is it good to direct connect arduino to SSR ? for safety any circuit? // actually i have teensy4.1 controller which o/p when logic high is 3.299 volt , and my ssr input range is 3-32 v dc . and max current for this controller is 4mA any safety circuit or directly connect to this board an ssr is ok?
is it good to direct connect arduino to SSR ? for safety any circuit? // actually i have teensy4.1 controller which o/p when logic high is 3.299 volt , and my ssr input range is 3-32 v dc . and max current for this controller is 4mA any safety circuit or directly connect to this board an ssr is ok?
Can we control ac motor also with relay
Yes, you can drive motor also but for such load we recommend you to use contactors with relays for better experience.