The ONLY Range vs Melee Guide (BOTH SIDES) You NEED!!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2025
- The GO TO Guide for PERFECTING Melee vs Range Matchups (from BOTH sides!)
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Concepts: Faker 3 Level Lead in 3 Minutes, Dopa's insane cannon minion strategy, mid lane guide, how to mid lane, how to mid, fizz guide, sylas guide, talon guide, zed guide, katarina guide, fizz counter, sylas counter, talon counter, zed counter, katarina counter, lux guide, lux counter, syndra guide, syndra counter, all-ins, leblanc guide, leblanc counter, how to counter, how to win lane, lol tips, lol tricks, mobalytics, mcbaze, best guides, skill-capped, challenger guides, challenger tips.
We always joke about giving Hector a break but when he is gone we miss him...
lmao true
Dont hurt him then
@@rvb6380 the video isn't the same without hector :(
Does hé have a Twitch ???
The same video on top lane would be nice
Yeah with Kennen or Quinn since theyre the most annoying!
You can apply these basics to toplane as well
It's exactly the same, only difference is is some champion specifics
not really exactly the same, toplane is WAY longer, which makes it favorable to meele champs in some situations
@@MultiReptilian It's the opposite, ranged champs have a longer area to kite
The timing of all in with melee is pretty important too, if you go in at the wrong time the enemy's minion wave will be around and will absolutely obliterate you.
3:25 I couldn't help but notice how much of a chad Malphite was
Mcbaze: I can win Melee vs. Ranged and vise versa
Hector: *I win by existing*
It’s said that the only thing stoping hector is hector himself
Id love to see a high elo example where everyone does the right thing and then see how the melee all in works out and again how to handle or avoid it as the range champ. Thx good work i learned sth here
yeah, he usually shows doing the right thing vs doing the wrong thing. I think correct actions vs correct actions would be better
Maaan I love you guys. Ya'll are literally the reason I got out of Iron 3 Into Silver 4.
Big gratz dude! I hope you'll make it to challenger some day.
@@thibaultvandenbogaerde1504thanks man! But I highly doubt that XD. I'm having a bit out trouble moving further than silver so Challenger is.....a long ways from here haha
@@kilarasx6222 bro silver is fricking easy, i mean it just put a mindset that ur enemy is trash so u wont be nervous but dont be toxic and stuff, im p4 last season jungle main, silver players tend to NOT wards and over extend so i just go in easily and kill them and snowball
@@brightsteel5695 yeoo facts
@@brightsteel5695 im Gold I and dont know what a snowball means 😂😂
I have been playing league from season 2 start, and each season was ending really close to Master elo, and this content helps me identify my missplays a lot. Big thanks for doing that and keep it UP
This video was very helpful for me, just started playing league and I like a lot of the assassin characters, akali, talon, diana, katarina but when playing ranked I often get counter picked by a mid caitlyn or ashe who just bullies me in lane, now i know how to beat them next time i see this, thanks!
this dude deadass looking at skillcapped while starting to play.
he's gonna hit platinum mmr before even reaching lvl 30 LOL
good job
One of the best, if not THE best video, I have ever seen that explains a concept like this. Incredible.
This is the best guide ive ever seen now i know how to deal with ezreal anymore with kassadin
Hmm i think im gonna buy diana and katarina
get double armor runes and start cloth armor with 4 pots and fleet footwork with taste of blood. As with Kass vs any AD.
I followed these methods in your videos for 2 months now and I climbed from Silver 3 up to Plat 4 for the first time! Even so I was G2 last season, I was a hardstuck there for the last 2 seasons. Thnx guys!
My only thought with the Lux vs Fizz: "Then why did he die two times?" :D
Overextended high elo players do this often
Yeah he hasn't even won the lane yet, he hasn't roamed at all I'm assuming, so his bot is still 50/50, or in my case 10/90. I hate how every game they show they have the jungle gank for them in a ranged vs melee matchup. In almost no games do I actually get the jungle even though the laner is always overextended without vision. I still win the lane often because their rank is inflated from playing ranged so they don't know to play safe without mana, but then it turns out by the time I'm Lvl 9 my team is down a bunch of kills, two drags, two turrets, and a herald, and the game is essentially over. I split smart take turrets up to their inhib, but my team surrenders 4-1 for no reason, that's been 4 of my games in the last 6 I've played. The other 1, I hard carried. An the other i had a leaving Ashe when we were winning pretty hard, but I played bad and got caught out a lot and we ended up losing that. I really have no idea how I can climb from top lane when i have a losing botlane 13/15 times, and a losing jungle 11/15 times. I almost always win lane and can snowball, but I can't split fast enough and my team loses 2 v 4 in a teamfight, when I can win a 1 v 3 against everyone but their adc or jungle usually just can outdamage me. Please someone help me
@@adriantomaszewski2121 I mean, it was winning the early game. You gotta see, even with 2 deaths in the end, fizz could do nothing. Also the *jungle* gank didn't matter. If you looked at health bars. Let's say ekko wasn't there. Then fizz e's towards lux instead of away. He's already been chunked super hard so lux still gets a kill. Also yes, there is more than the lane phase, this is just showing the beginning of the lane. Also when malphite showed up for one of those kills, if he wasn't there, lux just would've hit fizz with some damage and walked away. The point is he was ahead lol.
@@adriantomaszewski2121 Just one word: attitude. Whether things are happening the way you describe them here or youre exaggerating, the problem in both cases still lies within your attitude.
Imagine playing Jayce 😂😂😂😂
LoL Player or bronze adc that go melee range
@@wtsang1 or nidalee, elise and gnar
Best of both worlds
@@Flikanik super accurate actually 😂
21 mins?! EARLIEST IVE EVER BEEN awesome.
Keep up the great work!
Haha thanks!
I feel like something like this shouldn't be done on smurf accounts cause 90% of the replays is "he shouldn't have done that here"
Ok, so how do I win if they play right? if I'm melee and they never use their important cooldowns do I just sit under turret and stay 40 cs down all game? if I'm ranged and don't have a stun how do I win if they played right and are still at almost full health till level 3?
Thats why the jungler exists. If you are meelee and continue to be pushed under your tower it means that the enemy is next to your tower way more time than it should be, a opening for a gank. In ranged you will need to take care at the powerspike at level 3 of your enemy. If you did everything right, you should be with much more farm and gold than your opponent, so back off, go base, buy your item and return to lane. Now you do so much damage that your opponent cant all win. And the opponent always do a mistake, even in competitive. Thats why their matches are so slow, they need to wait for a mistake from their opponent
most mages have stuns and if not there are still other important cooldowns to keep in check
@@notsoslick that really doesn't answer my question since I asked how should the situation play out if both sides followed this strategy and we're now at the level 3 part they talk about where the melee looks for the all in.
To reword my question is how do these strategies work if the opponent plays right and not well im ranged and he's level 3 but can't do anything cause he's low on health. I'm asking how to handle it as the mage if they have full health at this point and as the melee how do you handle it if they always save their key cooldowns
Charlie Cook ah I think I see what you mean. If you are a mage and you are still healthy lvl 3, it’s pretty hard for assassins to engage on you if you have all of your abilities up. They usually won’t look for an all in unless you make a mistake like walking up too far or wasting your cooldowns, so as long as you don’t waste abilities or overstep it’s pretty hard for them to kill you. But then again I’m only in gold so I don’t really know much but this is what I took from the cideo
Charlie Cook as for the assassin’s part I don’t really know what you would do if the mage is playing perfectly, but as long as you aren’t masters/challenger I would imagine they make those mistakes in lane at least sometimes, and all the time for low elo
It’s like when you go fishing; with patience comes great result and you get the fish of the day. But without it, you’ll end up not getting it or worse, getting your rod broken in half.
What's more OP, Fizz or Skill Capped?
Skill capped is more OP than other guide channels
They made a new tier for Skill Capped on Tier Lists. Nice vids. I wish I had money to actually access guide on your website. But if league hasn't died until 2024 or so. I'd be glad to see the full experience.
this explains so much why i was always better with mages than assassins, i really wanted to get better with assassins but always lost lane early and i see why, great video thanks for the advice
I'm only 4 minutes in but I can already tell this is going to be usefull. I find myself struggling vs ranged champs in Top alot. This'll help! Thanks!
Ok I just wanna say that i think this Video is the best lol video i have ever seen. It would be nice if you could make a melee vs melee and ranged vs ranged vid
Have been looking for this for sooo long, thank u for the work
this actually helped me A LOT just went from bronze 1 to gold 4
Hi. Thanks for the video.
I got into these concepts in past few years watching your video but still have 2 questions from the ranged perspective:
1) Choosing between harassing and last hitting as a range, what is more important? My answer is that harass creates tempo so I should go for it rather than collecting 20 gold.
2) How to play the matchup against lvl 2 ganks or camp?
I also have 2 questions as a melee:
1) What if you get ganked during a minion crush? - do I soft shave the wave?
2) How not to get low on HP while trying to last hit crushed minions?
So I'm two years late but I suppose if I'M reading this, so are other people. Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I, too, am dirt elo. This will just be pretty noob advice that helped me in my low elo games.
As a melee midlaner I'd say that to answer 1) definitley prioritise farm. I've played against so many mages who will completely overcommit trying to harass me and I will either just take it, hard shove third wave and cheater recall, while they're struggling to farm under tower with no mana if I feel like I can't kill them lvl 3. Or, if they're very squishy and I think I can kill them lvl 3, I'll abuse the fact that these people will usually tunnel vision on trying to get me low and completely ignore the lvl 3 powerspike many assassin mids have (yone, zed, akali etc.). The only times I really find myself struggling to carry in a matchup vs a mage is when they cs perfectly, manage their mana correctly, and/or have TP. If the melee plays way too aggressive and disrespects your range of course you should punish them, but you also should be building a gold lead or they'll just go off and 1shot the rest of your team. As yone or yasuo for example, I'm perfectly happy just going even in cs and then killing other squishies, it's basically a winning lane. (Just do be clear, I'm not saying DONT harass. But you shouldn't be giving up your gold lead, when your biggest advantage as a ranged champion is that you can punish you opponent for CSing. You can do both.)
2) There's not that many junglers who do lvl 2 ganks. Shaco is one, for example. If you play against a shaco, you'll just have to expect it. Know the matchups I guess. It can also be helpful to check before the game if the enemy jungler is premade with any laner. If he's pre with mid, you can expect more cheese.
I love this guide channel. Compared to a few others you actually get into game tactics. You’re very informative, and I like that.
As a Sett main I struggle against mages top lane or Teemos who are kite masters and this guide has really helped improve my landing
Skill caped, you are the best learningplatform! Thx for all this video’s. You explain everything so detailed!
this is a godsend. im a vel player and really hate fizz(and kass) and it was literally the imagine at 3 seconds in lol
Skill capped as an edu content creator is amazing. This channel is one of the few, along with Neace, LS and some others that actually takes the game seriously and produces good content. In light of Voyboy's recent video I think the community deserves to hear you guys' take on afks, griefers, etc. We who care about the game should make a stand and say that enough is enough. The league community needs voices like you! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Neace 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just came back to LOL after a many years hiatus. Thanks for the video helped me immensely
Am I the only one that saw this video's title as "Subtitles (English)" ?
me too lmao
only reason I'm here, lol
2:07 What do you mean "no reason at all"? The fizz went for the last hit on the melee minion.
And if you say that it still isn't the right choice that's not the point. The point is that you said that he didn't have a reason for the action when you should have said that the last hit wasn't worth for him or something like that
Really great video once again!
I REALLY enjoyed, that you explained both theoretically and practically how to win those matchups.
I have only one question left after this video. If you have played ranged, and your opponent has been playing safe, as you mentioned in video, what shall I do as range champ? Their all-in potential is much higher than main. Of course save such important abilities as escapes and cc, but is it really enough?
Thank you!
So I tried this out w/ Yone vs Veigar and this actually made my cs rise by leaps and bounds, I got 10cs/min lol. Thanks, subbed.
I have been doing this without even realizing, came here and found out im doing it the right way haha x)
This is so good. I want to practice Casseopeia so I pick her in rank, I facd Yasuo 590k mastery so I use this tactic and punishing advantage combining with freezing vdo guide, Yaso ended up 1/5/0 and I have 4/0/5 Impacting whole map
I learned a lot nice video
Keep up the goodwork
The mistake Fizz makes is at 2:03, where he As that melee minion, after that when you say "he walks up for no reason at all" is not true. He walks up because that melee minion goes on an adventure and he wants to last hit it.
Nice video! I just think the ward at 3:24 is a bad habit, I call it a "greed ward" since it doesn't give you as much information as if you put it a little further or at chicken camp.
Hugging the ward side if enemy jg is the opposite can make u an ez escape route to it, if enemy jg is at it before his 1st back ur ward is a troll, in the video I think he knows that and kept track of enemy jg.
yea most useless ward ever, he put it in a better position in the leblanc game
The thing is enemy jungle is a level below him and he has barrier, the ward is just to see the enemy jingler a bit earlier, if enemy jungler comes the 40% hp fizz will greed and get killed or lux will turn on the enmy jungler thats a level lower and likely 70% hp. Lux has a massibe wave to help her out with the fight and two shields to stall time for the minions to do dmg and her cds to go down.
If he did ward further, it would take more time, making him lose minions therefore he would lose both experience and gold. There are many places to position your wards and in that case, it was the most reasonable option.
@@jianlofi not rly the "most reasonable" but it's totally ok ward to place.
Thanks skillcapped you always release the guides i need
I mean really i was searching for exactly this kind of vid when this popped up in my subscriptions
I was just thinking about how tilting it was to play a melee champ mid vs ranged and here we are :P
Love this video, helps a lot thanks
3 years later my request was acknowledged. Yay.
I just used the Melee Vs Ranged Matchup against a Xerath and won! I know it is a old video but thank you Skill Capped, i was losing matchups against range champions for weeks before i watched this!
Last season I was in gold promos and couldnt get in.. new season comes and got placed in bronze cus i rushed my placement matches and now Im back to silver.. this was all before taking the game a bit more seriously and building the right runes and learn about wave management.. what is missing in my kit is proper itemization and trading successfully.. thanks for the useful tips!
This is actually very informative, thank you.
helped me A LOT!
Irelia has to push the wave early to stack passive and go for a heavy trade.
Clean work, amazing videos
So glad I found this guide
This was illuminatinh for me. Thx
The best video on mid lane i've ever seen
"All in at level 3"
insane video thank you so much
Next video: How do deal with people who watched this video
8:30 "Skill cap, Fizz is too OP level 6 I can't do anything"
Skill cap: Just get 2 ganks in a row from your team! Duh!
Get 2 ganks in a row from your 13/5 team while you're 1/2/1
(Check 9:20)
@@garrettord3304 So obvious. Now soloqueue will be easy. I just need to have the better teammates. GOT IT!!!!
whats your rank again? you are literally being stubborn and not wanting to listen to and learn from a challenger professional coach and still think you're right... try getting out of silver first man
really good advices!!!
This channel is the reason why I got to Gold right now. Damn, I want to join in the Skill-Capped site. Thank you so much!
I did.
It's actually full of guides.
The only bad thing, I would comparison to something like proguides, there's only the guides, no coaching or mail support, nothing like that, just the videos, that's it.
It's still VERY worth it.
Really? They had a system where you could send in replays to have someone analyze it for them. Did they get rid of it?
you changed the way i play the game, thanks
Great video!
Thanks for letting me borrow your Lambo, McBaze. Got a ton of hunnies. Such a cool guy. Probably goes to the coolest clubs, wears the freshest clothes, & has the cutest cats.
Wow so helpful! Tysm :D
8:20 "I could do this with any meele champion" Kassadin be like BRUUUHHHH
2:10 Fizz isn't hitting a melee minion for "no reason at all." That was a big exaggeration. He is taking damage for the one reason you said it's ok: to collect CS. Risk was two autos.
I actually learned so much from skill capped
I really liked this new style broo
this channel is a gold mine
great video 👌🏼
thanks for the guide :)
Thankyouuu ♥♥♥
Pretty sick techniques . I got 3 consequtive first bloods just after completing the video (gold elo )
the only takeaway i got from this was that low elo conditions players to not be punished for simple mistakes then as they climb they have to adapt bc of how completely incorrect theyve been playing before hand
I'd love a vid on this but for top
preferably into Quinn & vayne
Im learning so much! Thank you!
I would love some videos on wild rift as well. (Or comments if something doesn’t apply)
i love the missions
malphite: Im going balls deep level 1
Tbh thats probably the one guide we all needed
This was an amazing Guide ngl, my Jax is kind of cracked now.
I wish they go make updated guides for these
"They won't be able to one-shot you unless you really mess up," Yone.
Thanks for free informations its really helpfull
This kinda did helped me
2:10 fizz is literally walking for a last hit though?
yeah as you saw later with kata he let some cs go without taking them to save his health and on top of that fizz attacked the minion earlier for no reason which is why it got low there at the first place
Thank you so much Skill Capped! You guys are the best! Hope you all reach high challenger and get me subscribers!
Thanks for the vid! I wanted to ask about the first gameplan as ranged into melee, because when Dopa played TF into Fizz, he let himself get shoved in so he could freeze. He slowly grew cs lead, and eventually came out of lane way ahead. When would you use that strategy as opposed to slow pushing like in the video?
He plays against korean challengers. This video only efficient for lower diamond only!
could you do a melee vs ranged support video?
you got any guides for melee vs meleee and range vs range too?
Try kass, very fun to applied this fundamental
What happens when the matchup is rage vs rage?
Can u make a video on how to play the range side vs something who loves to push as melee like talon?
Great guide! I kind of wish you would have touched quickly on the Melee vs Melee and Ranged vs Ranged match ups for a second as well though. Keep up the good work.
Followed some simple advice and I just destroyed a Yasuo as a Ziggs.
Killed him level 2 cause he went all in when already chunked out, killed him level 3 trough an enemy gank because he was low again and I had a lot of creeps.
Despite messing up a lot of stuff it was still a free lane just by following your simple steps.
If you could do more guide on *Game Plans Analysis* It would be amazing!
Its ez man just think what is ur champ is good at doing and better than oponent at doing it and just try to do it
If u r champ is good at poking so try to slow push the wave to lose the enemy cs than poke with ur range and look to dive with ur jungler sins the wave is crashed
If ur champ is good at roming just fast push and roam if ur champ is good at set up ganks just try to freeze so the jungler can gank
this guide made me go from losing kat v lux to rolling kat v syndra xD
I've been playing a lot more LB lately, as I'm getting back into league. One thing I'm curious about, is when to take corrupting pots on her and when to take dorans ring?
you can pretty much always take corrupting potion
nice vid, thanks
Yeaahh... Thanks for this video it helped me alot, but pls upload video how to beat range vs range or melee vs melee
McBaze giving the facts of Syndra to set the statement that she is broken HAHA love it
So at 5:10 you let your wave crash into the turret. But what's the next step? Roam? Base? Invading their jungler with your jungler?
I love this videos 🤗