@@shaunxbox4139 Take it easy dude, he's just showing empathy for another person. It's not like he's walking around in a uniform saying, "I know what it's like".
Remy you got That from a movie 😂😂😂 don't be so cringe you didn't have to be so poetic. But if you do become a medic then best of luck cause you're gonna fucking need it friend.
Whenever i see this video, i remember of a few quotes that go surprisingly well. "The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." - General Douglas MacArthur "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton "War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it." - Erasmus
How is it bad? Patton is right, they are the ones who are truly lucky. Not because they escape the horrors of war, but because they get to live to see what they were fighting for.
Oh honey. The rest of your squad is so happy you're safe and that you can continue to make good with your life. I promise you, if they came to visit you from wherever you are, they'd tell you to find peace. You can do this.
just imagine holding a gun, so close to committing suicide, and then you hear the gun say,"you honor your friends by every day you keep going." Oh the irony.
Travis, as a fellow Marine, I share your pain at the loss of our brothers. There is nothing I can say that will ease that pain. But I did want to give you something to consider. Your survival, by pure chance, allows you the honor of keeping your squad alive. In memory if nothing else. No one is ever gone as long as someone remains to remember them. That someone is you! And now, me as well. Keep moving forward, cause we never retreat. Only regroup! Semper Fi my brother!
You are right, honor your fellow Marines by living life to its fullest. We all left some fellow Warriors behind, but we have to share and support their legacy - they gave their last full measure! I hit "like" because you shared the story with us.
My father was drafted by the US Navy around the beginning of the Vietnam War and flew co-pilot for the medivacs. He told me how bad he had it; ignoring the screams of dying men which almost always were louder then the Huey's engine and props; getting shot at because of the red cross on his bird; dropping those dead-in-the-eye special forces guys off and picking them up covered in blood and mud with prisoners... I respect any man who's served in our military as well as those who serve in honorable militaries from other nations. I may never serve, but I'll never disrespect those who have and those who will. Better men then I have died to ensure I don't live in a worse world, so I make sure to always talk to those who came back and remind them that there's always a new dawn shining on our flag because of them. Better men then I...
"When they're looking down on you, they don't want you to be living in the moment that killed them. You made it. You got home. You should honor their memory by living the life that they didn't get to live." Wise words to live by, sadness and regret are natural feelings the can arise from the death of a loved one. But I have found comfort in the quote to move forward after the death of someone near and dear as I go through those feelings in the grieving process.
Anders Mostue Back in the day with swords and shields why not, rather fight in those sort of wars than guns. Legit it was fun back when guns werent around. I'm serving soon for the Australian Defence Force, wish my ass luck :P
Wasn't there a time in America where being against the war meant that you were against the American soldiers? I think it was around the Nixon era. I can't be too sure about it, but if it's true, then that's bullshit.
War is bad, war is hell, war is scary, but after every storm comes a sun. And after every war comes peace. Wars will be fought. Its ugly, but it happens.
It's one thing to die in combat, where you have a chance to fight for your life. These brave soldiers didn't get that chance. That is what's truly tragic.
I saw this back in 2014, and I just now came back to it. I've tried taking his advice because it stuck with hearing it the first time. Any time I ever got in really dark places I would remember what he said about living the life they didn't get to. It's better now, but I hope to never forget what he said.
1. Travis, I am honored to be here to view this and I am profoundly grateful you shared your story with the world. Please stay connected to the life forces and energies which encourage, support, and strengthen.
I am beyond crushed watching this. I am in awe of Travis Williams for his strength of heart and character to keep living with this sadness on his heart. I am in awe of you Travis Williams.
I just heard you guys on the Glenn Beck show and came to look for videos. What you do is amazing. I've only heard a few stories yet, but I subscribed and plan on listening to every one of them. Thank you. God bless this man, his squad, all of my fellow veterans, and God bless America 🇺🇲
This legit brought tears to my eyes, like wow, this is heart wrenching. I know what its like to lose squad members, but never to this extent. Mad respect for Travis
"America's Warriors have always stepped up to the plate for our freedoms and liberties and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice and some have survived to endure worse. HONOR THEM, RESPECT THEM, LOVE THEM & NEVER FORGET THEM! I salute you all!" Sparrow Six-Five!
ههههه، حرية من يا هذا حرية أمريكا التي سرقتموها من أهلها وبنيتموها فوق جثث مئات الآلاف من السكان الأصليين ولبنائها استعبدتم ملايين المواطنين الأفارقة ثم رحتم تبحثون عن دول اخرى لتستنزفوها، ولفقتم لاهلها التهم باكستان، صنعتم بلادن لتجدوا ذريعة لاحتلالها العراق، لفقتم تهمة النووي لصدام ذريعة لاحتلالها ولو كان مع صدام نووي لما كان حال العراق كما هو اليوم تريدون تجربة قنبلة جديدة، لا بأس إذًا من قتل وتشويه وسرطنة وتعذيب آلاف اليبانيين من الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ والمدنيين العزل هل فلسطين كذلك تمثل خطرا على حريتكم المزعومة حتى تمولوا اليهود بثلاثة مليار واكثر سنويا لقتل الفلسطنيين الأبرياء ألم تر ذلك المقطع الذي يهاجم فيه الجنود اليهود غلاما من ذوي الإعاقة وإطلاق الرصاص عليه أم الطفل الرضيع الذي كان يبكي على كتف امه النازحة من فلسطين فقتله الجندي فورا برصاصة في رأسه لأن صوت بكائه أزعجه، ثم سمح لامه بالمرور وهي تحمل رضيعها الذي كان حيا منذ ثانيتان كل شيء موثق بالمقاطع إن كنت لا تصدق أنت تدفع ضرائبك لتذهب لليهود ليقتلوا الحرية والأحرار في بلد اخرى مهما ادعى شعبكم انه ذا علم ومعرفة فأنتم اجهل الناس بحكامكم وما يدور في العالم من حولكم ولو قال لكم حكامكم ان الشمس تشرق من الغرب لصدقتموهم مهما كان وضعنا الإقتصادي والسياسي متدهور فعلى الأقل نحن نعرف حقيقة حكامنا، نعرف الخونة منهم، ونعرف العملاء منهم نعرف كذبهم ونعرف الصادق منهم اما انتم فببساطة تكذبون الكذبة وتصدقون أنفسكم.
I remember watching this maybe 2 years ago. I’m in the Army Guard, I’m an MP and we watched this as part of our Suicide awareness brief. 2 years later and I’m watching this again. I’m glad that I haven’t had to have an experience like this in the past 5 years. All of my friends are still around. Some of them are still serving with me today along with all the new friends I’ve made. With me switching to Combat engineering and going active I hope I don’t have to lose anyone. And I hope nobody has to lose me. Really touching story, I’m empathetic for him and his experience. But glad it grounded me once again to the reality of the job field I’m in. I hope he could/did find some sort of peace .
Sibbie thats tragic too. When we were on boarding to GTMO the guy who trained us killed himself a few weeks after he returned home. I wish he didn’t do it, but hope he found peace somewhere
This is definitely one of the ones I’ll remember, made me cry just hearing the pain in his voice. rip to all those soldiers. Condolences to their families.
Reminds me of the story of my uncle when he fought in the Vietnam war. One part of the story that I would never forget was the part where my uncle was sleeping in the bunker with his squad and something told him to wake up and sleep somewhere. While he was in the process of getting in a fox hole and falling back to sleep, the bunker where all his friends were located died from a bomb being tossed from a aircraft. Because of that day, my uncle wasn't the same to the point he turned to alcohol as his coping mechanism. Truth be told, no one is fit for war.
I'm at work wathig this and as a grown man I try not to cry, but I let a tear fall for you sir and your men. Thank you for the service and thank you for not giving up.
I always come back to this video and draw so much power from these words. Thank you all for your service. Thank you Travis for being able to tell the story. May these stories will save the world and spare more friends and comrades from the same suffering.
I watch the work of the Brothers on PBS and this by far tore me up. I'm retired Army never made it to combat. But a few people and friends I trained did. This man has strength few men possess. The survivors guilt alone would've done me in. But he honors real heroes by living the life they couldn't. Another true hero with strength and courage beyond measure.
I always think people who say "fuck the troops" don't know the first thing about being a human sacrifice. Just know, for every person who slanders your name, 10 people are praying that you complete your mission and come home safely. Thank you
People who bash our military typically don't know what they are talking about. Granted, I'm not saying we are perfect as we have made bad decisions in the past, but when I look back at the Vietnam protests and how people spat in our soldier's faces after they sacrificed so much to keep us safe, it makes my blood boil. Our soldeirs deserve the utter most respect.
I’m more of fucks the occupation let’s get our people back home from the conflicts......I’m probably biased...few relatives hated their service and what they went through
Such brave and extraordinary men. RIP. May God bless you Travis. I cannot begin to imagine what you must have gone through but I am so glad that you decided not to end it. Life is so precious and so fleeting and I truly wish you peace in your life. All the best. You're an an amazing person and the world desperately needs more people like you in it.
what's bullshit is that this was shared on facebook and has even more views there, which means facebook is making more off of this video than the creators...
@@tprock5160 I believe it’s non profit besides the necessity to well go around and ask questions with their equipment as they get no ads on their stories that
To Travis Williams. Hello Copral Williams, I don't truly know what you felt during that all but just know, All men and women who are in the army are here to surround you with care and love. "From the morning sun to the evening dusk, all the men who have fought for home country, we will remember them not just for there commitment to their country but for their families, friends and comrades, Lest we forget " -Anzac ceramony speech. I am training to join the Australian army and just know that you are so strong. Yoy have brought upon so much inspiration apon me, my fellow cadets and everyone who has watched this. May God bless you and have a great day.
HansMario818 You have to understand if everyone took your philosophy of just "get a safe job". The would be no military which means no government which means no authority wich means no safe jobs. These men and woman put their lives on the line and some give their lives so that we can have "safe" jobs. So that we can be and feel safe. So that we can go to school so that we can be free. Don't think for a moment that if we all just had "safe" jobs there will never be war. There will always be terrorist and those who are too ignorant and prideful to supmit and respect authority. So there will always be war and you have to understand that. In the next few years I plan on joining the Marine Corps. The reason I feel I should join is not for me, but for you, for my family for my friends for country. See, I understand the importance of a military and those willing to give their lives for others. I hope you will too.
HansMario818 what the hell is wrong with you, that's not how it works they join up to serve there country and they go through hell, you can't say it's there fault they got scars or PTSD you piece of crap
Lol i was 1st squad 3rd platoon. Just a different one and in the army not marines. But i got hit by an ied and walked away. No one else did. I totally get this. 20 minutes earlier when rolling out the gate i asked my buddy(the gunner) if he wanted to drive instead cause i know he's tired of being gunner. He didn't want to swap. I was lead convoy driver and we were hit with an EFP type ied. He got his legs blown off. I never felt survivors guilt though. Just excitement for life, especially since i was sparred. I lost my religion on that day along with a good friend.
when i was five years old me and my best friend would go cycling on the side of the road and he fell under a truck and got crushed i saw his brain and it was horobile i felt guilty cuz i lived.😪
Captain Cancer that’s not funny to be honest man if I saw that in the comment section of the tribute to service for my dad that that died in Afghanistan I would probably be in tears
Yeah! War sucks! They people you might have killed feel the same pain! Never go to the Army or support a war you know nothing about! Its a shame that you had to learn that in this way! I feel sry for you and your friends...but at least y
@@swellboy9490 Yes, fuck all the people who died in the Iraq and Afghan wars. they are responsible for the deaths for at least 1.5 million people and 22 million displaced
I love every one of the troops who serve my country your brave souls are the reason I get to love, laugh and live thank you so much thank you so much for giving me the chance to be free in life.
"You should honor their memory by getting to live the life they didn't get to live" Even after watching this videos repeatedly for the past several years, those word hit fucking hard but the amount of truth to it is unreal.
This guys story keeps me going. 5 years and 2 tours and many friends lost. It really sucks and we have a mentality of not talking and bottling shit up. We care so much and hurt even more. But we never let it show. Semper fi man.
I am so sorry for you dude. I thank you for your service. I will never understand what you have had to go through for this amazing country. I cannot thank you enough man.
God Bless everyone who served, we are real lucky people to be able to sleep without a doubt of danger in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, etc. Veterans and active servicemen and women are the greatest guardian angels of this country!
my god the fact it was just a simple hey hope in the next platoon dude if your still alive you are a hero and one tough man your friends are heroes too and like you said "honor the life they didn't get to live" Justin, David, Brett, Aaron, Eric, Michael, Edward, Timothy, Grant, Nicholas, and Christopher you guys are heroes i can tell travis loved you guys rest in peace fly high
You can hear the pain in his words as he speaks. It truely hits home.
@@shaunxbox4139 Take it easy dude, he's just showing empathy for another person. It's not like he's walking around in a uniform saying, "I know what it's like".
@@shaunxbox4139 Take a chill pill man.
@@shaunxbox4139 nice one dude are you human? Or just an asshole.
Yo maybe chill ratioing this guy. He was probably asking as a genuine question
@@MrMars-sx3db then he should have pronounce that better.
Losing my Team Leader was the hardest moment of my life... I can't imagine an entire squad, my god this Marine is one tough Mother Fucker.
Luke you're a fucking hero, bless you
You all are, and i will hopefully join the marines as a combat medic
John The School shooter
With your profile name your better off not ever getting your hands on a rifle 😂
Remy you got That from a movie 😂😂😂 don't be so cringe you didn't have to be so poetic. But if you do become a medic then best of luck cause you're gonna fucking need it friend.
King Vince is it coincidental that he said "catch you on the flip side" and the vehicle that they were in was flipped after the bomb explosion?
'I am most proud of not blowing my head of by now' :( Man, this hurts as much as it did the first time I seen it :( RIP
rik varga my heart cried when he said that
When his voice started cracking... this makes me double think about wanting to join the marines
Join and honor the memory of your fallen brothers in arms
x Trippin x same
rik varga if
Living your life is exactly what they would have wanted. As a fellow human, thank you for continuing to exist - you make us all proud.
Whenever i see this video, i remember of a few quotes that go surprisingly well.
"The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."
- General Douglas MacArthur
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
- General George S. Patton
"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."
- Erasmus
That second quote is so bad
TheTiagoFire the 3rd one is especially true
How is it bad? Patton is right, they are the ones who are truly lucky. Not because they escape the horrors of war, but because they get to live to see what they were fighting for.
TheTiagoFire I remember the 3rd quote from cod modern warfare 4
TheTiagoFire only those that die can see the end of war - Me
Oh honey. The rest of your squad is so happy you're safe and that you can continue to make good with your life. I promise you, if they came to visit you from wherever you are, they'd tell you to find peace. You can do this.
*from wherever they are
Well said. May they all find peace.
broadwaymelody33 respect
broadwaymelody33 Respect
Og mcskillet
you honor your friends by every day you keep going.
just imagine holding a gun, so close to committing suicide, and then you hear the gun say,"you honor your friends by every day you keep going." Oh the irony.
idoit stuped Damn
@@bear8ful shut up
Travis, as a fellow Marine, I share your pain at the loss of our brothers. There is nothing I can say that will ease that pain. But I did want to give you something to consider. Your survival, by pure chance, allows you the honor of keeping your squad alive. In memory if nothing else. No one is ever gone as long as someone remains to remember them. That someone is you! And now, me as well. Keep moving forward, cause we never retreat. Only regroup! Semper Fi my brother!
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your service
Thank you for your service! Be safe!
You are right, honor your fellow Marines by living life to its fullest. We all left some fellow Warriors behind, but we have to share and support their legacy - they gave their last full measure! I hit "like" because you shared the story with us.
Are you a marine?
soviet doggo It looks like the army since it looks like hes wearing UCP but it may be MARPAT because i really cant see the camo pattern good enough
My father was drafted by the US Navy around the beginning of the Vietnam War and flew co-pilot for the medivacs. He told me how bad he had it; ignoring the screams of dying men which almost always were louder then the Huey's engine and props; getting shot at because of the red cross on his bird; dropping those dead-in-the-eye special forces guys off and picking them up covered in blood and mud with prisoners... I respect any man who's served in our military as well as those who serve in honorable militaries from other nations.
I may never serve, but I'll never disrespect those who have and those who will. Better men then I have died to ensure I don't live in a worse world, so I make sure to always talk to those who came back and remind them that there's always a new dawn shining on our flag because of them.
Better men then I...
You were saved by the man who told you to go to the other vehicle
Its ya boi tht guy Angel in disguise
Sounds fishy...
But was he really saved or only broken?
Hes a genie
if that's the case, he literally killed 11 people then.
"When they're looking down on you, they don't want you to be living in the moment that killed them. You made it. You got home. You should honor their memory by living the life that they didn't get to live." Wise words to live by, sadness and regret are natural feelings the can arise from the death of a loved one. But I have found comfort in the quote to move forward after the death of someone near and dear as I go through those feelings in the grieving process.
Something tells that most of the people who post negative comments have never been to combat let alone served in the military
+Flowzah someone seems triggered
Yamil Goytia hey so now that it's a year later how did the Navy go?
"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."
- Erasmus
Anders Mostue Back in the day with swords and shields why not, rather fight in those sort of wars than guns. Legit it was fun back when guns werent around. I'm serving soon for the Australian Defence Force, wish my ass luck :P
Martin Boss I wish you the best of luck in your journey.
2:36 when he looks upward, determined to keep living his life because that’s what his friends would’ve wanted, I lost it there.
So much senseless violence in the world. Thank you for telling your story. And about all I can say is Keep on keepin on brotha.
+J Taneli blame the politicians that start the wars, never the soldiers. we should support soldiers but not the war
+Johnny connors Exactly.
Wasn't there a time in America where being against the war meant that you were against the American soldiers? I think it was around the Nixon era. I can't be too sure about it, but if it's true, then that's bullshit.
War is bad, war is hell, war is scary, but after every storm comes a sun. And after every war comes peace. Wars will be fought. Its ugly, but it happens.
It's one thing to die in combat, where you have a chance to fight for your life. These brave soldiers didn't get that chance. That is what's truly tragic.
I haven't cried since my mother passed this actually did it again the awful thing we do to eachother is sickening this story is heavy
RIP to the ones who never make it home.
I saw this back in 2014, and I just now came back to it. I've tried taking his advice because it stuck with hearing it the first time. Any time I ever got in really dark places I would remember what he said about living the life they didn't get to. It's better now, but I hope to never forget what he said.
i dont know if i should subscribe or not cuz i can't handle watching more than 1 of these each months... so sad
1. Travis, I am honored to be here to view this and I am profoundly grateful you shared your story with the world. Please stay connected to the life forces and energies which encourage, support, and strengthen.
Thank you for your service. I have so much respect for you and your team. I said a prayer to God for you and your team.
I am beyond crushed watching this. I am in awe of Travis Williams for his strength of heart and character to keep living with this sadness on his heart. I am in awe of you Travis Williams.
Thank you for your service and your brothers sacrifices.
I just heard you guys on the Glenn Beck show and came to look for videos. What you do is amazing. I've only heard a few stories yet, but I subscribed and plan on listening to every one of them. Thank you. God bless this man, his squad, all of my fellow veterans, and God bless America 🇺🇲
I cannot explain how much I am thankful for your service. God bless you. And God bless your friends too.
Honestly I get so moved and of course many tears shed but I'm listening no matter what
This legit brought tears to my eyes, like wow, this is heart wrenching. I know what its like to lose squad members, but never to this extent. Mad respect for Travis
Thank you Trivis Williams.
"America's Warriors have always stepped up to the plate for our freedoms and liberties and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice and some have survived to endure worse. HONOR THEM, RESPECT THEM, LOVE THEM & NEVER FORGET THEM! I salute you all!" Sparrow Six-Five!
ههههه، حرية من يا هذا
حرية أمريكا التي سرقتموها من أهلها
وبنيتموها فوق جثث مئات الآلاف من السكان الأصليين
ولبنائها استعبدتم ملايين المواطنين الأفارقة
ثم رحتم تبحثون عن دول اخرى لتستنزفوها، ولفقتم لاهلها التهم
باكستان، صنعتم بلادن لتجدوا ذريعة لاحتلالها
العراق، لفقتم تهمة النووي لصدام ذريعة لاحتلالها
ولو كان مع صدام نووي لما كان حال العراق كما هو اليوم
تريدون تجربة قنبلة جديدة، لا بأس إذًا من قتل وتشويه وسرطنة وتعذيب آلاف اليبانيين من الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ والمدنيين العزل
هل فلسطين كذلك تمثل خطرا على حريتكم المزعومة حتى تمولوا اليهود بثلاثة مليار واكثر سنويا لقتل الفلسطنيين الأبرياء
ألم تر ذلك المقطع الذي يهاجم فيه الجنود اليهود غلاما من ذوي الإعاقة وإطلاق الرصاص عليه
أم الطفل الرضيع الذي كان يبكي على كتف امه النازحة من فلسطين فقتله الجندي فورا برصاصة في رأسه لأن صوت بكائه أزعجه، ثم سمح لامه بالمرور وهي تحمل رضيعها الذي كان حيا منذ ثانيتان
كل شيء موثق بالمقاطع إن كنت لا تصدق
أنت تدفع ضرائبك لتذهب لليهود ليقتلوا الحرية والأحرار في بلد اخرى
مهما ادعى شعبكم انه ذا علم ومعرفة فأنتم اجهل الناس بحكامكم وما يدور في العالم من حولكم
ولو قال لكم حكامكم ان الشمس تشرق من الغرب لصدقتموهم
مهما كان وضعنا الإقتصادي والسياسي متدهور فعلى الأقل نحن نعرف حقيقة حكامنا، نعرف الخونة منهم، ونعرف العملاء منهم
نعرف كذبهم ونعرف الصادق منهم
اما انتم فببساطة تكذبون الكذبة وتصدقون أنفسكم.
I remember watching this maybe 2 years ago. I’m in the Army Guard, I’m an MP and we watched this as part of our Suicide awareness brief. 2 years later and I’m watching this again. I’m glad that I haven’t had to have an experience like this in the past 5 years. All of my friends are still around. Some of them are still serving with me today along with all the new friends I’ve made. With me switching to Combat engineering and going active I hope I don’t have to lose anyone. And I hope nobody has to lose me. Really touching story, I’m empathetic for him and his experience. But glad it grounded me once again to the reality of the job field I’m in. I hope he could/did find some sort of peace .
Yeah it’s a shit situation that more us veterans have killed themselves in the last 30 years than have died in combat
Sibbie thats tragic too. When we were on boarding to GTMO the guy who trained us killed himself a few weeks after he returned home. I wish he didn’t do it, but hope he found peace somewhere
Duplicarus yeah I hope he did it’s just sad
“You should honor their memory by living the life they didn’t get to live”
God this makes me sad 😞
An incredibly brave young man. I'm so sorry for
your loss
This is definitely one of the ones I’ll remember, made me cry just hearing the pain in his voice. rip to all those soldiers. Condolences to their families.
The most ironic thing is that after he said, "Catch you on the flipside", the vehicle FLIPPED. God, I bet that word must dig into him the most
Yamil Goytia I wasn't making fun of it. I was making a statement looking upon the irony of all of it
Also the phrase could be interpreted as "see you in the afterlife."
late reply but good catch there...definitely a dark ironic echo of which would probably be the bitting part of it
That's dank man
Conk's Collection that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard
this is why its so important for Veterans to go to therapy its so sad what these people had to go through
Reminds me of the story of my uncle when he fought in the Vietnam war. One part of the story that I would never forget was the part where my uncle was sleeping in the bunker with his squad and something told him to wake up and sleep somewhere. While he was in the process of getting in a fox hole and falling back to sleep, the bunker where all his friends were located died from a bomb being tossed from a aircraft. Because of that day, my uncle wasn't the same to the point he turned to alcohol as his coping mechanism. Truth be told, no one is fit for war.
I'm at work wathig this and as a grown man I try not to cry, but I let a tear fall for you sir and your men. Thank you for the service and thank you for not giving up.
This just shows that war isn't fun.
War isn't some call of duty ass Shiz.
War is hell.
glossyplane542 When people realize that death is forever, war isn't fun anymore.
Fireice 999 yup no respawns
@@benjiii3407 Yup that's fucked up
I don't think war is hell, war is war and hell is hell. Hell is suffering and torture for people who deserve it, war is for people that don't.
@Ramen Bowl Bob aye, cuz both sides are fighting for what they believe is right
This is... I am speechless. God bless you for pushing forward, man. You must.
The feels I have...
The marine corp is like.a brotherhood. When friends die it feels like you lost a family.
I’ve seen this so many times but every time, it’s sadder.
I remember watching this 2 years ago it still hurts as much as it did the first time
every time he starts to talk about going back and packing up their stuff I start to cry
I am still teary-eyed. What a most noble tribute. Still here Left for a reason. No one could have saluted them as you did. Namaste
I'm so sorry I hope you find peace one day this is so sad please keep your head up it will be ok
I always come back to this video and draw so much power from these words. Thank you all for your service. Thank you Travis for being able to tell the story. May these stories will save the world and spare more friends and comrades from the same suffering.
Let me cry now.
*Salutes to screen*
True honor to have men and women like you serve our country. May you find the peace you have earned.
We all have the upmost respect for you and your lost friends
I watch the work of the Brothers on PBS and this by far tore me up. I'm retired Army never made it to combat. But a few people and friends I trained did. This man has strength few men possess. The survivors guilt alone would've done me in. But he honors real heroes by living the life they couldn't. Another true hero with strength and courage beyond measure.
respect ! i salut for yor frinds and for you
I cried when I heard the last part. I was in a similar spot and I am I chose to live and honor my friends memory.
I always think people who say "fuck the troops" don't know the first thing about being a human sacrifice. Just know, for every person who slanders your name, 10 people are praying that you complete your mission and come home safely. Thank you
Comicazi and 1 of those people that pray are me (and I hope I don’t get flagged with paragraphs)
It's not even 10 people, it's more like 1,000 people.
People who bash our military typically don't know what they are talking about. Granted, I'm not saying we are perfect as we have made bad decisions in the past, but when I look back at the Vietnam protests and how people spat in our soldier's faces after they sacrificed so much to keep us safe, it makes my blood boil. Our soldeirs deserve the utter most respect.
I’m more of fucks the occupation let’s get our people back home from the conflicts......I’m probably biased...few relatives hated their service and what they went through
God you can tell the pain in his Voice. Thank you for everything you did
Please don't cry, if you cry I cry!
Oh boy, I have never cried so hard in my life
RIP brothers. :(
Such brave and extraordinary men. RIP. May God bless you Travis. I cannot begin to imagine what you must have gone through but I am so glad that you decided not to end it. Life is so precious and so fleeting and I truly wish you peace in your life. All the best. You're an an amazing person and the world desperately needs more people like you in it.
Memorial Weekend is here, put an extra plate on your table for one of these men.
what's bullshit is that this was shared on facebook and has even more views there, which means facebook is making more off of this video than the creators...
excut face book steals vids
excut if it's getting recognition about what soldiers live through well, i don't mind.
I don’t think they started this channel for the money
@@tprock5160 I believe it’s non profit besides the necessity to well go around and ask questions with their equipment as they get no ads on their stories that
thank you for sharing in such a sincere and honest way. Very poignant, very touching.
All I can say is respect. I my self am going into the British Royale marine commandos
good luck
To all soldiers and vetrans thank for your service and sacrifices
To Travis Williams.
Hello Copral Williams, I don't truly know what you felt during that all but just know, All men and women who are in the army are here to surround you with care and love. "From the morning sun to the evening dusk, all the men who have fought for home country, we will remember them not just for there commitment to their country but for their families, friends and comrades, Lest we forget " -Anzac ceramony speech. I am training to join the Australian army and just know that you are so strong. Yoy have brought upon so much inspiration apon me, my fellow cadets and everyone who has watched this. May God bless you and have a great day.
the comments..... I think I lost my faith in humanity :(
TH-cam is full inhumane people
HansMario818 shut the fuck up, kid.
HansMario818 You have to understand if everyone took your philosophy of just "get a safe job". The would be no military which means no government which means no authority wich means no safe jobs. These men and woman put their lives on the line and some give their lives so that we can have "safe" jobs. So that we can be and feel safe. So that we can go to school so that we can be free. Don't think for a moment that if we all just had "safe" jobs there will never be war. There will always be terrorist and those who are too ignorant and prideful to supmit and respect authority. So there will always be war and you have to understand that. In the next few years I plan on joining the Marine Corps. The reason I feel I should join is not for me, but for you, for my family for my friends for country. See, I understand the importance of a military and those willing to give their lives for others. I hope you will too.
Thank you for your service sir. I have the up most respect for you.
HansMario818 what the hell is wrong with you, that's not how it works they join up to serve there country and they go through hell, you can't say it's there fault they got scars or PTSD you piece of crap
I just tear up when,his voice breaks,cause you can hear the pain in his voice as he has to remember his friends,his brothers
I am not military material. Sorry for your loss
I always remember your brothers because of you, you told there story, you keep them alive. Rest to the fallen.
This is why i'm never going into war
Cute Nekos unless you get drafted
Ace asian gamer they only forcefully drafted before because not many would voluntarily go into battle. But many are willing to do so now
Godspeed, man. Glad you made it back. And God bless those fallen hero's.
War is hell
Thank you for your service
Lol i was 1st squad 3rd platoon. Just a different one and in the army not marines. But i got hit by an ied and walked away. No one else did. I totally get this. 20 minutes earlier when rolling out the gate i asked my buddy(the gunner) if he wanted to drive instead cause i know he's tired of being gunner. He didn't want to swap. I was lead convoy driver and we were hit with an EFP type ied. He got his legs blown off. I never felt survivors guilt though. Just excitement for life, especially since i was sparred. I lost my religion on that day along with a good friend.
Z ASMR Caveman damn man, thank you for sharing. Cheers to your fallen boys
This really hit hard, these videos are amazing and I love how much they share and can make you feel
"And when he gets to Heaven,
to Saint Peter he will tell, one more soldier reporting sir... I've spent my time in Hell."
With absolutely nothing other than the pain I feel for you, thank you for sharing their (and still your) story
when i was five years old me and my best friend would go cycling on the side of the road and he fell under a truck and got crushed i saw his brain and it was horobile i felt guilty cuz i lived.😪
With spelling like that, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re still five.
this is devastatingly sad. may they all rest in peace, and he find comfort in all the voices that wish him the best.
"Catch you on the flipside." One car-flip later. "Oh fuck not like that."
Captain Cancer Do you think that's funny dumbass
In a twisted pessimistic sense, yes.
Captain Cancer that’s not funny to be honest man if I saw that in the comment section of the tribute to service for my dad that that died in Afghanistan I would probably be in tears
Its been 7 years since this released, i watch it every Year, and i cry every Time. Honor the Fallen, rest in Peace!
Is this a true story
Etiennestudios T,REX Yes, the man narrating and telling the story is the man who survived.
Etiennestudios T,REX very much so sadly
To speak the name of the dead is to let them live forever. Thank you ALL ( including you Travis) for your service. I salute you.
Yeah! War sucks! They people you might have killed feel the same pain! Never go to the Army or support a war you know nothing about! Its a shame that you had to learn that in this way! I feel sry for you and your friends...but at least y
Oh yes please disrespect everyone who fought and died for their nation you waste of space
@@swellboy9490 Yes, fuck all the people who died in the Iraq and Afghan wars. they are responsible for the deaths for at least 1.5 million people and 22 million displaced
When ever I see this I cry every single time
Seller Fi Brother. You keep honoring their memory and God bless you!
Such a dumb war
I love every one of the troops who serve my country your brave souls are the reason I get to love, laugh and live thank you so much thank you so much for giving me the chance to be free in life.
"You should honor their memory by getting to live the life they didn't get to live"
Even after watching this videos repeatedly for the past several years, those word hit fucking hard but the amount of truth to it is unreal.
Tank you for your service Travis Williams
This guys story keeps me going. 5 years and 2 tours and many friends lost. It really sucks and we have a mentality of not talking and bottling shit up. We care so much and hurt even more. But we never let it show. Semper fi man.
This tore my heart apart like paper...this was incredibly sad
but he is right.....he continues living the life that they couldnt keep on living
Keep your head up brother!! You have every vet on your side!
I am so sorry for you dude. I thank you for your service. I will never understand what you have had to go through for this amazing country. I cannot thank you enough man.
God Bless everyone who served, we are real lucky people to be able to sleep without a doubt of danger in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, etc. Veterans and active servicemen and women are the greatest guardian angels of this country!
my god the fact it was just a simple hey hope in the next platoon dude if your still alive you are a hero and one tough man your friends are heroes too and like you said "honor the life they didn't get to live" Justin, David, Brett, Aaron, Eric, Michael, Edward, Timothy, Grant, Nicholas, and Christopher you guys are heroes i can tell travis loved you guys rest in peace fly high