Great video Zoe. I can’t wait to sow mine this afternoon, I’m determined this next year they’re going to be as amazing as yours. Mine got rust this year so had to pull them but I didn’t realise you should water from below rather than overhead until you mentioned it. Lesson learned though.
Love the video
Thank you so much for taking the time to be so kind x
Great video Zoe. I can’t wait to sow mine this afternoon, I’m determined this next year they’re going to be as amazing as yours. Mine got rust this year so had to pull them but I didn’t realise you should water from below rather than overhead until you mentioned it. Lesson learned though.
A precautionary fungicide will also help xxx
Really informative video, thank you! Do you keep them in an unheated greenhouse over the winter?
Thank you much for this video!! Big help😊 does this work for all snapdragon varieties?
If you pop to my website you’ll find more information on snaps including different varieties x