Man, The Callisto Protocol's environments are not very interactive. It's pretty to look at, but it's missing the "little things". It reminds me of The Order 1886.
@@mavvynne444 Realistic physics, weathering on Isaac’s suit, breakable and non-fixed light sources, shadow’s casted accurately, small objects on tables can be tampered with and have their own physics, etc. the small details like that.
The Callisto Protocol’s lighting is a bit over done. light sources’s intensity is a bit too strong which make the light seem it was casted all over the place insted of focus in a particular area
@@ryanblanchard2508 you enjoyed fighting the same 3 enemy types and fighting them all the same way for 8 hours? Kudos to you my friend. For me, it was an immense disappointment, Dead Space is just leagues ahead
@@albertb.7147 uff imagina una sala inundada y que de un momento a otro se desactive la gravedad artificial, veríamos todas las partículas de agua elevadas, flotando mientras hacian difícil ver a nuestro alrededor, hubiese estado muy cool.
Una de cal y otra de arena. Los modelados de TCP son mejores, y las animaciones me parecen más naturales. Pero DS creo que gana en todo lo demás, tiene mucho más detalle, es más barroco y detallado, y SOBRE TODO, la iluminación es muchísimo más compleja, interactiva y dinamica. Y las físicas de DS me recuerdan a las que tenían los juegos hace 10 o 15 años, en el buen sentido. Si, esas físicas que ya hemos olvidado. Es placentero volver a ver ese nivel de interacción con el escenario en un juego.
"es mas barroco" esa era la frase que buscaba y es que verdaderamente representa perfectamente lo que dead space quiere lograr con su direccion de arte.
No pude haberlo dicho mejor, además Callisto siempre tiene una imagen "borrosa" o como que tiene mucha niebla, la oscuridad en vez de verse "negra" se ve "gris", en cambio en Dead Space hay oscuridad absoluta y sombras muy definidas, sumado a las bonitas iluminaciones y reflejos que tiene, es mucho mas atractivo de ver.
Me impresiona que a pesar de que se pueda ver algo mejor Calisto, aún así dead space estéticamente gana por mucho, el nivel artístico destaca por sobre lo técnico a mi parecer. Y la iluminación del dead space está de locos con el remake 🔥
En general veo mejor Dead Space en caso todo. Callisto parece tener algunas mejores texturas y mejores reflejos, pero por lo demás veo a Dead Space muy por encima. En cuanto a físicas no vale la pena ni comparar, las físicas en The Callisto Protocol dan pena en lo que a objetos del entorno se refiere.
@@lufego87 Si tan solo con Calisto hubieran invertido más en gameplay que en marketing y gráficos, la historia habría sido distinta o al menos eso me da a entender cuando veo noticias del presupuesto que tenía este juego.
@@falapareturns0698 se invirtió mucho en que se viera espectacular aparentemente descuidando otros apartados, o eso parece según lo que he podido ver (de momento no lo he jugado, luego compraré ambos juegos).
A mi lo que me sorprende es que a pesar de ser intergeneracional Callisto Protocol-(al menos es lo visual)-este a la altura de Dead Space que solo es para la actual generación.
@@chrisredfield9310 no they aren’t. The last of us has tons of physics simulation if u pay attention. The issue with Callisto is the game is very restrictive in everything u do.
Both very impressive-looking games. The Callisto Protocol has much better character rendering and animation, and a more impressive implementation of ray-tracing effects. Dead Space has far better physics interactions as well as more impressive dynamic lighting. The Callisto Protocol has better image quality on consoles, though ran worse on PC at launch. Both have really high-quality assets and textures, some favouring TCP and others DS.
Image quality doesn't mean much when Callisto has such terrible raised blacks. It makes the whole game look grey and washed out which dilutes the image quality and look of the game overall.
@@blakeandcamp Agreed, it does have raised blacks, but then also Dead Space has crushed blacks in certain areas. My comment was the give praise to what each game does well, because they both do a lot well from a graphics standpoint.
i'd say the ray-tracing is way better in dead space. Pretty much every light comes from a source as far as i have seen. You can make some rooms pitch black by shooting or destroying all lamps.
If only we could get the best of both worlds with Callisto Protocol's graphics/engine and DS gameplay. I have no doubt that Callisto's team learned alot since launch and actually care for the game but I feel like a sequel will never come into fruition considering how much the game bombed.
@@writerlairchannel2636 Ты дебил?))) Причем тут графика?)))) Посмотри лучше на смерти обоих игр))))) В Калисте это выглядит на порядок лучше чем в твоем недоремейке))))))
@@arycorvette884 In Calisto you're terminator who can melee almost anything, that is the main problem with lots of gamers as this effectively destroys the tension - monsters are not scary anymore if you can simply punch them in the face to death and dodge without getting damage, unlike dead space where enemies are actually quite dangerous and stakes are higher, which cause tension
So with that said Callisto protocol should have been put together better to say the least. If something is built from the ground up then why does it look like it's using tech from ten plus years ago?? One person on here is saying the lighting is better in Callisto than that of Dead Space?!? I mean does someone need them eyes checked out to be sure they're not seeing something that isn't there?
@@mbed0123 I don’t understand your point? I brought up the fact that Callisto was made from scratch because having a completed game to work off of is a huge advantage. Especially one that still holds up well. Not to make excuses for the problems Callisto has but it’s worth pointing out. I think you’re underestimating how much time it takes to design a level, assets, sound etc. I’ll put it this way, having a completed game to work from essentially saves u 2 years of development. And imo if u gave Striking Distance dead space and told them to remake it, I think they would’ve made a better game than EA. As far as “using tech from ten years ago” I definitely don’t get what u mean lol. I think what you’re saying is that u prefer the look of frost engine over unreal 4.2 because Callisto used state of the art technology in all areas. This includes Sony’s motion capture studios that are mostly used to record for their first party titles. This is why Jacobs animations are significantly more realistic then Isaac’s, EA did not reanimate gunplay, melee, or necromorph movements in dead space, it’s the same as the og game. Frost Engine uses more saturated colors, and unreal uses more realistic lighting, which is why it appears grey-washed in comparison. This isn’t a “Callisto problem” go look at all the games that run Unreal 4, Jedi fallen order, hogwarts legacy etc, in terms of color they all look identical to Callisto. The whole point of UE is to replicate real life, Frost Engine greatly exaggerates colors. It’s up to preference. Personally I prefer the more dreadful realistic look of Callisto. I thought it had a more appropriate look for a survival horror and I feel that heavily contributed to why Callisto had a much scarier atmosphere, though neither game was incredibly scary.
They both had some pros and cons. Like Callisto had good blood physics, very realistic but lacked in an interactive environment. Which is okay but not as good as dead space. Graphically, dead space was a lot more detailed in their lighting and textures making the game look much more creepy in my opinion but both games could definitely learn from each other. I’m sure dead space developers thought about this stuff too, but due to limitations or even budget, left some things out.
Its so ironic, imagine seeing a remake of one of your games do FAR better than your most recent one. Considering some of the same guys who made the original Dead Space also made Callisto Protocol.
Так они и сделали лучше)))) Посмотри на смерти главных героев)))) И скажи где лучше?))) В Ремейке?))) Где все деревянно и кукольно)))) Или в Калисте?))) Где все брутально и жестоко)))) И вот будет ответ что недоремейк умудрился сделать хуже то что сделано в Dead Space)))))))
I would say its the same situation that happened with Back 4 Blood ... "og devs from l4d series" even tho its was just 6 of them from entire team. They only use that argument to hype up the new IP from the fresh studio, but none of the QC heads working on previous titles were present.
Although both are in the 'action survival horror' genre, both games are seeking different goals in terms of the visuals and game design. Having played and completed both titles on both PS5 and series X I would say CP is more focused on its cinematic realism in both its look and feel (which it definitely achieves!). DS remake is more of a metroid vania video game and although there are real time cinematics (most of which is told through a controllable camera in real time) its more of a run and gun-hunt-for-the-next-section-to-unlock easter egg hunt kind of deal. Both are excellent and if you can afford it I would say try them both!
I just finished the Callisto Protocol and enjoyed it a lot. I don’t get all the criticism at all. I’m playing Dead Space now. I like it as well. So far I don’t see what makes it supposedly so much better. I’m only in chapter 2. So we’ll see if it changes my mind by the time I complete it.
I agree with you. I really enjoyed Callisto. Now I am playing through Dead Space and while it's great too, the discrepancy between the both games reviews must be really disheartening for the Callisto devs. There are things in Callisto which are done better and make Dead Space seem more basic by comparison. Either way though both are very good. Shame so many people will pass on Callisto based on word of mouth.
@@darkshat3077 so far I don’t see it at all. Dead Spaces feels dated to me. I do like it, but I can tell it’s remade from a game from generations ago. I’ll reserve final judgement for when I complete it though.
@@a2raya772 Callisto is still using mostly UE4, but I believe they may have added custom elements from UE5. It’s at least listed as a UE4 title in it’s release notes. Still looks incredible though. They clearly pushed UE4 to it’s limits and they have devs that really know the engine well. I feel like we usually get the Unreal Engine, insert new version, Demo and then 10 years later finally get a game that looks like the tech demo.
Las animaciones en el Callisto son más naturales, pero es que en lo demás es muy superior el Dead Space. La iluminación, los efectos, las físicas... Todo se ve tan dinámico, y eso contribuye un montón a la inmersión. El Callisto por otra parte se siente demasiado "estático".
The Callisto Protocol is a very gray game, very gray colors. Dead space has better colors, better lighting. The game's black really is black, I'm playing on the Oled C2 and it looks really amazing
I think the reason for that is callisto's art direction, its very clear they wanted the game to look like live action footage. Most live action footage does not have perfect blacks unless graded to because the sensor will always catch ambient light. I overall prefer the design look of dead space and the tone mapping is meant to look punchy and readable, which are great for videogames. The callisto went for a distinctly grounded non-videogamey appearance in terms of contrast and black levels, it has its pros and cons.
I thought both are good in their own version but dead space seems like more people seems to like it I currently just ordered Callisto protocol haven’t played it yet I have dead space on my game pass
I love how the dead space remake was released one month after the so called "spiritual successor"(callisto protocol )to dead space. It's like ea is making a statement. You can make all the cheap dead space knock offs(callisto protocol) you want but you will never be better than the original(dead space)
I have both on the xbox series x and for me callisto protocol look so much better. I dont know what kind of tv or screen y have that dead space is in better shape in this Video. Callisto Protocol looked almost realistic so often and it Impressed me like no other xbox game before but as i bought dead space i just thought its ok but nothing more and i use the lg g2 oled
Lo que han hecho con el Remake es increíble, han mejorado un juego que ya era de 8,5 a 9,5, que le hayan metido a todas las armas un disparo adicional, metido backtraking, hayan hecho del juego un mundo semiabierto a lo Dark Souls y encima con un spawn de enemigos aleatorio hace del juego un monstruo dentro de su género. Ahora será difícil de superar, después de ver el resultado espero fuertemente que sigan adelante y nos traigan un Dead Space 2 Remake, aun que ya se que es lo primero que diréis "El 2 con un remaster ya es suficiente", es entonces cuando te digo que si hacen solo eso, el juego no dispondrá de la nueva mecánica de descuartización que implementaron en este Remake, el cual los necromorfos disponen de una capa de piel, de músculos y huesos, que hacen que el gameplay sea mas grotesco y por ende mas realista. El resultado de este Remake me a parecido muy bueno. Se han arriesgado en implementar las cosas nuevas y no les ha salido nada mal, yo les dejaría experimentar con el Dead Space 2, y si el resultado no es de nuestro agrado pues tenemos el original el cual a día de hoy se sigue viendo espectacular.
Un esfuerzo muy bienvenido por parte de motive, se aprecia la atención al detalle que tuvieron para el remake. El juego no es perfecto eso si, pero hasta ahora, casi todos los factores por los que no es perfecto no afectan al momento de disfrutar el juego, en mi caso a lo que me refiero es lo siguiente: - La introducción hacia el menú de inicio del juego y el propio menú de este. En el original era muy agobiante, tan solo cuando veías el logo de EA con sangre, seguido por un sonido similar al de una máquina encendiendose, ya te introducía en ese mundo de desesperación. Las imágenes grotescas de fondo, el diseño de audio, todo era impecable. Ahora solo es un fondo borroso y ya. Juzgando solo por este apartado fácil pudo ser un juego de acción lo que te encontraras al iniciar la partida. - Las animaciones de movimiento de Isaac, las cuales me parecen poco naturales, aunado a esto, no tiene una animación para cuando tiene baja salud, corre y se mueve igual que con la vida completa, eso me pareció un desperdicio. ¿Si ya te tomaste la molestia de incorporar el sistema A.L.I.V.E. por qué fallar en eso? Habiendo señalado lo anterior, quiero recalcar que esto no desmerita todo lo que si hicieron bien. Lo que si merma un poco la experiencia es que hay ciertos aspectos del apartado de audio que suenan peor que en el original, y no me refiero a la calidad del audio en si, sino a la interpretación de estos. Por ejemplo: los guardianes (los enemigos pegados a las paredes a los que debes eliminar cortando sus tentáculos) su grito de muerte en el original no solo era mas largo sino que mas profundo y agoviante. En el remake suena como una versión diluida de lo que vimos en el original y considerando que es un juego de terror, el audio es vital, así que ojo ahí. En general motive va por un muy buen camino, yo no tengo problemas en que hagan remake de los 2 juegos siguientes, siempre y cuando apliquen el mismo tratamiento que en este, respetar la escencia, mejorar lo mejorable y agregar mas contexto y sentido a los acontecimientos.
@@alfredopadronnanez3804 No me había saltado la notificación de tu mensaje, yo también concuerdo con lo que comentas, son detalles que molaban del juego original, pero no es tan grave como para echar a perder el gran trabajo que han aplicado en el Remake, me he quedado muy satisfecho con el producto final.
Não acho. Acho o The Callisto um jogo bem cinza, cores cinzas. O nível de preto do jogo é na vdd cinza. O Dead space tem cores melhores, iluminação melhor e nível de preto perfeito. Estou jogando numa oled C2 e é absurdo. Os modelos dos personagens no Dead space está melhor tbm. Desculpe mas não vi nada melhor no The Callisto.
Love this clip.. Hoped to see your opinions in the comment under the title, as I saw in the Callisto comparisons, 'cause I do not understand much of gpus and graphics and pc stuffs. Thank you for your work.
Mi buen Analista ¿Sabe si el estudio desarrollador dijo si van a hacer algo al respecto con el tema de la resolución en Dead space en consola? Puesto que es diferente a lo que prometieron en Twitter, saludos y buen trabajo como siempre.
El único punto a favor de Calisto Protocol es su apartado gráfico, en todos los demás aspectos falla o simplemente no está a la altura. Una lastima ya que era uno de los títulos que más esperaba, pero se convirtió en una de las mayores decepciones del año y lo peor es su agresivo método de monetización con animaciones de muerte detrás de un muro de pago y el final abierto para venderte como un DLC posteriormente. Muy diferente el caso de Dead Space Remake que supera en casi todos los apartados a su antecesor, agrega nuevas secciones e inserta nuevas mecánicas, visualmente también es bastante sólido aunque su rendimiento en consolas pudo ser mejor.
The Callisto Protocol está decente. También su gameplay, historia, personajes, enemigos y en el apartado técnico (dejando de lado los bugs) es un juego que cumple y que iran actualizando con el tiempo.
@@SpartanPr1me En efecto sigue siendo un juegazo y disfrutarlo con esos graficos es genial me encanta también porque tiene cinemáticas bien hechas en tiempo real se disfruta mucho
Entiendo que si le pegas a las tazas y demás objetos irrelevantes no sé mueven como en el dead space ¿pero solo por eso es una de las decepciones más grandes del año? Mmm creo que mucha gente se está dejando llevar por la nostalgia y otra cosa recuerden que le están dando a ganar dinero a EA
Input resolution for dead space on consoles is very low, typically between 800p and 1100p. FSR2 is used to upscale to 4k but FSR has always struggled to produce a good image when it's not fed enough pixels - you typically want to use at least 1440p or 1600p with FSR, anything lower is very blurry on a 4k screen
@@ms3862 This is not at all the problem as series x uses FSR as well, the problem with the game is the variable rate shading not mixing well with fsr, same thing happens on pc when using fsr.
Que hermoso se mira dead space recuerdo jugarlo en el 2010 y han mejorado bastante me gusto mucho este remake espero comprarlo más adelante increíble detalles por mucho le gana a calistro protocol
The raised blacks in Callisto just look awful. I vastly prefer the contrasty look of Dead Space remake. Dead Space is also just a way better game all around too.
@@yonfygameplays6771 me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado bro y que te haya gustado pero eso no quita que haya sido un fracaso dicho por el mismo estudio yo también lo compré día uno y pues ni modo no puedo devolverlo si podría lo haría 👍
El calisto me llamo la atención pero no me daba confianza de que sea algo grande y tenia razón lugare cuando cueste 20 Con DSR compre el primer día y para mi es juegazo Y viendo mas esto estoy convencido de que calisto no vale los 70 que pide que además te cobra un season pass
Dead space is light years ahead gameplay/ physics wise, also once dead space gets its post launch patches for graphics like Callisto has I think there will be no comparison!
I don’t think any patch can make dead space as next gen looking as Callisto. Totally different engines. Callisto is much more impressive visually but Dead space is way ahead in terms of everything else.
Es importante recordar que un título fue hecho por EA y otro por un pequeño estudio. Dicho esto creo que ambos títulos se ven increíbles pero Death Space creo que graficamente esta un pequeño peldaño arriba.
O problema mesmo é que o pessoal que fez Callisto bateu no peito e falou que o jogo deles era um quad A super foda. O estúdio pode ser pequeno mas o ego deles parece que n kkkkkk
Cómo ya dijeron, The Callisto tubo un presupuesto de casi 200 millones que supongo más de la mitad se fue a publicidad pero si no me equivoco la empresa Matrix del estudio es la misma que tiene la IP del PUBG, tienes idea de cuánto gana con ese juego incluso si se pasó al modelo Free to Play ? De hecho EA es la que menos detalles les pone a sus juegos salvó los FIFA y los juegos de Respawn casi todo lo que publica EA es basura. Ojalá que este remake sea el retorno a días mejores.
Animations are so much more polished and realistic in Callisto. The animations are good in dead space remake, but they seem off and not as fine tuned as the original Dead Space was, and that was a 2008 game its crazy.
The black levels are really washed out on Callisto Protocol in comparison to Dead Space, the contrast is just much better on Dead space which gives the image a much better sense of depth. Its a shame because the graphics in Callisto Protocol are amazing. When you really push the contrast between deep blacks and really light it can make a just ok image look twice as good. I dont even think Dead space is more impressive graphically but it looks so much better for this exact reason. Expesially when displaying it on an OLED screen, with a title like this is so important to be able to get those deep blacks and really push the lights and darks and play with the lighting. Instead we get this smokey grey that really robs it of what it could look like.
A única coisa que o callisto foi melhor é no modelo dos personagens(e foi minimamente melhor), o resto como textura e gráfico do cenário, física, iluminação e outros o dead space dá uma surra
Ambos son buenos juegos. Si les gusta Dead Space, es obligado probar The Callisto Protocol. No será un juego sobresaliente pero tampoco es malo y me gustaría que la saga continúe para que puedan pulir y mejorar todo lo que esta vez no funcionó.
@@SpawnZ_HW sí de hecho algunas muy buenas ideas como el sistema de combate, aunque no todo fue implementado de la manera correcta. Pero por lo mismo, por el potencial, deberíamos apoyarlo para futuras entregas. Esto es importante porque no sabemos si EA va a querer hacer algo más que otro Remake de Dead Space y yo personalmente no le tengo mucha fe a EA…
Por el momento su PTM con el dead space jaja nunca pude jugar los OG, pero ahora con el remake, wow... Igual pienso apoyar a callisto para que sigan mas adelante..
I disagree, the only thing amazing about collisto is it's visuals. The details on character models is insane. Graphically Collisto is a step ahead, but its an absolute terrible game worth no more than $15
Guys remember that Callisto was made from the ground up with the story and everything, and Dead Space already had the story and everything so they already had a solid foundation for new stuff and improvements.
Dead space lo supera en todo, pero joder no había visto muy bien ese protocol Calisto hasta ahora y a pesar que no llega al dead space, aún así me llamo bastante la atención XD alguien que lo haya jugado, me lo recomienda?)
El problema de Calisto es la jugabilidad que es muy mala, el sistema de esquives es malísimo. Gráficamente esta muy bien, crea una atmosfera espectacular.
The only thing I didn't like about the visuals from Deadspace remake is when you switch weapons it seems like you just pull them out from thin air, it would be better if we can actually see the weapons being carried on Isaac himself and when you switch them Isaac will pull them from where they are physically.
4K Dead Space VS 1080 Callisto Protocol? WTF dude..It seems to me that the comparison has been deliberately spoiled in this case by choosing the best vs. the worst of the respective games. In any case Dead Space is better in my opinion but Callisto looks greater than what is shown here.
If you’re into action survival horror you should own both. The combat in Callisto Protocol is very well done. Unless you suck at gaming, then you may not like it. Dead Space Remake has more variety in the overall gameplay, it doesn’t feel as linear. I own both and I’ve beat Callisto Protocol three times. I’m almost done with Dead Space and I’ll replay that as well.
Dead Space totalmente, mejores físicas, detalles, interacción etc... Además Dead Space salió totalmente pulido, y tiene más exploración que Calisto Protocol (que parece FF13 un pasillo )
A big factor no one talked about with Callisto besides mindlessly bashing it is the enemies are just big zombies compared to dead spaces creatures (technically zombies too) that hunt you. Makes it a lot scarier when you’re being hunted by a creature vs walking through a zombie farm
I absolutely loved The Callisto Protocol, and I was a huge fan of the combat. When you know what you’re doing you can definitely utilize your weapons and dismember enemies. It’s not just “melee everything” like most people say the gameplay is. Aside from that I really enjoyed the narrative and world design. As much as it pains me to admit though, I do like the Dead Space remake better. It just feels more satisfying as far as the gunplay is concerned, and the game is actually scary in certain sections. I never jumped even once in TCP, and they billed it as the scariest game ever made… So yeah, I give the TCP a solid 8/10, and the Dead Space remake really does deserve a 10/10.
wow the ppl behind callisto protocol should be ashamed of themselves and all the ppl trying to defend the game saying it's got better graphics then dead space 😂 just take the L and move on
Hay que tomar en cuenta que Callisto se hizo con el Unreal Engine 4 y no con el 5, es un motor gráfico menos potente pero vaya que bien aprovechado. Dead Space debe de usar la última versión de Frostbite supongo
Chamarem o The Callisto Protocol de Quad A foi um grande Bait, o jogo tem sim muita qualidade, mas pra ser chamado de Quad A tinha que ser quase perfeito, e não é melhor do que muitos jogos que já foram lançados, Nem mesmo melhor que o Dead Space.
Porque tiene mejores texturas el Callisto y para muchos eso es lo único importante en el aspecto técnico. Pero en físicas e iluminación, DS se lo lleva por mucho.
y lo mas sorprendente es que la iluminacion en general de dead space no solo supera a TCP si no que lo hace sin siquiera usar Raytracing en sombras ni reflejos, pues dead space solo usa RT en oclusion ambiental, el resto son tecnicas mas comunes como SSR, shadowmaps, cubemaps etc. en dead space todo se ve visualmente mejor debido principalmente a su excelente dirección de arte, cosa que en callisto es exageradamente generica.
I played them head to head and while Dead Space is way better in terms of variety and gameplay, graphics in TCP is like a generation ahead of DS 2023, i played on PC with Ultra Settings + RT
Yeah but whatever scum was put in charge of designing the trophy list for Dead Space Remake should have their limbs severed. As an avid trophy hunter, I’ll be skipping it in favor of other better games that don’t force replays on tedious, ever increasing difficulties to artificially pad the replay value. Callisto had a significantly better trophy list, all it’s other flaws aside. We want to play a game once and 100% it so we can move onto the next. If your game is so good we’ll want to replay it of our own choosing, not because we’re forced to in order to get one poorly designed trophy.
Both engines Frostbite & Unreal look extremely impressive and have their strengths and weaknesses. Callisto protocol has the better character/facial animations, in that area Callisto truly looks next gen borderline CGI movie look at times. Dead Space has better physics and overall art design and a pin sharp image.
ao fazer comparações levem em consideração que DS não precisou criar nada. toda a história, ambiente, gameplay, mecânicas, tava tudo lá. apenas remodelaram tudo.
IMHO Dead Space turned out far better! The few things Callisto Protocol does right are character model, weapon swap animation and texture. But it's all superficial compared to the gameplay depth Dead Space brings to the table.
Dead Space is on another level. Maybe the close combat is better in TCP but DS win on any other point. Maybe TCP needs to be compared with Dead Space 3?) same environment on the planet, snow,..
Callisto Protocol es un atrezo con 0 interactividad, 3 tipos de enemigos y un combate que se hace repetitivo en seguida. Dead Space gana por goleada en absolutamente todos los apartados a mi modo de ver. Especialmente en la interactividad y la jugabilidad, que es lo más importante en un VIDEOJUEGO
the graphics is better on callisto of course, but for story and gameplay it goes to dead space. I have RTX 3060 and it runs smoothly on callisto, but there's a bit stutter sometimes but it's ok, I run it on default graphics settings maybe if I set it to ultra it still runs well I just don't wanna check all the settings one by one lol 😄
@@johnperry8081 yeah but I mean the details is of course better on callisto, but when it comes to story and gameplay dead space is better, all in all dead space is still the winner for me
Callisto looks soft and washed out compared to that of Dead Space. Easily seen in this video. Overall I'd say it's a sad day for the developers of Callisto. Dead Space is leaps and bounds over this sorry excuse of a cash grab... "Exclusive IP'S" anyone? Sad too when one needs to pass along their horrible port of their consoles garbage in order to attempt to make any money....
Even though Callisto is Cross gen, it has better graphics than dead space, which is a new generation, better blood effects and picking up objects too, but the gameplay is flawed because it is repetitive, few enemy variations, however good designs, I love the two-headed one that throws acid, but it will never be better than dead space and its visual identities.
Ambos están a muy buen nivel, Calisto gana en el modelo de sus personajes y expresiones mientras Dead Space gana en todo lo demás, pero no es para hacer tanto escándalo, se nota que a ambos se les puso muchas ganas, Calisto obvio tenía todas las de perder, es un IP nueva que puede tener gente muy capacitada y a los creadores de dead space pero dudo que haya tenido el presupuesto que puede aportar EA, además hacer Dead space remake era solo mejorar lo que ya había porque el juego base ya era una joya 👌. Para mi ambos juegos valen la pena, ciertamente Calisto aún le falta trabajo, pero es prometedor, espero no abandonen la posibilidad de una segunda entrega, ya tienen algo bueno solo tienen que mejorarlo, y en el caso de Dead Space lo mismo, ya tiene las bases hechas, espero sigan con DP2 y 3, la gente está como loca por volver a ver esta saga, no pueden desaprovechar la oportunidad
@@Benny-xf1hk Calisto Protocol está hecho con Unreal Engine 4, es imposible que sea next gen, pero tampoco te alarmes Dead Space tampoco es next gen, corre con frostbite
Callisto Protocol has a higher polygon count, it's very much a CGI game similar to The Order 1886, and Callisto Protocol might have the lead of any game out now for the highest polygon-count of any character and environment, but it's very bland, but it fits the environment the game takes place in luckily. Dead Space is more rich and also highly detailed but aren't focused on being a CGI movie. 6:00 is a good example where the textures differ, Dead Space is more crisp and detailed in it's textures, while Callisto Protocol has this bland washed out textures of it's environment.
I don’t know how to explain this.
It’s like Callisto is graphically impressive in realism while the DSR is graphically impressive in art style
Yea thats true, callisto seems more realistic while dead space is more artistic environment with more details
u don’t make any sense
Wolfenstein New Colossus from 2017 have same textures as Callisto protocol, better blood splatters, gore, lighting, shadows and particles
Except Motive didn't do style, they just copy-paste, and "add stress system" oh my
Man, The Callisto Protocol's environments are not very interactive. It's pretty to look at, but it's missing the "little things". It reminds me of The Order 1886.
This is spot on.
Little things such as?
@@mavvynne444 Realistic physics, weathering on Isaac’s suit, breakable and non-fixed light sources, shadow’s casted accurately, small objects on tables can be tampered with and have their own physics, etc. the small details like that.
The Callisto Protocol’s lighting is a bit over done. light sources’s intensity is a bit too strong which make the light seem it was casted all over the place insted of focus in a particular area
I actually enjoy Callisto Protocol, despite its shortcomings. That being said… there is one clear winner it’s most assuredly Dead Space.
I agree that overall Dead Space Remake is better and has more variety, but I enjoyed the combat in Callisto Protocol immensely.
Yeah the OG Dead Space beats all
@@ryanblanchard2508 you enjoyed fighting the same 3 enemy types and fighting them all the same way for 8 hours? Kudos to you my friend. For me, it was an immense disappointment, Dead Space is just leagues ahead
Youre not fighting the same monster in dead Space? Lmao
@@zaczeen1121 The irony is strong with this one
One of the things I loved in The Callisto Protocol was the animations Jacob does when you're either walking or just standing still.
sencillamente el diseño del ishimura y sus diversas salas, pasillos y habitaciones es imposible de superar.
Hubiera incluido algunas salas inundadas.
Si capcom hubiera hecho el remake créeme q lo hubiera hecho mejor, si, capcom + team ds
@@albertb.7147 Inundadas en el espacio?...
@@Aedan2511 Me refiero a los depósitos de agua necesarios para vivir o trabajar en una nave espacial.
@@albertb.7147 uff imagina una sala inundada y que de un momento a otro se desactive la gravedad artificial, veríamos todas las partículas de agua elevadas, flotando mientras hacian difícil ver a nuestro alrededor, hubiese estado muy cool.
Una de cal y otra de arena. Los modelados de TCP son mejores, y las animaciones me parecen más naturales. Pero DS creo que gana en todo lo demás, tiene mucho más detalle, es más barroco y detallado, y SOBRE TODO, la iluminación es muchísimo más compleja, interactiva y dinamica. Y las físicas de DS me recuerdan a las que tenían los juegos hace 10 o 15 años, en el buen sentido. Si, esas físicas que ya hemos olvidado. Es placentero volver a ver ese nivel de interacción con el escenario en un juego.
"es mas barroco" esa era la frase que buscaba y es que verdaderamente representa perfectamente lo que dead space quiere lograr con su direccion de arte.
Lamentablemente las físicas realistas son un recurso que fueron perdiendo los videojuegos... gracias a dios, están volviendo de a poco.
No pude haberlo dicho mejor, además Callisto siempre tiene una imagen "borrosa" o como que tiene mucha niebla, la oscuridad en vez de verse "negra" se ve "gris", en cambio en Dead Space hay oscuridad absoluta y sombras muy definidas, sumado a las bonitas iluminaciones y reflejos que tiene, es mucho mas atractivo de ver.
Yes that's what I wanna talking 'bout
Un claro ejemplo de esas físicas es GTA IV!
Me impresiona que a pesar de que se pueda ver algo mejor Calisto, aún así dead space estéticamente gana por mucho, el nivel artístico destaca por sobre lo técnico a mi parecer. Y la iluminación del dead space está de locos con el remake 🔥
En general veo mejor Dead Space en caso todo. Callisto parece tener algunas mejores texturas y mejores reflejos, pero por lo demás veo a Dead Space muy por encima. En cuanto a físicas no vale la pena ni comparar, las físicas en The Callisto Protocol dan pena en lo que a objetos del entorno se refiere.
@@lufego87 Si tan solo con Calisto hubieran invertido más en gameplay que en marketing y gráficos, la historia habría sido distinta o al menos eso me da a entender cuando veo noticias del presupuesto que tenía este juego.
@@falapareturns0698 se invirtió mucho en que se viera espectacular aparentemente descuidando otros apartados, o eso parece según lo que he podido ver (de momento no lo he jugado, luego compraré ambos juegos).
A mi lo que me sorprende es que a pesar de ser intergeneracional Callisto Protocol-(al menos es lo visual)-este a la altura de Dead Space que solo es para la actual generación.
Callisto? Se ve claramente mejor dead space remake
Callisto Protocol felt like everything around me was stuck with super glue because nothing moved it was mostly just good graphics but at what cost
almost all games are built this way. dont say that GOW ragnarok, TLOU and many others doesn't have everything around stucked by super glue.
@@chrisredfield9310 no they aren’t. The last of us has tons of physics simulation if u pay attention. The issue with Callisto is the game is very restrictive in everything u do.
@@chrisredfield9310atleast the last of us has alot of physics
Dead space remake is something else, on chapter 2 and i am having a lot of fun
Yep, it's all about physics and interactions! This is what sets a game apart and makes it sublime and beyond the rest of the competition!
Both very impressive-looking games. The Callisto Protocol has much better character rendering and animation, and a more impressive implementation of ray-tracing effects. Dead Space has far better physics interactions as well as more impressive dynamic lighting. The Callisto Protocol has better image quality on consoles, though ran worse on PC at launch. Both have really high-quality assets and textures, some favouring TCP and others DS.
Image quality doesn't mean much when Callisto has such terrible raised blacks. It makes the whole game look grey and washed out which dilutes the image quality and look of the game overall.
@@blakeandcamp Agreed, it does have raised blacks, but then also Dead Space has crushed blacks in certain areas. My comment was the give praise to what each game does well, because they both do a lot well from a graphics standpoint.
Spot on
Well said.
i'd say the ray-tracing is way better in dead space. Pretty much every light comes from a source as far as i have seen. You can make some rooms pitch black by shooting or destroying all lamps.
If only we could get the best of both worlds with Callisto Protocol's graphics/engine and DS gameplay.
I have no doubt that Callisto's team learned alot since launch and actually care for the game but I feel like a sequel will never come into fruition considering how much the game bombed.
I don't care about graphics and i doesn't see any major difference, so dead space is the masterpiece
They should’ve known their game’s pitfalls but they rolled with it still and they are suffering the consequences
Calisto gameplay was awesome what your mean is the dead space level design and variety Calisto had no backtracking it was to linear
@@writerlairchannel2636 Ты дебил?))) Причем тут графика?)))) Посмотри лучше на смерти обоих игр))))) В Калисте это выглядит на порядок лучше чем в твоем недоремейке))))))
@@arycorvette884 In Calisto you're terminator who can melee almost anything, that is the main problem with lots of gamers as this effectively destroys the tension - monsters are not scary anymore if you can simply punch them in the face to death and dodge without getting damage, unlike dead space where enemies are actually quite dangerous and stakes are higher, which cause tension
Let’s not forget one game was made from scratch and the other on top a fully realized game.
So with that said Callisto protocol should have been put together better to say the least.
If something is built from the ground up then why does it look like it's using tech from ten plus years ago??
One person on here is saying the lighting is better in Callisto than that of Dead Space?!? I mean does someone need them eyes checked out to be sure they're not seeing something that isn't there?
@@mbed0123 I don’t understand your point? I brought up the fact that Callisto was made from scratch because having a completed game to work off of is a huge advantage. Especially one that still holds up well. Not to make excuses for the problems Callisto has but it’s worth pointing out. I think you’re underestimating how much time it takes to design a level, assets, sound etc. I’ll put it this way, having a completed game to work from essentially saves u 2 years of development. And imo if u gave Striking Distance dead space and told them to remake it, I think they would’ve made a better game than EA.
As far as “using tech from ten years ago” I definitely don’t get what u mean lol. I think what you’re saying is that u prefer the look of frost engine over unreal 4.2 because Callisto used state of the art technology in all areas. This includes Sony’s motion capture studios that are mostly used to record for their first party titles. This is why Jacobs animations are significantly more realistic then Isaac’s, EA did not reanimate gunplay, melee, or necromorph movements in dead space, it’s the same as the og game.
Frost Engine uses more saturated colors, and unreal uses more realistic lighting, which is why it appears grey-washed in comparison. This isn’t a “Callisto problem” go look at all the games that run Unreal 4, Jedi fallen order, hogwarts legacy etc, in terms of color they all look identical to Callisto. The whole point of UE is to replicate real life, Frost Engine greatly exaggerates colors. It’s up to preference. Personally I prefer the more dreadful realistic look of Callisto. I thought it had a more appropriate look for a survival horror and I feel that heavily contributed to why Callisto had a much scarier atmosphere, though neither game was incredibly scary.
They both had some pros and cons. Like Callisto had good blood physics, very realistic but lacked in an interactive environment. Which is okay but not as good as dead space. Graphically, dead space was a lot more detailed in their lighting and textures making the game look much more creepy in my opinion but both games could definitely learn from each other. I’m sure dead space developers thought about this stuff too, but due to limitations or even budget, left some things out.
Its so ironic, imagine seeing a remake of one of your games do FAR better than your most recent one. Considering some of the same guys who made the original Dead Space also made Callisto Protocol.
Так они и сделали лучше)))) Посмотри на смерти главных героев)))) И скажи где лучше?))) В Ремейке?))) Где все деревянно и кукольно)))) Или в Калисте?))) Где все брутально и жестоко)))) И вот будет ответ что недоремейк умудрился сделать хуже то что сделано в Dead Space)))))))
I would say its the same situation that happened with Back 4 Blood ... "og devs from l4d series" even tho its was just 6 of them from entire team. They only use that argument to hype up the new IP from the fresh studio, but none of the QC heads working on previous titles were present.
@@ruka9697 Топорно и кустарно??Ты хотя бы играл в этот ремейк??Там физика,атмосфера лучше чем в калисто протокл))а однообразные бои вообще бесят
@@ruka9697 плюс еще внимание к деталям)в деад спейсе можно поднимать все,а в калисто только ящики
@@JetalMan Ты читать вообще умеешь?))) Я писал про смерти главных героев)))) И да в Калисте это лучше выглидет чем в ремейки)))))
The Callisto Protocol is a good game, I liked the close up melee combat and the shifts in environments more with CP
More with what now?
Although both are in the 'action survival horror' genre, both games are seeking different goals in terms of the visuals and game design. Having played and completed both titles on both PS5 and series X I would say CP is more focused on its cinematic realism in both its look and feel (which it definitely achieves!). DS remake is more of a metroid vania video game and although there are real time cinematics (most of which is told through a controllable camera in real time) its more of a run and gun-hunt-for-the-next-section-to-unlock easter egg hunt kind of deal. Both are excellent and if you can afford it I would say try them both!
Nossa, os caras que fizeram Remake do DeadSpace, estão de parabéns! Dá de 10/0 no Calisto.
Espero que calisto tenha atualizações pra melhorar.
@@dekkisfoddaci ??? Kksksks
@@vanguard8000 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK do nada o cara mete essa
@@caiorodrigues8543 deve ser gringo fanboy
Não existe atualização que salve esse jogo.
Tenía tiempo sin ver un juego de EA con tantos detalles
Posiblemente por tener mucha tiempo para el modelado, todas las mecánicas y diseños de nivel ya existían de la versión antigua
@@furbi963 No pudieron usarlos porque este es un motor completamente nuevo. Todo fue construido desde cero.
@@sharpie3811 heee yo decía los conceptos... Pensé que se sobre entendía 😀🤙
tuvieron que recurrir a un remake...
cuando sea un juego nuevo con esos detalles lo agradecere
@@midgar9490 Con todas estas desviaciones del original, técnicamente es un juego completamente diferente.
I just finished the Callisto Protocol and enjoyed it a lot. I don’t get all the criticism at all. I’m playing Dead Space now. I like it as well. So far I don’t see what makes it supposedly so much better. I’m only in chapter 2. So we’ll see if it changes my mind by the time I complete it.
I agree with you. I really enjoyed Callisto. Now I am playing through Dead Space and while it's great too, the discrepancy between the both games reviews must be really disheartening for the Callisto devs. There are things in Callisto which are done better and make Dead Space seem more basic by comparison. Either way though both are very good. Shame so many people will pass on Callisto based on word of mouth.
@@CraigThomasLive please, name what Callisto does better that actually benefits the consumer?
Better gameplay, scarier enemies, better sound design, better story, better characters, etc.
@@CraigThomasLive exactly I totally agree.
@@darkshat3077 so far I don’t see it at all. Dead Spaces feels dated to me. I do like it, but I can tell it’s remade from a game from generations ago. I’ll reserve final judgement for when I complete it though.
En el sonido el DS es muy inmersivo, sientes que no estás solo.
There is no comparising between these two dead space is masterpiece
Agreed, just like God of War Ragnarok before it.
Why are the graphics worse in dead space?
@@sexymajesco both good in their own way, both using different engines.
Dead space is using frostbite
Protocol is using unreal engine 5
@@a2raya772 it's UE4
@@a2raya772 Callisto is still using mostly UE4, but I believe they may have added custom elements from UE5. It’s at least listed as a UE4 title in it’s release notes. Still looks incredible though. They clearly pushed UE4 to it’s limits and they have devs that really know the engine well. I feel like we usually get the Unreal Engine, insert new version, Demo and then 10 years later finally get a game that looks like the tech demo.
Las animaciones en el Callisto son más naturales, pero es que en lo demás es muy superior el Dead Space. La iluminación, los efectos, las físicas... Todo se ve tan dinámico, y eso contribuye un montón a la inmersión. El Callisto por otra parte se siente demasiado "estático".
The graphics of the Callisto protocol are way way better than the dead space remake. The textures alone are way better
@@microtonalmilio5233 No
The Callisto Protocol is a very gray game, very gray colors.
Dead space has better colors, better lighting. The game's black really is black, I'm playing on the Oled C2 and it looks really amazing
I think the reason for that is callisto's art direction, its very clear they wanted the game to look like live action footage. Most live action footage does not have perfect blacks unless graded to because the sensor will always catch ambient light. I overall prefer the design look of dead space and the tone mapping is meant to look punchy and readable, which are great for videogames. The callisto went for a distinctly grounded non-videogamey appearance in terms of contrast and black levels, it has its pros and cons.
Exactly, I love it. Physics are the future of tech development in games and that's where Dead Space leads by a MILE.
I thought both are good in their own version but dead space seems like more people seems to like it I currently just ordered Callisto protocol haven’t played it yet I have dead space on my game pass
I love how the dead space remake was released one month after the so called "spiritual successor"(callisto protocol )to dead space.
It's like ea is making a statement.
You can make all the cheap dead space knock offs(callisto protocol) you want but you will never be better than the original(dead space)
Callisto is basically RE Engine. Nothing seems to be dynamic, no physics at all in any object. Glad I only bought Dead Space.
I have both on the xbox series x and for me callisto protocol look so much better. I dont know what kind of tv or screen y have that dead space is in better shape in this Video. Callisto Protocol looked almost realistic so often and it Impressed me like no other xbox game before but as i bought dead space i just thought its ok but nothing more and i use the lg g2 oled
Lo que han hecho con el Remake es increíble, han mejorado un juego que ya era de 8,5 a 9,5, que le hayan metido a todas las armas un disparo adicional, metido backtraking, hayan hecho del juego un mundo semiabierto a lo Dark Souls y encima con un spawn de enemigos aleatorio hace del juego un monstruo dentro de su género.
Ahora será difícil de superar, después de ver el resultado espero fuertemente que sigan adelante y nos traigan un Dead Space 2 Remake, aun que ya se que es lo primero que diréis "El 2 con un remaster ya es suficiente", es entonces cuando te digo que si hacen solo eso, el juego no dispondrá de la nueva mecánica de descuartización que implementaron en este Remake, el cual los necromorfos disponen de una capa de piel, de músculos y huesos, que hacen que el gameplay sea mas grotesco y por ende mas realista. El resultado de este Remake me a parecido muy bueno.
Se han arriesgado en implementar las cosas nuevas y no les ha salido nada mal, yo les dejaría experimentar con el Dead Space 2, y si el resultado no es de nuestro agrado pues tenemos el original el cual a día de hoy se sigue viendo espectacular.
En el original las armas también tenían un disparo opcional pero entiendo a lo que te refieres, la verdad que un juegazo con todas las letras.
Un esfuerzo muy bienvenido por parte de motive, se aprecia la atención al detalle que tuvieron para el remake. El juego no es perfecto eso si, pero hasta ahora, casi todos los factores por los que no es perfecto no afectan al momento de disfrutar el juego, en mi caso a lo que me refiero es lo siguiente:
- La introducción hacia el menú de inicio del juego y el propio menú de este. En el original era muy agobiante, tan solo cuando veías el logo de EA con sangre, seguido por un sonido similar al de una máquina encendiendose, ya te introducía en ese mundo de desesperación. Las imágenes grotescas de fondo, el diseño de audio, todo era impecable. Ahora solo es un fondo borroso y ya. Juzgando solo por este apartado fácil pudo ser un juego de acción lo que te encontraras al iniciar la partida.
- Las animaciones de movimiento de Isaac, las cuales me parecen poco naturales, aunado a esto, no tiene una animación para cuando tiene baja salud, corre y se mueve igual que con la vida completa, eso me pareció un desperdicio. ¿Si ya te tomaste la molestia de incorporar el sistema A.L.I.V.E. por qué fallar en eso?
Habiendo señalado lo anterior, quiero recalcar que esto no desmerita todo lo que si hicieron bien.
Lo que si merma un poco la experiencia es que hay ciertos aspectos del apartado de audio que suenan peor que en el original, y no me refiero a la calidad del audio en si, sino a la interpretación de estos. Por ejemplo: los guardianes (los enemigos pegados a las paredes a los que debes eliminar cortando sus tentáculos) su grito de muerte en el original no solo era mas largo sino que mas profundo y agoviante. En el remake suena como una versión diluida de lo que vimos en el original y considerando que es un juego de terror, el audio es vital, así que ojo ahí.
En general motive va por un muy buen camino, yo no tengo problemas en que hagan remake de los 2 juegos siguientes, siempre y cuando apliquen el mismo tratamiento que en este, respetar la escencia, mejorar lo mejorable y agregar mas contexto y sentido a los acontecimientos.
8,5? El original ya era un juego sobresaliente. Ahora es simplemente un 10, uno de los mejores survival horror de todos los tiempos
@@alfredopadronnanez3804 No me había saltado la notificación de tu mensaje, yo también concuerdo con lo que comentas, son detalles que molaban del juego original, pero no es tan grave como para echar a perder el gran trabajo que han aplicado en el Remake, me he quedado muy satisfecho con el producto final.
Callisto Protocol tem melhores modelos e motor gráfico, porém Dead Space soube usar melhor sua tecnologia e parece mais polido e funcional.
Não acho.
Acho o The Callisto um jogo bem cinza, cores cinzas. O nível de preto do jogo é na vdd cinza. O Dead space tem cores melhores, iluminação melhor e nível de preto perfeito. Estou jogando numa oled C2 e é absurdo.
Os modelos dos personagens no Dead space está melhor tbm.
Desculpe mas não vi nada melhor no The Callisto.
Callisto protocol es un muy buen juego y luce increible, para mi no tiene nada que envidiar a Dead Space. Me lo he pasado 2 veces.
Callisto Protocol tem melhores graficos , modelos de personagens e animações mas perde em todo resto kkkkk
@@bestiabinaria7344 Eu particularmente não gostei do The Callisto Protocol.
I’m a few hours into dead space remake….I like Callisto protocol better 🤷♂️
Dead space 🤝 the Callisto Protocol
Love this clip.. Hoped to see your opinions in the comment under the title, as I saw in the Callisto comparisons, 'cause I do not understand much of gpus and graphics and pc stuffs. Thank you for your work.
Mi buen Analista ¿Sabe si el estudio desarrollador dijo si van a hacer algo al respecto con el tema de la resolución en Dead space en consola? Puesto que es diferente a lo que prometieron en Twitter, saludos y buen trabajo como siempre.
Leí en un comunicado por parte de EA que son conscientes de eso y están trabajando en un parche, yo esperaría uno o dos días
@@luchensky1886 ojalá que así sea bro
@@luchensky1886 oh vaya, podrías pasarme el link mi buen compa?
Es necesario poner en la comparativa el Calisto a una resolución paupérrima? Lo tengo en PS5 y para nada se ve como en el video.
El único punto a favor de Calisto Protocol es su apartado gráfico, en todos los demás aspectos falla o simplemente no está a la altura.
Una lastima ya que era uno de los títulos que más esperaba, pero se convirtió en una de las mayores decepciones del año y lo peor es su agresivo método de monetización con animaciones de muerte detrás de un muro de pago y el final abierto para venderte como un DLC posteriormente. Muy diferente el caso de Dead Space Remake que supera en casi todos los apartados a su antecesor, agrega nuevas secciones e inserta nuevas mecánicas, visualmente también es bastante sólido aunque su rendimiento en consolas pudo ser mejor.
The Callisto Protocol está decente. También su gameplay, historia, personajes, enemigos y en el apartado técnico (dejando de lado los bugs) es un juego que cumple y que iran actualizando con el tiempo.
Compare rendimientos y Callisto corre mejor que Dead space remake pero nadie habla de eso verdad?, yo solo veo hipocresía
@@SpartanPr1me En efecto sigue siendo un juegazo y disfrutarlo con esos graficos es genial me encanta también porque tiene cinemáticas bien hechas en tiempo real se disfruta mucho
Entiendo que si le pegas a las tazas y demás objetos irrelevantes no sé mueven como en el dead space ¿pero solo por eso es una de las decepciones más grandes del año? Mmm creo que mucha gente se está dejando llevar por la nostalgia y otra cosa recuerden que le están dando a ganar dinero a EA
@@satania-chan5478 es pura nostalgia o postureo
Callisto doesn't look so white and weird on my xbox x
Ps5 needs a patch for resolution scaling or something messing up the texture quality
Input resolution for dead space on consoles is very low, typically between 800p and 1100p. FSR2 is used to upscale to 4k but FSR has always struggled to produce a good image when it's not fed enough pixels - you typically want to use at least 1440p or 1600p with FSR, anything lower is very blurry on a 4k screen
@@ms3862 This is not at all the problem as series x uses FSR as well, the problem with the game is the variable rate shading not mixing well with fsr, same thing happens on pc when using fsr.
Están trabajando en un parche para solucionarlo.
Does anyone know where this channel gets these songs? I would like to make a playlist for myself.
Que hermoso se mira dead space recuerdo jugarlo en el 2010 y han mejorado bastante me gusto mucho este remake espero comprarlo más adelante increíble detalles por mucho le gana a calistro protocol
The raised blacks in Callisto just look awful. I vastly prefer the contrasty look of Dead Space remake. Dead Space is also just a way better game all around too.
Ambos cuestan 70 doláres pero Dead space vale casa centavo 👌 y the calisto protocol tal ves cuando este a 30 doláres 🤨
The Callisto Protocol también lo vale, no me arrepiento de haberlo adquirido en su salida
@@yonfygameplays6771 me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado bro y que te haya gustado pero eso no quita que haya sido un fracaso dicho por el mismo estudio yo también lo compré día uno y pues ni modo no puedo devolverlo si podría lo haría 👍
El calisto me llamo la atención pero no me daba confianza de que sea algo grande y tenia razón lugare cuando cueste 20
Con DSR compre el primer día y para mi es juegazo
Y viendo mas esto estoy convencido de que calisto no vale los 70 que pide que además te cobra un season pass
Dead space is light years ahead gameplay/ physics wise, also once dead space gets its post launch patches for graphics like Callisto has I think there will be no comparison!
I don’t think any patch can make dead space as next gen looking as Callisto. Totally different engines. Callisto is much more impressive visually but Dead space is way ahead in terms of everything else.
Callisto Protocol isn’t a video game, it’s just an interactive movie. So wack.
Still waiting for Hi-Fi Rush graphics and framerate comparison...
Callisto: Jacob! Throw bastards into shredder, make BLOOD RAIN!
DSR: uhhh, Isaac, could u please look at us, we scary!
you can tell how rushed the callisto protocol was
Es importante recordar que un título fue hecho por EA y otro por un pequeño estudio. Dicho esto creo que ambos títulos se ven increíbles pero Death Space creo que graficamente esta un pequeño peldaño arriba.
Si un pequeño estudio que tuvo un presupuesto de 162 Millones? Imagina ahora cuanto gastaron en marketing jajaja
@@DrakenKnightWorld Sabes cuanto gana EA con todos los sobres de fifa que rozan el gambling? 162 millones es un vuelto para EA
Necesitas graduarte la vista, porque decir que dead space está mejor gráficamente es una completa estupidez
O problema mesmo é que o pessoal que fez Callisto bateu no peito e falou que o jogo deles era um quad A super foda. O estúdio pode ser pequeno mas o ego deles parece que n kkkkkk
Cómo ya dijeron, The Callisto tubo un presupuesto de casi 200 millones que supongo más de la mitad se fue a publicidad pero si no me equivoco la empresa Matrix del estudio es la misma que tiene la IP del PUBG, tienes idea de cuánto gana con ese juego incluso si se pasó al modelo Free to Play ? De hecho EA es la que menos detalles les pone a sus juegos salvó los FIFA y los juegos de Respawn casi todo lo que publica EA es basura. Ojalá que este remake sea el retorno a días mejores.
Animations are so much more polished and realistic in Callisto. The animations are good in dead space remake, but they seem off and not as fine tuned as the original Dead Space was, and that was a 2008 game its crazy.
"Is it a festival for Dead Space?
No, it's a funeral for Callisto protocol."
Goroshi for Callisto protocol
The black levels are really washed out on Callisto Protocol in comparison to Dead Space, the contrast is just much better on Dead space which gives the image a much better sense of depth. Its a shame because the graphics in Callisto Protocol are amazing. When you really push the contrast between deep blacks and really light it can make a just ok image look twice as good. I dont even think Dead space is more impressive graphically but it looks so much better for this exact reason. Expesially when displaying it on an OLED screen, with a title like this is so important to be able to get those deep blacks and really push the lights and darks and play with the lighting. Instead we get this smokey grey that really robs it of what it could look like.
Puedo usar mi save de TCP para seguir jugando en DSR? Crosssaving? Crossover?
A única coisa que o callisto foi melhor é no modelo dos personagens(e foi minimamente melhor), o resto como textura e gráfico do cenário, física, iluminação e outros o dead space dá uma surra
O que é bizarro, pareceu literalmente a mesma coisa em back 4 blood, mesmos criadores, mas um jogo bem pior e com bem menos interação
@@gabrielv_art realmente
@@gabrielv_art tbm pensei a msm coisa
Ambos son buenos juegos. Si les gusta Dead Space, es obligado probar The Callisto Protocol. No será un juego sobresaliente pero tampoco es malo y me gustaría que la saga continúe para que puedan pulir y mejorar todo lo que esta vez no funcionó.
Exactamente, eso mismo pienso yo, de hecho callisto tiene buenas ideas (en mi humilde opinión)
@@SpawnZ_HW sí de hecho algunas muy buenas ideas como el sistema de combate, aunque no todo fue implementado de la manera correcta. Pero por lo mismo, por el potencial, deberíamos apoyarlo para futuras entregas.
Esto es importante porque no sabemos si EA va a querer hacer algo más que otro Remake de Dead Space y yo personalmente no le tengo mucha fe a EA…
Callisto protocol esta muy bien, a mi me encantó, si sacan el 2 van a mejorar muchas cosas y sera brutal.
Por el momento su PTM con el dead space jaja nunca pude jugar los OG, pero ahora con el remake, wow...
Igual pienso apoyar a callisto para que sigan mas adelante..
I had more fun playing The Callisto Protocol than Dead Space. Don't know why, but that's it.
Me too
Dead Space looks better in nearly every scenario. Amazing game!
I disagree, the only thing amazing about collisto is it's visuals. The details on character models is insane. Graphically Collisto is a step ahead, but its an absolute terrible game worth no more than $15
Just the pyhsic and dynamic lights. TExtures, Polygones effects etc. are much better
I kinda understand why they used the Frostbite engine over Unreal. Because of the Physics. Dead Space Remake is a joy to play.
Guys remember that Callisto was made from the ground up with the story and everything, and Dead Space already had the story and everything so they already had a solid foundation for new stuff and improvements.
Yeahhhh, but there was a lot of things missing in Callisto, which is surprising since they made the first dead space
@Lil mikey I mean is not bad, but is not scary tho
@@user-zf1jf8zd8sit is when they are asking for $60 or $70+ for it.🤷🏽♂️
Dead space lo supera en todo, pero joder no había visto muy bien ese protocol Calisto hasta ahora y a pesar que no llega al dead space, aún así me llamo bastante la atención XD alguien que lo haya jugado, me lo recomienda?)
Jajaja ¿en todo? xD aquí tenemos un ejemplo más en el que la nostalgia le quita objetividad a una crítica
Tal vez valga la pena por los gráficos, pero nada más
El problema de Calisto es la jugabilidad que es muy mala, el sistema de esquives es malísimo. Gráficamente esta muy bien, crea una atmosfera espectacular.
El Callisto es más cinematográfico y lineal, más simple también. Pero es muy disfrutable, si lo encuentras barato dale una oportunidad.
Hdr Image is broken in callisto on ps5. Everything looks grey and foggy because of black level raise.
That last on glitching limb i saw that in dead space remake too
The only thing I didn't like about the visuals from Deadspace remake is when you switch weapons it seems like you just pull them out from thin air, it would be better if we can actually see the weapons being carried on Isaac himself and when you switch them Isaac will pull them from where they are physically.
Dead space amazing. Callisto was good, but had so much more potential. Looks and feels rushed
didn't have to do them dirty like that 😭
I just got both of these games. Currently playing through dead space remake then I’ll do Callisto protocol and compare them both.
4K Dead Space VS 1080 Callisto Protocol? WTF dude..It seems to me that the comparison has been deliberately spoiled in this case by choosing the best vs. the worst of the respective games. In any case Dead Space is better in my opinion but Callisto looks greater than what is shown here.
I'm enjoying Callisto but dead space looks like a awesome game
If you’re into action survival horror you should own both. The combat in Callisto Protocol is very well done. Unless you suck at gaming, then you may not like it. Dead Space Remake has more variety in the overall gameplay, it doesn’t feel as linear. I own both and I’ve beat Callisto Protocol three times. I’m almost done with Dead Space and I’ll replay that as well.
Dead Space totalmente, mejores físicas, detalles, interacción etc... Además Dead Space salió totalmente pulido, y tiene más exploración que Calisto Protocol (que parece FF13 un pasillo )
A big factor no one talked about with Callisto besides mindlessly bashing it is the enemies are just big zombies compared to dead spaces creatures (technically zombies too) that hunt you. Makes it a lot scarier when you’re being hunted by a creature vs walking through a zombie farm
I absolutely loved The Callisto Protocol, and I was a huge fan of the combat. When you know what you’re doing you can definitely utilize your weapons and dismember enemies. It’s not just “melee everything” like most people say the gameplay is. Aside from that I really enjoyed the narrative and world design. As much as it pains me to admit though, I do like the Dead Space remake better. It just feels more satisfying as far as the gunplay is concerned, and the game is actually scary in certain sections. I never jumped even once in TCP, and they billed it as the scariest game ever made… So yeah, I give the TCP a solid 8/10, and the Dead Space remake really does deserve a 10/10.
Dead Space (New Gen) vs The Callisto (Old Gen)
wow the ppl behind callisto protocol should be ashamed of themselves and all the ppl trying to defend the game saying it's got better graphics then dead space 😂 just take the L and move on
Hay que tomar en cuenta que Callisto se hizo con el Unreal Engine 4 y no con el 5, es un motor gráfico menos potente pero vaya que bien aprovechado. Dead Space debe de usar la última versión de Frostbite supongo
Unreal 4.27 - Callisto Protocol
I don't like "scripted" combat system in protocol.
Chamarem o The Callisto Protocol de Quad A foi um grande Bait, o jogo tem sim muita qualidade, mas pra ser chamado de Quad A tinha que ser quase perfeito, e não é melhor do que muitos jogos que já foram lançados, Nem mesmo melhor que o Dead Space.
Impressionante Dead Space só meio que perdeu nos reflexo. Gráfico, iluminação e física incrível! 😯😲😲
Claramente se ve muy superior death space. No se porque hay tanto comentario diciendo que calisto se ve mejor
Osea el video hasta parece un poniendo a parir el calisto
Porque tiene mejores texturas el Callisto y para muchos eso es lo único importante en el aspecto técnico.
Pero en físicas e iluminación, DS se lo lleva por mucho.
¿En verdad se ve muy superior? No estarás exagerando
@@leona.warfex6826 No me gusta la iluminación de Dead space se me hace demasiado exagerada yo siento que Callisto tiene iluminación mas realista
y lo mas sorprendente es que la iluminacion en general de dead space no solo supera a TCP si no que lo hace sin siquiera usar Raytracing en sombras ni reflejos, pues dead space solo usa RT en oclusion ambiental, el resto son tecnicas mas comunes como SSR, shadowmaps, cubemaps etc.
en dead space todo se ve visualmente mejor debido principalmente a su excelente dirección de arte, cosa que en callisto es exageradamente generica.
"Look at these physics" 1:30
Proceed to not show any of the physics for Callisto.
Because it doesn’t really have none in the environment 😂
I played them head to head and while Dead Space is way better in terms of variety and gameplay, graphics in TCP is like a generation ahead of DS 2023, i played on PC with Ultra Settings + RT
Yeah but whatever scum was put in charge of designing the trophy list for Dead Space Remake should have their limbs severed. As an avid trophy hunter, I’ll be skipping it in favor of other better games that don’t force replays on tedious, ever increasing difficulties to artificially pad the replay value. Callisto had a significantly better trophy list, all it’s other flaws aside. We want to play a game once and 100% it so we can move onto the next. If your game is so good we’ll want to replay it of our own choosing, not because we’re forced to in order to get one poorly designed trophy.
Why Callisto is so blurry?
Both engines Frostbite & Unreal look extremely impressive and have their strengths and weaknesses.
Callisto protocol has the better character/facial animations, in that area Callisto truly looks next gen borderline CGI movie look at times.
Dead Space has better physics and overall art design and a pin sharp image.
The Callisto's biggest advantage is it's cool melee combat mechanic which imo makes the overall gameplay cooler than the DS.
No Music? 😥😥
Imposible que una franquicia nueva supere a otra ya consolidada. Ese fue el involuntario fallo de callisto protocol.
ao fazer comparações levem em consideração que DS não precisou criar nada. toda a história, ambiente, gameplay, mecânicas, tava tudo lá. apenas remodelaram tudo.
Las comparaciones son en el apartado técnico, lo otro no tiene nada que ver
IMHO Dead Space turned out far better!
The few things Callisto Protocol does right are character model, weapon swap animation and texture. But it's all superficial compared to the gameplay depth Dead Space brings to the table.
Dead Space is on another level. Maybe the close combat is better in TCP but DS win on any other point. Maybe TCP needs to be compared with Dead Space 3?) same environment on the planet, snow,..
I'd like a doom 3 remake.
Dead space has way better physics and art direction
Callisto Protocol es un atrezo con 0 interactividad, 3 tipos de enemigos y un combate que se hace repetitivo en seguida. Dead Space gana por goleada en absolutamente todos los apartados a mi modo de ver. Especialmente en la interactividad y la jugabilidad, que es lo más importante en un VIDEOJUEGO
the graphics is better on callisto of course, but for story and gameplay it goes to dead space. I have RTX 3060 and it runs smoothly on callisto, but there's a bit stutter sometimes but it's ok, I run it on default graphics settings maybe if I set it to ultra it still runs well I just don't wanna check all the settings one by one lol 😄
Dead also looks great especially lighting
@@johnperry8081 yeah but I mean the details is of course better on callisto, but when it comes to story and gameplay dead space is better, all in all dead space is still the winner for me
Callisto looks soft and washed out compared to that of Dead Space. Easily seen in this video.
Overall I'd say it's a sad day for the developers of Callisto. Dead Space is leaps and bounds over this sorry excuse of a cash grab... "Exclusive IP'S" anyone?
Sad too when one needs to pass along their horrible port of their consoles garbage in order to attempt to make any money....
The atmosphere, the lighting and reflections in The Callisto Protocol are really next-gen graphic. It reminds me of The Order 1886 in PS4.
Even though Callisto is Cross gen, it has better graphics than dead space, which is a new generation, better blood effects and picking up objects too, but the gameplay is flawed because it is repetitive, few enemy variations, however good designs, I love the two-headed one that throws acid, but it will never be better than dead space and its visual identities.
Calisto it's a good game, but to short.
Dead space all day.
I like both games but i have to admit Dead Space details are perfect! Like almost everything can be broke and the lighting are 🤯❤️ love em both tho
It's like the CP is blurred intentionally in this video. From a graphics view point CP is way better looking than DS.
Ambos están a muy buen nivel, Calisto gana en el modelo de sus personajes y expresiones mientras Dead Space gana en todo lo demás, pero no es para hacer tanto escándalo, se nota que a ambos se les puso muchas ganas, Calisto obvio tenía todas las de perder, es un IP nueva que puede tener gente muy capacitada y a los creadores de dead space pero dudo que haya tenido el presupuesto que puede aportar EA, además hacer Dead space remake era solo mejorar lo que ya había porque el juego base ya era una joya 👌.
Para mi ambos juegos valen la pena, ciertamente Calisto aún le falta trabajo, pero es prometedor, espero no abandonen la posibilidad de una segunda entrega, ya tienen algo bueno solo tienen que mejorarlo, y en el caso de Dead Space lo mismo, ya tiene las bases hechas, espero sigan con DP2 y 3, la gente está como loca por volver a ver esta saga, no pueden desaprovechar la oportunidad
Callisto parece un verdadero juego next gen.
Mientras que dead space tiene gráficos De la old gen
@@Benny-xf1hk exacto.
@@Benny-xf1hk Calisto Protocol está hecho con Unreal Engine 4, es imposible que sea next gen, pero tampoco te alarmes Dead Space tampoco es next gen, corre con frostbite
I’m pro Callisto Protocol. Just more my style with sneaking stealth kills and the melee combat is brutal.
Callisto Protocol has a higher polygon count, it's very much a CGI game similar to The Order 1886, and Callisto Protocol might have the lead of any game out now for the highest polygon-count of any character and environment, but it's very bland, but it fits the environment the game takes place in luckily. Dead Space is more rich and also highly detailed but aren't focused on being a CGI movie. 6:00 is a good example where the textures differ, Dead Space is more crisp and detailed in it's textures, while Callisto Protocol has this bland washed out textures of it's environment.