This video kinda blew my mind when I first saw it. Cosmic to me was zany fun, now I realize just how much strategy there is based on the aliens at the table and the cards in your hand.
Super good overview of the hand-management strategy. One time, I had a new player ask me about the cardplay, and I, not especially experienced at Cosmic, was flummoxed, so this will be helpful once the pandemic subsides.
This may be 3 year old advice, but it holds true 100% today and in the future. This is invaluable advice.
This video kinda blew my mind when I first saw it. Cosmic to me was zany fun, now I realize just how much strategy there is based on the aliens at the table and the cards in your hand.
The next time someone tells me that Cosmic Encounter is too random and has no strategy, I'm sending them to this video.
Super good overview of the hand-management strategy. One time, I had a new player ask me about the cardplay, and I, not especially experienced at Cosmic, was flummoxed, so this will be helpful once the pandemic subsides.