Dowsing rods, do they really work

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • I was trying to locate my water line with no success. Since I couldn’t find a company or anyone with the equipment to do so I decided I would try a set of homemade dowsing rods. I was super skeptical but surprisingly they actually work! I am now a believer.

ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @theclshow
    @theclshow 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Pretty mind boggling for sure! Thanks David!

  • @MyDyerMaker
    @MyDyerMaker ปีที่แล้ว

    I've never heard a great explanation for how it works but it definitely works. I just use 1 rod though. No need for 2 hands.

  • @garyl.freeland5568
    @garyl.freeland5568 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok my dowsing friend, your on the right track don't let your mind get cluttered with all the negative things you have heard about dowsing!

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! I’m a believer, have found multiple water lines on my property that the county had no idea where they were. I’d dig a small hole and it was right there every time!

    • @garyl.freeland5568
      @garyl.freeland5568 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok my dowsing friend your on the right track don't let your mind get cluttered with all the negative things you have heard about dowsing as I said earlier!
      As a Christian, and a professional dowser for over 50+ years, I believe it's a gift from our creator that has been passed down through the ages to us today!
      In my life it started with an old water well driller, and my dad. That used a forked limb from a peach tree to find water on our farm, when I was about 9 years old which was over 60 years ago.
      One reason you can find water, your body is made up of mainly H2O, and your body needs water too survive! So it's the easiest thing to start learning to dowse.
      First off it's not the dowsing instrument that is finding the water or any other item or mineral you are looking for.
      The rods are just a tool or instrument that tells you when you're entering, crossing or exiting the energy field, the same applys to a Pendulum or a Y Rod or other instruments.
      (Your whole body is a transmitter, and the receiver!) All you need to do is get a clear mental picture in your mind of what your looking for, or your seeking to find, ( like a water line, a gas line, a electric line or clean underground water source, or minerals.
      You are programming your mind and body to that frequency of that item or element that you're searching for. Relax and let your mind, your subconscious mind, and body do it's work as you walk along. Or if you're not sure or confident in yourself, you can use a witness, or small sample of what you're looking for.
      You can hold a small sample or a witness in your hand or put it in your pocket, what ever your comfortable with.
      Some dowsing rods, and pendulums have a chamber for a witness or sample.
      When dowsing for water to drill a well be precised in your mind as to what you're looking for! You are looking for the cleanest potable water, and the largest underground source on the property. Remember there's always two sides to any water structures, or mineral deposit, that you're looking for. A lot of dowsers have made the mistake of wherever the Y Rod pulls down or the L rods cross or swing out, that is where you drill a well, not so!
      As long as you're walking in the energy field the L Rods will stay crossed or swing out, and the Y Rod will continually pull down toward the Earth, seeming to lock in one position, a pendulum will spin, and stop once you pass through the field. This is the approximate width of the water vein Energy Field not the structure it's self. The best technique that I have learned to use over the years is once I find the edge of the structure the rods cross, or the Y Rod pulls down pendulum starts spinning.
      I stop and mark this edge either by a flag or making a mark with my foot on the ground. Then I walk straight to where I think I'm beyond the structure, then turn around with my instrument, and walk back towards where I got the other reading, and once the rods cross or swing out or the Y Rod pull down or pendulum spins this is the others side of the water structure Energy Field. The greatest chance of a good well is to drill right in the middle of these two readings.
      Then if you want to find a really good well you go left or right following the water vein walking in a S pattern back and forth to stay on the vein structure, until you intersect another possible vein that sometimes may crosses parallel, or at a right angle or left angle of your original water structure. At the center of the intersecting veins will be the better well. Some times they can be together or above or below each other by a few feet or several feet.
      A lot of the time, where the intersecting veins meet they pool or pocket which you can map out the edges, which will be larger than the vein structures, a pool or pocket can also happen on a single vein structure, which is where you want to drill in the center of the pool or pocket for you're best well.
      (The use of a pendulum)
      A pendulum is the most versatile tool I use, you can buy one or make one, all it is, is a string or chain with a weighted object attached, a ring, a key or a large needle, I use black thread my needle because it's a neural color so I've been told years ago. You can use just about anything as long as it lets your pendulum swing freely. Once again it's what best, that works for you, and that your comfortable with.
      Back in the early 1970's
      I bought a Carl Anderson dowsing rod, I think it was called The Precision Master Rod. I still use it in the field today, after 50 some year's.
      That was years before I findley figured out that it's not any fancy instrument that will make you a master dowser!
      It's now showing a good bit of wear and tear after over 50 years of use all over the USA.
      I have dowsed using only my hands to feel the energy fields, but I much prefer using my dowsing tools for a more accurate field survey.
      I use a small pendulum, and a fairly large sowing needle with black thread, for my map dowsing.
      (Theses instruments are just tools to get the job done, each one is used to help me locate, and pinpoint the target I'm looking for map dowsing, and some times I'll use my small map dowsing pendulum in the field if I'm in a tight places like in a under ground mine, or workings in rough terrain when going through a tight area following a mineral vein structure while doing my ground survey in the field.
      Just remember (You are the reason theses dowsing instruments works.)
      Just like a Doctor, a Dentist a Mechanic, a Carpenter, and the list goes on and on!
      They uses their tools to preform a task to bring forth good things in our lives. But without the knowledge,the practice and the skills to know what to do with theses tools they are useless to many people!
      Why the L Rods swing open for some people and crosses for others, and a pendulum spins clockwise or counterclockwise for someone else.
      It is because of the polarity of your body is different from one person to the another!
      How you find out what kind of polarity your body has. This is very important to know, and is one of the first steps you should do so you can find out what the reaction of your dowsing instrument is doing, and what theses movements mean when it happens.
      Taking a D cell battery or any battery, a D cell battery is a little larger so you have more area for your pendulum to react, take a small pendulum or needle and thread, hold the string or chain, which is on some of the smaller factory pendulums. Hold it between your thumb and index finger, start out holding it an inch or two above the pendulum, if you're right handed or left handed, use that hand.
      Hold the pendulum away from the positive end of the battery, think in your mind or say positive, positive, positive, as you come in slowly towards the positive end of the battery.
      For me it will start to spin clockwise as I start to enter the energy field before I even get to the battery which is a (positive field, meaning a yes answer), if I'm asking a question about something I'm searching for.
      For some people it will spend counterclockwise which means it's still a positive field or a yes also for that person. This is why rods will swing out for some people and cross for other people!
      At the negative end, it will spend in the opposite direction than the positive end did. Which will be counterclockwise for some people like me,and a clockwise spin for other people for the same negative field or a no answer.
      There's is a third field to a battery that is important to know! It's in the middle, of the battery where the positive and the negative energy fields meet this area is a neutral energy field.
      If you run your pendulum slowly from the positive to negative end or vice versa, once you slowly bring the pendulum to the middle you will get a back and forth or it could swing left and right.
      But what ever different kind of reaction you get it means a neutral field.
      Theses movements of a pendulum I just described is what I use to map dowse.
      To locating ore bodies, mineralize gold, silver veins, faults, for load, and placer deposits here in Alaska, which are mostly placer deposits we mine.
      I dowse topographical maps, and even hand drawn maps. To narrow down my search area. Then I take this information head out in the back country, picking the best route in off the topo map using the nearest roads or trails, if it's more remote sometimes we use four wheelers, and most of the time can get right to our location on the map or sometimes having to backpack in.
      Using the contour lines where stream, valley or ridges are that I have marked on the map from dowsing, it gives me a pretty much the precise area to start my search on the ground, plotting and flagging the structures out on the ground. This is the first phase in starting a mining exploration.
      Finding these structures map dowsing is easy. Getting to them and proving there's mine able gold there is a different animal here in Alaska, than in the lower 48. Because most everything is covered with tundra trees and vegetation.
      I have always given our creator all the praise, and glory for the gift he has given me.
      And it has returned back to me many fold. Not so much as in the form of monetary wealth, but a wealth of knowledge of dowsing over the years, that has been lost over time.
      From the hill and mountain of West Virginia, my Home State, to the gold fields of Arizona, Nevada Colorado, Utah, and now Alaska is our home.
      Which is truly of the last frontier left in the USA. 🇺🇸

    • @garyl.freeland5568
      @garyl.freeland5568 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I posted more information about dowsing on your video, it didn't show up that I could see. But went to my notification from you, and it showed that I could reply back to you. So I'm going to try and resend it, this may help you answer some of the questions you may have about dowsing!
      Ok my dowsing friend your on the right track don't let your mind get cluttered with all the negative things you have heard about dowsing as I said earlier!
      As a Christian, and a professional dowser for over 50+ years, I believe it's a gift from our creator that has been passed down through the ages to us today!
      In my life it started with an old water well driller, and my dad. That used a forked limb from a peach tree to find water on our farm, when I was about 9 years old which was over 60 years ago.
      One reason you can find water, your body is made up of mainly H2O, and your body needs water too survive! So it's the easiest thing to start learning to dowse.
      First off it's not the dowsing instrument that is finding the water or any other item or mineral you are looking for.
      The rods are just a tool or instrument that tells you when you're entering, crossing, or exiting the energy field, the same applys to a Pendulum or a Y Rod or other instruments.
      (Your whole body is a transmitter, and the receiver!) All you need to do is get a clear mental picture in your mind of what your looking for, or your seeking to find, ( like a water line, a gas line, a electric line or clean underground water source, or minerals.
      You are programming your mind and body to that frequency of that item or element that you're searching for.
      Relax and let your mind, your subconscious mind, and body do it's work as you walk along. Or if you're not sure or confident in yourself, you can use a witness, or small sample of what you're looking for.
      You can hold a small sample or a witness in your hand or put it in your pocket, what ever your comfortable with.
      Some dowsing rods, and pendulums have a chamber for a witness or sample.
      When dowsing for water to drill a well be precised in your mind as to what you're looking for! You are looking for the cleanest potable water, and the largest underground source on the property. Remember there's always two sides to any water structures, or mineral deposit, that you're looking for. A lot of dowsers have made the mistake of wherever the Y Rod pulls down or the L rods cross or swing out, that is where you drill a well, not so!
      As long as you're walking in the energy field the L Rods will stay crossed or stay swing out, and the Y Rod will continually pull down toward the Earth, seeming to lock in one position, a pendulum will spin, and stop once you pass through the field. This is the approximate width of the water vein Energy Field not the structure it's self. The best technique that I have learned to use over the years is once I find the edge of the structure the rods cross, or the Y Rod pulls down pendulum starts spinning.
      I stop and mark this edge either by a flag or making a mark with my foot on the ground. Then I walk straight to where I think I'm beyond the structure, then turn around with my instrument, and walk back towards where I got the other reading, and once the rods cross or swing out or the Y Rod pull down or pendulum spins this is the others side of the water structure Energy Field. The greatest chance of a good well is to drill right in the middle of these two readings.
      Then if you want to find a really good well you go left or right following the water vein walking in a S pattern back and forth to stay on the vein structure, until you intersect another possible vein that sometimes may crosses parallel, or at a right angle or left angle of your original water structure. At the center of the intersecting veins will be the better well. Some times they can be together or above or below each other by a few feet or several feet.
      A lot of the time, where the intersecting veins meet they pool or pocket which you can map out the edges, which will be larger than the vein structures, a pool or pocket can also happen on a single vein structure, which is where you want to drill in the center of the pool or pocket for you're best well.
      (The use of a pendulum)
      A pendulum is the most versatile tool I use, you can buy one or make one, all it is, is a string or chain with a weighted object attached, a ring, a key or a large needle, I use black thread my needle because it's a neural color so I've been told years ago. You can use just about anything as long as it lets your pendulum swing freely. Once again it's what best, that works for you, and that your comfortable with.
      Back in the early 1970's
      I bought a Carl Anderson dowsing rod, I think it was called The Precision Master Rod. I still use it in the field today, after 50 some year's.
      That was years before I findley figured out that it's not any fancy instrument that will make you a master dowser!
      It's now showing a good bit of wear and tear after over 50 years of use all over the USA.
      I have dowsed using only my hands to feel the energy fields, but I much prefer using my dowsing tools for a more accurate field survey.
      I use a small pendulum, and a fairly large sowing needle with black thread, for my map dowsing.
      (Theses instruments are just tools to get the job done, each one is used to help me locate, and pinpoint the target I'm looking for map dowsing, and some times I'll use my small map dowsing pendulum in the field if I'm in a tight places like in a under ground mine, or workings in rough terrain when going through a tight area following a mineral vein structure while doing my ground survey in the field.
      Just remember (You are the reason theses dowsing instruments works.)
      Just like a Doctor, a Dentist a Mechanic, a Carpenter, and the list goes on and on!
      They uses their tools to preform a task to bring forth good things in our lives. But without the knowledge,the practice and the skills to know what to do with theses tools they are useless to many people!
      Why the L Rods swing open for some people and crosses for others, and a pendulum spins clockwise or counterclockwise for someone else.
      It is because of the polarity of your body is different from one person to the another!
      How you find out what kind of polarity your body has. This is very important to know, and is one of the first steps you should do so you can find out what the reaction of your dowsing instrument is doing, and what theses movements mean when it happens.
      Taking a D cell battery or any battery, a D cell battery is a little larger so you have more area for your pendulum to react, take a small pendulum or needle and thread, hold the string or chain, which is on some of the smaller factory pendulums. Hold it between your thumb and index finger, start out holding it an inch or two above the pendulum, if you're right handed or left handed, use that hand.
      Hold the pendulum away from the positive end of the battery, think in your mind or say positive, positive, positive, as you come in slowly towards the positive end of the battery.
      For me it will start to spin clockwise as I start to enter the energy field before I even get to the battery which is a (positive field, meaning a yes answer), if I'm asking a question about something I'm searching for.
      For some people it will spend counterclockwise which means it's still a positive field or a yes also for that person. This is why rods will swing out for some people and cross for other people!
      At the negative end, it will spend in the opposite direction than the positive end did. Which will be counterclockwise for some people like me,and a clockwise spin for other people for the same negative field or a no answer.
      There's is a third field to a battery that is important to know! It's in the middle, of the battery where the positive and the negative energy fields meet this area is a neutral energy field.
      If you run your pendulum slowly from the positive to negative end or vice versa, once you slowly bring the pendulum to the middle you will get a back and forth or it could swing left and right.
      But what ever different kind of reaction you get it means a neutral field.
      Theses movements of a pendulum I just described is what I use to map dowse.
      To locating ore bodies, mineralize gold, silver veins, faults, for load, and placer deposits here in Alaska, which are mostly placer deposits we mine.
      I dowse topographical maps, and even hand drawn maps. Or use a printout from Google Earth, to narrow down my search area. Then I take this information head out in the back country, picking the best route in off the topo map, or Google Earth using the nearest roads or trails, if it's more remote sometimes we use four wheelers, and most of the time can get right to our location on the map or sometimes we may backpack in.
      Using the contour lines where stream, valley or ridges are that I have marked on the map from dowsing, it gives me a pretty much the precise area to start my search on the ground, plotting and flagging the structures out on the ground. This is the first phase in starting a mining exploration.
      Finding these structures map dowsing is easy. Getting to them and proving there's mine able gold there is a different animal here in Alaska, than in the lower 48. Because most everything is covered with tundra trees and vegetation.
      I have always given our creator all the praise, and glory for the gift he has given me.
      And it has returned back to me many fold. Not so much as in the form of monetary wealth, but a wealth of knowledge of dowsing over the years, that has been lost over time.
      From the hill and mountain of West Virginia, my Home State, to the gold fields of Arizona, Nevada Colorado, Utah, and now Alaska is our home.
      Which is truly of the last frontier left in the USA. 🇺🇸

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@garyl.freeland5568 wow Gary thank you so very much for that lesson. I’ve only used my L rods that I made but have come from all directions to help narrow done the exact target area. I have found all my buried electrical and water lines in multiple locations as the county won’t come on private property to locate. It blew my mind when I followed my water line 800 feet from the meter and dug down and I was literally right on top of it. When I was putting in a fence, for the mules, I told the guy that was digging the holes that I was fairly confident that if he dug in this particular area he was going to hit the water line. He said he wasn’t near it, I ran 1000 ft back to meter and shut off water. He said “I dug a hole while you were gone” and I said “it’s the next one I’m worried about…”. He hit it just as I had said. I can find the electrical easier than the water lines. Your post will be invaluable to many viewers and I appreciate it! Thx and stay warm

  • @ATL_Unfiltered
    @ATL_Unfiltered ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That's a beautiful piece of land!!!!

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  ปีที่แล้ว

      I appreciate it Jeff and thx for watching! Dave

  • @pattylevasseur2645
    @pattylevasseur2645 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    believe and have faith..... anything is possible;];];];];] thaks david!!! good luck on your digouts;];] merry christmas!!!

  • @mikekendall5835
    @mikekendall5835 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just curious where are you located it sure is beautiful....

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I appreciate it! 2 hours east of Atlanta. Thx for watching!

  • @yazeedzezoo3486
    @yazeedzezoo3486 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello dear David, do you know how to use skewers?

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don’t, I would think it was very similar though to the coat hangers I’m using

    • @jamesdaltrey2878
      @jamesdaltrey2878 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      they are skewers....just another name......origine is Moroccan !

  • @techiq7389
    @techiq7389 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are born within the bloodline of the witcher. not many have the ability to do this. Give those rods to someone else, youll see what i a witcher to. its a natural ability

  • @benjamins2314
    @benjamins2314 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Adam from myth busters says those rods are fake but wouldnt actually try it. This didnt look fake to me

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I had to find my water line that was 800 ft from the meter on my side of meter. The water company would not locate on private property and they referred me to a private company who wanted a minimum of $750 with no guarantee. I kept playing with those homemade rods starting at meter and checked every 5-10 ft installing a flag in the ground. When I got 800 ft from meter I turned around and all the flags were in line. I checked one last time and started to dig and amazingly the water line was right there!!! I checked another area where someone wanted to install a fence. I told him he had a good chance of hitting the water line if he drilled right there, he immediately busted the line as he didn’t believe me. I’m a believer. I appreciate it and thank you for watching!

    • @CYPH3RGaming
      @CYPH3RGaming ปีที่แล้ว

      Not fake my boss taught me this with some metal rods and we found water digging trenches w it

  • @gwynforddafydd1397
    @gwynforddafydd1397 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You mean TAP !

  • @speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783
    @speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Call 811 before you dig they'll mark utility lines and flag, spray the line a bit, etc.. It's free. Pretty sure this is in every state. I'll do research and try to do a video on it soon. God bless?

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thx I appreciate it, I tried that and they will only mark their lines up to the meter. The other side of the meter which is what I needed marked was and is considered private property. They referred me to a private company who quoted a minimum of $750 and it wasn’t guaranteed. I ended up using my rods and found my water line with no problem and I was 800 ft from meter. Would love to see your video though. Thx for watching!

    • @CYPH3RGaming
      @CYPH3RGaming ปีที่แล้ว

      Not all lines are always on the map just an FYI

    • @MyDyerMaker
      @MyDyerMaker ปีที่แล้ว

      811 will only mark what they know of. They almost never mark sewer lines and they never mark private lines outside of the right of way unless it's a gas line, sometimes.

  • @postman1
    @postman1 ปีที่แล้ว

    how do you find the depth of the water source?

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  ปีที่แล้ว

      That I do not know. I don’t but have enough experience with them in that regard but it definitely found my water line about 600 ft from meter. Thx for watching!

    • @bryanturner683
      @bryanturner683 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are a couple of methods. Ive witched 3 wells and been within 5% of depth and GPM.

    • @ryandowling8906
      @ryandowling8906 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bdradley1 I've seen someone stomp their foot heavily and each stomp counted as a foot of depth until the rods moved involuntarily signaling final depth.

    • @bdradley1
      @bdradley1  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ryandowling8906 I believe it. I still have a hard time believing it works but I use this method several times a year to huge success. Thx for sharing some knowledge! Dave

  • @arotogtech
    @arotogtech 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It's a spiritual process. It cannot be explained by science.

    • @Deklectic
      @Deklectic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly.. The average person/human can't comprehend spirits and spirit guides and 99.99% of the time when a person uses dowsing rods, pendulums tools like that they are unknowingly communicating with their spirit guide which every living human walking the planet has atleast one from birth till they leave the physical body.. This stuff is very REAL and thats why science in 2021 still can't figure them out because its spirit always.. You can also talk to your guides through dowsing rods for other questions and finding lost objects.

    • @arotogtech
      @arotogtech 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes. But you c even God who is in spirit I'd also capable of moving those rods. U read some stuff in the books of religion certain men who would use certain objects to receive answers of hidden things like the casting of lots etc. Its called holy divination sanctioned by God. However, in this case, I just wonder if the rods are being moved with a spirit entity and whether its malevolent or good. Some before they use their rods actually perform certain rights and sayings in an effort to summon the Spirit powers of light to take agency and lead. I am in Africa and these rods are used in gold exploration by the artisanal miner and some with great success.

    • @Deklectic
      @Deklectic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@arotogtech Yeah they are an amazing tool to use.. I'm just simply saying its always spirit moving the rods thats why science can't justify them and why science for the most part completely ignores them because when humans can't explain or understand something we dismiss and or act as if it doesn't exist.. We do it with almost everything on this planet but out of any divination tool dowsing L rods are my #1 favorite because it can challenge even the most skeptic's logic. I was once a skeptic until I got a pair myself and it snapped me out of my denial that spirits are Real.

    • @chainsawlord
      @chainsawlord 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It works based off of magnetic fields..... not space Jesus. Good lord I can't believe you all think it's magic hahha

  • @jameskoch7190
    @jameskoch7190 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Generates a mild electrical current.

  • @deanmilne6744
    @deanmilne6744 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It doesn't take a genius to work out what's happening here. dowsing rods respond to the user's accidental or involuntary movements. Try and do it when YOU don't know where the water is beforehand. The result will be very different.

    • @Ellecy
      @Ellecy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you read his comments, he actually did find all water lines he was looking for but couldn’t find. He didn’t know where they were but he was still able to find them with the rods.

    • @wc3033
      @wc3033 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Spoken like someone who has used them before, hey!!! I bet if you go to a meditation class you could teach meditation too! Try it before you spout your mouth off about it!

    • @deanmilne6744
      @deanmilne6744 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wc3033 coming from the retard that thinks 2 bits of bent metal have a magical attraction to water. Maybe you should try use them to finally find that little cock of yours

    • @CYPH3RGaming
      @CYPH3RGaming ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My boss and I found water where water wasn't supposed to be using rods blew my mind maybe you should actually try something before calling it fake

    • @Guy_OFFICIAL
      @Guy_OFFICIAL ปีที่แล้ว

      @@deanmilne6744 dude you don’t have to be such a prick

  • @jaymz1999
    @jaymz1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Short answer: Absolutely not. This have been tested over and over again. Failed every time or as good as just guessing.

    • @jaymz1999
      @jaymz1999 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tynj4173 Again, this has been tested and can be tested again. The result will always be the same. It’s nothing but an illusion.

    • @ItsGorka
      @ItsGorka 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @chainsawlord
      @chainsawlord 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is false legit rods are made of certain metals that react to magnetic fields. Hope this helps

    • @jaymz1999
      @jaymz1999 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chainsawlord Faery alloy👍🏻

    • @wc3033
      @wc3033 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      tell that to the thousands in TN that found their water wells this way!!! Your mind is just WAY too cluttered to use them correctly. There is a reason your picture is that of a little child!