Oussama 1997bis he was saying Norway prison is better than being homeless in America. It does seem better. The heated floors will make such a big difference especially in the winter when the homeless sleep on sidewalks and be really really cold.
@@jeschinstad And some judge in America: You're a murder? But you're also rich so here feel free to roam the street and cause as mush murderous intent as possible as long as you pay me.
max weller i could see this working for low level criminals. idk about THAT much luxury though, people in America would be commiting crimes just TO go to prison....
max weller but I agree the big problem in America is people who get caught up in the perpetual cycle, so to dehumanize them is never going to make them a better more prosperous member of society. save that for the real scum bags, but any victimless crime and lower level things, I think something closer to this than what we have would be the way to go. guaranteed it would almost eliminate returnees, and basically eliminate people coming out a more advanced criminal than before. but I guess that would be bad for business.
max weller of course if you DO ever go back, then you get upgraded to one of the hell holes....so that would deter people, and keep bums from coming back just to live for free or whatever reason. throwing all grades of criminals together is not only ineffective, it's counter productive. but I suppose they know that already.
@Anne Liesveld That's like saying a generously groomed and cared for pet with lots of toys that is trapped only within its owner's property has lost no freedom. The ability to travel and visit where you like is a freedom, heck, many of these guys aren't even allowed to play violent video games for the sake of insuring there is no interference in the rehabilitation process.
No reason to take their life if they havent killed many or done something horriffic, Anders Behring Breivik is already dead, the second he comes out of prison a sniper is there too shoot him
@@Bruh-jr2ep ehhh I think it's more telling that he made some wrong choices in his life that having a bedroom and a tv in prison is better than his situation
Obviously every country has some sort of drug trafficking but Norway doesn’t have a huge problem(+epidemics) like we do in the states. Please take a second to think idiot.
Fail Fail they don't have the return to prison ratio that USA does. That's because are system is broken as fuck in the states. All we do is send people to prison to become better criminals instead of better citizens.
Outside The Box I agree with you... this jail gives them something to live for once they get out. I saw a guy painting a beautiful painting, and a band playing music. These people have found who they truly are due to the time and peace they have at this facility.
This is a fucking joke, This guy is helping people ruin lives by getting them hooked on drugs and he get reward with puppies, ice cream and flowers. In the USA has a population over 300 million and next to Latin American and Caribbean countries Where are all the main hard drugs and gangs are made and get imported from and comparing to Norway population is about 5 million that is a lot less then the USA.
@@CaptainViral84 except their lives won't be ruined and no one will likely be hurt. The Nordic countries have measures like free medical services to ensure everyone is healthy and there are very little to zero homeless people. Also if it is cheaper and more efficient in terms of turn over rate to keep prisoners inside for shorter periods of time and actually treat them like human beings, then there is really no reason not to do it. Ps. Like the video said, this is a minimum security prison so no one who is in there did anything that bad.
@@CaptainViral84 yet the system works. No one is dying on the street, homeless or starving and everyone has access to sanitory living spaces if need be. Also the system taxes the wealthier people more and the less fortunate less.
Ok buddy no hate or anything but that’s the problem with a lot of people outside America they take things that are good about their country compare to America and make America look bad to make their country look good I guess AMERICA is the only country in the world to compare to
@@public_butter4741 america is not the only place that its better than but in american many people see themselves as the best country and it's a developed country with the most influence through both military and entertainment. We wouldn't compare Norway to india because india isnt a developed and was colonized until a few years ago. It's like here we think thing revolve around us, most are hardly taught about other place except mention of the uk and other through media
@@beastinout7291 we are the best country in the world. As one example we have the highest class flexibility so that if your poor its a lot easier to become rich than in other countries. Also we have freedom of speech which places like the UK don't. Not to mention the fact we can own guns so we can protect ourselves
When you treat people with compassion, you will have a person who is easily rehabilitated. The prison system here in America is a business...it's far more than just putting people away, it's much more than that...and for that reason alone, it will not want to change their plan.
Rehab is good for minor offenses or non-violent offenses as long as a murderer, rapist, pedo, or mass shooter isn’t being put in rehab I have no problem.
@@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 So you wish a dude who murdered a child got rehabed and goes on to become successful in life while the child he killed could’ve also become successful?
@@lockdown1776 Yes i do. I see no reason to put what potential that exists to waste. He killed a child sure, i’d fucking hate him. But why waste potential. He could be the one to discover the cure to cancer, or even the guy to discover how to stop STDs. But because he killed a child he shpuld be treated like he dosn’t matter. Potential wasted. He might have stopped a child from fufilling thier potential but that can’t be changed. Someone died and we can’t change that. But we can fix what problem exists and correct it to the best of our abillity
@@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 Yeah because he can definitely discover a cure for cancer. That’s a 1 out of like fucking 7 billion. That’s like swimming across the Atlantic because there’s a 1 out of 5.4 million chance that the plane will crash.
@SecretFredric That is true. Here you will find a lot of eastern eruopeans who will come to Norway on a tourist visa and sit on the street to ask for money.
Judge: You get 5 years in prison. Me: Can I get life sentence your honour. Judge: One more word out of your mouth, i'll reduce your sentence by four years. Me: .......
@@riseasthedawn-6250 What about mentally disturbed people. Will they be released or will they change to a mentally ill compound? What about people who are not mentally ill but will most probably do a severe crime soon, like a pedophile or just a psychopath. Psychopaths are not so rare, you find them over represented in prisons but also in management.
@Bryan Bradley pretty sure middle east is far more dangerous than Mexico. all the religion wars and etc. terrorism, kidnappings, murders etc. Mexico isnt even close to what the Middle East is going through
@@thematriarchy2075 I think you may have a point. Idk about patriarchy. I could say the mess that we find ourselves In in the country or at least what we see and we see things that aren't right. And the way prison is here is fucked up. But it's far deeper than that. I feel like the very foundation of the country is off. I mean its not perfect and uts probably better than how some other countries are by a Longshot but still.
Yea in America you have some very dumb people thinking it’s okay to be killed unarmed regardless of how small the crimes are. Conservative boomers are too blinded by hate that they are literally saying executions over 20 dollars are okay. Oh and god forbid they find anything in your system or now you deserved it more. Smh
@@johnwild8217 No, you're the one who's fooled because you believe the same old arguments that get repeated over and over and over in the US. And either way, whatever you do in the US, it simply CANNOT make anything worse as you already have the WORST results among the OECD countries. But in my experience US Americans don't even think of "CRIMINALS" as being human, they love to project every possible negative attribute onto them and therefore make a supposed distinction between themselves and the "criminals"...
@@Minecraftrok999 Guess I should have stated my opinion better. I believe prisons like that can't be formed within US because people would have forcefully commit crimes due to being desperate and seeing this as a version of an "upgrade" for their life due to it being better than the streets. In Norway people are taken care off even those unemployed and also a lot of solidarity towards each other. I think US doesnt have have that 😊
If a child misbehaves, what do you do? Explaining and teaching them why what they did was wrong and teaching them ways to cope, makes them react differently. This is a government raising it's citizens to be productive members of the community and not ostracizing them, making them believe the punishment does not fit the crime and that they are rotten to the core and good for nothing else. Proud to be Nordic.
The same old argument people give usually is that "these murderers do not deserve happiness and comfort, they deserve punishments". Problem with that notion is, the majority of prisoners aren't murderers/lifers. In the end, most will get out, and like it or not, prison will leave an impact. Treat em like animals, and you're going to have a fun time once they're released. Check out America's recidivism rate 2018 study by the department of corrections (or justice, can't remember). Of course we're not gonna be blind sighted and deny that there are some ruthless psychopaths out there as well, and that has to be dealt in a different manner.
Anjel - it’s amazing. i love the maximum security prison, in which essentially everyone gets their own cottage. i could definitely take a meditation break there, it’s set up in pretty much the same way that anyplace where you go to learn to meditate and understand Buddhism would be (except with better food, music, art, and socializing!)
@@izanagi711 are you delusional? Prison is supposed to be shit, when prisoners leave they will never want to be back in there, giving them this luxury is probably all they want and they will commit more crimes just to get back
People have to remember that most of these inmates have probably had a bad life, so showing them how good life can be helps them to not reoffend. They’ll leave here not wanting to go back to a horrible life or bad conditions and have higher expectations.
@@Rawan-kd9vq if that was true then the statistics would be worse for norway, but they are certainly by the most effective prisons in the world, learning instead of punishing of blind anger and rage
Lol if life was bad outside of prison, but great inside of prison, they probably don't see it as much of a consequence to have to go back. They still probably Skype their wives and children. I understand that it's not the same as seeing them in person, but they are more likely to commit risky behavior knowing it's not that bad in prison. Not to mention you just said they had bad lives previously. Their lives probably improve while in prison.
Tr Liiv prison is not supposed to be better than the free world, which in Norway, it isn’t. If you would implement this system in the us, it would be better than some peoples lives and then they would rather go to prison. The us needs to make their living standards much higher before this system could be implemented
@@jimothypersson8306 Yah but you have people in america going to jail for possession of weed. they end up not rehabilitated but hardened criminals at the end with no prospects
Corrections Officer: “It won’t work bc they don’t have all these problems.” You know why they don’t...bc their prison systems and other social programs help prevent that from happening in the first place. 🙃
In 2006, two prison guards in Sweden forgot to lock up for the night at Norrtäljeanstalten. What did the inmates do? They baked a cake, built blanket forts and watched a movie.
Maybe you when they commit another crime and they break into your house and they murder you or sell your kids drugs or rape your family members you’ll change your tune. you don’t reward bad behavior that’s damn simple.
Bastøy is a special minimum-security prison, not at all typical for Norwegian prisons. Prisoners that come here have nearly finished their sentences or come due to the not so serious nature of their crime. So after serving time at Bastøy they are going back to society and we feel that it is a good thing to give them a break at adapting to the outside world, rather than just releasing them from an ordinary prison.
Yeah but not really about the aspect that snubbbedpeer mentioned which is that this prison is mainly used for prisoners serving the later parts of their sentence
Michael Moore profiled another Norway prison and it had a murderer. Not saying you wrong but i emphasize their systems are unlike many nations. It can be assumed more humane in all their jails.
People will always make mistakes!! In every society! Just like a doctor can't mistreat a criminal, jailors can't do that here either. If they have been mis treated for years in prison, when they get out, they would be far more wild. That's why american criminals keep going back to their prisons. Give them a normal life in prison, they would be happy to get back to a normal life soon, when they leave prison.
The problem a lot of people don´t understand is, "criminals" are normal people too. They just made the wrong decisions. Thats why I think law should focus more on rehab instead of just punishing people.
@@YoungBlood507 Especially Sweden. Someone broke into a guys house. Instead of sentencing the thief which broke in. They sentenced the guy defending his own home from the thief for assault. 10/10 system.
But these people hardly did anything bad though.!!! I know drug dealers all over the US and you would never think they were. Why because they have mouths to feed on top of the job they have!!
You can’t really talk shit or be mad about how Norway handles their prison and rehabilitation systems, the reason the crime rate is so low is because how fair and well rounded the society and system is.
usually when people are told they're bad, treated badly, and told being treated badly is good for them, they'll keep thinking they're bad people. when you tell people, despite all that they've done, that they're capable of being good, they like to fit into the mold they're given. Prisons in Norway are not just coddling and giving luxury to criminals, but they're showing them that there IS a life outside of crime and being in prison. programs that train them for a better life gives them the tools to not only seek out a better life, but to also believe that they deserve a better life than what they've done. That's how we heal people.
@@tornadolover920: Nobody deserves anything. From nature, you must kill those who have in order to have. You can choose to live by those rules or you can choose to change them.
Indeed. There’s an underlying belief that all humans are capable of good and want to contribute to society but were either not taught properly or had a really bad start.
@@umiluv: It's not really a belief anymore. It's been proven that at a very early age, I think four or five, nearly all of us prefer moral behaviour. We learn to misbehave, but it's not always easy to know _how_ we learned it, since memories gets deleted over time. In either case, it's more beneficial to solve the problem than to focus on the revenge.
The problem isn't the prison system. The problem is the whole of society. The Norwegians are simply much less violent. The result is a better prison system. A prison system is the mirror of its society. The worst prisons are always in the worst societies.
Dezi Lue mock the American system all you want but by not punishing the rapists murderers and thieves in society they will continue to commit crimes unless they are truly punished. If they are treated like normal citizens like in Norway then they won’t even mind being arrested...
It's amazing that they offer painting and cooking classes so when they do get out they have something to turn to or even something to live off of. I wonder how many peoples careers they've changed
I also believe that many of the truly mentally ill inmates are not getting help in America and most of them has deep rooted issues whereas I do believe Norway have genuinely tried to help the prisoner. These prisons aren't just cages, they're rehabilitation centres. Prop to Norway
you are right we are fucked up and black people dont fit in our society like we dont fit into your society we are fucked up for you and you are fucked up for us it is not possible to state such thing in 3 lines.....
Deckard Cain I just explained that to a Norwegian. I don't think they understand, we might have to illegal immigrate to their country for a chance to start living.
Did you know, and this is true, that in Norway, it used to be a serious crime to not get drunk on beer at least four times every year? All your possessions would be taken away from you and you would be made an outlaw. I'm not joking; it was literally blasphemous. You also had to get drunk every time someone close died or was born. Actually, the modern word for when a women is close to given birth, is "barsel", which was originally «barnsøl», meaning «child's beer». Our beer laws was actually a significant reason why so many left for Iceland. But the point is, there's no beer in prison and for many of us, that's punishment enough. :)
@@jeschinstad I wish that applied in the UK too. Obviously it wouldn't work here because of our drinking culture but one can dream. There's too many drunken idiots in the UK
This country problem recently has definitely been THIS type of ego. If we could just not let our dicks talk instead of our heads, we'd still be respected
@UncreativeFun Psychopaths like this are everywhere not only in America, the only difference is americans are making from their psychopaths and serial killers some kind of celebrities.
@@matthewgraygublerswife9224 I wonder what language you'd be speaking if it wasn't for the US. German, Japanese, or Russian. The US's problems come from fighting every other nations wars for them. If we left NATO and the UN, we'd be far better off. While most other countries faught amongst themselves.
Most Norwegians accept that this system works in reducing crime, & that it leads to fewer victims in the long run. There are around 20 murders in the whole of Norway in an average year, & in twelve of those the victim was killed by a family member or someone well known to the victim. . There were 174 murders in Washington DC last year.
@@lockdown1776 No one is forcing them to forgive. Who said they were? Personally i would like to see the person who stoke my car a few years back given a life sentence breaking rocks or worse, let alone if someone hurt my family...but that's exactly why no justice system in a democracy lets the victim of crime choose the punishment.
@@lockdown1776 no one is being forced to forgive anything. They are simply just not seeing their government as a tool for personal revenge. I might wish to see the entrails of a person who wronged me strewn about like confetti so I can satisfy my urge for vengeance. And dance barefoot on their mangled corpse. But I want a government system that do not cater to mine, (or someone else's - who I might not agree with!) base desire on those issues, a society needs to be better than that.
"Treat people like dirt, and they will be dirt. Treat them like human beings, and they will act like human beings." - Tom Eberhardt, Governor of Norway’s famous Bastøy prison
He’s clearly never been to the U.S It would be naive of us to think a system like that could ever work in the U.S with our gang, population, and violence problem. Their country is a Fruit cake compared to America, Americans by nature are just more violent, I mean we enjoy football 🏈 and UFC, practically every American owns a gun and drinks beer on a daily occasion
@@AJxxxxxxxx I agree and disagree. At the moment, such a system would not work in America. But it could work if the country made serious reforms in the way it raises children.The Japanese are well-known for their good behaviour and ethics, and all you need to do is visit a Japanese school to know why that is. A person's youth is a defining period of his life and is very likely to impact the rest of his life. Also, you can still enjoy football and UFC and guns, and have a low crime rate - Finland is good example. In Finland, 1 out of every 10 people carry a firearm (in America it's 3 out of every 10), and yet their homicide rate is 5 times smaller than US.
Abhishek Mhatre Finland is also smaller in population and has less diversity Same thing with japan, I believe the reason japans youth is so well behaved is because of their culture but in America you have a diversity of cultures that don’t seam to always get along
@@AJxxxxxxxx Well, to play the devil's advocate, Singapore is a very diverse country but it's still very safe and peaceful. Now Singapore also has many restrictions on individual freedom, for example, every housing estate has to conform to certain racial quotas (like 70% Chinese, 15% Malay, 5% Indian, etc), this is intended to prevent ghettoisation, they also have something called the sedition act which criminalises making hateful comments, etc. In summary, you can have a peaceful and diverse country only if you have a "benevolent dictatorship" at the top.
Abhishek Mhatre 🤨 that was the oddest argument anyone’s ever mad to me, I’m at a loss of words, um 😐 ....... hmm I don’t know what to say about that 😹 um sucks for them..... I think 🤷♂️
My english is bad but...how incredibly stupid are you?!? Stop jokes, just stop it! It's a very important think! If this is not already the present for whole world it's because ignorant people like you. Your idiocracy stop the future and progress.
The biggest problem is that Norwegian banks not have cash. ( Some have in "big" cities) We use cards. If you need more than "$1000" - you need to come back.
@@gusto4106 He was basically calling Americans animals and the Norwegians civilized human beings. Really opens up a whole new understanding into the thinking of a corrections officer. smh
He means they don’t have the amount of drug problems we have. That guy was probably trafficking pot, some coke or ecstasy. They’re not talking about Narco trafficking tons of cocaine across the border or African American drug lords being a huge problem within their own community trafficking major drug deals. That’s what you have in American prisons. In Norway, you’re talking about a homogeneous society with the same work ethic, everybody looks the same, everybody believes the same, everybody contributes the same very different from the United States. This is why Norwegian and nordic countries socialism, would never work in the huge melting pot that is America
Clever comment for dumb people but yeah haha clearly there isn’t a correlation there 😂😂😂😂 Guy arrested for drug trafficking? They have a drug problem is what you’re sayin haha I hope you’re trolling otherwise you’re just a fucking dumbass I’m praying for the former
Muricans: do crime Murica: put them into a confined space with a lot of criminals where can learn do crime bettah. *Crime rate go up, recidivism rise* Murica: *surprised punitive system noise*
Just to put it out there: for all of you who think they are "rewarding" criminals, the point of going to prison in Norway is to be rehabilitated and to be able to be a fully working citizen again. If you are seriously unstable and a great danger to anyone, this is not the kind of prison you would be assigned to. Those people are being rehabilitated as well, just with other stricter conditions. Edit: typo.
Benji_Skywalker I never said that it is working in the US. My point is that prisons overall should reconsider their systems and how they’re affecting the prisoners. Both positively and negatively.
The fact that they have access to knives, but they don't kill each other, tells me that they really do think differently than American criminals. I think it works in Scandinavia, because their entire society is structured so differently. In America, extreme poverty and lack of access to basic healthcare leads to rampant mental illness and a mindset that you have to be a hardened criminal to get by in life. It's almost like it's a virtue. It's a cultural problem that is nurtured by the system surrounding it. It would never work here, unless we changed everything else as well. If we made everything else more like Scandinavia, then perhaps, eventually, this might make sense in the U.S. Part of me thinks that we are looking in that direction for inspiration though. We will probably be copying many of their programs in the years to come, thanks to Bernie Sanders drawing attention to it and igniting an interest in that way of living.
It's estimated that 85% of the inmates in Norway have a mental illness, most often a personality disorder. Of those 85% around 25% of them have ASPD (psychopathy). So I do not believe that this difference due to american inmates are more mentally ill then norwegian inmates. In halden prison there a serial killers, there are people have have chopped up and mutilated their friend, serial rapists, drug bosses and so on. I believe that the reason as to why they are not violent inside prison is because they are met with respect. Back in 1970-1990 there were alot of violence in norwegian prisons too and we had a 70% reoffender rate.that was when we focused on punishment inside prison instead of rehabilitation. now that we have started to focus on rehabilitation instead our reoffender rate is 20% and in one of our largest prisons there have been only 1 incident of inmate on inmate violence the last 5 years. so rehabilitation works better then punishment
@@black_forest_ it goes both ways... criminals in the US don't see other people as human too. That's part of the reason for the much higher level of violence. It is truly a cultural difference.
If you sit and think about it for a second, it's not really that hard to comprehend. Think of a prison as a parent. Your mind is shaped a lot by your parent to prepare you for entering society so you can be a functioning member of it. Bad parents often produce misbehaving children. When a child comes of age, this misconduct becomes the legal system's responsibility. This is where the prison has to meet their needs so they can set them straight, not just continue the neglect and abuse as a form of punishment. This'll just end up releasing the same people that was put in. Help them make themselves the best version they can be.
First it would be minimum security.. Second our convicted felons from the Nixon Administration and the like probably get this or better treatment anyway. I agree it is better than the average American, but when will our country ever accept the concept of trickle UP economy. Money given to the poor and middle class will eventually make it's way to the top, but improving the poor and middle class will have positive impacts on crime. Our problem is corporate and wealthy greed.
@b king What exactly is your point? That torturing criminals out of hatred is the best course of action? That sounds like a scumbag. If it's possible to legitimately rehabilitate a rapist into a positive piece in society, they should. Ignoramus.
Ok but imagine someone steals your car and gets sent to this place. To be honest with you I'm not too worried about "fixing" our criminals. It is a complete waste of taxpayer money, they don't deserve to be fixed. What they deserve is to do their time, get out, and go back to their life.
This is by far the cheapest option. In America, most people who “served their time” end up doing crime and end up in jail again. That is very expensive for society. That is a waste of taxpayers money. Also, most Americans identify as Christians. Jesus tells us to forgive anybody. Why shouldn’t we forgive criminals, if we know that treating them like actual human beings massively decreases their chance of hurting other people and increases their chance of becoming good, law abiding citizens. We should put humanity and logic over feelings and revenge.
@@JK-gu3tl America focuses on punishment Rehabilitation and its also it about business they have fill the jail cells that why there a lot non-violent offenders doing long time in jail
Keep in mind that this is a MINIMUM security prison. The US also has minimum security prisons, also known as Federal Prison Camps. These kind of prisons is more like college dorm than the typical prison shown in the media, there's no bars, no locked doors or windows, inmates are allowed to roam the compound, and unless they got work, they can usually just do whatever they want most of the time. Most of them even facilitate some hobbies, like they have tennis courts, art supplies, musical instruments, etc.
Do the victims of murderers get a second chance? And why should taxpayer money be used to REWARD criminals? When they are living BETTER than law abiding tax paying citizens, there is a problem.
But if you look numbers is more expensive to give someone a death sentence In the us than lifetime. For the victims its sad but for the society as a whole the europe version is better. You just put everyone in jail and it helps no one
Good King Moggle Mog XII Treating prisoners like animals isn't going to bring a murder victim back to life. At that point, you're advocating revenge, not justice.
prototype8813 the prison you saw in the vid was meant for prisoners who almost finished they’re sentences to get used to daily life again but the prisons they go to the original ones are still good
“This is my room, my closet-” Ok “This is my tv, my computer, my bed-” Ok... “This is my dryer, my washing machine-“ BRUH WHAT THE- Omg that’s way better than college life wth are they talking about.
Welcome to Western Europe dude. No fear of what happens when you drop your soap in the shower, because it's almost always seperated and locked shower cabins for each individual, and the rare prisons where showering is communal you'll notice that the people there actually act like people instead of animals. I spent a couple of weeks in prison while awaiting my arraignment, and although not as luxurious as Norway the Dutch prisons are still in the the top 5 of best and most luxurious prisons in the world. I had my own TV, radio, microwave, stocked fridge, and a PlayStation 3. I'm very glad that even though I was innocent (which they admitted during arraignment, after which I was released and got €1050 as compensation for the 2 weeks spent in prison), I spent my time in a Dutch prison, and not in a US or South American prison.
System 32 oh I’m sure it’s so much fun to be homeless in Norway, in all seriousness, I have a few friends who live in Norway So I’ll ask them when it’s not 4 in the morning
stolen shoob say that to the person he raped. Or the family of the one he murdered. Or the torturer’s victims. Or the people killed in a shooting. Prisons are punishment and rehabilitation. Not one or the other. Norway spends a whopping $129 222 (USD) per prisoner in 2018. To put that in perspective, thats more than what two people in the US make in a year combined. To push a system similar to Norway’s, the US will have to quadruple the prison budget, costing taxpayers almost 400 billion dollars a year. No prisoner deserves $120 000 each year to live better than much of the population. There are actually good citizens that would do so much better with that money instead
stolen shoob the us on average spends a little over 30k per prisoner. Some states spend more, some spending less. And if your going to talk about the military budget, you’ve got to know the reasoning. Not only is that money going towards making the worlds most dangerous and powerful military in the world, that money also goes into foreign aid. The us is allied with many many countries, most who rely on US for protection from a aggressor, like Vietnam who’s only defence from China in the South China Sea is the US. I have some great cost saving measures that could easily reduce military funding: Conscription. Volunteer based military’s are more expensive because no ones volunteering to an under equipped military. No more foreign aid. The us is to pull all of its troops and medical personnel out of foreign countries to save money. No more military arms research. We don’t need weapons obviously. Because the rest of the world is completely peaceful and not at all going to threaten the US or it’s allies.
stolen shoob yes I do. Do you know how much more involved the us is with foreign affairs. The us has military in 51 different countries outside of the US. On top of that it has a number of other allies, such as Taiwan, Iraq, Afghanistan. All of these are to prevent crime. These treaty’s not only help these countries in question, but also helps the US financially and as a global power. It beats being controlled by a totalitarian government like China.
@I AM EVERYWHERE doesn't mean the criminals are in any way different "more predatory", - the system dealing with them just doesn't work. So the system needs to be changed.
" they don't have predatory instincts" ? That's your excuse? This so called correctional officer knows that their system is a failure / disaster. But doesn't even consider adopting a different strategy. " criminals are bad here, we have to give them hell." That's his opinion about fellow human beings. Every criminal is a human being.
If you had been assaulted or raped by someone, i can almost guarantee that you would want them to feel the pain that you went through. Criminals shouldn't be able to have luxuries that some people outside of jail don't even have.
@@eals255 dude there's various types of criminals. e.g there's people that became drug dealers because they wanted to make a crap ton of money and live the big life, then there's the drug dealers, that became dealers because they had a criminal record and couldn't get a legit job, so they turned to a criminal lifestyle. You get the point. I agree with you tho, pedos shouldn't be spared, cuz you get a born a pedo, you don't become one. That just means that even if they felt true remorse for molesting a child, they can't stop themselves from wanting to do it again because their brains are wired that way.
"They don't have the predatory instinct..." Yeah, really should make you wonder about what in your culture that is wrong instead of blaming it on "predatory instinct". People are the same deep down everywhere you go.
Spacely Days "We punished a Nazi, who shot and killed over 74 children and teens, by using tax payers money to buy him shit that the tax payers themselves can't even afford." People like you can go fuck yourself.
But the statistics speaks for themselves. The Norwegian way obviously works! The point is to punish and at the same time rehabilitate inmates, so that they one day can go back into society and not back to prison. In America most criminals goes from freedom, to prison, to freedom, to prison, to freedom, to prison... there is no end. Why?
Spacely Days In America, they make money off the prisoners... it's a business, just like everything else here... yes, I agree something needs to change. What they are doing is not right.
The former North Dakota correctional officer has a clearly biased view simply because he has been subjected to only US prison systems. Therefore, I don't really see the purpose of his interview.
If you take somebody who resorts to crime out of desperation, give them time to rehabilitate mentally, develop skills and work on themselves you'll find somebody who has not been punished, but somebody who has been healed.
That's literally better than being homeless in america wtf.
Since when being homeless was a good thing even if comparing it to situations like being emprisonned ?
Oussama 1997bis he was saying Norway prison is better than being homeless in America. It does seem better. The heated floors will make such a big difference especially in the winter when the homeless sleep on sidewalks and be really really cold.
@@banshee1133 i know
Why does it have to be america? Homeless people in other countries cant do much
that's literally better than an average American lol
Criminal Records is just the most badass name for a recording studio ever
Alpesh Abhijt Chowdhury yea, they don't have the death penalty so I guess death row was out of the question
If by "badass" you mean the older sense of the term which is "mindless dumbass," then yes.
Auxiliary Infantry Genuinely just shut the fuck up.
The name fits😂😂
@@italianwaffle5592 Make me.
The judge in Norway: You're grounded for one year.
And the judge in America: We hereby take away your opportunity to be anything other than a life-long criminal.
@@jeschinstad And some judge in America: You're a murder? But you're also rich so here feel free to roam the street and cause as mush murderous intent as possible as long as you pay me.
I am from norway and the prison system works too well
@Bard Erland low recidivism
The results are everything and apparently it works.
“We punish them them by taking away their freedom, but we don’t take away their life”
Wow that quote made me very happy
max weller i could see this working for low level criminals. idk about THAT much luxury though, people in America would be commiting crimes just TO go to prison....
max weller but I agree the big problem in America is people who get caught up in the perpetual cycle, so to dehumanize them is never going to make them a better more prosperous member of society. save that for the real scum bags, but any victimless crime and lower level things, I think something closer to this than what we have would be the way to go. guaranteed it would almost eliminate returnees, and basically eliminate people coming out a more advanced criminal than before. but I guess that would be bad for business.
max weller of course if you DO ever go back, then you get upgraded to one of the hell holes....so that would deter people, and keep bums from coming back just to live for free or whatever reason. throwing all grades of criminals together is not only ineffective, it's counter productive. but I suppose they know that already.
@Anne Liesveld That's like saying a generously groomed and cared for pet with lots of toys that is trapped only within its owner's property has lost no freedom. The ability to travel and visit where you like is a freedom, heck, many of these guys aren't even allowed to play violent video games for the sake of insuring there is no interference in the rehabilitation process.
No reason to take their life if they havent killed many or done something horriffic, Anders Behring Breivik is already dead, the second he comes out of prison a sniper is there too shoot him
Prisoners in Norway have better living in prison compared to about 90% of the people living on Earth.
prisoners in Norway have better living in prisons compared to about 100% of the people living on earth
@@sahblake9007 just go to Norway and purposely do some type of crime to purposely go to jail. 😭🤣😂
@@chrisleung4155 you have to be from that country or they'll just kick you out
@@ird3625 apply for dual citizenship first! 👍😂
no not really i live in a fully modern house built in 2016
When you realize that prisoners in norway live better than you...
If so that's kinda sad
Not me
Same. Now excuse me, I'm going to Norway to sell drugs....
Well, maybe it tell something about the condition of your country. Someone has said that society can be judged by how it treats its criminals.
@@Bruh-jr2ep ehhh I think it's more telling that he made some wrong choices in his life that having a bedroom and a tv in prison is better than his situation
>”They don’t have the drug problems”
>First guy is literally in jail for drug trafficking
Every country has drugs, some more than other
I interpreted that as in the inmate dont do drugs😂
Lol every society has drugs numb nuts, their rates are much lower
Obviously every country has some sort of drug trafficking but Norway doesn’t have a huge problem(+epidemics) like we do in the states. Please take a second to think idiot.
@@Emma-nw2xg But that's a self-made epidemic that would be easy to get rid of if you had competent politicians.
"Take away their freedom but don't take away their life" enough said
Outside The Box disagree
Fail Fail they don't have the return to prison ratio that USA does. That's because are system is broken as fuck in the states. All we do is send people to prison to become better criminals instead of better citizens.
And take away your money
Outside The Box
I agree with you... this jail gives them something to live for once they get out. I saw a guy painting a beautiful painting, and a band playing music. These people have found who they truly are due to the time and peace they have at this facility.
jay dabs people like you are cancer
I lost it when I saw that their band is called "criminal records"
Damn Norway...
U know,because they've killed it
I just got that...
Well they don't have the death penalty so they cannot have death row records like in California.
Adult: “what do you want to become when you grow up?”
Child: “norwegian inmate”
Lol 😂
In USA we have a broken society and that's the fact. Even for a homeless person the Norway prison looks like a luxury place.
This is a fucking joke, This guy is helping people ruin lives by getting them hooked on drugs and he get reward with puppies, ice cream and flowers. In the USA has a population over 300 million and next to Latin American and Caribbean countries Where are all the main hard drugs and gangs are made and get imported from and comparing to Norway population is about 5 million that is a lot less then the USA.
Shut the fuck up with your "America bad"
@@CaptainViral84 except their lives won't be ruined and no one will likely be hurt. The Nordic countries have measures like free medical services to ensure everyone is healthy and there are very little to zero homeless people.
Also if it is cheaper and more efficient in terms of turn over rate to keep prisoners inside for shorter periods of time and actually treat them like human beings, then there is really no reason not to do it.
Ps. Like the video said, this is a minimum security prison so no one who is in there did anything that bad.
@@JT-ev8sd "free medical" is not free at all, It's paid through your taxes. Have you ever used free "free medical" be for?
@@CaptainViral84 yet the system works. No one is dying on the street, homeless or starving and everyone has access to sanitory living spaces if need be. Also the system taxes the wealthier people more and the less fortunate less.
As much as I enjoyed this video, my right ear did not.
Versaucey first reply
ahahhahahha same
No sound is coming from my TV at all!
Versaucey, the sound come from from left and no sound in right in my headphone
same here smh
These inmates live better than probably 50% of all American residents
Ok buddy no hate or anything but that’s the problem with a lot of people outside America they take things that are good about their country compare to America and make America look bad to make their country look good I guess AMERICA is the only country in the world to compare to
Norway is better than America
@@public_butter4741 america is not the only place that its better than but in american many people see themselves as the best country and it's a developed country with the most influence through both military and entertainment. We wouldn't compare Norway to india because india isnt a developed and was colonized until a few years ago. It's like here we think thing revolve around us, most are hardly taught about other place except mention of the uk and other through media
No because we have freedom and they don't
@@beastinout7291 we are the best country in the world. As one example we have the highest class flexibility so that if your poor its a lot easier to become rich than in other countries. Also we have freedom of speech which places like the UK don't. Not to mention the fact we can own guns so we can protect ourselves
This shit is better than my room
This shit is better then my life
Iron Guide Relatable.
shut up weeb
Im 18 year old and live in Norway and this prison dorm is better than my own room at home.
Hey guys were on vacation
First rob soneone and leave all the evidence
When you treat people with compassion, you will have a person who is easily rehabilitated. The prison system here in America is a business...it's far more than just putting people away, it's much more than that...and for that reason alone, it will not want to change their plan.
Rehab is good for minor offenses or non-violent offenses as long as a murderer, rapist, pedo, or mass shooter isn’t being put in rehab I have no problem.
@@lockdown1776 Yet in other countries the same people have come out as well and rehabillitated people.. soo what’s the problem?
@@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 So you wish a dude who murdered a child got rehabed and goes on to become successful in life while the child he killed could’ve also become successful?
@@lockdown1776 Yes i do. I see no reason to put what potential that exists to waste. He killed a child sure, i’d fucking hate him. But why waste potential. He could be the one to discover the cure to cancer, or even the guy to discover how to stop STDs. But because he killed a child he shpuld be treated like he dosn’t matter. Potential wasted. He might have stopped a child from fufilling thier potential but that can’t be changed. Someone died and we can’t change that. But we can fix what problem exists and correct it to the best of our abillity
@@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 Yeah because he can definitely discover a cure for cancer. That’s a 1 out of like fucking 7 billion. That’s like swimming across the Atlantic because there’s a 1 out of 5.4 million chance that the plane will crash.
If I were homeless, I guess i'm going to start drug trafficking.
Then break a few knees stabb a few people all good then
But no homeless people in Norway!
gandalfperkamentus bruh we have homeless people here what are you talking about
@@Fredrikbjerk yeah but like enough shelters etc for them
@SecretFredric That is true. Here you will find a lot of eastern eruopeans who will come to Norway on a tourist visa and sit on the street to ask for money.
Judge: You get 5 years in prison.
Me: Can I get life sentence your honour.
Judge: One more word out of your mouth, i'll reduce your sentence by four years.
Me: .......
This made laugh out loud
norway doesnt have. life sentence, the maximum sentence is around 23 years
@@riseasthedawn-6250 that’s the joke
@@riseasthedawn-6250 What about mentally disturbed people. Will they be released or will they change to a mentally ill compound?
What about people who are not mentally ill but will most probably do a severe crime soon, like a pedophile or just a psychopath. Psychopaths are not so rare, you find them over represented in prisons but also in management.
Highest sentence in Norway is 21 years. The only exceptions are Breivik and some Pedophiles.
"We punish them by taking away their freedom but we don't take away their lives." Scandinavia has a very mature way of dealing with their problems.
@Bryan Bradley he should've been given 50 years in prison.
@Bryan Bradley pretty sure middle east is far more dangerous than Mexico. all the religion wars and etc. terrorism, kidnappings, murders etc. Mexico isnt even close to what the Middle East is going through
I think you may have a point. Idk about patriarchy. I could say the mess that we find ourselves In in the country or at least what we see and we see things that aren't right. And the way prison is here is fucked up. But it's far deeper than that. I feel like the very foundation of the country is off. I mean its not perfect and uts probably better than how some other countries are by a Longshot but still.
It is supposed to also discourage crime though...
Yea in America you have some very dumb people thinking it’s okay to be killed unarmed regardless of how small the crimes are. Conservative boomers are too blinded by hate that they are literally saying executions over 20 dollars are okay. Oh and god forbid they find anything in your system or now you deserved it more. Smh
Isn't it ironic that when the prisons aren't a living hell the residivism rates are actually lower?
It’s almost like if you come out of prison WITHOUT PTSD , you might have a shot at rehabilitating people!
Dont be fooled man. This type of system wont work in US as said in the video. It would make things even worse.
@@johnwild8217 Nah, it won’t work because the United States didn’t have any money after their 600 billion dollar defense spending
No, you're the one who's fooled because you believe the same old arguments that get repeated over and over and over in the US.
And either way, whatever you do in the US, it simply CANNOT make anything worse as you already have the WORST results among the OECD countries.
But in my experience US Americans don't even think of "CRIMINALS" as being human, they love to project every possible negative attribute onto them and therefore make a supposed distinction between themselves and the "criminals"...
@@Minecraftrok999 Guess I should have stated my opinion better. I believe prisons like that can't be formed within US because people would have forcefully commit crimes due to being desperate and seeing this as a version of an "upgrade" for their life due to it being better than the streets. In Norway people are taken care off even those unemployed and also a lot of solidarity towards each other. I think US doesnt have have that 😊
If a child misbehaves, what do you do? Explaining and teaching them why what they did was wrong and teaching them ways to cope, makes them react differently.
This is a government raising it's citizens to be productive members of the community and not ostracizing them, making them believe the punishment does not fit the crime and that they are rotten to the core and good for nothing else.
Proud to be Nordic.
The same old argument people give usually is that "these murderers do not deserve happiness and comfort, they deserve punishments". Problem with that notion is, the majority of prisoners aren't murderers/lifers. In the end, most will get out, and like it or not, prison will leave an impact. Treat em like animals, and you're going to have a fun time once they're released. Check out America's recidivism rate 2018 study by the department of corrections (or justice, can't remember). Of course we're not gonna be blind sighted and deny that there are some ruthless psychopaths out there as well, and that has to be dealt in a different manner.
Anjel - it’s amazing. i love the maximum security prison, in which essentially everyone gets their own cottage. i could definitely take a meditation break there, it’s set up in pretty much the same way that anyplace where you go to learn to meditate and understand Buddhism would be (except with better food, music, art, and socializing!)
@@izanagi711 are you delusional? Prison is supposed to be shit, when prisoners leave they will never want to be back in there, giving them this luxury is probably all they want and they will commit more crimes just to get back
@@jordanlenihan4996 and that seems to be working out in the us?
People have to remember that most of these inmates have probably had a bad life, so showing them how good life can be helps them to not reoffend. They’ll leave here not wanting to go back to a horrible life or bad conditions and have higher expectations.
Which in some cases may make some desperate to have that luxury again and commit another crime.
@@Rawan-kd9vq not really, because this isn't nearly as good as what life is like in Norway outside of prison.
@@Rawan-kd9vq if that was true then the statistics would be worse for norway, but they are certainly by the most effective prisons in the world, learning instead of punishing of blind anger and rage
Lol if life was bad outside of prison, but great inside of prison, they probably don't see it as much of a consequence to have to go back. They still probably Skype their wives and children. I understand that it's not the same as seeing them in person, but they are more likely to commit risky behavior knowing it's not that bad in prison. Not to mention you just said they had bad lives previously. Their lives probably improve while in prison.
@@Rawan-kd9vq Shesh..
people in america saying this sort of thing wouldn't work, and then doubling down on a system that is getting worse and worse.
Our system is terrible, but this system of interest is still ridiculous. I doubt it would work on most hardened criminals
Tr Liiv prison is not supposed to be better than the free world, which in Norway, it isn’t. If you would implement this system in the us, it would be better than some peoples lives and then they would rather go to prison. The us needs to make their living standards much higher before this system could be implemented
@@jimothypersson8306 Yah but you have people in america going to jail for possession of weed. they end up not rehabilitated but hardened criminals at the end with no prospects
Tyler Brown this prison isn’t for hardened criminals, this is for relatively “smaller” crimes like stealing, drug dealing etc
Corrections Officer: “It won’t work bc they don’t have all these problems.”
You know why they don’t...bc their prison systems and other social programs help prevent that from happening in the first place. 🙃
He somehow thinks people in the US are just somehow completely different then the people in Norway, lmao.
@@HarroKitteh because they are. Completely different cultures and upbringings. You dont have a “Compton” or “Detroit” in Norway
@@oli.2844every country has it's shitholes
@@HarroKitteh I can't treat seriously something that use autistic lmao.
In 2006, two prison guards in Sweden forgot to lock up for the night at Norrtäljeanstalten.
What did the inmates do?
They baked a cake, built blanket forts and watched a movie.
@Ryle The Game Explorer Yup
i heard of that, lol, in USA all the inmates would run as far as possible. (im from Norway btw)
This is the cutest thing I've read
I don't see why you'd want to lock them after this.
"we punish them by taking away their freedom, not taking away their life." i like that alot
Yeah for a certain type of crime but if someone murders your whole family.I don't think you want them having a great time in prison.
PS4LIFE GAMER but you don't want them dead. At least we don't over in Europe
Maybe you when they commit another crime and they break into your house and they murder you or sell your kids drugs or rape your family members you’ll change your tune. you don’t reward bad behavior that’s damn simple.
I'm sure school shooters and the toolbox killers would have liked that too.
I think this is for less serious crimes not murder, rape, etc
Bastøy is a special minimum-security prison, not at all typical for Norwegian prisons. Prisoners that come here have nearly finished their sentences or come due to the not so serious nature of their crime. So after serving time at Bastøy they are going back to society and we feel that it is a good thing to give them a break at adapting to the outside world, rather than just releasing them from an ordinary prison.
The video should have explained this, it's a very important point.
The video did explain this. It was specifically stated that this is a minimum security facility.
Yeah but not really about the aspect that snubbbedpeer mentioned which is that this prison is mainly used for prisoners serving the later parts of their sentence
Similar concept to halfway houses
Michael Moore profiled another Norway prison and it had a murderer. Not saying you wrong but i emphasize their systems are unlike many nations. It can be assumed more humane in all their jails.
I work over 50 hours a week and this guy unironically has a better lifestyle than me in prison
Damn, I guess A$AP Rocky will be fine
@Hejsansvejsan Lingongren i doubt sweden is much worse then that
ASAP Rocky’s In Sweden dumbass 😂
Noe Perez 😂i hope that sweden will send him to usa prison. Why not?
He is is sweden
This is hige crime prison in norway and not a Lowe crime prison, by the way he is in Sweden
Even criminals are civilized in Norway
People will always make mistakes!! In every society!
Just like a doctor can't mistreat a criminal, jailors can't do that here either. If they have been mis treated for years in prison, when they get out, they would be far more wild. That's why american criminals keep going back to their prisons.
Give them a normal life in prison, they would be happy to get back to a normal life soon, when they leave prison.
The problem a lot of people don´t understand is, "criminals" are normal people too. They just made the wrong decisions. Thats why I think law should focus more on rehab instead of just punishing people.
@@sergeantsilly5239 Scandinavian countries are great at doing rehab and often advocate for that.
@@YoungBlood507 Especially Sweden. Someone broke into a guys house. Instead of sentencing the thief which broke in. They sentenced the guy defending his own home from the thief for assault. 10/10 system.
But these people hardly did anything bad though.!!! I know drug dealers all over the US and you would never think they were. Why because they have mouths to feed on top of the job they have!!
You can’t really talk shit or be mad about how Norway handles their prison and rehabilitation systems, the reason the crime rate is so low is because how fair and well rounded the society and system is.
well thats like saying Malta handles their prison and rehab system so well too.
They dont have diversity either so theres no culture clash
@@SS-ld8bg That is objectivley wrong. Around 20% of the population of Norway are of forgein descent or born abroad.
@@Me2goTi that's a shame.
i cant this is literally a 5 star hotel😭💀
what kind of 5 star hotels have you been to...
usually when people are told they're bad, treated badly, and told being treated badly is good for them, they'll keep thinking they're bad people. when you tell people, despite all that they've done, that they're capable of being good, they like to fit into the mold they're given. Prisons in Norway are not just coddling and giving luxury to criminals, but they're showing them that there IS a life outside of crime and being in prison. programs that train them for a better life gives them the tools to not only seek out a better life, but to also believe that they deserve a better life than what they've done. That's how we heal people.
Many times, you need to teach people to miss the things they never had.
they do not deserve to be healed.
@@tornadolover920: Nobody deserves anything. From nature, you must kill those who have in order to have. You can choose to live by those rules or you can choose to change them.
Indeed. There’s an underlying belief that all humans are capable of good and want to contribute to society but were either not taught properly or had a really bad start.
@@umiluv: It's not really a belief anymore. It's been proven that at a very early age, I think four or five, nearly all of us prefer moral behaviour. We learn to misbehave, but it's not always easy to know _how_ we learned it, since memories gets deleted over time. In either case, it's more beneficial to solve the problem than to focus on the revenge.
Ah yes. The decendants of the Vikings don't have a predatory instinct
Overtime they learnt what is life I guess.
@MR T ah I see you've been down the pub
yeah that CO was a piece of shit
The ferocious of the Vikings was more a cultural thing rather than genetic.Modern day Scandinavians have no need to be reaving and raping pirates.
@Shaman in the end, everyone did bad things to each other. Good night and come to Brazil
People can mock this if they want but it’s a fact that the Norwegian prison system works better than the American prison system.
Some people can't be saved. Some people are just inherently bad or some cases evil some could kill rape destroy murder without remorse or humanity
The problem isn't the prison system. The problem is the whole of society. The Norwegians are simply much less violent. The result is a better prison system.
A prison system is the mirror of its society. The worst prisons are always in the worst societies.
@@kla_sch3864 I agree calture plays a role
Dezi Lue mock the American system all you want but by not punishing the rapists murderers and thieves in society they will continue to commit crimes unless they are truly punished. If they are treated like normal citizens like in Norway then they won’t even mind being arrested...
aguarnes the American system creates more criminals than it rehabilitates. People go in for small crimes and come out bigger criminals.
It's amazing that they offer painting and cooking classes so when they do get out they have something to turn to or even something to live off of. I wonder how many peoples careers they've changed
I also believe that many of the truly mentally ill inmates are not getting help in America and most of them has deep rooted issues whereas I do believe Norway have genuinely tried to help the prisoner. These prisons aren't just cages, they're rehabilitation centres. Prop to Norway
Anon Anon thank you. Proud to be Norwegian when watching this :)
Anon Anon please men, cnn is bullshit
Anon Anon well said! Props to you too!
you are right
we are fucked up
and black people dont fit in our society
like we dont fit into your society
we are fucked up for you
and you are fucked up for us
it is not possible to state such thing in 3 lines.....
Nikolas Werner Nice job your just as bad a human being as co122 can you both please fucking off yourselves?
I'm actually jealous of that prison's living conditions...better than what I can afford working a full time job...
Deckard Cain Just gotta move to Norway and be a drug dealer once a year and get caught.
ELTV Or kill someone. You can get a second year in heaven for that.
Deckard Cain I just explained that to a Norwegian. I don't think they understand, we might have to illegal immigrate to their country for a chance to start living.
Onni Paananen No there's a different prison for that.
Nob1e Hunter Yes there is and it's Bastoy Prison. Check it out. It's even more loose. ☺
People watch this video
Norway:crime rate goes up 100000%
@@scorch2099 r/whoosh
Scorch r/woooosh
@@scorch2099 if, lets say ther is one crime a minute, then it goes up to 3 crimes a minute. that would be a 200% (or 300%, idk) increase in crime.
Scorch you’re wrong mate
@@scorch2099 Haha yes you can have above 100% increase
"Oh but they'll commit crimes to go back inside!"
Are y'all ignoring the statistics or something?
They don’t understand that the government I Norway give you all the means to get a good life, you will never live one the streets
British people: "Our prisons are more like holiday camps!!!"
Norwegians: "Hold my beer"
Did you know, and this is true, that in Norway, it used to be a serious crime to not get drunk on beer at least four times every year? All your possessions would be taken away from you and you would be made an outlaw. I'm not joking; it was literally blasphemous. You also had to get drunk every time someone close died or was born. Actually, the modern word for when a women is close to given birth, is "barsel", which was originally «barnsøl», meaning «child's beer». Our beer laws was actually a significant reason why so many left for Iceland. But the point is, there's no beer in prison and for many of us, that's punishment enough. :)
@@jeschinstad I wish that applied in the UK too. Obviously it wouldn't work here because of our drinking culture but one can dream. There's too many drunken idiots in the UK
It’s true! I’m chilling in a Norwegian prison rn jerking off to cp!
@@laddttt6808 wtf I legitimately thought that this comment was a troll
Jo-Erlend Schinstad 'Hold my beer which I can only do 4 times and year'
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Norwegian prisoner
Adrian ikr it’s like a vacation
I like your profile pic
Lmao their studio is called Criminal Records
Fox McFog hahaha! No pun intented for sure.
Thay have criminaly good songs too
Haha legends
Fox McFog LMAO
Fox McFog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When prison inmates are put in better living conditions than students: 🤨
In a weird way, to me, it kind of seems like he’s bragging about American prisons and the criminals America has.
Right... Like 'Well you don't understand. America's criminals are much more sophisticated then Norway's criminals.'
This country problem recently has definitely been THIS type of ego. If we could just not let our dicks talk instead of our heads, we'd still be respected
@UncreativeFun Psychopaths like this are everywhere not only in America, the only difference is americans are making from their psychopaths and serial killers some kind of celebrities.
UncreativeFun Well. We have ABB who killed 77 people, most of them between 14-20 in a few hours. Psykopaths are everywhere.
That’s just his humor, he has a very dry sarcastic way in this documentary. He’s like this the entire documentary. He knows their way is much better
I feel like prison in Norway is better than most American lifestyles these days lol
And people still think America is the greatest country
thicc bruv People in the US do
Whats with the hate to the USA?
@@matthewgraygublerswife9224 I wonder what language you'd be speaking if it wasn't for the US. German, Japanese, or Russian.
The US's problems come from fighting every other nations wars for them. If we left NATO and the UN, we'd be far better off. While most other countries faught amongst themselves.
@@matthewgraygublerswife9224 so are you generalizing the USA beacuse of trump? Never heard of not all people are the same?
I can see inmates being rehabilitated here. It's what prisons are supposed to be for non-murder/rapey prisoners.
The Emperor agrees
Why not rapist or murderers?
Let the rapists in there cuz most of them were probably falsely accused by a feminist
Murderers and rapists should also be rehabilitated because punitive justice has been proven to not work
Imagine the look on the victim's family when they discover that their son's killer gets to live the good life in jail
Most Norwegians accept that this system works in reducing crime, & that it leads to fewer victims in the long run. There are around 20 murders in the whole of Norway in an average year, & in twelve of those the victim was killed by a family member or someone well known to the victim. . There were 174 murders in Washington DC last year.
@@zivkovicable That doesn’t mean families should be forced against their will to forgive a murderer.
@@lockdown1776 No one is forcing them to forgive. Who said they were? Personally i would like to see the person who stoke my car a few years back given a life sentence breaking rocks or worse, let alone if someone hurt my family...but that's exactly why no justice system in a democracy lets the victim of crime choose the punishment.
@@lockdown1776 no one is being forced to forgive anything. They are simply just not seeing their government as a tool for personal revenge.
I might wish to see the entrails of a person who wronged me strewn about like confetti so I can satisfy my urge for vengeance. And dance barefoot on their mangled corpse.
But I want a government system that do not cater to mine, (or someone else's - who I might not agree with!) base desire on those issues, a society needs to be better than that.
So it's better to do nothing for the victim now?
"Treat people like dirt, and they will be dirt. Treat them like human beings, and they will act like human beings."
- Tom Eberhardt, Governor of Norway’s famous Bastøy prison
He’s clearly never been to the U.S
It would be naive of us to think a system like that could ever work in the U.S with our gang, population, and violence problem. Their country is a Fruit cake compared to America, Americans by nature are just more violent, I mean we enjoy football 🏈 and UFC, practically every American owns a gun and drinks beer on a daily occasion
@@AJxxxxxxxx I agree and disagree. At the moment, such a system would not work in America. But it could work if the country made serious reforms in the way it raises children.The Japanese are well-known for their good behaviour and ethics, and all you need to do is visit a Japanese school to know why that is. A person's youth is a defining period of his life and is very likely to impact the rest of his life.
Also, you can still enjoy football and UFC and guns, and have a low crime rate - Finland is good example. In Finland, 1 out of every 10 people carry a firearm (in America it's 3 out of every 10), and yet their homicide rate is 5 times smaller than US.
Abhishek Mhatre Finland is also smaller in population and has less diversity Same thing with japan, I believe the reason japans youth is so well behaved is because of their culture but in America you have a diversity of cultures that don’t seam to always get along
@@AJxxxxxxxx Well, to play the devil's advocate, Singapore is a very diverse country but it's still very safe and peaceful. Now Singapore also has many restrictions on individual freedom, for example, every housing estate has to conform to certain racial quotas (like 70% Chinese, 15% Malay, 5% Indian, etc), this is intended to prevent ghettoisation, they also have something called the sedition act which criminalises making hateful comments, etc. In summary, you can have a peaceful and diverse country only if you have a "benevolent dictatorship" at the top.
Abhishek Mhatre
🤨 that was the oddest argument anyone’s ever mad to me, I’m at a loss of words, um 😐 ....... hmm I don’t know what to say about that 😹 um sucks for them..... I think 🤷♂️
My left ear....
Ikr, noone even mentioned it xD
What? Anything wrong with it? My headset is broken, so i only get sound in the right
just listen in mono
lmao same as mine thought my headphone broke..
Jack Pizziferro + oh my gosh...me too
who wants to rob a bank with me in Scandinavia?
Book me homie
Lmfao watch them deport your ass tho
Ya gonna get sent to Ass hair County jail in Arkansas U.S instead LMAO
My english is bad but...how incredibly stupid are you?!? Stop jokes, just stop it! It's a very important think! If this is not already the present for whole world it's because ignorant people like you. Your idiocracy stop the future and progress.
The biggest problem is that Norwegian banks not have cash. ( Some have in "big" cities) We use cards. If you need more than "$1000" - you need to come back.
"Of course I'm still in prison" he casually states behind his drum kit
"They don't have the predatory instinct..."
Those people are descended from freaking _vikings._
Lmfao true
That corrections officer in the US was talking pseudo-science straight out of his ass. Shoot, that verges on race realism junk.
Vikings were not like in the movies...
He was referring to race. Maybe I’m wrong. What predatory instincts???
@@gusto4106 He was basically calling Americans animals and the Norwegians civilized human beings. Really opens up a whole new understanding into the thinking of a corrections officer. smh
I don’t even have heated floors
Most people don't
Might also have to do with that it can get really fucking cold in Norway
Yeah same
Norway does it because it works. That was only a minimum security prison for smaller crimes, but there’s a reason their recidivism rates are so low.
Every prisoner get evaluated, there are murderers in these prisons.
lol canada released a guy who beheaded someone on a greyhound bus !
Drug trafficking gets you the death penalty in many countries.
If you Google Halden Fengsel that is a maximum securety prison
Ben McInnes. The first prision is a minimum security (Bastoy prision) but the other with a music studio etc etc is a maximum prision (Halden Prision)
Then 2020 happens and the whole world is in their own norway prison
Prison Guard: Alright your sentence ends tomorrow can’t wait to be free huh?
Me: Nani?
Noooo send me back, I don't want to live on the streets again
*Guy arrested for drug traficking in Norway*
Corrections Officer : They dont have drug problems
He means they don’t have the amount of drug problems we have. That guy was probably trafficking pot, some coke or ecstasy. They’re not talking about Narco trafficking tons of cocaine across the border or African American drug lords being a huge problem within their own community trafficking major drug deals. That’s what you have in American prisons. In Norway, you’re talking about a homogeneous society with the same work ethic, everybody looks the same, everybody believes the same, everybody contributes the same very different from the United States.
This is why Norwegian and nordic countries socialism, would never work in the huge melting pot that is America
Clever comment for dumb people but yeah haha clearly there isn’t a correlation there 😂😂😂😂
Guy arrested for drug trafficking? They have a drug problem is what you’re sayin haha
I hope you’re trolling otherwise you’re just a fucking dumbass I’m praying for the former
James Bon do you know what a drug lord is? Name one African American drug lord
Richie Right frank lucas, the real rick ross, big meech, rayful edmond & more
I go, nothing to worry about, we either get rich or go to holiday camp
1:54 lmaooo that officer on the keys lovin his job rn
What is there to lose by trying this in the US? Our prison systems do not work so we literally have nothing to lose.
Muricans: do crime
Murica: put them into a confined space with a lot of criminals where can learn do crime bettah.
*Crime rate go up, recidivism rise*
Murica: *surprised punitive system noise*
Ur not funny
Stop punitive forced labor and private prisons. Crime rates will drop dramatically in 10 years.
Who tf uses murica
"Murica" do you really think you're funny? Most cancerous comment I've seen all day
prizvolix lol funny
“We take away their freedom, but we don’t take away their life” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Neck ass
Meanwhile a lot of people are free but they have no life.
@@wandaedwards4153 what the fu
@@Kevin-jc1fx yeah... America sucks man.
Just to put it out there: for all of you who think they are "rewarding" criminals, the point of going to prison in Norway is to be rehabilitated and to be able to be a fully working citizen again. If you are seriously unstable and a great danger to anyone, this is not the kind of prison you would be assigned to. Those people are being rehabilitated as well, just with other stricter conditions.
Edit: typo.
Nora Skogly Sæthre but its not working in the us, thats the problem. ITS NOT WORKING
Benji_Skywalker I never said that it is working in the US. My point is that prisons overall should reconsider their systems and how they’re affecting the prisoners. Both positively and negatively.
Benji_Skywalker nah durr prison isn't working here in the US this system isn't being implemented.
Our government might consider it if they had the money.
well, the US dose spend like $598 billion on its defence budget alone, so I'm pretty dam sure they indeed do have the money lol
That's weird that comparing a minimum security prison in Norway to a maximum security prison in North Dakota.
who knew that treating people like people make them more normal
Ruben Hayk Let me rephrase that, who knew treating people normally will make them normal
good ,that sounds much less retarded.
When your homeless but won a free ticket to Norway
Me:I'mma end my whole career
you don't need to be a criminal to get a home in norway though. it's a welfare state.
@@moretrash4you F
The fact that they have access to knives, but they don't kill each other, tells me that they really do think differently than American criminals.
I think it works in Scandinavia, because their entire society is structured so differently. In America, extreme poverty and lack of access to basic healthcare leads to rampant mental illness and a mindset that you have to be a hardened criminal to get by in life. It's almost like it's a virtue. It's a cultural problem that is nurtured by the system surrounding it. It would never work here, unless we changed everything else as well. If we made everything else more like Scandinavia, then perhaps, eventually, this might make sense in the U.S. Part of me thinks that we are looking in that direction for inspiration though. We will probably be copying many of their programs in the years to come, thanks to Bernie Sanders drawing attention to it and igniting an interest in that way of living.
Soleilune Those knives were on a Chain....watch the video.
@@frankesposito2182 So? The point is that they have access to it. Do you think sharp metal knives would be allowed in minimum US prisons? No.
Let's not forget immigration changing the mentality to not so ideal
It's estimated that 85% of the inmates in Norway have a mental illness, most often a personality disorder. Of those 85% around 25% of them have ASPD (psychopathy). So I do not believe that this difference due to american inmates are more mentally ill then norwegian inmates. In halden prison there a serial killers, there are people have have chopped up and mutilated their friend, serial rapists, drug bosses and so on. I believe that the reason as to why they are not violent inside prison is because they are met with respect. Back in 1970-1990 there were alot of violence in norwegian prisons too and we had a 70% reoffender rate.that was when we focused on punishment inside prison instead of rehabilitation. now that we have started to focus on rehabilitation instead our reoffender rate is 20% and in one of our largest prisons there have been only 1 incident of inmate on inmate violence the last 5 years. so rehabilitation works better then punishment
@@black_forest_ it goes both ways... criminals in the US don't see other people as human too. That's part of the reason for the much higher level of violence. It is truly a cultural difference.
If you sit and think about it for a second, it's not really that hard to comprehend.
Think of a prison as a parent. Your mind is shaped a lot by your parent to prepare you for entering society so you can be a functioning member of it.
Bad parents often produce misbehaving children. When a child comes of age, this misconduct becomes the legal system's responsibility.
This is where the prison has to meet their needs so they can set them straight, not just continue the neglect and abuse as a form of punishment.
This'll just end up releasing the same people that was put in. Help them make themselves the best version they can be.
studies show that punitive parents produces the worst kids. so it'sno brainer that punitive prisons produce the worst criminals.
Guy: The new data won't be available until 2020 or later.
Me In 2020: *Hm....Its about that time.* 🙂
Everybody's too busy containing sars-cov2
More on that later
I agree with the auburn system
My left ear loved this
Good, I thought my headphones were toast.
@@bradnotbread me too lol
Lmao I thought something was wrong with my headphones
Holy shit I thought the video was so quiet
When people in jail have a better life than the average American...
First it would be minimum security.. Second our convicted felons from the Nixon Administration and the like probably get this or better treatment anyway. I agree it is better than the average American, but when will our country ever accept the concept of trickle UP economy. Money given to the poor and middle class will eventually make it's way to the top, but improving the poor and middle class will have positive impacts on crime. Our problem is corporate and wealthy greed.
Better than homeless Americans.
@b king Yet the majority of criminals don't end up back there. I can tell you know nothing about psychology.
@b king What exactly is your point? That torturing criminals out of hatred is the best course of action? That sounds like a scumbag. If it's possible to legitimately rehabilitate a rapist into a positive piece in society, they should. Ignoramus.
@b king I disagree.
I hope this is for people with non violent crimes. A rapist or murderer does not deserve this vacation treatment.
Am I the only canadian who's thinking about becoming a Norwegian citizen and lowkey get into prison?
That's not gonna happen.
Floral if your not Norwegian your gonna get kicked out
Don’t do it please ! Don’t ruin my country
I’m Canadian, but I disagree I wanna see my children
And the funny things is, that Norway’s Rehabilitation-stats are way better than the American ones.
Ok but imagine someone steals your car and gets sent to this place. To be honest with you I'm not too worried about "fixing" our criminals. It is a complete waste of taxpayer money, they don't deserve to be fixed. What they deserve is to do their time, get out, and go back to their life.
This is by far the cheapest option. In America, most people who “served their time” end up doing crime and end up in jail again. That is very expensive for society. That is a waste of taxpayers money. Also, most Americans identify as Christians. Jesus tells us to forgive anybody. Why shouldn’t we forgive criminals, if we know that treating them like actual human beings massively decreases their chance of hurting other people and increases their chance of becoming good, law abiding citizens. We should put humanity and logic over feelings and revenge.
a remote island solves all problems. Habitual criminals can form their own society, grow their own food, etc.
The repeat crime b/c of drug addiction or having no skills for a real job. Also, I imagine the teen birth rate is higher in America than Norway.
@@JK-gu3tl America focuses on punishment Rehabilitation and its also it about business they have fill the jail cells that why there a lot non-violent offenders doing long time in jail
Keep in mind that this is a MINIMUM security prison. The US also has minimum security prisons, also known as Federal Prison Camps. These kind of prisons is more like college dorm than the typical prison shown in the media, there's no bars, no locked doors or windows, inmates are allowed to roam the compound, and unless they got work, they can usually just do whatever they want most of the time. Most of them even facilitate some hobbies, like they have tennis courts, art supplies, musical instruments, etc.
For the collective its better because its cheaper to give people a second chance and a way to get back into society
Not Tom Cruise tell that to Satan and when he bites the hand that feeds him is it really a surprise.
o t wth?
Do the victims of murderers get a second chance? And why should taxpayer money be used to REWARD criminals? When they are living BETTER than law abiding tax paying citizens, there is a problem.
But if you look numbers is more expensive to give someone a death sentence In the us than lifetime. For the victims its sad but for the society as a whole the europe version is better. You just put everyone in jail and it helps no one
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Treating prisoners like animals isn't going to bring a murder victim back to life. At that point, you're advocating revenge, not justice.
Norway is 500 years ahead of the rest
Chiesel This is not like this in reality. Only 50-100 prisoners get to live like this. There is an island in Finland too where only prisoners live.
A wu tang fan I see!
prototype8813 the prison you saw in the vid was meant for prisoners who almost finished they’re sentences to get used to daily life again but the prisons they go to the original ones are still good
Yes they are still very good but not close to this level.
“This is my room, my closet-”
“This is my tv, my computer, my bed-”
“This is my dryer, my washing machine-“
Omg that’s way better than college life wth are they talking about.
It apparently works xD
@@polmenakos and they dont punish people as hard, so their budget pr inmate can be much higher
@@polmenakos Not try'na discuss i agree with you.
I just pointed another reason out.
El Mutilator it works when the 1% of the country doesn’t hold the 40% of money dumbass
Welcome to Western Europe dude. No fear of what happens when you drop your soap in the shower, because it's almost always seperated and locked shower cabins for each individual, and the rare prisons where showering is communal you'll notice that the people there actually act like people instead of animals. I spent a couple of weeks in prison while awaiting my arraignment, and although not as luxurious as Norway the Dutch prisons are still in the the top 5 of best and most luxurious prisons in the world. I had my own TV, radio, microwave, stocked fridge, and a PlayStation 3. I'm very glad that even though I was innocent (which they admitted during arraignment, after which I was released and got €1050 as compensation for the 2 weeks spent in prison), I spent my time in a Dutch prison, and not in a US or South American prison.
it's also important to note that this is not for the worst offenders; it's something that inmates work towards
Lmao if America's prison looks like this, imagine the crime rate. People would commit crime just to live a better life.
every homeless guy would instantly start selling drugs or something just so they could get in that prison lol
You say that but Norway has homeless people and it’s not a problem there
People already do commit crimes here in America just so they'd have some place to stay with daily meals.
@@jckk672 idk what it is like to be homeless in Norway but in America you are treated like trash and your life is horrible if you are homeless
System 32 oh I’m sure it’s so much fun to be homeless in Norway, in all seriousness, I have a few friends who live in Norway So I’ll ask them when it’s not 4 in the morning
Note to self :::
Move To Norway
Break The Law
Go to Prison
Live High On The Hog 👍🏽😎
Milspecmachine so hows Norway treating you now?
This is for citizen.
you would get deported
have a good time getting the citizenship lol
“Criminal Records”
-cool name for a band 👍🏼
That would be a better name for a recording label.
2:50 don't have predatorial instincts...
Viking: hold my battle axe
As a Norwegian my self i love watching these videos. And their reactions are priceless. Its like they havent heard about human right before
ProHognes_jr you lose your human rights the second you harm another’s
stolen shoob say that to the person he raped. Or the family of the one he murdered. Or the torturer’s victims. Or the people killed in a shooting. Prisons are punishment and rehabilitation. Not one or the other.
Norway spends a whopping $129 222 (USD) per prisoner in 2018. To put that in perspective, thats more than what two people in the US make in a year combined. To push a system similar to Norway’s, the US will have to quadruple the prison budget, costing taxpayers almost 400 billion dollars a year. No prisoner deserves $120 000 each year to live better than much of the population. There are actually good citizens that would do so much better with that money instead
stolen shoob the us on average spends a little over 30k per prisoner. Some states spend more, some spending less.
And if your going to talk about the military budget, you’ve got to know the reasoning. Not only is that money going towards making the worlds most dangerous and powerful military in the world, that money also goes into foreign aid. The us is allied with many many countries, most who rely on US for protection from a aggressor, like Vietnam who’s only defence from China in the South China Sea is the US.
I have some great cost saving measures that could easily reduce military funding:
Conscription. Volunteer based military’s are more expensive because no ones volunteering to an under equipped military.
No more foreign aid. The us is to pull all of its troops and medical personnel out of foreign countries to save money.
No more military arms research. We don’t need weapons obviously. Because the rest of the world is completely peaceful and not at all going to threaten the US or it’s allies.
stolen shoob yes I do. Do you know how much more involved the us is with foreign affairs. The us has military in 51 different countries outside of the US. On top of that it has a number of other allies, such as Taiwan, Iraq, Afghanistan.
All of these are to prevent crime. These treaty’s not only help these countries in question, but also helps the US financially and as a global power. It beats being controlled by a totalitarian government like China.
Zach B Norway isn’t the US
I am moving to Norway. Not to work and live but to go to prison. Their appartment is better than mine and free
Bonito no plz! Don’t ruin my country
Bop, deported
Yeah no thanks, I'd rather have a million more Syrian refugees than a couple thousand American migrants.
@@rollog1248 hhahahaha for real bro
Not allowed, you will get deported back
Ok, it's time to get arrested in Norway.
Just wait, it will become boring, at least more boring than your current life, even though that's hard to beat :P
Non citizens are deported.
You'd be deported. Lol
No plz don’t ruin my country
Mobile Cyclop lucky
"they don't have the predatory instincts that the criminals here have"
This honesty sounds a wee bit racist to me.
@I AM EVERYWHERE doesn't mean the criminals are in any way different "more predatory", - the system dealing with them just doesn't work. So the system needs to be changed.
" they don't have predatory instincts" ? That's your excuse?
This so called correctional officer knows that their system is a failure / disaster. But doesn't even consider adopting a different strategy. " criminals are bad here, we have to give them hell." That's his opinion about fellow human beings.
Every criminal is a human being.
drY B who committed a crime
If you had been assaulted or raped by someone, i can almost guarantee that you would want them to feel the pain that you went through. Criminals shouldn't be able to have luxuries that some people outside of jail don't even have.
he might have a point about their way of thinking being different though.
See I feel there some inbetween here because in America jail if u gave someone a kitchen knife they gonna cut u lol
@@eals255 dude there's various types of criminals. e.g there's people that became drug dealers because they wanted to make a crap ton of money and live the big life, then there's the drug dealers, that became dealers because they had a criminal record and couldn't get a legit job, so they turned to a criminal lifestyle. You get the point. I agree with you tho, pedos shouldn't be spared, cuz you get a born a pedo, you don't become one. That just means that even if they felt true remorse for molesting a child, they can't stop themselves from wanting to do it again because their brains are wired that way.
Well, I guess you can drop the soap if you want to
The Unknown Fish The guy has his own personal shower. Not all prisoners are rapists and that's only a stereotype for the U.S.
@@IronLungs01 Not only in the U. S. Rape is rampant in prisons all over the world (except the Norwegian ones, of course).
@@iloveutubesince3207 rape in prisons is a myth
@@davidcotiga9439 you're an idiot
@@davidcotiga9439 rape in prison is not a myth dumb ass
"They don't have the predatory instinct..."
Yeah, really should make you wonder about what in your culture that is wrong instead of blaming it on "predatory instinct".
People are the same deep down everywhere you go.
People just don't want to accept that our system is full of problems. We should start with addressing legalized slavery through incarceration.
Its not gonna work the population difference is insane and the culture.
@@seemenowly the "culture issue" is how American politicians view crime. Nobody is talking about reforming serial killers, rapist, etc.
Yeesh. It's cultural weakness bred from genetic weakness.
Would you still say that for a peadophile?
Imagine getting arrested and given your own episode on Cribs
God damn security guard was jamming with the inmates 😂
wow I never thought I would say this...
but uhhh...
where can I sign me up for prison.
Lmao u fine
60 days in would take u in.
Sexy ass
2:04 "we punish them by taking away their freedom, but we don't take their life." AMERICA, TAKE NOTES!!!!
What kind of punishment is getting all your needs meet for free. A life Better than most hard working Americans live.
Spacely Days "We punished a Nazi, who shot and killed over 74 children and teens, by using tax payers money to buy him shit that the tax payers themselves can't even afford."
People like you can go fuck yourself.
But the statistics speaks for themselves. The Norwegian way obviously works! The point is to punish and at the same time rehabilitate inmates, so that they one day can go back into society and not back to prison. In America most criminals goes from freedom, to prison, to freedom, to prison, to freedom, to prison... there is no end. Why?
Spacely Days In America, they make money off the prisoners... it's a business, just like everything else here... yes, I agree something needs to change. What they are doing is not right.
Amerikkka will never budge. Criminals=money
what can I do to go there? I need vacations - I am tired of working, cooking, cleaning, etc
The former North Dakota correctional officer has a clearly biased view simply because he has been subjected to only US prison systems. Therefore, I don't really see the purpose of his interview.
Play stupid games; win stupid prizes
Urban Odyssey didn't you know everything is better in the states except prison its worst
Because he lived it. I wouldn't want his job ever.
but do you have any experience in prison systems? no you don't so why would anyone recognize your opinion as valid?
sir jordan well it’s because it’s there opinion. Everyone has a right to state their opinions. You can take it or leave it.
If you take somebody who resorts to crime out of desperation, give them time to rehabilitate mentally, develop skills and work on themselves you'll find somebody who has not been punished, but somebody who has been healed.
You are essential giving them a second chance at life.
If someone killed my child I would rest until they die, I don't care what there reason was or what mental problem they have
@@Lucas_70 Actually one with mental problems are actually not gonna hurt another there's been studies done they'll hurt their self first.
I didn’t know SA was just done out of desperation. I feel bad for my assailant now. Thanks for telling me this.
That’s a better life than most college students in America.
And college is expensive! Meanwhile, these prisoners are living a luxurious lifestyle for FREE!
@highcitadel 1021 God, I love this country! 😍
*sigh* 😞
@Ameer Why do you think there's low crime in Norway, then? They're not just lowlifes.
@Ameer That's right! Also, why can't the U.S be like Norway in terms of crimes? Apart from having too much people?
@@Mii.2.0 You answered your own question
So...if drug trafficking works you make easy money,if something goes wrong you'll finish in a place like this. It's a win-win situation...
"They dont have the predative instincts we have here in the us" we were vikings gotdamnit
lol until you guys became snowflakes along with most of western and northern europe
Yeah and look at you now
The “we were Vikings” part made me chuckle
Sanderbot66 the Vikings died or left and the only ones left were slaves
My school's detention is way worse than Norway's prison.