Considering LoZ an RPG is debatable. It does not have enough factors necessary to consider it an RPG. Sure, it has light RPG traits but not enough to consider the genre an RPG. Its much more safe to call it an Action Adventure.
In the same way, Monster Hunter is not an RPG at all, the only RPG elements in it are character customization and gathering materials to get better armor and weapons.
So glad to see DotNW and Last Story mentioned. I always feel like one of only a handful of people who like them or even know about them! These are all great games and 3 of my all time favorites are here! This is a top 5 list I am in full support of.
One thing that I've noticed Wii RPGs have over other RPGs of other systems is the music. It's not just one track that's memorable, it's a multitude of them. Heck, if it wasn't for hearing the OST of Xenoblade in the trailer for it, I may not have gotten it. Never doubt the power of music.
Actually that's what's so beautiful about Zelda, it has so many gameplay elements on each game that forcing it into a single category is hard. It has minigames, it sometimes has horse races, or loftwings, etc., it has combat, it has puzzles, it has story, it has characters, you upgrade link as you continue and he becomes stronger, it's also very artsy, and I could go on, but I think everyone got the point.
I really don't see how anyone can say TLS had a bad story It uses JRPG tropes a lot but the story is told so tenderly and gracefully, and it's played out by such a terrific cast of characters, that all its cliches were just afterthoughts by the time I had beaten it.
It has just about all the basic elements of an RPG. First of all you assume the role of a character, you set out on an epic quest to save the world, and there is a clear-cut villain. You can acquire new equipment, you can even level it up in the latest Zelda installment. You battle monsters and go through dungeons and as you progress through your character gets stronger. You even have the option of increasing your health and magic, or challenging yourself not to. So yes I consider it an RPG
I can say why you will say LoZ isn't a RPG, but Monster Hunter is pretty much a role playing game. No one says RPG got to have not action filled combat :3
rpg game Web definitions A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. RPG- Do you assume the role of a character in a fictional setting? Is there some sort of story? Do you interact with other characters and the environment around you as you follow this story? Do you make decisions on your character's behalf? Is there some sort of structure and/or character development? Then it's an rpg. Chess is not an rpg. But if you throw in characters, assume the role of at least one of those characters and then follow some sort of story, it becomes an rpg.
I'd call Zelda an RPG myself BUT it was out on NGC first and I was expecting a list of wii only games, so it should still not be on the list, whether or not it was initially intended for the Wii. :v
Zelda is no RPG, ahahahah. I doubt Monster Hunter can be considered one either, no leveling system which is the core of every RPG game. Collecting/upgrading gear isn't enough to consider it a RPG.
100Kingdom Zelda is considered an action/adventure game, never a RPG. Monster Hunter... Mmmyeah, guess you could say it's a RPG, but idk, it doesn't quite fit.
Why is the Legend of Zelda here!? Its not even an rpg, it barely comes close to being one, yeah you control a character with a major role to the story but that's it.. The LoZ series has never been rpg related, the genre for the games are mostly Action, Adventure and Fantasy. There is comedic aspects to the newer games too. Skyward Sword (my fav addition to the series) had the most comedy in it.
Poké Gamer well that depends on your definition. If you don't put your heart into zelda games you won't get far. RPG is all about 'getting' another world and reason in it (although zelda is more puzzle than other RPGs), RPG is not actually number crunching statistics on everything. RPG is also about plot and story, and zelda has in a sense plenty of those. In this vein, Tales is the perfect RPG, but I never finished any tales, just got bored with each one. I put about 60 hrs into ToS and got just over half way.
RPGS Are games where the main characters level up, learn new abilities and magic, new weapons, armours. Heavy story lines with lots of cutscenes and dialogue.
Soxviper why would i try harder, you make it sound like work. There are too many other games in want of attention. I saw some of your other remarks, actually I am amazed that you know the word conniving.
Kosteri x there is no rhythm in xenoblade because the random encounters are too easy and the boss fights too hard. Other gripes: you need a big screen to make out the text, the AI in combat is hard to follow. The wii is not fit for action games. The title should have been "Top Time Consuming Wii games for the unemployed" or something. Xenoblade is not fun, it has epic moments stretched far inbetween (apart from first phase).
i agree with this top 5, i think zelda can be classified as an rpg, the fact that theres a fictional story and the players potray a role of a hero in the story, which is basically a role playing game :)
Imo, Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World is great for player Tales of Symphonia before Story 8/10 Plot twist 8.7/10 Voice Actor: 8.5/10 (Japanese ver.) Comedy: 8/10 (You need know characteristic all character in Tales of Symphonia before for got full this point) Gameplay 9/10 (You can hunt, feed, evolve monster like Pokemon game)
I only had the GC version of Zelda, and it's one of my fav Zelda games. I personally love side quests in an rpg and this one has great sidequests. The only sidequest downfall was getting all the Poes for the reward was only a rare ruby, and by the time I got it, I already had the max amount of rubies. So I don't bother looking for all the Poes. I did play the original ToS and loved it too. Xenoblade looks interesting enough, but I have my eye on the Last Story.
Goes to show, they didn't actually show any of the RPGs that should have been shown. Like chrono trigger and ff3(6), and super Mario RPG. Cuz fucking virtual console.
....ToS2? I can't stand it, TBH. It was done terribly, and if you want to enjoy the monster aspect of the game, it means that if you play with four people, whihc I usually did, it means they would have to sit out. Not to mention that All human allies dont get stronger unless you follow the story. Or the get stunned, you dead aspect. ToS2 could have been so much better.
Monster Hunter is more of action with some RPG elements, like the giant inventory management system and the weapons and armor. Some could also argue that it does have a leveling system, but you level more by leveling up your gear and learning about the monsters you'll be facing.
For those who haven't picked up Last Story yet, I would highly recommend waiting to buy it, or if you have bought it, wait with playing it, until Wii U launches as the game is intended with HD graphics and will look incredibly much better on the Wii U. That being said, it is still extremely impressive and an incredible game overall and I'd give it 9/10 The only thing that pulle dit down is that there is no option for Japanese audio. If it weren't for that, I'd give it a full 10/10
I believe it technically is; you're playing the role of link. It has character development, story, just not the typical "leveling up" that most RPGs display.
@Timothy Fram (sorry, I'm on my phone). Technically any game is an 'RPG' but generally the genre which is 'RPG' is characterized by leveling and improvement of the character of which you've taken the role of. Zelda is more of an action-adventure because it revolves around battling, solving puzzles and finding items needed to progress rather than leveling up Link and grinding monsters for gear.
It's a game. He just showed the intro, which is animated. However, I suggest the first Tales of Symphonia (for Gamecube) rather than this wii version. It's an RPG game that has a unique battle system that is one of those "easy to learn but difficult to master" kind of thing. It's pretty fun.
5:22 running, running, running, even more running... running some more running, runs past huge dinosaur, runs up a bridge, jumps off cliff into giant ocean, then swimming, swimming, then..... back to running. Does it ever end? xD
think I'm getting the Wii U too eventually :) I liked the Wii in quite a few ways, it's the ultimate retro console as the retro console game ports there are -perfect- ports ,not messing up the original gameplay. Have to admit I never ever got comfortable with the Wiimotes (and don't think I will) The Classic controllers for the Wii however are -amazing- , takes the best from the Snes controllers and improve upon it ^^ Most the games I've played on Wii use it. Twilight Princess I got for GC
1.- XENOBLADE CHRONICLES(NOT ONLY ON WII , ON ALL THE CONSOLES) 2.-THE LAST STORY 3.- MONSTER HUNTER TRI 4.- PANDORA TOWER 5.-TALES OF SYMPHONIA DAWN OF THE NEW WORLD And zelda is an action/adventure game, and always has than genre since the first zelda for nes hehe
I haven't played that one, so you may be right. But here's straight from Wikipedia: "RPGs rival adventure games in terms of their rich storylines, in contrast to genres that do not rely upon storytelling such as sports games or puzzle games. Both genres also feature highly detailed characters, and a great deal of exploration. However, adventure games usually have a well-defined character, whereas while RPGs may do so, many allow the player to design their characters. Adventure games usually..."
"A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines." An RPG isn't just a game that has leveling up and set statistics. Those are RPG elements.
I say you've gotta play the first Tales of Symphonia to understand Dawn of the New World fully! The battle system is a lot better in the second, but the first still pwns in my opinion :)
People's debate about it being an RPG comes from mainly about the fact that you progressively get stronger through obtaining new items and overcoming new obstacles, as well as the dungeon vibe the game gives off, not the fact that you're Playing as a character. But again, This is one of the most debated things next to The Top game of all time (which of course in the race for that, is zelda)
you level up every time you complete a new dungeon or get 4 heart containers, theirs also armour and weapon upgrades in all Zelda's look at majors mask with the great fairy sword then upgrading your shields in skyward sword.
I wasn't as much referring to the actually ranking system, but more referencing the fact that leveling up your gear directly raises your abilities, which is way more applicable to Monster Hunter than most games I've seen. If you don't upgrade your weapons and armor, there is absolutely no way to win.
in every game you asume the role play posture, whe i heard the rpg word the first to come to my mind is level up, stats, strategy, companions.... and in the case of JRPG airships :P
Ah, but it is! Increasing your health meter after each boss, collecting new items that make you stronger in a different way, selling and buying (skyward even has synthesizing.) RPG means Role Playing Game. And I'll be damned if you're not playing the role of link.
My top 3 thus far (cause I only got three Wii RPGs :P ) 3: Spectrobes Origins 2: Xenoblade Chronicles 1: Monster Hunter Tri Really looking forward to Last Story :3
That's why they are popular. Nintendo found a pattern that works and they stayed with it. Also the main attraction in the Zelda games are not the story it's one of the few JRPGs that has set full focus on the gameplay but Zelda is not about running straight though the story hackin and slashing your way through your enemies. It's about all those mind numbing puzzles, the satisfaction when you solve the really hard ones are incredible and the boss fights are fun... well some of them are a pain.
@Gerryk003 a few years back, Zelda was considered an RPG. I still do consider it one...not having to change a thousand pieces of equipment, constant level up etc doesnt mean it isnt an RPG.
12 ปีที่แล้ว
i guess i know what games im gonna start downloading :)
Indeed, but for me, an RPG is a game where I take control over one or more characters that I can develop trough battle or by other means, so gaining Experience is my way to know if its a RPG or not. Still I don't blame others who consider Zelda to be a RPG ^^ Have a good day!
RPGs can require high level tactics, in terms of how you level up your character(some have a system other than traditional levels) and how you plan out battles, but can be made easier if you level grind. To be fair though he is not referring to RPGs as in videogames but RPGs as in boardgames, two entirely different things.
Again, depends how you want to define what a game is and what you get out of it. I actually throw Zelda into the Puzzle Adventure RPG section - that is Zelda games like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages, A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening (only zelda games I played, don't know about the rest)
Aside from the major details, I've forgotten a lot of the story, maybe I'll buy it again and replay it when the Wii U comes out (my Wii broke and I don't want to send it in for repairs this close to the Wii U's launch). Even though it's technically far worse than the original and Vesperia (a lot of elements felt half-assed, like the centurions), I was still hooked and enjoyed it very much, I loved the monster system. Xenoblade is my all time favorite RPG of this generation though.
for a game to be a RPG, you need to level up or become 10x or more stronger at the end of the game than the begining. You need to be able to see how much life (HP) you have as a number from 10 to 99999. Not just a life bar that grow 2x larger or 3 to 20 heart. You need to become invinsible to the attack of the enemy you fight at the begining of the game once your late in the game, and stuff like that.
To be honest, a game which took me 150 hours after attempting and failing to do every side quest, is far better value than most games at half the price.
Well, in Zelda, you PLAY the ROLE of Link, so technically, it's an RPG game--and one of the BEST EVER. Next, I'd go with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Monster Hunter Tri, Dragon Quest, and then Xenoblade.
I am dieing for a Xenoblade Chronicles Sequel,lol even though I have not finnished this game yet, I think I will feel very sad once it has ended. nothing was made as epic as this, one thing unique to this game is the sheer size of the zones, it feels like your not using a Wii, they pushed the Wii to the max, always a high framerate and slick combat system, and love the story.
I love the tales series. Tales of symphonia was what started it all for me, but unfortunately the 2nd one felt like a let down...although i do love me some johnny young bosch :D
I LOVE Xenoblade but I'm OKAY with the trailer. There's SO MUCH MORE to the game than just running (though you kinda have to all the time XD ). I mean the music, boss battles, the Mechon, and there's a LOT more different terrain than just grass and forests (I know it's different terrain in every area, but there's snow, jungle, swamp, etc. ) . They didn't really cover it all. I know trailers aren't supposed to give it all away, but it makes it sort of look a bit dull, but that's just me.
Considering LoZ an RPG is debatable.
It does not have enough factors necessary to consider it an RPG.
Sure, it has light RPG traits but not enough to consider the genre an RPG.
Its much more safe to call it an Action Adventure.
how is it not?
Most importantly, a leveling up system.
Agreed. That game in no way is a RPG.
In the same way, Monster Hunter is not an RPG at all, the only RPG elements in it are character customization and gathering materials to get better armor and weapons.
Do you know what RPG stands for? Role playing game. Yeah, LoZ is undoubtedly a rpg series, since you role play as Link.
So glad to see DotNW and Last Story mentioned. I always feel like one of only a handful of people who like them or even know about them! These are all great games and 3 of my all time favorites are here! This is a top 5 list I am in full support of.
My favorite in those was ToS2 Im a huge fan of Tales and of Emil Castagnier
Twilight princess, zenoblade, and last story are my all time favorite games!
Why do so few people in the comments section seem to understand that RPG stands for Role Playing Game and not Leveling Up Game?
But zelda isnt a rpg
One thing that I've noticed Wii RPGs have over other RPGs of other systems is the music. It's not just one track that's memorable, it's a multitude of them. Heck, if it wasn't for hearing the OST of Xenoblade in the trailer for it, I may not have gotten it. Never doubt the power of music.
Pandora's Tower is worth mentioning too.
Damn dude, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I didn't know about that one and just watched a video of it. It looks incredible.
yeah no problem. Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandoras Tower and The Last Story are the 3 big JRPGS on wii
legend of zelda skyword sword is a great rpg too
Pandora's Tower is no more an RPG than LoZ is.
Actually that's what's so beautiful about Zelda, it has so many gameplay elements on each game that forcing it into a single category is hard. It has minigames, it sometimes has horse races, or loftwings, etc., it has combat, it has puzzles, it has story, it has characters, you upgrade link as you continue and he becomes stronger, it's also very artsy, and I could go on, but I think everyone got the point.
My top 3 (there a very little amount of rpg in the wii, or at least good ones that I Tried)
1:The Last Story
2:Pandora´s Tower
3:Xenoblade Chronicles
This was a great review thank you can wait to try them all :)
Xenoblade at #3?
Huh. Whats this guys IQ?
+Strife! Community lmao hahahahhahaha yea i think your right!!! Xenoblade Chronicles should have been number 1#
+SparklesChap Should be #1!
sorry but it deserves position number 2 there is no way its better than "the last story " And yes I've played both.
+zephule stargazer Sorry but opinions are opinions not facts.
+SparklesChap What's YOURS? Do you understand how personal taste works? I would have more of an issue with putting Zelda on this list.
I really don't see how anyone can say TLS had a bad story
It uses JRPG tropes a lot but the story is told so tenderly and gracefully, and it's played out by such a terrific cast of characters, that all its cliches were just afterthoughts by the time I had beaten it.
Zelda isn't an RPG -_- They have RPG ELEMENTS. Learn the difference.
The Wii is just .. memorable !!! Long life Nintendo Wii !!!
xenoblade chronicles 1st place best game eva
LukeTer IMZ first wii game that I loved to the core
R- You take the role of Link
P- You play it
G- it's a game
It's an RPG!
LoZ isn't a RPG. Role playing as link doesn't mean its an RPG.
Xenoblade is okay. Good place for it at 3. Doesn't need to be 1,
Try harder.
It has just about all the basic elements of an RPG. First of all you assume the role of a character, you set out on an epic quest to save the world, and there is a clear-cut villain. You can acquire new equipment, you can even level it up in the latest Zelda installment. You battle monsters and go through dungeons and as you progress through your character gets stronger. You even have the option of increasing your health and magic, or challenging yourself not to. So yes I consider it an RPG
Both Zelda and Tri arent RPG's, there action games
I can say why you will say LoZ isn't a RPG, but Monster Hunter is pretty much a role playing game. No one says RPG got to have not action filled combat :3
rpg game
Web definitions
A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.
RPG- Do you assume the role of a character in a fictional setting?
Is there some sort of story? Do you interact with other characters and the environment around you as you follow this story? Do you make decisions on your character's behalf? Is there some sort of structure and/or character development?
Then it's an rpg.
Chess is not an rpg.
But if you throw in characters, assume the role of at least one of those characters and then follow some sort of story, it becomes an rpg.
I'm with you GlaciusX2, who says that Zelda is a RPG? But, Monster Hunter really is considered an Action RPG, so...
I'd call Zelda an RPG myself BUT it was out on NGC first and I was expecting a list of wii only games, so it should still not be on the list, whether or not it was initially intended for the Wii. :v
Action RPGs are often action games with RPG elements. Same with Ys, Dark Souls, Odin Sphere, etc.
Played all of them and even own them. Though the Zelda i have is the Gamecube version. Another great rpg game for Wii is Pandora's Tower.
Zelda is no RPG, ahahahah.
I doubt Monster Hunter can be considered one either, no leveling system which is the core of every RPG game. Collecting/upgrading gear isn't enough to consider it a RPG.
well its considered one so tough beans
100Kingdom Zelda is considered an action/adventure game, never a RPG.
Monster Hunter... Mmmyeah, guess you could say it's a RPG, but idk, it doesn't quite fit.
ademkin Did you never heard about hack'n slash genere?
Rozan Shoryu Ha I did, why ?
RPG stands for Role Playing Game, not Leveling System Game.
When are people going to realize that RPG stands for Role Playing Game, and nothing more?
Xenoblade is honestly the best wii game i have ever played. If you own a wii and like JRPGs it is a must buy
Why is the Legend of Zelda here!? Its not even an rpg, it barely comes close to being one, yeah you control a character with a major role to the story but that's it.. The LoZ series has never been rpg related, the genre for the games are mostly Action, Adventure and Fantasy. There is comedic aspects to the newer games too. Skyward Sword (my fav addition to the series) had the most comedy in it.
Poké Gamer well that depends on your definition. If you don't put your heart into zelda games you won't get far. RPG is all about 'getting' another world and reason in it (although zelda is more puzzle than other RPGs), RPG is not actually number crunching statistics on everything. RPG is also about plot and story, and zelda has in a sense plenty of those.
In this vein, Tales is the perfect RPG, but I never finished any tales, just got bored with each one. I put about 60 hrs into ToS and got just over half way.
Zelda II would like to have a word with you.
what do you mean by Zelda II?
The game, Zelda II: Adventure of Link. It, and it alone in the franchise, is an RPG.
RPGS Are games where the main characters level up, learn new abilities and magic, new weapons, armours. Heavy story lines with lots of cutscenes and dialogue.
xenoblade sucks. There is no rhythm in the battles.
Shut up loser.
Try harder. "Rhythm. Pssh. Can you see your colon from there?
Soxviper why would i try harder, you make it sound like work. There are too many other games in want of attention. I saw some of your other remarks, actually I am amazed that you know the word conniving.
Kosteri x there is no rhythm in xenoblade because the random encounters are too easy and the boss fights too hard. Other gripes: you need a big screen to make out the text, the AI in combat is hard to follow. The wii is not fit for action games.
The title should have been "Top Time Consuming Wii games for the unemployed" or something. Xenoblade is not fun, it has epic moments stretched far inbetween (apart from first phase).
i agree with this top 5, i think zelda can be classified as an rpg, the fact that theres a fictional story and the players potray a role of a hero in the story, which is basically a role playing game :)
Seriously Zelda is not an RPG and Dawn of the New World is not that great.
Imo, Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World is great for player Tales of Symphonia before
Story 8/10
Plot twist 8.7/10
Voice Actor: 8.5/10 (Japanese ver.)
Comedy: 8/10 (You need know characteristic all character in Tales of Symphonia before for got full this point)
Gameplay 9/10 (You can hunt, feed, evolve monster like Pokemon game)
Shira Putri It's an okay game but the score should slightly lower.
Agree, that game need played Tales of Symphonia before for full-enjoying that game
imo, maybe 8th from 10 Top RPG Wii game
Symphonia 2's story was a very bland attempt to reproduce how great Destiny 2's love story had been.
I only had the GC version of Zelda, and it's one of my fav Zelda games. I personally love side quests in an rpg and this one has great sidequests. The only sidequest downfall was getting all the Poes for the reward was only a rare ruby, and by the time I got it, I already had the max amount of rubies. So I don't bother looking for all the Poes. I did play the original ToS and loved it too. Xenoblade looks interesting enough, but I have my eye on the Last Story.
Dawn of the New World was terrible
Goes to show, they didn't actually show any of the RPGs that should have been shown. Like chrono trigger and ff3(6), and super Mario RPG. Cuz fucking virtual console.
did you play it? because if you play the gamecube game you will love the game on wii
I can't stand it, TBH.
It was done terribly, and if you want to enjoy the monster aspect of the game, it means that if you play with four people, whihc I usually did, it means they would have to sit out.
Not to mention that All human allies dont get stronger unless you follow the story. Or the get stunned, you dead aspect. ToS2 could have been so much better.
If you played the gamecube game, which i did, you should hate dawn of the new world even more
on my is the oposite
AMAZING!!! I wanna play ALL!!!
Monster Hunter is more of action with some RPG elements, like the giant inventory management system and the weapons and armor. Some could also argue that it does have a leveling system, but you level more by leveling up your gear and learning about the monsters you'll be facing.
"buhuhu, he doesn't think like me" Kids...
Thks for the video o/
Yay SOMEONE finally mentioned monster hunter, had to go thru 12 pages of comments to find one about monster hunter :]
For those who haven't picked up Last Story yet, I would highly recommend waiting to buy it, or if you have bought it, wait with playing it, until Wii U launches as the game is intended with HD graphics and will look incredibly much better on the Wii U.
That being said, it is still extremely impressive and an incredible game overall and I'd give it 9/10
The only thing that pulle dit down is that there is no option for Japanese audio. If it weren't for that, I'd give it a full 10/10
YES! I fully agree with your number one choice!!
I believe it technically is; you're playing the role of link. It has character development, story, just not the typical "leveling up" that most RPGs display.
Excellent list, I do not disagree on a single game!
yes, the last story number 1 :D my favourite game, it's really awesome ^^
@Timothy Fram (sorry, I'm on my phone). Technically any game is an 'RPG' but generally the genre which is 'RPG' is characterized by leveling and improvement of the character of which you've taken the role of. Zelda is more of an action-adventure because it revolves around battling, solving puzzles and finding items needed to progress rather than leveling up Link and grinding monsters for gear.
the last story looks pretty awesum :P
SushiBoi7 i am so with you on that. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is my favourite game!!
It's a game. He just showed the intro, which is animated. However, I suggest the first Tales of Symphonia (for Gamecube) rather than this wii version. It's an RPG game that has a unique battle system that is one of those "easy to learn but difficult to master" kind of thing. It's pretty fun.
monster hunter and every legend of zelda are my ....oooohhh my god i have no words....!! i love them!!
That was both Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. Both were the last games in the series IMO that were more story driven than any.
Great games!!!
In that sense every game that has a playable character is an RPG
5:22 running, running, running, even more running... running some more running, runs past huge dinosaur, runs up a bridge, jumps off cliff into giant ocean, then swimming, swimming, then..... back to running. Does it ever end? xD
think I'm getting the Wii U too eventually :) I liked the Wii in quite a few ways, it's the ultimate retro console as the retro console game ports there are -perfect- ports ,not messing up the original gameplay.
Have to admit I never ever got comfortable with the Wiimotes (and don't think I will)
The Classic controllers for the Wii however are -amazing- , takes the best from the Snes controllers and improve upon it ^^
Most the games I've played on Wii use it. Twilight Princess I got for GC
And zelda is an action/adventure game, and always has than genre since the first zelda for nes hehe
I haven't played that one, so you may be right. But here's straight from Wikipedia:
"RPGs rival adventure games in terms of their rich storylines, in contrast to genres that do not rely upon storytelling such as sports games or puzzle games. Both genres also feature highly detailed characters, and a great deal of exploration. However, adventure games usually have a well-defined character, whereas while RPGs may do so, many allow the player to design their characters. Adventure games usually..."
agree! the last story was epic *.*
"A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines." An RPG isn't just a game that has leveling up and set statistics. Those are RPG elements.
I say you've gotta play the first Tales of Symphonia to understand Dawn of the New World fully! The battle system is a lot better in the second, but the first still pwns in my opinion :)
People's debate about it being an RPG comes from mainly about the fact that you progressively get stronger through obtaining new items and overcoming new obstacles, as well as the dungeon vibe the game gives off, not the fact that you're Playing as a character.
But again, This is one of the most debated things next to The Top game of all time (which of course in the race for that, is zelda)
you level up every time you complete a new dungeon or get 4 heart containers, theirs also armour and weapon upgrades in all Zelda's look at majors mask with the great fairy sword then upgrading your shields in skyward sword.
I wasn't as much referring to the actually ranking system, but more referencing the fact that leveling up your gear directly raises your abilities, which is way more applicable to Monster Hunter than most games I've seen. If you don't upgrade your weapons and armor, there is absolutely no way to win.
I agree with monster hunter, Xenoblade and definitely Last story, go man!
i have heard a lot of good things about twilight princess and xenoblade chronicles I CANT WAIT TO PICK THEM UP
in every game you asume the role play posture, whe i heard the rpg word the first to come to my mind is level up, stats, strategy, companions.... and in the case of JRPG airships :P
Tales of Symphonia is a pretty good RPG, and kinda like Pokemon as you can get mosty every creature in the game and evolve them at a certain level.
good video!!!
wow that monster hunter looked amazing, i was only gonna buy a wii for zelda untill i saw this vid
Ah, but it is! Increasing your health meter after each boss, collecting new items that make you stronger in a different way, selling and buying (skyward even has synthesizing.) RPG means Role Playing Game. And I'll be damned if you're not playing the role of link.
My top 3 thus far (cause I only got three Wii RPGs :P )
3: Spectrobes Origins
2: Xenoblade Chronicles
1: Monster Hunter Tri
Really looking forward to Last Story :3
That's why they are popular. Nintendo found a pattern that works and they stayed with it.
Also the main attraction in the Zelda games are not the story it's one of the few JRPGs that has set full focus on the gameplay but Zelda is not about running straight though the story hackin and slashing your way through your enemies. It's about all those mind numbing puzzles, the satisfaction when you solve the really hard ones are incredible and the boss fights are fun... well some of them are a pain.
By the same logic pretty much any game in existence can be considered an RPG. In Arkanoid you play the role of a paddle.
@Gerryk003 a few years back, Zelda was considered an RPG. I still do consider it one...not having to change a thousand pieces of equipment, constant level up etc doesnt mean it isnt an RPG.
i guess i know what games im gonna start downloading :)
Top 6: Xenoblade, Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fire Emblem Raidant Dawn, and Monster Hunter 3
Indeed, but for me, an RPG is a game where I take control over one or more characters that I can develop trough battle or by other means, so gaining Experience is my way to know if its a RPG or not. Still I don't blame others who consider Zelda to be a RPG ^^
Have a good day!
Good list I still need to pick up Tales Of Symphonia Dawn Of A New World.
arc rise fantasia is awesome rpg and i think its with these awesome games for sure ..
ive never though wii has this amzing games.
RPGs can require high level tactics, in terms of how you level up your character(some have a system other than traditional levels) and how you plan out battles, but can be made easier if you level grind. To be fair though he is not referring to RPGs as in videogames but RPGs as in boardgames, two entirely different things.
zelda may not seem like an rpg but from what i know that is how it started out. seems more like an adventure game.
Again, depends how you want to define what a game is and what you get out of it. I actually throw Zelda into the Puzzle Adventure RPG section - that is Zelda games like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages, A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening (only zelda games I played, don't know about the rest)
Yes, it is...
An RPG is basically a game that involves quests and sidequests, like Skyrim...
Aside from the major details, I've forgotten a lot of the story, maybe I'll buy it again and replay it when the Wii U comes out (my Wii broke and I don't want to send it in for repairs this close to the Wii U's launch). Even though it's technically far worse than the original and Vesperia (a lot of elements felt half-assed, like the centurions), I was still hooked and enjoyed it very much, I loved the monster system. Xenoblade is my all time favorite RPG of this generation though.
I agrre with last story.. i loved it :,)
Xenoblade looks like such an awesome game
the last story is number one! :D juhuu :D
Zelda is mainly an action adventure game with some rpg elements,
for a game to be a RPG, you need to level up or become 10x or more stronger at the end of the game than the begining. You need to be able to see how much life (HP) you have as a number from 10 to 99999. Not just a life bar that grow 2x larger or 3 to 20 heart. You need to become invinsible to the attack of the enemy you fight at the begining of the game once your late in the game, and stuff like that.
Heck yeah for Monster Hunter Tri!! :D
last story just looks like one giant cut scene to me.
To be honest, a game which took me 150 hours after attempting and failing to do every side quest, is far better value than most games at half the price.
Nice list! But I would of put monster hunter tri for #1. it's an amazing game!
Well, in Zelda, you PLAY the ROLE of Link, so technically, it's an RPG game--and one of the BEST EVER.
Next, I'd go with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Monster Hunter Tri, Dragon Quest, and then Xenoblade.
Yes it is, it is a role playing game, you are Link, you take on his role and you play a game.
I say both to satisfy both crowds, but personally I believe it to be more RPG than action, but I digress. Personal Opinion :)
My top 5 wii rpgs
5.Fragile dreams fairwell ruin of the moon
4.Super paper Mario
3.Little Kings Story
2.The last Story
1.Xenoblade Chronicles
The last story FTW!!! Best definetly
I'm from the UK and have finished all 3.
I am dieing for a Xenoblade Chronicles Sequel,lol even though I have not finnished this game yet, I think I will feel very sad once it has ended. nothing was made as epic as this, one thing unique to this game is the sheer size of the zones, it feels like your not using a Wii, they pushed the Wii to the max, always a high framerate and slick combat system, and love the story.
I love the tales series. Tales of symphonia was what started it all for me, but unfortunately the 2nd one felt like a let down...although i do love me some johnny young bosch :D
"Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World" looks like it could become a hit anime series, from my perspective.
I LOVE Xenoblade but I'm OKAY with the trailer. There's SO MUCH MORE to the game than just running (though you kinda have to all the time XD ). I mean the music, boss battles, the Mechon, and there's a LOT more different terrain than just grass and forests (I know it's different terrain in every area, but there's snow, jungle, swamp, etc. ) . They didn't really cover it all. I know trailers aren't supposed to give it all away, but it makes it sort of look a bit dull, but that's just me.
Tales of symphonia , the first game is a game for gamecube, and is the best game EVER !!!!!