Happens every single time. I think the worst thing about bad players is that they constantly pvp for the sake of just pvping, and don't understand this is not WoW or smth
AtAt45 Every game is like, why the fuck are you fighting in the enemy jungle with the whole map black and two objectives up, and then when they obviously lose the fight I can feel the pings coming. Besides, (that happened yesterday btw) my support get tilted that i took cleanse instead of heal against thresh&ahse, then get hooked twice and proceeds to perma roam mid :)
literally just happened to my last game, my whole team was pressuring mid and this zed just keeps headhunting my sidelane farming ass it didn't help that i had a yuumi supp who stuck around wiith my teammates therefore not being able to ward up any side of the jungle
@@giaaaacomo can adc's really afford to get spectral sickle? I mean, doesn't it take like 15 mins of sticking with your teammates to activate the ward passive? wouldn't that mean that's 15 mins where you can't get solo exp and gold?
Blaxe Frost with the US response basically being “oh it won’t get me votes to stop this? Well haha it doesn’t exist! Let’s party!” Chances are Covid will be around for a very long time even when the vaccination is available. It’s sad but people are getting dumber.
@@XistenceX1 Rather than "it doesn't exist" is more along the lines of medics saying "it won't kill you if we treat it"... it's another influenza virus, as such, after all of this is done, it will be a simple cold. I already was sick with the covid, now i'm pissed off by the quarentine, it won't kill me or my family now... and it wasn't that bad 'cause i'm healthy overall... old people and unhealthy people could die because of another virus anytime (influenza vaccine every year) we just need to keep washing our hands and not going out while sick, it's as simple as that, it's no death plague
As an adc main i push wave and look for objectif. Its not rare that before 30 min i am lvl 18 with one item left before full build. While everyone is still lvl 15-16. Sometime i only have 1 or 2 kill.
004Kamui u dont need to have 3-4 items to be useful. I swear ADC mains are so stupid. I’ve literally heard people unironically say “ADC weak role” after they lose a 1 v 1 to a 5-0 Jax.
I also want to farm most of the time, but should I let my team die if they engage bad or should I try to help them, that is my biggest question every game
I would like to add some important things to the video that have been oversimplefied The main problem with this video is that it doesnt teach you the exceptions to the rule (=maximising your income through proper side lane management) The decision making whether it's worth helping or farming is the key factor . You never always push and you never always group. Every case is unique . Generally speaking one of the many things you need to consider are your powerspikes . If you are a Lucian , you will do more grouping during your powerspikes and more farming when you havent reached them ( Side laning forces enemy to match your split push ). You need to understand who is more worth in a team fight. If you are 0/5 Lucian and you force the 10 /0 jinx ( with IE runaan Shiv ) on the side lane, it is macrowise the correct choice since she can't spread her lead. Otherwise if you are fed , you wanna group alot and help your teammates get fed ( strong teammates means less pressure for the adc during game deciding teamfights, No one will pay attention to your 10/0 Ashe if there is a 5/0 Sylas murdering everyone). Being 10 cs/min and perfect kda at the end of the game means nothing if the rest of your team pays for it and cant help in Team fights when 3 People flash for you ofc You shouldnt neglect maximising your income if you are grouping while being fed . But do it near your teams and about to be contested objectives. For example by taking the sidelane near the upcoming objective or your Jungler's camp If you go side lane , always be cautious about upcoming objectives , Vision contest ( For baron ) as well as assasins with strong and fast target access. Another point : Side laning is even more important if enemy team has strong team fighting Champs like Veigar yuumi etc. Sometimes it is even worth to push a sidewaves 20 sec before drake and getting multiple towers for a drake.
Most of my games as an ADC Scenario #1: I’m doing good up to midgame and I’m 4/0/2 when a 0/3/2 ap champ randomly one shots me. Scenario #2: It’s late game and the enemy team has inted except for their tank illaoi or scaled up Chogath they just follow around everywhere and I do no damage to them and we lose the game.
@@mercibeaucoup4591 listen to low Elo players Stay in low Elo. Or chad it up and farm like crazy. And still lose because your team tilts so hard because you’re doing the right thing that they all start inting and going afk.
Thats because she has team which can fight without her.if she was on the loosing side she would get blamed by her team for pushing the wave and not participating in the team fight
I love how this video wasn’t just “Mid elo ADC tips” but you’re forcing us to think about WHY the mistakes are wrong. Feels more like being taught something, rather than just git gud.
Classic silver: As ADC you productively farm as there is no need to fight. No objectives are coming. There is plenty of gold to get. Your team: I guess it's time to fight on mid. What else can we do?
Play champs that can influence the fight from afar? Ashe ult, draven ult, ez ult so while you farm you're giving a tiny bit of agency in the team fight
You mentioned vision once, when xayah over extended. Now watch Everytime the adc steps up to the wave, the enemy disappears. So push wave and die is all i saw in the big picture
Nah i nerver push wave to tower when i losing since i know im a squishy target and should nerver go alone near enermy or wave near tower, plus now mostly it just force out play to come back to the game so team fight then is much more important since enermy team gonna outfarm me since their have the lead, and even in high elo they not goona care bout wave clear if a big fight happen
Me: "Wow this is really helpful, I know something was missing I'm ready to play some league" 15 mins later, "Gets 1v1ed by Nautilus support with only tank items". "Oh..."
@@Halfort57 Sure, a spellbased AoE damage assassin whose ultimate can be stopped by cc and has to be close to do damage will be able to blow up a full tank Nautulus in less than half a second... Are we talking about a nautilus at 10% hp or a 20/0 katarina here?
As an adc, I'm doing all that, the problem being, my enemies too, so even though I'm extremely rarely losing lane, and always keep income flowing, that's still just being solo in pair with my enemies and still having to 1v5 all the time, wich is not realy doable. there still is too many ppl in low elo that sure doesn't want to lose the game, but doesn't want to win either, that's what elo hell is about.
Hello fellow adc main here, you CAN carry with ADCs but it depends on how early some adcs get their powerspikes. Example: Vayne can start to do massive damage after just one mythic item while Lucian is gonna need Essence Reaver AND a mythic item. Samira, Tristana, Kog'maw, all of these and alike can cause mental disturbance for the enemy team just by getting a few kills. If you already play them and still can't win, that's entirely on you. I had a feeding Master Yi mid that ran it down my botlane because I typed "Yi stop dying". I won the game 18/0.
I have lost so many games turning a wave around as ADC while my 4 teammates start a 4 v 5 before I get back, they all die and it's game over. I even type, "turning wave around don't fight." Then they all die engaging away from tower.
eeeexactly, same shit. Hate this videos because they don't took into consideration that other players on your team don't watch them. They fight champions 4 lvls ahead of them, they have 0 10 at 10 min, they start fights 2v5 etc. You just can't "just farm" because you just lose. I have a 50% win rate on almost every adc just because every other game i get at least 1 winning lane. If I have just one lane that doesn't feed, engages for no reasons and realizes what you are doing i win... every other it's every lane losing :D ello hell :D
you can recall the instant you cant see like 3 enemy team members or a big threat like a fed zed. it surely takes more time than 8 seconds to rotate to a sidelane. But its true that they will do that and it can be frustrating sometimes if your team doesnt do anything while the enemy team is chasing you
Not exactly, what I was looking for in an ADC guide (because other roles just profit just as much from items until mid-late game), but would be willing to see more of your ADC guides
I know that everybody here loves this channel, but I didn't yet saw a comment saying anything about the speaker. And he undoubtedly does here a wonderful job.
a pro can play the same way in solo q in any elo and win hard. even if he doesnt play and just tells someone what to do that persons mechanics not beeing any better but the knowledge and decisions beeing better, that person will win significantly more often than before. so i wouldnt say its completly different
You are actually doing the team a favor, it took 4 enemy Champs to rush you down and leave their lane defenseless. Not 9nly are they gonna be weaker returning, your team can keep,them busy while you catch back up. Difficult, yes, but when the teamfights happen, the steamroll begins.
Alirght I have to agree and say this is an amazing guid but the reason why I think ADC sucks is that you get 4 man dived by 10 minutes. Also supposedly why so many people dislike the current state of ADC is probably because all you do is farm for 30 minutes straight to then still have to have a support near you to carry teamfights. Comparing this to a darius who could 1v5 teamfights makes it understadable why. Not to say this video was bad in any way, in fact this concept can be applied to mid and top lane as well. I just wanna throw my 2 cents in here
Redundance is the most effective form of teaching. I like the lower elo coverage so I can get more examples of the same stuff to train the brain better. It's actually really helpful. "...And you better know what she did wrong." LMAO, one of the few times I answered correctly in these videos xD
I think this was a very good video. I was an adc main who was hardstuck Silver 2 for most of the season. I switched to mid and am now up to Silver 1 (while that might not seem like a lot, I was hardstuck for a LONG time in S2/S3) after only a week of switching the roles. I think my problem with ADC is that it doesn't offer the same level of influence as mid or jg or even support in the early stages of the game that can really get the game going in your favor. An early lead in bot doesn't mean anything, as the video suggests, whereas an early lead in any of the other roles mentioned is seemingly more game-changing. That said, this video makes me cautiously optimistic about playing adc again. Jhin is my favorite champ and I'd love to get a chance to play him more effectively in ranked, but I still don't think that adc is as strong as other roles (keep in mind that assassins are hardly picked up in current pro play, making adc seem stronger than it is).
The guide is great and I definitely learned a lot about ADC Macro, although I don't think this is why adc feels weak right now; I'd argue it has more to do with less than half of the ADC roster feeling all that worth playing and other roles' meta champs having inflated stats, but this guide will definitely help me win more regardless^^
Yeah I have the same issue. The tips are good for sure, but the way it’s presented is disingenuous. Like saying” look at this pro player” while saying adc “feels” bad because 99.9% of players don’t know how to play the role (while ignoring that the same is true for every other role) is just idiotic. There are definitely games where an ADC will pop off or situations where they shine, but overall even high tier players openly agree the role is comparatively weaker in far too many situations.
I kinda understand the idea of: pushing Wave First but with it comes a lot of problem in my eyes 1. u cant always do that, without vision you can get caught and die 2. maybe your team actually needs you and they would win a big important fight 3. sometimes you dont want to push a whole wave first sometimes it is actually better to kill one or two casters to create a slowpush then searching for a fight with in that time if u know u win and use the big slow pushed wave to push turrets and there are probably some more ideas why it is not always right to push wave first, just my oppinion ^^
The thing is, this is a very good rule to follow, but sometimes your teammates have other plans, like invading enemy jungle or diving randomly without considering lane prio nor wave status.
"It's really easy, look at doublelift being the highest level in the game.... when the enemy team allowed Cait through the bans and then didn't draft any assassins that could potentially challenge a cait..."
Cait has the ultimate kit tbh, she has everything, cc, more cc and a way to escape if needed to, a mega ranged ult that is a point and click, and don't get me started on the dmg on that q
@@medg0798 She has 650 Range. Aphelios has the same range (650) with Calibrum. Kog'maw has 710 at level 9 if he uses W. Trist outranges her at level 14(I don't know, i don't play tristana) Ashe has 600 range, wich is good. Senna has 600, but she's a support (I disagree with Senna ADC, don't even start "Senna can also be played as an ADC"), but she can range her at 40 stacks(around 10-15 minutes), but as her early stack gathering is so crucial, I don't pick Senna against cait. But wait, here's more: If she uses E(Or you walk into her trap) her range on you is 1300. Her strongest counter-matchup is an Agressive Senna+Lucian combo. Once they hit level 2, Senna can W cait, and Lucain can instantly close the gap with his E, proc PtA, Q, and Senna can dish more damage with AutoQ. Cait has a hard time disengageing from them, as Lucian's Dash has good range, she can't really just E away. Also, Senna can outheal the poke of Cait.
Comparison with doublelift was so fkin bad. Its pro play, teams playing around the adc. Where did you see someone peeling the adc in lower elo? You got only theoretical knowledge, but not practical. What is the reason to get waves, when your team keeps permanently fighting without you? Do you really think they will let the adc take the farm on side lane?
On one hand yes. Pro play is a completely different game. Especially the adc role, I see that every clash game, which isn't even close to pro play, but still way more competitive. But on the other hand, high elo players constantly get 10 cs +. If I get 7 cs a game, I am satisfied. But these players get 3 cs more by average than me. You don't just get that by "farming better". They catch waves more efficient, they are always looking to generate gold. This is what this video is about: you are adc. You don't don't make plays. Your team makes plays. You can only follow (only very few adc can actually engage). You try to force the enemy into making mistakes by managing waves. Always look to generate gold,so you can fulfill your role.
Some of the problem with the examples here are really painfully clear why they didn’t push waves first. All but one person MIA and no wards to protect pushing past that first point.
She would've been able to actually. You just underestimate Ashe's waveclear. I'm a mid player but the fact I do this habit better than any adc main (esp when having to play the role) is hilarious and evident that the players just suck at it.
Came here for this. Ashe just reaches drag pit but could have pushed bot wave AND gotten krugs?? Is Ashe invisible and fast as hecarim? Im a bit wary of these guides now...
Been following a lot of your guides recently and hit diamond last season. This video and your videos regarding early lane phase catapulted my game to the next level. Top stuff.
Love the channel but this guide is senseless; TL&DR - Telling everyone to always push is not a Macro Improvement and will probably have toxic results. There were some absurd examples (not to mention rather offensive towards the players in the video) in which pushing the wave could have ended in worse results (being prone/susceptible to being ganked or losing inhibitors) and it never took into consideration the team aspect of Macro (as if Macro didn't involve your team), like pinging your Team, warning you are playing for the Late Game or coordinating objectives with pushes. This seems more like it would incentivize toxic and selfish behaviour than improve anyone's Macro. You can always brainlessly push waves as ADC if your team is on the same page as you, easily applicable to ProPlay and High Elo (hence the Doublelift's example). I hope no low ELO player fall for this overly generalized fallacy and keeps trying to improve their judgement on WHEN to farm and when to group.
this channel is a Godsend. my league mates and i are hyped to climb for s11 and the "what would you" segments really helps me understand the game more.
3:52 You say to go and farm bot lane and then krugs, but the whole enemy team shows pathing to dragon and you mentioned that she has 2 teammates dead. Isn't it crazy overextending to path bot here? Even if she B lined it, she wouldn't be there fast enough
100%. Looks like she was pathing bot, but by the time she passed her T2, her team was already in retreat with the wave pushed out past tri-bush. If she goes for that she's just a tasty snack for Kayne. To be fair, she stood in fountain for at least 10 seconds, so if she had acted immediately she probably could have at least caught a wave or two. Krugs would've been suicide though.
Its like everyone in low elo just forgets to farm when midgame rolls around, and just start looking for fights. It feels like if you follow this guide and look for gold your team will just throw themselves into 4v5's over and over
Meanwhile, me, who sometimes gets filled adc, winning 50/50 lane and afterwards always going on a solo lane to shove and getting killed by the zed everytime xD
The only thing about pushing first is you're also farming against your team, if you don't take krugs you're probably not going to get them while 2 waves die top.
@@buddermasteru5074 That's not false, me thinks, I should know I'm a low gold and I've only had one singular game where our mid laner decided to swap with bot lane.
What about when your whole team is powerfarming and every lane is constantly pushed. Where do you go when no safe farm is available and the enemy team is missing?
There will be scenarios where you can't do anything for a bit. Just wait for the next opportunity and drop a ward meanwhile. Can't do A? Do B. Can't do B? Do C. ect. Don't forget the 20/40/40 rule. Edit: Or think of it like this: Focusing on what you can't do is useless. Find what you "can" do. Even if that's as small as warding somewhere safe. It's something.
Well, that is the classic problem in plat diamond where junglers also pushes lanes. At that instance there is not much you can do except taking jungle if that is not going to cost much. But in general you should be the one directing the game and leave them the correct place to take. This channel had a video about that sort of situations as well,but I can't seem to remember the title
Ward objectives, group up with your team for a fight where you can catch the enemy off guard with a numbers advantage or easily take a dragon or something
Actually, it's the hippocampus that controls memory access. The amygdala governs your fight/flight response and is one of the main culprits in causing tilt.
so the way i can grasp this the best is: by having the wave pushed into a tower you have the most options. you could gfo someplace else you cvan take jungle camps on either side. you can push tower. as well lanes are a danger point. they will be giving info to the other team of peoples location because you can be seen by the minions your killing. so if say you go rocks into lane that is equal to no vision into vision ending the sequence in vision. but lane into rocks would be vision into no vision leaving you vanished and harder to target. you must use this same idea on the enemies. where you want to watch where its vision into no vision or the other way around. the first is often danger to you or others on your team or objectives. wherer the other shows intent on where they are in vision. this alows you to from pushing the wave corectly to deside if you will either copy them or not. example 4 v5 mid lane your at tower. you can see your safe and can take tower. but if that 4v5 becomes a 4v3 or 4v2 or what ever you know that you now have to deside if you will copy them and go from vision to no vision or if say you see them almost die and will b not come for you you can keep going or go for kills or what ever you want because the vision is the lowest when their minions are under their tower.
This video was actually pretty great bc I'm trying to expand my roles a little more. I don't think I totally understood the importance of cs for ADCs until now. Thanks.
The ashe play in the start there with the rift herald was actually the best she could do (Secure herald Push wave reset). If she would have taken the herald next who knows if enemies could have came to kill her with the half hp she was on.
adc's shouldn't be soloing obj's to begin with, if they make a beeline for the rh without pushing the wave you shoved, then they would be several exp behind your team and depending on how behind they are or ahead you are, you'll most probably be able to contest the objective with your teammates and get a kill or two
I also want to farm most of the time, but should I let my team die if they engage bad or should I try to help them, that is my biggest question every game
They shouldn’t be engaging at all if you’re in a side lane. If they get engaged on it’s probably too late to rotate/they should have been playing safer anyways
I think its good you are givinv the adc the mindset to push waves first, but i think it’s also a good idea to utilize blue trinkets, defensive jungle wards from supp, and freeze thin wave bounce the make sure you don’t get put in a scary situation.
The message I get from skill capped over and over again is always be solo farming in the mid game. I have a hard time putting this advice to use for a couple of reasons. First, my teammates and the enemy team are fighting all the time, so instead of the enemy lanes looking to farm like I am they are always roaming together looking for picks. Every time a push a wave solo I risk getting three man dived out of nowhere. The second is that the enemy is fighting all the time, so the bit of CS and XP I get from farming waves doesn't matter so much if the enemy carries are getting more ahead by just killing my teammates. How do i carry the game if I don't put myself really far ahead in gold? The third problem I have is that the enemy is fighting all the time, and if I am farming a wave on the other side of the map I can participate in the fight or influence how the game will snowball. The frustration I feel as ADC is that I don't have options. When do I completely take the game into my hands and 1v9 like you would if you are a fed solo laner? Please make a video on when I shouldn't be farming, so I have the confidence to collect CS when I know it's not time to fight. Thank you.
k, so ima try to help with the info that I have ascertained over the years(and these last two seasons more importantly). You have to learn how to win lane in order to set yourself up for a better transition. I will agree that adcs are the weaker role until you hit 3 items(for most), so winning lane is paramount. I suggest playing hyper aggressive until you learn the limits of the champions(hopefully no more than 3) that you main. Then you will know what you can and can not do on those champions. Practice this until you are able to move onto other concepts. However, you want to always try to know where the jungler is. Push hard, and ping your support to help you get a deep ward when you see him in another lane(wards last 3 mins). This video guide is all about midgame(usually when you are ahead and want to stay that way and close out games). Apply all those concepts here. When you are behind, spam ping your team to not fight and try to hit your next item power spike. Since it's low elo, ofc your team will want to try and fight every chance that they get, so farming quickly and effectively is important here. When you are ahead, it is your job to do damage AND NOT DIE. The not dying part is paramount as you are literally a walking bag of gold looking to help someone get back into the game. When you are behind, you will literally have to "Out-Mechanics" the other team or hope that you can stall til 3 to 4 items. There is no way around that. If you can not do that while farming effectively, you wont climb and you will always feel that your team is holding you back. TL;DR if you are ahead by midgame, follow this video guide. If you are behind, spam ping your teamates, try to get to your nearest power spike, and "out-mechanics" the enemy team. Mute your team if you have too. I been there, and I still am practicing it.
Sadly when you try farming and pushing waves while your team is ARAMing, you get flamed at the end for “ADC lowest damage, cool”. Yeah because I don’t engage every time I see an opponent
I needed to see this. This is how I try to play and get flamed for it, so I try to be more of a "team player". I'm glad to know I'm right, and now I can be more obstinate in my good decisions.
It's hard climbing out of Silver/Gold because everyone just wants to fight, non-stop, for no reason while waves never get shoved out and jungle camps are all but ignored. Pretty good tip is to just mute everyone and inevitably mute pings from the people who just spam click you because you don't follow up their bad plays. I went from average 5-6 CS/min to 8-10. Guaranteed gold vs. questionable gold is always a win, low elo undervalue farm vs kills way too much.
I dunno.. I can agree with shoving lanes first before taking camps, but some of these other examples, they're doing what I expect gold players to do. ie. Group for objectives especially when they're the one on their team who's ahead
Macro changes game to game and you must take those factors into account. Ward enemy jungle more often as adc. It'll help you a lot. When your jg comes down bot river and you have your wave pushed you can help him farm the enemy jg's camps.
thats where you start to try to learn your matchups: nocturns and rengars are made to ruin squishy side laners, that just means theyre doing their job right. Play around when their ults are down, and push the waves closest to you with only pushing a few waves up. use the positioning of your jg and watch the enemy jg on the map at all times
Hey I am a fan of this TH-cam Channel and also AD-Carry Main on MidPlat to Low Diamond Niveau for several years. I tried to heavily focus on this concept to "Always push first." But in my opinion there are some major issues with that "easy" concept: 1. You have shown almost on every video ADC's who were ahead. Mostly this leads to being able to 1vs1 the enemy ADC, Support and sometimes even Top or Mid Laner. But what is when you just left the lane even or lost it. You cannot match anyone. Therefore going for a push without having vision on any enemy is a Overstay! (Not even talking about that teams usually deny anyways any possible gold source of their adc's who are behind because they are anyways useless) 2. What if you experienced your team for several times fighting at any possible situation even 4vs5. Of course they shouldn't but you declared it as a guide for low elo and this is what low elo teams does. They fight whenever possible. With you being there it could be a 5vs5 having at least a classical coinflip chance to win the fight and then the game. With you getting 3 waves on the sidelane while your team dies 4vs5 over and over you can say it is your teams fault but it won't help you climb the ladder cause you have to adapt to the elo you are playing at. 3. You said she should even push before getting objectives like drake/elder/baron/herald. But what if you give the enemy team the time for grouping at an objective because you pushed first for gold worth a wave? Isn't the priority usually baron>drake>tower>minions? Maybe you could give me some answers to these questions or maybe create an "Do you think ADC sucks 2" where you explain cases where it doesnt make sense to always go for the push. Cause I actually think that ADC role doesnt suck but it is wrongly balanced. Too strong when ahead too useless when behind (mostly Crit ADC's).
This was actually so helpful, really, I, on some situations, did the exact same mistakes that the shown players did. Amazing video, as an ADC main, Im glad I´ve seen this UwU
It won't help, I've been playing like this for 2 years. ADC is legit a terrible role atm. This says if you play like a challenger player you can climb. The problem is pushing waves isn't the only thing separating normies from challenger. If you watch pro, the role still sucks.
3:58 There is no way that ashe could have made it to that wave as well as "already killed Krugs" at the time you mention, and by showing bot against a Kayn when your entire team is mid or dead, ashe would just be running it down. What she should be doing is farming jungle camps pathing from wolves up to top lane to catch the impending wave because contesting dragon in this situation is nearly impossible... Perhaps if Ashe didn't sit in base for like 10 seconds straight not moving she might have made it, but this is another issue that you should have mentioned as well..
For the Gold 1 Ashe game, when she went for Drake, she should've gone top instead, no one would be able to stop her while the enemy teams does Drake. She could've easily get T2 and maybe T3 creating a lot of pressure
Basicly playing ADC is like playing Nasus. Nasus wants stacks, you want gold. The next challenge would be to find the perfect situation when to keep pushing and when to start fighting.
Imagine comparing adc in solo queue vs adc in pro play. Adc is a team reliant role so it's obviously going to be strong in pro play. However, it's absolutely horrible in solo queue and is arguably tied for the worst designed role along with top
Now I understand why guys keep asking "what I'm doing", I'm just farming and creating pressure. They always make you feel like your the reason they lose fights.
What if team mates are calling me out for farming and not helping out with team fights and confrontations at objectives? I can say that more than likely if I am farming in lane and my team mates lose a fight or an objective like drake then I am going to get blamed for not helping. So when is it ok to ignore lanes and help out in team fights or with confrontations over objectives? And I feel like this is a reasonable question if you dont think so either you dont understand my question or you dont understand that I honestly dont know the answer to this question and need help or guidance.
I am confused for the question at 6:43. I am not saying your answer is wrong but I am just confused as to how Tristana made an error. From my knowledge if Tristana crashed the wave then backed in the Alcove to avoid dying to the already rotating team (They are rotating to drag and they had a ward on Kruggs bush so they would know Tristana is pushing) then she would allow herself to get one more wave, deny the enemy team a wave (since bot wave would die to tower) and allow the Hecarim or Jax to collect the Mid wave (thus avoiding sharing exp/gold). From what I can tell based on the map, I thought Tristana made the right play. Since Braum didn't clear the Krugg bush ward, if Tristana keeps pushing then the enemy team could possible get the Inhibitor since Hecarim and Jax we just spawning and Fiora had double buffs and their team had at least 3 mid. Thus I thought she should rotate mid to prevent a Mid Inhibitor loss and I thought she managed the wave well. Since Blue side lost Tier 1 bot tower then wouldn't the enemy bot lane minions be buffed? Thus the if the Red and Blue minions meet at the middle of the lane then Red's minions would always push? Since she didn't affect the wave and it will collide in the middle of the lane then doesn't that mean Red's minions push towards Blue? Thus it would deny exp and gold from Red side, Red's Minions would slow push into Blue, and Tristana gets to save Inhibitor, not get ganked/collapsed on (because they have vision on her, also Nunu was missing most like prepping for Dragon), and she gets cannon+the wave mid, and she is able to help her Braum if he gets caught in Blue's jungle (lets Braum w to her or Tristana can use her ult to push off champions from Braum). Thus doesn't rotating to Mid be better? It is a lot safer and you get more gold/exp for the "carry". Again I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want to understand what concepts I have incorrect.
A really good guide but in additional can you cover the problem how to defend the tower and how to trade tower and how important to spot out enemy missing or running towards adc (especially assassins)
is it on me or is this good to know for each and every role as gold always helped and fur shure with the pushing power and turret destruction power of a top laner?
The thing is: as an adc, you want to scale. Putting pressure into the map is essential as you gotta avoid the enemy's fed assassin, ok. BUT, low elo dont know to wait for fights, they just run it down and pings you for being farming. Another thing, ADC is the hardest role to play from behind, since you are focused and the jger is not going to help. Throwing leeds is normal for low elo, but even if you are ahead, most of the time youe team wants you to deal insane damage, keep it with insane faker farm and objectives presence. ADC isnt fun. ADC can carry, but is so much easier to just go for irelia mid spliting 1v3 200 cs at 18min.
As Ashe, I recently had a game where enemy pushed blue, and I killed three of them. We lost the game because the rest of the team was terrible, but I did kill three early.
10:32 is this really a mistake? The Kruggs would have despawned so Xayah would have lost some additional gold. Or is it just not that worth because a safe positioning grants you more oppurtunities?
@@Watykaniak I mean I understand that pushing in that scenario is definitely the better option since 3 ppl of the enemy team push your t1 tower on midlane. But to precise my question I wonder if taking Kruggs first, that would disappear in some seconds would be a better option when there was no pressure from the enemy team or if I should just shit in general on em and, as the narrator says over and over again, always push first.
Crimlex it would have been far better if he could safely get the minions under their tower. Not sure if he would have been able to push another wave, or if he would even have to. To many ppl were missing to be able to push another wave after krugs
I haven't played in a while and never been above gold but I can tell I've been watching all your videos: I answered by your advice every time! Now I want to play and realize how much I suck at everything else than macro :D
-Teammates dead after bad random fight-
Team: ADC, why you farming when we had a fight?
ADC: Push waves first
Team: report ADC
(loses 2x4) OmG aDc sToP fArMInG PlS rEpoRt tRoLl Adc
Happens every single time. I think the worst thing about bad players is that they constantly pvp for the sake of just pvping, and don't understand this is not WoW or smth
I feel like pushing the wave would just tilt "team" mates, which is unfortunately something to consider in lower elo.
AtAt45 Every game is like, why the fuck are you fighting in the enemy jungle with the whole map black and two objectives up, and then when they obviously lose the fight I can feel the pings coming. Besides, (that happened yesterday btw) my support get tilted that i took cleanse instead of heal against thresh&ahse, then get hooked twice and proceeds to perma roam mid :)
@@caiobahlis3560 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "I can feel the pings coming" 😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha you got me dude
9:03 she simply was scared by the levitating dead tf
That is kinda scary tbh
i was actually shivering it was very scary
Even in death, tf does Magic tricks
You made my day 😆
Me: pushing a wave
Enemy 28/2/4 zed: It's free Real estate
Felt that
gotta have some vision and map awareness dood
literally just happened to my last game, my whole team was pressuring mid and this zed just keeps headhunting my sidelane farming ass
it didn't help that i had a yuumi supp who stuck around wiith my teammates therefore not being able to ward up any side of the jungle
@@princerayn3054 probs you should have warded more by yourself, even if that means investing some gold onto that
@@giaaaacomo can adc's really afford to get spectral sickle? I mean, doesn't it take like 15 mins of sticking with your teammates to activate the ward passive? wouldn't that mean that's 15 mins where you can't get solo exp and gold?
6:07 "you avoid a shared lane like the plague"
look buddy we clearly dont avoid plagues
X'D to people of the future, this is funny because of the virus of 2020
Blaxe Frost with the US response basically being “oh it won’t get me votes to stop this? Well haha it doesn’t exist! Let’s party!” Chances are Covid will be around for a very long time even when the vaccination is available. It’s sad but people are getting dumber.
@@XistenceX1 Rather than "it doesn't exist" is more along the lines of medics saying "it won't kill you if we treat it"... it's another influenza virus, as such, after all of this is done, it will be a simple cold. I already was sick with the covid, now i'm pissed off by the quarentine, it won't kill me or my family now... and it wasn't that bad 'cause i'm healthy overall... old people and unhealthy people could die because of another virus anytime (influenza vaccine every year) we just need to keep washing our hands and not going out while sick, it's as simple as that, it's no death plague
As an ADC I am:
looking for objectives
looking for a play
Well yeah it’s your job to farm and carry
✔️A walking bag of gold for the other totally overpowered roles until I have 3-4 items, where we break even
@@004Kamui bro that couldn't be more accurate
As an adc main i push wave and look for objectif. Its not rare that before 30 min i am lvl 18 with one item left before full build. While everyone is still lvl 15-16. Sometime i only have 1 or 2 kill.
004Kamui u dont need to have 3-4 items to be useful. I swear ADC mains are so stupid. I’ve literally heard people unironically say “ADC weak role” after they lose a 1 v 1 to a 5-0 Jax.
Skill Capped: What lane should the Ashe go?
Me: Bottom.
Skill Capped: The correct answer is mid.
*slams keyboard*
this is me with every Skill Capped video.
Gregor playing lol.
My life is complete now.
You and me: _anything_
Skill Capped: The answer is clearly ADC mid.
*Yes yes, Doublelift clip wasn't from last week, this was released on our site a little while ago =)
I also want to farm most of the time, but should I let my team die if they engage bad or should I try to help them, that is my biggest question every game
Can you guys make your next guide that revolves around diamond players?
@@sakutaro3musik486 if u know your team will loose don't come
@@GORK3411 most people get mad xd
I would like to add some important things to the video that have been oversimplefied
The main problem with this video is that it doesnt teach you the exceptions to the rule (=maximising your income through proper side lane management)
The decision making whether it's worth helping or farming is the key factor .
You never always push and you never always group. Every case is unique .
Generally speaking one of the many things you need to consider are your powerspikes .
If you are a Lucian , you will do more grouping during your powerspikes and more farming when you havent reached them ( Side laning forces enemy to match your split push ).
You need to understand who is more worth in a team fight.
If you are 0/5 Lucian and you force the 10 /0 jinx ( with IE runaan Shiv ) on the side lane, it is macrowise the correct choice since she can't spread her lead.
Otherwise if you are fed , you wanna group alot and help your teammates get fed ( strong teammates means less pressure for the adc during game deciding teamfights, No one will pay attention to your 10/0 Ashe if there is a 5/0 Sylas murdering everyone). Being 10 cs/min and perfect kda at the end of the game means nothing if the rest of your team pays for it and cant help in Team fights when 3 People flash for you
ofc You shouldnt neglect maximising your income if you are grouping while being fed . But do it near your teams and about to be contested objectives.
For example by taking the sidelane near the upcoming objective or your Jungler's camp
If you go side lane , always be cautious about upcoming objectives , Vision contest ( For baron ) as well as assasins with strong and fast target access.
Another point : Side laning is even more important if enemy team has strong team fighting Champs like Veigar yuumi etc. Sometimes it is even worth to push a sidewaves 20 sec before drake and getting multiple towers for a drake.
Most of my games as an ADC
Scenario #1: I’m doing good up to midgame and I’m 4/0/2 when a 0/3/2 ap champ randomly one shots me.
Scenario #2: It’s late game and the enemy team has inted except for their tank illaoi or scaled up Chogath they just follow around everywhere and I do no damage to them and we lose the game.
7 months later, this is still the norm, except its now hyper fed akalis and zeds instead of shut down normal mids. 😂
Ahh yes. I love getting one shot by an offscreen lux ult
Hmmmm I picked "Running down mid" every time
Ah, so you play ARAM, i see
we all do, because otherwise out teammates would flame us because we arent grouping or defending mid u know?
@@mercibeaucoup4591 mute buttons are great
@@mercibeaucoup4591 listen to low Elo players Stay in low Elo. Or chad it up and farm like crazy. And still lose because your team tilts so hard because you’re doing the right thing that they all start inting and going afk.
11:03 The Enemy Ashe pushes the wave, first. Definitely, she understands the Macro.
Thats because she has team which can fight without her.if she was on the loosing side she would get blamed by her team for pushing the wave and not participating in the team fight
@@marianivanov5730 i would argue that some players focus too much on farm, f.e. when realy improtant stuff is happening 4th dragon, baron etc
I love how this video wasn’t just “Mid elo ADC tips” but you’re forcing us to think about WHY the mistakes are wrong. Feels more like being taught something, rather than just git gud.
Classic silver:
As ADC you productively farm as there is no need to fight. No objectives are coming. There is plenty of gold to get.
Your team: I guess it's time to fight on mid. What else can we do?
or that one player who runs down first, even tho there's still one person in base
Play champs that can influence the fight from afar? Ashe ult, draven ult, ez ult so while you farm you're giving a tiny bit of agency in the team fight
@@VVopal lmao having a ezreals in your team means you lose
@@JakandDexsters Not really, if you're a good ezreal he has one of the highest ADC dps outputs
@@VVopal out of 10 games my ezreal lost me 8 games in a row.
You mentioned vision once, when xayah over extended. Now watch Everytime the adc steps up to the wave, the enemy disappears. So push wave and die is all i saw in the big picture
Exactly, I overextend to push the next wave and three people randomly appear to kill me
Nah i nerver push wave to tower when i losing since i know im a squishy target and should nerver go alone near enermy or wave near tower, plus now mostly it just force out play to come back to the game so team fight then is much more important since enermy team gonna outfarm me since their have the lead, and even in high elo they not goona care bout wave clear if a big fight happen
@@moonlit8846 Never push past the midpoint between any two towers (unless both towers are yours and are still standing) if you don't have vision.
Notification be like: do you think adc sucks? Get GOOD
Me: "Wow this is really helpful, I know something was missing I'm ready to play some league"
15 mins later, "Gets 1v1ed by Nautilus support with only tank items".
> Plays champion weak to cc
> Complains that you're losing a duel against a champion loaded with cc
> Doesn't realize that it's just a joke
> Something something idk
Shacolin Yeah because a nautilus has enough base damage to burst an adc
@@shacolin6546 A Yone or a Katarina would have shredded that same Nautilus in less than half a second.
@@Halfort57 Sure, a spellbased AoE damage assassin whose ultimate can be stopped by cc and has to be close to do damage will be able to blow up a full tank Nautulus in less than half a second... Are we talking about a nautilus at 10% hp or a 20/0 katarina here?
As an adc, I'm doing all that, the problem being, my enemies too, so even though I'm extremely rarely losing lane, and always keep income flowing, that's still just being solo in pair with my enemies and still having to 1v5 all the time, wich is not realy doable.
there still is too many ppl in low elo that sure doesn't want to lose the game, but doesn't want to win either, that's what elo hell is about.
Hello fellow adc main here, you CAN carry with ADCs but it depends on how early some adcs get their powerspikes. Example: Vayne can start to do massive damage after just one mythic item while Lucian is gonna need Essence Reaver AND a mythic item. Samira, Tristana, Kog'maw, all of these and alike can cause mental disturbance for the enemy team just by getting a few kills. If you already play them and still can't win, that's entirely on you. I had a feeding Master Yi mid that ran it down my botlane because I typed "Yi stop dying". I won the game 18/0.
I have lost so many games turning a wave around as ADC while my 4 teammates start a 4 v 5 before I get back, they all die and it's game over. I even type, "turning wave around don't fight." Then they all die engaging away from tower.
eeeexactly, same shit. Hate this videos because they don't took into consideration that other players on your team don't watch them. They fight champions 4 lvls ahead of them, they have 0 10 at 10 min, they start fights 2v5 etc. You just can't "just farm" because you just lose. I have a 50% win rate on almost every adc just because every other game i get at least 1 winning lane. If I have just one lane that doesn't feed, engages for no reasons and realizes what you are doing i win... every other it's every lane losing :D ello hell :D
I've watched this channel for 2 years. Thanks for all your guidance. My highest rank is Plat3 and I'm getting better this season.
Good job
Doesnt matter if you have pushed or not
Low elo if enemy sees even 1 solo pushing a lil bit they gang up to kill him in sidelanes
Yeah but the point is even if they do that they are losing farm
True. If your team is smart tho they'll look to punish by taking towers or objectives while you get 5 man dove
you can recall the instant you cant see like 3 enemy team members or a big threat like a fed zed. it surely takes more time than 8 seconds to rotate to a sidelane. But its true that they will do that and it can be frustrating sometimes if your team doesnt do anything while the enemy team is chasing you
@@mint_659 sad thing is thath they dont
tell team to push opposite tower or recall ez
Not exactly, what I was looking for in an ADC guide (because other roles just profit just as much from items until mid-late game), but would be willing to see more of your ADC guides
I know that everybody here loves this channel, but I didn't yet saw a comment saying anything about the speaker. And he undoubtedly does here a wonderful job.
wouldn't you say pro league of legends and solo q are completely different games?
a pro can play the same way in solo q in any elo and win hard. even if he doesnt play and just tells someone what to do that persons mechanics not beeing any better but the knowledge and decisions beeing better, that person will win significantly more often than before.
so i wouldnt say its completly different
*I'm low elo but I feel like I'm playing against G2, suddenly there are 4 ppl bot trying to kill me, at level 2, 4 people at bot in level 2*
Essa é a g2
You are actually doing the team a favor, it took 4 enemy Champs to rush you down and leave their lane defenseless. Not 9nly are they gonna be weaker returning, your team can keep,them busy while you catch back up. Difficult, yes, but when the teamfights happen, the steamroll begins.
Alirght I have to agree and say this is an amazing guid but the reason why I think ADC sucks is that you get 4 man dived by 10 minutes. Also supposedly why so many people dislike the current state of ADC is probably because all you do is farm for 30 minutes straight to then still have to have a support near you to carry teamfights. Comparing this to a darius who could 1v5 teamfights makes it understadable why.
Not to say this video was bad in any way, in fact this concept can be applied to mid and top lane as well. I just wanna throw my 2 cents in here
Although I agree with everything you say, it does not show until after diamond 2
@@lifeasdev7480 wdym exactly? and kewl that we agree on something c:
@@deejayf69 wdym?
@@lifeasdev7480 what do you mean
@@Ryucopasetic What?
did you think that you were going to play this team game with your team? WRONG get back to lane it's still PvE o'clock
me on Yorick every time with 1 champion and 8 turret kills
Redundance is the most effective form of teaching. I like the lower elo coverage so I can get more examples of the same stuff to train the brain better. It's actually really helpful. "...And you better know what she did wrong." LMAO, one of the few times I answered correctly in these videos xD
I think this was a very good video. I was an adc main who was hardstuck Silver 2 for most of the season. I switched to mid and am now up to Silver 1 (while that might not seem like a lot, I was hardstuck for a LONG time in S2/S3) after only a week of switching the roles. I think my problem with ADC is that it doesn't offer the same level of influence as mid or jg or even support in the early stages of the game that can really get the game going in your favor. An early lead in bot doesn't mean anything, as the video suggests, whereas an early lead in any of the other roles mentioned is seemingly more game-changing. That said, this video makes me cautiously optimistic about playing adc again. Jhin is my favorite champ and I'd love to get a chance to play him more effectively in ranked, but I still don't think that adc is as strong as other roles (keep in mind that assassins are hardly picked up in current pro play, making adc seem stronger than it is).
I had an adc in a silver game that understood macro and what they needed to hit when. It felt like having a tactical nuke.
The guide is great and I definitely learned a lot about ADC Macro, although I don't think this is why adc feels weak right now; I'd argue it has more to do with less than half of the ADC roster feeling all that worth playing and other roles' meta champs having inflated stats, but this guide will definitely help me win more regardless^^
Yeah I have the same issue. The tips are good for sure, but the way it’s presented is disingenuous. Like saying” look at this pro player” while saying adc “feels” bad because 99.9% of players don’t know how to play the role (while ignoring that the same is true for every other role) is just idiotic. There are definitely games where an ADC will pop off or situations where they shine, but overall even high tier players openly agree the role is comparatively weaker in far too many situations.
I kinda understand the idea of: pushing Wave First
but with it comes a lot of problem in my eyes
1. u cant always do that, without vision you can get caught and die
2. maybe your team actually needs you and they would win a big important fight
3. sometimes you dont want to push a whole wave first sometimes it is actually better to kill one or two casters to create a slowpush then searching for a fight with in that time if u know u win and use the big slow pushed wave to push turrets
and there are probably some more ideas why it is not always right to push wave first, just my oppinion ^^
The thing is, this is a very good rule to follow, but sometimes your teammates have other plans, like invading enemy jungle or diving randomly without considering lane prio nor wave status.
"It's really easy, look at doublelift being the highest level in the game.... when the enemy team allowed Cait through the bans and then didn't draft any assassins that could potentially challenge a cait..."
Exactly. Cait is OP. Most other adc's are weak af.
Cait has the ultimate kit tbh, she has everything, cc, more cc and a way to escape if needed to, a mega ranged ult that is a point and click, and don't get me started on the dmg on that q
@@medg0798 She has 650 Range. Aphelios has the same range (650) with Calibrum. Kog'maw has 710 at level 9 if he uses W. Trist outranges her at level 14(I don't know, i don't play tristana) Ashe has 600 range, wich is good. Senna has 600, but she's a support (I disagree with Senna ADC, don't even start "Senna can also be played as an ADC"), but she can range her at 40 stacks(around 10-15 minutes), but as her early stack gathering is so crucial, I don't pick Senna against cait.
But wait, here's more: If she uses E(Or you walk into her trap) her range on you is 1300.
Her strongest counter-matchup is an Agressive Senna+Lucian combo.
Once they hit level 2, Senna can W cait, and Lucain can instantly close the gap with his E, proc PtA, Q, and Senna can dish more damage with AutoQ. Cait has a hard time disengageing from them, as Lucian's Dash has good range, she can't really just E away.
Also, Senna can outheal the poke of Cait.
Comparison with doublelift was so fkin bad. Its pro play, teams playing around the adc. Where did you see someone peeling the adc in lower elo? You got only theoretical knowledge, but not practical. What is the reason to get waves, when your team keeps permanently fighting without you? Do you really think they will let the adc take the farm on side lane?
exactly they always fighting in low elo and if the adc goes to farm the team loses the fight
On one hand yes. Pro play is a completely different game. Especially the adc role, I see that every clash game, which isn't even close to pro play, but still way more competitive.
But on the other hand, high elo players constantly get 10 cs +. If I get 7 cs a game, I am satisfied. But these players get 3 cs more by average than me. You don't just get that by "farming better". They catch waves more efficient, they are always looking to generate gold. This is what this video is about:
you are adc. You don't don't make plays. Your team makes plays. You can only follow (only very few adc can actually engage). You try to force the enemy into making mistakes by managing waves. Always look to generate gold,so you can fulfill your role.
@@ocoro174 I mean if you're dogshit at adc, then you're just dogshit at adc. Don't take it out on a yt channel
I get what you mean but if you have 10 cs per minute no way you’re gonna lose.
Excuse me how could she get bot wave and krugs at 4:00, there is no way she had time for that
True lol she'd get collapsed on. This guide is one of the worst and I'm a skillcapped fan.
Some of the problem with the examples here are really painfully clear why they didn’t push waves first. All but one person MIA and no wards to protect pushing past that first point.
She would've been able to actually. You just underestimate Ashe's waveclear. I'm a mid player but the fact I do this habit better than any adc main (esp when having to play the role) is hilarious and evident that the players just suck at it.
Came here for this. Ashe just reaches drag pit but could have pushed bot wave AND gotten krugs?? Is Ashe invisible and fast as hecarim? Im a bit wary of these guides now...
I did this the past few days in all my games and good lord, this has been the single most helpful thing I've seen for League maybe ever.
Been following a lot of your guides recently and hit diamond last season. This video and your videos regarding early lane phase catapulted my game to the next level. Top stuff.
Love the channel but this guide is senseless;
TL&DR - Telling everyone to always push is not a Macro Improvement and will probably have toxic results.
There were some absurd examples (not to mention rather offensive towards the players in the video) in which pushing the wave could have ended in worse results (being prone/susceptible to being ganked or losing inhibitors) and it never took into consideration the team aspect of Macro (as if Macro didn't involve your team), like pinging your Team, warning you are playing for the Late Game or coordinating objectives with pushes. This seems more like it would incentivize toxic and selfish behaviour than improve anyone's Macro. You can always brainlessly push waves as ADC if your team is on the same page as you, easily applicable to ProPlay and High Elo (hence the Doublelift's example). I hope no low ELO player fall for this overly generalized fallacy and keeps trying to improve their judgement on WHEN to farm and when to group.
this channel is a Godsend. my league mates and i are hyped to climb for s11 and the "what would you" segments really helps me understand the game more.
3:52 You say to go and farm bot lane and then krugs, but the whole enemy team shows pathing to dragon and you mentioned that she has 2 teammates dead. Isn't it crazy overextending to path bot here? Even if she B lined it, she wouldn't be there fast enough
Yes it is crazy. They would have all gone bot and killed her, she wouldn't even have time to recall.
100%. Looks like she was pathing bot, but by the time she passed her T2, her team was already in retreat with the wave pushed out past tri-bush. If she goes for that she's just a tasty snack for Kayne.
To be fair, she stood in fountain for at least 10 seconds, so if she had acted immediately she probably could have at least caught a wave or two. Krugs would've been suicide though.
@@wryguy Not with vision
@@necrofanatica but she didn't have vision
@@wryguy not the point, just meant to say that with vision it’s not really a bad play
Its like everyone in low elo just forgets to farm when midgame rolls around, and just start looking for fights. It feels like if you follow this guide and look for gold your team will just throw themselves into 4v5's over and over
Me:*push bot because enemy is grouping mid*
My team:*feeds* *blame me*
daily struggle of an adc, feel u bro
Meanwhile, me, who sometimes gets filled adc, winning 50/50 lane and afterwards always going on a solo lane to shove and getting killed by the zed everytime xD
The only thing about pushing first is you're also farming against your team, if you don't take krugs you're probably not going to get them while 2 waves die top.
Really works, I got 11 cs per minute, was level 18 while everyone else was level 13-15, and won the game!
Going mid would be the same bcoz in plat and lower mid and top dont change lanes
Mid will almost always go mid again mid game after laning phase
That’s false half the time they swap and he said if not just go back bot
@@buddermasteru5074 That's not false, me thinks, I should know I'm a low gold and I've only had one singular game where our mid laner decided to swap with bot lane.
What about when your whole team is powerfarming and every lane is constantly pushed. Where do you go when no safe farm is available and the enemy team is missing?
jungle camps i guess
There will be scenarios where you can't do anything for a bit. Just wait for the next opportunity and drop a ward meanwhile. Can't do A? Do B. Can't do B? Do C. ect. Don't forget the 20/40/40 rule. Edit: Or think of it like this: Focusing on what you can't do is useless. Find what you "can" do. Even if that's as small as warding somewhere safe. It's something.
Well, that is the classic problem in plat diamond where junglers also pushes lanes. At that instance there is not much you can do except taking jungle if that is not going to cost much. But in general you should be the one directing the game and leave them the correct place to take. This channel had a video about that sort of situations as well,but I can't seem to remember the title
Ward objectives, group up with your team for a fight where you can catch the enemy off guard with a numbers advantage or easily take a dragon or something
This was genuinely helpful unlike some other guides I’ve seen. I know my macro sucks and this was a great pointer!
Actually, it's the hippocampus that controls memory access. The amygdala governs your fight/flight response and is one of the main culprits in causing tilt.
so the way i can grasp this the best is: by having the wave pushed into a tower you have the most options. you could gfo someplace else you cvan take jungle camps on either side. you can push tower. as well lanes are a danger point. they will be giving info to the other team of peoples location because you can be seen by the minions your killing. so if say you go rocks into lane that is equal to no vision into vision ending the sequence in vision. but lane into rocks would be vision into no vision leaving you vanished and harder to target. you must use this same idea on the enemies. where you want to watch where its vision into no vision or the other way around. the first is often danger to you or others on your team or objectives. wherer the other shows intent on where they are in vision. this alows you to from pushing the wave corectly to deside if you will either copy them or not. example 4 v5 mid lane your at tower. you can see your safe and can take tower. but if that 4v5 becomes a 4v3 or 4v2 or what ever you know that you now have to deside if you will copy them and go from vision to no vision or if say you see them almost die and will b not come for you you can keep going or go for kills or what ever you want because the vision is the lowest when their minions are under their tower.
This video was actually pretty great bc I'm trying to expand my roles a little more. I don't think I totally understood the importance of cs for ADCs until now. Thanks.
Get gold or become a paper weight 😂, it's kinda hard when you have bloodthirsty teammates willing to die for the lols and blame you for it.
The ashe play in the start there with the rift herald was actually the best she could do (Secure herald Push wave reset). If she would have taken the herald next who knows if enemies could have came to kill her with the half hp she was on.
adc's shouldn't be soloing obj's to begin with, if they make a beeline for the rh without pushing the wave you shoved, then they would be several exp behind your team and depending on how behind they are or ahead you are, you'll most probably be able to contest the objective with your teammates and get a kill or two
I also want to farm most of the time, but should I let my team die if they engage bad or should I try to help them, that is my biggest question every game
They shouldn’t be engaging at all if you’re in a side lane. If they get engaged on it’s probably too late to rotate/they should have been playing safer anyways
I think its good you are givinv the adc the mindset to push waves first, but i think it’s also a good idea to utilize blue trinkets, defensive jungle wards from supp, and freeze thin wave bounce the make sure you don’t get put in a scary situation.
2:21 can we talk about how the mega fed ashe is doing 29 dmg per auto to herald? XD
We sure can, its a spectator mode bug that only shows the first tick of her Q.
The message I get from skill capped over and over again is always be solo farming in the mid game. I have a hard time putting this advice to use for a couple of reasons. First, my teammates and the enemy team are fighting all the time, so instead of the enemy lanes looking to farm like I am they are always roaming together looking for picks. Every time a push a wave solo I risk getting three man dived out of nowhere. The second is that the enemy is fighting all the time, so the bit of CS and XP I get from farming waves doesn't matter so much if the enemy carries are getting more ahead by just killing my teammates. How do i carry the game if I don't put myself really far ahead in gold? The third problem I have is that the enemy is fighting all the time, and if I am farming a wave on the other side of the map I can participate in the fight or influence how the game will snowball. The frustration I feel as ADC is that I don't have options. When do I completely take the game into my hands and 1v9 like you would if you are a fed solo laner? Please make a video on when I shouldn't be farming, so I have the confidence to collect CS when I know it's not time to fight. Thank you.
k, so ima try to help with the info that I have ascertained over the years(and these last two seasons more importantly). You have to learn how to win lane in order to set yourself up for a better transition. I will agree that adcs are the weaker role until you hit 3 items(for most), so winning lane is paramount. I suggest playing hyper aggressive until you learn the limits of the champions(hopefully no more than 3) that you main. Then you will know what you can and can not do on those champions. Practice this until you are able to move onto other concepts. However, you want to always try to know where the jungler is. Push hard, and ping your support to help you get a deep ward when you see him in another lane(wards last 3 mins). This video guide is all about midgame(usually when you are ahead and want to stay that way and close out games). Apply all those concepts here. When you are behind, spam ping your team to not fight and try to hit your next item power spike. Since it's low elo, ofc your team will want to try and fight every chance that they get, so farming quickly and effectively is important here. When you are ahead, it is your job to do damage AND NOT DIE. The not dying part is paramount as you are literally a walking bag of gold looking to help someone get back into the game. When you are behind, you will literally have to "Out-Mechanics" the other team or hope that you can stall til 3 to 4 items. There is no way around that. If you can not do that while farming effectively, you wont climb and you will always feel that your team is holding you back.
TL;DR if you are ahead by midgame, follow this video guide. If you are behind, spam ping your teamates, try to get to your nearest power spike, and "out-mechanics" the enemy team. Mute your team if you have too. I been there, and I still am practicing it.
Awesome giude. Every Time i picked the mistake and you instantly called it
Sadly when you try farming and pushing waves while your team is ARAMing, you get flamed at the end for “ADC lowest damage, cool”. Yeah because I don’t engage every time I see an opponent
This is a really good video. I wish a lot more of the guide videos have this decision making quiz style.
Feeling really proud of myself when I couldnt answer these type of maceo questions 2 months ago but now I can without fail :D
I needed to see this. This is how I try to play and get flamed for it, so I try to be more of a "team player". I'm glad to know I'm right, and now I can be more obstinate in my good decisions.
It's hard climbing out of Silver/Gold because everyone just wants to fight, non-stop, for no reason while waves never get shoved out and jungle camps are all but ignored. Pretty good tip is to just mute everyone and inevitably mute pings from the people who just spam click you because you don't follow up their bad plays. I went from average 5-6 CS/min to 8-10. Guaranteed gold vs. questionable gold is always a win, low elo undervalue farm vs kills way too much.
I really need this. I’ve found myself (support) raging at passive ADCs getting us clapped within the first 10 minutes.
I dunno.. I can agree with shoving lanes first before taking camps, but some of these other examples, they're doing what I expect gold players to do. ie. Group for objectives especially when they're the one on their team who's ahead
Thank you so much
no problem! =)
"just learn macro!" ulted by nocturne and rengar everytime you appear on the map as your support with no cc can only watch you die.
Macro changes game to game and you must take those factors into account. Ward enemy jungle more often as adc. It'll help you a lot. When your jg comes down bot river and you have your wave pushed you can help him farm the enemy jg's camps.
@@rampageblizzard in my games, they literally just do a suicide run to kill me just so that I wont be able to do anything
thats where you start to try to learn your matchups: nocturns and rengars are made to ruin squishy side laners, that just means theyre doing their job right. Play around when their ults are down, and push the waves closest to you with only pushing a few waves up. use the positioning of your jg and watch the enemy jg on the map at all times
Hey I am a fan of this TH-cam Channel and also AD-Carry Main on MidPlat to Low Diamond Niveau for several years. I tried to heavily focus on this concept to "Always push first." But in my opinion there are some major issues with that "easy" concept:
1. You have shown almost on every video ADC's who were ahead. Mostly this leads to being able to 1vs1 the enemy ADC, Support and sometimes even Top or Mid Laner. But what is when you just left the lane even or lost it. You cannot match anyone. Therefore going for a push without having vision on any enemy is a Overstay! (Not even talking about that teams usually deny anyways any possible gold source of their adc's who are behind because they are anyways useless)
2. What if you experienced your team for several times fighting at any possible situation even 4vs5. Of course they shouldn't but you declared it as a guide for low elo and this is what low elo teams does. They fight whenever possible. With you being there it could be a 5vs5 having at least a classical coinflip chance to win the fight and then the game. With you getting 3 waves on the sidelane while your team dies 4vs5 over and over you can say it is your teams fault but it won't help you climb the ladder cause you have to adapt to the elo you are playing at.
3. You said she should even push before getting objectives like drake/elder/baron/herald. But what if you give the enemy team the time for grouping at an objective because you pushed first for gold worth a wave? Isn't the priority usually baron>drake>tower>minions?
Maybe you could give me some answers to these questions or maybe create an "Do you think ADC sucks 2" where you explain cases where it doesnt make sense to always go for the push. Cause I actually think that ADC role doesnt suck but it is wrongly balanced. Too strong when ahead too useless when behind (mostly Crit ADC's).
This was actually so helpful, really, I, on some situations, did the exact same mistakes that the shown players did. Amazing video, as an ADC main, Im glad I´ve seen this UwU
It won't help, I've been playing like this for 2 years. ADC is legit a terrible role atm. This says if you play like a challenger player you can climb. The problem is pushing waves isn't the only thing separating normies from challenger. If you watch pro, the role still sucks.
3:58 There is no way that ashe could have made it to that wave as well as "already killed Krugs" at the time you mention, and by showing bot against a Kayn when your entire team is mid or dead, ashe would just be running it down. What she should be doing is farming jungle camps pathing from wolves up to top lane to catch the impending wave because contesting dragon in this situation is nearly impossible...
Perhaps if Ashe didn't sit in base for like 10 seconds straight not moving she might have made it, but this is another issue that you should have mentioned as well..
Q: What is this Xayah doing wrong?
A: His ID is "Thiccc Thighs"
or maybe her or maybe none
I feel like a toddler learning to walk
Great video as always, would really love to see some more of ADC macro
Yeah, Doublelifts team mates don't have 0 15 2 at 20min mark...
For the Gold 1 Ashe game, when she went for Drake, she should've gone top instead, no one would be able to stop her while the enemy teams does Drake. She could've easily get T2 and maybe T3 creating a lot of pressure
Basicly playing ADC is like playing Nasus. Nasus wants stacks, you want gold. The next challenge would be to find the perfect situation when to keep pushing and when to start fighting.
Imagine comparing adc in solo queue vs adc in pro play. Adc is a team reliant role so it's obviously going to be strong in pro play. However, it's absolutely horrible in solo queue and is arguably tied for the worst designed role along with top
If you followed the push wave first, you have an item advantage
Now I understand why guys keep asking "what I'm doing", I'm just farming and creating pressure.
They always make you feel like your the reason they lose fights.
This is exactly what I wanted to know about my Gameplay... Really good video
What if team mates are calling me out for farming and not helping out with team fights and confrontations at objectives? I can say that more than likely if I am farming in lane and my team mates lose a fight or an objective like drake then I am going to get blamed for not helping. So when is it ok to ignore lanes and help out in team fights or with confrontations over objectives? And I feel like this is a reasonable question if you dont think so either you dont understand my question or you dont understand that I honestly dont know the answer to this question and need help or guidance.
Tl;dr farm anywhere you have vision control
In this guide tho, when they said push first during the bottom lane clips, the map is very dark on that side.
Really, really good video! I loved it. It honestly sheds much light to my own gameplay, and I will be implementing this
11 mins in and I finally got the right answer xD
HAHAHAHAHA I got most of them wrong (followed what the players in the replay did) instead of the "right" play
I am confused for the question at 6:43. I am not saying your answer is wrong but I am just confused as to how Tristana made an error. From my knowledge if Tristana crashed the wave then backed in the Alcove to avoid dying to the already rotating team (They are rotating to drag and they had a ward on Kruggs bush so they would know Tristana is pushing) then she would allow herself to get one more wave, deny the enemy team a wave (since bot wave would die to tower) and allow the Hecarim or Jax to collect the Mid wave (thus avoiding sharing exp/gold).
From what I can tell based on the map, I thought Tristana made the right play. Since Braum didn't clear the Krugg bush ward, if Tristana keeps pushing then the enemy team could possible get the Inhibitor since Hecarim and Jax we just spawning and Fiora had double buffs and their team had at least 3 mid. Thus I thought she should rotate mid to prevent a Mid Inhibitor loss and I thought she managed the wave well. Since Blue side lost Tier 1 bot tower then wouldn't the enemy bot lane minions be buffed? Thus the if the Red and Blue minions meet at the middle of the lane then Red's minions would always push? Since she didn't affect the wave and it will collide in the middle of the lane then doesn't that mean Red's minions push towards Blue? Thus it would deny exp and gold from Red side, Red's Minions would slow push into Blue, and Tristana gets to save Inhibitor, not get ganked/collapsed on (because they have vision on her, also Nunu was missing most like prepping for Dragon), and she gets cannon+the wave mid, and she is able to help her Braum if he gets caught in Blue's jungle (lets Braum w to her or Tristana can use her ult to push off champions from Braum). Thus doesn't rotating to Mid be better? It is a lot safer and you get more gold/exp for the "carry". Again I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want to understand what concepts I have incorrect.
A really good guide but in additional can you cover the problem how to defend the tower and how to trade tower and how important to spot out enemy missing or running towards adc (especially assassins)
This is the first time that I got everything right I feel proud.
is it on me or is this good to know for each and every role as gold always helped and fur shure with the pushing power and turret destruction power of a top laner?
as adc its all about wave management, make sure your team plays around you and you can actually carry
5:50 yeah great dont show us where yas is pathing bot or mid we have to guess great
you can clearly see he is pathing bot, wtf?
I know you think he could be going mid, but that doesn't make sense in the current state of the map.
If your camera is centered on your champ when you are running to lane, you deserve your elo.
You can tell which way Yas is going by the way is face is pointing on the minimap ;)
@@daryslash why? Hea clearly sees trist running bot after he killed two ppl why cant he go push mid get herald with hecarim and get mid tower?
Love your work, I enjoy these decision making moments so much!
The thing is: as an adc, you want to scale. Putting pressure into the map is essential as you gotta avoid the enemy's fed assassin, ok. BUT, low elo dont know to wait for fights, they just run it down and pings you for being farming. Another thing, ADC is the hardest role to play from behind, since you are focused and the jger is not going to help. Throwing leeds is normal for low elo, but even if you are ahead, most of the time youe team wants you to deal insane damage, keep it with insane faker farm and objectives presence. ADC isnt fun. ADC can carry, but is so much easier to just go for irelia mid spliting 1v3 200 cs at 18min.
Next video should be like How to have impact as Adc before 30 min if its even possible xd
As Ashe, I recently had a game where enemy pushed blue, and I killed three of them. We lost the game because the rest of the team was terrible, but I did kill three early.
10:32 is this really a mistake? The Kruggs would have despawned so Xayah would have lost some additional gold. Or is it just not that worth because a safe positioning grants you more oppurtunities?
@@Watykaniak I mean I understand that pushing in that scenario is definitely the better option since 3 ppl of the enemy team push your t1 tower on midlane. But to precise my question I wonder if taking Kruggs first, that would disappear in some seconds would be a better option when there was no pressure from the enemy team or if I should just shit in general on em and, as the narrator says over and over again, always push first.
Crimlex it would have been far better if he could safely get the minions under their tower. Not sure if he would have been able to push another wave, or if he would even have to. To many ppl were missing to be able to push another wave after krugs
i think i did the right play insert cool glasses her
I haven't played in a while and never been above gold but I can tell I've been watching all your videos: I answered by your advice every time!
Now I want to play and realize how much I suck at everything else than macro :D
This guide is useless that why you can answer all of that question and stuck at gold
Trying to follow this. It makes my games longer, I guess but I don't know if it has actually increased my chances of winning at all.
this video finally talked me into visiting the site. thanks
It helped me reach challenger. Thanks
I had 11 cs/min and still didn't win.. Feelsbadman
So how does macro help me with getting dumpstered by full tank malphite?
That cull on Trist made me laugh so hard cuz she was not focusing on pushing waves to collect cs