True 100% I always drop back from child birth no matter how much weight I have gained bk to 155-160 lbs however I got the nexplanon implant and even with 30 minutes walking daily and no fried foods/sugary…. I could not get past 188. I’m 8 months postpartum and 2 1/2 weeks ago I got on semaglutide and down 11lbs currently 177. Just had my implant removed today and totally excited about getting back to my normal size in these next few weeks. I was depressed these last few months because of my weight. But seeing that scale move MY GOD, has my STOKED. Great video! Women are totally not crazy, we know when something is off. For me I knew wholeheartedly it was the implant birth control. It’s No Way that eating healthy would result in me being 188 lbs it was the birth control
True 100% I always drop back from child birth no matter how much weight I have gained bk to 155-160 lbs however I got the nexplanon implant and even with 30 minutes walking daily and no fried foods/sugary…. I could not get past 188. I’m 8 months postpartum and 2 1/2 weeks ago I got on semaglutide and down 11lbs currently 177. Just had my implant removed today and totally excited about getting back to my normal size in these next few weeks.
I was depressed these last few months because of my weight. But seeing that scale move MY GOD, has my STOKED. Great video! Women are totally not crazy, we know when something is off. For me I knew wholeheartedly it was the implant birth control. It’s No Way that eating healthy would result in me being 188 lbs it was the birth control