Anakin and by extend Luke, were clones of Sidious (and by extend clones of Sidius were actually clones of Luke). So Palpatine could have as much when he was younger. But his power deteriorated with force corruption ongoing.
The Star Wars Customizable Card Game had Han Solo with an ability level of 3, considered Force Attuned. The card for Luke as he was found on Tatooine had him also at level 3. Ever since I saw the Han Solo card, I've subscribed to the theory that it's definitely possible, though the card game had a lot of variation as far as this determination goes.
Although as smart as Han was, he might've been aware of it but kept quiet about it. Having a tough life and being a survivor, it would've given him a secret edge in combat.
Jedi Temple Instructor: "These children failed the test and won't become Jedi. Should we send them back to their homes?" Jedi Master: "These weeds aren't going to pull themselves."
My favorite crack adaptation of Midi-chlorians is that they aren't the source of force sensitivity, but a lifeform that can only flourish within the body of a force-sensitive. So the Jedi and similar organizations would measure their count as a proxy for the Force, since it can't be precisely measured directly. That's at least how I cope with the concept =P
But I mean we've seen bacteria colonies that have collective memory and "hive mind" like abilities in reality, it's not too far a stretch to imagine a microorganism that has a collective mind that spans across an entire galaxy. In fact, if you try to imagine how a single-celled species could advance into a dominant race without going multicellular, that's probably what it would look like.
@@jerotoro2021 That's not a bad idea, either. For me, that's a little too sci-fi. Star Wars (in my head canon) is more fantasy/mystical, with space. But, your idea is a cool and very plausible one - a semi-psychic esque (in terms of how they communicate) universal "mind" of sorts. Very cool idea.
I recommend reading the Plagueis novel, (or better, listening to the audiobook), as it totally redefines the concept of a midichlorian without altering what we got in the Phantom Menace.
One thing to note is that Obi-Wan was actually a lower tier canonically. While his overall connection to the force was deep, he couldn't use powerful force abilities the way other Jedi could, hence his need for constantly training himself and being so studious.
5:37 in the early days of the Empire, Palpatine feared Jucasta Nu. He recognized that her unparalleled knowledge gave her FAR more power than any surviving Jedi. It was so great that she could undo the decades of planning and ultimate victory the Emperor had accomplished. Vader was tasked with hunting her down personally. However, she had long become adept at playing the long game and had a powerful vision where her efforts to impart all of her knowledge into holocrons would ultimately save the Jedi. She finished construction of the holocrons, hid them and returned to her beloved library. She took with her the one thing Palpatine was after that she had previously deleted from the Jedi archives, a list of all the potential force sensitive children in the galaxy. She confronted Vader in why the Emperor would want such a list; to find his replacement. Not wanting to be discarded he destroyed the list and killed Jucasta, thus making her Gambit in obfuscation of the holocrons successful,l. With her death knowledge of her database and it's location would remain hidde for Luke Skywalker to find, just as her force vision had foretold.
I didnt know this, who would know she had studied so much that she had entire visions of her death and lukes eventual rise. Imagine if she didnt discard the database, obi wan wouldnt stand a chance.
So its possible Anakin could have been in his own 7th Tier. Remember Obi-Wan said "The Reading is off the chart. Over 20,000" This implies the chart only went up to 20,000 so Anakin could have been well above 20,000. They say Vader after his injuries could only reach about 80% of Sidious full power and Sidious was like you said pushing 20,000 so for sake of argument lets just say 20,000 on the dot which puts Vader at 16,000. So even as injured as he was Vader was still Tier 5. I feel Vader before his injuries could be 40,000, as he was as close to a "being of pure force" as one could get.
Was there a “Vader” before the injuries? I was under the belief that Darth Vader was the persona taken by Anakin based on his visage and mental state post injuries/reforming?
@@jimmyfrench4722 Well Anakin or Vader would work but since he was Vader when he burned on Mustafar I thought it best to use that persona. But since we're talking about M count and not allegiance it really wouldn't matter.
I believe Luke was the perfect mix of hard work and talent. He must’ve had a range between 15-18 thousand but he reallyyyyy took the Force seriously especially having Obi-Wan and Yoda in his training Also Disney would make Rey’s M count around 1 million or so 😂
Funny thing is, force sensitivity was always something predetermined by biology before the prequels. Luke inheriting vaders force potential and him even saying leiah can do it because shes related. midichlorians was honestly a beautiful way to explain it and was a necisarry addition to quantify force sensitivity for the story that didn't contradict anything.
While I wholeheartedly agree, I also can’t imagine a universe, or even a Jedi order, that didn’t delve into the hows and whys of the force from a non scientific point of view.
They could've done so much more with Finn. I've seen a handful of really good fan-made scripts over the years. Some really good stuff and everything better than what we got
To be honest when I went to the movies with My mom to watch the Sequel Trilogy I always liked Finn a lot. Maybe it’s cause I found him more intriguing and interesting as a character and maybe because he seemed to grow as a character a lot more than Rey did, but that’s just my opinion.
@@Pendragon667I read the Force Awakens novelization, which is essentially a prequel to Force Awakens with three sections: one for Poe, one for Finn, and one for Rey. Finn's was definitely the most interesting, and it also explained how he was able to hold his own against Kylo Ren, so it annoys me a little whenever I see someone say that it makes no sense or that he had no training, because he did have training. It's just that it was in the novelization and not the movie, which is why so few people know about it.
Finn was such an interesting character, kidnapped by the First Order, then raised and made to be a Storm Trooper, then first mission was like "Nah fuck this shit, I'm not killing innocent people." Then went on to help save the galaxy.
5:26 I mean a lot of people in the galaxy lived meager lives, so having their kids become a jedi initiate would mean that their kids would be provided for.
Not to mention, Anakin never reached his full potential before he died. I'm sure the guy is like, in his own Tier 7, next to the likes of the Celestials.
iirc there is a comic side story where Palpatine and a Jedi he was "friends" with were discussing what Dooku said about a Sith Lord controlling the republic and he suggested something clever. "Why don't we test the senate for Midichlorians? Surely the sith lord would be strong in the force. I'm sure if the High Chancellor led the way by going first the senate would follow willingly." Palpatine probably shitting bricks at the very notion of being outted very easily like that, gave a non comittal answer and promptly sent the jedi and his padawan into a battle where he told Dooku make sure no one survives. Sadly the Jedi died before sharing his actually good idea with the Coucil who in all likelyhood would've ignored it as they would never be able to not perceive a sith in front of them.
1:06 The Force was ALWAYS determined by "Biology" or rather, family line. Luke said, "My father has it, I have it, and..., my sister has it". This is a crystal clear indication that not everyone can become a Jedi. It has to be in your blood. Granted, it wasn't exactly scientific at that point in the franchise. But it was absolutely, indisputably hereditary. No one ever thought that you could just work hard and become a Jedi. At least, not until Disney decided to completely wreck the franchise. If everyone could do it with some hard work, then why did Obi Wan say that boy is our last hope? And why did Yoda respond that there was another? As in, just one more chance besides Luke? Why not just go grab some Tom, Rick or Harry off the street and train them? Oh yeah. I remember. Because the Force was ALWAYS hereditary!!!
I don't think it was always determined by biology, it's just that biology certainly seems to have an impact in it. Even in pre-disney era, we come across SWTOR which introduces Satele Shan, the grandmaster of the jedi order, and her child Theron Shan, who has no notable connection to the force to speak of, so he was not trained as or raised by the jedi. Jedi were also not allowed to have children, yet there being children across the galaxy who were force sensitive enough to be trained as jedi even if their parents or siblings weren't (I think even obi-wan had a sibling who wasn't taken by the jedi), so it can't be entirely biology
@Duckling-ws3kx "Jedi were not allowed to have children". Incorrect. Jedi were not allowed to form attachments. They were encouraged to have children. The child would be given to the Order, and the parents would treat that child like any other youngling. However, even the "Attachment" rule was broken on an absurdly regular basis. But you wouldn't have known that by watching Episodes 4-6. At that point, it would have been pretty clear that Jedi did have children. Because Obi-Wan told Luke that Luke's father was a Jedi. The prohibition against attachments wasn't mentioned until Episode 2. Then, you wouldn't find out about all the other stuff unless you read the books. In any case, it's less correct to say it was always "Biology". As I mentioned, it was always "Family line". Or "Heredity". It didn't turn into biology until Episode 1.
"The force runs strong in my family" the way he said it implicated to me that force sensitivity isnt necessarily hereditary as a definite rule ,only that it just so happens that their entire family is connected to the force
"The force runs strong in my family" A literal statement of heredity. @@germanpatis9136 : Uses a statement of heredity to argue against heredity. Poorly. Right after he made that statement of heredity, he reinforced it. "I HAVE it. My father HAS it. And my sister HAS it". He did not say that it was stronger in these three. He said they had it at all. In the books that came before the prequels, he searched the galaxy for other people that HAD it. If anyone could become a Jedi, why didn't he just stop at the nearest planet and pick up any random person that volunteered? Oh yeah. Because it's hereditary. I remember now. That doesn't mean that a random person won't be force sensitive. But that is comparatively rare compared to heredity.
Not always, Dooku was high while the rest of his family most likely weren't. Dooku's father hated anything to do with the force which is why he gave him up as an infant. I feel if anyone else in the family had a high M count he would have sent them away as well.
I like midichlorians because they neatly communicate how much knowledge of the Force and the Jedi culture was lost in the purge. It's a retcon but it makes sense that in the post order 66 nobody knows how the force works at all
One thing I always thought about in this story is How most jedi don't have children that genetics that would lead to increased potential in Jedi are not really pursued and that if Jedi were to actively breed with other Jedi they probably would be producing Jedi on par with yoda fairly often
@@GnosisZX That's pretty horrible I mean it means that in order to keep their numbers up they had to steal children from innocent people whose child just happened to have some forced sensitivity Many of those children then being condemned to work in jobs like farming after they're already two brainwashed to leave When the Jedi could have easily spared those people let them keep their children by simply using their own children not going to lie the Jedi making choices that force them to steal children while intentionally ignoring every decision that would allow them not to be stealing infants too young to make a choice honestly I gotta agree with Skywalker the Jedi are definitely evil
That would lead to a massive superiority complex and the force might just punish them by taking their force sensitivity like it did with the Rakatans. Its ultimately the forces choice who gets midichlorians and while it’s correlated with genetics the force can also give it to a completely random slave boy
@@capadociaash8003 a dynasty isn’t enough it’s if that dynasty abusing its power like the rakata did that when the force acts I still wonder how the sith still have there powers
Ok I think midi-chlorians were a brilliant thing to add, Star Wars in itself is a mix between mystical fiction and science fiction, no other story does it better. And I feel midi-chlorians captured that idea by being the perfect reasoning to the force with that balance. They add a sense of biology and life to the force while keeping it a mystery. They kept that mystical attribute by never saying why or how midi-chlorians are connected to the force, they just are. I feel it was a great way to add a sense of science to the force and keep it mystical as well, it gives an explanation to everything and a reason why people like Anakin are more powerful than people like Han. And tell me, in a galaxy with near limitless technology, it’s quite unrealistic that they would’ve never figured out what causes the connection to the force in people.
Wouldn’t Sabine have the low-tier sensitivity? Since Huyang said her M-Count is so low she’d never be accepted as a Jedi, ig it’s up to interpretation but I’d say “low” actually do means low.
That little thing was called Plot Armor... Nothing more. Generation Tech has a good video on Em Counts, Sabine would probably be in the 4500-5500 range, which (Canonically) isn't enough to touch the force, but IS enough to feel certain things through the force... Disney just changed it for no reason so now just about anyone can use the force if they "feel it hard enough" or whatever that means...
Yeah Huyang said she was the most least sensitive initiate he had seen in all his years and considering Ahsoka brought her in she might actually have been in the bottom Tier. Though Sabine did have a very secluded and suppressed personality even in Rebels, and you do need to open yourself up to truly connect to the force so it possible she could have been higher.
Mhm, mhm, that's cool and all... I used to play the old Star Wars CCG back in the late 90's, and I was fascinated by it. They made cards for things and characters that only showed up for a split second in a scene or sometimes things that I have no recollection seeing at all. Characters were separated into Dark and Light sides, and were also labelled by power level and by Force Ability, which was also ranked like this, albeit from 1 to 7 (Droids did not have a Force Ability so were considered a 0 by the game's mechanics). I guess it might've just as well been 4 levels as all of the main Jedi of the original trilogy were the only ones to have a Force Ability higher than 4, such as Luke, Vader, Obi-Wan, Yoda and the Emperor. Still, even those at a level of 4 had amazing powers. Cards also helped flesh out many background elements making the whole experience of watching the movies for the first time an exciting journey for me, as I played the card game before watching the movies.
The first time I saw Phantom Menace in Theaters and midi-clorians was mentioned I immedietly thougtht of Parasite Eve. Also I would say that since George Lucas said Luke in the EU is what Anakin would have been that would put Luke at the same or just a hair under Anakin. So if Anakin was say 21k Luke was probably 20.5k.
Yeah, the force isn’t purely genetic. If it wanted to make Luke another chosen one it could, it could even give him the exact same midichlorian count as Anakin if it thought it would be poetic
Anakin's a great example of getting what you ask for. Like . . . maybe before you train someone prophesied to bring balance you should make sure the scales aren't already tipped way in your favor. They were literally in an era in which the Jedi / light-side was overwhelmingly in power. The whole Anakin fiasco could have been avoided if they just remembered how scales work.
The Jedi viewed themselves as the personification of balance and the Sith as an imbalance. They would never have imagined that "balance" might imply equal numbers of light and dark side users. That's like a doctor imagining balancing your health as equal numbers of healthy and cancerous cells instead of homeostasis.
@@ericvicaria8648 Yes, and my point was that those assumptions of theirs were wrong. They started from the wrong assumptions and shot themselves in the foot.
I have seen people try to claim that the light side is balance and the dark side is just power corrupt but that's never how I viewed it. Why would the force "even" the sides if th light side is balance? Just wipe out the darkside then right? Never made sense to me
@@JayBobert-h1lit’s more that the Jedi had strayed too far from what they were supposed to be. They were meant to serve the force and life in the galaxy but instead served a corrupt senate and were thus helpless to aid people hurt by the republic. The Jedi needed a hard reset and the force chose the Sith to do so, after the Sith had done so the force destroyed them in a relatively short time
Ultimately through the force all things are one and if you can completely internalize that you realize there’s no real difference between the opponents power and yours
I always kinda head canoned that as a Jedi it doesn't matter as much since you are in tune with the will of the force. Sith on the other hand have to force their own will upon the force which is less like combining your power with it and just outright overpowering it. Not to mention how much more likely someone with a higher count would be to turn. The inquisitors and old republic era sith seemed to be more of an upbringing thing.
I grew up with SW, vaguely recall seeing A New Hope at a drive in. My friends have always consisted of SW fans. I have never heard anyone say they were upset about midichlorians giving force sensitivity. I'm sure some people do, but the first of your video makes it sound like a majority of fans were really upset about it.
Just a thought. Plo koon was hella underrated, he had so much force knowladge and power, it is said he couldve rivald yoda. He had force visions way begore his death. Sadly his death was a very sad. Id put him in the 6th catagory ez
reconning and legends aside, leia was luke's twin and the most force she could do in canon was float in zero g for a little bit. also, to borrow from harry potter, occlumency (vs vadar & interrogator droid)
@@c.ladimore1237 moving in zero g, while also surviving the vacuum of space. Just surviving out there was a pretty top tier ability and that's with no training.
@@SifuPaladin Leia did have training she just stopped at some point. She made it all the way too constructing a lightsaber which was typically near the end of basic training and she even beat Luke in combat. True it wasn't a real fight but she still beat him.
Guys I think there shld be 12 and not 6 tiers. Like there are so may more levels. So this is my take: Lvl 1: completely not sensitive (below 2500) (Chewbacca) Lvl 2: A bit force sensitive (2501 - 5000) (Han Solo, Sabine) Lvl 3: Jedi service corps (5001 - 8000) (Padawan teachers, YORD) Lvl 4: Jedi knight (8001 - 10000) (Barriss Ofee) Lvl 5: Jedi master (10000 - 11000) (Random masters killed by qimir, Tiplar, Halsey) Lvl 6 Senior jedi masters (11000 - 13000) (Vernestra Rwoh, Quinlan Vos, luminaria unduli, sora bulq) Lvl 7 Council members (13000 - 15000) (Kit fisto, agen kolar, plo koon, Saesee tiin) Lvl 8 Jedi Prodigy (15000 - 18000) (Obi wan Kenobi, mace windu, malgus, traya) Lvl 9 Jedi legend (18000 - 22000) (Revan, Yoda, palpatine, Starkiller, Nihilus, vaylin, vitiate) Lvl 10 Skywalker (22000 - 24000) (Leia, luke, jania, jacen) Lvl 11 Force god 1 (idk) (bendu, bedlam spirits) Lvl 12 Force god 2 final (idk absolutely) (ANAKIN in Ahsoka, THE WHILLS, THE MORTIS GODS, ABELOTH)
Revan in lore wasn't that strong in the force. He was a incredible leader and an above average duelist up there with people like mace but his force powers were more average. His legend and hero status come from his abilities to lead and plan Also Malgus beat his ass and both malak and revan were at most jedi knights they didn't reach the rank of master
"From my point of view the jedi are evil" I always thought when Anakin said this was just trying to justified his misdeeds. In reality he was calling out the jedi and himself.
That was a really interesting video. I did wish though you would have mentioned where in the scale some of the alien races that are naturally more force sensitive would be. Maybe an interesting follow up video?
Plo koon had an estimated 16’200 midi Lorain count so he would be higher. It’s also explained by the many different force abilities he possessed, his mastery of different lightsaber techniques and his ability with a fighter
After it was introduced I viewed the m count as like a different type of muscle cell. Training beats metabolism, and the right focus in training excels even more.
@ozygoliath making mitochondria the explanation for the force was just a layman's way of making the force scientific, rather than purely mystical. And, I absolutely agree that training, whether physical, mental, neurological, metaphysical, whimsical, or musical, pays dividends over relying entirely on how good your genes, or mom jeans, or skinny jeans, make one feel.
Anakin and Luke have a count of 20,000 Batman and Doctor Doom have a count of 50,000 but are so incredibly knowledgable and skilled that they never use their force abilities....they feel its below them. And they're right.
L3 was just a navigational computer which is how they made it through the kessel run and make it through imperial blockades and such all the flying is Han’s skill
I have a pretty OP original Star Wars character who probably falls in the range of about 18,000, mostly because she has a strong tendency towards the Dark Side. Once she actually managed to hold her own against Darth Vader long enough to retreat.
Jaina Solo (real child of Leia and Han) once said in a novel that she can sense a high aura of Force emanating from her father, Han, and the same with the legendary Rogue squadron commander, Wedge Antilles, the greatest starfighter pilot of the galaxy
I would love to be at level 2. No responsibility, not getting taken from my family. But maybe just enough potential to occasionally do some cool stuff. If i have knowledge of the force I can even meditate and train on my own to squeeze just a bit more force sensitivity into myself
@@carsondubs well the guy who made this video is mostly guessing because the only official statement about a midi count is Anakin being over 20k and above Yoda all supplementary material points to Obi having a low count like him being a bum before he met qui gon
George Lucas confirmed that BOTH Luke & Leia had the same potential as Anakin MAXED OUT. If you can find a "Bench Mark" character (preferbly Palpatine), you could narrow the actual midi-chlorian counts of Yoda, Anakin, and Darth Vader (suit) George Lucas gave us some percentages during another interview explaining how much power Anakin had lost after losing to Obi-Wan on Mustafar. He states that had Anakin reached his full potential, he would have been 2x Palpatines Strength/Power. As a result of his injuries on Mustafar, Vader's (suit) maximum strength/power level is only 80% of Palpatines Strength/Power. Yodas Strength/Power is 2/3 or 66.6% of Palpatines Strength/Power when they fought in ROTS. I've always been fascinated with character Strength/Power levels when it came to Star Wars, lol.
The Force can be reasoned with, however. Obi-Wan is said to not be particularly strong with the Force, but through meditation, devotion, and over all being a good Jedi, he persuaded it to lend him more power when needed. Think of midichlorians as a way to force the Force to cooperate even if it doesn't want to.
@@dethtrooper09 Disney made Rey the most overpowered person in Star Wars. She should have 700 midichlorians but we both know Disney would give her a million if they could
I thought in canon Sidious had 19k m and Yoda also had 18k m side note Luke probably had the same m count as Anakin as there is no proof that ones m count dwindle with each generation
Honestly the mediclorians made complete sense to me. Like how come some people couldn't use the force and others could? Something had to be different about force users, otherwise its just silly magic.
I always prefer to look at a persons midi-chlorian count as a measure of there natural (base) connection to the force. The more a force user has the easier they can connect too and use the force without much trial or effort. But I also like thinking that its possible for a force user to increase the strength of there connection to the force through various means, such as combat, meditation, or force rituals. Meaning even those with low natural force sensitivity could become powerful force users with training and effort, within reason of course. To use your system a level 1 could potential train themselves up to the point becoming a level 3, level 2 to 4, 3 to 5 and so on. Obi-Wan would be proof of this as he was by midi-chlorian count a level 4 force sensitive but through training and hard work was able to fight and defeat Anakin a natural level 6
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
In EU starwars it was shown that vader could have produced red force lightning if he still had his limbs, the only character in canon to do that is the dark side celestial on mortis, so it would make more sense if anakin's M count was like 30k or smth. Also it was said somewhere that count dooku had the highest count the jedi had seen when they tested him, which should put him at like 18000.
I think Finn is implied to be at least one level up from where you placed him, if you’re looking at it on a metanarrative level. They wouldn’t have placed so much focus on his potential force-sensitivity if they never planned on expanding on it at SOME point in the writing process. Just because a Jedi Finn plot was probably scrapped doesn’t necessarily mean he has such low force sensitivity that he could never become a jedi
Jocasta Nu was quite gifted with the force, to the point at which she made it onto the high council for a time. Appreciate the video, but I can’t stand for the Jocasta nu slander.
Not to mention that perfect precision blaster shot while upside down and blind. I'll accept him as an example of level 2, but I'd say he's a high 2, if not borderline 3. Poe Daemeron is probably a 2. Finn should be a 3.
Pretty sure George Lucas stated Anakin's midichlorian count possibly went up to 40,000 Luke and Leia were above Sidius so they could have possibly reached 30,000 but I also do remember George Lucas saying Leia and Luke had the same potential as Anakin so maybe they had the same amount
So by going scientific using counts per cell. This could explain where I heard that Sidious while pleased that he turned Anakin to the darkside. He was not enthused by him having lost his limbs. Less biology means less cell count, which means his potential is lower than it could have been. Interesting. A testament to how powerful he still was in spite of that.
The entire fact that obi wan mastered the force through will. Explains that someone who is force sensitive can be trained and through connection. Its exponential
lets be honest, Finn only held his own because Kylo had about the same amount of training with a lightsaber he did. Two children whacking at each other with glow sticks.
Midi-chlorians may be just be misunderstood. Maybe it's count isn't what gives you the powers, but the power is attracts them to power user. So, the more powerful you become - more Midi-chlorians is living in you.
Wait, wasn't the 10th brother a Jedi master before the fall of the republic? If so, then it's pretty impressive that he rose to that rank with such a low M count.
Rank was earned through achievments tbh. Coleman Trebor was a "Jedi Master" and a part of the council. And was Fodder LMAO. Most Jedi were garbage During the final days of the old republic, given they weren't challenged by Sith to even be good.
Rey, level 50, able to wield incredible force abilities like healing and lifting thousands of pounds of rock after swinging a sword at a rock 6 or 7 times with no other training.
Another point that urks me about midi-chlorians is that they are measured PER CELL. If that would be true those cells would be bursting unless those midi-chlorians are WAAAAAYYYYYY smaller than those pictures you showed suggest.
That's right, we're uploading 2X per week now! Hope you enjoy double the Red Five content!
Princess Leia costume design video please 🙏🙏🙏😩
I'm late but watching the vid now I know it will be awesome.😁👍
Bane was probably in the 18-19.000s aswell
Anakin and by extend Luke, were clones of Sidious (and by extend clones of Sidius were actually clones of Luke).
So Palpatine could have as much when he was younger. But his power deteriorated with force corruption ongoing.
Red 5, proving he's nothing but a shill for Disney.
I think my favorite thing about the "Han Solo Is Force-Sensitive" theory is just how utterly offended he'd be by the suggestion.
The Star Wars Customizable Card Game had Han Solo with an ability level of 3, considered Force Attuned. The card for Luke as he was found on Tatooine had him also at level 3. Ever since I saw the Han Solo card, I've subscribed to the theory that it's definitely possible, though the card game had a lot of variation as far as this determination goes.
Everyone is slightly force sensitive dude, the more “lucky” like Han, the more likely he is
Although as smart as Han was, he might've been aware of it but kept quiet about it. Having a tough life and being a survivor, it would've given him a secret edge in combat.
Facts 😅
Kinda ruins the character tho, I mean I have this same problem with alot of other franchises. Stop giving every “hero” some kind of special ability.
Jedi Temple Instructor: "These children failed the test and won't become Jedi. Should we send them back to their homes?"
Jedi Master: "These weeds aren't going to pull themselves."
"Pull themselves these weeds will not. Gardners we need"
They got droids for that lol.
Midichlorians are the PowerHouse of the cell
Underrated comment
Nerdy Dad Joke
No joke, I get these two words confused all the time. So much so I forgot what the other word was because of this comment.
Jeez, imagine being kidnapped by a cult at a young age only to become their gardener.
So, average cult? They do like that free labor.
@@GriffonSpade its not free labor, its "your contribution"
It was fate!
Kidnapped by the government*
My favorite crack adaptation of Midi-chlorians is that they aren't the source of force sensitivity, but a lifeform that can only flourish within the body of a force-sensitive. So the Jedi and similar organizations would measure their count as a proxy for the Force, since it can't be precisely measured directly. That's at least how I cope with the concept =P
That's exactly what I was thinking! It's not a source, just an indicator
But I mean we've seen bacteria colonies that have collective memory and "hive mind" like abilities in reality, it's not too far a stretch to imagine a microorganism that has a collective mind that spans across an entire galaxy. In fact, if you try to imagine how a single-celled species could advance into a dominant race without going multicellular, that's probably what it would look like.
I like that a lot, actually.
@@jerotoro2021 That's not a bad idea, either. For me, that's a little too sci-fi. Star Wars (in my head canon) is more fantasy/mystical, with space. But, your idea is a cool and very plausible one - a semi-psychic esque (in terms of how they communicate) universal "mind" of sorts. Very cool idea.
I recommend reading the Plagueis novel, (or better, listening to the audiobook), as it totally redefines the concept of a midichlorian without altering what we got in the Phantom Menace.
One thing to note is that Obi-Wan was actually a lower tier canonically. While his overall connection to the force was deep, he couldn't use powerful force abilities the way other Jedi could, hence his need for constantly training himself and being so studious.
I think a big thing people don’t realize is that despite your force sensitivity if you let it take the wheel it’ll do most of the work for you
5:37 in the early days of the Empire, Palpatine feared Jucasta Nu. He recognized that her unparalleled knowledge gave her FAR more power than any surviving Jedi. It was so great that she could undo the decades of planning and ultimate victory the Emperor had accomplished. Vader was tasked with hunting her down personally. However, she had long become adept at playing the long game and had a powerful vision where her efforts to impart all of her knowledge into holocrons would ultimately save the Jedi. She finished construction of the holocrons, hid them and returned to her beloved library. She took with her the one thing Palpatine was after that she had previously deleted from the Jedi archives, a list of all the potential force sensitive children in the galaxy. She confronted Vader in why the Emperor would want such a list; to find his replacement. Not wanting to be discarded he destroyed the list and killed Jucasta, thus making her Gambit in obfuscation of the holocrons successful,l. With her death knowledge of her database and it's location would remain hidde for Luke Skywalker to find, just as her force vision had foretold.
I didnt know this, who would know she had studied so much that she had entire visions of her death and lukes eventual rise. Imagine if she didnt discard the database, obi wan wouldnt stand a chance.
So its possible Anakin could have been in his own 7th Tier.
Remember Obi-Wan said "The Reading is off the chart. Over 20,000" This implies the chart only went up to 20,000 so Anakin could have been well above 20,000. They say Vader after his injuries could only reach about 80% of Sidious full power and Sidious was like you said pushing 20,000 so for sake of argument lets just say 20,000 on the dot which puts Vader at 16,000. So even as injured as he was Vader was still Tier 5. I feel Vader before his injuries could be 40,000, as he was as close to a "being of pure force" as one could get.
I agree but I think force power incrises exponently so he probably wasnt in 40.000 but was more likely around 30.000
Defenetly in his own tier
Was there a “Vader” before the injuries? I was under the belief that Darth Vader was the persona taken by Anakin based on his visage and mental state post injuries/reforming?
@ he bacame Vader when he nealed bedore Sidius after cutting off arm of Mace Windu. But at that time there was still a lot of Anakin left
@@jimmyfrench4722 Well Anakin or Vader would work but since he was Vader when he burned on Mustafar I thought it best to use that persona. But since we're talking about M count and not allegiance it really wouldn't matter.
actually george said he was around 27000 with the twins at 24000
Technically Padme had the highest M count when she was pregnant with Luke and Leia
Probably yes
Correct. She had 46,000
It's average count per cell... It's not additive. So no.
Your mom had the highest M count when she was pregnant with Luke and Leia.
It would be cool if that's how it works. You gain force powers while pregnant with powerful force wielders.
I believe Luke was the perfect mix of hard work and talent. He must’ve had a range between 15-18 thousand but he reallyyyyy took the Force seriously especially having Obi-Wan and Yoda in his training
Also Disney would make Rey’s M count around 1 million or so 😂
I would say that Luke’s m-count is about 17500 per cell. Also, Rey’s, as stated by Disney, is about 1 googolplex per cell.
*2 googolplex per cell
Luke had 23k bro
@@cyber8177I was about to say, anakin had the highest recorded at 25,000. Luke and Leia both had 23,000 but Luke actually received training
@@jacobaurand1672 thats so stupid 😂
Funny thing is, force sensitivity was always something predetermined by biology before the prequels. Luke inheriting vaders force potential and him even saying leiah can do it because shes related. midichlorians was honestly a beautiful way to explain it and was a necisarry addition to quantify force sensitivity for the story that didn't contradict anything.
While I wholeheartedly agree, I also can’t imagine a universe, or even a Jedi order, that didn’t delve into the hows and whys of the force from a non scientific point of view.
Personally I find level 2 to be the most interesting. Which is why I hate that they wasted Finn's potential both in the force and in writing.
They could've done so much more with Finn. I've seen a handful of really good fan-made scripts over the years.
Some really good stuff and everything better than what we got
To be honest when I went to the movies with My mom to watch the Sequel Trilogy I always liked Finn a lot.
Maybe it’s cause I found him more intriguing and interesting as a character and maybe because he seemed to grow as a character a lot more than Rey did, but that’s just my opinion.
@@Pendragon667I read the Force Awakens novelization, which is essentially a prequel to Force Awakens with three sections: one for Poe, one for Finn, and one for Rey. Finn's was definitely the most interesting, and it also explained how he was able to hold his own against Kylo Ren, so it annoys me a little whenever I see someone say that it makes no sense or that he had no training, because he did have training. It's just that it was in the novelization and not the movie, which is why so few people know about it.
They wasted like everything😅
Finn was such an interesting character, kidnapped by the First Order, then raised and made to be a Storm Trooper, then first mission was like "Nah fuck this shit, I'm not killing innocent people." Then went on to help save the galaxy.
5:26 I mean a lot of people in the galaxy lived meager lives, so having their kids become a jedi initiate would mean that their kids would be provided for.
You missed a joke at the normal level, instead of average Joe, average Poe
I wish I could heart a comment on other people's channels.
Average Plo
it's not that funny
Plants contained midoclorians too... I can imagine that force supplements probably existed, in both good and bad forms.
4:47 “Master! What’s does the scouter say about his M-count level!”
“ITS OVER 9000!”
I thought obi wan was considered to have a low m count, which explains why he had to work very hard to keep up with the other jedi
Not to mention, Anakin never reached his full potential before he died. I'm sure the guy is like, in his own Tier 7, next to the likes of the Celestials.
iirc there is a comic side story where Palpatine and a Jedi he was "friends" with were discussing what Dooku said about a Sith Lord controlling the republic and he suggested something clever. "Why don't we test the senate for Midichlorians? Surely the sith lord would be strong in the force. I'm sure if the High Chancellor led the way by going first the senate would follow willingly."
Palpatine probably shitting bricks at the very notion of being outted very easily like that, gave a non comittal answer and promptly sent the jedi and his padawan into a battle where he told Dooku make sure no one survives.
Sadly the Jedi died before sharing his actually good idea with the Coucil who in all likelyhood would've ignored it as they would never be able to not perceive a sith in front of them.
1:06 The Force was ALWAYS determined by "Biology" or rather, family line.
Luke said, "My father has it, I have it, and..., my sister has it". This is a crystal clear indication that not everyone can become a Jedi. It has to be in your blood.
Granted, it wasn't exactly scientific at that point in the franchise. But it was absolutely, indisputably hereditary. No one ever thought that you could just work hard and become a Jedi.
At least, not until Disney decided to completely wreck the franchise.
If everyone could do it with some hard work, then why did Obi Wan say that boy is our last hope? And why did Yoda respond that there was another? As in, just one more chance besides Luke? Why not just go grab some Tom, Rick or Harry off the street and train them?
Oh yeah. I remember. Because the Force was ALWAYS hereditary!!!
I don't think it was always determined by biology, it's just that biology certainly seems to have an impact in it.
Even in pre-disney era, we come across SWTOR which introduces Satele Shan, the grandmaster of the jedi order, and her child Theron Shan, who has no notable connection to the force to speak of, so he was not trained as or raised by the jedi.
Jedi were also not allowed to have children, yet there being children across the galaxy who were force sensitive enough to be trained as jedi even if their parents or siblings weren't (I think even obi-wan had a sibling who wasn't taken by the jedi), so it can't be entirely biology
@Duckling-ws3kx "Jedi were not allowed to have children".
Incorrect. Jedi were not allowed to form attachments. They were encouraged to have children. The child would be given to the Order, and the parents would treat that child like any other youngling. However, even the "Attachment" rule was broken on an absurdly regular basis.
But you wouldn't have known that by watching Episodes 4-6. At that point, it would have been pretty clear that Jedi did have children. Because Obi-Wan told Luke that Luke's father was a Jedi. The prohibition against attachments wasn't mentioned until Episode 2. Then, you wouldn't find out about all the other stuff unless you read the books.
In any case, it's less correct to say it was always "Biology". As I mentioned, it was always "Family line". Or "Heredity". It didn't turn into biology until Episode 1.
"The force runs strong in my family"
the way he said it implicated to me that force sensitivity isnt necessarily hereditary as a definite rule ,only that it just so happens that their entire family is connected to the force
"The force runs strong in my family" A literal statement of heredity.
@@germanpatis9136 : Uses a statement of heredity to argue against heredity. Poorly.
Right after he made that statement of heredity, he reinforced it. "I HAVE it. My father HAS it. And my sister HAS it". He did not say that it was stronger in these three. He said they had it at all.
In the books that came before the prequels, he searched the galaxy for other people that HAD it. If anyone could become a Jedi, why didn't he just stop at the nearest planet and pick up any random person that volunteered?
Oh yeah. Because it's hereditary. I remember now.
That doesn't mean that a random person won't be force sensitive. But that is comparatively rare compared to heredity.
Not always, Dooku was high while the rest of his family most likely weren't. Dooku's father hated anything to do with the force which is why he gave him up as an infant. I feel if anyone else in the family had a high M count he would have sent them away as well.
I like midichlorians because they neatly communicate how much knowledge of the Force and the Jedi culture was lost in the purge. It's a retcon but it makes sense that in the post order 66 nobody knows how the force works at all
Video starts at 2:00
0:00 *
One thing I always thought about in this story is How most jedi don't have children that genetics that would lead to increased potential in Jedi are not really pursued and that if Jedi were to actively breed with other Jedi they probably would be producing Jedi on par with yoda fairly often
Right? Imagine if Anakin and ahsoka had a child.
The Jedi didn’t want dynasties
@@GnosisZX That's pretty horrible I mean it means that in order to keep their numbers up they had to steal children from innocent people whose child just happened to have some forced sensitivity Many of those children then being condemned to work in jobs like farming after they're already two brainwashed to leave When the Jedi could have easily spared those people let them keep their children by simply using their own children not going to lie the Jedi making choices that force them to steal children while intentionally ignoring every decision that would allow them not to be stealing infants too young to make a choice honestly I gotta agree with Skywalker the Jedi are definitely evil
That would lead to a massive superiority complex and the force might just punish them by taking their force sensitivity like it did with the Rakatans. Its ultimately the forces choice who gets midichlorians and while it’s correlated with genetics the force can also give it to a completely random slave boy
@@capadociaash8003 a dynasty isn’t enough it’s if that dynasty abusing its power like the rakata did that when the force acts I still wonder how the sith still have there powers
Anakin really be putting mediclorians into a senator
And so is han but with storm troopers 3:53
This whole idea sounds like they suddenly let L. Ron Hubbard write the script.
And who's that ?
@@elcalabozodelandroide2creator/ original cult leader of Scientology
Ok I think midi-chlorians were a brilliant thing to add, Star Wars in itself is a mix between mystical fiction and science fiction, no other story does it better. And I feel midi-chlorians captured that idea by being the perfect reasoning to the force with that balance. They add a sense of biology and life to the force while keeping it a mystery. They kept that mystical attribute by never saying why or how midi-chlorians are connected to the force, they just are. I feel it was a great way to add a sense of science to the force and keep it mystical as well, it gives an explanation to everything and a reason why people like Anakin are more powerful than people like Han. And tell me, in a galaxy with near limitless technology, it’s quite unrealistic that they would’ve never figured out what causes the connection to the force in people.
Jocasta nu was a council master. Finn had a midiclorian count that would’ve been accepted into Jedi order
She was never on the council?
@ she was. Years ago.
@@Bigdan678 wow, I didn’t know that
Finn was crap and boring.
Wouldn’t Sabine have the low-tier sensitivity? Since Huyang said her M-Count is so low she’d never be accepted as a Jedi, ig it’s up to interpretation but I’d say “low” actually do means low.
That little thing was called Plot Armor... Nothing more.
Generation Tech has a good video on Em Counts, Sabine would probably be in the 4500-5500 range, which (Canonically) isn't enough to touch the force, but IS enough to feel certain things through the force... Disney just changed it for no reason so now just about anyone can use the force if they "feel it hard enough" or whatever that means...
Yeah Huyang said she was the most least sensitive initiate he had seen in all his years and considering Ahsoka brought her in she might actually have been in the bottom Tier. Though Sabine did have a very secluded and suppressed personality even in Rebels, and you do need to open yourself up to truly connect to the force so it possible she could have been higher.
I don't think he was referring to her m count, but to her mental block/mandalorian upbringing which prevented her from being open to the force.
@@Dire_Pack Tech was overthinking it. He's wrong.
@@jonathancharron7360 he has basically the same video as this, but first.
Mhm, mhm, that's cool and all... I used to play the old Star Wars CCG back in the late 90's, and I was fascinated by it. They made cards for things and characters that only showed up for a split second in a scene or sometimes things that I have no recollection seeing at all. Characters were separated into Dark and Light sides, and were also labelled by power level and by Force Ability, which was also ranked like this, albeit from 1 to 7 (Droids did not have a Force Ability so were considered a 0 by the game's mechanics).
I guess it might've just as well been 4 levels as all of the main Jedi of the original trilogy were the only ones to have a Force Ability higher than 4, such as Luke, Vader, Obi-Wan, Yoda and the Emperor. Still, even those at a level of 4 had amazing powers. Cards also helped flesh out many background elements making the whole experience of watching the movies for the first time an exciting journey for me, as I played the card game before watching the movies.
“It’s over 9000!!!” - American Dubbed Vageta.
The first time I saw Phantom Menace in Theaters and midi-clorians was mentioned I immedietly thougtht of Parasite Eve.
Also I would say that since George Lucas said Luke in the EU is what Anakin would have been that would put Luke at the same or just a hair under Anakin. So if Anakin was say 21k Luke was probably 20.5k.
To me, I immediately thought power levels from Dragonball Z. It made me groan out loud.
Yeah, the force isn’t purely genetic. If it wanted to make Luke another chosen one it could, it could even give him the exact same midichlorian count as Anakin if it thought it would be poetic
Anakin's a great example of getting what you ask for. Like . . . maybe before you train someone prophesied to bring balance you should make sure the scales aren't already tipped way in your favor. They were literally in an era in which the Jedi / light-side was overwhelmingly in power. The whole Anakin fiasco could have been avoided if they just remembered how scales work.
The Jedi viewed themselves as the personification of balance and the Sith as an imbalance. They would never have imagined that "balance" might imply equal numbers of light and dark side users. That's like a doctor imagining balancing your health as equal numbers of healthy and cancerous cells instead of homeostasis.
@@ericvicaria8648 Yes, and my point was that those assumptions of theirs were wrong. They started from the wrong assumptions and shot themselves in the foot.
I have seen people try to claim that the light side is balance and the dark side is just power corrupt but that's never how I viewed it. Why would the force "even" the sides if th light side is balance? Just wipe out the darkside then right? Never made sense to me
@@JayBobert-h1l Yeah, in extended media the Guardian faction exists for a reason. They actually *are* about balance.
@@JayBobert-h1lit’s more that the Jedi had strayed too far from what they were supposed to be. They were meant to serve the force and life in the galaxy but instead served a corrupt senate and were thus helpless to aid people hurt by the republic. The Jedi needed a hard reset and the force chose the Sith to do so, after the Sith had done so the force destroyed them in a relatively short time
Kenobi has a lower m count than all of the other council members. He just trained like a beast
Love your channel dude you just got another sub
I would argue that Obi-Wans perfection of the Soresu form is the reason he could hold his own and defeat opponents that might have a superior "power"
Ultimately through the force all things are one and if you can completely internalize that you realize there’s no real difference between the opponents power and yours
I always kinda head canoned that as a Jedi it doesn't matter as much since you are in tune with the will of the force. Sith on the other hand have to force their own will upon the force which is less like combining your power with it and just outright overpowering it. Not to mention how much more likely someone with a higher count would be to turn. The inquisitors and old republic era sith seemed to be more of an upbringing thing.
I’m reminded of Rogue One, the monk who isn’t force sensitive could still trust in the force and it led him safely to where he needed to go.
We out here talking about midichlorian count like it's ELO and I'm 100% here for it.
Tbh, Im not a big fan of "chosen ones" that are born with some kind of super powers, but this video was still interesting to watch
level 0: force void ( like the yuzan vong)
level 7: force entity (wills, wbw anakin, abeloth)
I would say Revan and Bane would be two who are close to Anakin on the scale, Vitiate too
Vitiate might be the only one truly on Anakins level. He was terrifyingly powerful, more like a god than a living being
Revan and vitiate probably has equal mid count with anakin has revan was a chosen on of his time and vitiate was just stupid powerful
Han Solo says “I’ve got bad feelings about this” and then bad things indeed happen.. force sensitive confirmed
I grew up with SW, vaguely recall seeing A New Hope at a drive in. My friends have always consisted of SW fans. I have never heard anyone say they were upset about midichlorians giving force sensitivity. I'm sure some people do, but the first of your video makes it sound like a majority of fans were really upset about it.
Just a thought. Plo koon was hella underrated, he had so much force knowladge and power, it is said he couldve rivald yoda. He had force visions way begore his death. Sadly his death was a very sad. Id put him in the 6th catagory ez
Jango and boba were shown to be force sensitive. Which is why they were such good bounty hunters.
Love that ahsoka picture "the jedi would kidnap children" "the jedi would adopt children".😅
Could parents refuse this? Seems like a crime if it was non-consensual.
reconning and legends aside, leia was luke's twin and the most force she could do in canon was float in zero g for a little bit. also, to borrow from harry potter, occlumency (vs vadar & interrogator droid)
@@c.ladimore1237 moving in zero g, while also surviving the vacuum of space. Just surviving out there was a pretty top tier ability and that's with no training.
@@SifuPaladin Leia did have training she just stopped at some point. She made it all the way too constructing a lightsaber which was typically near the end of basic training and she even beat Luke in combat. True it wasn't a real fight but she still beat him.
not canon anyways. we don't really know leias true power, and probably neither does she.
Guys I think there shld be 12 and not 6 tiers. Like there are so may more levels. So this is my take:
Lvl 1: completely not sensitive (below 2500) (Chewbacca)
Lvl 2: A bit force sensitive (2501 - 5000) (Han Solo, Sabine)
Lvl 3: Jedi service corps (5001 - 8000) (Padawan teachers, YORD)
Lvl 4: Jedi knight (8001 - 10000) (Barriss Ofee)
Lvl 5: Jedi master (10000 - 11000) (Random masters killed by qimir, Tiplar, Halsey)
Lvl 6 Senior jedi masters (11000 - 13000) (Vernestra Rwoh, Quinlan Vos, luminaria unduli, sora bulq)
Lvl 7 Council members (13000 - 15000) (Kit fisto, agen kolar, plo koon, Saesee tiin)
Lvl 8 Jedi Prodigy (15000 - 18000) (Obi wan Kenobi, mace windu, malgus, traya)
Lvl 9 Jedi legend (18000 - 22000) (Revan, Yoda, palpatine, Starkiller, Nihilus, vaylin, vitiate)
Lvl 10 Skywalker (22000 - 24000) (Leia, luke, jania, jacen)
Lvl 11 Force god 1 (idk) (bendu, bedlam spirits)
Lvl 12 Force god 2 final (idk absolutely) (ANAKIN in Ahsoka, THE WHILLS, THE MORTIS GODS, ABELOTH)
I'd actually put the Anakin in 12 and at least the son and daughter in 11. Remember Anakin was able to bend them to his will.
I didn’t think Obi-Wan had a high M count. I thought he just worked his ass off to become as great as he did.
Obi wan definitely wasn’t prodigy level. Canonically he was average in terms of his M count and force sensitivity/strength with the force.
The bedlam spirits are literally the strongest beings in Star Wars lol
Revan in lore wasn't that strong in the force. He was a incredible leader and an above average duelist up there with people like mace but his force powers were more average. His legend and hero status come from his abilities to lead and plan
Also Malgus beat his ass and both malak and revan were at most jedi knights they didn't reach the rank of master
Im going to get my self an x-ray after this
8:08 that those below them would consider unnatural!
"From my point of view the jedi are evil" I always thought when Anakin said this was just trying to justified his misdeeds. In reality he was calling out the jedi and himself.
That was a really interesting video.
I did wish though you would have mentioned where in the scale some of the alien races that are naturally more force sensitive would be. Maybe an interesting follow up video?
Plo koon had an estimated 16’200 midi Lorain count so he would be higher. It’s also explained by the many different force abilities he possessed, his mastery of different lightsaber techniques and his ability with a fighter
After it was introduced I viewed the m count as like a different type of muscle cell. Training beats metabolism, and the right focus in training excels even more.
Tai Chi: training means LOWERING YOUR METABOLISM!
@paradoxworkshop4659 Yes but my comment still stands, training beats relying purely on your "natural" metabolism
@ozygoliath making mitochondria the explanation for the force was just a layman's way of making the force scientific, rather than purely mystical.
And, I absolutely agree that training, whether physical, mental, neurological, metaphysical, whimsical, or musical, pays dividends over relying entirely on how good your genes, or mom jeans, or skinny jeans, make one feel.
Anakin and Luke have a count of 20,000
Batman and Doctor Doom have a count of 50,000 but are so incredibly knowledgable and skilled that they never use their force abilities....they feel its below them.
And they're right.
Im pretty sure Hans flying skills came from the falcon as L3-37 was made one with the ship which most likely helped
L3 was just a navigational computer which is how they made it through the kessel run and make it through imperial blockades and such all the flying is Han’s skill
I have a pretty OP original Star Wars character who probably falls in the range of about 18,000, mostly because she has a strong tendency towards the Dark Side. Once she actually managed to hold her own against Darth Vader long enough to retreat.
Jaina Solo (real child of Leia and Han) once said in a novel that she can sense a high aura of Force emanating from her father, Han, and the same with the legendary Rogue squadron commander, Wedge Antilles, the greatest starfighter pilot of the galaxy
I would love to be at level 2. No responsibility, not getting taken from my family. But maybe just enough potential to occasionally do some cool stuff. If i have knowledge of the force I can even meditate and train on my own to squeeze just a bit more force sensitivity into myself
1:30 You literally never showed that wasn't entirely true.
The example is Obi-Wan being an outlier having a low Midi count but still being one of the most powerful Jedi ever
Yeah he's still like a tiny percentile compared to the population @@ascendedalive
@@carsondubs well the guy who made this video is mostly guessing because the only official statement about a midi count is Anakin being over 20k and above Yoda all supplementary material points to Obi having a low count like him being a bum before he met qui gon
George Lucas confirmed that BOTH Luke & Leia had the same potential as Anakin MAXED OUT.
If you can find a "Bench Mark" character (preferbly Palpatine), you could narrow the actual midi-chlorian counts of Yoda, Anakin, and Darth Vader (suit)
George Lucas gave us some percentages during another interview explaining how much power Anakin had lost after losing to Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
He states that had Anakin reached his full potential, he would have been 2x Palpatines Strength/Power.
As a result of his injuries on Mustafar, Vader's (suit) maximum strength/power level is only 80% of Palpatines Strength/Power.
Yodas Strength/Power is 2/3 or 66.6% of Palpatines Strength/Power when they fought in ROTS.
I've always been fascinated with character Strength/Power levels when it came to Star Wars, lol.
Yoda was higher than that.
@deckzone3000 Not if George Lucas said "Yoda was 2/3 the power of Darth Sidious."
Madame Jocasta was very knowledgeable but also a formidable lightsaber combatant. Vader killed her, but it wasn’t easy for him
Can you imagine being taken from your family as a child just to be made a Jedi's secretary? 😂
I don’t care what literally everyone says. I find midichlorians an interesting explanation for force sensitivity.
Don't forget about all the times Han Solo said he "had a bad feeling about this". Likely a faint hint of precognition of danger.
Ngl i never remotely thought “anyone could connect to the force through discipline or belief”. Its always been inherent that someone can or cant
i have a video idea, could you do every imperial droid next episode but i loved the vid
Pretty sure it was first introduced in novels I read between 92 and 96, prior to the movies. Disney later whipped all previous novels from cannon.
The Force can be reasoned with, however. Obi-Wan is said to not be particularly strong with the Force, but through meditation, devotion, and over all being a good Jedi, he persuaded it to lend him more power when needed. Think of midichlorians as a way to force the Force to cooperate even if it doesn't want to.
Telling me you don't like midichlorians is just telling me you never read Plagueis.
Obi wan had avg talent for a jedi yet was so skilled by far my favorite character
Luke skywalker has 23000 midichlorians anakin 27000 darth sidious 20000 Yoda 18000 Rey 700
Don’t you know? Rey has 4,000,000
@@Neon1880 incorrect she only has 700 midichlorians (she is so weak)
@@dethtrooper09 Disney made Rey the most overpowered person in Star Wars. She should have 700 midichlorians but we both know Disney would give her a million if they could
I thought in canon Sidious had 19k m and Yoda also had 18k m
side note Luke probably had the same m count as Anakin as there is no proof that ones m count dwindle with each generation
@@howardhalldavisv In canon, nobody's specific number was given.
Honestly the mediclorians made complete sense to me. Like how come some people couldn't use the force and others could? Something had to be different about force users, otherwise its just silly magic.
when they added the Midichlorians thing they wrecked the mystery of the Force.
I always prefer to look at a persons midi-chlorian count as a measure of there natural (base) connection to the force. The more a force user has the easier they can connect too and use the force without much trial or effort. But I also like thinking that its possible for a force user to increase the strength of there connection to the force through various means, such as combat, meditation, or force rituals. Meaning even those with low natural force sensitivity could become powerful force users with training and effort, within reason of course. To use your system a level 1 could potential train themselves up to the point becoming a level 3, level 2 to 4, 3 to 5 and so on. Obi-Wan would be proof of this as he was by midi-chlorian count a level 4 force sensitive but through training and hard work was able to fight and defeat Anakin a natural level 6
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
In EU starwars it was shown that vader could have produced red force lightning if he still had his limbs, the only character in canon to do that is the dark side celestial on mortis, so it would make more sense if anakin's M count was like 30k or smth. Also it was said somewhere that count dooku had the highest count the jedi had seen when they tested him, which should put him at like 18000.
"Rey! Rey I have something to tell you! I'm moderately force-sensitive!"
Do not forget about the force level of Sabine Wren when she was capable to push Ezra to the Thrawn’s StarDestroyer
I think Finn is implied to be at least one level up from where you placed him, if you’re looking at it on a metanarrative level.
They wouldn’t have placed so much focus on his potential force-sensitivity if they never planned on expanding on it at SOME point in the writing process.
Just because a Jedi Finn plot was probably scrapped doesn’t necessarily mean he has such low force sensitivity that he could never become a jedi
Finn was such a boring DEI character, all of the Midichlorians left him completely.
Jocasta Nu was quite gifted with the force, to the point at which she made it onto the high council for a time. Appreciate the video, but I can’t stand for the Jocasta nu slander.
Finn likely has formal training in melee combat thanks to being a First Order trooper. Even just from basic training.
I KNEW IT!!! I knew Han Solo was Force-sensitive. You can't fly like he did and NOT be.
Not to mention that perfect precision blaster shot while upside down and blind. I'll accept him as an example of level 2, but I'd say he's a high 2, if not borderline 3. Poe Daemeron is probably a 2. Finn should be a 3.
What about the AI in the falcon? I think it's more the AI than his piloting ability which is why rey was so good.
Also, every time Han Solo says, "I've got a bad feeling about this"... that must be the force tingles!
@@zealot491 Precisely! He is very good at sensing when the poop is about to hit the fan!
It is not the size of your miticlorians that matter. It is how you use it.
Not even 90 seconds in and I have seen enough. "The Force is strong in this one"
Pretty sure George Lucas stated Anakin's midichlorian count possibly went up to 40,000 Luke and Leia were above Sidius so they could have possibly reached 30,000 but I also do remember George Lucas saying Leia and Luke had the same potential as Anakin so maybe they had the same amount
“I have a bad feeling about this” -Han Solo
I 100% believe he was SLIGHTLY attuned.
So by going scientific using counts per cell. This could explain where I heard that Sidious while pleased that he turned Anakin to the darkside. He was not enthused by him having lost his limbs. Less biology means less cell count, which means his potential is lower than it could have been. Interesting. A testament to how powerful he still was in spite of that.
The entire fact that obi wan mastered the force through will. Explains that someone who is force sensitive can be trained and through connection. Its exponential
lets be honest, Finn only held his own because Kylo had about the same amount of training with a lightsaber he did. Two children whacking at each other with glow sticks.
Midi-chlorians may be just be misunderstood. Maybe it's count isn't what gives you the powers, but the power is attracts them to power user. So, the more powerful you become - more Midi-chlorians is living in you.
Like Sabine, if Han had undergone rigorous training, he likely would have the capability of touching the force.
Ohhh so Leia getting boinked by Han & being the daughter of Vader gave her those powers in episode 8
Finn is a trained soldier, he's probably used weapons similar to a light saber before.
Wait, wasn't the 10th brother a Jedi master before the fall of the republic? If so, then it's pretty impressive that he rose to that rank with such a low M count.
Rank was earned through achievments tbh.
Coleman Trebor was a "Jedi Master" and a part of the council. And was Fodder LMAO.
Most Jedi were garbage During the final days of the old republic, given they weren't challenged by Sith to even be good.
Jedi master and council member... Did him dirty
Darth Raven also has a ver high MidiChlorian count
Rey, level 50, able to wield incredible force abilities like healing and lifting thousands of pounds of rock after swinging a sword at a rock 6 or 7 times with no other training.
Another point that urks me about midi-chlorians is that they are measured PER CELL. If that would be true those cells would be bursting unless those midi-chlorians are WAAAAAYYYYYY smaller than those pictures you showed suggest.
You could also call level second in the list the lucky level