I remember going down the highway in my 65 f85 just cruising along at 75 by the cop and waving. This was blasting out the windows by the time they were getting on the road to chase me I was long gone. I'm 65 and still love listening to this BEAUTIFUL music. I guess I always will my grandchildren call me an old hippie and I just smile and say yep that would bout some it up.
Now that's Rock n Roll..,
Original 1974??
Hell yes!!
Oldie but Goldie!!!
3rd row on the floor!
I remember going down the highway in my 65 f85 just cruising along at 75 by the cop and waving. This was blasting out the windows by the time they were getting on the road to chase me I was long gone. I'm 65 and still love listening to this BEAUTIFUL music. I guess I always will my grandchildren call me an old hippie and I just smile and say yep that would bout some it up.
Long Live Billy G! Have mercy
No finer gent alive!
Gitarre Player good,Vocal Bad.
A mobile is not the best way to make a good record... ☺