Terminator Genisys - Review & In-Depth Analysis


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  • @kellinwinslow1988
    @kellinwinslow1988 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Love your videos. Nice to see you doing more even though I'm sure your job keeps you quite busy. But your work is appreciated.. Your point about this franchise not being for most kids now is dead on. It's the same with Alien, Predator,Star Wars and Star Trek and tons of these franchises that are just old,stale things that are dragged out like a zombie in the hopes that nostalgia will save them. I grew up with all those things so I like them but nostalgia means nothing to me and I'm just sick of them now. I agree with Tom from Midnights Edge. It's no wonder why video games have taken over films. Aside from a few exceptions nearly everything now is simply stuff that was made before any Gen Z person was born and is just recycled. Sure there were remakes and stuff before the 1970s but in the last 30 years it's gotten worse and worse till none of it has anything special about it at all. It's just a sad attempt to recapture a bit of the magic that happened all those years ago. Remember when all these things were new? It's hard to remember that now but it was true. Now it's stale and tired and worn out.
    After the story from Salvation was caned I had no hope for this film. And whatever it did that could have been interesting was once again completely discarded. Just like the other films abd the TV show. Maybe something could have been done with other films but that didn't happen. It's probably for the best as I doubt they would do anything interesting with more films. I saw this a few years ago on streaming out of morbid curiosity. But it's just extremely forgettable. I agree that Jai playing Kyle was terrible. He should have been strung out and torn up like he was in the first film. Apparently they actually had someone who came close to what Michael Bein was like but they didn't go with him. Just weird. But what really gets me more annoyed was the portrayal of Sarah here. The actress just was not right for the part. This little girl who barely looked like she worked out at all was not convincing in the role. I like the idea of a different Sarah sure,but she is not a good action star. She is good in romantic films or something like Game of Thrones,even as bad as that show became,but she is not an action star. And not every girl has to be. Although with Dark Fate of course that happened in spades. John Conner was fine I agree and it was nice to see Arnold play it slightly different but overall it's really just a waste of time especially since it goes nowhere and we ended up with Dark Fate.

  • @TheCambot
    @TheCambot 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Since you mentioned Deadpool & Wolverine in this video? What did you think of the film?
    I don’t hold it the same way a lot of the fanboys do. As the movie didn’t have much substance. But I do think it was a fun time and a blast to watch.

    • @kellinwinslow1988
      @kellinwinslow1988 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I have to agree with Mauler that it was just not a good film and completely disrespected the other 2 Deadpool films and especially Logan. It was poorly written and had some of the worst fan service cameos that I've ever seen. Just a waste of time that really feels like a desperate attempt to use nostalgia to try to jump start the Disney slop that is the MCU. It's disposable and forgettable.