Since 6 of you deleted your comments after reading what Xing When Hu Replica does. Before commenting on the Stratos (no effect) priority activate Xing Zhen Hu Replica, please Read Xing Zhen Hu Replica, it does NOT allow any response behind it. "Cards or effects cannot be activated in response to this cards activation." NOT Xing zhen Hu, ITS "Xing Zhen hu Replica". Thanks.
9 of you deleted it now... I feel like people are jumping to conclusions... Which is like you called priority, and didn't let the rest of the Stratos chain Xing Zhen hu Replica
In the case of summoning stratos if instead i were to use any trap wouldnt it make bottomless trap hole lose timing due to the same thing with the paleozoics? Sorry still a newbie just trying to know ruling best as i can!
10:39 - The Xing Zhen Hu Replica example was cool. It reminds of another example. I activate Witchcrafter Unveiling to special summon Madame Verre from the hand. With priority, I use her quick effect to discard 1 "Witchcrafter" Spell and negate my opponent's face-up monsters that they currently control this turn. However, since Unveiling says that my opponent cannot respond directly to "Witchcrafter" monster effect activations this turn, the chain link ends, so the summoning window is over, and therefore they cannot activate Floodgate Trap Hole. Good stuff.
I think one great example of "Priority" is Psy-Framelord Omega's effect to rip one of your opponent's cards during their main phase, you cannot just shotgun it, you have to wait for them to do an action or passing "priority" to you
@@MSTTV i´m a psy-frame player and a lot of times happens to me that i negate the activation of anything in my opponent´s turn and then proceed to synchro summon omega whit the field spell, and because of the situation i want to actívate its fast effect to bannish a card in my opponent´s hand as response to my synchro summon. Before that my opponent doesnt atempting to activate any trigger effect and beccause of that i proceed to activate my quick effect , but in my local store they said that i can´t because i have to wait to have priority, is that correct?. Happenss a lot and im almost sure that i can but they said no, who is right? i can´t because i´m not the turn player?
@@tomas91375 After the successful summon they have the priority to activate quick effects, so just make sure to clarify with the opponent that they are passing the priority (which they will do 90% of the time) before ripping a card with Omega.
@@SoggyWaffles. yeah, i know, and normally that´s what i do, but always results in me having to argue with the store´s judge and friends and they replying that it´s omega´s "rulling" jaja. Even before having the oportunity to actívate quick effects my opponent also have to pass me the priority on trigger effects right?
@@tomas91375 Based on how you worded it, I have to say you need to wait til you have priority to activate Omega. However the game state isn't open either, it is in the response window of your Omega being summoned. After Your Synchro Summon of Omega, that is an action that does NOT start a chain, however following down that line, as you are not Turn Player: 1. Check for trigger effects, If NONE, ( Non-Turn Player DOES NOT have priority yet) 2. Turn player FAST effects (spell speed 2), (they can use quick effects, quick play spells and traps) They cannot Normal summon/Set or set spell/trap or extra deck summon, until this timing window closes.) if they PASS 3. Non Turn Player Fast effects, (That would be your window), if you pass... OPEN GAME STATE: Turn player has priority for action. If there are no triggers AND they have no fast effects then it is your fast effect window.
@MST.TV This video was mega helpful in helping me learn in more depth about how chains and quick effects work. I recently got back into Yu-Gi-Oh, after stopping for 15 years. I've started playing with my step kids and now I have the knowledge to call them out when they call priority over my older cards. Thank you. (:
ok so at 10:13 ,since Bottomless has a trigger effect that would trigger when Stratos is summoned, and since his own trigger effect was not activated, unless Turn Player has some other card/effect that is triggered by Stratos being summoed, Bottomless will have priority. You cannot chain to a summon (because in a Summon, nothing is being "Activated" or "Resolved"), so when you activate Bottomless in response to the summon, you're not chaining to the summon, you're activating it upon it's condition being met. Therefore, since Xing Zhen Hu Replica does not trigger upon a monsters summon, it was to "wait' for stratos' summon to be complete, that is to say, you cannot activate that card until the game is in a state where it is no longer "when" stratos is summoned. Bottomless however CAN activate when stratos is summoned and is techincally "faster" in this case. This then would be the earliest point in time that Xing Zhen Hu Replica could be activated.
Similarly, at 14:32, while yes turn player retains priority and while attack declaration may not start a chain, in the example of something like Mirror Force, since it is a trigger effect whose condition is being met (an attack being declared), again unless turn player has an effect that can activate in that same window, it will take priority over fast affects that do not explicitly activate during declaration, because those effects have to "wait" for an appropriate activation window
So, here's a (non-comprehensive) list of things that do no start a chain (most of these things are covered by the video, I'd just like to reiterate them here): 1. Summoning. Cards that perform a summon like Monster Reborn do so by activated effect, but the card they summon are summoned on its resolution (which means the summon itself didn't start the chain, Monster Reborn did). Summon mechanics like Link Summoning/Normal Summoning and the occasional unclassified effects (Cyber Dragon/Grapha) are actions that do not start a chain. This is superfluous information for the most part, but if we ever get a card that can negate summons between chain links, it will be a vital distinction. 2. Setting a card (Monster/Spell/Trap). Setting a card does not start a chain, and setting a monster card is not a summon. A relevant example of priority here involves Omega. I can set the most important card in my hand to prevent it from getting potentially banished by Omega, but once I do, my opponent can respond to the set with Omega when I pass priority. I cannot set multiple cards in a row if my opponent wants to use Omega's effect after the first set action (this also applies to each subsequent set too). 3. Declaring battle. Declaring battle does not start a chain and thus is subject to the normal rules of fast effects. Here's a quick couple scenarios involving Mirror Force, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon and Borreload Dragon. a. I am the turn player and I control Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon and my opponent has a set mirror force. I declare an attack with Absolute and pass my priority to my opponent who then flips Mirror Force. Since Absolute is a trigger effect, I may not use Absolute's effect to negate my attack as CL2. b. I am the turn player and I control Borreload Dragon. My opponent controls a face-up monster that can be targeted by monster effects and a set Mirror Force. I declare an attack. Since I have priority, I can activate Borreload's effect to reduce attack and cut off the chain, preventing my opponent from activating their Mirror Force. There's two interactions here. First, only one chain can happen in response to attack declaration. Second, Mirror Force has an activation condition that may only be used during this window. By cutting off the chain, you have effectively prevented your opponent from activating their fast effect (Mirror Force) in this scenario. This can be applied in several areas including the summon response window and action specific windows like responding to the addition of a card to the hand (could be relevant when it comes to Droll & Lock Bird and Drastic Drop Off). 4. Drawing a card during the Draw Phase. 5. Continuous effects that aren't activated first (continuous traps and spells for example only begin applying once they've resolved). A notorious example is Jinzo.
Hi MST.TV. My cousin linked this video for me to watch and it actually helped me to learn that I was making an illegitimate move. Said move was on my turn I set Metaverse and Foolish Burial(ed) my DoomKing Balerdroch to my GY. As I was the first to make a move, (won the roll and decided to go first) I then went right to my End Phase. During my cousin's draw Phase, due to my misunderstanding of Priority I waited till he had drawn his card and then called out I was activating my Metaverse during his Draw Phase, I then waited to see if my cousin wanted to play anything in response ( at this time, because his first ever turn started its obvious he didn't have anything set, but we both play with hand traps and quick-play spells, both of which he could play in response to my Metaverse) once he had said he couldn't I then searched and played my Zombie World from my deck. Shuffled and presented to be cut. He then moved his turn into the Standby Phase. I asked in that phase if he had anything to activate or play. He said he did not. I then declared I was activating Doomking Balerdroch's effect from the GY that summons itself to the field if there is an active Field Spell on the field (my Zombie World). Since I remember the days of Drop-off I had always believed you could activate cards in response to your opponent drawing. I did not know that Drop-off was an exception to the rulings (i.e. Card ruling conflicts with game rules, there by invoking the card precedence ruling.) As an extra to this, since I know now that I can't play this combo during my opponent's Draw phase. Am I able to play this same combo during my opponent's Standby phase. I'm pretty sure I can do the Metaverse>Zombie World, but am I able to also activate Doomking Balderdroch's effect to summon itself during the Standby phase after I've done said combo?
Dude I love videos like these as someone who’s been playing this game for a long time it’s great to in depth videos like these. I wish when I was growing up and started this game (started in 5ds era) that I had videos like yours and Cimos that I could go so I wouldn’t get cheated by more experienced players. I highly implore the younger generation of yugioh players to watch these types of videos so that they can become better at the game and everyone can be on an even and fair Plainfield when competing 👍👍. I also make sure to save these videos in my favorites so if someone at locals or an event tells me different I have evidence that suggests otherwise knowledge is power.
Lol I remember the days before priority rulings changed to fast effect timing. It made Chaos Emporer Dragon ridiculous because you basically had no way around the effect. One of the major major reasons I have felt, for a long time, that CED could come off the list to 1. We lost the ruling that made it damn near unavoidable. Great Segment, Tom Box!!!! 😁
The way I remember chain links The player whoms turn it is can activate something then they ask their opponent if they wanna chain If they say no Then you continue with your plays But, in the case they do chain Example: Turn player activated desires Opponent activates dark bribe Turn player activates counter counter The chain resolves in reverse (all chain links resolve in reverse) Counter counter will negate dark bribe and pot of desires will then get to resolve un effected by dark bribe. Like I said only an example but on short notice that's how it works. With quick effect I wanna say a quick effect is basically speed spell 3 but, realistically they are only speed spell 2 so they resolve like any other effects But, can be used abruptly before your opponent can do anything So they basically have to deal with negating that quick effect before they can continue with what they are doing. Q. What happens when 2 or more quick effects are activated in succession in a chain does the chain resolve untouched. A. I don't have any idea of how that would work. As far as on summon effects go They cannot be activated unless the summon is successful so your opponent gets that window to negate the summon. In the event the summon is successful the effect can be activated then your opponent can choose to chain to negate or let the effect of the on summoned monster go off.
QUESTION! Please answer Can you activate an effect in response to the resolution of another effect? Example: Turn player: activate Harp Horror Opponent: no response Turn player: resolve and summon Knightmare Opponent: activate sanctum when Knightmare is summoned.
So I’m just now getting back into the game and am a bit confused. The chart says that during open game state the turn player has priority to do an actions, even one that does not start a chain. A buddy of mine is telling me that during open game state EITHER player has a chance to do something, which is confusing me.
The problem with igniton lost priority, the priority was a bad wording on konami explaination which confused a lot of people thinking they would lose priority in all situation even outside of the timing of an action window, which is not truth. For example because of the bad wording igniton effect lose priority, they would think it work like this. First special summoned summoned the monster in succesfully special summoned you can't activated any igniton first, but that was the only thing you can activated so your opponent activated bottomless trap hole, you have nothing chain so botomless trap hole resolve destroying and banishing the monster with 1500 atk or more, you have another monster with an igniton effect now it is the respond window for destroy(S)/Banish ignition cannot be activated in this window since they lose priority, then after it is pass this timming. Now the ignition effect can take priority and activated as chain link 1, then the opponent would say you can't since igniton effect lose priority and it this situation the opponent is wrong, and that could have been avoided if konami used a different word that lose priority. The better word would be Igniton can no longer be activated in respond to timing
2:40 never heard that before LOL! that is BS if i ever see that. 10:17 this is the part where im confused. even if Stratos doesn't activate his effect, i should still be able to respond to the summon 1st. its like you said, I perform 1 action (doesn't matter if it starts a chain or a monster was summoned) and then my opponent gets to perform theirs. this example makes cards like "Solemn Strike" useless if i'm following the logic... 14:54 so what this means is that: even if a monster is summoned "successfully (no Strike/Warning was used)", the player that summoned it can still activate its quick effect before i can respond to the summon with a normal trap? i understand the summon does not start a chain, but i thought the priority passes to the opponent that didn't summon? i pretty much asked the same question twice lul. and about the attack declaration on Borreload, i should be able to respond to that before my opponent gets a 2nd action in a row (effect to debuff atk/def) unless i gave up priority to activate "mirror force". THEN i cannot activate "mirror force" anymore due to the opponent's quick effect of Borreload... "Borreload" doesnt get the same treatment as "Utopia the Lightning" as his effect is continuous. ill need some clarity on this. 15:18 yes i got that part. but do they still get that priority to start a chain after they: summoned a monster, declared an attack or set a spell/trap/monster? 16:28 thx again for clearing that up, i asked this exact question months ago.
I think I can clear up the Borreload. So, what he is saying here is during the Battle phase when he is declaring his attack with Borreload he is also declaring Borreloads effect at the same time. Since turn player always has the Priority to activate spell speed 2 or higher cards or effects (i.e. traps, counter traps, and quick effects). A monster attack itself does not start a chain. Chains can only happen between cards being played or effects being used. So, in his given example he is exercising his Priority to both attack and activate his monsters quick effect at the same time. Since his monster effect activates, it automatically starts a chain which thus forces you to have to respond to the monster effect, not the attack, missing your window to use Mirror Force. Since Borreload's quick effect is what most players call a spell speed 4 (Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation or effect) your left unable to do anything to respond. However, you can do something once Borreload activates his second effect if the attack was on a monster because the effect starts a chain that you can respond to.
Solemn strike cant respond to a normal summon. But if it were solem judgement in this case, then the opponent has a window to negate the summon because solemn judgement's requirements becomes fulfilled when the turn player attempts to normal summon stratos So technically stratos would not have hit the field since its SUMMON WAS NEGATED by judgement. At least thats what i think Tombox even says it an exception in here @7:05
I thought that you wern't allowed to use for example stratos' "when this monster is normal or special summoned" effect since they got rid of that priority ruling didn't they? Which would mean bottomless would respond to the stratos summon and banish it without it being able to use its effect right?
Do you know what is the priority rule from before? Priority still exist in the game, but the rules changed for ignition effects. Priority determines who has the opportunity to activate cards. Ignition effects can only be activated in an open game state, where as ignition effects previously could activate in-response to an action that did not start a chain. Stratos has a trigger effect and not ignition, it will activate on successful summon 5. And following the fast effect timing chart since the activation was from stratos... Opposing player now has priority to activate in response.
Old priority ruling applies to like judgment dragon, on summon it can activate effect to nuke the board and people can chain bottomless after. Current priority rule, you can summon judgment dragon, but on summon, opponent can activate bottomless and it would be destroyed before given an open game state to activate it's effect. Stratos has a trigger. Where if the condition was met, it will activate in the coming chain. It's not ignition you don't summon and then at any point you can do other things then searched. Stratos will activate, it doesn't change due to priority rule. Highly recommend reading up on how priority works yourself. It's a good read
sometimes i get people who try to tell me they continue their m1 after passing priority and i play blaze accelerator reload, and also people try to play mirror force on borreload's attack after i use the atk reduction effect
Before my time, but Uria, Lord of Searing Flames was made substantially stronger by the old priority rules, because if your opponent had a set backrow it would have on-summon trigger effect protection, not unlike Qliphort Stealth. Also, what if the non-turn player performs a non-chain action, like Synchro Summoning from the effect of PSY-Frame Circuit?
Eater of millions vs. Grand mole question. Turn player has grand mole and attacks eater of millions, can the turn player pass priority to the opponent to let the opponent activate eater of millions first so that the turn player can then place grand mole's effect as chain link 2?
I have a question about when my opponent declares an attack. I have mirror force, but they say they have priority to special vampire frauline from the hand. Is that true? Frauline is ignition so isn't mirror force faster? And if so, when mirror force is activated, can they then use frauline to special summon herself, or would mirror force make her miss the timing? Thank you!!!
Turn player goes first although at this step I do not know if they can chain multiple uninterrupted or if they need to go back and forth with the opponent. The written rules I've seen don't clarify well.
Okay, so the scenario is this: Opponent attacks, then uses this timing to activate Fraulein's effect. You can then chain to Fraulein's effect with Mirror Force (since the timing is still technically correct), and the result is as follows: Mirror Force blows up whatever attacking monsters your opponent has, then Fraulein appears. Now what if they pass priority and you flip Mirror Force first? Well, since Fraulein's Special Summon effect is not a Quick Effect, it CANNOT activate in response to Mirror Force, and your opponent has to either do something else in response to Mirror Force or just let their attacking stuff get blown up, then do something else.
Thanks for the excellent video! I exclusively play older (Pre 06) formats and have never liked Ignition priority. It's not something that anyone would know exists by simply reading the cards themselves. Further, it just seemed to turn already top tier cards into even better ones.
The thing with prio on Ignition effect is that monsters with ignition effects got heavily nerfed due to that one change. Judgement Dragon was pretty much the same as black rose dragon before, you couldn't protect your cards with stuff like Bottomless TH or Torrential, or stuff like Lonefire Dark Grepher or damn even Brionac were much better than after the change. Fun story about Priority: i had this one friend, when Phantom Darkness just came out and i was still kinda noobie, that would go (in friend games, never did it in a tournament xD) "got 3 darks in grave, summon DAD. Prio, banish 3 destroy 3!" xDDDDDD
Never made any sense anyway, even for me back in 2008 who could not form a coherent thought like TomBox just did regarding this priority. The whole thing just seemed off back then.
Hey I recently had a match up at one of our locals where I had "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy" and "Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon" on my side of the field and my enemy had "Borreload Dragon" on his side. He attack my "Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon" and immediately tried to grab my monster since he wanted to take control of it. I said I want to activate the effect of my "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy", so he has to take "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy" instead then he said well hold on actually I wanted to activate the quick effect of my "Borreload Dragon" so you can't chain anymore. So now my question can he actually do that since in my eyes he already has shown that he wants to "resolve" the effect of his "Borreload Dragon"? Furthermore I am not 100% sure if what I had in plan actually works regarding the effect of my monster. At the tournament spectators agreed with me so I could win in the end, but honestly I don't know if this was really all correct... Some insight here would be great I know its a lot of text ...
Here's how it breaks down: Hope Harbinger is a trigger effect (spell speed 1) and Borreload's is a quick effect (Spell speed 2). You are able to activate Hope Harbinger before Borreload can activate his quick effect to lock the chain. I will explain it following the fast effect timing chart. Case: Attack Declaration Opp declare attack with Borreload, (Action without Chain), Next step check for trigger effects (Follow SEGOC - Check turn player mandatory, your mandatory, his optional, which in this case has none, check your optional, Yes you have hope Harbinger) You can activate Hope Harbinger at this time to redirect attack. Once you activate Hope Harbinger, it moves to chain rules step D. Borreload can block the chain of mirror force because Mirror force is a spell speed 2 and via turn play priority he gets first chain. However vs Monster triggers, they are spell speed 1 and happen before any quick effects can activate. Case 2: Tried to skip your Trigger. In the case where anyone tried to do an action in future steps and skip ahead, you can assume he passed priority anyways because he has attempted an action that assumed that you passed your priority and is only possible that he also passes his priority. If I was called over to your table, he would get a PE-Minor Warning, and the chain will continue where you trigger your Hope Harbinger.
Here's a ruling question for you: Photon Orbital equipped to a monster, using it's effect while equipped to send itself to the graveyard (as cost) to add a "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster. My opponent chains Called By The Grave banishing Photon Orbital from my graveyard. Will the search effect be negated because Photon Orbital was in the graveyard on resolution, or will the search resolve because it was an equip while on the field at the time of activation?
turn player has priority then I think. ikd but if you dark world dealings and you're a darkworld/danger mirror match, turn player's cards get to search first. If I'm not wrong. In this case, it usually doesn't really matter unless you discarded the level 8 dangers for popping effects.
Yup I called a guy out at locals for using DPE at the start of my Main Phase 1 and I told him. Yo, I have priority. He told me "there is no such thing as priority". And i no opportunity to use my Dark Ruler No More
Amazing video as always! I have a doubt, about continuous effect priority. What happens if I SS bagoozka from the extra in defense mode and my opponent chains a Lilith having lair of darkness face up and tributes bagoozka. Does Lilith and the other monsters on the field are changed to defense position?
Defense mode is continuous, for bagooska, that doesn't start a chain so she and all possible monsters should go to defense. After everything is in def, Then she can activate Lilith.. to tribute
How about responding to the resolution of card effects? For example, if my opponent activates ROTA and adds Armageddon Knight, can I pass priority and not chain, but respond to them adding Armageddon knight to their hand in the resolution with mind crush?
When someone activates ROTA, you typically either Ash it in response OR pass priority to respond to ROTA's activation to let it resolve and add. Usually, we just do it all silently in the background by saying no response to ROTA. Once Armageddon Knight is added, you now are in the resolution window of the last action / chain resolving, this is where turn player can use FAST effects, OR, typically pass priority because they can't normal summon until the game state is open, so your opportunity to activate mind crush is here. Armageddon added, then turn player fast effect? Pass? opposing player fast effect... You can mind crush here, if you don't and pass, then game state goes open and you won't be able to to do anything until next action.
MST.TV okay, so the resolution of a chainable card effect does provide another instance at which priority for fast effects is passed from the turn player to their opponent, that is what I thought but I’m always glad to know for sure.
So say I declare a direct attack and my opponent activates call of the haunted. Would I have to attack that monster now? Since attacks don't start chains
what about opponent responding to turn player summoning of a monster with a ss2 effect. Can turn player use the ss2 effect before the opponent responds with an effect
Scenario: Stratos in hand, Knightmare mermaid in the extra zone and Firewall below her. Chain 1 Knightmare mermaid, chain 2 Firewall special summoning effect. Summon stratos of Firewall and Iblee of mermaid. Now is there a miss timing here with stratos? Because someone told me I can’t get the stratos effect of searching because of miss timing.
Stratos summoned from CL2 misses timing because he has a wording of "When... You can...", (If trigger, never misses timing but "When+you can" trigger can), so when stratos gets summoned as CL2, it wasn't the last thing that happenes, iblee's summon was... Therefore no effect for stratos.
Say you are turn player, you summon a monster, you pass priority, your opponent passes back. You can't activate torrential now correct because game state is open? Also on summon effects is the following accurate?: you attempt to summon a monster, you have priority to negate summon, the your opponent has priority to negate summon, then if summon resolves, the on summon effects of the monster are activated and then turn player has priority, and this is in response to effect, summon or both? I guess the last action to occur was a summon, and the monsters summon effect is cl1 in response? Oh I get it. Summon occurs, turn player priority, turnplayer chooses to activate monster effect, then priority passes to opponent.
my opponent has dark law and sunise on the field. he declares an attack and activates sunrise to pop my monster. I activate quaking mirror force when he attacks. what happens? does the QMF make it so nothing happens or does the sunrise pop happen and then everything gets flipped. if the latter, my monster gets banish because of dark law and then they flip or no?
I feel pretty good about my knowledge about prio. There is just one card that kind of makes me stumble "Secret Village of the Spellcasters". Am I correct that If "Secret Village of the Spellcasters" is already on the field and I Normalsummon or (inherent) Special Summon a Spellcaster they can't react to the Summon with a Spell Card?
I don't think they can react to it with a spell. A summon doesn't start a chain after all, so it happens before the spell would activate, which makes Secret Village active. Therefore spells shouldn't work.
They end standby phase. I activate a card and they dont respond. My card resolves. Does the main phase start or are we still in standby phase and can we activate more card at the end of standby.
So I normal summon cyber dragon core and I have a cyber dragon vier on my hand, my opponent have effect veiler on their hand. So can I chain cyber dragon core effect and cyber dragon vier effect to dodge the effect of effect veiler or I my opponent can chain effect veiler first before I chain effect of cyber dragon vier ? Can someone exp to me.
@@jacobkerwood401 Actually, as I understand it, because both Core and Vier activate at the same time, and both are trigger effects (considered spell speed 1), they create a special chain that follows SEGOC rules. Basically, since both triggered at the same time, you as the turn player can chain one to the other. The mandatory effect goes first, so Core is link #1 and Vier, as the optional effect, is link #2. Once these trigger effects that met their activation requirement at the same time are set in the special chain, your opponent can activate his Effect Veiler as link #3. When resolving the chain, his Veiler will negate your Core (so you don't get your search), but your Vier will hit the field since your Core was still considered "Cyber Dragon" when Vier's trigger effect was activated. Now, if your opponent had something like Ash Blossom or Ghost Ogre, which have to be activated directly in response to the effect they negate/interact with, instead of a Veiler, then your Vier would "chain block" your Core's search effect and allow it to go through. Hope that makes sense
How does this apply to an attempt to activate two evenly matched? (turn player declares exit battle phase, opponent activates evenly matched, turn player chains norito to negate and destroy evenly. Can the opponent then activate a second evenly matched from hand?)
Yeah b/c they're salty fucks who want to win and don't care about the rules. Prime example: Lightning in his duel against Revolver. Especially in Episode 97 of VRAINS.
Okay here on tcg, tell me if this is correct, here is an example. I normal summon space connector activate effect then immediately chain butterspy from my hand if my opponent had ash blossom in hand he wouldn't be able to ash my connector in that example I gave right?
Can someone help with this question i was playing TAG and my oponnent declares battle phase, after he declared i Said "wait i Activate my trap during your declaration" and then the judge said that my oponnent can continue with their main phase 1 If he wanted.
So if I'm the turn player and I set a card (either a monster/spell/trap) do I pass the priority to my opponent to use a card to destroy my set card? Does setting a card starts a chain ?
@Hassan Khatib SEGOC stands for "simultaneous effects go on chain". This refers to the situation when multiple cards for a player trigger at the same time. For example if I have a Dante with a cir underneath, and the Dante goes to grave with the cir. Since they both trigger at the same time, I'm allowed to choose my chain link order for these effects. I could say chl1 cir target Dante, chl2 Dante target cir or vice versa.
I love how you properly explain all of these correct rulings I already knew since I join the game but I have quit playing TCG because most people don't know all the correct game mechanics which is what ultimately drove me away from playing the physical card game to the virtual Duel Links with an automatic simulation that track everything in the game state correctly and without errors. I Love You TomBox!
So the reason thunder dragon Titan does not activate its effect when a monster in hand activates its effect is because it’s a “ can” effect? Also are those effects of the activation in hand and Titan effect activate at the same time, so would that be SEGOC?
Thunder dragon Titan is a quick effect so it's less about the timing. It's about if it can chain directly in response to the thunder monster activating from hand. Since when you activate a card, you pass priority to your opponent to activate quick effects of they respond to that window, it blocks titan from activating to pop (unless they activate a thunder monster).
Regarding turn player priority: after a normal summon, turn player has prio to activate a quick eff first right? For example: I normal summon squamata, which has no eff, I can immediatly activate an el shaddoll fusion and then the opponent can respond right? Opponent cannot activate a spell speed 2 or higher effect before me, unless I pass priority?
Correct, turn player has priority for the first quick effect given no trigger effects occured on either side (as those are ss1) With the exception of anything happen before the success of the summon aka negating the normal summon.
Damn, nice vid! Didn't know turn priority is that strong lol Not sure if you covered it here it elsewhere but a simple priority question. Player A has Light monster, attacks Player B's Blackwing, Player A has Honest in hand while Player B has Kalut in hand, could Player A pass priority during the Damage Step to give Player B the priority to use Kalut then Player A can chain with Honest or did Player A lost their chance to activate Honest because Player A pass priority/chain? Thx in advance @MST.TV or anyone else that responds!
The moment Player B activate Kalut, priority passes to Player A l, just because you pass esrlier priority doesn't mean you skip a whole chain. Once something else that starts a chain occur, you get it back you can either chain or pass again. Priority moves back and forth between player. The moment you activate a card you give priority to the opponent to response.
Ignition-based, turn player priority was such bull crap. Spell Speed 1 monster effects shouldn’t outpace cards such as Bottomless Trap Hole. That never made any sense and was only the law of the land because Konami said so. It was such a relief when I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh! that the whole “prio” problem was fixed.
in the stratos example. if you summon stratos, it doesn't start any chain, but the trap hole met its condition (trigger effect). can it activate before the zing zhen hu replica???
Priority hasnt passed to oppenent yet cause player A the one who summoned stratos still gets first chance to respond to sucessful summon, but if player A passes their priority to you instead of activating replica or activates the effect you then get priority to respond to player A's stratos.
@@matthewcutler2740but don’t trigger effects active first, before any non-trigger effects? Since player A does not have any trigger effects to activate, priority will be passed to player B in order to activate any trigger effects that they have. In this case, since Stratos was summoned and player A has no trigger effects to activate, priority gets passed to player B for any trigger effects that they may have. Since the condition for Bottomless has been met, it can activate before Xing, making it “faster” than Xing since it is a trigger effect while Xing is not.
@@SwagMonk3ignition to trigger to average effect. "Counter traps are a exception to this order of course in the simplified explanation" Also this person edited their comment and changed what they had originally asked which is what I had explained in also assuming that the person had not chosen to activate Stratos. Plus this was like years ago lol
So a common thing that I seen happen is this ... My opponent goes first and they set cards, and I go second, so in my first turn I enter DP then the Standby phase, and my opponent says " on standby, activate (whatever card whether trap or monster) . So can my opponent do this????
I'm still getting a doubt, for example: If I summon Rescue cat, then the priority changes to my opponent, so he can respond with torrential, or even effect veiler, is not? The same with "x" monster, lf l atack, my opponent can resoponds with "x" card before i activate a quick effect (?) I'm confused because in your case of Stratos and those traps, l understood that if you don't activate Stratos eff you still having the priority unless you generate a chain (at least in Mphase) and I did have understood that doesn't work that way. Nice videos. Greetings!
I am talking about fast effects if you follow chart, it will make sense. Any example will work in that chart. Fast effects specifically refers to spell speed 2. This who thing is related to chains and how they work... If you summon Rescue cat, That doesn't start a chain so we go down the chart now. Check for triggers, if none, you have priority to use FAST spell speed 2 effects, if none, then priority goes to opponent for their fast effect, if they TT, or Veiler, they will resolve to kill cat. As for Battle Phase, there is a difference for monsters vs traps. Monsters that activate when someone declares a battle, those are usually trigger effects. If you declare attack with Borreload, vs Linkuriboh. Going down the Fast effect timing chart. Action with no chain, so check trigger effects.. Linkuriboh is trigger therefore it can activate before Borreload. But vs Mirror Force mirror force is spell speed 2 and not a trigger.. turn player fast effects Borreload activates... Lock the window.
An action was performed that doesn't start a chain, so... If your opponent doesn't use any quick effect in response to the setting (priority), you have an opportunity to activate fast effects
How does the Stratos scenario relate with spell speed 3 summon negaters like Warning? NS Stratos no effect, Warning gets the first window to respond BEFORE Xing Zhen hu Replica right? So if this is the case, why is Bottomless different? Do cards that negate summons have their own window of response, at which point after the summon is confirmed by both players, you can then chain Xing Zhen hu Replica?
I think that so myself. If Stratos' summon is negated by Warning, then it's considered not even summoned at all. Bottomless needs the monster to be summoned properly (not negated) in order to activate during the summoning window. Its just the activation timing of Warning is a little faster than Bottomless (negating the summon [the summon doesn't happen] vs when summoned [the summon does happen]).
If you want to activate Xing Zhen Hu Replica, Stratos must be properly summoned first. Also, if the summon is negated, then there will be no window where Bottomless or Xing Zhen Hu Replica can even activate.
Great video!HoweverI'm pretty sure not activating stratos eff isn't related tho,you can still use bottomless,it's supposed to be used in the summon window.
Xing zhen hu Replica, does not allow chaining but if I activated stratos, I cannot immediately use Xing zhen hu Replica. Which give them an opportunity to to bottomless. If I did not activate a trigger thus no chain Turn play has priority, and I chose to chain Xing zhen hu replica, a card much like Borreload dragon's effect that shuts Off response.
How does mind crush work in this scenario? I've seen lot of players that activate a card that adds something to their hand so followin this logic the opponent would need to activate MC in response to the adding eff. And resolving first with the other player not having the designated card in hand yet, and not waiting till he adds the card to their hand and then ramdonly activating MC. Thanks for the valuable information.
Player 1 activates Rota. Player 2 passes priority allowing it to resolve. Resolution: a Knight Card is added. Response timing to the card added, Player A has priority to activate fast effects. If player A passes then player B will have opportunity to activate the mind crush. That would be the correct scenario. You do not chain Mind Crush to a search effect as you said "card isn't even in hand yet", you wait til the search is finish and on the resolution, you mind crush. When a chain successful resolves, it is not an open game state, it checks for trigger and fast effects, then if no one has a response then we go back to an open game state. As the fast effect timing chart mentions, after an effect resolves, the game state is NOT open. There is a response window
So, how do balelynx and gazelle work? Can i chain block bale search? in the same way, if I summon gazelle and have fowl in hand can i activate gazelle and chain block by summoning fowl?
So in example say i have borrelsword my opponent haves utopia lightning enters battle phase and asks if i have a response i decide to use borrelswords effect to change it to defense can he use utopia lightnings effect to prevent me from using mine if he didn't declare an attack?
@@MSTTV perfect yea he was bitter about it tried to argue after i tried explaining it to him. He calls a judge over and they told him what i told him. He still seem to not want to understand. Just wanted to double check with the expert as a secondary proof to this kid. Haha thanks Tom and keep up the great work.
I have a question, if there are multiple mandatory triggers that happen at the same time, would priority still pass after one effect triggers? I use aromages and all their triggers are mandatory when I gain life points
Just to clarify this is assuming that my opponent allows the LP gain effect to successfully resolve, would the multiple simultanious triggers cause a forced chain block since they are not optional?
Multiple trigger effects would cause a chain block~, Triggers work like ALL trigger from 1 player, then All triggers from the other player. More specifically: All mandatory triggers from 1 player, then all mandatory of the non turn player, then optional triggers from 1 player, then optional triggers from the non turn player.
How does priority works with simultaneous effects? Like I link summon Saryuja using A B and C + another monster. Let's say Saryuja summon is successful, would the effects be: CL1 - Saryuja and then CL 2+3+4?
Hello, I just started playing yugioh again. and I got confused with the priority thing that my friend introduced to me. basically, what happened was. he summoned "Borreload Dragon" and then proceed to attack my Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon. Now, after declaring an attack He then proceeded on attempting to control my Vortex Dragon in which case I chained my Vortex's effect on Negating Borrel's effect. he then says that. "not so fast, turn player's priority. after declaring an attack with my Borrel I'll use it's effect to control you and then chain it's effect of reducing your monster's attack and defense by 500. then, you can no longer respond as per the card text", I mean it's really unfair andI just feel so dizzy and everything just thinking about that part. is that really how borrel works?
No that's not how it works, please tell your friend he is an idiot and go learn the rules. lol Based on fast effect timing the moment he activates his Borreload effect, you have priority to chain Vortex dragon. Since borreload's effect is a trigger effect to take control in the damage step, it triggers and as he's effect is the last thing that activates Opposing player had priority to activate the next quick effect/spell speed 2 effect. In which case your vortex can negate and destroy. He cannot trigger to take and chain immediate to reduce attack to lock the chain, that's just a bunch of bullcrap. Unless we are chaining trigger effects or you pass priority there is No way any player can use 2 quick effects in succession.
@@MSTTV I'm sorry for asking this, but do you have a link of an article that supports your answer? if yes, please reply it here so that we can both read that rule. thank you
I have a question, I use crusadias and the main thing with this deck is "chain blocking" so that your opponent can't ash or ogre (or even strike) your link monsters, how does that work?
I know this is late, but youre talking about a rule called SEGOC, ie Simultaneous Effects Going Off Consecutively. This occurs when multiple trigger effects meet their conditions during the same period of time-- most often with Crusadia, its the on-summon effect of your link monster and the GY eff of the material you used to summon it-- they both meet the condition at the end of that summon. In these situations, you have the opportunity to decide which order these effects go off in. For example, summoning Crusadia Magius with Crusadia Draco, you could chain Magius first and Draco second, or vice versa. Ash Blossom has to be chained directly to the card it wants to negate, so it would only be able to respond to Chain Link 2. The same goes for any trigger-based negate, like Solemn Judgment or Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. On the other hand, things like Called by the Grave, Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanance can get around this because they negate a card by targeting it. So even if you call "Magius cl1, Draco cl2" to protect Magius from Ash Blossom, they can still negate Magius's effect by just targeting it with an Infinite Impermanance. Hope this helped.
Hey Tom, so after watching this video, what is a generic description for a scenario in which chain blocking is valid? Would it be when two trigger effects activate simultaneously, allowing you to choose which one is CL1 and CL2? In that case for example, the monster who activates at CL1 is safe from let's say a Ghost Ogre?
i had duel vs blackwing. it's my turn. in my main phase i set one trap and i end my turn. my opponent activates delta crow-anti reverse. can i activate the trap i just set, since it's my end phase?
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I have a question. My friend always activates one of his quick effects in response to my draw phase. Can he do that?
It has to be after you draw your card and yes it's possible. After you draw, the last action was that u drew a card, so in response to your draw there is a timing to respond to it.
At the end of the battle phase, if my opponent activates evenly matched and I negate it with norito. After that chain resolves, are we still in the end of battle phase (ie can my opponent activate another evenly matched) or are we automatically in mp2?
Quick question: lets say you summon borreload dragon and your opponent immediately activates torrential tribute. Can you tell your opponent "you didnt let me activate my fast effects first, i activate borrel's eff as chain 1 on summon and your torrential will miss the timing" ?
If he gave you no time to react upon the summon, you didn't attempt another action and there was no mention for response at all. Sure you can call for a step back or call judge. However becareful: I have ruled either way based on the scenario. If you asked for response, the game state assume you passed priority. Ie. I summon Borreload, response? (That is a passing of priority), and if he torrential you then it's too late. You cannot say response to check for torrential. That is PE minor and potentially a cheating call if done with intent as it may seem you are tricking your opponent into revealing hidden information. If it happens once it is probably a PE minor but more then there will likely be serious consequences. Best move is to not say anything wait for them to jump the gun. Or jump the gun yourself with Borreload if you read a tt. This situation sometimes gets a bit dicey.
Priority is just what effects first. But it's really speed Most monster effects or spells: Speed 1 Traps: Speed 2 Quick effects of quickplay spell: Speed 3 Counter traps: Speed 4 Now let's say someone activated a monster effect and i activate solmen strike, and he activates red reboot in response He does have priority cause both counter traps are speed 4. Which then means solemn strike doesn't activate, which means his effect goes off. Or alternatively I go for a Mystic mine stun because fuck you, he activates twin twister, I activate magic drain (that was somehow face down this whole time) he wouldn't get off his twin twister because he has no spells in hand, mystic mine goes off. Would be nice if they just wrote on the card it's speed hierarchy but undoubtedly the game will change immensely in another year
Great video! If the chains build 1,1,1 ect how is it I can play vs a goki player and he chain block me? Or go off and build a chain link of 3 or 4 cards and I cant respond?
I did not talk about trigger effects I explicitly avoided talking about it. Chains for quick effects build 1,1,1,1, but trigger effects build, 1,2,3 ( turn mandatory), 1,2,3 (opponent mandatory),1,2,3 ( turn player optional trigger) ,1,2,3 (opponent optional), then quick effects can chain after that. Gouki are Triggers, thus creating the chain block, since Ash and hand traps are quick effects.
Since 6 of you deleted your comments after reading what Xing When Hu Replica does. Before commenting on the Stratos (no effect) priority activate Xing Zhen Hu Replica, please Read Xing Zhen Hu Replica, it does NOT allow any response behind it.
"Cards or effects cannot be activated in response to this cards activation."
NOT Xing zhen Hu, ITS "Xing Zhen hu Replica". Thanks.
9 of you deleted it now... I feel like people are jumping to conclusions... Which is like you called priority, and didn't let the rest of the Stratos chain Xing Zhen hu Replica
i wonder how many people will delete comments
Wait are you saying that if I summon a normal monster, no effect, the priority is mine? Summoning does not start a chain?
Ok summoning does not start a chain, and I have priority, but if I pass it, the opponent can still activate something.
In the case of summoning stratos if instead i were to use any trap wouldnt it make bottomless trap hole lose timing due to the same thing with the paleozoics? Sorry still a newbie just trying to know ruling best as i can!
I see you're wearing the fine yellow Hyperion clothing. So, you really are a man of culture as well.
Just doing my part on the moon base.
Thanks for making this video man. Taught me a few little things. All your ruling videos are slowly turning me into a pro
10:39 - The Xing Zhen Hu Replica example was cool. It reminds of another example.
I activate Witchcrafter Unveiling to special summon Madame Verre from the hand. With priority, I use her quick effect to discard 1 "Witchcrafter" Spell and negate my opponent's face-up monsters that they currently control this turn. However, since Unveiling says that my opponent cannot respond directly to "Witchcrafter" monster effect activations this turn, the chain link ends, so the summoning window is over, and therefore they cannot activate Floodgate Trap Hole.
Good stuff.
I think one great example of "Priority" is Psy-Framelord Omega's effect to rip one of your opponent's cards during their main phase, you cannot just shotgun it, you have to wait for them to do an action or passing "priority" to you
Yes! That is why u can perform 1 action and perhaps set or summon something before it happens.
@@MSTTV i´m a psy-frame player and a lot of times happens to me that i negate the activation of anything in my opponent´s turn and then proceed to synchro summon omega whit the field spell, and because of the situation i want to actívate its fast effect to bannish a card in my opponent´s hand as response to my synchro summon. Before that my opponent doesnt atempting to activate any trigger effect and beccause of that i proceed to activate my quick effect , but in my local store they said that i can´t because i have to wait to have priority, is that correct?. Happenss a lot and im almost sure that i can but they said no, who is right? i can´t because i´m not the turn player?
@@tomas91375 After the successful summon they have the priority to activate quick effects, so just make sure to clarify with the opponent that they are passing the priority (which they will do 90% of the time) before ripping a card with Omega.
@@SoggyWaffles. yeah, i know, and normally that´s what i do, but always results in me having to argue with the store´s judge and friends and they replying that it´s omega´s "rulling" jaja. Even before having the oportunity to actívate quick effects my opponent also have to pass me the priority on trigger effects right?
@@tomas91375 Based on how you worded it, I have to say you need to wait til you have priority to activate Omega. However the game state isn't open either, it is in the response window of your Omega being summoned.
After Your Synchro Summon of Omega, that is an action that does NOT start a chain, however following down that line, as you are not Turn Player:
1. Check for trigger effects,
If NONE, ( Non-Turn Player DOES NOT have priority yet)
2. Turn player FAST effects (spell speed 2), (they can use quick effects, quick play spells and traps) They cannot Normal summon/Set or set spell/trap or extra deck summon, until this timing window closes.)
if they PASS
3. Non Turn Player Fast effects, (That would be your window),
if you pass...
OPEN GAME STATE: Turn player has priority for action.
If there are no triggers AND they have no fast effects then it is your fast effect window.
@MST.TV This video was mega helpful in helping me learn in more depth about how chains and quick effects work. I recently got back into Yu-Gi-Oh, after stopping for 15 years. I've started playing with my step kids and now I have the knowledge to call them out when they call priority over my older cards.
Thank you. (:
ok so at 10:13 ,since Bottomless has a trigger effect that would trigger when Stratos is summoned, and since his own trigger effect was not activated, unless Turn Player has some other card/effect that is triggered by Stratos being summoed, Bottomless will have priority.
You cannot chain to a summon (because in a Summon, nothing is being "Activated" or "Resolved"), so when you activate Bottomless in response to the summon, you're not chaining to the summon, you're activating it upon it's condition being met. Therefore, since Xing Zhen Hu Replica does not trigger upon a monsters summon, it was to "wait' for stratos' summon to be complete, that is to say, you cannot activate that card until the game is in a state where it is no longer "when" stratos is summoned.
Bottomless however CAN activate when stratos is summoned and is techincally "faster" in this case. This then would be the earliest point in time that Xing Zhen Hu Replica could be activated.
Similarly, at 14:32, while yes turn player retains priority and while attack declaration may not start a chain, in the example of something like Mirror Force, since it is a trigger effect whose condition is being met (an attack being declared), again unless turn player has an effect that can activate in that same window, it will take priority over fast affects that do not explicitly activate during declaration, because those effects have to "wait" for an appropriate activation window
When you thought having a school teach you how to play a children's card being absurd and then you watch this video.
The first time I played Yu Gi Oh, I thought it was a speed game where you had to activate your card first
Much appreciated Tom! Sharing this with all my Paleo pals 😅
Probably the most important YuGiOh! related video currently on YT. Thank you very much for putting out such intersting topics and discussions :)
So, here's a (non-comprehensive) list of things that do no start a chain (most of these things are covered by the video, I'd just like to reiterate them here):
1. Summoning. Cards that perform a summon like Monster Reborn do so by activated effect, but the card they summon are summoned on its resolution (which means the summon itself didn't start the chain, Monster Reborn did). Summon mechanics like Link Summoning/Normal Summoning and the occasional unclassified effects (Cyber Dragon/Grapha) are actions that do not start a chain. This is superfluous information for the most part, but if we ever get a card that can negate summons between chain links, it will be a vital distinction.
2. Setting a card (Monster/Spell/Trap). Setting a card does not start a chain, and setting a monster card is not a summon. A relevant example of priority here involves Omega. I can set the most important card in my hand to prevent it from getting potentially banished by Omega, but once I do, my opponent can respond to the set with Omega when I pass priority. I cannot set multiple cards in a row if my opponent wants to use Omega's effect after the first set action (this also applies to each subsequent set too).
3. Declaring battle. Declaring battle does not start a chain and thus is subject to the normal rules of fast effects. Here's a quick couple scenarios involving Mirror Force, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon and Borreload Dragon.
a. I am the turn player and I control Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon and my opponent has a set mirror force. I declare an attack with Absolute and pass my priority to my opponent who then flips Mirror Force. Since Absolute is a trigger effect, I may not use Absolute's effect to negate my attack as CL2.
b. I am the turn player and I control Borreload Dragon. My opponent controls a face-up monster that can be targeted by monster effects and a set Mirror Force. I declare an attack. Since I have priority, I can activate Borreload's effect to reduce attack and cut off the chain, preventing my opponent from activating their Mirror Force. There's two interactions here. First, only one chain can happen in response to attack declaration. Second, Mirror Force has an activation condition that may only be used during this window. By cutting off the chain, you have effectively prevented your opponent from activating their fast effect (Mirror Force) in this scenario. This can be applied in several areas including the summon response window and action specific windows like responding to the addition of a card to the hand (could be relevant when it comes to Droll & Lock Bird and Drastic Drop Off).
4. Drawing a card during the Draw Phase.
5. Continuous effects that aren't activated first (continuous traps and spells for example only begin applying once they've resolved). A notorious example is Jinzo.
Hi MST.TV. My cousin linked this video for me to watch and it actually helped me to learn that I was making an illegitimate move. Said move was on my turn I set Metaverse and Foolish Burial(ed) my DoomKing Balerdroch to my GY. As I was the first to make a move, (won the roll and decided to go first) I then went right to my End Phase. During my cousin's draw Phase, due to my misunderstanding of Priority I waited till he had drawn his card and then called out I was activating my Metaverse during his Draw Phase, I then waited to see if my cousin wanted to play anything in response ( at this time, because his first ever turn started its obvious he didn't have anything set, but we both play with hand traps and quick-play spells, both of which he could play in response to my Metaverse) once he had said he couldn't I then searched and played my Zombie World from my deck. Shuffled and presented to be cut. He then moved his turn into the Standby Phase. I asked in that phase if he had anything to activate or play. He said he did not. I then declared I was activating Doomking Balerdroch's effect from the GY that summons itself to the field if there is an active Field Spell on the field (my Zombie World). Since I remember the days of Drop-off I had always believed you could activate cards in response to your opponent drawing. I did not know that Drop-off was an exception to the rulings (i.e. Card ruling conflicts with game rules, there by invoking the card precedence ruling.) As an extra to this, since I know now that I can't play this combo during my opponent's Draw phase. Am I able to play this same combo during my opponent's Standby phase. I'm pretty sure I can do the Metaverse>Zombie World, but am I able to also activate Doomking Balderdroch's effect to summon itself during the Standby phase after I've done said combo?
This would be so confusing for new players imo
Indeed I am confused.
Lol same and I need to explain this to my friends too
It is 😞
thank you for making this, it helps a lot with trying to make sense of how turns work!
Good video. promotes important knowledge of the game. we need more informed players in order to improve
Dude I love videos like these as someone who’s been playing this game for a long time it’s great to in depth videos like these. I wish when I was growing up and started this game (started in 5ds era) that I had videos like yours and Cimos that I could go so I wouldn’t get cheated by more experienced players. I highly implore the younger generation of yugioh players to watch these types of videos so that they can become better at the game and everyone can be on an even and fair Plainfield when competing 👍👍. I also make sure to save these videos in my favorites so if someone at locals or an event tells me different I have evidence that suggests otherwise knowledge is power.
Love the rulings/procedure videos, man, a lot of us players can use the info.
This video is just amazing, thank you Tom. Just amazing, so much help man!
Keep it up!
Lol I remember the days before priority rulings changed to fast effect timing. It made Chaos Emporer Dragon ridiculous because you basically had no way around the effect. One of the major major reasons I have felt, for a long time, that CED could come off the list to 1. We lost the ruling that made it damn near unavoidable.
Great Segment, Tom Box!!!! 😁
Summon JD priority, GG. Xd good old days
Explaining priority to people can be stupid difficult at times, awesome job!
Tom for all your ruling needs
The way I remember chain links
The player whoms turn it is can activate something then they ask their opponent if they wanna chain
If they say no
Then you continue with your plays
But, in the case they do chain
Turn player activated desires
Opponent activates dark bribe
Turn player activates counter counter
The chain resolves in reverse
(all chain links resolve in reverse)
Counter counter will negate dark bribe and pot of desires will then get to resolve un effected by dark bribe.
Like I said only an example but on short notice that's how it works.
With quick effect
I wanna say a quick effect is basically speed spell 3 but, realistically they are only speed spell 2 so they resolve like any other effects
But, can be used abruptly before your opponent can do anything
So they basically have to deal with negating that quick effect before they can continue with what they are doing.
Q. What happens when 2 or more quick effects are activated in succession in a chain does the chain resolve untouched.
A. I don't have any idea of how that would work.
As far as on summon effects go
They cannot be activated unless the summon is successful so your opponent gets that window to negate the summon.
In the event the summon is successful the effect can be activated then your opponent can choose to chain to negate or let the effect of the on summoned monster go off.
I deeply appreciate videos like this.
QUESTION! Please answer
Can you activate an effect in response to the resolution of another effect?
Turn player: activate Harp Horror
Opponent: no response
Turn player: resolve and summon Knightmare
Opponent: activate sanctum when Knightmare is summoned.
Hey MST.TV Thank you for the video i was new to this deck ,and it helped out my start to the new deck.
So I’m just now getting back into the game and am a bit confused. The chart says that during open game state the turn player has priority to do an actions, even one that does not start a chain. A buddy of mine is telling me that during open game state EITHER player has a chance to do something, which is confusing me.
The problem with igniton lost priority, the priority was a bad wording on konami explaination which confused a lot of people thinking they would lose priority in all situation even outside of the timing of an action window, which is not truth. For example because of the bad wording igniton effect lose priority, they would think it work like this. First special summoned summoned the monster in succesfully special summoned you can't activated any igniton first, but that was the only thing you can activated so your opponent activated bottomless trap hole, you have nothing chain so botomless trap hole resolve destroying and banishing the monster with 1500 atk or more, you have another monster with an igniton effect now it is the respond window for destroy(S)/Banish ignition cannot be activated in this window since they lose priority, then after it is pass this timming. Now the ignition effect can take priority and activated as chain link 1, then the opponent would say you can't since igniton effect lose priority and it this situation the opponent is wrong, and that could have been avoided if konami used a different word that lose priority. The better word would be Igniton can no longer be activated in respond to timing
You should do more Ruling Zone content.
When they are relevant I do them
I started playing competative a year after ignition priority was gone. I never even had to deal with it the way it was, and I still hate it.
I would love to see more rullings videos, and mabye one that explains how can you become a gudge and learn rullings by yourself?
I like when players activate spell speed 2 effects once as I draw and they proclaim standby phase. JUDGE! Warning against opponent.
never heard that before LOL! that is BS if i ever see that.
this is the part where im confused. even if Stratos doesn't activate his effect, i should still be able to respond to the summon 1st. its like you said, I perform 1 action (doesn't matter if it starts a chain or a monster was summoned) and then my opponent gets to perform theirs. this example makes cards like "Solemn Strike" useless if i'm following the logic...
so what this means is that: even if a monster is summoned "successfully (no Strike/Warning was used)", the player that summoned it can still activate its quick effect before i can respond to the summon with a normal trap? i understand the summon does not start a chain, but i thought the priority passes to the opponent that didn't summon?
i pretty much asked the same question twice lul.
and about the attack declaration on Borreload, i should be able to respond to that before my opponent gets a 2nd action in a row (effect to debuff atk/def) unless i gave up priority to activate "mirror force". THEN i cannot activate "mirror force" anymore due to the opponent's quick effect of Borreload... "Borreload" doesnt get the same treatment as "Utopia the Lightning" as his effect is continuous.
ill need some clarity on this.
yes i got that part. but do they still get that priority to start a chain after they: summoned a monster, declared an attack or set a spell/trap/monster?
thx again for clearing that up, i asked this exact question months ago.
I think I can clear up the Borreload. So, what he is saying here is during the Battle phase when he is declaring his attack with Borreload he is also declaring Borreloads effect at the same time. Since turn player always has the Priority to activate spell speed 2 or higher cards or effects (i.e. traps, counter traps, and quick effects). A monster attack itself does not start a chain. Chains can only happen between cards being played or effects being used. So, in his given example he is exercising his Priority to both attack and activate his monsters quick effect at the same time. Since his monster effect activates, it automatically starts a chain which thus forces you to have to respond to the monster effect, not the attack, missing your window to use Mirror Force. Since Borreload's quick effect is what most players call a spell speed 4 (Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation or effect) your left unable to do anything to respond. However, you can do something once Borreload activates his second effect if the attack was on a monster because the effect starts a chain that you can respond to.
Solemn strike cant respond to a normal summon.
But if it were solem judgement in this case, then the opponent has a window to negate the summon because solemn judgement's requirements becomes fulfilled when the turn player attempts to normal summon stratos
So technically stratos would not have hit the field since its SUMMON WAS NEGATED by judgement.
At least thats what i think
Tombox even says it an exception in here @7:05
I thought that you wern't allowed to use for example stratos' "when this monster is normal or special summoned" effect since they got rid of that priority ruling didn't they? Which would mean bottomless would respond to the stratos summon and banish it without it being able to use its effect right?
Do you know what is the priority rule from before?
Priority still exist in the game, but the rules changed for ignition effects.
Priority determines who has the opportunity to activate cards.
Ignition effects can only be activated in an open game state, where as ignition effects previously could activate in-response to an action that did not start a chain.
Stratos has a trigger effect and not ignition, it will activate on successful summon 5. And following the fast effect timing chart since the activation was from stratos... Opposing player now has priority to activate in response.
@@MSTTV Thanks for clearing that up :)
Old priority ruling applies to like judgment dragon, on summon it can activate effect to nuke the board and people can chain bottomless after.
Current priority rule, you can summon judgment dragon, but on summon, opponent can activate bottomless and it would be destroyed before given an open game state to activate it's effect.
Stratos has a trigger. Where if the condition was met, it will activate in the coming chain. It's not ignition you don't summon and then at any point you can do other things then searched. Stratos will activate, it doesn't change due to priority rule.
Highly recommend reading up on how priority works yourself. It's a good read
sometimes i get people who try to tell me they continue their m1 after passing priority and i play blaze accelerator reload, and also people try to play mirror force on borreload's attack after i use the atk reduction effect
Awesome vid! Everything was on point and I saw no flaws!
And how about the priority in "when, you can, if, you can, ifz mandadoty effects"
Before my time, but Uria, Lord of Searing Flames was made substantially stronger by the old priority rules, because if your opponent had a set backrow it would have on-summon trigger effect protection, not unlike Qliphort Stealth.
Also, what if the non-turn player performs a non-chain action, like Synchro Summoning from the effect of PSY-Frame Circuit?
same with with scythe, rare occasion the turn player has to wait till chain link 2
Eater of millions vs. Grand mole question. Turn player has grand mole and attacks eater of millions, can the turn player pass priority to the opponent to let the opponent activate eater of millions first so that the turn player can then place grand mole's effect as chain link 2?
I have a question about when my opponent declares an attack.
I have mirror force, but they say they have priority to special vampire frauline from the hand.
Is that true? Frauline is ignition so isn't mirror force faster?
And if so, when mirror force is activated, can they then use frauline to special summon herself, or would mirror force make her miss the timing?
Thank you!!!
Turn player goes first although at this step I do not know if they can chain multiple uninterrupted or if they need to go back and forth with the opponent. The written rules I've seen don't clarify well.
Okay, so the scenario is this:
Opponent attacks, then uses this timing to activate Fraulein's effect. You can then chain to Fraulein's effect with Mirror Force (since the timing is still technically correct), and the result is as follows:
Mirror Force blows up whatever attacking monsters your opponent has, then Fraulein appears.
Now what if they pass priority and you flip Mirror Force first? Well, since Fraulein's Special Summon effect is not a Quick Effect, it CANNOT activate in response to Mirror Force, and your opponent has to either do something else in response to Mirror Force or just let their attacking stuff get blown up, then do something else.
Thank you do more of this video we can always use more examples
Thanks for the excellent video! I exclusively play older (Pre 06) formats and have never liked Ignition priority. It's not something that anyone would know exists by simply reading the cards themselves. Further, it just seemed to turn already top tier cards into even better ones.
This was really good for all of us, thank you!
The thing with prio on Ignition effect is that monsters with ignition effects got heavily nerfed due to that one change.
Judgement Dragon was pretty much the same as black rose dragon before, you couldn't protect your cards with stuff like Bottomless TH or Torrential, or stuff like Lonefire Dark Grepher or damn even Brionac were much better than after the change.
Fun story about Priority: i had this one friend, when Phantom Darkness just came out and i was still kinda noobie, that would go (in friend games, never did it in a tournament xD) "got 3 darks in grave, summon DAD. Prio, banish 3 destroy 3!" xDDDDDD
Never made any sense anyway, even for me back in 2008 who could not form a coherent thought like TomBox just did regarding this priority. The whole thing just seemed off back then.
Hey I recently had a match up at one of our locals where I had "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy" and "Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon" on my side of the field and my enemy had "Borreload Dragon" on his side. He attack my "Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon" and immediately tried to grab my monster since he wanted to take control of it. I said I want to activate the effect of my "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy", so he has to take "Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy" instead then he said well hold on actually I wanted to activate the quick effect of my "Borreload Dragon" so you can't chain anymore. So now my question can he actually do that since in my eyes he already has shown that he wants to "resolve" the effect of his "Borreload Dragon"? Furthermore I am not 100% sure if what I had in plan actually works regarding the effect of my monster. At the tournament spectators agreed with me so I could win in the end, but honestly I don't know if this was really all correct... Some insight here would be great I know its a lot of text ...
I read the situation ok lemme confirm the effect of Hope Harbingers timing...
Here's how it breaks down:
Hope Harbinger is a trigger effect (spell speed 1) and Borreload's is a quick effect (Spell speed 2). You are able to activate Hope Harbinger before Borreload can activate his quick effect to lock the chain.
I will explain it following the fast effect timing chart.
Case: Attack Declaration
Opp declare attack with Borreload,
(Action without Chain),
Next step check for trigger effects
(Follow SEGOC - Check turn player mandatory, your mandatory, his optional, which in this case has none, check your optional, Yes you have hope Harbinger)
You can activate Hope Harbinger at this time to redirect attack. Once you activate Hope Harbinger, it moves to chain rules step D.
Borreload can block the chain of mirror force because Mirror force is a spell speed 2 and via turn play priority he gets first chain.
However vs Monster triggers, they are spell speed 1 and happen before any quick effects can activate.
Case 2: Tried to skip your Trigger.
In the case where anyone tried to do an action in future steps and skip ahead, you can assume he passed priority anyways because he has attempted an action that assumed that you passed your priority and is only possible that he also passes his priority.
If I was called over to your table, he would get a PE-Minor Warning, and the chain will continue where you trigger your Hope Harbinger.
Here's a ruling question for you: Photon Orbital equipped to a monster, using it's effect while equipped to send itself to the graveyard (as cost) to add a "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster. My opponent chains Called By The Grave banishing Photon Orbital from my graveyard. Will the search effect be negated because Photon Orbital was in the graveyard on resolution, or will the search resolve because it was an equip while on the field at the time of activation?
Could you give us access to your priority diagram, bigger and in better quality ? I'm really interested in using it.
Can you explain how priority works if effects happen simultaneously?
Simultaneous effects for trigger effects aka Segoc, that's a video for another time.
turn player has priority then I think. ikd but if you dark world dealings and you're a darkworld/danger mirror match, turn player's cards get to search first. If I'm not wrong. In this case, it usually doesn't really matter unless you discarded the level 8 dangers for popping effects.
when you talk about "effects happening simultaneously" i instantly think about how Mermail-Atlantean decks build off their chains
Yup I called a guy out at locals for using DPE at the start of my Main Phase 1 and I told him. Yo, I have priority. He told me "there is no such thing as priority". And i no opportunity to use my Dark Ruler No More
Amazing video as always!
I have a doubt, about continuous effect priority. What happens if I SS bagoozka from the extra in defense mode and my opponent chains a Lilith having lair of darkness face up and tributes bagoozka. Does Lilith and the other monsters on the field are changed to defense position?
Defense mode is continuous, for bagooska, that doesn't start a chain so she and all possible monsters should go to defense.
After everything is in def, Then she can activate Lilith.. to tribute
How about responding to the resolution of card effects? For example, if my opponent activates ROTA and adds Armageddon Knight, can I pass priority and not chain, but respond to them adding Armageddon knight to their hand in the resolution with mind crush?
When someone activates ROTA, you typically either Ash it in response OR pass priority to respond to ROTA's activation to let it resolve and add. Usually, we just do it all silently in the background by saying no response to ROTA.
Once Armageddon Knight is added, you now are in the resolution window of the last action / chain resolving, this is where turn player can use FAST effects, OR, typically pass priority because they can't normal summon until the game state is open, so your opportunity to activate mind crush is here.
Armageddon added, then turn player fast effect? Pass? opposing player fast effect... You can mind crush here, if you don't and pass, then game state goes open and you won't be able to to do anything until next action.
MST.TV okay, so the resolution of a chainable card effect does provide another instance at which priority for fast effects is passed from the turn player to their opponent, that is what I thought but I’m always glad to know for sure.
So say I declare a direct attack and my opponent activates call of the haunted. Would I have to attack that monster now? Since attacks don't start chains
what about opponent responding to turn player summoning of a monster with a ss2 effect. Can turn player use the ss2 effect before the opponent responds with an effect
Scenario: Stratos in hand, Knightmare mermaid in the extra zone and Firewall below her. Chain 1 Knightmare mermaid, chain 2 Firewall special summoning effect. Summon stratos of Firewall and Iblee of mermaid. Now is there a miss timing here with stratos? Because someone told me I can’t get the stratos effect of searching because of miss timing.
Stratos summoned from CL2 misses timing because he has a wording of "When... You can...", (If trigger, never misses timing but "When+you can" trigger can), so when stratos gets summoned as CL2, it wasn't the last thing that happenes, iblee's summon was... Therefore no effect for stratos.
MST.TV thank for the reply.
Say you are turn player, you summon a monster, you pass priority, your opponent passes back. You can't activate torrential now correct because game state is open? Also on summon effects is the following accurate?: you attempt to summon a monster, you have priority to negate summon, the your opponent has priority to negate summon, then if summon resolves, the on summon effects of the monster are activated and then turn player has priority, and this is in response to effect, summon or both? I guess the last action to occur was a summon, and the monsters summon effect is cl1 in response? Oh I get it. Summon occurs, turn player priority, turnplayer chooses to activate monster effect, then priority passes to opponent.
my opponent has dark law and sunise on the field. he declares an attack and activates sunrise to pop my monster. I activate quaking mirror force when he attacks. what happens? does the QMF make it so nothing happens or does the sunrise pop happen and then everything gets flipped. if the latter, my monster gets banish because of dark law and then they flip or no?
I got confused on a couple things but overall good exclamation on priority.
So with chain blocking how does that work as turn player don't I get to chain until I can't anymore?
I feel pretty good about my knowledge about prio. There is just one card that kind of makes me stumble "Secret Village of the Spellcasters". Am I correct that If "Secret Village of the Spellcasters" is already on the field and I Normalsummon or (inherent) Special Summon a Spellcaster they can't react to the Summon with a Spell Card?
I don't think they can react to it with a spell.
A summon doesn't start a chain after all, so it happens before the spell would activate, which makes Secret Village active. Therefore spells shouldn't work.
@@aRetailArchitect Ty :)
They end standby phase. I activate a card and they dont respond. My card resolves. Does the main phase start or are we still in standby phase and can we activate more card at the end of standby.
So I normal summon cyber dragon core and I have a cyber dragon vier on my hand, my opponent have effect veiler on their hand. So can I chain cyber dragon core effect and cyber dragon vier effect to dodge the effect of effect veiler or I my opponent can chain effect veiler first before I chain effect of cyber dragon vier ? Can someone exp to me.
KLG1502 !!! So I think the opponent has the opportunity to use effect veiler before vier because core starts a chain.
Jacob Kerwood Thank !
@@jacobkerwood401 Actually, as I understand it, because both Core and Vier activate at the same time, and both are trigger effects (considered spell speed 1), they create a special chain that follows SEGOC rules. Basically, since both triggered at the same time, you as the turn player can chain one to the other. The mandatory effect goes first, so Core is link #1 and Vier, as the optional effect, is link #2. Once these trigger effects that met their activation requirement at the same time are set in the special chain, your opponent can activate his Effect Veiler as link #3. When resolving the chain, his Veiler will negate your Core (so you don't get your search), but your Vier will hit the field since your Core was still considered "Cyber Dragon" when Vier's trigger effect was activated.
Now, if your opponent had something like Ash Blossom or Ghost Ogre, which have to be activated directly in response to the effect they negate/interact with, instead of a Veiler, then your Vier would "chain block" your Core's search effect and allow it to go through. Hope that makes sense
How does this apply to an attempt to activate two evenly matched? (turn player declares exit battle phase, opponent activates evenly matched, turn player chains norito to negate and destroy evenly. Can the opponent then activate a second evenly matched from hand?)
To be fair some people do rush and do not give your opponent a response due not bringing up phases.
Yeah b/c they're salty fucks who want to win and don't care about the rules.
Prime example: Lightning in his duel against Revolver. Especially in Episode 97 of VRAINS.
Okay here on tcg, tell me if this is correct, here is an example. I normal summon space connector activate effect then immediately chain butterspy from my hand if my opponent had ash blossom in hand he wouldn't be able to ash my connector in that example I gave right?
Can someone help with this question i was playing TAG and my oponnent declares battle phase, after he declared i Said "wait i Activate my trap during your declaration" and then the judge said that my oponnent can continue with their main phase 1 If he wanted.
So if I'm the turn player and I set a card (either a monster/spell/trap) do I pass the priority to my opponent to use a card to destroy my set card? Does setting a card starts a chain ?
Could you possibly take some time to explain SEGOC effects? (A la Goukis, Prank-kids, Crusadia, etc)
Before tombox posts his one, you can check out Cimo's video on SEGOC which he posted last year (when SEGOC got changed). It's pretty helpful.
@Hassan Khatib SEGOC stands for "simultaneous effects go on chain". This refers to the situation when multiple cards for a player trigger at the same time.
For example if I have a Dante with a cir underneath, and the Dante goes to grave with the cir. Since they both trigger at the same time, I'm allowed to choose my chain link order for these effects. I could say chl1 cir target Dante, chl2 Dante target cir or vice versa.
I love how you properly explain all of these correct rulings I already knew since I join the game but I have quit playing TCG because most people don't know all the correct game mechanics which is what ultimately drove me away from playing the physical card game to the virtual Duel Links with an automatic simulation that track everything in the game state correctly and without errors. I Love You TomBox!
So the reason thunder dragon Titan does not activate its effect when a monster in hand activates its effect is because it’s a “ can” effect? Also are those effects of the activation in hand and Titan effect activate at the same time, so would that be SEGOC?
Thunder dragon Titan is a quick effect so it's less about the timing. It's about if it can chain directly in response to the thunder monster activating from hand. Since when you activate a card, you pass priority to your opponent to activate quick effects of they respond to that window, it blocks titan from activating to pop (unless they activate a thunder monster).
@@MSTTV oh I get it now as to why it has to chain directly to it. thanks for explaining that!
Regarding turn player priority: after a normal summon, turn player has prio to activate a quick eff first right? For example: I normal summon squamata, which has no eff, I can immediatly activate an el shaddoll fusion and then the opponent can respond right? Opponent cannot activate a spell speed 2 or higher effect before me, unless I pass priority?
Correct, turn player has priority for the first quick effect given no trigger effects occured on either side (as those are ss1)
With the exception of anything happen before the success of the summon aka negating the normal summon.
@@MSTTV Ah yes, I was going to ask about cards like solemn warning. Thank you for your reply.
Damn, nice vid! Didn't know turn priority is that strong lol
Not sure if you covered it here it elsewhere but a simple priority question.
Player A has Light monster, attacks Player B's Blackwing, Player A has Honest in hand while Player B has Kalut in hand, could Player A pass priority during the Damage Step to give Player B the priority to use Kalut then Player A can chain with Honest or did Player A lost their chance to activate Honest because Player A pass priority/chain?
Thx in advance @MST.TV or anyone else that responds!
The moment Player B activate Kalut, priority passes to Player A l, just because you pass esrlier priority doesn't mean you skip a whole chain. Once something else that starts a chain occur, you get it back you can either chain or pass again.
Priority moves back and forth between player. The moment you activate a card you give priority to the opponent to response.
Ignition-based, turn player priority was such bull crap. Spell Speed 1 monster effects shouldn’t outpace cards such as Bottomless Trap Hole. That never made any sense and was only the law of the land because Konami said so. It was such a relief when I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh! that the whole “prio” problem was fixed.
in the stratos example. if you summon stratos, it doesn't start any chain, but the trap hole met its condition (trigger effect). can it activate before the zing zhen hu replica???
Priority hasnt passed to oppenent yet cause player A the one who summoned stratos still gets first chance to respond to sucessful summon, but if player A passes their priority to you instead of activating replica or activates the effect you then get priority to respond to player A's stratos.
@@matthewcutler2740but don’t trigger effects active first, before any non-trigger effects? Since player A does not have any trigger effects to activate, priority will be passed to player B in order to activate any trigger effects that they have. In this case, since Stratos was summoned and player A has no trigger effects to activate, priority gets passed to player B for any trigger effects that they may have. Since the condition for Bottomless has been met, it can activate before Xing, making it “faster” than Xing since it is a trigger effect while Xing is not.
@@SwagMonk3ignition to trigger to average effect. "Counter traps are a exception to this order of course in the simplified explanation"
Also this person edited their comment and changed what they had originally asked which is what I had explained in also assuming that the person had not chosen to activate Stratos. Plus this was like years ago lol
So a common thing that I seen happen is this ... My opponent goes first and they set cards, and I go second, so in my first turn I enter DP then the Standby phase, and my opponent says " on standby, activate (whatever card whether trap or monster) . So can my opponent do this????
I'm still getting a doubt, for example: If I summon Rescue cat, then the priority changes to my opponent, so he can respond with torrential, or even effect veiler, is not? The same with "x" monster, lf l atack, my opponent can resoponds with "x" card before i activate a quick effect (?)
I'm confused because in your case of Stratos and those traps, l understood that if you don't activate Stratos eff you still having the priority unless you generate a chain (at least in Mphase) and I did have understood that doesn't work that way.
Nice videos. Greetings!
I am talking about fast effects if you follow chart, it will make sense. Any example will work in that chart.
Fast effects specifically refers to spell speed 2.
This who thing is related to chains and how they work...
If you summon Rescue cat,
That doesn't start a chain so we go down the chart now.
Check for triggers, if none,
you have priority to use FAST spell speed 2 effects, if none,
then priority goes to opponent for their fast effect, if they TT, or Veiler, they will resolve to kill cat.
As for Battle Phase, there is a difference for monsters vs traps.
Monsters that activate when someone declares a battle, those are usually trigger effects.
If you declare attack with Borreload, vs Linkuriboh.
Going down the Fast effect timing chart.
Action with no chain,
so check trigger effects.. Linkuriboh is trigger therefore it can activate before Borreload.
But vs Mirror Force mirror force is spell speed 2 and not a trigger.. turn player fast effects Borreload activates... Lock the window.
@@MSTTV Ooooh ok! Now l understand you.
l'll hope you do more videos like this. Thx for answering!
I have a Psyframelord Omega on the field, at the start of my opponent’s main phase he sets a card, can I activate omega’s effect after he sets it?
An action was performed that doesn't start a chain, so... If your opponent doesn't use any quick effect in response to the setting (priority), you have an opportunity to activate fast effects
MST.TV thanks!
How does the Stratos scenario relate with spell speed 3 summon negaters like Warning?
NS Stratos no effect, Warning gets the first window to respond BEFORE Xing Zhen hu Replica right? So if this is the case, why is Bottomless different? Do cards that negate summons have their own window of response, at which point after the summon is confirmed by both players, you can then chain Xing Zhen hu Replica?
I think that so myself. If Stratos' summon is negated by Warning, then it's considered not even summoned at all. Bottomless needs the monster to be summoned properly (not negated) in order to activate during the summoning window. Its just the activation timing of Warning is a little faster than Bottomless (negating the summon [the summon doesn't happen] vs when summoned [the summon does happen]).
If you want to activate Xing Zhen Hu Replica, Stratos must be properly summoned first. Also, if the summon is negated, then there will be no window where Bottomless or Xing Zhen Hu Replica can even activate.
Great video!HoweverI'm pretty sure not activating stratos eff isn't related tho,you can still use bottomless,it's supposed to be used in the summon window.
You also need to read Xing zhen hu Replica in that scenario. I got the first chain and I used a card that doesn't allow response.
Xing zhen hu Replica, does not allow chaining but if I activated stratos, I cannot immediately use Xing zhen hu Replica. Which give them an opportunity to to bottomless.
If I did not activate a trigger thus no chain Turn play has priority, and I chose to chain Xing zhen hu replica, a card much like Borreload dragon's effect that shuts Off response.
@@dragonheart6529 Turn player has the first response in the summon response window.
How does mind crush work in this scenario?
I've seen lot of players that activate a card that adds something to their hand so followin this logic the opponent would need to activate MC in response to the adding eff. And resolving first with the other player not having the designated card in hand yet, and not waiting till he adds the card to their hand and then ramdonly activating MC.
Thanks for the valuable information.
Player 1 activates Rota.
Player 2 passes priority allowing it to resolve.
Resolution: a Knight Card is added.
Response timing to the card added, Player A has priority to activate fast effects. If player A passes then player B will have opportunity to activate the mind crush.
That would be the correct scenario.
You do not chain Mind Crush to a search effect as you said "card isn't even in hand yet", you wait til the search is finish and on the resolution, you mind crush.
When a chain successful resolves, it is not an open game state, it checks for trigger and fast effects, then if no one has a response then we go back to an open game state.
As the fast effect timing chart mentions, after an effect resolves, the game state is NOT open. There is a response window
@@MSTTV I did not see the "after a chain resolves" note below box D until I read this comment. Thank you!
Thanks for the break down
So, how do balelynx and gazelle work? Can i chain block bale search? in the same way, if I summon gazelle and have fowl in hand can i activate gazelle and chain block by summoning fowl?
So in example say i have borrelsword my opponent haves utopia lightning enters battle phase and asks if i have a response i decide to use borrelswords effect to change it to defense can he use utopia lightnings effect to prevent me from using mine if he didn't declare an attack?
He didn't declare an attack so no he can't prevent u in the start step. You have one window ( start step to use Borrelsword before they get to attack.
@@MSTTV perfect yea he was bitter about it tried to argue after i tried explaining it to him. He calls a judge over and they told him what i told him. He still seem to not want to understand. Just wanted to double check with the expert as a secondary proof to this kid. Haha thanks Tom and keep up the great work.
I've got to admit i owe getting much better at the game to you from watching alot of your videos on rulings and such.
I have a question, if there are multiple mandatory triggers that happen at the same time, would priority still pass after one effect triggers? I use aromages and all their triggers are mandatory when I gain life points
Just to clarify this is assuming that my opponent allows the LP gain effect to successfully resolve, would the multiple simultanious triggers cause a forced chain block since they are not optional?
Multiple trigger effects would cause a chain block~, Triggers work like ALL trigger from 1 player, then All triggers from the other player. More specifically: All mandatory triggers from 1 player, then all mandatory of the non turn player, then optional triggers from 1 player, then optional triggers from the non turn player.
@@MSTTV thank you just wanted to make sure I didn't illegally take priority without realizing it
Isn't bottomless a trigger effect? It can be activated upon any successful summon?
So if I play dryton nova, as turn player I can play droplet and send nova and whatever to grave yard and still resolve nova, yes?opponent cannot ash…
Can opponent play a card during the end of the main phase if turn player passes priority?
wich effecty can I play the stand by phase? and ehy dies it exist?
How does priority works with simultaneous effects? Like I link summon Saryuja using A B and C + another monster. Let's say Saryuja summon is successful, would the effects be: CL1 - Saryuja and then CL 2+3+4?
U can choose for all optional triggers so your example is one possibility
Hello, I just started playing yugioh again. and I got confused with the priority thing that my friend introduced to me. basically, what happened was. he summoned "Borreload Dragon" and then proceed to attack my Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon. Now, after declaring an attack He then proceeded on attempting to control my Vortex Dragon in which case I chained my Vortex's effect on Negating Borrel's effect. he then says that. "not so fast, turn player's priority. after declaring an attack with my Borrel I'll use it's effect to control you and then chain it's effect of reducing your monster's attack and defense by 500. then, you can no longer respond as per the card text", I mean it's really unfair andI just feel so dizzy and everything just thinking about that part. is that really how borrel works?
No that's not how it works, please tell your friend he is an idiot and go learn the rules. lol
Based on fast effect timing the moment he activates his Borreload effect, you have priority to chain Vortex dragon. Since borreload's effect is a trigger effect to take control in the damage step, it triggers and as he's effect is the last thing that activates Opposing player had priority to activate the next quick effect/spell speed 2 effect. In which case your vortex can negate and destroy.
He cannot trigger to take and chain immediate to reduce attack to lock the chain, that's just a bunch of bullcrap.
Unless we are chaining trigger effects or you pass priority there is No way any player can use 2 quick effects in succession.
@@MSTTV I'm sorry for asking this, but do you have a link of an article that supports your answer? if yes, please reply it here so that we can both read that rule. thank you
I have a question, I use crusadias and the main thing with this deck is "chain blocking" so that your opponent can't ash or ogre (or even strike) your link monsters, how does that work?
I know this is late, but youre talking about a rule called SEGOC, ie Simultaneous Effects Going Off Consecutively. This occurs when multiple trigger effects meet their conditions during the same period of time-- most often with Crusadia, its the on-summon effect of your link monster and the GY eff of the material you used to summon it-- they both meet the condition at the end of that summon. In these situations, you have the opportunity to decide which order these effects go off in. For example, summoning Crusadia Magius with Crusadia Draco, you could chain Magius first and Draco second, or vice versa. Ash Blossom has to be chained directly to the card it wants to negate, so it would only be able to respond to Chain Link 2. The same goes for any trigger-based negate, like Solemn Judgment or Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. On the other hand, things like Called by the Grave, Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanance can get around this because they negate a card by targeting it. So even if you call "Magius cl1, Draco cl2" to protect Magius from Ash Blossom, they can still negate Magius's effect by just targeting it with an Infinite Impermanance.
Hope this helped.
Fantastic video before locals
Hey tombox, side question. When will those beautiful tour guide mats be up for sale?
They are on Sale NOW!!! At at 20 percent off!!!!
@@MSTTV Thank you! That was a close one but I managed to pick one up before it went out of stock.
Hey Tom, so after watching this video, what is a generic description for a scenario in which chain blocking is valid? Would it be when two trigger effects activate simultaneously, allowing you to choose which one is CL1 and CL2? In that case for example, the monster who activates at CL1 is safe from let's say a Ghost Ogre?
Yes 2 triggers activating will create chain blocking. Where cl1 can't be responded to...
Chain blocking typically protects the covered chain Cl2 blocks direct response to cl1
i had duel vs blackwing. it's my turn. in my main phase i set one trap and i end my turn. my opponent activates delta crow-anti reverse. can i activate the trap i just set, since it's my end phase?
No u cannot, ur cards set this turn are destroyed without a chance to activate.
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I have a question. My friend always activates one of his quick effects in response to my draw phase. Can he do that?
It has to be after you draw your card and yes it's possible. After you draw, the last action was that u drew a card, so in response to your draw there is a timing to respond to it.
At the end of the battle phase, if my opponent activates evenly matched and I negate it with norito. After that chain resolves, are we still in the end of battle phase (ie can my opponent activate another evenly matched) or are we automatically in mp2?
Still end in the end step of battle phase... Due to a resolution of a card like norito resolving.. i have a question so how come people can activate trickstar reincarnation in my standby/draw phase before i even get to do anything
Anthony Peluso I believe it's when you take the burn off lyco that opponent can chain tr to their lyco.
Quick question: lets say you summon borreload dragon and your opponent immediately activates torrential tribute.
Can you tell your opponent "you didnt let me activate my fast effects first, i activate borrel's eff as chain 1 on summon and your torrential will miss the timing" ?
If he gave you no time to react upon the summon, you didn't attempt another action and there was no mention for response at all. Sure you can call for a step back or call judge.
However becareful: I have ruled either way based on the scenario.
If you asked for response, the game state assume you passed priority.
Ie. I summon Borreload, response? (That is a passing of priority), and if he torrential you then it's too late.
You cannot say response to check for torrential. That is PE minor and potentially a cheating call if done with intent as it may seem you are tricking your opponent into revealing hidden information. If it happens once it is probably a PE minor but more then there will likely be serious consequences.
Best move is to not say anything wait for them to jump the gun. Or jump the gun yourself with Borreload if you read a tt.
This situation sometimes gets a bit dicey.
Priority is just what effects first. But it's really speed
Most monster effects or spells: Speed 1
Traps: Speed 2
Quick effects of quickplay spell: Speed 3
Counter traps: Speed 4
Now let's say someone activated a monster effect and i activate solmen strike, and he activates red reboot in response
He does have priority cause both counter traps are speed 4. Which then means solemn strike doesn't activate, which means his effect goes off.
Or alternatively I go for a Mystic mine stun because fuck you, he activates twin twister, I activate magic drain (that was somehow face down this whole time) he wouldn't get off his twin twister because he has no spells in hand, mystic mine goes off.
Would be nice if they just wrote on the card it's speed hierarchy but undoubtedly the game will change immensely in another year
Great video!
If the chains build 1,1,1 ect how is it I can play vs a goki player and he chain block me? Or go off and build a chain link of 3 or 4 cards and I cant respond?
I did not talk about trigger effects I explicitly avoided talking about it. Chains for quick effects build 1,1,1,1, but trigger effects build, 1,2,3 ( turn mandatory), 1,2,3 (opponent mandatory),1,2,3 ( turn player optional trigger) ,1,2,3 (opponent optional), then quick effects can chain after that. Gouki are Triggers, thus creating the chain block, since Ash and hand traps are quick effects.