safa saleh: it's great how much he has helped you. But be careful: he's also full of shit. He hates postmodernism, but defines truth as relative. ('if it doesn't serve life, it's not true'). He hates victimizing, yet rose to fame by acting like a victim of Bill C-16 (while the bill never actually harmed him). He hates the violent communists, yet threatens with violence if you say something wrong. Watch out and stay critical, that's all I'm saying.
@@srrlIdl Your "counter argument" is a carefully crafted seemingly understanding yet dismissive manipulation. Your counterpoints only contradict on the surface. Purposefully creating confusion. People are a lot smarter than you think and see through crap like that. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a payed for this. If not then you really are a victim of demagog.
Michael Alguire I’d suggest you check out a TH-camr called Destiny. He’s a liberal leaning Twitch streamer who’ll openly debate most of anything and does so with honest integrity and invites being proven wrong. He also has an aggressive attitude that you may enjoy.
@@MorbidSlinky Even more insidious is telling people you want to teach them how to think, not what to think, and then proceeding to lecture them on all manner of things, including the fundamental realities of the world, in detail, for hundreds of hours, passionately, religiously, whining on and on...and making a shed load into the bargain. I wonder who I could possibly mean. ;)
ThePizzaIsAggressive ... seriously? Philosophers can rarely survive the real world... theorys and articulations are all good and well but the world is much more complex than that...
Ammar Anwar Sure, but JBP isn't "just a philosopher". Highly tenured professor of psychology, published author, public speaker, etc. We have a drama teacher as PM currently, so I'm pretty sure anything goes at this point. Fact of the matter is simple; whether or notnypu agree with any/all of the ideas JBP puts put there, he's a highly intelligent, accomplished person with the ability to lead. With a good cabinet, it matters little if he fully comprehends every single brick in the wall that makes up our government.
Maybe it was just a perspective that you wish would have been revealed to you at that time, no matter how you reached that perspective it is the perspective that you desire.
Nothing wrong with that, I'm a pretty tough guy and this man has brought me to tears several times. What an important thinker it a time of foolishness.
Me too, but he isn't a superhero. He's actually a sane intellectual. He only appears to be a superhero because there's so few sane intellectuals in the public eye. There used to be many more. Thanks to him, maybe there will be many more again
This video didn’t bring me to tears but others have. Mainly when he cries himself. Something about seeing a man I respect and admire this much cry himself speaking about the folks he impact not only cements how real he is but also how my own tears are nothing to be ashamed of.
"The highest faculty of the Human Being is articulated speech" watching this carefully, i am almost in tears. I wish someone had told this to me when i went to college. and to see all the dis-satisfied and maladjusted and malevolent little children in college now who can only cry about how badly off THEY are , makes my heart sick.
Hey man, I am one of them...i feel like we are workhorses just being into gates for 4 years, and just saying if you do well, you cab earn well... Thats it....its really hard to push through with just one philosophy...the thing is yes our generation has a lot of great things that you guys didn't have, however, that doesn't mean we don't face our own set of challenges, we do...we do not have the same sense of purpose that you guys have, you guys were fighters but we are still trying to find a cause worth fighting is hard for us to do that much work when the people around us keep treating merely as objects that will earn money in the future...but that is not who we are...we are more than that, without knowing that it is hard to be in college...
Twaddle. Words are cheap and always have been. Also speech is highly corruptible(fascist peterson is a perfect example). The highest faculty of a human being is actually enlightened action.....hello? Anyone can babble all sorts of crap. Try using some critical thought ...if u can, rather than mindlessly swallowing any shit from this guys mouth just because he "seems " intelligent to u. "They must find it difficult-those that take authority as truth, rather than truth as authority". Yes, this means you.
@@surfinmuso37 Jordan is not just spewing words and slogans like all those SJWs do, he is articulating ideas which is just kryptonite to the SJW class which your response starkly demonstrates.
Its so embarrassing to see this and think back to when he visited my university (McMaster) and was met by people sounding horns and yelling to not let him speak.
I'm a middle school teacher. I'd like Jordan Peterson to give the same speech (five minute version) in middle school friendly language. Why wait until kids are in college to hear this message? Maybe I'll adapt it and give it. 😊
3:38 I've watched enough Jordan Peterson videos to know when he is close to tears by how his voice cracks, and this is one of those moments. And he is talking about students bettering themselves by stepping up to the plate and taking on responsibility in order to manifest themselves as something much greater than they are. A man who is nearly brought to tears over that is a man who really, really cares about the good of humanity.
He describes the gulag archipelago as the smartest Man U know yelling at you for an entire book. I feel the same way about him when he gets passionate. You can just feel his genuine anguish when he speaks.
The laugh-cry response is familiar to me, and as I gather, many of his listeners. Because his message is so fucking obvious, but I rarely hear it. The exact line that illustrates the phenomena being, "I don't understand why students aren't just told these things! And everyone wants to hear it!". So many people just waiting for someone to say "you need to grow up" while simultaneously admitting "we're all trying to do the same".
Thanks for posting this great video. I am closer to 90 than to 80, and can confirm that what Dr Peterson says about taking charge of your own education is true. A few years age I visited the library I had frequented from age 8. That Toronto library near Gerrard and Coxwell was where I was born again. They had closed the children's section, which I wish they had done when I was a child. I had longed to be admitted to the grown-ups' library because i had outgrown the children's library while still in primary school. The long wait was worth it, I suppose, because by the time I was allowed to borrow grown-ups' books, I could comprehend the writing.without much effort. I visited my old primary school too during its centennial celebrations and met a man who I took as being a retired professor. But he was a retired machinist who had educated himself. A good library is more important than a good school. Good schools and good teachers help. But memorization and regurgitation for exams is not education. If you want to become educated, you must do it yourself. Some of the most important books are out of print. You can find them second-hand online for a fraction of the price I once paid for them. And now we have the internet. And e-books. So there is no longer any excuse. Anyone who wishes to make a jump start could begin with books of Daniel J. Boorstin.
The more i see him speak the more i realise how we’re blessed to have someone like him who’s showing us the light in these dark times. Knowledge my friend, it’s our only way out of this black hole filled with all sorts of distractions. Please learn and be diverse in that process. Don’t take sides, the biggest mistake isn’t not knowing but instead the certainty of knowing. Nothing is certain.
not everyone is a reading person though. sport, films etc is the same, books are the academic part sure, but self accualisation can be asured even if you cant even read. every media is the "divine" stuff peterson is talking about books are just incredibly handy for information.
Brian N same here. I blossomed late, but reading has unlocked so many doors over the last 7 years of my life. I have a degree in business, education, and a minor in PE. I also have a masters in education along with four years of competing for a D 1 wrestling program. All the while I was pretty ignorant. It wasn't until I started getting into books on economics, sociology, anthropology, history, science, character, leadership, etc. that I began making huge leaps forward. These leaps came in all facets of my life: money, relationships, personal fulfillment, perception of the world, character. I can go on and on, but reading great books are like shortcuts to self actualization in life.
Sounds like me, too. TH-cam videos help best when considering the shallow end of the depth of knowledge (or review and when visuals are needed), but reading and discussion paralleled with writing leads to application, evaluative thinking, and creativity. I feel bad for the guy who thinks it's the. Same.
The thing that really hits home with Jordan Peterson is that he lives what he says. It's obvious in his actions, whenever he destroys an SJW or something, the way he does it is constructive. He isn't calling them dipshits and laying out the facts, he's laying out the facts, telling them they can do something about it, pointing them in a new direction and saying "There, go, make a real difference!". I can totally see a cult of personality forming around this guy, which would be hilariously ironic.
Scott Meech there are a huge amount of people dying to offer people opportunities, certainly not everyone but I've met dozens of people who've offered me opportunities. If they see someone who has potential to do something great then they will stop at nothing to give you the opportunity to do so.
You can tell how much this man cares! Notice how he becomes emotional around the four minute mark. He wants the best for people! I bet he was incredible clinical psychologist! Now it’s time for him to bless the world with knowledge and wisdom, which I believe has been given to him via the Holy Spirit.
Man this is a gem. One of the most important things I’ve listened to in my life. I genuinely feel bad for the people out there who needed to hear this but never found it. This changed my life. Thank you.
Something feels sad about this beautiful speech, as though he was telling the secret of everything, to a room of people who couldn't understand a word English!
Kyle Sya.....I get you, I feel he is screaming at people to help them improve their lives and he's frustrated because so many just can't be bothered to listen and learn from his wisdom! He's brilliant and inspiring...I hope he can project his knowledge and ideas to better our society!
In fact, knowing Italian, I did not understand him! It would have been nice if he talked in my native language, but, hélas pour moi, he does not - or I think he doesn't. I have no certainty about it. But knowing of not knowing is already a good start etc etc.
Since I met Dr. Peterson and Jim Rohn through their speeches and lectures I have built my own library and my life and how I look at the world has been changing rapidly. Doors are opening. My whole life has been a progression up hill. In high school I lost about 75 lbs and got into shape. I started high school taking english classes with mentally challenged students. By my senior year, I had overcome my reading disability and entered advanced placement classes. Anything is possible my friends. I wish I heard this in my freshman year of college.
Im a university professor, watching this, makes me cry. This is exactly what we lack, and the next generation is doomed if there is no collective effort to revert back to what universities have to be.
Peterson is projecting his own experiences and abilities onto others. There are plenty of people who can't speak well, or intellectualize their opinions or discoveries, but who instead are great technicians, scientists, engineers, artists, etc. Formulating ideas, intellectualizing and speaking is a talent, but it is not the only talent. Einstein couldn't speak publicly worth a damn. He often sounded like a semi-literate foreigner who was not educated...perhaps a small store owner...yet he was one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. His talent was not in his ability to speak, but in his ability to conceptualize abstract thought into descriptive theories that made sense out of the universe. He accomplished this by sitting in a big chair eight hours a day, seven days per week, looking out the window and imagining how the universe works.....A job that only a handful of humans could tolerate, let alone accomplish anything.
jennifer86010 Yes But articulation of ideas is the most important because it leads to the most improvement. You can’t get an impartial view of your views if other people can’t understand and challenge them.
While there's great value in being able to speak well, I don't think it is the end all be all Jordan makes it out to be. I think it is worthwhile to note that intention underlies speech and action, so intention would have primacy. This means even a mute person can accomplish great things for the world and themselves if they choose to. Conversely, we could easily cite countless examples of highly articulate persons who have done great harm. Speech is a double edged sword I would argue.
Augustus Betucius Yeah, But it’s still important. And he’s not talking about speech specifically as much as communication. In that case, the mute person argument you have still supports his idea.
I will watch this video evertime I feel unmotivated or I feel like I've lost my purpose in education. This video fills me with drive and reminds me the fun in education and true purpose, the challenge of going to a top college. Thank you, Mr. Peterson.
Third day of reading week in my first year and I've not read anything, but this speech is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm gonna read what I've wanted to read for a while and not think twice about it
My fist semester of a technology here in Alberta in the 90's, I had an instructor in the first class say the truth. "We have your money. Really we dont care how you do, if you show up, if you make the grade or pass. You are the ambassador to your own future. This is not high school anymore."
Wow!! This speech should be played to ALL students once a year from the age of ten onwards. I didn't go to university but wish i had and wish I'd seen this before I'd gone. .... I could've been a superpower!
Great, Dr.Peterson, I am an Indian, and you remind me of the words of Swami Vivekanand, "Arise, awake, you lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep."
Having Dr. Peterson as a prof has been life-changing. He rose to fame in a time in which the modern world needs people like him the most. I recently wrote a spoken word on my channel with a lot of his teachings and philosophies. I think we need to spread his message as much as we can in order to redirect our collective mindset. Thank you for all you do Dr. Peterson.
Dr. Peterson life mission is clear - "He struggles with ALL his soul on behalf of the good." And wants you to rise to the occasion as well because you can. Thank you for all you do.
The idea that you've even made the world only slightly better off by your existence is something that is worth living a life for. It doesn't have to be grande, but just improve the fact that your existence is better than not existing. It's more than motivating
I needed to hear that speech 37 years ago in my second year of high school when I had no idea what to do with life. Had I heard something even vaguely approaching that, I seriously doubt my life would've been the disastrous waste of time, energy and mistakes that it has been...
Your "god" was invented by superstitious, illiterate beduins, thousands of years ago. They were clueless about the world and the universe and themselves. Its high time to cast off such infantile superstitions.
Dr. Peterson has sought to take people out of the materialistic world and beyond the machine age realms of matter and to help them plumb the depths of meaning. He has done this brilliantly and has gone way beyond most to put his finger on some of the real issues of life. As a psychologist he has been running up against the dysfunctions in humanity. He has diagnosed the problems of fallen man and done this beautifully. So now, by tragic necessity, he is being driven to address the virtues of life. But in doing so he has reached a threshold. He now realizes that there are still greater and more wonderful depths yet to be discovered. As a psychologist Dr. Peterson sees the sad dysfunctions of humanity every day. He is understandably exasperated that these social ills still prevail while heroic and good people in the West have made it the best place to live on the planet. In a sense he has come to the crossroads. Good decisions, diligence with the truth, discipline in personal life, all these virtues. We all want virtues in our society. But where is the wellspring of these much desired character traits? From whence come the graces that make our lives bearable? We can talk about these matters and the meaning of life all day and never achieve anything, unless, perhaps, we get help from outside of ourselves. It is repeat of “a tale of two cities”. Is Dr. Peterson going to take French pathway of humanistic rationalism? Voltaire championed the Age of Reason and a clockwork universe without personal meaning. God was asked by the French to take a hike. After that He was nowhere to be found. All that was left was a nation taken off to war by Napoleon, national disaster, and an existential emptiness that led to “No exit”, sensualism, and the “theater of the absurd.” So is Dr. Peterson going to take the way of the French? Or the way of the English speaking people with their awakenings? Will he take up his oratory on virtue, as did Robespierre, one of the rationalist Freemasonic orators of the godless French Revolution? Is he going to sell the seven steps to virtue forever, knowing that mankind without God cannot ever achieve character without a spirit to energize the psyche? And what happens if he makes a mis-step as he rides the wave of oratory and wipes out? What happens if he becomes exhausted and comes to the point of personal burnout? Will he be rejected or viewed as passe’ by the masses and the mobs in the streets? Will he be, (metaphorically speaking), sent to the guillotine, like Robespierre was when his oratory was given the thumbs down in the French Revolution? Dr. Peterson and the psychological profession adopt a rationalist objective approach to the pathology of human thinking, feelings, and behavior. They look scientifically and objectively at what things go wrong in relationships. This leads them to consider the virtues and the graces on the other side of the equation. Quite clearly Dr. Peterson is now surveying and measuring the rivers of life in God with the same diligence he surveyed the rivers of human dysfunction in the realms of the devil. So what is to be done with this data? How is he to proceed after doing this surveying of good and evil? Two rivers lie before him. He has investigated them exhaustively. So what now? Is he going to make up His mind which one he is going to dive into? Is it possible that he could do the radical thing and let go of his rationalistic objectivism? Only then would he be in a position to report his findings on the immersive existential experience in “the God who is there.” To do this he would have to let go of his Greek Aristotelian thinking. No longer would human reason and the sculpted. Image of “the thinker” be his ultimate god. No longer would humanism be the ultimate determinant of truth. To go up to the next level he would have to take that resolve to open the door. Whether they be brilliant souls or humble souls, people eventually come to the end of themselves. In the interim they struggle. Many end up in depression, existential emptiness, addictions, or sensual pursuits. Many try to find personal fulfillment by joining the herd of programmed robotic humanistic beings and throw themselves into the perceived virtue of “social justice”. There in an atmosphere of mutual glorification they can seek self-fulfillment in lofty perturbations of groupthink. Some level of self-fulfillment can be gained in identifying with these power groups. But as Dr. Peterson has amply demonstrated, behind many of the social justice warrior is the heady power politics of Socialism. Any socialism is a deadly way of thinking. Because it always falls short and it is always opposed and becomes bloody soon after it is politicized. International socialism, that grievous human folly, has killed upwards of 200 million people. And as Dr. Peterson points out, the tyranny of Communism began in the nice social justice discussions in the coffee shops of Paris. So is humanistic political groupthink the only viable gathering to be found? And does the political arena set the limits for conversation and for human devotion? Both national socialism and international communism are out there begging for souls. Both of them ended in disaster. Now we have Socialist justice warriors stirring up the masses to cause further waves of grief. What else is there? There is another choice. People can, and do, give themselves over to the personal real-time Living Logos, of John chapter 1. They surrender their lives to the despised Judeo-Christian God of the West, the God of the people of realms what were once called Western Christendom. That is always a radical thing to do. But it leads to a serendipity. Human souls cry out in their time of need. At the very same time Someone is knocking at the door from the next dimension. Someone, should we let him in, can take us beyond ourselves. Is there a Someone in whom we can realize virtue personally, even show us and immerse us in the eternal rivers of life? Is it possible that Dr. Peterson could take the baton from C.S. Lewis and go beyond? Could he, by God’s grace, break out into another role to take a grateful people beyond the current metaphysical oriental stalemate of the ying and the yang? Could his orations on virtue go beyond the mere generic wish-list of virtues to deliver within us the spiritual empowerment that makes these virtues a reality? How the West needs a trailblazer who can help lead fallen man out of the swamps of psychological despair. Is there not a highway that leads upwards to greater glories? Do we not need faithful trailblazers to lead us into a genuine vital and truthful psychology? Might there be resource in the God of the West who beckons to us from the next dimension, even from an eternal realm beyond our self-life? See
Then you already know more than most. Schools can't teach anything you can't find out for yourself, but if you want to be part of that community that's fine too. Peterson's Self Authoring program is a great way to find direction, for starters. "Find what you love and let it kill you" Bukowski feel hugged :)
M4tchB0X3r I'm teaching myself atm, but I'm hoping to take a class next fall. Just one to start off, so I can get the feel of school again without overwhelming myself. I'm going to make my life as valuable as possible.
Yeah but what's the fear exactly, fear of choosing the wrong thing or just fear of the experience. I can tell you at 48, I've gone back at least twice since my first college degree, and even if it didn't become something I saw pursuing in great detail in the future I have never regretted it. If it is fear of what to take, then just dabble before full on commitment, find what you want first through maybe taking a couple classes.
So true. I just retired from teaching - spent my lecturing life with this idea at the core of my being. The learning environment is the most precious experience you can have - the commodification of this experience, of ideas, is the biggest threat to your personal development in these seats of learning! Look above that and find the real meaning of taking control in your life. Don't be sold short this opportunity to transform the rest of your life.
My dream is to one day give this man a hug, all his ideas and speeches are helping me a lot, he's life changing. Gives me the motivation to every day be better than the day before and make a positive impact in this world. Such a great Man
A huge regret I have is not taking auto mechanic class in high school cause i didn’t wanna be dirty! Please kids have fun but don’t waste too much time.
Oh my goodness me too I truly wish I got into basket weaving in my junior year I passed up on the opportunity for I have a serious phobia of needles can u privately message me I need some moral support thank you very much I love you
Dr. Peterson is so compelling! He is truly working to lessen unnecessary suffering; otherwise, he would not have such immense passion! His desire to help others is awesome.
You find that people who are on top of their craft have tremendous respect for others who have successfully accomplished their goals be it hockey music academia or what ever. They tend to bond together and are excited about their peers accomplishments. They provide opportunities for each other. Jordan's wisdom is so inspiring. Remember always to have gratitude. That adds joy to the mix.
“If you turn yourself into half of what you could be” What an amazing thought, that we are capable of so much, that if we were able to attain at least half of it then we would be unstoppable.
Whilst I disagree with him on certain things, I love the flair because he gets when he speaks..because he understands what's he's saying. He's not an undereducated person
Krontok "Sort yourself out"... as Praxis of Logos said - that was a vast misinterpretation of what Jordan Peterson tries to articulate time and time again. It's unwise to individually single someone out - a person whom you have no association to except for the one comment on youtube, and silence their comments by twisting your idol's words so that you sound higher in authority. I can't believe that you have no idea who this person is, and you're actually telling them what to do based on a comment _acknowledging_ the very person who's ideas and beliefs you aspouse. Astounding
articulated speech=self actualization Self actualization=the ability to have minimal to no lag and maximul clarity between thought, speech, and action.
How do you cope with that? I've been in a downward spiral of bitterness and resentment at not having had access to these ideas when I was in my 20s. Sure, I could start now, but that's never going to get back that time I lost being lost.
@@TheMilwaukeeProtocol It's now or never. Use it as fuel to get to where you want to be. I have a bitter streak still too, I really go hard into people that say universities are an open market place of ideas. I also use every opportunity now to spread these ideas knowing now that millions of people agree.
I love this guy, his message, his optimism about people's potential, his passion for the actualized individual and his view that everyone striving to be their best person will be the ultimate harbinger of positive change. Awesome!
I started to tear a little on the frustration he has on humanity at this moment. It would be easy not to care but he feels he needs to carry this world on his shoulders and make sure everyone absorbs his words and that to me is the Art of life.
This man is astounding, in both speech and passion. Every time I find myself sitting, doing nothing, and happen to watch a video like this: I am inspired. Great man. Great mind.
One man with an honest and intelligent voice, stands up and fearlessly leads by the example of showing the power in true benevolence, true charity, true enthusiasm for the huge victory of our achievements, rather than another drab and desperate almost ran, demonstrating a slither of the same, and wanting a mountain or respect and reward in turn. One such man, plus everyone else's humble and grateful support, and things could actually change, at last.
This man is spot on! He speaks the naked truth! Listen and learn, young people! Learn to read....enjoy it! Learn to speak your mind with intelligence! Think for yourself! Sage advice! Should be fostered in high school and in EVERY institute of higher learning!
he's SO compassionate and insightful and hope driven for us all, what we could do with 20% more responsibility and commitment we could change the whole world
This guy is a true hero. In various parts of this segment, you can hear in his voice that he's emotional and passionate because he actually f***ing cares about people bettering themselves by reading, thinking critically and independently, and shunning the sheepish protesters and victom mentality. He has a beautiful mind because he is a beautiful human being. FACT.
Jordan Peterson is capable of saving the lives of millennials and college students. I know he saved mine ..
The power of truth :)
safa saleh:
it's great how much he has helped you. But be careful: he's also full of shit. He hates postmodernism, but defines truth as relative. ('if it doesn't serve life, it's not true'). He hates victimizing, yet rose to fame by acting like a victim of Bill C-16 (while the bill never actually harmed him). He hates the violent communists, yet threatens with violence if you say something wrong.
Watch out and stay critical, that's all I'm saying.
@@handris99 Of course that's all you have to say. If you were able to form an actual counter argument, you would have.
@@srrlIdl Your "counter argument" is a carefully crafted seemingly understanding yet dismissive manipulation. Your counterpoints only contradict on the surface. Purposefully creating confusion. People are a lot smarter than you think and see through crap like that. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a payed for this. If not then you really are a victim of demagog.
@@handris99 Great, a longer response, yet without any arguments. Again. Thanks for proving my point.
"Teach people HOW to think, not WHAT to think." Sadly the humanities these days teach you WHAT to think but not HOW.
Ferrous Oxcide could someone please explain "Humanities"
Wouldn’t telling people how to think be more insidious?
They never do unless it fits nicely into their progressive liberal bubble. Opinions that go against theirs are quickly shouted down. It's pathetic.
Michael Alguire I’d suggest you check out a TH-camr called Destiny. He’s a liberal leaning Twitch streamer who’ll openly debate most of anything and does so with honest integrity and invites being proven wrong. He also has an aggressive attitude that you may enjoy.
@@MorbidSlinky Even more insidious is telling people you want to teach them how to think, not what to think, and then proceeding to lecture them on all manner of things, including the fundamental realities of the world, in detail, for hundreds of hours, passionately, religiously, whining on and on...and making a shed load into the bargain. I wonder who I could possibly mean. ;)
I want this man to be our Prime Minister.
ThePizzaIsAggressive philosophers should be Kings but the world won't let them be so!
ThePizzaIsAggressive ... seriously? Philosophers can rarely survive the real world... theorys and articulations are all good and well but the world is much more complex than that...
Ammar Anwar Sure, but JBP isn't "just a philosopher". Highly tenured professor of psychology, published author, public speaker, etc. We have a drama teacher as PM currently, so I'm pretty sure anything goes at this point. Fact of the matter is simple; whether or notnypu agree with any/all of the ideas JBP puts put there, he's a highly intelligent, accomplished person with the ability to lead. With a good cabinet, it matters little if he fully comprehends every single brick in the wall that makes up our government.
ThePizzaIsAggressive .... are you serious?... you want a man to become pm who doesnt know how the government is set up... what....
Yes, I've been saying he should try to become Canada's next PM, since I 1st listened to him and found out he was a Canadian.
This is what I needed to hear when I was in college.
Never too late to change, my brother. LETS GO!
Javier yes, we can always read more books
Maybe it was just a perspective that you wish would have been revealed to you at that time, no matter how you reached that perspective it is the perspective that you desire.
The reason why we don't hear this in school is because teachers world wide are the most averaged out people of their society...
This man is brave and honest. I respect him for that. He is not afraid to get in jail to defend free speech.
surfinmuso he is not against free speech
Wise and fearless at times.
I actually cried watching this....this guy is a fucking superhero X
Nothing wrong with that, I'm a pretty tough guy and this man has brought me to tears several times. What an important thinker it a time of foolishness.
Me too, but he isn't a superhero. He's actually a sane intellectual. He only appears to be a superhero because there's so few sane intellectuals in the public eye. There used to be many more. Thanks to him, maybe there will be many more again
As a Man I didn't almost cried, but I got deeply touched by emotions of such a speech! Words are so powerful!
I agree Janice
This video didn’t bring me to tears but others have. Mainly when he cries himself. Something about seeing a man I respect and admire this much cry himself speaking about the folks he impact not only cements how real he is but also how my own tears are nothing to be ashamed of.
This is a master class in ethos, pathos, logos, articulation, argument, encouragement, inspiration, passion, and most importantly of all, truth.
I am blown away at the I get this from a brilliant speaker. You make me so proud of having a critical mind. We need more people like you.
"Articulate beyond comprehension" - That's awesome.
He's so articulate you won't even understand him .. HUAHUAHUAHAUHAU
Awesome, the word that should be prohibited.
I find him incredible.
He’s saying certain writers are so extraordinary that trying to understand how they do it is beyond comprehension
"The highest faculty of the Human Being is articulated speech"
watching this carefully, i am almost in tears. I wish someone had told this to me when i went to college.
and to see all the dis-satisfied and maladjusted and malevolent little children in college now who can only cry about how badly off THEY are , makes my heart sick.
Ron Harvey: poor you, must be hard to live in such a time..
Hey man, I am one of them...i feel like we are workhorses just being into gates for 4 years, and just saying if you do well, you cab earn well... Thats it....its really hard to push through with just one philosophy...the thing is yes our generation has a lot of great things that you guys didn't have, however, that doesn't mean we don't face our own set of challenges, we do...we do not have the same sense of purpose that you guys have, you guys were fighters but we are still trying to find a cause worth fighting is hard for us to do that much work when the people around us keep treating merely as objects that will earn money in the future...but that is not who we are...we are more than that, without knowing that it is hard to be in college...
Twaddle. Words are cheap and always have been. Also speech is highly corruptible(fascist peterson is a perfect example). The highest faculty of a human being is actually enlightened action.....hello? Anyone can babble all sorts of crap. Try using some critical thought ...if u can, rather than mindlessly swallowing any shit from this guys mouth just because he "seems " intelligent to u. "They must find it difficult-those that take authority as truth, rather than truth as authority". Yes, this means you.
@@surfinmuso37 Jordan is not just spewing words and slogans like all those SJWs do, he is articulating ideas which is just kryptonite to the SJW class which your response starkly demonstrates.
@@jdevine42 it is clear that u cannot even tell the difference. Try actually using your brain before commenting please.
Oh how I wish I met this men's ideas 10 years ago
We have him now. Live in the now.
Never too late, buddy! I'm having a tough time trying to swallow that myself, but nonetheless I believe it to be true.
Same! I wasted so much time in college I wish I would have used bettering myself.
Don't waste 10 more~
No time like the present!!
Its so embarrassing to see this and think back to when he visited my university (McMaster) and was met by people sounding horns and yelling to not let him speak.
albcev1511 mnbvb
albcev1511 njjkio
imagine taking someone's time for granted. they shouldn't go to uni if they can't keep themselfes toghether like normal people.
Where I come from we call them F@cktards. Frustrating is it not...
Those people with horns are what we call losers in the real world.
I'm a middle school teacher. I'd like Jordan Peterson to give the same speech (five minute version) in middle school friendly language. Why wait until kids are in college to hear this message? Maybe I'll adapt it and give it. 😊
Do it!
M4tchB0X3r Absolutely
I wish I had this a school and throughout my life
Do it I’m sure they will love it
John Guppy Sounds like you have clearly understand what Dr. Peterson is saying and have determined to follow his lead. May God bless your endeavors.
John Guppy good on you .😎
God bless your good will.
3:38 I've watched enough Jordan Peterson videos to know when he is close to tears by how his voice cracks, and this is one of those moments. And he is talking about students bettering themselves by stepping up to the plate and taking on responsibility in order to manifest themselves as something much greater than they are. A man who is nearly brought to tears over that is a man who really, really cares about the good of humanity.
He describes the gulag archipelago as the smartest Man U know yelling at you for an entire book. I feel the same way about him when he gets passionate. You can just feel his genuine anguish when he speaks.
The laugh-cry response is familiar to me, and as I gather, many of his listeners. Because his message is so fucking obvious, but I rarely hear it. The exact line that illustrates the phenomena being, "I don't understand why students aren't just told these things! And everyone wants to hear it!". So many people just waiting for someone to say "you need to grow up" while simultaneously admitting "we're all trying to do the same".
Thanks for posting this great video.
I am closer to 90 than to 80, and can confirm that what Dr Peterson says about taking charge of your own education is true.
A few years age I visited the library I had frequented from age 8. That Toronto library near Gerrard and Coxwell was where I was born again.
They had closed the children's section, which I wish they had done when I was a child. I had longed to be admitted to the grown-ups' library because i had outgrown the children's library while still in primary school. The long wait was worth it, I suppose, because by the time I was allowed to borrow grown-ups' books, I could comprehend the writing.without much effort.
I visited my old primary school too during its centennial celebrations and met a man who I took as being a retired professor. But he was a retired machinist who had educated himself.
A good library is more important than a good school. Good schools and good teachers help. But memorization and regurgitation for exams is not education. If you want to become educated, you must do it yourself.
Some of the most important books are out of print. You can find them second-hand online for a fraction of the price I once paid for them. And now we have the internet. And e-books. So there is no longer any excuse.
Anyone who wishes to make a jump start could begin with books of Daniel J. Boorstin.
Thank you a lot I didnt know where to start
The more i see him speak the more i realise how we’re blessed to have someone like him who’s showing us the light in these dark times. Knowledge my friend, it’s our only way out of this black hole filled with all sorts of distractions. Please learn and be diverse in that process. Don’t take sides, the biggest mistake isn’t not knowing but instead the certainty of knowing. Nothing is certain.
Music Connoisseur48 couldn’t agree more .
Seriously though, reading great books accelerates self actualization, At least in my experience.
not everyone is a reading person though. sport, films etc is the same, books are the academic part sure, but self accualisation can be asured even if you cant even read. every media is the "divine" stuff peterson is talking about books are just incredibly handy for information.
If you're not a reading person, you can always watch videos or listen to audio books. You should never stop learning.
meerjungfrau bube if you are not a reading person, become one-- seriously, I used to think like you.
Brian N same here. I blossomed late, but reading has unlocked so many doors over the last 7 years of my life.
I have a degree in business, education, and a minor in PE. I also have a masters in education along with four years of competing for a D 1 wrestling program. All the while I was pretty ignorant.
It wasn't until I started getting into books on economics, sociology, anthropology, history, science, character, leadership, etc. that I began making huge leaps forward.
These leaps came in all facets of my life: money, relationships, personal fulfillment, perception of the world, character. I can go on and on, but reading great books are like shortcuts to self actualization in life.
Sounds like me, too. TH-cam videos help best when considering the shallow end of the depth of knowledge (or review and when visuals are needed), but reading and discussion paralleled with writing leads to application, evaluative thinking, and creativity. I feel bad for the guy who thinks it's the. Same.
he's such an inspiration
I wish I had watched this in my first year of University. It would have made tremendous amount of difference.
Jordan Peterson's mind is a gold mine.
Daniel Olushola A gold mind.
Dr Peterson is a wise humble man his goodness
I heard this 4 years ago. I was just starting to heal from depression. This video literally changed my life.
Watched this at the start of my 3rd year of university, and was motivated to study and read more. Became a straight A- student
Can you hear his passion? He cares about young people. "Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, understanding and discipline." (Proverbs 23:23)
The thing that really hits home with Jordan Peterson is that he lives what he says. It's obvious in his actions, whenever he destroys an SJW or something, the way he does it is constructive. He isn't calling them dipshits and laying out the facts, he's laying out the facts, telling them they can do something about it, pointing them in a new direction and saying "There, go, make a real difference!". I can totally see a cult of personality forming around this guy, which would be hilariously ironic.
Would be like buddha 2.0
no one is dying to offer people opportunities... he is very very wrong on that point
Scott Meech there are a huge amount of people dying to offer people opportunities, certainly not everyone but I've met dozens of people who've offered me opportunities. If they see someone who has potential to do something great then they will stop at nothing to give you the opportunity to do so.
Scott Meech In order to see the opportunities that people want to offer, you have to be the kind of person people want to offer opportunities to.
Two big assumptions made about me there...
Incredibly inspiring man. Any student listening to him must feel privileged
You can tell how much this man cares! Notice how he becomes emotional around the four minute mark. He wants the best for people! I bet he was incredible clinical psychologist! Now it’s time for him to bless the world with knowledge and wisdom, which I believe has been given to him via the Holy Spirit.
Man this is a gem. One of the most important things I’ve listened to in my life. I genuinely feel bad for the people out there who needed to hear this but never found it. This changed my life. Thank you.
I know this is old but I just found out about Jordan Peterson and I am amazed at everything he says!
Something feels sad about this beautiful speech, as though he was telling the secret of everything, to a room of people who couldn't understand a word English!
Enlightened man who has a connection to Cosmic Consciousness.
Kyle Sya.....I get you, I feel he is screaming at people to help them improve their lives and he's frustrated because so many just can't be bothered to listen and learn from his wisdom! He's brilliant and inspiring...I hope he can project his knowledge and ideas to better our society!
He's literally in tears for the state of the world.
In fact, knowing Italian, I did not understand him! It would have been nice if he talked in my native language, but, hélas pour moi, he does not - or I think he doesn't. I have no certainty about it. But knowing of not knowing is already a good start etc etc.
The speech every liberal arts major in my generation should hear so they change their minds. This man is brilliant
Since I met Dr. Peterson and Jim Rohn through their speeches and lectures I have built my own library and my life and how I look at the world has been changing rapidly. Doors are opening. My whole life has been a progression up hill. In high school I lost about 75 lbs and got into shape. I started high school taking english classes with mentally challenged students. By my senior year, I had overcome my reading disability and entered advanced placement classes. Anything is possible my friends. I wish I heard this in my freshman year of college.
This man is simply brilliant.
Im a university professor, watching this, makes me cry. This is exactly what we lack, and the next generation is doomed if there is no collective effort to revert back to what universities have to be.
Genius is the ability to take the complex and make it obvious. Peterson is a genius.
BladeOfLight16 spot on .
Peterson is projecting his own experiences and abilities onto others. There are plenty of people who can't speak well, or intellectualize their opinions or discoveries, but who instead are great technicians, scientists, engineers, artists, etc. Formulating ideas, intellectualizing and speaking is a talent, but it is not the only talent. Einstein couldn't speak publicly worth a damn. He often sounded like a semi-literate foreigner who was not educated...perhaps a small store owner...yet he was one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. His talent was not in his ability to speak, but in his ability to conceptualize abstract thought into descriptive theories that made sense out of the universe. He accomplished this by sitting in a big chair eight hours a day, seven days per week, looking out the window and imagining how the universe works.....A job that only a handful of humans could tolerate, let alone accomplish anything.
jennifer86010 Yes But articulation of ideas is the most important because it leads to the most improvement. You can’t get an impartial view of your views if other people can’t understand and challenge them.
While there's great value in being able to speak well, I don't think it is the end all be all Jordan makes it out to be. I think it is worthwhile to note that intention underlies speech and action, so intention would have primacy. This means even a mute person can accomplish great things for the world and themselves if they choose to. Conversely, we could easily cite countless examples of highly articulate persons who have done great harm. Speech is a double edged sword I would argue.
Augustus Betucius Yeah, But it’s still important. And he’s not talking about speech specifically as much as communication. In that case, the mute person argument you have still supports his idea.
Passionate, full of integrity, intelligent, articulate, courageous and despite how he is portrayed by the left, full of love. What's not to like?
I will watch this video evertime I feel unmotivated or I feel like I've lost my purpose in education. This video fills me with drive and reminds me the fun in education and true purpose, the challenge of going to a top college. Thank you, Mr. Peterson.
I'm just watching all of this guy's speeches man, fucking legend
He's holding back tears this is an amazing human being, God bless you for caring Jordan Peterson
a great man!
How many times can this man rock my world profoundly, beautifully, and just to my core!?! Thank you Jordan Peterson!!!! I have chills !!
Third day of reading week in my first year and I've not read anything, but this speech is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm gonna read what I've wanted to read for a while and not think twice about it
I wish I was young and a student of his - it's such a rare combination of compassion and wisdom
I'm reading his book "12 Rules For Life" and so many people could benefit from the lessons he portrays in it.
My fist semester of a technology here in Alberta in the 90's, I had an instructor in the first class say the truth. "We have your money. Really we dont care how you do, if you show up, if you make the grade or pass. You are the ambassador to your own future. This is not high school anymore."
jhoee has
The King In THe North!!
Interesting T Gang that made me lol
Wow!! This speech should be played to ALL students once a year from the age of ten onwards.
I didn't go to university but wish i had and wish I'd seen this before I'd gone.
.... I could've been a superpower!
He also saved the Mother of a millennial who thought she had failed completely. ❤
Great, Dr.Peterson, I am an Indian, and you remind me of the words of Swami Vivekanand, "Arise, awake, you lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep."
Having Dr. Peterson as a prof has been life-changing. He rose to fame in a time in which the modern world needs people like him the most. I recently wrote a spoken word on my channel with a lot of his teachings and philosophies. I think we need to spread his message as much as we can in order to redirect our collective mindset. Thank you for all you do Dr. Peterson.
Dr. Peterson life mission is clear - "He struggles with ALL his soul on behalf of the good." And wants you to rise to the occasion as well because you can. Thank you for all you do.
Brilliant! Thank you!
Every university need someone like Jordan Peterson, it´s sad there are so few - maybe only one ...
Jordan is a brilliant man. Listen to him.
The idea that you've even made the world only slightly better off by your existence is something that is worth living a life for. It doesn't have to be grande, but just improve the fact that your existence is better than not existing. It's more than motivating
I needed to hear that speech 37 years ago in my second year of high school when I had no idea what to do with life. Had I heard something even vaguely approaching that, I seriously doubt my life would've been the disastrous waste of time, energy and mistakes that it has been...
You found it now. That’s all that matters.
Toronto, be proud of your professor. I am. Read great books. And listen to great words & advice as given by people like Professor Jordan Peterson
This guy is doing God's work
mbolduc A prophet he is
if god is good yeah. he's doing it!
Your "god" was invented by superstitious, illiterate beduins, thousands of years ago. They were clueless about the world and the universe and themselves. Its high time to cast off such infantile superstitions.
mbolduc I didn't adress the beautiful 'topic' at all, just you taring it with the foul smell of religion.
Bless your heart, aren't you just the most pompous dipshit
Dr. Peterson has sought to take people out of the materialistic world and beyond the machine age realms of matter and to help them plumb the depths of meaning. He has done this brilliantly and has gone way beyond most to put his finger on some of the real issues of life.
As a psychologist he has been running up against the dysfunctions in humanity. He has diagnosed the problems of fallen man and done this beautifully. So now, by tragic necessity, he is being driven to address the virtues of life. But in doing so he has reached a threshold. He now realizes that there are still greater and more wonderful depths yet to be discovered.
As a psychologist Dr. Peterson sees the sad dysfunctions of humanity every day. He is understandably exasperated that these social ills still prevail while heroic and good people in the West have made it the best place to live on the planet. In a sense he has come to the crossroads.
Good decisions, diligence with the truth, discipline in personal life, all these virtues. We all want virtues in our society. But where is the wellspring of these much desired character traits? From whence come the graces that make our lives bearable? We can talk about these matters and the meaning of life all day and never achieve anything, unless, perhaps, we get help from outside of ourselves.
It is repeat of “a tale of two cities”. Is Dr. Peterson going to take French pathway of humanistic rationalism? Voltaire championed the Age of Reason and a clockwork universe without personal meaning. God was asked by the French to take a hike. After that He was nowhere to be found. All that was left was a nation taken off to war by Napoleon, national disaster, and an existential emptiness that led to “No exit”, sensualism, and the “theater of the absurd.”
So is Dr. Peterson going to take the way of the French? Or the way of the English speaking people with their awakenings? Will he take up his oratory on virtue, as did Robespierre, one of the rationalist Freemasonic orators of the godless French Revolution? Is he going to sell the seven steps to virtue forever, knowing that mankind without God cannot ever achieve character without a spirit to energize the psyche? And what happens if he makes a mis-step as he rides the wave of oratory and wipes out? What happens if he becomes exhausted and comes to the point of personal burnout? Will he be rejected or viewed as passe’ by the masses and the mobs in the streets? Will he be, (metaphorically speaking), sent to the guillotine, like Robespierre was when his oratory was given the thumbs down in the French Revolution?
Dr. Peterson and the psychological profession adopt a rationalist objective approach to the pathology of human thinking, feelings, and behavior. They look scientifically and objectively at what things go wrong in relationships. This leads them to consider the virtues and the graces on the other side of the equation.
Quite clearly Dr. Peterson is now surveying and measuring the rivers of life in God with the same diligence he surveyed the rivers of human dysfunction in the realms of the devil. So what is to be done with this data? How is he to proceed after doing this surveying of good and evil?
Two rivers lie before him. He has investigated them exhaustively. So what now? Is he going to make up His mind which one he is going to dive into?
Is it possible that he could do the radical thing and let go of his rationalistic objectivism? Only then would he be in a position to report his findings on the immersive existential experience in “the God who is there.” To do this he would have to let go of his Greek Aristotelian thinking. No longer would human reason and the sculpted. Image of “the thinker” be his ultimate god. No longer would humanism be the ultimate determinant of truth. To go up to the next level he would have to take that resolve to open the door.
Whether they be brilliant souls or humble souls, people eventually come to the end of themselves. In the interim they struggle. Many end up in depression, existential emptiness, addictions, or sensual pursuits. Many try to find personal fulfillment by joining the herd of programmed robotic humanistic beings and throw themselves into the perceived virtue of “social justice”. There in an atmosphere of mutual glorification they can seek self-fulfillment in lofty perturbations of groupthink. Some level of self-fulfillment can be gained in identifying with these power groups. But as Dr. Peterson has amply demonstrated, behind many of the social justice warrior is the heady power politics of Socialism.
Any socialism is a deadly way of thinking. Because it always falls short and it is always opposed and becomes bloody soon after it is politicized. International socialism, that grievous human folly, has killed upwards of 200 million people. And as Dr. Peterson points out, the tyranny of Communism began in the nice social justice discussions in the coffee shops of Paris.
So is humanistic political groupthink the only viable gathering to be found? And does the political arena set the limits for conversation and for human devotion? Both national socialism and international communism are out there begging for souls. Both of them ended in disaster. Now we have Socialist justice warriors stirring up the masses to cause further waves of grief. What else is there?
There is another choice. People can, and do, give themselves over to the personal real-time Living Logos, of John chapter 1. They surrender their lives to the despised Judeo-Christian God of the West, the God of the people of realms what were once called Western Christendom. That is always a radical thing to do. But it leads to a serendipity.
Human souls cry out in their time of need. At the very same time Someone is knocking at the door from the next dimension. Someone, should we let him in, can take us beyond ourselves. Is there a Someone in whom we can realize virtue personally, even show us and immerse us in the eternal rivers of life?
Is it possible that Dr. Peterson could take the baton from C.S. Lewis and go beyond? Could he, by God’s grace, break out into another role to take a grateful people beyond the current metaphysical oriental stalemate of the ying and the yang? Could his orations on virtue go beyond the mere generic wish-list of virtues to deliver within us the spiritual empowerment that makes these virtues a reality?
How the West needs a trailblazer who can help lead fallen man out of the swamps of psychological despair. Is there not a highway that leads upwards to greater glories? Do we not need faithful trailblazers to lead us into a genuine vital and truthful psychology? Might there be resource in the God of the West who beckons to us from the next dimension, even from an eternal realm beyond our self-life?
Such a moving and empowering speech.
That passion. It means something to him that people be the best they can be. I felt him speaking to my soul.
I want to go back to school, but I'm afraid. I don't know what I'm doing, but I have to try something different.
Then you already know more than most. Schools can't teach anything you can't find out for yourself, but if you want to be part of that community that's fine too. Peterson's Self Authoring program is a great way to find direction, for starters.
"Find what you love and let it kill you" Bukowski
feel hugged :)
M4tchB0X3r I'm teaching myself atm, but I'm hoping to take a class next fall. Just one to start off, so I can get the feel of school again without overwhelming myself. I'm going to make my life as valuable as possible.
We believe in you.
You can do it.
You don't have to know how.
I feel you
Yeah but what's the fear exactly, fear of choosing the wrong thing or just fear of the experience. I can tell you at 48, I've gone back at least twice since my first college degree, and even if it didn't become something I saw pursuing in great detail in the future I have never regretted it. If it is fear of what to take, then just dabble before full on commitment, find what you want first through maybe taking a couple classes.
So true. I just retired from teaching - spent my lecturing life with this idea at the core of my being. The learning environment is the most precious experience you can have - the commodification of this experience, of ideas, is the biggest threat to your personal development in these seats of learning! Look above that and find the real meaning of taking control in your life. Don't be sold short this opportunity to transform the rest of your life.
Thank you GOD for prof. Jordan Peterson
My dream is to one day give this man a hug, all his ideas and speeches are helping me a lot, he's life changing. Gives me the motivation to every day be better than the day before and make a positive impact in this world. Such a great Man
The Logos is manifest in Mr. Peterson.
I pray that many, many young and old people hear this man's speech! Lord'y I am so glad I hear him!
A huge regret I have is not taking auto mechanic class in high school cause i didn’t wanna be dirty! Please kids have fun but don’t waste too much time.
Oh my goodness me too I truly wish I got into basket weaving in my junior year I passed up on the opportunity for I have a serious phobia of needles can u privately message me I need some moral support thank you very much I love you
Dr. Peterson is so compelling! He is truly working to lessen unnecessary suffering; otherwise, he would not have such immense passion! His desire to help others is awesome.
Watching this just minutes after receiving an admit into my dream college. Thank you Dr. Peterson!
Congratulations mate
Which college man?
You find that people who are on top of their craft have tremendous respect for others who have successfully accomplished their goals be it hockey music academia or what ever. They tend to bond together and are excited about their peers accomplishments. They provide opportunities for each other. Jordan's wisdom is so inspiring. Remember always to have gratitude. That adds joy to the mix.
My teacher asked me; what is 24 carat gold?
I said Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
“If you turn yourself into half of what you could be”
What an amazing thought, that we are capable of so much, that if we were able to attain at least half of it then we would be unstoppable.
Whilst I disagree with him on certain things, I love the flair because he gets when he speaks..because he understands what's he's saying. He's not an undereducated person
Sort yourself out man. Then feel free to criticize as much as you want.
Wasn't giving criticism, but okay
Krontok "Sort yourself out"... as Praxis of Logos said - that was a vast misinterpretation of what Jordan Peterson tries to articulate time and time again. It's unwise to individually single someone out - a person whom you have no association to except for the one comment on youtube, and silence their comments by twisting your idol's words so that you sound higher in authority. I can't believe that you have no idea who this person is, and you're actually telling them what to do based on a comment _acknowledging_ the very person who's ideas and beliefs you aspouse. Astounding
May i ask what are some of those things that you disagree doctor peterson with?
This guy didn't say what he disagree with and people are already correcting him. Kind of the opposite what Peterson wants people to do.
Great speech! I've been playing this for my kids every year before the start of the school year. Read great books, learn to speak!
Thank you Dr Peterson!
articulated speech=self actualization
Self actualization=the ability to have minimal to no lag and maximul clarity between thought, speech, and action.
I wish someone had said this to me 12 years ago.
How do you cope with that? I've been in a downward spiral of bitterness and resentment at not having had access to these ideas when I was in my 20s. Sure, I could start now, but that's never going to get back that time I lost being lost.
@@TheMilwaukeeProtocol It's now or never. Use it as fuel to get to where you want to be. I have a bitter streak still too, I really go hard into people that say universities are an open market place of ideas. I also use every opportunity now to spread these ideas knowing now that millions of people agree.
Go back to school
Logos , ethos , pathos all embraced in this genius man. I am forever will be grafeful for living in the time of Jordan B Peterson.
Jordan Peterson for President
You mean Prime Minister
I love this guy, his message, his optimism about people's potential, his passion for the actualized individual and his view that everyone striving to be their best person will be the ultimate harbinger of positive change. Awesome!
Jordan Peterson for President.
I came here half expecting the usual clickbait, but that was honestly the greatest speech to students that I'm aware of. Awesome.
Beautifully said. It's so true.
I started to tear a little on the frustration he has on humanity at this moment. It would be easy not to care but he feels he needs to carry this world on his shoulders and make sure everyone absorbs his words and that to me is the Art of life.
2:00. As a recipient of all 120 stars in Mario 64, I beg to differ.
this is the best comment. no more need to be read.
This man is astounding, in both speech and passion. Every time I find myself sitting, doing nothing, and happen to watch a video like this: I am inspired.
Great man. Great mind.
Brilliant, brilliant man !!!.
One man with an honest and intelligent voice, stands up and fearlessly leads by the example of showing the power in true benevolence, true charity, true enthusiasm for the huge victory of our achievements, rather than another drab and desperate almost ran, demonstrating a slither of the same, and wanting a mountain or respect and reward in turn. One such man, plus everyone else's humble and grateful support, and things could actually change, at last.
"you're baby ruling class member" 😃😄😄😄
This man is spot on! He speaks the naked truth! Listen and learn, young people! Learn to read....enjoy it! Learn to speak your mind with intelligence! Think for yourself! Sage advice! Should be fostered in high school and in EVERY institute of higher learning!
Earn this. Earn it.
he's SO compassionate and insightful and hope driven for us all, what we could do with 20% more responsibility and commitment we could change the whole world
I love his passion!
Starting my 2nd Masters program next this inspiration from Dr. Peterson.
He is the man!!!
I'm not a college type . I drive a bin lorry in Belfast , but i love this guy. Genius.
love this guy
This guy is a true hero. In various parts of this segment, you can hear in his voice that he's emotional and passionate because he actually f***ing cares about people bettering themselves by reading, thinking critically and independently, and shunning the sheepish protesters and victom mentality.
He has a beautiful mind because he is a beautiful human being. FACT.