Awake Minute 53: Pranam Sri Daya Mata

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 8

  • @mariarosenberger89
    @mariarosenberger89 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Must agree with marguerite on many of her comments: potato chips (!!!), Elvis, the prayer at the end. Unfortunately can’t agree with Mike re polarization in the States. I’m in a western suburb of Phila PA. Polarization here is widespread but mostly just below the surface. Makes one feel quite uneasy actually. But “none can tone me, say who would injure me…” Guruji used that chant when newly here from India, I read. Loved the emphasis on Ma. Always nice to know about today’s India. Re that and how the news is covered: the crimes against women there have caused me to think maybe too much “westernization” has taken hold. BTW, my comments on the previous minutes seem to have gotten lost in the ethers (much about fasting in those). again, thx for the prayer, Priyank. 🌷

    • @YoganandaPodcast
      @YoganandaPodcast  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Maria, thanks for your comment! Granted the polarization can be felt everywhere and it can influence our day to day life. Singing Swami Ram Tirtha's song is a very yogic way of dealing with this. I imagine in Guruji's time there was polarization too in India and in America and he would have been a conqueror of all hearts focusing on the things we have in common as children of God 🙏

  • @margueritebaca3921
    @margueritebaca3921 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My hat goes off to your discipline with the fast, Priyank, another step toward non-attachment. I'm anticipating letting go of my desire for potato chips, or crisps, as you call them in the UK. A desire for a bag of chips wouldn't be worth reincarnating for. Thanks for the weather updates. We're experiencing the standard June gloom here. Now that you got the important stuff out of the way, food and weather... Oh my goodness, this minute on Daya Ma, has tenderized my heart. As a female devotee, she exemplifies and embodies the depth of devotion and loyalty that I aim for. She's a trailblazer for me, and no doubt, for other women. There are so many joys in this minute, too many to type. I repeatedly paused, rewound and replayed throughout the podcast, plus you all had me laughing.
    In reponse to Elvis's request to be a monastic, I read that Daya Ma told him he is here to serve as an entertainer.
    I took that to heart, as life has called me to be in the public eye with education and entertainment. I am a closet nun. I consulted with a sister about it, even researched. One nun summed up their lifestyle by saying they meditate in the joy of God, then serve mankind with joy. That was a pleasant discovery. That's my lifestyle. I call it going from solitude to the stage. Thank you for a fun and insightful episode. The prayer at the end wrapped it all up with a heartfelt golden bow of devotion and calmness. Thank you.

    • @YoganandaPodcast
      @YoganandaPodcast  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks Marguerite. I'm craving crisps now, but you are right of course! We are glad you enjoyed this episode, we enjoyed recording it 😀. Closet nun, love it!

  • @Remember_Who_You_Are
    @Remember_Who_You_Are ปีที่แล้ว

    Priyank asks if Elvis was an extraterrestrial?! I agree if someone can sing and dance like that, they're probably not from this world! Weird synchronicity. I was thinking about Chapter 43 again today, where Sri Yukteswar explains that advanced astral beings sometimes have to descend to earth and incarnate in the physical. It must be a sad day in the astral world when that happens. I was wondering what that would look like. Presumably such a being would have some control over the circumstances of their physical birth, and presumably they would want a really good situation. So I walked into Target after watching this episode, thinking about Daya Mata, Elvis, and the astral worlds. As I'm about to leave I see a Led Zeppelin T-shirt on sale, showing their classic swan song image of an angel who looks a lot like Robert Plant, falling, presumably descending to earth. Robert Plant's nickname back in the day was The Golden God of Rock. If I could choose the circumstances of my birth, Golden God of Rock, or King of Rock, sounds pretty good. Priyank, what do you think? If not an E.T. maybe an astral "King"? And by the way I just saw Robert Plant in concert a couple months ago in Santa Barbara. 74 and still transcendent. Beautiful prayer at the end of this magical Awake Minute episode. UPDATE from 30 minutes after the original post. I'm watching Karate Kid 2 with my wife and kids, the scene where Daniel and his Okinawan girlfriend go to a party, and suddenly my wife yells out "The King!". She had spotted a huge wall-sized image of Elvis in the scene right when they walk in. I swear I'm not making this stuff up! Just following the trail of bread crumbs. Will be re-watching all 3 Karate Kid movies and all 5 seasons of Cobra Kai! Here's a beautiful video tribute to Elvis and Daya Mata:
    The background music is Elvis singing "Wisdom of the Ages": Listen, to the wisdom of the ages. Listen, to the words of many sages. Live each day, as if it were your last. It's written in the stars, your destiny is cast.
    And that hourglass, runs too fast no doubt. For the sands of time are running out. Listen, to the wisdom of the ages. These words, can be found in history's pages. Live each day, for happiness can't wait. And love while you may, but heed the hand of fate. If the finger points, it's too late no doubt. For the sands of time, are running out. But the man who turns, and escapes somehow, is the wisest of men, and to such a man, I'd bow.

    • @YoganandaPodcast
      @YoganandaPodcast  ปีที่แล้ว

      Lovely couple of synchronocities again! One important point about that chapter and semi permanent residents of the Astral/Hiranyaloka is that they have passed the highest stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi in this plane before they are allowed to be a full time member of that higher world! Beautiful elvis song, thank you for the link, truly transcendent. Jai Guru, Priyank

    • @Remember_Who_You_Are
      @Remember_Who_You_Are ปีที่แล้ว

      Good point. If Elvis is an astral king, he's not in Hiranyaloka, because he definitely did not attain nirvikalpa samadhi during his life on Earth, which as you mentioned is a prererequisite for admission, according to Sri Yukteswar. Think of it. Everyone in Hiranyaloka was an Avatar on earth! An entire plane of enlightened beings. Man, that's where I want to go when it's my time. I imagine there may be high astral realms that are somewhat short of Hiranyaloka, but still paradise worlds where clans of powerful beings maintain their bases of power in both the physical and the astral realms across multiple incarnations. Kind of the Greek god scenario. Or the Egyptian pharaohs who would literally take their family and pets with them into the next world. But yes, although an existence like that could seem attractive to the ego, it would still be a prison of birth and death. I think there's always a fine line in the ashrams between the pursuit of God and the pursuit of power. I sometimes wonder if the ones who seek power might not end up like the pharoah or like Elvis, after unlocking the power of the spine and the chakras, but before transcending their desires for money, fame and sex on earth. In that scenario, and many so-called gurus and spiritual practitioners have done this, they might use the unlocked kundalini to become a rock star instead of to become God realized. PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: If you haven't finished the desire for Strawberry Shortcake then you have to come back to America to live again. If you haven't finished the desire for curries then you have to be born in India again. But finish your desires.