How I healed from my past trauma

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ต.ค. 2024
  • I wanted to share this video in hopes it would inspire those of you feeling down, to realise that there is so much more to life than what you're currently feeling in that moment of your life.
    It's okay not to be okay, but it's not okay to carry on letting that darkness consume you. You are the author of your own life, and only you can change your story to a more positive one. When we're feeling depressed, it's the only obstacle we can see. The journey to a brighter future is hard, it's testing, but it will make you more resilient, grateful and feel proud enough to stand tall and be you!
    You are needed. You are loved. You are meant to be here in this world. So don't let those thoughts you're telling yourself take-over!
    Feel free to message me on Instagram @heyitsnally if you ever need to chat guys! I'm happy to be someone you can lean on if you ever need it x
    #depression #mentalhealthmatters #suicideawareness

ความคิดเห็น • 102

  • @nancygee3137
    @nancygee3137 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I tried three times. I am still here. I dont really want to die. I just can't afford to live since I am on disability. I dont think I will be happy living in a vehicle. My mom is crazy so is my sister, I am sad and broke and lonely. So why be here? My dad is abusive but is turning 87 in September and I will be homeless when he dies. Does it get worse? My crazy sister said I tried to kill her as a child. She is hallucinating. MY mom thinks I want to kill her, she is also paranoid. I still love them both. I just dont like my crazy family. Without money to live what reason do I have for being here? NO money, family sucks. Why should I stay?

    • @barbarawalker-dn4tj
      @barbarawalker-dn4tj หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nancy G there is help and rental assistance I’m sorry about your troubles . Did your dad leave life insurance for you?

  • @Acord718
    @Acord718 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I'm happy you are still alive and helping others.

    • @Ohwowdoe
      @Ohwowdoe 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I wonder how many passed instead of trying and now can't comment on here 🎉

  • @isaacscanlon2182
    @isaacscanlon2182 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:17-18

  • @Matthouin
    @Matthouin ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m sorry about your dad . I had close loving friends die on me around my cancer diagnosis and things just seem worse and worse . I wish my life was not so hard , I wish I was just happy inside or wasn’t disabled ! I also have no voice since my cancer surgeries , so Iv lost so much it feels like my whole life’s lost done gone already

  • @akerumiyamoto
    @akerumiyamoto ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I choose death over life any day, there's no reason to keep trying.

    • @fauzianalwoga
      @fauzianalwoga ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @someoneofgods2620
      @someoneofgods2620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@fauzianalwoga​ not all thoughts are our own. Demons are real and dwell in people. I've cast them out w God. Our souls are eternal. You don't die! Look up nde and hell testimonies. I've seen heaven and hell. Jesus is real and answers. Repent and obey him and ask for the Holy Spirit. You can have a personal relationship with him here. You can be born again. I've seen heaven and hell personally. Jess died to set you free from penalty of sin when you repent and rose from the dead 3 days later so u can also defeat death.

    • @someoneofgods2620
      @someoneofgods2620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      not all thoughts are our own. Demons are real and dwell in people. I've cast them out w God. Our souls are eternal. You don't die! Look up nde and hell testimonies. I've seen heaven and hell. Jesus is real and answers. Repent and obey him and ask for the Holy Spirit. You can have a personal relationship with him here. You can be born again. I've seen heaven and hell personally. Jess died to set you free from penalty of sin when you repent and rose from the dead 3 days later so u can also defeat death. A new heaven and earth are coming in our lifetime

    • @jif420
      @jif420 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @lowkey.sam94
      @lowkey.sam94 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you do it?

  • @darkwizx1541
    @darkwizx1541 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Please don't ever try to end your life...its such a fragile thing that you must hold on with dear life and never let go. You're beautiful and smart plus there's so much to experiences in the short time we are here on this earth so please always get through every hurdles as best u can and accept that you can't win every battle but we live to experience it. Much luv to you from 🇺🇸

  • @muhammadfahad1663
    @muhammadfahad1663 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I hope you'll recover from your depression and anxiety. Forgive yourself and forgive your father.
    We all have been through this amount of stress and pain in our lives .
    Iam slowly recovering but improving everyday 😊🥰
    And keep vlogin keep it up
    Stay positive ✨️ 🙏

  • @Zen36977
    @Zen36977 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are helping thousands of others who are struggling

  • @alisas3585
    @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    (comment 2 of 3)
    In the last week of November 2014, these ‘attacks’ got so frequent and increased in severity that I could no longer function. I started forcing myself to stay awake, the fear was so acute. During this time, it was brought to my attention to call on the name of Jesus during one of these attacks. Of course, when I heard this, I immediately got VERY angry and exasperated and starting cursing alot. But, I was so DESPERATE. I couldn’t work, I couldn’t think straight or do anything normally! I was in my rational right mind, but yet I knew what was happening to me was real, however crazy it seemed. The third night, I couldn’t stay awake anymore. It was the middle of the night and I fell asleep. I had another attack, only this time I actually DID call out, in my mind, “Jesus save me!” All it took was saying it quickly a couple times, and immediately - *I WOKE UP. After COUNTLESS times over DECADES of me choking, not breathing and not being able to wake myself up.*
    After I woke up, I was terrified because it happened, but in absolute SHOCK that I woke up!! I stayed awake for as long as I could, but this time I could FEEL that evil ‘thing’ in the room, and I KNEW it was waiting for me. I just knew it. The last time I remember looking at the clock, it was 5:00 am. I fell asleep, and had another attack. This one was vastly different than every other attack I had had before. This time, I was completely aware of my surroundings - awake, but unable to move, and because of what was starting to happen to me during the attack, I KNEW in my bones that these “things” were trying to keep me down and put me in my place *because I had called on the name of Jesus.* In this worst attack, in that moment where I was being pushed down, I said “Jesus save me” - and I woke up. And it was 5:20 am, only 20 minutes after i had fallen asleep, knowing that that “thing” was waiting for me.
    I knew then that Jesus and God were real, without a doubt.
    And PLEASE understand that this is coming from someone that didn’t believe in God, made fun of those kinds of beliefs, NEVER thought about good/evil or spirituality, and was not looking to change (because it NEVER dawned on me that there was any hope of me changing at all!).
    The day after I woke up from that last demonic attack and knew Jesus was real, *I cried profusely, confessed all the sins I could think of and asked Jesus to help me! I just spoke honestly from my heart, not knowing what the heck else to do!!*
    *When I did this, the ABSOLUTE, COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED PROOF that Jesus was was real took place within me.
    PLEASE PAUSE HERE TO KEEP IN MIND that the ONLY thing I had asked Jesus for help with was the demon problem, because I was NOT AWARE that he would or could help me with anything else (I had never heard of such a thing).*
    *THE FOLLOWING THINGS HAPPENED IN ONLY THE FIRST FEW DAYS* after I began believing in Jesus and repented of my sins, and they are extremely difficult to articulate (please THINK about each of these things as you read them!):
    -*After that day, my experiences with the demons stopped ABRUPTLY and COMPLETELY for the first time since I was a child.*
    -*I felt ‘darkness’ and a “heaviness” draining out of me that I was not previously aware was even in me;* I felt changes in my heart that I didn’t understand.
    -*My depression STOPPED.* I don’t mean slowly decreased, I mean *STOPPED SUDDENLY,* after DECADES of suffering with it.
    -*My desire to steal suddenly STOPPED.* After 20 YEARS of desiring it/doing it uncontrollably.
    -*My desire for pornography suddenly STOPPED.* 15 YEARS of excessive porn viewing that I was an absolute prisoner
    *All of this took place only in the FIRST FEW DAYS after I started believing in Jesus, confessed my sins, and asked Him to help me.*
    - *I experienced a COMPLETE draining of the darkness and “heaviness” I had in me for all those decades.*
    - *I stopped feeling angry, I didn’t hate anyone anymore! No more loneliness, no more pain or emptiness, no more crying.* All of those horrible things I had felt EVERY DAY for as long as I can remember - unbearable lonliness and anxiety, fear, self-loathing, anger, hatred, depression, inner exhaustion, bitterness, hopelessness, apathy, despair, feeling lost all the time - all these things STOPPED.
    -*I began to feel a BAFFLING PEACE in me that I had NEVER once felt in my whole miserable life!* The constant anxiety lifted away; I stopped living in fear and had a strong sense of HOPE for the first time in my life. I felt as if a MASSIVE heaviness was lifted from my heart. *I FELT FREE AND LIGHT IN MY HEART.*
    -*I started loving people!* AND, I started loving people that I once hated!!
    It was VERY unsettling because it all happened so fast, was completely unexpected, and was so new and drastically different to anything I had ever felt - but I knew it wasn’t a bad thing, so I just went with it! In the midst of all of this change, it took me 3 MONTHS to even realize that I wasn’t even attracted to women anymore - *and they had made up the majority of my porn addiction for 15 years!* I now saw women normally, *and felt as if I had never even had the attraction in the first place* (the same goes for the depression, stealing and pornography!).
    For about 4 to 5 MONTHS, I was in this bizarre limbo where I had NO IDEA how to speak or respond to people anymore! I had felt and spoke one way my entire life (with a set of dark negative feelings), and suddenly all of those feelings were GONE and replaced with peace and love and GOOD things I had never felt before. How do I speak?? How do I act?? It took me MONTHS to get to know this “new me” and to relax into it!
    *PLEASE PLEASE think about this for a minute:*
    *DECADES* of depression gone immediately.
    *DECADES of constant, overwhelming anger, hopelessness, hate, fear, thirst gone.
    *20 YEARS* of compulsive stealing gone immediately.
    *15 YEARS* of heavy pornography addiction gone immediately.
    *22 YEARS* of bisexuality, gone immediately.
    Do you know how many YEARS of therapy and medications people go to for some of these problems???
    Do you have any idea how many years of therapy it can take to get rid of even ONE of those problems??? And with NO relapses?!
    I took NO medications, I had NO therapy, and I’ve had NO relapses whatsoever in any of those areas since November of 2014. In addition to that, I never even had ONE THOUGHT or expectation that I would ever be free of these problems - *I NEVER even considered the stealing, porn and bisexuality as “problems” to begin with!!* I just saw them simply as how I lived my life. Everything that happened to me that day is *impossible* if it’s not God!! I was fully delivered from all these things by Jesus’ love, power and mercy ALONE. That God would stretch out his hand to this sinner - MORE than once - *even after I turned my back on him when he saved me from killing myself* - THAT is the depth of his love and mercy! I would not be here today, period, if he hadn’t done what he did to me. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said:
    *Luke 5:31-32*
    “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
    *Matthew 11:28*
    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you REST.”
    Jesus is so real, and He LOVES you! You not believing that won’t change that reality! I mean that with LOVE, not with force! ❤️
    My friend, I plead with you, and to everyone who reads this: ***Ask JESUS if he’s real! Be EXTREMELY careful about what you hear from others about Jesus. There is a lot of deception out there.***- *try talking to Jesus, no matter how ‘wierd’ it feels. Try, and PERSIST in trying, regardless of how you ‘feel.’* Don’t be deterred by the lack of instant gratification, be patient. If you persist with GENUINE intentions, he will 100% show himself to you.
    Jesus made this PROMISE to all those who seek Him genuinely:
    *Luke 11:9-13*
    “9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
    11 Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
    Notice that he doesn’t say seek and you ‘MIGHT’ find - he says seek and you *WILL* find ❤️
    (continued in comment 3 of 3)

  • @Rozela16
    @Rozela16 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish I lived somewhere that cared. If I killed myself where I live, and I didn't succeed, I'd be so in debt that I'd have to try again.

  • @Beswift1989
    @Beswift1989 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thankful you are here. God loves you. ❤

  • @Matthouin
    @Matthouin ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I’m struggling ..I was diagnosed with a rare cancer 2.5 years ago stage four thymoma cancer. I lost my left lung a year into my diagnosis . The past 4 weeks Iv been doing radiation treatments on my chest and back where the cancer is spreading . It’s already on my heart now . I had ribs removed three open chest surgeries .. the about of physical pain I deal with every moment of the day is extreme.
    I’m tired !!!
    Life is so hard I’m getting tired from the struggle with pain .
    I lost a girlfriend after my diagnosis too / she left me cause I was angry and being mad at the world treated her badly .
    I went through so much and now I sit here alone day after day it seems pointless

    • @alisas3585
      @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว

      (comment 1 of 3)
      With all of my heart, I’d like to leave my testimony for you how I came from being atheist my whole life (for decades) with multiple serious, longstanding emotional problems/addictions, to being changed in ways that are *impossible* for people to do to themselves. The full deliverances I experienced shows greatly the power, mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ!! It is a testimony of HOPE. ❤️
      You can take it, or leave it, of course. I am not here to fight with anyone, or force my experiences on anyone. My apologies for the length, I’ll have to leave it in 3 separate comments.
      *Jeremiah 6:16*
      16 “This is what the Lord says:
      “Stand at the crossroads and look;
      ask for the ancient paths,
      ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
      and you will find rest for your souls.”
      As a young child, I grew up with problems at home. My mother was emotionally abusive and my father did nothing about it. I was shy, but it was also at this young age that I remember having my first feelings of loneliness and alienation - a sort of separateness or disconnect - from others. As I grew, I had trouble making friends. I didn’t really try and just got more and more quiet. When I did have other kids to play with, I remember always feeling completely detached from them, almost as if they weren’t even real.
      Going up into my early teens, as my mother’s mental health problems and emotional abusiveness worsened, I became increasingly antisocial and suffered from regular bouts of depression and terrible lonliness. My trust being constantly betrayed at home, I trusted no one, and so I told no one about my problems. *It all stayed inside.* I remember going to church for a few years, but if a child has parents who say they believe in God, but then they act in a way that’s completely hypocritical to what Jesus teaches, it can completely distort the child’s view of God. The child will either believe God exists but that he hates them, or they just won’t believe in him at all. I retained nothing of what was taught in church because, since I was intensly lonely and constantly afraid of my mom, I lived in my mind all day as an escape and never paid attention to anything else. Because of my mother’s words and influence, I thought I was ugly, was fat, and that no one would ever love me, among many other things.
      It was also at this age that I started getting involved sexually with girls. By my mid-teens, I was frequently depressed and cried regularly. I was resentful and angry most of the time. I also developed a compulsive stealing addiction. I stole regularly and excessively from department stores, from my jobs - even from my own family.
      By my late teens, the depression was absolutely *crippling.* I was depressed more often than I wasn’t, I cried alot. The slightest wrong look from someone, or something said to me in the wrong tone of voice would send me spiraling down into a deeply miserable and disturbing episode of depression that could last for days, or weeks. Sometimes it was so bad, I couldn’t even pick myself up off the floor - and I mean, the actual floor. I would just lay there, numb, and couldn’t move. When I wasn’t working (IF I was even had a job at all), I would isolate myself. I was angry all the time and hated everyone. I felt completely empty inside and would try to fill that void with various impulses like sex, stealing and excessive movie-watching. I pretty much never had any friends, and never told one person about my problems. *I felt like an alien in a world full of normal people.* This caused an intense and constant feeling of separateness and alienation from everyone around me. I literally felt I was not a part of the human race, and that I was the most abnormal freak on the planet, and I thought that everyone else thought this about me too.
      This was also the age where I actively decided that I didn’t believe in God. But I never really believed anyway, and never even thought about it, so that was an easy decision for me. After that, I never contemplated on the existence of good and evil - it just simply wasn’t on my radar at all. I was so consumed every day with my own problems and growing addictions that I didn’t think or care about anything else except finding things that made me “feel good,” such as sex and stealing, movies, looking hot, indulging in fantasies, etc.
      In my early twenties, I developed a pornography addiction. It was also at this time that I had my first thoughts of suicide.
      The rest of my twenties is lost in a haze of alcoholism. I have virtually no memories for almost that whole decade of my life. To this day, it is extremely unsettling for me to try and remember anything from that time period, as I am unable to bring up any clear memories whatsoever. I can see certain images of places and people (almost like glancing quickly at a single picture), but I can’t remember details or timelines surrounding almost all of it.
      Skip ahead to almost a decade later.
      When I was 28 years old, I very nearly killed myself. I was in the darkest mental state of my life, and it had taken years to build up to this point. I had my suicide all planned out in detail, with notes written to my parents and everything. I knew it’s what I wanted to do. I couldn’t handle anything anymore. The CONSTANT intense pain, fear, emptiness and hopelessness was too unbearable after years and years of carrying it around every single day. That day, I was just waiting for a car I was going to borrow to come back to where I was. While I was waiting, someone I absolutely hated came up to me, touched me and bowed her head to pray. *In that moment, I was shocked to feel every last bit of desire to kill myself leave my body. The transformation was *so rapid and so complete,* that I ACTUALLY had the thought “Did God do that to me??”* But, me being an adament atheist who made fun of those kinds of beliefs, I brushed it off and moved on. *I also need to mention that not even two minutes after she said that prayer and the desire to die completely left me, the car I was waiting for returned.*
      You have to understand how shocking and insane that rapid “draining” moment was for me. As a total, adamant atheist, and given the severity of my mental state at that time, what happened to me in that moment was impossible for any human being to do to themselves; but it was also impossible for me to explain at the time.
      Despite having that extremely unexpected and powerful experience, I picked up where I left off and just continued in the same ways I had always done.
      In my early thirties, I became a darker and darker person (inside and out). I started wearing black everything all the time. My depression was constant and crippling, I suffered from *so much* intense loneliness, anger, hatred, fear, panic, alienation, emptiness. My stealing addiction was out of control. My pornography addiction was WAY out of control - and I mean like, multiple times a day, every day, at home, at work, wherever. Both of these addictions had now advanced far beyond the “pleasures and highs” they had provided at the beginning, to where I now felt CONTROLLED by them. I needed them desperately, otherwise I couldn’t function. Besides alcohol, I never got into doing drugs - but the emotional/psychological addictions I had to sex, stealing and pornography were similar to (and oftentimes FAR more excessive and powerful) than any addiction to a recreational drug can be. Addiction comes in many froms, and all of them are incredibly destructive to the heart and soul EVEN if they are socially acceptable (such as porn or sex). The thirst for what we are addicted to is absolutely insatiable, and we end up trying to quench that thirst with the very thing that is CAUSING that thirst to begin with! It is an endless cycle that NEVER truly fulfills and brings peace, and always leaves us thirsting for more.
      Before I talk about November of 2014, I need to briefly backtrack. Since I was very young, I had experiences at night that I used to refer to as “nightmares.” These got worse the older I got. They were so horrifying and I could never ever wake myself up from them. I only remember choking and not breathing when they would happen. It was a kind of inexpressible terror that I can’t put into words.
      In 2014, these “nightmares” were at their worst. They were happening regularly, and were far more acute. I began to realize that I was not actually asleep, but awake during them - and not able to move or break myself free of them. During these experiences, I would feel a sickeningly horrifying evil presence approaching me, threatening me. *The terror I felt was beyond anything I had ever felt in this world.* When they were near me, I had an unexplainable ‘knowing’ that THIS was the source that makes people do all the horrible things we do to each other. All the sick ways that people torture other people, all the worst things that we’ve heard about in the news that we can’t fathom - this was the source. Again, it was an INNER KNOWING I had *in the moment* of the “nightmare,” and was not a logical conclusion that I came to after the fact.
      In the few weeks before November 2014, these experiences I was having were so bad that I began seeing these ’things’ while it was happening. They were very tall - like 7 or 8 feet, very black, and I knew through and through that they were REAL and EVIL. *Except, I was an atheist, and didn’t believe in God or in evil.*
      (continued in comment 2 of 3)

    • @alisas3585
      @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว

      (comment 2 of 3)
      In the last week of November 2014, these ‘attacks’ got so frequent and increased in severity that I could no longer function. I started forcing myself to stay awake, the fear was so acute. During this time, it was brought to my attention to call on the name of Jesus during one of these attacks. Of course, when I heard this, I immediately got VERY angry and exasperated and starting cursing alot. But, I was so DESPERATE. I couldn’t work, I couldn’t think straight or do anything normally! I was in my rational right mind, but yet I knew what was happening to me was real, however crazy it seemed. The third night, I couldn’t stay awake anymore. It was the middle of the night and I fell asleep. I had another attack, only this time I actually DID call out, in my mind, “Jesus save me!” All it took was saying it quickly a couple times, and immediately - *I WOKE UP. After COUNTLESS times over DECADES of me choking, not breathing and not being able to wake myself up.*
      After I woke up, I was terrified because it happened, but in absolute SHOCK that I woke up!! I stayed awake for as long as I could, but this time I could FEEL that evil ‘thing’ in the room, and I KNEW it was waiting for me. I just knew it. The last time I remember looking at the clock, it was 5:00 am. I fell asleep, and had another attack. This one was vastly different than every other attack I had had before. This time, I was completely aware of my surroundings - awake, but unable to move, and because of what was starting to happen to me during the attack, I KNEW in my bones that these “things” were trying to keep me down and put me in my place *because I had called on the name of Jesus.* In this worst attack, in that moment where I was being pushed down, I said “Jesus save me” - and I woke up. And it was 5:20 am, only 20 minutes after i had fallen asleep, knowing that that “thing” was waiting for me.
      I knew then that Jesus and God were real, without a doubt.
      And PLEASE understand that this is coming from someone that didn’t believe in God, made fun of those kinds of beliefs, NEVER thought about good/evil or spirituality, and was not looking to change (because it NEVER dawned on me that there was any hope of me changing at all!).
      The day after I woke up from that last demonic attack and knew Jesus was real, *I cried profusely, confessed all the sins I could think of and asked Jesus to help me! I just spoke honestly from my heart, not knowing what the heck else to do!!*
      *When I did this, the ABSOLUTE, COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED PROOF that Jesus was was real took place within me.
      PLEASE PAUSE HERE TO KEEP IN MIND that the ONLY thing I had asked Jesus for help with was the demon problem, because I was NOT AWARE that he would or could help me with anything else (I had never heard of such a thing).*
      *THE FOLLOWING THINGS HAPPENED IN ONLY THE FIRST FEW DAYS* after I began believing in Jesus and repented of my sins, and they are extremely difficult to articulate (please THINK about each of these things as you read them!):
      -*After that day, my experiences with the demons stopped ABRUPTLY and COMPLETELY for the first time since I was a child.*
      -*I felt ‘darkness’ and a “heaviness” draining out of me that I was not previously aware was even in me;* I felt changes in my heart that I didn’t understand.
      -*My depression STOPPED.* I don’t mean slowly decreased, I mean *STOPPED SUDDENLY,* after DECADES of suffering with it.
      -*My desire to steal suddenly STOPPED.* After 20 YEARS of desiring it/doing it uncontrollably.
      -*My desire for pornography suddenly STOPPED.* 15 YEARS of excessive porn viewing that I was an absolute prisoner
      *All of this took place only in the FIRST FEW DAYS after I started believing in Jesus, confessed my sins, and asked Him to help me.*
      - *I experienced a COMPLETE draining of the darkness and “heaviness” I had in me for all those decades.*
      - *I stopped feeling angry, I didn’t hate anyone anymore! No more loneliness, no more pain or emptiness, no more crying.* All of those horrible things I had felt EVERY DAY for as long as I can remember - unbearable lonliness and anxiety, fear, self-loathing, anger, hatred, depression, inner exhaustion, bitterness, hopelessness, apathy, despair, feeling lost all the time - all these things STOPPED.
      -*I began to feel a BAFFLING PEACE in me that I had NEVER once felt in my whole miserable life!* The constant anxiety lifted away; I stopped living in fear and had a strong sense of HOPE for the first time in my life. I felt as if a MASSIVE heaviness was lifted from my heart. *I FELT FREE AND LIGHT IN MY HEART.*
      -*I started loving people!* AND, I started loving people that I once hated!!
      It was VERY unsettling because it all happened so fast, was completely unexpected, and was so new and drastically different to anything I had ever felt - but I knew it wasn’t a bad thing, so I just went with it! In the midst of all of this change, it took me 3 MONTHS to even realize that I wasn’t even attracted to women anymore - *and they had made up the majority of my porn addiction for 15 years!* I now saw women normally, *and felt as if I had never even had the attraction in the first place* (the same goes for the depression, stealing and pornography!).
      For about 4 to 5 MONTHS, I was in this bizarre limbo where I had NO IDEA how to speak or respond to people anymore! I had felt and spoke one way my entire life (with a set of dark negative feelings), and suddenly all of those feelings were GONE and replaced with peace and love and GOOD things I had never felt before. How do I speak?? How do I act?? It took me MONTHS to get to know this “new me” and to relax into it!
      *PLEASE PLEASE think about this for a minute:*
      *DECADES* of depression gone immediately.
      *DECADES of constant, overwhelming anger, hopelessness, hate, fear, thirst gone.
      *20 YEARS* of compulsive stealing gone immediately.
      *15 YEARS* of heavy pornography addiction gone immediately.
      *22 YEARS* of bisexuality, gone immediately.
      Do you know how many YEARS of therapy and medications people go to for some of these problems???
      Do you have any idea how many years of therapy it can take to get rid of even ONE of those problems??? And with NO relapses?!
      I took NO medications, I had NO therapy, and I’ve had NO relapses whatsoever in any of those areas since November of 2014. In addition to that, I never even had ONE THOUGHT or expectation that I would ever be free of these problems - *I NEVER even considered the stealing, porn and bisexuality as “problems” to begin with!!* I just saw them simply as how I lived my life. Everything that happened to me that day is *impossible* if it’s not God!! I was fully delivered from all these things by Jesus’ love, power and mercy ALONE. That God would stretch out his hand to this sinner - MORE than once - *even after I turned my back on him when he saved me from killing myself* - THAT is the depth of his love and mercy! I would not be here today, period, if he hadn’t done what he did to me. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said:
      *Luke 5:31-32*
      “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
      *Matthew 11:28*
      “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you REST.”
      Jesus is so real, and He LOVES you! You not believing that won’t change that reality! I mean that with LOVE, not with force! ❤️
      My friend, I plead with you, and to everyone who reads this: ***Ask JESUS if he’s real! Be EXTREMELY careful about what you hear from others about Jesus. There is a lot of deception out there.***- *try talking to Jesus, no matter how ‘wierd’ it feels. Try, and PERSIST in trying, regardless of how you ‘feel.’* Don’t be deterred by the lack of instant gratification, be patient. If you persist with GENUINE intentions, he will 100% show himself to you.
      Jesus made this PROMISE to all those who seek Him genuinely:
      *Luke 11:9-13*
      “9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
      11 Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
      Notice that he doesn’t say seek and you ‘MIGHT’ find - he says seek and you *WILL* find ❤️
      (continued in comment 3 of 3)

    • @alisas3585
      @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว

      (comment 3 of 3)
      *REPENT GENUINELY and cry out to Jesus for help and forgiveness.* He hears every word with great love! Just be raw and honest. He knows your heart anyways, but he wants us to use our God-given free will to be REAL with him about our sins and *INVITE Him into relationship with us,* so he can help us overcome our sins/addictions we are in bondage to, and from everything that has gone wrong in our hearts that is seperating us from him! Jesus said this:
      *John 17:20-23*
      “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
      Notice how he repeats about us all “being one,“ and him being in us and us in him!
      *He loves us,* and *desires* to have a relationship with us! But our willful, unrepentent sinning is what stops that relationship from occurring.
      God sent his Son (Jesus) to suffer and die for our sins because he KNOWS that evil is far too powerful to overcome on our own. We need HIS enabling power (grace) to do it! When God first created angels, he created them with free will (because if you love someone, you don’t hold them prisoner - you give them the freedom and ability to CHOOSE). Satan was the first to rebel against God because he wanted to BE God. But no one can be greater than their own Creator. When God created humans, he also gave us free will. But the first human, by the influence of Satan, chose freely/willfully to disobey God, and sin entered the world for the first time. Sin is influenced by the devil, and committed when people *FREELY* choose to commit it. God cannot have anything to do with evil/sin - the punishment of sin is *spiritual death.* That’s why, in his unfathomable love, God sent Jesus to die for our sins, that we may ACTIVELY enter into a relationship with him and be sanctified (set free of habitual sin) over the course of our lives.
      *John 3:16-17*
      “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to SAVE the world through him.”
      This made it possible for him to send his Spirit to dwell INSIDE us, so we can actively engage in a relationship with him - through Jesus Christ - who helps us, by His *enabling grace,* to overcome our sins.
      Sounds too crazy? *Go back and read again what he did to me!* More importantly, *FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF* - *this personal relationship with the Lord is available to ALL people who invite Him into their hearts!*
      Please be aware that WHAT the Lord does for you and WHEN he does it upon your first believing in him differs amongst everyone. TRUST him with that and continue to seek him! It is very common to be delivered (completely healed and set free) of some major sins quickly but he does not always do so, for various reasons: sometimes it is because people do not pursue him seriously or do it with wrong motives; they are not willing to give up their whole heart and will to him in trust; they give up after a short period of time; they don’t believe in God’s power to heal/set free; or they go running to other people for answers (which can easily lead to deception), and so many other reasons. But also it is simply because GOD KNOWS exactly what each person needs and when we need it. If he doesn’t come to you right away, that DOES NOT mean he loves you less, shows partiality to others, or that there is no hope for you. God loves ALL of us equally and has NO partiality. The goal is to GENUINELY want to GET YOUR HEART RIGHT with God and to KNOW HIM. Pursue him humbly and patiently with that attitude, and he will show himself to you.
      *Believing in Jesus is not something that should be selfishly tried in order to get something out of it for yourself.* Just honestly examine your motives. Throughout the entire bible God says how he “sees and examines” the MOTIVES of our hearts.* TRUST HIM, and you will be changed in wonderful ways that you won’t even see coming! ❤️
      *Ezekiel 36:26-27*
      26 “I will give you a NEW HEART new heart and put a NEW SPIRIT in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
      27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”
      1. *Following Jesus is NOT about joining a denomination* (Catholicism, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.), as none of these denominations existed when Jesus was on earth when the early church was being formed. To the undiscerning eye, denominations may SEEM like they are of God, but they are all made up of false madmade traditions/teachings that have been ADDED to certain aspects of God’s real truth. Some of these denominations CLAIM that they were the “one true early church,” but they are not, no matter what their doctrine/apologetics say about it.
      2. *Following Jesus is also NOT about joining a non-denominational “Christian” church,* as the majority of the modern “Christian” churches teach false things that go against the teachings of Jesus Christ, while trying to pass them off as “the truth.” As with denominations, modern “Christianity“ is almost entirely made up of false manmade traditions/teachings based on human opinions/justifications and scriptures that have been twisted and passed off as God’s “real truth.” There are many wonderful, warm people in the churches today! And there are many actual biblical truths taught there.....but more dangerously are the many FALSE TEACHINGS - the distorted and made up doctrines of men - tucked in between those truths. *We need God’s discernment, given to us by his Holy Spirit, in order to detect false from true.* Not all Christian church gatherings are corrupt - but a true spirit-filled church gathering that preaches the *whole, undistorted* truth and genuinely seeks and follows Jesus is extremely rare these days. *That’s why it is VITAL to form a living, breathing relationship with the LIVING GOD, through whom you will gain discernment between what is true and what is false.*
      There is only ONE TRUTH, and only God can teach it to us, if we truly seek him with all our hearts.
      A biblical example of this:
      *1 John 2:24-27*
      24 “As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is what he promised us-eternal life. 26 *I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.* 27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, *and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as HIS anointing teaches you about ALL things* and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.”
      *This does not mean “never listen to what anyone else teaches about God.”* Take note that the bible also says this:
      *Hebrews 13:7*
      7 “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the OUTCOME of their way of life and imitate their faith.” ‘The outcome of their way of life’ means the FRUIT of their lives: decreasing sin and increasing holiness, according to what Jesus preached. Are they being *OBEDIENT through FAITH* to the commands of Jesus and therefore the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22) are *genuinely* being displayed in them? Are they walking and growing in genuine *holiness?* Or do they have ROTTEN FRUIT (swearing, judging, hypocrisy, meanness, coldness, forcing beliefs, cheating, manipulating, porn addictions, loving money, etc.)
      *God himself will give you discernment as to who his true diciples here are once his SPIRIT is in you,* and will bring them into your life to minister to you if you persist in having faith. These true disciples can make you AWARE of God’s truths, but only God can truly teach you once he sends you the Holy Spirit. *He is never lacking in power to give you understanding, if you seek him HUMBLY, PATIENTLY and PERSISTENTLY in FAITH!*
      *****If you really want to seek Jesus, reach out and PRAY to him, REPENT genuinely of your sins and turn away from them, tell him everything that’s on your mind and in your heart, and don’t let anything stop you! Ask him if he’s real! Ask him to show himself to you! Be patient. Read the bible, especially the New Testament (the gospel of John, which is the 4th book from the front, is a wonderful place to start). DON’T FRET about what you don’t understand yet - Jesus will open your understanding over time if you genuinely and persistently seek him.*****
      If you’re interested, my 45-minute video version of this testimony is on my TH-cam channel.
      Peace and God bless ❤️🙏🏻

  • @frankgiampaolo7925
    @frankgiampaolo7925 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am glad you are still alive. I will be praying for you. I just want you to know I love you.

  • @marcen12
    @marcen12 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ive just attempted a few hours ago because I feel useless. I have no job in a new town and I feel useless. I want to be ok but there is no light. I want to be ok.

    • @lucidgoetia9995
      @lucidgoetia9995 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds like you’re living the dream to me , jobs are ass

    • @marcen12
      @marcen12 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lucidgoetia9995 A job helped me lose weight without trying. Now I feel bloated.

    • @marcen12
      @marcen12 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lucidgoetia9995 It's not a dream. It's a nightmare

    • @morlyfe
      @morlyfe หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      dawg im in the same situation. idk man

    • @marcen12
      @marcen12 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@morlyfe (hug)

  • @jamessouth6540
    @jamessouth6540 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You won’t remember me but I was around for this chapter. I still wonder every now and then how you and your sister are getting on. It can’t have been easy x

  • @stephaniekate7924
    @stephaniekate7924 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless sweetheart x I'm glad you are here

  • @alisas3585
    @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    (comment 1 of 3)
    With all of my heart, I’d like to leave my testimony for you how I came from being atheist my whole life (for decades) with multiple serious, longstanding emotional problems/addictions, to being changed in ways that are *impossible* for people to do to themselves. The full deliverances I experienced shows greatly the power, mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ!! It is a testimony of HOPE. ❤️
    You can take it, or leave it, of course. I am not here to fight with anyone, or force my experiences on anyone. My apologies for the length, I’ll have to leave it in 3 separate comments.
    *Jeremiah 6:16*
    16 “This is what the Lord says:
    “Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
    ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.”
    As a young child, I grew up with problems at home. My mother was emotionally abusive and my father did nothing about it. I was shy, but it was also at this young age that I remember having my first feelings of loneliness and alienation - a sort of separateness or disconnect - from others. As I grew, I had trouble making friends. I didn’t really try and just got more and more quiet. When I did have other kids to play with, I remember always feeling completely detached from them, almost as if they weren’t even real.
    Going up into my early teens, as my mother’s mental health problems and emotional abusiveness worsened, I became increasingly antisocial and suffered from regular bouts of depression and terrible lonliness. My trust being constantly betrayed at home, I trusted no one, and so I told no one about my problems. *It all stayed inside.* I remember going to church for a few years, but if a child has parents who say they believe in God, but then they act in a way that’s completely hypocritical to what Jesus teaches, it can completely distort the child’s view of God. The child will either believe God exists but that he hates them, or they just won’t believe in him at all. I retained nothing of what was taught in church because, since I was intensly lonely and constantly afraid of my mom, I lived in my mind all day as an escape and never paid attention to anything else. Because of my mother’s words and influence, I thought I was ugly, was fat, and that no one would ever love me, among many other things.
    It was also at this age that I started getting involved sexually with girls. By my mid-teens, I was frequently depressed and cried regularly. I was resentful and angry most of the time. I also developed a compulsive stealing addiction. I stole regularly and excessively from department stores, from my jobs - even from my own family.
    By my late teens, the depression was absolutely *crippling.* I was depressed more often than I wasn’t, I cried alot. The slightest wrong look from someone, or something said to me in the wrong tone of voice would send me spiraling down into a deeply miserable and disturbing episode of depression that could last for days, or weeks. Sometimes it was so bad, I couldn’t even pick myself up off the floor - and I mean, the actual floor. I would just lay there, numb, and couldn’t move. When I wasn’t working (IF I was even had a job at all), I would isolate myself. I was angry all the time and hated everyone. I felt completely empty inside and would try to fill that void with various impulses like sex, stealing and excessive movie-watching. I pretty much never had any friends, and never told one person about my problems. *I felt like an alien in a world full of normal people.* This caused an intense and constant feeling of separateness and alienation from everyone around me. I literally felt I was not a part of the human race, and that I was the most abnormal freak on the planet, and I thought that everyone else thought this about me too.
    This was also the age where I actively decided that I didn’t believe in God. But I never really believed anyway, and never even thought about it, so that was an easy decision for me. After that, I never contemplated on the existence of good and evil - it just simply wasn’t on my radar at all. I was so consumed every day with my own problems and growing addictions that I didn’t think or care about anything else except finding things that made me “feel good,” such as sex and stealing, movies, looking hot, indulging in fantasies, etc.
    In my early twenties, I developed a pornography addiction. It was also at this time that I had my first thoughts of suicide.
    The rest of my twenties is lost in a haze of alcoholism. I have virtually no memories for almost that whole decade of my life. To this day, it is extremely unsettling for me to try and remember anything from that time period, as I am unable to bring up any clear memories whatsoever. I can see certain images of places and people (almost like glancing quickly at a single picture), but I can’t remember details or timelines surrounding almost all of it.
    Skip ahead to almost a decade later.
    When I was 28 years old, I very nearly killed myself. I was in the darkest mental state of my life, and it had taken years to build up to this point. I had my suicide all planned out in detail, with notes written to my parents and everything. I knew it’s what I wanted to do. I couldn’t handle anything anymore. The CONSTANT intense pain, fear, emptiness and hopelessness was too unbearable after years and years of carrying it around every single day. That day, I was just waiting for a car I was going to borrow to come back to where I was. While I was waiting, someone I absolutely hated came up to me, touched me and bowed her head to pray. *In that moment, I was shocked to feel every last bit of desire to kill myself leave my body. The transformation was *so rapid and so complete,* that I ACTUALLY had the thought “Did God do that to me??”* But, me being an adament atheist who made fun of those kinds of beliefs, I brushed it off and moved on. *I also need to mention that not even two minutes after she said that prayer and the desire to die completely left me, the car I was waiting for returned.*
    You have to understand how shocking and insane that rapid “draining” moment was for me. As a total, adamant atheist, and given the severity of my mental state at that time, what happened to me in that moment was impossible for any human being to do to themselves; but it was also impossible for me to explain at the time.
    Despite having that extremely unexpected and powerful experience, I picked up where I left off and just continued in the same ways I had always done.
    In my early thirties, I became a darker and darker person (inside and out). I started wearing black everything all the time. My depression was constant and crippling, I suffered from *so much* intense loneliness, anger, hatred, fear, panic, alienation, emptiness. My stealing addiction was out of control. My pornography addiction was WAY out of control - and I mean like, multiple times a day, every day, at home, at work, wherever. Both of these addictions had now advanced far beyond the “pleasures and highs” they had provided at the beginning, to where I now felt CONTROLLED by them. I needed them desperately, otherwise I couldn’t function. Besides alcohol, I never got into doing drugs - but the emotional/psychological addictions I had to sex, stealing and pornography were similar to (and oftentimes FAR more excessive and powerful) than any addiction to a recreational drug can be. Addiction comes in many froms, and all of them are incredibly destructive to the heart and soul EVEN if they are socially acceptable (such as porn or sex). The thirst for what we are addicted to is absolutely insatiable, and we end up trying to quench that thirst with the very thing that is CAUSING that thirst to begin with! It is an endless cycle that NEVER truly fulfills and brings peace, and always leaves us thirsting for more.
    Before I talk about November of 2014, I need to briefly backtrack. Since I was very young, I had experiences at night that I used to refer to as “nightmares.” These got worse the older I got. They were so horrifying and I could never ever wake myself up from them. I only remember choking and not breathing when they would happen. It was a kind of inexpressible terror that I can’t put into words.
    In 2014, these “nightmares” were at their worst. They were happening regularly, and were far more acute. I began to realize that I was not actually asleep, but awake during them - and not able to move or break myself free of them. During these experiences, I would feel a sickeningly horrifying evil presence approaching me, threatening me. *The terror I felt was beyond anything I had ever felt in this world.* When they were near me, I had an unexplainable ‘knowing’ that THIS was the source that makes people do all the horrible things we do to each other. All the sick ways that people torture other people, all the worst things that we’ve heard about in the news that we can’t fathom - this was the source. Again, it was an INNER KNOWING I had *in the moment* of the “nightmare,” and was not a logical conclusion that I came to after the fact.
    In the few weeks before November 2014, these experiences I was having were so bad that I began seeing these ’things’ while it was happening. They were very tall - like 7 or 8 feet, very black, and I knew through and through that they were REAL and EVIL. *Except, I was an atheist, and didn’t believe in God or in evil.*
    (continued in comment 2 of 3)

  • @baynay9617
    @baynay9617 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel so bad, I just want this pain to stop… I never did anything to anybody. Why me. Why I cannot be happy. That’s the only thing I’m asking for. To be happy…

  • @laureljoy_music
    @laureljoy_music 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You’re so strong. thank you for sharing this it helps to hear others stories, Hope you are doing well.

    • @Ohwowdoe
      @Ohwowdoe 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whats strong lol weak mentally

  • @krisstiell6548
    @krisstiell6548 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    You're a beautiful lady. Thank you for sharing, this was helpful. I too struggle with deep depression!

    • @Matthouin
      @Matthouin ปีที่แล้ว

      How are you doing these days ? I’m struggling

    • @krisstiell6548
      @krisstiell6548 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Matthouin I'm doing all right these days bro, I broke out of it. Sorry to hear you're still struggling, reach out to me if you need to chop it up ..

    • @lukamodricc
      @lukamodricc ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@krisstiell6548Hey man what's up what's going how you feeling these days really?

    • @someoneofgods2620
      @someoneofgods2620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      not all thoughts are our own. Demons are real and dwell in people. I've cast them out w God. Our souls are eternal. You don't die! Look up nde and hell testimonies. I've seen heaven and hell. Jesus is real and answers. Repent and obey him and ask for the Holy Spirit. You can have a personal relationship with him here. You can be born again. I've seen heaven and hell personally. Jess died to set you free from penalty of sin when you repent and rose from the dead 3 days later so u can also defeat death. ​@@Matthouin

  • @amac6483
    @amac6483 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    thank you for talking about a very serious issue.

  • @pattybaselines
    @pattybaselines ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn. Not at all surprised you attempted that is a heartbreaking upbringing…❤️‍🩹

  • @Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook
    @Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Commenting b4 watching video. Women going through pre menopause will feel suicidal , depression, and women using hormone pills .
    Art has hflped me ALLOT i am greatful for this.
    2:21- i was judged SO much because i was happy all the time, i was told i should not be happy all the time.😊

  • @onal1996
    @onal1996 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How are you? I hope you’re doing okay. I’m in the same boat. I just wish I was loved

  • @annethsanchez8228
    @annethsanchez8228 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I see you, I hear you. We love you.

  • @lukamodricc
    @lukamodricc ปีที่แล้ว

    Anyone seeing this can get in touch with me. I don't have any issues Ik it's hard or being real it's not even hard in this mindset people just don't want to share any thing until you meet someone who is just can touch that pin. I may not gonna be that but I can try

  • @Beswift1989
    @Beswift1989 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The mind protects itself

  • @calanbarry2759
    @calanbarry2759 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

  • @starduck8014
    @starduck8014 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hope you're doing ok X

  • @hiperbitcoinization3506
    @hiperbitcoinization3506 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    thank you

  • @fictiontsc4921
    @fictiontsc4921 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wondering how you're doing as this was your last video. I'm struggling and been browsing videos for this

  • @Beswift1989
    @Beswift1989 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Jesus I pray you heal her heart. Let her feel the peace that comes with knowing you. Thank you for her life. Amen. ❤ ♾️

  • @Kelvin-ed6ce
    @Kelvin-ed6ce 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good! Hope your channel grows, then you'll be a full time youtuber and no need to do anything else! Bless you!!!

  • @TamARaPOrtEr1
    @TamARaPOrtEr1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really am not happy with myself right now.

    • @someoneofgods2620
      @someoneofgods2620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not all thoughts are our own. Demons are real and dwell in people. I've cast them out w God. Our souls are eternal. You don't die! Look up nde and hell testimonies. I've seen heaven and hell. Jesus is real and answers. Repent and obey him and ask for the Holy Spirit. You can have a personal relationship with him here. You can be born again. I've seen heaven and hell personally. Jess died to set you free from penalty of sin when you repent and rose from the dead 3 days later so u can also defeat death.

  • @chocolatesugar4434
    @chocolatesugar4434 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think about it from time to time

  • @keri0n271
    @keri0n271 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are so strong!

    • @keri0n271
      @keri0n271 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Stay safe

  • @timnasseh4838
    @timnasseh4838 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Look at how pretty you are and amazing personality.

    • @soccergalsara
      @soccergalsara 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i dont think her worth, nor anybody's ,is determined by htheier looks.

  • @brians5104
    @brians5104 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wish I could email you or connect on social media.. would love a friend to share experiences and stories with..

  • @modee751
    @modee751 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stay strong 💪🏻❤️

    • @modee751
      @modee751 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You have to find something to fight for this can’t be for nothing Believe me

    @BEACHDUDE71 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm glad didn't, I am giving myself two years

    • @TheNightOwl-i8R
      @TheNightOwl-i8R 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What method did you use?? I don’t have a gun so which method should I do ??

  • @chaunseybillings5381
    @chaunseybillings5381 ปีที่แล้ว

    If I was not drinking alcohol I was not happy with myself I drink every day I try to killed myself

  • @priyakumari6073
    @priyakumari6073 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stay strong

  • @xboxbetr
    @xboxbetr ปีที่แล้ว

    i dont rc

  • @jaystokes9596
    @jaystokes9596 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @garycollingwood4002
    @garycollingwood4002 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @alisas3585
    @alisas3585 ปีที่แล้ว

    (comment 3 of 3)
    *REPENT GENUINELY and cry out to Jesus for help and forgiveness.* He hears every word with great love! Just be raw and honest. He knows your heart anyways, but he wants us to use our God-given free will to be REAL with him about our sins and *INVITE Him into relationship with us,* so he can help us overcome our sins/addictions we are in bondage to, and from everything that has gone wrong in our hearts that is seperating us from him! Jesus said this:
    *John 17:20-23*
    “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
    Notice how he repeats about us all “being one,“ and him being in us and us in him!
    *He loves us,* and *desires* to have a relationship with us! But our willful, unrepentent sinning is what stops that relationship from occurring.
    God sent his Son (Jesus) to suffer and die for our sins because he KNOWS that evil is far too powerful to overcome on our own. We need HIS enabling power (grace) to do it! When God first created angels, he created them with free will (because if you love someone, you don’t hold them prisoner - you give them the freedom and ability to CHOOSE). Satan was the first to rebel against God because he wanted to BE God. But no one can be greater than their own Creator. When God created humans, he also gave us free will. But the first human, by the influence of Satan, chose freely/willfully to disobey God, and sin entered the world for the first time. Sin is influenced by the devil, and committed when people *FREELY* choose to commit it. God cannot have anything to do with evil/sin - the punishment of sin is *spiritual death.* That’s why, in his unfathomable love, God sent Jesus to die for our sins, that we may ACTIVELY enter into a relationship with him and be sanctified (set free of habitual sin) over the course of our lives.
    *John 3:16-17*
    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to SAVE the world through him.”
    This made it possible for him to send his Spirit to dwell INSIDE us, so we can actively engage in a relationship with him - through Jesus Christ - who helps us, by His *enabling grace,* to overcome our sins.
    Sounds too crazy? *Go back and read again what he did to me!* More importantly, *FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF* - *this personal relationship with the Lord is available to ALL people who invite Him into their hearts!*
    Please be aware that WHAT the Lord does for you and WHEN he does it upon your first believing in him differs amongst everyone. TRUST him with that and continue to seek him! It is very common to be delivered (completely healed and set free) of some major sins quickly but he does not always do so, for various reasons: sometimes it is because people do not pursue him seriously or do it with wrong motives; they are not willing to give up their whole heart and will to him in trust; they give up after a short period of time; they don’t believe in God’s power to heal/set free; or they go running to other people for answers (which can easily lead to deception), and so many other reasons. But also it is simply because GOD KNOWS exactly what each person needs and when we need it. If he doesn’t come to you right away, that DOES NOT mean he loves you less, shows partiality to others, or that there is no hope for you. God loves ALL of us equally and has NO partiality. The goal is to GENUINELY want to GET YOUR HEART RIGHT with God and to KNOW HIM. Pursue him humbly and patiently with that attitude, and he will show himself to you.
    *Believing in Jesus is not something that should be selfishly tried in order to get something out of it for yourself.* Just honestly examine your motives. Throughout the entire bible God says how he “sees and examines” the MOTIVES of our hearts.* TRUST HIM, and you will be changed in wonderful ways that you won’t even see coming! ❤️
    *Ezekiel 36:26-27*
    26 “I will give you a NEW HEART new heart and put a NEW SPIRIT in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
    27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”
    1. *Following Jesus is NOT about joining a denomination* (Catholicism, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.), as none of these denominations existed when Jesus was on earth when the early church was being formed. To the undiscerning eye, denominations may SEEM like they are of God, but they are all made up of false madmade traditions/teachings that have been ADDED to certain aspects of God’s real truth. Some of these denominations CLAIM that they were the “one true early church,” but they are not, no matter what their doctrine/apologetics say about it.
    2. *Following Jesus is also NOT about joining a non-denominational “Christian” church,* as the majority of the modern “Christian” churches teach false things that go against the teachings of Jesus Christ, while trying to pass them off as “the truth.” As with denominations, modern “Christianity“ is almost entirely made up of false manmade traditions/teachings based on human opinions/justifications and scriptures that have been twisted and passed off as God’s “real truth.” There are many wonderful, warm people in the churches today! And there are many actual biblical truths taught there.....but more dangerously are the many FALSE TEACHINGS - the distorted and made up doctrines of men - tucked in between those truths. *We need God’s discernment, given to us by his Holy Spirit, in order to detect false from true.* Not all Christian church gatherings are corrupt - but a true spirit-filled church gathering that preaches the *whole, undistorted* truth and genuinely seeks and follows Jesus is extremely rare these days. *That’s why it is VITAL to form a living, breathing relationship with the LIVING GOD, through whom you will gain discernment between what is true and what is false.*
    There is only ONE TRUTH, and only God can teach it to us, if we truly seek him with all our hearts.
    A biblical example of this:
    *1 John 2:24-27*
    24 “As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is what he promised us-eternal life. 26 *I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.* 27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, *and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as HIS anointing teaches you about ALL things* and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.”
    *This does not mean “never listen to what anyone else teaches about God.”* Take note that the bible also says this:
    *Hebrews 13:7*
    7 “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the OUTCOME of their way of life and imitate their faith.” ‘The outcome of their way of life’ means the FRUIT of their lives: decreasing sin and increasing holiness, according to what Jesus preached. Are they being *OBEDIENT through FAITH* to the commands of Jesus and therefore the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22) are *genuinely* being displayed in them? Are they walking and growing in genuine *holiness?* Or do they have ROTTEN FRUIT (swearing, judging, hypocrisy, meanness, coldness, forcing beliefs, cheating, manipulating, porn addictions, loving money, etc.)
    *God himself will give you discernment as to who his true diciples here are once his SPIRIT is in you,* and will bring them into your life to minister to you if you persist in having faith. These true disciples can make you AWARE of God’s truths, but only God can truly teach you once he sends you the Holy Spirit. *He is never lacking in power to give you understanding, if you seek him HUMBLY, PATIENTLY and PERSISTENTLY in FAITH!*
    *****If you really want to seek Jesus, reach out and PRAY to him, REPENT genuinely of your sins and turn away from them, tell him everything that’s on your mind and in your heart, and don’t let anything stop you! Ask him if he’s real! Ask him to show himself to you! Be patient. Read the bible, especially the New Testament (the gospel of John, which is the 4th book from the front, is a wonderful place to start). DON’T FRET about what you don’t understand yet - Jesus will open your understanding over time if you genuinely and persistently seek him.*****
    If you’re interested, my 45-minute video version of this testimony is on my TH-cam channel.
    Peace and God bless ❤️🙏🏻

    • @Cognitoman
      @Cognitoman 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for sharing

  • @seekingchrist7134
    @seekingchrist7134 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save us from the terrible things ! We are in this together! Pray that your worthy to escape the coming judgements and build a firm relationship and repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!

    • @emileossebi7179
      @emileossebi7179 ปีที่แล้ว

      Puff what Jesus? Your Jesus is not capable

    • @imwastingmytimeonthis677
      @imwastingmytimeonthis677 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@emileossebi7179 he is very capable Jesus is God in the flesh he is perfection in every way seek him now before it’s too late

    • @rileybobbert6527
      @rileybobbert6527 ปีที่แล้ว

      some mass shooting victims are burning in hell for eternity LOL

  • @CharleneTaylor-kz8lz
    @CharleneTaylor-kz8lz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That not good try to get help

  • @xboxbetr
    @xboxbetr ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Kenzie07itgirl
    @Kenzie07itgirl 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @christiaancronje2090
    @christiaancronje2090 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Being awesome how do you ……,..l,lol
    I lovebyou

  • @jamesmoran7511
    @jamesmoran7511 ปีที่แล้ว

    No you didn't