I am 100% sure Debratsion will not do anything in Addis which is not agreed by his party. Please don’t bring people to your own level especially the likes of Debratsion who is a man of principle. Tewodros Tsegaye will copy your fake news and he will start to say Debratsion presented himself and is rejected by the PM. What a shame
Dawit - what’s your problem with Dr Debratsion? You keep saying he presented himself to be a president. Your sole aim is to dehumanise him.. You are embarrassing.
He pretends to know inside story. He is trying to make happy some people by ridiculing Debratsion in Amharic. Cheap popularity. He is short of news that’s why he needs to fabricate
All knows where silly questions come from. Any ways, he is Tigraway. 50% fit, freedom fighter capable to defeat oppressors', dismantle and crush their holdings. etc...makes him 50% to fulfill the rest and fit to lead the interim.
Awramba is an independent media expected to be so. But, as most ethiopian medias, it is barking similar bullets against TPLF and the Tigray survival struggle. It is a matter of business Mr. business oriented.
It is not surprising that Dr. Debertsion wanted to be the interim president bc there would be less friction if the power were consulted. And, of course, Abiy wouldn't go with that.
Who are you to judge the whole people of Tigray? Who are yiou? You do not know who people Tigray is. They are our heroes. It fascinates me their culture, religion, their decisive manners etc. I have graduated in the Tigray region and i loved every minute of my permanence. Leave alone the Tigray people. I love them. You should behave yourself as well.
It is too stupid to criticize a logical and smart politician by comparing them with a dull politician who can not express himself. This shows your dummies about political analysis. You and Stalin are more of a blind supporter of the dying TPLF to extend the suffering of Tigriyans people. After all, TPLF is not a monarchy; choose the blessed one to lead Tigray. All rubbish, but don't forget during the war, Getachew's role was unbeatable while Debretsion was championing flirting politics in peacetime.
Not entirely true. Yes Getachew was a spoksperson for the besieged Tigray and we will always remember him for that but D/Tsion mobilized our ppl. Both preformed outstandingly. That is why we are so hurt by the betreyal of Getachew.
,ጌቾ ጅግና ነው
d/r dbrtsion TPLF❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
አንተ መደበኛ ስራቸውን ከመተቸት አልፈህ አቶ ዳዊት ገ/እግዚአብሄር በታሰሩ ጊዜ "አቶ ጌታቸው ናቸው ያሳሰሯቸው ዱባይ የሄዱት ለህክምና ሳይሆን አቶ ዳዊትን ለማሳሰር ነው" ያልከውስ ነገር ከግል ቂምህ በመነሳት አይደለም:: ከስራቸው ጋርማ ምን ያገናኘዋል?
ደግ አደረገ ። አንቺ የሰካራም ደጋፊ
Thank you for the information
ዶክተር ደብረፅዮን እራሳቸውን ዕጩ አድርገዉ ሣይሆን ፓርቲያቸዉ ልያቀርባቸዉ ይችላል። ለደብረፅዮን ያለህ ጥላቻ በጣም ያስጠላብሃል። ጋዜጠኛ ከሆንክ ሃሳብህን አስተካክል።
ማንም ይምጣ ማንም ይሂድ የትግራይ ህዝብ የሚፈልገው ካለበት ችግር እና መከራ የሚያወጣው ብልህ መሪ ነው የሚያስፈልገው በብዙ ስቃይ ያላው የትግራይ ህዝብ ፍትህ ይፈልጋል
Thank you for the information Dawit
I am 100% sure Debratsion will not do anything in Addis which is not agreed by his party.
Please don’t bring people to your own level especially the likes of Debratsion who is a man of principle.
Tewodros Tsegaye will copy your fake news and he will start to say Debratsion presented himself and is rejected by the PM.
What a shame
Keeping your independence journalism is very crucial for your own survival!!
እንካዕ ደስ በለካ
Nice job brother
Dawit - what’s your problem with Dr Debratsion? You keep saying he presented himself to be a president. Your sole aim is to dehumanise him.. You are embarrassing.
ጌታቸውን አላሰራ ካላችሁ በኋላ ትተቸዋለህ!።
ኣረጋጊፅካ ምዝራብ ኣይመሓሸን
Not satisfied by your አቀራረብ ጉዳዩን የደብረፅዬንና የጌታቸው ብቻ አረከው ። Please try to avoid በዚ ጉዳይ ላይ ዘገባ
ዶ. ር ደብረፅዮን ለራሱ ፕሮፖዝ ኣላደረገም ኣትዋሽ
በተቻለህ አቅም ከየትኛዉም የፓርቲ ቡድኖች ነፃ ሆነህ እንደ Professional Journalistነትህ ሐቀኛና ሚዛናዊ የሆነ ዘገባን ለትግራይ ህዝብ እንዲሁም ለተቀረዉም ሕዝብ አቅርብ🙏ለማንኛዉ ሁለቱም የሕወሓት ቡድኖች ስህተት ሰርተዋል…በተለይ ደግሞ የእነ ዶ/ደብረፅዮን ቡድን ለብዙ አመታት እስከታች ድረስ ባላቸዉ የካድሬ ሰንሰለታቸዉ የግዜያዊዉ መንግስቱን ስራ እስከ ጥግ ማደናቀፋቸዉንም መላዉ የትግራይ ሕዝብም ጠንቅቆ እንደሚያዉቅ አንተም እንደምታዉቅ እረዳለሁኝ🙏Anyway Thanks💯
በርግጠኝነት ህጻኑ ነገ አላልኩም እንደሚል የታወቀ ነው።
እንኳን ደስ አለህ ፣አንተ የስብሐት ፣የዳዊት ገ/ብሔር ነጋ አሽከርና የህወሓት አፈቀላጤ ሆይ።😢😢 ጀነራሉ ደግሞ ከሻዕቢያ ጋር ሌላ ዙር ባህላ ጫወታቸውን እንዳያሳዩን እንጂ በመቀሌ ለሚመረጥ ግለሰብ ሴኮ ቱሬም ከሙታን ተነስቶ ቢሾም አአን አይሞቃት አበርዳት ነገር።😊😊😊😊😊
እና የ ኢሳያስ ተላላኪነትህን እንንገርህ? ወራዳ
ምን ዓይነት በሽታ ነዉ በሽታቸዉ ኮ ጎጠኝነት እንደሆነ በግልፅ ኣይተናል ለምን የ ፓርትህ ያል ሆነ ሰዉ ይመረጥልኝ ብለህ እንደ ድመት መለመን ና ደጅ መጥናት ደሞ ፍፁም ዉሸት የሆነ ዘገባ ነዉ እየዘገብክ ያለህ የነ ደብረ ዕንክልል ደጋፍ እንደሆንክ እናዉቃለን ደሞ ትግራይ ከምንም ግዜ በላይ በምገርም ሁነታ ትግራይ ውስጥ እንደ ኣሁኑ የ ሓሳብ ነፃነት ኣግኝታ ኣታዉቅም የመሰለህ ትፅፋለህ የመሰለህ ትናገራለህ የመሰለህ ትተችታለህ ስለዝህ በዘመነ ጉጅሌ ዓድዋ ግን የ እትዮጵያ ህዝብ ያዉቀዋል
Gemet is game over
With due respect Dawit, how do you know Dr. D/Tsion put himself for presidentship? You talk as if you were in the meeting room 🤣
He pretends to know inside story. He is trying to make happy some people by ridiculing Debratsion in Amharic. Cheap popularity. He is short of news that’s why he needs to fabricate
Dawit is purely attention seeker. His website is also not doing well that’s why he is turned to fake news
Dawit is a TPLFobia victim.
እኔ እምረዳው ጌታቸው ይፀናለታል
ደብረጼን ነዳጅ የጨረሰች መኪና ነው ያልከው ኣሁንም ፕረዚደንት ኣርገኝ ብሎ ኣብይ ይለምናል ኣይፍርም
ደብረ ፅዮን ጌታቸው ፕረዚደንት ሁኖ ከቀጠለ ለሀምሳ አመታት በትግራይ ህዝብ በሰሩት ግፍና በደል ለተጠያቂነት ያቀርበናል ብለው ነው ሌላአማራጭ የሚፈልጉት ግን የትግራይ ህዝብ በዚህ ስርአት መቀጠል መሮታል በቃ ብሏል
ታደሰ ወረደ የህወሓት አባል ሣይሆን እንዴት ይመረጣል? አመራርነት ላይ ያልሰራ ምንም ልምድ የሌለዉ ወታደር በምን ምክንያት ነዉ የምመረጠዉ?
All knows where silly questions come from. Any ways, he is Tigraway. 50% fit, freedom fighter capable to defeat oppressors', dismantle and crush their holdings. etc...makes him 50% to fulfill the rest and fit to lead the interim.
አየ! የትኛው ልምድ ያለው ነበር ያስተዳደረ? ይልቅስ ታደሰ እሺ ባይል ይሻላል። አሽከር ነው የሚያደርጉት። ከጠነከረ ግን ይጠርጋቸዋል።
ደብረፅዮን ማፈርያ
የሚቀጥለውን አመራር ሳታይ ይኸኛውን ባትወቅስ ይሻላል።
የበሰበሰ የህወሓት ከድሬ ቆለልፈው ይዘውት እንዴት ስራውን ይስራ ወንድሜ
በጌች እንድትመረ የትግራይ ህዝብ ብያግዝ ጥሩ ነበር ምን ዋጋ አለው ትግራይ እድለኛ አይደለችም
Thank u for ur info
ህወሓት አባል ያልሆነውን እንዴት ታቀርባለች? ራሷም ህጋዊ አይደለችም። ታደሰ ወሳኝ እርምጃ ይወስዴል? ዝምታ ያበዛል!
ሓሳዊ ኢልካ ምሕላፍ እኹል እዩ
በዛም አለ በዛ አሁንም ጌቾ አሸናፊ ነው እነ አደመ ከሰሩ ምክንያቱም አሁንም ከእንደርታ ነው አሸዓ ከሰሩ
guday tigrai be tigrenga zaytgbrwo🤗
አነውን ዝገርመኒ ንሱዩ። እምበርከ ትግራዋይ ድዩ እዩ ትህቶ?
Keep your independent journalism alive
ትግራይ ናይ ተጋሩ እያ ንመን እዩ በአምሓርኛ ተብራህርህ ዘለኻ አይተረዳአንን ዝምልከቶም ድዩ ኾይኑ? ታይ ኢና ንገብሮ
የሚገርም ነው አንድ ፓርቲ የራሱ አባል ያልሆነን እንዴት እጩ አድርጎ ያቀርባል?
ዶክተር ደብረፅዮን ገ/ሚካኤል ራሳቸው ለእጩነት አላቀረቡም፡፡ ማን ይሁን የሚለው ላይ በጥቆማ ላይ ልዩነት ነበረ‹ ፓርቲው ግን በክፍተኛ ድምፅ ለወዲ ወረደ አንዲመረጥ ተደርጓል
Awramba is an independent media expected to be so. But, as most ethiopian medias, it is barking similar bullets against TPLF and the Tigray survival struggle. It is a matter of business Mr. business oriented.
ደብረጽዮን ግን ለካ ንእሽቶ ኢሰያስ እዩ😂🤭Ane እየ ሕፁይ ያ🫣!?
ኣይበለን ጌጋዩ
እዛው ስብሰባ ውስጥ ነበርክ እንዴ?
ያደረጉት ውግያ ምን አመጣላቸው?ሲጀመር ምላችሁን አርጉ ነበር አሁን ከርሀብ በኋላ እሺ ወዴት ልሂድ ማለት ጀምረዋል።አስቂኝ ነው በውነቱ
ደስ ብሎሃል አይደል?
ገለልተኛ አይደለሁም ጌቾ ሰለምትጠለሁ አደ ናዚ ብለህ አሰከ መፈረጅ የደረሰክ ከግል ጥቅምህ ተደሰታሀል
ዶክተር ደብርፅዮን ያደረገዉ ተገቢ ነዉ ። ጭቅላዉ ይፍራዋል ሰልጣኑን የሚነጥቀዉ ሰለሚመሰለዉ ነዉ የትግራይ ሕዝብ አይዞቹ !!!
እንኩን ደስ አለህ ሁሌም ሚሊተሪው ስልጣኑን እንዲመራ ፍላጎትህ እንደሆነ በተላያዩ ዉይይቶች ለይ ያሳየህው ዝንባሌ ያሳብቅብህ ነበር። 😁 ደሞ አሁንም እንበር ተጋደላይ ጂኒ ቆለጥ ብላቹ ጦርነት ጀምሩና ጄኖሳይድ ዋይ ዋይ ስትሉ እንዳንሰማቹ
Dawit don’t add your Fantasie about Dr Debretsion
the Int-ream Government did nothing to tigray in the last two years
ከድጡ ወደማጡ
ዳዊት ግን ከእውነት እየራቅክ መሄድ ለምን መረጥክ?? ለቴዲ ርእዮትና ፕሮ/ ጌታቸውን ለማስደሰት እብዴት ዘምበል አልክ?? 😢😢😢
ዳዊት ሁሶት ምሕሳው ናኣኻዉን ማንነትካ ኣብ ግምት ዘእት ወካ እዩ። ዶክተር ደብረፅዮን ብረዝዳንት ለመሆን ያንሶዋል እንጂ ኣይ በዛበትም። ነገር ግን በወቅቱ ዶክተር ደብረፅዮን " እኔ ልሁን " ዓላለም።
ይህ የተላለፈው መልእክት ትክክል አይደለም።
It is not surprising that Dr. Debertsion wanted to be the interim president bc there would be less friction if the power were consulted. And, of course, Abiy wouldn't go with that.
ግራ የገባው ህዝብ
ያሁሉ ሰው አልቆ
የዘራችሁት ነው ???
አሁን ምን ይጠበስ
ብቸኛው ትግርኛ ተናጋሪ ኢሳት! አሁን ደ/ፅዮን ያለ ፓርቲው ውሳኔ ፕረዚደንት አድርገኝ ብሎ ራሱን የሚያቀርበው? ቱልቱላ!
መጠጥ በመጠጣት ነው ያሳለፈው
Please stay independent & refrain from unverified news
Tintag Zihzbalu Hadish.....
ቮድካቸው ሙሉ ነጋ pro max 😁😁
ካብናይ ፓርቲ ውሳነ ወጻኢ ከመይሉ ይኸውን
ኣልሲሲ ተሸይሙ በለና እምበር ብሓፂሩ ዴቭ ሓዉና። ትሕሽ ተበልክዋስ ትገድድ ዶ በሉ ወለድና። ወታደር መራሒ ኮይኑ ወዲኡላሎ ትግራይ ደጊም። ሓንቲ ደቒቓ እኳ ክትሰምዖ ዘሕምመካ ሰብኣይ ...... ኣታ የዓዉዉዉዉዉዉይ ዶ ክንብል።
What I see is Tigray wishes new president.
That is shame running too Addis Ababa to get power instead of reconciliation with your own brothers power christy.
ንንቴድሮስ ርዕዮትን አሉላን ዝፀለዉኻ ግን ትመስል ነዝ ዓቀይታይ ጌታቸዉ ዘለካ ርኢቶ ክለሳለስ ዶ ይሰምዕ ኣለኹ እማነይ?😊
አሁንም ወረደ ወዲ እንደርታ ተቃጠሉ የእንደርታ ጠላቶች
Dawit, all your commentators are talking against your reports. Please, don't lie.
berta dev khulum sew kedmeh yenekahew ante neh getachew alchalem
ጌታቸው እረዳ ወደ ጣሊያን የሚሄድበት ምክንያት ምንድ ነው? This is not the first time he went to Italy.
Oromo midya no tigray
Why not wait until it is official? You never knew what Abiy will do?
dawit please check again z information that you spread from Rara media,Yaha media, sabawian media,kulu media.... and others
Interestingly, I have never heard about the existence of these media outlets
I hope you're not referring to yourself! You keep bringing up what you claim he did to you.
Who are you to judge the whole people of Tigray? Who are yiou? You do not know who people Tigray is. They are our heroes. It fascinates me their culture, religion, their decisive manners etc. I have graduated in the Tigray region and i loved every minute of my permanence. Leave alone the Tigray people. I love them. You should behave yourself as well.
Why you don’t work with Reyotmedia . Because you are anti Dr. Debrsion
ደብረድንቁርና! ሓሚሙ እዮ አበይ ከምዝነበረ፣ እንታይ ከምዝትፈጠረ ረሲዕዎ ድዪ፣ ደብረ ፅሉል በሎ!
ደብረጽዮን ለ ትግራይ ካንሰር ነው
አይመለከትህም። ወደ ደነበጫ ብትሄድ ይሻልሀል።
@woinshetkassaye7174 😁
Whose plan failes?
Mr.Saniter tewordiu teregagtsu?
ጌታቸዉ ረዳ በትግራይ ህዝብና በትግራይ መሬት ላይ በፈፀመው ታሪካዊ ወንጀል ይ ጠየቃል።
Kedada minabatk new miteyekew dedeb debre enklil grup qomata 40amet ante teteyaki neh 40 amet ye be Tigray hzb gif yeserahbet
ቀዳዳ ለ50ዓመት ያክል ወንጀል የሰሩት አባቶችህን መጀመሪያ ወደ ህግ አቅርብ😢😢
You said ...Rasachewun echu adrgewal....10x why ...nonsense...
ዳዊት አንተ የምትደግፈውን የደብረጽዮን የአመራር ብቃትንማ 1 ሚሊዮን የትግራይ ህዝብ ማስጨረሱን አትርሳ
It is too stupid to criticize a logical and smart politician by comparing them with a dull politician who can not express himself. This shows your dummies about political analysis. You and Stalin are more of a blind supporter of the dying TPLF to extend the suffering of Tigriyans people. After all, TPLF is not a monarchy; choose the blessed one to lead Tigray. All rubbish, but don't forget during the war, Getachew's role was unbeatable while Debretsion was championing flirting politics in peacetime.
Not entirely true. Yes Getachew was a spoksperson for the besieged Tigray and we will always remember him for that but D/Tsion mobilized our ppl. Both preformed outstandingly. That is why we are so hurt by the betreyal of Getachew.
የሚገርም ነው አንድ ፓርቲ የራሱ አባል ያልሆነን እንዴት እጩ አድርጎ ያቀርባል?