@Gangari TheWanderer It might be good for you to make peace with yourself and women, and find women you can make good company with. I think this kind of cynicism is not good to surround ourselves with. If people can have such joy and laughter at a religious talk, then glory be to God. It has been something that has been lacking and contributing to the death of the church.
@Gangari TheWanderer To reply to your first objection, I never assumed you were a woman. No where in my reply did I identify you as a man or woman. I've met men who through the trauma of divorce or other means or ignorance have a fractured and unhealthy relationship with women as a whole. I have also met women who identify as "tomboys" and "hate" other women and have an equally strained and unhealthy relationship with women as a whole. To your second point as to why I see it as a criticism is because of the use of the word "too." The definition of "too" is: too: adverb 1. to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. "he was driving too fast" When you say "Too many women." You mean an undesirable excess of women. In this statement, you directly imply it as something bad, therefore, logically it is a criticism. The only assumption I made was that this type of cynical criticism indicates something about your relationships with women, whether you are a woman or man. Judging by prior encounters, I would still say it does, and your defensiveness is also an indication that I hit something true as well. I could be wrong, I am not infallible.
@Gangari TheWanderer You are the only one here taking anything as a personal attack. Given the aggravated and cynical reaction to the laughing my assessment was fair. Though I feel though as I am being played/trolled, so I think it is high time I broke off this thread.
I don’t even mind the laughing. This was so easy to follow and really entertaining. I prefer it to the regular boring lectures where jokes fall on silent audiences. Very engaging.
I had to check the date on this one because he said ' Men and women are different. You know that right?' And nowadays so many people don't seem to get that concept. Father Pine you are so awesome and utterly delightful !Learning and laughing go very well together😂❤
John Green once said, "Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convicted that the shattered world will never be out back together unless and until all living humans read the book," and I have a similar feeling about anything Fr. Gregory Pine is involved in. Somehow, the phrase, "that's interesting, so the Dominican Friars of the Provance of St. Joseph said" has become something I regularly say. Life is beautiful and strange.
From the Life of St Ephraim the Syrian: After many years in the desert, he was inspired by God one day to go to Edessa, his native city. He had always left his heart open and receptive to the Divine Majesty, eager to receive the precious dew of heavenly inspiration, and he had always faithfully accepted them in obedience. Thus he readily embraced this one too. He went promptly to the city. As he drew near, he was convinced that God must have something important to teach him in calling him from his hermitage. Falling on his knees, he prayed most fervently for the grace to meet someone in the city who would serve as his director and lead him to God’s will. Full of confidence that the Lord would hear him, he got up. When he reached Edessa he came upon a prostitute. Disturbed, he said to himself: “My God, I asked You to let me meet someone who would teach me what Your good pleasure wants of me. Instead, I meet this unfortunate woman.” Eyeing her disdainfully, he noticed that she too was looking at him attentively. Enraged at her boldness, he demanded: “Why, miserable woman, do you look at me so?” She responded very cleverly and learnedly: “ I have the right to look at you, but you have no right to look at me. You know that woman was drawn from the side of man. [Gen. 2:21-23]. Therefore, I am only looking at the place of my origin. But man was created from the earth [Gen. 2:7], so why are you not continually looking down at the earth, since that is the place from which you were drawn?” a prostitute schooled St ephrem on humility This great saint truly valued the teaching of the wretched woman, received it humbly, and even warmly acknowledged his gratitude to her. From that moment on, he so valued that lesson that not only did he always keep his bodily eyes lowered to the ground, but even more so his interior and spiritual eyes, which he kept riveted on his nothingness, his vileness and his abjection. In this way he made continual progress in the virtue of most holy humility all the rest of his life.
This reminds me a lot about the famous romance called "Thaïs" by Anatole France, I didn't liked the end though, it seems like he even mocks about religion and faith
Dear father you are so delightful ! You are articulate with an amazing sense of humor! Pls pray for my 3 sons to follow the path you have taken🙏🏼 the narrow way to heaven. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you 🙏🏼💒
I had to come back to this talk. Fr. Gregory mentioned covenant eyes internet safety. I know the priest who started this program. He works out of my Diocese, of Lincoln,NE. It's Father Sean Kilkawley. He also does public speaking, especially about why it's important to have the technology. God bless your mention, Father!
They can be friends but only to a certain extent, limited extent, especially if they are married to different people or are in romantic relationship with other people.
This was great! So funny and honest. Feeling a huge desire to point out that the two methods he described of how women relate to men, fawn and freeze, (which he later delicately refered to as modes of manipulation) are trauma responses 🥺😬.
Before me and my wife got married We were Know each other for 3 months. Right away Got married . I feel in love with her The INS Did not want her to stay here in the United States . So we got married right away Did all the paperwork Were Approved. And I thought this only happens in the movies will you fall in love with someone that quick . We've been married for 16 years There's good times and there's bad times but we always work it out. I am A Returning Catholic . I was baptized in 1978 . Add been to massfor 6 years . Did all my confessions I had to go back 30 years Things I hadn't confessed Going to mass Taken the holy communion. It took 3 Confessions to remember everything . I wish I never left I found out the Catholic so the one Made The Bible I did not Know that.
I've had struggles making male friends. I just can't relate. It's so rare. But with women I can instantly share the universe. I don't know if it's sin I'm scared and I've prayed about it and asked God for male friends but pretty much every person even of God that comes into my life is a woman.
I made it through five minutes. Was this on a retreat after a long day and Saturday night dinner w wine, a lot of wine??? Where else can I find him without a live congregation.....
@@creedy8612 quoting Dr. Taylor Marshal: “Did you know that the “deadly sin” of Gluttony is the proud mother of six? According to Saint Gregory the Great (Moralia, 31, 45), the capital sin of gluttony (eating and drinking too much) has “six daughters”. The daughters of gluttony are: excessive joy unseemly joy scurrility (levity in behavior) uncleanness (related to vomiting and sexual impurity) loquaciousness dullness of mind as regards the understanding” Maybe just a glass of wine or two isn’t a bad idea. But that doesn’t change the fact that inappropriate laughter can be a sign of plain foolishness, and maybe other disorders in the soul. Having such an accomplished dominican talking about tomistic moral theology to this apparently frivolous audience (and their missing of the larger picture) is an eloquent sign of our weird times.
I like the mutual benevolence thing. But what do you do when your boyfriend only wants to be friends with benefits and you don't agree with that kind of style? Not uplifting to a Grace filled life if we're ever going to get farther than that. But you gotta start somewhere? That's his point of view.
@@vstu7643 V Stu Thanks. I hope so. I'm not getting any younger. And I still really like guys. Especially nice ones who treat me like I'm supposed to be treated.
I know this is a year old. I saying this for others in the same boat. I wasted my 20's and part of my 30's with two guys like that and also had some short relationship's like that. Freinds with benefits means he doesn't find you special enough to commit and he wants to see what else is out there. There's usually no changing their minds on this by staying. Anything you try will probably backfire. Leave. Find someone you values you & finds you special enough to want to be exclusive. Sometimes the uncommittal type ex will have regret or happy memories will make them miss you after your gone, usually compared to other women he's recently dealt with, I'm talking like 2-3 years or more later. 98% chance same problems or worse will be there. Just do a cup of coffee type happy idle chat and then don't see them again one on one. If I'd done this then my life would be better and saved not just time but the money, health, energy wasted on the bad match. If you love someone you will let them go to find their forever human and pray for them to find soulful happiness and peace.
So Fr. Gregory Pine is performing at a distance from what I have been accustomed to and the humor is finding laughter at the context of friend. The audience is seeing him a young man and thus, the audience is not as mature?
vey interesting topic. But I could not comprehend fully G. Pine ideas. Can men be simply friend with women, if not thinking about dating or marriage? As I understand, it is possible, but a lot of restrictions have to made (not to meet in the evenings, to say straightly that we are only friends) that makes this friendship very rare.
My answer, before hearing the presentation, but having lived almost 70 years on this planet, is NO. Unless the guy is gay. Let's see what the monk says..... OK, I have listened to the end of the presentation (but without listening to question period), and, given the way he gets all spiritual and exalted at the end, I THINK he agrees with me.
What are you saying? Please! No. No. No. It is NOT fear that make women more attracted to religious life. It is our kin intuition for relationship, it is our inclination towards submitting to a worthy leader (Christ), it is a calling of the heart. It is NOT fear. We want our husbands to be like Christ. It would be so easy to submit to a Christ-like man. But man don't even try to be like Him.
You see, many women say that...and then still struggles with submission to their husband, because it is a part of the fall. And guess what? If you are married, Christ calls the Wife to submit...so if the Wife isn't, then she is refusing to submit to Christ. And that entirely refutes the idea that 'It would be soo easy to submit to a man like Christ' because they find it hard to submit to Christ. Submission itself is not easy. And lastly, women are more 'spiritual' because the modern church has been feminized due to a disordered world view that is corrupted by feminism. In light of this, men must overcome the passivity as seen in Genesis and accelerated by the current feminized culture, simply to 'man up' to their spiritual role as a man.
@@vibeauxssxuaebiv3489 Christ calls the wife to submit and the husband to love as Christ loves the Church even unto death. Both callings are not easy but yes, a woman would have it a lot easier if her husband would be like Christ and die for her as he demands. The Church is woman because it is the Bride of Christ and the Mother of believers. She is woman by definition, Christ makes her fertile to give him children (believers). And she is untouched by feminism or anything like it. This is not saying that the trends of society don't affect the Church. But as the Bride she is all beautiful and without any stain or wrinkle. If this were not true the death of Christ in the cross would have been in vain. Women are more spiritual because they are receptive, unlike men.
Arrogant and foolish. Generalization after generalization. All men “reckless”? Doubt it. All women caring for others? Again not likely. And the laughter? Who are the people in this audience? Probably college students, but why play to the laughs in this way. The topic is a serious one. Deserves a better treatment.
The speaker sounds articulate but the talk is a bit unorganized and going all over the place. I would appreciate a shorter but much more focused and structured talk. I also don't understand how such an independent thinker also subscribers to so much gender stereotypes.
Fr. Pine is one of my fav catholics, but man is always Father? this feeds the myth that a male who has no child is somehow less male and so for the woman too. Let's remember that Jesus had no children. The 15-20 minute region where we ad hoc reference a little-known scholar with an incomplete grounding of the view isn't convincing at all imo.
WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT BEING A HINDU? By Francois Gautier 1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted 2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik 3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak. 4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman. 5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools. 6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it. 7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure ! 8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead. 9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest. 10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion) 11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi. 12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy. 13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic ! 14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship). 15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy 16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan. 17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study ! 18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped. 19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism! "Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family) 20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival. Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year. 21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu. 22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved. 23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu! 24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom. 25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe! 26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint. 27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily) You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu! This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!! There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every direction
@@Waterlemon777 Hinduism is for long term well being of human SOCIETY and NATURE on-earth.. for all millinea.. For those who think for themselves only..any may work.
What's he got on under that sexy dress now let's be honest any young man that wants to wear that gear is not normal end of story and if it is where does that leave 99.9% of young men
He is like a mix between a monk and a frat guy
So in other words the perfect man.
So definitely a brother… or father?
Perfect analogy
He just another weirdo that took a vow never tobe intimate with a woman
Fr. Pine: *says something deep, spiritually fruitful and philosophical*
The audience: *TEEHEE HAHAHA*
This is the equivalent of replying to a 3-5 sentence text with a single emoji.
Better to have that audience, then a dead one that doesn't care.
@Gangari TheWanderer It might be good for you to make peace with yourself and women, and find women you can make good company with. I think this kind of cynicism is not good to surround ourselves with. If people can have such joy and laughter at a religious talk, then glory be to God. It has been something that has been lacking and contributing to the death of the church.
@Gangari TheWanderer To reply to your first objection, I never assumed you were a woman. No where in my reply did I identify you as a man or woman. I've met men who through the trauma of divorce or other means or ignorance have a fractured and unhealthy relationship with women as a whole. I have also met women who identify as "tomboys" and "hate" other women and have an equally strained and unhealthy relationship with women as a whole.
To your second point as to why I see it as a criticism is because of the use of the word "too." The definition of "too" is:
1. to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively.
"he was driving too fast"
When you say "Too many women." You mean an undesirable excess of women. In this statement, you directly imply it as something bad, therefore, logically it is a criticism. The only assumption I made was that this type of cynical criticism indicates something about your relationships with women, whether you are a woman or man. Judging by prior encounters, I would still say it does, and your defensiveness is also an indication that I hit something true as well. I could be wrong, I am not infallible.
@Gangari TheWanderer You are the only one here taking anything as a personal attack. Given the aggravated and cynical reaction to the laughing my assessment was fair. Though I feel though as I am being played/trolled, so I think it is high time I broke off this thread.
This is stand-up theology, I love it
hah good one
Fr. Gregory Pine is just a great man.
Let us pray for all good and faithful priests who dedicate themselves to their people with generosity and unknown sacrifices. 🙏🏻❤️
I don’t even mind the laughing. This was so easy to follow and really entertaining. I prefer it to the regular boring lectures where jokes fall on silent audiences. Very engaging.
I had to check the date on this one because he said ' Men and women are different. You know that right?' And nowadays so many people don't seem to get that concept. Father Pine you are so awesome and utterly delightful !Learning and laughing go very well together😂❤
Now I know what your pints with Aquinas episodes would sound like with a laugh track
I think all young people need to hear this.
John Green once said, "Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convicted that the shattered world will never be out back together unless and until all living humans read the book," and I have a similar feeling about anything Fr. Gregory Pine is involved in. Somehow, the phrase, "that's interesting, so the Dominican Friars of the Provance of St. Joseph said" has become something I regularly say. Life is beautiful and strange.
That is a fantastic quote.
From the Life of St Ephraim the Syrian:
After many years in the desert, he was inspired by God one day to go to Edessa, his native city. He had always left his heart open and receptive to the Divine Majesty, eager to receive the precious dew of heavenly inspiration, and he had always faithfully accepted them in obedience. Thus he readily embraced this one too. He went promptly to the city.
As he drew near, he was convinced that God must have something important to teach him in calling him from his hermitage. Falling on his knees, he prayed most fervently for the grace to meet someone in the city who would serve as his director and lead him to God’s will. Full of confidence that the Lord would hear him, he got up.
When he reached Edessa he came upon a prostitute. Disturbed, he said to himself: “My God, I asked You to let me meet someone who would teach me what Your good pleasure wants of me. Instead, I meet this unfortunate woman.” Eyeing her disdainfully, he noticed that she too was looking at him attentively. Enraged at her boldness, he demanded:
“Why, miserable woman, do you look at me so?” She responded very cleverly and learnedly: “
I have the right to look at you, but you have no right to look at me. You know that woman was drawn from the side of man. [Gen. 2:21-23]. Therefore, I am only looking at the place of my origin. But man was created from the earth [Gen. 2:7], so why are you not continually looking down at the earth, since that is the place from which you were drawn?”
a prostitute schooled St ephrem on humility
This great saint truly valued the teaching of the wretched woman, received it humbly, and even warmly acknowledged his gratitude to her. From that moment on, he so valued that lesson that not only did he always keep his bodily eyes lowered to the ground, but even more so his interior and spiritual eyes, which he kept riveted on his nothingness, his vileness and his abjection. In this way he made continual progress in the virtue of most holy humility all the rest of his life.
What an excellent remark!
Wonderful story! And so very true; humility is exceedingly difficult to gain. Will try to remember this.
Beautiful story, thank you for sharing! St. Ephraim the Syrian, pray for us
This reminds me a lot about the famous romance called "Thaïs" by Anatole France, I didn't liked the end though, it seems like he even mocks about religion and faith
Thank you for sharing! God bless, may the Lord grow us all in the humility of Christ.
Sixers fan here, did not expect Embiid to be mentioned! Love it
This is a great way to explain things I’ve often failed to have words for.
His character is so wholesome 😂❤
Dear father you are so delightful !
You are articulate with an amazing sense of humor! Pls pray for my 3 sons to follow the path you have taken🙏🏼 the narrow way to heaven. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you 🙏🏼💒
I had to come back to this talk. Fr. Gregory mentioned covenant eyes internet safety. I know the priest who started this program. He works out of my Diocese, of Lincoln,NE. It's Father Sean Kilkawley. He also does public speaking, especially about why it's important to have the technology. God bless your mention, Father!
Sean Kilkawley did not start covenant eyes. It was Ron DeHaas. Check the website.
44:22 this was so beautiful to hear!
This is an excellent video. Thanks for sharing
Lord, have mercy on those who laugh without reason.
i thought it's an american thing, ngl those laughs irritated me
Well he says things in a funny way most of the time. I think it makes a lot of sense.
And those who play for laughs? Nah, I’d rather keep both save that life become boring.
well I heard someone explaining humor as the ability to so through stuff.
so maybe they see things we don't see - thats all.
This was an excellent program. Articulate and well organized.
Appreciated this, gracias.
This is transformational, beautiful, good & true!!! Thank you Fr Gregory🤗🙏❤
Thanks olot Fr pine I I leren replec about God in may life
With an audience like this I would've toned it down with the jokes.
Very interesting lecture and conversation.
They can be friends but only to a certain extent, limited extent, especially if they are married to different people or are in romantic relationship with other people.
Warm room! Great talk and very beneficial
I wish I had heard this before I went to college. Actually, before I started spending time with boys in high school
God bless you father
I’m showing my age but I wish the kids in the crowd wouldn’t laugh so loudly. He is a priest - he’s a cool priest but still a Priest
Hahaha! This is so great! I remember the words in the Gospel:
Behold, the man!
your name is christian and you are a christian. wow :). If only your last name was Christian. Then you'd be Christian Christian the Christian
What a wonderful priest
Fr.Gregory is cool.👌
This is a high standard of friendship, ...devour him... Lord help me!
This was great! So funny and honest. Feeling a huge desire to point out that the two methods he described of how women relate to men, fawn and freeze, (which he later delicately refered to as modes of manipulation) are trauma responses 🥺😬.
Before me and my wife got married We were Know each other for 3 months. Right away Got married . I feel in love with her The INS Did not want her to stay here in the United States . So we got married right away Did all the paperwork Were Approved. And I thought this only happens in the movies will you fall in love with someone that quick . We've been married for 16 years There's good times and there's bad times but we always work it out. I am A Returning Catholic . I was baptized in 1978 . Add been to massfor 6 years . Did all my confessions I had to go back 30 years Things I hadn't confessed Going to mass Taken the holy communion. It took 3 Confessions to remember everything . I wish I never left I found out the Catholic so the one Made The Bible I did not Know that.
Pray for me that God and the Saints help me meet my future husband and prepare myself for marriage and motherhood. ^^
I've had struggles making male friends. I just can't relate. It's so rare. But with women I can instantly share the universe. I don't know if it's sin I'm scared and I've prayed about it and asked God for male friends but pretty much every person even of God that comes into my life is a woman.
I made it through five minutes. Was this on a retreat after a long day and Saturday night dinner w wine, a lot of wine??? Where else can I find him without a live congregation.....
Godsplaining on Spotify! I'm pretty sure it's on other podcasting platforms as well. Fr. Gregory several other priests talk on it.
Pints with Aquinas
the girls are really happy
And I thought Prudence was boring.
I stand corrected.
good speaker, terrible audience
No kidding. It's like this is their first tome being exposed to humor
@@justinjustinjustin10 Time*
I know that sometimes shows add a laugh track. Is it possible to subtract audience laughter from a recording? This is hard to listen to.
Well done speech, but too much inappropriate laughing from the audience when he’s not trying to be funny.
You need a glass of wine Kristina. Sorry laughter offends you. 🥂 cheers
@@creedy8612 quoting Dr. Taylor Marshal:
“Did you know that the “deadly sin” of Gluttony is the proud mother of six? According to Saint Gregory the Great (Moralia, 31, 45), the capital sin of gluttony (eating and drinking too much) has “six daughters”. The daughters of gluttony are:
excessive joy
unseemly joy
scurrility (levity in behavior)
uncleanness (related to vomiting and sexual impurity)
dullness of mind as regards the understanding”
Maybe just a glass of wine or two isn’t a bad idea. But that doesn’t change the fact that inappropriate laughter can be a sign of plain foolishness, and maybe other disorders in the soul. Having such an accomplished dominican talking about tomistic moral theology to this apparently frivolous audience (and their missing of the larger picture) is an eloquent sign of our weird times.
@@jsfcj7843 one of my favorite quotes from St. Thomas Aquinas “ sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine 🍷 “ 🥂 cheers! 😃
When father speaks truth, people laugh.
I'm in the Philippines
That lectern makes Father look 7'4"
ha! he's only 6'8" iirc
Don’t read the comment section. There’s weird stuff here. 😳
Hey you promised weird, but this is mildly cringe. I want my money back!
@@mutestingray Well...I was being low key.
People are not allowed to laugh apparently.
@@anglaismoyen many miserable people in the comments.
I can hear Kamala Harris in the crowd.
Also I have a trust issue. Because I had a roommate that was a guy he whipped me off.
Yes it's called marriage
I am one big open wound of God desire.
I didn't know this was a controversial issue.
Fr Pine has legs!
Grant won the war with tactics and force. Calling him a drunk is un-Christian.
Audience sounds like alot of teens
The "canned laughter" is kind of distracting...🥴 😏 😼
I like the mutual benevolence thing. But what do you do when your boyfriend only wants to be friends with benefits and you don't agree with that kind of style? Not uplifting to a Grace filled life if we're ever going to get farther than that. But you gotta start somewhere? That's his point of view.
Move on.
Dawn Lapka dump him - someone worthy of you will wait!
@@mattboyer7466 Matt, I am thinking about it, seriously at this point.
@@vstu7643 V Stu Thanks. I hope so. I'm not getting any younger. And I still really like guys. Especially nice ones who treat me like I'm supposed to be treated.
I know this is a year old. I saying this for others in the same boat.
I wasted my 20's and part of my 30's with two guys like that and also had some short relationship's like that.
Freinds with benefits means he doesn't find you special enough to commit and he wants to see what else is out there. There's usually no changing their minds on this by staying. Anything you try will probably backfire. Leave. Find someone you values you & finds you special enough to want to be exclusive.
Sometimes the uncommittal type ex will have regret or happy memories will make them miss you after your gone, usually compared to other women he's recently dealt with, I'm talking like 2-3 years or more later. 98% chance same problems or worse will be there. Just do a cup of coffee type happy idle chat and then don't see them again one on one. If I'd done this then my life would be better and saved not just time but the money, health, energy wasted on the bad match. If you love someone you will let them go to find their forever human and pray for them to find soulful happiness and peace.
1 protestant dislike....
So Fr. Gregory Pine is performing at a distance from what I have been accustomed to and the humor is finding laughter at the context of friend. The audience is seeing him a young man and thus, the audience is not as mature?
Dude, usually but not always.
Bunch of high pitched seals in the audience
vey interesting topic. But I could not comprehend fully G. Pine ideas. Can men be simply friend with women, if not thinking about dating or marriage? As I understand, it is possible, but a lot of restrictions have to made (not to meet in the evenings, to say straightly that we are only friends) that makes this friendship very rare.
Of course they can. I'm not sure why this is even a debate.
@QQminusS what?
What annoying that audience, awful really; I cannot finnish the talk, give me a break
My answer, before hearing the presentation, but having lived almost 70 years on this planet, is NO. Unless the guy is gay. Let's see what the monk says..... OK, I have listened to the end of the presentation (but without listening to question period), and, given the way he gets all spiritual and exalted at the end, I THINK he agrees with me.
What are you saying? Please!
No. No. No. It is NOT fear that make women more attracted to religious life. It is our kin intuition for relationship, it is our inclination towards submitting to a worthy leader (Christ), it is a calling of the heart. It is NOT fear.
We want our husbands to be like Christ. It would be so easy to submit to a Christ-like man. But man don't even try to be like Him.
You see, many women say that...and then still struggles with submission to their husband, because it is a part of the fall.
And guess what? If you are married, Christ calls the Wife to submit...so if the Wife isn't, then she is refusing to submit to Christ. And that entirely refutes the idea that 'It would be soo easy to submit to a man like Christ' because they find it hard to submit to Christ. Submission itself is not easy.
And lastly, women are more 'spiritual' because the modern church has been feminized due to a disordered world view that is corrupted by feminism. In light of this, men must overcome the passivity as seen in Genesis and accelerated by the current feminized culture, simply to 'man up' to their spiritual role as a man.
@@vibeauxssxuaebiv3489 Christ calls the wife to submit and the husband to love as Christ loves the Church even unto death. Both callings are not easy but yes, a woman would have it a lot easier if her husband would be like Christ and die for her as he demands.
The Church is woman because it is the Bride of Christ and the Mother of believers. She is woman by definition, Christ makes her fertile to give him children (believers). And she is untouched by feminism or anything like it. This is not saying that the trends of society don't affect the Church. But as the Bride she is all beautiful and without any stain or wrinkle. If this were not true the death of Christ in the cross would have been in vain.
Women are more spiritual because they are receptive, unlike men.
@@vibeauxssxuaebiv3489 St. John Paul II explains that the submission is mutual
the answer is what? I don't have time to watch. YEs or no?
Yes men and women can be friends . I am married My CO worker was a woman we are all kinds of conversations nothing that's Not Proper .
this dude clearly knows nothing about men or modern women. Hearing this genuinely damaged my faith.
Arrogant and foolish. Generalization after generalization. All men “reckless”? Doubt it. All women caring for others? Again not likely. And the laughter? Who are the people in this audience? Probably college students, but why play to the laughs in this way. The topic is a serious one. Deserves a better treatment.
What would a priest know about it?
No; we should split the planet in half; one half is the men, the other the women.
The speaker sounds articulate but the talk is a bit unorganized and going all over the place. I would appreciate a shorter but much more focused and structured talk. I also don't understand how such an independent thinker also subscribers to so much gender stereotypes.
I know what a dichotomy is....yikes.
Meh, probably not. Every example I have seen ends dreadfully
The one girl laughing is just an embarrassment.
I think he is cute
Short answer: no.
What practicing Catholic man is playing halo in his parents house? You should think before you speak
Can men be very friendly with pretty boys in dresses
time for your meds, big guy
Fr. Pine is one of my fav catholics, but man is always Father? this feeds the myth that a male who has no child is somehow less male and so for the woman too. Let's remember that Jesus had no children. The 15-20 minute region where we ad hoc reference a little-known scholar with an incomplete grounding of the view isn't convincing at all imo.
By Francois Gautier
1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted
2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik
3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak.
4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman.
5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools.
6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it.
7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure !
8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead.
9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest.
10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion)
11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi.
12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy.
13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic !
14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship).
15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy
16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan.
17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !
18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped.
19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism!
"Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family)
20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival.
Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year.
21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu.
22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved.
23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu!
24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom.
25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe!
26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint.
27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily)
You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu!
This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!!
There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every direction
an excellent summary of why I would never become a Hindu.
Why would I need Hinduism if I can do whatever I want?
@@Waterlemon777 Hinduism is for long term well being of human SOCIETY and NATURE on-earth.. for all millinea..
For those who think for themselves only..any may work.
@@YenkammaNe I’m good. Jesus is Lord.
What's he got on under that sexy dress now let's be honest any young man that wants to wear that gear is not normal end of story and if it is where does that leave 99.9% of young men
time for your meds, big guy
You can always be friends with benefits. You don't know what you're missing father