should not have chosen a 4-minute video to record when I had a cold LMAO anyways here's the script if you need it:
quagsire when told it's going to the PU tier for the 46th time (it will have a niche in basically every other tier regardless because it's just funni like that):
I feel like sub salac heracross was the first instance of the kingambit effect where you have a Mon in the last slot miraculously setup and spam stupid stabs until streaming tears spawn from the supreme opposition as their big 5 + starmie falters to a horny bug. That’s my goat.
I like using Typhosion after it started learning Eruption. Full Health? Eruption Near Death? Blaze Boosted Fire Blast. Typhlosion is fun I have nothing else to say.
Surskit swiftswim with eviolite in VGC. It's probably useless now because tailwind is more common. But with power swap, you can utterly pussify any physical attacker with your base 10 attack or special attack with your base 30 special attack. I once hit a dondozo team with this and it was beautiful. I was doing 30% to him with lunge 😂
Darmanitan is my favorite since it’s literally only there to click Flare Blitz, and continuously making double switches into it is the most satisfying thing to do in Pokémon for me imo
Assault vest ferrothorn is my baby. The double mind game of "oh it isn't stall" into "oh but it's still tanky as hell" can let you tear a massive hole by the time your opponent has positioned to deal with it
One of my funnier mons was Gen 4 trapping Jynx. She usually forces a switch to a tanky water type, to which they would be met with mean look. I would then be about to set up a lovely kiss, sub, and then perish song, giving them a slow, inescapable death. She obviously only worked once, but using her as a sleeper after that at least gave her some utility.
My favorite competitive Mon has to be Mr. Craw aka crawdaunt with life orb sd aqua jet crabhammer and knock off. It’s ridiculous how much damage that dude can do even without a swords dance. Currently in ru but can easily fit on an ou team despite all the power creep this gen.
I know it will forever be a Noob Trap but DPP electivire is one of the most fun pokemon ever. Its coverage and damage, and electric immune is just enough to never not feel like you're ripping through an opponents team, even if it is far from optimal. Random Battles Dedenne is a certified asshole and always a treat to have on my team, nuzzle + fairy stab + switching is bonkers utility in any ranbats its in, and it always puts in way more work than reasonably it should. Also a big fan of early reg SWSH Rhyperior, its WP set paired with bronzong was just so much fun and actually let me take an online tournament once. Will always hold a place in my heart
Speaking of electrics that need more love, if Minun had decent stats, Entrainment Minun would be a legit doubles mon. Plus and Minus as abilities got buffed so that they work interchangeably, so you can just entrain your partner for the boost, and entrain the opponent to effectively just delete their ability. And it has all the good doubles support staples like light screen, helping hand, etc.
My personal favorite: sash lead Cloyster in ubers. You pretty much always shell smash on turn 1, and either set up spikes while spinning their hazards or threaten something really hard with icicle spear. Most importantly it's the funniest 6-0 artist in the game, so many low ladder teams auto lose after one misplay lol
A silly fave for me was regigigas in gen 8. Even on ladder everyone knew that you were gonna skill swap. What they did NOT know was that I was actually going to use simple beam and rock polish to get +4 speed in one turn. Add one the fact that latios gets simple beam and heal pulse while regigigas gets power up punch and you would have an absolute monster core
While I despise the combination of Rock and Ground on a Pokemon because Geodude is one of the de facto Pokemon used in a first gym, blows up if you're caught lacking, and Graveler has the most ugly as sin DPPt sprite, Rhyperior is actually one of my favorite Ground type Pokemon. Solid Rock is an ability that is just amazing for a Pokemon with many weaknesses to have and in later generations can run Weakness Policy to turn those weaknesses into strengths. Also, Rhyperior canonically yeets Geodude as bullets and that gives it points in my book.
Mienshao with focus sash, close combat, fake out, detect, and upper hand with Tera fighting on max speed max attack. It’s dumb, it hates flutter and upper hand is kinda bad but when you hit 2 flinches back to back nothing else matters
One of my favorite sets is hone claws Durant, people don’t often think about Durant as a competitive pokemon, but it’s odd stats (109 in atk and speed, 112 in defense, 58 in hp, and 54 in special attack and defense), as well as the ability hustle can make it pretty tricky, hone claws removes the downside of hustle and leaves you with a kartana on crack
Goodra-Hisui is really strong in FFA. It has great special bulk and can acid armor into Body Press to its heart’s content, and with the Shell Armor ability, it doesn’t even need to fear its defenses being ignored by crits.
One of my favorite weird sets is Sandaconda with Coil, Wrap, Dig, and Leftovers. After a Coil it’s pretty bulky and can consistantly hit Wrap. Wrap traps mons in, and deals passive chip along with sandstorm from its ability. Meanwhile you’re underground and letting those passive trigger more while you heal with leftovers. You can run Protect or Glare or even a Tera Blast in the last moveslot depending on what you need for your team.
Mad respect for continuing with your crazy upload schedule while sick. The months long posters get a pass (a pass to anxiety when they get sick at the exact time they have to film the script they've written 😂) but you're a trooper for providing us content even while resting
Gen 5 OU Feraligatr is pretty fun. Swords dance + permanent rain boosted aqua jets and waterfalls hit pretty hard. It also has passable coverage against things that would otherwise wall it.
A bit late, but one mon I like to sometimes use is Mimikyu with Curse, Fling (Light Ball or Flame Orb), Pain Split, Destiny Bond. Most players expect a Swords Dance Mimikyu so it often catches them off guard when they get a mon paralyzed from a flung light Ball, or put on a timer from Curse, then lose hp on a switch in from Pain Split
Back in VGC 2014 choice scarf Mamoswine with icicle crash was my favourite vacuum answer to LandoT. 90% accuracy guaruntee OHKO if it lands. Plus it gets Superpower Knock Off Earthquake and Iron Head, which gave it good coverage, combined with Stealth rocks, toxic, icy wind, and block which let it run great utility (if not running scarf). The main purpose was OHKO LandoT, but I found it filled a lot of different holes in my team at the time and it’ll always be one of the coolest mons for that
My favorite competitive VGC teams I've ever made/used was during SWSH... Orbeetle is my favorite pkmn and I used Telepathy for EQ/Explosion shenanigans. IIRC I gave it max Spd, max Def and used a ChoiceScarf with AfterYou, AllySwitch, StruggleBug and Psychic (to Gmax Gravitas so I could set up gravity for my Dracozolt, another of my top favorite PKMN). The mind games were absolutely hilarious when the opponent had no idea I was choice scarfed and would have bet their lives on me not possibly using it for the fourth time in a row.
One I would like to mention is Slurpuff in any Gen where it's legal. Belly Drum + Sitrus Berry + Unburden, when set up right, makes you feel like a god. Pawmot is also really cool, with Revival Blessing support and two NUCLEAR BOMBS in STAB moves.
Dude, Dynamicpunch Typhlosion, hell yeah! I'm not into competitive but when I got Pokémon Gold in 2001, rolling the 50% gamble on my Dpunch Typhlosion was the best thing. Was super bummed out when I found out I couldn't relive that in HeartGold, but when Crystal dropped on the 3DS Virtual Console, I knew what I had to do. Also, what's funny is that I originally misread the name of the move, and for years in the early 2000s, I thought the move was called Dynamitepunch, which was almost a better name for it considering all the explosions in the animation.
DDP Scizor is one of my favorites. I would run Bullet Punch, Superpower, Swords Dance, and Quick Attack. Nobody was ever ready for the Quick Attack and it came in very handy a number of times to bop water types who thought they could set up on me or revenge kill me.
The only format I've really been playing lately is ADV OU, where I'm astonished to see how few people run Milotic, and more astonished when other players let me get away with switching my Milotic into something like Gengar Ice Punch or Starmie Ice Beam and OHKO with Mirror Coat off of the incoming Tbolt, then Recover up like it's nothing.
Typhlosion has also been one of my favourite Pokemon to use, albeit for Eruption in Doubles. Seeing both Pokemon on the opposing team get 1 shot by Eruption is a dopamine hit unlike any other.
my absolute favorite set is PP stall kingambit - pressure, leppa berry, mean look, spite, iron defense, rest. it works especially well in low ladder NDUbers because little timmies love their tacked on ho leads
Assault Vest Araquanid is just such a fun tanky mon to run, with Water Bubble making fire types useless and STAB Leech Life recovering health. Sure, you're slow, but if you're running tanky mons than you're used to that.
I'm just happy that Araquanid exists. Diving Bell Spider was on my list of "Animals I want to be made into pokemon" for years, and I cant believe I got it. AND I got the Steller's Jay the generation after. No opossum yet though...
I love some oddball mons: swellow specs in lower tiers (a mon with 75 base spa); arctozolt in gen 8 OU (stats being the most whatever things ever and being able to sweep tnks to ability + stabs) vivillion in gen 7 AG being B+ gen 8 AG natDex smeargle with shell smash/power trip/spore/sub sweeping teams of full legendaries was the funniest thing ever pyukumuku stall teams in gen 7 (using block + spite and two pressure mons to stall out all the enemy moves) the team that used fucking z-eevee to boost krookodile in gen 7 AG
My favorite off-meta pick for GSC is Muk. In essence its a mini-curselax. Boost until your opponent is forced to respond. Where it tends to suffer is having 4MSS. You want Giga Drain for rock and water types, Fire Blast for Skarmory, and Explosion because its fucking Explosion, but there's no way to comfortably do your job without giving yourself more weaknesses. It really relies on the unpredictability of its last two move slots.
Bro yall ever use Charjabug in OU. Completely unnecessary but I like giving Special Attacking threats (Like Flutter Mane and Walking Wake) This little guy by their side. Great defensive Typing, decent support moves, and eviolite can really make a monster.
Speaking of Rhyperior, anyone a fan of its Weakness-Polish set? You eat a super effective coverage to get policy boosts, boost speed with rock polish, and sweep the opposing team.
AV max SPATK Slowbro with regenerator is awesome. Psyshock, hydro, flamethrower, icebeam threatens massive damage on so many pokemon, which is great when opponents will see you as hazard/setup fodder. With base physical bulk and AV special bulk, you can usually tank a boosted hit, aside from knock off, and secure a 2 hit KO against the opponent. Tera also makes taking potshots at setup mons even better, because you can tera to fairy or dark on the turn they go for the boosted hit. Grimmsnarl can do something similar with sub/sucker/s-break, life orb, and max attack. Those stab sucker punches hit pretty hard and opponents never expect it. Pransker thunder wave can also save your bacon against setup sweepers. Sub can also be used to fish for full para, which can let you KO with 2 spirit breaks. I could also see running an attack boosting berry, custap to hit prio break vs dark types, or leftovers for better sub/para shenanigans.
for national dex doubles I love to run tera normal life orb delcatty. Normalize with Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Protect, and Last Resort make for a fun disrupter that dishes out surprisingly good damage. I like to pair it with Grimsnarl so on turn one I can fake out an opposing prankster user and then taunt them before they can get a move in.
Ok hear me out Loaded Dice Jolly Heracross is super fun. One Trailblaze will make you faster than most things in the game, then Rock Blast and Pin Missile takes care of most things together, Bullet Seed is also great, with a Tera of choice and Moxie boost you can become a monster in Singles. The only thing you hate are Steel Types and Physical Walls, but you’re capable of sweeping most teams alone Also Tera-Water Meganium in the Sun paired with Torkoal in Doubles is great too. Flower Guard saves you from being burned by Lava Plume, Synthesis and Heal Pulse are an awesome immortal combo, and Fire/Grass is a great offensive pair, as most Pokémon get wrecked in The Sun Praise Clod God and do your Daily Clicks yall!!
i dont know how unique but i enjoy the mind games with Zoroark's illusion though im not able to fully utilise it at times i find the momentary hesistation and general mind games to be interesting especially with the newer Ghost/Normal variant. Gives a nice role blocking spins and being a friend to my other dark types in addition to just being generally disruptive with things like will-o-wisp or memento or surprise oneshot/nasty plot stuff
i think one of my favorite sets i ever made was a bait magnezone. Max Special attack Analytic with specs and a Quiet Nature instead of Modest to increase chances of Analytic occurring. Switch it into something it should beat and then have it obliterate whatever comes in next with a stab specs boosted analytic thunderbolt or flash cannon
Moltres in Gen 9 OU is hella underrated. Run it with max hp and max spdef and flame body and it's a bulky pivot with good damage that acts a gluemon similar to lando-T of past gens where you can just kind of switch into it much more often than you really have a right to, while having enough set diversity to still catch people off guard with coverage options. For this particular metagame the fire/flying typing and decent bulk let it switch safely into half the tier and then deal good damage with just the combo of flame thrower and willow.
Ive been playing a lot of gen 9 doubles and Farigiraf is my absolute GOAT. People see a team with Hattereene, Iron Hands and Armarouge and tend to ignore my humble trick room setter.... Until he clicks Nasty Plot.... And Indeedee comes in... And he rips off the fattest E-Force this side of the Mississippi!
I like the specs eruption set on hyphlosion personally (Especially on AAA if you get rid of well baked body corv.) 252 SpA Choice Specs Typhlosion-Hisui Eruption (150 BP) vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Harsh Sunshine: 303-357 (46.4 - 54.7%) -- 62.1% chance to 2HKO
Choice specs special flygon in bw and oras singles was one of my favorite pokemon to use. Everyone expected a physical threat and they would often switch into physical or bulky sweepers and get their pokemon wrecked. It was hilarious to go to Ubers and have my opponent see flygon enter, switch to kyogre to eat and earthquake and instead get 2hkoed by choice specs giga drain
one of my fave comp pokemon is offensive jolly swampert in adv and dpp thats torrent boosted hydro pumps go crazy and surprise outspeeding or koung stuff is so good
My favorite button clicker is blaziken in adv. fire blast, sky uppercut, rock slide, and hp grass kinda hits the entire tier for super effective damage and if you’re a baller you can drop hp grass for focus punch. The problem is that it loses to spikes + sand chip and it also gets eaten alive by dugtrio but if you use it as an aggressive lead it’s hella fun and pretty underated tbh
Fan of Trick Room Banded Aegislash myself because... Banded Aegislash. I mean. You see the vision. It's just funny to me to totally ignore the mon's Ability and click buttons.
honesty one of my favorites is galarian moltres in vgc. give this man nasty plot and a sitrus berry and pair him with sinistcha and boom, a massively damaging decently tanky bastard with a 90 bp spread dark type move with a 20% flinch chance.
I feel like bulky Mimikyu is extremely overlooked in singles. People see base 90 attack and base 96 speed and just max those out, but Mimikyu is surprisingly very bulky. Its base 105 special defense is really solid, and base 80 defense isn't anything to scoff at either, especially after a bulk up or 2 (because Mimikyu gets bulk up for some reason). I was actually able to reverse sweep a mono steel team in natdex monotype with my Mimikyu because my opponent let me set up too many bulk ups and I proceeded to drain punch everything in sight
I should mention that in vgc, Mimikyu is an amazing trick room setter, being immune to fake out and ignoring the opponent's first attack on in, allowing to set up trick room basically for free. It's also surprisingly a reliable user of the curse into pain split combo. I just wish it got helping hand...
One of my favourite pokemon (as a vgc player) is support suicune. One of the most reliable tailwind setters ever because of inner focus and with leftovers and grassy terrain it Never. Fucking. Dies. and to make things even worse for the opponent suicune is absolutely the most free spammer of snarl and icy wind, a very unique combination that leads the opponent to make stupid decisions trying to play around it. It literally has it all. The only downside is that it's very mind tiering so I wouldn't recommend bringing it to a large tournament
I personally love using aegislash in gen 8 ou I picked it up one day after remembering about the horrors in gen 6&7 to see how far it’s fallen off Despite it’s UU status it was still pretty good picking up KO’s that the rest of my team couldn’t Just had to be careful around lando-T
i don't think it's amazing but skuntank getting trailblaze means it can actually make use of stench sometimes n has a move that can super hit ground combining this with assualt vest n its huge hp means it has okay damage but pretty good bulk as well n after a couple trail blazes can have a chance to skip your turn on any button it clicks but even if you can't get off a trailblaze you can go for stab sucker punch, skuntank is one of my favourite pokemon because i adore skunks but its new kinda meme set is very fun n silly i personally went with trailblaze, sucker punch, poison jab and then temper flare (inspired by your stunky video for if sucker punch whiffs) it still needs like two trail blazes to actually outspeed fast things but max hp max attack with the est n a chance to flinch is still kinda cool n is one of the reasons i think trailblaze was such a good addition to the game its kind of a counterplay to just having a better speed stat means you win and it actually has good distribution unlike its fire counterpart flame charge
What about RBY 4 attacks baller starmie? Yes I can't recover and I can't t wave but I can trick you into a false sense of security just to surprise you with the out of nowhere super effective move.
not so much a weird mon, but I think t-tar is super underrated in the current ou. stealth rocks, t-wave and knock can provide huge utility and the spdef it gets from sand lets it take on even offensive gholdengo in a pinch and threaten a clean ohko. choice band is also still great because it slaps the shit out of almost everything while still being super bulky. lastly, more defensive teams appreciate the sand chip on most meta threats
should not have chosen a 4-minute video to record when I had a cold LMAO anyways here's the script if you need it:
it's completely intelligible to me, tbh I can barely tell a difference
thanks i'll be stealing this script for my own video
quagsire when told it's going to the PU tier for the 46th time (it will have a niche in basically every other tier regardless because it's just funni like that):
Unaware extends to the real world tiering.
But then at the end of the game's lifespan suddenly jump up to RU or UU so no lower tiers can use it anymore ;(
Unaware plus counter is just beautiful in singles
same with pyukumuku but to an insanely extreme extent
Average "Rhydon is better because Eviolite + Rhyperior is ugly" fan: 🪨
Average Rhyperior "The Kill Button" enjoyer: ⛰️
The dopamine button is right there
More like “the miss button”
I cannot hit a stone edge to save my life
I actually kinda like Rhyperior’s design…
Fuck it we wrecking ball
Even funnier than that: Eviolite Rhydon is worse than Rhyperior comp-wise.
Rocky helmet, cosmic power, teleport, splash, cosmoem goes crazy in nat dex
i... please explain
I see the vision
You mean when its in Doubles, has Commander, and is paired with The Bag
@@DaEzChez it's too tuff to ohko so rock helmet chip comes in and kills the target
absolute psychopath set
I feel like sub salac heracross was the first instance of the kingambit effect where you have a Mon in the last slot miraculously setup and spam stupid stabs until streaming tears spawn from the supreme opposition as their big 5 + starmie falters to a horny bug. That’s my goat.
Horny bug?
Beautifully put
Six months later, I have bad news for you
Playing Nickname mindgames with explosion and Metagross is crazy, reminds me of the Arceus-Fire Arceus-Fighting stuff
my favorite thing is when i call the gengar switch-in with mash
Rhyperior is truly baller af. I'm using it in a Draft League rn and it's insane how much it can tank as a Tera captain while clapping cheeks.
Almost any ability gives ryph sap sipper which can be used to get a free rock polish and wipe the floor with the other guy
@@cheezebagz729me trying to figure out whether my opponents rhyperior is sap sipper or water absorb (It’s gonna sweep me either way)
How do you play on the draft league?
Typhlosion has been on my top 10 short list since gold. Glad to see the kid get the recognition he might not deserve.
Yeah about that…
I like using Typhosion after it started learning Eruption.
Full Health? Eruption
Near Death? Blaze Boosted Fire Blast.
Typhlosion is fun
I have nothing else to say.
Coolest gen 2 starter.
I've fallen to so many drought-boosted typhlosion leads in doubles. It's genuinely exploding with flame, from start to finish.
Such a badass 'mon
Surskit swiftswim with eviolite in VGC. It's probably useless now because tailwind is more common. But with power swap, you can utterly pussify any physical attacker with your base 10 attack or special attack with your base 30 special attack.
I once hit a dondozo team with this and it was beautiful. I was doing 30% to him with lunge 😂
Please tell me you named it "Ä"
Darmanitan is my favorite since it’s literally only there to click Flare Blitz, and continuously making double switches into it is the most satisfying thing to do in Pokémon for me imo
Explosion is literally the funniest button to ever click in any competitive game. Singles, doubles, lc, ubers.
Name a more iconic duo than Clodsire and Hatsune Miku, I'll wait.
Assault vest ferrothorn is my baby. The double mind game of "oh it isn't stall" into "oh but it's still tanky as hell" can let you tear a massive hole by the time your opponent has positioned to deal with it
what's the set ⁉️
@@flatziswashed Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, Body Press
One of my funnier mons was Gen 4 trapping Jynx. She usually forces a switch to a tanky water type, to which they would be met with mean look. I would then be about to set up a lovely kiss, sub, and then perish song, giving them a slow, inescapable death.
She obviously only worked once, but using her as a sleeper after that at least gave her some utility.
“Explosion funny” will forever be a good strategy, and that makes it funnier
My favorite competitive Mon has to be Mr. Craw aka crawdaunt with life orb sd aqua jet crabhammer and knock off. It’s ridiculous how much damage that dude can do even without a swords dance. Currently in ru but can easily fit on an ou team despite all the power creep this gen.
I know it will forever be a Noob Trap but DPP electivire is one of the most fun pokemon ever. Its coverage and damage, and electric immune is just enough to never not feel like you're ripping through an opponents team, even if it is far from optimal.
Random Battles Dedenne is a certified asshole and always a treat to have on my team, nuzzle + fairy stab + switching is bonkers utility in any ranbats its in, and it always puts in way more work than reasonably it should.
Also a big fan of early reg SWSH Rhyperior, its WP set paired with bronzong was just so much fun and actually let me take an online tournament once. Will always hold a place in my heart
Speaking of electrics that need more love, if Minun had decent stats, Entrainment Minun would be a legit doubles mon.
Plus and Minus as abilities got buffed so that they work interchangeably, so you can just entrain your partner for the boost, and entrain the opponent to effectively just delete their ability.
And it has all the good doubles support staples like light screen, helping hand, etc.
My personal favorite: sash lead Cloyster in ubers. You pretty much always shell smash on turn 1, and either set up spikes while spinning their hazards or threaten something really hard with icicle spear. Most importantly it's the funniest 6-0 artist in the game, so many low ladder teams auto lose after one misplay lol
A silly fave for me was regigigas in gen 8. Even on ladder everyone knew that you were gonna skill swap. What they did NOT know was that I was actually going to use simple beam and rock polish to get +4 speed in one turn. Add one the fact that latios gets simple beam and heal pulse while regigigas gets power up punch and you would have an absolute monster core
Typhlosion is my fav mon of all time therefore excellent video
I have always been partial to the bulky empoleon set I came up with. It had scald, feather dance, yawn, and iirc protect.
While I despise the combination of Rock and Ground on a Pokemon because Geodude is one of the de facto Pokemon used in a first gym, blows up if you're caught lacking, and Graveler has the most ugly as sin DPPt sprite, Rhyperior is actually one of my favorite Ground type Pokemon. Solid Rock is an ability that is just amazing for a Pokemon with many weaknesses to have and in later generations can run Weakness Policy to turn those weaknesses into strengths.
Also, Rhyperior canonically yeets Geodude as bullets and that gives it points in my book.
Mienshao with focus sash, close combat, fake out, detect, and upper hand with Tera fighting on max speed max attack. It’s dumb, it hates flutter and upper hand is kinda bad but when you hit 2 flinches back to back nothing else matters
Been saving up for a family holiday to Clodsire Land this year.
rhyperior is the reason behinde i want gen 1 hyperbeam mechanics back
One of my favorite sets is hone claws Durant, people don’t often think about Durant as a competitive pokemon, but it’s odd stats (109 in atk and speed, 112 in defense, 58 in hp, and 54 in special attack and defense), as well as the ability hustle can make it pretty tricky, hone claws removes the downside of hustle and leaves you with a kartana on crack
Durant actually is very good in Gen 5 RU and VGC, and in RU it can run your set!
Goodra-Hisui is really strong in FFA. It has great special bulk and can acid armor into Body Press to its heart’s content, and with the Shell Armor ability, it doesn’t even need to fear its defenses being ignored by crits.
In AAA, WBB Avalugg is hilarious every time
Ok I gotta give that a shot one of these days.
One of my favorite weird sets is Sandaconda with Coil, Wrap, Dig, and Leftovers. After a Coil it’s pretty bulky and can consistantly hit Wrap. Wrap traps mons in, and deals passive chip along with sandstorm from its ability. Meanwhile you’re underground and letting those passive trigger more while you heal with leftovers. You can run Protect or Glare or even a Tera Blast in the last moveslot depending on what you need for your team.
That sounds funny but also like it's susceptible to the opponent going to a water type on the coil so you'd have to use it at a low power level
@@lucasgreer1736 You do need to be careful of switching, yeah. Glare helps a lot with that, makes switching not free.
I guess one of my favs to use is 4 attacks Absol in the lower tiers, whenever I use, it’s the GOAT
Mad respect for continuing with your crazy upload schedule while sick. The months long posters get a pass (a pass to anxiety when they get sick at the exact time they have to film the script they've written 😂) but you're a trooper for providing us content even while resting
crawdaunt in gen 8 and d dance haxorus in gen 6 are my personal favorites
Nothing will ever be funnier than OHKOing something with a resisted First Impression. Might be worth giving that guy a vid ngl
Gen 5 OU Feraligatr is pretty fun. Swords dance + permanent rain boosted aqua jets and waterfalls hit pretty hard. It also has passable coverage against things that would otherwise wall it.
I was not expecting a Registeel appearance, always appreciate some love for the regis despite their questionable competitive viability!
A bit late, but one mon I like to sometimes use is Mimikyu with Curse, Fling (Light Ball or Flame Orb), Pain Split, Destiny Bond. Most players expect a Swords Dance Mimikyu so it often catches them off guard when they get a mon paralyzed from a flung light Ball, or put on a timer from Curse, then lose hp on a switch in from Pain Split
Back in VGC 2014 choice scarf Mamoswine with icicle crash was my favourite vacuum answer to LandoT. 90% accuracy guaruntee OHKO if it lands. Plus it gets Superpower Knock Off Earthquake and Iron Head, which gave it good coverage, combined with Stealth rocks, toxic, icy wind, and block which let it run great utility (if not running scarf). The main purpose was OHKO LandoT, but I found it filled a lot of different holes in my team at the time and it’ll always be one of the coolest mons for that
My favorite competitive VGC teams I've ever made/used was during SWSH... Orbeetle is my favorite pkmn and I used Telepathy for EQ/Explosion shenanigans. IIRC I gave it max Spd, max Def and used a ChoiceScarf with AfterYou, AllySwitch, StruggleBug and Psychic (to Gmax Gravitas so I could set up gravity for my Dracozolt, another of my top favorite PKMN). The mind games were absolutely hilarious when the opponent had no idea I was choice scarfed and would have bet their lives on me not possibly using it for the fourth time in a row.
One I would like to mention is Slurpuff in any Gen where it's legal. Belly Drum + Sitrus Berry + Unburden, when set up right, makes you feel like a god. Pawmot is also really cool, with Revival Blessing support and two NUCLEAR BOMBS in STAB moves.
Physically defensive Vileplume with Effect Spore and Strength Sap is fun to use against Azumarill or Zeroaura.
What is truly cool is your content, lady!
Dude, Dynamicpunch Typhlosion, hell yeah!
I'm not into competitive but when I got Pokémon Gold in 2001, rolling the 50% gamble on my Dpunch Typhlosion was the best thing. Was super bummed out when I found out I couldn't relive that in HeartGold, but when Crystal dropped on the 3DS Virtual Console, I knew what I had to do.
Also, what's funny is that I originally misread the name of the move, and for years in the early 2000s, I thought the move was called Dynamitepunch, which was almost a better name for it considering all the explosions in the animation.
I would’ve put Feraligatr on the list. Sheer force+Life orb+ Dragon Dance+ Waterfall/Liquidation with Eartquake and Ice Punch can sweep teams.
Electric wind god fist I know Jack about competitive Pokémon yet I alway watch your videos fully I love you these Pokémon are so cool
sweeping an entire team late game with typhlo in randoms is the most satisfying thing ever tbh
DDP Scizor is one of my favorites. I would run Bullet Punch, Superpower, Swords Dance, and Quick Attack. Nobody was ever ready for the Quick Attack and it came in very handy a number of times to bop water types who thought they could set up on me or revenge kill me.
The only format I've really been playing lately is ADV OU, where I'm astonished to see how few people run Milotic, and more astonished when other players let me get away with switching my Milotic into something like Gengar Ice Punch or Starmie Ice Beam and OHKO with Mirror Coat off of the incoming Tbolt, then Recover up like it's nothing.
Half the time I forget to do my click for Palestine, so thank you for always including the link
Typhlosion has also been one of my favourite Pokemon to use, albeit for Eruption in Doubles. Seeing both Pokemon on the opposing team get 1 shot by Eruption is a dopamine hit unlike any other.
my absolute favorite set is PP stall kingambit - pressure, leppa berry, mean look, spite, iron defense, rest. it works especially well in low ladder NDUbers because little timmies love their tacked on ho leads
Assault Vest Araquanid is just such a fun tanky mon to run, with Water Bubble making fire types useless and STAB Leech Life recovering health. Sure, you're slow, but if you're running tanky mons than you're used to that.
I'm just happy that Araquanid exists.
Diving Bell Spider was on my list of "Animals I want to be made into pokemon" for years, and I cant believe I got it.
AND I got the Steller's Jay the generation after.
No opossum yet though...
I love some oddball mons:
swellow specs in lower tiers (a mon with 75 base spa);
arctozolt in gen 8 OU (stats being the most whatever things ever and being able to sweep tnks to ability + stabs)
vivillion in gen 7 AG being B+
gen 8 AG natDex smeargle with shell smash/power trip/spore/sub sweeping teams of full legendaries was the funniest thing ever
pyukumuku stall teams in gen 7 (using block + spite and two pressure mons to stall out all the enemy moves)
the team that used fucking z-eevee to boost krookodile in gen 7 AG
My favorite off-meta pick for GSC is Muk. In essence its a mini-curselax. Boost until your opponent is forced to respond. Where it tends to suffer is having 4MSS. You want Giga Drain for rock and water types, Fire Blast for Skarmory, and Explosion because its fucking Explosion, but there's no way to comfortably do your job without giving yourself more weaknesses. It really relies on the unpredictability of its last two move slots.
2:14 sonix reference? This guy knows the vibes
clicking stab with porygon and zangoose, also guts banded machamp is so fun
Bro yall ever use Charjabug in OU. Completely unnecessary but I like giving Special Attacking threats (Like Flutter Mane and Walking Wake) This little guy by their side. Great defensive Typing, decent support moves, and eviolite can really make a monster.
Speaking of Rhyperior, anyone a fan of its Weakness-Polish set? You eat a super effective coverage to get policy boosts, boost speed with rock polish, and sweep the opposing team.
AV max SPATK Slowbro with regenerator is awesome. Psyshock, hydro, flamethrower, icebeam threatens massive damage on so many pokemon, which is great when opponents will see you as hazard/setup fodder. With base physical bulk and AV special bulk, you can usually tank a boosted hit, aside from knock off, and secure a 2 hit KO against the opponent. Tera also makes taking potshots at setup mons even better, because you can tera to fairy or dark on the turn they go for the boosted hit.
Grimmsnarl can do something similar with sub/sucker/s-break, life orb, and max attack. Those stab sucker punches hit pretty hard and opponents never expect it. Pransker thunder wave can also save your bacon against setup sweepers. Sub can also be used to fish for full para, which can let you KO with 2 spirit breaks. I could also see running an attack boosting berry, custap to hit prio break vs dark types, or leftovers for better sub/para shenanigans.
Porygon2 in a Gen 5 Doubles Trick Room team is pretty funny too. Conkeldurr and Druddiggon too.
~I guarantee these picks will not line up with urs~
Bro ur dead wrong. Those mons are some of my faves
for national dex doubles I love to run tera normal life orb delcatty. Normalize with Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Protect, and Last Resort make for a fun disrupter that dishes out surprisingly good damage. I like to pair it with Grimsnarl so on turn one I can fake out an opposing prankster user and then taunt them before they can get a move in.
fire and electric is such a cool but also weirdly underused combo in this series
ampharos with meteor beam and a power herb has quickly become a favorite of mine after whining about it not getting tail glow for too long now :3
Ok hear me out
Loaded Dice Jolly Heracross is super fun. One Trailblaze will make you faster than most things in the game, then Rock Blast and Pin Missile takes care of most things together, Bullet Seed is also great, with a Tera of choice and Moxie boost you can become a monster in Singles. The only thing you hate are Steel Types and Physical Walls, but you’re capable of sweeping most teams alone
Also Tera-Water Meganium in the Sun paired with Torkoal in Doubles is great too. Flower Guard saves you from being burned by Lava Plume, Synthesis and Heal Pulse are an awesome immortal combo, and Fire/Grass is a great offensive pair, as most Pokémon get wrecked in The Sun
Praise Clod God and do your Daily Clicks yall!!
i dont know how unique but i enjoy the mind games with Zoroark's illusion though im not able to fully utilise it at times i find the momentary hesistation and general mind games to be interesting especially with the newer Ghost/Normal variant. Gives a nice role blocking spins and being a friend to my other dark types in addition to just being generally disruptive with things like will-o-wisp or memento or surprise oneshot/nasty plot stuff
i think one of my favorite sets i ever made was a bait magnezone. Max Special attack Analytic with specs and a Quiet Nature instead of Modest to increase chances of Analytic occurring. Switch it into something it should beat and then have it obliterate whatever comes in next with a stab specs boosted analytic thunderbolt or flash cannon
Love your videos and your username is also hilarious
Moltres in Gen 9 OU is hella underrated. Run it with max hp and max spdef and flame body and it's a bulky pivot with good damage that acts a gluemon similar to lando-T of past gens where you can just kind of switch into it much more often than you really have a right to, while having enough set diversity to still catch people off guard with coverage options. For this particular metagame the fire/flying typing and decent bulk let it switch safely into half the tier and then deal good damage with just the combo of flame thrower and willow.
Ive been playing a lot of gen 9 doubles and Farigiraf is my absolute GOAT. People see a team with Hattereene, Iron Hands and Armarouge and tend to ignore my humble trick room setter....
Until he clicks Nasty Plot....
And Indeedee comes in...
And he rips off the fattest E-Force this side of the Mississippi!
I love using Mirror Herb, but especially on Swagger Morpeko. No one expects anything like that. Morpeko doesn't do much, but its just fun.
I like the specs eruption set on hyphlosion personally (Especially on AAA if you get rid of well baked body corv.)
252 SpA Choice Specs Typhlosion-Hisui Eruption (150 BP) vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Harsh Sunshine: 303-357 (46.4 - 54.7%) -- 62.1% chance to 2HKO
Mega Aggron will live in my heart and mind rent free and always happy
Choice specs special flygon in bw and oras singles was one of my favorite pokemon to use. Everyone expected a physical threat and they would often switch into physical or bulky sweepers and get their pokemon wrecked.
It was hilarious to go to Ubers and have my opponent see flygon enter, switch to kyogre to eat and earthquake and instead get 2hkoed by choice specs giga drain
Love your vids and thank you for including the Palestine link!
Up a mon you know the vibes godlike reference
one of my fave comp pokemon is offensive jolly swampert in adv and dpp
thats torrent boosted hydro pumps go crazy and surprise outspeeding or koung stuff is so good
My favorite button clicker is blaziken in adv. fire blast, sky uppercut, rock slide, and hp grass kinda hits the entire tier for super effective damage and if you’re a baller you can drop hp grass for focus punch. The problem is that it loses to spikes + sand chip and it also gets eaten alive by dugtrio but if you use it as an aggressive lead it’s hella fun and pretty underated tbh
the good ol “three insane moves but i’ll always miss em when i need them the most”
I think life orb max special attack doom desire jirachi has some untapped potential but I haven't quite figured out how to make it work yet.
Fan of Trick Room Banded Aegislash myself because... Banded Aegislash. I mean. You see the vision. It's just funny to me to totally ignore the mon's Ability and click buttons.
Typhlosion goes so hard, best starter since 1999
honesty one of my favorites is galarian moltres in vgc. give this man nasty plot and a sitrus berry and pair him with sinistcha and boom, a massively damaging decently tanky bastard with a 90 bp spread dark type move with a 20% flinch chance.
I really enjoyed using teeter dance vileplume and own tempo grumpig in doubles a few years back. People did not know how to react
Who else was expecting "fuck it we eruption"?
Wooo baby wrecker rhyperior mentioned!
I feel like bulky Mimikyu is extremely overlooked in singles. People see base 90 attack and base 96 speed and just max those out, but Mimikyu is surprisingly very bulky. Its base 105 special defense is really solid, and base 80 defense isn't anything to scoff at either, especially after a bulk up or 2 (because Mimikyu gets bulk up for some reason). I was actually able to reverse sweep a mono steel team in natdex monotype with my Mimikyu because my opponent let me set up too many bulk ups and I proceeded to drain punch everything in sight
I should mention that in vgc, Mimikyu is an amazing trick room setter, being immune to fake out and ignoring the opponent's first attack on in, allowing to set up trick room basically for free. It's also surprisingly a reliable user of the curse into pain split combo. I just wish it got helping hand...
One of my favourite pokemon (as a vgc player) is support suicune. One of the most reliable tailwind setters ever because of inner focus and with leftovers and grassy terrain it Never. Fucking. Dies. and to make things even worse for the opponent suicune is absolutely the most free spammer of snarl and icy wind, a very unique combination that leads the opponent to make stupid decisions trying to play around it. It literally has it all. The only downside is that it's very mind tiering so I wouldn't recommend bringing it to a large tournament
I personally love using aegislash in gen 8 ou
I picked it up one day after remembering about the horrors in gen 6&7 to see how far it’s fallen off
Despite it’s UU status it was still pretty good picking up KO’s that the rest of my team couldn’t
Just had to be careful around lando-T
i don't think it's amazing but skuntank getting trailblaze means it can actually make use of stench sometimes n has a move that can super hit ground combining this with assualt vest n its huge hp means it has okay damage but pretty good bulk as well n after a couple trail blazes can have a chance to skip your turn on any button it clicks but even if you can't get off a trailblaze you can go for stab sucker punch, skuntank is one of my favourite pokemon because i adore skunks but its new kinda meme set is very fun n silly i personally went with trailblaze, sucker punch, poison jab and then temper flare (inspired by your stunky video for if sucker punch whiffs) it still needs like two trail blazes to actually outspeed fast things but max hp max attack with the est n a chance to flinch is still kinda cool n is one of the reasons i think trailblaze was such a good addition to the game its kind of a counterplay to just having a better speed stat means you win and it actually has good distribution unlike its fire counterpart flame charge
Cool Pokémon. Has Typhlosion and Rhyperior in the thumb. Checks out!
Whirlpool + perish song + lapras.
What about RBY 4 attacks baller starmie? Yes I can't recover and I can't t wave but I can trick you into a false sense of security just to surprise you with the out of nowhere super effective move.
typhlosion my beloved
Nidoking can fulfill a similar role to Typhlosion, with quake + Thunder and a third move of your choice and sleep.
ADV Gust Flygon to dunk on literally just Heracross and Breloom
not so much a weird mon, but I think t-tar is super underrated in the current ou. stealth rocks, t-wave and knock can provide huge utility and the spdef it gets from sand lets it take on even offensive gholdengo in a pinch and threaten a clean ohko. choice band is also still great because it slaps the shit out of almost everything while still being super bulky. lastly, more defensive teams appreciate the sand chip on most meta threats
I was ballin with metal burst, custap, endeavor aggron abit and that shit was nasty
Honestly the top 3 are goated. Typhlosion, Rhyperior and Clodsire are all great