Personally, I'd love to see GameFreak make more non-Dragon type pseudolegendaries. The fact that so many pseudos have the Dragon type is really holding them back in an age where Fairy types dominate the meta.
No, just nerf moonblast to 90BP and reverse the bug type and fairy type interaction They can also introduce a bug/dragon pseudo but pseudo always being dragon is a tradition and homage to dragons being powerful and respected Should not taint with that Shou
Dragon-type isn't the "king" of types anymore and hasn't been for a while now ever since Fairy was introduced. I do think they understand this to some extent with some Dragons being less powerful like Drampa and Cyclizar. They're not placed on a pedestal and are considerably common place. Legendaries and Pseudo-Legendaries definitely need more diversity in terms of typing. Dragon-typing could use a break from the spotlight, or as they'd done during Gen 3 include 2 Pseudo-Legendaries. My personal pick for the new "king" typing (apart from Fairy) is Steel due to the numerous resistances it carries.
@@gregorymirabella1423 oh I'm fine with dragons being nerfed, but fairy is WORSE than dragon, absolutely the best type, they overcorrected, fairy now needs a nerf
@@gregorymirabella1423well yeah, but they could've boosted ice types, nerfed dragons a little bit, but instead, they created a type that makes dragon types almost inviable to play
AYYYYYE finnaly something an oldie like me can say I know!!! Sometimes the competitive jargon jumps way over me and the Pokémon but Gen 2 WAS LIFFFFE. Gen 1 was lit too. Gen 3 was an amazing jump forward as well. Rambling bye
No one will ever know how much of a flex* it was when I hatched a timid 4iv(perfect) electrike with hidden power ice for mega menetric *ON THE FIRST EGG*… no mints or bottle caps back then
and let’s not forget the Fairies making the Dragons look bad (and in Metagross’ case, losing the Ghost and Dark neutralities in Gen 6 making it weak to them, as well as Explosion’s nerf in Gen 5)
I hate the trend of pokemon with very minmaxed stats. It seems like in the last few generations new pokemon have been added with competitive in mind before anything else.
@@DrJones0801They have to be. Game Freak wants people to buy the DLC, and what would help with that? Lock the latest broken mons behind that paywall. Notice how a lot of the top usage VGC mons the past couple years have been from the DLCs of SWSH and SV
psychic at its peak and even gen 2 arguably was much better than fairy type. in gen 6 especially since clefable was pretty much the only good fairy type (this is for OU idk about vgc). Psychic had actually good mons to utilise a much better typing, until the tapus you were stuck to clefable and azumarill?
I think the main thing that happened with pseudolegendaries is that their stats aren't as optimized as the new Pokemon. A lot of the Pseudos have a lot of points in both of their attacking stats allowing them to be mixed attackers or choose between being fully physical or special, heck even Garchomp has run Fire Blast at times for coverage. They also often have middling speed stats, that either have been powercrept enough to be considered slow, or aren't fully slow enough to take advantage of trick room. The new paradox pokemon are the most obvious example of this optimization creep. Their base stat totals aren't as high as the pseudos, but they're much more optimized. Flutter Mane has 135 in special attack and speed, and the rest of its stats are mostly irrelevant, allowing it to hyper specialize into being a fast special attacker. Iron Hands and Great tusk have like, 0 special attack and speed stats and dumped everything else into attack and bulk, allowing them to be incredibly optimized bulky physical attackers. Power creep is definitely a thing, but optimization creep is the real killer here.
Well yeah bst is not super useful info. Generally the total stat's with only the better of thr two offensive stat's countered will give a slightly more accurate power ranking than bst. Specialists outclass generalists.
@@Ornithopter470 You say that, aaaand now dragonite is the best pokemon in Reg H VGC, with Garchomp not too far behind, with Salamence, Metagross, and Ttar all putting in respectable work on their own right I know I have the benefit of looking at this in hindsight but still. It's really funny to look at.
Power creep really hurt the pseudos as did terrains and other changes. Also a quad weakness to ice & going against Calyrex really hurt. Fairies hurt dragons a lot too as did steel types losing their resistance to dark & ghost types
I think something else to add with why Metagross fell off in usage is after Gen 5 is they nerfed steel types as a whole by not making them resist dark and ghost type moves anymore. Giving Metagross 2 new weaknesses.
I've been saying they should've chosen one of the two to hit Steel types. IMO Steel should still resist Dark and Ghost can hit Steel for neutral. Ghost is now really good, arguably one of the best in the game but still has it flaws of being unable to hit Normal types, that's where Dark can come in. Ghost and Dark are too identical in offense.
Mega made up for this by making it faster and hit harder even more so in gen 7 in where the stats will already apply if you pressed the mega button when doing a move before the cutscene
Another thing with TTar sand is that most sand rush users would really like to spam EQ, but Rillaboom absolutely shuts down EQ spam. There's a reason why we haven't seen disquake since gen 8. We'll probably need something like a flying psychic surge pokemon in order to get EQ spam back with rillaboom present.
One reason why dragapult isn't currently considered on par with fast ghost types like flutter mane and calyrex-shadow rider is because it doesn't have a good physical ghost move to make use of. Phantom force is a cool move in theory, but in practice it's easy to play around because you can guess who is being targeted and switch in a mon that resists it. It's also not worth using power herb for a 90 BP move. Some people have found success using tera ghost tera blast, but it's a bit of a tera hog then
And because the above 2 absolutely annihilate dragapult. There's also opportunity cost, why use a dragapult even if it gets a better physical move when I could hit from some of the craziest special attaxk stats in the game with insane moves like Astral barrage or the possibility of incredible fairy stab from mane
power herb is at least okay in singles. after a phantom force you can use acrobatics for a reasonably strong attack that takes advantage of your fighting immunity. and in doubles phantom force is pretty good as far as charge moves go. you can move first to dodge an attack, they don't know what slot you're targeting, and they can't stop it with protect. still not a great move but compared to something like solar beam it's not bad.
and Fsiry making Dragon look bad I would say the same with Dark and Fighting if it weren’t for the likes of Urshifu, Iron Hands, Koraidon, Roaring Moon, Chien-Pao, and Ting-Lu And also Raging Bolt is built different
@@Tragedyvaltheir stats on the also were precise to their strength for example Flutter Mane's SPE and SPA are extremely high while it's attack is almost nothing. Many ultra beats also have these stats
Either new pokemon need to chill tf out, or game freak needs to give basically every single pokemon from gens 1-6 some buffs. Except the legendaries, they don’t need buffs.
I agree with you. We need older Pokémon to be buffed. Nothing too crazy but small buffs here and there that make sense, like Pidgeot getting a bit more in attack or Sneasel getting a bit more in speed.
It's not like gf have changed stats between generations or anything. Honestly this really is the only way GF will be able to rebalanced power creep. But they'll probably mess it up so I'm not sure I want to see them try.
@@jh9794they have… many times look at zacian crowned, aegislash, dodrio, dugtrio and probably a few others i missed. They certainly give stat buffs and nerfs every now and then. Tho the nerfs is when they make mistakes like zacian crowned where it had its BST and ability nerfed
Garchomp needs Dragon Dance and Metagross needs Shift Gear or Shell Smash to keep up in a meta where half the competition are super effective against them offensively or resistant to them defensively.
I think a big factor here is off a different kind of powercreep. It's not that they suddenly have bad stats, but "just" having a lot of stats becomes a lot less justifiable when there are more and more high base stat mons running around. If power and big stats is all you can provide to a team, than you will be dropped the second someone else has the better stats for the job. That pared with dragon types suffering from Fairy types and Ice actually being usable for once with strong STAB ice attackers running around it becomes also harder to ignore their weaknesses. A big reason why supportive mon's tend to stick around much longer in the metagame is because they provide a much more specialized role that is much harder to be outclassed in.
I had to double-take hearing all of these Fossil Fighters sound effects throughout the video, one hell of a nostalgia trip to hear those from a Pokemon-focused channel
Great expose on how power/stats isn’t everything. The role a pokemon plays in how it fits a team is much more important to the overall success. And some other options just have a better overall toolbox to do that
Mainly because 90% of them can literally be obliterated by a non stab 4x super effective move. Now it’s terra blast you have to second guess every move
I think another thing that holds back most psuedos are sweepers and physical ones at that which incin and landerous eat up (except for my good boys dragonite, hydreigon, and dragapult.) dragapult also has more versatility than most psuedos with its great move pool which is another thing that holds most psuedos back as well. Great video as always!
I also feel like the transition from yearly formats to the new series/regulations that last a couple months hurt because most of the pseudos did best in regional dex formats which don’t last as long anymore, so they get less time in the spotlight
One of the biggest issues is severe lack of type variation with only TWO not being dragon The other issue is Gamefreak adding weird stuff to bypass the restricted mon rules…. Paradox and Ultra beast Pokemon have basically legendary stats or at least better optimized that many Pseudolegends
@@Rarest26 Dragons are often lorewise endgame monsters, but you think the creatives at Gamefreak could make a Pokemon like Baxcalibur or Garchomp without needing to make it a pseudo legendary… Many have their BST padded with extra stats they don’t use at all, Meanwhile stuff like Roaring Moon and Kartana have just as much impact or more but lower BSTs
@@fractalisomega9517Pseudos are normally (or used to be) built like “Jack-of-all-traits” At best “a swiss Army knife” and at worst “a master of none” The others are just minmaxing at it’s finest
@@goGothitaLOL Starters are better for the "Jack of all trades" role with Pseudos supposed to be rivals of the legendaries that are so good you only get 1 per game For the longest time they were the best mons around outside of legends themselves, but it wasn't until Gen 6 that this really changed and the addition of Fairy type really brought to light how awful a design idea it was to make all but 2 Dragon type... add in the absolutely botched execution of Goodra and they took a huge hit to viability (I love goodra, but no recovery, setup, or anything unique hurts it competitively) Stealth rocks hurt the flying type ones like Dragonite and Salamence, Speed creep and Explosion nerf hurt Metagross, Weather changes hurt Tyranitar, Fairy hurt everything Dragon Kommo-o was nice but didn't do anything different, just making another Fairy weak Pseudo Add in the Ultra Beasts and now Paradox pokemon which basically acted as "alternate" legendaries with a far more diverse type selection with better laid out stats and it's not hard to see why your typical Pseudo with it's STILL Dragon type is getting the short end of the stick
The quality of your videos is really amazing, keep up the good work! If you ever wanna spar I'm down lol, I always like fierce battles with intensity xD
Would’ve made sense to have Fairy and Dark Counter Each Other. It adds another weakness to Fairy and makes it more balanced as a result. Dragon Types with Crunch and Night Slash could now compete. Fairy also should not have resisted Bug. Doesn’t really make sense, and I feel like Bug was bad enough as it was.
@@insanefool5265I would buff bug types but not in the way you think, for one I’d start making them fast again…like very fast. if they on average have the lowest stats of all of em we gotta do something to make the viable.. my opinion make em rapid, quick or capable of that. I’d give em evasion boosting abilities. Accuracy lowering ability. Things like that I’d give em an edge in survival. Give bugs abilities like quick draw, quick feet I mean they’ve got 6 pairs..😂 Where’s my bugs-types with Mimicry pure power Maybe another ability that functions like every turn there’s a 1/4 or 1/8 chance it will detects your move an evades it.stuff like that we need more bug exclusive abilities not just swarm an compound eyes.. like that isn’t enuff. I’d give them there own version of aerialate but NO Nerfs! You know have Normal-type moves become bug-type moves. Have the power of those moves boosted. Maybe a 25-30% increase. I want a vespiqueen form with queen’s majesty! I’d have some bug times have an ability that makes there bug type moves super effective against poison types. I give em an ability named jittery makes bug types speed up dramatically when affected by pkmn with certain abilities like pressure berserk unnerve intimidate hustle moxie vital spirit of etc also make pkmn guaranteed to run from any battles. So Moves like mean lock don’t work an neither do abilities like shadow tag also better abilities or signature moves like first impression was for golispod. Iike I want more Durant region variants…fire ants have been a thing for a while.. Besides insects are the most numerous group of animals on EARTH! Seriously there are estimates saying in terms of species diversity more then 750-900k different kinds & types.. like what are we doing… Recent figures indicate that there are more than 200 million insects for each human on the planet! I read an article in That claims that the world holds 300 pounds of insects for every pound of humans…. BRUH… It’s crazy we should have bug regional forms by the dozen.. Why don’t we have a legendary but type ?..with paradoxical forms being a thing this was the perfect time.. I mean it’s not like we don’t know bugs will be here long after we’re seem like gen 5 was the only generation that made strives with this. Also we need more bugs with levitate how come beedrill an an venomoth don’t have levitate. We also need far move bug type moves we don’t have enough. They are Far too few bug moves for level up. We need more
I've used Tyrannitar as lead for my sand team throughout this generation and the amount of usage it sees tracks. It's definitely powerful, but its biggest drawback is that its typing makes it vulnerable to fighting types, water types, and fairy types. Because these are the types of meta defining threats right now, you're forced into the awkward position of burning your tera at the start of the battle, which is even worse if it's a set because you give your opponent free info for games 2 and potentially 3
Love these looks back. VGC history is really interesting! I love Dragapult, but it falls into the usual category of “might need to be my Focus Sash Mon” and then I have to sit and figure out if my previous Sash mon brings more to the team. :/
Just a bit of a typo when you are talking about salamence's mega form and you are referring to its speed and damage stats the speed is fine but the special attack should be 120 and the attack should be 145. Not a huge deal just pointing it out
Fun fact, there's another name that has been used in place of the "600 Club", that being the "Late Bloomers", referring to the fact that each of the Pseudo Legendaries have always been in the Slow Experience group, something that Archaludon does not fit into.
Well, pseudo-legendary is a fan description. I’d argue we could expand the description to add paradox and ultra beasts. BST means little when the stats aren’t optimized
Except every pseudo legendary actually needs a BST of 600 and a three staged evolutionary line, it may be fan made but GameFreak still acknowledges this
@@adamcunningham9947 it doesn’t “need to be” anything when it’s a fan designation, whether or not game freak acknowledges it. By default because we as the fans set the definition we can also change that same definition. Because we don’t need game freak to acknowledge anything when we’re defining arbitrary terms for groups of Pokemon
the limit of having a 600 but total would have never been considered a bad thing back in earlier generations, but now they have to min max the stats so hard that they either have a glaring weakness you can take advantage of or that they are to weak/slow to really do much.
Nice video but it doesn't really answer the question. Why are they getting less use? Sure, power creep, but what exactly make the new pokemon that much stronger if it isn't sheer stats ? I think that deserves to be explored a bit more in depth.
Personally, I'd love to see GameFreak make more non-Dragon type pseudolegendaries. The fact that so many pseudos have the Dragon type is really holding them back in an age where Fairy types dominate the meta.
I want them to nerf Fairy please fOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS NERF FAIRY
No, just nerf moonblast to 90BP and reverse the bug type and fairy type interaction
They can also introduce a bug/dragon pseudo but pseudo always being dragon is a tradition and homage to dragons being powerful and respected
Should not taint with that
@@libertygarden8161 Metagross would like a word
@@libertygarden8161 *Tyranitar would like a word.*
Dragon-type isn't the "king" of types anymore and hasn't been for a while now ever since Fairy was introduced. I do think they understand this to some extent with some Dragons being less powerful like Drampa and Cyclizar. They're not placed on a pedestal and are considerably common place.
Legendaries and Pseudo-Legendaries definitely need more diversity in terms of typing. Dragon-typing could use a break from the spotlight, or as they'd done during Gen 3 include 2 Pseudo-Legendaries. My personal pick for the new "king" typing (apart from Fairy) is Steel due to the numerous resistances it carries.
who knew that making a type that counters almost every pseudo would make them struggle in competitive?
Fairy was a mistake
@@patrickripleyiii134 dragons were getting ridiculous, let's be honest.
@@gregorymirabella1423 oh I'm fine with dragons being nerfed, but fairy is WORSE than dragon, absolutely the best type, they overcorrected, fairy now needs a nerf
Dark should’ve been strong to/resistant against fairy
@@gregorymirabella1423well yeah, but they could've boosted ice types, nerfed dragons a little bit, but instead, they created a type that makes dragon types almost inviable to play
You know you're old when Ray has to explain what Hidden Power is to the younger audience
I feel like the only kid who knows what hidden power is
AYYYYYE finnaly something an oldie like me can say I know!!! Sometimes the competitive jargon jumps way over me and the Pokémon but Gen 2 WAS LIFFFFE. Gen 1 was lit too. Gen 3 was an amazing jump forward as well. Rambling bye
To be fair, a lot of casuals didn't know hidden power either or just forgot....
No one will ever know how much of a flex* it was when I hatched a timid 4iv(perfect) electrike with hidden power ice for mega menetric *ON THE FIRST EGG*… no mints or bottle caps back then
Bro I’m 21
Short answer: getting nerfed, power creeped and non-pseudo legendaries getting increasingly more minmaxed stats
and let’s not forget the Fairies making the Dragons look bad (and in Metagross’ case, losing the Ghost and Dark neutralities in Gen 6 making it weak to them, as well as Explosion’s nerf in Gen 5)
And the minmaxed stats are a form of power creep
I hate the trend of pokemon with very minmaxed stats. It seems like in the last few generations new pokemon have been added with competitive in mind before anything else.
@@goGothitaLOLdragon type isn't bad actually. It's balanced
@@DrJones0801They have to be. Game Freak wants people to buy the DLC, and what would help with that? Lock the latest broken mons behind that paywall. Notice how a lot of the top usage VGC mons the past couple years have been from the DLCs of SWSH and SV
"Landorus mistake forme" is funnier than it has any right to be
Psychic _exists_
Gamefreak "thats too strong we need to nerf it"
Fairy exists_
Gamefreak "lets make you everything psychic was and more"
psychic at its peak and even gen 2 arguably was much better than fairy type. in gen 6 especially since clefable was pretty much the only good fairy type (this is for OU idk about vgc). Psychic had actually good mons to utilise a much better typing, until the tapus you were stuck to clefable and azumarill?
@@danka1167 wait hold on, I will NOT let you discredit Azumarill. Three words: Huge Power, Waterfall.
@@danka1167 wasn't Mawile banned from ORAS OU? Gardevoir was also a dominant fairy and Klefki has been amazing support since forever
God I hate fairy type so much.
I think the main thing that happened with pseudolegendaries is that their stats aren't as optimized as the new Pokemon. A lot of the Pseudos have a lot of points in both of their attacking stats allowing them to be mixed attackers or choose between being fully physical or special, heck even Garchomp has run Fire Blast at times for coverage. They also often have middling speed stats, that either have been powercrept enough to be considered slow, or aren't fully slow enough to take advantage of trick room. The new paradox pokemon are the most obvious example of this optimization creep. Their base stat totals aren't as high as the pseudos, but they're much more optimized. Flutter Mane has 135 in special attack and speed, and the rest of its stats are mostly irrelevant, allowing it to hyper specialize into being a fast special attacker. Iron Hands and Great tusk have like, 0 special attack and speed stats and dumped everything else into attack and bulk, allowing them to be incredibly optimized bulky physical attackers. Power creep is definitely a thing, but optimization creep is the real killer here.
I almost think they have to go back to the drawing board for sooooo many pokemon. There is a lot of stuff that just isn't useful at all.
Well yeah bst is not super useful info. Generally the total stat's with only the better of thr two offensive stat's countered will give a slightly more accurate power ranking than bst. Specialists outclass generalists.
Any pre-gen 4 pseudo needs a completely different stat spread.
@@Ornithopter470 You say that, aaaand now dragonite is the best pokemon in Reg H VGC, with Garchomp not too far behind, with Salamence, Metagross, and Ttar all putting in respectable work on their own right
I know I have the benefit of looking at this in hindsight but still. It's really funny to look at.
Power creep really hurt the pseudos as did terrains and other changes. Also a quad weakness to ice & going against Calyrex really hurt. Fairies hurt dragons a lot too as did steel types losing their resistance to dark & ghost types
Power creep hurt the entire game to be super honest.
@@thomasbergadano1331 power creep didn’t ruin the game.
@@agamerjourney9146 nah, it's pretty rough right now.
@@agamerjourney9146calyrex shadow is a bad precedent because you have to get the base game and then the expansion which might become more common
Fairy type was a bad idea, what we needed was not another type but Balancing of the existing types
I think something else to add with why Metagross fell off in usage is after Gen 5 is they nerfed steel types as a whole by not making them resist dark and ghost type moves anymore. Giving Metagross 2 new weaknesses.
It's telling that Metagross is UU in Gen 9 because Tera drops its horrible part Psychic type.
It also couldn't use explosion as effextively after it got nerfed in gen 6.
It got nerfed in gen 5@@j-antgaming
I've been saying they should've chosen one of the two to hit Steel types. IMO Steel should still resist Dark and Ghost can hit Steel for neutral. Ghost is now really good, arguably one of the best in the game but still has it flaws of being unable to hit Normal types, that's where Dark can come in. Ghost and Dark are too identical in offense.
Mega made up for this by making it faster and hit harder even more so in gen 7 in where the stats will already apply if you pressed the mega button when doing a move before the cutscene
I love referring to Hidden Power as "Boomer Tera Blast".
I hate that you right, and in turn, I hate you
A bit wordy, but _very_ accurate. :D
Noo 😭
Sad but true
Another thing with TTar sand is that most sand rush users would really like to spam EQ, but Rillaboom absolutely shuts down EQ spam. There's a reason why we haven't seen disquake since gen 8. We'll probably need something like a flying psychic surge pokemon in order to get EQ spam back with rillaboom present.
So tera flying Tapu Lele
@@YoshiPasta fuck it, Tera Flying Indeedee with Tera Blast
a flying type that summons terrain? you sure about that?
One reason why dragapult isn't currently considered on par with fast ghost types like flutter mane and calyrex-shadow rider is because it doesn't have a good physical ghost move to make use of. Phantom force is a cool move in theory, but in practice it's easy to play around because you can guess who is being targeted and switch in a mon that resists it. It's also not worth using power herb for a 90 BP move. Some people have found success using tera ghost tera blast, but it's a bit of a tera hog then
And because the above 2 absolutely annihilate dragapult. There's also opportunity cost, why use a dragapult even if it gets a better physical move when I could hit from some of the craziest special attaxk stats in the game with insane moves like Astral barrage or the possibility of incredible fairy stab from mane
power herb is at least okay in singles. after a phantom force you can use acrobatics for a reasonably strong attack that takes advantage of your fighting immunity. and in doubles phantom force is pretty good as far as charge moves go. you can move first to dodge an attack, they don't know what slot you're targeting, and they can't stop it with protect. still not a great move but compared to something like solar beam it's not bad.
This is basically down to minmaxing and abilities boosting stats/ damage beyond what the BST would suggest.
and Fsiry making Dragon look bad
I would say the same with Dark and Fighting if it weren’t for the likes of Urshifu, Iron Hands, Koraidon, Roaring Moon, Chien-Pao, and Ting-Lu
And also Raging Bolt is built different
We're starting to replace psuedo-legemdaries with kinda-legendaries (ultrabeasts and paradox Pokémon)
paradox mons are 570 base stats but their ability makes it more than 600.
@@Tragedyvaltheir stats on the also were precise to their strength for example Flutter Mane's SPE and SPA are extremely high while it's attack is almost nothing. Many ultra beats also have these stats
Ray actually kidnapped Wolfeys editor 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's funny that Pelipper is probably going to have higher usage than most pseudos in the restricted format
"Landorus Mistake Form"
Finally, someone who can actually rival my undying hatred for that fucking tiger genie.
Either new pokemon need to chill tf out, or game freak needs to give basically every single pokemon from gens 1-6 some buffs. Except the legendaries, they don’t need buffs.
True things are crazy in gen 9
I agree with you. We need older Pokémon to be buffed. Nothing too crazy but small buffs here and there that make sense, like Pidgeot getting a bit more in attack or Sneasel getting a bit more in speed.
It's not like gf have changed stats between generations or anything. Honestly this really is the only way GF will be able to rebalanced power creep. But they'll probably mess it up so I'm not sure I want to see them try.
@@jh9794 Ah, along with expanding older Pokemon's move pools?
@@jh9794they have… many times look at zacian crowned, aegislash, dodrio, dugtrio and probably a few others i missed. They certainly give stat buffs and nerfs every now and then. Tho the nerfs is when they make mistakes like zacian crowned where it had its BST and ability nerfed
Garchomp needs Dragon Dance and Metagross needs Shift Gear or Shell Smash to keep up in a meta where half the competition are super effective against them offensively or resistant to them defensively.
I think a big factor here is off a different kind of powercreep. It's not that they suddenly have bad stats, but "just" having a lot of stats becomes a lot less justifiable when there are more and more high base stat mons running around. If power and big stats is all you can provide to a team, than you will be dropped the second someone else has the better stats for the job.
That pared with dragon types suffering from Fairy types and Ice actually being usable for once with strong STAB ice attackers running around it becomes also harder to ignore their weaknesses.
A big reason why supportive mon's tend to stick around much longer in the metagame is because they provide a much more specialized role that is much harder to be outclassed in.
The subtle fossil fighters sound effects are appreciated.
The sound bits and him calling Baxcalibur "The Vivosaur" as it's title flair made me smile from ear to ear too.
I love how Dragonite's move in gen 9 was to ditch the dragon type and become a normal type pokémon
Reject dragon become normal
I had to double-take hearing all of these Fossil Fighters sound effects throughout the video, one hell of a nostalgia trip to hear those from a Pokemon-focused channel
Great expose on how power/stats isn’t everything.
The role a pokemon plays in how it fits a team is much more important to the overall success. And some other options just have a better overall toolbox to do that
Can’t argue with that that’s fair.
This guy knows a bunch about pokémon! He should try competitive.
Um he is the only 3-time world champion
Mainly because 90% of them can literally be obliterated by a non stab 4x super effective move. Now it’s terra blast you have to second guess every move
I think another thing that holds back most psuedos are sweepers and physical ones at that which incin and landerous eat up (except for my good boys dragonite, hydreigon, and dragapult.) dragapult also has more versatility than most psuedos with its great move pool which is another thing that holds most psuedos back as well.
Great video as always!
Garchomp will always be my favorite Pokemon since its debut.
Damn im ill and this video makes me happy. Thanks ray
5:47 The sound effect used was when you dig up a normal rock in Fossil Fighters 1. I'd know sounds from that game anywhere
The sheer number of Fossil Fighters references in the video has made me VERY happy. I absolutely ADORE Fossil Fighters!
I didn't realize until now that Archaludon was a staple remover. I'd never seen it from the back.
I also feel like the transition from yearly formats to the new series/regulations that last a couple months hurt because most of the pseudos did best in regional dex formats which don’t last as long anymore, so they get less time in the spotlight
One of the biggest issues is severe lack of type variation with only TWO not being dragon
The other issue is Gamefreak adding weird stuff to bypass the restricted mon rules…. Paradox and Ultra beast Pokemon have basically legendary stats or at least better optimized that many Pseudolegends
And they also have op exclusive habilities or moves
And also the fact dragon is just not good enough anymore.
@@Rarest26 Dragons are often lorewise endgame monsters, but you think the creatives at Gamefreak could make a Pokemon like Baxcalibur or Garchomp without needing to make it a pseudo legendary…
Many have their BST padded with extra stats they don’t use at all, Meanwhile stuff like Roaring Moon and Kartana have just as much impact or more but lower BSTs
@@fractalisomega9517Pseudos are normally (or used to be) built like “Jack-of-all-traits”
At best “a swiss Army knife” and at worst “a master of none”
The others are just minmaxing at it’s finest
@@goGothitaLOL Starters are better for the "Jack of all trades" role with Pseudos supposed to be rivals of the legendaries that are so good you only get 1 per game
For the longest time they were the best mons around outside of legends themselves, but it wasn't until Gen 6 that this really changed and the addition of Fairy type really brought to light how awful a design idea it was to make all but 2 Dragon type... add in the absolutely botched execution of Goodra and they took a huge hit to viability (I love goodra, but no recovery, setup, or anything unique hurts it competitively)
Stealth rocks hurt the flying type ones like Dragonite and Salamence, Speed creep and Explosion nerf hurt Metagross, Weather changes hurt Tyranitar, Fairy hurt everything Dragon
Kommo-o was nice but didn't do anything different, just making another Fairy weak Pseudo
Add in the Ultra Beasts and now Paradox pokemon which basically acted as "alternate" legendaries with a far more diverse type selection with better laid out stats and it's not hard to see why your typical Pseudo with it's STILL Dragon type is getting the short end of the stick
Thumbnails always popping off Ray.
My dude your description of Baxcalibur being a Vivosaur made me nostalgic for Fossil fighters! XD Didn't think anyone else remembered that game.
I had to represent peak 🫡
Look at my name, of course I know
I rewinded for that too 😂
He even called Baxcalibur a vivosaur too
When he's talking about Baxcalibur and Tera at 17:30, he also uses the Fossil Fighters status sound for it
This is the first ever video I've seen on this channel, I'm dumbfounded that I'm finding Fossil Fighters community here
@@samohanka 😂
5:48 that fossil fighters sound effect caught me so off guard
I just dreamt about this last night, thank you ray 👍
Yo Archaludon call out! Love that stapler remover.
Ok, Landorus Mistake form is really funny I’ve never heard that one before
Omg your editor is so funny and I love the presentation. Found a new PokéTuber to follow! Weeee
Dude's the VGC goat lol
@@BiggerKfr, calling Ray Rizzo a PokeTuber feels disrespectful and I don’t know why
I like the face of wolf there while saying the quote. LOL 11:50
6:00 Ray Rizzo knows Fossil Fighters, peak gets peak
I love the use of Fossil Fighters sound effects
"many scarfed pokemon struggle to outspeed dragapult"
a 56 base speed pokemon after 1 shell smash:
Tyranitar will always be my favorite since gen 2
the subtle fossil fighters references make me happy
5:47 shoutout to the fossil fighters normal rock sound effect. I see you editor :)
Actually there are various fossil fighters sound effects scattered throughout the vid this is incredibly based
I do it for people like you 🫡
@@pokezach494_ thank you for your service o7
I was kind of paying attention... And then I heard the Fossil Fighters normal rock SFX, I instantly locked in on this.
me when pokemon: i sleep
me when fossil fighters positive status sfx and normal rock sfx:
I see a new Ray video - I click
Hell yeah!
Same here!
Squidward: Ah, it sure is nice to fight against Pokemon teams with my Garchomp.
SpongeBob: *Sends out Lando T* HI SQUIDWARD
4:45 why is Wolfe staring into my soul
The Fossil Fighters sound effects were great
The quality of your videos is really amazing, keep up the good work! If you ever wanna spar I'm down lol, I always like fierce battles with intensity xD
This is Lumica Astro btw (my vgc showdown name is TheShadowVee)
Great video!
The fact that Ray Rizzo knows who little z just for a song about Landorus t is just poetic
Nice vid mate
Would’ve made sense to have Fairy and Dark Counter Each Other. It adds another weakness to Fairy and makes it more balanced as a result. Dragon Types with Crunch and Night Slash could now compete.
Fairy also should not have resisted Bug. Doesn’t really make sense, and I feel like Bug was bad enough as it was.
No, dark type is too good wallbreaker even now. Without fairy it will resist only fighting and he itself. I like the idea of buffing bug type however
@@insanefool5265I would buff bug types but not in the way you think, for one I’d start making them fast again…like very fast.
if they on average have the lowest stats of all of em we gotta do something to make the viable.. my opinion make em rapid, quick or capable of that. I’d give em evasion boosting abilities. Accuracy lowering ability. Things like that I’d give em an edge in survival.
Give bugs abilities like quick draw, quick feet I mean they’ve got 6 pairs..😂
Where’s my bugs-types with Mimicry pure power
Maybe another ability that functions like every turn there’s a 1/4 or 1/8 chance it will detects your move an evades it.stuff like that we need more bug exclusive abilities not just swarm an compound eyes.. like that isn’t enuff.
I’d give them there own version of aerialate but NO Nerfs!
You know have Normal-type moves become bug-type moves. Have the power of those moves boosted. Maybe a 25-30% increase.
I want a vespiqueen form with queen’s majesty!
I’d have some bug times have an ability that makes there bug type moves super effective against poison types.
I give em an ability named jittery makes bug types speed up dramatically when affected by pkmn with certain abilities like pressure berserk unnerve intimidate hustle moxie vital spirit of etc also make pkmn guaranteed to run from any battles. So Moves like mean lock don’t work an neither do abilities like shadow tag
also better abilities or signature moves like first impression was for golispod. Iike I want more Durant region variants…fire ants have been a thing for a while..
Besides insects are the most numerous group of animals on EARTH! Seriously there are estimates saying in terms of species diversity more then 750-900k different kinds & types.. like what are we doing…
Recent figures indicate that there are more than 200 million insects for each human on the planet! I read an article in That claims
that the world holds 300 pounds of insects for every pound of humans….
It’s crazy we should have bug regional forms by the dozen..
Why don’t we have a legendary but type ?..with paradoxical forms being a thing this was the perfect time.. I mean it’s not like we don’t know bugs will be here long after we’re seem like gen 5 was the only generation that made strives with this.
Also we need more bugs with levitate how come beedrill an an venomoth don’t have levitate. We also need far move bug type moves we don’t have enough. They are Far too few bug moves for level up.
We need more
Love the titles you gave to all the pseudos
That image at 7:39 goes so hard
Loved the fossil fighters champion fossil pick sound when you pick a rock used to show salamance using his Sp. Atk stats compared to it Atk stat
This happened starting at 5:47 to 5:49
Might of also been in the first fossil fighters as well, but i remember it from fossil fighter champions
At a glance I thought this thumbnail was Cynthia getting ready to box Great Tusk
11:07 ah yes, if there was only an arcanine who had the ability intimidate. I am so sad we don't have that. It would be an amazing pokemon!
I still hate it that they removed the chip damage from the ice weather condition.
I been copying your team since forever to actually here your thoughts about Pokémon is very cool.
I've used Tyrannitar as lead for my sand team throughout this generation and the amount of usage it sees tracks. It's definitely powerful, but its biggest drawback is that its typing makes it vulnerable to fighting types, water types, and fairy types. Because these are the types of meta defining threats right now, you're forced into the awkward position of burning your tera at the start of the battle, which is even worse if it's a set because you give your opponent free info for games 2 and potentially 3
Fossil fighters sfx detected, subscription added
Am I tripping or is that a miss sound effect from Fossil Fighters?
16:56 17:28 NO WAY.
Love these looks back. VGC history is really interesting!
I love Dragapult, but it falls into the usual category of “might need to be my Focus Sash Mon” and then I have to sit and figure out if my previous Sash mon brings more to the team. :/
Seems like Ray got Wolfeys video editors lol
Hehe that’s actually a big compliment, I’m learning from them but have never been on that team
@@mmmdsdads Haha thanks dude!! I appreciate you 🙏🏻
Bro it's a travesty that wolfy has over 1 million followers but you have less than 40k you're a legend keep up the good work
what is the pokemon on screen at 2:48 next to tyranitar??? I thought it was torterra or something but i actually have no idea
Yanmega! It's hard to tell from this backsprite while half covered
7:08 it has 145 Atk and 120 SpA for those confused, editor mistake
My bad 😞 ✊🏻
@@pokezach494_ happens to the best of us. Now which leg will it be, or would you prefer an arm?
5:49 Fossil Fighters sound effect
Kid you not i had no idea this was Ray Rizzo until he said he won his 3rd Worldchip 😭
Just a bit of a typo when you are talking about salamence's mega form and you are referring to its speed and damage stats the speed is fine but the special attack should be 120 and the attack should be 145. Not a huge deal just pointing it out
Oh shoot you’re right 🤦🏼♂️
That’s my bad
It is really amazing to hear insights from a former World Champion! Hope that you keep making more insightful videos to learn from! 😄
Fun fact, there's another name that has been used in place of the "600 Club", that being the "Late Bloomers", referring to the fact that each of the Pseudo Legendaries have always been in the Slow Experience group, something that Archaludon does not fit into.
Baxcalibur is my favorite vivosaur! Cool reference in sure like 3 people got 😂
I couldn’t think of anything better 💀
Well, pseudo-legendary is a fan description. I’d argue we could expand the description to add paradox and ultra beasts. BST means little when the stats aren’t optimized
Except every pseudo legendary actually needs a BST of 600 and a three staged evolutionary line, it may be fan made but GameFreak still acknowledges this
@@adamcunningham9947 it doesn’t “need to be” anything when it’s a fan designation, whether or not game freak acknowledges it. By default because we as the fans set the definition we can also change that same definition. Because we don’t need game freak to acknowledge anything when we’re defining arbitrary terms for groups of Pokemon
Note: all the various 1st finished listed for Komo-o are paired with the fairy killing and parish trapping mega gengar
You titled Baxcalibur a Vivosaur? I didn’t know Ray was chill like that, Fossil fighters content when
we all love the croissalamence
10:44 Bro you are less than 5 years off from being a zoomer yourself my guy, you can't be saying that like you're 50
Imagine having a Pokémon with your name assinature distributed, thats insane
WAIT I didn't realize this was ray rizzo until he said "helped me win my third world championship" lmao
Ray what is your secret to be so handsom yet so good at competitive pokemon?
Keep the videos coming ray these are quality videos you are on the rise with content like this!
One day, not now, Fairies would get nerfed to the gutter and Dragon types would rise again.
These well produced, WolfeyVGC-style Pokemon analysis videos are extremely entertaining. You are now my 2nd favourite PokeTuber.
6:18 Little Z jumpscare
When I’m planning my team, I’ll use a Landorus-T 🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
the limit of having a 600 but total would have never been considered a bad thing back in earlier generations, but now they have to min max the stats so hard that they either have a glaring weakness you can take advantage of or that they are to weak/slow to really do much.
You think you're real slick with those Fossil Fighters references, don't you?
Make a video on FF Champions, I dare you.
Nice video but it doesn't really answer the question. Why are they getting less use? Sure, power creep, but what exactly make the new pokemon that much stronger if it isn't sheer stats ? I think that deserves to be explored a bit more in depth.
5:49 omg is that the fossil fighters "oh no its only a plain rock" sound effect? Thats incredibly based if youve played those games
6:19 omg it's the critical damage sound effect also you definitely have to have played them
Hi Ray could you tell us whats the EVs spread of that Metagross you used? 8:16 please