Yes, BUT, sombra has kept her playstile mostly the same through most of ther reworks, sym plays different everytime she gets reworked or even when she gets small balance changes like turret bombs being way less efficient after the rework of turrets revealing and dealing less damage (i was getting into something but the more i wrote the more i got lost, sorry i've taken too many meds)
You're on crack! Shut up! Her teleporter is busted making slow moving heroes reach spots they wouldn't be able to get to. Mercy hanging around you can help you melt tanks with that Lazer.
As a Sym main, I've admittedly had to dedicate a lot of time to her than what I would need to for other heroes, however, she is incredibly fun for me. I will always love the utility she comes with and the new ways I find to synergize with my team. I'm a decently average player and have never ranked past platinum, so for me I'm mainly playing to have fun with my favorite heroes atp while also collectively moving the team towards a win
I feel like the video is wrong abt “players dont find her fun and gm players dont care abt fun” this is false yes alot of ppl dont have fun playing her but the ones that do really love her playstyle sm to the point they one trick her Shes a u either really love it or really hate it situation no in between
@@aravil2858right and i love sym i find her extremely satisfying and fun to play and want to master her and one trick her just bcs she’s fun and if your trying to get good as a beginner its recommended you learn only a few characters like the back of your hand even in bad maps or bad match ups and sym is def one i want to do that with idk she’s just super fun to play for me😌
as a symm player id probably say to have fun with her u have to commit a lot of time into her and understand the game and her kit very well so u can make use of it i.e. tping around and being an annoying mosquito but her biggest weakness is always gonna be that sches relient on teamwork/communication
As a long time symm main (im talking like beta 1 where she gave 75 shield hp to allies not just 25) she honestly needs to go back to support. Whilst her dps is okay and can be fun it is so map and team reliant. She is a pseudo support who feels clunky trying to support your team whilst playing as a flank / lockdown dps. This is why nobody picks her up unless you LOVE the character. I much prefer her creative peel / enable playstyle and both wall and tp (the best parts of her hit) are things a support should be doing.
@mewybee her design philosophy, lore and personality were all built for support. Symm 2.0 wasn't bad in support she was situational. They made no effort to actively balance her for support even time she failed she was instantly reworked with no real balance changes to impact her gameplay. You could 100% rework symm to be a good support in ow2 they just need to actually put some effort into her rework, something that even Geoff Goodman admitted they didn't do for symm 3.0 because they just wanted a product out. Currently symmetra is just a beam and orb bot in solo Q and the reason she's picked in pro play is for TP and Wall, both of which are support abilities. I've mained her for years and symm 3.0 has super 1 dimensional and boring gameplay, in my opinion she'd be better off getting a support rework where they actually make an attempt to make her a support. Remember they spent 6 years making sojourns power slide feel good but only spent 2 months on symm 3 coz they just wanted dps players to stop complaining
I miss the old Sym secondary fire that went through barriers, it made her feel more unique and gave her another niche. People complained about it just being spam, but the new one is still just spam 90% of the time (like most projectile weapons are)
UHHH NO??? THE COMPLAINT WAS LITERALLY IT TOOK 2 SECONDS TO CHARGE AND THAT IT WAS 5 TIMES MORE SLOWER??? HELLO what good would it do in current game anyway lmao she shreds rein and sigma
The issue isn't spam, they were just unbelievably inconsistent to hit because of how slow they moved. If anything, her orbs need to move faster if you want to reduce spam because then it would take intentional aim for them to even hit
as a top 500 sym one trick for many seasons i always say , she is a support hero in the dps category. her kit in a game like league of legends would land her easily as a support hero.
I'd like to see them revisit the mechanic of choosing between two ultimates, even if it's not on Sym. Adds a layer of strategy by forcing to you to make decisions on the fly.
Support symmetra was so good if they only reworked her to be a damage support character that can heals ally and shield them with turrets and her tp she would be a unique character
I've been an Overwatch player since 2017, and still am. Symmetra was always fun to play imo. She can do so many cool things, while offering a unique play style overall. Her ultimate has pretty much INFINITE value, because you can block infnite damage with it theoretically. On control maps, you also have the early positioning advantage, because you get to the point quicker.
i don’t know how people don’t find her fun.. she has a beam, long ranged projectiles with decent dmg, a teleporter with infinite possibilities and a consistently good ulti. the most uninteresting part of her kit is the turrets but even then they can be used in creative ways ever since they added the vision
Sym’s kit right now is the best it’s ever been. She doesn’t need anything changed. (bug fixes maybe) There are always lesser popular picks in every game & that’s just normal.. Sym is skill expressive & fun if you’re good at her.
Some parts of this are insightful, but I think almost anything about the turrets is wrong. They don't "do the work for you". They help identify flankers and give Sym access to ping them through walls currently, as well as give her and her team relative speed advantage in fights. They give her the ability to control the pace of a fight as long as they don't get shot, and if they do, then it's a distraction from the bigger, more valuable threats.
I also want to add to your statement, Teleport turret "planting" (wrong term, trying not to get automod) is usually not a good idea unless the whole team doesn't expect it and won't react to it. One melee and all three turrets are gone.
@@wargex ya I'd just say clustering, but the meaning is there. I see people just do a standard line where they've seen people in vods put them, often in clusters too. They should be going in wild places that people won't think of, in areas of interest.
Symmetrical was the funnest hero to play back in OW1 because she was so whacky constantly getting reworked and putting a smile on my face on seeing how she had two ultimates at some point. I miss the lasso, now they removed that and gave it to moira of all creatures... She's not fun to play or play against.
She's a better brawl character than she is a poke character, and I say this when I've gotten insane snipes with her. Her charged beam is so underrated, and overlooked, players forget it's quite deadly.
We've seen her a bunch of cool things. Make on-demand barriers, bridges, light sources, and basically anything her mind can come up with. She should be able to restructure maps if she wanted to.
Solo Symmetra thrives by making the enemy team focus your teleporter before you. When you are spamming TPs at max speed, you are building Level 3 charge while being near invincible. This requires attention and they have to break the TP, spending valuable time to do so.
I love playing as symmetra using teleporters in time time to avoid orissa or zaryas ult for example is huge! Using her ult to protect others from other enemy ults/damage is pretty good to imho she does require skill and map knowledge on where to place your turrets effectively
I think another thing to mention, not sure if its available in 2, but her TP also worked on Ults, you can send a DVA or Junk Ult through it, or reposition Bastion or Torb turret
Ik blizzard won't rework her because it's blizzard and they hate fun, but one of my top 3 wishes since the end of 2018 was for them to rework symmetra into a support (im mainly a support main and my favourite hero is symmetra, maybe thats why)
I agree I missed the first two iterations of symmetra, she was a lot more fun before they ruined her and turned her into a DPS unit. To be honest old OverWatch when it was a combination of a shooter game and a MOBA was peak.
I kinda wish she had a shield gen that decays when your team take shield damage when it provided, fitting her get back to the semi support category. But its up to blizzard to do some sort of change.
I am glad someone else has talked about sym's orb game being mild There isnt a day in this earth i will never not complain about the fact her projectile is more of a cripple shot than a kill dont get me wrong,i dont want sym dropping people like a hanzo,but its frustrating...atleast the satisfaction factor is peak,imo most satisfiying projectile to land ever,fight me Anyway im a proud sym main(ish,beacuse i really wanna avoid this game like the plague rn) and while she has her tedious downs,im glad her community pushes through,its respectable and beautiful,and i wish the best for everyone that's there for the character,and prove she's fun, playable and viable (again even with the clear struggles) Really wished she was less situational,and maybe got a few tweaks,but as an utility character with an identity crisis on her role in the team,she's awesome ❤
Much like pre-OW2 Sombra, Symmetra's kit isn't the problem, nor is there much skill required to effectively hold down left click. It's just that the majority of people find her W+M1 gameplay boring, compared to all the other DPS options. Turrets aren't as reliable, they can be taken down with one quick melee and they’re more of a distraction than a real threat.
I only play two heros Tracer is my main, Sym is my second. I ONLY learned Sym after 2-2-2 was implemented, she instantly became meta, before 2-2-2 if there was a troublesome Sym, I would swap to Winston, now I couldn't, and no tank was willing to swap to Winston at the time. It became if you can't beat them join them. She became my pick for 2 capture, especially defense, I'd put TP from choke to point, anyone who would try to TP past choke to point would be a trap. She's a great brawl hero who can melt heros if she has proper support from her team. It's also usually better to put turrets behind their team if possible instead of hiding it somewhere they walk into unless they're pushing too aggressively. Also just too add I don't think Winston is a straight up counter anymore, a good Sym knows how to reverse it, Ram is better if you can get her with no retreat with punches, but she has to be out of place and getting no support from her team.
Symmetra is my favourite hero, due to her being autistic, but I don't really understand why not many people play as her. Symmetra is surprisingly annoying to play against, and it's not to do with her turrets (because a melee can destroy them), rather it is because of her primary fire damage. Symmetra is the damage role's equivalent of Zarya, and like Zarya, her beam can melt you like butter, with it dealing 180 dps on damage level 3.
It her play style there's not many heros being good on sym transfers to outside heros that use beams also most of syms power is in telaporting the team but most ranks players just ignore her telaporter Also many maps sym just sucks on
Well the thing here is that your example is in a vacuum Sure she can get level 3 beam and deal 180 Is she going to get it long enough to kill you in a game ? Probably not And for zarya it's way easier to get max charge because of the fact the enemies kinda have to shoot her to get rid of her If she uses that and her bubble cool downs correctly She will have max charge pretty quickly And also just like he said in the video you gotta be aware of mobility If the enemy reaper is on the castle on eichenwalde 2nd point And you are at the gate Then you can't really hit the reaper from so far away That's why many don't play her that much Her range makes it nearly impossible to even get a level 3 beam in the 1st place
@@crossdaboss8914 She's really good on all the newer maps (Flashpoint and Clash) as well as most of the Control maps and defense first point for all the Hybrid maps.
The fact that she doesn’t lose ammo and instead charges up her weapon’s damage when attacking shields, and placing a teleporter to escape a zarya ult and mauga ult, and people don’t know or utilize this information, astounds me. Like??? She’s useful!!!!
I think sym will see more play once 6v6 comes back. I loved playing her in OW1 but she never transitioned well into 5v5. Super tanks run her over, teams are more spread out, poke too strong with 1 tank, etc
Another aspect of her being better in OW1 was playing 2 capture point mode, and that's not coming back. It should, they should just rework all maps to eliminate single choke points, that was the biggest issue next to def point 2 being too close to spawn.
@@WhereIsYourID she’s literally cant. Supports NEED to keep her up and that requires too much communication in ranked. She’s an inconsistent brawl character, a below average poke character and gets completely run over in dive.
I play Sym for NTMR Rotation (currently undefeated in Faceit NA, although we are in Expert not Master) and the pro analysis is spot on. TP provides the most value out of anything else on your kit by far. Between solo TPs for attention, map rotation TPs, kite/disengage TPs, fake TPs, and putting teammates on aggressive angles, there are a decent number of options for any given map and enemy team comp (except Push fuck that gamemode). The one at 8:00 is a great example; the TP itself is behind cover (meaning it cannot be destroyed and the enemy team must rely on audio queues to know where/who everyone is), and it's a relatively safe angle (important, you don't just want to TP directly on people and hope for the best) that punishes the Cass' position.
Odd how you kept pushing that she’s not a fun character when in reality she was made less and less enjoyable for the playerbase she was made for over the years. Her best state was her rework into having a shield gen and tp ultimate with the moving shield. She never should have been taken from support and put into the DPS role, and beyond that they never should have combined the defense and offense categories for DPS. Current Sym is messy, forced frontline combat on a character so clearly designed for slow setup and backline support. All of these issues are exacerbated by 5v5 being an inferior game to 6v6.
While she is a low pick rate, I think she is in a wonderful spot right now. Mastering her makes you truly feel like an architect of the battlefields, which fits so well with her character.
Some guy said "Symms light powers have so much potential but she is still shoot ball and make line" and that got me thinking. Give her a headshot effect. If she's beaming you in the head it blinds you, and makes your screen all white. Have it fade in taking about half a second to do so, maybe even add in lens flare. That or change her ult from a map wide shield to a map wide solar flare. That will also help up her pick rate which is is what I think the video was about idk, I tuned out halfway or so thinking about this on the toilet at 6:27 am
They need to rework her again. Reduce the turrets damage, increase health, keep slow and reveal. Decrease her primsry and secondamage and give it a heal, works the exact same way they work nlw but also heal. Give her the ability to heal shields faster (so zarya, zen, juno etc recieve increased healing) keep teleporter, bring shield generator back and let her choose between wall or shield generator. Shield generator has a medium duration and has a lot of hp (Like lifeweavers tree kinda) She'd be the perfect anti dive anti flank support
This is why I stopped aying this game people only care about fucking ranked. Peak Sym was the second iteration, however it could have been even better if rather than having the moving shield they just kept the little shield bubble and let it stack with her Ult. Not every character has to have what YOU deem as "skill expression", OverWatch as a game brought together people from across the skill spectrum and to take one character from at the very end and move them somewhere where they really don't belong and their kit has no place being in is she's unpopular. She was never meant to be popular, she was meant to be a low-skill character supportive character that had a little bit of DPS at people didn't pay attention to you. You walking in an empty room and getting chewed up by six turrets was the skill expression, and the only reason why I made people upset is because they felt like "oh I can't go and flank" It sounds like Sym is doing her job, she's protecting the team.... People complaining that it's not fun to go against but it's also not fun tracer dashes behind you throws a bomb on you and disappears. It's called losing, losing isn't fun. Nobody says "oh I lost, that was spectacular" you get salty... And you just deal with it because guess what it doesn't matter, it's a game.
As a newbie, I've picked symmetra up and I don't get why more people don't play her, devastating flanker when they aren't paying attention, and just generally being able to quickly tp in, kill the mercy, and die can easily be enough for your team to break a line, not to mention for holding off positions she is also great, had a team with a tank and a mercy, mercy just stuck on me and i went around melting people left and right while my turrets occasionally chip in and the tank distracted them, and here wall is great for cap points, please teleporter in, set up wall, start firing beam to force them back while the rest of your team takes your teleporter, and just like that you've taken the cap
I'm not much of a dps player, Tank/Support But I noticed I haven't touched Sym since the first few months of OW2 & she's one of the few dps next to Venture that I really enjoy. Though I'm not amazing at the game, the fact my aggro Sym pissed enemies off really made her that much more enjoyable when figuring out the hero.
As a top 500 sym shes either a hero you have to master in order to play her in top matches or you throw. She has a low skill ceiling in lower ranks but such a high skill ceiling in high rank. Why play a hero you have to master when you could play cassidy and get the same value with half the brain power. But i love her due to having predict the enemy foghts and movements in order to controll the team fights.
dude thats crazy her pick rate is so low. i just started using her after i felt like soldier got a lot worse to play as, and she's been awesome i feel like she has really good finishing potential and map control.
what i think about symm is (i main her since i started playing in april 2017) she can everything...but nothing rly good. she has a supp abilitie, she has a dps abilitie and she has a tank ulti. i think blizz should give her a defensiv or gap close abilitie and a real dps ult
I miss that second moderate rework with the moving barrier and the shield generator. Her new ult is stupid. It's just a win con for any team that knows how to use it. The only counterplay is EMP or waiting it out. It looks dumb; it is dumb. There was a time when they teased concepts of her actually creating terrain, obstacles, or platforms. I just think of where she is now, where she used to be, and what she could've been. Instead she's just in a perpetual identity crisis. I love Symmetra. I love her concept, her aesthetic, her utility - always have. But she just feels like a patchwork of ideas that the devs don't know what to do with.
i love how everything you suggested is hated already by the playerbase, showing how disconnected you are from it, from a hero you dont even know how to play atleast you didnt say her moving shield was good ❤
I don’t get why people are against buffing or reworking Symm to make her greater….I will agree to blizzard’s balancing team doing horribly on the recent patches and wouldn’t want to mess with an already messy hero… I main Symm merely due to the character herself and she’s indeed require so much less skills since a lot of her abilities are deployables and her orbs are very easy to hit once you get used to it, my issues lies in how effective her kit is being a damage class compared to the rest of the cast,… the amount of me charging up a 90dmg orb is the amount other heroes including supports can knock nearly all of my health off, same goes for me needing to ramp up my beam, Symm doesn’t have the damage nor the tools to deal with immediate danger even with already set up turrets, beam and orb needs charge time, turrets are use as sensory now, wall’s use to often initiate fight
This is my major complain with Sym. Can't beam an enemy that jumps you because lvl1 damage is too low, and getting to lvl2/3 takes too long. Orbs take a whole second to get to max damage, and its incredibly low compared to pretty much every other DPS. Turrets take time to deploy themselves, which necessarily means you aren't spending time charging beam or orb. An escape TP also takes time to aim, confirm placement and finish building before you can actually use it, and even then you can be forced away by boops or overwhelming damage. Everything requires time that everyone else can use to kill you. But you have no burst yourself. Minor complaints would be I feel orb travel time is too slow and turrets often feel quite useless.
Because Sym is fine, she doesn't need buffs, her win rate is already above average, you tweak it more and she becomes broken. Good Syms already know what they're doing.
@@wargexPicking Symm to teleport your allies to a control point and switching to a different character does not equal her having an above average win rate.
She only really needs support when she wants to W beam melt the team on frontline when one of them is out of place. Otherwise she's pretty capable of dueling on her own. The only issue is usually teammates don't understand she can melt a whole frontline and don't support her when she pushes in.
honestly even if this is her best version now, i'd prefer her being a support with her beam both damaging and healing. my problem is that both TP and her ult just seem off as a dps ability. And the low pick rate just shows how pea brained dps players are to not make use of it. Give this character to the chad supports
Im a Reaper and Sym main. Before the global health increase, she 2 tapped with alt fire which was really good. Now she so difficult to get value with her. But hey, u can still 2 tap widow from across the map😂😂
People don’t like Symmetra because the average Overwatch character isn’t smart enough to do the thinking and calculating needed to play her; you don’t just walk forward and shoot to win, you have to do everything with intention and think all the time about how your abilities interact with your team
its because she takes effort to play in ALL situations. Ive been maining her for quite some time and playing her in every situtation actually takes effort with tps and aiming the balls. Shes not brain ded like weaver or other ez heros or versatile ones.
One of the players will probably stream it, I just follow Gass T3 on twitter and usually someone like sivaart or another player will stream the game hopefully, if not the replay codes will be public on the face it match page itself
If you know how to play her right - she is fcking op. And yeah, you cant choose sym and go act like soldier player, need some strategic thinking, that’s why i love her.
symmetra is the strongest dps hero in flex queue, especially when the enemy team has 3 tanks, she absolutely melts them; I have no idea why she has such low pickrate
idk if its just the way i play her but i think shes really deadly. shes by far my best damage hero. the tp i use offensively and her ult i use to push into enemies
I am not really a fan of her teleporter as it is. Diving in to contest high ground just feels like asking to die because she has no defenses other than her ult
symm, mercy, and sombra have been ruined by the developers 😂😂 their kits didnt need changes Mercys tho shpuld reduce her rez for 3 people or 2 rez's for her ability with a 30 second cooldown. And no time to rez vs the 3 business days it takes 😂😂😂
Shes just a tank buster. She takes advantage of bad map design because she can hold an entire choke hostage with her turrets and if theres no real paths to break oht of that choke she just charges her beam and walks your tank down. Shes not a strong hero by any means I dont personally struggle against her so its not a skill issue, im just pointing out the flaws in her hero design & how it really thrives off certain maps & struggles on others.
Hard refocusing Sym into the DPS role was the biggest mistake they did with this character. They should have kept her in Support and reworked her kit to be more supportive. Instead she now has 3 turrets that literally do nothing and a short range beam that gets you killed half the time. But whatever, i have no hope in this dev team anymore. She's a doomed character. Not weak, but niche as hell and the jankiest kit in the game.
They ruined her by removing 2 shot secondary fire and buffing the really boring beam and turrets. Let me use the high skill teleporter and secondary fire not the autoaiming turrets and the simple ass beam.
I get your frustrations, but Sym's beam is infinitely more interesting than her orbs. One requires her to track/spend time charging up, then likely expend TP to enter/remain in risky range to use - the other is spammed down chokes, has a generous hitbox, zero falloff, and can be spammed at almost no risk at all. Sym cannot have a consistent 2-tap projectile without nerfs elsewhere, when she is already on paper a utility-damage juggernaut.
@@atkvin Beam is too niche to be fun for me, either they have a tank you can farm beam off and its too easy or they dont and you spend the whole time on 0 charge. I havent played her since the ramp up buff so maybe beam is useable on squishies now but all I really wanted was 2 tap orbs with a smaller projectile. And as much as symm orbs can be spammed so can every projectile. Mei and hanzo can randomly hit headshots across the map while junkrat and pharah projectiles are just as easy to hit as symm projectiles. I dont think she is that much different from the rest.
The beam melts, it's her most damage potential. Turrets are just a slight bonus. It's usually better to put them behind a team instead of a place they can walk into. Or a place to watch a flank for you.
I think Sombra may have overtaken Sym as the most reworked hero at this point.
I can agree to that amazingly Sombra has now had more reworks than symmetric
She has
Sombra has been reworked so much I literally dont know how to counter her anymore as an on-and-off player.
Yes, BUT, sombra has kept her playstile mostly the same through most of ther reworks, sym plays different everytime she gets reworked or even when she gets small balance changes like turret bombs being way less efficient after the rework of turrets revealing and dealing less damage (i was getting into something but the more i wrote the more i got lost, sorry i've taken too many meds)
@@chuva_do_krlhher latest rework gutted her play style and soul similar to symmetra
I miss ow1 sym Setting up the car wash and Junkrat saying I get the feeling they have a shield generator
this comment misses the entire point of the video
@@polar6066 how
God same. I miss my old main
@@polar6066 cuz they feel nostalgic?
The problem with Symmetra is that she's very map dependent. Can either be really freaking good or be downright bad, depending on the map.
so is reaper but he's getting picked 😂
@@geert574i mean yeah but reaper has been getting microbuffs like crazy anyway
This is false, real syms make her work anywhere.
You're on crack! Shut up! Her teleporter is busted making slow moving heroes reach spots they wouldn't be able to get to. Mercy hanging around you can help you melt tanks with that Lazer.
@@frankie494 yeah real syms dont switch off and throw the game
As a Sym main, I've admittedly had to dedicate a lot of time to her than what I would need to for other heroes, however, she is incredibly fun for me. I will always love the utility she comes with and the new ways I find to synergize with my team. I'm a decently average player and have never ranked past platinum, so for me I'm mainly playing to have fun with my favorite heroes atp while also collectively moving the team towards a win
I feel like the video is wrong abt “players dont find her fun and gm players dont care abt fun” this is false yes alot of ppl dont have fun playing her but the ones that do really love her playstyle sm to the point they one trick her
Shes a u either really love it or really hate it situation no in between
@@aravil2858right and i love sym i find her extremely satisfying and fun to play and want to master her and one trick her just bcs she’s fun and if your trying to get good as a beginner its recommended you learn only a few characters like the back of your hand even in bad maps or bad match ups and sym is def one i want to do that with idk she’s just super fun to play for me😌
as a symm player id probably say to have fun with her u have to commit a lot of time into her and understand the game and her kit very well so u can make use of it i.e. tping around and being an annoying mosquito but her biggest weakness is always gonna be that sches relient on teamwork/communication
And that she's pretty reliant on range
I love playing with a good sym main tping around. It’s so fun lol
yeah i dont think most people understand how good she can actually be
This is also false she is not reliant on teamwork
@@frankie494 I only rely on my team grabbing attention - like any other flanking mosquito character, tho.
i think ur just not autistic. im autistic and i think she is top 3 most fun champs in the game
Autism diff what can I say
lol what
Symmetra autism test
i’m autistic and this video makes me want to learn her. checks out
As a long time symm main (im talking like beta 1 where she gave 75 shield hp to allies not just 25) she honestly needs to go back to support. Whilst her dps is okay and can be fun it is so map and team reliant. She is a pseudo support who feels clunky trying to support your team whilst playing as a flank / lockdown dps. This is why nobody picks her up unless you LOVE the character.
I much prefer her creative peel / enable playstyle and both wall and tp (the best parts of her hit) are things a support should be doing.
she does not need to go back to support. she was always horrible in that role and she’d be even worse in ow2
@mewybee her design philosophy, lore and personality were all built for support. Symm 2.0 wasn't bad in support she was situational. They made no effort to actively balance her for support even time she failed she was instantly reworked with no real balance changes to impact her gameplay.
You could 100% rework symm to be a good support in ow2 they just need to actually put some effort into her rework, something that even Geoff Goodman admitted they didn't do for symm 3.0 because they just wanted a product out.
Currently symmetra is just a beam and orb bot in solo Q and the reason she's picked in pro play is for TP and Wall, both of which are support abilities.
I've mained her for years and symm 3.0 has super 1 dimensional and boring gameplay, in my opinion she'd be better off getting a support rework where they actually make an attempt to make her a support. Remember they spent 6 years making sojourns power slide feel good but only spent 2 months on symm 3 coz they just wanted dps players to stop complaining
I miss the old Sym secondary fire that went through barriers, it made her feel more unique and gave her another niche.
People complained about it just being spam, but the new one is still just spam 90% of the time (like most projectile weapons are)
what good would it do in current game anyway lmao she shreds rein and sigma
@@polar6066 if you get close to either of those tanks they will just stomp on you.
@@bigfudge2031yeah now say that to a rein or sig player
still not answering how her support era orbs would be any better btw
The issue isn't spam, they were just unbelievably inconsistent to hit because of how slow they moved. If anything, her orbs need to move faster if you want to reduce spam because then it would take intentional aim for them to even hit
I'll go play Sym in comp to lower the winrate
as a top 500 sym one trick for many seasons i always say , she is a support hero in the dps category. her kit in a game like league of legends would land her easily as a support hero.
nah you are definitely not.
what season did you start playing her in? both OW1 and OW2?
As sym player sometimes opponent didn't know how to deal with you because sym are so niche and not that fun to play againts is so funny
I'd like to see them revisit the mechanic of choosing between two ultimates, even if it's not on Sym. Adds a layer of strategy by forcing to you to make decisions on the fly.
Support symmetra was so good if they only reworked her to be a damage support character that can heals ally and shield them with turrets and her tp she would be a unique character
I've been an Overwatch player since 2017, and still am. Symmetra was always fun to play imo. She can do so many cool things, while offering a unique play style overall. Her ultimate has pretty much INFINITE value, because you can block infnite damage with it theoretically. On control maps, you also have the early positioning advantage, because you get to the point quicker.
i don’t know how people don’t find her fun.. she has a beam, long ranged projectiles with decent dmg, a teleporter with infinite possibilities and a consistently good ulti. the most uninteresting part of her kit is the turrets but even then they can be used in creative ways ever since they added the vision
Sym’s kit right now is the best it’s ever been. She doesn’t need anything changed. (bug fixes maybe) There are always lesser popular picks in every game & that’s just normal.. Sym is skill expressive & fun if you’re good at her.
Some parts of this are insightful, but I think almost anything about the turrets is wrong. They don't "do the work for you". They help identify flankers and give Sym access to ping them through walls currently, as well as give her and her team relative speed advantage in fights. They give her the ability to control the pace of a fight as long as they don't get shot, and if they do, then it's a distraction from the bigger, more valuable threats.
I also want to add to your statement, Teleport turret "planting" (wrong term, trying not to get automod) is usually not a good idea unless the whole team doesn't expect it and won't react to it. One melee and all three turrets are gone.
@@wargex ya I'd just say clustering, but the meaning is there. I see people just do a standard line where they've seen people in vods put them, often in clusters too. They should be going in wild places that people won't think of, in areas of interest.
Symmetrical was the funnest hero to play back in OW1 because she was so whacky constantly getting reworked and putting a smile on my face on seeing how she had two ultimates at some point. I miss the lasso, now they removed that and gave it to moira of all creatures... She's not fun to play or play against.
she was reworked only 2 times and nobody even remembers 2016 symmetra
Symms light powers have so much potential but she is still shoot ball and make line
never understood this take tbh doesnt help its often chained with worst rework ideas on earth
She's a better brawl character than she is a poke character, and I say this when I've gotten insane snipes with her. Her charged beam is so underrated, and overlooked, players forget it's quite deadly.
fr you should be able to build shit like minecraft
We've seen her a bunch of cool things. Make on-demand barriers, bridges, light sources, and basically anything her mind can come up with. She should be able to restructure maps if she wanted to.
Symmetra is the best character to play on paris piano
Same with lunar colony or volskaya cp maps
Solo Symmetra thrives by making the enemy team focus your teleporter before you.
When you are spamming TPs at max speed, you are building Level 3 charge while being near invincible.
This requires attention and they have to break the TP, spending valuable time to do so.
I love playing as symmetra using teleporters in time time to avoid orissa or zaryas ult for example is huge! Using her ult to protect others from other enemy ults/damage is pretty good to imho she does require skill and map knowledge on where to place your turrets effectively
I think another thing to mention, not sure if its available in 2, but her TP also worked on Ults, you can send a DVA or Junk Ult through it, or reposition Bastion or Torb turret
Ik blizzard won't rework her because it's blizzard and they hate fun, but one of my top 3 wishes since the end of 2018 was for them to rework symmetra into a support (im mainly a support main and my favourite hero is symmetra, maybe thats why)
a support main trying to universally define whats fun for everyone is such a red flag
@polar6066 lol, sry?
shes my main and i hope they dont do anything to her
I agree I missed the first two iterations of symmetra, she was a lot more fun before they ruined her and turned her into a DPS unit.
To be honest old OverWatch when it was a combination of a shooter game and a MOBA was peak.
I kinda wanna see a graph of how many Sym mains are also, or were at some point, Watson mains in Apex. lol
no because my partner was a Watson main when she used to play, I feel like you just read her soul
Actually Rampart main because Anjali Bhimani voiced both Sym and Rampart
Sym and Wattsy main here :D
this makes a lot of sense 🫢
I kinda wish she had a shield gen that decays when your team take shield damage when it provided, fitting her get back to the semi support category. But its up to blizzard to do some sort of change.
How is the TP, wall ult, and sentry scouting not semi support.
I am glad someone else has talked about sym's orb game being mild
There isnt a day in this earth i will never not complain about the fact her projectile is more of a cripple shot than a kill dont get me wrong,i dont want sym dropping people like a hanzo,but its frustrating...atleast the satisfaction factor is peak,imo most satisfiying projectile to land ever,fight me
Anyway im a proud sym main(ish,beacuse i really wanna avoid this game like the plague rn) and while she has her tedious downs,im glad her community pushes through,its respectable and beautiful,and i wish the best for everyone that's there for the character,and prove she's fun, playable and viable (again even with the clear struggles)
Really wished she was less situational,and maybe got a few tweaks,but as an utility character with an identity crisis on her role in the team,she's awesome ❤
Much like pre-OW2 Sombra, Symmetra's kit isn't the problem, nor is there much skill required to effectively hold down left click. It's just that the majority of people find her W+M1 gameplay boring, compared to all the other DPS options. Turrets aren't as reliable, they can be taken down with one quick melee and they’re more of a distraction than a real threat.
Awesome video dude! Love this series
I only play two heros Tracer is my main, Sym is my second. I ONLY learned Sym after 2-2-2 was implemented, she instantly became meta, before 2-2-2 if there was a troublesome Sym, I would swap to Winston, now I couldn't, and no tank was willing to swap to Winston at the time. It became if you can't beat them join them. She became my pick for 2 capture, especially defense, I'd put TP from choke to point, anyone who would try to TP past choke to point would be a trap. She's a great brawl hero who can melt heros if she has proper support from her team. It's also usually better to put turrets behind their team if possible instead of hiding it somewhere they walk into unless they're pushing too aggressively. Also just too add I don't think Winston is a straight up counter anymore, a good Sym knows how to reverse it, Ram is better if you can get her with no retreat with punches, but she has to be out of place and getting no support from her team.
Symmetra is my favourite hero, due to her being autistic, but I don't really understand why not many people play as her.
Symmetra is surprisingly annoying to play against, and it's not to do with her turrets (because a melee can destroy them), rather it is because of her primary fire damage. Symmetra is the damage role's equivalent of Zarya, and like Zarya, her beam can melt you like butter, with it dealing 180 dps on damage level 3.
It her play style there's not many heros being good on sym transfers to outside heros that use beams also most of syms power is in telaporting the team but most ranks players just ignore her telaporter
Also many maps sym just sucks on
Well the thing here is that your example is in a vacuum
Sure she can get level 3 beam and deal 180
Is she going to get it long enough to kill you in a game ? Probably not
And for zarya it's way easier to get max charge because of the fact the enemies kinda have to shoot her to get rid of her
If she uses that and her bubble cool downs correctly
She will have max charge pretty quickly
And also just like he said in the video you gotta be aware of mobility
If the enemy reaper is on the castle on eichenwalde 2nd point
And you are at the gate
Then you can't really hit the reaper from so far away
That's why many don't play her that much
Her range makes it nearly impossible to even get a level 3 beam in the 1st place
@@crossdaboss8914 She's really good on all the newer maps (Flashpoint and Clash) as well as most of the Control maps and defense first point for all the Hybrid maps.
3:25 i like the melee bash at the end for her frustration she has to go through being reworked so much in a now negative way.
3:18 torbs turret does a lot of his job too, don’t be thick!
Why Only 0.69% Of People Play This Hero? Because her ttk (time-to-kill) is too high. She does not enough damage.
The fact that she doesn’t lose ammo and instead charges up her weapon’s damage when attacking shields, and placing a teleporter to escape a zarya ult and mauga ult, and people don’t know or utilize this information, astounds me. Like??? She’s useful!!!!
I think sym will see more play once 6v6 comes back. I loved playing her in OW1 but she never transitioned well into 5v5. Super tanks run her over, teams are more spread out, poke too strong with 1 tank, etc
Another aspect of her being better in OW1 was playing 2 capture point mode, and that's not coming back. It should, they should just rework all maps to eliminate single choke points, that was the biggest issue next to def point 2 being too close to spawn.
Brotha she can literally 1v1 tanks with a full charge beam
@@WhereIsYourID she’s literally cant. Supports NEED to keep her up and that requires too much communication in ranked.
She’s an inconsistent brawl character, a below average poke character and gets completely run over in dive.
@@The-hamster2471 Shes not strong in general but hee full charged beam can literally kill a tank
"Can symmetra solo the enemy team only with her aura?"
That meme made me main her and a lot of people gave her a shot after that
unironically she was the first hero i actually managed to pick up completely in the game.
I play Sym for NTMR Rotation (currently undefeated in Faceit NA, although we are in Expert not Master) and the pro analysis is spot on. TP provides the most value out of anything else on your kit by far. Between solo TPs for attention, map rotation TPs, kite/disengage TPs, fake TPs, and putting teammates on aggressive angles, there are a decent number of options for any given map and enemy team comp (except Push fuck that gamemode). The one at 8:00 is a great example; the TP itself is behind cover (meaning it cannot be destroyed and the enemy team must rely on audio queues to know where/who everyone is), and it's a relatively safe angle (important, you don't just want to TP directly on people and hope for the best) that punishes the Cass' position.
Odd how you kept pushing that she’s not a fun character when in reality she was made less and less enjoyable for the playerbase she was made for over the years. Her best state was her rework into having a shield gen and tp ultimate with the moving shield. She never should have been taken from support and put into the DPS role, and beyond that they never should have combined the defense and offense categories for DPS.
Current Sym is messy, forced frontline combat on a character so clearly designed for slow setup and backline support.
All of these issues are exacerbated by 5v5 being an inferior game to 6v6.
support symmetra being more fun is not a fact lol outside your circle that is
While she is a low pick rate, I think she is in a wonderful spot right now. Mastering her makes you truly feel like an architect of the battlefields, which fits so well with her character.
4:26 I would also say that Mei also has an ultimate that the team gets value from.
As a sym main, you just have to have a lot of patience for her, as she’s a very situational hero
Some guy said "Symms light powers have so much potential but she is still shoot ball and make line" and that got me thinking. Give her a headshot effect. If she's beaming you in the head it blinds you, and makes your screen all white. Have it fade in taking about half a second to do so, maybe even add in lens flare. That or change her ult from a map wide shield to a map wide solar flare. That will also help up her pick rate which is is what I think the video was about idk, I tuned out halfway or so thinking about this on the toilet at 6:27 am
I cannot clap in the comments but you deserve a fucking APPLAUSE for this video.
:O its them !
They need to rework her again. Reduce the turrets damage, increase health, keep slow and reveal. Decrease her primsry and secondamage and give it a heal, works the exact same way they work nlw but also heal. Give her the ability to heal shields faster (so zarya, zen, juno etc recieve increased healing) keep teleporter, bring shield generator back and let her choose between wall or shield generator. Shield generator has a medium duration and has a lot of hp (Like lifeweavers tree kinda)
She'd be the perfect anti dive anti flank support
This is why I stopped aying this game people only care about fucking ranked. Peak Sym was the second iteration, however it could have been even better if rather than having the moving shield they just kept the little shield bubble and let it stack with her Ult.
Not every character has to have what YOU deem as "skill expression", OverWatch as a game brought together people from across the skill spectrum and to take one character from at the very end and move them somewhere where they really don't belong and their kit has no place being in is she's unpopular.
She was never meant to be popular, she was meant to be a low-skill character supportive character that had a little bit of DPS at people didn't pay attention to you. You walking in an empty room and getting chewed up by six turrets was the skill expression, and the only reason why I made people upset is because they felt like "oh I can't go and flank" It sounds like Sym is doing her job, she's protecting the team.... People complaining that it's not fun to go against but it's also not fun tracer dashes behind you throws a bomb on you and disappears. It's called losing, losing isn't fun. Nobody says "oh I lost, that was spectacular" you get salty... And you just deal with it because guess what it doesn't matter, it's a game.
Sym is fun, but she got nerfed a couple of seasons back, after being buffed, yeah that killed her
As a newbie, I've picked symmetra up and I don't get why more people don't play her, devastating flanker when they aren't paying attention, and just generally being able to quickly tp in, kill the mercy, and die can easily be enough for your team to break a line, not to mention for holding off positions she is also great, had a team with a tank and a mercy, mercy just stuck on me and i went around melting people left and right while my turrets occasionally chip in and the tank distracted them, and here wall is great for cap points, please teleporter in, set up wall, start firing beam to force them back while the rest of your team takes your teleporter, and just like that you've taken the cap
0:27 not to mention she was a support hero at first too!
i KNEW i heard tyler i knew i wasn’t going insane
Have been a Symmetra main since Overwatch 1 started all the way till now and absolutely loved all her reworks.
I'm not much of a dps player, Tank/Support
But I noticed I haven't touched Sym since the first few months of OW2 & she's one of the few dps next to Venture that I really enjoy.
Though I'm not amazing at the game, the fact my aggro Sym pissed enemies off really made her that much more enjoyable when figuring out the hero.
honestly she was more fun to play in ow clasic, perhaps the auto aim helps mainly against those pesky tracer and genji players
As a top 500 sym shes either a hero you have to master in order to play her in top matches or you throw. She has a low skill ceiling in lower ranks but such a high skill ceiling in high rank. Why play a hero you have to master when you could play cassidy and get the same value with half the brain power. But i love her due to having predict the enemy foghts and movements in order to controll the team fights.
dude thats crazy her pick rate is so low. i just started using her after i felt like soldier got a lot worse to play as, and she's been awesome i feel like she has really good finishing potential and map control.
Guys shhhh let him bash Sym maybe we'll get buffs
Everyone else is playing a hero shooter, and Symmetra is playing an RTS. Which also perfectly explains why I like her
To summarize: Symmetra’s kit requires her team to support her constantly in order to get max value. Without good supports, she is easily killed.
what i think about symm is (i main her since i started playing in april 2017) she can everything...but nothing rly good. she has a supp abilitie, she has a dps abilitie and she has a tank ulti. i think blizz should give her a defensiv or gap close abilitie and a real dps ult
I miss that second moderate rework with the moving barrier and the shield generator.
Her new ult is stupid. It's just a win con for any team that knows how to use it. The only counterplay is EMP or waiting it out. It looks dumb; it is dumb.
There was a time when they teased concepts of her actually creating terrain, obstacles, or platforms. I just think of where she is now, where she used to be, and what she could've been. Instead she's just in a perpetual identity crisis.
I love Symmetra. I love her concept, her aesthetic, her utility - always have. But she just feels like a patchwork of ideas that the devs don't know what to do with.
I miss her moving barrier so much
i love how everything you suggested is hated already by the playerbase, showing how disconnected you are from it, from a hero you dont even know how to play
atleast you didnt say her moving shield was good ❤
@@polar6066 who cares if the playerbase hates it if he likes it? He can like something other people don't 🤷♀️ what a weird condescending comment
@@polar6066 Small penis much?
@@legacian4039 idk im not white
I don’t get why people are against buffing or reworking Symm to make her greater….I will agree to blizzard’s balancing team doing horribly on the recent patches and wouldn’t want to mess with an already messy hero…
I main Symm merely due to the character herself and she’s indeed require so much less skills since a lot of her abilities are deployables and her orbs are very easy to hit once you get used to it, my issues lies in how effective her kit is being a damage class compared to the rest of the cast,… the amount of me charging up a 90dmg orb is the amount other heroes including supports can knock nearly all of my health off, same goes for me needing to ramp up my beam, Symm doesn’t have the damage nor the tools to deal with immediate danger even with already set up turrets, beam and orb needs charge time, turrets are use as sensory now, wall’s use to often initiate fight
This is my major complain with Sym.
Can't beam an enemy that jumps you because lvl1 damage is too low, and getting to lvl2/3 takes too long.
Orbs take a whole second to get to max damage, and its incredibly low compared to pretty much every other DPS.
Turrets take time to deploy themselves, which necessarily means you aren't spending time charging beam or orb.
An escape TP also takes time to aim, confirm placement and finish building before you can actually use it, and even then you can be forced away by boops or overwhelming damage.
Everything requires time that everyone else can use to kill you. But you have no burst yourself.
Minor complaints would be I feel orb travel time is too slow and turrets often feel quite useless.
Because Sym is fine, she doesn't need buffs, her win rate is already above average, you tweak it more and she becomes broken. Good Syms already know what they're doing.
@@wargexPicking Symm to teleport your allies to a control point and switching to a different character does not equal her having an above average win rate.
@jm4050 "teleport your enemies to a control point"? Tf are you talking about? Are you drunk? New? Lost? Certainly salty.
@@wargex Bitch, don't be rude. You knew I meant allies, and I wrote enemies by mistake. 🙄
Needs some support so she isn’t focused but I love playing her - setting a good wall and tp back and forth during a fight is so satisfying
She only really needs support when she wants to W beam melt the team on frontline when one of them is out of place. Otherwise she's pretty capable of dueling on her own. The only issue is usually teammates don't understand she can melt a whole frontline and don't support her when she pushes in.
@ yea that’s facts people aren’t used to playing with her- that’s kinda what I meant by support
As a Sym player I enjoy her a lot. The only things that I can't counter is a Phara Mercy comp
It would be so cool if her beam and secondary fire could go through her teleporter
My fucking dream
maybe the win rate for sym in gm has to do with the team must pick it to use the teleport at the start of the game in certain maps?
She’s my most played dps her kit feels so fun to play today i love her (i’m a lucio main btw)
I would do anything for u to make a sym guide
Literally my best dps oddly enough
They should’ve just fucking made her defense and left her with the shield barrier like jesus
honestly even if this is her best version now, i'd prefer her being a support with her beam both damaging and healing.
my problem is that both TP and her ult just seem off as a dps ability.
And the low pick rate just shows how pea brained dps players are to not make use of it. Give this character to the chad supports
she WAS the most reworked hero
Im a Reaper and Sym main. Before the global health increase, she 2 tapped with alt fire which was really good. Now she so difficult to get value with her. But hey, u can still 2 tap widow from across the map😂😂
Coming from a Sym main myself, this hurts :(
People don’t like Symmetra because the average Overwatch character isn’t smart enough to do the thinking and calculating needed to play her; you don’t just walk forward and shoot to win, you have to do everything with intention and think all the time about how your abilities interact with your team
Shield melting pick since it recharge when damaging sjield while power up.
its because she takes effort to play in ALL situations. Ive been maining her for quite some time and playing her in every situtation actually takes effort with tps and aiming the balls. Shes not brain ded like weaver or other ez heros or versatile ones.
both 4 times
her pickrate skyrockets to 99% whenever i pick genji though XD
thanks for the video might be able to hit my new peak of gold 3 with that ❤❤❤❤
❤ buff mercy ❤
🎉 nerf genji 🎉
quality vid as per usual kajor. im playing nse tonight but will there be a way to watch gass t3 vs virtus when i'm free?
One of the players will probably stream it, I just follow Gass T3 on twitter and usually someone like sivaart or another player will stream the game hopefully, if not the replay codes will be public on the face it match page itself
but the real question is... can symmetra solo the enemy team, only with her AURA 💜
If you know how to play her right - she is fcking op.
And yeah, you cant choose sym and go act like soldier player, need some strategic thinking, that’s why i love her.
Well her beam has the least reach of all beams and that's kinda one heavy reason it's awful to use her
bro cant solo the enemy team only with his aura
symmetra is the strongest dps hero in flex queue, especially when the enemy team has 3 tanks, she absolutely melts them; I have no idea why she has such low pickrate
That's cool and all but
Can Symmetra solo the enemy team only with her aura?
I just gained some respect for the OW community.
I wish for a symmetra rework to make her more viable and deadly, give her more dps stuff, she has too many supportive powers for a dps role
idk if its just the way i play her but i think shes really deadly. shes by far my best damage hero. the tp i use offensively and her ult i use to push into enemies
opposite. she's a supportive character by design, lay into it and actually make her a support like she should've been since release
@@TheRedRos maybe you don’t understand how to max her capability as a damage
you jest but it it feels like that if you are under masters
I am not really a fan of her teleporter as it is. Diving in to contest high ground just feels like asking to die because she has no defenses other than her ult
Sym main here
She will always be peak for me-
symm, mercy, and sombra have been ruined by the developers 😂😂 their kits didnt need changes
Mercys tho shpuld reduce her rez for 3 people or 2 rez's for her ability with a 30 second cooldown. And no time to rez vs the 3 business days it takes 😂😂😂
Isn't Sombra the most reworked hero nowadays?
Shes just a tank buster. She takes advantage of bad map design because she can hold an entire choke hostage with her turrets and if theres no real paths to break oht of that choke she just charges her beam and walks your tank down. Shes not a strong hero by any means I dont personally struggle against her so its not a skill issue, im just pointing out the flaws in her hero design & how it really thrives off certain maps & struggles on others.
dang why they having made moira's beam similar to Zars yet
Tp feels too clunky but I love the concept and team plays she allows
Hard refocusing Sym into the DPS role was the biggest mistake they did with this character. They should have kept her in Support and reworked her kit to be more supportive. Instead she now has 3 turrets that literally do nothing and a short range beam that gets you killed half the time.
But whatever, i have no hope in this dev team anymore. She's a doomed character. Not weak, but niche as hell and the jankiest kit in the game.
then why do i meet her in every match. im a genji main and i meet her every other match or more.
They ruined her by removing 2 shot secondary fire and buffing the really boring beam and turrets. Let me use the high skill teleporter and secondary fire not the autoaiming turrets and the simple ass beam.
I get your frustrations, but Sym's beam is infinitely more interesting than her orbs. One requires her to track/spend time charging up, then likely expend TP to enter/remain in risky range to use - the other is spammed down chokes, has a generous hitbox, zero falloff, and can be spammed at almost no risk at all.
Sym cannot have a consistent 2-tap projectile without nerfs elsewhere, when she is already on paper a utility-damage juggernaut.
@@atkvin Beam is too niche to be fun for me, either they have a tank you can farm beam off and its too easy or they dont and you spend the whole time on 0 charge. I havent played her since the ramp up buff so maybe beam is useable on squishies now but all I really wanted was 2 tap orbs with a smaller projectile.
And as much as symm orbs can be spammed so can every projectile. Mei and hanzo can randomly hit headshots across the map while junkrat and pharah projectiles are just as easy to hit as symm projectiles. I dont think she is that much different from the rest.
The beam melts, it's her most damage potential. Turrets are just a slight bonus. It's usually better to put them behind a team instead of a place they can walk into. Or a place to watch a flank for you.