April 12 update: It looks like Traxxas is listening. They have retracted or canceled the Cease and Desist order for Copyright Infringement. They have also published a Guidelines page for what is acceptable trademark use: traxxas.com/traxxas-trademark-guidelines Thoughts?
@@NathanStorer-RC damage control for sure, and it's not a bad thing. Only time and consistency can heal deep wounds, though. In the case of other industries, it took about 5 years of non-aggressive lawsuit behavior before the court of public opinion started to turn.
This is interesting, because you speculated that Traxxas was intentionally keeping things vague to have the option to send more C&D letters later on. This set of guidelines makes it very clear what they are permitting, which grants clear and simple defenses if Traxxas tries again to send threats. If I were an aftermarket manufacturer, save a copy of these guidelines with a datestamp and hold onto them as an affirmative defense. Also, everything Traxxas writes there is 100% accurate. I don't like the way it was handled, but Traxxas isn't completely off base here. They were probably overzealous with this last round of letters, but competing companies shouldn't be calling their product a [Brand name] "Traxxas TRX4 Bearing Kit". I am a motorcycle enthusiast, and there is a massive aftermarket for motorcycle parts, but when Yoshimura makes an exhaust for my 2020 Kawasaki Ninja 400 track bike, it's called the "Yoshimura Alpha T Full Exhaust", not "Yoshimura Kawasaki Ninja 400 Full Exhaust". For example, the way Fast Eddy Bearings used to have their website, you would click on RC bearings, then click on the make and model (Traxxas TRX4, for example), and be given the option to buy a "Traxxas TRX4 Bearing Kit". That seems like a pretty classic example of confusing labeling. They now call the product a "Traxxas compatible TRX4 Bearing Kit" (but the URL still says "/traxxas-trx-4-sealed-bearing-kit/"), so it seems like they are being clearer and they will still be able to conduct their business as usual.
Either this was intention. To get these small companies awake and aware so changes can be made clearly and quickly. However, do we really know if Traxxas did communicate with them through other communications first which failed so they went to C&D letters to get their attention. In turn, this allowed Traxxas time to then lay out processes. Regardless, we must accept that we as consumers Do Not have all the info. All in all, whether Traxxas is making movements; how much damage they've done to small biz, that I hope does come out.
It’s good they’re taking this route but any company that throws legal threats around first and only does the right thing after public backlash leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Doubly so when it’s a company based around something fun like RC.
Thanks for sharing Francis. I would’ve been happy to comply had they gone about it differently. Now I will comply by never posting another positive video about their products and am liquidating all inventory I had related to them. Probably what they want, but I’m going to be vocal about who they are as a company and use whatever influence I have to push companies who build up the community.
If you stop making parts for TraxASS, they win. It's exactly what TraxASS wants. If you really want to hurt them, make MORE parts and try to undercut them as much as possible. Sell parts at cost and try to flood the market.
I've been in this hobby since a kid when the Grasshopper and Hornet came out. (Look it up) I grew up and actually owned a motorsports aftermarket design and manufacturing business. We did retail and behind the scenes wholesale. I could name products many would recognize right away we designed and manufactured for. I've been there, done that, paid the lawyers on and on. This is IMO absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of Traxxas. I actually had to file suit against someone at one point and know how this game is played. We didn't actually file suit until after multiple attempts to change behavior in a rational, non destructive manner was done. I even called the company/person directly to try and hash things out. This does nothing...NOTHING but hurt the industry and hobby as a whole. This is the final straw for me. I've watched Traxxas do this time and again and it seems they just keep getting WORSE, not better. I will no longer promote, purchase or even talk about Traxxas in any kind of positive light any longer. If we, the community who actually control who rises and who falls don't join in and actively show Traxxas with our $$$ that this will no longer be tolerated we only have ourselves to blame when the hobby and community as a whole suffers. If I had a shop right now, I would return all my Traxxas stock and never sell it again. It will also require us sending a message to Traxxas directly. I know it sucks losing your "favorite" whatever, but unless you want giant corporate interests calling the shots and dictating what you can purchase and controlling what YOU can do with YOUR property we have to do the hard thing and send a message. Ways to contact Traxxas and voice your displeasure. Please remember to speak/write in a mature manner and no foul language. support@traxxas.com , TraxxasBusinessOpportunity@traxxas.com , 1-888-872-9927 If they don't hear from us, they will not stop being bullies and hurting the industry.
Almost china like tellin individuals what and what not to use on a car. One way or another.. so sad traxxas fans so blind to see the mindf%@k dictatorship
Unfortunately, while I totally agree this is crap behavior, it feels like most of the hobby (at least in NA) is a dualpoly, one one side by Traxxas filing these suits, and on the other by Horizon just buying up brands right and left. Something needs to happen to introduce a third player and I don't really see that happening any time soon
👍 From now on, if i can't find the parts for my traxxas that i always order (aftermarket or not), then all my traxxas will be shelf queen, and will not even buy any traxxas at the future.
I have the original T-maxx, Bandit, Rustler, 1/16 Summit VXL, 1/16 Slash VXL and TRX-4 Bronco. I am not buying anymore Traxxas products from now on. Aftermarket parts are an important part of this hobby. I will put my money into companies that actually understand how this hobby works.
look at the 4x4 real scale community and how aftermarket get Ford/Toyota/Nissan to the most ridiculous locations - stock it would never get there - BURN TraxASS
I have a story I forgot to share in a video. I was at a Socal hobby shop recently, and I asked why they have so many TRX4m upgrade parts but NO TRX4M RTR cars since last year. The owner said, "Oh, we were banned from the TRX4M because we don't sell enough Traxxas batteries." They sell a lot of Traxxas RTRs (but not enough Traxxas batteries and chargers to match the numbers). They don't push the batteries since they are proprietary. So they were tiered down and banned from the TRX4m rtr eligible list. Then they ordered $10k of Traxxas batteries, and all the TRX4m RTR vehicles arrived in crates.
Scary business strategy from T…as. I hear some rather strange stories from my local T…as dealer, in my corner of earth, he’s a big dealer who has a goal of having every part for any T…as model. Still he gets his share of “You must do that, otherwise…” stuff. This is poor leadership, a leadership that doesn’t know, read or interpret their markets culture. I worked in the photo industry some years ago when we were suddenly taken over by externally hired business strategists - I was not surprised what happened: That was a solid company, that ended within 1 year after I left for another job. Anyone remember a company named Kodak? Yeah, that didn’t go very well either.
Very well said, thank you. I'm a tiny brand, and CNC is my full time job. I design, manufacture and sell my own parts (mostly well known for the CEN 450 parts). I won't bother making any parts for Traxxas, nor will I recommend them to followers, friends or family. I'm sharing this on my IG feed. BTW my last full time job was in the bicycle industry as well, for 17 years and I'm very familiar with Specialized business behavior.
Well done. I just made a long post talking about doing just what you said. I used to own a design and manufacturing business in the motorsports industry and also understand the issue. This is despicable behavior by Traxxas. Period. I will never buy or promote another product of theirs. I hope Francis puts all of his Traxxas vehicles aside and stops making content for them...at least for the near future if not permanent.
I've already invested hundreds more than the original price of the rig in their upgrades. I was going to buy at least one more and hop it up with other aftermarket parts. Disappointed for sure
There’s nothing that keeps people buying traxxas more than the non oem aftermarket parts. I would never ever buy anything traxxas if I had to buy all traxxas upgrades. They don’t understand what we want at all. No more traxxas anything for me from here on out.
If Traxxas wasn't over priced plastic junk and price gouging people people would want to change things Traxxas aluminum upgrades are complete junk and monkey metal crap gears maybe these people join together and make there own RC company that beats Traxxas junk!
@@NovemberFoxtrotRC Yes, just make sure not to put it forward like you speak on behalf of an entire community. Most people are actually sitting still in the boat, and do not share the agressive stance the most vocal of you display on social media platforms.
@@RCReviewChannel pity, couple weeks ago I`ve bought my first ever RC car ,it was a TRX4M and now what to do?In Poland we can`t buy nor batteries for this model and many others parts only with the third part is a some solution but right now?with this Traxxas policy I I`m starting to hate RC models hobby:(
I know I won’t be making anything for or running another traxsuxx on the channel. I was practically a fanboy getting into the game, only living 40 minutes from the headquarters and having most of their bashers. I have the full line of trx-4m parts, like a freaking hobby shop, and multiple rigs. They got all the money and free advertising from me their going to get. Good show, brother! Thanks for sharing.
I’ll use what I’ve got and support aftermarket products but not going to send T another $ unless they miraculously change how they treat the RC Family.
Great video with really thoughtful points and perspective. It's a shame Traxxas can't focus more on improving their products instead of trying to strong-arm others within the hobby big or small 😔. You'd think their PR people and legal team would realize how important corporate image is to the general public in terms of sales and continued success. Especially, in an industry with so many other options. For a hobby that should represents good times with friends and family, this is another ugly example of corporate greed and monopolistic behavior. The best way to cause change is with your wallet. Maybe if sales drop off enough, these bullies inflicting harm to the industry and it's innovation will realize they have to change their business practices. Just reaching out when there's a "problem" would be a nice start.
Indiscriminate and 'slash and burn' are words that come to mind. Because of poor internal communication between legal and pr and marketing, this move to maximize revenue may backfire.
Good call Francis, I plan to vote with my wallet. I was eyeing a TRX-4 kit for my next custom build, but looks like I'll be grabbing a Vanquish Phoenix kit instead. I've purchased many parts from DSM Offroad and hopefully they will make it through this. Their Element and Axial upgrade parts are top notch👌🏽 Everyone in the hobby shouldn't have to suffer because Traxxas throws a fit. These small aftermarket companies are what push the industry forward and encourage competition/innovation.
@Mike Scherrer Good to know! I'm doing portal axles on the next build, so the Pro is out. Looks like a cool platform, just not right for my particular build. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll snag one.
Why don't these companies just make the same parts but stop using a trademark name like every other goddamn business in America. What are they trying to be the Chinese? Just steal the name, steal the logo, don't ask and do whatever you want? I can't believe how idiotic, the vast majority of RC enthusiasts are. Change your goddamn packaging. Stop ripping off Traxxas and everything will be fine. They never said you can't make aftermarket parts. Nobody has done anything illegal except for these small manufacturers. They should have done their research. I thought everybody knew you can't just rip off logos and names of other companies. I thought that was common knowledge. But apparently it's not for a large chunk of idiotic America. I'll have to do is change the website pictures and take the trademark imagery off of their part at Products and everything will be fine.
Scary stuff. I’ve never owned a Traxxas product before but was saving for one of their products. I’m going to stay away now. Thanks for letting newbies like me know what happened! 👍🏻
The part that really irritates me about traxxas' aggressive behavior is that their first buggies had parts that were direct copies of other companies' cars
Ya... its sorta like Japan copied American cars for decades. As if Traxxas has never copied anything in RC before. I was in RC in the early 80s when it was just Associated and Losi. When Traxxas came about they were the red headed step child. I would think Traxxas would love the fact that everybody loves there stuff now days. Back in they day they werent a favorite.
I’m not sure if they would be infringing on a patent if it’s a couple parts in an otherwise different car though… these legal technicalities are foggy, that’s why Tony got slammed when his part was listed as a trx4m part instead of just saying it’s “compatible” with the trx4m in the product description
You're quite correct to say that using social media can pressure companies into changing their decisions. For instance, if you and all other RC 'influencers' on TH-cam take a stand by all boycotting showing Traxxas products in your videos then it would likely hit sales of their products and help bring about change.
The problem with boycotting campaign is that the ones advocating it is at least as aggressive towards their target group in their approach as the company they are boycotting are. I feel very much alienated by the so-called "community" the last couple of days. There is no room for the level headed in the community. You are either a part of the community (meaning: you hate Traxxas and their agressive behaviour towards "the RC community"), or you are something else. I'm something else, but I'm still a consumer and someone who enjoy being in the RC hobby. But I'm all on my own, since I don't hate Traxxas.
@@kimmern999 Traxxas will kill the entire hobby with their greed and corporate scumbaggery. You are either against them, or are wanting the hobby to die. Only two options. Their only goal in this, is to get 100% of RC market share in the future.
I was a product manager at ASI (FUJI Bicycles) when Specialized sued (Cafe Roubaix) for using Roubaix in their name. Funny enough, we leased the name Roubaix to Specialized which meant they had no right to force the shop to change their name. We granted the shop the right to keep their name since we owned Roubaix Really hate the big guys strong arming the little guys. Vote with your wallet folks! Great video Francis!
@RC Review Time has flown by! Sadly after the bankruptcy at ASI/Performance we lost the Roubaix brand to Spec... They bought it for pennies on the dollar! 🙄
I won’t buy specialized products because of this and other tactics used. An interesting company with low morality and ethics. I admit it must be hard to run these “big” companies but there is always a way to do things and compromise
Let me give you a little history on how Traxxas treats others. In 1993 my son and I entered an event called the Worlds. This was held in Detroit. At the time Traxxas had a truck called the Nitro hawk. This truck really had no brake system. The brakes came by way of a lever that pushed against the clutch bell. As the clutch got hot the brakes all but worked. I designed a brake system for the nirto hawk and our little truck could lock the brakes and my son could slide her around corners. Team traxxas saw this and between heats they approached me and asked if they could look at my Nitro hawk I built for my son. My son was maybe 10 at the time. He was gleaming from ear to ear, here team traxxas wanted to look at his truck. I could not say no. If you open any traxxas nitro whatever it is, the brake system you see on those vehicles was designed my guess who. Think I got anything for this? But hell all rc companies rip off each other. Why they all look alike. But RC are suppose to be fun. I just forgot all this and moved on. I love my crawlers today.
Kudos to you Sir!! I don't do crawlers,but am an rc enthusiast. As such, I feel compelled to join the fight. Thank you for shining the light on a dark subject that threatens all rc enthusiasts. There's enough to go around, TRX should be ashamed.
Great video. Very structural and now I understand more about the whole thing. They have the right to protect their stuff. But in my mind they walked the wrong road.
Thank you for the explanation 🙂 I think it was too aggressive to shutdown their websites and business, instead of contacting them first. I understand why they are mad at Traxxas. The aftermarket is big in this hobby and what many of us talk about too, when we meet. It is sad they did what they did. It's like they don't get that part of the hobby. I will not support that kind of behavior and thereby not buy a Traxxas again, that is for sure 🙄
I'm not sure they intended to shut down all those e-commerce sites. But they should have know that is exactly what was going to happen. Contacting ISPs means HUGE LEVERAGE since the sites are held hostage. Corrective action is a second priority and ISPS or commerce providers will shut stuff down and ask questions later. When a website is shut down, they lose their Google Search results too.
@@RCReviewChannel yes it was too aggressive. I would like to hear their side too. Why did they not contacted those shops first? Yes, their SEO goes down and they loose their position when searching. It is so bad for their business. I hope they will survive 🤞🙂
@@kenneth_jensen what do you mean you would like to hear their side didn't you just see where he they have sued people Non-Stop that's what they do they mean they went against the biggest companies out there because what because of their name no itsfunneh it's all about money when you become business that's all it's about it's not about you me or anybody else
@@Gibsonlife573 I would just like to correct something you said. When you get into business it is NOT all about money meaning you cut throats to get cash. A SMART and ETHICAL businessman looks at the big picture. For instance, paying employees well hurts payroll but increases profitability overall via increased productivity and higher product quality via much happier workers. Ethics USED to be a big piece of capitalism and business school. It's becoming more rare. Scumbags win in the short term, but ultimately lose in the end. Unfortunately, it tends to make a couple/few people rich in the process so they don't care. It's wrong. Most business owners I know are hard working ethical people who bend over backwards for their people and customers. I myself paid my guys/gals well and even paid them while going without paychecks in the beginning. I actually gave my right hand guy my race prepped BMW 3 series as "pay" when we first started because I couldn't make payroll. He said "hell yeah" and walked away with way more value than that months pay he would have gotten. To me, he broke his butt to help the business get going and I had the responsibility to take care of him for it. Business doesn't automatically mean evil. For the ones that are like Traxxas we have to stop supporting them.
Demonstrating you’re the most trusted voice in RC once again. Always an honest opinion and this video is so well put together. Super clear on the issues and what we can do as consumers to help. Thanks once again for your insight.
Thanks for the heads up. Had the sledge and new high trail ford edition in my sights, but not now! I won’t support a company that bullies a small company like that. It’s disgusting!
I’m surprised that this video hasn’t been shut down! Good explanation, as always, Francis. I’m still pretty new to the hobby and have learned a lot from your unbiased and honest videos! 👍🏼
First Traxxas two weeks ago after 45 years in this hobby. Another $800+ in non Traxxas aftermarket. Nothing from Traxxas. We’ll, maybe the front over drive gearing. That’s it. I haven’t even run a single battery yet. It will run its first run completely customized. This puts such a sour taste in my mouth. Thanks for making this known, and for the courage to post this up. Good on you Francis. I enjoy and look forward to the future of your channel.
Thank you for making this video. I wish Traxxas would support small businesses that are trying to make their products better, vs. chipping away at the industry. I was in the market for a Sledge, now looking for a Arrma. My brother just bought a Axial SCXiii last night, over a Traxxas TRX4, based on Traxxas's pitiful attacks on these small businesses. I will definitely be thinking twice about purchasing Traxxas products in the future, especially if they don't' do anything to make this right.
Great video as always!! Bad move Traxxas & a childish reaction!! Time for these large corporations to learn that a bunch of little guy companies including the customers is who makes them. Continue to support those that were affected and support the vehicle manufactures that support aftermarket companies & their customers that make their businesses.
Thanks for making this video! It takes guts, which speaks to your credibility. I hope consumers respond. I have a trx4m, but I won't be buying any more Traxxas brand parts for it if I can avoid it. Was planning to add a 4tec to my fleet, but definitely not doing that now that I know where my money's going.
Yep, I was actually wanting and almost ordered the TRX4 "high country" Chevy C10...I decided to wait for the right color to come in stock. Not any more! I literally just bought the Vanquish Phoenix portal kit specifically because of this! Next purchase for my boys: Hello RedCat Gen9 and Axial Basecamp!
I was Very shocked when I heard what had happened. Thank you for sharing this info. Traxxas Does produce great stuff. But for them to attack the little guy's like this shameful.
When is the last time you have ever seen Traxxas hosting or even having a vendor tent at an RC event. It will always be the smaller companies pushing the hobby forward.
HUGE thank you for bringing awareness to this situation. A scary time for so many mom and pop businesses in the hobby. This is a nightmare situation for many of our small business friends. I can't help but feel like there are far better ways Traxxas could have handled this situation. I'm very thankful many in the hobby are sharing this information such as yourself. Again thank you. 👍
Really glad that you made this video. I think a lot of the fun in RC is the aftermarket, customizing and putting your own flair into your builds. It's sad that Traxxas are repeatedly going after these businesses, businesses that I have purchased from in the past and who can't hope to fund a legal battle against a giant bully like Traxxas.
So if you start a company you would let others put your name on their product. Use your intellectual property to sell their stuff? I doubt it. You would expect them to follow the rules that everybody else does. Traxxas is not trying to stop people from making aftermarket parts you simpleton.
Very well said! I’m looking at introducing some Traxxas products in the coming weeks but now very worried about this. They could have handled this 100x better and the response would be completely different! We’ll see how it goes but thank you for covering this important topic and supporting the little guys!
I wouldn't bother. Look at brands that support the hobby, attended and sponsor local and national events and grow the community. Traxxas isn't one of those.
@JacobpRC Definitely...Imma go directly to Traxxas and order stuff..Mfers be bandwagoners and will copy the next person...Let this dude say he likes dudes..Half the comment section will say they like dudes too...And how mfers mad when it was their own fault Traxxas got involved..
Losi arrma are my brands , I protested them when they went after arrma , thier perfect for kids and people starting out people that want wrench least amount for little less performance . * they did copy team associated 35 yrs ago to get started , more than arrma copied them , arrma didn't really copy them and I bought alot arrma rcs . Long as you enjoy hobby . To each is own . Thier still good rcs . . I still use ones I have , for thrashing lol
Very well said... Here is another issue that isn't being said. Just because Traxxas wasn't happy and sent out these cease and desist letters, doesn't mean these aftermarket listing were in violation of trademark or copyright laws. And the responses from many assume Traxxas was in the right.
Hey Francis, Knights Ferry Crawler here. Thank you for this information. I have not been paying attention to any social media for months. I’ve always loved yours, and Harley designs, reviews, advice, and inspiration, in building custom crawlers. If it wasn’t for you guys, I never would have attempted to build my 2 LCG rigs last year. They both cost me a total of $2700 to complete, but they are both bad ass!!! Keep up the good work that you do. Still waiting to see you, at the local meet up spot @Knights Ferry, tell Josh to come too!! Bring your most capable rigs..Lmao!!! The weather has been perfect. We’re all just trying to have some fun. Thanks again!!! I appreciate everything you do
Here's a solution. Call you favorite aftermarket company's sales team and tell them you understand why the site is down but still order the parts you need for your Traxxas vehicle. That way, its still not in violation of trademark because its not on their website and they can still make money off of Traxxas aftermarket parts. Or, do what I do and never buy Traxxas again. I bought the Slayer when it came out. It was great. But, how they do business has left a sour taste in my mouth. They started threatening other TH-cam channels over using their name and more and more sites were starting to get the same treatment. It has been years since I bought anything Traxxas.
Respect Francis. Love your videos. We need to stick up for the little guys. They didn't deserve this. This is disheartening. @ccxrc and all of the other guys affected by this. You'll be the ones who get my business. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET!! show the big boys that THIS IS NOT OK. The rc hobby has always been about the aftermarket companies. It's what makes it so fun. There are so many creative people out there. Love you guys.
Fantastic video, with what I see as great information and insight into what happened. Thank you for making this and sharing it. For me personally, I’ve seen enough leading with legal - and I’m out. Considering the T-Maxx around 25 years ago kicked my RC habit into Overdrive, it’s a tough thing to do for me, but the company has evolved into something I no longer agree with, and refuse to support. Sad, in my opinion, that they have offended so many, with something that could have definitely been handed better. Although they think by holding tight to their aftermarket, it will make them more $, In this case they have offended enough future buyers, that will Not now buy, I would bet over all they Lose big on this one.
The aftermarket parts are what inspire me to by an RC. Without being able to make it my own I wouldn’t buy the product. Tony from CCXRC, Joe Exocaged RC, your channel all provide us with the information and parts we buy as true hobbyists. I have many RC’s just because of what I’m shown in these great videos. Traxxas really should recognize that or they are going to really loose a lot of us.
Heck yeah brother! Spread that love and show the bully that we won't be discouraged by their actions. And maybe we can hurt them when they realize their revenue has dropped! Band together and let's keep the little guys aka little guy racing going
Mate, you say near the end that it's "hard for you to do these videos" because you lack an understanding of the required vocabulary, but let me assure you that your summary of the situation is by far the most succinct, accurate and informative that I've heard. One of the things I like about your videos is your intelligence (and passion, of course!). Thanks ever so much.
I started with Traxxas back in 2005. But after the years of what has been happening between how this company carries itself. I am at a loss for words. My trust with Traxxas is fleeting.
Hit it dead on really breaks my heart when stuff like This happens, great explanation really respect folks like you being honest! Keep up with the great videos!
Thank you for this video. All of our small businesses have contributed to the growth of Traxxas over the years. This is a very heavy handed approach to businesses that have pushed this brand to the top. Simply taking down small businesses that contribute to the community speaks volumes of the brand and leadership. Seems they forgot where they came from and those who supported them..... Our support for this brand will change following this event and circumstances. Thank you again to the loyal customers and community supporting all of the small brands in the industry. Bob - RB Innovations
It's like Ford suing aftermarket companies for making performance upgrades for the Mustang. Ford draws the line by not warranting the car if it is "modified", but they haven't sued any company for making parts for their cars. I think Traxxas has gone too far here. It's a shame, but I'm selling all my Traxxas cars and buying ARMA from now on. I'm wagging my middle finger at Traxxas.
Thats 1 way!! Or 2. Too too far good on u. I think traxxas knew it would loose 1 or 2 fans but giving arrma redcat losi axial a huge pay day . Was that in the cards, next to complete brand destruction
Well stated RC review! Excellent coverage on the topic. I can understand traxxas wanting to protect their product and name, but this hobby is about making it yours. That means customization is a large part of this hobby. I think traxxas has "shot themselves in the foot" with this move in the long term. I will start to move away from traxxas products since it will be limited with no aftermarket support. I will encourage others to purchase from other brands from now on.
Thank you for talking about this. My 4m will be run how it is until it can't be anymore then it'll be used as a decorative piece. I can not support this company personally based solely on principle. This could have been handled so much better, tho given their prior behaviors, but it's obvious the better way to handle this was not on their playbook. Btw their own hopups aren't great and cost way too much so I do hope the aftermarket falls back and they fall on their face....we've waited years for an offering in this smaller scale just for this 👎
I’ve got a lot of traxxas products, but most of them have aftermarket parts on them. They have good products, but their prices don’t really help out their parts area so to say compared to other companies that actually make better upgrades. This will affect a lot of companies and traxxas especially, because aftermarket is a big part of the hobby. Thanks for highlighting this situation, it’ll definitely change my mind on new rc’s or if I’ll keep my traxxas rc’s.
I was looking to pick up a TRX-4 Bronco this weekend. Looks like I won't be giving them any of my money. Ever. The aftermarket and open source hardware is my favorite part of this hobby. If something doesn't have parts support I won't be buying it regardless of how scale or capable it is. Guess I'll be going with Axial. I've loved my SCX24s and they don't abuse their distributors and biggest fans.
Element ecto is a killer truck..... There are capria portals, so many aftermarket parts, my last two trucks were built one piece at a time from all kinds of aftermarket companies. Don't think I could stand rtr electronics these days
This just made it way easier to decide on my next RC. It will not be a Tricksus as I prefer the availability, price and variations in aftermarket parts.
Wow Francis, great video. Thanks for taking a stand to comment about it. So many others have not said a word. I have been very vocal about it. You brought up some great points, were careful in your wording, very professional. By the way, I was part of the backlash against Specialized- and I even bought a Cafe Roubaix t-Shirt to support the coffee shop. It spoke volumes when Mike Sinyard personally went and apologized to him on camera. Mad respect, I just bought a new Specialized 14:05 man bike. I’m surprised Traxxas has not mentioned anything. They just don’t care. It hurts, because Traxxas was my first rc car. I have tons of their vehicles. If they don’t make right, they have lost any future business from me. Not that it would make a dent. Thanks again for stepping up and making this video. So many still don’t know.
Francis, thanks for posting thoughtful and measured comments about this and encouraging support of the small business in our hobby. One of the greatest things about our hobby is the number of small business offering products to make all of our rigs better. And, as a really small player in this hobby (DBHobby... 3D printed tire inserts) I love the support of my customers and try very hard to help them build what they want (regardless of brands they are using). I understand the legal issues with trademark infringement, and that is a legitimate complaint. However and as has been mentioned, they could have simply approached these small business with requests to modify their product descriptions. So, it's disappointing to see one of the "Big Guys" trying to crush the little guys. Finally, as someone who has really enjoyed my TRX-4 rigs, I can honestly say, their behavior gives me pause as I consider future purchases. It is simply hard to support such behavior in the context of our RC community. I hope TRAXXAS will own up to this mis-step and offer an apology to the businesses and the community and then politely clarify how they'd like small businesses to label their products. Unfortunately, I'm not confident they will do so and they may pay an ugly price for it. Regardless, we can all keep on "tiny trucking!" There are many other RC-community friendly brands we can support.
I came across this video as I'm currently researching what to buy and it was down to a TRX4 chassis kit (would've been my first Traxxas) and another brand. Aftermarket products are very important to me so not knowing if I'm going to be able to get the parts I was thinking of for the Traxxas makes it an easy decision - I won't be buying the Traxxas.
Excellent video! I also come from the bike industry and was still a shop guy for the Cafe Roubaix incident... Those were strange days for sure. The timing of this probably has a lot to do with the embargo as well. Want to really punish a small business? Wait until they have already committed to ordering their products from Asia. Now all the small parts that are sitting on a dock in San Francisco awaiting the embargo to lift can't be sold.
BEST VIDEO ON THIS! Thanks for being honest and Brave! This was NOT a simple "Oh traxxas just protecting their name and part numbers"..... Sorry guys but this was intentionally focused on shutting down as much as the upgrade market as possible, so you go 100% to Traxxas for there overpriced color coded ish. Bad for the community, it's selfish, near sighted, and they could have just reached out to these companies if they REALLY CARED about the RC Community.... But they don't, it's about the Dollars EVEN if it shuts down the aftermarket and costs others thousands of dollars in labor hours to fix or potentially Ruined their little aftermarket Company. I think passing this off as Traxxas just protecting their name is rather one sided. It's not political either.... It's simply a Gorilla at a playground messing with other people's livleyhoods. Typical Traxxa$$ Every few years they pull crap like this, let's see if everyone forgets when they launch some nwe "cool" rigs. Really makes me Regret ever getting my Maxx and XMaxx, love those rigs but come on #Traxxa$$ Jenny's RC.... Come on, they gut shut down too, gotta get everything from TRX. In a way Not SUPRISED
I know everyone complains about these Chinese companies, for whatever reason...political or copyright reasons whatever I don't care, but they will continue to dominate the market even more now with this cease and desist crap...even Traxxas can't shut these Chinese companies down. I've got about $550 worth of Injora and $200 worth of Furitek on my TRX4M, now I'm going to make a point to make sure there are no Traxxas parts left
I just bought my first cheap rock crawler last week to see if I would enjoy the hobby and immediately was looking at the TRX-4M, now I will never buy a Traxxas product because of this cease & desist nonsense.
Sad to see a big company going after small business for trying to make their product better and make a little money. If they didn't want people to upgrade their product they should have built a better one. Awesome video thanks you always have great content and info👍😁
Thank you for the video. Haven't bought a Traxxas for many years until the TRX4-M came out. Definitely now regret that purchase and won't be spending another cent on their gear..
Thank you for your honesty and the TRUTH...I'm am only consumer but I have direct contact with many providers of parts that only enhance their product why discourage it? They need to Apologize...
I'm all for the small companies,helping us afford this quite expensive hobby.Dirty trick trx.Never buy from you again,and I mean it.Plenty more good stuff out there.
What makes this hobby so great is modifying the cars to our liking. I love buying aftermarket parts and showing my son how to do the work. I’m an Arrma lover so this won’t effect me at all though 😅
Yet again, RC Review hit it out of the park, a beautiful take on an ugly situation. As I told Tony, I was literally going to buy an XRT this coming weekend, now I will not buy another Traxxas vehicle again. There are too many companies out there who aren't doing this nonsense to people who, unlike Traxxas, help make the community better. Now, I am looking at Arrma, among others, besides I already have an X-Maxx, for as long as I continue to own any of my Traxxas vehicles moving forward, but I will not be back again, and I buy a lot of RC vehicles, according to my wife anyhow. It doesn't matter what they do to try and fix this, I have always been a very loyal buyer,. but once I make the decision to leave I will not come back no matter what.
I love watching your show. It’s what got me into this hobby. I bought a 79 bronco Traxxas first I just love this hobby thank you so much it is help me out tremendously.
Traxxas is relying on an ignorance to fair use, trademark, and copyright laws to consolidate the market for themselves. In an ideal world all small companies impacted should band together with a lawyer to fight back, as well as complaining to the better business bureau about this.
Thanks for sharing. Yes, I'm definitely disappointed with this that happened. It only would have encouraged many individuals like myself to really get with these cool 1/18's.
thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Traxxas issue, its never good to shut down the small business who strive to help the consumers with other options that in many ways are superior to the oem parts available.
April 12 update: It looks like Traxxas is listening. They have retracted or canceled the Cease and Desist order for Copyright Infringement. They have also published a Guidelines page for what is acceptable trademark use: traxxas.com/traxxas-trademark-guidelines
Too little too late?
@@NathanStorer-RC damage control for sure, and it's not a bad thing. Only time and consistency can heal deep wounds, though. In the case of other industries, it took about 5 years of non-aggressive lawsuit behavior before the court of public opinion started to turn.
This is interesting, because you speculated that Traxxas was intentionally keeping things vague to have the option to send more C&D letters later on. This set of guidelines makes it very clear what they are permitting, which grants clear and simple defenses if Traxxas tries again to send threats. If I were an aftermarket manufacturer, save a copy of these guidelines with a datestamp and hold onto them as an affirmative defense.
Also, everything Traxxas writes there is 100% accurate. I don't like the way it was handled, but Traxxas isn't completely off base here. They were probably overzealous with this last round of letters, but competing companies shouldn't be calling their product a [Brand name] "Traxxas TRX4 Bearing Kit". I am a motorcycle enthusiast, and there is a massive aftermarket for motorcycle parts, but when Yoshimura makes an exhaust for my 2020 Kawasaki Ninja 400 track bike, it's called the "Yoshimura Alpha T Full Exhaust", not "Yoshimura Kawasaki Ninja 400 Full Exhaust". For example, the way Fast Eddy Bearings used to have their website, you would click on RC bearings, then click on the make and model (Traxxas TRX4, for example), and be given the option to buy a "Traxxas TRX4 Bearing Kit". That seems like a pretty classic example of confusing labeling. They now call the product a "Traxxas compatible TRX4 Bearing Kit" (but the URL still says "/traxxas-trx-4-sealed-bearing-kit/"), so it seems like they are being clearer and they will still be able to conduct their business as usual.
Either this was intention. To get these small companies awake and aware so changes can be made clearly and quickly.
However, do we really know if Traxxas did communicate with them through other communications first which failed so they went to C&D letters to get their attention.
In turn, this allowed Traxxas time to then lay out processes.
Regardless, we must accept that we as consumers Do Not have all the info. All in all, whether Traxxas is making movements; how much damage they've done to small biz, that I hope does come out.
It’s good they’re taking this route but any company that throws legal threats around first and only does the right thing after public backlash leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Doubly so when it’s a company based around something fun like RC.
Thanks for sharing Francis. I would’ve been happy to comply had they gone about it differently. Now I will comply by never posting another positive video about their products and am liquidating all inventory I had related to them. Probably what they want, but I’m going to be vocal about who they are as a company and use whatever influence I have to push companies who build up the community.
FIGHT the "bull" $#!+ #Theking#thevoice#acommunity#thanksbutnothankstraxxas
Sorry you are going through this brother. Hoping for the best for you and your fam and business through this!
Lmao, I just linked you this vid in your vid. Best of luck man
If you stop making parts for TraxASS, they win. It's exactly what TraxASS wants. If you really want to hurt them, make MORE parts and try to undercut them as much as possible. Sell parts at cost and try to flood the market.
Right on man. You and Ken Pilcher inspired me to actually work today.
I've been in this hobby since a kid when the Grasshopper and Hornet came out. (Look it up) I grew up and actually owned a motorsports aftermarket design and manufacturing business. We did retail and behind the scenes wholesale. I could name products many would recognize right away we designed and manufactured for. I've been there, done that, paid the lawyers on and on. This is IMO absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of Traxxas. I actually had to file suit against someone at one point and know how this game is played. We didn't actually file suit until after multiple attempts to change behavior in a rational, non destructive manner was done. I even called the company/person directly to try and hash things out. This does nothing...NOTHING but hurt the industry and hobby as a whole. This is the final straw for me. I've watched Traxxas do this time and again and it seems they just keep getting WORSE, not better. I will no longer promote, purchase or even talk about Traxxas in any kind of positive light any longer. If we, the community who actually control who rises and who falls don't join in and actively show Traxxas with our $$$ that this will no longer be tolerated we only have ourselves to blame when the hobby and community as a whole suffers. If I had a shop right now, I would return all my Traxxas stock and never sell it again. It will also require us sending a message to Traxxas directly. I know it sucks losing your "favorite" whatever, but unless you want giant corporate interests calling the shots and dictating what you can purchase and controlling what YOU can do with YOUR property we have to do the hard thing and send a message.
Ways to contact Traxxas and voice your displeasure. Please remember to speak/write in a mature manner and no foul language. support@traxxas.com , TraxxasBusinessOpportunity@traxxas.com , 1-888-872-9927 If they don't hear from us, they will not stop being bullies and hurting the industry.
Almost china like tellin individuals what and what not to use on a car. One way or another.. so sad traxxas fans so blind to see the mindf%@k dictatorship
Unfortunately, while I totally agree this is crap behavior, it feels like most of the hobby (at least in NA) is a dualpoly, one one side by Traxxas filing these suits, and on the other by Horizon just buying up brands right and left. Something needs to happen to introduce a third player and I don't really see that happening any time soon
Very well put.
wrote them a complaint
From now on, if i can't find the parts for my traxxas that i always order (aftermarket or not), then all my traxxas will be shelf queen, and will not even buy any traxxas at the future.
I have the original T-maxx, Bandit, Rustler, 1/16 Summit VXL, 1/16 Slash VXL and TRX-4 Bronco. I am not buying anymore Traxxas products from now on. Aftermarket parts are an important part of this hobby. I will put my money into companies that actually understand how this hobby works.
Yeah, don't burn the hobby industry that feeds you.
I'm the same
look at the 4x4 real scale community and how aftermarket get Ford/Toyota/Nissan to the most ridiculous locations - stock it would never get there - BURN TraxASS
I have a story I forgot to share in a video. I was at a Socal hobby shop recently, and I asked why they have so many TRX4m upgrade parts but NO TRX4M RTR cars since last year. The owner said, "Oh, we were banned from the TRX4M because we don't sell enough Traxxas batteries."
They sell a lot of Traxxas RTRs (but not enough Traxxas batteries and chargers to match the numbers). They don't push the batteries since they are proprietary. So they were tiered down and banned from the TRX4m rtr eligible list.
Then they ordered $10k of Traxxas batteries, and all the TRX4m RTR vehicles arrived in crates.
$10k in T-brand batteries? so like 10 pairs of xmaxx batteries.
Scary business strategy from T…as. I hear some rather strange stories from my local T…as dealer, in my corner of earth, he’s a big dealer who has a goal of having every part for any T…as model. Still he gets his share of “You must do that, otherwise…” stuff.
This is poor leadership, a leadership that doesn’t know, read or interpret their markets culture.
I worked in the photo industry some years ago when we were suddenly taken over by externally hired business strategists - I was not surprised what happened: That was a solid company, that ended within 1 year after I left for another job.
Anyone remember a company named Kodak? Yeah, that didn’t go very well either.
Traxxas is crap plain and simple!
It reminds me of the way Specialized would force their entire line of products on multi-brand retailers. Power corrupts, and Traxxas has the power.
That's appalling
Very well said, thank you. I'm a tiny brand, and CNC is my full time job. I design, manufacture and sell my own parts (mostly well known for the CEN 450 parts). I won't bother making any parts for Traxxas, nor will I recommend them to followers, friends or family. I'm sharing this on my IG feed. BTW my last full time job was in the bicycle industry as well, for 17 years and I'm very familiar with Specialized business behavior.
Well done. I just made a long post talking about doing just what you said. I used to own a design and manufacturing business in the motorsports industry and also understand the issue. This is despicable behavior by Traxxas. Period. I will never buy or promote another product of theirs. I hope Francis puts all of his Traxxas vehicles aside and stops making content for them...at least for the near future if not permanent.
Thanks for the note man! There a lot of us rc bikers!
Great products
@@RCReviewChannel Seth’s bike hacks got me into RC!!
Ridiculous attack on the community by Traxxas. So disappointing.
I've already invested hundreds more than the original price of the rig in their upgrades. I was going to buy at least one more and hop it up with other aftermarket parts. Disappointed for sure
We vote with our wallet boys these big corporations are not shit without us don’t ever buy Traxxas shit again.
There’s nothing that keeps people buying traxxas more than the non oem aftermarket parts. I would never ever buy anything traxxas if I had to buy all traxxas upgrades. They don’t understand what we want at all. No more traxxas anything for me from here on out.
If Traxxas wasn't over priced plastic junk and price gouging people people would want to change things Traxxas aluminum upgrades are complete junk and monkey metal crap gears maybe these people join together and make there own RC company that beats Traxxas junk!
@@NovemberFoxtrotRC Yes, just make sure not to put it forward like you speak on behalf of an entire community. Most people are actually sitting still in the boat, and do not share the agressive stance the most vocal of you display on social media platforms.
Over a year ago I vowed to never buy TRX products ever again. This just reinforces my decision.
i know right,
They should be boycott to show them without the hobbyist in the community their not as important or as good as they think they are
and I was looking into getting one. just sad
@@calvinwolf7107 I disagree. I would never boycott Traxxas.
Long time Traxxas fan but this did it for me I'm an Arrma and axial guys now
everyone has their breaking point
@@RCReviewChannel pity, couple weeks ago I`ve bought my first ever RC car ,it was a TRX4M and now what to do?In Poland we can`t buy nor batteries for this model and many others parts only with the third part is a some solution but right now?with this Traxxas policy I I`m starting to hate RC models hobby:(
@@marcinsochacki8707 Try a different company's car! Don't get discouraged!
@@marcinsochacki8707 Traxxas is known for this
You say it like its a bad thing😂 lol
I know I won’t be making anything for or running another traxsuxx on the channel. I was practically a fanboy getting into the game, only living 40 minutes from the headquarters and having most of their bashers. I have the full line of trx-4m parts, like a freaking hobby shop, and multiple rigs. They got all the money and free advertising from me their going to get. Good show, brother! Thanks for sharing.
Time for a boycott. No more Traxxas products for me.
Same here
I’ll use what I’ve got and support aftermarket products but not going to send T another $ unless they miraculously change how they treat the RC Family.
This isn't the first time they've done this before.
I’ll buy there stuff. I’m good. Stop doing China stuff and copying.
Great video with really thoughtful points and perspective. It's a shame Traxxas can't focus more on improving their products instead of trying to strong-arm others within the hobby big or small 😔. You'd think their PR people and legal team would realize how important corporate image is to the general public in terms of sales and continued success. Especially, in an industry with so many other options. For a hobby that should represents good times with friends and family, this is another ugly example of corporate greed and monopolistic behavior. The best way to cause change is with your wallet. Maybe if sales drop off enough, these bullies inflicting harm to the industry and it's innovation will realize they have to change their business practices. Just reaching out when there's a "problem" would be a nice start.
Indiscriminate and 'slash and burn' are words that come to mind. Because of poor internal communication between legal and pr and marketing, this move to maximize revenue may backfire.
Good call Francis, I plan to vote with my wallet. I was eyeing a TRX-4 kit for my next custom build, but looks like I'll be grabbing a Vanquish Phoenix kit instead. I've purchased many parts from DSM Offroad and hopefully they will make it through this. Their Element and Axial upgrade parts are top notch👌🏽 Everyone in the hobby shouldn't have to suffer because Traxxas throws a fit. These small aftermarket companies are what push the industry forward and encourage competition/innovation.
You said the key points right there. Help the rc community grow.
I just purchases one myself. I hear they're quite good right out of the box.
The Vanquish is 100x better anyway, dude. Also think about an SCX 10 Pro.
@Mike Scherrer Good to know! I'm doing portal axles on the next build, so the Pro is out. Looks like a cool platform, just not right for my particular build. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll snag one.
Why don't these companies just make the same parts but stop using a trademark name like every other goddamn business in America. What are they trying to be the Chinese? Just steal the name, steal the logo, don't ask and do whatever you want? I can't believe how idiotic, the vast majority of RC enthusiasts are. Change your goddamn packaging. Stop ripping off Traxxas and everything will be fine. They never said you can't make aftermarket parts. Nobody has done anything illegal except for these small manufacturers. They should have done their research. I thought everybody knew you can't just rip off logos and names of other companies. I thought that was common knowledge. But apparently it's not for a large chunk of idiotic America. I'll have to do is change the website pictures and take the trademark imagery off of their part at Products and everything will be fine.
Scary stuff. I’ve never owned a Traxxas product before but was saving for one of their products. I’m going to stay away now.
Thanks for letting newbies like me know what happened! 👍🏻
Thank you for posting this video, it was very well done. I also want to thank everyone in the hobby who has supported us through this 🤘
Your lead on this has resulted in positive change. Bravo.
The part that really irritates me about traxxas' aggressive behavior is that their first buggies had parts that were direct copies of other companies' cars
THIS☝️ Traxxas don't acknowledged their first buggy either anymore. Probably since that cantilever suspension lawsuit 🤔
Ya... its sorta like Japan copied American cars for decades. As if Traxxas has never copied anything in RC before. I was in RC in the early 80s when it was just Associated and Losi. When Traxxas came about they were the red headed step child. I would think Traxxas would love the fact that everybody loves there stuff now days. Back in they day they werent a favorite.
I’m not sure if they would be infringing on a patent if it’s a couple parts in an otherwise different car though… these legal technicalities are foggy, that’s why Tony got slammed when his part was listed as a trx4m part instead of just saying it’s “compatible” with the trx4m in the product description
dont forget, they sue anyone that uses the name "max" (referring to traxxas vs hbomax)
@@f687sNFM Max Verstappen is scared i heard
You're quite correct to say that using social media can pressure companies into changing their decisions. For instance, if you and all other RC 'influencers' on TH-cam take a stand by all boycotting showing Traxxas products in your videos then it would likely hit sales of their products and help bring about change.
I will definitely be boycotting Traxxas....this isn't what the rc community is about
There may be less of it here depending on how sour the taste is.
The problem with boycotting campaign is that the ones advocating it is at least as aggressive towards their target group in their approach as the company they are boycotting are. I feel very much alienated by the so-called "community" the last couple of days. There is no room for the level headed in the community. You are either a part of the community (meaning: you hate Traxxas and their agressive behaviour towards "the RC community"), or you are something else. I'm something else, but I'm still a consumer and someone who enjoy being in the RC hobby. But I'm all on my own, since I don't hate Traxxas.
@@RCReviewChannel Will you please put that in the descriptions so we have a choice on it. All lot of us don't want to support them at all anymore.
@@kimmern999 Traxxas will kill the entire hobby with their greed and corporate scumbaggery. You are either against them, or are wanting the hobby to die. Only two options. Their only goal in this, is to get 100% of RC market share in the future.
I was a product manager at ASI (FUJI Bicycles) when Specialized sued (Cafe Roubaix) for using Roubaix in their name. Funny enough, we leased the name Roubaix to Specialized which meant they had no right to force the shop to change their name. We granted the shop the right to keep their name since we owned Roubaix Really hate the big guys strong arming the little guys. Vote with your wallet folks! Great video Francis!
OMG, bike industry cohort. Can you believe that was 10 years ago? :)
@RC Review Time has flown by! Sadly after the bankruptcy at ASI/Performance we lost the Roubaix brand to Spec... They bought it for pennies on the dollar! 🙄
I won’t buy specialized products because of this and other tactics used. An interesting company with low morality and ethics. I admit it must be hard to run these “big” companies but there is always a way to do things and compromise
I find it rather weird how any company can have the rights to the name of a town in France, mainly famous for the bicycle race Paris - Roubaix
@@aladinsane5771 It's no different from any other industry using places to name their product. Look no further than car companies. 😉
"These parts will fit the RCs that must not be named." 😏
You're a class act! Respectful tone and well stated. Thanks for representing the hobby community in a positive way.
Let me give you a little history on how Traxxas treats others. In 1993 my son and I entered an event called the Worlds. This was held in Detroit. At the time Traxxas had a truck called the Nitro hawk. This truck really had no brake system. The brakes came by way of a lever that pushed against the clutch bell. As the clutch got hot the brakes all but worked. I designed a brake system for the nirto hawk and our little truck could lock the brakes and my son could slide her around corners. Team traxxas saw this and between heats they approached me and asked if they could look at my Nitro hawk I built for my son. My son was maybe 10 at the time. He was gleaming from ear to ear, here team traxxas wanted to look at his truck. I could not say no. If you open any traxxas nitro whatever it is, the brake system you see on those vehicles was designed my guess who. Think I got anything for this? But hell all rc companies rip off each other. Why they all look alike. But RC are suppose to be fun. I just forgot all this and moved on. I love my crawlers today.
The whole situation sucks. But thanks for the level headed approach to this situation. Good job Fran!!!👍👍👍
Thank you. I almost gave up since I mispronounced litigious 100 times.
Kudos to you Sir!! I don't do crawlers,but am an rc enthusiast. As such, I feel compelled to join the fight. Thank you for shining the light on a dark subject that threatens all rc enthusiasts. There's enough to go around, TRX should be ashamed.
Thanks for digging in to this.
It was rough. I had to do 100 takes and read court documents. :)
Great video. Very structural and now I understand more about the whole thing. They have the right to protect their stuff. But in my mind they walked the wrong road.
Thank you for bringing more light to this situation. It effected our 4tec Rally Kit. ☹
Well said. I'm with those who are no longer supporting traxxas. This was just handled poorly as a business move.
Thank you for the explanation 🙂
I think it was too aggressive to shutdown their websites and business, instead of contacting them first. I understand why they are mad at Traxxas. The aftermarket is big in this hobby and what many of us talk about too, when we meet.
It is sad they did what they did. It's like they don't get that part of the hobby.
I will not support that kind of behavior and thereby not buy a Traxxas again, that is for sure 🙄
I'm not sure they intended to shut down all those e-commerce sites. But they should have know that is exactly what was going to happen. Contacting ISPs means HUGE LEVERAGE since the sites are held hostage. Corrective action is a second priority and ISPS or commerce providers will shut stuff down and ask questions later.
When a website is shut down, they lose their Google Search results too.
@@RCReviewChannel yes it was too aggressive. I would like to hear their side too. Why did they not contacted those shops first?
Yes, their SEO goes down and they loose their position when searching. It is so bad for their business. I hope they will survive 🤞🙂
@@kenneth_jensen what do you mean you would like to hear their side didn't you just see where he they have sued people Non-Stop that's what they do they mean they went against the biggest companies out there because what because of their name no itsfunneh it's all about money when you become business that's all it's about it's not about you me or anybody else
@@Gibsonlife573 I would just like to correct something you said. When you get into business it is NOT all about money meaning you cut throats to get cash. A SMART and ETHICAL businessman looks at the big picture. For instance, paying employees well hurts payroll but increases profitability overall via increased productivity and higher product quality via much happier workers. Ethics USED to be a big piece of capitalism and business school. It's becoming more rare. Scumbags win in the short term, but ultimately lose in the end. Unfortunately, it tends to make a couple/few people rich in the process so they don't care. It's wrong. Most business owners I know are hard working ethical people who bend over backwards for their people and customers. I myself paid my guys/gals well and even paid them while going without paychecks in the beginning. I actually gave my right hand guy my race prepped BMW 3 series as "pay" when we first started because I couldn't make payroll. He said "hell yeah" and walked away with way more value than that months pay he would have gotten. To me, he broke his butt to help the business get going and I had the responsibility to take care of him for it. Business doesn't automatically mean evil. For the ones that are like Traxxas we have to stop supporting them.
@RC Review of course did they intend to shut the businesses down. That's exactly what they wanted.
Yeah Francis!!!!!! Proud of you for making this video. F Traxxas. Let's hope they don't sue you for exercising your First Amendment.
Demonstrating you’re the most trusted voice in RC once again. Always an honest opinion and this video is so well put together. Super clear on the issues and what we can do as consumers to help. Thanks once again for your insight.
Thanks for the heads up. Had the sledge and new high trail ford edition in my sights, but not now! I won’t support a company that bullies a small company like that. It’s disgusting!
I completely agree we’ve discussed several times dropping traxxas. Prices are way too high. They know it. I’m moving to axial lol.
Thank you, Francis. This was overdue and you pulled it off with class.
I’m surprised that this video hasn’t been shut down! Good explanation, as always, Francis. I’m still pretty new to the hobby and have learned a lot from your unbiased and honest videos! 👍🏼
First Traxxas two weeks ago after 45 years in this hobby.
Another $800+ in non Traxxas aftermarket. Nothing from Traxxas. We’ll, maybe the front over drive gearing. That’s it.
I haven’t even run a single battery yet. It will run its first run completely customized. This puts such a sour taste in my mouth.
Thanks for making this known, and for the courage to post this up. Good on you Francis. I enjoy and look forward to the future of your channel.
Thank you for making this video. I wish Traxxas would support small businesses that are trying to make their products better, vs. chipping away at the industry. I was in the market for a Sledge, now looking for a Arrma. My brother just bought a Axial SCXiii last night, over a Traxxas TRX4, based on Traxxas's pitiful attacks on these small businesses. I will definitely be thinking twice about purchasing Traxxas products in the future, especially if they don't' do anything to make this right.
Lawyers when turned loose indiscriminately can slash and burn a small industry
Great video as always!! Bad move Traxxas & a childish reaction!! Time for these large corporations to learn that a bunch of little guy companies including the customers is who makes them. Continue to support those that were affected and support the vehicle manufactures that support aftermarket companies & their customers that make their businesses.
Thanks for making this video! It takes guts, which speaks to your credibility. I hope consumers respond. I have a trx4m, but I won't be buying any more Traxxas brand parts for it if I can avoid it. Was planning to add a 4tec to my fleet, but definitely not doing that now that I know where my money's going.
Team associated is great, or the Tamiya phaser chassis for a road car. Or if your drifting..... Sakura
Yep, I was actually wanting and almost ordered the TRX4 "high country" Chevy C10...I decided to wait for the right color to come in stock. Not any more! I literally just bought the Vanquish Phoenix portal kit specifically because of this! Next purchase for my boys: Hello RedCat Gen9 and Axial Basecamp!
I was Very shocked when I heard what had happened. Thank you for sharing this info. Traxxas Does produce great stuff. But for them to attack the little guy's like this shameful.
When is the last time you have ever seen Traxxas hosting or even having a vendor tent at an RC event. It will always be the smaller companies pushing the hobby forward.
Thats wat it should be about. Not profit margin
Would like to see their folk/employees participating and having fun in the hobby.
HUGE thank you for bringing awareness to this situation. A scary time for so many mom and pop businesses in the hobby. This is a nightmare situation for many of our small business friends. I can't help but feel like there are far better ways Traxxas could have handled this situation. I'm very thankful many in the hobby are sharing this information such as yourself. Again thank you. 👍
Really glad that you made this video. I think a lot of the fun in RC is the aftermarket, customizing and putting your own flair into your builds. It's sad that Traxxas are repeatedly going after these businesses, businesses that I have purchased from in the past and who can't hope to fund a legal battle against a giant bully like Traxxas.
So if you start a company you would let others put your name on their product. Use your intellectual property to sell their stuff? I doubt it. You would expect them to follow the rules that everybody else does. Traxxas is not trying to stop people from making aftermarket parts you simpleton.
Excellent video. Thanks for explaining the situation.
Very well said! I’m looking at introducing some Traxxas products in the coming weeks but now very worried about this. They could have handled this 100x better and the response would be completely different! We’ll see how it goes but thank you for covering this important topic and supporting the little guys!
I wouldn't bother. Look at brands that support the hobby, attended and sponsor local and national events and grow the community. Traxxas isn't one of those.
Who cares, traxxas is amazing product. Did they personally offend you? No? Then who cares. Keep buying from em. I will.
I would not be selling anything that has to do with a Traxxas model, they will eventually come after you
@JacobpRC Definitely...Imma go directly to Traxxas and order stuff..Mfers be bandwagoners and will copy the next person...Let this dude say he likes dudes..Half the comment section will say they like dudes too...And how mfers mad when it was their own fault Traxxas got involved..
Losi arrma are my brands , I protested them when they went after arrma , thier perfect for kids and people starting out people that want wrench least amount for little less performance . * they did copy team associated 35 yrs ago to get started , more than arrma copied them , arrma didn't really copy them and I bought alot arrma rcs . Long as you enjoy hobby . To each is own . Thier still good rcs . . I still use ones I have , for thrashing lol
Very well said... Here is another issue that isn't being said. Just because Traxxas wasn't happy and sent out these cease and desist letters, doesn't mean these aftermarket listing were in violation of trademark or copyright laws. And the responses from many assume Traxxas was in the right.
Hey Francis, Knights Ferry Crawler here. Thank you for this information. I have not been paying attention to any social media for months. I’ve always loved yours, and Harley designs, reviews, advice, and inspiration, in building custom crawlers. If it wasn’t for you guys, I never would have attempted to build my 2 LCG rigs last year. They both cost me a total of $2700 to complete, but they are both bad ass!!! Keep up the good work that you do. Still waiting to see you, at the local meet up spot @Knights Ferry, tell Josh to come too!! Bring your most capable rigs..Lmao!!! The weather has been perfect. We’re all just trying to have some fun. Thanks again!!! I appreciate everything you do
Thx for sharing this, I stand with the small company's and the great after market parts they make!!!
Here's a solution. Call you favorite aftermarket company's sales team and tell them you understand why the site is down but still order the parts you need for your Traxxas vehicle. That way, its still not in violation of trademark because its not on their website and they can still make money off of Traxxas aftermarket parts.
Or, do what I do and never buy Traxxas again. I bought the Slayer when it came out. It was great. But, how they do business has left a sour taste in my mouth. They started threatening other TH-cam channels over using their name and more and more sites were starting to get the same treatment. It has been years since I bought anything Traxxas.
huge respect to you for touching this very sensitive subject ❤
Great job Francis, it's a tricy situation... but you did a great job trying to explain the points from both sides. Great job buddy. John
Respect Francis. Love your videos. We need to stick up for the little guys. They didn't deserve this. This is disheartening. @ccxrc and all of the other guys affected by this. You'll be the ones who get my business. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET!! show the big boys that THIS IS NOT OK. The rc hobby has always been about the aftermarket companies. It's what makes it so fun. There are so many creative people out there. Love you guys.
Fantastic video, with what I see as great information and insight into what happened. Thank you for making this and sharing it. For me personally, I’ve seen enough leading with legal - and I’m out. Considering the T-Maxx around 25 years ago kicked my RC habit into Overdrive, it’s a tough thing to do for me, but the company has evolved into something I no longer agree with, and refuse to support. Sad, in my opinion, that they have offended so many, with something that could have definitely been handed better. Although they think by holding tight to their aftermarket, it will make them more $, In this case they have offended enough future buyers, that will Not now buy, I would bet over all they Lose big on this one.
The aftermarket parts are what inspire me to by an RC. Without being able to make it my own I wouldn’t buy the product. Tony from CCXRC, Joe Exocaged RC, your channel all provide us with the information and parts we buy as true hobbyists. I have many RC’s just because of what I’m shown in these great videos. Traxxas really should recognize that or they are going to really loose a lot of us.
Heck yeah brother! Spread that love and show the bully that we won't be discouraged by their actions. And maybe we can hurt them when they realize their revenue has dropped! Band together and let's keep the little guys aka little guy racing going
They fail to realize the aftermarket is the only reason I buy Traxxas.
Mate, you say near the end that it's "hard for you to do these videos" because you lack an understanding of the required vocabulary, but let me assure you that your summary of the situation is by far the most succinct, accurate and informative that I've heard. One of the things I like about your videos is your intelligence (and passion, of course!). Thanks ever so much.
I completely agree with what you said. This I think is the final straw for me I don't think I can continue purchasing traxxas products.
Its going to take everyone to put a stop to this tyrant like effect. Even the karens,
Really nice take on it. I appreciate your level-headed approach.
I started with Traxxas back in 2005. But after the years of what has been happening between how this company carries itself. I am at a loss for words. My trust with Traxxas is fleeting.
Why would it fleet, they are protecting their investment on R&D. Word your hop up differently and you are in the clear. It’s their copyright.
You handled this topic very well 👏 👍
Hit it dead on really breaks my heart when stuff like
This happens, great explanation really respect folks like you being honest! Keep up with the great videos!
Thank you for this video. All of our small businesses have contributed to the growth of Traxxas over the years. This is a very heavy handed approach to businesses that have pushed this brand to the top. Simply taking down small businesses that contribute to the community speaks volumes of the brand and leadership. Seems they forgot where they came from and those who supported them..... Our support for this brand will change following this event and circumstances. Thank you again to the loyal customers and community supporting all of the small brands in the industry. Bob - RB Innovations
It's like Ford suing aftermarket companies for making performance upgrades for the Mustang. Ford draws the line by not warranting the car if it is "modified", but they haven't sued any company for making parts for their cars. I think Traxxas has gone too far here. It's a shame, but I'm selling all my Traxxas cars and buying ARMA from now on. I'm wagging my middle finger at Traxxas.
Thats 1 way!! Or 2. Too too far good on u. I think traxxas knew it would loose 1 or 2 fans but giving arrma redcat losi axial a huge pay day . Was that in the cards, next to complete brand destruction
Well stated RC review! Excellent coverage on the topic. I can understand traxxas wanting to protect their product and name, but this hobby is about making it yours. That means customization is a large part of this hobby. I think traxxas has "shot themselves in the foot" with this move in the long term. I will start to move away from traxxas products since it will be limited with no aftermarket support. I will encourage others to purchase from other brands from now on.
Thank you for talking about this. My 4m will be run how it is until it can't be anymore then it'll be used as a decorative piece. I can not support this company personally based solely on principle. This could have been handled so much better, tho given their prior behaviors, but it's obvious the better way to handle this was not on their playbook. Btw their own hopups aren't great and cost way too much so I do hope the aftermarket falls back and they fall on their face....we've waited years for an offering in this smaller scale just for this 👎
Thanks so much for explaining what is going on here.
I’ve got a lot of traxxas products, but most of them have aftermarket parts on them. They have good products, but their prices don’t really help out their parts area so to say compared to other companies that actually make better upgrades. This will affect a lot of companies and traxxas especially, because aftermarket is a big part of the hobby. Thanks for highlighting this situation, it’ll definitely change my mind on new rc’s or if I’ll keep my traxxas rc’s.
Thank you for being willing to dive into a hairy situation. Actions like this can ruin a hobby.
I was looking to pick up a TRX-4 Bronco this weekend. Looks like I won't be giving them any of my money. Ever.
The aftermarket and open source hardware is my favorite part of this hobby. If something doesn't have parts support I won't be buying it regardless of how scale or capable it is. Guess I'll be going with Axial. I've loved my SCX24s and they don't abuse their distributors and biggest fans.
Element ecto is a killer truck.....
There are capria portals, so many aftermarket parts, my last two trucks were built one piece at a time from all kinds of aftermarket companies.
Don't think I could stand rtr electronics these days
This just made it way easier to decide on my next RC. It will not be a Tricksus as I prefer the availability, price and variations in aftermarket parts.
Wow Francis, great video. Thanks for taking a stand to comment about it. So many others have not said a word. I have been very vocal about it. You brought up some great points, were careful in your wording, very professional. By the way, I was part of the backlash against Specialized- and I even bought a Cafe Roubaix t-Shirt to support the coffee shop. It spoke volumes when Mike Sinyard personally went and apologized to him on camera. Mad respect, I just bought a new Specialized 14:05 man bike. I’m surprised Traxxas has not mentioned anything. They just don’t care. It hurts, because Traxxas was my first rc car. I have tons of their vehicles. If they don’t make right, they have lost any future business from me. Not that it would make a dent. Thanks again for stepping up and making this video. So many still don’t know.
Always helpful and informative! Thanks for putting this out there.
Francis, thanks for posting thoughtful and measured comments about this and encouraging support of the small business in our hobby. One of the greatest things about our hobby is the number of small business offering products to make all of our rigs better. And, as a really small player in this hobby (DBHobby... 3D printed tire inserts) I love the support of my customers and try very hard to help them build what they want (regardless of brands they are using). I understand the legal issues with trademark infringement, and that is a legitimate complaint. However and as has been mentioned, they could have simply approached these small business with requests to modify their product descriptions. So, it's disappointing to see one of the "Big Guys" trying to crush the little guys. Finally, as someone who has really enjoyed my TRX-4 rigs, I can honestly say, their behavior gives me pause as I consider future purchases. It is simply hard to support such behavior in the context of our RC community. I hope TRAXXAS will own up to this mis-step and offer an apology to the businesses and the community and then politely clarify how they'd like small businesses to label their products. Unfortunately, I'm not confident they will do so and they may pay an ugly price for it. Regardless, we can all keep on "tiny trucking!" There are many other RC-community friendly brands we can support.
I came across this video as I'm currently researching what to buy and it was down to a TRX4 chassis kit (would've been my first Traxxas) and another brand. Aftermarket products are very important to me so not knowing if I'm going to be able to get the parts I was thinking of for the Traxxas makes it an easy decision - I won't be buying the Traxxas.
Not on the fence about this issue anymore. Thanks for clarifying.
Excellent video! I also come from the bike industry and was still a shop guy for the Cafe Roubaix incident... Those were strange days for sure. The timing of this probably has a lot to do with the embargo as well. Want to really punish a small business? Wait until they have already committed to ordering their products from Asia. Now all the small parts that are sitting on a dock in San Francisco awaiting the embargo to lift can't be sold.
Thanks for clarifying everything! I’ve heard about them in past and this is just plain wrong. I support the small guy and this just reaffirms it!
Thanks for being honest and Brave! This was NOT a simple "Oh traxxas just protecting their name and part numbers"..... Sorry guys but this was intentionally focused on shutting down as much as the upgrade market as possible, so you go 100% to Traxxas for there overpriced color coded ish.
Bad for the community, it's selfish, near sighted, and they could have just reached out to these companies if they REALLY CARED about the RC Community.... But they don't, it's about the Dollars EVEN if it shuts down the aftermarket and costs others thousands of dollars in labor hours to fix or potentially Ruined their little aftermarket Company. I think passing this off as Traxxas just protecting their name is rather one sided. It's not political either.... It's simply a Gorilla at a playground messing with other people's livleyhoods.
Typical Traxxa$$
Every few years they pull crap like this, let's see if everyone forgets when they launch some nwe "cool" rigs. Really makes me Regret ever getting my Maxx and XMaxx, love those rigs but come on #Traxxa$$
Jenny's RC.... Come on, they gut shut down too, gotta get everything from TRX.
In a way Not SUPRISED
This reminded me to support “the little guy”
I know everyone complains about these Chinese companies, for whatever reason...political or copyright reasons whatever I don't care, but they will continue to dominate the market even more now with this cease and desist crap...even Traxxas can't shut these Chinese companies down. I've got about $550 worth of Injora and $200 worth of Furitek on my TRX4M, now I'm going to make a point to make sure there are no Traxxas parts left
I just bought my first cheap rock crawler last week to see if I would enjoy the hobby and immediately was looking at the TRX-4M, now I will never buy a Traxxas product because of this cease & desist nonsense.
Sad to see a big company going after small business for trying to make their product better and make a little money. If they didn't want people to upgrade their product they should have built a better one. Awesome video thanks you always have great content and info👍😁
Oh they want you to upgrade but using their overpriced parts.
Thank you for the video. Haven't bought a Traxxas for many years until the TRX4-M came out. Definitely now regret that purchase and won't be spending another cent on their gear..
Great video, Francis. Thank you for making it and discussing this important topic.
Thank you for your honesty and the TRUTH...I'm am only consumer but I have direct contact with many providers of parts that only enhance their product why discourage it? They need to Apologize...
Thank you Francis, i was going to get the udr next month when the stock arrive, well i guess i will now get the sbr instead😂
I'm all for the small companies,helping us afford this quite expensive hobby.Dirty trick trx.Never buy from you again,and I mean it.Plenty more good stuff out there.
What makes this hobby so great is modifying the cars to our liking. I love buying aftermarket parts and showing my son how to do the work. I’m an Arrma lover so this won’t effect me at all though 😅
I didn’t realize Traxxas was like this I definitely won’t be buying anything Traxxas again
Yet again, RC Review hit it out of the park, a beautiful take on an ugly situation. As I told Tony, I was literally going to buy an XRT this coming weekend, now I will not buy another Traxxas vehicle again. There are too many companies out there who aren't doing this nonsense to people who, unlike Traxxas, help make the community better. Now, I am looking at Arrma, among others, besides I already have an X-Maxx, for as long as I continue to own any of my Traxxas vehicles moving forward, but I will not be back again, and I buy a lot of RC vehicles, according to my wife anyhow. It doesn't matter what they do to try and fix this, I have always been a very loyal buyer,. but once I make the decision to leave I will not come back no matter what.
The best upgrades that I have on any of my Traxxas rcs are from other companies. I'm bummed over this ship.(
Makes my day right there. This is the hardest kind of video for me to make since there is no play time!!!!
Get a Kraton 8s instead, it's a way better mode and you'll realize you actually dodged a bullet by saving 1k on a pile of Nylon.
Thanks for sharing and laying it out!
Aight, I'm done buying stuff from them. Congratulations, Traxxas. This is exactly how you lose customers.
I love watching your show. It’s what got me into this hobby. I bought a 79 bronco Traxxas first I just love this hobby thank you so much it is help me out tremendously.
And this is why I'll NEVER buy a Traxxas.
you hit the breaking point.
Traxxas is relying on an ignorance to fair use, trademark, and copyright laws to consolidate the market for themselves. In an ideal world all small companies impacted should band together with a lawyer to fight back, as well as complaining to the better business bureau about this.
Never had a traxxas and now I know why😂
Thanks for the breakdown. Never bought their junk, never will.
Thanks for sharing. Yes, I'm definitely disappointed with this that happened. It only would have encouraged many individuals like myself to really get with these cool 1/18's.
go 1/24 the scene is way bigger.
thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Traxxas issue, its never good to shut down the small business who strive to help the consumers with other options that in many ways are superior to the oem parts available.