Good morning everyone. I know I misspoke a couple of times. It's literally just who I am at this point lol But, I wanted to jump on here and say I won't be able to keep up with comments today! Busy day but I love you guys!!! Also! I will do an entire video on sexual assault in prison, thats why I didn't talk about it for to long here. Have a great weekend 🖤
Yeah, it must suck if your period is of a more "heavy flow". Like, even the female guards never had to deal with that? What kind of rationalizations go through their heads when they're being stingy with menstrual supplies?
@@FireMinstrel It's not prison guards deciding themselves how many pads to give/to be stingy with menstrual supplies, it's a decision made by higher ups that each inmate only gets 2 pads. So a prison guard would have to risk getting in big trouble to give someone extra pads (and probably wouldn't be able to give many extra pads even if they didn't get caught, because they have a limited supply to draw from to begin with & giving some people extra would risk having no pads left for others).
Girl I was just in jail left alone in a cell for over 8 hours in nothing but a turtle suit for no reason and slept the whole time. When I woke up I had literally bleed all over myself and it took at least an hour to convince a guard for anything.
@@wickedest-witch That sucks. I didn't even like working for giant pizza chains because of all the red tape, quotas, hovering and general obsession over THE RULES. Working at a jail or prison must be 1000x worse. I wonder how many guards quit over the bureaucracy alone?
This happened in Florida where I was this girl went into labor and they first made her sit for a couple hours the put her in a seg cell and wouldnt take her to the hospital
I just have to say, you completely changed how I view prison and drug addiction. I have so much more sympathy and understanding than I did before. Thank you for making these videos. And you looks gorgeous, obviously! ♥️
I agree. I have two kids with two different dad's who both have addiction issues. I've always been so naive to drugs because I never had been around that lifestyle. It's so hard to understand them. But these videos are definitely helpful.
I watched someone die I jail. She was withdrawing off heroin and was literally dying from dehydration. She begged the nurses for help telling her she needed IV fluid. The nurses said no she wasn’t sick enough and could die from h withdrawl. She eventually passed out and threw up in her mouth and choked on her own vomit and died. Healthcare in jail/prison is a joke (and if your wondering why I didn’t help or notice I was withdrawling myself)
I will never understand how healthcare workers take the oaths they do but are perfectly ok leaving someone in misery or to die! Don't understand how everday people can't do everything in their power to help someone. Before I became a nurse, co-worker went into a very fast and quick labor like her sons head was visible...and while waiting for the squad, helped bring a little boy into the world and I'm proud of that day. Allegedly they pick bottom rung nurses for jails and prisons but bottom or not, how could they not care about that poor girl?! It's not hard to start an IV, monitor someone, chart it and for a bag of standard saline/needle/line/bandaid - it's about 14 bucks. So a woman lost her life over others not caring and $14. Really makes you think... I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I hope you're recovering well from that trauma and from drugs, too. Hang in there ❤
"We need to incarcerate less people!" Yes! Just for starters, if someone is in jail for an act that had no victim, we shouldn't even think about imprisoning them! Addiction is not an act of violence, it's a *disease*. Addicts don't need punishment, they need *treatment*.
Jon S your words. “Addiction is not an act of violence”. Yet these individuals are not incarcerated for being addicts. It’s a straw man argument you’ve made.
If someone is giving BIRTH, even if they committed crimes and the world hates them, there is a CHILD that did absolutely nothing wrong, and they are at risk for dangerous health issues if things don’t go smoothly!
Also, that prisoner's punishment for their crime is however many years they were sentenced to. Not death. They're putting these women and their children at extreme risk.
It has been my personal experience that the kind of people who work as detention officers or corrections officers are usually vile, antisocial bullies while also being lazy and lacking any integrity whatsoever.
Not only are there private prisons, but they're billions of dollars in profit and the contracts with the private prisons guarantee a higher than 95% occupancy, so if they're not locking up people for longer periods of time, it costs taxpayers even more money. The government is paying billions of tax dollars to corporations and they're lucky if pennies trickle down to actually rehabilitate prisoners. Tough on crime is straight gravy train for the 1%.
That's a big criticism of the prison system in the US. It allows for much more inhumane conditions and it makes it profitable to house more people in them.
@@JustAnotherJarhead It’s a comparison :) In some ways, school is the closest comparison to prison because of the superiority complex often shared between the two.
2:03 my friend has endometriosis and i can confirm this 'shut up you're being sensitive' attitude is apparent in medical industries too. many doctors told her she was being 'overdramatic', a 'hypochondriac', etc. and other women around us usually reinforce these issues, 'take painkillers and grow up', etc. its not fair.
Endometriosis is honestly one of the biggest offenders here because it affects 1 in 10 women and yet it is one of the most ignored illnesses. Doctors never check for it because they think women are just complaining about cramps
Omg yes this!!! I suffer from endo too and I’ve had to visit many doctors before I’ve met one who took me serious after fainting several times from the aching pain .. and still to this day I encounter people who say “ don’t be so dramatic it’s just menstrual pain” even though the pain so,reimest is higher than someone giving birth with no Advil and that for24hrs for 1 week straight .. thank you for your comment ❤️
It really is unbelievable how the general public thinks jail/prison is such a nice humane place. I’ve heard “well they’re doing better than me, they get three hots and a cot” I know in AZ they feed us twice a day and former sheriff Arpaio bragged about how the K9 dogs eat at .45 cents a day and he’s proud that he feeds inmates on less. I’m glad shows like 60 days in are starting to show the general public some reality in how it is. Oh and I was just taking to my BF how you said females don’t get outside as often as men. And he admitted that men start riots and cause issues when they don’t allow them out and they take advantage of the women because they don’t physically intimate the staff.
God that’s heartbreaking. I have endometriosis and I cannot imagine the women who have heavy bleeding and severe cramps being given 2 pads a day. No Ma’m.
I have endo and PCOS. Imagine having to beg for advil (which hardly does anything but better than nothing) from a nurse during your period...and probably be denied. And then bleeding on everything. Sounds like the 7th circle of hell.
Happy Vday! I hope you, Reece and the kids are doing something fun tonight. Thank you so much for the shout out. I am fighting back tears watching this. Thinking about having pads but no underwear, being told you're over reacting when you uterus is falling out, its all cruel and unusual. Its people like YOU, Christina, Bryan, Jonathan, JC -- and so many more people i'm forgetting bc I only have a minute at work -- who are bringing awareness to these heinous issues and helping them go mainstream. Every day, I hear of a new celebrity hopping on the criminal justice reform train. It is up to us to make sure our sisters inside are not forgotten. Videos like this help so much. Thanks, Jess!
On the other hand of the gender specific health investment women get much more investment. It's a paradoxical result. Until recently. (with male organizations forcing more investment in stuff like prostate cancer) the difference was even more staggering. We also have far more federal offices devoted to women health than men health. (please notice that I like your comment, so I am fully aware that you are correct).
Omg, I can not believe you get treated like that. I’m a man but I’d rather resign if I was ordered to go watch women shower or pad them down. Do women guards pad down men? Or watch them showers? I don’t think so. If I was a guard I’d bring in pads, as many as I could get away with.
Kel ly thank you. I try. It’s more about respect to the female gender. Know to many abused females and it’s sad that even prison guards have no respect. It’s just not right in my opinion.
You've opened up the eyes of so many people.. I sincerely hope you open the eyes of the people that can do the most to enact change where change is needed the most... I hope you have a loving & wonderful Valentines Day...
I litrally cant believe the comments you get. I recently watched your "I went viral video" and its disgusting!! Why are women so quick to put down other women? Thanks for speaking up for them. I've never been to prison but learning all this makes me feel for the people who made that one bad choice and went to prison.. prison is a loss of freedom NOT A LOSS OF BASIC HUMAN HYGENE AND SAFETY x
And no I'm not referring to people who hurt children. I dont give a damn who hurts. More power to the people who get at them and risk there own freedom x
I just wanted to say how much you and your videos have changed my view on addicts an felons. I talked to my mom yesterday about eating disorders and addiction in general. And I told her about you and what I've leard listening to your story and we kinda got into an argument because she thinks that addiction in any way or form is the fault of the addict and that they have to help themselves and that they don't "deserve"help or that it wouldn't help. And that was when I realised how much you've taught me. Thank you sooo much. Cause before I used to think kinda similar because that's what society tells you about addiction. In my opinion that needs to be talked about more
Me. Absolutely. She has all my respect for the fact alone that she fought hard to get her daughter back. Saving her to end up in the system. She is a great mom.
Labour/childbirth is the hardest thing I have ever done! I couldn’t imagine going through it in prison. The supportive people around me are what kept me sane and got me through. It is NOT right that you, or any woman, should ever have to go through that! It’s heartbreaking.
Lol, when you mentioned cramming yourself in a half-bathroom with three other people, it immediately reminded me of a time in high school where my five friends and I did NOT want to go to a schoolwide assembly. We hid inside an empty supply closet in one of the classrooms. It was hot, it was dark, we couldn't talk very loudly, and a couple people started arguing...and then one of the guys farted. Yeah...we lasted less than an hour before we came out and tried hiding in the classroom instead. We got caught and sent back to the assembly, each of us liking each other just a little less from then on. None of us would have lasted long in prison.
I know it's very different but so many things that happen to women in prison happened to us in the military back in the 1980's. I was in the Marines and was in school in the California desert. Our male counterparts were allowed to live in rooms with a roommate. All the women in this school (1 year) had to live in squad bays which is 80 women living in one giant open room with a bathroom in the middle and open showers. There were times that the duty officers would come through our squadbay and pull covers off women to assure they are proper sleeping attire. We were in open squadbays because we needed to be kept in a "controlled environment". I've been watched taking showers by men walking through on "official duty". So I can totally relate to the dehumanized feeling of having no control and no way to say anything back. Retaliation was a real thing. We just tried to survive the ordeal and get the hell out. When I got to my first duty station, I was assigned a job soldering cables because we were so much better at "menial work". I had no idea that I would face that kind of treatment but I stuck it out an did my four years. I often said it was something like prison. I couldn't pick where I slept. I wasn't allowed to leave any time I wanted to. Once I was called by a man much older and senior to me to spend the weekend with him. Because I said no, I picked up trash on the side of the road like a criminal for 30 days. He acutally said to me, "who will believe you?" I really enjoy your videos.
Back in the 1980's, my uncle had a couple drinks, only a couple. He was on his way home and hit a guy on a bicycle. It was late at night, the guy had no lights or reflectors. He died. My uncle went to jail for a year for involuntary manslaughter. Til he died, he never forgave himself.
I was arrested on a miner drug charge and after being searched by a female officer, 3 male cos took me out of holding and had me strip naked laughed and gave my clothes back.
I come from a huge law enforcement family and we naturally have plenty of friends in law enforcement too and I support what you are saying 100%. My family has worked hard to try to educate our community about these issues and how its hurting all of us in the long run. If we are putting people behind bars with mental illnesses or heck, people without issues but constantly abusing them, treating them like less than animals, not working on helping them but releasing them back into society what do we think is going to happen? Hurt people, hurt people so there will be more and more mental health problems and more safety concerns in our cities and town. Add to that the fact that once released, we set people up to fail then ridicule them when then do. We release these people who have paid their debt to society and say they need a job but no one will hire felons. They often have financial debts to repay their prisons of on parole and limits set on them like where they can live or work and that can make it nearly impossible so they end up homeless or back in prison. That is not ok. Another thing that drives me crazy is that so many people have huge sentences for marijuana use but rapists often have shorter sentences. I don't get this at all. Especially now since marijuana is legal in some places. I don't know exactly where but I know it is in my state yet we still have people in our prisons here serving years and years for personal use marijuana. Wth? I could go on but I'm getting worked up and sad. Jess, keep sharing your words. I support you. ❤ You're making a difference.
I started watching your channel because i wanted to understand my father. I got so tired of wondering why has my father given me such a shitty life. He’s a drug addict! Has been a heroin addict for about 25 years and im 27 and now not only do i understand drug addiction, i also truly see why my father never changed and it makes me empathize for the addicts out here. And i have a clearer understanding! So thank you for that, though my father will never change and my ptsd caused my him is the effect of his actions, all i can do is love him even if it pains me but keeping him far enough so it doesn’t affect my life.
This is very interesting! You mention how inmates seduce guards in order to fulfill their needs and I feel like that is explained by Maslow’s hierarchy so well. Until these inmates have their basic needs met (i.e., having hygiene products, a feeling of safety [aka not being forced to be watched by men while showering], etc.) how can they work on the self actualization phase? They are too busy trying to fulfil other areas of the hierarchy that it is so difficult for them to work on their recovery! Until the government and private institutions recognize this, these issues will unfortunately persist. So devastating.
I was sent away from visiting at FSP once for wearing shorts that were “an inch too short” according to the COs. I was only 9 years old! Sometimes it felt like COs sexualized young girls more than any inmate would.
Hey jess that purple underline looks awesome on you and I was wondering are you planning to do a sleeve on your right arm or just the left lots of love from Michigan
Maybe you could consider a collab with Jaclyn Glen on this issue, to spread the word? She's a feminist youtuber and I have a feeling that she would find this an interesting issue worth discussing
Unless some major stuff has gone down in the past like, idk week and a half? that I'm unaware of, Jaclyn considers herself anti-feminist and doesn't like to acknowledge women as collectively disadvantaged/disenfranchised on any front. She's a prominent atheist youtuber and is on the bad side of a number of Christian fundies who are definitely very anti-feminist themselves, but that does not make her feminist. I don't think she would be conducive to this discussion at all. Especially not with how she tends to sensationalize topics and how many right-of-center youtubers she hangs out with.
Something else I want to say... Jessica you are doing a great service by letting people know what's going on inside.. these places.. I also think that you are going to do even more in terms of opening up this door.. I really do..
Thank you for creating this amazing content, Jess. I’ve never been in trouble with the law but I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. To me feminine care should be free for EVERY woman. I don’t care if you’re in the free world or prison. If you can’t afford or have access to something as little as a tampon or a pad that is a MAJOR issue in our system and society. That is abuse to me that women can’t have those items. Like gross! makes me feel horrible for them. I hate that every person is also under the impression - well they got themselves in prison I don’t care how they’re treated. Seriously?! Better be damn glad it’s not your friend or family member. 😤😤
Girl I want to shout and clap from the rooftops for what you are sharing, your amazing balanced attitude and your incredible intelligence, your empathy and your strength, I admire you so much and am sharing your content!
Recently, with my college's forensics club we were able to take a tour of the local jail. It was extremely eye opening. I've been watching your videos for a while, but this really made me realize how bad it was. We saw a cell near intake that was meant for two people and like you mentioned it had a boat in it so that it could hold three people, the officer who gave us the tour said that it's illegal for them not to have the boats in the cells if there is more then two people in it, because they can't make them sleep on the floor, meaning the mattress can't be on the floor. There was five pods at this jail four were for men and one for women. They told us about the trustees, not sure if that's how its spelled or if that's a universal term, but its what we were told, and how I believe they said that their was twenty trustees and when we asked about them the officer told us that only one of them was a women and that while the men were able to move around the jail while the women was not even able to leave the pod. It was very strange going to the jail and seeing everything. We felt weird being in someone of the areas, near the pods specifically, because for lack of better words it made it seem as if we where watching them like they were in a zoo. I'm glad I got to go because I learned a lot, but the entire experience just felt weird.
Watching you and Christina has taught me so much about the prison system, before i would've been like "well most of these people are criminals so they deserve their fate" but really I was ignorant and misinformed. Punishment is different than torturing someone within an inch of their life, especially with the crimes most people are in for. Thanks for educating me
When I was in jail (in a 6 person cell) we would ask the officers for pads each shift change and each one of us would ask, and we would hoard them. That way when one of us got our periods, we would have enough pads. However, if we got our cell tossed, they would take them
I absolutely LOVE you! And all the things you say i 100% agree. Prison and even jail is SO unbelievably unfair to women! The fact that women are going through the WORST pain a human body can endure ALONE is not so very inhumane. I will never forget the pain I went through when I had my son.. was the worst pain ever. I cant even seem to imagine how it would've been alone! You are so freakin' SRTONG and I hope you know that. So very proud of you! The fact that men co's are allowed to pat down females is NOT okay! So many women have extremely trauma over men. My heart is breaking hearing all of this! Definitely never stop trying to change the system. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
“Gas lighting” that’s what the guards do to women by telling them they are crazy or making up things. 😊 I love your videos, you’re beautiful and inspiring!!
People don't realize how precarious life is. It can change on a dime. Riding high today, a paraplegic tomorrow or a prisoner next week. Be thankful. Be humble. Be kind. Your channel and other channels humanize prisoners. I never knew someone in prison until I saw your channel. Inmates were bad people. Throw away people who deserve little consideration. After watching so many videos I was awakened to the inhumate treatment in prisons. We of course don't want a country club experience but we want humane and decent treatment with hope. Hope for a life change. I didn't realize the problem with correction officers being cruel. I assumed COs would be afraid of running into a former inmate on the street. You educated me.
America is a land of second chances. Many of our ancestors came here as outcasts, criminals or just simply poor with a hope at a chance at a better life. "Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future ".
Jessica, you are changing the world. You have changed my life and the people's around me. I have become so passionate about prison reform since finding your channel from Christina. I have started to get my foot in the door by reaching out to different prison outreach groups. You have taught me that compassion is a MUST for the marginalized. Not that i wasnt empathetic or compassionate before i found your channel, but now I look at everyone I see a different way. In a loving way. Our first step should be to REFORM NOT PUNISH. I am someone who believes nurture over nature. No one is born bad, the experiences they lived through are what changed them.
I did 6 months State in Texas on trumped up charges. I could have be the charges but my p.d. told my family that if I continued to make the DA and Sheriff Dept look bad that my family could suffer. Believe me jails and prisons do have innocent people in them. My gf is 30 has done 5 yrs in seg straight. Shes about to get out in Aug., wait until you here her stories.
I 100% know what you mean about the visits. I had my hair a certain way and was yelled at by another woman CO. I know what clothing is appropriate but I cant remove my large chest for the visit. Women mistreat women in jails WAY TOO much! Love ya!
They used to burn us at the stake for non-compliance. Still following the terrible cycle with awful prison conditions. The point you make about women being focused on food and hygiene and not being able to even think about focusing on rehab. That makes it so so clear. Jail/prison are the opposite of how the nervous system heals and works. Explaining more about that might help people understand why being yelled at and left alone is so horrifying. It all works against our biology. It’s physically the worst things to do for a human
There's a really poignant scene in OITNB where Caputo is at a prison convention/ fair and is looking at cost effective products to introduce in prison, he briefly glances at the menstrual cup/ re-usuable sanitary products stand, before heading elsewhere to something that really wasn't that important. In this day and age, re-usable menstrual products are really good quality and cost-effective, they should be introduced in women's prisons.
On the issue of women being patted down, yelled at, physically restrained by men, there's a related issue with the criminal justice system: a lot of women are sent to prison for fighting back against an abuser.
When I was 10 I went to visit my dad in prison with my grandma. I wore shorts because it was summer in Texas. They almost didn't let me in because if you are "over 13 you can't wear shorts to the visitor room". We argued because I wasn't 13, I am just tall. They eventually gave in and let me in. However there was another lady who wasn't allowed in because her dress was too tight and I just remember watching her cry and walk out. Awful.
Jess, I'm called to be a preacher(not there yet but working on getting into school for that) and you have reignited the flame of desire for me to go preach in prisons as part of my mission. I also would request that the prisons allow those in seg and death row to attend. I would request anyone, regardless of their behavior status to attend as those who are in seg and those on death row are the ones who may need to hear my message the most. I would just request a CO guard while I'm there to obviously keepe safe and that any inmate who wants to speak with me after would be allowed to. I just wanted to let you know that I feel called to this mission in particular. And part of that reason is your platform and I'm in agreement that things need to change in prisons, it doesn't need to be a walk in the park, but some things really need to change so that mental health especially is addressed better. That and medical care. If you're ever leading a protest let me know so I can march with you
So true the jail I was in the men was always out of their cells while the women were locked down 23 to 1 and that hour we got out we had to use to shower, use phone,etc. & if that wasn't enough time for u to do what needed to be done oh well they don't give a f***
Thank you for speaking the truth, everyone needs to hear this. I’ve never been to jail or prison, but you did such a good job explaining everything. It’s heartbreaking.
this is disgusting and needs to be talked about! are there any programs where we can donate pads, tampons and underwear to inmates? i would totally be down to do that
Classrooms are the same way. Girls are held to a much higher standard than boys and are policed by teachers harsher and more closely than boys are. ‘Boys will be boys’ is an attitude that transcends all situations.
It’s so important that you are shedding light on this subject. We need more people talking about these issues to make a change. Keep doing what you’re doing!!!
I couldn't imagine working in a prison were it's just a normal thing to treat human beings like this. I love that you speak truth into the world I truly think itll help in the long run!
The period story that happened to be on the news a couple years ago where a girl was on period and the jail she was at didn't give her hygiene products or something of that sort until this female judge at her hearing found out in shock and ask (more like yelled) guys to get her some hygiene stuff.
( April 14 , 2021 ) As a man I am disgusted by the treatment , bleeding on themselves because no underwear? That is just too much. Thanks for talking about it. Be well and stay safe
For any men here just an fyi ... during the first couple of days of a period of a woman with a heavy flow can go through one super plus tampon every 2 hours, sometimes less, before it starts to leak out onto the underpants.
Jess, thanks for bringing attention to how awful women are treated in prison. This is a subject that had never been on my mind in any meaningful way before. I knew, from a legislative standpoint, that our justice system needs an overhaul, but what you've described is unacceptable. Is there any way to donate hygiene products to women in prison? And ensure that they're actually distributed?
When I was in NH state prison a women had a seizure and the co's put her in the dry tank assuming she was faking. When they found her the next morning unconscious they took her finally to the hospital and found she had also had a stroke. Now she can barely communicate and has very little use of one side of her body. Imagine if they had believed her and took her right to the hospital? It may have been prevented!!! But she's a women and they don't care!
SO MANY GOOD POINTS!!!! Unfortunately, prisons have germs, and it’s just not right for anyone, let alone risking infection in a newborn. Calling sharing soup or other things purchased in the commissary “trafficking” seems excessive. I know there must be a reason, but that’s so sad. Also, private prisons are just so very troublesome. Equality is important on so many levels in our world and this needs to happen quickly.
Wow, I had no idea the situations were so bad until I started watching you and Christina Randall. I never had sympathy for prison inmates before at all, and would harshly judge women who had been to prison. I'm so ashamed of myself for feeling the way I have. Thank you for doing these videos and bringing these type of problems to light because there are a lot of us who are ignorant and naive when it comes to prison and addiction.
Jess, thank you for making this video and bringing these issues to light. Change can only occur if people are aware that there is a problem in the first place!
Your videos are awesome! I’m an elementary school teacher and I was wondering if you’d consider making a video on the school to prison pipeline and your thoughts on it?
It is so easy to get into the legal system even if youre doing everything right. Start to care now or realize that no one will care when it happens to you. We need to end privitization.
Hey Jess. My name is Megan. I have done just 2 months in my county jail and my gf is now in Bledsoe County prison in TN. I just come across your page and I love your videos. I totally agree with everything that you’re trying to put out there. The system is failing us as women especially. I’m a recovering addict and going to jail did nothing for my recovery what so ever. The jail I was in was disgusting and over crowded. They gave us half ass yoga mats to sleep on which I was on the floor the entire time bc there wasn’t enough bunks. You couldn’t even walk through the pod to get any kinda exercise bc you would step on someone. The floors were covered with women. We also didn’t receive enough proper hygiene products. I had to wear the same clothes for 5 days b4 someone finally felt bad for me and gave me an extra set. We could order underwear on commonsarry but as you know you can only order on certain days at certain times and it would come once a week and sometimes once every two to three weeks. If you don’t have money for commonsarry they would give us indigent packs. They only had a baby bar of soap you get at a hotel a small toothbrush and a condiment size package of toothpaste. No deodorant or shampoo. You would get I think 2 envelopes also. I was there for 55 days. They took us to the gym twice for an hour. One of the times was bc they were doing a raid and they left us in there for hours without a bathroom and no water or food. I went to visit my gf in prison and they turned me away each time and I had to go buy different pants at the gas station up the road to fit their liking and then when I wore them the second time they said not to wear them back bc they wasn’t exceptable. I have a big booty I can’t help that and it doesn’t matter what size jeans I wear it’s still going to be out there but if I wear bigger ones then they say their to baggie. I had to use the bathroom while the visit was going on and I was searched again after coming through the check in before the visit started. I believe it’s because of my sexuality bc no one else was randomly searched. They told me that was standard but the first visit I had made there no one was and I was at it the entire time. Anyways I could go on and on about my story and situation. I would love to talk with you and share more of mine and Tiffany’s story and help you with getting the awareness out. I’ve been wanting to do something but just don’t know where to start. My email is I hope you see this and get back with me. Sending all the love from TN ❤️
This hits close to home. Do you have one drink and drive, do you have a cell phone - can result in manslaughter=jail. I believe everything she is relaying. This planet is corrupt and mindless and inhumane MOST OF THE TIME! URGH The two pads per day Patting down by males Yelled at Would be PTSD RELATED FOR ME, FOR SURE!
So true! I did 45days in county jail when i was 20yrs old and one of the ladies i associated with was pregnant, high risk pregnancy actually. She began to bleed but the C.O. wouldnt give her any pads so me & some other inmates gave her what we could spare but she still ended up having to use a tshirt. Also this happened on the weekend so even though she was pregnant and could've been miscarrying(thank God she didn't) she didnt get to go down to medical until Monday and didnt get to be seen by a doctor until Tuesday. Great vid Jess! I hope y'all have a wonderful Valentine's day!!!
Good morning everyone. I know I misspoke a couple of times. It's literally just who I am at this point lol But, I wanted to jump on here and say I won't be able to keep up with comments today! Busy day but I love you guys!!! Also! I will do an entire video on sexual assault in prison, thats why I didn't talk about it for to long here. Have a great weekend 🖤
Jessica Kent we love you more ❤️ hope you have a amazing day
As long as your okay jess have a lovely day xo ❤
I would love to see you have a network of like-minded people And do chats like honey badger radio.
Good morning
Jessica Kent great job, Jess!
women only being allowed to have 2 pads and forcing women to bleed all over themselves is just a health hazard smh
Yeah, it must suck if your period is of a more "heavy flow". Like, even the female guards never had to deal with that? What kind of rationalizations go through their heads when they're being stingy with menstrual supplies?
@@FireMinstrel It's not prison guards deciding themselves how many pads to give/to be stingy with menstrual supplies, it's a decision made by higher ups that each inmate only gets 2 pads. So a prison guard would have to risk getting in big trouble to give someone extra pads (and probably wouldn't be able to give many extra pads even if they didn't get caught, because they have a limited supply to draw from to begin with & giving some people extra would risk having no pads left for others).
Girl I was just in jail left alone in a cell for over 8 hours in nothing but a turtle suit for no reason and slept the whole time. When I woke up I had literally bleed all over myself and it took at least an hour to convince a guard for anything.
@@wickedest-witch That sucks. I didn't even like working for giant pizza chains because of all the red tape, quotas, hovering and general obsession over THE RULES. Working at a jail or prison must be 1000x worse. I wonder how many guards quit over the bureaucracy alone?
@@tayyhoneycutt5489 Turtle suit? Is that like those velcro suits they give to people who they think are suicidal?
Leaving a woman in labour alone or ignore her for hours is just cruel and unjustified. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.
Inhumane, right?
This happened in Florida where I was this girl went into labor and they first made her sit for a couple hours the put her in a seg cell and wouldnt take her to the hospital
It’s their body, their choice and you shouldn’t decide!
@@abigailnorris720 right
I just have to say, you completely changed how I view prison and drug addiction. I have so much more sympathy and understanding than I did before. Thank you for making these videos. And you looks gorgeous, obviously! ♥️
This comment makes me so happy. That is why I make these videos 🤗
Same here , I have learnt so much from our beautiful Jess ❤💪🏼🙏
Same here
I agree. I have two kids with two different dad's who both have addiction issues. I've always been so naive to drugs because I never had been around that lifestyle. It's so hard to understand them. But these videos are definitely helpful.
Same here
I watched someone die I jail. She was withdrawing off heroin and was literally dying from dehydration. She begged the nurses for help telling her she needed IV fluid. The nurses said no she wasn’t sick enough and could die from h withdrawl. She eventually passed out and threw up in her mouth and choked on her own vomit and died. Healthcare in jail/prison is a joke (and if your wondering why I didn’t help or notice I was withdrawling myself)
Stay strong 💪💪👍
I will never understand how healthcare workers take the oaths they do but are perfectly ok leaving someone in misery or to die! Don't understand how everday people can't do everything in their power to help someone. Before I became a nurse, co-worker went into a very fast and quick labor like her sons head was visible...and while waiting for the squad, helped bring a little boy into the world and I'm proud of that day. Allegedly they pick bottom rung nurses for jails and prisons but bottom or not, how could they not care about that poor girl?! It's not hard to start an IV, monitor someone, chart it and for a bag of standard saline/needle/line/bandaid - it's about 14 bucks. So a woman lost her life over others not caring and $14. Really makes you think...
I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I hope you're recovering well from that trauma and from drugs, too. Hang in there ❤
Not like you could've done anything anyway, since the problem was mostly dehydration. She would've died anyway.
i don't understand how they let it keep happening.
I’m so sorry lovely x that must have been harrowing, that poor woman who died 😭❤️
"We need to incarcerate less people!"
Yes! Just for starters, if someone is in jail for an act that had no victim, we shouldn't even think about imprisoning them! Addiction is not an act of violence, it's a *disease*. Addicts don't need punishment, they need *treatment*.
Seriously!! Jail and prison just makes addicts worse. We need help. We need therapy. Not put in a place where drugs are available still.
I'm not sure that really happens. These people are in jail for trafficking or crimes related to drugs (theft, etc).
@@robertgary3561, what exactly about my comment leads you to infer that I view transporting drugs as a reason to incarcerate people?
Jon S your words. “Addiction is not an act of violence”. Yet these individuals are not incarcerated for being addicts. It’s a straw man argument you’ve made.
@@robertgary3561 I agree
If someone is giving BIRTH, even if they committed crimes and the world hates them, there is a CHILD that did absolutely nothing wrong, and they are at risk for dangerous health issues if things don’t go smoothly!
Also, that prisoner's punishment for their crime is however many years they were sentenced to. Not death. They're putting these women and their children at extreme risk.
It has been my personal experience that the kind of people who work as detention officers or corrections officers are usually vile, antisocial bullies while also being lazy and lacking any integrity whatsoever.
True. The woman should eat well.
I’d love a video on private prisons vs public prisons. I didn’t even know they had private prisons
EricaJomsom yes I had no idea there was such a thing as private
Not only are there private prisons, but they're billions of dollars in profit and the contracts with the private prisons guarantee a higher than 95% occupancy, so if they're not locking up people for longer periods of time, it costs taxpayers even more money. The government is paying billions of tax dollars to corporations and they're lucky if pennies trickle down to actually rehabilitate prisoners. Tough on crime is straight gravy train for the 1%.
Yes I would love that video.
That's a big criticism of the prison system in the US. It allows for much more inhumane conditions and it makes it profitable to house more people in them.
@@TheTroutkitty rehabilitate? Prisons are not about rehab, just punishment. jus' sayin'
I’ve never even had a detention at school, yet half the content I watch on here is prison related😅This was very insightful well done❤️
Same lolol
I never had detention yet I had one suspension because a girl was attacking me...
Trin Murray That’s awful, I’m sorry you experienced that🥺
where do these "school" comments come from on a "prison is unfair to women" video???
@@JustAnotherJarhead It’s a comparison :) In some ways, school is the closest comparison to prison because of the superiority complex often shared between the two.
2:03 my friend has endometriosis and i can confirm this 'shut up you're being sensitive' attitude is apparent in medical industries too. many doctors told her she was being 'overdramatic', a 'hypochondriac', etc. and other women around us usually reinforce these issues, 'take painkillers and grow up', etc. its not fair.
Exactly! Women not being taken seriously is a huge problem out of prison too!
Endometriosis is honestly one of the biggest offenders here because it affects 1 in 10 women and yet it is one of the most ignored illnesses. Doctors never check for it because they think women are just complaining about cramps
Omg yes this!!! I suffer from endo too and I’ve had to visit many doctors before I’ve met one who took me serious after fainting several times from the aching pain .. and still to this day I encounter people who say “ don’t be so dramatic it’s just menstrual pain” even though the pain so,reimest is higher than someone giving birth with no Advil and that for24hrs for 1 week straight .. thank you for your comment ❤️
I hope this goes viral! This is literally the first I’ve heard about with the conditions for women vs men.
It really is unbelievable how the general public thinks jail/prison is such a nice humane place. I’ve heard “well they’re doing better than me, they get three hots and a cot” I know in AZ they feed us twice a day and former sheriff Arpaio bragged about how the K9 dogs eat at .45 cents a day and he’s proud that he feeds inmates on less.
I’m glad shows like 60 days in are starting to show the general public some reality in how it is.
Oh and I was just taking to my BF how you said females don’t get outside as often as men. And he admitted that men start riots and cause issues when they don’t allow them out and they take advantage of the women because they don’t physically intimate the staff.
God that’s heartbreaking. I have endometriosis and I cannot imagine the women who have heavy bleeding and severe cramps being given 2 pads a day. No Ma’m.
I have endo and PCOS. Imagine having to beg for advil (which hardly does anything but better than nothing) from a nurse during your period...and probably be denied. And then bleeding on everything. Sounds like the 7th circle of hell.
Happy Vday! I hope you, Reece and the kids are doing something fun tonight. Thank you so much for the shout out. I am fighting back tears watching this. Thinking about having pads but no underwear, being told you're over reacting when you uterus is falling out, its all cruel and unusual. Its people like YOU, Christina, Bryan, Jonathan, JC -- and so many more people i'm forgetting bc I only have a minute at work -- who are bringing awareness to these heinous issues and helping them go mainstream. Every day, I hear of a new celebrity hopping on the criminal justice reform train. It is up to us to make sure our sisters inside are not forgotten. Videos like this help so much. Thanks, Jess!
Women get told they are hypochondriacs in the free world too. Constantly.
On the other hand of the gender specific health investment women get much more investment. It's a paradoxical result. Until recently. (with male organizations forcing more investment in stuff like prostate cancer) the difference was even more staggering. We also have far more federal offices devoted to women health than men health. (please notice that I like your comment, so I am fully aware that you are correct).
Carriemcclure 7253 will not aways
Omg, I can not believe you get treated like that. I’m a man but I’d rather resign if I was ordered to go watch women shower or pad them down. Do women guards pad down men? Or watch them showers? I don’t think so. If I was a guard I’d bring in pads, as many as I could get away with.
Marc Baetens Women guards do watch men in the shower and pad them down at least in Tex
Marc Baetens you sound like a compassionate, ethical, moral, kind human. I appreciate your comments!
My name is margarita and next year I’ll be a senior
Kel ly thank you. I try. It’s more about respect to the female gender. Know to many abused females and it’s sad that even prison guards have no respect. It’s just not right in my opinion.
Jimmy Montalvo maybe it does but I really don’t think men care as much. They probably enjoy it. Women don’t, as a rule.
Have you considered running for public office? You would be an outstanding representative. Or law? I'll bet your advocacy would be in high demand.
Rip I don’t think she can because she’s a convicted felon. I could be wrong though
People would probably unfortunately hold her record against her.
She would be good in criminal justice.
In California felons can hold office and many do.
Jess lives in Illinois... she will never be elected... too damn honest.
You've opened up the eyes of so many people.. I sincerely hope you open the eyes of the people that can do the most to enact change where change is needed the most... I hope you have a loving & wonderful Valentines Day...
I litrally cant believe the comments you get. I recently watched your "I went viral video" and its disgusting!! Why are women so quick to put down other women? Thanks for speaking up for them. I've never been to prison but learning all this makes me feel for the people who made that one bad choice and went to prison.. prison is a loss of freedom NOT A LOSS OF BASIC HUMAN HYGENE AND SAFETY x
And no I'm not referring to people who hurt children. I dont give a damn who hurts. More power to the people who get at them and risk there own freedom x
here before this goes viral and Jess helps lead the movement for inmate rights
I just wanted to say how much you and your videos have changed my view on addicts an felons. I talked to my mom yesterday about eating disorders and addiction in general. And I told her about you and what I've leard listening to your story and we kinda got into an argument because she thinks that addiction in any way or form is the fault of the addict and that they have to help themselves and that they don't "deserve"help or that it wouldn't help. And that was when I realised how much you've taught me. Thank you sooo much. Cause before I used to think kinda similar because that's what society tells you about addiction. In my opinion that needs to be talked about more
Who else loves Jess??? 😂💕💕💕💕👇🏼
Most people!!! And those who don't, should!!
Me. Absolutely. She has all my respect for the fact alone that she fought hard to get her daughter back. Saving her to end up in the system. She is a great mom.
I do, I also love Jesus , because that’s what my first thought was from your message
Everyone 👍👍👍👍👍
Labour/childbirth is the hardest thing I have ever done! I couldn’t imagine going through it in prison. The supportive people around me are what kept me sane and got me through. It is NOT right that you, or any woman, should ever have to go through that! It’s heartbreaking.
Lol, when you mentioned cramming yourself in a half-bathroom with three other people, it immediately reminded me of a time in high school where my five friends and I did NOT want to go to a schoolwide assembly. We hid inside an empty supply closet in one of the classrooms. It was hot, it was dark, we couldn't talk very loudly, and a couple people started arguing...and then one of the guys farted.
Yeah...we lasted less than an hour before we came out and tried hiding in the classroom instead. We got caught and sent back to the assembly, each of us liking each other just a little less from then on. None of us would have lasted long in prison.
Real shit
ShyGurl sorry for the thumbs down by accident, I meant to hit reply and hit the thumbs down first.
Kelly B. You know you can undo it right?
I know it's very different but so many things that happen to women in prison happened to us in the military back in the 1980's. I was in the Marines and was in school in the California desert. Our male counterparts were allowed to live in rooms with a roommate. All the women in this school (1 year) had to live in squad bays which is 80 women living in one giant open room with a bathroom in the middle and open showers. There were times that the duty officers would come through our squadbay and pull covers off women to assure they are proper sleeping attire. We were in open squadbays because we needed to be kept in a "controlled environment". I've been watched taking showers by men walking through on "official duty". So I can totally relate to the dehumanized feeling of having no control and no way to say anything back. Retaliation was a real thing. We just tried to survive the ordeal and get the hell out. When I got to my first duty station, I was assigned a job soldering cables because we were so much better at "menial work". I had no idea that I would face that kind of treatment but I stuck it out an did my four years. I often said it was something like prison. I couldn't pick where I slept. I wasn't allowed to leave any time I wanted to. Once I was called by a man much older and senior to me to spend the weekend with him. Because I said no, I picked up trash on the side of the road like a criminal for 30 days. He acutally said to me, "who will believe you?" I really enjoy your videos.
That is absolutely terrible. I hope you and all the women who went through that were able to find healing from those experiences 💛
If they didn’t give my feminine hygiene products I’d go all passive aggressive leaving blood everywhere I go.
I'm sure that wouldn't work the officer doesn't live with you, but those women that live with you will care and you'll probably get beat up
Back in the 1980's, my uncle had a couple drinks, only a couple. He was on his way home and hit a guy on a bicycle. It was late at night, the guy had no lights or reflectors. He died. My uncle went to jail for a year for involuntary manslaughter. Til he died, he never forgave himself.
Daniel Gagne I’m so sorry for your loss, I couldn’t imagine the pain of guilt that serious.
Would it have been manslaughter even if your uncle didn't drink anything?
I was arrested on a miner drug charge and after being searched by a female officer, 3 male cos took me out of holding and had me strip naked laughed and gave my clothes back.
That is sickening! So sorry that you went through that. Hope they get their karma for the cruel way they treated you x
I come from a huge law enforcement family and we naturally have plenty of friends in law enforcement too and I support what you are saying 100%. My family has worked hard to try to educate our community about these issues and how its hurting all of us in the long run. If we are putting people behind bars with mental illnesses or heck, people without issues but constantly abusing them, treating them like less than animals, not working on helping them but releasing them back into society what do we think is going to happen? Hurt people, hurt people so there will be more and more mental health problems and more safety concerns in our cities and town. Add to that the fact that once released, we set people up to fail then ridicule them when then do. We release these people who have paid their debt to society and say they need a job but no one will hire felons. They often have financial debts to repay their prisons of on parole and limits set on them like where they can live or work and that can make it nearly impossible so they end up homeless or back in prison. That is not ok. Another thing that drives me crazy is that so many people have huge sentences for marijuana use but rapists often have shorter sentences. I don't get this at all. Especially now since marijuana is legal in some places. I don't know exactly where but I know it is in my state yet we still have people in our prisons here serving years and years for personal use marijuana. Wth?
I could go on but I'm getting worked up and sad. Jess, keep sharing your words. I support you. ❤ You're making a difference.
Poppy Crew 👏👏👏
And the released become more pissed and resentful on top of the underlying issues.
I started watching your channel because i wanted to understand my father. I got so tired of wondering why has my father given me such a shitty life. He’s a drug addict! Has been a heroin addict for about 25 years and im 27 and now not only do i understand drug addiction, i also truly see why my father never changed and it makes me empathize for the addicts out here. And i have a clearer understanding! So thank you for that, though my father will never change and my ptsd caused my him is the effect of his actions, all i can do is love him even if it pains me but keeping him far enough so it doesn’t affect my life.
This is very interesting! You mention how inmates seduce guards in order to fulfill their needs and I feel like that is explained by Maslow’s hierarchy so well. Until these inmates have their basic needs met (i.e., having hygiene products, a feeling of safety [aka not being forced to be watched by men while showering], etc.) how can they work on the self actualization phase? They are too busy trying to fulfil other areas of the hierarchy that it is so difficult for them to work on their recovery!
Until the government and private institutions recognize this, these issues will unfortunately persist. So devastating.
I was sent away from visiting at FSP once for wearing shorts that were “an inch too short” according to the COs. I was only 9 years old! Sometimes it felt like COs sexualized young girls more than any inmate would.
Some people are arrested for crimes they didnt commit, or in prison they get written up for no reason
I'd be intrigued to see how different jail's/prisons work with these things. Like how do our Australian jail's compare to other places.
Hey jess that purple underline looks awesome on you and I was wondering are you planning to do a sleeve on your right arm or just the left lots of love from Michigan
Maybe you could consider a collab with Jaclyn Glen on this issue, to spread the word? She's a feminist youtuber and I have a feeling that she would find this an interesting issue worth discussing
Unless some major stuff has gone down in the past like, idk week and a half? that I'm unaware of, Jaclyn considers herself anti-feminist and doesn't like to acknowledge women as collectively disadvantaged/disenfranchised on any front. She's a prominent atheist youtuber and is on the bad side of a number of Christian fundies who are definitely very anti-feminist themselves, but that does not make her feminist. I don't think she would be conducive to this discussion at all. Especially not with how she tends to sensationalize topics and how many right-of-center youtubers she hangs out with.
@@cloudquest8006 i agree.
Can I just say, I love how much you listen to our comments and how fast you put out content. I love hearing your thoughts and your dedication shows!!
Something else I want to say... Jessica you are doing a great service by letting people know what's going on inside.. these places.. I also think that you are going to do even more in terms of opening up this door.. I really do..
Thank you for creating this amazing content, Jess. I’ve never been in trouble with the law but I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. To me feminine care should be free for EVERY woman. I don’t care if you’re in the free world or prison. If you can’t afford or have access to something as little as a tampon or a pad that is a MAJOR issue in our system and society. That is abuse to me that women can’t have those items. Like gross! makes me feel horrible for them. I hate that every person is also under the impression - well they got themselves in prison I don’t care how they’re treated. Seriously?! Better be damn glad it’s not your friend or family member. 😤😤
Girl I want to shout and clap from the rooftops for what you are sharing, your amazing balanced attitude and your incredible intelligence, your empathy and your strength, I admire you so much and am sharing your content!
Recently, with my college's forensics club we were able to take a tour of the local jail. It was extremely eye opening. I've been watching your videos for a while, but this really made me realize how bad it was. We saw a cell near intake that was meant for two people and like you mentioned it had a boat in it so that it could hold three people, the officer who gave us the tour said that it's illegal for them not to have the boats in the cells if there is more then two people in it, because they can't make them sleep on the floor, meaning the mattress can't be on the floor. There was five pods at this jail four were for men and one for women. They told us about the trustees, not sure if that's how its spelled or if that's a universal term, but its what we were told, and how I believe they said that their was twenty trustees and when we asked about them the officer told us that only one of them was a women and that while the men were able to move around the jail while the women was not even able to leave the pod. It was very strange going to the jail and seeing everything. We felt weird being in someone of the areas, near the pods specifically, because for lack of better words it made it seem as if we where watching them like they were in a zoo. I'm glad I got to go because I learned a lot, but the entire experience just felt weird.
Watching you and Christina has taught me so much about the prison system, before i would've been like "well most of these people are criminals so they deserve their fate" but really I was ignorant and misinformed. Punishment is different than torturing someone within an inch of their life, especially with the crimes most people are in for. Thanks for educating me
When I was in jail (in a 6 person cell) we would ask the officers for pads each shift change and each one of us would ask, and we would hoard them. That way when one of us got our periods, we would have enough pads. However, if we got our cell tossed, they would take them
I absolutely LOVE you! And all the things you say i 100% agree. Prison and even jail is SO unbelievably unfair to women! The fact that women are going through the WORST pain a human body can endure ALONE is not so very inhumane. I will never forget the pain I went through when I had my son.. was the worst pain ever. I cant even seem to imagine how it would've been alone! You are so freakin' SRTONG and I hope you know that. So very proud of you! The fact that men co's are allowed to pat down females is NOT okay! So many women have extremely trauma over men. My heart is breaking hearing all of this! Definitely never stop trying to change the system. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
I have never, ever, not once, checked a text while driving.
“Gas lighting” that’s what the guards do to women by telling them they are crazy or making up things. 😊
I love your videos, you’re beautiful and inspiring!!
The tampon girl voice HAHAHAHA go off then sis and let them know!!!
So glad I found your channel. You’ve opened many eyes to the injustices behind prison walls that otherwise most of us would have known NOTHING about
People don't realize how precarious life is. It can change on a dime. Riding high today, a paraplegic tomorrow or a prisoner next week. Be thankful. Be humble. Be kind.
Your channel and other channels humanize prisoners. I never knew someone in prison until I saw your channel. Inmates were bad people. Throw away people who deserve little consideration. After watching so many videos I was awakened to the inhumate treatment in prisons.
We of course don't want a country club experience but we want humane and decent treatment with hope. Hope for a life change.
I didn't realize the problem with correction officers being cruel. I assumed COs would be afraid of running into a former inmate on the street. You educated me.
America is a land of second chances. Many of our ancestors came here as outcasts, criminals or just simply poor with a hope at a chance at a better life.
"Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future ".
Jessica, you are changing the world. You have changed my life and the people's around me. I have become so passionate about prison reform since finding your channel from Christina. I have started to get my foot in the door by reaching out to different prison outreach groups. You have taught me that compassion is a MUST for the marginalized. Not that i wasnt empathetic or compassionate before i found your channel, but now I look at everyone I see a different way. In a loving way. Our first step should be to REFORM NOT PUNISH. I am someone who believes nurture over nature. No one is born bad, the experiences they lived through are what changed them.
I did 6 months State in Texas on trumped up charges. I could have be the charges but my p.d. told my family that if I continued to make the DA and Sheriff Dept look bad that my family could suffer.
Believe me jails and prisons do have innocent people in them.
My gf is 30 has done 5 yrs in seg straight. Shes about to get out in Aug., wait until you here her stories.
We would love to hear her stories as well as yours. Speak your truth.
It’s August now, has she been released yet? Would love an update!
Great video honestly, thanks for using this platform to speak the truth, new African Subscriber from the UK. I love you already 💋♥️😘
I 100% know what you mean about the visits. I had my hair a certain way and was yelled at by another woman CO. I know what clothing is appropriate but I cant remove my large chest for the visit. Women mistreat women in jails WAY TOO much! Love ya!
They used to burn us at the stake for non-compliance. Still following the terrible cycle with awful prison conditions. The point you make about women being focused on food and hygiene and not being able to even think about focusing on rehab. That makes it so so clear. Jail/prison are the opposite of how the nervous system heals and works. Explaining more about that might help people understand why being yelled at and left alone is so horrifying. It all works against our biology. It’s physically the worst things to do for a human
There's a really poignant scene in OITNB where Caputo is at a prison convention/ fair and is looking at cost effective products to introduce in prison, he briefly glances at the menstrual cup/ re-usuable sanitary products stand, before heading elsewhere to something that really wasn't that important.
In this day and age, re-usable menstrual products are really good quality and cost-effective, they should be introduced in women's prisons.
It's a great idea but there really wouldn't be anywhere to Clean them
I think menstrual cups need to be sanitized (in boiling water) between uses so it'd be difficult to introduce them in prison.
On the issue of women being patted down, yelled at, physically restrained by men, there's a related issue with the criminal justice system: a lot of women are sent to prison for fighting back against an abuser.
I honestly have never texted and driven and I’ve never driven drunk either. There’s a good reason for that I don’t drive.
It's nice being a new driver
Well, I can't deny that's a VERY good reason.
I'd be willing to bet that at least half of women who end up in prison have endured some type of abuse, whether it be mental, physical, or sexual.
When I was 10 I went to visit my dad in prison with my grandma. I wore shorts because it was summer in Texas. They almost didn't let me in because if you are "over 13 you can't wear shorts to the visitor room". We argued because I wasn't 13, I am just tall. They eventually gave in and let me in. However there was another lady who wasn't allowed in because her dress was too tight and I just remember watching her cry and walk out. Awful.
Jess, I'm called to be a preacher(not there yet but working on getting into school for that) and you have reignited the flame of desire for me to go preach in prisons as part of my mission. I also would request that the prisons allow those in seg and death row to attend. I would request anyone, regardless of their behavior status to attend as those who are in seg and those on death row are the ones who may need to hear my message the most. I would just request a CO guard while I'm there to obviously keepe safe and that any inmate who wants to speak with me after would be allowed to. I just wanted to let you know that I feel called to this mission in particular. And part of that reason is your platform and I'm in agreement that things need to change in prisons, it doesn't need to be a walk in the park, but some things really need to change so that mental health especially is addressed better. That and medical care. If you're ever leading a protest let me know so I can march with you
So true the jail I was in the men was always out of their cells while the women were locked down 23 to 1 and that hour we got out we had to use to shower, use phone,etc. & if that wasn't enough time for u to do what needed to be done oh well they don't give a f***
Thank you for sharing Jessica. I believe every word. Our prison system is a a disaster. Prison for profit is so wrong. Keep speaking loud and proud ☮️
As a female electrician, I agree:)😊
Thank you for speaking the truth, everyone needs to hear this. I’ve never been to jail or prison, but you did such a good job explaining everything. It’s heartbreaking.
this is disgusting and needs to be talked about! are there any programs where we can donate pads, tampons and underwear to inmates? i would totally be down to do that
Your videos are incredible dude. Thank you 💜
Right ❤
Yasss Jess bring awareness to these oh so important issues that women face each and every single day.
Classrooms are the same way. Girls are held to a much higher standard than boys and are policed by teachers harsher and more closely than boys are. ‘Boys will be boys’ is an attitude that transcends all situations.
It’s so important that you are shedding light on this subject. We need more people talking about these issues to make a change. Keep doing what you’re doing!!!
I’m going to put my phone in the trunk of my car now lol
A lot of people do that. I set my phone to auto-reply if I'm driving.
Mine is always in my purse in my back seat. Always has been.
I couldn't imagine working in a prison were it's just a normal thing to treat human beings like this. I love that you speak truth into the world I truly think itll help in the long run!
The period story that happened to be on the news a couple years ago where a girl was on period and the jail she was at didn't give her hygiene products or something of that sort until this female judge at her hearing found out in shock and ask (more like yelled) guys to get her some hygiene stuff.
( April 14 , 2021 ) As a man I am disgusted by the treatment , bleeding on themselves because no underwear? That is just too much. Thanks for talking about it. Be well and stay safe
For any men here just an fyi ... during the first couple of days of a period of a woman with a heavy flow can go through one super plus tampon every 2 hours, sometimes less, before it starts to leak out onto the underpants.
Whenthestarssettle not to mention toxic shock syndrome from tampons like 🤮
Every single sigh you do speaks more words than what you actually say. Love u, love your content :)
This makeup look is to die for😍
So glad you finally made a video discussing your opinions and experiences!!
Jess, thanks for bringing attention to how awful women are treated in prison. This is a subject that had never been on my mind in any meaningful way before. I knew, from a legislative standpoint, that our justice system needs an overhaul, but what you've described is unacceptable. Is there any way to donate hygiene products to women in prison? And ensure that they're actually distributed?
Happy Valentine's day beautiful! Love the video 💖
When I was in NH state prison a women had a seizure and the co's put her in the dry tank assuming she was faking. When they found her the next morning unconscious they took her finally to the hospital and found she had also had a stroke. Now she can barely communicate and has very little use of one side of her body. Imagine if they had believed her and took her right to the hospital? It may have been prevented!!! But she's a women and they don't care!
Hey Jessica! First off you are freaking adorable! I just was curious on your thoughts on the ppl in Kansas going to prison for unpaid medical bills??
Wow! Had no idea this was happening! This is awful!!!
Lauren Wray... What part of Kansas are you from? I to live in Kansas. In Atchison.
SO MANY GOOD POINTS!!!! Unfortunately, prisons have germs, and it’s just not right for anyone, let alone risking infection in a newborn. Calling sharing soup or other things purchased in the commissary “trafficking” seems excessive. I know there must be a reason, but that’s so sad. Also, private prisons are just so very troublesome. Equality is important on so many levels in our world and this needs to happen quickly.
a lot of these things relate to what females including myself in the military go through as well... it’s sad
I loved this video. My dad is a CO in Australia I’ll get him to watch this video and spread this message ❤️😘
The electrician part...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤪... 💯 relate!! 🤣🤣🤣 not me either! “I would burn the place down’” yup! 😂🤣😂☺️😂
Wow, I had no idea the situations were so bad until I started watching you and Christina Randall. I never had sympathy for prison inmates before at all, and would harshly judge women who had been to prison. I'm so ashamed of myself for feeling the way I have. Thank you for doing these videos and bringing these type of problems to light because there are a lot of us who are ignorant and naive when it comes to prison and addiction.
8:10 I HAVE LIVED THIS LIFE IT IS VERY TRUE!!!!!! 2 pods for woman in our county jail, 6 for men....
On the housing/space issue, Hospitals refuse patients if they don't have space why can't jails do the same??
Yass my queen! Hit that notification immediately 😍😍
Jess, thank you for making this video and bringing these issues to light. Change can only occur if people are aware that there is a problem in the first place!
Best way to wake up, a Jess video ❤️
This is my favourite video so far!
I honestly think strip searches are often used to intentionally trigger people who have trauma.
Hi Jess - you are my TH-cam Queen !!!!
Big hug for all Inmates and Ex-Inmates + adicts from an Ex -Inmate and adict !!!
Kisses from NAPLES /ITALY !!!
Your videos are awesome! I’m an elementary school teacher and I was wondering if you’d consider making a video on the school to prison pipeline and your thoughts on it?
It is so easy to get into the legal system even if youre doing everything right. Start to care now or realize that no one will care when it happens to you. We need to end privitization.
Hey Jess. My name is Megan. I have done just 2 months in my county jail and my gf is now in Bledsoe County prison in TN. I just come across your page and I love your videos. I totally agree with everything that you’re trying to put out there. The system is failing us as women especially. I’m a recovering addict and going to jail did nothing for my recovery what so ever. The jail I was in was disgusting and over crowded. They gave us half ass yoga mats to sleep on which I was on the floor the entire time bc there wasn’t enough bunks. You couldn’t even walk through the pod to get any kinda exercise bc you would step on someone. The floors were covered with women. We also didn’t receive enough proper hygiene products. I had to wear the same clothes for 5 days b4 someone finally felt bad for me and gave me an extra set. We could order underwear on commonsarry but as you know you can only order on certain days at certain times and it would come once a week and sometimes once every two to three weeks. If you don’t have money for commonsarry they would give us indigent packs. They only had a baby bar of soap you get at a hotel a small toothbrush and a condiment size package of toothpaste. No deodorant or shampoo. You would get I think 2 envelopes also. I was there for 55 days. They took us to the gym twice for an hour. One of the times was bc they were doing a raid and they left us in there for hours without a bathroom and no water or food. I went to visit my gf in prison and they turned me away each time and I had to go buy different pants at the gas station up the road to fit their liking and then when I wore them the second time they said not to wear them back bc they wasn’t exceptable. I have a big booty I can’t help that and it doesn’t matter what size jeans I wear it’s still going to be out there but if I wear bigger ones then they say their to baggie. I had to use the bathroom while the visit was going on and I was searched again after coming through the check in before the visit started. I believe it’s because of my sexuality bc no one else was randomly searched. They told me that was standard but the first visit I had made there no one was and I was at it the entire time. Anyways I could go on and on about my story and situation. I would love to talk with you and share more of mine and Tiffany’s story and help you with getting the awareness out. I’ve been wanting to do something but just don’t know where to start. My email is I hope you see this and get back with me. Sending all the love from TN ❤️
I’m looking forward to to your video on sexual assault. I’m getting really emotional as you’re talking about the prisoners getting yelled at.
You're changing lives, and one day you will make a change in this world, i just KNOW IT ❤❤❤
This hits close to home.
Do you have one drink and drive, do you have a cell phone - can result in manslaughter=jail.
I believe everything she is relaying. This planet is corrupt and mindless and inhumane MOST OF THE TIME! URGH
The two pads per day
Patting down by males
Yelled at
So true! I did 45days in county jail when i was 20yrs old and one of the ladies i associated with was pregnant, high risk pregnancy actually. She began to bleed but the C.O. wouldnt give her any pads so me & some other inmates gave her what we could spare but she still ended up having to use a tshirt. Also this happened on the weekend so even though she was pregnant and could've been miscarrying(thank God she didn't) she didnt get to go down to medical until Monday and didnt get to be seen by a doctor until Tuesday. Great vid Jess! I hope y'all have a wonderful Valentine's day!!!