did you catch the DJ flurryheart it was so cute also I don't know why it hasn't happened but I want a song in nightmare moons voice we got close with moon rising but I hope we get more songs after this episode.
Notes: Celestia did not help ponies in their dreams during the thousand years, but she handled *both* sun and moon, rise and set. Starlight was whiny because Twilight made her insecure. (No complaints, just helping a good episode be more obviously good.) ^_^
Celestia definitively raised the moon during the thousand year period, and her exclaiming that it's easier than raising the sun doesn't need to be taken as a comment of surprise, but as a statement of fact meant for Starlight (she didn't realize she had fallen asleep yet at that point). The dream realm probably managed itself back then, but Luna's service likely provide a quality of life factor that will over time lighten the burden on the psychiatrists of Equestria and make the ponies an even more harmonic race than before. As an example, Starlight grew up in a time without Luna's service - if she had, perhaps she would been able to have had her grief resolved in a healthier way through her dreams back then.
I really liked this one. I know a lot of people are claiming the princesses are out of character, but I think we're actually just seeing them without their royal masks. I do like that the episode itself pointed out why Twilight would have been a poor choice. (She's biased towards Celestia.) Starlight is one of the few ponies who I think would dare to call out the royal sisters. Also, I am loving all the Twilight characterization this season. It's such a relief after the dry spell that was Season 6. (Six had good episodes, just not much for Twilight.
Talia Kirana Yes, I've seen people say that Starlight was only in this for Starlight's sake, but honestly she was the only character in the entire series who could pull this off. Not only Twilight, but almost everyone that the map could've sent (If they even dared to call the Princesses out on it, which I doubt most ponies would) would be biased towards Celestia, and the end solution would most likely end up starting a path towards a second Nightmare Moon incident without anyone realising it. Starlight is impulsive and has a lot less respect and regard towards authorities of Equestria than other characters, having come from a villainous background where she had no respect and regard towards said authorities. Plus, while she has come a long way towards being a better pony; when under stress, she tends to revert back to her "enforce what I think needs to happen with my superior magical abilities" mindset for brief moments (literally one or two seconds, enough for her to cast a spell). The choice of which character to tackle this problem with is actually a brilliant choice; This specific problem needed not only Starlight's strenghts, but also her specific set of flaws to solve. Anyone else would've botched it by either not calling the princesses out on the problem, or in Twilight's case, let her bias towards and fear of Celestia get the better of her and suggest a solution that would work for Celestia, but would alienate Luna further without realising it, priming another fuse for Nightmare Moon.
No doubt people will take the bare basics for a music box, put it in a box, and start 3D Printing that Twilight pose ontop and you'll be seeing it in the next convention.
Try having those two plus evil versions of Cadence and Twilight. Heck despite it being Equestria Girls there's technically Midnight Sparkle who could be considered a evil version of Twilight.
Take a closer look at the moment when Celestia enters the dream world and all the dreams float through the screen. There is baby Applejack and she seems to be held by two ponies...
It appears that Celestia has such a workload that she got rusty at raising the moon. Note that it popped into position when she was raising the moon. During Luna's banishment, Celestia raised and lowered the moon. It is most likely she just did that and the other things Luna did were not done; she didn't have the time. She needed to sleep too. After 6 years of not raising and lowering the moon, she got a little clumsy at it. Very interesting.
Has it been 6 years? Remember this isn't Babylon 5 where one season equates to one year. If it has been, I would think that one of the CMCs would start to get those skinny teenager legs like Fluttershy or Applejack had. Also, when do apples ripen? And how many Applebuckings have there been in one season? There's something to nitpick. ;)
Celestia had to raise the sun and the moon, but she doesn't have power on the realm of dreams, she never experienced having to deal with the nightmares and having to keep the psyche of all the ponies in Equestria
You don't seem to understand that they aren't allowed to come to help with the friendship problem if they weren't called by the map. The map calls ponies for a reason, so that other ponies don't intervene and ruin it. If you'll notice, Twilight contributed literally nothing to the story or the conflict, and couldn't do anything because she's trapped in one place. If she could move around, she would definitely intervene and ruin things, and the problem wouldn't be solved. That's just how the map works, you can't go if you're not called. And Twilight knows that. Also, did you see Applejack as a filly being held by her parents in the dream? :0
No, you don't understand that this is just all theory. The map shows signs of cutie marks of those who have to go, it never said anyone else isn't allowed to come along. Twilight just assumes it means no one else should go. I saw but didn't care much.
ANdy Reacts Well, it may just be theory, but it's theory that makes absolute sense. If the problem required Twilight's help, it would've called her. But it didn't. Because if Twilight came along anyway, she would just interfere with the situation, which would make it pointless for the map not to call her. So she doesn't go, because she knows better. Sure, they're physically able to go to the location, but they know that they shouldn't if they weren't summoned. But we clearly see that Twilight doesn't care about interfering, because she tried to interfere anyway. And about AJ's parents, I kinda figured you wouldn't care seeing as how you know about "the future" :P
Yeah, they are just pleasing Tridashie here by using a piece of his animation. Which is actually a piece from their animation... Animationception? Dreams are complicated. :P
The way I understand it, for the 1000 years Celestia just moved the sun and the moon, but didn't go into the dream realm because her powers don't allow to do that, but she still can interact with celestial bodies.
The Elements of Disharmony... Oh, wait, that was Discord... Elements of Insanity? Um.... How many fan arts and stories are there of the opposite of the Mane 6, or even Evil Equestria as a whole? IDW... :p
I really enjoyed that episode. As for all the haters that say starlight is op or is a mary sue. Well let me put it this way. There's always something more powerful there's always someone more powerful theirs always something or someone that's stronger. That's facts there. I myself really really love the Starlight Glimmer Pony being so unique makes the show very very unique. Makes very enjoyable knowing ya ever get a powerful villain you have Starlight. Oh & if she was over powered or was a mary sue how is it possible Chrissi disabled her magic discords & trixies as well as everypony else. Just saying. Epic reaction awesome video & hope to see more videos like this
pinkiebearpie "Main center character"? Sunset Shimmer is a main center character. Starlight is still just another a side main character, not the star of the show. At this point, no one is the star of this show. Twilight was but now the show has relinquished that true main character role to all the main characters. Also, the map is basically an extension of the Tree of Harmony and obviously has some sort of omniscience when it comes to preserving the balance of harmony throughout Equestria. It knows exactly who to send to preserve or restore harmony where its needed and will do so by any means it has available. If Starlight was the right choice then she was the right choice. Spike could go on a mission and it still would've made sense because if its ever necessary then the map will make it clear who to send. That's the way it works. The map is basically established as a near all knowing force of harmony
StarLight Was whom the map seen fit to solve this. PIcture if another was sent to try to solve this. We know Twili is Bias. She would Have chose Celestia Over Luna. Therefore theres a good chance that day breaker may have came about Twili basically said she is not as powerful as Starlight. Twili Couldnt switch Cuti marks. My conclusion is that it all goes back to the reference of the old saying to walk a mile in my shoes. Sometimes you must put yourself in anothers place to see the error of your ways. Is that not how one could learn.
I agree with ya whole heartedly 100%. I wonder what other adventure/misadventures Starlight may be sent on by the map. It shall be very very interesting.
Well, I would say that there no such thing as an overpowered character - there is only bad writing. As example, take a look at greek and roman gods - they were all very much OP, yet they still struggled with their own character flaws and got cocky or hung up on small bickering, which made them beatable - in fact, gods were quite often tricked by mortals. And something similar is going on with Starlight: Sure, on a power scale she is indeed very powerfull, but she has her own flaws which hinder her in becoming to OP: She fears her own power, because she knows they got to her head once before, which also is nicely reflected in her fears for both Luna and Celestia also becoming such, and struggles with her fear not to accepted because of her past even to this day. She also clearly is insecure about hjer abilities as a leader or decisionmaker, despite having lead a group into the changeling hive. So think they gave her enough baggage and character traits to not make her OP.
Want to enslave them into watching the Canadian releases? Each reaction featuring a Treehouse logo? I've heard rumours that Canada could be doing some redactions, edits, or even censoring... But, you know, rumours aren't everything...
There were just some cars going by... if you consider that more interesting than the episode I have the ultimate thrillride for you! Google "Yule log".
I just realized something, how did Luna know the name of Daybreaker? The moment Celestia dragged Luna in Starlight's nightmare, no one mentioned evil Celestia's name. O.o???
Celestia did destroy Daybreaker and made sure she will never even come into existence. So there is no Daybreaker anymore that could "break free", it was all adream to begin with. Plus the sisters made up and are closer than ever, there would have to be hate between them in order for Celestia to become Daybreaker. So, considering all of this... prepare to be disappointed. You only hurt yourself if you expect something to happen that deosn't make any sense to begin with.
With all of her powers what if Starlight Gilmmer's father is maybe Starswirl the Bearded. Say he can go in time and fell in love with Starlight's mother. And Starlight has all this power and even the map see it.
ive been thinking. when luna was banished it wasn't like she didnt have her power. it was said in the past a bunch of unicorns could move the sun n moon before celestia n luna did. celestia had to move it by herself, she has the power to do it on her own but shes NEVER had lunas powers. she was nightmare moon the whole time she was banished. and came back with that power.
Starlight Glimmer is my favourite character now. I mean, I liked her before but now I like her even more. This slowly evolved from "This is a nice character." to "OMG This is my favourite character.". But that took a long time. What do *you* think of her Andy? Do you like her? (It doesn't has to be like me)
I personally did enjoyed this episode. Not only because we finally got evil Celestia (Daybreaker isn't that of a scary name) but we see more of Starlight. As for Twilight i do understand why she would have been a poor choise, its not that i dislike her ,but, beside Starlight there s nopony in the series capable to solve that friendship problem. 😊☺😁😀😂😃😄😅
Honestly I don't thin starlight is a mary sue. Like you I could hear the calls saying it. Honestly there's nothing she does that hasn't been done by someone else in the show yet. Even in this episode the cutie mark swapping was what made Twilight a Princess and we know she can make alterations to Starswirls own spells as she did when time traveling with Twilight. Pound and Pumpkin could fly and phase through things, (Starlight can't phase through things yet) Ithoroughly enjoyed this reaction and the episode.
I love Starlight, but it is kinda annoying that they use her as much as they do when they don't need to. The hate for her in the Maud Pie episode made sense, because even I, a big fan of Starlight, was rolling my eyes at this. I mean seriously? At this point you could kill Twilight off and not much would change. It's a shame they abuse good ol Glimmey's character like this. This episode, it makes perfect sense for her to be there, because she is the only one that can really do this. Great reaction though. :)
Twilight already had her chance with Maud and it didn't quite work. The only other interesting pony to befriend Maud would've been Trixie. Then again, she must already know Maud, she worked at her rock farm. So I was happy with making Glimmy befriend Maud. She also got a bit more depth with the kite thing, so it was no misuse in my eyes.
Well the kite thing yea, that was adorable and something interesting to know about her character. I don't really care about Twilight hanging out with Maud, they got along alright and that's fine. And of course, the development of Maud and Starlight becoming friends is great. It's just that, they didn't really need her of all people. They use her to an extreme amount, it feels like they're trying to shove Starlight down the viewers' throats. Maud could have befriended a secondary character, which would have been equally as cool. To be honest, I think it's more important for Starlight to have episodes with her existing friends before adding more to the barrel of friendship. Like episodes with her and characters from the main six. It's been established that they're good friends, but we don't see any of the six hang out with her one on one and develop+bond with each other.
I agree, I would love to see that on one hand... then again I would also love to see (and actually prefer) her training Trixie in friendship. Trixie still has a long way to go. That is a bit more interesting than characters that are already very good in this
You know, I never thought of that. After some discussions, I came to the thought that AgrolorgA are predicting a Princess Starlight and that she'd be the Princess of Cutie Marks with her THREE advisers. ;)
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMGOMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMOGMGOMGOMGOMGOGMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM senpai notices me also 21:21 i notice really feels come out of you man thats so cute of you in this part seens like you gonna drop some tears i du this type of face oowwnn =/ iiii dunno i am i huge fan? i watch others reactions but is much better when you know watch all a-and now i got i got reply THIS IS THE BDASSSSSSydaayyEvarr i am a brazilian but i undestand all you say xD so is much good see you doing this bring happyness all day keep up ✿) my heart feel like will explo.. OMGOMOGMOGMGOMGOGMOGMOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOMGOGMOGMGOGM cant breath... awwwww =////= *dies* vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/139954656272.gif sorry say all that with bad inglish words i just could hold for myself and had to show that I really enjoy your intretation *dies two times*
17:17 holy black on a popo! Evil Celestia is now cannon.
OOOh yeah baby, SO AWESOME!
did you catch the DJ flurryheart it was so cute also I don't know why it hasn't happened but I want a song in nightmare moons voice we got close with moon rising but I hope we get more songs after this episode.
Notes: Celestia did not help ponies in their dreams during the thousand years, but she handled *both* sun and moon, rise and set. Starlight was whiny because Twilight made her insecure. (No complaints, just helping a good episode be more obviously good.) ^_^
Celestia definitively raised the moon during the thousand year period, and her exclaiming that it's easier than raising the sun doesn't need to be taken as a comment of surprise, but as a statement of fact meant for Starlight (she didn't realize she had fallen asleep yet at that point).
The dream realm probably managed itself back then, but Luna's service likely provide a quality of life factor that will over time lighten the burden on the psychiatrists of Equestria and make the ponies an even more harmonic race than before. As an example, Starlight grew up in a time without Luna's service - if she had, perhaps she would been able to have had her grief resolved in a healthier way through her dreams back then.
I really liked this one. I know a lot of people are claiming the princesses are out of character, but I think we're actually just seeing them without their royal masks. I do like that the episode itself pointed out why Twilight would have been a poor choice. (She's biased towards Celestia.) Starlight is one of the few ponies who I think would dare to call out the royal sisters. Also, I am loving all the Twilight characterization this season. It's such a relief after the dry spell that was Season 6. (Six had good episodes, just not much for Twilight.
Talia Kirana Yes, I've seen people say that Starlight was only in this for Starlight's sake, but honestly she was the only character in the entire series who could pull this off.
Not only Twilight, but almost everyone that the map could've sent (If they even dared to call the Princesses out on it, which I doubt most ponies would) would be biased towards Celestia, and the end solution would most likely end up starting a path towards a second Nightmare Moon incident without anyone realising it.
Starlight is impulsive and has a lot less respect and regard towards authorities of Equestria than other characters, having come from a villainous background where she had no respect and regard towards said authorities. Plus, while she has come a long way towards being a better pony; when under stress, she tends to revert back to her "enforce what I think needs to happen with my superior magical abilities" mindset for brief moments (literally one or two seconds, enough for her to cast a spell).
The choice of which character to tackle this problem with is actually a brilliant choice; This specific problem needed not only Starlight's strenghts, but also her specific set of flaws to solve. Anyone else would've botched it by either not calling the princesses out on the problem, or in Twilight's case, let her bias towards and fear of Celestia get the better of her and suggest a solution that would work for Celestia, but would alienate Luna further without realising it, priming another fuse for Nightmare Moon.
Starlight Glimmer has come a long way as a character
I love her. She’s my fave! 🦄 ✨
Holy shit its fucking epic 😱😁
Awww, shucks! ^^
Yeah it is o.o
So Hasbro where can i buy that talking Twilarina???
Josh Blackwell or starllerina
Forget that. I want the Spike toothbrush.
Princess Luna It would be cool If Hasbro or some other company made replicas of that toothbrush for sale.
OOH OOOH I need that too! Too cute!
No doubt people will take the bare basics for a music box, put it in a box, and start 3D Printing that Twilight pose ontop and you'll be seeing it in the next convention.
So what's worse then a power crazed Night Demon Princess
A power crazed Demon Princess who is essentially pure unquenchable fire
Yeah, that is intimidating!
Two power crazed pony princesses.
the two working together
Try having those two plus evil versions of Cadence and Twilight. Heck despite it being Equestria Girls there's technically Midnight Sparkle who could be considered a evil version of Twilight.
Take a closer look at the moment when Celestia enters the dream world and all the dreams float through the screen. There is baby Applejack and she seems to be held by two ponies...
Saw her but didn't comment
11:22 "Good choice..., not that you had one."
The last part wasn't neccessary Starlight.
It appears that Celestia has such a workload that she got rusty at raising the moon. Note that it popped into position when she was raising the moon. During Luna's banishment, Celestia raised and lowered the moon. It is most likely she just did that and the other things Luna did were not done; she didn't have the time. She needed to sleep too. After 6 years of not raising and lowering the moon, she got a little clumsy at it. Very interesting.
Still she said it felt easier than raising the sun
Has it been 6 years? Remember this isn't Babylon 5 where one season equates to one year. If it has been, I would think that one of the CMCs would start to get those skinny teenager legs like Fluttershy or Applejack had. Also, when do apples ripen? And how many Applebuckings have there been in one season? There's something to nitpick. ;)
That and as Luna put it, her (Celestia's) magic would be useless in the dream realm, so I guess dreams were left unattended for a thousand years.
I can relate to Princess Luna when it comes to working late and u don't sleep well after that.
I know that too, all too well
Celestia had to raise the sun and the moon, but she doesn't have power on the realm of dreams, she never experienced having to deal with the nightmares and having to keep the psyche of all the ponies in Equestria
Yeah I guess that's right
Daybreaker: The foolish Princess Celestia no longer exists. I AM FIRE MADE FLESH, POWER INCARNATE I AM DAYBREAKER!!!!
One of the top episodes to be sure. It has a similar story to the Luna Micro comic, only Celestia was taking a day off and Luna was taking her place.
You're right, the similarities were awesome. Now if Luna only had that cute pet from the comics. :D
BEST episode of the season so far!
It was a great one, yeah
That ep is gonna be one of my favorite in series))
I do think I agree... at least it will be in my personal Top 20
Ryuga Kuroraio my fav is still do princess dream of magic sheep this is defiantly my 2nd
I like Starlight Glimmer.
Me too ^^
You don't seem to understand that they aren't allowed to come to help with the friendship problem if they weren't called by the map. The map calls ponies for a reason, so that other ponies don't intervene and ruin it. If you'll notice, Twilight contributed literally nothing to the story or the conflict, and couldn't do anything because she's trapped in one place. If she could move around, she would definitely intervene and ruin things, and the problem wouldn't be solved. That's just how the map works, you can't go if you're not called. And Twilight knows that.
Also, did you see Applejack as a filly being held by her parents in the dream? :0
No, you don't understand that this is just all theory.
The map shows signs of cutie marks of those who have to go, it never said anyone else isn't allowed to come along.
Twilight just assumes it means no one else should go.
I saw but didn't care much.
ANdy Reacts Well, it may just be theory, but it's theory that makes absolute sense. If the problem required Twilight's help, it would've called her. But it didn't. Because if Twilight came along anyway, she would just interfere with the situation, which would make it pointless for the map not to call her. So she doesn't go, because she knows better. Sure, they're physically able to go to the location, but they know that they shouldn't if they weren't summoned. But we clearly see that Twilight doesn't care about interfering, because she tried to interfere anyway.
And about AJ's parents, I kinda figured you wouldn't care seeing as how you know about "the future" :P
16:15 Shipping dream! XD
*rolls eyes* Lol
+Argamis (SilverComet) XD
Yeah, they are just pleasing Tridashie here by using a piece of his animation. Which is actually a piece from their animation... Animationception? Dreams are complicated. :P
+Edward256 It is probably Tridashie's dream xD (As well as every TwiDash shipper's dream)
I'm a pony girl in the pony world it is canon that's fantastic
9:49 Dat face xD
The way I understand it, for the 1000 years Celestia just moved the sun and the moon, but didn't go into the dream realm because her powers don't allow to do that, but she still can interact with celestial bodies.
Yes! Been waiting for your reaction for hours, refreshing your youtube channel every five minute. Finally! :D
I feel honored. Hope you had fun!
you dont see baby applejack with her parents
I saw her but didn't comment.
Seriously I like starlight glimer :D
HandheldGamer1991 i seriously love her
Happy to hear that. Also it's easier to enjoy this season.
Imagine you couldn't stand seeing Starlight. You would have a hard time
Me too! :D
ANdy Reacts Starlight has come a long way since she first appeared on the show. 👍
yep me to i love starlight and her ship w/trixie is to die for
if theres an evil luna and an evil celestia, wouldnt that mean that there will be an evil cadence or twilight?
The Elements of Disharmony... Oh, wait, that was Discord... Elements of Insanity? Um.... How many fan arts and stories are there of the opposite of the Mane 6, or even Evil Equestria as a whole? IDW... :p
I really enjoyed that episode. As for all the haters that say starlight is op or is a mary sue. Well let me put it this way. There's always something more powerful there's always someone more powerful theirs always something or someone that's stronger. That's facts there. I myself really really love the Starlight Glimmer Pony being so unique makes the show very very unique. Makes very enjoyable knowing ya ever get a powerful villain you have Starlight. Oh & if she was over powered or was a mary sue how is it possible Chrissi disabled her magic discords & trixies as well as everypony else. Just saying. Epic reaction awesome video & hope to see more videos like this
pinkiebearpie "Main center character"? Sunset Shimmer is a main center character. Starlight is still just another a side main character, not the star of the show. At this point, no one is the star of this show. Twilight was but now the show has relinquished that true main character role to all the main characters.
Also, the map is basically an extension of the Tree of Harmony and obviously has some sort of omniscience when it comes to preserving the balance of harmony throughout Equestria. It knows exactly who to send to preserve or restore harmony where its needed and will do so by any means it has available. If Starlight was the right choice then she was the right choice. Spike could go on a mission and it still would've made sense because if its ever necessary then the map will make it clear who to send. That's the way it works. The map is basically established as a near all knowing force of harmony
StarLight Was whom the map seen fit to solve this. PIcture if another was sent to try to solve this. We know Twili is Bias. She would Have chose Celestia Over Luna. Therefore theres a good chance that day breaker may have came about Twili basically said she is not as powerful as Starlight. Twili Couldnt switch Cuti marks. My conclusion is that it all goes back to the reference of the old saying to walk a mile in my shoes. Sometimes you must put yourself in anothers place to see the error of your ways. Is that not how one could learn.
I agree. Starlight is a great addition in my eyes. *u*
I agree with ya whole heartedly 100%. I wonder what other adventure/misadventures Starlight may be sent on by the map. It shall be very very interesting.
Well, I would say that there no such thing as an overpowered character - there is only bad writing. As example, take a look at greek and roman gods - they were all very much OP, yet they still struggled with their own character flaws and got cocky or hung up on small bickering, which made them beatable - in fact, gods were quite often tricked by mortals.
And something similar is going on with Starlight: Sure, on a power scale she is indeed very powerfull, but she has her own flaws which hinder her in becoming to OP: She fears her own power, because she knows they got to her head once before, which also is nicely reflected in her fears for both Luna and Celestia also becoming such, and struggles with her fear not to accepted because of her past even to this day. She also clearly is insecure about hjer abilities as a leader or decisionmaker, despite having lead a group into the changeling hive.
So think they gave her enough baggage and character traits to not make her OP.
freaky friday princess eddition
Hahahah, good interjection!
Immer wieder geil wie du anfängst zu weinen xD verstehe ich swar nicht wieso aber gut xD sollte kein hate sein oder sowas ;)
Es nimmt mich emotional mit wenn Leute einander ihre Gefühle gestehen und einander verstehen und vergeben, zueinander finden etc
Achse okay
ha ha the intro though
Reactions 4 this episode aren't uploading fast enough!
Want to enslave them into watching the Canadian releases? Each reaction featuring a Treehouse logo? I've heard rumours that Canada could be doing some redactions, edits, or even censoring... But, you know, rumours aren't everything...
I wanna know more about the drama of closing the window. the episode is 2nd to the window event.
There were just some cars going by... if you consider that more interesting than the episode I have the ultimate thrillride for you! Google "Yule log".
Holy shit the evil celestial... reminds me of the comic one xD
Yeah it came pretty close
Actually, this kind of makes me think of a new take on IDW's Micro #10 where Luna took over Celestia's day duties.
I just realized something, how did Luna know the name of Daybreaker? The moment Celestia dragged Luna in Starlight's nightmare, no one mentioned evil Celestia's name. O.o???
Other media implicates she is from Celestia’s nightmares, if not this one.
Okay if the Season finale isn't Daybreaker getting free and taking control of Celestia I will be horribly disappointed
Celestia did destroy Daybreaker and made sure she will never even come into existence.
So there is no Daybreaker anymore that could "break free", it was all adream to begin with.
Plus the sisters made up and are closer than ever, there would have to be hate between them in order for Celestia to become Daybreaker.
So, considering all of this... prepare to be disappointed.
You only hurt yourself if you expect something to happen that deosn't make any sense to begin with.
then again this IS hasbro we are talking about so it could happen
Were you crying in 20:17?
Yup. It brings out the feels for me when characters open up towards each other, forgive each other and find closure and understanding.
With all of her powers what if Starlight Gilmmer's father is maybe Starswirl the Bearded. Say he can go in time and fell in love with Starlight's mother. And Starlight has all this power and even the map see it.
What would happen if this happened between twilight and cadence? Also is sun breaker the new villain 4season 7?! Also is starlight gonna get a throne!
ive been thinking. when luna was banished it wasn't like she didnt have her power. it was said in the past a bunch of unicorns could move the sun n moon before celestia n luna did. celestia had to move it by herself, she has the power to do it on her own but shes NEVER had lunas powers. she was nightmare moon the whole time she was banished. and came back with that power.
20:16 are you crying?
18:48 daybreaker is a dragon
best episode of the season so far, one of the best ever
Starlight Glimmer is my favourite character now. I mean, I liked her before but now I like her even more. This slowly evolved from "This is a nice character." to "OMG This is my favourite character.". But that took a long time.
What do *you* think of her Andy? Do you like her? (It doesn't has to be like me)
Starlight was the one who thought this could be dangerous for Equestria, it does not mean that is the case.
Hm... we will never know. It might have become dangerous if Starlight wouldn't have interrupted.
this is funniest episod of season7 . this Best episod for celestia and Luna and starlightglimer.
It was awesome yeah
I personally did enjoyed this episode. Not only because we finally got evil Celestia (Daybreaker isn't that of a scary name) but we see more of Starlight. As for Twilight i do understand why she would have been a poor choise, its not that i dislike her ,but, beside Starlight there s nopony in the series capable to solve that friendship problem. 😊☺😁😀😂😃😄😅
Honestly I don't thin starlight is a mary sue. Like you I could hear the calls saying it. Honestly there's nothing she does that hasn't been done by someone else in the show yet. Even in this episode the cutie mark swapping was what made Twilight a Princess and we know she can make alterations to Starswirls own spells as she did when time traveling with Twilight. Pound and Pumpkin could fly and phase through things, (Starlight can't phase through things yet) Ithoroughly enjoyed this reaction and the episode.
This has to be one of the best episodes this season! Though I'm not sure since I can't catch up with my Episode Opinions...
I know that feeling. XD
Do you know how Starlight Glimmer switched the 2 princess's cutie marks? Starlight is a cutie mark taking pony.
of course i know that
YEAH !!!
lunas dream is creepy...
This was great episode, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say it just felt like every fanfic writer's wet dream by third act.
Well, almost every fanfic writer. But for many this must have been a feast, yes
u should turn up the volume on the video sometimes its hard to hear
16:11 Wtz XD
I love Starlight, but it is kinda annoying that they use her as much as they do when they don't need to. The hate for her in the Maud Pie episode made sense, because even I, a big fan of Starlight, was rolling my eyes at this. I mean seriously? At this point you could kill Twilight off and not much would change. It's a shame they abuse good ol Glimmey's character like this. This episode, it makes perfect sense for her to be there, because she is the only one that can really do this. Great reaction though. :)
Twilight already had her chance with Maud and it didn't quite work. The only other interesting pony to befriend Maud would've been Trixie. Then again, she must already know Maud, she worked at her rock farm. So I was happy with making Glimmy befriend Maud. She also got a bit more depth with the kite thing, so it was no misuse in my eyes.
Well the kite thing yea, that was adorable and something interesting to know about her character. I don't really care about Twilight hanging out with Maud, they got along alright and that's fine. And of course, the development of Maud and Starlight becoming friends is great. It's just that, they didn't really need her of all people. They use her to an extreme amount, it feels like they're trying to shove Starlight down the viewers' throats. Maud could have befriended a secondary character, which would have been equally as cool. To be honest, I think it's more important for Starlight to have episodes with her existing friends before adding more to the barrel of friendship. Like episodes with her and characters from the main six. It's been established that they're good friends, but we don't see any of the six hang out with her one on one and develop+bond with each other.
I agree, I would love to see that on one hand... then again I would also love to see (and actually prefer) her training Trixie in friendship. Trixie still has a long way to go. That is a bit more interesting than characters that are already very good in this
Princess of Balance ... ie: an Equal sign
You know, I never thought of that. After some discussions, I came to the thought that AgrolorgA are predicting a Princess Starlight and that she'd be the Princess of Cutie Marks with her THREE advisers. ;)
Wow indeed
the sister rivalry is real
Best episode ever!
It was awesome!
Starlight is cool
do you like cleastia or luna plz plz plz plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!😤😥☺
Both. Tia a bit more
ANdy Reacts same for me
Um... Exuse me but... You said bannana wrong. It's called BLANABBLA
No, I am pretty shure ists BLAHRHLARLAH
oh nos sister are spating that never ever happens to any one ever run for the hills
asta la viesta baby'' hahahahaha XD
Yeah that was fun ^^
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMGOMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMOGMGOMGOMGOMGOGMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM senpai notices me also 21:21 i notice really feels come out of you man thats so cute of you in this part seens like you gonna drop some tears i du this type of face oowwnn =/ iiii dunno i am i huge fan? i watch others reactions but is much better when you know watch all a-and now i got i got reply THIS IS THE BDASSSSSSydaayyEvarr i am a brazilian but i undestand all you say xD so is much good see you doing this bring happyness all day keep up ✿) my heart feel like will explo.. OMGOMOGMOGMGOMGOGMOGMOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOMGOGMOGMGOGM cant breath... awwwww =////= *dies* vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/139954656272.gif
sorry say all that with bad inglish words i just could hold for myself and had to show that I really enjoy your intretation *dies two times*
Eevee Da Party if I you died the first time how did the continuation happen xD