Thanks to Kelsey for helping me with this video! For a deeper dive into the math, go watch our collab over on Infinite Series! 📐🤓📏
Except complex life forms, like us, formulating those theories. Isn't it ironic ? Following mathematics, we may just be the result of a wonderful dice roll.
@@cocolasticot9027 I have to agree with you. Humans do random things, then again entropy is how all of life has evolved-- random mutations, where 99% were maladaptive to a changing environment, but less than 1% successfully adapted due to chance mutations.
It's kinda funny to think all of it just made by nature itself. I mean why all the nature choose or evolve to be the best of it's form? If we're all begin from nothing and universe, atom, and microorganism is just a lucky roll of dice it's just ridiculous. Doubtlessly it's God who made physics, maths, bios, and all of it.
You should also consider that with a rectangular package, for example a frame, you would need to use more material to make a hexagon big enough to fit it rather than a simple box. I would appreciate paper shavings rather than plastic bubbles and a smaller version of envelope, my new phone charger doesn't need an envelope bigger than a piece of printer paper
The resonance standing wave of cyclones is present on its poles, invisible from earth. How the ancient Jewish astrologers and magicians knew about it? The Star of Solomon (hexagonal star) is The Star of Remphan (Saturn).
As CGP Grey said, “If I were to start research on a hexagon cloud with Earth-sized sides on the most look-at-me planet that also changes colour? That’s where I’d start.”
If Vsauce did same video Video length: 24:00 Thumbnail : white/black background, yellow Hexagon Title: what is Hexagon Contents: Pops up from under the table* Hey, Vsauce, Michael here. We'll know Hexagons have 6 angles, right..... Background music starts* .... Or does it? To know that we need to get through infinity. What's infinity? Infinity is... FOUR MINUTES LATER How do dogs communicate? TWO MINUTES LATER How big is Googol Plex? TEN MINUTES LATER We Humans are Alone in our brain SCARY BACKGROUND MUSIC STARTS* FOUR MINUTES LATER Starts talking about some deep scary shits THREE MINUTES AND FORTY SECONDS LATER And as always thanks for watching VIDEO ENDS* You start questioning yourself "why do I exist, what's life... ?" Your brain starts to glitch* You won't see him until after 1 months... Love his videos
Micheal could make an existential crisis inducing overcomplicated blackhole of eldritch truths about the universe just by pondering wehter he should by bread :D Store clerk: "This loaf will be 1.50$" Micheal: "or is it?" *20 minutes later* Store Clerk: "That loaf is not 1.50$... It's... me..."
oolon colluphid it's all due to entropy. Everything in nature takes the path of least resistance because it's not sentient and it can't decide to take a harder lather and the path of least resistant all ways happens first due to entropy as well that's why
Hexagons... are the bestagons. “Why?” You may ask. Well.. bees. Bees are the best and make the bestagon: the hexagon. Now I know what you might be thinking. “Bees produce hexagons because they’re hexapods with hexagon eyes. Why wouldn’t they do that otherwise?” That’s a good point.
@@antonio_ponce Basically nature forms around the hexagon shape since it naturally uses the least amount of energy which in turn also creates the maximum amount of efficiency in biology and in nature. Since it hasn't had to change because it's always worked extremely well "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
my guess: something like the jet stream but with opposing forces, maybe a temperature cline or even including chemical properties of suspended particles (some kind of ice). I like the idea of the equal forces, if we can figure out one, it'll help define the other.
Or the wind patterns in the Bermuda Triangle. When I heard about those I immediately considered a connection between those and the storm on Saturn. I've always liked hexagons, personally, just because of the way they tessellate.
Wouldn't the most likely solution just be that the storm is so large its creating it's own separate climate inside and the edges are acting like walls to the storm? This would partly explain why they might go into a hexagonal shape.
Math helps us understand our environment, like how a language is used to share thoughts, but I wouldn't say it IS a real element of nature. A type of foundation was needed, one easy to understand as a universal language, culture to culture. I think we made math into a beautiful world of its own, through our continuous use to structure life in general. But regardless of beliefs, I think very highly of the art in math. 🙂
We invented math to explain nature in writing. That’s why functions are also called mathematical expressions. If we were not around, the world will still ‘function’ under the same rules of nature. We did not discover the number 5. We came up with it to represent a quantity of 5 We came up with 5xn so we don’t write 5+5.... n times And 5^n so we don’t write 5x5 n times.
Marko Šurbatović - Šuki Maybe the expanding universe is just the edge of a universe size bubble trying to stick together and form a giant multiverse hexagon🤔
Saturn's hexagon(which is only at the north pole) is caused by standing wave interference and vorticity. It is unrelated to this. For example, Jupiter's north pole has an octogon of 8 storms, and it's south pole a pentagon of 5 storms. Jupiter's polar vortices are constructed differently than Saturn's northern vortex, but the principles are similar.
In conclusion, the hexagon has the smallest perimeter out of the only three 2D shapes that can place next to each of their own kind without any empty space in between each unit.
4:45 I think while cells on the surface of an insect's eye grow, a similar process like in the soap bubbles gets involved. Every cell wants to grow big, hence hexagons.
Brent Bunn you just get more pixels in a smaller space, but it's less efficient due to how irregular the hexagons which would require more expensive hardware and developing it would be even harder, basically the trip is not worth it for the destination
Chemist here! Hexagons are the most stable structure in the chemical world too. Benzene (and other cyclic compounds involving hexagons) are very common in nature. Look up the molecule of testosterone to think of one quick example. Hexagons are everywhere in natural molecules. The reason is that the binding energy (the energy required to make certain shapes of molecules) and the bond stress (how much elastic force is on a bond) is at it's minimum when the shape is a hexagon. If you have cyclopropane (think triangle), then the stress on each carbon atom is immense. The ideal bond angle is 109.47 degrees. If you try and force atoms that are happy at 109.47 degrees to an angle of 60 degrees, you're going to have to put *a lot* of energy in. Methane adopts a structure with each Hydrogen at 109.47 degrees from each other relative to the Carbon. That's just one carbon atom. When more carbon atoms are involved, the shape with the closest internal angle to 109.47 is the hexagon with 120, so that is the shape that forms most in nature. You do get some pentagons, like in DNA bases, but most of organic chemistry is hexagons!
Mathemeticians: *Comes up with axioms that are obviously true in our reality, develops math specifically to explain patterns in nature and be useful* Mathemeticians: "Oh my god, math predicts nature so well and is so useful, it's obviously fundamental to the universe."
"nature can change the rules just to laugh" ... When has this EVER happened? when has the laws of physics not just been weird, but was one way one day, then just, BOOP! different? idiot.
I have a great example to add, on the molecular level! I’ve studied organic chemistry and I’ve come to know that hydrocarbons that have a hexagonal shape (cyclohexanes) are more stable than any other polygon, whether that polygon is a triangle (less sides), or a decagon (more sides)
Thats what puzzles me. Why is it the LAW! She used language like: nature "SEEKS" the most efficient shape. But nature isn't sentient so nature doesn't seek anything. Please explain without such language.
Wow, even though I already knew some of this from the cgp grey video, I'm glad that I watched this one too because it helped me to understand even more. I really liked the example of the rocks (Giants Causeway)
Equilibrium, symmetry , stability this all is what NATURE is and mathematics helps to describe it for us. There is nothing and greater than NATURE. Everything will be sloved just have a look how things work in natural system. 😍😍😍 NATURE is Everything.
The people who say nature seeks out the lowest energy are right XD. Mathematics are us explaining what we see in nature, so you could say that nature was the first mathematician
I watched a documentary about a man taking 8k res photographs of bugs and it intrigued me, the documentary was only 1080p so I had to take a look at these pictures myself, then I saw an 4k/8k closeup picture of a mantis with with waterdrops which magnified it's eyes which had hexagons in them which then led me to wondering why hexagons are so seemingly common in nature hence I am here. I am really drunk
CORRECTIONS!! 1:16 In zero G water forms a spherical shape and NOT round! 1:28 -attraction AMONG and not between as there are more than two. 1:42 Bubbles are NOT round, they are spherical! Thanks for the video and the very best of luck!
Kubra k 2 minutes ago (edited) This pattern is described very well described in the verses of Holy Quran 1400 years ago, The book was revealed from the creator of this world and the universe who is none other than ALLAH. ALLAH also mentions that " SURELY IN THIS IS A SIGN FOR THE PEOPLE WHO REFLECT" 16:69 Indeed 'ALLAH IS THE BEST OF ALL PLANNERS" Allahu Akbar!!
It's because it's talking about physics here on Earth, and how nature naturally creates hexagons to stabalize things, Saturn's hexagon is just an amazing coincidence
@@cgoose500 if there was an infinite group of circles grouped together, if you filled the spcae between them it would just look like a red screen, that can be divided in any way that's equal, your explanation on what hexagons are is completely bland
You take some circles You put the circles together You expand the circles equally until there's no empty space left between them They have become hexagons Why did you bring the concept of infinity and the color red into this? We're talking about bees here We're as in "we were" because you replied to a year old comment. Get a loada this dood iamverysmart amiright fellas
Works even on atomic scale - benzene ring is 6 carbon atoms in hexagonal formation, with a repeating double bonds. It has a resonance structure making it exceptionally stable, hence this moiety is present in virtually all living matter. The hexagonal structure has been recently visualised by IBM using a technique called atomic force microscopy (AFM). Carbon just loves to make these planar molecules with hexagons, just like boron loves to make three-dimensional tetrahedrons.
If you people haven't pondered what shape a 3d cross section of a 4d Honey Comb might look like? Then moved on to considering the structural integrity offered by arranging film walls at a 120 degree angle and not followed it up with an episode of Ben and Holly's little kingdom, all I can say is you haven't lived mate! :oP
5:48 "However you look at it, nature definitely has a way of using simple rules to create elegant solutions." Quantum Physicists: hold my 9-dimensional beer in 50,000,000,000 different states at the same time.
Films of liquid don't always assume the shape with the lowest surface area. There are some cases in which the lowest potential doesn't minimise the surface area, such as a cube skeleton.
Thanks to Kelsey for helping me with this video! For a deeper dive into the math, go watch our collab over on Infinite Series! 📐🤓📏
Go away Jake, this channel is for smart people ONLY.
ImThaBadMan - Carlisos im not jake Paul broooo
You've gotta prove it. What is England?
Happy to be a part of intellectual union!
Sir ,are great at your video presentation.hats off to you.
Please make some videos on #time machine
Hexagons are the Bestagons!
Hexagons ARE the bestagons
Heck yeah I’ve found the Order of the Hexagon
Hexagons are the Bestagons
Hexagons are the bestagons
Hexagons truly are the bestagons
Nature would have a weird personal ad. Loves: Hexagons Hates: Vacuums
MinuteEarth 1.6 million sub comment buried in comments lmao
MinuteEarth lol yes
MinuteEarth Glad to see you here.
Sounds like nature is lazy and leaving (cheeto)dust and/or (bread) crums on everything.
Say it with me: Hexagons are the Bestagons
Yes, Hexagons really _are_ the bestagons.
Electrical be like...
Take notes: Hexagons are the Bestagon
@Laquelectro Blasphemer! Heretic!
@Laquelectro u have no friends
lesser energy
lesser strain
highest stability
highest efficiency
These 4 things can define all nature.
Except complex life forms, like us, formulating those theories.
Isn't it ironic ?
Following mathematics, we may just be the result of a wonderful dice roll.
sometimes lol
@@cocolasticot9027 I have to agree with you. Humans do random things, then again entropy is how all of life has evolved-- random mutations, where 99% were maladaptive to a changing environment, but less than 1% successfully adapted due to chance mutations.
It's kinda funny to think all of it just made by nature itself. I mean why all the nature choose or evolve to be the best of it's form? If we're all begin from nothing and universe, atom, and microorganism is just a lucky roll of dice it's just ridiculous. Doubtlessly it's God who made physics, maths, bios, and all of it.
@@antoniusguntoro2052 oh please enlighten us to your knowledge.
So basically, Amazon should be investing in hexagonal packaging.
You should also consider that with a rectangular package, for example a frame, you would need to use more material to make a hexagon big enough to fit it rather than a simple box. I would appreciate paper shavings rather than plastic bubbles and a smaller version of envelope, my new phone charger doesn't need an envelope bigger than a piece of printer paper
Yeah, lol.
@@that_one_doggo8391 Big brain🤯
Never forget the Saturn's hexagon.
The resonance standing wave of cyclones is present on its poles, invisible from earth. How the ancient Jewish astrologers and magicians knew about it? The Star of Solomon (hexagonal star) is The Star of Remphan (Saturn).
As CGP Grey said,
“If I were to start research on a hexagon cloud with Earth-sized sides on the most look-at-me planet that also changes colour? That’s where I’d start.”
Don't forget all the hexagon shaped craters made of tiny hexagon shaped craters on the rocky bodies. It is an electromagnetic phenomenon
My man. I went to click on this hoping someone would recognize Saturn's caps....thanks man for that...
I was looking for this comment 😁
This was one of the most interesting videos that I've seen in a long time.
@@chillcleetus5053 👀
@JungkooksMakupArtist as an exol i support this.. but kpop aside the topic is really interesting...
If Vsauce did same video
Video length: 24:00
Thumbnail : white/black background, yellow Hexagon
Title: what is Hexagon
Pops up from under the table*
Hey, Vsauce, Michael here. We'll know Hexagons have 6 angles, right..... Background music starts*
.... Or does it?
To know that we need to get through infinity. What's infinity?
Infinity is...
How do dogs communicate?
How big is Googol Plex?
We Humans are Alone in our brain
Starts talking about some deep scary shits
And as always thanks for watching
You start questioning yourself "why do I exist, what's life... ?"
Your brain starts to glitch*
You won't see him until after 1 months...
Love his videos
Micheal could make an existential crisis inducing overcomplicated blackhole of eldritch truths about the universe just by pondering wehter he should by bread :D
Store clerk: "This loaf will be 1.50$"
Micheal: "or is it?"
*20 minutes later*
Store Clerk: "That loaf is not 1.50$... It's... me..."
FunTuto vsauce is my spirit animal
10/10 would tangent again
FunTuto best comment ever.
Or is it?.....
Hexagons, are the bestagons.
I'm the 70th like.
0:58 Champagne hexagon bubbles for an hexagon region inside the Hexagon Country France lol
Nature is so efficient.
If you think about it, nature CAN'T be otherwise! (EDIT - Er, well, _eventually._ )
Yes, evolution normally takes care of that ;)
Nature wants to waste the least energy.
Nature wants to waste the most energy to become stable
oolon colluphid it's all due to entropy. Everything in nature takes the path of least resistance because it's not sentient and it can't decide to take a harder lather and the path of least resistant all ways happens first due to entropy as well that's why
3:36 when you blink while someone is sketching you
Lol underrated comment
The sketch was made to make girls skip a heartbeat.
Truly underrated comment.
*cgp grey has joined the chat*
Hexagons... are the bestagons.
“Why?” You may ask.
Well.. bees. Bees are the best and make the bestagon: the hexagon.
Now I know what you might be thinking. “Bees produce hexagons because they’re hexapods with hexagon eyes. Why wouldn’t they do that otherwise?”
That’s a good point.
If math class teaches inclusive knowledges like this I’m sure students will want to learn math
Griffonksx Ex this is a science thing though, but still good point
@@keagster31 science and math go hand in hand.
White Shadow you do math in science, you don’t do (or at least none that I can think of) science in math.
@@keagster31 hmm.
@@keagster31 not my problem lmao
*Nature uses the least amount of energy to create the maximum amount of efficiency...* basically if it aint broke, don't fix it.
@@antonio_ponce Basically nature forms around the hexagon shape since it naturally uses the least amount of energy which in turn also creates the maximum amount of efficiency in biology and in nature.
Since it hasn't had to change because it's always worked extremely well "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
On the contrary, it keeps breaking, what sticks persists
And that's why hexagons are the bestagons.
Energy follows the path of least resistance
These people have been in the bestagon cult before anyone did
French created it lol 0:58 Champagne hexagon bubbles for an hexagon region inside the Hexagon Country France
I've been thinking this since Grey's video came out lol
You know, hexagons; are the bestagons.
no, pentagons are the bestagons
@@danzjz3923 HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT.
@@iamnotchip1280 true pentagonal tiling never repeats
@@danzjz3923 so do you say that hexagons are the bestagons?
I almost liked it but it was at 69
I love how in every video that mentions hexagons, CGP Grey ’s subscribers invade the comments section
Not to forget Saturns hexagonal storm!
I really wanted to get this into the video! But the explanations for it aren't totally clear yet (though we're getting closer)
"Closer" is both relative and vague...
my guess: something like the jet stream but with opposing forces, maybe a temperature cline or even including chemical properties of suspended particles (some kind of ice). I like the idea of the equal forces, if we can figure out one, it'll help define the other.
Or the wind patterns in the Bermuda Triangle. When I heard about those I immediately considered a connection between those and the storm on Saturn. I've always liked hexagons, personally, just because of the way they tessellate.
Wouldn't the most likely solution just be that the storm is so large its creating it's own separate climate inside and the edges are acting like walls to the storm? This would partly explain why they might go into a hexagonal shape.
This is why I agree that we never invented math, but rather discovered it. Math is beautiful
Math helps us understand our environment, like how a language is used to share thoughts, but I wouldn't say it IS a real element of nature. A type of foundation was needed, one easy to understand as a universal language, culture to culture. I think we made math into a beautiful world of its own, through our continuous use to structure life in general. But regardless of beliefs, I think very highly of the art in math. 🙂
@@Satan666Official and that's why physics is better
We invented math to explain nature in writing.
That’s why functions are also called mathematical expressions.
If we were not around, the world will still ‘function’ under the same rules of nature.
We did not discover the number 5. We came up with it to represent a quantity of 5
We came up with 5xn so we don’t write 5+5.... n times
And 5^n so we don’t write 5x5 n times.
ThatMCGamer nah, we invented math
Actually... we translated it.
i think cgp grey would love this for as he said: "hexagons are the bestagons"
The part about “bees making round wax cells which soften into hexagonal shapes”.....blew my f-ing mind. Goddamn! That’s nuts.
Wow! It’s amazing how TH-cam has taught me more than 12 years of school.
Show of hands, who else is here from CGP Grey's "Hexagons are the Bestagons" video?
I liked the part when they talked about hexagons
I like the fact that a 2 year old video is popping up in people's recommended
Zane Kreger didn’t know it was that old
Zane Kreger I like that me fact that i’m not alone
Zane Kreger ha ha yep
Fudge Cakes I see I have a minion.....
He he.....
Silly universe, you are so big and you are minimizing space...
Marko Šurbatović - Šuki Efficiency gives infinite rewards
You made my day! Thank you.
you are so right nature is so dump can't do nothing
Marko Šurbatović - Šuki Maybe the expanding universe is just the edge of a universe size bubble trying to stick together and form a giant multiverse hexagon🤔
Marko Šurbatović - Šuki universe in a bubble
Hexagons are truly the BESTAGONS!!!
Yet again... Another fantastic video... Good going Joe...
I'm going to do the bubbles experiment to see the results for myself...
Awesome! Protip: add a tiny bit of glycerin to the soap mixture and the bubbles will last longer
It's Okay To Be Smart You are awesome.
Insect eyes? YOUR EYES TOO. There are hexagonal cells on your retina
Didn't know that you smart
So what's the deal with the gigantic hexagon formed at Saturn's poles? How is the wind blowing at such sharp angles?
Saturn's hexagon(which is only at the north pole) is caused by standing wave interference and vorticity. It is unrelated to this. For example, Jupiter's north pole has an octogon of 8 storms, and it's south pole a pentagon of 5 storms. Jupiter's polar vortices are constructed differently than Saturn's northern vortex, but the principles are similar.
what was a rollercoaster of Google searches because of one comment
I was gonna ask the same. Plus it's the 6th planet and Saturday is the 6th day which makes 666.
@@fennten8338 there is one YT video where they actually reproduced the hexagonal shape by keeping same hydrodynamic parameters, only scaled down
Filed magnetism.
You know the drill
0. It's okay to be smart
1. Real life lore
2. Life noggin
3. Vsauce
4. Thoughty2
5. Second thought
6. kurzgesagt
You left out Sci Schow with Hank Green.
Lefeblock158 _Gamer uh what?
You only watch kurzgesagt if you want to be depressed for a while
Aka my school periods
_Kurzgesagt_ should be number one instead! And replace _Life Noggin_ with _Its Aumsum Time_
And do add _Ted ed_ and I've never heard about _Vsauce_
In conclusion, the hexagon has the smallest perimeter out of the only three 2D shapes that can place next to each of their own kind without any empty space in between each unit.
Or, Hexagons are the Bestagons
"...the plains of Catan form from slowly cooling lava."
Bernat BB made me do a double take when I heard that.
So good
Does that mean that the storm upon Saturn is the most efficient storm in our galaxy? ;O)-
William R. King no wonder its been going so long
Oh damn, you're right!
Deploy "observation"!
4:45 I think while cells on the surface of an insect's eye grow, a similar process like in the soap bubbles gets involved. Every cell wants to grow big, hence hexagons.
What if televisions used hexagonal pixels instead of squares.
bc hex pixels are hard to develop
Brent Bunn you just get more pixels in a smaller space, but it's less efficient due to how irregular the hexagons which would require more expensive hardware and developing it would be even harder, basically the trip is not worth it for the destination
Much easier to program squares on an x-y plane and not get complicated
Then they would be called hexels
It would be quite nice with high resolutions, as you'd get some natural anti-aliasing
Well animated and to the point.
Great video!
Hexagons are and will be the Bestagons
"It's Fizzix!" needs to be on a shirt 😁
I 100% agree!
- why nature loves hexagons?
- bubbles
*plays vsauce music*
This was a fun watch, thank you! Hexagons have always felt super satisfying to me and I couldn't explain why lol
"some people say Nature follows the rules of Mathematics"
Me in Online Distance Learning: *Reality can be whatever I want*
It’s also the most high tech pattern and makes everything looks 100x more advanced by default.
It's just amazing how hexagonal areas are useful for covering telephone coverage areas. I never got it until today.. wonderful!
As Cgpgrey said, hexagons are the bestagons
Feels like utter plagiarism, dunn it’?
i got like 10billion toy channels reccomended to me
ramen noodle me too lol
I got a bunch of children's videos for some reason?
same, blocked them all
Very weird that so many people are getting these. Is it because I mentioned bubbles?! Come on, TH-cam
Here I thought I was the only person TH-cam suddenly thought was a 6 year old.
OK, taking a second look, 6 is way too old.
The applications of geometry to biology, physics and chemsitry are fascinating. But, those transitions are pretty excellent as well.
Your "Settlers of Catan" reference was not lost on me... :)
To be fair mathematics is derived by observing nature, its kinda odd to ask is nature a mathematician.
Chemist here! Hexagons are the most stable structure in the chemical world too. Benzene (and other cyclic compounds involving hexagons) are very common in nature. Look up the molecule of testosterone to think of one quick example. Hexagons are everywhere in natural molecules. The reason is that the binding energy (the energy required to make certain shapes of molecules) and the bond stress (how much elastic force is on a bond) is at it's minimum when the shape is a hexagon. If you have cyclopropane (think triangle), then the stress on each carbon atom is immense. The ideal bond angle is 109.47 degrees. If you try and force atoms that are happy at 109.47 degrees to an angle of 60 degrees, you're going to have to put *a lot* of energy in. Methane adopts a structure with each Hydrogen at 109.47 degrees from each other relative to the Carbon. That's just one carbon atom. When more carbon atoms are involved, the shape with the closest internal angle to 109.47 is the hexagon with 120, so that is the shape that forms most in nature. You do get some pentagons, like in DNA bases, but most of organic chemistry is hexagons!
Another example that I thought of was almost all natural sugars. Glucose, cellulose (you know, trees?), and sucrose are all just hexagons!
"Nature follows the rules of mathematics"
Nope.. mathematics follows the rules of nature
Surya Kiran Yes, and nature can change the rules just to laugh as mathematicians scramble to keep up.
Mathemeticians: *Comes up with axioms that are obviously true in our reality, develops math specifically to explain patterns in nature and be useful*
Mathemeticians: "Oh my god, math predicts nature so well and is so useful, it's obviously fundamental to the universe."
Your right since math didnt exist thousands of years ago
I'd say it's fundamental to at least understanding the universe.
"nature can change the rules just to laugh" ... When has this EVER happened? when has the laws of physics not just been weird, but was one way one day, then just, BOOP! different? idiot.
At 3:15
Me: “OH MY GOD this is so fascinating”
At 3:36
Me: “Hey there Mr Joseph”
I have a great example to add, on the molecular level! I’ve studied organic chemistry and I’ve come to know that hydrocarbons that have a hexagonal shape (cyclohexanes) are more stable than any other polygon, whether that polygon is a triangle (less sides), or a decagon (more sides)
I love the fact that there are no ads in these videos
Short answer: *ITS THE LAW*
Thats what puzzles me. Why is it the LAW! She used language like: nature "SEEKS" the most efficient shape. But nature isn't sentient so nature doesn't seek anything. Please explain without such language.
It was designed, created.....
@@A101stNCO designed? Created? You mean like God?
Wow, even though I already knew some of this from the cgp grey video, I'm glad that I watched this one too because it helped me to understand even more. I really liked the example of the rocks (Giants Causeway)
Have you looked into sacred geometry, Fibonacci etc. fascinating stuff.
Equilibrium, symmetry , stability this all is what NATURE is and mathematics helps to describe it for us.
There is nothing and greater than NATURE.
Everything will be sloved just have a look how things work in natural system.
😍😍😍 NATURE is Everything.
Let’s all say it
“Hexagons are the Bestagons.”
Hexagons are the bestagons 😌
Why din I find this channel during my school days!! This channel is awsome.. keep growing and thanks for sharing!!
The people who say nature seeks out the lowest energy are right XD.
Mathematics are us explaining what we see in nature, so you could say that nature was the first mathematician
My brain shuts down every time the infinite series lady appears on the screen. She is too gorgeous.
I was looking for comments like this xD
me toooo..@@Calliopa_22
So what
Man! Credit to the edit, they did a good jobs. I keep watching this masterpiece for hours.
Lovely content! Thank you so much. Also, props to the animators and editors!
Very cool, I think this makes me a nerd.
I watched a documentary about a man taking 8k res photographs of bugs and it intrigued me, the documentary was only 1080p so I had to take a
look at these pictures myself, then I saw an 4k/8k closeup picture of a mantis with with waterdrops which magnified it's eyes which had hexagons in them
which then led me to wondering why hexagons are so seemingly common in nature hence I am here. I am really drunk
Me: oh cool looks interesting lets watch
My trypophobic ass 10s into video: 😰
Same time omg
I love Angelique
Definitely not
@I love Angelique on 1 in 800 million i think you misread somrthing because its wayyyyy more common than what you think
Probably a 1/80 or 1/800
@@sailor5853i guess its just weird to look at
This video activates the hexagon receptors in my brain to a very exiting degree
LSD told me this years ago! 😅 what a beautiful world..
Graham Haw Remain Calm 🚨 Police are on the way
No it didn't you demon
OH MY GOD same! Came looking through the comments to see if anyone had the same experience. Every time it's hexagons in nature, beautiful symmetry
The physics thing is why water in earth doesn't leave earth.
What did Kevin do to u?
@@malanao bendy oceans are ridiculous!! Earth is flat.
@@malanao No, water is in a equilibrium between solid and liquid!
Water ON earth
It not in the earth.
@@malanao not you but hey. The only one pulling you is you.
One of the best narrated curiosity- satisfying channels ! love the videos 🙌🏻
Hexagons are the bestagons
Hexagon is the bestagon
CORRECTIONS!! 1:16 In zero G water forms a spherical shape and NOT round! 1:28 -attraction AMONG and not between as there are more than two. 1:42 Bubbles are NOT round, they are spherical! Thanks for the video and the very best of luck!
How could you fail to mention the hexagon on Saturn?! Another fascinating detail of nature.
Kubra k
2 minutes ago (edited)
This pattern is described very well described in the verses of Holy Quran 1400 years ago, The book was revealed from the creator of this world and the universe who is none other than ALLAH. ALLAH also mentions that " SURELY IN THIS IS A SIGN FOR THE PEOPLE WHO REFLECT" 16:69
Allahu Akbar!!
It's because it's talking about physics here on Earth, and how nature naturally creates hexagons to stabalize things, Saturn's hexagon is just an amazing coincidence
@@kubrak837 Known by the Jewish magicians and astrologers 3000 years ago. The Star of Remphan.
Energy tend to be at their lowest state . So high stability= less energy use . Hence the hexagon ..
It's like Earth if it was flat, it doesn't matter what shape it is, it will change until it becomes stable
Chocolate milk.... When i blew into my straw as a child i remember the bubbles looking hexagon-y, I've always wondered why! This is cool!
Because hexagons are the bestagons
Super Hexagon - begin!
that shit's easiest level is "Hard"
game over
I was waiting for someone to say this
It always comes down to the path of least resistance.
Thank you from Australia
Finally a question that has lingered in my mind has been answered. Surface tension has been the culprit behind honeycombs shapes!!!
Hexagons are just circles with the spaces between them filled in
That's just an unrecognizable shape with infinite size
@@arthurthekyogre9155 Nah a hexagon only has 6
@@cgoose500 if there was an infinite group of circles grouped together, if you filled the spcae between them it would just look like a red screen, that can be divided in any way that's equal, your explanation on what hexagons are is completely bland
You take some circles
You put the circles together
You expand the circles equally until there's no empty space left between them
They have become hexagons
Why did you bring the concept of infinity and the color red into this? We're talking about bees here
We're as in "we were" because you replied to a year old comment.
Get a loada this dood
iamverysmart amiright fellas
@@cgoose500 ...yeah you're right i'm a dumb*ss
Works even on atomic scale - benzene ring is 6 carbon atoms in hexagonal formation, with a repeating double bonds. It has a resonance structure making it exceptionally stable, hence this moiety is present in virtually all living matter.
The hexagonal structure has been recently visualised by IBM using a technique called atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Carbon just loves to make these planar molecules with hexagons, just like boron loves to make three-dimensional tetrahedrons.
Another hexagonal mystery is Saturn's Hexagon.
More space filled, less material used. Thnx
short answer : stacked cirles (circle least ammount of material used for the biggest surface area) but without the sapce between them (hexagon)
Yeah, ok, cool. But now I guess TH-cam decided I'm 4.
+Mazidox No Shit! What's with the recommendations over there? Did I knock someone up a few years ago?!?
Same here. what's up with all the baby videos?
Haha! Same here! Kiddy science videos and 12-hour lullaby videos :S
me too.
If you people haven't pondered what shape a 3d cross section of a 4d Honey Comb might look like? Then moved on to considering the structural integrity offered by arranging film walls at a 120 degree angle and not followed it up with an episode of Ben and Holly's little kingdom, all I can say is you haven't lived mate! :oP
What about Saturn's hexagonal polar cloud / storm ?
Another way to put it is that the densest packing of circles is each one surrounded by 6 others and that naturally makes a hex grid
0:16 In a video all about *hexagons* , he shows multiple images of a *pentagon* instead.
Jackson Stein he wasn’t taking specifically about hexagons at that moment. He was talking about all shapes
When this channel teaches you more than school: 🥲
5:48 "However you look at it, nature definitely has a way of using simple rules to create elegant solutions."
Quantum Physicists: hold my 9-dimensional beer in 50,000,000,000 different states at the same time.
Me here after watching episodes of WandaVision, trying hard to figure out all hexagons throughout the show!
Collab with Kelsey more ❤❤❤
Films of liquid don't always assume the shape with the lowest surface area. There are some cases in which the lowest potential doesn't minimise the surface area, such as a cube skeleton.
Pfft Hexagons? Real men use dodecahedrons.
PowahSlap Entertainmint no real men use umm... ummmm... DONT WORRY IM BUFF ._.
Aren't dodecahedrons 3D?
So one might say that hexagon are the bestagons.
Me realising this is exactly what my teacher was trying to explain in chemistry!!!! (Packing efficiency of Crystalline solids)
Hexagon is bestagon
Hexagons are the bestagons...
if you know you know