Lyrics+translation for the Croatian version: Bože živi, Bože štiti (Oh living God, oh God protect) Cara našeg i naš dom. (Our Emperor and our home) Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti, (With eternal glory adorn them) Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom. (With all power strengthen them) Ti nam sretne dane množi, (Multiply our joyous days) Habsburškoj ih kući daj, (Give them to the Habsburg house) S njenom snagom zauvijek složi (With it's strength forever forge) Hrvatske nam krune sjaj. (The glow of our Croatian Crown) Ti u našim stvori grud'ma (In our hearts create) Živi ponos, krotku ćud, (A living pride, a humble spirit) Da smo mili svijem ljud'ma, (So that we are nice to all) Na poštenju prvi svud. (And first in honesty everywhere) Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom, (Strengthen us with your faith) Ravnaj naše sreće brod, (...) Da nam pođe pravim smjerom Sav naš složan mili rod. (So that our united people takes the righteous path) No kad domu zlo zaprijeti, (And when evil threatens home) "U boj!" zovne Carev glas, ("To battle!" calls the Emperor's voice) Tad na ovaj poziv sveti (Then with this sacred call) Lavom budi svaki nas, (All of us will become like lions) Da pred stijegom našim gine (That beneath our banner dies) Dušman svaki, Bože daj! (Every scoundrel , oh God hear us!) A nad nama s nova sine (And upon us shines anew) Blagog mira vedri sjaj! (The bright glow of peace!) Bože živi, srećom zlati (Oh living God, with luck gild) Kraljevski nam sjajni dom, (Our royal shining home) Naša ljubav nek ga prati (Our love shall follow it) Do kraj međa žiću tom; (...) Blago, život Caru svome (Happy, our life for the Emperor) Svaki od nas rado daj, (Each of us will give) Vječan bud' na svijetu tome (Eternal it shall be on this world) Slavne naše krune sjaj! (The glow of our glourious crown!)
Magyar: Tartsa Isten, óvja Isten Királyunk s a közhazát! Erőt lelve a szent hitben Ossza bölcs parancsszavát! Hadd védnünk ős koronáját Bárhonnét fenyítse vész! Magyar honnal Habsburg trónját Egyesíté égi kéz Czech (shortened): Zachovej nám, Hospodine Císaře a naši zem Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne Ať je moudrým vladařem Hajme věrně trůnu Jeho Proti nepřátelům všem Osud trůnu Habsburského Rakouska je osudem. Hrvatske: Bože živi, Bože štiti Kralja našeg i naš dom. Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti, Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom. Ti nam sretne dane množi, Habsburškoj ih kući daj, S njenom snagom zauvijek složi Hrvatske nam krune sjaj. Ti u našim stvori grud'ma Živi ponos, krotku ćud, Da smo mili svijem ljud'ma, Na poštenju prvi svud. Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom, Ravnaj naše sreće brod, Da nam pođe pravim smjerom Sav naš složan mili rod. No kad domu zlo zaprijeti, "U boj!" zovne Kraljev glas, Tad na ovaj poziv sveti Lavom budi svaki nas, Da pred stijegom našim gine Dušman svaki, Bože daj! A nad nama s nova sine Blagog mira vedri sjaj! Bože živi, srećom zlati Kraljevski nam sjajni dom, Naša ljubav nek ga prati Do kraj međa žiću tom; Blago, život Kralju svome Svaki od nas rado daj, Vječan bud' na svijetu tome Slavne naše krune sjaj. Polski: Boże wspieraj, Boże ochroń Nam Cesarza i nasz kraj, Tarczą wiary rządy osłoń, Państwu Jego siłę daj. Brońmy wiernie Jego tronu, Zwróćmy wszelki wroga cios, Bo z Habsburgów tronem złączon Jest na wieki Austrii los. Obowiązkom swoim wierni Strzeżmy pilnie świętych praw W ich obronie niech się spełni powołanie do cnych spraw! Pomni, jak to skroń żołnierza Świetnie zdobi lauru krzew Nieśmy chętnie za Monarchę, Za Ojczyznę mienie, krew! Ludu pilnej pracy zbiory Niech osłania zbrojna moc Niechaj kwitną ducha twory Niech rozświetla światło noc! Austrii Boże daj wsławienie Na szczyt chwały racz ją wznieść Słońca swego skłoń promienie Ku jej chwale, na jej cześć! Spólność, jedność powołania, Niech przenika wszystkek lud, Bo złączonych sił działania Zdolne przemóc wszelki trud. Dążąc społem ku celowi, Chciejmy bratnio siły zlać, Szczęść Monarsze, szczęść Krajowi, Austria będzie wiecznie trwać! Przy Cesarzu mile włada Cesarzowa pełna łask, Cały lud Jej hołdy składa, Podziwiając cnót Jej blask. Franciszkowi Józefowi I Elżbiecie, Boże szczęść, Habsburskiemu szczęść Domowi; Sława Jemu, chwała, cześć! Slovenski: Bog ohrani, Bog obvari nam cesarja, Avstrijo! Modro da nam gospodari s svete vere pomočjo. Branimo mu krono dedno zoper vse sovražnike, s habsburškim bo tronom vedno sreča trdna Avstrije. Za dolžnost in za pravico vsak pošteno, zvesto stoj; če bo treba, pa desnico s srčnim upom dvigni v boj! Naša vojska iz viharja prišla še brez slave ni: vse za dom in za cesarja, za cesarja blago, kri! Meč vojščaka naj varuje, kar si pridnost zadobi; bistri duh pa premaguje z umetnijo, znanostmi! Slava naj deželi klije, blagor bod' pri nas doma: vsa, kar solnce se obsije, cveti mirna Avstrija! Trdno dajmo se skleniti: sloga pravo moč rodi; vse lahko nam bo storiti, ako združimo moči. Brate vode vez edina nas do cilja enega: živi cesar, domovina, večna bode Avstrija! In s cesarjem zaročnica, ene misli in krvi, vlada milo cesarica, polna dušne žlahtnosti. Kar se more v srečo šteti, večni Bog naj podeli: Franc Jožefu, Lizabeti, celi hiši Habsburški! Romanian: Doamne ține și protege, Tara și pe Împărat, Să domnească ’nţelepţeşte, pe dreptate răzimat, Strămoșeasca lui cunună, de dușmani s'o apărăm, De-a Habsburgei 'nalte throane, soarta țărei s'o legăm! Pentru drept și datorință, s'avem simț bun și curat, Și cerând o trebuință, a ne bate pentru stat, Să pășim cu energie, oferind sânge și stări, Pentru-a noastră 'mpărăție, pentru-a Patriei ușurări! Cetățeanul blând să-și strângă, din silinț-al său venit, Arta și știința 'nvingă, apărate de spirit, Verse ceriul dar spre țară, și cu daruri și măriri, Ca ș-un soare primăvară, viei țării fericiri! Toți să fim într' sîmțîre, toți la un scop alergând, Dulcea Patriei fericire, de 'mpreună 'naintând, Toți din inimă frățească, să dorim neîncetat, Țara noastră să 'nflorească, sub Cezarul Împărat! Italiano: Serbi Dio l'austriaco regno Guardi il nostro imperator! Nella fé che gli è sostegno Regga noi con saggio amor Difendiamo il serto avito Che gli adorna il regio crin Sempre d'Austria il soglio unito Sia d'Asburgo col destin. Pia difesa e forte insieme Siamo al dritto ed al dover; E corriam con lieta speme La battaglia a sostener! Rammentando le ferite Che di lauri ci coprir; Noi daremo beni e vite Alla patria, al nostro Sir. Dell'industria a' bei tesori Sia tutela il buon guerrier; Incruenti e miti allori Abbian l'arti ed il saper! Benedica il Cielo e renda Glorioso il patrio suol, E pacifico risplenda Sovra l'Austria ognora il sol! Siam concordi, in forze unite Del potere il nerbo sta; Alte imprese fian compite, Se concordia in noi sarà. Siam fratelli, e un sol pensiero Ne congiunga e un solo cor; Duri eterno questo Impero, Salvi Iddio l'Imperator! Украïнски: Боже, буди покровитель Цїcарю, Єго краям! Крiпкий вiрою правитель, Мудро най проводить нам! Прадїдну Єго корону Боронїм від ворога, Тїсно із Габсбурґів троном Сплелась Австриї судьба!
Small Correction: Despite being called the Anthem of the Empire, Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is actually NOT the Anthem of Austria-Hungary, its mistaken for Gott erhalte Gott beshutze which is played here. Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is actually the Official Anthem for the Austrian half of the Empire, Gott erhalte Gott beshutze is the Official Anthem for the entire Empire.
@@theaustrianmonarchy7040 The Holy Roman Empire did not really have an anthem. The 1797 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser was an anthem to Francis II, who simply happened to be the last Holy Roman Emperor. As Voltaire famously said: "The Holy Roman Empire was not Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire."
7:33 that version also applies to Bosnia under the Austria-Hungary rule 1878-1918 and Vojvodina. Unless they use the German and Hungarian versions of Gott Erhalte Franz den kaiser
8:46: Impressive... but this is not the anthem of Austria or Austria-Hungary. There are two different versions of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser. This is the 1797 version, which was the anthem of the Holy Roman Empire from 1797 until 1806. The 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is also not the anthem of Austria-Hungary. It was the anthem of the Austrian Empire from 1826 until 1835, but Austria and Austria-Hungary are two different Empires! The German version of this anthem, Gott erhalte Gott beschutze, is the real anthem of Austria-Hungary. Anyway, this is not the Kaiserhymne of Austria-Hungary. There are videos that claim the 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is the anthem of Austria-Hungary, but the fact that Francis II, to which both versions of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser refer to, happens to share the same name with Franz Joseph just goes to show how easily people confuse the two. Francis II is an entirely different person from Franz Joseph, and anyone who has two eyes could see that.
@@aeiou-18 ce este mai important: arhitectura, pe care oricum o avem si in alte orase mari si/sau vechi din celelalte regiuni, sau lupta noastra de a ne uni intr-un stat intreg si independent ? Iti amintesc ca preamaritul tau imparat i-a tradat pe Avram Iancu si pe toti romanii care au luptat impotriva revolutiei maghiare in 1848, oferindu-le practic nimic in schimb. A facut aceasta pentru a dezbina miscarile nationale revolutionare din Imperiul Habsburgic si ma gandesc, ironic, daca nu cumva ar fi fost mai potrivit sa dam mana cu ungurii mai devreme la revolutia de la pasopt!
Hate to be that guy, but there was no such thing as an "Austro-Hungarian Anthem". Austria-Hungary was never one country. They were two seperate countries, tied together by a ruler who was both emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, they shared the military, foreign policy, currency, and finance to a certain level. This is the Austrian imperial anthem, which is not the anthem of the whole entity. Both Austria and Hungary had their own seperate flag, anthem, football team, parliament, etc.
Thats why its called the kaiser hymne (emperor anthem direct translated) Gott erhalte Gott beschütze. And it was the austrian anthem. But i have to agree with you.
Flag is incorrect you have put the flag of the Austrian empire (in the german ver of anthem) And for kaiserhymne of Austria-Hungary you have put 1797 version..not the 1867 version when Austro-Hungarian empire was officially proclaimed (after they accept the Hungarians)
Please excuse my stupidness... but why is it the same melody as the national hymn of Germany? Is it as with the Czech flag, where they kept the Czechoslovakian and Germany kept the hymn of Austro-Hungaria? Or omething comepltely different?
Germany anthem today used to be Austrian Empire anthem, Austrian guy write it for Holy Roman Emperor and Austria, Germany simply stole it after 1918 when Austria collapse
Es ist, als gäbe es keine österreichisch-ungarische Nationalhymne! Es ist nur die Hymne des Kaiserreichs Österreich. Die Ungarn werden angesichts dieser Staatsstruktur sicherlich nicht nostalgisch sein. Wir haben für unsere Unabhängigkeit gekämpft (wie jetzt), aber die Österreicher haben uns mit dem russischen Zaren besiegt.
A mess of an empire that sowed only terror and death. Transylvanian Romanians were not even recognized as a minority entity within the empire, and the Romanian language was not even a problem. They were treated as slaves, and after the formation of dualism, a real persecution of the Romanians in Transylvania began, through forced Hungarianization (even their birth names were Hungarianized to make it appear in statistics that the Hungarians were the majority in Transylvania), the prohibition of prayers in the rite orthodox The Hungarians simply wanted the extermination of any form of Romanity and the formation of the pure Hungarian nation in Transylvania. And all this, with the tacit agreement of Vienna. A shame! Manipulation with the "help" of AI. The imperial anthem has never been sung in Romanian.
German: 0:00
Hungarian: 1:36
Czech: 3:04
Polish: 4:31
Romanian: 5:50
Croatian: 7:33
Kaiserhymne of Austria-Hungary: 8:46
@@rednationchoir destuchland is detuschlanlied
@@leifleifsen7708 There's an Italian version floating around on TH-cam.
@@leifleifsen7708 Yiddish ?
i hope the renaissance of the austro-monarchy! long live monarchy, long live the king!
The Polish one is stange, as if whoever was signing it spoke Polish as a 2nd language
Lyrics+translation for the Croatian version:
Bože živi, Bože štiti
(Oh living God, oh God protect)
Cara našeg i naš dom.
(Our Emperor and our home)
Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti,
(With eternal glory adorn them)
Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom.
(With all power strengthen them)
Ti nam sretne dane množi,
(Multiply our joyous days)
Habsburškoj ih kući daj,
(Give them to the Habsburg house)
S njenom snagom zauvijek složi
(With it's strength forever forge)
Hrvatske nam krune sjaj.
(The glow of our Croatian Crown)
Ti u našim stvori grud'ma
(In our hearts create)
Živi ponos, krotku ćud,
(A living pride, a humble spirit)
Da smo mili svijem ljud'ma,
(So that we are nice to all)
Na poštenju prvi svud.
(And first in honesty everywhere)
Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom,
(Strengthen us with your faith)
Ravnaj naše sreće brod,
Da nam pođe pravim smjerom
Sav naš složan mili rod.
(So that our united people takes the righteous path)
No kad domu zlo zaprijeti,
(And when evil threatens home)
"U boj!" zovne Carev glas,
("To battle!" calls the Emperor's voice)
Tad na ovaj poziv sveti
(Then with this sacred call)
Lavom budi svaki nas,
(All of us will become like lions)
Da pred stijegom našim gine
(That beneath our banner dies)
Dušman svaki, Bože daj!
(Every scoundrel , oh God hear us!)
A nad nama s nova sine
(And upon us shines anew)
Blagog mira vedri sjaj!
(The bright glow of peace!)
Bože živi, srećom zlati
(Oh living God, with luck gild)
Kraljevski nam sjajni dom,
(Our royal shining home)
Naša ljubav nek ga prati
(Our love shall follow it)
Do kraj međa žiću tom;
Blago, život Caru svome
(Happy, our life for the Emperor)
Svaki od nas rado daj,
(Each of us will give)
Vječan bud' na svijetu tome
(Eternal it shall be on this world)
Slavne naše krune sjaj!
(The glow of our glourious crown!)
@@LightgreenLP incredibly based
Lijepa nasa domovino based
@@Vince_ExE naravno💪🇭🇷
best anthem ever, rip Austria hungary 1867-1918 ❤
its just Deutschlandied
@@FUNI_BUNY Lyrics are what makes the difference
@@tuplat5107 oh it just sounded the same my bad :/
@@FUNI_BUNY You know that Deuchlandlied is originated from this, right?
@@malac8860 no 😅
Tartsa Isten, óvja Isten
Királyunk s a közhazát!
Erőt lelve a szent hitben
Ossza bölcs parancsszavát!
Hadd védnünk ős koronáját
Bárhonnét fenyítse vész!
Magyar honnal Habsburg trónját
Egyesíté égi kéz
Czech (shortened):
Zachovej nám, Hospodine
Císaře a naši zem
Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne
Ať je moudrým vladařem
Hajme věrně trůnu Jeho
Proti nepřátelům všem
Osud trůnu Habsburského
Rakouska je osudem.
Bože živi, Bože štiti
Kralja našeg i naš dom.
Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti,
Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom.
Ti nam sretne dane množi,
Habsburškoj ih kući daj,
S njenom snagom zauvijek složi
Hrvatske nam krune sjaj.
Ti u našim stvori grud'ma
Živi ponos, krotku ćud,
Da smo mili svijem ljud'ma,
Na poštenju prvi svud.
Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom,
Ravnaj naše sreće brod,
Da nam pođe pravim smjerom
Sav naš složan mili rod.
No kad domu zlo zaprijeti,
"U boj!" zovne Kraljev glas,
Tad na ovaj poziv sveti
Lavom budi svaki nas,
Da pred stijegom našim gine
Dušman svaki, Bože daj!
A nad nama s nova sine
Blagog mira vedri sjaj!
Bože živi, srećom zlati
Kraljevski nam sjajni dom,
Naša ljubav nek ga prati
Do kraj međa žiću tom;
Blago, život Kralju svome
Svaki od nas rado daj,
Vječan bud' na svijetu tome
Slavne naše krune sjaj.
Boże wspieraj, Boże ochroń
Nam Cesarza i nasz kraj,
Tarczą wiary rządy osłoń,
Państwu Jego siłę daj.
Brońmy wiernie Jego tronu,
Zwróćmy wszelki wroga cios,
Bo z Habsburgów tronem złączon
Jest na wieki Austrii los.
Obowiązkom swoim wierni
Strzeżmy pilnie świętych praw
W ich obronie niech się spełni
powołanie do cnych spraw!
Pomni, jak to skroń żołnierza
Świetnie zdobi lauru krzew
Nieśmy chętnie za Monarchę,
Za Ojczyznę mienie, krew!
Ludu pilnej pracy zbiory
Niech osłania zbrojna moc
Niechaj kwitną ducha twory
Niech rozświetla światło noc!
Austrii Boże daj wsławienie
Na szczyt chwały racz ją wznieść
Słońca swego skłoń promienie
Ku jej chwale, na jej cześć!
Spólność, jedność powołania,
Niech przenika wszystkek lud,
Bo złączonych sił działania
Zdolne przemóc wszelki trud.
Dążąc społem ku celowi,
Chciejmy bratnio siły zlać,
Szczęść Monarsze, szczęść Krajowi,
Austria będzie wiecznie trwać!
Przy Cesarzu mile włada
Cesarzowa pełna łask,
Cały lud Jej hołdy składa,
Podziwiając cnót Jej blask.
Franciszkowi Józefowi
I Elżbiecie, Boże szczęść,
Habsburskiemu szczęść Domowi;
Sława Jemu, chwała, cześć!
Bog ohrani, Bog obvari
nam cesarja, Avstrijo!
Modro da nam gospodari
s svete vere pomočjo.
Branimo mu krono dedno
zoper vse sovražnike,
s habsburškim bo tronom vedno
sreča trdna Avstrije.
Za dolžnost in za pravico
vsak pošteno, zvesto stoj;
če bo treba, pa desnico
s srčnim upom dvigni v boj!
Naša vojska iz viharja
prišla še brez slave ni:
vse za dom in za cesarja,
za cesarja blago, kri!
Meč vojščaka naj varuje,
kar si pridnost zadobi;
bistri duh pa premaguje
z umetnijo, znanostmi!
Slava naj deželi klije,
blagor bod' pri nas doma:
vsa, kar solnce se obsije,
cveti mirna Avstrija!
Trdno dajmo se skleniti:
sloga pravo moč rodi;
vse lahko nam bo storiti,
ako združimo moči.
Brate vode vez edina
nas do cilja enega:
živi cesar, domovina,
večna bode Avstrija!
In s cesarjem zaročnica,
ene misli in krvi,
vlada milo cesarica,
polna dušne žlahtnosti.
Kar se more v srečo šteti,
večni Bog naj podeli:
Franc Jožefu, Lizabeti,
celi hiši Habsburški!
Doamne ține și protege, Tara și pe Împărat,
Să domnească ’nţelepţeşte, pe dreptate răzimat,
Strămoșeasca lui cunună, de dușmani s'o apărăm,
De-a Habsburgei 'nalte throane, soarta țărei s'o legăm!
Pentru drept și datorință, s'avem simț bun și curat,
Și cerând o trebuință, a ne bate pentru stat,
Să pășim cu energie, oferind sânge și stări,
Pentru-a noastră 'mpărăție, pentru-a Patriei ușurări!
Cetățeanul blând să-și strângă, din silinț-al său venit,
Arta și știința 'nvingă, apărate de spirit,
Verse ceriul dar spre țară, și cu daruri și măriri,
Ca ș-un soare primăvară, viei țării fericiri!
Toți să fim într' sîmțîre, toți la un scop alergând,
Dulcea Patriei fericire, de 'mpreună 'naintând,
Toți din inimă frățească, să dorim neîncetat,
Țara noastră să 'nflorească, sub Cezarul Împărat!
Serbi Dio l'austriaco regno
Guardi il nostro imperator!
Nella fé che gli è sostegno
Regga noi con saggio amor
Difendiamo il serto avito
Che gli adorna il regio crin
Sempre d'Austria il soglio unito
Sia d'Asburgo col destin.
Pia difesa e forte insieme
Siamo al dritto ed al dover;
E corriam con lieta speme
La battaglia a sostener!
Rammentando le ferite
Che di lauri ci coprir;
Noi daremo beni e vite
Alla patria, al nostro Sir.
Dell'industria a' bei tesori
Sia tutela il buon guerrier;
Incruenti e miti allori
Abbian l'arti ed il saper!
Benedica il Cielo e renda
Glorioso il patrio suol,
E pacifico risplenda
Sovra l'Austria ognora il sol!
Siam concordi, in forze unite
Del potere il nerbo sta;
Alte imprese fian compite,
Se concordia in noi sarà.
Siam fratelli, e un sol pensiero
Ne congiunga e un solo cor;
Duri eterno questo Impero,
Salvi Iddio l'Imperator!
Боже, буди покровитель
Цїcарю, Єго краям!
Крiпкий вiрою правитель,
Мудро най проводить нам!
Прадїдну Єго корону
Боронїм від ворога,
Тїсно із Габсбурґів троном
Сплелась Австриї судьба!
Mein Land Österreich darmals waren wir mächtiger und größer als Österreich-Ungarn ich wünschte die Habsburger würden wieder an die Macht kommen
Így legyen! Ámen!
Ich auch und ich Schwedish.
Small Correction: Despite being called the Anthem of the Empire, Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is actually NOT the Anthem of Austria-Hungary, its mistaken for Gott erhalte Gott beshutze which is played here.
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is actually the Official Anthem for the Austrian half of the Empire, Gott erhalte Gott beshutze is the Official Anthem for the entire Empire.
Franz Den Kaiser was briefly the anthem of the Holy Roman Empire
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser was the anthem of the Holy Roman Empire under the rule of Emperor Franz II.
@@theaustrianmonarchy7040 The Holy Roman Empire did not really have an anthem. The 1797 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser was an anthem to Francis II, who simply happened to be the last Holy Roman Emperor. As Voltaire famously said: "The Holy Roman Empire was not Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire."
Our Royal cousinfs... 😀
Finally, the hungarian version
Indeed a great video! But it would be batter if you added the Italian version
Да здравствует император Австро-Венгерской Империи!
Romanian version (Doamne tine si protege/pre al nostru imparat)😍
Transilvania is hungarian
Bro I respect that. Not many romanian respects the old heritage.
@@deutschermichel5807And you are adopted.😅
There is no heritage left from the austro hungarians@@henrikhegyi4896
@@sebastiansuteu1829 there are literal building, culture and cities lmao
7:33 that version also applies to Bosnia under the Austria-Hungary rule 1878-1918 and Vojvodina. Unless they use the German and Hungarian versions of Gott Erhalte Franz den kaiser
kraljica is right?
Dalmatia also
8:46: Impressive... but this is not the anthem of Austria or Austria-Hungary. There are two different versions of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser. This is the 1797 version, which was the anthem of the Holy Roman Empire from 1797 until 1806. The 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is also not the anthem of Austria-Hungary. It was the anthem of the Austrian Empire from 1826 until 1835, but Austria and Austria-Hungary are two different Empires! The German version of this anthem, Gott erhalte Gott beschutze, is the real anthem of Austria-Hungary. Anyway, this is not the Kaiserhymne of Austria-Hungary. There are videos that claim the 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is the anthem of Austria-Hungary, but the fact that Francis II, to which both versions of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser refer to, happens to share the same name with Franz Joseph just goes to show how easily people confuse the two. Francis II is an entirely different person from Franz Joseph, and anyone who has two eyes could see that.
Zachovej nám Hospodine Císaře a naši zem! Nezemřela monarchie, v srdcích věrných žije dál!!!
A bude !
pro impérium!
Sounds like the German one I will miss you austro hungary I wish to meet you in dreams rip austria hungary 1867-1918
Fantastic the croatian, the polish and the hungarian version (BEST)
Doamne tine si protege, pre al nostru imparat !
Sa fii roman si sa spui asa ceva, mare blasfemie!
@@zweihandersarecool5929 chiar nu o spun și io și tot roman sunt
@@aeiou-18 De cate ori nu ne-a tradat Austria cand le-am cerut ajutorul sau i-am ajutat noi pe ei ?
@@zweihandersarecool5929 de câte ori merg in oraș și ma uit la arhitectura și la dezvoltarea Transilvaniei ii multumesc împăratului
@@aeiou-18 ce este mai important: arhitectura, pe care oricum o avem si in alte orase mari si/sau vechi din celelalte regiuni, sau lupta noastra de a ne uni intr-un stat intreg si independent ? Iti amintesc ca preamaritul tau imparat i-a tradat pe Avram Iancu si pe toti romanii care au luptat impotriva revolutiei maghiare in 1848, oferindu-le practic nimic in schimb. A facut aceasta pentru a dezbina miscarile nationale revolutionare din Imperiul Habsburgic si ma gandesc, ironic, daca nu cumva ar fi fost mai potrivit sa dam mana cu ungurii mai devreme la revolutia de la pasopt!
What video is the german version from?
Good anthem!
Name of anthem in Croatian isn't "Bože čuvaj Bože čuvaj" (?), but "Kraljevka" or "Carevka"
Mapa ako skoro zemi svatoplukovej.len odoboritov luzicov a slezanov a je to komplet.od jasiny do drazdan od visly po savu , monarchie nasej slavu!😎
Austro-Hungary is not Ausztria-Magyarország in hungarian, it's Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia(Austro-Hungarian Monarchy/Empire)
When italy anthem?I've been waiting for years
I think it is because italian regions were not, at least technically, included in the Empire, but a sort of vassal entity.
The kaiser anthem remains throughout the generations ❤❤❤❤❤
Man Czech Version Instrumental look like German Anthem
Bonito 😭😢
Hate to be that guy, but there was no such thing as an "Austro-Hungarian Anthem". Austria-Hungary was never one country. They were two seperate countries, tied together by a ruler who was both emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, they shared the military, foreign policy, currency, and finance to a certain level. This is the Austrian imperial anthem, which is not the anthem of the whole entity. Both Austria and Hungary had their own seperate flag, anthem, football team, parliament, etc.
Thats why its called the kaiser hymne (emperor anthem direct translated) Gott erhalte Gott beschütze. And it was the austrian anthem. But i have to agree with you.
the german one is really good
I love Austria-Hungary🇷🇴❤️🇦🇹🇭🇺
Ding dong the wicked witch is dead ,the wizard has the witches broom , I am born ,kiralyne sabrina (eilika) ,brigette and my brethren❤
and the little italy part
It wasn't Italian at the time
3:08 Where can I find this as an instrumental?
God keep the majesty and monarchy of austria hungary ,kiralyne brigette
The melody is the Royal anthem of the Monarchy of Norway..
❤❤❤frannz joseph remained ,ears grossone franz remained ,ehrs gross grosstachter brigette remained❤❤
finally, I am included
Did it exist in Ukrainian, Italian, Slovak and Slovene too?
Vive les Habsbourg !
Is there any Russian or Bulgarian versions of this anthem? If so, i would like to hear it!
Ilove Greece from Armenia ❤❤❤❤🇦🇲🇬🇷
Also exist the italian version
now I know what it's like for foreigners to listen to my mothertongue Polish, very weird accent which is barely understandable
There's also an Italian version I believe, as Austria-Hungary owned South Tyrol
No, since in South Tyrol people speak german. It is the only province in Italy where the majority language is german
Yes, but not because of South Tyrol, but because of Trieste (Triest / Trst)
There is an Italian version. You can find it on youtube.
@@user-mn9xs5db6l but recent South Tyrol people speak some Italian because it’s is now Italy
@@lalamuhtesem5368it's because of the Regno Lombardo Veneto
Still surprised Romania had one but Slovakia wasent recognised at all as it was apart of Hungary itself like Transylvania
Slovakia was part of the Hungarian kingdom. But Transylvania was a separate principality for a long time!
Flag is incorrect you have put the flag of the Austrian empire (in the german ver of anthem)
And for kaiserhymne of Austria-Hungary you have put 1797 version..not the 1867 version when Austro-Hungarian empire was officially proclaimed (after they accept the Hungarians)
This was in 1867, not in 1854.
@@zbh-gl3gg sorry i made a mistake in a damn year:). However i do know when Austria-Hungary was proclaimed
The flag is correct because the flag of Cisleithania the Austrian part of the empire had the same flag as the Austrian Empire.
Meanwhile Slovaks: We do not give a fuck
Please excuse my stupidness... but why is it the same melody as the national hymn of Germany? Is it as with the Czech flag, where they kept the Czechoslovakian and Germany kept the hymn of Austro-Hungaria? Or omething comepltely different?
Germany copied the melody of the imperial austrian anthem.
Germany anthem today used to be Austrian Empire anthem, Austrian guy write it for Holy Roman Emperor and Austria, Germany simply stole it after 1918 when Austria collapse
Because it was the anthem of the Holy Roman Empire
There is also an Italian version.
Es ist, als gäbe es keine österreichisch-ungarische Nationalhymne! Es ist nur die Hymne des Kaiserreichs Österreich. Die Ungarn werden angesichts dieser Staatsstruktur sicherlich nicht nostalgisch sein. Wir haben für unsere Unabhängigkeit gekämpft (wie jetzt), aber die Österreicher haben uns mit dem russischen Zaren besiegt.
Hungarian anthem is the best anthem europe has ever seen
Gott erhalte Gott beschütze!
Für die Wiederkehr des deutschen Kaiserreichs und Österreich-ungarn!
Bruh, I though Czech literally play “Happy Day In Paris” 💀
i reccomend to use 1.25 at czech
I wish I there’s an English Version or Hebrew/Yiddish Version for Jewish People or even Balkans is is not Slovenia/Croatia
There is an English version. You just didn't bother to search.
good video
This just shows her diverse austria realy was
Yes our Empire was the heart of middle europe.
Do i only vibe to czech version?
Il vecchio Serbidiòla ❤
Czechia is Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Where is Moravia and Silesia???
Good job, but you forgot the Italian version
Slovak? Latin? Serbocroatian? Serbian? Bosnian? Slovenian?
What about these?
Serbian and Bosnian are both Serbo-Croatian. And it's in 7:33
me hungary home
The Italian one is missing...
A mess of an empire that sowed only terror and death. Transylvanian Romanians were not even recognized as a minority entity within the empire, and the Romanian language was not even a problem. They were treated as slaves, and after the formation of dualism, a real persecution of the Romanians in Transylvania began, through forced Hungarianization (even their birth names were Hungarianized to make it appear in statistics that the Hungarians were the majority in Transylvania), the prohibition of prayers in the rite orthodox The Hungarians simply wanted the extermination of any form of Romanity and the formation of the pure Hungarian nation in Transylvania. And all this, with the tacit agreement of Vienna. A shame!
Manipulation with the "help" of AI. The imperial anthem has never been sung in Romanian.
Croatia , then Best :)
Taman kad je postala unija ravnopravnih država, onda su je vanjski neprijatelji srušili.
the romanian one was beautiful
in Transilvania in limba maghiara canta imnul si nu in limba romana
A. E. I. O. U.
Austria 🇦🇹
In German is German anthem
No, it is Gott Erhalte Gott Bechutze, and German anthen is Das Lied Deutsche
Oh thanks same melody 😅😅
What about gott erhalte franz den kaiser
Its very hard to understand the Hungarian
Wheres slovak ? I am joking
Das Reich !!!!
0:01 alemão
Chýba slovenská verzia.
Austria is literally just a southern province of Germany.
I can recognize the music, but not the lyrics 😅
It's the German Anthem haha
Of course you don't recognise the lyrics. You don understand German and you don't know the history of Central Europe
You are totally wrong, mister magyar nsnsns
anthem cancer to the ears, empire cancer to the world.