Still, nobody remembers her, some people remember Elena Mukhina, but only for her tragic ending. Almost everybody remembers Nadia Comaneci. Well, that's life.
@@susannewiesinger5465 What may seem like a negative can be a blessing in disguise. When you put someone on the throne, they have to behave like Kings or Queens. Coming off the throne for someone else when your time is up is the most difficult part. Even Queen Elizabeth is struggling to give up the throne to Prince Charles the throne, despite her old age!
she really deserved her AA title at these games. She had the most difficult, artistic, original, graceful and elegant FX and there is no comparaison with Nadia's.
In all honesty Nadia's best years were 1975-1977. After that she was still pretty good but no one could accept that she had been superseded in ability and execution. To this day I am still shocked she outscored Shaposhnikova in 1980.
I agree - what an incredible floor routine!! We can't foget the floor didn't have the springs that they do now. In addition her incredible moves just weren't done back then let alone innovative!
Yes, but don't write this here because the Comaneci Crazy fans probably will get a heart attack. Lena was such a talented gymnast and her FX routine is a masterpiece. :3 Greetings, Lena. :)
The great champion herself-Nadia-had the class to say that Yelena was the better athlete on the day. Nadia is a classy lady-and Yelena would have been a bigger star imo had it not been for the boycott-they only showed a few highlights here and there back in the States as I recall.
@@rolandgreen7484 well that was 9 years ago, so I was 13 when I wrote that. Nowadays, I'd still put Filatova and Shaposh at the top, and I agree, Eberle was awful
I love all of your Olympic Champion montages, but this is the first time I've seen this! She was such a delight to watch, especially on floor. Thank you!
No, that is an Arabian 1 and 3 quarter dive roll: the Thomas Salto is a similar move, but with an added 1 and a half twists. Elena's move is similar in the sense it has the same roll-out landing as the Thomas.
Yelena fue una de las gimnastas que tuvo ese estilo,entre inocente y suave, entre rítmico y exacto siempre en una gran comparación con Nadia,Nelly Kim,Vera y otras grandes que dejaban impactado a todo el que las veía, exactas exigentes con ellas mismas. Hoy no dan muchas ganas de verlas por buenas que sean, llenas de diamantina, maquillaje y trajes coloridos, sin aquella sobriedad del atleta, parecen cirqueras, aunque no dejan de ser admirables ya no se lucen como antes.
I became a Nadia fan in '76 & still loved her in '80. US TV didn't show much of the '80 Games because of the boycott, but I was furious when the news reported that Yelena Davydova had won the AA. But now that I'm older & more objective, I can see that Yelena deserved the gold. She had great form, grace & charisma, especially on floor. In fact, her fx is one of my all-time favorites. Nadia herself mentally scored her beam at 9.85, the score that put her in 2nd. I believe the results were correct.
The first time that women gymnasts were allowed to have music accompanying their floor routines and Yelena made full use of it. It wasn't just a routine that happened to have music as a backdrop. Every move was choreographed to suit the theme and feel of the music and performed in perfect time with the music.
BluebirdintheSky that's not entirely true. Women gymnasts had had music accompaniment to the floor routines for a long time, if not always. Its just that 1980 was the first Olympics in which anything other than live piano music was allowed. I'm assuming it was on a cassette tape or something.
@akimbohr Actually the only reason Davydova scored low on compulsories was because she was the fourth to go for the team, if she had competed last she would have scored the highest. Stupid staircase effect... :o/ But seeing as you're probably a hardcore Nadia fan, you're probably never going to accept the fact that Davydova won the AA straight and square. But I just felt obligated to inform you of the facts as to why Yelena had such low scores on compulsories.
Lo que no entiendo es porque simiraban queda Elena murkina no le le salía el salto tomas por más que lo intentaba a fuerzas querían que lo hiciera, y cuando se lesionó pusieron a Elena davnova y a ella si le salió bien ,eso hubieran hecho desde el principio y se hubieran evitado el accidente de Elena murkina
Davidova was shorter than Comaneci but she had gorgeous bodytype and was very fit. funny that Davidova's floor routine was much more elegant than Comaneci. Also its obvious that both are remembered by all of us because after 32 years we are arguing about them. Comaneci was/will be great but Davidova was supreme in Moscow. Gymnastics is not only about perfect routines, there are lots of gymnasts that never were olympians but are beloved like Groshkova and others. Peace.
I do not agree with you - both Davydova and Komaneci are of the same year of birth, and they were almost the same both now and now. Just Nadia took her four years before - in Montreal, and Lena - all these four years preparing to become the FIRST! In Moscow, Elena Davydova looked and acted and fought in SRT times better than Nadia. Just Lena for inspiration and fulfillment and justice took First place! Elena Davydova at the Olympics in Moscow - HONEST number 1!
I think Elena was great on bars and floor. Her beam was very weak and her vault, though well-performed, was old-fashioned. A questionable champion though clearly very charismatic.
@soberanis100 Davydova scored 9.80 on UB and Floor, compared to Nadia's 9.95s. Zakharova and Filatova going BEFORE Davydova on UB scored 9.90 and 9.85 and Naimushina going first on Floor scored 9.85. So there was no "staircase effect". Davydova, the AA winner, was simply unimpressive in the compulsories where elegance and execution are important. Nadia won 2 golds in the EFs, Davydova 1 silver. History will tell who will be remembered longer and who will (or already has) be forgotten.
I think if she had done a less risky and cleaner vault in the EF she would have had at least a silver because that first vault was brilliant. Shaposhnikova had two great vaults though and totally deserved her medal.
Why doesn’t Simona Amanar make the gracious fair play gesture of renouncing “her” AA gold medal from Sydney in 2000? The Chinese who “took” the bronze gave up her medal, she thought it wasn’t fair to get just a piece of metal. Instead, Simona Amanar, who knows full well that Andreea Raducan is the real winner, has never even attempted to correct this injustice. I know it’s not her decision, but a symbolic gesture would perhaps prompt the IOC to reconsider its outrageous decision. The thing is it’s difficult to give up an Olympic gold medal when it has come to you on a plate, temptation to keep it for your own glory is too big.
the corrupted judges gave Nadia the gold medal on floor, and the silver in the AA: that IS corruption. She does not deserve to tie for silver with Gnauck, and remember when they changed comaneci's score? 9.95 for her uncharismatic floor routine. So stop talking about soviet corruption when actually is romanian corruption, it's real annoying. Il love Nadia but she was better at 14, and people complains because they can't imagine that there are better gymnasts than her.
@@xavchamp1027 Thank you for this. She was brilliant in 1975-1977. After that, she was riding the coattails of her earlier success. I suppose that was out of her control but yeah. A lot of better gymnasts began popping up after '78.
She did not deserve that all around.Nadia only had a slight step back on the floor.That was at least a 9.95 for Nadia.It should have been hers.It was hers.Yalena was not even half as good.
Nadia was at her apex in 1979, and she scored herself 9.85. Even a commentator said that was "a fair score": this routine didn't deserve a 9.95. And talk about her "gold medalist" FX, is an outrage: Gnauck or Shaposh deserved it. Don't get me wrong, I love Nadia but the REAL robbed gymnast of these games was Maxi Gnauck. Her program was wayy more exiting and interseting than Nadia's. But her coach didn't complain, unlike the poor sportsmanship Bela Karolyi. But I can jugde from your profil pic that you are a "crazy nadia fan", as a comment said. Even Nadia, the "lilmiss perfect", admited that she deserved her gold medal: she is most obvious&knows gym better than you.
I've said it before, Nadia's best years were 1975-1977. She rode on the legend of '76 until she retired. Not her fault of course but it has to be said.
Nadia fell from the UB so it was easier for Davydova to win. Davydova's compulsories were unimpressive (9.80 on UB and floor, compared to Nadia's and Natalia's 9.95). Davydova's body was too short and not nice to look at, compared to Nadia's elegance
Can we NOT forget that this girl stood by Elena Mukhina after her accident and was a great advocate for her
Yes, she was a great support.
Sim, fantástica substituta!!!!
@@cidaaraujo2133 Ela não era uma substituta.
And continued to be so long after the games. From what I understand they were very good friends all the way to Elena’s passing- which is wonderful.
So grateful to be able to take lessons from such a magnificent athlete.
Her floor routine is fantastic. Music, choreo and skills are just fabulous, oh my god her floor is everything 😍👏🏻🙌🏻
Oh my God, her vault is absolutely stunning! Loved it! Also loved her UB routine and FX routine. She definitely rightfully earned the Gold medal!
This was totally her competition. Her beam and floor skills were insane.
Still, nobody remembers her, some people remember Elena Mukhina, but only for her tragic ending. Almost everybody remembers Nadia Comaneci. Well, that's life.
@@susannewiesinger5465 What may seem like a negative can be a blessing in disguise. When you put someone on the throne, they have to behave like Kings or Queens. Coming off the throne for someone else when your time is up is the most difficult part. Even Queen Elizabeth is struggling to give up the throne to Prince Charles the throne, despite her old age!
she really deserved her AA title at these games. She had the most difficult, artistic, original, graceful and elegant FX and there is no comparaison with Nadia's.
I was expecting nadia to be better than davydova after reading karolyi's book, but I have to say, davydova deserved her win.
In all honesty Nadia's best years were 1975-1977. After that she was still pretty good but no one could accept that she had been superseded in ability and execution. To this day I am still shocked she outscored Shaposhnikova in 1980.
I agree - what an incredible floor routine!! We can't foget the floor didn't have the springs that they do now. In addition her incredible moves just weren't done back then let alone innovative!
omg classic gymnastics still beautiful than today!!!! the divine vaults, arabian with somersaults! lovely
We have to remember that she made this awesome tumbling pases in a floor that don't have springs it's only a carpet.
Elena - justly rightfully became the first at these Olympic Games !!!
Yes, but don't write this here because the Comaneci Crazy fans probably will get a heart attack. Lena was such a talented gymnast and her FX routine is a masterpiece. :3 Greetings, Lena. :)
All her dismounts on apparatus were forward landings- really tough to do! And this floor is my favorite!
elena mukhina was actually the one who is supposed to compete for soviet gymnast team. But they replace daydova becoz of what happen to mukhina.
БРАВО ! И до сегодня - ПРОСТО ШЕДЕВР !!!
The great champion herself-Nadia-had the class to say that Yelena was the better athlete on the day. Nadia is a classy lady-and Yelena would have been a bigger star imo had it not been for the boycott-they only showed a few highlights here and there back in the States as I recall.
The results:
1. Yelena Davydova
2. Nadia Comaneci and Maxi Gnauk
My Dream Results:
1. Maria Filatova
2. Natalia Shaposhnikova
3. Yelena Davydova and Emilia Eberle
@@rolandgreen7484 well that was 9 years ago, so I was 13 when I wrote that. Nowadays, I'd still put Filatova and Shaposh at the top, and I agree, Eberle was awful
I love all of your Olympic Champion montages, but this is the first time I've seen this! She was such a delight to watch, especially on floor. Thank you!
Love her haircut. It framed her face perfectly. Very pixie-like.
Elena is my gymanstics coach in oshawa,on
at gemini gymnastics
No, that is an Arabian 1 and 3 quarter dive roll: the Thomas Salto is a similar move, but with an added 1 and a half twists. Elena's move is similar in the sense it has the same roll-out landing as the Thomas.
Yelena fue una de las gimnastas que tuvo ese estilo,entre inocente y suave, entre rítmico y exacto siempre en una gran comparación con Nadia,Nelly Kim,Vera y otras grandes que dejaban impactado a todo el que las veía, exactas exigentes con ellas mismas. Hoy no dan muchas ganas de verlas por buenas que sean, llenas de diamantina, maquillaje y trajes coloridos, sin aquella sobriedad del atleta, parecen cirqueras, aunque no dejan de ser admirables ya no se lucen como antes.
Just imagine how mentally hard it was for her to perform the first pass when 2 weeks earlier she saw Mukhina got paralyzed doing the same move...
True. The raw courage of these gymnasts is something to behold.
I did not know that. :(
I became a Nadia fan in '76 & still loved her in '80. US TV didn't show much of the '80 Games because of the boycott, but I was furious when the news reported that Yelena Davydova had won the AA. But now that I'm older & more objective, I can see that Yelena deserved the gold. She had great form, grace & charisma, especially on floor. In fact, her fx is one of my all-time favorites. Nadia herself mentally scored her beam at 9.85, the score that put her in 2nd. I believe the results were correct.
Nadia Comaneci deserved the gold in AA!!
@@emmilyarielle6150 no
@@emmilyarielle6150 NO.
The first time that women gymnasts were allowed to have music accompanying their floor routines and Yelena made full use of it. It wasn't just a routine that happened to have music as a backdrop. Every move was choreographed to suit the theme and feel of the music and performed in perfect time with the music.
BluebirdintheSky that's not entirely true. Women gymnasts had had music accompaniment to the floor routines for a long time, if not always. Its just that 1980 was the first Olympics in which anything other than live piano music was allowed. I'm assuming it was on a cassette tape or something.
@akimbohr Actually the only reason Davydova scored low on compulsories was because she was the fourth to go for the team, if she had competed last she would have scored the highest. Stupid staircase effect... :o/ But seeing as you're probably a hardcore Nadia fan, you're probably never going to accept the fact that Davydova won the AA straight and square. But I just felt obligated to inform you of the facts as to why Yelena had such low scores on compulsories.
@astrofiasco Yes it used to be live piano music! It was last used for the 1988 Olympics compulsories.
Давыдова неожиданно для всех выиграла многоборье !!! Молодец !!!
HAHA to all you she is my coach at gemini gymnastics
Lo que no entiendo es porque simiraban queda Elena murkina no le le salía el salto tomas por más que lo intentaba a fuerzas querían que lo hiciera, y cuando se lesionó pusieron a Elena davnova y a ella si le salió bien ,eso hubieran hecho desde el principio y se hubieran evitado el accidente de Elena murkina
Davidova was shorter than Comaneci but she had gorgeous bodytype and was very fit. funny that Davidova's floor routine was much more elegant than Comaneci. Also its obvious that both are remembered by all of us because after 32 years we are arguing about them. Comaneci was/will be great but Davidova was supreme in Moscow. Gymnastics is not only about perfect routines, there are lots of gymnasts that never were olympians but are beloved like Groshkova and others. Peace.
I do not agree with you - both Davydova and Komaneci are of the same year of birth, and they were almost the same both now and now. Just Nadia took her four years before - in Montreal, and Lena - all these four years preparing to become the FIRST! In Moscow, Elena Davydova looked and acted and fought in SRT times better than Nadia. Just Lena for inspiration and fulfillment and justice took First place! Elena Davydova at the Olympics in Moscow - HONEST number 1!
Очень интересно!
Que linda coreografía esa es la gimnasia femenina 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
well the floor did have minimal springs from 1977 on, but there were certainly not very many!
Wow! She really does have that sassy attitude! It matches with the choreography very well!
Does anybody know what this music is?
wonderful performance
does someone know the title of the music she used for her floor routine?
Oriental Dance - Gunter Noris
Orquestra Abul Hussan (provavelmente)
Versão original
Зачем мучали Елену Мухину ? Ведь Елена Давыдова --прекрасная гимнастка ,выступила очень хорошо .
Best part 1:36-1:49.
I think Elena was great on bars and floor. Her beam was very weak and her vault, though well-performed, was old-fashioned. A questionable champion though clearly very charismatic.
That first UB (9.90) and Floor (10) routines were from the team final and not from the AA.
Нелли Ким Надя Команечи вольные управления Супер !!!
@soberanis100 Davydova scored 9.80 on UB and Floor, compared to Nadia's 9.95s.
Zakharova and Filatova going BEFORE Davydova on UB scored 9.90 and 9.85 and Naimushina going first on Floor scored 9.85. So there was no "staircase effect". Davydova, the AA winner, was simply unimpressive in the compulsories where elegance and execution are important.
Nadia won 2 golds in the EFs, Davydova 1 silver.
History will tell who will be remembered longer and who will (or already has) be forgotten.
Fantastic floor routine andshe is the all around, but she didnt win any gold in vault, floor, beam and the uneven bar as well.
I think if she had done a less risky and cleaner vault in the EF she would have had at least a silver because that first vault was brilliant. Shaposhnikova had two great vaults though and totally deserved her medal.
Why Davydova still doesn't make a normal fairplay gesture - to renounce this medal that she winned with huge help from outside the filed ?
Why doesn’t Simona Amanar make the gracious fair play gesture of renouncing “her” AA gold medal from Sydney in 2000? The Chinese who “took” the bronze gave up her medal, she thought it wasn’t fair to get just a piece of metal. Instead, Simona Amanar, who knows full well that Andreea Raducan is the real winner, has never even attempted to correct this injustice. I know it’s not her decision, but a symbolic gesture would perhaps prompt the IOC to reconsider its outrageous decision. The thing is it’s difficult to give up an Olympic gold medal when it has come to you on a plate, temptation to keep it for your own glory is too big.
Not even half the gymnast that Nadia was.
She won because of corrupt judging!
the corrupted judges gave Nadia the gold medal on floor, and the silver in the AA: that IS corruption. She does not deserve to tie for silver with Gnauck, and remember when they changed comaneci's score? 9.95 for her uncharismatic floor routine. So stop talking about soviet corruption when actually is romanian corruption, it's real annoying. Il love Nadia but she was better at 14, and people complains because they can't imagine that there are better gymnasts than her.
@@xavchamp1027 Thank you for this. She was brilliant in 1975-1977. After that, she was riding the coattails of her earlier success. I suppose that was out of her control but yeah. A lot of better gymnasts began popping up after '78.
She did not deserve that all around.Nadia only had a slight step back on the floor.That was at least a 9.95 for Nadia.It should have been hers.It was hers.Yalena was not even half as good.
Nadia was at her apex in 1979, and she scored herself 9.85. Even a commentator said that was "a fair score": this routine didn't deserve a 9.95. And talk about her "gold medalist" FX, is an outrage: Gnauck or Shaposh deserved it. Don't get me wrong, I love Nadia but the REAL robbed gymnast of these games was Maxi Gnauck. Her program was wayy more exiting and interseting than Nadia's. But her coach didn't complain, unlike the poor sportsmanship Bela Karolyi. But I can jugde from your profil pic that you are a "crazy nadia fan", as a comment said. Even Nadia, the "lilmiss perfect", admited that she deserved her gold medal: she is most obvious&knows gym better than you.
@@xavchamp1027 Nastia was too much overscored since 1977 after the OG IMO, the crowd clapped and the judges had no options but please the audience
I've said it before, Nadia's best years were 1975-1977. She rode on the legend of '76 until she retired. Not her fault of course but it has to be said.
Nadia fell from the UB so it was easier for Davydova to win.
Davydova's compulsories were unimpressive (9.80 on UB and floor, compared to Nadia's and Natalia's 9.95). Davydova's body was too short and not nice to look at, compared to Nadia's elegance
CAN'T see anything nice from Nadia. Ugly face, always icy, the emotion always like a killer and haughty.