It's hilarious how calm and composed you are when you talk about Carnivore vs plants, compared to someone like Mic the Vegan who, even if I wasn't aware of his dietary allegiance, I would assume that he was a hysterical, far leftist just by listening to him talk about whatever 😂
@@toolsat609 What about it? Butter is a healthy, delicious and very nourishing natural food; as are lard, ghee, suet and tallow. So-called 'vegetable' oils (in reality seed oils) are poisonous.
This talk saved my life. Vegan for 29 years. My health has been entirely restored. Best information I’ve ever received! Thank you Anthony……best Doctor I’ve ever had!
Oh really??, I have been plant base for 44 years and never felt any pressure going to the supermarket, basically all my shopping is done within the produce section.....😆
Dr. Chaffee, I very much appreciate your calm energy and grounded perspective. I also appreciate that you don't drink coffee. I've never drank coffee and I feel like it is toxic to the system and the next biggest program, aside from a plant based diet. I used to be an organic vegetable farmer. During those summers my skin would be full of rashes and a debilitating itch due to contact with the plants. There was another farmer that experienced tremendous reactions to just being around the plants. My health was never worse than when it was when I was farming and eating tons of vegetables. I learned the toxins and energy of each individual plant. I could sense it by just being nearby. All the farmers knew to be particularly cautious near the tomato plants, etc. Long days of harvest would cause reactions to all of us. I also remember almost passing out in a field of fennel. I almost went into anaphylaxis. Anyway, plants ended my farming career.
Makes you wonder if the powers that be know this. They want to cut off our source of meat and force veganism which would deteriorate the health of almost all populations.
I tried to be a vegetarian, then a vegetarian. I got way sick. Then my cat brought me back a field dressed bunny and put it on the cat plate and yelled until I cane in. The next day it was a squirrel. I figured if I didn't want a dead animal brought in everyday I better do something. So I went back to eating normal. That didn't work out either. Then I got sick, almost died and a few days ago found here. How long have you been eating like this? Did you ever get tired of the same foods? Or do you make it interesting?
@@theoryofpersonality1420 I eat cheese, raw milk & butter, yogurt, bacon, sausages, organ meats, red muscle meats & salt ...truly amazing what you can do varying a few time goes by I have the tastiest meals ever mostly bc they are so nurishing .... ( for omega3s I eat oily fish..sardines mostly but I treat them more as supplements)
The magic thing is actually raw primal, it’s changed my view of food and bacteria/germ theory and my life. Raw meat, raw fish, raw dairy, raw unheated honey, raw eggs, active clay, raw green celery juices (for natural better synthesised salt and alkalising when acidic) and some seasonal fruit. Isolated salt is bad stuff.
I am on day 4 and the difference is STAGGERING. I got rid of the head fog I have had for months, my asthma and allergies are doing a lot better and the quality of sleep has improved tremendously. I am going to watch all of your videos to keep this info fresh in my brain because I love science and biology. This makes too much sense to ignore.
Hi Erika, may I ask you to explain how much meat and fat you eat, how many times and what is your weight because I am a bit confused with amount of protein for example from beef steak, how much I can eat by the way my hight is 174cm and weigh 67kg. After Covid_19 vaccines I lost a lot of muscles and every day I am in an excruciating pain. Thanks a lot.
@@majidkashani4257Hi. I'm unsure but I believe a big part of protein intake is outrunning the nurtient deffeciency from not eating enough dietary saturated fat. So you body turns to internal protein stores (mainly muscle) to supplement glucose and repair molecules. On a standard diet its anywhere from 0.4-1.2g per kg for adults ish muscle maintainance. 1.6-2.6g per kg for extreme muscle building with older people at the extreme end. Result is 200-300g daily limit. For very high saturated fat diet I believe it might be as low as 0.2g per kg, as low as 12-40g a day. The vast majority of amino acids/proteins are manufactered in your body. The few ones you can't manufacture can potentially be stored as fat tissue and other things which can be cannibilized in the future. I'm doing some researching and experimenting and I'm finding too much meat makes me feel so full and potentially sick that I just don't feel like I need it. I can just drink the fat on its own. It's weird... I might end up going several days drinking fatty broth and no food in future...
I will be so mad if this happens to me. As a 54 year old woman, I have ZERO interest in my cycle starting again. I AM DONE! No more of this stupid period!
@@mushroombird9400 hahahahaha......she is either trolling or lying, menopause is cause by several things that change as the body age, mostly hormones, eating meat os not gonna give you your menstrual cycle back.....🤣
I'm learning a kot here but I'm a retired Nursing Assistant and i had quite a few clients who lived pas 100. My oldest 2 were 112, a black man and 113 a Caucasian woman. They meat and produce. The rest were 107, 3 were 105 and 102. The rest were in their 90's. This is in Florida, so maybe the climate. The 112 year old outlived all his children and 2 wives. The 107 year old outlived her husband, son and his wife who died of cancer. The 107 year old also volunteered at the hospital working in the Gift shop. They all were very positive and easygoing people. That helps too. Thanks for the video.
Your videos are awesome! Your content is outstanding! Keep up the great work. I'm 62 and have been carnivore for over 2 years and feeling great and thriving!
@@majidkashani4257 Eat whatever you like and want from meats, eggs, fishes, dairy, organs etc untill you are satiated. Everyone bodies are different so listen to yours and find yours scheme. Good luck :)
Dr Chaffee is so brilliant and of course, he goes completely against our upside down, completely backwards culture of poisonous foods and medicines! I’ve been a fitness coach for 30 years and just now doing the carnivore diet and I feel so good! The best I’ve felt in 25-30 years! I do struggle with missing my coconut and raw chocolate 😋
@@jeremyshiner7341 I respect that he's trying to help and obviously truly believes in what he is saying, but yeah its basically a very reductionist view on archaic science that doesn't take into account that these foods are undergoing significant complex biochemical reactions within a living organism (and often, and ideally, after being previously subjected to a process such as boiling/steaming/cooking), and not just spitting out a receipt list of xyz chemicals that are present in the raw form of the plant, in complete isolation of all the other processes they undergo when actually cooked and eaten. This is the fatal flaw in the carnivore diet logic of 'plants are bad'. I know a lot of people have issues with them, but that is more a testament to the state of their own poor health, and not the dangers that plant poses to everybody else (90% of the population) (low effort version of a paragraph I somehow deleted) I also strongly disagree with the notion of how man made pesticides weren't banned because the plants already have so much natural pesticides. their natural pesticides are in a minute quantity (for humans) that is often further nullified by the cooking process (and then even the arguments that what little 'chemicals' do remain could actually be providing a type of hormetic effect or some otherwise beneficial effects within our body, perhapse after interacting with other things and being further transformed etc... thats just spec though, but demonstrates that its not just such a simplistic thing as a brussel sprout has been found to contain 100 different chemicals, and chemicals are bad for us, so we should avoid it). Whereas man made pesticides are proven in their ability to affect organisms very rapidly by way of their large quantities of ingestion (since they basically paint that shit on all the crops, which further leaches in the soils for the next crop to take up etc...). It honestly sounds more like the pesticide industry people making that shit up (or taking some data such as that plants have been found to have xyz chemical in it, and blowing it outta proportion to make their point). Something that the carnivore diet people should be well familiar with (since a main argument of their's is how the various food corporations have a monopoly on the entire food industry, via their way of paying off researchers and studies to make everything in their favour). Yes, there are a minority of people who can't tolerate these sorts of things. but that is more a testament to how ill health that individual is in, rather than proving that a certain plant is bad for everybody Don't blame broccoli, carrots, apples, and almonds for what overeating chips, chocolates, cookies, microwaved food, fast food, candies, sodas in your childhood (and probably adulthood) did to your health (especially your gut health)
@@jeremyshiner7341 well thats one of the arguments that carnivore dieters often do a good job of addressing, that we evolved larger brains to make the tools necessary to hunt and butcher meat (we started out by scavenging carrion, and went up the ladder from there). theres tonnes of archeological evidence for that of our various tools. theres even a video of 2 tribal dudes who stole a fresh kill (which was already half opened up, so easy access for the meat...) from a cheetah by running upto it and hitting it with a branch and making a bunch of noise. So actually, obtaining and eating meat was not an issue. I'm not denying that humans have eaten, and should eat meat. I'm not vegan, and never will be. My argument isn't that meat is bad. My argument was that neither are plants. we're omnivores. we need plants and meat to live actually healthily. but not 1lbs of meat a day, nor 5 dinnerplates full of raw vegetables...
Incredible video and I love all the links and articles etc that you share at the bottom of the youtube videos as well. You have become our favorite doctor to listen to on youtube
I just discovered your podcast fairly recently, Dr. Chaffee. Its highly educational, and I am eager to go through all the past episodes you have made. Your command of the literature surrounding this topic, and your dedication to disabusing the public of their unmerited reverence for plants is admirable. Keep up the great work. You will definitely raise the ire of many plant based ideologues. With physicians like you, Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr. Paul Saladino contributing to the public's knowledge base, hopefully we can change the nutritional paradigm back to what is a more optimal ancestral approach. Its going to be an uphill battle with the decades of misinformation coming from the media, which has elevated plant based foods to an almost sacrosanct status. Keep fighting the good fight!
Doctor: I have one word for you..........BRILLIANT! Thanks soooo much for the wealth of knowledge you give us! Keto for 2 yrs, Carni for 2 months...already better T2D totally under control, but have been still eating some things like peppers in dishes, celery, avocados and cucumbers as a salad.....not anymore! God bless your work.
I was introduced to Carnivore 3 months ago and am embracing this way of eating. I have had autoimmune issues since 1993. Twice I went on Chemo and Prednisone and went into remission, but I knew nothing about plant toxins. However, we are not just body humans. We have a Spirit, a soul and a body. So many autoimmune issues surface in people who have been subject to abuse. Women who have had narcissistic husbands end up with autoimmune diseases. Why? Does the stress inhibit the immune system? Meat then is a medicine as well as non toxic relationships. Anyway, I'm enjoying my healing by staying clear of toxic people and plants. Thank you Doc for such valuable information.
I had a controlling husband, and got Meniere's after we divorced. I think they suppress wives' freedom to communicate and express emotion, so these turn inwards and create autoimmune diseases. I also had Graves' disease, another autoimmune condition. I've been healthy since we divorced. I'm gla d you made this point.
I loved your comparison between estrogen in beef and soy, birth control pills etc. can you do a video breaking down the differences between a real hamburger and ingredients in an impossible burger in a similar way?
That you Dr Chaffee , my son was just accepted into med school . He struggles with the new concept of old way of eating. I have put him on to your channels and pray he follows your model of physical healing. Being a doctor who helps people heal is why the calling should be so passionate.
I did the gaps diet meat stock to heal my gut & digestive issues. Malabsorbtion, underlying gut infection, gastroperisis, and candida/sibo. Did that for 3 months and then went to carnivore. I went from 93lbs to 103lbs now. I'm only 5' so I'm not under weight. I'm finally absorbing what I eat. It's crazy the amount of lies we were all taught.
It's all about $$$. The entire food industry is making money by selling sugar and carbs, it's much cheaper to produce chips and biscuits than meat. Also if you get sick, it's good news for the medical & pharmaceutical companies.
I like your Mom am one of the best cooks I know. It really grieves me that I can no longer cook like I want to, but my health is more important than my reputation as a good cook! Now I devote my time to devising new and interesting ways to prepare meats!
Dr. Chaffee, I love your perspective and it's so inspiring. I recently cut down to meat and water to deal with some residual health issues that a more liberal zero carb diet did not improve. You've given me a lot of hope I can heal.
@@anthonychaffeemd I'm now 30 weeks pregnant at age 39 with my rainbow baby after trying for 2 years and having 4 early miscarriages. It took 3-4 months of strict meat and water, which I had not done before. I also tried some other alternative medical therapies which likely helped somewhat - cold therapy, red light therapy, ozone, etc. However, I believe the meat and water was the most powerful because it got me to an ideal body composition and feeling my best. Nothing else did that! Thank you for your perspective which helped me to heal! With pregnancy I have had a hard time staying strict, but lately I've been able to get back to it... any swelling, aches and pains, headaches, constipation or poor mood completely resolves in a few days of a strict carnivore diet. I'm keeping it strict from now on to hopefully have the best birth outcome possible. Thank you again!
Anthony, to my knowledge you've just recently appeared on the scene, but you've already turning into quite a powerful voice! I appreciate all of the work you've been putting in; it's definitely not easy for someone with as busy a career as you. But it's worth it :)
Well thank you very much I really appreciate it! Yeah I'm only started my own channel and content recently but I've been interviewed on other platforms such as with Dr Baker as far back as 2018. I just figured it was about time to start making videos on topics that I thought were important for people to know about. I'm glad you like them!
I am starting this tomorrow. Coming off of a 2 month long vegetable soup binge thinking I’m so healthy, I’m excited to see the results. I already heard about lectins aka anti-nutrients, but had forgotten about that information for awhile. I’ll come back and update. Thanks!
Hey Doc, Shawn Brooks. Between my IBS, prolapsing internal & external hemorrhoids with questionable ulceration that the GI Doc is not sure if it's UC, an 8 inch colon resection in 8/2019, multiple hospitalizations for C-Diff colitis, surgical site internal infections, having to reduce the hemorrhoids by hand every time I have a BM, wearing pads d/t serous blood drainage most days, and finally listening to U. I'm ALL in: (WATER FATTY MEAT & SALT). This is day 2. I've been somewhat (Ketovore) for several years but often find inability to resist cravings. Just came off of a 20 day fast out of desperation from almost losing my job which would severely hurt my family. And the physical pain throughout is hard to describe. Anyways, please continue with your sharing with the world. I am very, very grateful for your guidance.
Thank you so much Shawn, I'm really glad I could help in some way. Hopefully your medical issues settle down soon, as I'm sure they will. Remember to get enough fat, and you BMs will be soft, and few and far between
Dr Chaffee, you are now my new go-to inspiration for carnivore info! I used to hang on every word with Dr Paul Saladino until he started eating white rice, honey and mango every day.! What's up with that? Dr Ken Berry was my other mentor, but he promotes coffee and vegetables. In my opinion, your physique tells it all!! I'm glad I found your channel, Thanks for all that you are doing😊
Thank you very much Frankie! Yeah I'm concerned about the fruit and rice as well, as I've seen it happen a lot of people who listen to that advice. Hopefully he comes around before too long
@@anthonychaffeemd just getting into reading, watching, listening about this whole carnivore diet, its interesting. We humans are definitely better off without sugar, coffee, wheat, grains, rice etc cutting the plant food out totally I've not 100% bought into it yet but I will continue to educate myself however I do feel it would be necessary for you to correct @Frankie S on the fact she believes your theory over Dr Paul Saladino and Dr Ken Berry based on your physique which has nothing to do with it, you can get shredded eating anything aslong as your training hard and in a deficit.
@@Luke-qb9bs it's true that you can get very fit in many different ways, but from everything I've seen a strict carnivore diet of just fatty meat and water confers the most healthy benefits. And as a further professional athlete, I can tell you that it's far easier to maintain this physique with strict carnivore than anything else, given that I don't need to maintain it at all, it maintains itself. All of the pictures on my IG are taken when I've been out of the gym for at least 2 months or more. Now it's closer to 4 months. But I still look and feel the same. It's amazing when you think about it really.
I can’t do what Dr Saladino does when it comes to raw organ meats. Also, he is extremely fit, the guy surfs 3 hours per day so he is probably metabolic healthy to be able to have fruit daily.
@@Solmaz_S yeah I believe he has had a progression on to nearly for carnivore from paleo and Keto. But yes his videos do cover a range of medical and health topics not just those related to diet.
This is always timely. I was listening to coworkers today talk about how they can’t eat a list of foods before their doctors appt for a cholesterol test and so they were not eating meat for the week. So many things I wanted to say but I kept my head down because I would’ve went on a tangent. Keep up the videos!
Yeah I get it from my vegan co-workers all the time. I guess they don't look in a mirror because they're obviously not as healthy as I am. Maybe they think that's just an individual difference.
That’s exactly what it is. I have a vegetarian coworker with Hashimoto’s who thinks meat is bad for her...yet I’ll watch her eat bread, wraps, and even Little Debbie’s and TastyKakes. She even told me last year how the Beyond and Impossible burgers she eats is better than meat and I flipped out at her in front of everyone in the staff room because I just couldn’t believe how stupid that was. Everyone thinks it’s this individual difference when almost everyone has the same biochemistry. But my coworkers who don’t eat meat say it’s because “It’s bad for them” or “They don’t like it.” And I’m that asshole who tells them they would’ve died off first in the tribe.
Hiya Doc. As someone who had a seizure disorder for 35 years but has cured it with carnivore, I would love to see you do a whole episode on your speciality of neurological disorders.
@@marybeth6676 Thank you. I don't know why anyone would make up something like that but some people do seem to jump to that conclusion. Especially the vegans.
I don't know much about this topic, so I came here to learn, please correct me if I am wrong : Plants don't want to be eaten, but they want to reproduce, so they need us to eat their fruits in order for them to spread their seeds. So fruit is less likely to contain significant amounts of antinutrients or "poisons" compared to let's say vegetables or nuts or seeds... Therefore eating low sugar fruit sounds logic, specially if we take into account that our ancestors were gatherers too, not just hunters.
Why is it, that this information is not being mainstreamed, with all of the details so evidently clear and genuinely astonishing in contrast to what we have been taught for generations. Thank you both for always bringing a clear, unprejudiced talk to this media platform. Truly educational and beneficial. Im switching from my regular Keto/Paleo diet to full carnivore as of tomorrow having now done some research of my own into this subject. Best of luck reaching the rest of the world with this information, I’ll certainly be advocating for the factual evidence that you provide. Cheers guys.
Interesting question. It has been documented by people like Edward G Griffin that almond seeds contain B17 and B17 does contain cyanide but is bound to glucose. If you eat almonds you have an enzyme that breaks the B17 to gain the glucose but neutralizes the cyanide. Cancer cells do not produce this enzyme so they consume the cyanide and die. Thoughts?
I think that's the case with all of us. I was 70 when I started the carnivore diet. And my arthritic pain is almost gone but the damage is still done I have deformed joints and problems from the numerous brakes that I've had.
I jumped right in to carnivore never worried about my deit before and ate more plant based than meat base ...If I only had meat and low beg I would almost cry thinking How bad the meal is for my body ...well maybe the rice was lol didn't know any better One thing is certain with me is this diet makes so much sense ...I hit 62 and find myself really declining in my health..I feel I now have a fight left in me I want off the meds and be healthy ..Thank You Dr Chaffle for caring and sharing You and Dr Berry Are my internet doctors ...
If anyone is able to write out time stamps for this episode, it would be most appreciated! Please reply to this comment with them listed if you are able to. Thank you!
I did a juicefast for 1 week .. on day seven i felt like absolute crap .. 2 days later started a carnivore dieet .. i feel absolutely amazing .. greetings from Holland
I have avoided all sugars except organic milk and cheese. One time I experimented with a processed peanut butter that my friends ate all the time. You know that "smooth" stuff with added sugar? yeah. I took a TEASPOON of that to taste. Oh my god. It felt like a hit of cocaine. People really dont see how affected they are on the HEAPS of sugar they're eating.
I drink a bunch of RAW A2 milk which I order from a farm. I also eat a bunch of cheese and feel great. If it comes from an animal I can eat it pretty much!
April 2022 My husband & I just started carnivore. We are 65 & 64 yrs young. I tried keto but kept craving sweets. Since doing carnivore for 3 weeks my craving have gone away. I have already lost 8 lbs. I am hoping my psoriasis clears up. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. We have to care for our bodies. 👍🥰🙏
This sounds good to try out for myself. I have been on keto for almost 2 years, feeling great! I do consume leafy vegetables pretty much everyday day. I’ll consume less or even try to cut it out.. but my question is how do we get enough potassium on carnivore? And fish ok? Salmon.. sardines.. those low mercury fish..
Yeah fish is fine; any animal really. You need a different constellation of nutrients based on what you eat and if you only eat carnivore diet then you will get everything that you need by definition because this is actually how we evolved
Hey Dr. I haven’t cut coffee yet, but what do you think about adding coconut or MCT oil? Or should I just Stick with grass fed butter in my coffee? EDIT: decided after watching the entire video that today was my last cup of coffee. But I’m still interested in your thoughts regarding MCT oil, or specifically Brain octane oil.
That's great! You'll feel a lot better for dropping that in the long run. I stick to animal fats like tallow and lard, or even duck/goose fat, butter, and ghee. I think sticking to these will get you where you need to go
My primarily animal-based diet helps me manage Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos, and all that it implies (joint problems, POTS, MCAS, Hashimoto's, sleep seizures, IBS, gastroparesis, etc). At 53, I've never been stronger, less inflamed, or more metabolically well. I suppose I should finally try strict carnivore, but my circumstances make that prospect daunting.
This definitely makes a lot of sense to me. One thought I had about traditional cultures that grew and ate plants, was that they tended to consume a small variety of them. They had one or two staple carbohydrates that they relied on (typically some sort of grain or starchy tuber, which required specific preparation) and a handful of vegetables or fruits that were only available locally and seasonally. While agricultural people were not as strong as the largely carnivorous tribes, they didn't have all of the debilitating autoimmune issues of modern society. I wonder if part of the issue with plants is that people are trying to consume such a large variety of them every day of the year. With modern methods of agriculture, food storage, and transportation, people have access to a lot more plant foods, far from their natural climate and season. This has been reinforced by all of the "five a day" and "eat the rainbow" marketing around fruits and vegetables. There has also been a strong interest in global cuisine and exotic flavors, leading to people eating foods from different parts of the world every day. I wonder if all of this variety has been overwhelming people's detoxification systems to a much larger degree than when people ate more simply.
What you just described is a balanced diet. That is how people should be eating. The problems and 'diet schisms' come from people who wrecked their health due to eating a tonne of ultra processed foods, and take their health to the point where even healthy foods cause them problems. So they take them out completely. Which might be necessary, for THAT person. But its when they start saying how this healthy food is actually bad that causes these extreme diets. Its like saying that because bench pressing hurts your shoulders, its the bench press that is bad. Not all the years you were previously playing rugby or gymnastics or crossfit that did the real accumulative damage to your shoulders. So you might not be able to do bench press. But now your going on about how bench press is so bad for the shoulder joint and everyone should really stop doing it, when they don't have the issues you did because they have lived a different life to you. But then they get caught up in it and start avoiding bench press as well. Now you got a bunch of people with pussy chest muscles lol. They could of course, try to rehab their shoulder (eg, fix their underlying health issues), which may entail them avoiding bench press for a while (eg. eliminated certain foods). But the real goal would be to be able to start bench pressing again, because its the best exercise for chest. Not just go the rest of their lives of avoiding it. (and obviously its a spectrum, some are incredibly severe and may have to avoid forever. but that doesn't mean their neighbor has to avoid it as well)
@@jacobbarfield7317 absolutely WRONG. Theres no "balanced diet" animals in the wild dont try to eat a big variation of food, nor do we. It is evolutionary unbeneficial because every plant more that you eat , gives you so much more poison. Most animals eat an extreme small variety of foods. Your body gets better and better getting just that one or two foods. your ancestors ate ONLY meat AT LEAST for the last 2 million years (we are meat based for around 6-8 million years already) because of the ice age and they made it. You need to grasp this fact. Your ancestors ate ONLY meat for 2 million years. Do you know what that means? That we are carnivorous. It shows us that we dont need a single plant. Its not normal to eat 384727 different foods. And its even less normal to eat foods that have almost no taste, or even tastes bitter. We dont have taste just for fun. It makes so much sense, it is so simple
I would love to. It's an important topic. And while there are good things in plants as well, there are also plenty of harmful things. So you get the bad with the good, which isn't ideal. Meat didn't have that issue
I believe David Sinclair may resist any invitation to debate this topic with Dr Chaffee. He’s certainly knocked back the offer of a 2nd debate with Dr Paul Saladino. Once was enough for him. I think that says it all 😃
@@LindsayCPerth, I don't know too much about him but for me, there's something that doesn't quite gel with David Sinclair - it's almost as if he's selling something or trying to.
David Sinclair is a dolt! Just totally dissapeared one day. I assume that he was involved with the other Harvard docs busted for being on the payroll of various large companies.
I don't understand why people always diss the loosing af water when talking about weight loss . I don't want 5 kg of water in my body if it serves no purpose. Obviously my lifestyle previously promoted this water accumulation so lifestyle goes and water goes. I am much more concerned about health and body function than weight. Take care of yourselves. Thank you ,Dr Chaffee for your treasure of information. I see many doctors who have done the 180 . Love it because it gives me opportunity to take care of my own health.
Good question, but it's not the pesticides etc that are the main problem, it's the defense chemicals and sugar that are in the plants and fungi themselves
Been carnivore 46 days now, meat, fish, & eggs, mainly beef. I’m still drinking two cups of black coffee a day. I’m extremely hyper, the coffee calms me down to where I can focus. Since starting carnivore, I stopped using heavy whipping cream in my coffee, I stopped using butter in my coffee.
Coffee would mean you're only mostly carnivore not fully. Also I've never heard of coffee being used to calm someone down usually it amps you up, the herb that calms you down is usually marijuana lol
@@thedoomslayer5863 When a hyperactive child is given Ritalin , what is in the Ritalin? It happens to be speed, speed works the opposite on a hyperactive person, speed will calm a hyperactive person down. Caffeine works the exact same way, so if you’re hyperactive and you take a little bit of caffeine it will calm you down. Today I’m on day 228 of carnivore and I actually quit drinking coffee about 2 months ago. It seems my ADHD has been healed from eating carnivore 🎉🎊🥳.
@@thedoomslayer5863 I also wanted to point out one thing, well actually many things. I started carnivore having a lot of health issues, and the only thing non-carnivore I was doing was coffee and I was healed from IBS, IBD, anxiety, panic attacks, arthritis, inflammation, autoimmune disease put into remission, Hashimoto in remission. My point in letting you know this is to say; don’t beat somebody over the head because they’re 99% carnivore, because even just being 99% carnivore did a lot of healing in my body and the last thing that I had to give up was coffee, if I had, had somebody beating me over the head and being negative toward me, maybe it would’ve made me quit and just go back to the poor health that I was in, but praise God I have a lot of positive people around me, a lot of positive carnivore people around me that did not do that to me and I was able to get my healing ❤️🩹
@@vickithekoshercarnivore6565 congratz, i was not making that reply towards you to try and belittle you, or downplay your efforts, merely to motivate u to make that 99% go to 100% as the good doctor anthony put it, 80% of the real benefits come from going fully 100% carnivore. im of the all or nothing do or die mindset so when i fully understood this carnivore diet and my questions had been answered i made my resolve up. I was going to do it regardless of how bad the withdrawals would be or transition process. im just that kind of person, when i really believe in something im driven like a maniac to do it. So i did not have a support group or anyone to do it with, i was all alone in my journey and did it successfully but if you succeeded due to the support of others then good job either way.
@@thedoomslayer5863 A carnivore is an organism that *mostly* eats meat, or the flesh of animals. There is no such thing as a 99% carnivore. If you eat mostly meat/flesh, you fit the definition.
aww man I am all carnivore except coffee for the last 2 months and I know I gotta give it up cause I am majorly addicted to it. I drink 4-5 cups a day. I am going to stop it and see what happens. I know it messes up my digestion. I have had great improvements on carnivore so look foreword to going all in with no plants.
I have weaned myself off of caffeine by slowly going decaffeinated. I just mixed the decaffeinated beans with the regular ones and gradually reduced to fully decaffeinated. Fairly painless that way.
I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day until I introduced organ meats into my diet. It stopped the cravings within 3 days. I now have 2-3 cups of coffee a week.
How did it take me 50+ years to learn this 🤦♀️ Been mostly carnivore for 3 years, this was the push I needed. Coffee will be the last, hope San Pellegrino is ok? TYVM 🙇♀️
Sipping coffee as I listen... Starting my first "pure carnivore" attempt tomorrow. "Mostly carnivore" had been working well and I feel great, curious what the final eliminations will do.
It took me over 60 years of being alive before I stumbled upon information like this. As Dr Chaffee says, we’ve been indoctrinated with narratives, not real science.
You believed your doctors !!Old style doctors ( quacks and charlatans , food industry patsies )have controlled the narrative for the whole of time !! It is the power of the internet that has freed those doctors who truly care about human health to go against accepted dogma and disseminate new theories of a truly healthy human diet !! PANDORA’S BOX IS NOW WIDE OPEN AND WE CAN NEVER GO BACK TO THE OLD WAYS !! You can’t unknow it once you have seen it !!
I've been full carnivore except coffee last few weeks. I really want to quit but I'm so addicted. I drink decaf after my first cup. Idk why I'm just so used to it. Any suggestions?
It’s almost ritualistic if that makes any sense, getting up and having coffee with my husband, now, if the sun was up when I get maybe going sit in the sun could replace this ritual but, no sun at 5 am😞
I quit coffee for 2 years and was loving this woe. I recently got re-addicted from a guy that works next door to me and he is always making the best coffee and I kind of had a couple down days where I took a couple cups and now I'm hooked again. It's hideous I've become sore when I work out and when I wake up in the morning. I do have a lot of arthritic damage but it was not bothering me until I started drinking coffee again It's an insidious habit and a very difficult to break.
@@denisedecker7330 I quit coffee 5 years ago, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I was drinking 1.5 to 2 pots a day. It's extremely addictive. Hopefully you can get back on track, I know it has done a lot of damage to my body.
Love you breadth of knowledge Dr Chaffee. Re fruit, What about the deuterium released into the fruit. Very bad for mitochondria. Can you talk about this?
I've always felt better when I did a Keto-type diet and I truly believe that I will feel even better on a carnivore diet. I tried Vegan but was bloated all the time. As a 55-year-old, I was attracted to the claims that Veganism is the best for the heart due to the consumption of dark green leafy vegetables to optimize nitric oxide levels. I was wondering if You can post a video on how we Carnivores can optimize our nitric oxide levels. Thanks so much for providing great content for those that want to take charge of their health.
What are your thoughts on minimal herbs as seasoning? Do fresh parsley, basil, mint etc contain the toxicities that you warn of? (I'm one month strict carnivore; three years 90%+ carnivore. Never had any health/digestive). Thanks for your uploads. You're doing a great job.
If we go by the facts the good doctor told us yes they will contain toxins. The mint obviously does not want you to eat it. Neither does the basil or parsley. Infact I recall mint had the effect of tanking testosterone levels in men. Spearmint if I recall especially. So if possible I'd steer clear. Meat, salt to taste, and water. Honestly that's what I feel best on and that's what the good doctor has said he eats
I use "every day seasoning" from Trader Joe's and it does not have the leafy plants like herbs. Even if you were to use basil, or any other green herb, the small amount that you would be using is so minute that I can't even imagine it bothering your system any.
This is Bar None the best video I've ever watched on health. Been on keto 4 times with very little results. Turn to carnivore about a week and a half ago. And feel like a million dollars. Bye-bye vegetables.
@@zacharycasavant9068 well eat meat if you like. I eat some meat too. But to state you are never going to eat vegetables again, because its healthier for you, flies in the face of every bit of nutritional evidence you will ever find. Check out the 'blue zones'. those are places in the world where the people live the longest, you'll not find one place where the people eat soley meat, in fact most of them have a very low meat diet! So all the evidence is squarely against your belief I'm afraid. The only well known person I think think of , who advocated your high fat meat eating diet was Robert Atkins. Didn't work out too well for him. He was clinically obese (18 St) when he died and he was also suffering from heart disease.
@@jaysbakes37 Not sure 100%. But my body (brain). Loves Carbs. I have the same issues. Maybe try going back on Keto for a few days and then go back on Carnivore? On top of that, yes add more fat.
Are avocados considered a vegetable? If so, is it on this list? What about Beyond Burger meat substitutes, are these rendered non toxic b/c of the engineering behind the creation of them. Plus the cooking may make them palettable while being absorbed as protein when ingested.
Avocados are fruits, however, fruits and vegetables are plants which he is against eating. Beyond Burgers are the opposite of meat and made of plants, so he would not recommend those either.
Had I discovered about health what I know now, thanks to your videos Doc, I think I could have helped my father better, he died of cancer was in terrible pain in the end. Seeing him suffer led me on this journey of diet and it is a lifer👍👍👍👍 You’re are real Doctors
Dr. Chafee, Is it my imagination or does Carnivore reduce lactic acid with heavy exercise? I was astonished, after doing walking lunges for the first time in six months, that I had no soreness. Just tightness in my muscles, which I love. Is this possible or am I just crazy? Thank you so much!
Yeah so what I've found is that the delayed muscle soreness isnt from lactic acid, as that dissipates seconds after you start to rest, but from inflammatory factors in plants that cause this stiffness and pain. This is one of the plant's ways of telling you not to eat it. I dont get at all anymore, but if I were to drink 1 cup of black coffee, I would be sore for 2 days
@@anthonychaffeemd very interesting. Been thinking about cutting coffee...I know it'll be challenging, but anecdotes like this are inspiring. Thank you, Dr.
Exactly my experience. I have been hitting the gym hard and continue to not feel the same pain I used to. I hit legs for 45 minutes and when I walked down the stairs I anticipated my knees to give out. Nope. Walked home like a breeze.
One more question Dr. Chaffee… I noticed that since I have been on carnivore for the past six weeks I have had an increase in cramps/Charlie horses in my lower calves particular on my right leg. What does that mean I’m missing? I drink a lot of water with salt and potassium so I can’t imagine my needing more of that
I appreciate this information because my stomach hurts from grains and so now I think all plants are probably an issue..... but I know of people who have healed cancer going plant based? So how do you explain this?
I don’t know how to explain that. However, We know that cancer thrives on glucose, and almost all our glucose comes from carbs. There are no carbs in animal flesh.
I'm carnivore 90% most of the time. But about month ago I noticed my skin doesn't have this glow anymore,,and its itchy and I have some bumps on my face very itchy. Do you think this could be too much protein not enough fat?
It usually is, or dairy can do this as well. Plus the plants you're still eating. I try to get 70-80% calories from fat, and my skin has never been better
Well yes, that holds true in general, but different plants can be more or less toxic than others as well, so it's hard to compare across varieties of plant like that. Either way, tea does have a lot of harmful substances like tannins which bind nutrients so that you can't absorb them, as well as caffeine, which is a natural insecticide and neurotoxin.
Coffee is not toxic, it’s packed with polyphenols and antioxidants. It’s good for you. Dr Chaffe is a hack who misquotes studies and has a dubious background. Enjoy the coffee.
Dr Chaffee, my 30 yr old daughter Dx with lipedema 3 yrs ago in Florida. She's had 1 child now 6yrs. Do you know anything about the best food for her as the lipedema organizations recommend less saturated fat.
This sounds compelling….but I can’t get my head around the fact that the Sardinians and Okinawans have been poisoned with high plant based diets, yet have the largest population per capita of centenarians.
Being slowly poisoned doesn't inherently contradict living a long life. Many factors contribute to lifespan outside of diet. Smokers, heavy drinkers, and drug addicts can live long lives too.
So sad to hear about soy milk for babies as I was advised to and fed my baby soy milk for a long time. That was 33 years ago. So difficult to know I did the total incorrect thing 😪
*hugsgsgsgsgsgs* we all trusted those bastards at some point. Don't be to hard on yourself. You can help you child now though. *more hugsgsgsgsgsgsgsgs*
I was an Isomil baby. The doctors told my mother that formula was "nutritionally engineered" to be superior to breast milk. I am now using a Carnivore diet to heal a lifetime of damage and illness. I'm just thankful that Doctors like Anthony Chaffee are questioning the status quo. When we know better, we do better!
I'm sorry for you as well. These people disseminating false information should be hung by their toenails. But the message for me to take away from this is stop thinking I'm a chemist... I do not make anything better than mother nature... So why should I start adding extra salt other than seasoning, or magnesium, or calcium all the things people keep saying I need is in meat. So that's the message I carry forward now after screwing up my body for over 6 decades.
Dr Chaffee is 100% right about plant toxins. I haven’t had many plants in about 6 months and I’ve been consistently cheating on my carnivore diet with ice cream but it’s not plant based it just has sugar. But the second I had sushi and some macadamia nuts my left ankle gave out. I was wearing heels like I always do and for some reason my left ankle couldn’t stop bending outward causing me to almost fall. That walk back to my car from work was difficult and EMBARRASSING. Plants really do affect you even minutely and it’s clear I don’t have many defences against them as I used to.
I've been strict carnivore 7 years now except for coffee. I quit it for a month and saw no change so I added it back. Youve convinced me I need to quit it again. Dammit. My only vice....
Here's proof of how plants defend themselves
Awesome! Thank you!
@@anthonychaffeemdwhat about butter?
@@toolsat609 As long as it is animal based it is all good, so butter, milk and cheese is also great.
It's hilarious how calm and composed you are when you talk about Carnivore vs plants, compared to someone like Mic the Vegan who, even if I wasn't aware of his dietary allegiance, I would assume that he was a hysterical, far leftist just by listening to him talk about whatever 😂
@@toolsat609 What about it? Butter is a healthy, delicious and very nourishing natural food; as are lard, ghee, suet and tallow. So-called 'vegetable' oils (in reality seed oils) are poisonous.
This talk saved my life. Vegan for 29 years. My health has been entirely restored. Best information I’ve ever received! Thank you Anthony……best Doctor I’ve ever had!
It’s so liberating to go into the grocery store as a carnivore!
I just go to my local meat dealer aka butcher shop now lmao
Oh really??, I have been plant base for 44 years and never felt any pressure going to the supermarket, basically all my shopping is done within the produce section.....😆
Yes, very quick, too.
I put my order in with my favorite grassfed online company and it's delivered overnight, frozen, ready for the freezer.
Dr. Chaffee, I very much appreciate your calm energy and grounded perspective. I also appreciate that you don't drink coffee. I've never drank coffee and I feel like it is toxic to the system and the next biggest program, aside from a plant based diet.
I used to be an organic vegetable farmer. During those summers my skin would be full of rashes and a debilitating itch due to contact with the plants. There was another farmer that experienced tremendous reactions to just being around the plants. My health was never worse than when it was when I was farming and eating tons of vegetables. I learned the toxins and energy of each individual plant. I could sense it by just being nearby. All the farmers knew to be particularly cautious near the tomato plants, etc. Long days of harvest would cause reactions to all of us. I also remember almost passing out in a field of fennel. I almost went into anaphylaxis. Anyway, plants ended my farming career.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
They can't just punch you in the face for trying to eat them so this is their way of self defense
Farm animals instead!
Makes you wonder if the powers that be know this. They want to cut off our source of meat and force veganism which would deteriorate the health of almost all populations.
As a vegetarian I was always looking for the magic "thing" a carnivore am just happy
I tried to be a vegetarian, then a vegetarian. I got way sick. Then my cat brought me back a field dressed bunny and put it on the cat plate and yelled until I cane in. The next day it was a squirrel. I figured if I didn't want a dead animal brought in everyday I better do something. So I went back to eating normal. That didn't work out either. Then I got sick, almost died and a few days ago found here.
How long have you been eating like this? Did you ever get tired of the same foods? Or do you make it interesting?
@@theoryofpersonality1420 I eat cheese, raw milk & butter, yogurt, bacon, sausages, organ meats, red muscle meats & salt ...truly amazing what you can do varying a few time goes by I have the tastiest meals ever mostly bc they are so nurishing .... ( for omega3s I eat oily fish..sardines mostly but I treat them more as supplements)
@@juliametcalf2660 wow, you can get raw milk. That's pretty cool. Thanks for taking the time to answer. That's really nice of you.
@@juliametcalf2660 good to know about the fish to. Thanks.
The magic thing is actually raw primal, it’s changed my view of food and bacteria/germ theory and my life. Raw meat, raw fish, raw dairy, raw unheated honey, raw eggs, active clay, raw green celery juices (for natural better synthesised salt and alkalising when acidic) and some seasonal fruit. Isolated salt is bad stuff.
Dr CHAFFEE, so glad you came on the scene! 11 mos carnivore, Lifer! ❤️
I am on day 4 and the difference is STAGGERING. I got rid of the head fog I have had for months, my asthma and allergies are doing a lot better and the quality of sleep has improved tremendously. I am going to watch all of your videos to keep this info fresh in my brain because I love science and biology. This makes too much sense to ignore.
Hi Erika, may I ask you to explain how much meat and fat you eat, how many times and what is your weight because I am a bit confused with amount of protein for example from beef steak, how much I can eat by the way my hight is 174cm and weigh 67kg.
After Covid_19 vaccines I lost a lot of muscles and every day I am in an excruciating pain.
Thanks a lot.
I'm so happy to hear that you are doing so well! Keep going, it gets a lot better from here!
@@majidkashani4257Hi. I'm unsure but I believe a big part of protein intake is outrunning the nurtient deffeciency from not eating enough dietary saturated fat.
So you body turns to internal protein stores (mainly muscle) to supplement glucose and repair molecules.
On a standard diet its anywhere from 0.4-1.2g per kg for adults ish muscle maintainance. 1.6-2.6g per kg for extreme muscle building with older people at the extreme end. Result is 200-300g daily limit.
For very high saturated fat diet I believe it might be as low as 0.2g per kg, as low as 12-40g a day. The vast majority of amino acids/proteins are manufactered in your body. The few ones you can't manufacture can potentially be stored as fat tissue and other things which can be cannibilized in the future.
I'm doing some researching and experimenting and I'm finding too much meat makes me feel so full and potentially sick that I just don't feel like I need it. I can just drink the fat on its own. It's weird... I might end up going several days drinking fatty broth and no food in future...
@@majidkashani4257eat until the steak stops tasting good. :)
At 50 went through menopause… 5 years later started carnivore diet. My cycle started again.
That's amazing!
I will be so mad if this happens to me. As a 54 year old woman, I have ZERO interest in my cycle starting again. I AM DONE! No more of this stupid period!
I’m hoping this doesn’t happen to me 😬 😂
@@mushroombird9400 hahahahaha......she is either trolling or lying, menopause is cause by several things that change as the body age, mostly hormones, eating meat os not gonna give you your menstrual cycle back.....🤣
@@User-tn7dh You are wrong, mine came back too.
I'm learning a kot here but I'm a retired Nursing Assistant and i had quite a few clients who lived pas 100. My oldest 2 were 112, a black man and 113 a Caucasian woman. They meat and produce. The rest were 107, 3 were 105 and 102. The rest were in their 90's. This is in Florida, so maybe the climate. The 112 year old outlived all his children and 2 wives. The 107 year old outlived her husband, son and his wife who died of cancer. The 107 year old also volunteered at the hospital working in the Gift shop. They all were very positive and easygoing people. That helps too. Thanks for the video.
Your videos are awesome! Your content is outstanding! Keep up the great work. I'm 62 and have been carnivore for over 2 years and feeling great and thriving!
May I ask you please, what and how much do eat daily? Thank you.
@@majidkashani4257 Eat whatever you like and want from meats, eggs, fishes, dairy, organs etc untill you are satiated. Everyone bodies are different so listen to yours and find yours scheme. Good luck :)
This video connected so many dots for me. Literally improved the quality of my life in just 3 weeks. Thank you Dr Chaffee
I'm really glad to hear that! How are you doing now?
Dr Chaffee is so brilliant and of course, he goes completely against our upside down, completely backwards culture of poisonous foods and medicines! I’ve been a fitness coach for 30 years and just now doing the carnivore diet and I feel so good! The best I’ve felt in 25-30 years! I do struggle with missing my coconut and raw chocolate 😋
Did you watch the whole thing?
@@jeremyshiner7341 I respect that he's trying to help and obviously truly believes in what he is saying, but yeah its basically a very reductionist view on archaic science that doesn't take into account that these foods are undergoing significant complex biochemical reactions within a living organism (and often, and ideally, after being previously subjected to a process such as boiling/steaming/cooking), and not just spitting out a receipt list of xyz chemicals that are present in the raw form of the plant, in complete isolation of all the other processes they undergo when actually cooked and eaten. This is the fatal flaw in the carnivore diet logic of 'plants are bad'. I know a lot of people have issues with them, but that is more a testament to the state of their own poor health, and not the dangers that plant poses to everybody else (90% of the population)
(low effort version of a paragraph I somehow deleted) I also strongly disagree with the notion of how man made pesticides weren't banned because the plants already have so much natural pesticides. their natural pesticides are in a minute quantity (for humans) that is often further nullified by the cooking process (and then even the arguments that what little 'chemicals' do remain could actually be providing a type of hormetic effect or some otherwise beneficial effects within our body, perhapse after interacting with other things and being further transformed etc... thats just spec though, but demonstrates that its not just such a simplistic thing as a brussel sprout has been found to contain 100 different chemicals, and chemicals are bad for us, so we should avoid it). Whereas man made pesticides are proven in their ability to affect organisms very rapidly by way of their large quantities of ingestion (since they basically paint that shit on all the crops, which further leaches in the soils for the next crop to take up etc...).
It honestly sounds more like the pesticide industry people making that shit up (or taking some data such as that plants have been found to have xyz chemical in it, and blowing it outta proportion to make their point). Something that the carnivore diet people should be well familiar with (since a main argument of their's is how the various food corporations have a monopoly on the entire food industry, via their way of paying off researchers and studies to make everything in their favour).
Yes, there are a minority of people who can't tolerate these sorts of things. but that is more a testament to how ill health that individual is in, rather than proving that a certain plant is bad for everybody
Don't blame broccoli, carrots, apples, and almonds for what overeating chips, chocolates, cookies, microwaved food, fast food, candies, sodas in your childhood (and probably adulthood) did to your health (especially your gut health)
@@jeremyshiner7341 Nothing better to do with your time, eh?
@@jeremyshiner7341 I'm here because I enjoy learning from the guy. Why are you here?
@@jeremyshiner7341 well thats one of the arguments that carnivore dieters often do a good job of addressing, that we evolved larger brains to make the tools necessary to hunt and butcher meat (we started out by scavenging carrion, and went up the ladder from there). theres tonnes of archeological evidence for that of our various tools. theres even a video of 2 tribal dudes who stole a fresh kill (which was already half opened up, so easy access for the meat...) from a cheetah by running upto it and hitting it with a branch and making a bunch of noise. So actually, obtaining and eating meat was not an issue.
I'm not denying that humans have eaten, and should eat meat. I'm not vegan, and never will be. My argument isn't that meat is bad. My argument was that neither are plants. we're omnivores. we need plants and meat to live actually healthily. but not 1lbs of meat a day, nor 5 dinnerplates full of raw vegetables...
Incredible video and I love all the links and articles etc that you share at the bottom of the youtube videos as well. You have become our favorite doctor to listen to on youtube
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that
I just discovered your podcast fairly recently, Dr. Chaffee. Its highly educational, and I am eager to go through all the past episodes you have made. Your command of the literature surrounding this topic, and your dedication to disabusing the public of their unmerited reverence for plants is admirable. Keep up the great work. You will definitely raise the ire of many plant based ideologues. With physicians like you, Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr. Paul Saladino contributing to the public's knowledge base, hopefully we can change the nutritional paradigm back to what is a more optimal ancestral approach. Its going to be an uphill battle with the decades of misinformation coming from the media, which has elevated plant based foods to an almost sacrosanct status. Keep fighting the good fight!
Very well put
@@andrewpizzino2514 Thank you.
Saladino has lost the plot by telling people to add back in lots of carbs.
Saladino is going insane. Don't listen to that carboholic. .
@@w1975b guess you can't trust someone professing to be a carnivore doc when they literally have the word "salad" in their name lol
Doctor: I have one word for you..........BRILLIANT! Thanks soooo much for the wealth of knowledge you give us! Keto for 2 yrs, Carni for 2 months...already better T2D totally under control, but have been still eating some things like peppers in dishes, celery, avocados and cucumbers as a salad.....not anymore! God bless your work.
Thank you so much Rebecca, I really appreciate it!
I have one word too, bullshit!
I was introduced to Carnivore 3 months ago and am embracing this way of eating. I have had autoimmune issues since 1993. Twice I went on Chemo and Prednisone and went into remission, but I knew nothing about plant toxins. However, we are not just body humans. We have a Spirit, a soul and a body. So many autoimmune issues surface in people who have been subject to abuse. Women who have had narcissistic husbands end up with autoimmune diseases. Why? Does the stress inhibit the immune system? Meat then is a medicine as well as non toxic relationships. Anyway, I'm enjoying my healing by staying clear of toxic people and plants. Thank you Doc for such valuable information.
You are very welcome! I'm glad you're doing so well!
I had a controlling husband, and got Meniere's after we divorced. I think they suppress wives' freedom to communicate and express emotion, so these turn inwards and create autoimmune diseases. I also had Graves' disease, another autoimmune condition. I've been healthy since we divorced. I'm gla d you made this point.
Have you read, 'You can heal your life' by Louise Hay? You reminded me to open the book myself! Heal away, sister! 🫡♥️🙏
I loved your comparison between estrogen in beef and soy, birth control pills etc. can you do a video breaking down the differences between a real hamburger and ingredients in an impossible burger in a similar way?
Yeah that's a good idea I can definitely do that! Thank you for watching!
That you Dr Chaffee , my son was just accepted into med school . He struggles with the new concept of old way of eating. I have put him on to your channels and pray he follows your model of physical healing. Being a doctor who helps people heal is why the calling should be so passionate.
That's really great, I'm sure he'll be a fantastic doctor
I did the gaps diet meat stock to heal my gut & digestive issues. Malabsorbtion, underlying gut infection, gastroperisis, and candida/sibo. Did that for 3 months and then went to carnivore. I went from 93lbs to 103lbs now. I'm only 5' so I'm not under weight. I'm finally absorbing what I eat. It's crazy the amount of lies we were all taught.
It's all about $$$. The entire food industry is making money by selling sugar and carbs, it's much cheaper to produce chips and biscuits than meat. Also if you get sick, it's good news for the medical & pharmaceutical companies.
I like your Mom am one of the best cooks I know. It really grieves me that I can no longer cook like I want to, but my health is more important than my reputation as a good cook! Now I devote my time to devising new and interesting ways to prepare meats!
Do you have a web page or pintrest?
You’ll have to start a TH-cam channel to share your recipes 😊
Same here. I ordered silicone sous vide bags and will soon begin mastering that.
That's the right idea! She does that as well, and has gotten very much into different ways of cooking meat
@@ultramiddle4991 they make a ninja foodi with that function. I also saw one that attached to the side of a pot. Good luck. 👍
Awesome episode. Shared it to my friends. 🎉
Watching this vid has helped me stay carnivore, Im tempted by olives, after 7 weeks its been tough, but watching this has motivated me to keep it up
Great stuff! I'm glad it helped
Neddy, please do not eat those olives ! They could kill you !
This is showing what I need to know on my way to the diet.
Dr. Chaffee, I love your perspective and it's so inspiring. I recently cut down to meat and water to deal with some residual health issues that a more liberal zero carb diet did not improve. You've given me a lot of hope I can heal.
That's great! How are you doing now?
@@anthonychaffeemd I'm now 30 weeks pregnant at age 39 with my rainbow baby after trying for 2 years and having 4 early miscarriages. It took 3-4 months of strict meat and water, which I had not done before. I also tried some other alternative medical therapies which likely helped somewhat - cold therapy, red light therapy, ozone, etc. However, I believe the meat and water was the most powerful because it got me to an ideal body composition and feeling my best. Nothing else did that! Thank you for your perspective which helped me to heal! With pregnancy I have had a hard time staying strict, but lately I've been able to get back to it... any swelling, aches and pains, headaches, constipation or poor mood completely resolves in a few days of a strict carnivore diet. I'm keeping it strict from now on to hopefully have the best birth outcome possible. Thank you again!
Anthony, to my knowledge you've just recently appeared on the scene, but you've already turning into quite a powerful voice! I appreciate all of the work you've been putting in; it's definitely not easy for someone with as busy a career as you. But it's worth it :)
Well thank you very much I really appreciate it! Yeah I'm only started my own channel and content recently but I've been interviewed on other platforms such as with Dr Baker as far back as 2018. I just figured it was about time to start making videos on topics that I thought were important for people to know about. I'm glad you like them!
@@anthonychaffeemd don’t stop educating us, we definitely need it! By we I mean me mostly lol.
Great job!
@@lorenbeaulieu2896 well thank you, I will do my best!
Thank you Dr. Chaffee.😊 I just love your knowledge and discussions! ❤
I am starting this tomorrow. Coming off of a 2 month long vegetable soup binge thinking I’m so healthy, I’m excited to see the results. I already heard about lectins aka anti-nutrients, but had forgotten about that information for awhile. I’ll come back and update. Thanks!
I drink meat broth with some butter in the morning instead of coffee, been doing it for a week and I don't miss the coffee.
Thank you for posting this!! This information is horrifying!
Hey Doc, Shawn Brooks. Between my IBS, prolapsing internal & external hemorrhoids with questionable ulceration that the GI Doc is not sure if it's UC, an 8 inch colon resection in 8/2019, multiple hospitalizations for C-Diff colitis, surgical site internal infections, having to reduce the hemorrhoids by hand every time I have a BM, wearing pads d/t serous blood drainage most days, and finally listening to U. I'm ALL in: (WATER FATTY MEAT & SALT). This is day 2. I've been somewhat (Ketovore) for several years but often find inability to resist cravings. Just came off of a 20 day fast out of desperation from almost losing my job which would severely hurt my family. And the physical pain throughout is hard to describe. Anyways, please continue with your sharing with the world. I am very, very grateful for your guidance.
Thank you so much Shawn, I'm really glad I could help in some way. Hopefully your medical issues settle down soon, as I'm sure they will. Remember to get enough fat, and you BMs will be soft, and few and far between
Wow, you are in my prayers. I can’t imagine what you are going through.
Do you have an update?
Dr Chaffee, you are now my new go-to inspiration for carnivore info! I used to hang on every word with Dr Paul Saladino until he started eating white rice, honey and mango every day.! What's up with that? Dr Ken Berry was my other mentor, but he promotes coffee and vegetables. In my opinion, your physique tells it all!! I'm glad I found your channel, Thanks for all that you are doing😊
Thank you very much Frankie! Yeah I'm concerned about the fruit and rice as well, as I've seen it happen a lot of people who listen to that advice. Hopefully he comes around before too long
@@anthonychaffeemd just getting into reading, watching, listening about this whole carnivore diet, its interesting. We humans are definitely better off without sugar, coffee, wheat, grains, rice etc cutting the plant food out totally I've not 100% bought into it yet but I will continue to educate myself however I do feel it would be necessary for you to correct @Frankie S on the fact she believes your theory over Dr Paul Saladino and Dr Ken Berry based on your physique which has nothing to do with it, you can get shredded eating anything aslong as your training hard and in a deficit.
@@Luke-qb9bs it's true that you can get very fit in many different ways, but from everything I've seen a strict carnivore diet of just fatty meat and water confers the most healthy benefits. And as a further professional athlete, I can tell you that it's far easier to maintain this physique with strict carnivore than anything else, given that I don't need to maintain it at all, it maintains itself. All of the pictures on my IG are taken when I've been out of the gym for at least 2 months or more. Now it's closer to 4 months. But I still look and feel the same. It's amazing when you think about it really.
I can’t do what Dr Saladino does when it comes to raw organ meats. Also, he is extremely fit, the guy surfs 3 hours per day so he is probably metabolic healthy to be able to have fruit daily.
@@Solmaz_S yeah I believe he has had a progression on to nearly for carnivore from paleo and Keto. But yes his videos do cover a range of medical and health topics not just those related to diet.
This is always timely.
I was listening to coworkers today talk about how they can’t eat a list of foods before their doctors appt for a cholesterol test and so they were not eating meat for the week.
So many things I wanted to say but I kept my head down because I would’ve went on a tangent.
Keep up the videos!
Yeah I get it from my vegan co-workers all the time. I guess they don't look in a mirror because they're obviously not as healthy as I am. Maybe they think that's just an individual difference.
That’s exactly what it is. I have a vegetarian coworker with Hashimoto’s who thinks meat is bad for her...yet I’ll watch her eat bread, wraps, and even Little Debbie’s and TastyKakes.
She even told me last year how the Beyond and Impossible burgers she eats is better than meat and I flipped out at her in front of everyone in the staff room because I just couldn’t believe how stupid that was.
Everyone thinks it’s this individual difference when almost everyone has the same biochemistry. But my coworkers who don’t eat meat say it’s because “It’s bad for them” or “They don’t like it.” And I’m that asshole who tells them they would’ve died off first in the tribe.
Ive tried not eating meat for a while before a cholestrol test and it blew my mind to find out my cholestrol was elevated
Are onions and garlic bad for us too?
Also, what about plant-based fats in homemade body care products (soaps, salves, body butters, etc.)? Please do a deep dive.
Hiya Doc. As someone who had a seizure disorder for 35 years but has cured it with carnivore, I would love to see you do a whole episode on your speciality of neurological disorders.
Hi Robin, I can try and put one together! And I'm really glad that you're seizures have improved on carnivore, that is really great to see
@@anthonychaffeemd The seizure disorder improved a lot on keto but on carnivore it is completely gone. It's like having a whole new life.
@@robinbeers6689 oh....So happy for you Robin 😃(I believe you)❤️
@@marybeth6676 Thank you. I don't know why anyone would make up something like that but some people do seem to jump to that conclusion. Especially the vegans.
@@robinbeers6689 Carnivore reversed deep depression and anxiety plus 100+ other ailments including severe Raynaud's Syndrome.
I don't know much about this topic, so I came here to learn, please correct me if I am wrong :
Plants don't want to be eaten, but they want to reproduce, so they need us to eat their fruits in order for them to spread their seeds.
So fruit is less likely to contain significant amounts of antinutrients or "poisons" compared to let's say vegetables or nuts or seeds...
Therefore eating low sugar fruit sounds logic, specially if we take into account that our ancestors were gatherers too, not just hunters.
Why is it, that this information is not being mainstreamed, with all of the details so evidently clear and genuinely astonishing in contrast to what we have been taught for generations.
Thank you both for always bringing a clear, unprejudiced talk to this media platform. Truly educational and beneficial.
Im switching from my regular Keto/Paleo diet to full carnivore as of tomorrow having now done some research of my own into this subject.
Best of luck reaching the rest of the world with this information, I’ll certainly be advocating for the factual evidence that you provide.
Cheers guys.
Since this comment was 5 months ago how do u feel? Did you do strict carnivore for these last 5 months?
Thank you for your knowledge carnivore has simplified my life
Glad to hear it! And yeah, I've found that as well. So much simpler
What's your take on bone broth where the bones were cooked with veggies? And what about small amounts of spices?
Interesting question. It has been documented by people like Edward G Griffin that almond seeds contain B17 and B17 does contain cyanide but is bound to glucose. If you eat almonds you have an enzyme that breaks the B17 to gain the glucose but neutralizes the cyanide. Cancer cells do not produce this enzyme so they consume the cyanide and die. Thoughts?
Thanks Dr Chaffee! What a brilliant talk!
The only regret about carnivore diet is that I wish I'd found it sooner (went from zone to paleo to keto to - finally - carnivore).
Me too! I really wish I'd been doing this my whole life
I think that's the case with all of us. I was 70 when I started the carnivore diet. And my arthritic pain is almost gone but the damage is still done I have deformed joints and problems from the numerous brakes that I've had.
I jumped right in to carnivore never worried about my deit before and ate more plant based than meat base ...If I only had meat and low beg I would almost cry thinking How bad the meal is for my body ...well maybe the rice was lol didn't know any better One thing is certain with me is this diet makes so much sense ...I hit 62 and find myself really declining in my health..I feel I now have a fight left in me I want off the meds and be healthy ..Thank You Dr Chaffle for caring and sharing You and Dr Berry Are my internet doctors ...
How do you get your Al your vitamins and minerals than?
Excellent instructional video
Thank you for this information..
If anyone is able to write out time stamps for this episode, it would be most appreciated! Please reply to this comment with them listed if you are able to. Thank you!
I did a juicefast for 1 week .. on day seven i felt like absolute crap .. 2 days later started a carnivore dieet .. i feel absolutely amazing .. greetings from Holland
How does everyone do with dairy? I went 5 days just meat salt water, and tried milk, and its so much sweeter tasting than before.
I have avoided all sugars except organic milk and cheese. One time I experimented with a processed peanut butter that my friends ate all the time. You know that "smooth" stuff with added sugar? yeah. I took a TEASPOON of that to taste. Oh my god. It felt like a hit of cocaine. People really dont see how affected they are on the HEAPS of sugar they're eating.
I drink a bunch of RAW A2 milk which I order from a farm. I also eat a bunch of cheese and feel great. If it comes from an animal I can eat it pretty much!
What is your opinion about books like "how not to die". The author brings also several studies why you shouldn't eat meat, instead plants?
April 2022
My husband & I just started carnivore. We are 65 & 64 yrs young. I tried keto but kept craving sweets. Since doing carnivore for 3 weeks my craving have gone away. I have already lost 8 lbs. I am hoping my psoriasis clears up. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. We have to care for our bodies. 👍🥰🙏
Do you have the keto or carnivore flu during that time?
No...did not get "flu'.
Would love to have an update on how your psoriasis is, it is my main struggle and I'm hoping I can eliminate it
Thank you for this information. Another great podcast. Take care.
Totally awesome! Thank you!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Dr, if I may ask......We are hearing so much about ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) and the benefits.?? Can you provide your thoughts please? (USA)
This sounds good to try out for myself. I have been on keto for almost 2 years, feeling great! I do consume leafy vegetables pretty much everyday day. I’ll consume less or even try to cut it out.. but my question is how do we get enough potassium on carnivore? And fish ok? Salmon.. sardines.. those low mercury fish..
Yeah fish is fine; any animal really. You need a different constellation of nutrients based on what you eat and if you only eat carnivore diet then you will get everything that you need by definition because this is actually how we evolved
From my understanding mercury in fish is protein bound, so It doesnt stick around
probably your best vid. i shared it tens of times lol
Thank you Dr Chaffee.
You're welcome! Thank you for watching!
I heard about Organic roundup for organic veggies…So that’s how they can get the “seal” of approval. Any thoughts. ?? Organic is so expensive too
So if you give up coffee what do you consume when fasting? Just water?
I only drink water at all times
What’s the best way to quit coffee
Hey Dr. I haven’t cut coffee yet, but what do you think about adding coconut or MCT oil? Or should I just Stick with grass fed butter in my coffee?
EDIT: decided after watching the entire video that today was my last cup of coffee. But I’m still interested in your thoughts regarding MCT oil, or specifically Brain octane oil.
That's great! You'll feel a lot better for dropping that in the long run. I stick to animal fats like tallow and lard, or even duck/goose fat, butter, and ghee. I think sticking to these will get you where you need to go
@@anthonychaffeemd What's wrong with coffee?
My primarily animal-based diet helps me manage Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos, and all that it implies (joint problems, POTS, MCAS, Hashimoto's, sleep seizures, IBS, gastroparesis, etc). At 53, I've never been stronger, less inflamed, or more metabolically well. I suppose I should finally try strict carnivore, but my circumstances make that prospect daunting.
This definitely makes a lot of sense to me. One thought I had about traditional cultures that grew and ate plants, was that they tended to consume a small variety of them. They had one or two staple carbohydrates that they relied on (typically some sort of grain or starchy tuber, which required specific preparation) and a handful of vegetables or fruits that were only available locally and seasonally. While agricultural people were not as strong as the largely carnivorous tribes, they didn't have all of the debilitating autoimmune issues of modern society.
I wonder if part of the issue with plants is that people are trying to consume such a large variety of them every day of the year. With modern methods of agriculture, food storage, and transportation, people have access to a lot more plant foods, far from their natural climate and season. This has been reinforced by all of the "five a day" and "eat the rainbow" marketing around fruits and vegetables. There has also been a strong interest in global cuisine and exotic flavors, leading to people eating foods from different parts of the world every day. I wonder if all of this variety has been overwhelming people's detoxification systems to a much larger degree than when people ate more simply.
What you just described is a balanced diet. That is how people should be eating. The problems and 'diet schisms' come from people who wrecked their health due to eating a tonne of ultra processed foods, and take their health to the point where even healthy foods cause them problems. So they take them out completely. Which might be necessary, for THAT person. But its when they start saying how this healthy food is actually bad that causes these extreme diets.
Its like saying that because bench pressing hurts your shoulders, its the bench press that is bad. Not all the years you were previously playing rugby or gymnastics or crossfit that did the real accumulative damage to your shoulders. So you might not be able to do bench press. But now your going on about how bench press is so bad for the shoulder joint and everyone should really stop doing it, when they don't have the issues you did because they have lived a different life to you. But then they get caught up in it and start avoiding bench press as well. Now you got a bunch of people with pussy chest muscles lol.
They could of course, try to rehab their shoulder (eg, fix their underlying health issues), which may entail them avoiding bench press for a while (eg. eliminated certain foods). But the real goal would be to be able to start bench pressing again, because its the best exercise for chest. Not just go the rest of their lives of avoiding it. (and obviously its a spectrum, some are incredibly severe and may have to avoid forever. but that doesn't mean their neighbor has to avoid it as well)
@@jacobbarfield7317 absolutely WRONG.
Theres no "balanced diet" animals in the wild dont try to eat a big variation of food, nor do we. It is evolutionary unbeneficial because every plant more that you eat , gives you so much more poison. Most animals eat an extreme small variety of foods. Your body gets better and better getting just that one or two foods. your ancestors ate ONLY meat AT LEAST for the last 2 million years (we are meat based for around 6-8 million years already) because of the ice age and they made it. You need to grasp this fact. Your ancestors ate ONLY meat for 2 million years. Do you know what that means? That we are carnivorous. It shows us that we dont need a single plant. Its not normal to eat 384727 different foods. And its even less normal to eat foods that have almost no taste, or even tastes bitter. We dont have taste just for fun.
It makes so much sense, it is so simple
You must eat vegetables from every continent at every meal in the name of climate change and sustainability.
@@mantexas9033 That's right 😂😂😂
@@mantexas9033 🤣
Would caffeine pills be a good way to transition off coffee?
Great talk. I'd love to see Dr Chaffee have this conversation with biologist David Sinclair, who believes plants are good for us.
I would love to. It's an important topic. And while there are good things in plants as well, there are also plenty of harmful things. So you get the bad with the good, which isn't ideal. Meat didn't have that issue
I believe David Sinclair may resist any invitation to debate this topic with Dr Chaffee. He’s certainly knocked back the offer of a 2nd debate with Dr Paul Saladino. Once was enough for him. I think that says it all 😃
@@LindsayCPerth, I don't know too much about him but for me, there's something that doesn't quite gel with David Sinclair - it's almost as if he's selling something or trying to.
David Sinclair is a dolt! Just totally dissapeared one day. I assume that he was involved with the other Harvard docs busted for being on the payroll of various large companies.
Chillies are like: I'm not going to kill you, but I can make it hurt both on the way in, and on the way out.
At school we called it
'Gandhi's' revenge'.
I don't understand why people always diss the loosing af water when talking about weight loss . I don't want 5 kg of water in my body if it serves no purpose. Obviously my lifestyle previously promoted this water accumulation so lifestyle goes and water goes. I am much more concerned about health and body function than weight. Take care of yourselves.
Thank you ,Dr Chaffee for your treasure of information. I see many doctors who have done the 180 . Love it because it gives me opportunity to take care of my own health.
I very much enjoy garlic, onions, spicy peppers. Are the spice powders less harmful?
They're probably worse since they're so concentrated.
Re watching as I came into the live near the end 🥩💪🏻 3 and a 1/2 years carnivore 🥩
what if I just grow my own fruits and veggies?
Good question, but it's not the pesticides etc that are the main problem, it's the defense chemicals and sugar that are in the plants and fungi themselves
I eliminated all fruit as well but I just learned something new regardless. Thanks!
@@jeremyshiner7341 Says you and the rest of the industry who have been lying to us for decades, slowly killing the human race.
Been carnivore 46 days now, meat, fish, & eggs, mainly beef. I’m still drinking two cups of black coffee a day. I’m extremely hyper, the coffee calms me down to where I can focus. Since starting carnivore, I stopped using heavy whipping cream in my coffee, I stopped using butter in my coffee.
Coffee would mean you're only mostly carnivore not fully. Also I've never heard of coffee being used to calm someone down usually it amps you up, the herb that calms you down is usually marijuana lol
@@thedoomslayer5863 When a hyperactive child is given Ritalin , what is in the Ritalin? It happens to be speed, speed works the opposite on a hyperactive person, speed will calm a hyperactive person down. Caffeine works the exact same way, so if you’re hyperactive and you take a little bit of caffeine it will calm you down. Today I’m on day 228 of carnivore and I actually quit drinking coffee about 2 months ago. It seems my ADHD has been healed from eating carnivore 🎉🎊🥳.
@@thedoomslayer5863 I also wanted to point out one thing, well actually many things. I started carnivore having a lot of health issues, and the only thing non-carnivore I was doing was coffee and I was healed from IBS, IBD, anxiety, panic attacks, arthritis, inflammation, autoimmune disease put into remission, Hashimoto in remission. My point in letting you know this is to say; don’t beat somebody over the head because they’re 99% carnivore, because even just being 99% carnivore did a lot of healing in my body and the last thing that I had to give up was coffee, if I had, had somebody beating me over the head and being negative toward me, maybe it would’ve made me quit and just go back to the poor health that I was in, but praise God I have a lot of positive people around me, a lot of positive carnivore people around me that did not do that to me and I was able to get my healing ❤️🩹
@@vickithekoshercarnivore6565 congratz, i was not making that reply towards you to try and belittle you, or downplay your efforts, merely to motivate u to make that 99% go to 100% as the good doctor anthony put it, 80% of the real benefits come from going fully 100% carnivore.
im of the all or nothing do or die mindset so when i fully understood this carnivore diet and my questions had been answered i made my resolve up. I was going to do it regardless of how bad the withdrawals would be or transition process.
im just that kind of person, when i really believe in something im driven like a maniac to do it. So i did not have a support group or anyone to do it with, i was all alone in my journey and did it successfully
but if you succeeded due to the support of others then good job either way.
@@thedoomslayer5863 A carnivore is an organism that *mostly* eats meat, or the flesh of animals. There is no such thing as a 99% carnivore. If you eat mostly meat/flesh, you fit the definition.
aww man I am all carnivore except coffee for the last 2 months and I know I gotta give it up cause I am majorly addicted to it. I drink 4-5 cups a day. I am going to stop it and see what happens. I know it messes up my digestion. I have had great improvements on carnivore so look foreword to going all in with no plants.
I have weaned myself off of caffeine by slowly going decaffeinated. I just mixed the decaffeinated beans with the regular ones and gradually reduced to fully decaffeinated. Fairly painless that way.
Same, but it makes a big difference when you will stop
I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day until I introduced organ meats into my diet. It stopped the cravings within 3 days. I now have 2-3 cups of coffee a week.
Try dandelion/ chicory instead ,a very tasty and i believe healthier substitute
Very very enlightening .. thanks !
How did it take me 50+ years to learn this 🤦♀️ Been mostly carnivore for 3 years, this was the push I needed. Coffee will be the last, hope San Pellegrino is ok? TYVM 🙇♀️
Coffee is an insecticide
Sipping coffee as I listen... Starting my first "pure carnivore" attempt tomorrow. "Mostly carnivore" had been working well and I feel great, curious what the final eliminations will do.
San pellegrino is fine. Its just carbonated water. Avoid the flavoured ones. Opt for the glass bottles where you can.
It took me over 60 years of being alive before I stumbled upon information like this. As Dr Chaffee says, we’ve been indoctrinated with narratives, not real science.
You believed your doctors !!Old style doctors ( quacks and charlatans , food industry patsies )have controlled the narrative for the whole of time !! It is the power of the internet that has freed those doctors who truly care about human health to go against accepted dogma and disseminate new theories of a truly healthy human diet !! PANDORA’S BOX IS NOW WIDE OPEN AND WE CAN NEVER GO BACK TO THE OLD WAYS !! You can’t unknow it once you have seen it !!
Thanks for the video 👍
My pleasure!!
I've been full carnivore except coffee last few weeks. I really want to quit but I'm so addicted. I drink decaf after my first cup. Idk why I'm just so used to it. Any suggestions?
Cold turkey is the way to go. After a week or 2, you'll be through it and not miss it!
I heat up distilled water, drink two cups out of my favorite coffee cup. Works for me.
It’s almost ritualistic if that makes any sense, getting up and having coffee with my husband, now, if the sun was up when I get maybe going sit in the sun could replace this ritual but, no sun at 5 am😞
Being told coffee is an insecticide was enough for me to stop.
Green tea was my methadone program to get off coffee.
just noticed i wasnt even subbed to you oO.. changed that quickly. Watching your stuff alot. Thanks for all the work you are putting in.
I know coffee comes from a plant but is that an exception? Is it that bad? Doesn’t it want to be warmed up and drunk in the morning and be enjoyed 😁.
Haha, unfortunately no it doesn't. Coffee is bad Im afraid
I quit coffee for 2 years and was loving this woe. I recently got re-addicted from a guy that works next door to me and he is always making the best coffee and I kind of had a couple down days where I took a couple cups and now I'm hooked again. It's hideous I've become sore when I work out and when I wake up in the morning. I do have a lot of arthritic damage but it was not bothering me until I started drinking coffee again It's an insidious habit and a very difficult to break.
@@denisedecker7330 I quit coffee 5 years ago, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I was drinking 1.5 to 2 pots a day. It's extremely addictive. Hopefully you can get back on track, I know it has done a lot of damage to my body.
@@davem4193 I agree. It's damaging.
How about cacao/ chocolate? 😅🥺💩
Love you breadth of knowledge Dr Chaffee. Re fruit, What about the deuterium released into the fruit. Very bad for mitochondria. Can you talk about this?
what are your thoughts on coconut and its oil since the coconut is a seed ?
It's not ideal, but it's better than other plant oils. Tallow, lard, ghee, and butter are much better though
I use coconut oil every day, but for oil pulling, not eating! Combined with a meat based diet it's been amazing for my teeth.
I've always felt better when I did a Keto-type diet and I truly believe that I will feel even better on a carnivore diet. I tried Vegan but was bloated all the time. As a 55-year-old, I was attracted to the claims that Veganism is the best for the heart due to the consumption of dark green leafy vegetables to optimize nitric oxide levels. I was wondering if You can post a video on how we Carnivores can optimize our nitric oxide levels. Thanks so much for providing great content for those that want to take charge of their health.
check out Dr Sean Omara
Hibiscus tea. 🌺
What are your thoughts on minimal herbs as seasoning? Do fresh parsley, basil, mint etc contain the toxicities that you warn of? (I'm one month strict carnivore; three years 90%+ carnivore. Never had any health/digestive). Thanks for your uploads. You're doing a great job.
If we go by the facts the good doctor told us yes they will contain toxins.
The mint obviously does not want you to eat it. Neither does the basil or parsley.
Infact I recall mint had the effect of tanking testosterone levels in men. Spearmint if I recall especially.
So if possible I'd steer clear.
Meat, salt to taste, and water. Honestly that's what I feel best on and that's what the good doctor has said he eats
What about butter
I use "every day seasoning" from Trader Joe's and it does not have the leafy plants like herbs. Even if you were to use basil, or any other green herb, the small amount that you would be using is so minute that I can't even imagine it bothering your system any.
Would a carnivore diet help with multiple sclerosis?
This is Bar None the best video I've ever watched on health. Been on keto 4 times with very little results. Turn to carnivore about a week and a half ago. And feel like a million dollars. Bye-bye vegetables.
Thank you very much Joshua I really appreciate it!
well you're one person I'll definitely outlive then anyway. lol
@@stevo5000 because you eat vegetables? Lol hell no, let me know in 10 years how all that Round up you're consuming is turning out for ya
@@zacharycasavant9068 well eat meat if you like. I eat some meat too. But to state you are never going to eat vegetables again, because its healthier for you, flies in the face of every bit of nutritional evidence you will ever find. Check out the 'blue zones'. those are places in the world where the people live the longest, you'll not find one place where the people eat soley meat, in fact most of them have a very low meat diet! So all the evidence is squarely against your belief I'm afraid. The only well known person I think think of , who advocated your high fat meat eating diet was Robert Atkins. Didn't work out too well for him. He was clinically obese (18 St) when he died and he was also suffering from heart disease.
@@jaysbakes37 Not sure 100%. But my body (brain). Loves Carbs. I have the same issues. Maybe try going back on Keto for a few days and then go back on Carnivore? On top of that, yes add more fat.
Are avocados considered a vegetable? If so, is it on this list? What about Beyond Burger meat substitutes, are these rendered non toxic b/c of the engineering behind the creation of them. Plus the cooking may make them palettable while being absorbed as protein when ingested.
Avocados are fruits, however, fruits and vegetables are plants which he is against eating. Beyond Burgers are the opposite of meat and made of plants, so he would not recommend those either.
Had I discovered about health what I know now, thanks to your videos Doc, I think I could have helped my father better, he died of cancer was in terrible pain in the end. Seeing him suffer led me on this journey of diet and it is a lifer👍👍👍👍
You’re are real Doctors
I'm so sorry to hear about your father, but I'm glad that you can improve your health and that of your family going forward
And you can research mammograms, which CAUSE 30 % of breast cancers.
Myself and my coworkers developed phytophotodermatitis on our hands after harvesting celery when I worked on a farm two summers ago
Dr. Chafee, Is it my imagination or does Carnivore reduce lactic acid with heavy exercise? I was astonished, after doing walking lunges for the first time in six months, that I had no soreness. Just tightness in my muscles, which I love. Is this possible or am I just crazy? Thank you so much!
Yeah so what I've found is that the delayed muscle soreness isnt from lactic acid, as that dissipates seconds after you start to rest, but from inflammatory factors in plants that cause this stiffness and pain. This is one of the plant's ways of telling you not to eat it. I dont get at all anymore, but if I were to drink 1 cup of black coffee, I would be sore for 2 days
@@anthonychaffeemd thank you for replying. So much to learn at age 63 for me 💪😀
@@anthonychaffeemd very interesting. Been thinking about cutting coffee...I know it'll be challenging, but anecdotes like this are inspiring. Thank you, Dr.
Exactly my experience. I have been hitting the gym hard and continue to not feel the same pain I used to. I hit legs for 45 minutes and when I walked down the stairs I anticipated my knees to give out. Nope. Walked home like a breeze.
One more question Dr. Chaffee… I noticed that since I have been on carnivore for the past six weeks I have had an increase in cramps/Charlie horses in my lower calves particular on my right leg. What does that mean I’m missing? I drink a lot of water with salt and potassium so I can’t imagine my needing more of that
I appreciate this information because my stomach hurts from grains and so now I think all plants are probably an issue..... but I know of people who have healed cancer going plant based? So how do you explain this?
I don’t know how to explain that. However, We know that cancer thrives on glucose, and almost all our glucose comes from carbs. There are no carbs in animal flesh.
I'm carnivore 90% most of the time. But about month ago I noticed my skin doesn't have this glow anymore,,and its itchy and I have some bumps on my face very itchy. Do you think this could be too much protein not enough fat?
It usually is, or dairy can do this as well. Plus the plants you're still eating. I try to get 70-80% calories from fat, and my skin has never been better
I had the same thing happen to me - found our whole house water softener wasn't working! Water quality can be huge!
@@jeffreythompson6282 softeners release too much salt into your water. We do rain water collection here, 100% pure!
@@commonsense246not much in the way of rain water here... Better salt than bromine and chlorine!
I would love your thoughts on dementia which is increasing.
You said coffee is a bean/seed and isn’t good. Is tea, being a leaf less toxic?
Well yes, that holds true in general, but different plants can be more or less toxic than others as well, so it's hard to compare across varieties of plant like that. Either way, tea does have a lot of harmful substances like tannins which bind nutrients so that you can't absorb them, as well as caffeine, which is a natural insecticide and neurotoxin.
Coffee is not toxic, it’s packed with polyphenols and antioxidants. It’s good for you. Dr Chaffe is a hack who misquotes studies and has a dubious background. Enjoy the coffee.
Dr Chaffee, my 30 yr old daughter Dx with lipedema 3 yrs ago in Florida. She's had 1 child now 6yrs. Do you know anything about the best food for her as the lipedema organizations recommend less saturated fat.
This sounds compelling….but I can’t get my head around the fact that the Sardinians and Okinawans have been poisoned with high plant based diets, yet have the largest population per capita of centenarians.
Anyone can make a video but centenarians don't lie with their actual diets.
Being slowly poisoned doesn't inherently contradict living a long life. Many factors contribute to lifespan outside of diet. Smokers, heavy drinkers, and drug addicts can live long lives too.
Another fantastic video!! Love watching your videos.... :D
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it
So sad to hear about soy milk for babies as I was advised to and fed my baby soy milk for a long time. That was 33 years ago. So difficult to know I did the total incorrect thing 😪
*hugsgsgsgsgsgs* we all trusted those bastards at some point. Don't be to hard on yourself. You can help you child now though. *more hugsgsgsgsgsgsgsgs*
Im really sorry to hear that, it's so wrong to do this to people
I was an Isomil baby. The doctors told my mother that formula was "nutritionally engineered" to be superior to breast milk. I am now using a Carnivore diet to heal a lifetime of damage and illness. I'm just thankful that Doctors like Anthony Chaffee are questioning the status quo. When we know better, we do better!
@@bluedove7876 *huugsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsg* 🫂
I'm sorry for you as well. These people disseminating false information should be hung by their toenails. But the message for me to take away from this is stop thinking I'm a chemist... I do not make anything better than mother nature... So why should I start adding extra salt other than seasoning, or magnesium, or calcium all the things people keep saying I need is in meat. So that's the message I carry forward now after screwing up my body for over 6 decades.
What salt do you recommend? I use iodized salt that way i cover iodine as well but noticed dextrose is in it.
Just get the salt that only has salt in the ingredients, with iodine if you like, but you dont need it
@@anthonychaffeemd must get enough iodine from eggs and meat then? Shouldnt have to worry about iodine?
avacado? olives? are they terrible too?
They are better than most other plants, but yes, they are still bad unfortunately
Dr Chaffee is 100% right about plant toxins. I haven’t had many plants in about 6 months and I’ve been consistently cheating on my carnivore diet with ice cream but it’s not plant based it just has sugar. But the second I had sushi and some macadamia nuts my left ankle gave out. I was wearing heels like I always do and for some reason my left ankle couldn’t stop bending outward causing me to almost fall. That walk back to my car from work was difficult and EMBARRASSING. Plants really do affect you even minutely and it’s clear I don’t have many defences against them as I used to.
I've been strict carnivore 7 years now except for coffee. I quit it for a month and saw no change so I added it back.
Youve convinced me I need to quit it again.
My only vice....
As someone with a $1000+ espresso machine.. I feel you
@@lucasb409 yes it's been tough.