You know when a performance is so moving, when the conductor (God bless her) wipes a tear from her cheek at the end. I was wiping away more than one tear. This was more than the finest performance I have ever heard, it was one of the finest moments in music.
Stephenson's performance of Rach 3 and Lim's performance of Rach 3, as well as the performances by other musicians, are all excellent and each has its own characteristics. But Lim's performance may have attracted the audience's emotions due to the powerful and his unique emotions on the music that maybe relate to his young age. Paradoxically it is unbelivable that such depth of emotions and skills came from the youngest participants but I believe it stemmed from his effort to solely understand this music with his unuqueness together. Just my idea...
Hype student Yunchan Lim played colorless dry cold piano sound Rach concerto no 3 and Mozart 22 in weak Cliburn Finals! Dimitri Bashkirov her teacher Anastasia Virsaladze teach saying to Bashkirov the most important lesson is the love of beautiful colorful piano sound! More colorful beautiful piano sound than hype student Yunchan Lim=Wilhelm Kempff Emil Gilels Radu Lupu Artur Rubinstein Vladimir Ashkenazy Grigory Sokolov! More genius than Hype student Yunchan Lim=Sviatoslav Richter Solomon Cutner Grigory Sokolov Maurizio Pollini Stanislav Bunin Maria Grinberg Murray Perahia! More powerful louder than Hype student Yunchan Lim=Mikhail Pletnev! The Second Loudest ever was Lazar Berman! The 3rd Loudest was Erwin Nyiregyhazi! Horowitz his technique attack better than hype student Yunchan Lim's! Better Rach concerto no 3 players than hype student Yunchan Lim=Horowitz Van Cliburn Grigory Sokolov Argerich Efim Bronfman Evgeny Mogilevsky Vladimir Ashkenazy Victor Eresko Natalia Trull Andrei Gavrilov and so on!
Yunchan was consistent with his playing throughout the entire competition well deserved winner I think the judges knew way before the final round that Yunchan would be the one to take the gold home as many viewers did also.
Lim's performance of this great and beautiful piano concerto is quite extraordinary. I can scarcely believe someone who is 18 years old can play this piece with such mastery and passion but without arrogance in his performance. I'm not easily moved to tears but this young man achieved this! Quite amazing. I'm so excited to follow his progress.
💙 2:03:23 무대뒤 💙 2:05:30 입장 💙 2:06:09 1악장 💙 2:16:55 cadenza 💙 2:23:19 2악장 💙 2:34:34 3악장 ❤ 2:10:40 바순에게 눈빛~물 흐르듯 하나처럼 이어짐 ❤ 2:12:09 임윤찬 어깨와 지휘자의 👍 (윤찬님은 빠른 속도 속에서 리드미컬한 강약조절이 정말 예술 그 자체다. 연주자도 지휘자도 듣는 이도 저절로 어깨가 들썩이게 되고, 그 리듬 속에 빠져들게 된다.) ❤ 2:13:05 다음으로 넘어가는 제스쳐와 멜로디에 몰입됨. 특히 고개를 숙이고 덤덤하고 묵직하게 연주하는 부분에서 몰입이 두 배가 됨 💚 2:14:39 ➜➜쉴새없이 몰아치는 빌드업 💚 2:15:05 ➜➜야심한 밤, 인적이 드문 어둡고 습한 골목길에서 정체모를 그림자에게 쫒기는 것 같은 느낌, 마치 인생에서 좌절이 닥쳤을 때 무작정 도망치는 느낌이랄까.. 그런데 이 특유의 느낌이 너무 좋다. 💚 2:15:20 ➜➜무서운 그림자를 따돌리고, 인생의 무게에서 잠시 벗어나 짧은 휴식을 취하며 안도하는 기분! ❤ 2:17:40 ➜➜질주하는 피아노 독주와 카리스마 ❤ 2:18:39 잔잔하게 깔아주는 낮은 피아노~아름다운 조화가 완벽하다고 느껴짐, 카메라 앵글도 좋음 ❤ 2:19:28 아름다운 선율, 덤덤하게 깔아주는데 위로받는 느낌이 든다 ♥️♥️ 2:21:38 라흐3에서 내가 좋아하는 가장 서정적인 부분. 애잔한 것 같은데 동시에 위로받는 느낌이 공존함. 봄바람이 살랑이는 햇살 따스한 어느날, 공원벤치에서 임윤찬이 말없이 토닥여주며 '덤덤하게' 나를 위로해주는 기분 (직각으로 앉은 자세도 선율과 어우러지는 느낌) 💚 2:30:00 ➜➜오른손의 저음 쾅!! 가슴을 울렸다가 어느 순간 힘내보자고 용기를 불어넣어 주는 것 같다. 임윤찬의 해석일까? 다른 분 연주에서는 다른 느낌이던데.. ❤ 2:31:31 피아노만 돋보이지 않으면서 오케스트라와 마치 한 몸처럼 조화로움! ❤ 2:31:47 멜로디와 터치가 맑고 이뻐서 중독됨 ❤ 2:32:02 쫀득쫀득한 왼손 터치에 중독됨 ❤ 2:32:10 ➜➜표정에서 진심으로 즐기는 것이 느껴짐. 상큼발랄한 멜로디도 좋음! 💚 2:34:13 ➜➜으르렁~ 호랑이가 몰려오는듯한 웅장함이 피아노에서 들릴 줄이야~!! 💚 2:34:25 ➜➜마지막에 피아노 저음 쾅!! 직후에 청명하고 맑은 한 개의 음!! 그리고 바로 이어지는 오케스트라까지!! 이 부분 완전 좋음!! 💚 2:34:32 ➜➜임윤찬의 엄지척!!👍마지막 쾅!! 타이밍을 알리는 의도된 제스처인 것으로 추측됨!! 이후로 숨막힐 정도로 빠르고 경쾌한 선율!! 계속 소름돋을 정도로 좋음. 특히 맑고 경쾌한 왼손 음이 귀를 즐겁게 함. 💚 2:35:18 ➜➜미친 속도감으로 질주!! ❤ 2:35:56 웅장하고 묵직한 터치로 분위기 압도 ❤ 2:37:07 ➜➜다른 연주자도 이런 동작을 하지만, 임윤찬은 특히 더 멋있음. ❤ 2:37:40 통통튀는 박자감과 스킬, 지휘자도 어깨 들썩들썩~😆 나도 덩달아 어깨가 들썩임~ ❤ 2:38:36 우주의 은하수라는 바다에서 눈을 감고 유유히 배영하는 기분~행복해~행복해~ ❤ 2:39:10 귀에 정확히 꽂히는 청아한 맑은 소리 ❤ 2:39:48 ➜➜저렇게 바쁜 와중에도 끊임없이 신호를 주고받는거 보면 정말 경이롭다. 이래서 사람들이 임윤찬을 향해 지휘자도 잘 할 것이라고 칭찬하는 듯~!! 💚 2:41:01 ➜➜임윤찬의 정확한 타이밍의 신호와 플룻의 완벽한 조화 (저렇게 어려운 곡을 연주하는 와중에도 정확한 타이밍에 절묘한 동작으로 단원과 신호를 주고받는 것이 완전 놀라움. 플룻이 연주할 땐 잔잔하게 깔아주다가, 바로 이어서 동일한 톤으로 물 흐르듯이 연주를 이어받는 것도 마음에 들었음) 서서히 멀어지는 카메라 앵글과 동선도 정말 기가 막히게 좋음➜자료를 계속 공부하다보니 바렌보임이라는 피아니스트가 모짜르트 피협 22번에서 관객을 등지고 앉아서 피아노를 연주하며 동시에 지휘도 했다고 한다. 그 영상을 보고나니, 마치 임윤찬이 바렌보임의 능력을 닮은 것 같다. ❤ 2:42:03 자글자글 이쁜 소리의 향연! 빠른 리듬인데 정확한 터치, 그 속에 빠져든다. ❤ 2:42:21 귀여운 작은 벌새의 빠른 날개짓같다~ ❤ 2:42:37 간결한 터치로 가슴깊은 속으로 파고들어옴 ❤ 2:43:32 ➜➜왼손음과 오른손음이 정확히 들리면서, 밀고당기는 박자감과 스킬까지 완벽한데, 그 와중에 우리를 빨아들임! 임윤찬의 장점 중, 왼손의 음이 일반인에게도 잘 들린다는 점!! 그래서 더 몰입해서 빠져들게 됨!! 💚 2:43:57 ➜➜파고드는 오른손의 묵직한 음, 완전 좋음 ❤ 2:44:11 여기 박자감도 완전 좋음 ❤ 2:44:16 오케스트라와 미친 호흡 ❤ 2:44:34 묵직한 타건, 뒤로 갈수록 가슴이 웅장해짐 💚 2:45:39 ➜➜이 부분, 특유의 웅장한 느낌은 임윤찬이 독보적임. 분위기를 리드하는 깊이가 남다르다. 💚 2:46:16 ➜➜(임윤찬만의 새로운 '다운 옥타브' 시도!! ➜ 1:07:04 와 비교해서 들어보기) 원곡에 녹아드는 윤찬님만의 새로운 시도와 해석을 알아가는 재미도 팬들에게 선사하는 커다란 행복이죠. 임윤찬의 연주는 무한반복해서 보고싶음!!! 오글거리는 액션과 표정이 전혀 없고 담백함에도 불구하고, 멋있음과 카리스마와 서정성이 골고루 전해짐. 임윤찬의 연주는 반드시 눈과 귀가 함께 따라가야 함!! 💚 2:46:24 ➜➜끝이 없는 지하 깊숙히 빨려들어가는 것 같은 저음과 파워, 마지막 왼손 쾅!! 너무 황홀함 💚 2:46:37 ➜➜임윤찬의 제스쳐와 오케스트라를 향한 시선이 서정적인 멜로디와 어우러지면서 마치 파노라마가 슬로우모션으로 돌아가는 것처럼 아름답다. 심지어 머리카락까지 함께 연주를 하는 듯~!! 영화의 한 장면처럼 눈물나도록 아름답다! 💚 2:47:27 ➜➜특히 이 부분 강력히 내려꽂는 오른손의 타건은 임윤찬 연주에서만 볼 수 있었음!! 그래서 더 극적이고 드라마틱하게 느껴짐!! ❤ 2:47:36 지휘자와 임윤찬의 눈맞춤 💚 2:47:57 ➜➜한 편의 영화를 마치는 듯한 감격스러운 마무리!! ❤ 2:48:18 지휘자의 눈물일까, 땀방울일까.. 둘 중 무엇이든 이 연주는 그 자체로 보물이다. 💚 임윤찬의 멋진 순간포착 모음 (백만번 반복해서 보고싶음)➜ 2:23:20 2:25:10 2:27:28 2:27:58 2:31:09 2:34:32 2:35:50 2:37:07 2:37:17 2:37:40 2:38:11 2:38:32 2:39:16 2:40:20 2:41:05 2:42:21 2:43:07 2:43:58 2:44:13 2:44:30 2:45:38 2:46:16 2:47:27 2:47:51 2:48:13 ♥️♥️♥️ 2:47:30 ➜➜음악에 완전히 빠진 임윤찬, 순수 그 자체로 아름답다. 마치 나도 저 공간에 함께 있는 듯한 착각마져 든다. 동작과 표정이 절대 과하지않고 오글거리지 않으면서, 순수와 열정 그 자체로 청중을 매료시킨다. 👏 엄청난 환호와 기립박수 2:48:13 ➜➜보통 단원들은 채를 흔들거나 치면서 축하해 주는데, 임윤찬에게는 거의 대부분의 단원들이 두 손으로 박수를 치며 축하해주고, 몇몇분들은 바닥에 발을 동동 구르며 격하게 축하해 줌!! 👏 첫번째 커튼콜 2:49:14 👏 두번째 커튼콜 2:49:47 마린알솝이 계속 기다림. 임윤찬을 위한 애정이 느껴짐. 👏 세번째 커튼콜 2:50:13 함께 무대로! 👩💼2:50:54 두 팔 벌려 안아주는 마린 알솝 👱♀️2:51:16 마린알솝과 다수의 오케스트라 단원들이 무대 뒤에서 기다렸다가 악수하고 사진을 찍었다고 합니다. 뉴스 기사에서 사진으로 봤어요. 저 분들도 이미 세계적인 프로인데도, 어린 임윤찬을 인정하고 존중해 주셔서 감동받았습니다. 유튜브 추천영상에 우연히 보여서 무심코 플레이했다가, 순식간에 40분이 지나갔던 연주에요. 소름돋을 정도로 전율이 흐르고 눈물까지 났었지요. 평생 처음으로 경험하는 클래식의 매력이었어요. 심지어 이 연주가 콩쿠르 1등이라는 사실도 모른채 감상했었기 때문에 더욱 남다릅니다. 라흐마니노프 피아노협주곡 3번은 마치 한 사람의 일생을 다룬 영화 한 편을 감상한 것 같은 느낌을 받아요. 우리의 희노애락을 표현한 대서사시 같구요. 클래식을 모르는 일반인이지만, 자석에 이끌리듯이 매일매일 여기로 찾아와서 음악을 들으면서, 위로받기도하고 행복한 황홀감에 빠지기도해요. 임윤찬의 연주는 신기하게도 일부분만 잘라서 반복하여 들어도 좋고, 처음부터 끝까지 이어서 듣는 것도 좋아요. 중간에 끊지않고 이어서 들으면 3악장에서 눈물이 터지는 마법도 일어납니다. 임윤찬, 진심을 다해 감사합니다. (어느 한 구간도 매력이 없는 구간이 없어요. 시간만 나면 감상하지만, 급할 때는 보고싶은 구간만 찾아보기도 하고, 모든 순간을 눈에 담아두려고 북마크합니다. 지극히 주관적인 개인소장용이에요~)
저는 이런 표현력이없어 제 개인 메모에 시간체크 해 놨어요 2주째 헤어나오지못하고있어요ㅠ 너무 감격스럽고 자랑스럽고 아껴주고 싶은 피아니스트입니다 한자한자 정성스럽게 정독했습니다^^ 하트세개 격하게 소중해요 리스트45분쯤 손에서 얼굴로 찬찬히 올라가는 장면은 심멎이니 가슴부여잡고 보셔야되요 ㅠ
Yunchan Lim, took all of us outside of our bodies for this historical performance. Starting around 2:43 is where he won this. He and Marin Alsop had a connection throughout the entire performance. She played a huge role in him winning. She was feeling everything he was feeling. That is such a rare experience for musicians. but when it happens it is euphoric. BRAVO
Just watched Horowitz's performance and I am now scared. This 18 year old boy told a TV reporter that he didn't care much about the gold medal because it wouldn't improve his skillset and he would keep studying and practicing music. A genius, a monster, who devotes all his energy to music and began to captivate humanity was born.
중계해설을 맡은 엘리자베스 로는 임윤찬은 연주내내 내가 말을 할수도 없게 나를 울게하고 웃게하고 들었다놨다 마법사처럼 나를 뒤흔들었다, 이대회에서 임윤찬의 연주를 볼수있어 너무 영광스럽고 인생일대의 연주였고 내자신을 겸손해지게 만들었다.임윤찬은 18살이라는 나이에 절대 가질 수없는 올드소울을 표현했으며 곡의 기승전결 감성 쉐입 등 완벽했다.실력을 겨뤄야 하는 대회지만 대회를 떠나 이러한 연주를 들을 수 있어 너무 영광스럽다. 임윤찬의 연주는 과거 역사적으로 유명했던 음악가들의 영혼을 기리며 우리에게 가져다 주는 메신져라며 형용할 수 없는 말막힘등으로 임윤찬을 극찬하며 마무리 함. (사실 이두분 말고도 8강 준결승 중간중간에 나온 해설자들도 말문이 막힐정도와 단어를 내밷지못할정도로 임윤찬의 연주는 콩쿠루 대회에서나 겨루는 그런 연주가 아니다라는식의 멘트들로 도배함 사실 사회자 포함 이미 겜은 끝났다는 분위기였음.)
Rowe’s high vocabulary with extra extra embellishments with the new words she created was very nice to hear. When she learn how to talk like that? No music conservatory schools teach a course on such public speaking…
Yunchan Lim the best! How his body language tell the emotion from the tip of his toes to the tip of his hair make me breathless but my heart is engulfed with joy. It's a romantic interpretation of this piece I really love! Gifted Yunchan plus support of the orchestra and Ms Alsop all perfect combination!
Nop. I think. Younchan was angry until chapter 2. So he decided to be over the tempo, exceed it and getting faster as he wish , conclusion ly, he overwhelmed the whole orchestra even the conductor. Everyone knows if she or he has ears and eyes.
I was always a fan of Rach 2 and 4, and have listened to them many times, both live and on video. Rach 3 I could take or leave . . . that is, until this performance. I have lost count how many times I have listened to it - each time as satisfying and thrilling as the last. And I have come to appreciate what an incredible piece of music it is. It takes a technical wizard to feel comfortable enough to improvise and be creative with it, and in the process present to us a vibrant, pulsing, living piece of music. Yunchan has certainly put in the hours, but also his heart, which has touched mine directly, ensuring that I will continue to savour this historic performance. (On a side note, I'm glad he decided on the shorter cadenza here.)
"The old soul gift that he bears", "The power of music" . . . these factors come together in this unforgettable concert that I have viewed countless times. The power and passion that emanate from this humble soul elevate this experience to the highest level. As I watch Lim, he is ageless and accessing an unlimited palette of technique to express the music of the composers he loves. And he is so in tune with the orchestra and conductor, which maximizes the quality of the experience. This performance brings beauty, wonder . . . and gratitude, which in turn is our gift given back to Yunchan.
500번쯤 들었을까요.. 처음엔 윤찬님의 연주를, 타법을, 속도를, 윤찬님의 표정을, 지휘자의 표정을, 오케스트라 단원 한 분 한 분의 표정을 바라보게 되더군요~ 다른 연주자분과 윤찬님이 '진짜' 다른건 마음을 움직이는거라는 것을 알았어요~ 여러곡을 여러번 연주해서 지칠대로 지친 단원들이 임윤찬님이 연주를 시작하고부터는 표정이 달라져요 혼자만 자기 feel에 충만한 다른 연주자들과 달리 임윤찬님은 단원들의 연주를 진심으로 들어주었거든요 때론 베이스로 깔아주다가 때론 같이 화음을 내다가 때론 아주 화려하게 자신의 기량을 다 뽐내는 윤찬님의 연주에 오케스트라 단원들도 진심으로 연주하게 되죠. 단원들, 지휘자님, 그리고 임윤찬님이 하나가 되는 모습을 보는 것이 영화의 한 장면 같달까요~ 그러다 오늘 갑자기 클라이막스 부분에서 저도 모르게 눈물이 또르르 떨어지네요.. 클래식에 무지해서 이유는 모르겠어요 그냥.. 조금은 라흐마니노프가 이 곡을 작곡한 이유를 그리고 그 것을 표현하려고 했던 임윤찬님의 마음을 느끼게 된 걸까요~ 클래식에 이렇게 미친것도 노래 듣다 눈물을 흘린 것도 제 생에 처음입니다 고맙습니다 임윤찬님❤
Lim’s rach 3 is the best interpretation of this concerto that I’ve ever listened to. Personally, I enjoyed it even more than world class famous soloists’ performances such as Horowitz’s.
He is so genuine and humble toward music. He said he practices till he collapses because he wants to perfectly express the magma like singing inside him, which he communicated with the original composer. He said music can't deceive so he always tries to have a warm and considerate heart for others and the world
Is this hyperbole? She's just doing her job... If she DIDNT try to match his timing and ruined the finale she wouldn't be much of a conductor would she
When it was Yunchan's turn to play, it didn't feel like a competition anymore. It felt like a winner's concert. The others were very good, but his performance was beyond very good. It was absolutely magical.
When Lim was playing Rach 3, especially towards the end, he was no longer just a pianist. Felt like his whole being was making music. He could lead the orchestra so well because he listened and played with depth and layers of the orchestration of sound and colors, showing so much maturity as an artist, not a superficial pianist.
Not since Secretariat separated himself from the field by 31 lengths at the 1973 Belmont Stakes has a public performer separated themselves from the pack so dramatically as did Yunchan during this competition. Their performances are, each in their own way, exhilarating, exciting and once-in-a-lifetime spectacular. Bravo!
임윤찬의 연주는 가늘고 섬세하면서도 강력한 타건과 미스터치 하나 허용하지 않는 정밀함까지 갖췄다. 1악장에 예상외로 오시아 카덴차를 보여주진 않았지만 라흐마니노프가 원하는 그대로의 스케일 진행과 악상을 선보였다. 2악장의 카덴차는 템포, 페달부터 화음까지 가히 가공할만한 수준이라 할 수 있겠다. 3악장은 정말 명반으로 내줬으면 좋겠다는 마음까지 들 정도였다. 피날레전까지 고조되는 분위기와 함께 중간중간에 과하지 않게 넣어주는 A0 건반 디테일까지 새로우면서도 괜찮았다. 2:46:16 피날레 직전부터 시작되는 다운 옥타브 스케일은 여태껏 어떤 피아니스트도 시도하지 않았던 것 같은데 개인적으로 정말 맘에 드는 부분이었고, 악센트와 마무리까지 완벽했다고 본다. 다시 강조하지만 정말 오랜만에 나온 명연주라 호언장담할 수 있겠다.
I've never seen more vigorous applause, foot stomping and bow waving from an orchestra. Not only applause, but hands-over-head vigorous applause as well. Those fabulous musicians of the symphony orchestra were as taken with Yunchan's performance as was the audience. He conquered us all with this glorious moment in time.
Yunchan is so on top of his technique that he can explore the nuances and subtleties and go where he wants to go without limitation. This concerto comes alive under his hands, ably assisted by his rapport with the conductor and orchestra. A tremendously satisfying experience that thrills me every time I listen to it.
원래 클래식음악도 금방 질리는 편이라 같은 연주를 두 번 듣는 경우는 많지 않은데. 진짜 임윤찬 연주는 왜 자꾸 듣게 되는지 이유를 알 수가 없어요. 오늘만 벌써 세 번째 듣고 있어요. 아침에 일어나서 한번 듣고 일할 때 틀어 놓고 듣고 잠자기 전에 마무리로 듣고! 오늘은 결국 다른 콩쿠르 참여자들과 비교해 보려고 세 참가자들의 연주를 다 들어보는 중^^. 솔직히 두번째 연주자도 잘하네요. 그리그 곡도 아주 좋구요. 그러나 임윤찬이 너무 압도적으로 잘해서 운이 없었네요. 임윤찬의 연주가 시작되면 앞의 연주들은 기억 속에서 다 사라져 버리는 마법같은 일이 벌어지네요. 라흐마니노프 곡을 이렇게 끝도 없이 반복해서 듣게 되는 날이 올 줄은 상상도 못했는데.
이 감정을 어떻게 표현해야 할까? 임윤찬. 그는 Horowitz보다도 위대한 연주자가 될 씨앗을 갖고 있다면 지나친 과찬일까? 호로비츠류의 신경질적이고 자기과시적이며 작곡가를 자기식으로 임의로 분해하는 과도한 낭만성이 아니라 스스로 천재임을 인식하지 못하는 듯한 무심하면서도 겸손한 태도로, 어린 나이와는 무관한 초절기교와 번뜩이는 감수성, 엄청난 에너지를 폭발시키는 진정한 천재성을 내내 보여주었다. 가슴이 울렁거리고 눈물이 앞을 가린다. 음악의 신이 그에게 임하였다. 반 클라이번은 천국에서 임윤찬에게 경의를 표할 것이다. 심사 자체가 불필요한 경지, 모든 참가자보다 다른 차원에서 피아노를 떡주무르듯한 그의 연주는 전설이 될 것이다. 심사위원은 경악을 금치 못했을 것이다. 왜냐고? 자신들보다 위대한 연주를 직접 보았기에 말이다. 주최측은 그에게 감사를 표해야 마땅하다. 경연의 위상을 드높여준, 전설의 시작을 알린 반클라이번콩쿠르로 영원히 기억될 것이므로. 지휘자와 오케스트라도 이전과는 다르게 스스로의 능력을 초월한 혼신을 다한 연주를 하게된 것도 음악의 신의 현현을 공감하며 깊은 감동 속에 협연을 했기 때문이라고 생각한다. 주목하라 세계여! 피아노의 신이 임윤찬과 함께 나아간다!!!
첫번째 연주자랑 같은 곡 맞나 할 정도로 지휘자랑 연주자들 연주 마저 완전 다르더라구요. 와 정말 곡의 한음 한음까지 허투루 지나가지 않아요. 계속 연주자들 연주를 귀담아 듣고 바라보며 계속해서 지휘자와 교감하며 연주하니 호흡이 정말 좋았습니다. 자신이 오케스트라 그 자체이며 마에스트로 같았습니다. 베토벤 협주곡때 저 연주는 모차르트 같다며 베토벤을 표현할줄 모른다는 댓글들 보고 어이없었는데.. 오늘 모든 걸 보여주네요. 정말 최고에요.
I am ecstatic about Yunchan Lim and all of his piano performances. Having said that, I also love Clayton Stephenson's performance and his congenial demeanor on- and off-stage. While Yunchan has a superstar magical look, Clayton seems very congenial and has a gentleman-like good look. Both are my favorites. My Best WIshes, Yunchan and Clayton!
For me, Yunchan Lim ended the whole competition tonight. He was so in sync with the music, the orchestra and of course this wonderful conductor. I felt his performance, epitomized all that the Cliburn organizers hoped to achieve-to bring great piano music per brilliant young PIANIST musicians to the world. What makes Yunchan stand out more than all the others, for me, brilliant though most were, is his obvious thorough and empathetic reading and mastery of his composers' intentions before he puts fingers to boards .And then of course his wonderful pianism as he plays for us. His abilities, at his age are humbling to any or all of us who have attempted some of the works he performed in playing so securely, insightfully, refreshingly, and often innovatively well throughout the gruelling competition.. Thank you Cliburn all and especially Yunchan Lim.
I've never seen a conductor have so much physical contact with the piano, leaning on it, even reaching a hand back to touch it. Actually feeling the music. What an incredible evening this must have been for those present. I'm so grateful to have it available.
I also thought I saw moments of Marin Alsop holding back tears, definitely feeling moved myself by Yunchan Lim's performance. I feel blessed to be able to watch (albeit online) both the conductor and the pianist...
Yes, glad to read your comment! I was mesmerized by the conductor too! Amazing chemistry among the entire orchestra, yunchan and conductor. Love the communication through her gestures and eye contact!! At the same time can see she is so into the music and joining Yunchan in his interpretation and going on this magical journey!
I'm not a big fan of classical music. But I can't help watching YunchanLim's performance again and again. Touching, passionate, so powerful. A lot of emotion swept through my mind. I felt free listening his performance.
I rarely listen to classical music until now. It's because people like me, who don't know much about music theory, consider it was their own league-like music that I had to be explained why they should be touched. It was by chance to listen to Lim Yoon-chan's Rach 3 because of his victory in the competition in the news, but as a result, it was the first time that I had goosebumps and tears while listening to classical music. I cannot take my eyes off the whole play of the music, and I cannot feel myself. He broke the limit that classical music. It was no more monotonous music, and he showed the storyline so that even those who didn't know classical music could know where I am, didn't play it just to show how well he played, but became a Concerto itself. He is already an innovator in classical music, and I am honored to hear his play in my 50s, and I am really looking forward to his performance in the future.
LIM 🙏 I am speachless, 18 years!! In his humble, polite towards the orchestra , strong artistical way he convinced the grand orchestra and a conductor to trust him and his vision, although he is only 18, that he knows undoubtedly what he is doing and to follow him. Of course if you can play 12 Transcendental Liszt etudes for sure you can also play Rach 3
Btw, he toured Korea with those etudes when he was 17. He is a master in his own right! I know this because I'm korean n I watch all his interviews and concerts in Korea.
I've often wondered what it would have been like to have been a witness to performances by Mozart, Chopin or Liszt, knowing full well that you were in the presence of greatness, and grateful that you were born in their time. Yunchan Lim. Now I know.
How was he trained to play with such controls connected with orchestra conductor so well, technical level, all of these cannot be gained by taking lesson. I wishing him greater success and to hear him soon.
Lim’s performance of Rach 3 was extraordinary, memorable, exquisite, passionate, lovely, need I say more? A social performance that will forever go down in history! wow!
매너리즘에 빠질때. 우울감이 몰려올때. 자신감이 없어질때 윤찬림음악을 일부러 찾아 듣습니다. 특히 반클공연 모든 연주가 위로의 위로를 더합니다. 어린 윤찬림도 끈기있게 힘든 시간들을 견뎌냈을텐데.. 나도 새로운 일에 좌절되고 힘들지만 이겨내보자 다짐 또다짐하면서 귀한 공연을 감상하며 에너지 충전하고 윤찬림 다른 영상으로이동합니다. 최근 새로운 공연영상이 올라온것 있다면 소개해주세요. 그리고 음반도 사고 싶은데 60을 향해 달려가는 저는 정보를 어디서 얻어야 할지 모르겠네요 ㅠ.ㅠ
그냥 피아노를 치는게 아니라 곡을 전체적으로 다 알고 이해하고 작곡가가 무슨 마음으로 음표하나하나 멜로디를 만들어 놨는지 그 기승전결을 알고 강약조절을 해가면서 피아노를 연주하네요. 오케스트라의 각 악기가 빛나도록 받쳐줄땐 받쳐주고 피아노솔로부분에선 또 강약조절하는 모습 멋집니다 피아노가 아니라 한편의 영화, 드라마,연극를 보는 느낌입니다. 특히나 인상깊은것은 압솔지휘자를 중간중간 계속 쳐다보며 오케스트라쪽으로 계속 고개를 들어 아이컨택하며 연주하는 모습이 너무나 인상깊습니다. 꼭 임윤찬군을 위한 오케스트라 같아요... 협주곡이 무언인지를 알려주는 연주예요. 아름답습니다. 지휘자와 오케스트라와 임윤찬군의 하모니가 최고예요.
라흐마니노프 세계에 온전히 들어간 시간여행자! 세포 하나 하나가 모여 완벽한 유기적인 결합을 이루었네요. 윤찬군의 음악을 사랑하는 따뜻한 마음이 연주 곳곳에 묻어있고, 악마적인 집중력은 살아 숨 쉬어 청중을 설득시킵니다. 넘치지 않게 컨트롤하고 절제하는 피아니즘, 오케스트라를 깨워 리드하면서도 배려하는 여유로움까지 보여주네요... 윤찬군이 정말 정말 특별한 이유는 피아니스트 중에서도 흔치 않은 천부적인 손가락 운동 신경을 가지고 있다는 것인데요. 매우 어려운 패시지들을 아주 경제적이고, 간단하고, 쉽고, 완벽하게 표현합니다. 여기서 그치지 않고 악보에 담긴 작곡가의 의도와 본인이 연구하고 노력한 음악적 아이디어가 만나 다양한 색채와 톤을 계속해서 쉴 새 없이 만들어냅니다. 놀랍고 또 놀랍습니다. 원하는 소리를 추구하고 구현하기 위해 얼마나 많은 노력을 하고 있을지... 대단하고 대견합니다!! 너무 특별하고 아름다운 공연입니다. 당신은 보물...♥
I'm a 68 year old man, and the last three minutes of Yunchan's performance has me in tears. A performance that's unlikely to ever be equalled or surpassed. Bravo!
Too bad he slowed down that much in the coda (every contemporary pianist does). But overall it's an outstanding performance, maybe can compete with the absolute best renditions by Horowitz and Rachmaninoff.
I got to see this live a couple of minutes ago. I am speechless. The most clean and effective rendition of Rach 3 by Lim. He will win this competition by a landslide for his performance tonight. After the concert I met him at the stage door exit and was able to get his autograph. When I told him he would win he was so shy and denied what I said. The man is not only the most skilled of these performers, not only the youngest, but also the most humble. South Korea seems to be taking international competitions left and right these days!
I speak as one of the people who got his autograph and talked to him directly at his concert. He was the most humble person I've ever seen. He was a person who did not show off himself and had a heart to be humble in music. His favorite performers are Alfred Cortot, Edwin Fisher, Dinu lipatti, and Youri Igorov. Unlike modern performers these days, he is truly humble in front of music.
Over over again and again listen to Lim's Rach 3rd's endind, touching, moving to tears !!! So powerful, feel like I want to embrace the whole Universal !!!
Yes, I was gobsmacked by the orchestra's tempo at the beginning of the 3rd mvt. Mr. Lim had to either compromise his vision of the work, or ignore the orchestra and claim his own tempo. He chose the latter---it was awkward, but thanks to the alert conductor and responsive orchestra they jumped onto his INSANE tempo and honored it. Did you see the orchestra members lining up backstage afterward to congratulate him? Amazing.
@@gburgess1295 He took off in the last movement of the Beethoven #3 he performed with this orchestra...Marin Alsop was stunned for a second, then smiled and caught up.
@@gburgess1295 well, I'm not only talking about the tempo but also about making music together, unity!! The conductor, the orchstra, and the audience including us were drawn into Lim!!
Yunchan Lim is not only the best pianist in this competition but one of the most gifted artists in the world. That Rachmaninoff was reminiscent of Volodos or the composer himself. We may never hear a performance quite like that again
@@alanleoneldavid1787 I agree. After the victory at the compettion, when asked why he chose the original cadenza, he said "because it was the version the composer himself and Horowitz played". Anyway his teacher, Minsoo Sohn, said in an interview that Yunchan had prepaired both cadenzas for the competition. I also look forward to hearing him play the ossia cadenza one day. :)
There are two ways to enjoy this performance: 1) Watching the video and witnessing Lim's prodigious technique, collaboration with the orchestra, moments of calm serenity juxtaposed with all-out passion, and the special relationship with the conductor. 2) Listening to the audio without visuals and experiencing the progression and variety of moods, the choice of voicings, the intricate renderings of cadenza and arpeggio passages, and the cohesive vision and control that bring the individual elements together in such a complete and satisfying whole. Both experiences justify Buddy's reaction: "Nothing short of miraculous!"
I haven't listened to classical music in a while. It was because of my anxious mind. Now that I have recovered and can listen to classical music again, Yunchan Lim's performance is a warm reunion for those who have left classical music. And it is like a powerful invitation for beginners to classical music.
I was in the hall for this performance tonight. Clayton was really great. Ilya's rendition of the Grieg concerto was absolutely beautiful But Yunchan Lim's performance was so incredible intense that I was literally shaky afterward. Breathless. I sat in my seat for a few minutes just trying to wrap my head around what I had experienced. I have been listening to the Rach 3 for 20 years, but I have never heard anything like what Lim accomplished tonight. It's not that it was pretty much technically flawless. It's that there was a passion, ferocity and creativity that I have never heard in any of the recordings. It was great to meet him after the performance as well. Such a humble guy. I feel so lucky that this was my first time to hear the Rach 3 live! Bravo Yunchan. You have my vote for first place! You deserve it.
Thank you for the comment. I had 3 live concerts of his here in Seoul, stangely he reminds me of my own years to have been through. (although he's only 18. I saw him when he was 14. He was already famous in music world in South Korea.0)
*Edited because I couldn't stand how jumbled my initial thoughts were, and the typos were killing my writer/editor side. Sorry, not sorry 😬 Thanks to my dad, I grew up listening to talk radio or classical music during car rides to school. I have always felt a surface-level appreciation for its beauty and was fascinated that music written ages ago could withstand the test of time. But it wasn't until recently that I became an avid listener and found myself repeatedly listening to performances from the Chopin Competition (only one pianist, and he was robbed of the opportunity to perform a concerto with the orchestra). My curiosity got the best of me, and I kept wondering how he would have played his concerto had he advanced to the final stage. I was lucky enough to find a video of his Rach 2 performance years ago; the rest is history. I saw the FWSO perform in August 2021 for the FFXVII Remake Tour (my husband is a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu's music), and I walked in with zero expectations but was absolutely blown away by Arnie Roth and the FWSO. I've been itching to see another live orchestral performance since then. After my recent obsession with the Chopin Competition pianist, I searched for upcoming concerts at Bass Performance Hall in May, and the 16th Van Cliburn Competition popped up. I decided on a whim to buy tickets to a finalist concert as part of my birthday celebration, hoping to discover another pianist to follow for years to come. Again, I walked in with zero expectations, but I am so grateful I chose this date because it was an incredible experience from start to finish. When Clayton appeared on stage, it was clear that he was an audience favorite to pay attention to. Clayton did great, and I could feel his passion coming through to my untrained ear. I couldn't shake the sense that his playing conveyed the message that he wanted to win, and he was dead set on proving to the audience that he was worthy of a medal. Ilya's concerto was lovely and sounded more refined. It was a breath of fresh air after Clayton's powerful rendition, and his performance had a maturity evident within the first few bars. I couldn't help but notice the orchestra sounded more in tune with Ilya versus Clayton. But toward the end of intermission, the atmosphere inside the hall had noticeably changed. The noise level had cranked up a few notches as more seats were filled, and you could almost feel the palpable anticipation. I knew many in the audience were looking forward to Yunchan Lim's performance because I watched his Transcendental Etudes on YT and could not even comprehend how amazing it was. There are still no words (and this was three weeks ago!) to describe Yunchan Lim's Rach 3 concerto. I am still in awe of hearing the difference between the orchestra during Clayton's performance versus Yunchan's in real-time, and it was hard to believe it was the same orchestra. My husband later commented that the orchestra must have been saving their energy for him. I felt like the entire audience was holding their breaths because nobody dared to miss a single note of this virtuoso pianist having his breakthrough moment. I usually shed a tear when something touches me to this degree, but I was so utterly floored by his performance that I couldn’t even manage that. As I listened to it again the following morning, those tears were finally extracted. Seeing the expressions of the conductor, maestro, and orchestra members was something I missed out on during the live performance, and it was a real treat to see their reactions after the fact. Wow. What a privilege it was to bear witness to such otherworldly talent. The colors and emotions I experienced while listening to his concerto will forever be etched in my memory, and Rach 3 will always hold a special place in my heart. My husband’s review of the live performance: Fell asleep during Clayton (he wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but as parents of two young kids, we're always exhausted), paid more attention to Ilya (and even praised him), and by the time Yunchan played the first note, he was already leaning forward. I later caught him nodding his head in approval throughout his concerto and gave him a standing ovation, but then again, so did the majority of audience members. I am looking forward to taking my dad and my girlfriend, who was at the live performance with me, to Yunchan’s gold medalist concert. I also purchased tickets to see Marin Alsop conducting Scheherazade in February 2023 at the Meyerson, and something tells me it will be epic.
Wow...thanks for your elaborate descriptions about the performances and the air of the hall.I was also so happy to have listened to these promising young artists' music in this competition. Especially, Yunchan's Rach concerto was so overwhelming that it's still hauntingly lingering. 😂 Your remarks are also very helpful. Thanks again.
Yunchan Lim is a musical miracle. Shivers across my head listening to this. That he is only eighteen years of age is simply incredible. Impeccable technical mastery. He is totally dedicated to the sound of the music. He plays with such passion. It is impossible to define this phenomenon with any accuracy, but it's essentially the sound of the piano when played by someone singing from the heart. That inexpressible harmony between fiery, lyrical romanticism, and clarity of sound. I cannot help but remember how Horowitz played Rach 3 with Zubin Mehta when listening to this. It is just straightforwardly beautiful. He clearly deserves the first prize. God bless Yunchan Lim.
@Pat Amzallag I think when he matures he will a little slow down. like 1956 and 1981 recordings of Glenn Gould's Bach. I feel Lim's is young fresh and ambitious. Horowitz's 1978 rendition was grand and mature and of maestro.
"A performance nothing short of miraculous by Yunchan Lim." - Buddy Bray. "I was moved to's like one of those once in a lifetime performances...he was filled with something Divine tonight." - Liz Roe.' Nuff said. Mic drop 🎤
Oh, I remember you from Chopin Competition as Lee Hyuk's fan(i am his fan). He still writes me and he's a great guy. Too bad that he's not getting huge press after winning at Competition in France like Gifted YunChan Lim .
@@DavidSmith-ki2we Hello David. I hope you are well. Hyuk is a brilliant pianist, and I hope to have the opportunity to see him perform one day. I was delighted when he won the Paris competition. He has a great career ahead.
@@tns-rox oh I forgot to say that David is my husband, I'm Jennifer Kim - Smith (Korean American) Tragically, David passed away suddenly in March at a young age, n I'm devastated by his loss. Hyuk wrote me a long, heartfelt condolence in Korean as I speak, and read write Korean as well as some Japanese.
Regardless who the Competition winner will be., Yunchan Lim has already won the hearts of so many audience members across the globe as he captures the very essence of music in his playing and leaves the audiences, orchestra and everyone breathless. Bravissimo !
2:20:00 I thank his parents for making this child.
I ask them to do it again now for 2039 Van Cliburn Competition!
Still breathtaking!!!!
You know when a performance is so moving, when the conductor (God bless her) wipes a tear from her cheek at the end. I was wiping away more than one tear. This was more than the finest performance I have ever heard, it was one of the finest moments in music.
Stephenson's performance of Rach 3 and Lim's performance of Rach 3, as well as the performances by other musicians, are all excellent and each has its own characteristics. But Lim's performance may have attracted the audience's emotions due to the powerful and his unique emotions on the music that maybe relate to his young age. Paradoxically it is unbelivable that such depth of emotions and skills came from the youngest participants but I believe it stemmed from his effort to solely understand this music with his unuqueness together. Just my idea...
And I was impressed the clear and distinguished emotiin between strong and restrained one
After Lim’s performance, this is no longer a competition but a historical moment. Who cares about the gold at this point.
Agree,who cares about gold or silver? This is the greatest of all time period.
He won 1st by far as everyone predicted!
Hype student Yunchan Lim played colorless dry cold piano sound Rach concerto no 3 and Mozart 22 in weak Cliburn Finals! Dimitri Bashkirov her teacher Anastasia Virsaladze teach saying to Bashkirov the most important lesson is the love of beautiful colorful piano sound! More colorful beautiful piano sound than hype student Yunchan Lim=Wilhelm Kempff Emil Gilels Radu Lupu Artur Rubinstein Vladimir Ashkenazy Grigory Sokolov! More genius than Hype student Yunchan Lim=Sviatoslav Richter Solomon Cutner Grigory Sokolov Maurizio Pollini Stanislav Bunin Maria Grinberg Murray Perahia! More powerful louder than Hype student Yunchan Lim=Mikhail Pletnev! The Second Loudest ever was Lazar Berman! The 3rd Loudest was Erwin Nyiregyhazi! Horowitz his technique attack better than hype student Yunchan Lim's! Better Rach concerto no 3 players than hype student Yunchan Lim=Horowitz Van Cliburn Grigory Sokolov Argerich Efim Bronfman Evgeny Mogilevsky Vladimir Ashkenazy Victor Eresko Natalia Trull Andrei Gavrilov and so on!
Lim wasn't just playing, he was conducting and it became music itself. It is incredible what my ears witnessed, my tears fall down my face.
This is one of those times you wish there were more words in the English language, because NOTHING can describe yunchans performance
Yunchan was consistent with his playing throughout the entire competition well deserved winner I think the judges knew way before the final round that Yunchan would be the one to take the gold home as many viewers did also.
Lim's performance of this great and beautiful piano concerto is quite extraordinary. I can scarcely believe someone who is 18 years old can play this piece with such mastery and passion but without arrogance in his performance. I'm not easily moved to tears but this young man achieved this! Quite amazing. I'm so excited to follow his progress.
💙 2:03:23 무대뒤 💙 2:05:30 입장
💙 2:06:09 1악장 💙 2:16:55 cadenza
💙 2:23:19 2악장 💙 2:34:34 3악장
❤ 2:10:40 바순에게 눈빛~물 흐르듯 하나처럼 이어짐
❤ 2:12:09 임윤찬 어깨와 지휘자의 👍 (윤찬님은 빠른 속도 속에서 리드미컬한 강약조절이 정말 예술 그 자체다. 연주자도 지휘자도 듣는 이도 저절로 어깨가 들썩이게 되고, 그 리듬 속에 빠져들게 된다.)
❤ 2:13:05 다음으로 넘어가는 제스쳐와 멜로디에 몰입됨. 특히 고개를 숙이고 덤덤하고 묵직하게 연주하는 부분에서 몰입이 두 배가 됨
💚 2:14:39 ➜➜쉴새없이 몰아치는 빌드업
💚 2:15:05 ➜➜야심한 밤, 인적이 드문 어둡고 습한 골목길에서 정체모를 그림자에게 쫒기는 것 같은 느낌, 마치 인생에서 좌절이 닥쳤을 때 무작정 도망치는 느낌이랄까.. 그런데 이 특유의 느낌이 너무 좋다.
💚 2:15:20 ➜➜무서운 그림자를 따돌리고, 인생의 무게에서 잠시 벗어나 짧은 휴식을 취하며 안도하는 기분!
❤ 2:17:40 ➜➜질주하는 피아노 독주와 카리스마
❤ 2:18:39 잔잔하게 깔아주는 낮은 피아노~아름다운 조화가 완벽하다고 느껴짐, 카메라 앵글도 좋음
❤ 2:19:28 아름다운 선율, 덤덤하게 깔아주는데 위로받는 느낌이 든다
♥️♥️ 2:21:38 라흐3에서 내가 좋아하는 가장 서정적인 부분. 애잔한 것 같은데 동시에 위로받는 느낌이 공존함. 봄바람이 살랑이는 햇살 따스한 어느날, 공원벤치에서 임윤찬이 말없이 토닥여주며 '덤덤하게' 나를 위로해주는 기분 (직각으로 앉은 자세도 선율과 어우러지는 느낌)
💚 2:30:00 ➜➜오른손의 저음 쾅!! 가슴을 울렸다가 어느 순간 힘내보자고 용기를 불어넣어 주는 것 같다. 임윤찬의 해석일까? 다른 분 연주에서는 다른 느낌이던데..
❤ 2:31:31 피아노만 돋보이지 않으면서 오케스트라와 마치 한 몸처럼 조화로움!
❤ 2:31:47 멜로디와 터치가 맑고 이뻐서 중독됨
❤ 2:32:02 쫀득쫀득한 왼손 터치에 중독됨
❤ 2:32:10 ➜➜표정에서 진심으로 즐기는 것이 느껴짐. 상큼발랄한 멜로디도 좋음!
💚 2:34:13 ➜➜으르렁~ 호랑이가 몰려오는듯한 웅장함이 피아노에서 들릴 줄이야~!!
💚 2:34:25 ➜➜마지막에 피아노 저음 쾅!! 직후에 청명하고 맑은 한 개의 음!! 그리고 바로 이어지는 오케스트라까지!! 이 부분 완전 좋음!!
💚 2:34:32 ➜➜임윤찬의 엄지척!!👍마지막 쾅!! 타이밍을 알리는 의도된 제스처인 것으로 추측됨!! 이후로 숨막힐 정도로 빠르고 경쾌한 선율!! 계속 소름돋을 정도로 좋음. 특히 맑고 경쾌한 왼손 음이 귀를 즐겁게 함.
💚 2:35:18 ➜➜미친 속도감으로 질주!!
❤ 2:35:56 웅장하고 묵직한 터치로 분위기 압도
❤ 2:37:07 ➜➜다른 연주자도 이런 동작을 하지만, 임윤찬은 특히 더 멋있음.
❤ 2:37:40 통통튀는 박자감과 스킬, 지휘자도 어깨 들썩들썩~😆 나도 덩달아 어깨가 들썩임~
❤ 2:38:36 우주의 은하수라는 바다에서 눈을 감고 유유히 배영하는 기분~행복해~행복해~
❤ 2:39:10 귀에 정확히 꽂히는 청아한 맑은 소리
❤ 2:39:48 ➜➜저렇게 바쁜 와중에도 끊임없이 신호를 주고받는거 보면 정말 경이롭다. 이래서 사람들이 임윤찬을 향해 지휘자도 잘 할 것이라고 칭찬하는 듯~!!
💚 2:41:01 ➜➜임윤찬의 정확한 타이밍의 신호와 플룻의 완벽한 조화 (저렇게 어려운 곡을 연주하는 와중에도 정확한 타이밍에 절묘한 동작으로 단원과 신호를 주고받는 것이 완전 놀라움. 플룻이 연주할 땐 잔잔하게 깔아주다가, 바로 이어서 동일한 톤으로 물 흐르듯이 연주를 이어받는 것도 마음에 들었음) 서서히 멀어지는 카메라 앵글과 동선도 정말 기가 막히게 좋음➜자료를 계속 공부하다보니 바렌보임이라는 피아니스트가 모짜르트 피협 22번에서 관객을 등지고 앉아서 피아노를 연주하며 동시에 지휘도 했다고 한다. 그 영상을 보고나니, 마치 임윤찬이 바렌보임의 능력을 닮은 것 같다.
❤ 2:42:03 자글자글 이쁜 소리의 향연! 빠른 리듬인데 정확한 터치, 그 속에 빠져든다.
❤ 2:42:21 귀여운 작은 벌새의 빠른 날개짓같다~
❤ 2:42:37 간결한 터치로 가슴깊은 속으로 파고들어옴
❤ 2:43:32 ➜➜왼손음과 오른손음이 정확히 들리면서, 밀고당기는 박자감과 스킬까지 완벽한데, 그 와중에 우리를 빨아들임! 임윤찬의 장점 중, 왼손의 음이 일반인에게도 잘 들린다는 점!! 그래서 더 몰입해서 빠져들게 됨!!
💚 2:43:57 ➜➜파고드는 오른손의 묵직한 음, 완전 좋음
❤ 2:44:11 여기 박자감도 완전 좋음
❤ 2:44:16 오케스트라와 미친 호흡
❤ 2:44:34 묵직한 타건, 뒤로 갈수록 가슴이 웅장해짐
💚 2:45:39 ➜➜이 부분, 특유의 웅장한 느낌은 임윤찬이 독보적임. 분위기를 리드하는 깊이가 남다르다.
💚 2:46:16 ➜➜(임윤찬만의 새로운 '다운 옥타브' 시도!! ➜ 1:07:04 와 비교해서 들어보기) 원곡에 녹아드는 윤찬님만의 새로운 시도와 해석을 알아가는 재미도 팬들에게 선사하는 커다란 행복이죠. 임윤찬의 연주는 무한반복해서 보고싶음!!! 오글거리는 액션과 표정이 전혀 없고 담백함에도 불구하고, 멋있음과 카리스마와 서정성이 골고루 전해짐. 임윤찬의 연주는 반드시 눈과 귀가 함께 따라가야 함!!
💚 2:46:24 ➜➜끝이 없는 지하 깊숙히 빨려들어가는 것 같은 저음과 파워, 마지막 왼손 쾅!! 너무 황홀함
💚 2:46:37 ➜➜임윤찬의 제스쳐와 오케스트라를 향한 시선이 서정적인 멜로디와 어우러지면서 마치 파노라마가 슬로우모션으로 돌아가는 것처럼 아름답다. 심지어 머리카락까지 함께 연주를 하는 듯~!! 영화의 한 장면처럼 눈물나도록 아름답다!
💚 2:47:27 ➜➜특히 이 부분 강력히 내려꽂는 오른손의 타건은 임윤찬 연주에서만 볼 수 있었음!! 그래서 더 극적이고 드라마틱하게 느껴짐!!
❤ 2:47:36 지휘자와 임윤찬의 눈맞춤
💚 2:47:57 ➜➜한 편의 영화를 마치는 듯한 감격스러운 마무리!!
❤ 2:48:18 지휘자의 눈물일까, 땀방울일까.. 둘 중 무엇이든 이 연주는 그 자체로 보물이다.
💚 임윤찬의 멋진 순간포착 모음 (백만번 반복해서 보고싶음)➜ 2:23:20 2:25:10 2:27:28 2:27:58 2:31:09 2:34:32 2:35:50 2:37:07 2:37:17 2:37:40 2:38:11 2:38:32 2:39:16 2:40:20 2:41:05 2:42:21 2:43:07 2:43:58 2:44:13 2:44:30 2:45:38 2:46:16 2:47:27 2:47:51 2:48:13
♥️♥️♥️ 2:47:30 ➜➜음악에 완전히 빠진 임윤찬, 순수 그 자체로 아름답다. 마치 나도 저 공간에 함께 있는 듯한 착각마져 든다. 동작과 표정이 절대 과하지않고 오글거리지 않으면서, 순수와 열정 그 자체로 청중을 매료시킨다.
👏 엄청난 환호와 기립박수 2:48:13
➜➜보통 단원들은 채를 흔들거나 치면서 축하해 주는데, 임윤찬에게는 거의 대부분의 단원들이 두 손으로 박수를 치며 축하해주고, 몇몇분들은 바닥에 발을 동동 구르며 격하게 축하해 줌!!
👏 첫번째 커튼콜 2:49:14
👏 두번째 커튼콜 2:49:47 마린알솝이 계속 기다림. 임윤찬을 위한 애정이 느껴짐.
👏 세번째 커튼콜 2:50:13 함께 무대로!
👩💼2:50:54 두 팔 벌려 안아주는 마린 알솝
👱♀️2:51:16 마린알솝과 다수의 오케스트라 단원들이 무대 뒤에서 기다렸다가 악수하고 사진을 찍었다고 합니다. 뉴스 기사에서 사진으로 봤어요. 저 분들도 이미 세계적인 프로인데도, 어린 임윤찬을 인정하고 존중해 주셔서 감동받았습니다.
유튜브 추천영상에 우연히 보여서 무심코 플레이했다가, 순식간에 40분이 지나갔던 연주에요. 소름돋을 정도로 전율이 흐르고 눈물까지 났었지요. 평생 처음으로 경험하는 클래식의 매력이었어요. 심지어 이 연주가 콩쿠르 1등이라는 사실도 모른채 감상했었기 때문에 더욱 남다릅니다.
라흐마니노프 피아노협주곡 3번은 마치 한 사람의 일생을 다룬 영화 한 편을 감상한 것 같은 느낌을 받아요. 우리의 희노애락을 표현한 대서사시 같구요. 클래식을 모르는 일반인이지만, 자석에 이끌리듯이 매일매일 여기로 찾아와서 음악을 들으면서, 위로받기도하고 행복한 황홀감에 빠지기도해요.
임윤찬의 연주는 신기하게도 일부분만 잘라서 반복하여 들어도 좋고, 처음부터 끝까지 이어서 듣는 것도 좋아요. 중간에 끊지않고 이어서 들으면 3악장에서 눈물이 터지는 마법도 일어납니다.
임윤찬, 진심을 다해 감사합니다. (어느 한 구간도 매력이 없는 구간이 없어요. 시간만 나면 감상하지만, 급할 때는 보고싶은 구간만 찾아보기도 하고, 모든 순간을 눈에 담아두려고 북마크합니다. 지극히 주관적인 개인소장용이에요~)
저는 이런 표현력이없어 제 개인 메모에 시간체크 해 놨어요 2주째 헤어나오지못하고있어요ㅠ 너무 감격스럽고 자랑스럽고 아껴주고 싶은 피아니스트입니다 한자한자 정성스럽게 정독했습니다^^ 하트세개 격하게 소중해요 리스트45분쯤 손에서 얼굴로 찬찬히 올라가는 장면은 심멎이니 가슴부여잡고 보셔야되요 ㅠ
@@arini4906 여기 모인 분들은 이미 모두가 '찐덕후'가 아닐까요~? ㅎㅎ 제게 '찐덕후'라 지칭해 주셔서 영광이고 감사해요~ 우리 모두 함께 이 순간을 영원히 즐겨보아요~♡
@@자두설탕 어머나..설탕자두님, 문장력 부족한 이렇게 긴 글을 정독해 주셨다니 몸둘바를 모르겠어요..ㅎㅎ 감사해요. 임윤찬 피아니스트, 영혼이 맑고 순수한 열정으로 가득한 예술가같아요. 우리 모두 소중히 아껴주면서 함께 응원해요~♡
와우 감사합니다
정말 덕후십니다 👍👍👍👍
The last 3 minutes are just magical. Nothing much to say. The orchestra was levelled up by his leadership.
I prayer he is healthy and give us more divine music.
Yunchan Lim made Cliburn Competition more famous in the world ! in the whole history of this Competition videos never had 5 million views.
now it's more than 6 million views..
now it's more than 15million views..
Yunchan Lim, took all of us outside of our bodies for this historical performance.
Starting around 2:43 is where he won this. He and Marin Alsop had a connection throughout the entire performance.
She played a huge role in him winning. She was feeling everything he was feeling. That is such a rare experience for musicians. but when it happens it is euphoric.
Lim is a once-in-a-generation pianist.
Once-in-a-century pianist
@@Sophie-fs3yf not really there's seong Jin also
Keep coming back to this video of Lim's performance for a better sound quality.
Just watched Horowitz's performance and I am now scared. This 18 year old boy told a TV reporter that he didn't care much about the gold medal because it wouldn't improve his skillset and he would keep studying and practicing music. A genius, a monster, who devotes all his energy to music and began to captivate humanity was born.
What a rare kind of artist
who devotes all his *soul* and energy
He said there are too many great music to play, his life time is not enough for it, so he will play only the great ones…
@@jseo327 이것이 맞는말. 천재와 재능이라고 하기엔 가늠하기 힘든 노력과 헌신을 다 하는 진정한 예술가. 노력이 너무 크기에 그에 비한 재능이 미비할 정도의 노력…..
Young Master, Yunchan Lim is an even Beyond Horowitz and became the GOAT with this Remarkable and Historical Performance.
중계해설을 맡은 엘리자베스 로는
임윤찬은 연주내내 내가 말을 할수도 없게 나를 울게하고 웃게하고 들었다놨다 마법사처럼 나를 뒤흔들었다,
이대회에서 임윤찬의 연주를 볼수있어 너무 영광스럽고 인생일대의 연주였고 내자신을 겸손해지게 만들었다.임윤찬은 18살이라는 나이에 절대 가질 수없는 올드소울을 표현했으며 곡의 기승전결 감성 쉐입 등 완벽했다.실력을 겨뤄야 하는 대회지만 대회를 떠나 이러한 연주를 들을 수 있어 너무 영광스럽다.
임윤찬의 연주는 과거 역사적으로 유명했던 음악가들의 영혼을 기리며 우리에게 가져다 주는 메신져라며 형용할 수 없는 말막힘등으로 임윤찬을 극찬하며 마무리 함.
(사실 이두분 말고도 8강 준결승 중간중간에 나온 해설자들도 말문이 막힐정도와 단어를 내밷지못할정도로 임윤찬의 연주는 콩쿠루 대회에서나 겨루는 그런 연주가 아니다라는식의 멘트들로 도배함 사실 사회자 포함 이미 겜은 끝났다는 분위기였음.)
그런거지요...ㅎㅎ 리싸이틀의..느낌 ㅎㅎ
올드 소울이라기 보다 성숙한 (음악적)영혼이라고 해석해야 뜻이 맞을거 같아요. mature.
내 평생 클레식을 이리 오래 듣는것도
반복해서 보는것도
듣다가 운것도
모두 처음ᆢ
클레식은 특히 협주곡은 지루하고 따분하고 뻔하다 생각했는데 ᆢ경의로운 협주에 감동의 박수를👏👏
Rowe’s high vocabulary with extra extra embellishments with the new words she created was very nice to hear. When she learn how to talk like that? No music conservatory schools teach a course on such public speaking…
perfect performance!!
Yunchan Lim!!
Yunchan Lim the best! How his body language tell the emotion from the tip of his toes to the tip of his hair make me breathless but my heart is engulfed with joy. It's a romantic interpretation of this piece I really love! Gifted Yunchan plus support of the orchestra and Ms Alsop all perfect combination!
I think. Younchan was angry until chapter 2. So he decided to be over the tempo, exceed it and getting faster as he wish , conclusion ly, he overwhelmed the whole orchestra even the conductor.
Everyone knows if she or he has ears and eyes.
He spirit the stage😂
Lim does not run alone and continues to look at the conductor and communicate with the orchestra. Bravo!
I was always a fan of Rach 2 and 4, and have listened to them many times, both live and on video. Rach 3 I could take or leave . . . that is, until this performance. I have lost count how many times I have listened to it - each time as satisfying and thrilling as the last. And I have come to appreciate what an incredible piece of music it is. It takes a technical wizard to feel comfortable enough to improvise and be creative with it, and in the process present to us a vibrant, pulsing, living piece of music. Yunchan has certainly put in the hours, but also his heart, which has touched mine directly, ensuring that I will continue to savour this historic performance. (On a side note, I'm glad he decided on the shorter cadenza here.)
Yunchan is right!!! Nobody is as "Exciting" as this adorable young man in the music world today 💚💚💚
I was fortunate enough to watch and listen from afar and witness a miracle. Well worth the gold.
진심 부럽습니다..
Where were you? in the lobby?
You are one of the luckiest people who got to witness the historical moment.
@@dionysus4778 No, I was online watching on TH-cam as it was occurring and shed a tear with Marin Alsop.
WOW Yun Chan!
"The old soul gift that he bears", "The power of music" . . . these factors come together in this unforgettable concert that I have viewed countless times. The power and passion that emanate from this humble soul elevate this experience to the highest level. As I watch Lim, he is ageless and accessing an unlimited palette of technique to express the music of the composers he loves. And he is so in tune with the orchestra and conductor, which maximizes the quality of the experience. This performance brings beauty, wonder . . . and gratitude, which in turn is our gift given back to Yunchan.
Beautifully said.. My Sentiments exactly..
great opinion
I remember all of player and orchestra. really proud. Thank a lot
I can feel the difference in sound when he plays the piano.
500번쯤 들었을까요.. 처음엔 윤찬님의 연주를, 타법을, 속도를, 윤찬님의 표정을, 지휘자의 표정을, 오케스트라 단원 한 분 한 분의 표정을 바라보게 되더군요~ 다른 연주자분과 윤찬님이 '진짜' 다른건 마음을 움직이는거라는 것을 알았어요~ 여러곡을 여러번 연주해서 지칠대로 지친 단원들이 임윤찬님이 연주를 시작하고부터는 표정이 달라져요 혼자만 자기 feel에 충만한 다른 연주자들과 달리 임윤찬님은 단원들의 연주를 진심으로 들어주었거든요 때론 베이스로 깔아주다가 때론 같이 화음을 내다가 때론 아주 화려하게 자신의 기량을 다 뽐내는 윤찬님의 연주에 오케스트라 단원들도 진심으로 연주하게 되죠. 단원들, 지휘자님, 그리고 임윤찬님이 하나가 되는 모습을 보는 것이 영화의 한 장면 같달까요~ 그러다 오늘 갑자기 클라이막스 부분에서 저도 모르게 눈물이 또르르 떨어지네요.. 클래식에 무지해서 이유는 모르겠어요 그냥.. 조금은 라흐마니노프가 이 곡을 작곡한 이유를 그리고 그 것을 표현하려고 했던 임윤찬님의 마음을 느끼게 된 걸까요~ 클래식에 이렇게 미친것도 노래 듣다 눈물을 흘린 것도 제 생에 처음입니다 고맙습니다 임윤찬님❤
Lim’s rach 3 is the best interpretation of this concerto that I’ve ever listened to. Personally, I enjoyed it even more than world class famous soloists’ performances such as Horowitz’s.
Up there with horowitz as the most enjoyable and distinct
I do not know if i can take it over horowitz but is up there with the ones that I have enjoyed the most
He is so genuine and humble toward music. He said he practices till he collapses because he wants to perfectly express the magma like singing inside him, which he communicated with the original composer. He said music can't deceive so he always tries to have a warm and considerate heart for others and the world
I agree with you ♡
Me too
2:27:48 These four notes on the left hand hit me right in the soul every single time.
마린알솝은 좋은 지휘자인게 보입니다
i love you yunchan lim epic rach 3
2:46:28 The communication between the conductor and the young pianist was so beautiful that I cried.
everyone cried here if you say you didn't you're lying.
2:47:35 eye (and heart) contact made me cry..
@@welcomeaboard5149 right. Saw his faint smile?
Is this hyperbole? She's just doing her job... If she DIDNT try to match his timing and ruined the finale she wouldn't be much of a conductor would she
When it was Yunchan's turn to play, it didn't feel like a competition anymore. It felt like a winner's concert. The others were very good, but his performance was beyond very good. It was absolutely magical.
I can’t imagine how anyone is going to beat Lim’s Rachmaninoff 3rd concerto.
This recording is historic!
기막혀.. 이름 제대로 알고 쓰세요.
I agree ~
You predicted this on the bight of the competition?
@@들꽃이야기-n6m '이' -> 'Lee'로 표기하는 것처럼 '임' -> 'Lim'으로 표기하는 게 맞습니다.
임윤찬이 청중에게 인사하는 장면 모두를 보기위해 여기에 또 왔어요. 현장의 감격을 조금이라도 더 느끼고 싶어서요.! 매번감동입니다.
오케스트라 쪽으로 돌아서 인사하는 모습이 제일 감동적이에요
@@mirangjung8404 저두요 몇번씩 돌려봐요😊
세 번을 나와서 인사하다니요... 박수가 끊이질 않아여.. 내 감동도 끊이지않아요.. 하..
When Lim was playing Rach 3, especially towards the end, he was no longer just a pianist. Felt like his whole being was making music. He could lead the orchestra so well because he listened and played with depth and layers of the orchestration of sound and colors, showing so much maturity as an artist, not a superficial pianist.
Cant agree with you more..
임윤찬의 연주는 한마디로 경이로움 이다. 흉내낼 수 없는 영역. 클래식음악을 피아노를 사랑할수밖에 없게 만든다
I especially like the exact moment where he plays the whole concerto as the greatest rendition of this concerto I've ever heard!
Not since Secretariat separated himself from the field by 31 lengths at the 1973 Belmont Stakes has a public performer separated themselves from the pack so dramatically as did Yunchan during this competition. Their performances are, each in their own way, exhilarating, exciting and once-in-a-lifetime spectacular. Bravo!
임윤찬의 연주는 가늘고 섬세하면서도 강력한 타건과 미스터치 하나 허용하지 않는 정밀함까지 갖췄다.
1악장에 예상외로 오시아 카덴차를 보여주진 않았지만 라흐마니노프가 원하는 그대로의 스케일 진행과 악상을 선보였다.
2악장의 카덴차는 템포, 페달부터 화음까지 가히 가공할만한 수준이라 할 수 있겠다.
3악장은 정말 명반으로 내줬으면 좋겠다는 마음까지 들 정도였다. 피날레전까지 고조되는 분위기와 함께 중간중간에 과하지 않게 넣어주는 A0 건반 디테일까지 새로우면서도 괜찮았다. 2:46:16 피날레 직전부터 시작되는 다운 옥타브 스케일은 여태껏 어떤 피아니스트도 시도하지 않았던 것 같은데 개인적으로 정말 맘에 드는 부분이었고, 악센트와 마무리까지 완벽했다고 본다. 다시 강조하지만 정말 오랜만에 나온 명연주라 호언장담할 수 있겠다.
수준이... 전문가이시군요
마지막에 지휘자랑 연주자 모션 멋짐. ㅎㅎ
아 나도 느끼고 싶다. ㅠㅠ
설명을 듣고 들으니 더욱 귀가 열립니다. 감사해요~
Yunchan’s historic Rach 3 has already won the hearts of the audience.
The gold medal is just a formality……
well said… and may i just add Trifonov’s rach 3 is just perfection..
hey there, all I can say is Marin. pls don't SIT on my piano!!!!! many tears shed over this over the top performance DG
Calling the best orchestras and conductors in the world, reserve your engagement early. The 18-years old pianist deserves to play with the best.
👍 good
How much effort he must have made... tears rolled down my eyes
I've never seen more vigorous applause, foot stomping and bow waving from an orchestra. Not only applause, but hands-over-head vigorous applause as well. Those fabulous musicians of the symphony orchestra were as taken with Yunchan's performance as was the audience. He conquered us all with this glorious moment in time.
Yunchan is so on top of his technique that he can explore the nuances and subtleties and go where he wants to go without limitation. This concerto comes alive under his hands, ably assisted by his rapport with the conductor and orchestra. A tremendously satisfying experience that thrills me every time I listen to it.
Well said
Prize doesn’t matter anymore. He will be a legend in history. We are so lucky to have him in our time, especially from when he is young.
I am sure he will get gold medal in this competition
근데 반클라이번 카메라팀도 진짜 대박인게 3악장 들어가기전에 사인줄 때 저각도 카메라로 바로 화면 돌린게 진짜 미친듯이 센스있고 직감쩔고 전문가냄새나고 난리났음
리허설때 카메라맨이 체크하는
사진이 있었고 12대 카메라가
위치에 따라 곳곳에 배치되어...
음악전문 기술진이라 한편의
영화를 보는 느낌입니다
페이스북에 보면 다 나와있어요
@@황금이네-e3b 아 네 아는데 생방중에 어떤카메라를 선택해서 화면에 내보낼까 선택하는게 진짜 어려운거거든요 피아니스트가 저런 모션을 할거란걸 예측하기도 어렵고,,2:34:34 잡아낸게 너무 완벽!
@@j코코-n3g 당연히 똑같겠죠..?
@@Potzzi-k1j 와 정말 캐치 너무 잘 하셨다. 너무 생각 없이 보다가 님 설명에 감탄. 👍
난리났음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 웃껴용
원래 클래식음악도 금방 질리는 편이라 같은 연주를 두 번 듣는 경우는 많지 않은데. 진짜 임윤찬 연주는 왜 자꾸 듣게 되는지 이유를 알 수가 없어요. 오늘만 벌써 세 번째 듣고 있어요. 아침에 일어나서 한번 듣고 일할 때 틀어 놓고 듣고 잠자기 전에 마무리로 듣고! 오늘은 결국 다른 콩쿠르 참여자들과 비교해 보려고 세 참가자들의 연주를 다 들어보는 중^^. 솔직히 두번째 연주자도 잘하네요. 그리그 곡도 아주 좋구요. 그러나 임윤찬이 너무 압도적으로 잘해서 운이 없었네요. 임윤찬의 연주가 시작되면 앞의 연주들은 기억 속에서 다 사라져 버리는 마법같은 일이 벌어지네요. 라흐마니노프 곡을 이렇게 끝도 없이 반복해서 듣게 되는 날이 올 줄은 상상도 못했는데.
Spectacular Yunchan!
나잘해요! 나잘해요! 나잘해요! 가 아니라 라흐가 연주하던 그때 그시절로 머리채 확~끌고 좌석에 앉혀 경청하게 하는 시간이었다 윤찬!
이 감정을 어떻게 표현해야 할까? 임윤찬. 그는 Horowitz보다도 위대한 연주자가 될 씨앗을 갖고 있다면 지나친 과찬일까? 호로비츠류의 신경질적이고 자기과시적이며 작곡가를 자기식으로 임의로 분해하는 과도한 낭만성이 아니라 스스로 천재임을 인식하지 못하는 듯한 무심하면서도 겸손한 태도로, 어린 나이와는 무관한 초절기교와 번뜩이는 감수성, 엄청난 에너지를 폭발시키는 진정한 천재성을 내내 보여주었다. 가슴이 울렁거리고 눈물이 앞을 가린다. 음악의 신이 그에게 임하였다. 반 클라이번은 천국에서 임윤찬에게 경의를 표할 것이다. 심사 자체가 불필요한 경지, 모든 참가자보다 다른 차원에서 피아노를 떡주무르듯한 그의 연주는 전설이 될 것이다. 심사위원은 경악을 금치 못했을 것이다. 왜냐고? 자신들보다 위대한 연주를 직접 보았기에 말이다. 주최측은 그에게 감사를 표해야 마땅하다. 경연의 위상을 드높여준, 전설의 시작을 알린 반클라이번콩쿠르로 영원히 기억될 것이므로. 지휘자와 오케스트라도 이전과는 다르게 스스로의 능력을 초월한 혼신을 다한 연주를 하게된 것도 음악의 신의 현현을 공감하며 깊은 감동 속에 협연을 했기 때문이라고 생각한다. 주목하라 세계여! 피아노의 신이 임윤찬과 함께 나아간다!!!
첫번째 연주자랑 같은 곡 맞나 할 정도로 지휘자랑 연주자들 연주 마저 완전 다르더라구요. 와 정말 곡의 한음 한음까지 허투루 지나가지 않아요.
계속 연주자들 연주를 귀담아 듣고 바라보며 계속해서 지휘자와 교감하며 연주하니 호흡이 정말 좋았습니다.
자신이 오케스트라 그 자체이며 마에스트로 같았습니다.
베토벤 협주곡때 저 연주는 모차르트 같다며 베토벤을 표현할줄 모른다는 댓글들 보고 어이없었는데.. 오늘 모든 걸 보여주네요.
정말 최고에요.
정성스런 댓글 감사해요. 음악을 들으며 같은 걸 느끼는 그 감정이 기쁩니다. 압도적인 우승결과도 기쁘고요.
심장이 터질 것 같습니다!!^^ 😭😭😭😍😍
So much pure passion in Yunchan’s playing. That’s the stuff life should be made of…
I've never watched a full piano competition video this many times in my life😳 best rachmaninoff 3 ever yunchan!
Yunchan Lim was the Nominated Gold Winner actually at the moment of the Marin Alsop's a Left Thumb up at 2 : 12 : 20.
LOL, how did I miss that!!! 👍
Lim is another level!
He even made the orchestra sound better. 😂
It’s true. He did.
완전 대공감
오!!! 맞아요!!!♥
I am ecstatic about Yunchan Lim and all of his piano performances. Having said that, I also love Clayton Stephenson's performance and his congenial demeanor on- and off-stage. While Yunchan has a superstar magical look, Clayton seems very congenial and has a gentleman-like good look. Both are my favorites. My Best WIshes, Yunchan and Clayton!
For me, Yunchan Lim ended the whole competition tonight. He was so in sync with the music, the orchestra and of course this wonderful conductor. I felt his performance, epitomized all that the Cliburn organizers hoped to achieve-to bring great piano music per brilliant young PIANIST musicians to the world. What makes Yunchan stand out more than all the others, for me, brilliant though most were, is his obvious thorough and empathetic reading and mastery of his composers' intentions before he puts fingers to boards .And then of course his wonderful pianism as he plays for us. His abilities, at his age are humbling to any or all of us who have attempted some of the works he performed in playing so securely, insightfully, refreshingly, and often innovatively well throughout the gruelling competition.. Thank you Cliburn all and especially Yunchan Lim.
Yes. Brilliant.
Yunchan Lim will defintely win ! He owns this monstrous Rachmaninoff Concerto No.3. This is not a competition but his recital! Bravissimo!!!
I've never seen a conductor have so much physical contact with the piano, leaning on it, even reaching a hand back to touch it. Actually feeling the music. What an incredible evening this must have been for those present. I'm so grateful to have it available.
thank god, it wasnt only myself keeping eye on her gesture. I can only say that there is some unknown magnetic power he wields?
I also thought I saw moments of Marin Alsop holding back tears, definitely feeling moved myself by Yunchan Lim's performance. I feel blessed to be able to watch (albeit online) both the conductor and the pianist...
Yes, glad to read your comment! I was mesmerized by the conductor too! Amazing chemistry among the entire orchestra, yunchan and conductor. Love the communication through her gestures and eye contact!! At the same time can see she is so into the music and joining Yunchan in his interpretation and going on this magical journey!
I'm not a big fan of classical music. But I can't help watching YunchanLim's performance again and again.
Touching, passionate, so powerful. A lot of emotion swept through my mind. I felt free listening his performance.
your name is Hayden and you're not a big fan of classical music? 😆
@@dionysus4778 spelling is different unfortunately 😁
Lim is sensational.
몇번을 봐도 눈물나는 엔딩부분
2:34:33 The way he looks at the orchestra. Complete focus.
오케스트라 소리가 훨씬 좋아진 이유 😄
ha ha ha ha
I rarely listen to classical music until now. It's because people like me, who don't know much about music theory, consider it was their own league-like music that I had to be explained why they should be touched. It was by chance to listen to Lim Yoon-chan's Rach 3 because of his victory in the competition in the news, but as a result, it was the first time that I had goosebumps and tears while listening to classical music. I cannot take my eyes off the whole play of the music, and I cannot feel myself.
He broke the limit that classical music.
It was no more monotonous music, and he showed the storyline so that even those who didn't know classical music could know where I am, didn't play it just to show how well he played, but became a Concerto itself.
He is already an innovator in classical music, and I am honored to hear his play in my 50s, and I am really looking forward to his performance in the future.
LIM 🙏 I am speachless, 18 years!! In his humble, polite towards the orchestra , strong artistical way he convinced the grand orchestra and a conductor to trust him and his vision, although he is only 18, that he knows undoubtedly what he is doing and to follow him. Of course if you can play 12 Transcendental Liszt etudes for sure you can also play Rach 3
Btw, he toured Korea with those etudes when he was 17. He is a master in his own right! I know this because I'm korean n I watch all his interviews and concerts in Korea.
I've often wondered what it would have been like to have been a witness to performances by Mozart, Chopin or Liszt, knowing full well that you were in the presence of greatness, and grateful that you were born in their time. Yunchan Lim. Now I know.
exactly yes! one scene in history, real time. and thanks to youtube~^^
How was he trained to play with such controls connected with orchestra conductor so well, technical level, all of these cannot be gained by taking lesson. I wishing him greater success and to hear him soon.
이미 성공하였지요..^^ 청중의 마음을 사로잡은것엔 세계1등!
Lim’s performance of Rach 3 was extraordinary, memorable, exquisite, passionate, lovely, need I say more? A social performance that will forever go down in history! wow!
2:34:32 ORCHESTRA! Are you with me? Do you want to elevate Van Cliburn to surpass all the other piano competitions? LET'S GO!!!!"
it’s like he was leading them into battle 🤣
Woodwinds!! Come on!!
This was incredible. I couldn't sleep and had to go back and re-watch! He's phenomenal!
@@elizabethcanales7170 the sun just came up and I'm still awake listening to this LOL
귀로 듣는게 아니라
영혼으로 듣고 있어요....
낮이고 밤이고
임윤찬군 너무너무 감사해요
우리곁에 와줘서....♡♡♡
Lim lets me realized that the classic music is alive and being with us in 2022.
매너리즘에 빠질때. 우울감이 몰려올때. 자신감이 없어질때 윤찬림음악을 일부러 찾아 듣습니다. 특히 반클공연 모든 연주가 위로의 위로를 더합니다. 어린 윤찬림도 끈기있게 힘든 시간들을 견뎌냈을텐데.. 나도 새로운 일에 좌절되고 힘들지만 이겨내보자 다짐 또다짐하면서 귀한 공연을 감상하며 에너지 충전하고 윤찬림 다른 영상으로이동합니다. 최근 새로운 공연영상이 올라온것 있다면 소개해주세요. 그리고 음반도 사고 싶은데 60을 향해 달려가는 저는 정보를 어디서 얻어야 할지 모르겠네요 ㅠ.ㅠ
yes24 에서 베토벤 황제피협 앨범 예약받는 다네요. 저도 어제 주문했슴돠.
저도 여기 댓글보고 어제 신청했어요 2만원이더군요.가슴두근거리며 기다리는 중입니다.
@@sunokbarlee6184 오 감사합니다
저도 님글 보고 구매했어용
@@ktjsmdw 감사합니다.*^^*
여기 님과 같은 심정으로 다시 찾아온 사람 있답니다~
그냥 피아노를 치는게 아니라 곡을 전체적으로 다 알고 이해하고 작곡가가 무슨 마음으로 음표하나하나 멜로디를 만들어 놨는지 그 기승전결을 알고 강약조절을 해가면서 피아노를 연주하네요. 오케스트라의 각 악기가 빛나도록 받쳐줄땐 받쳐주고 피아노솔로부분에선 또 강약조절하는 모습 멋집니다
피아노가 아니라 한편의 영화, 드라마,연극를 보는 느낌입니다.
특히나 인상깊은것은 압솔지휘자를 중간중간 계속 쳐다보며 오케스트라쪽으로 계속 고개를 들어 아이컨택하며 연주하는 모습이 너무나 인상깊습니다.
꼭 임윤찬군을 위한 오케스트라 같아요...
협주곡이 무언인지를 알려주는 연주예요.
아름답습니다. 지휘자와 오케스트라와 임윤찬군의 하모니가 최고예요.
맞아요...작곡가의 의도를 잘 파악하고.....모든악기소리들 악보들 다 기억함요.......그냥..콘서트한겁니다......대단합니다.. 참고로 전 작곡전공입니다...그래서 더 대단하다고 느껴집니다....
@@박올리비아-t4x 그러네요. 완전 단독 콘서트 ㅋㅋㅋ 다른 분들은 이분 콘서트 도와주러온 친구들 ㅋㅋㅋ
라흐마니노프 세계에 온전히 들어간 시간여행자! 세포 하나 하나가 모여 완벽한 유기적인 결합을 이루었네요. 윤찬군의 음악을 사랑하는 따뜻한 마음이 연주 곳곳에 묻어있고, 악마적인 집중력은 살아 숨 쉬어 청중을 설득시킵니다. 넘치지 않게 컨트롤하고 절제하는 피아니즘, 오케스트라를 깨워 리드하면서도 배려하는 여유로움까지 보여주네요... 윤찬군이 정말 정말 특별한 이유는 피아니스트 중에서도 흔치 않은 천부적인 손가락 운동 신경을 가지고 있다는 것인데요. 매우 어려운 패시지들을 아주 경제적이고, 간단하고, 쉽고, 완벽하게 표현합니다. 여기서 그치지 않고 악보에 담긴 작곡가의 의도와 본인이 연구하고 노력한 음악적 아이디어가 만나 다양한 색채와 톤을 계속해서 쉴 새 없이 만들어냅니다. 놀랍고 또 놀랍습니다. 원하는 소리를 추구하고 구현하기 위해 얼마나 많은 노력을 하고 있을지... 대단하고 대견합니다!! 너무 특별하고 아름다운 공연입니다. 당신은 보물...♥
경이로움과 순수 그 자체
자꾸 임윤찬님의 라흐 3번이 생각나서 미치겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 머릿속에 빙빙 맴돕니다 계속 들어와서 듣게 되네요
엄청난 평론입니다...
I'm a 68 year old man, and the last three minutes of Yunchan's performance has me in tears. A performance that's unlikely to ever be equalled or surpassed. Bravo!
You are not the only one! 💜🎹💟
Same here. I couldn't even believe what I was listening to
my friends - one here 68 in Portugal - I felt today the same, many , many years ago when i heard Wilhelm Kempff alive in Lisbon
Great memories, great remarks, and great lives!
Too bad he slowed down that much in the coda (every contemporary pianist does). But overall it's an outstanding performance, maybe can compete with the absolute best renditions by Horowitz and Rachmaninoff.
2:47:27 임윤찬의 격정적인 타건, 표정, 머리카락 모든게 완벽하다
A new benchmark for the performance of the Rach 3 has just been set. Phenomenal! Congratulations, maestro Yunchan Lim!
I got to see this live a couple of minutes ago. I am speechless. The most clean and effective rendition of Rach 3 by Lim. He will win this competition by a landslide for his performance tonight.
After the concert I met him at the stage door exit and was able to get his autograph. When I told him he would win he was so shy and denied what I said. The man is not only the most skilled of these performers, not only the youngest, but also the most humble.
South Korea seems to be taking international competitions left and right these days!
It must have sounded glorious live! It was vreathtaking even online. He deserved those ovations
I love the newest testimony of yours! How lucky are you to see his live performance and get his autograph? Wish I encounter him very soon!
@@christinek4375 haha I’ll feel even luckier in the future I hope. He’ll grow to be one of the greats of our generation.
@@rohinagrawal9727 As you wish! He is already the maestro and virtuoso!
I speak as one of the people who got his autograph and talked to him directly at his concert. He was the most humble person I've ever seen. He was a person who did not show off himself and had a heart to be humble in music.
His favorite performers are Alfred Cortot, Edwin Fisher, Dinu lipatti, and Youri Igorov. Unlike modern performers these days, he is truly humble in front of music.
Over over again and again listen to Lim's Rach 3rd's endind, touching, moving to tears !!! So powerful, feel like I want to embrace the whole Universal !!!
Wow!!! Did you all see that Lim led the orchestra and the conductor? Incredible!!
Yes, I was gobsmacked by the orchestra's tempo at the beginning of the 3rd mvt. Mr. Lim had to either compromise his vision of the work, or ignore the orchestra and claim his own tempo. He chose the latter---it was awkward, but thanks to the alert conductor and responsive orchestra they jumped onto his INSANE tempo and honored it. Did you see the orchestra members lining up backstage afterward to congratulate him? Amazing.
@@gburgess1295 He took off in the last movement of the Beethoven #3 he performed with this orchestra...Marin Alsop was stunned for a second, then smiled and caught up.
@@gburgess1295 well, I'm not only talking about the tempo but also about making music together, unity!! The conductor, the orchstra, and the audience including us were drawn into Lim!!
@@classicaldame4372: Exactly. The orchestra's conductor did not anticipate the artist's preferred tempo.
2:44:55 Let the male flutist struggle with the fast timing. The female flutist laughed
Yunchan Lim is not only the best pianist in this competition but one of the most gifted artists in the world. That Rachmaninoff was reminiscent of Volodos or the composer himself. We may never hear a performance quite like that again
I’m still in tears! Not since Trifonov’s 2015 Philharmonie de Paris performance of the Rach 3!
Yunchan is going to be a star!
What a talent! I’ve never heard Rachmaninoff 3 played this amazingly. He deserves the gold medal.
He and Marin were otherworldly in their connection on this concerto, NEVER have I heard anything close to this.
I usually prefer the alternate version of the cadenza, but Lim's version is out of this world. Musicality, explosion , dialogue.... Simply amazing
He will play the ossia cadenza in the future for sure
@@alanleoneldavid1787 I agree. After the victory at the compettion, when asked why he chose the original cadenza, he said "because it was the version the composer himself and Horowitz played". Anyway his teacher, Minsoo Sohn, said in an interview that Yunchan had prepaired both cadenzas for the competition. I also look forward to hearing him play the ossia cadenza one day. :)
@@jhyounyo He should record the concerto with the Ossia!
Instant Platinum CD for sure!
@@bobbarns4516 Of course!
There are two ways to enjoy this performance: 1) Watching the video and witnessing Lim's prodigious technique, collaboration with the orchestra, moments of calm serenity juxtaposed with all-out passion, and the special relationship with the conductor. 2) Listening to the audio without visuals and experiencing the progression and variety of moods, the choice of voicings, the intricate renderings of cadenza and arpeggio passages, and the cohesive vision and control that bring the individual elements together in such a complete and satisfying whole. Both experiences justify Buddy's reaction: "Nothing short of miraculous!"
Perfect! Thanks!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
천재가 아니라..
신이 연주하는듯.
윤찬은 없었고..
오로지 라흐마니노프만 있었네
말로 표현할수 없는 감동
I have so many things to do but I can’t stop coming back to listen to it…can’t get enough…
I haven't listened to classical music in a while. It was because of my anxious mind. Now that I have recovered and can listen to classical music again, Yunchan Lim's performance is a warm reunion for those who have left classical music. And it is like a powerful invitation for beginners to classical music.
So true
Yes. Im beginner
드디어 클레식(정확히는 임윤찬 연주)를 바구니 가득 채우기 시작한 초보자^^;;
I was in the hall for this performance tonight. Clayton was really great. Ilya's rendition of the Grieg concerto was absolutely beautiful
But Yunchan Lim's performance was so incredible intense that I was literally shaky afterward. Breathless. I sat in my seat for a few minutes just trying to wrap my head around what I had experienced. I have been listening to the Rach 3 for 20 years, but I have never heard anything like what Lim accomplished tonight. It's not that it was pretty much technically flawless. It's that there was a passion, ferocity and creativity that I have never heard in any of the recordings. It was great to meet him after the performance as well. Such a humble guy. I feel so lucky that this was my first time to hear the Rach 3 live! Bravo Yunchan. You have my vote for first place! You deserve it.
You are so lucky to see this performance live! I am so jealous. 🥹
Hope I get my chance to see his performance in person in the future.
Thank you for sharing your experience as an audience who watched this phenomenal performance!
Exactly the same what I felt!
Thank you for the comment. I had 3 live concerts of his here in Seoul, stangely he reminds me of my own years to have been through. (although he's only 18. I saw him when he was 14. He was already famous in music world in South Korea.0)
Thank u for sharing the experience with lively and beautiful words
🎖 *Yunchan Lim Plays Rachmaninov* 🎖
Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor,
Op. 30 *(1909)*
2:06:15 I. Allegro ma non tanto
2:09:08 *Moderato*
2:09:51 *a tempo [5]*
2:13:09 *Tempo I*
2:16:40 *Allegro molto* _[cadenza begins]_
2:18:35 *Meno mosso [19]* _[cadenza_
2:21:38 *Tempo I*
2:23:41 II. Intermezzo: Adagio
2:25:54 *Più mosso* _[piano entrance]_
2:26:18 *a tempo*
2:28:28 *Più vivo*
2:31:31 *poco più mosso* _[waltz section]_
2:34:13 *end of Mvt. 2 & attacca*
*subito Mvt. 3*
2:34:35 III. Finale: Alla breve
2:35:55 *più mosso*
2:37:31 *Scherzando [48]*
2:39:23 *Meno mosso [52]*
2:40:53 *Lento molto espressivo [55]*
2:43:03 *Tempo I. Alla breve [59]*
2:44:33 *Più mosso*
2:45:39 *Vivacissimo [74]*
2:48:15 *Applause*
2:51:22 *Closing Remarks from Co-Hosts*
*Elizabeth Joy Roe & Buddy Bray*
2:55:04 *Credits*
Yunchan Lim 임윤찬, piano
*2022 Cliburn Gold Medalist* 🎖
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop, conductor
*Sixteenth International Van Cliburn*
*Piano Competition*
*Final Round, Concert 3*
*Bass Performance Hall*
*Fort Worth, Texas, USA 🇺🇸 June 18, 2022*
History is written here.
정말 진심으로 감사합니다.
Yunchan's performance completely changes the air of the conductor, orchestra, and the entire concert hall. And I lost my words.
*Edited because I couldn't stand how jumbled my initial thoughts were, and the typos were killing my writer/editor side. Sorry, not sorry 😬
Thanks to my dad, I grew up listening to talk radio or classical music during car rides to school. I have always felt a surface-level appreciation for its beauty and was fascinated that music written ages ago could withstand the test of time. But it wasn't until recently that I became an avid listener and found myself repeatedly listening to performances from the Chopin Competition (only one pianist, and he was robbed of the opportunity to perform a concerto with the orchestra). My curiosity got the best of me, and I kept wondering how he would have played his concerto had he advanced to the final stage. I was lucky enough to find a video of his Rach 2 performance years ago; the rest is history.
I saw the FWSO perform in August 2021 for the FFXVII Remake Tour (my husband is a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu's music), and I walked in with zero expectations but was absolutely blown away by Arnie Roth and the FWSO. I've been itching to see another live orchestral performance since then. After my recent obsession with the Chopin Competition pianist, I searched for upcoming concerts at Bass Performance Hall in May, and the 16th Van Cliburn Competition popped up. I decided on a whim to buy tickets to a finalist concert as part of my birthday celebration, hoping to discover another pianist to follow for years to come. Again, I walked in with zero expectations, but I am so grateful I chose this date because it was an incredible experience from start to finish.
When Clayton appeared on stage, it was clear that he was an audience favorite to pay attention to. Clayton did great, and I could feel his passion coming through to my untrained ear. I couldn't shake the sense that his playing conveyed the message that he wanted to win, and he was dead set on proving to the audience that he was worthy of a medal. Ilya's concerto was lovely and sounded more refined. It was a breath of fresh air after Clayton's powerful rendition, and his performance had a maturity evident within the first few bars. I couldn't help but notice the orchestra sounded more in tune with Ilya versus Clayton.
But toward the end of intermission, the atmosphere inside the hall had noticeably changed. The noise level had cranked up a few notches as more seats were filled, and you could almost feel the palpable anticipation. I knew many in the audience were looking forward to Yunchan Lim's performance because I watched his Transcendental Etudes on YT and could not even comprehend how amazing it was.
There are still no words (and this was three weeks ago!) to describe Yunchan Lim's Rach 3 concerto. I am still in awe of hearing the difference between the orchestra during Clayton's performance versus Yunchan's in real-time, and it was hard to believe it was the same orchestra. My husband later commented that the orchestra must have been saving their energy for him. I felt like the entire audience was holding their breaths because nobody dared to miss a single note of this virtuoso pianist having his breakthrough moment. I usually shed a tear when something touches me to this degree, but I was so utterly floored by his performance that I couldn’t even manage that. As I listened to it again the following morning, those tears were finally extracted. Seeing the expressions of the conductor, maestro, and orchestra members was something I missed out on during the live performance, and it was a real treat to see their reactions after the fact. Wow. What a privilege it was to bear witness to such otherworldly talent. The colors and emotions I experienced while listening to his concerto will forever be etched in my memory, and Rach 3 will always hold a special place in my heart.
My husband’s review of the live performance: Fell asleep during Clayton (he wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but as parents of two young kids, we're always exhausted), paid more attention to Ilya (and even praised him), and by the time Yunchan played the first note, he was already leaning forward. I later caught him nodding his head in approval throughout his concerto and gave him a standing ovation, but then again, so did the majority of audience members.
I am looking forward to taking my dad and my girlfriend, who was at the live performance with me, to Yunchan’s gold medalist concert. I also purchased tickets to see Marin Alsop conducting Scheherazade in February 2023 at the Meyerson, and something tells me it will be epic.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
I wish I was there to experience that too. 🥹
Wow...thanks for your elaborate descriptions about the performances and the air of the hall.I was also so happy to have listened to these promising young artists' music in this competition. Especially, Yunchan's Rach concerto was so overwhelming that it's still hauntingly lingering. 😂 Your remarks are also very helpful. Thanks again.
Wow! Well said!!
Wow bought tickets and fell asleep, literally??
I love your honesty and your husband falling asleep! I get it! My wife would have had the same reaction…
저는 윤찬님의 연주전 준비부터 끝인사까지 전부를 볼 수 있는 이 영상이 좋아요🥰 23년 3월 벚꽃이 피는 오늘도 여기 왔네요. 앞으로도 계속 오겠지만요 :)
lim yun chan your music makes me cry with such emotions. you are GREAT artist truly the great one. thank you my dear artist.
Yunchan Lim is a musical miracle. Shivers across my head listening to this. That he is only eighteen years of age is simply incredible. Impeccable technical mastery. He is totally dedicated to the sound of the music. He plays with such passion. It is impossible to define this phenomenon with any accuracy, but it's essentially the sound of the piano when played by someone singing from the heart. That inexpressible harmony between fiery, lyrical romanticism, and clarity of sound. I cannot help but remember how Horowitz played Rach 3 with Zubin Mehta when listening to this. It is just straightforwardly beautiful. He clearly deserves the first prize. God bless Yunchan Lim.
Very artful and poetic remarks that you dedicated to his music resonate a lot
Agreed!!! I have listened to Rach 3 for >40 years, but I cried for the first time. Yunchan’s performance will be remembered for a long long time.
As much he is impressive, playing slower would have been a much better experience.
@Pat Amzallag I think when he matures he will a little slow down. like 1956 and 1981 recordings of Glenn Gould's Bach. I feel Lim's is young fresh and ambitious. Horowitz's 1978 rendition was grand and mature and of maestro.
@@창백한푸른점박이 I hope you are right.
"A performance nothing short of miraculous by Yunchan Lim." - Buddy Bray. "I was moved to's like one of those once in a lifetime performances...he was filled with something Divine tonight." - Liz Roe.' Nuff said. Mic drop 🎤
Oh, I remember you from Chopin Competition as Lee Hyuk's fan(i am his fan). He still writes me and he's a great guy. Too bad that he's not getting huge press after winning at Competition in France like Gifted YunChan Lim .
@@DavidSmith-ki2we Hello David. I hope you are well. Hyuk is a brilliant pianist, and I hope to have the opportunity to see him perform one day. I was delighted when he won the Paris competition. He has a great career ahead.
@@tns-rox oh I forgot to say that David is my husband, I'm Jennifer Kim - Smith (Korean American) Tragically, David passed away suddenly in March at a young age, n I'm devastated by his loss. Hyuk wrote me a long, heartfelt condolence in Korean as I speak, and read write Korean as well as some Japanese.
@@DavidSmith-ki2we My condolences on David's passing, and I'm glad to know that Hyuk wrote to you.
Regardless who the Competition winner will be., Yunchan Lim has already won the hearts of so many audience members across the globe as he captures the very essence of music in his playing and leaves the audiences, orchestra and everyone breathless. Bravissimo !
yes, but it would be a travesty if the jurors do not award Yunchan Lim with the Gold medal
Keeping fingers crossed for Yunchan to win the gold 🥇!
It is fortunate that Cliburn met Yunchan Lim.
Good to be alive in this moment...I am listening Yunchan.