Our clients make a conscious decision to stop monthly payments to their creditors, since they won’t negotiate a reduced principal balance if they're current. This helps establish a legitimate financial hardship for the creditors, giving them the opportunity to participate in this savings program. Creditors will usually close your accounts after you’ve missed a few payments. We know that might sound stressful but once our clients enroll, we walk them through this process and send them information on how to handle situations like this! Hope this helps to clarify! Please let us know if you have any more questions.
I’m interested in Debt settlement can you assist me?
Hi Jose, we'd love to see if we can help you! Please give us a call at 800-485-0769 to learn more about the program and to see if you qualify
amazing video but you need to work on 2 things on your video 1 title and 2 thumbnail can i help you for that ?
Do I stop paying my credit cards
Our clients make a conscious decision to stop monthly payments to their creditors, since they won’t negotiate a reduced principal balance if they're current. This helps establish a legitimate financial hardship for the creditors, giving them the opportunity to participate in this savings program. Creditors will usually close your accounts after you’ve missed a few payments. We know that might sound stressful but once our clients enroll, we walk them through this process and send them information on how to handle situations like this! Hope this helps to clarify! Please let us know if you have any more questions.