why didnt mace guide how trick 2g carry all the games (i was watvhing trick2g voli gameplay and he was vs hector playng void fizz mid and he lose) pls dont ignore me
@@kutokutosan7637 you have to play according to your champions strengh. If you cant match the split pusher you should try to force a 5v4 fight with your team or just stay safe under your tower and catch the waves
"You have to have trust in your team mates, you''re all the same ELO at the end of the day" - It's because we're the same ELO bracket that I know their plays won't work.
The thing that makes the difference is vision, knowing when to back off is the key to get the farm safely while wasting their time. At the end of the day pressuring is simply that, trying to make someone come where you are without dying in the process.
Yeah, and in given circumstanses the advice to Ashe player at 4:40 I belive is just bad. There is no any vision in the enemy jungle and under second turret she is as good as dead. There is some wards in the river closer to mid, and by herself she can establish some more vision closer to bot so she can push wave from her tower to the river and over the river but not further.
@@casbb false. Everyone on the team has to do their part for vision. Adc should get blue trinket and a pink for a reason, to help with finding the safest path when alone
@@aleksandrmeilakhs8706 Ashe should be able to live using her r if they only send one person, and if they send two her team can force a numbers fight mid. I think it was a good play to go bot as well.
Im so consistent at ADC it’s unreal. I can predict how many deaths I’ll have at 10 minutes and how much CS I’ll be behind at 12 minutes. It’s usually a good 3-5 deaths at 10 and a 50 CS difference. Then I farm and hate my life for 30 minutes and then get obliterated the first time I try to team fight. Consistency is key lads.
It do be like that. But inevitably, as long as you're pressuring tower/pushing objectives while your team ints, usually the game will be fine. Like the video said midway, it's fine to fight the enemy, but you're not online til you get your core items. Tickling the enemy when you're underpowered solves nothing, even if you're grouped.
in one of my games my team spam pinged me for farming bot while they overstayed after an objective and died... then they said "its past the farming phase of the game bro" its scary that some players legit think the game is split into laning phase and aram phase
Honestly think players are losing game knowledge these days. There used to be a time when my team would ping me to get farm... now they just 24/7 aram and if you fall behind and is farming instand of araming then you get flamed
I was playing jinx. Rotated top to catch massive wave of farm. A WILD NASUS appears. Im all Gucci. Playing safe using my rockets to catch the whole wave. Nasus tps drag. I push two towers leaving open inhib. Teams flames me for not rotating to drag with Nasus. Just the adc things
Imagine you were the jg pushing those 2 towers instead of a stupid drag... I can imagine my solo queue team sacrificing themselves for drag even now as I scroll youtube (low elo)
True, that's why I'm currently staying away from SR until the preseason. Can't deal with people who commit to a fight they can't win even with everyone there and blame whoever is doing the right thing.
@@stencilwalters2971 one lux was flaming me, she had 44% wr y and I had at that time 61% XDDD we lost because she thought she was a tank y go infront of the enemy and die:( y we where always 4vs5
not when your team keeps fighting 5x4 and hard loses, giving free gold, torret and baron or drag to everyone on the enemy team, while you only get gold from minions and 1 torret at max. So even though you made the right choice, because of this decision your team just gave away the whole game.
Really question the Ashe segment. If Ashe goes bot, she has no mobility and a 1-second ult stun (if she hits it). There are 3 enemies that can run her down and kill her. So you make yourself extremely vulnerable to dying for 1-2 waves and you leave your teammates to die mid. Cait or Senna coming to match you is the best result, but they're already mid and it probably won't be either of them. If Ashe goes mid, and then doesn't step on a trap immediately after hitting the R, she gets to do damage earlier while the team has an advantage. If she holds her W until she can spray anything but a pack of minions (doesn't even kill any), she helps more with the fight. If she uses her heal on an almost dead Yasuo or Malphite instead of an almost 100% Graves, she extends their damage time while the fight is still going. Those little things turn that fight or at least make it a lot more even.
Not even to mention that trading one side tower is definitely not worth losing 2 possibly all 3 mid towers. The ashe example was a bad example, it only reinforced the idea of ADCs having no agency. She was in a lose lose scenario where her best option was to wait on her own team to respond to yas getting dove, but she was one of the first to respond with no frontline. They make some leaps on this channel it feels like since they pump out videos, but that ashe one may be the biggest leap they've made.
The thing is you are trading one easy estrategy ( go and just farm bot) vs a team fight that requires a lot more skill to pull off, specially if you don't are in the losing team
she had 100cs + than lucian while early lucian was in front of her. But people often don't recognize Jinx late game. For me Jinx and Vayne are the top tier late game. Cait does insane dmg but very squishy. Draven if played well can massacre but if focused correctly dies pretty fast. Kai'sa in the other end is pretty near top tier for me. Like a A+. Has sustain, shiel, dmg, invis.. like an improved vayne but a little worse than vayne vs tanks. But can one shot mages/adcs, etc..
The problem is that while other roles can carry in solo queue based on mechanics alone, simply by getting fed, the adc depends on the support to do that. It's the hardest role to carry with in solo queue for that reason, sometimes I wonder why the hell I still main adc
@ 5:10 If yasuo doesnt go bot, Ashe cant go bot, because 0 8 Evelynn (or even Vi, whatever) casually oneshots her. It is very rare that you see the whole enemy team mid for more than 5 seconds. No way you can just go alone as Ashe on 1 item IMO. Edit: Also. You cant fix waves if Tier 1 turrets are down as adc. You have to go way too deep, and you just die, I feel like. (Becouse noone will escort you, of course)
6:45 They randomly get into fights without even knowing who is around them or don't realize they are just walking to thier death.. Then when they die, they see you farming bot and ping you to death. That's the actual reaction of low elo teammates...
luckily we have samira now who can actually do stuff(unless you have total garbo support ofc). Just had a game where I got 2 early kills on enemy jungle and enemy support. Later my heca and senna goes way too deep in a gank I cant follow at all, giving 2 kills back to enemy adc making her even with me now. Later on senna and heca wanders around like headless chickens and when I come to help fights in river after pushing in lane they have no clue what to do and I end up dying trying to help them. I was like ok im not gonna help them anymore if thats what gonna happen and surprisingly enough senna kept on dying and dying. Couldnt even use exhaust in a early 2v2 fight which we would have gotten 2 for 0 if she used it
@@kooldudematt1 I agree, but you could substitute Yone with a ton of Champs. Akali, Zoe, Irelia, Mordekaiser, etc Pretty much lot of the 'newer' champs
Well, obviously you as an adc have to respect the 0/4 yone. Even tho he is objectively weaker than you, adcs were never meant to be duelists so 1v1s aren't their strength
Every time I make the right decisions, my team ints, goes afk or surrenders. I've had a team surrender 4/1 because they lost a teamfight for the 4th drake despite us being pushed into their base while most of our turrets were still up. It was the enemy's 1st drake. I've had a team flame me to oblivion and instantly surrender because they took and lost a pointless 4v5 fight in the middle of midlane while I was solo pushing into the enemy base and was literally hitting their Nexus... before the fed enemy Zed recalled and one-shot me, sadly one hit away from Victory. Meanwhile, their team had only taken our Tier 1 turrets. You can make the right calls and carry a game to the point that it's literally going to be won in minutes, your low ELO team won't see it and will surrender because the 27/2 and 4 cs Fizz they fed all game stole Wolves.
Situation with Lucian: yes if u watch slowly the Replay u can see all enemies, im not sure all, even a challanger, players will see it in a running game. Sitution with Ashe. u can see Renekton at Top Lane when she ults, its a 5v4 fight they take, so why this shouldnt be ok??
@@jamie-dempsey yeah but one moment later they say: split Bot , force enemy to defend und rotate to Mid.....the Situation is still the same.....also itemwise
Not too sure on the Ashe tip: - From the mini map you see 1 top and 3 mid, Ashe uses her E and through river and the enemy jungle and Vi doesn't show up. This suggested a 4v3 situation (4v4 with top TP as the Vi does not appear to be nearby from the mini map.) - As with the above, the Vi's location is unknown, Ashe heading solo bot would risk running into Vi and the lack of mobility in Ashe's kit would not have offered much in the way of survivability. Cait and Senna are mid and so it's unlikely going to be them to meet you in bot lane for the rotation - You can also see the spam "going in" pings in the mid lane, so abandoning what initially appeared to be a 4v3/4v4 scenario for a potential death on the way to minions in the bot lane (while would have been the right choice had there been enough vision to show this option was safe) could have also resulted in a 3v3 instead or 3v4 if the Vi was bot side instead of top and a death of the ADC. - If the fight mid did only have the 3 mid that was seen on the map, and you abandoned your team for the bot lane minions. If the enemy won, that's sacrificing 1, maybe even 2 mid towers for some minions. This was a lose-lose scenario for the Ashe as a result of no vision on the map, but abandoning a potential 4v3 with the risk of dying to the Vi happening to be in bot side jungle and also risking a loss of towers due to the rest of the team losing a 3v3, 3v4 scenario, which is just a plausible due to the lack of vision doesn't seem like the right call in this scenario. The mistake Ashe made was not leaving the fight when the Graves got stunned but instead returning to the fight for a couple more autos.
"The only possible enemy here is Rakan". Yone hasn't been on the map for more than 30 seconds. He was last seen mid. He either based or he's coming bot. You can't just "assume" that Yone isn't here because you saw him mid. "You can't get solo killed by Rakan" as Yone is pathing to botlane.
What's the worse that can happen? Losing? Yes, losing, like you always did doing the same thing over and over. So now, instead of just losing doing the same thing, you're losing trying new things and improving. It's a much better loss man, just think about it. Keep pushing no matter what your teammates says, no matter how bad you are doing at the start with a new strategy, keep trying new things over and over, instead of the same thing over and over. You already know it's not working doing the same.
Look at the map before pushing, and predict their movements by looking at the map, remember who's missing, if their support is missing, it's free to push the lane you're in, but if it's an adc, just clear the the wave and retreat, if you are very far from the fight and everyone is on the map, push the lane you're at, the middle turrent is the most important LANE turrent because it opens up the map a lot
playing as sup is so much easier than adc, i can roam, i can gank, i can do visions and i can 1 shot enemy adc, etc. Solo q adc is so much of a pain. when top or mid lane is opened, it is simply impossible to carry as adc despite the lead in bot given enemy has similar skill capped as urs. Unless u get crazy reflex, otherwise assassin can literally 1 shot u in a sec .
Been flamed a lot for pushing a side lane as add. People are insane. And yes Lucian taking bottom jungle would possibly set off the jungles to rage for the rest of the game
The thing is in plat... when i go sidelanes to farm like i should and scale properly My team opens a 4v5 fight loses and spam pinging me for not being there.. and when i tell them , why you start a fight if im not there in the first place , they type in all chat "Report this guy farming sidelanes and losing our game" and this happens to me EVERY . SINGLE . GAME .... im at a point where i dont think theres any hope with the new LP and no promos rank system....all silvers are forsome reason in plat and 90% of the people are smurfing.... riot gone mad for new and bad players to get hyped for getting gold elo yet it is achieved much easier than it used to with 5 Divisions instead of 4 , and with promos each division instead of just getting to 100LP and suddenly ranking up.... and promos Bo3 instead of Bo5 now.... the game just begin to die and riot makes it worse
6:17 Ashe: I'm going to split push bot *Main Yasuo M7 in his mind: We should fight now!* *PING OMW* *PING OMW* *PING OMW* *Malp starts with his R* Everyone dies. Blue Team: /ALL Plz report Ashe, he is trolling!
The analytic for Jhin case is correct except for the mid one. Yorick is pushing at T2 bot so it's correct to stay 4 people pushing mid lane.The bad decision is chasing after Katarina and Leesin while the eenemy comp is good at fighting in the jungle (Twitch and Katarina) and they died as 4 because they stacked. The correct decision is after getting that kill, try to get the mid tower, not chasing.
Extremly low elos such as -gold are free ones for those who can secure drake area since most of the players are ignoring that point for having fun, once u start lvling up to plat u will notice the farming frequency is strongly dependant on the support's performance no matter how good u are.
These were obvious mistakes that i was very much aware of doing myself but I still struggle with. I tend to tunnelvision a little to often when Im not jungeling.
I agree with you @5:16 but the team doesn't stand back and wait if she went or not the team would have fought, lost and blamed her for not "helping", which is why people always make those mistakes :)
I had a really simple easy lane, thought "oh ill get 10cs/min easy here, end of match I was 179 in 24min. so I watched it back to see all the missed potential cs. I counted 34 total when I wasn't fighting, and in range to get the cs. I was 24 missed at the 10min mark and that would have put me right at 100cs in 10 min. which this matchup there is no excuse for missing that much.
9:00 What if the enemies have a Kassadin/Rengar/KhaZix/Kayn and you can't go to a solo lane? What if the drake is up? What if the top tower is down and you can be chased by their assassin?
So for the sake of nobody responding I thought I would. You follow 2 basic rules. Rule 1 being you wait to see where they are on the map. If that assassin shows up top side, you know you're safe from them bot for at least 10-15 seconds. Rule 2 being the "8 second rule" if you want to farm but don't know where the enemy could be. (While this is still dangerous due to bush cheese etc) you walk up and quickly farm, and then leave vision for 8 seconds. Literally count to 8 in your head, the enemy will think you recalled, and if any are in the area, likely catch the wave you were pushing. You can fill this 8 seconds with anything from placing a safety ward to farming a jg camp. As an ADC you have to realize that you are an extremely easy target if you're alone in a side lane. Understand who is a threat to you and track where they are, or when in doubt, 8 second rule, it will not keep you alive every single time since League is a game of balancing information, but it will help your odds. TLDR; Track who is a threat to you and farm when you know where they are. With no information present, farm quickly and then leave enemy vision for 8 seconds before you decide to return.
Honestly? If you manage to start getting gold and XP leads using some of these tips, you won't even be scared of assassins anymore. Also, if there are 4 assassins on the enemy team, I hope you ran the resolve tree 2nd.
the point in solo q is that your team will play 4 v5 fights - and thats the great problem of solo q; the enemy adc will group with his teammates and then you lost the teamfights and game. ADC btw the best role
Its balancing between doing the right thing and getting flamed. However it depends in which part of the game youre going solo.if its an early aram fight, just drop it, usually its RNG
@@supremebohnenstange4102 like i said , it depends of the situation. Its not like I dont group, I DO because its soloq, and teammates dont bother looking at minimap and think youre still there. On the other hand dopa is dopa, and he's playing at high elo. Totally different two situations
5:38 Renekton was pushin top and was not top.. But still a good advice to all ADC's not start random fights and its always better to play the map and not the kills 🙏💪
I don't particularly agree with the Ashe example when you suggest her going bot lane EVEN if her team engaged uneven fight on mid lane. If all their team mates died on mid due to outnumbered, then they would obviously push mid tower, maybe even two towers while she would just get one tower on bot lane which is really not a good trade. I think in low elo, you must firstly think of your team and the possible mistakes they might do, similar to what we've seen with Ashe example when yasuo forced the fight on mid without any obvious advantage over enemy team while all ended up dead. And prior to allowing them to do the mistake, warn them not to do it, they might not listen but it might help. After all it's a team game, not 5x solo mission in the same team. I understand that sometimes your solo macro skills and decisions matter more, it's not always like so.
I've been doing this more and more over the course of the past 2 months and I just get raged at every game I'm not gigafed off kills. RNG on mid til mid game hasn't improved any, but I've noticed I have more late games where I'm able to contribute. It definitely helps late game impact, but at the same time it seems to tilt more teammates than letting them say I do no dmg and recommend I build executioner's calling second item every game.
The guide its ok but your mistake is taking the team as an intelligent group who knows when to fight, if u go for a free wave they fight and lose, after dragon it becomes aram on mid until someone dies, its rlly hard if u r not mechanically good, at the end u climb but until plat 1/ diamond they just fight for no reason xd.(spanish speaker just in case.)
As long as your ping is consistent, you should be able to get used to that kind of delay. Though I could understand if it's occasionally spiking at 50 from say 30. If you're having trouble csing I would recommend just practicing in the practice tool. No enemy bot or anything, begin with just focusing on nothing but the last hits. Then you can move into facing a bot and trading while farming etc. Keeping your champ pool narrow can come in handy as well, since you don't have to adapt to different aa-animations and base ad amounts every game, which can make csing harder.
@@isakhedberg7561 yup this does work. And btw I play with around 100 ping, not like I'm great at cs but I don't usually miss cs because of ping (unless it spikes to 3000 ofc)
Early game? Work on your last hitting, if a support can steal your farm in the first 6 levels you were just as likely to lose that farm to enemy minions. Mid game? Go to a different lane. Late game? Go to a different lane.
THAAANK YOUUUUU! I be on their asses to join the team or not take cs in laning phase. 30 minutes into the game and they are off split pushing --- well if you're by yourself how inthe world are you supporting the team?
@@VxiceheartxV i have had supports last hit minions as i was last hitting them, or blowing them up with their abilities (Lux especially), so i'm not on board with the Early game bullet.
Look man the most frustrating thing about low elo is that even if u are making the right choice it doesnt matter. I myself am currently S1 even though i was standing comfortably at high gold last seasons and thats entirely cause i learnt the game and started making right choices. Sounds weird doesnt it? If u think about it most times as a scalling adc you cant sidelane alone in the early stages(till u have 2-3 items).Therefore i need to be mid where i feel safer cause support tend to go mid around this time to make plays or set vision. As I am sure most of u know 99% of the time the midlaner wont leave his lane and stay there no matter what. So I write to them but nothing happens and then the low elo paranoia begins with the flame and trying to last hit minions from your teamates. Anyway guys try playing with your friends and make calls, that way your will learn by your mistakes cause u MADE them and didnt just react to what your team was doing
If you take a close look in the Ashe fight, you can see that she was fighting with all of her teamates while the enemy team had a renekton who was pushing top, so shouldn't this fight be a good decision?
im always hard winning top lane but every time laning phase is over my bot lane is always 1/9 or sth like that, is there anything i can do to win? I usually win lane at 3-4/0 but i play almost only tanks like ornn and it just feels unwinnable everytime. the worst thing is i can go for 5 games where my bot lane consistently feeds any advice?
You can play bot lane and your other two lane dies. Basically my bot lane always feed overstay and not even play defensively and in 5-10 minutes THEY ALWAYS 0/10. I went a few times to bot and then the total same happened everytime on other lanes but as a shit adc i was in 1/1 or 0/1 when the enemy mid assassin was 6/0...
As top laner you can always tp bot to help. You could switch to support to make sure you and adc dont die (play soraka, nami, janna etc). Or you could pick jungle/mid and also cover for the bot lane
Yeah, I jungle... I prioritize fixing sidewaves over anything else(unless important objectives are up) and skip all fights for it. I often get lvl 18 when everyone else avgs like lvl 13 or something, and tend to be at least 5k up on everyone. But usually my team keeps fighting 4v5 and losing, dunno what to do about that. In almost all games I need to solo hard carry and my winrate's fine but it shouldn't be that difficult right? I mean my opposing team's jg is usually 4-5 levels behind me and still wins 30% of the time. I wish I won 30% of the time when I'm 5 levels behind, right? The other issue I run into is because I constantly ignore pointless coinflip fights and pressure elsewhere instead and never try to go save my teammates from fights that aren't certain wins, I frequently get trolls in my games. I'd say at least 10% of the time someone on my team starts following me around while spamming mastery and taking my farm, or just runs it down mid with mobis and tabis. Or a combo. I mute everyone every game so I'm not sure what they're mad about in specific, but that also makes me lose games I'd otherwise win.
The lesson that got me out of being stuck in Silver was realizing that I cannot control my team and I can only control myself. I started focusing on my play, my choices, my mistakes, and my improvement while no longer worrying about what my team was going to do or how they were going to perform. Immediately got Gold the season I chose to approach the game like that and have always gotten back into Gold easily ever since. The big thing to remember is that if your team is doing poorly and you start making mistakes that's on you; you let them influence you. They don't control your mouse and keyboard; you do. This video also touched on another thing that's helping me push the upper end of Gold towards Plat and that's that making good decisions and still losing the game is better in the long run than making poor decisions and winning. The win reinforces that what you did works and, while in the short term you'll be pleased, the reality is that in the long term you will be incredibly punished for it and it is far, far, far harder to unlearn a habit than it is to build it up correctly from square one; which is nothing to say about how demoralizing it is to lose over and over while thinking you're doing the right thing up until you, hopefully, realize that habit was actually wrong.
4:40 My Vietnamese team would rather try to fight a fight they can't win. If they see anyone who left the combat for the lane, they immidately swearing stuff and said like "because of you, we're lost", "you should have support us instead of leaving".
The video is nice but doesnt work in super low elos. People in that low elo, no matter how much you push they all go mid and straight to base. Recalling means tower dive and dying. In low elos some situations are seriously unevoidable. Tho i love your tips videos and helped me slowly climb my way out of bronze 3 hardstuck. Now i am plat 4 and slowly improving
Low elo only? I've watched Tarzaned tilt because he wasn't assisted in a scuttle crab and spam FF. High elo also often lose fights in the early game and ask to open mid. If you don't help team mates, even at times it was the wrong decision to do so, they may (and often do) lose their mental and stop assisting you, which is even worse for ADC as you're dependent on team mates (unless you're playing a super self-sufficient ADC like Ezreal, but then, he has other weaknesses).
Why is correct call in the 2nd video to go bot? The argument was basicially: shove bot, pressure tower and then go back mid to fight with numbers advantage. However at the start of the clip we already have numbers advantage, Rene is top. I would have thought that’s a good time to engage, no?
That last clip with lux is the same in every case They always come to share for some reason I should go top but she can too and it is more optimal for adcs to go mid in mid and late game when you are coming from a base and 1&1/2 items
The worst is always catching a good wave and a ton of gold while behind only for your team to go in acting like they're ahead and dying. "If only we had a ad we win". Like yeah, me tickling them with my half completed item is gonna turn the tide.
My team mates should see this, every game they go aram in mid lane and fight for nothing, if you will have a team fight you should fight for an objective(drake or baron..) and not fight to just fight, that's what i'm doing now i my win rate get better
2:41 he could also build a little safety net for himself by investing at least 75g into a control ward, to place it somewhere between red/krugs. As you noticed that's kinda a disrespect towards anyone that could catch him off guard. He could have seen him coming no matter if he does tower OR krugs. Just speaking as a support player, who always wards deep bot when i have to leave my adc alone. (sadly they never pay attention to anything else then farming). I'm also surprised how in 2 clips, the entire map is dark ( exept dragon). Are the 2 supports playing angry birds on there phone? its not just yone in this case, even a tank could surprise him, maybe not killing him, but force him to use a summoner to escape, which he dose not have for a potential real fight. If you play sidelane/split farm, dont assume there is no one, ALWAYS assume there IS someone. Paranoia can be a good thing in this case.
OK, but this (as many other videos of urs) tells u what to do and how to farm when u r ahead. But you cannot afford to stay alone in a sidelane when u r behind. How do you get back in the game in these kinds of situations?
6:00 while you’re right just go ahead and mute global chat to avoid seeing the flame for them doing a failed roflcopter 4v5. I loved to respond with, “how’s it my fault you lost the fight? I wasn’t even there to mess it up!” :p
i like how they explain like this is challenger elo , minwhile my gold lux support farmin my lane since lvl 1 constantly shoving the lane into loosing 2 v 2 match 3rd game in row ,maybe I will start ban lux instead of things I don't want to play against , the think I don't wat to play with
You know, that sometimes is a great call. My friend is a main support and he used to ban Vayne all the time to avoid those guys pretending they are on a highlight video 1v9. His win rate increased a lot and actually climbed from plat to diamond. Also many ppl ban Yasuo so that you can avoid the 0/10 idiot on your team AND avoid the smurf 29/0 yasuo on enemy team, so it had double the value
@@pauloafonso5808 i just dont see how I'm not banning Leona or Lulu , but banning lux just because I don't want her in my team :D if u play bot u will see that in low elo leona and lulu are must ban
In the past Skill Capped has said that Lux shouldn't push a side lane because she's a pretty vulnerable champion. But at 7:17 they're saying that Lux made a mistake by going mid. Would it have been good for her to push top in this case since she could have stayed fairly close to the tower?
She should have gone solely because jhin was clearly visible in mid lane already and finding the best solo gold would be top which has a wave on their side of the map
Lots of important lessons in this one!
why didnt mace guide how trick 2g carry all the games (i was watvhing trick2g voli gameplay and he was vs hector playng void fizz mid and he lose) pls dont ignore me
I don't understand why you would willingly play adc. You can get 3 items and I will still 1shot you even if I miss half my combo
Can you make a video on how to counter split pushing champions? If i match them they kill me, if i dont we lose towers..
@@kutokutosan7637 you have to play according to your champions strengh. If you cant match the split pusher you should try to force a 5v4 fight with your team or just stay safe under your tower and catch the waves
What am i supposed to do as an ADC when the jg is farming my lane, top farming mid and mid farming top?
Farm jg camps?
"You have to have trust in your team mates, you''re all the same ELO at the end of the day" - It's because we're the same ELO bracket that I know their plays won't work.
but think this: the enemy players are the same elo as well. That's what i would say if matchmaking didn't actually suck
@@puchopucho7790 It's valid to say that the enemies will usually be better than your random teammates, we'll call it the matchmaking effect.
@@starstreakalex7372 the matchmaking effect LMAO
“I saw it on YT”
the line between pressuring sidelane correctly and inting by overextending alone is blurry
The thing that makes the difference is vision, knowing when to back off is the key to get the farm safely while wasting their time. At the end of the day pressuring is simply that, trying to make someone come where you are without dying in the process.
@@Carmelox_LR as an adc you have little to no agency in that so called vision.
Yeah, and in given circumstanses the advice to Ashe player at 4:40 I belive is just bad. There is no any vision in the enemy jungle and under second turret she is as good as dead. There is some wards in the river closer to mid, and by herself she can establish some more vision closer to bot so she can push wave from her tower to the river and over the river but not further.
@@casbb false. Everyone on the team has to do their part for vision. Adc should get blue trinket and a pink for a reason, to help with finding the safest path when alone
@@aleksandrmeilakhs8706 Ashe should be able to live using her r if they only send one person, and if they send two her team can force a numbers fight mid. I think it was a good play to go bot as well.
Im so consistent at ADC it’s unreal. I can predict how many deaths I’ll have at 10 minutes and how much CS I’ll be behind at 12 minutes. It’s usually a good 3-5 deaths at 10 and a 50 CS difference. Then I farm and hate my life for 30 minutes and then get obliterated the first time I try to team fight. Consistency is key lads.
I usually farm the entire game and end up with 600k damage and 6k champion damage 💪
@@Marisad The Nasus Grindset 🐺
*Me: I'll farm this free wave, don't fight*
*Team: Reported, u've should have been with us fighting*
It do be like that. But inevitably, as long as you're pressuring tower/pushing objectives while your team ints, usually the game will be fine. Like the video said midway, it's fine to fight the enemy, but you're not online til you get your core items. Tickling the enemy when you're underpowered solves nothing, even if you're grouped.
haha lol, it happens a lot, but since I'm better than them, I just don't give a fuck
@@incandescent3424 *They usually go open or int if I ignore for too long*
@@thomasalberto613 *There's some teams, that would afk or int when I don't follow tho, it usually ends up in defeat for this one tilted guy*
Hah you underestimate my power to get solo killed by a rakan
I got solokilled by rakan as full lethality cait.... but that dude was going full ap xd
@Unknown Boy Obviously because there was full ap rakan, so Cait went for ult-poke build to stay out of his range.
I was gonna say, "You boys new in town?" 🤣
@Unknown Boy for self defense obviously
Thinking about this with Rakan and Lucian’s faces I’m the moment of revenge of the with is hilarious 😂
in one of my games my team spam pinged me for farming bot while they overstayed after an objective and died... then they said "its past the farming phase of the game bro"
its scary that some players legit think the game is split into laning phase and aram phase
Bro it’s not aram phase it’s objective phase u gotta group mid for objectives
@@HorseEngine999 no...just no
@@HorseEngine999 overstaying for team fights is useless and killing enemy champs while you're losing towers is not the best objective.
Honestly think players are losing game knowledge these days. There used to be a time when my team would ping me to get farm... now they just 24/7 aram and if you fall behind and is farming instand of araming then you get flamed
In that elo you just pick Malphite adc and carry win every fight. Kappa
I was playing jinx. Rotated top to catch massive wave of farm. A WILD NASUS appears. Im all Gucci. Playing safe using my rockets to catch the whole wave. Nasus tps drag. I push two towers leaving open inhib.
Teams flames me for not rotating to drag with Nasus. Just the adc things
Imagine you were the jg pushing those 2 towers instead of a stupid drag... I can imagine my solo queue team sacrificing themselves for drag even now as I scroll youtube (low elo)
Making the right decision WILL get you flamed in low elo. But it will get you lp unless your team baby rages and afks.
@Triple JJ someone tried to flame for only having 30 wins like buddy you have 500 and we're the same rank. And he had a 47% win rate
True, that's why I'm currently staying away from SR until the preseason. Can't deal with people who commit to a fight they can't win even with everyone there and blame whoever is doing the right thing.
@@stencilwalters2971 one lux was flaming me, she had 44% wr y and I had at that time 61% XDDD we lost because she thought she was a tank y go infront of the enemy and die:( y we where always 4vs5
not when your team keeps fighting 5x4 and hard loses, giving free gold, torret and baron or drag to everyone on the enemy team, while you only get gold from minions and 1 torret at max. So even though you made the right choice, because of this decision your team just gave away the whole game.
@@Ireliar2024 what rank is this?
Really glad for the ADC guide! All the other lanes get a lot of love, so it's nice to see reviews of adc fundamentals.
Easy! I can answer this one: I'm a jungler
Same bruh
Honestly taking a break (even for a few days) and then coming back to a new role really helps. You learn to think about the game differently.
I like your thinking
A u t o f i l l
If this isn’t your solution I have another one… support
"You should trust your team to do well on their own" well I guess I'm always gonna suck at farming
you have to practice a lot with the practice tool and focus too much in the last hit. you need to calculate capacity
@@Anonymouz6015 Yeah focus on that while the opponent keeps hitting you. Ok
@@30ajgo sounds like you need adhd medication to play league. me too buddy
@@notachannle Y you say that man? Lol
@@Anonymouz6015 That doesn't help when you have annoying champs like Tristana constantly forcing you to retreat to your tower and farm what you can.
Really question the Ashe segment. If Ashe goes bot, she has no mobility and a 1-second ult stun (if she hits it). There are 3 enemies that can run her down and kill her. So you make yourself extremely vulnerable to dying for 1-2 waves and you leave your teammates to die mid. Cait or Senna coming to match you is the best result, but they're already mid and it probably won't be either of them. If Ashe goes mid, and then doesn't step on a trap immediately after hitting the R, she gets to do damage earlier while the team has an advantage. If she holds her W until she can spray anything but a pack of minions (doesn't even kill any), she helps more with the fight. If she uses her heal on an almost dead Yasuo or Malphite instead of an almost 100% Graves, she extends their damage time while the fight is still going. Those little things turn that fight or at least make it a lot more even.
Not even to mention that trading one side tower is definitely not worth losing 2 possibly all 3 mid towers. The ashe example was a bad example, it only reinforced the idea of ADCs having no agency. She was in a lose lose scenario where her best option was to wait on her own team to respond to yas getting dove, but she was one of the first to respond with no frontline. They make some leaps on this channel it feels like since they pump out videos, but that ashe one may be the biggest leap they've made.
The thing is you are trading one easy estrategy ( go and just farm bot) vs a team fight that requires a lot more skill to pull off, specially if you don't are in the losing team
jinx has twice the kills that lucian has. "somehow getting six items before lucian" lmfao
yeah cause she got to overpower with cs, which lucian did not and lost his advantage
she had 100cs + than lucian while early lucian was in front of her. But people often don't recognize Jinx late game. For me Jinx and Vayne are the top tier late game. Cait does insane dmg but very squishy. Draven if played well can massacre but if focused correctly dies pretty fast. Kai'sa in the other end is pretty near top tier for me. Like a A+. Has sustain, shiel, dmg, invis.. like an improved vayne but a little worse than vayne vs tanks. But can one shot mages/adcs, etc..
The problem is that while other roles can carry in solo queue based on mechanics alone, simply by getting fed, the adc depends on the support to do that. It's the hardest role to carry with in solo queue for that reason, sometimes I wonder why the hell I still main adc
Enemy ADC: Eh it's just a Leona in that area, I'll be fine.
Me, a Leona onetrick: ...and I took that personal
@ 5:10 If yasuo doesnt go bot, Ashe cant go bot, because 0 8 Evelynn (or even Vi, whatever) casually oneshots her. It is very rare that you see the whole enemy team mid for more than 5 seconds. No way you can just go alone as Ashe on 1 item IMO.
Edit: Also. You cant fix waves if Tier 1 turrets are down as adc. You have to go way too deep, and you just die, I feel like. (Becouse noone will escort you, of course)
That’s why you need to have good vision.
@@apashehab5026 You have one blue trinket and a pink maybe. :D
@@matehajdar8065 and two E's. Why are you watching these videos if you refuse to get better?
6:45 They randomly get into fights without even knowing who is around them or don't realize they are just walking to thier death.. Then when they die, they see you farming bot and ping you to death. That's the actual reaction of low elo teammates...
/mute all
That's right! You need to respect the enemy 0/4 mid laner, and people wonder why there's so many Reddit threats about the ADC role being bad
luckily we have samira now who can actually do stuff(unless you have total garbo support ofc). Just had a game where I got 2 early kills on enemy jungle and enemy support. Later my heca and senna goes way too deep in a gank I cant follow at all, giving 2 kills back to enemy adc making her even with me now. Later on senna and heca wanders around like headless chickens and when I come to help fights in river after pushing in lane they have no clue what to do and I end up dying trying to help them. I was like ok im not gonna help them anymore if thats what gonna happen and surprisingly enough senna kept on dying and dying. Couldnt even use exhaust in a early 2v2 fight which we would have gotten 2 for 0 if she used it
@@vegardkjrberg1929 bringing exhaust with nimbus cloak feels good on adc imo
Ah yes, the reddit threats
@@kooldudematt1 I agree, but you could substitute Yone with a ton of Champs. Akali, Zoe, Irelia, Mordekaiser, etc Pretty much lot of the 'newer' champs
Well, obviously you as an adc have to respect the 0/4 yone. Even tho he is objectively weaker than you, adcs were never meant to be duelists so 1v1s aren't their strength
Every time I make the right decisions, my team ints, goes afk or surrenders. I've had a team surrender 4/1 because they lost a teamfight for the 4th drake despite us being pushed into their base while most of our turrets were still up. It was the enemy's 1st drake.
I've had a team flame me to oblivion and instantly surrender because they took and lost a pointless 4v5 fight in the middle of midlane while I was solo pushing into the enemy base and was literally hitting their Nexus... before the fed enemy Zed recalled and one-shot me, sadly one hit away from Victory. Meanwhile, their team had only taken our Tier 1 turrets.
You can make the right calls and carry a game to the point that it's literally going to be won in minutes, your low ELO team won't see it and will surrender because the 27/2 and 4 cs Fizz they fed all game stole Wolves.
When u quit adc just so that skill capped will make a adc guide
Situation with Lucian: yes if u watch slowly the Replay u can see all enemies, im not sure all, even a challanger, players will see it in a running game. Sitution with Ashe. u can see Renekton at Top Lane when she ults, its a 5v4 fight they take, so why this shouldnt be ok??
In response to ashe... you need to have the awareness that the enemy top lane has tp available to turn it into a 5v5
Also maybe because they dnt really have enough damage to win that teamfight. It says in the vid, ashe only had one complete item
Imo, the most important thing about TFs in general is gaining a certain lead with it. No reason to fight there.
@@jamie-dempsey yeah but one moment later they say: split Bot , force enemy to defend und rotate to Mid.....the Situation is still the same.....also itemwise
@@coardaoc1226 No, in that case they would have the number advantage because one of the enemies should go and defend
"adc obtain gold through minions"
*Laugh in draven*
Have to stack adoration through minions first tho
*laughs in pyke*
@@recordkeepingandinformatio8206 Pyke is an adc?
@@Marisadanybody is an adc if your both brave and skilled enough 😅
Not too sure on the Ashe tip:
- From the mini map you see 1 top and 3 mid, Ashe uses her E and through river and the enemy jungle and Vi doesn't show up. This suggested a 4v3 situation (4v4 with top TP as the Vi does not appear to be nearby from the mini map.)
- As with the above, the Vi's location is unknown, Ashe heading solo bot would risk running into Vi and the lack of mobility in Ashe's kit would not have offered much in the way of survivability. Cait and Senna are mid and so it's unlikely going to be them to meet you in bot lane for the rotation
- You can also see the spam "going in" pings in the mid lane, so abandoning what initially appeared to be a 4v3/4v4 scenario for a potential death on the way to minions in the bot lane (while would have been the right choice had there been enough vision to show this option was safe) could have also resulted in a 3v3 instead or 3v4 if the Vi was bot side instead of top and a death of the ADC.
- If the fight mid did only have the 3 mid that was seen on the map, and you abandoned your team for the bot lane minions. If the enemy won, that's sacrificing 1, maybe even 2 mid towers for some minions.
This was a lose-lose scenario for the Ashe as a result of no vision on the map, but abandoning a potential 4v3 with the risk of dying to the Vi happening to be in bot side jungle and also risking a loss of towers due to the rest of the team losing a 3v3, 3v4 scenario, which is just a plausible due to the lack of vision doesn't seem like the right call in this scenario. The mistake Ashe made was not leaving the fight when the Graves got stunned but instead returning to the fight for a couple more autos.
"The only possible enemy here is Rakan". Yone hasn't been on the map for more than 30 seconds. He was last seen mid. He either based or he's coming bot. You can't just "assume" that Yone isn't here because you saw him mid. "You can't get solo killed by Rakan" as Yone is pathing to botlane.
Why are you watching these videos if you refuse to get better?
What's the worse that can happen? Losing? Yes, losing, like you always did doing the same thing over and over. So now, instead of just losing doing the same thing, you're losing trying new things and improving.
It's a much better loss man, just think about it. Keep pushing no matter what your teammates says, no matter how bad you are doing at the start with a new strategy, keep trying new things over and over, instead of the same thing over and over.
You already know it's not working doing the same.
Fixing waves is legitimately the most important concept I've ever learned in this game.
Lane pressure wins games.
Sjozk: Do you think you are the best improvement platform for LoL?
Skill Capped: by far
Look at the map before pushing, and predict their movements by looking at the map, remember who's missing, if their support is missing, it's free to push the lane you're in, but if it's an adc, just clear the the wave and retreat, if you are very far from the fight and everyone is on the map, push the lane you're at, the middle turrent is the most important LANE turrent because it opens up the map a lot
“There’s no way you die solo to Rakan as Lucian”
Me: *laughs in Iron*
playing as sup is so much easier than adc, i can roam, i can gank, i can do visions and i can 1 shot enemy adc, etc. Solo q adc is so much of a pain. when top or mid lane is opened, it is simply impossible to carry as adc despite the lead in bot given enemy has similar skill capped as urs. Unless u get crazy reflex, otherwise assassin can literally 1 shot u in a sec .
Been flamed a lot for pushing a side lane as add. People are insane. And yes Lucian taking bottom jungle would possibly set off the jungles to rage for the rest of the game
The thing is in plat... when i go sidelanes to farm like i should and scale properly
My team opens a 4v5 fight loses and spam pinging me for not being there..
and when i tell them , why you start a fight if im not there in the first place , they type in all chat "Report this guy farming sidelanes and losing our game"
and this happens to me EVERY . SINGLE . GAME ....
im at a point where i dont think theres any hope with the new LP and no promos rank system....all silvers are forsome reason in plat and 90% of the people are smurfing....
riot gone mad for new and bad players to get hyped for getting gold elo yet it is achieved much easier than it used to with 5 Divisions instead of 4 , and with promos each division instead of just getting to 100LP and suddenly ranking up.... and promos Bo3 instead of Bo5 now.... the game just begin to die and riot makes it worse
6:00 After Ashe left Mid, Yasuo's circle starts going up the enemy tower to the fountain.
Ashe: I'm going to split push bot
*Main Yasuo M7 in his mind: We should fight now!*
*Malp starts with his R*
Everyone dies.
Blue Team: /ALL Plz report Ashe, he is trolling!
That's why disable chat setting is so amazing - how often do team8 use chat to do sth important anyway
When I fix waves as an ADC I often get flamed by my team for split pushing and not grouping
these guides are great its just crazy how much thier is to keep track of in this game.
*Feel free to use any of my replays as example, I'm from BR server btw, and all my mistakes are Hector's fault*
I go catch the huge minion wave while my team proceeds to fight every 4v5 they can get.
The analytic for Jhin case is correct except for the mid one. Yorick is pushing at T2 bot so it's correct to stay 4 people pushing mid lane.The bad decision is chasing after Katarina and Leesin while the eenemy comp is good at fighting in the jungle (Twitch and Katarina) and they died as 4 because they stacked. The correct decision is after getting that kill, try to get the mid tower, not chasing.
good job keep it going
Extremly low elos such as -gold are free ones for those who can secure drake area since most of the players are ignoring that point for having fun, once u start lvling up to plat u will notice the farming frequency is strongly dependant on the support's performance no matter how good u are.
These were obvious mistakes that i was very much aware of doing myself but I still struggle with. I tend to tunnelvision a little to often when Im not jungeling.
I agree with you @5:16 but the team doesn't stand back and wait if she went or not the team would have fought, lost and blamed her for not "helping", which is why people always make those mistakes :)
Finally a new high quality ADC guide, thanks!
@8:30 damn they got some bad posture going on, those three in the picture.
I had a really simple easy lane, thought "oh ill get 10cs/min easy here, end of match I was 179 in 24min. so I watched it back to see all the missed potential cs. I counted 34 total when I wasn't fighting, and in range to get the cs. I was 24 missed at the 10min mark and that would have put me right at 100cs in 10 min. which this matchup there is no excuse for missing that much.
9:00 What if the enemies have a Kassadin/Rengar/KhaZix/Kayn and you can't go to a solo lane? What if the drake is up? What if the top tower is down and you can be chased by their assassin?
So for the sake of nobody responding I thought I would. You follow 2 basic rules. Rule 1 being you wait to see where they are on the map. If that assassin shows up top side, you know you're safe from them bot for at least 10-15 seconds. Rule 2 being the "8 second rule" if you want to farm but don't know where the enemy could be. (While this is still dangerous due to bush cheese etc) you walk up and quickly farm, and then leave vision for 8 seconds. Literally count to 8 in your head, the enemy will think you recalled, and if any are in the area, likely catch the wave you were pushing. You can fill this 8 seconds with anything from placing a safety ward to farming a jg camp. As an ADC you have to realize that you are an extremely easy target if you're alone in a side lane. Understand who is a threat to you and track where they are, or when in doubt, 8 second rule, it will not keep you alive every single time since League is a game of balancing information, but it will help your odds.
TLDR; Track who is a threat to you and farm when you know where they are. With no information present, farm quickly and then leave enemy vision for 8 seconds before you decide to return.
Honestly? If you manage to start getting gold and XP leads using some of these tips, you won't even be scared of assassins anymore. Also, if there are 4 assassins on the enemy team, I hope you ran the resolve tree 2nd.
the point in solo q is that your team will play 4 v5 fights - and thats the great problem of solo q;
the enemy adc will group with his teammates and then you lost the teamfights and game. ADC btw the best role
Its balancing between doing the right thing and getting flamed. However it depends in which part of the game youre going solo.if its an early aram fight, just drop it, usually its RNG
It is not the right thing if u loose! Dopa groups with his team all the time cuz of aram.
@@supremebohnenstange4102 like i said , it depends of the situation. Its not like I dont group, I DO because its soloq, and teammates dont bother looking at minimap and think youre still there. On the other hand dopa is dopa, and he's playing at high elo. Totally different two situations
Getting flamed should never be a concern. If you ever are worried about getting flamed, you need to mute all.
Finally been waiting for this kind of video, I actually learned something from this video
5:38 Renekton was pushin top and was not top..
But still a good advice to all ADC's not start random fights and its always better to play the map and not the kills 🙏💪
Another insane guide. Like literally all guides
I don't particularly agree with the Ashe example when you suggest her going bot lane EVEN if her team engaged uneven fight on mid lane. If all their team mates died on mid due to outnumbered, then they would obviously push mid tower, maybe even two towers while she would just get one tower on bot lane which is really not a good trade.
I think in low elo, you must firstly think of your team and the possible mistakes they might do, similar to what we've seen with Ashe example when yasuo forced the fight on mid without any obvious advantage over enemy team while all ended up dead.
And prior to allowing them to do the mistake, warn them not to do it, they might not listen but it might help. After all it's a team game, not 5x solo mission in the same team.
I understand that sometimes your solo macro skills and decisions matter more, it's not always like so.
Support main be like:
I don't need this guide I'm doing the opposite
I've been doing this more and more over the course of the past 2 months and I just get raged at every game I'm not gigafed off kills. RNG on mid til mid game hasn't improved any, but I've noticed I have more late games where I'm able to contribute. It definitely helps late game impact, but at the same time it seems to tilt more teammates than letting them say I do no dmg and recommend I build executioner's calling second item every game.
i dead ass did this macro guide for cs and instantly saw success in it
The guide its ok but your mistake is taking the team as an intelligent group who knows when to fight, if u go for a free wave they fight and lose, after dragon it becomes aram on mid until someone dies, its rlly hard if u r not mechanically good, at the end u climb but until plat 1/ diamond they just fight for no reason xd.(spanish speaker just in case.)
Ohhhh! You're supposed to farm minions as ADC! Didn't know! :O
Do you have any tips on minions stealing CS and losing last hitting to over 50ms ping?
As long as your ping is consistent, you should be able to get used to that kind of delay. Though I could understand if it's occasionally spiking at 50 from say 30. If you're having trouble csing I would recommend just practicing in the practice tool. No enemy bot or anything, begin with just focusing on nothing but the last hits. Then you can move into facing a bot and trading while farming etc. Keeping your champ pool narrow can come in handy as well, since you don't have to adapt to different aa-animations and base ad amounts every game, which can make csing harder.
@@isakhedberg7561 yup this does work. And btw I play with around 100 ping, not like I'm great at cs but I don't usually miss cs because of ping (unless it spikes to 3000 ofc)
Next: What to do if your braindead support thinks he needs to steal your CS for gold.
Early game? Work on your last hitting, if a support can steal your farm in the first 6 levels you were just as likely to lose that farm to enemy minions.
Mid game? Go to a different lane.
Late game? Go to a different lane.
@@VxiceheartxV what about pyke support who ones hits minions?
THAAANK YOUUUUU! I be on their asses to join the team or not take cs in laning phase. 30 minutes into the game and they are off split pushing --- well if you're by yourself how inthe world are you supporting the team?
@@VxiceheartxV i have had supports last hit minions as i was last hitting them, or blowing them up with their abilities (Lux especially), so i'm not on board with the Early game bullet.
@@dillama8201 happened to me last nite. I replied I sucked at last hitting which was true. I just need to improve.
Look man the most frustrating thing about low elo is that even if u are making the right choice it doesnt matter. I myself am currently S1 even though i was standing comfortably at high gold last seasons and thats entirely cause i learnt the game and started making right choices. Sounds weird doesnt it? If u think about it most times as a scalling adc you cant sidelane alone in the early stages(till u have 2-3 items).Therefore i need to be mid where i feel safer cause support tend to go mid around this time to make plays or set vision. As I am sure most of u know 99% of the time the midlaner wont leave his lane and stay there no matter what. So I write to them but nothing happens and then the low elo paranoia begins with the flame and trying to last hit minions from your teamates. Anyway guys try playing with your friends and make calls, that way your will learn by your mistakes cause u MADE them and didnt just react to what your team was doing
If you take a close look in the Ashe fight, you can see that she was fighting with all of her teamates while the enemy team had a renekton who was pushing top, so shouldn't this fight be a good decision?
The problem with being low Elo is some people know what to do but don’t know how or just don’t know
im always hard winning top lane but every time laning phase is over my bot lane is always 1/9 or sth like that, is there anything i can do to win? I usually win lane at 3-4/0 but i play almost only tanks like ornn and it just feels unwinnable everytime. the worst thing is i can go for 5 games where my bot lane consistently feeds any advice?
You can play bot lane and your other two lane dies.
Basically my bot lane always feed overstay and not even play defensively and in 5-10 minutes THEY ALWAYS 0/10.
I went a few times to bot and then the total same happened everytime on other lanes but as a shit adc i was in 1/1 or 0/1 when the enemy mid assassin was 6/0...
As top laner you can always tp bot to help. You could switch to support to make sure you and adc dont die (play soraka, nami, janna etc). Or you could pick jungle/mid and also cover for the bot lane
Yeah, I jungle... I prioritize fixing sidewaves over anything else(unless important objectives are up) and skip all fights for it. I often get lvl 18 when everyone else avgs like lvl 13 or something, and tend to be at least 5k up on everyone. But usually my team keeps fighting 4v5 and losing, dunno what to do about that. In almost all games I need to solo hard carry and my winrate's fine but it shouldn't be that difficult right? I mean my opposing team's jg is usually 4-5 levels behind me and still wins 30% of the time. I wish I won 30% of the time when I'm 5 levels behind, right?
The other issue I run into is because I constantly ignore pointless coinflip fights and pressure elsewhere instead and never try to go save my teammates from fights that aren't certain wins, I frequently get trolls in my games. I'd say at least 10% of the time someone on my team starts following me around while spamming mastery and taking my farm, or just runs it down mid with mobis and tabis. Or a combo. I mute everyone every game so I'm not sure what they're mad about in specific, but that also makes me lose games I'd otherwise win.
These videos always make me want to play a game
5:18 what do you mean numbers advantage, I can only see a 3v3 illustrated
sometimes you gotta come watch some skill capped for that calming HQ voice of urs
This video is super helpful , my favorite now ultil now. Thanks !
2:53 ...uh what? Yone literally came from their Krug camp. Lucian would have gotten jumped on there too.
"hopefully her teammates play accordingly" AHYAHAHAH this man doesnt play lol at all 6:20
The most important is to watch the minimap
The second is to be 1 rank higher than ur opponents to have a decent game.
This is important in every role, not just adc
I know you are right and that’s how I try to play adc, but at low elos you get literally flamed if you try to farm past 15 mins. Its ARAM or bust -.-U
mute them
Fucking brilliant! This is why sanguin blade MF is the strongest build for her atm.
The lesson that got me out of being stuck in Silver was realizing that I cannot control my team and I can only control myself.
I started focusing on my play, my choices, my mistakes, and my improvement while no longer worrying about what my team was going to do or how they were going to perform. Immediately got Gold the season I chose to approach the game like that and have always gotten back into Gold easily ever since.
The big thing to remember is that if your team is doing poorly and you start making mistakes that's on you; you let them influence you. They don't control your mouse and keyboard; you do.
This video also touched on another thing that's helping me push the upper end of Gold towards Plat and that's that making good decisions and still losing the game is better in the long run than making poor decisions and winning.
The win reinforces that what you did works and, while in the short term you'll be pleased, the reality is that in the long term you will be incredibly punished for it and it is far, far, far harder to unlearn a habit than it is to build it up correctly from square one; which is nothing to say about how demoralizing it is to lose over and over while thinking you're doing the right thing up until you, hopefully, realize that habit was actually wrong.
4:40 My Vietnamese team would rather try to fight a fight they can't win. If they see anyone who left the combat for the lane, they immidately swearing stuff and said like "because of you, we're lost", "you should have support us instead of leaving".
As a Karthus adc main, I do not understand what you mean by "the only consistent way ADCs can get gold is through farm".
The video is nice but doesnt work in super low elos. People in that low elo, no matter how much you push they all go mid and straight to base. Recalling means tower dive and dying. In low elos some situations are seriously unevoidable. Tho i love your tips videos and helped me slowly climb my way out of bronze 3 hardstuck. Now i am plat 4 and slowly improving
do you think this guide works with Nasus too ?
5:26 In low elo the team would not defend as you said and instead fight 4v5 and flame the adc "/all 9x this ashe"
Low elo only? I've watched Tarzaned tilt because he wasn't assisted in a scuttle crab and spam FF. High elo also often lose fights in the early game and ask to open mid.
If you don't help team mates, even at times it was the wrong decision to do so, they may (and often do) lose their mental and stop assisting you, which is even worse for ADC as you're dependent on team mates (unless you're playing a super self-sufficient ADC like Ezreal, but then, he has other weaknesses).
Why is correct call in the 2nd video to go bot? The argument was basicially: shove bot, pressure tower and then go back mid to fight with numbers advantage.
However at the start of the clip we already have numbers advantage, Rene is top.
I would have thought that’s a good time to engage, no?
Awesome masterclass keep going
Spending mana for CS took me a long time before i started using skills when i needed to get cs
I often do this as a support main since my adc wants to go to mid to join fights and arriving when the fight is over, :(
Good video!
That last clip with lux is the same in every case
They always come to share for some reason
I should go top but she can too and it is more optimal for adcs to go mid in mid and late game when you are coming from a base and 1&1/2 items
6:06 My mid had been level 1 ganked.. I normally chill behind him at level 1 if I don't have to leash.
Very informative video, love it!
The worst is always catching a good wave and a ton of gold while behind only for your team to go in acting like they're ahead and dying. "If only we had a ad we win". Like yeah, me tickling them with my half completed item is gonna turn the tide.
Minionwaves doesn't matter in low elo. Same as drake and enemy jungle wards
My team mates should see this, every game they go aram in mid lane and fight for nothing, if you will have a team fight you should fight for an objective(drake or baron..) and not fight to just fight, that's what i'm doing now i my win rate get better
2:41 he could also build a little safety net for himself by investing at least 75g into a control ward, to place it somewhere between red/krugs. As you noticed that's kinda a disrespect towards anyone that could catch him off guard. He could have seen him coming no matter if he does tower OR krugs.
Just speaking as a support player, who always wards deep bot when i have to leave my adc alone. (sadly they never pay attention to anything else then farming). I'm also surprised how in 2 clips, the entire map is dark ( exept dragon). Are the 2 supports playing angry birds on there phone?
its not just yone in this case, even a tank could surprise him, maybe not killing him, but force him to use a summoner to escape, which he dose not have for a potential real fight.
If you play sidelane/split farm, dont assume there is no one, ALWAYS assume there IS someone. Paranoia can be a good thing in this case.
OK, but this (as many other videos of urs) tells u what to do and how to farm when u r ahead. But you cannot afford to stay alone in a sidelane when u r behind. How do you get back in the game in these kinds of situations?
6:00 while you’re right just go ahead and mute global chat to avoid seeing the flame for them doing a failed roflcopter 4v5. I loved to respond with, “how’s it my fault you lost the fight? I wasn’t even there to mess it up!” :p
Question: What if enemy ADC straight up out farms you due to better wave clearing abilities and damage?
you should know your win conditions and power spikes, there isn't any champion that can outclass you the entire game.
@@renzellesanchez4131 Makes sense.
I'm main top, but this is just as applicable, especially for split pushers.
i like how they explain like this is challenger elo , minwhile my gold lux support farmin my lane since lvl 1 constantly shoving the lane into loosing 2 v 2 match 3rd game in row ,maybe I will start ban lux instead of things I don't want to play against , the think I don't wat to play with
You know, that sometimes is a great call. My friend is a main support and he used to ban Vayne all the time to avoid those guys pretending they are on a highlight video 1v9. His win rate increased a lot and actually climbed from plat to diamond. Also many ppl ban Yasuo so that you can avoid the 0/10 idiot on your team AND avoid the smurf 29/0 yasuo on enemy team, so it had double the value
@@pauloafonso5808 i just dont see how I'm not banning Leona or Lulu , but banning lux just because I don't want her in my team :D if u play bot u will see that in low elo leona and lulu are must ban
thats the thing getting good team mates
In the past Skill Capped has said that Lux shouldn't push a side lane because she's a pretty vulnerable champion. But at 7:17 they're saying that Lux made a mistake by going mid. Would it have been good for her to push top in this case since she could have stayed fairly close to the tower?
She should have gone solely because jhin was clearly visible in mid lane already and finding the best solo gold would be top which has a wave on their side of the map
THis is helpful, im new to bot, i play Jhin and samira, every round my team talks about my cs
The thing is most low elo people start rage when you most of the time are farming, and start kalling usseless...