTER the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3)
Now, remember that show, “Are you smarter than a 5th grader”? Are you willing to be humble and be like a child? Take the test yourself and find out.
The topic is based on the doctrine of the Trinity. This doctrine declares the Godhead is triune being comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are “co-equal” with each other and “are all God”. Without being a bible scholar or having to twist scripture, this is really quite simple. Ready to test yourself?
Elementary 5th grade reading and basic 2nd grade math show us the truth of this matter; hence being like a child just like our Lord said:
Open your Bible (most won’t), go to the gospel of John and read John 1:1-3 as it is written:
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.” (John 1:1-3)
Now do the basic math. How many God beings do you count? 2 or 3?
Having established that BOTH the Father and the Son ARE GOD from what you just read, now read the following verses: John 5:17, 5:19, 5:20, 5:21, 5:22, 5:23, 5:26, 5:30, 5:36, 8:28, 12:50, 10:30, 14:6, 14:23, 14:28, 15:10, 17:3, 17:5, Rom. 1:1, Rom. 1:27, 1 Cor. 1:3, 1 Cor. 1:9, 1 Cor. 8:6-7, 1 Cor. 15:27-28, 2 Cor. 1:2-3, Eph. 1:2, 5:20, Philip. 1:2, Col. 1:3, 1 Thess. 1:3, 2 Thess. 1:2, Phil. 1:3, Heb. 1:8-13, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Peter 1:2, 1 John 1:3, 1: John 5:20, 2 John 1:3, 2 John 1:9, Rev. 3:12, 7:10, 21:22-23. Now do the basic math. How many God beings do you count? 2 or 3?
Actually, do the work yourself just like the Holy Spirit instructed me and read all the cited verses. Again, most sadly will not.
The Holy Spirit can keep going on with many more verses just like this. If you have the humility to be honest with yourself and what you just read, you will see the plain truth and the trinity doctrine is debunked. If the Holy Spirit was in fact God, why was he left out of all those verses? What happened to being co-equal?
Little children truly believe in Santa Claus in all sincerity up until the day they discover the ugly truth of the matter, right? This isn’t any different. Why anyone would continue to believe in a lie after the truth has been revealed with the preponderance of overwhelming biblical evidence? Ripping the band aid off hurts, doesn’t it? But, “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
So now that you have read and seen the truth for yourself, do you still believe in the false trinity doctrine or did you fail the 5th grade test? If you failed it and still believe in the doctrines of men and not God, go to your Bible and read John 8:47. That is the harsh reality friend.
Another biblical fact: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Holy Spirit is God. Nowhere!
Christ also said, “the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). Clearly, Christ by his very statement of fact said they are NOT co-equal! This totally scotches the doctrine of the trinity that claims the Father, Son and Spirit are co-equal. Who on earth would dare call Christ a liar? It’s sheer foolishness!
How can anyone believe in the false doctrine of the trinity after reading the gospel and letters of John? The gospel of John and other books of the Bible clearly testify that the doctrine of the triune god is a lie (John 1:1-3). The word “trinity” isn’t even written anywhere in the Bible, why would anyone believe it?
The world foolishly says about the Spirit of God that he is “God the Spirit”. Christ tells us that “God IS spirit” (John 4:24). Do you see how foolish this is already? Why does God need another Spirit in the Godhead if he already IS spirit? It is the Spirit of God. The word “OF” being paramount as the Spirit belongs to God and Christ; the word “OF” denotes possession/ownership. The Father and the Son own it and they sent it (John 16:15). The Spirit is a servant, just like you and me, not God!
Don’t know who the Holy Spirit is? Simple, read John 1:51 and Hebrews 1:7, 1:14, and Psalm 104:4. There is our Helper in plain sight yet most are so blinded by the years of false teaching and lies they can’t see the truth. Spirit of God, the Spirit/angel of the Lord, the Spirit = Holy Spirit.
Read Hebrews 1:7 and Psalm 104:4. Now go to the Book of Acts and read Acts 2:1-4 (The Coming of the Holy Spirit). This isn’t hard to figure out. Still can’t see?
Paul cautioned us about false humility and the worship of angles (Col. 2:18). The Holy Spirit warned John twice in the Book of Revelation that he should not be worshiped (Rev. 19:10, 22:8-9).
Let’s really simplify this: If a fallen angel is a demon/evil spirit that belongs to Satan (Rev. 12:7), then an angel of God can only be what? A Holy Spirit because he belongs to God who is holy (Lev. 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16).
Think about it, if the Holy Spirit was a single 3rd person of the Godhead, how is it even possible we can we all have him? See how foolish this is already? Do I get the Holy Spirit today and borrow him to you tomorrow? Can you see how foolish this world’s wisdom is? The answer is found again in Matthew 18:10 for it is written:
“Beware that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven THEIR ANGELS are always in the presence of my heavenly Father.” (Matt. 18:10).
The words “their angels” (holy spirits) shows ownership. The Holy Spirit for each one of us was not sent until Christ came into his glory (John 7:39). This is God’s gift of grace (Acts 2:38).
Let the Bible explain itself, it's quite simple and straightforward. The teaching is very simple without having to twist scripture and believe in something that just isn't there like the word “trinity”. Biblical truth is solely based on the word of God (John 17:17)
It’s time to unlearn one of the greatest lies of so called “modern Christianity”. Believe in what Christ said and taught. Believe in what is actually and clearly written in the word of God and not in the invented mythology or eisegesis of men.
Get this, if you are worshiping the pagan invented god known as the “trinity”, you will never, ever receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32) as you are breaking the 1st Commandment, a spiritual law of God’s coming kingdom (Rom. 7:14, Rev. 11:19) by creating your own god made up in the mythology and eisegesis of men.
“that their hearts may be encouraged, being KNIT together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, BOTH of the FATHER AND OF CHRIST, IN WHOM are hidden ALL the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE.” (Col. 2:2-3 NKJV).
Whom has ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge as you just read? The Father and Christ. Again, how many God beings do you count? 2 or 3?
Lay down your religious pride of what you think you know about God and the Bible. Become humble before God like I did and unlearn the lies you have been taught by men. Repent and let God through the Holy Spirit teach you. Unless you become like a child, you will never enter the Kingdom of God. Forget what you think you know as the Lord has sent me to reveal the simplicity of his teaching in spirit and truth.
Finally, let’s read Proverbs 30:4 together:
“Who has ascended into heaven, or descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has bound the waters in a garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is HIS NAME, and what is HIS SON’S NAME,
If you know?
One more time, how many God beings do you count? 2 or 3?
Still don’t believe it? Let’s continue reading the rest of it:
“Every word of God is pure;
He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.” (Prov. 30:5-6)
FACT: The word “trinity” isn’t found anywhere in the Bible as it is “added” to His word. So now ask yourself, who is the liar?
If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts!
Repent for the Kingdom of God is coming!
Thank you Rev Fr Dominic Legge & Thank you Thomistic Institute.
I wish I could hang out with these awesome guys for like a week!! Excellent videos. Thank yoooooou so much!!!
Our God is mystery and real. We are created not to understand God but relate with God by loving and serving here HE himself will reveal. ❤
Before open bible, praise Jesus n pray for guidance
John 14:25-26 (NIV)But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things a
Thanks for the info on trinity of T. A.
Excellent work! Thank you!
Our pleasure! May the Lord bless you!
Praise our God and Savior Jesus Christ for disputing oneness false teachings and revealing the truth of the trinity to all those who will listen and obey Him.
Is The Holy Spirit, the same as Ruach Hakodesh?
Who seated on the left hand of God?
I love the way the Son is explained in this video.
Why do you draw images of the three person in the thumbnail, is this not graven images?
Can somebody here please answer an Objection/Question i have towards/about the Trinity? It would be really helpfull and i would be really thankful if someone is able to answer it.
This is such a good explanation, thank you so much!
May I ask, an explanation of what? How to explain the unexplainable?
Here is a simple Bible TRUTH.
'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Well? Wasn't Jesus actually SEEN?
Just some help.
@@tongakhan230Are you denying the divinity of Christ? In this day and age?
@@crusaderACR : Read Jesus' words at Matthew 7:14.
People who can believe that the Creator of this energy pulsating Universe can change into a form of a human, get abused, run and hide from the Jews and finally get killed are certainty not from this age.
Tell me what is it about this scientific statement of truth that is hard to comprehend?
'No man has SEEN God at ANY TIME ' - 1 John 4:12,20.
If God could be understood and explained, He wouldn't be God. I find it exciting to know that there is a Being that encompasses All. He is the answer to all infinite subsets. He is all fractions between 0 and 1 and can finish counting all numerals. WOW! When I contemplate God, my brain quickly short circuits. I sure hope I get to see him.
The doctrine is not only incongruent with much of the scriptures, it doesn't withstand reason. Yet you are expected to believe that God inflicted pain on a son...no wait, on itself, then while on the cross asks why have you, I mean I have/has forsaken me...I mean myself!!!
Is the trinity a metaphysical explanation?
My guess is yes
I certainly do like these videos, the content is great, keep them coming.
We need way more teaching on the TRINITY
What’s a ‘Person’?
A lovely video,so clearly explained,so inspiring.
I’d like to be notified when you post new content. “This feature is turned off in content made for kids”. 🤔
Good video. It does leave out the aspect of the Spirit that is Truth, ie the Spirit of Truth (see Isaiah 11:1-2 & John 14:17). It would be great to add that.
Of interest is this'Google' post by authour Andries Van Niekirk ( 2020-03-15) "Constantine did control the Council of Nicaea. He called the council, presided over it, actively guided the discussions, proposed the key word Homoousios, stepped in to enforce the formula that his advisor Hosius had agreed on with Alexander of Alexandria, exiled all bishops that were not willing to sign the creed and ordered all copies of Arius’ book to be burned, warning to execute those who refused to surrender the Arian’s writings. “Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination” (Britannica). In this way Constantine played a huge role in the formulation and acceptance of the creed, and consequently, in the eventual development of the Trinity doctrine. How can by any stretch of the imagination can it have had God's blessing since Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world" ( John 18:36) And Paul said "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" ( 1 John 5:19)
Thanks much for this video.
It's our joy! Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment. May the Lord bless you!
How is this not Sabellianism? How can Gods thoughts about Himself be said to be a person with a will? How can a thought incarnate?
Because of Divine Simplicity. According to Aquinas, God is a being "whose Essence is Existence", or Pure Actuality. "I Am that I Am". God is not a composite being with multiple attributes. For Him to be a composite being would mean (using Aristotelian realist metaphysics) his attributes pre-existed Him. Meaning He had to have been caused, and therefore not God. Power, knowledge, intelligence, will, and even love and wrath are merely analogies we (and God) use to describe his single attribute of Existence. God does not have thoughts in the same way that we have thoughts, mechanistically using a sort of mental organ, conceiving images inside our head separate from the external world. For God to know Himself and conceive of an image of Himself, we can say that God IS His self-reflection (the Son). And also that God IS His very act of self-reflection, and the sort of love implicit in knowing oneself (the Holy Spirit). Meaning that God's self-reflection and act of self-reflection are real entities that share in the single Divine Essence of Existence. And we can say that no Person of the Trinity existed prior to any other, as for an "intelligent" being to exist is for them to be self-aware. This also further explains what Jesus Christ being the "Logos" or "Word" means. The Son is God's self-conceived image of Himself that He uses to interact with Creation, analogous to how we describe ourselves to others using a self-conceived image of ourself.
But, again, this is just one of the best explanations man has deduced and is still just using analogies in a sense. We cannot fully understand a being who exists beyond the horizon of human comprehension.
The Classical Theist has good videos on this describing it in greater detail: th-cam.com/video/YrXjmHdA1tg/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/Jcafuc_zoQU/w-d-xo.html
This just seems to lead to modal collapse. Or to maybe ditheism in which the the Father and Son have an ability that the Spirit does not. I don’t think it means God has parts if we take the Father as the sole ground of being and the Son is begotten of the Father and the Spirit is also from the Father but through the Son. There at least you have one ground of being, one source and the Son and Spirit from the Father. So you have God as One but not as a monad.
@@Eloign read Robert Koons paper on the divine persons as Qua objects, he explains your worries.
@@eapooda Thanks for the paper, but how could seeing the Trinity as as qua objects of the Divine Essence sufficiently explain the eternal generation of the Son and the procession of the Holy Spirit? Those are important aspects of the traditional understanding of the Trinity.
@@Eloign its an eternal generation because the divine intellect eternally knows itself and so the act of knowing is eternal the knower is eternal and the object known is eternal.
Thank you for this video!
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
The concept of Trinity is very simple, considering that the hypostasis, known as the persona of God, stands for God's manifestation in the world, and the three personas are not separate deities, but share a single nature, as manifestations of the same God, since the third persona, the Parakletos is the spirit of God, the second persona, the Logos is the word of God, and the first persona, the Pater is the source of personhood, or the mind of God.
Thank you, Father!
1 Corinthians 15:28 - “And, when all things have been subordinated to him, then will the Son himself also be subordinated to the one who has subordinated all things to him, so that God may be all in all.”
I hope you're not implying this means Jesus is giving up his co-equal essence here...Revelation 5:13
13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!”
@@OrigenisAdamantios Are you saying he ceases in being the second person? specifically the single person of Christ? hypostases/personae/persons
Joe Sharpe Of course not silly
Intermittent Fasting how about you explain what is exactly being made subordinate by the Son in the verse you posted instead making useless comments?
Can you recommend any noteworthy erudite text or thinker--whether Catholic or Orthodox--that manages to reconcile in a believable and coherent manner the Trinitarian views of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church?
Read this guys book, it's great
St Augustine • The Trinity
St Anselm • The Incarnation
I must admit that hearing a talk or lecture on the Holy Trinity, especially regarding St. Thomas' Sacred Theology, gives me a greater appreciation of St. Thomas's writings on the Holy Trinity. My background is in the Carmelite Tradition; therefore, I greatly appreciated the writings of the late Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange, who brilliantly related both Saints writings to one another, as instruments to the way of perfection. Both St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John of the Cross seem to me to encapsulate a very clear view of what it means for the Christian to tread the way of perfection in the Catholic Church and thru the sacraments of the Church offers its members. I hope that future talks or lectures of the Thomistic Institute will continue to bring forth these sacred truths for all to hear and appreciate, which have been so instrumental in bringing many souls to follow Christ Jesus and his GOspel message.
Thank you!
If you love this video give this simple test to your to your friends .
1) In Exodus 3:15 he was known as ___ ___
2) In John 20:28 Thomas said to him My __
and my __
3) In 2 Corinthians 13:13 his name is __ __
4) In 1 Chronicles 29:10 Lord God is called
__ from __ to __
5) In Isaiah 9:5 a child is born is called __ _
6) In John 10:30 The __ and I are __
7) In Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2 __
hallowed (holy) be your name __
is a __ __
8) In Matthew 28:19 the Father,
the Son, and the holy spirit is __
9) In John 4:24 __ is __ This would make
the Father and the Son a __
10) In Leviticus 11:44 God said make and
keep yourselves __ because I am __
This would the Father and the Son __ _
Man; you had me until you got to the Filioque. :) Point one and two though; excellent! ;D
Can someone answer two questions I have?
1. Jesus is one person with 2 natures. Is he one substance or two substances?
2. In his personhood is he a divine person or a divine-human person?
1. depends what you mean by substance? If you mean the substance in the sense it is used by trnitatinas to say Jesus and the Father are one in substance than yes Jesus has a second substance his human substance.
2. That isn´t really an attribute of the person but instead of the essence he is a person is possession of a divine nature and also a human nature
1. Two substances
2. One divine-human person
I have a question. Why doesn't Jesus know the hour of the father's final judgement? It doesn't make sense.
"Person" is defined by St. Thomas "an individual substance of a rational nature" --But God is One that is, an individual substance; So are there three individual substances (persons) in an Individual God? ---Does Trinity mean "three individuals in One individual?
I appreciate and am thankful to God for your videos. 1 Holy rosary for this man of the clothe.
My mind is blown.
Do Catholic believe Jesus Christ as Eternal Father?
That thought experiment was great.
It is a good explanation, but sorry expression of the three persons is not good term. It has been confusing Our understanding of the Holy Trinity.
6:37 so jesus is a type of tulpa?
Do you think that terminology applies to God the Father who creates and sustains the world? I would suggest that it doesn't.
Firstly, thanx for this series. I'll confess some parts are slightly over my head but useful in increasing my knowledge of what I do NOT know. Slight criticism....being an Eastern Catholic I sorta cringe upon hearing the added filioque ("and the Son") in your talks. Not meaning to be picky but even the Pope leaves it out when he celebrates the Divine Liturgy (Mass) in Greek. I'd truly be honestly interested in what St Thomas Aquinas thought of this western addition.
Great question. One of the Dominicans here at the House of Studies recently taught a course on the filioque doctrine (history, theology, politics, etc.). He recently gave a couple of lectures on the Trinity that might be helpful (though not 100% apropos to your particular question). You can find them here: soundcloud.com/thomisticinstitute/fr-john-baptist-ku-op-the-triune-god-the-central-mystery-of-the-christian-faith-part-one . . . soundcloud.com/thomisticinstitute/fr-john-baptist-ku-op-the-triune-god-the-central-mystery-of-the-christian-faith-part-two
Would the phrasing "From the Father through the Son" take away the cringe?
@@Eloign Quit adding or changing words! Why don't the Roman Catholics just go back to the original Greek text of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381AD)? Seventeen years ago the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation concluded a four-year study on this wording and reached an agreement that recommends in part: "That the Catholic Church, as a consequence of the normative and irrevocable dogmatic value of the Creed of 381, use the original Greek text alone in making translations of that Creed for catechetical and liturgical use." See: www.usccb.org/committees/ecumenical-interreligious-affairs/filioque-church-dividing-issue-agreed-statement
@Prasanth Thomas From "Latin to Greek"? The original creed was written in Greek. A good to place to start is a good translation from Greek to English, don't you agree? Forget the Latin, it just muddies the waters.
@Prasanth Thomas Got it! So now the question is: How did a Pope's suggestion get inserted into the English RC creed? Yea, a lot of problems pop up with all these various languages. I remember a priest once sharing the following that he once overheard: "..why don't they all just use the King James version like Jesus did?" Hee Hee
Trinity says, the Father is only a Person in the Roman triad Godhead.
The Father Creates us
The Son redeems us
The Holy Spirit changes us
Hello Fr..It is right to say that Jesus Christ are one of the member of Triune God.,?
There’s only one God.
Three persons
Joh 20:17 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" -Christ
“My Lord and my God.”
Jn 20:28
Scriptures prove that the use of the word GOD is not limited to "GOD THE FATHER"
2Co 4:4 In whom the God [theos] of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God [theos], should shine unto them.
Both Gods in 2 Cor 4:4 means the same but we know that one is the devil.
Of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate; by Hebraism very: - X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].
Psa 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God [eloheem] standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the Gods [eloheem].
Exo_7:1 And YHVH said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a God [eloheem] to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
Joh 20:29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Jesus told Thomas he has believed....BELIEVED WHAT? THAT HE IS GOD? NO! THOMAS BELIEVED THAT HE IS RISEN and alive...that is why he let Thomas insert his finger on him.
BECAUSE IF YOU WILL READ IN THE PREVIOUS VERSES BEFORE JOHN 20:29... THE FIRST TIME Jesus appeared to the disciples Thomas was not with them.
Joh 20:24 Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
Joh 20:25 So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "UNLESS I SEE IN HIS HANDS THE MARK OF THE NAILS AND PLACE MY FINGER INTO THE MARK OF THE NAILS, and place my hand into his side, I WILL NEVER BELIEVE.."
@@PInk77W1 Should we understand Thomas' words to mean that Jesus is God Almighty? A few verses later is John 20:31, it says, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God." In John 17:3 Jesus called his Father "the only true God."
“Son of God” is God.
A dog has a dog
A cat has a cat
A human has a human.
Gods son MUST b God.
Same in essence
I’m Catholic and I believe God the Father is the only True God. I also believe the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. There’s only
One True God.
Three persons in the one true God.
That is the Trinity
If the Son is from the Father, and the Holy Spirit is from the Father, how are they also eternal? I understand they are eternally generated, but would they not have to be non-existent at one point in eternity to be generated in the first place?
I believe this comes down to potentiality and actuality. Going back to the 5 ways, everything in created reality must pass from potentiality to actuality. In other words, things before they exist have the potential to exist, and after they come into existence (are generated) they actually exist. In order to bring things from potentiality to actuality some act is necessary.
Though this logic of generation is sound we cannot apply it to God because He is the uncaused cause. God is not potentially God but is actually God for all eternity, and since He was uncaused there is nothing that precedes or comes after him. Therefore generation in this sense does not necessitate a previously existent entity to undertake the act of generation since this would contradict God’s uncaused and eternal nature. God is pure act, therefore the other persons of the Trinity do not have the potential to be generated, but are actively generated for all eternity, not at one specific moment. As John says, the word was with God and was God since the beginning. The trinity is the ultimate mystery of our faith so we can only so imperfectly approximate an understanding of it using our limited natural knowledge.
Aquinas also covers this issue in the summa prima pars question 27, article 2. Quoted below for convenience.
“Article 2: Whether any procession in God can be called generation?
Objection 1: It would seem that no procession in God can be called generation. For generation is change from non-existence to existence, and is opposed to corruption; while matter is the subject of both. Nothing of all this belongs to God. Therefore generation cannot exist in God.
Objection 2: Further, procession exists in God, according to an intelligible mode, as above explained (Article [1]). But such a process is not called generation in us; therefore neither is it to be so called in God.
Objection 3: Further, anything that is generated derives existence from its generator. Therefore such existence is a derived existence. But no derived existence can be a self-subsistence. Therefore, since the divine existence is self-subsisting (Question [3], Article [4]), it follows that no generated existence can be the divine existence. Therefore there is no generation in God.
On the contrary, It is said (Ps. 2:7): "This day have I begotten Thee."
I answer that, The procession of the Word in God is called generation. In proof whereof we must observe that generation has a twofold meaning: one common to everything subject to generation and corruption; in which sense generation is nothing but change from non-existence to existence. In another sense it is proper and belongs to living things; in which sense it signifies the origin of a living being from a conjoined living principle; and this is properly called birth. Not everything of that kind, however, is called begotten; but, strictly speaking, only what proceeds by way of similitude. Hence a hair has not the aspect of generation and sonship, but only that has which proceeds by way of a similitude. Nor will any likeness suffice; for a worm which is generated from animals has not the aspect of generation and sonship, although it has a generic similitude; for this kind of generation requires that there should be a procession by way of similitude in the same specific nature; as a man proceeds from a man, and a horse from a horse. So in living things, which proceed from potential to actual life, such as men and animals, generation includes both these kinds of generation. But if there is a being whose life does not proceed from potentiality to act, procession (if found in such a being) excludes entirely the first kind of generation; whereas it may have that kind of generation which belongs to living things. So in this manner the procession of the Word in God is generation; for He proceeds by way of intelligible action, which is a vital operation:---from a conjoined principle (as above described):---by way of similitude, inasmuch as the concept of the intellect is a likeness of the object conceived:---and exists in the same nature, because in God the act of understanding and His existence are the same, as shown above (Question [14], Article [4]). Hence the procession of the Word in God is called generation; and the Word Himself proceeding is called the Son.
Reply to Objection 1: This objection is based on the idea of generation in the first sense, importing the issuing forth from potentiality to act; in which sense it is not found in God.
Reply to Objection 2: The act of human understanding in ourselves is not the substance itself of the intellect; hence the word which proceeds within us by intelligible operation is not of the same nature as the source whence it proceeds; so the idea of generation cannot be properly and fully applied to it. But the divine act of intelligence is the very substance itself of the one who understands (Question [14], Article [4]). The Word proceeding therefore proceeds as subsisting in the same nature; and so is properly called begotten, and Son. Hence Scripture employs terms which denote generation of living things in order to signify the procession of the divine Wisdom, namely, conception and birth; as is declared in the person of the divine Wisdom, "The depths were not as yet, and I was already conceived; before the hills, I was brought forth." (Prov. 8:24). In our way of understanding we use the word "conception" in order to signify that in the word of our intellect is found the likeness of the thing understood, although there be no identity of nature.
Reply to Objection 3: Not everything derived from another has existence in another subject; otherwise we could not say that the whole substance of created being comes from God, since there is no subject that could receive the whole substance. So, then, what is generated in God receives its existence from the generator, not as though that existence were received into matter or into a subject (which would conflict with the divine self-subsistence); but when we speak of His existence as received, we mean that He Who proceeds receives divine existence from another; not, however, as if He were other from the divine nature. For in the perfection itself of the divine existence are contained both the Word intelligibly proceeding and the principle of the Word, with whatever belongs to His perfection (Question [4], Article [2]).”
@@ca4409 thank you so much for your reply.
You can’t have “eternally generated and
Non existent at the same time.
Eternal equals divine.
Game set and match
@@PInk77W1 I wasn’t trying to disprove anything, I was just asking
@@SheikhMawini yes and I’m just saying
Only one thing is eternal. God.
So when Jesus is called the eternal Son
He is being called divine. That’s why they kllld him, for making himself equal to God
The Four first petitions in "Our Father" prayer that Jesus Himself taught us:
1. Our Father, Who art in Heaven (God the Father)
2. Hallowed be Thy Name (His Name is His Word, the Logos, God the Son)
3. Thy kingdom come (Reference to the incarnation of the Word, Christ Himself)
4. Thy Will be done as in Heaven and Earth (the Will of God = God the Holy Spirit)
God bless you all.
Seems like a runaround to avoid the truth. Sorry.
Isaiah 42: 8 I am JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME; I give my glory to no one else,
Nor my praise to graven images.
"Our Father who lives in heaven. Let YOUR NAME be sanctified." - Matthew 6:9.
@@tongakhan230 Yes, but why isn't Isaiah's Jehovah 🙇 consistent with Him being three Persons, even in the Old Testament?
@@humbledandgrateful7411 : When has the ONLY TRUE GOD Jesus worshiped and prayed to (John 17:3,) whose name is Jehovah been anything but ONE.
(Deuteronomy 6:4) “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.
The disfigurement of God's personality came in with the apostasy.
(Acts 20:30) and from among you yourselves men will rise and SPEAK TWISTED THINGS to draw away the disciples after themselves. (Paul's prophecy)
I hope I understood one correctly.
@@tongakhan230 Oh... but I need to clarify some things.
Are you making the point that Jehovah is the 'One' God or Jesus is the 'One' God? Jehovah would be the Father, the 'I AM WHO I AM', the Creator. Jesus is the Son of the Creator, Who is the Redeemer. (And the Holy Spirit is the Preserver or Comforter or Counselor, Who is sent to us after Jesus ascended.)
Also, you mentioned Paul. As a devout and scholarly Jew, He would intimately know Jehovah, but also Jesus - because he was confronted by Him - and then the Holy Spirit, Who gave him the wisdom to know all the things he did. He would've been particularly aware of how God is Three "I don't know whats".
@@humbledandgrateful7411 : If there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD to whom Jesus prays to, how can Jesus also be God? (cf John 17:3).
Jesus wanted DISCIPLES. Not worshipers.
No one can become a disciple of God.
(Romans 15:6) so that unitedly you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul's words. The Greek is 'ton theon hai patera'.
Jesus has a God.
After God resurrected Jesus he told Mary:
(John 20:17) Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER and to MY GOD AND YOUR GOD.’”
Jesus' words may help.
(Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and IT IS TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.’”
Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:13.
'To HIM ALONE' is quite clear.
As I say everytime I pray the Rosarivm (Not enough , frankly)
Sicvt erat in Principio et Nvnc et Semper
0:05 What do you think of Richard of Saint Victor's "ontological" argument for the necessity of a Triune God?
Father is God
Son is God
Holy Spirit is God
Only One Whole Godhead
Deity Divine Amen 🙏🕊️🙌🙏🙌🕊️🙏
The whole video discussed that it cannot be explained. Therefore we should just follow what was written in both tanakh and breit hadasha. Not some assumption of augustine who first of all was not a direct disciple of Jesus or even his apostle. It makes me wonder most us gentiles have so much tragedy on our lives isnt because we are being punished for being pagan in practice while thinking we already reconciled with God?
"Who do you say I Am?"
A very important question that God Himself asked His disciples (matt 16:15), for He desires to be worshipped in spirit and truth (john 4:24). Therefore you ought to ask yourselves the same question, if you indeed worship Him in spirit and truth. Who is He? Is He the long haired jesus who is a second person in a trinity? Three spirits dwelling within, comforting the believer? Or just the third person in the trinity, the "another" comforter, the Holy Spirit? Lest you agree, then remember what YAHUSHUA said:
"I am with you to the end of age"
How is He with us? He breathed on His apostles HIS Spirit (john 20:22), for as it is written "Streams of life giving water will pour out from His side." (John 7:37-38 (GNT), John 20:22, col 1:19-20, )
And this same Spirit was spoken of in what you call the old testament...
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out MY spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"
This Spirit who forbade Paul and his companions to enter Bithynia (acts 16:7) is the same as the one who has been poured out on all flesh..
"For by ONE Spirit are we all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE Spirit." (1 cor 12:13).
And as the Word of the Lord has declared to this generation through one of the 144 000 mouthpieces..
"5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear "
[The Lord answered] Beloved, I have poured out MY spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning. Yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. I have brought forth the rains in their due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes and bears only bitter fruit. Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear, few are willing to open their heart and truly listen. I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left. Their knowledge is corrupt; all their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature. For they do not retain God in their thoughts, and from the holy they are far removed."
"I have poured out MY Spirit, yet they refuse to drink! I have spoken to them, yet they shut their ears to My voice! I have sent My messengers to them, yet they cast them out With great anger and violence, persecuting and slandering them!... Behold, even the least of these, My servants, have been Mistreated by these so-called people of faith!... THEY HAVE SURELY HATED ME!"
"Therefore I shall indeed remove My hand, and My spirit shall return to Me. Behold, from every individual who refuses to give heed to My voice and embrace My correction has it departed already. Yet let all those who remain in My love understand and have peace. For though My spirit departs from the multitudes and the ensuing darkness be thick, though wickedness overflows and every man of pride who being wise in his own eyes is left confounded, I shall not make a total end. For My hand shall remain with the faithful, and My strength shall be revealed in My anointed. Behold, MY spirit shall well up within the hearts of the penitent and come upon My chosen as a welcomed rain, and they shall be greatly increased, shining ever brighter, even amidst thick clouds and darkness."
To every brother and sister since the foundation of the world, drink yourselves full of this wonderful Truth...
"Indeed holy, holy, holy is The Lord God Almighty... One God, invisible and visible, The Father and The Son; And the Spirit called holy, because I am holy... Therefore, accept My love and receive of My gifts; For the Spirit is indeed a gift given by The Father, Received through The Son... Call it not a person, call it a blessing; For blessed are those who have the Spirit of God, For God dwells within them."
"For thus has The Lord spoken: One God... One Son, The Only Way to The Father... One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit; One Food, One Bread and One Drink... One Body... Of which I am all, The All in All."
"The Lord is eternal; HE IS! He never ends! His love, His mercy, His justice, His majesty, His glory, His sorrow, all that He is endures forever! Likewise His creation has no end, no boundaries! There are no limits to contain it, for it is as He is!... HE IS THE CREATOR!... Everlasting, eternal, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, The First and The Last by whom all things exist and have their being, through whom all living things have life! Kiss The Son, therefore! Bow down heavily and give Him glory! Let the knowledge of who He is fill your heart with wonder and awe, with great reverence and worship! Give Him thanks and praise! For Holy is The Lord God Almighty, His ways past finding out! For who can understand the knowledge of The Lord contained within creation, or know the depths of His wisdom?! Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse! Behold, even the whole of creation shouts, “YAHUSHUA is YAHUWAH!” For it is He by whom all things consist, It is He who causes to be..."
He is Immanu El! YAHUSHUA, God in the flesh! Died for your sins, for it had to be someone blameless. Since all have fallen, the answer is clear! A God of love who wishes not for all of His creation to be destroyed but enter the Garden once again..
"For I long for My children To be with Me where I am... I am eager to return them to the Garden That we may once again walk Together in the cool of the day."
Yet heed this trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation, for he is also YAHUWAH, God of justice...
"My people, how long shall you pollute My name?! How long shall you forsake My Sabbaths?! My people forsake My ways and will not hallow My Sabbaths; behold, My Commandments have no place in their hearts! Therefore, the dissident shall never prosper, for My every word is law!... Thus shall I kindle a fire in their courts, and bring upon them a fierce wind; great disaster shall befall them in one day! Woe to those who cry, “Immanu El!”, then break My Commandments by permission in HIS name; you know nothing of grace, and from you My spirit is far removed! Woe to those who say, “We are delivered!”, then persecute those sent to them; that by which you have judged shall return atop your own heads! Woe to those who love their houses of worship and lift up empty praise in My name, then turn their backs on the Word of My mouth and refuse My correction; you have secured your place in the valley! Woe to those who stop their ears to the Voice of God, and follow after men!... Yours shall be a bitter place, Filled with remorse and many tears; Hardship and troubles shall be your daily bread!... Woe to every man who teaches eternal torment And preaches everlasting burning... Woe to all those who embrace wicked And bitter doctrine, and hold it Over the heads of the ignorant!... I DO NOT KNOW YOU! NOR HAVE YOU ANY KNOWLEDGE OF WHO I TRULY AM, AT ALL! For your famine is great, your poverty severe, a very desolate people! Offer up no praises to My glory, and make no open supplications; I will not listen to your cause, nor will I hear your prayers; I do not accept your worship! Says The Lord. For dogs lick up vomit, and maggots devour rotting flesh, and do not swine wallow in their own filth? Yet you have wallowed in your uncleanness days without end, licking up doctrine meet for the dogs! Look now, death is near! The Day of Calamity is here and the Great Day is very near, where the flesh of the harlot shall be eaten and all her dead members shall be torn in pieces and strewn about! - Rotting flesh, maggot’s food, meet to be burned in the fire! Yet you say, “This word is false! For we are fat and very rich; not one of us is desolate. Our every doctrine is well accepted, for we are God’s elect, and our church is the true church and only bride. How dare you say we are filthy and shall be torn in pieces! We will live forever and will never be a widow!” Thus says The Lord: You are a widow already, very poor and desolate, a great number of starving people and very desolate, a perverse people who have made God in their own image. Therefore, because you have eaten Up My people and held My children captive, So shall you eat the flesh of Your own arm in your captivity!... Every house of worship shall be torn down! Every community devastated!... Even as Shiloh!"
Did your ears hear? Visit me...
How can people believe something that is beyond comprehension like, as you claim the Trinity ? How can you state a set of statements of beliefs if the doctrine such as the Trinity is beyond comprehension - a MYSTERY ?
Just like we don't completely know everything about our spouse or parents or even children. But we know some things and might be able to list the most important traits of these people. We cannot know God who is infinite, but we can use the intelligence God gives to us to understand God in some way. Otherwise if we can not understand God (say we were so corrupt it was impossible) God would not able to reveal himself to us. Obviously a good and powerful God would want to do this and would be able to. So though the person Jesus Christ and the church he founded God does this and through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit working in his creation also.
@@andrewheakes244 Trinity is completely contradicting God's given saving knowledge to mankind. " Watch your life and DOCTRINES closely. Persevere in them. They will save both yourself and your HEARERS. " - 1Timothy 4:16 NIV " I and the Father are one. " - JESUS CHRIST, Lord !! JESUS CHRIST . ( John 10:30 NIV ). Trinity contradicts Christ on this. Trinity, a spirit of antichrist !
@@andrewheakes244 Trinity is contradicting God's given saving knowledge. " Watch your life and doctrines closely. Persevere in them because they will save yourself and your HEARERS. : - 1 Timothy 4:16 NIV " I and the Father are one." - JESUS CHRIST, Lord !! JESUS CHRIST. Trinity contradicts Christ on this. Trinity, a spirit of antichrist.
These vids make me miss my graduate studies with the OP.
Seldom affirm, never deny, always distinguish.
Why does the NT say over and over again that Jesus is 'God's Son' & that the Holy Spirit is 'God's Holy spirit'? The very syntax 'God's Son & 'His Son' & 'God's spirit means that both these BELONG TO God, they are 'his' and therefore used at HIS direction and for HIS will at all times! The apostles always deferred to GOD THE FATHER in all things as Paul said "There is ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL PERSONS"( Eph 4:6) "The head of the woman is the man, the head of the man is Christ & the HEAD OF CHRIST IS GOD" ( 1 cOR 11:3) Amen!
I don't understand how is the Holy Spirit a person, help
Luke 11:13 Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give GOOD GIFTS to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven GIVE HOLY SPIRIT to those asking him!”
It can be given as a GIFT.
Acts 2:16 On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel: 17 ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will POUR OUT SOME OF MY SPIRIT on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams,
It can be poured out like a liquid in portions.
Acts 2:8 But you will RECEIVE POWER WHEN HOLY SPIRIT COMES UPON YOU, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.”
It is power from God which emboldened the frightened disciples to preach fearlessly.
The holy spirit is God active force. A power from God in action.
Newton's first law may help understand what it is.
It is certainly NOT God nor a person.
Hope this helps.
It's not.
Just read the New Testament, humbly asking God for help.
Ignore the teachings of men.
so thus that mean god committed incest? since him being the loved?
Does everyone commit incest when they loved their parents or when parents love their children?
If your reasoning is that this love is infinite therefore a kind of intense love like a errotic kind. Consider also that the father is not a physical being with a sex of any kind. Though we can say he is a Father due his generative aspect which is more similar to a males paternity than a maternity. Why? The world was not birthed or gestiated but created by the Logos, the reflection of the Father though the son. Though the Father is certainly not a male not physical and therefore not a sexual being. But good question.
The Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are opposed by the "anti-trinity" of the dragon (satan), The beast (antichrist) and the false prophet. The devil is called a "father" (John 8:44) and is opposite God the Father, The antichrist (son of the devil) is opposite Jesus Christ (Son of the Father) and the False Prophet works opposite the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit promotes Jesus Christ (John chapters 14-16) The False Prophet promotes the antichrist (Rev 13)
Firstly, jesus is also referred to as the lamb.
Secondly, I'm beginning to think word is mental image.
Third - and overall - the trinity has to do with knowledge - eternal knowing
Questions for Trinitarians
1. The Father has a name, the Son has a name. What is the name of the Holy Spirit?
2. In Paul’s epistles, why did he leave out salutations to the Holy Spirit? Eg. Romans 1:1-7, 1Corintians 1:1-3, 2Corintians 1:1-2, Galatians 1:1-5, Ephesians 1:1-2, Philippians 1:1-2, Colossians 1:1-2
3. Why is there no conversation recorded between the Father and the Holy Spirit or the Son and the Holy Spirit?
4. Who is Jesus’ Father? God the Father or God the Holy Spirit?
5. In the Bible, is Jesus the Son of God or God the Son?
6. Isaiah 44:6, how many beings are being mentioned here that are talking?
7. Isaiah 45:21, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in this verse?
8. Isaiah 57:15, the Father dwells only with the Son?
9. Matthew 11:27, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in this verse?
10. Matthew 28:18-20 - Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, his disciples in the book of Acts only baptise in Jesus name. Why?
11. Why John 1:1 does not mention the Holy Spirit?
12. John 5:30, John 6:38, If the Son is also the Father, why would there be 2 wills?
13. John 10:30, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned?
14. John 10:30, why Jesus did not include the Holy Spirit?
15. 1Corinthians 3:23, Christ belongs to God or Christ is God?
16. 1Peter1:1-3 and 2Peter1:2, why did Peter leave out salutations to the Holy Spirit?
17. 1John 1:3, why was fellowship with the Holy Spirit omitted?
18. Why was 1John 5:7 only added in AD325? This verse is not found in scriptures before that time.
19. 2John 1:3, why John’s salutation also omit the Holy Spirit?
20. Revelation 5:7, why would God hand the book to Himself?
21. Revelation 11:15, why only mention Lord and Christ but not the Holy Ghost?
22. Revelation 22:1, why is there a seat for Jesus but no seat for the Holy Spirit at the Great White Throne? If the Father is the Son and vice versa, why is there a need for separate thrones?
The Word was God ( proper noun )!
WAS God? Jesus is no longer God?
How would that translation of John 1:1 make sense?.
'and the Word WAS a god' is the proper translation.
When there is no definite article in Greek we put A or AN before the noun.
@@tongakhan230...ancient greek didnt have definite articles
And your translation implies polytheism. Are you a polytheist? Why are you reading on Christian doctrine if you aren't Christian?
@@crusaderACR : There! One hit the nail on the head! Since there was nothing called an indefinite article in Greek, it means that in English A or AN is added to precede the noun when translating.
See how this protocol is followed at Acts 12:22, 28:6.
There are plenty of gods. It means MIGHTY BEINGS (cf Psalms 82:1,6). Angels are therefore gods.
Jesus WAS an angel who became a human (John 1:14, Philippians 2:7).
Hence, 'WAS a god'. Past tense.
(Exodus 20:3) You must not have any other gods besides me.
Just think. Would this command make any sense if there were NO other gods?
It doesn't exclude the existence of gods. It however, makes clear that ONLY JEHOVAH should be worshiped. Jesus stressed this.
(Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and IT IS TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.’”
Christians are DISCIPLES of Jesus, Never his worshipers (cf Matthew 7:23).
@@tongakhan230 Ok first let me apologize. Apparently the "ho" etc. are indeed called definite articles. They work differently though and are the only ones that exist there.
Now my objections are on mistaken grammar, vocabulary, contradicting scripture, missed context and flawed theology.
Appending "a" before God in John 1:1 is still misunderstanding Ancient Greek grammar, of which I'm not an expert but know some.
Something to note is that missing an article doesn't mean you HAVE to put "a/an" before it. Otherwise, John 1:18 would be "No one has ever seen a god". Would that make sense?
It's a nuance in the case system. In John 1:1, it's meant to describe the nature of the Son, and thus a definite article MUST be omitted.
But we can go further. I can bring up where Jesus says he is "I am" which is God's title, a being of pure existence. But you can twist that too.
So say, we have 1 Corinthians 10:9 which goes: We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents.
Isn't that a reference to Exodus? Paul is using the word Χριστός (Christos, means anointed) which he only ever uses to refer to Jesus. Every single time. No exceptions.
Romans 10:13 is a direct quote from the Old Testament and Paul puts the word "Kyrios" there, meaning Lord. He uses it for God and for Jesus. Quick look through the context, oh snap he means Jesus.
Next, consider vocabulary: The New Testament was all in Greek (as Hebrew was dying off and Aramaic was too varied and small). What do the authors use for angels? Αγγελος (Aggelos/angelos). This means Messenger.
Theos is ONLY used for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Never for anything else. The Hebrew Old Testament has it wide, but that's because the word Elohim is wider in meaning. Angels and demons may count! Not so much with Theos. For Greek pagans, those called Theos were only those with direct dominion over nature (Sea, Skies, Thunder, Underworld, etc). Else, you were a Titan.
Now theological: A Christian should firmly believe only YHWH has dominion over nature. Miracles are all divine. Demons can only do tricks.
If a Christian says Jesus was theos, then Jesus was the One Theos. Simple as that.
@@tongakhan230 Almost forgot.
The Greek does say WAS God but it's in the imperfect tense, which is like "has already been". It doesn't imply it's no longer the case.
Jefferson railed against the "paradox that one is three, and three but one" but, given the clarity of this short video, one has to wonder if he (Jefferson) ever even tried to read Aquinas. Of course, he could have been so dug into his position that he just wouldn't consider the fact that he might be wrong.
All three divine Persons of the ontological Trinity, that is to say, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, subsist in a single Godhead, which is to say, they are of the same substance, essence, attributes, nature, existence, being, energy, and consciousness. In short, they are coeternal, coequal, and consubstantial.
Correct but is Christ because he's incarnate one substance or two substances? Is he a divine person or a divine-human person?
Two substances. One divine-human person.
If there is one God (the trinity) why does Jesus have a God?Rev 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
When Christ refers to "my God" he is speaking in his capacity as the God-man, with a human will oriented towards the Father. The Son is not equal to the Father as man, but as God; and as man he is less than the Father.
Is the Trinity true?
“Hear, O Yisra’ĕl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one!
Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4
“You heard that I said to you, ‘I am going away and I am coming to you.’ If you did love Me, you would have rejoiced that I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.
Yoḥanan (John) 14:28
Yeshua said these words, and lifted up His eyes to the heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come. Esteem Your Son, so that Your Son also might esteem You, “And this is everlasting life, that they should know You, the only true Elohim, and Yeshua Messiah whom You have sent.
Yoḥanan (John) 17:1, 3
Yeshua said to her, “Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My Elohim and your Elohim.’ ”
Yoḥanan (John) 20:17
“He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place of My Elohim, and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him the Name of My Elohim and the name of the city of My Elohim, the new Yerushalayim, which comes down out of the heaven from My Elohim, and My new Name.
Ḥazon (Revelation) 3:12
And you belong to Messiah, and Messiah belongs to Elohim.
Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 3:23
For even if there are so-called mighty ones, whether in heaven or on earth - as there are many mighty ones and many masters - for us there is one Elohim, the Father, from whom all came and for whom we live, and one Master YESHUA Messiah, through whom all came and through whom we live.
Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 8:5-6
one Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
Eph`siyim (Ephesians) 4:6
If it's a MYSTERY where do you base you rational arguments? Why explain the unexplainable MYSTERY ?.
Because we live in a rational world. You're not really gonna understand the trinity, because we are incapable of such. Rationalization via analogy can help us try to understand the trinity, but it is all going to fall short due to our human limitations.
Augustine referenced this: The Trinity was veiled revelation inter alia 700 years before Jesus. 2 Kings4….. An only young son of a woman has died and she pleads with Eliseus for help and he first sends his servant Gehazi to lay Eliseus’ staff on the boy but the boy remains dead so Eliseus arrives and descends on the boy matching his eyes, mouth and hands to those of the boy…the boy’s body grows warm then Eliseus descends again but now the boy sits up and coughs 7 times. Augustine said…Eliseus stands for God who first sent Moses to lay the Judaic law on mankind dead in sin ( the staff) but as Galatians says, “ had there been a law that giveth life, salvation would be from the law”…so God had to descend Himself onto mankind dead in sin first as Christ conforming himself to our body..eyes,mouth,hands…and in pain because an adult must grimace to make his eyes and mouth meet those of the smaller face. Then the second descent has no mention of that body parts ritual and does have the 7 coughs which connect to the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit.
A modern day anaology
You took a picture of yourself on your phone and you send it to a friend. That friend opens the picture in his phone. That picture is you, right? Well yes and no. Its you in essence, but in being, it is a collection of pixels on the screen. So at the same time, it is you and not you. Does that mean you are two people? No. You are still one. Does that mean the picture can go to anyone he wants? No, it still needs you to send it. Does it mean that the picture has no real power? No, it still carries your person and that picture will still create an impact to the one receiving it. Again, those are a collection of pixels while you are a human. Two separate objects but one singular essence.
A picture is an image. It is NOT THE REAL THING.
Isn't the use of analogies a desperate attempt to 'prove' the unprovable.
Here is a clear scriptural TRUTH.
'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Wasn't Jesus ever SEEN?
@@tongakhan230 no catholic thinks the image is real… all love shown to their images is directed to the real thing. Just like you would for a loved one’s picture.
Also, I’m not “proving” anything. I’m just letting u know what we do. If I say I’m doing it because of this and that, who are you to say i’m doing it for another reason? You are not me. You dont know why i do what i do unless i tell you. So i told you, and then you insist to tell me thats not what I MYSELF am thinking. You see how ignorant you sound?
There is only one God. Jesus is God. How is it incorrect to say that Jesus is the one God manifested in the flesh? Whether there is a trinity or not, is it correct for me to refer to Jesus Christ as one God?
This falls into modalism, where The One God, exists in 3 modes: The Father, Son & Holy Spirit. This is a heresy and is not what the Trinity is.
@@JAZBLK I am not sure I would modalize all offices or functions of Jesus Christ. Father is a relation. I figure it is correct to refer to the Son and the Holy Spirit as modes.
@@dgreenja John 17:5 and Acts 13:2 refute this. The persons of the trinity are distinct from one another.
@@JAZBLK what can't be refuted, is that Jesus is one God in the same distinguishable sense as one person. For trinitarians, call Jesus God, but don't call Him one God. I don't see how that will work.
What refutes your understanding of St .John 17:5 and Acts 13:2, is St. John 17:3 in which verse Jesus as both a Jew and an Israelite, prayed to the only true God. Those verses you introduced, are explained in light of St. John 17:3. The reverse order never applies.
@ At this point you are just rambling. John 17:5 and Acts 13:2 demonstrate that the persons of the trinity are distinct. The language of the Bible allows us to identify & differentiate between the persons of the trinity to avoid confusion and heretical deductions like modalism. John 17:5 uses personal pronouns multiple times to distinguish between the Father and the Son however you believe Jesus in John 17 is praying to himself 🤦♂️😂
Contradictory if its a mystery why make it a standard dogma. Definitions are invalid to explain God ways and thoughts. Aquinas and others used the allegorical Greek definitions . Eventually you run out of definitions. In Islam they have 99 names of Allah same in the 10 sephiroths of Kabbalah mysticism . The 2 titles of blasphemy in Roman papacy' dogma is holy Father & pontifex maximus of your pope's. Greek logos has many definitions one is ratio.
Sorry but this makes absolutely no sense. The more Christians try to explain the Trinity the more a mess it becomes. Better if they just say they have absolutely no idea and leave it at that.
😂 it does make sense to people who know metaphysics and God. It makes sense
Circular arguments are illogical and counter productive
A Savior is born. He is Christ ----- the LORD ! ( Luke 2:11 NIV ) " He, Himself will redeem Israel from their sins." Psalm 130:8. Immanu'el ! ( Isaiah 8:8 NIV ).
God is this. =
1. Unitarian as One God
Mark chapter 12 verse 29
2. Binitarian as two as One God
Jesus Christ said =
I and my Father are One
John chapter 10 verse 30
3. Trinitarian as three as One
Matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 and Matthew chapter 28 verse 19
Here it says
Father God
Son of God
Holy Spirit of God
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
All three of these are
in relationship to each other
i always believe that Futurama starts with your intro and outro
Shalom / Salam / Selamat / MGBWY , MTBWY and MTBWYAF.
Mark 12:29 "The most important one" answered Jesus, "Is this : 'Hear, O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is One (*not 3/not Trinity)."
Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab' "Yang paling pentingnya sekali adalah ini : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel (*dan Kristian) : Tuhan/Tuan(*'Lord' ) kita , (*itu) Tuan (*Lord) yang Esa".
Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab, "Inilah yang paling penting sekali : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel (*dan Kristian) : Tuan kita Allah(*God), (itu) Tuhan yang Satu (*bukan 3 / bukan Triniti)".
Persoalan paling penting disini , siapakah Dia/IA yang dipanggil 'Tuan' (*Lord) yang disebut oleh Yesus dalam ayat di atas ?
Yakni siapakah 'God / Allah / Tuhan' itu sebenar nya , dimana bila Yesus berdoa , beliau itu berdoa sambil 'memandang ke atas' ?
Dan yang sebenar-benar anti Christ atau anti Yesus adalah anti pada golongan yang dikiaskan sebagai MERPATI , BIRI-BIRI dan AWAN.
(*John 1:29 / Nabi Yahya si Pembabt iz 1:29 / Yohanes 1:29 "Lihatlah Anak Biri-biri Allah (Tuhan / God = *De wa),......")
(*The Comfort / *Lembut....."Bila dia datang.....")
I encourage everyone to read the entire first chapter of Hebrews.
NOTE: Jesus is
(a God .. or godlike one)
But, he is not The almighty God.
The whole first chapter of Hebrews is about jesus being an angel in heaven and Jehovah exalting him to a higher position than all the other angels.
AFTER reading it, ..
Can you explain verse by verse the relationship between Jehovah and his beloved son Christ Jesus?
** Verse 2 - How do you become an HEIR to yourself?
** Verse 3 - Did Jesus sit down on his own right hand?
(NOBODY sits next to therself)
** Verse 4 - WHO did Jesus receive an inheritance from?
** Verse 9 - Regarding Jesus it says ..
"THY GOD hath ANNOINTED THEE With the oil of gladness above thy fellows"
( Who are Jesus fellows? )- other angels .
The whole first chapter of Hebrews is proof that the Trinity doctrine is FALSE.
This is like a God's lawyer, God's PR guy, God's press secretary.
See The Divine Council by the Bible Project
read Isaiah 9:6
Yes. may I ask what it is supposed to teach that will help any Trinity theory?
John 6:44-52
No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him. And I will raise him up in the last day. It is written in the prophets: And they shall all be taught of God. Every one that hath heard of the Father and hath learned cometh forth me. Not that any man hath seen the Father: but he who is of God, he hath seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say unto you: He that believeth in me hath everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the desert: and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven: that if any man eat of it, he may not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world.
The Trinity "is not directly and immediately the Word of God. " (New Catholic Encyclopedia) The New Catholic Encyclopedia also says: "The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is NOT taught in the Old Testament." The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: "Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective." (Volume XIV, page 299)
The New Encyclopedia Britannica states: "Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament."
If all three divine persons are almighty and Jesus is God. Then who died?
(Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit who dwells in you.)
(1 john 4:13 By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his own Spirit)
(John 14:23 Jesus answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.)
Now, If God is Spirit --- Jesus is spirit --- the Holy Spirit is Spirit -- how many spirits does the father send?
Besides our own spirit, One or Three spirits?
When we speak of the "death of God," we are clear that divinity itself cannot die. It was the divine person of the Son who assumed a human nature and underwent death in that nature while remaining divine. The person of the Son is one, although in different natures, divine and human. In the incarnation, the second person of the Trinity took on a complete human nature without division, it is this human nature, united hypostatically to the divine person of the Son, that was capable of dying on the cross. Meanwhile, the divine nature could not and did not die.
To your second question, while God is one essence in three persons, the Father sends both the Son and the Holy Spirit as two distinct missions for our salvation. The mission of the Son in the Incarnation and that of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost are really distinct from each other. Thus, the Father sends both His Son and His Holy Spirit, two persons, one in essence with Him, to dwell within us.
@@alphazero5614 Your explanation does not support any biblical texts. When we die the spirit goes back to God. Your explanation of divinity not dying because Jesus is divine basically professes to Jesus being incapable of death. But the text is clear it was God who raised the dead Christ.
@@alphazero5614 And I agree that Jesus is distinct a creation of God, but the Holy Spirit is what can best be described as the breath of God.
@@johndavid3474 We must distinguish between Jesus divine and human natures. While His divine nature could not die, His human nature underwent the separation of body and soul which is death. In the raising of Jesus, the Father and Spirit acted in accordance with the hypostatic union to reunite His human nature with divinity.
The Holy Spirit never departs from the Father (or Son). His procession from the Father is eternal and never ceases. However, in His economic mission to creatures, the Spirit operates through temporal modes that Sacred Scripture depicts as "comings" and "goings." His indwelling within us is permanent in its cause (God) and effect (sanctification), though not in every momentary manifestation. In this sense, the Spirit can be said to both come to dwell within us and to "return" to the Father.
John 16:13 speaks of the Spirit guiding the disciples to all truth. Romans 8:9, 11 affirm His indwelling in believers. And John 14-16 frequently reference the Spirit being "sent" by the Father and Son. Galatians 4:6 declares the Spirit cries "Abba, Father" within us, displaying His procession from the Father.
@@alphazero5614 The Holy spirit did depart for 3 days and 3 nights while Christ died. The separation of Body and soul is best described in
Ezekiel 18:4 "Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die"
Christ divinity as you address it, earned him the right to be raised from the dead, because it was without sin.
Jesus became the firstborn of the dead...
Therefore common sense and fair reasoning refutes the claim that Jesus is God. A God cannot die.
it all sounds like word salad to me. i have trouble with this.
Here is a simple truth purposely ignored.
'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20. Jesus was SEEN. Well?
I think of it like this (and it does come down to personal engagement):
The Father is the essence of everything, but he is quite unknowable, rather distant. His creation and voice are revealed in the Word.
Word is Voice, and Voice is authority and meaning. This is the part of God to whom we can relate: he lived and died. His resurrection is a foreshadowing of ours. The Holy Spirit is God's residual power (love, if you like) in the world, a guiding force.
It's kind of like a normal family. My father raised me and his voice is now mine. My daughter will take some of my voice. We all empower one another.
We create each other, we speak for each other and we empower each other.