As someone who fell into the trap of “get a job to pay the bills and do your art as a secondary job hoping to sell”. It NEVER works out that way! Now I’m a mom of a 10 year old - I have a full time admin job- and my art went on the back burner for so long I’m having to relearn a lot of skills. The worst part is that drawing makes me really happy and calms my anxiety so now I’m making it a priority again and finding my happy place. Beginner artists- there are so many jobs where you can be creative don’t settle!
Yeah, this is mainly the reason that I'm scared to get a job, cause I know I'd stop fighting for art since I'm too conformist, but I actually don't have the skills to be an artist that soon. Also, it's not that easy as said in the video for artists from other countries :'(
The tip about not comparing yourself to other artists is so important for anyone to listen to. I am so hard on my art when I see other people’s work to the point where it stifles my ability to create art that I’m proud of because I am holding it to such a high standard that if it doesn’t meet that immediately I am a failure... which is such a toxic mentality to have when you’re going through your artistic journey. Fellow artists: Please be kind to your art, treasure it. It’s unique and incredible because it was created by you.
I’m so bad when it comes to comparing myself to other artists. And when their bio says they like 14 or 17 or whatever I feel like setting myself on fire. I’m like shit, these kids are younger than me and twice as good. But I find that limiting my time on Instagram helps a lot, because if I don’t see other people’s work, I don’t think about how mine compares to theirs. Also please make this into a little series, I’d love to hear as many tips as you’ve got!
I think it's important to remember that you're never in competition with others! So it's no use comparing yourself to others. There will always be people that hate the style you're drawing in, no matter how technically skilled, and others who can't wait until you upload because your art speaks to them so well. The best thing you can do is create art that appeals to you, because there's a fan out there for every art style.
Please make a part 2! You are so talented and sweet and funny and just overall an inspiration ♡ If you can, could you make a video explaining the different fields of animation? I've always thought it consisted of rendering or rigging or 3d sequences, but in one of your other videos you found out that there are many fields, like visual development!
I never actually took into account that the younger a person is, the more exposed they were to digital art / technology. Makes me feel a lot better about younger artists being really good at it! I think it's awesome but there's always been that hint of jealousy so thank you for putting that into perspective! And yes, part 2, please!!!
I think for me it's comforting knowing that even really experienced artists can make sketches where the anatomy looks horrible, nothing is coming out right, the pose is stiff etc. We all have off days and one bad sketch doesn't mean you've lost all your current skill as an artist!
Also another thing can be "using a reference." I always have this mindset that artists should be able to draw straight from their imagination. But as time goes by, I have found the power of using a good reference photo and I can still turn it into my own style. Thank you for a great video! Big fan :)
This is so encouraging! As a college art student, I am constantly doubting myself and wondering if I am doing the right thing. Lately, I feel so discouraging for being not good enough as an artist, but this video lifts me up ❤️
It's 1 am and I'm up currently working on my portfolio. You always find a way to give me a little more motivation when I need it- I'd love a part 2! (:
I have a very hard time with comparing myself to others, especially younger kids, and I know it's bad but I can't stop with the intrusive thoughts. It just keeps making me feel like "what was I wasting my time doing at that age??" I can't stop it and it still hurts, especially being in an art college senior year, not having gotten any of these opportunities and internships that younger kids get now, and it being basically too late :c
Don't know if you already did a part 2, but if that's not the case, than I would love to see it! Thank you for these videos you make. They help me a lot to understand how the animation and artistic world are, and making my decision. Thanks!
Very helpful advices :) Working as a graphic designer and web developer I haven't had that much time for art, but my kid at 5 loves to draw so have regain my pasion for drawing and painting again. Thank you so much!
I was super lucky back in Kindergarten the teachers noticed I could draw and paint with ease. Now years later, I'm soooooo out of practice from regular job....getting back to art now takes real practice like never before. But, I get your point....and totally appreciate your awesome videos by the way! 👍👍😉
One thing I’ve learned is specifically not comparing your current level with the level of people who have been professional artists for like 30 years. A lot of younger people compare their work to people who are much older and get discouraged because they’re not as good, but that’s because they haven’t had the same amount of time for practicing their skills. So like... if you’re 25 and you compare yourself to Paul Felix, that’s not a fair comparison.
The worst feeling is, seeing people younger and so much more talented. It is HARD!! Just plain Hard to see people who realized their passion before you and are so far ahead. But it is just something to work past emotionaly, and finding it more so encouraging than comparing.
honestly. thank you for saying that art is an actual job. everyone judges me and tells me that they know a person that has an art degree and they dont use it. i am so glad someone finally backed me up! i love art and i want a career in it. animation is my goal and ill always have little side goals or "hobbies" as everyone else likes to call them.
I'm really bad at comparing... especially since I'm turning 30 this year and all these whipper snappers are doing some amazing art and I love complimenting and helping them shine... but... Why does my art suck like theirs. heheh. we all do it, but you're so right, its just evil. I've also started complimenting other artist's skills instead of their talent because we work SO hard to get that darn corner right or that whispy hair technique perfected and I think our hard work needs to be recognized. Thanks for this Vid... I needed it. lol
I needed to hear this! Been in the dumps in the worst way and needed to focus on what makes me happy. Then this video popped up and omg I'm feeling way more centered. Plus your puppers made me smile too.
Can you please make a part two? This was such a big help! Is there any way that you could also touch on the different career choices with art? Like the different college/careers and the general information about them? Love your videos!
It's so nice to see an example of someone who followed their passion and it worked out for them. I'm in the stage of life where I'm going to be freshly out of college and looking for jobs, and my major is one where it is very loosely connected to designing. Very very loosely. The job is fun, but I don't know if that's what I actually want to do. I really want to go into animation and I want to take the risk of taking a gap year/semester to expanding my portfolio, but again it's a risk :0 But seeing you at where you are now is really encouraging, so thank you (: Part 2 please!
I'm glad I accidentally found this video. I needed to hear this. I was discouraged from drawing when I was 16 by my mother that called me talentless. I'm 37 now, and decided to start learning how to draw. It started with Inktober of last year, and I have an ultimate vision in mind that I want to accomplish one day, but I know to be patient and enjoy the journey. I'm still learning forms, but I try to post my daily practice sketches on Instagram to keep me honest. Plus, it will be fun to look back at my sketches, and see to evolution.
Just discovered you by chance the other day, and I have to admit I’m very pleased. You’re very talented, your art is wonderful, and your video production quality is great. I’ve learn a ton already. Not to mention, you have a great sense of humour and you’re super likeable. Keep it up Laura, it’s clear why you’re popular!
Hi Laura! I just found your channel and your videos have been a big help. I'm 25 years old and although I've drawn since I was 14, I didn't start taking it seriously until 2 years ago and would love to make a career out of it. I used to compare myself to other artists which made me feel bad about my art. What I do now is try to use that as a motive to improve. At the end of the day, the only artist we should compare ourselves to is ourselves.
Im sitting here thinking yes ! I can do this ! its always been my dream since I was a kid to be an artist drawing cartoons. I spent a lot of years doubting myself and your words couldnt have found me at a better time, thank you, thank you, thank you for taking out your precious time out of your day to share. Also your so funny and you're such an amazing person Laura.
Yes YES I think one of the hardest steps was learning to stop comparing myself and watching my own growth over others. I tell this to friends who also struggle and I can’t stress enough how important it is sometimes 😊😊
I just found ur youtube channel I i've just been on an art video binge! one advice that helpt me a lot when it came to comparing myself to others, was to alway say I am not that good, YET! that motivated me to keep going and learning from those artist I compared myself too rather then just making myself feel bad XD
Please make a part 2!!! I’m an artist and I have been thinking about going the animator route so your tips would be so helpful. Thank you so much for being the human you are and sharing your world with us.
Your #4 tip inspired me once again, my perspective of art had been ruined by my art lecturer back in college, it was naive of me to believe all art lecturers and people who do great art are all accurate in their tips and corrections, so I took their advice very seriously and to heart. I grew up as a Disney fan, it was my childhood and love all the old school Disney princesses in the 2D animation era, not so much in the 3D animation era of Disney but I love Moana and watch some of their movies. What my art lecturer told me was that Disney art style was overrated when she asked us to show her what we like to draw, I was into princesses and gowns, romance, flowy and dynamic poses and cozy actions, funny expressive faces, etc. She did not like it and said it's overrated and that I should explore other styles further like anime (note: my lecturer is an anime lover, she had a whole Digimon illustration art pack for sale), she told me I will not make it into the animation industry because the art style I like is so overrated. What's worse is she then complimented my classmate who draws anime mostly because that was what inspired her to learn art, no hate to anime I grew up watching some of it too and love Studio Ghibli films and romcoms but now it felt like her comment was biased, at that time I couldn't tell it was a bias comment because I really took her advice and believed Disney art style was overrated (?) and tried to explore other art styles then started to dread art each day, to the point I stopped drawing for a long period of time. Now I learnt is that my art lecturer just probably wanted me to explore different art styles to expand my skillsets but the way she worded it felt like she was just sick and tired of seeing another Disney art style which if it's true, that's very unprofessional for her as a lecturer. Cause thank God for the internet and all these amazing artists out there sharing their art styles and all are in the animation industry working, to correct my mindset that Disney art style can help you to work in the animation industry and you can still do 2D art. It's many years ago anyway so it's all over now, I still find myself coming back to drawing because I get that same feeling I felt whenever I see a Glen Keane or Disney art, so I want to give it a try again and build a nice portfolio. Thank you Laura! I love your channel and tips, I come over here often to get some inspiration and insight, appreciate you! God bless!
❤️ the tips thank you! I have always drawn what I loved and then I started drawing things that I thought other people would like and I noticed the things I love to draw I put more of myself in it and it looks so much better. So I believe that 100%!
I've recently found your channel and been binge watching your videos for the past week or so lol .. Your so fun, but also seriously good ... Anyway I use to draw as a kid, but got out of it bc of, well life and now at nearly 30 getting back into art, and want to use it to make a living, and it's so so hard not to compare myself to younger ppl or ppl my age, but practice, practice, practice and we will all get to where we want to be if we work hard enough. :) .. Great video x
Thanks a lot for making this video. I graduated from art school about a year and a half ago and was in a serious rut at the beginning of this year because I was doing some of the things you mentioned here--trying to avoid being a messy sketcher, comparing myself to others, feeling like a failure because I haven't broken into the animation industry yet, etc. Thanks to your taking the time to talk about important things like this, I feel like my drive and attitude have improved drastically. Maybe when I get to CTN this November I'll get to thank you personally. :)
Great video as always, Laura and its full of so much knowledge and help so thank for being so honest with us. I also loved the image of the venn diagram of what your portfolio should look like. Shout out to Mitch and to you for sharing it! :)
When I was in elementary school I was always told that I was a good artist and I loved drawing and making art and then when I got to middle school I started comparing myself to other kids that I thought was better than me and I ended up quitting and never drew again and now I’m a junior in college trying to get back into drawing and I wish I had never quit because I would have been farther along so I hope that everyone who thinks they’re art isn’t worth working on never quits because you will regret it! Just do what you love to do and don’t think about what others think about your art
Dude, I'm pretty sure this would be my top 5, too! BANG ON! Another one of your vids I feel like just sending out to the universe. haha. Oh, yeah, and do a Part 2. Or a part 2-10. haha
Thank you so much for these videos. I watch them often (and sometimes over again)! I’ve also watched the video on your journey and wondering if you could share additional examples from other artists you know or work with? More particularly, how to make art/animation a career without a college education? I’ve been unable to return to school since having my son a year ago and not sure if I’ll be able to make it back. However, I’m still desperate to make art my career!
Just found and loved your channel, it was awesome. I'm going for graphic design now and all of your information is very informative and motivative for me.
I honestly thought you were gonna quote Arin from GameGrumps, "I didnt come out of the p*ssy drawing mozart!" Either way, good video!! I was just thinking about these things last night. I've also followed Makani back in the deviant art days and aaaah she's so goodddd
I love you and your videos!!!! 💕You’re so relatable when talking about serious art topics that I don’t see many people at all talk about in my art class. I You have such a friendly personality that I can’t. s t o p. watching your videos haha! Thank you so much for talking about your beliefs about getting a job in the real world. It’s something that weighs in my heart heavily whenever I hear that art cannot support you financially. I’ll try remember your words and take them with me into senior year to see what I really want to do in the future
Thanks for making this video! It's just nice sometimes to hear an uplifting voice over the usual 'just keep drawing and you'll get better' (which I know is true, but it's so hard to see when you're in the moment of doing it)
Hey, sorry if this is a question that you’ve answered in another video, but where I do start when learning to draw? What should I learn first? Color theory, perspective, figure drawing etc.?
hi! depends what you want to draw. if you want to draw people, figure drawing! if you want to learn painting, color theory. if you want to design environments, perspective would be good!
As someone who fell into the trap of “get a job to pay the bills and do your art as a secondary job hoping to sell”. It NEVER works out that way! Now I’m a mom of a 10 year old - I have a full time admin job- and my art went on the back burner for so long I’m having to relearn a lot of skills. The worst part is that drawing makes me really happy and calms my anxiety so now I’m making it a priority again and finding my happy place. Beginner artists- there are so many jobs where you can be creative don’t settle!
Rebecca Herman amen!! I am working toward getting back to my art and I even wrote a book about prioritizing your passion. So so important!!
that's awesome you're making it a priority again, especially since it calms your anxiety!! best of luck finding your happy place! :)
Thank you baby
Yeah, this is mainly the reason that I'm scared to get a job, cause I know I'd stop fighting for art since I'm too conformist, but I actually don't have the skills to be an artist that soon. Also, it's not that easy as said in the video for artists from other countries :'(
Same here
I replaced “drawing” with writing here and it was a big help. This is true for all art. Thank you.
The tip about not comparing yourself to other artists is so important for anyone to listen to. I am so hard on my art when I see other people’s work to the point where it stifles my ability to create art that I’m proud of because I am holding it to such a high standard that if it doesn’t meet that immediately I am a failure... which is such a toxic mentality to have when you’re going through your artistic journey.
Fellow artists: Please be kind to your art, treasure it. It’s unique and incredible because it was created by you.
I went through a similar struggle.... thanks for the advice 😁
I’m so bad when it comes to comparing myself to other artists. And when their bio says they like 14 or 17 or whatever I feel like setting myself on fire. I’m like shit, these kids are younger than me and twice as good. But I find that limiting my time on Instagram helps a lot, because if I don’t see other people’s work, I don’t think about how mine compares to theirs. Also please make this into a little series, I’d love to hear as many tips as you’ve got!
it's tough!! and thank you, I will definitely share more tips!
I also feel that way, but the way I go about it is by taking advantage of my anger and jealousy, and use it as motivation to do better
I think it's important to remember that you're never in competition with others! So it's no use comparing yourself to others. There will always be people that hate the style you're drawing in, no matter how technically skilled, and others who can't wait until you upload because your art speaks to them so well. The best thing you can do is create art that appeals to you, because there's a fan out there for every art style.
Please make a part 2!
You are so talented and sweet and funny and just overall an inspiration ♡
If you can, could you make a video explaining the different fields of animation? I've always thought it consisted of rendering or rigging or 3d sequences, but in one of your other videos you found out that there are many fields, like visual development!
thank you!! I actually have that on my list, I wanna explain the animation pipeline and what each job does! :)
I never actually took into account that the younger a person is, the more exposed they were to digital art / technology. Makes me feel a lot better about younger artists being really good at it! I think it's awesome but there's always been that hint of jealousy so thank you for putting that into perspective! And yes, part 2, please!!!
I think for me it's comforting knowing that even really experienced artists can make sketches where the anatomy looks horrible, nothing is coming out right, the pose is stiff etc. We all have off days and one bad sketch doesn't mean you've lost all your current skill as an artist!
Part 2 please ❤️
I'm putting every neopet in my portfolio.
Also another thing can be "using a reference." I always have this mindset that artists should be able to draw straight from their imagination. But as time goes by, I have found the power of using a good reference photo and I can still turn it into my own style. Thank you for a great video! Big fan :)
You inspired me to go back to school and study game art design. Thank you so much for being an inspiration!
wow thank you!!
@@lulusketches you're welcome, please keep up the great work. And yes we'd love a part 2.
@@juliesmith7921 researching schools as well and considering the same and was looking into character design. Where do you study?
Thanks so much for your videos and insight! Helping with the messy starts
And part 2
This is so encouraging! As a college art student, I am constantly doubting myself and wondering if I am doing the right thing. Lately, I feel so discouraging for being not good enough as an artist, but this video lifts me up ❤️
It's 1 am and I'm up currently working on my portfolio. You always find a way to give me a little more motivation when I need it- I'd love a part 2! (:
Have to come back to numbers 3 and 4 frequently! Thanks LP!
Yes, I have a chance to work at Disney. A dream I had since high school 25 years ago.
I have a very hard time with comparing myself to others, especially younger kids, and I know it's bad but I can't stop with the intrusive thoughts. It just keeps making me feel like "what was I wasting my time doing at that age??" I can't stop it and it still hurts, especially being in an art college senior year, not having gotten any of these opportunities and internships that younger kids get now, and it being basically too late :c
don't worry about age, it's just a number! it's never too late to get into art and get creative jobs!
struggling with that. am almost 30 and just now getting serious about art
Please make a Part 2. I love your videos so far! I'd love to hear more of what you have to say Laura!
Don't know if you already did a part 2, but if that's not the case, than I would love to see it! Thank you for these videos you make. They help me a lot to understand how the animation and artistic world are, and making my decision. Thanks!
Very helpful advices :) Working as a graphic designer and web developer I haven't had that much time for art, but my kid at 5 loves to draw so have regain my pasion for drawing and painting again. Thank you so much!
I was super lucky back in Kindergarten the teachers noticed I could draw and paint with ease. Now years later, I'm soooooo out of practice from regular job....getting back to art now takes real practice like never before. But, I get your point....and totally appreciate your awesome videos by the way! 👍👍😉
The start of this was awesome not only the dog'scut butt but about artist
One thing I’ve learned is specifically not comparing your current level with the level of people who have been professional artists for like 30 years. A lot of younger people compare their work to people who are much older and get discouraged because they’re not as good, but that’s because they haven’t had the same amount of time for practicing their skills. So like... if you’re 25 and you compare yourself to Paul Felix, that’s not a fair comparison.
The worst feeling is, seeing people younger and so much more talented. It is HARD!! Just plain Hard to see people who realized their passion before you and are so far ahead. But it is just something to work past emotionaly, and finding it more so encouraging than comparing.
honestly. thank you for saying that art is an actual job. everyone judges me and tells me that they know a person that has an art degree and they dont use it. i am so glad someone finally backed me up! i love art and i want a career in it. animation is my goal and ill always have little side goals or "hobbies" as everyone else likes to call them.
Please make a part two of this, it upped my mood a lot to watch this! Thank you so much for being such a positive voice in the art world
I'm really bad at comparing... especially since I'm turning 30 this year and all these whipper snappers are doing some amazing art and I love complimenting and helping them shine... but... Why does my art suck like theirs. heheh. we all do it, but you're so right, its just evil.
I've also started complimenting other artist's skills instead of their talent because we work SO hard to get that darn corner right or that whispy hair technique perfected and I think our hard work needs to be recognized.
Thanks for this Vid... I needed it. lol
Thank you so much for your advice really thank you😉😉😉
I needed to hear this! Been in the dumps in the worst way and needed to focus on what makes me happy. Then this video popped up and omg I'm feeling way more centered. Plus your puppers made me smile too.
Can you please make a part two? This was such a big help! Is there any way that you could also touch on the different career choices with art? Like the different college/careers and the general information about them? Love your videos!
It's so nice to see an example of someone who followed their passion and it worked out for them. I'm in the stage of life where I'm going to be freshly out of college and looking for jobs, and my major is one where it is very loosely connected to designing. Very very loosely. The job is fun, but I don't know if that's what I actually want to do. I really want to go into animation and I want to take the risk of taking a gap year/semester to expanding my portfolio, but again it's a risk :0 But seeing you at where you are now is really encouraging, so thank you (: Part 2 please!
These are such great reminders! more tips would be awesome!
I'm glad I accidentally found this video. I needed to hear this. I was discouraged from drawing when I was 16 by my mother that called me talentless. I'm 37 now, and decided to start learning how to draw. It started with Inktober of last year, and I have an ultimate vision in mind that I want to accomplish one day, but I know to be patient and enjoy the journey. I'm still learning forms, but I try to post my daily practice sketches on Instagram to keep me honest. Plus, it will be fun to look back at my sketches, and see to evolution.
Part two, please!!! I honestly love watching your videos because they are so funny and give great tips! Love you!!
defiantly going to need a part 2!!!
Yes on a part2 i always enjoy these videos and use them as inspiration!!
Just discovered you by chance the other day, and I have to admit I’m very pleased. You’re very talented, your art is wonderful, and your video production quality is great. I’ve learn a ton already. Not to mention, you have a great sense of humour and you’re super likeable. Keep it up Laura, it’s clear why you’re popular!
Hi Laura! I just found your channel and your videos have been a big help. I'm 25 years old and although I've drawn since I was 14, I didn't start taking it seriously until 2 years ago and would love to make a career out of it. I used to compare myself to other artists which made me feel bad about my art. What I do now is try to use that as a motive to improve. At the end of the day, the only artist we should compare ourselves to is ourselves.
Im sitting here thinking yes ! I can do this ! its always been my dream since I was a kid to be an artist drawing cartoons. I spent a lot of years doubting myself and your words couldnt have found me at a better time, thank you, thank you, thank you for taking out your precious time out of your day to share. Also your so funny and you're such an amazing person Laura.
please make a part 2! I am so thankful I found you on my art journey :) I came for your Bob Ross painting and I stayed for your love.
Yes YES I think one of the hardest steps was learning to stop comparing myself and watching my own growth over others. I tell this to friends who also struggle and I can’t stress enough how important it is sometimes 😊😊
Thank you so much for such helpful advice!
I absolutely want part 2!!!👍🏻
you do a very impressive quick understandable fun delivery of incredibly valuable to the point info
Thanks for the advice! I’m currently working on my portfolio 😊
Love your advice videos. Please make part 2! And more tutorial video please. Thank you!
Currently in art school and even in college these are helpful! Parts 2, 3, 4, and 5 please!!!!!! No amount of tips can be too much ❤️
I just found ur youtube channel I i've just been on an art video binge! one advice that helpt me a lot when it came to comparing myself to others, was to alway say I am not that good, YET! that motivated me to keep going and learning from those artist I compared myself too rather then just making myself feel bad XD
Defenetly should do part 2, thanks for all advices 😊
Yes please make a part two!
I would really like a part 2 of this video! You are so talented!
Would love to know the other advices! Please do a part 2!
Thanks! Would love a part 2
Love this!! Part 2 is a must!!
Thank you for this video. It means a lot to hear someone say to not compare yourself to those younger than you. Hits deep haha.
Please please please make a part 2! Your videos inspire me so much. I'm a beginner artist :)
Please make a part 2!!!
I’m an artist and I have been thinking about going the animator route so your tips would be so helpful. Thank you so much for being the human you are and sharing your world with us.
This helped me a lot. I would love a part 2
Your #4 tip inspired me once again, my perspective of art had been ruined by my art lecturer back in college, it was naive of me to believe all art lecturers and people who do great art are all accurate in their tips and corrections, so I took their advice very seriously and to heart. I grew up as a Disney fan, it was my childhood and love all the old school Disney princesses in the 2D animation era, not so much in the 3D animation era of Disney but I love Moana and watch some of their movies. What my art lecturer told me was that Disney art style was overrated when she asked us to show her what we like to draw, I was into princesses and gowns, romance, flowy and dynamic poses and cozy actions, funny expressive faces, etc. She did not like it and said it's overrated and that I should explore other styles further like anime (note: my lecturer is an anime lover, she had a whole Digimon illustration art pack for sale), she told me I will not make it into the animation industry because the art style I like is so overrated. What's worse is she then complimented my classmate who draws anime mostly because that was what inspired her to learn art, no hate to anime I grew up watching some of it too and love Studio Ghibli films and romcoms but now it felt like her comment was biased, at that time I couldn't tell it was a bias comment because I really took her advice and believed Disney art style was overrated (?) and tried to explore other art styles then started to dread art each day, to the point I stopped drawing for a long period of time. Now I learnt is that my art lecturer just probably wanted me to explore different art styles to expand my skillsets but the way she worded it felt like she was just sick and tired of seeing another Disney art style which if it's true, that's very unprofessional for her as a lecturer. Cause thank God for the internet and all these amazing artists out there sharing their art styles and all are in the animation industry working, to correct my mindset that Disney art style can help you to work in the animation industry and you can still do 2D art. It's many years ago anyway so it's all over now, I still find myself coming back to drawing because I get that same feeling I felt whenever I see a Glen Keane or Disney art, so I want to give it a try again and build a nice portfolio. Thank you Laura! I love your channel and tips, I come over here often to get some inspiration and insight, appreciate you! God bless!
God I’m in love she’s my new art Queen!!!
Such chaotic energy! I love it
Hi Laura. Part 2, please. Congratulations on your channel. Beijos e abraços de Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
lu lu ...this is what i need to see..thanks for that and waiting for part 2
Love, love, love this video, I'm working on making my art full time now, ugh I'm so grateful for you xo
❤️ the tips thank you! I have always drawn what I loved and then I started drawing things that I thought other people would like and I noticed the things I love to draw I put more of myself in it and it looks so much better. So I believe that 100%!
OMG your dog is too adorable.
I've recently found your channel and been binge watching your videos for the past week or so lol .. Your so fun, but also seriously good ... Anyway I use to draw as a kid, but got out of it bc of, well life and now at nearly 30 getting back into art, and want to use it to make a living, and it's so so hard not to compare myself to younger ppl or ppl my age, but practice, practice, practice and we will all get to where we want to be if we work hard enough. :) .. Great video x
Thanks a lot for making this video. I graduated from art school about a year and a half ago and was in a serious rut at the beginning of this year because I was doing some of the things you mentioned here--trying to avoid being a messy sketcher, comparing myself to others, feeling like a failure because I haven't broken into the animation industry yet, etc. Thanks to your taking the time to talk about important things like this, I feel like my drive and attitude have improved drastically. Maybe when I get to CTN this November I'll get to thank you personally. :)
that's awesome!! and sweet, I hope to see you there! :)
Yes, Part 2😍 please,and thank you
Great video as always, Laura and its full of so much knowledge and help so thank for being so honest with us. I also loved the image of the venn diagram of what your portfolio should look like. Shout out to Mitch and to you for sharing it! :)
This is a fabulous video. You answered the questions I had and the ones I didn't know I had. Thank you so very much. I would love to see part 2.
When I was in elementary school I was always told that I was a good artist and I loved drawing and making art and then when I got to middle school I started comparing myself to other kids that I thought was better than me and I ended up quitting and never drew again and now I’m a junior in college trying to get back into drawing and I wish I had never quit because I would have been farther along so I hope that everyone who thinks they’re art isn’t worth working on never quits because you will regret it! Just do what you love to do and don’t think about what others think about your art
Dude, I'm pretty sure this would be my top 5, too! BANG ON! Another one of your vids I feel like just sending out to the universe. haha. Oh, yeah, and do a Part 2. Or a part 2-10. haha
Thank you so much for these videos. I watch them often (and sometimes over again)! I’ve also watched the video on your journey and wondering if you could share additional examples from other artists you know or work with? More particularly, how to make art/animation a career without a college education? I’ve been unable to return to school since having my son a year ago and not sure if I’ll be able to make it back. However, I’m still desperate to make art my career!
Yes please do another one!
That was awesome! Would be great to hear more tips like that. I feel inspired thanks to you. :) You're such a great person.
Please part 2! I really loved the baby analogy lolz
Can you also make a video on advices for how to start an art career?
Wow, I needed this video right now. Thank you!!! Yes please for a part 2!!! ☺️
yay! thanks! will have to do a part 2!
Just found and loved your channel, it was awesome. I'm going for graphic design now and all of your information is very informative and motivative for me.
I love this video! Such good advice. I wish someone told me this when I was a kid.
I feel like crying. This was so amazing plus a little funny, and way to true.
part two definitely!
I honestly thought you were gonna quote Arin from GameGrumps, "I didnt come out of the p*ssy drawing mozart!"
Either way, good video!! I was just thinking about these things last night. I've also followed Makani back in the deviant art days and aaaah she's so goodddd
I'd love to see you again in pt 2! (I will see you in all your videos but I didn't know how to simply say "please give us a part 2") lol, thank you.
I love you and your videos!!!! 💕You’re so relatable when talking about serious art topics that I don’t see many people at all talk about in my art class. I You have such a friendly personality that I can’t. s t o p. watching your videos haha! Thank you so much for talking about your beliefs about getting a job in the real world. It’s something that weighs in my heart heavily whenever I hear that art cannot support you financially.
I’ll try remember your words and take them with me into senior year to see what I really want to do in the future
Thanks for making this video! It's just nice sometimes to hear an uplifting voice over the usual 'just keep drawing and you'll get better' (which I know is true, but it's so hard to see when you're in the moment of doing it)
Definitely excited for a Part 2. I really needed these reminders. Thanks for the awesome video.
Thank you for sharing!
Yes, please.
More videos like this.
Laura, you are amazing! I love your channel!
The Fifth Point!! Brilliant!
Yup please part 2 love your vids
We NEED a part two :)
Omg love the video please make a sketching tutorial as I'm not the best. You are my inspiration for art LSM!!
Love your hair, face
Amd of course your art
I would love a part 2!!
love u laura! part 2 pleaseee ❤️
I really like this video, I can totally relate to the things you said
Hey, sorry if this is a question that you’ve answered in another video, but where I do start when learning to draw? What should I learn first? Color theory, perspective, figure drawing etc.?
hi! depends what you want to draw. if you want to draw people, figure drawing! if you want to learn painting, color theory. if you want to design environments, perspective would be good!
Do part 2, girl!!! I NEED it!!!
ok! thank you!!