Further the head pop by painting it in their colors, change his callsign to Wolverine... I am pretty sure he would either commit suicide or try and kill you in your sleep.
Ironically, the Mercury 2 mech was built on the mech which was the basis for omnitechnology , the Mercury. You'll also note that the Mercury 2 looks suspiciously like the Coyotl, which was the "first" omnimech. You'll notice that it was Clan Coyote was one of the clans that got the tech that was Clan Wolverine's. What a shock, Coyotes are scavengers, are we seeing a pattern here.
Well Coyote are always looking for scraps from Wolf as well :) The Mongoose also had some early omnitech ideas as well, though not as close as the Mercury 2. I like how these early 'mechs inspired certain tech advances.
it was the oldest story in human history, ENVY, pure and simple better techs better mechs the fact that a huge number of Clan Wolverine warriors and caste members escaped and are still out there and will return,
I have been told that apparently unreleased versions of the map shows something off to the right side past the outworlds alliance. This was apparently one of the ideas for where wolverine went after they raided along the kuritan border before moving off again. Not sure if they were supposed to help the inner sphere during the invasion or not though.
@@CriticalRocket There's some evidence in-universe that the Minnesota Tribe joined (at least in part) ComStar with the plan of eventually taking over. From what we're given, I think they eventually became the Word of Blake, or contributed to the founding of the movement.
I suddenly feel inspired to create a mercenary group just called Wolverines, and they should use the Wolverine Clan colors to hint they could be descendants of the clan looking for revenge, something like is is sure to draw Inner Sphere mercs to them. Wolf Clanners are their favorite target. Although this idea will also be like painting a target on them. Only the boldest would try such a thing.
with shattered fortress coming out and pushing the battletech timeline into the ilclan era, I wonder if clan wolverine's descendants will officially show up finally. would be a crazy twist if devlin stone lowered the jump shields and secretly let clan wolverine in or something. i love clan ghost bear but i dont see them halting progress within the rasalhague dominion and taking up the race for ilclan again by crusading to terra. but if wolverine was already there it would be interesting to see what ghost bear would do knowing survivors exist, AND theyre on terra. would make some interesting stories imo.
Wolverine have been sorely under used in Battletech since their near extinction. Apparently there have been numerous ideas floating around since the FASA days about Wolverine and what happened to them internally. One idea was they had formed a new faction to the east of the map beyond the outworlds alliance and would be used later on, but that never happened.
@@CriticalRocket I would hope that they were reintroduced as a balance, knocking everyone back to 3039ish levels. The newer techs are just not interesting. Power creep effectively killed any real progress the game had. They need to steamroll every tech center, install a puppet govt that acts much like Comstar used to, and fuck off back to their space.
Iirc, its slightly hinted that their decendants may or may not have actually stuck around in the IS and really gotten into the word of some dude named Blake
@@ssjjshawn I think that idea was dropped. It only got a brief, solitary mention, after all. As far as I know, they're still holding the "Minnesota Tribe" in reserve.
I'm just discovering this channel upon recently getting back into BattleTech after a long time away from the franchise. Personally I'm an Ice Hellion loyalist, which has led me to come across a bit of what appears to be what I call "official Not-Lore" concerning hints of surviving Wolverines in what is now the Scorpion Empire (along with the descendants of the Hellions). Specifically the Umayyad, a group of conspicuous anonymity named after an Islamic dynasty involved in the invasion of Spain during the middle ages who showed up in the deep periphery to invade Space Spain, aka Nueva Castille. After several centuries of stagnant Reconquista LARPs with tanks and battlemechs, the Goliath Scorpions showed up and conquered both factions, then respectfully integrated them (as they'd already done with the Hellions and fragments of the Eridani Light Horse) before later conquering the Hanseatic League and doing the same there. The Umayyad are described as being ruled by a monarch but also being strongly meritocratic with both upward and downward social mobility being possible. Now replace "monarch" with "Khan" and "social" with "caste" and tell me if that sounds familiar. It's also recorded that Watch agents from the Homeworld Clans have specifically attempted to stir unrest and disunity within the Scorpion Empire by openly claiming that the Umayyad are in fact descendants of the Not Named Clan. As best I can tell, said Watch agents were not exactly met with enthusiasm as the Scorpions were abjured and the target of attempted annihilation for some rather progressive ideas, most notably for adding ELH lineages to their breeding program. Since establishing the Scorpion Empire they've also added new Bloodnames for lineages from Nueva Castille, the Umayyad, and the Hansa when individuals have been deemed worthy of such an honor, typically via heroism and badassery in battle. Sounds like some complimentary ideologies at work there to me.
My favorite clan in all honesty. With Wolverine, the clans could have done what they'd originally wanted to achieve... Hell, the clans at the least would've possibly been slightly more democratic and reasonable I argue; but alas, poor yorrick. However through all the infighting, rivalry, unstable leadership, snap judgements, petty arguments, position jockeying, and betrayal the clans all pissed it away into the shitter...
Yeah. My current Battletech playthrough, the commander's name is Mindy McEvedy and her callsign is North Star. Which also leans into the Heavy Metal flashpoint plotline.
I wonder if the BSG reboot was based off of any of this. The way the Pegasus handled its civilian fleet vs the fleet following the Galactica. Admiral Cain being modeled off of Nicholas Kerensky. And each battlestar crew being of Warden or Crusader mindset.
I only just got back into Battletech (I played the PC games back in the day) and thus far the only book I've read is Betrayal of Ideals. I'm hoping for a Wolverine Clan resurgence that takes a brutal revenge on the Clans.
A friend who used to write some stuff for FASA back in the day mentioned that they had maps showing the space beyond the Outworlds alliance and it was supposed to be where the Wolverines went. So the eastern side of the map would have their space and apparently they would have had some event of their own, but it has yet to happen.
@@CriticalRocket That's interesting. The only other official comment on the Wolverines I've seen was in an FAQ once (I can't remember where or when, sorry) and it went along the lines of, "Someone said they're off fighting aliens and aliens aren't going to make an appearance anytime soon, so neither are the Wolverines."
Its funny. Clan Wolverine is probably the ultimate example of why the Clans will fail their fall showcases how impossible it is for multiple societies to co-exist long term. If the clans were to take Terra we can probably guarantee that they would collapse into all out civil war within months. (Sounds familiar doesn't it.)
In theory, the ilClan doctrine would prevent that, since the Clan that held Terra would hold the ilKhanship in perpetuity and essentially dominate the others. It was supposed to mimic the position that House Cameron held during the Star League. But Nick K simply wasn't thinking too straight if he actually believed that the other Clans would simply fall in line behind such a thing, especially if the ilClan was a mortal enemy (just imagine how the Jade Falcons or Smoke Jaguars would react to ilClan Wolf).
I'd say the Clans are culturally weak as they lack any solid foundation for their society other than the caste system, which when the lead caste (warriors) is removed from the equation the Clan ceases to exist. You can remove the leaders from the IS nations, but the societies would continue on and most likely produce new leadership rather quickly. Though with long periods of violence most likely.
@@WordBearer86 If the IS nobility fell it would cause civil wars to try and re-establish. Most of the Successor states are made up of many houses that all vie for control. While they do accept that their hereditary rulers are generally for the best, there's been times that demonstrate the precariousness of their rule. The Commonwealth Civil war, the St. Ives/Capellan "Civil War," the formation of the Chaos March and the FRR, and really the entire FWL history: The Marik Crisis, Andurien Secession, and the FWL's dissolution. If any of the hereditary houses fell, there would be wars between the other hereditary houses to take its place. If all of the nobility fell then most of the worlds would scramble to create new peace and trade treaties between their neighbors, at best, or start raiding one another and/or try and reform some small states. The Chaos March shows how this plays out, including the creation of some new minor powers (eg Styk Commonality), some older powers reasserting independence (Sarna Supremacy), and some worlds devolving to piracy. In this case no bandit kingdoms formed due to the short period the March existed. Most of the colonies were the oldest that existed in the IS, so most were much more stable than those in the Periphery. However piracy did increase in the area, and if the Successor states or Word of Blake did not reassert dominance in the area I suspect Bandit kingdoms would eventually start to form.
@SH3D0W lol k. clan ghost bear and the rasalhague people say hey. they are chilling happily in the borders of the Rasalhague Dominion working together and thriving while the rest of the Inner Sphere continues to shit itself during the dark age and into the ilclan era.
If no one says Wolverine for 200 years and the animal is extinct and the clan name was erased, how does everyone still know to hate Wolverines by name, such as the mech?
The clans kind of tell everyone the name but then never to use it afterwards. So like a one time thing "the not named clan is wolverine, now never say it again". Something stupid like that I imagine.
Well the info is from a novel about the whole wolverine thing. Speaking to someone who used to work in FASA the idea was the Minnesota tribe were going to be a new invading faction from the eastern side of the map apparently.
Hey rocket i need to know what books or sources to find out everything i can about them working on a possible book were the descendents of come back with up graded tech any thing would be helpfull thank you
- Wolf clan sourcebook - Historical operation Klondike - The clans: Warriors of Kerensky Also anything that relates to the Minnesota tribe which is covered pretty well on Sarna, but some books have snippets of them like the House Kurita handbook detailing the second sucession wars.
I am reading the BattleTech novel about Clan Wolverine..Betrayal of Ideals...I'm too lazy to pick up my phone and take a look right now. I'm about half way through and I get the impression that Clan Wolverine is Destroyed, ultimately, for reasons and actions of Clanners that could easily be said to be reason and actions of the Inner Sphere peoples that they had striven so hard to separate and distinct from. However, if the real reasons had gotten out, it would cause another Civil War that would ultimately end the clans for good. Lets not forget that by the time Nicholas Kerensky came onto the scene and codified the Clan ideal, they were all waaay out on a limb. All they had were the Pentagon Worlds And Strana Mechty, and the Pentagon Worlds had been ravaged by the first civil war. A second Civil War was something that just couldn't happen. And -that- would be the Ultimate betrayal of ideals. Not just of Nicholas Kerensky and the Clan Ideal, but of Alexandre Kerensky and the Star League ideal as well. The Clans felt and steel feel that they have a duty to Survive. Otherwise, what did all the people that died sending the Usurper screaming into hell die for? To me, I say that the Star League Army had already fallen short of it's duty obligations by leaving the Inner Sphere all together. If Alexander Kerensky would not take the throne, and he would not be a kingmaker, then I feel, he should have stepped aside to allow for someone who would use the Star League Army to stave off what they all knew was coming. Instead, it could be said that he steals the star league army. Just because there is no one on the throne doesn't mean that the army suddenly belonged to him. His DUTY was to PEOPLE of the Star League, not the Army. I know that h was weary of war. He had cause. And so did his army. But a soldier's lot in life is to Soldier on. To serve. It is not the fighting and killing that makes that fate at all palatable as a way to live a life. , it is the Trust. A society Trusts an army to go and do figh and die and kill and put up with unworldly amounts of BS, and not simply turn on the people who had just armed them. It is the Trust that makes a Service an honorable thing. It has to be. There is no honor to be found on a battlefield anywhere. All that is on a battlefield is blood and death and thousand other unspeakable things. The honor comes from these men who come home from such terrible awfulness and resist the temptation to take whatever they want instead of conforming back into society. "Ours is not to question why..." or so the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem stated. Circling back around, It is my belief that if he could not take the Throne himself (which the House Lords would have eventually, grudgingly agreed with, especially if only ONE of the housel lords backed Kerenksy's claim, which, I think he had at least one if not two.) he should have positioned his army in such a way to be a threat to any house that broke the peace. Stalemate until the politics recovered the situation. Imagine how awful Kerensky felt when the Pentagon Wars loomed on the Horizon? I think that the Clans could not stand the thought of dying out in void, and that shows just how Powerful and Moving a figure Alexander Kerensky and his son Nicholas, were. The Ones that followd Nicholas on the Second Exodus must have felt they were the true inheritors of the Kerensky ideal, and it was not just because his son led them. They felt so strongly about not letting this flame of Kerensky die out of the Universe that they killed a multitude of themselves and created a conspiracy just to keep that ideal alive. To my eye they killed that Ideal in the way they tried to save it. this is long and rambling. I don't get offended by TLDR.
I think the issue of the succession of the star league throne and the subsequent conflict that came about because of that hole was something Kerensky could never fix. The exodus was a bad choice though in my opinion, at best he should have made sure to protect the cameron systems and let the great houses wear themselves down fighting each other. Ultimately Kerensky was a great leader of men in the field, a charismatic personality who knew what was right and what was wrong, but he was never going to be ruler material. I think another aspect of the SLDF exodus was the fact they likely felt betrayed and it was just too hurtful to remain. Think about it, Kerensky was meant to protect the Inner Sphere and the league and under his watch it was stolen from under him, its royal family executed and a massive war that killed so many of those under his command. The great houses took a wait and see approach and afterwards would you really want to remain in that space after finishing that brutal of a campaign? Duty or not I can empathise with his decision. His son however was a fucking nutter. The little boy who apparently only read about native america cultures and the Mongol hordes. His idea to make some weird warrior culture based around tradition and ritual was mental and sadly for me, ended the Battletech universe as it originally started out. The idea of the great houses with their inter-rival natures, dukes, lords, nobles and knights piloting their ancient machines to wage war against their enemies both internal and external. It was all taken away with the power gamers wet dream that the clans represent. Though they work on paper as a near alien society that seems so totally different to those of the Inner Sphere. Mechanically they ruin the setting and only serve to create a stupid arms race that today has spawned numerous god awful weapon systems and tech. That said the story of the clans is a compelling one in its own right. Taken as a separate tale not connected to Battletech in this sort of Battlestar Galactica nomad fleet searching for a new home and having to overcome new challenges, it works quite well. The Wolverines represent the last remnants of the Star League in a way. People who hadn't quite fallen under Nicholas' spell and became the fall guy for the machinations of this new fragile league of clans. Me personally, I have my own narrative about the SLDF exodus fleet and its return. But that would be a different story entirely, one that does introduce new tech, but not anywhere near as potent and certainly not as game breaking as the clans.
Hey Rocket it's Fuzzy. Hey I need your help with trying to find some Excerpts or Lore From a Novel bOok or magazine that Involves a scene inside the dropship when they are about to drop. Before they drop on the way to the drop and when they drop would be amazing. I know I read a chapter in a book awhile back that had A few pages in the novel about this. It may have been a dark age book but I am trying to find all the sources and Material I can Because I'm shooting a scene that is going to be in "Bravo Leader 1" soon after we have our Script Rehearsal and Test. And I want to immerse myself in it before I direct the scene and film. Can you help me on this?
Are you saying that the in game reasoning for the clans (i.e. Nicholas's vision) was flawed? If so, I think that's a categorical "yes" from anyone who isn't a semi-genocidal maniac. If you're saying that the out-of-game introduction by FASA was a mistake? Then I'd say "no". The clans are a polarizing (but generally much loved) addition to the game that engenders strong feelings no matter which side of the question you stand on. The 3050-3065 era is generally considered the most robust and varied era to play in and while the game balance issues between clans and IS present a number of challenges, the clan narrative (really right up until the Jihad, IMO) is generally viewed positively.
Jeff Hall In universe the clans and their formation was a flawed idea from the start, they could never have succeeded with their culture and way of fighting. Product wise it made FASA a shit load of money no doubt. Sadly it also contributed to the eventual lawsuit with HG over the timberwolf knock off figures. The 'mech additions were cool, the Timberwolf is iconic of the product and the clans helped make the series of MechWarrior on PC. From a fan perspective I don't like the clans in any way shape or form. They ruined the original settings feudal nature and low tech style. However narratively they worked as an evil villain that brought a lot of interest to the product. From a gaming side the clans were a power gamers wet dream for the wargaming. Roleplaying they made for good material when dealing with their odd society and rules. Given the hypothetical magic wand I wouldn't erase the clans but I would alter them considerably from what FASA added, but ultimately I would have kept the 'mechs, some of the tech and altered how they worked as a society and the such..
My understanding (and I'm 39 so I was a kid when much of this changed) was that the low-tech style didn't jive with the way the game was being played in hobby stores and kitchen tables. People were wanting to play larger fights more frequently than 2v2 fights. Lance vs. lance was common and most players wanted more so they deliberately took the IP a different direction from the very first original material. I know my friends and I played 4v4v4 games and occasionally even 12v12 games though those games would drag a lot. As a fan, all I've ever really known was the clan era. For me, the clans were the bad guys but that ranged from full on super-villains (the Smoke Jaguars) to misguided pseudo villains (the Jade Falcons and Aidan Pryde) to actual good guys from a VERY different culture (Ulric Kerensky and Phelan Kell). To me, it added an important level of depth and also helped the Inner Sphere to be brought together as "the good guys" (Liao not withstanding). I also liked the direction they took with the individual clans. Giving them a TON of individual personality. I would have payed a lot of money to get a Jade Falcon / Wolf Sourcebook for each of the clans. Frankly, I'm not sure why FASA didn't do that because it would seem like it would have been akin to printing money for them. The HG vs. FASA fight is a whole separate matter (the 3055 TRO didn't do them any favors either). For me, the 3050-3065 era is the best battletech era to play in. It allows you to play with pretty much any level of tech you want and allows you to play a TT game that reasonably has ANY faction battling ANY other faction (maybe it'd be hard to justify a Liao vs Blood Spirit TT battle... but almost any other fight is justifiable by the players).
Jeff Hall I think the main issue was that although FASA created the clans, they didn't really want to do that much with them. Make models and books to make more money. Wolf and Falcon pretty much sum up what they imagined for the clans as a whole, semi good and semi bad. I still don't understand the whole warden outlook of "we want to help guide the inner sphere, so we will arrive and basically kick the shit out of everyone while claiming to be all benevolent." Why not turn up and go "we are the descendants of the SLDF, we want to help you and improve your society and quality of life". Would have saved a lot of murdering going on with both sides. Still even that means people get locked into the caste system. "what do you want to be little Billy Steiner when you grow up? A mechwarrior? Well unfortunately we have you down as burger flipper in the labour caste, sorry". Born of normal parents = lesser human so even the wardens come across as complete pricks. Not the mention the whole genetic sampling and subsequent murder of anyone linked to either the Amaris line or wolverine line. I guess at least the Crusaders are pretty up front about their interests, while the wardens are in my view worse since they feign benevolence but still restrict people and would willingly commit murder against innocent people.
Well the Cameron bloodline is considered dead by the time of the Wolverine expulsion and it is mainly rumour that the remnants of Wolverine joined comstar. Apparently early plans suggested the Wolverine clan setup somewhere east of the outworlds alliance but plans never went beyond that.
I’m a total noob on the lore but it’s interesting that possession of nuclear weapons would/could be strictly enforced. Wouldn’t the necessary materials be abundant in inter-stellar space? And the technical expertise child’s-play compared to building mechs?
It is and nations still have them, but after the wars it was agreed that using them would result in the end of humanity as it stood so they all agreed to the Ares conventions to prevent the use of nukes. That was disregarded later on with the Jihad but that was by a bunch of religious zealots so that was to be expected. Even the clans didn't use nukes due to viewing them as a dishonourable weapon. But the ability to make them is very common.
@@CriticalRocket Okay so MAD basically still applies. Thanks for the reply! Just discovered your channel recently. I never understood what was going on as a kid playing the Mechwarrior 2 games.
Critical Rocket They also got popped off in the Fedcom civil war. Then the crazy nuke lady nuked her way to the Davion Capitol through the Word of Blake blockade.
i legitimately miss the daays when the wolverines were just a footnote, before people fan fictioned them to being under every rock and behind every plot. The days when they were just idiots who overplayed their hand and got curb stomped out of existance.
I liked the idea of their remnants hitting the outskirts of Kuritan space for supplies and tech before moving off into the eastern deep periphery. All of the stuff after that is kind of pointless really.
@@CriticalRocket Yeah I'm pretty much fine with that; the thing is that by the 31st century they'd be basically the exact same as all the other shitty periphery states that aren't named, since they wouldn't have been able to support any star league (let alone clan) level tech or even a decent sized military; Hell it's possible they got picked to death by pirates like the greater valkyrate. The whole revisionist thing that happened in battlecorps fiction though? That thing where they were just so amazing and unbeatable that Kerensky had to connive a way to sabotage them and pit all the other clans against them? That's up their with Transformers omega verse slashfic levels of trash.
@@CriticalRocket Like he clearly was, since he went out of his way to infer that the widowmakers were able to manipulate basically everyone into this except Kerensky who was apparently too galaxy brained to be fooled, but went along with it anyways so that he could get what he wanted, but then had the widowmaker khan killed...? Like it was fucking attrotious writing and the fact that it seems to have become nu canon just appalls me.
Having read Betrayal of ideals, I can tell you truthfully that the Wolverines do indeed use "Wolverines!" as a battle cry. The allusions to Red Dawn are there.
As much as I'd love for the Wolverines to make a comeback just in time to wreck the clan star league, I dread them being mary sues. BT has problems with author faction favoritism as it is *cough* Davion and Wolves *cough*
From what I have been told. They headed out east of the Outworld's Alliance and the original plan was for them to return at some point with a different type of 'mech. Those plans are pretty old now but a friend of mine has some of the original maps detailing their space. Again pretty much all of this has probably been changed or canned since but it's interesting to know.
I personally am planning a Wolverine force, should I get into the Battletech game proper. I'm going with Clan Wolverine Resurgent as the title, and they will have the goal of Humbling the Clan's via Operation Revelation. Worth noting is that they plan on inflicting minimal damage to the clans, but rather destroy their pride.
No that sounds cool. Though they were subject to a brutal purge, maybe they might have a goal to heavily damage or wipe out one of the smaller clans? Given the fact that any trace or reference to the Wolverines is considered a great offense to the clans.
@@CriticalRocket Cheers man, it is just my own fan stuff, but I'm going to have them play a very long game, like how they sussed that the Wolves Dragoons were part of the invasion and were able to plan raids in which they "recruited" scientists, techs and material from the Clans during the Invasion. The warriors have been joining mercenary companies while the merchants joined Inner Sphere corporations. My plan for Wolverine Resurgent is that they are going to reveal the truth to the clans and force them all to say two words. Care to guess what those words are?
The Wolverines would probably be allies with the remnants of the "society". It's possible they could come to terms with Diamond Dhark/Sea Fox over a mutual disagreement on certain aspects of Clan society That would be very bad news for the Clans
I know what kind of piss ant production is this?! I say we burn this guy at the stake and make an example of him for others in the future. Who is with me!?
@@deadwolf2978 Aw and I just got the local village folk together with burning pitchforks and pointy torches. If I remember correctly the content on the Wolverine stuff was a collection of articles from different books. Normal lorewarriors I use the headers and chapters where applicable. Sorry though :)
@@CriticalRocket you know, before burning, may be this poor sod should see how things should be done by any selfrespecting lore warrior? Something like Black Pants Legion stuff : th-cam.com/video/sSFGE0mHg0I/w-d-xo.html
Well every book is written from the perspective of Comstar so it is always slightly biased to their view. Wolverine and its history is fairly accurate though since the writers haven't written created anything new for them for a long time now. The Wolverine version of events is pretty accurate I think to highlight the cracks in the clan society and Nicky boys sanity.
Almost all of it came from Nicholas Kerensky's journals, so the one that singled them out for being too successful is the one painting them as the victims.
Since there a few post exodus tales out there regarding the Wolverines it is mostly up for fan interpretation. The most plausible is the attack by the Massachusetts tribe who went off in the far eastern fringes of the Inner Sphere, while some prefer the story of them being absorbed into Comstar. My biggest question about the comstar angle though is if that was true, then why would they be sending scout vessels like the Outbound Light randomly into clan space when they should already know from information gained from the Wolverine remnants. Personally I prefer the eastern fringe story. They have the option of bringing them back one day if they want.
@@CriticalRocket Im guessing with Betrayal of Ideals (plus epilogue), and Redemption and Malice, and the Clave? Or Intersteller Players 3 where a blakist nukes a Minnesota Tribe cache (and rumor of Wolverines join Comstar but thats bs to get Ghost Bears fight the Wobbies)
@@CriticalRocket You literally spent the majority of the video reading the sarna article on Clan Wolverine - even using the same headlines as the article, using the same art from the article in the same order. There is a market for this, don't get me wrong, but don't pretend that this isn't what you're doing.
@@KimKhan So it hasn't occured to you that the writer of the sarna used the books for the article as well? To which there is very little information about anyway, and the art is the same layout order as the book. Also forgive me for using the same extremely limited art. I should have commissioned some artists to make bespoke Wolverine art for me, Matt Plog is doing that for free lol. Yes of course sarna is going to have a lot of the same information, but if you bothered to check other videos you will see or at least hear that my stuff and sarna are not exactly the same. Sarna is a fantastic source for information and clan wolverine is extremely limited compared to the other clans. Should I just stop now Kim? Because this one article is similar because of the lack of extra information? If I didn't do a wolverine lorewarrior, people would ask why. I make it and people like you feel somehow empowered to slag it off and for what? Do you expect me to kowtow to you? Nah, if you don't like what I do with the lorewarrior series fine, but don't waste mine and your time with pointless hit and run comments without looking into the books yourself. As I said before, you clearly haven't read the books, because if you had you would have known why this and sarna are so similar, because that is pretty much all there is about Clan Wolverine. The series was started for people who played MWO and PGI didn't bother putting any info for the 'mechs in their game on the website. Yes you could say "read sarna" but people like them and so I continued. Sorry this offended you so much you felt the burning need to shitpost and feel superior. This is the last I will bother replying. Enjoy screaming into the void.
So having time to look back here. I will say, tone in text is impossible to read obviously and my previous comment probably reads as me being very angry. That said I am not. I apologise for any offence caused Kim on my part. As a explanation for the series in case this is the first one you have clicked. It is a series just made for people who want to listen to content from the universe, rather than read it, especially when a lot of these books aren't available in print anymore or they just cost a lot to get even in pdf form. Surprising to me really is people enjoy them, which I like and I never ask anyone for money, never run ads and just hope people like them. They aren't anything flashy, nor are they intended to be. Sometimes yes the information from the wiki is the same because the people writing the articles use the same material, sometimes verbatim as I do. I assure you, I am not reading the wiki verbatim, it would be pointless to do that. The annoying part of the Wolverine stuff is that the writers never really expanded them that much outside of what you see there. A friend who actually created some of the battlemechs in the original TRO's has mentioned some of the original plans, like where they went and what they intended to do with them, but it never happened. I didn't see any reason to add that stuff because it isn't canon so what we have is what is in the book detailing dead clans. I wish there was more. Anyway thank you for taking the time to listen and comment regardless. I have been quite tired recently and well, got ratty I supose. Again sorry for any offence, have a good week.
So what I got from this is that if I ever take a Clan Bondsman, I should assign them to pilot a Wolverine.
Good to know.
Further the head pop by painting it in their colors, change his callsign to Wolverine... I am pretty sure he would either commit suicide or try and kill you in your sleep.
Ironically, the Mercury 2 mech was built on the mech which was the basis for omnitechnology , the Mercury. You'll also note that the Mercury 2 looks suspiciously like the Coyotl, which was the "first" omnimech. You'll notice that it was Clan Coyote was one of the clans that got the tech that was Clan Wolverine's. What a shock, Coyotes are scavengers, are we seeing a pattern here.
Well Coyote are always looking for scraps from Wolf as well :)
The Mongoose also had some early omnitech ideas as well, though not as close as the Mercury 2. I like how these early 'mechs inspired certain tech advances.
Coyote might have put a lot of further refinement into it?
it was the oldest story in human history, ENVY, pure and simple better techs better mechs the fact that a huge number of Clan Wolverine warriors and caste members escaped and are still out there and will return,
I have been told that apparently unreleased versions of the map shows something off to the right side past the outworlds alliance. This was apparently one of the ideas for where wolverine went after they raided along the kuritan border before moving off again. Not sure if they were supposed to help the inner sphere during the invasion or not though.
@@CriticalRocket There's some evidence in-universe that the Minnesota Tribe joined (at least in part) ComStar with the plan of eventually taking over.
From what we're given, I think they eventually became the Word of Blake, or contributed to the founding of the movement.
I suddenly feel inspired to create a mercenary group just called Wolverines, and they should use the Wolverine Clan colors to hint they could be descendants of the clan looking for revenge, something like is is sure to draw Inner Sphere mercs to them. Wolf Clanners are their favorite target.
Although this idea will also be like painting a target on them. Only the boldest would try such a thing.
My mercenary colors were the colors for the Rim Worlds Navy.
with shattered fortress coming out and pushing the battletech timeline into the ilclan era, I wonder if clan wolverine's descendants will officially show up finally. would be a crazy twist if devlin stone lowered the jump shields and secretly let clan wolverine in or something. i love clan ghost bear but i dont see them halting progress within the rasalhague dominion and taking up the race for ilclan again by crusading to terra. but if wolverine was already there it would be interesting to see what ghost bear would do knowing survivors exist, AND theyre on terra. would make some interesting stories imo.
Wolverine have been sorely under used in Battletech since their near extinction. Apparently there have been numerous ideas floating around since the FASA days about Wolverine and what happened to them internally. One idea was they had formed a new faction to the east of the map beyond the outworlds alliance and would be used later on, but that never happened.
@@CriticalRocket I would hope that they were reintroduced as a balance, knocking everyone back to 3039ish levels. The newer techs are just not interesting. Power creep effectively killed any real progress the game had. They need to steamroll every tech center, install a puppet govt that acts much like Comstar used to, and fuck off back to their space.
If the wolverines were already on Terra wouldn’t that make them the IlKlan? Or maybe the Fidelis ( the remaining smoke jaguar)
Hope Clan Wolverine return with technology so advance that they mop the floor with all the Clan.
Who knows. I heard a while back they may attack one day from the eastern side of the Inner Sphere.
I hope so and Kerensky's betrayal is punished.
More likely they'll be running from something that isn't even human, and warn everyone.
Iirc, its slightly hinted that their decendants may or may not have actually stuck around in the IS and really gotten into the word of some dude named Blake
@@ssjjshawn I think that idea was dropped. It only got a brief, solitary mention, after all. As far as I know, they're still holding the "Minnesota Tribe" in reserve.
I'm just discovering this channel upon recently getting back into BattleTech after a long time away from the franchise. Personally I'm an Ice Hellion loyalist, which has led me to come across a bit of what appears to be what I call "official Not-Lore" concerning hints of surviving Wolverines in what is now the Scorpion Empire (along with the descendants of the Hellions). Specifically the Umayyad, a group of conspicuous anonymity named after an Islamic dynasty involved in the invasion of Spain during the middle ages who showed up in the deep periphery to invade Space Spain, aka Nueva Castille. After several centuries of stagnant Reconquista LARPs with tanks and battlemechs, the Goliath Scorpions showed up and conquered both factions, then respectfully integrated them (as they'd already done with the Hellions and fragments of the Eridani Light Horse) before later conquering the Hanseatic League and doing the same there.
The Umayyad are described as being ruled by a monarch but also being strongly meritocratic with both upward and downward social mobility being possible. Now replace "monarch" with "Khan" and "social" with "caste" and tell me if that sounds familiar. It's also recorded that Watch agents from the Homeworld Clans have specifically attempted to stir unrest and disunity within the Scorpion Empire by openly claiming that the Umayyad are in fact descendants of the Not Named Clan. As best I can tell, said Watch agents were not exactly met with enthusiasm as the Scorpions were abjured and the target of attempted annihilation for some rather progressive ideas, most notably for adding ELH lineages to their breeding program. Since establishing the Scorpion Empire they've also added new Bloodnames for lineages from Nueva Castille, the Umayyad, and the Hansa when individuals have been deemed worthy of such an honor, typically via heroism and badassery in battle.
Sounds like some complimentary ideologies at work there to me.
My favorite clan in all honesty. With Wolverine, the clans could have done what they'd originally wanted to achieve...
Hell, the clans at the least would've possibly been slightly more democratic and reasonable I argue; but alas, poor yorrick.
However through all the infighting, rivalry, unstable leadership, snap judgements, petty arguments, position jockeying, and betrayal the clans all pissed it away into the shitter...
Ok now i found THE clan i can root for. The rest of the clans never caught me except the Wolf clan mostly because of the Wolf Dragoons.
Yeah. My current Battletech playthrough, the commander's name is Mindy McEvedy and her callsign is North Star. Which also leans into the Heavy Metal flashpoint plotline.
Well considering Clan Wolf started doing what Clan Wolverine did in reforms after the death of Alex Kerensky.
I wonder if the BSG reboot was based off of any of this. The way the Pegasus handled its civilian fleet vs the fleet following the Galactica. Admiral Cain being modeled off of Nicholas Kerensky. And each battlestar crew being of Warden or Crusader mindset.
Who knows. The darker tones was a better fit for the BSG setting. It would be cool to find the BSG reboot was partially influenced by Battletech :)
Critical Rocket I hate to say it, but I think 9-11 had more to do with it.
@@CriticalRocket Battletech Galactica, eh?
Long live the Wolverines!
I only just got back into Battletech (I played the PC games back in the day) and thus far the only book I've read is Betrayal of Ideals.
I'm hoping for a Wolverine Clan resurgence that takes a brutal revenge on the Clans.
A friend who used to write some stuff for FASA back in the day mentioned that they had maps showing the space beyond the Outworlds alliance and it was supposed to be where the Wolverines went. So the eastern side of the map would have their space and apparently they would have had some event of their own, but it has yet to happen.
@@CriticalRocket Woah thats awesome! Is there any other info like that, and also is it likely we'll ever see anything come from that?
@@CriticalRocket That's interesting. The only other official comment on the Wolverines I've seen was in an FAQ once (I can't remember where or when, sorry) and it went along the lines of, "Someone said they're off fighting aliens and aliens aren't going to make an appearance anytime soon, so neither are the Wolverines."
Wolverines: the only Clan that didn't totally suck.
Yeah, they were level headed at least.
@Critical Rocket Am I the only one who would totally fuck wolverines Khan?
Its funny. Clan Wolverine is probably the ultimate example of why the Clans will fail
their fall showcases how impossible it is for multiple societies to co-exist long term.
If the clans were to take Terra we can probably guarantee that they would collapse into all out civil war within months. (Sounds familiar doesn't it.)
In theory, the ilClan doctrine would prevent that, since the Clan that held Terra would hold the ilKhanship in perpetuity and essentially dominate the others. It was supposed to mimic the position that House Cameron held during the Star League. But Nick K simply wasn't thinking too straight if he actually believed that the other Clans would simply fall in line behind such a thing, especially if the ilClan was a mortal enemy (just imagine how the Jade Falcons or Smoke Jaguars would react to ilClan Wolf).
I'd say the Clans are culturally weak as they lack any solid foundation for their society other than the caste system, which when the lead caste (warriors) is removed from the equation the Clan ceases to exist. You can remove the leaders from the IS nations, but the societies would continue on and most likely produce new leadership rather quickly. Though with long periods of violence most likely.
@@WordBearer86 If the IS nobility fell it would cause civil wars to try and re-establish. Most of the Successor states are made up of many houses that all vie for control. While they do accept that their hereditary rulers are generally for the best, there's been times that demonstrate the precariousness of their rule. The Commonwealth Civil war, the St. Ives/Capellan "Civil War," the formation of the Chaos March and the FRR, and really the entire FWL history: The Marik Crisis, Andurien Secession, and the FWL's dissolution.
If any of the hereditary houses fell, there would be wars between the other hereditary houses to take its place. If all of the nobility fell then most of the worlds would scramble to create new peace and trade treaties between their neighbors, at best, or start raiding one another and/or try and reform some small states. The Chaos March shows how this plays out, including the creation of some new minor powers (eg Styk Commonality), some older powers reasserting independence (Sarna Supremacy), and some worlds devolving to piracy. In this case no bandit kingdoms formed due to the short period the March existed. Most of the colonies were the oldest that existed in the IS, so most were much more stable than those in the Periphery. However piracy did increase in the area, and if the Successor states or Word of Blake did not reassert dominance in the area I suspect Bandit kingdoms would eventually start to form.
@SH3D0W lol k. clan ghost bear and the rasalhague people say hey.
they are chilling happily in the borders of the Rasalhague Dominion working together and thriving while the rest of the Inner Sphere continues to shit itself during the dark age and into the ilclan era.
well look what happen when they invaded the inner sphere
I still listen to your videos while driving you classy classy dude :-)
If no one says Wolverine for 200 years and the animal is extinct and the clan name was erased, how does everyone still know to hate Wolverines by name, such as the mech?
The clans kind of tell everyone the name but then never to use it afterwards. So like a one time thing "the not named clan is wolverine, now never say it again". Something stupid like that I imagine.
Damn dude this needs to be a novel about the adventures of the clan survivors maybe even have a leak on the truth. That put some panties on a bunch.
Well the info is from a novel about the whole wolverine thing. Speaking to someone who used to work in FASA the idea was the Minnesota tribe were going to be a new invading faction from the eastern side of the map apparently.
I see, but im assuming that plan is dead at the moment
Most likely yeah.
This is really great stuff so far, but to be honest I’m just commenting to help the TH-cam spread your videos
Love your stuff, thanks for putting out cool videos. It's very helpful to noobies like myself.
Thanks for taking the time to watch :)
Hey rocket i need to know what books or sources to find out everything i can about them working on a possible book were the descendents of come back with up graded tech any thing would be helpfull thank you
- Wolf clan sourcebook
- Historical operation Klondike
- The clans: Warriors of Kerensky
Also anything that relates to the Minnesota tribe which is covered pretty well on Sarna, but some books have snippets of them like the House Kurita handbook detailing the second sucession wars.
I am reading the BattleTech novel about Clan Wolverine..Betrayal of Ideals...I'm too lazy to pick up my phone and take a look right now. I'm about half way through and I get the impression that Clan Wolverine is Destroyed, ultimately, for reasons and actions of Clanners that could easily be said to be reason and actions of the Inner Sphere peoples that they had striven so hard to separate and distinct from. However, if the real reasons had gotten out, it would cause another Civil War that would ultimately end the clans for good. Lets not forget that by the time Nicholas Kerensky came onto the scene and codified the Clan ideal, they were all waaay out on a limb. All they had were the Pentagon Worlds And Strana Mechty, and the Pentagon Worlds had been ravaged by the first civil war. A second Civil War was something that just couldn't happen. And -that- would be the Ultimate betrayal of ideals. Not just of Nicholas Kerensky and the Clan Ideal, but of Alexandre Kerensky and the Star League ideal as well. The Clans felt and steel feel that they have a duty to Survive. Otherwise, what did all the people that died sending the Usurper screaming into hell die for? To me, I say that the Star League Army had already fallen short of it's duty obligations by leaving the Inner Sphere all together. If Alexander Kerensky would not take the throne, and he would not be a kingmaker, then I feel, he should have stepped aside to allow for someone who would use the Star League Army to stave off what they all knew was coming. Instead, it could be said that he steals the star league army. Just because there is no one on the throne doesn't mean that the army suddenly belonged to him. His DUTY was to PEOPLE of the Star League, not the Army. I know that h was weary of war. He had cause. And so did his army. But a soldier's lot in life is to Soldier on. To serve. It is not the fighting and killing that makes that fate at all palatable as a way to live a life. , it is the Trust. A society Trusts an army to go and do figh and die and kill and put up with unworldly amounts of BS, and not simply turn on the people who had just armed them. It is the Trust that makes a Service an honorable thing. It has to be. There is no honor to be found on a battlefield anywhere. All that is on a battlefield is blood and death and thousand other unspeakable things. The honor comes from these men who come home from such terrible awfulness and resist the temptation to take whatever they want instead of conforming back into society. "Ours is not to question why..." or so the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem stated. Circling back around, It is my belief that if he could not take the Throne himself (which the House Lords would have eventually, grudgingly agreed with, especially if only ONE of the housel lords backed Kerenksy's claim, which, I think he had at least one if not two.) he should have positioned his army in such a way to be a threat to any house that broke the peace. Stalemate until the politics recovered the situation. Imagine how awful Kerensky felt when the Pentagon Wars loomed on the Horizon? I think that the Clans could not stand the thought of dying out in void, and that shows just how Powerful and Moving a figure Alexander Kerensky and his son Nicholas, were. The Ones that followd Nicholas on the Second Exodus must have felt they were the true inheritors of the Kerensky ideal, and it was not just because his son led them. They felt so strongly about not letting this flame of Kerensky die out of the Universe that they killed a multitude of themselves and created a conspiracy just to keep that ideal alive. To my eye they killed that Ideal in the way they tried to save it. this is long and rambling. I don't get offended by TLDR.
I think the issue of the succession of the star league throne and the subsequent conflict that came about because of that hole was something Kerensky could never fix. The exodus was a bad choice though in my opinion, at best he should have made sure to protect the cameron systems and let the great houses wear themselves down fighting each other.
Ultimately Kerensky was a great leader of men in the field, a charismatic personality who knew what was right and what was wrong, but he was never going to be ruler material. I think another aspect of the SLDF exodus was the fact they likely felt betrayed and it was just too hurtful to remain. Think about it, Kerensky was meant to protect the Inner Sphere and the league and under his watch it was stolen from under him, its royal family executed and a massive war that killed so many of those under his command. The great houses took a wait and see approach and afterwards would you really want to remain in that space after finishing that brutal of a campaign? Duty or not I can empathise with his decision.
His son however was a fucking nutter. The little boy who apparently only read about native america cultures and the Mongol hordes. His idea to make some weird warrior culture based around tradition and ritual was mental and sadly for me, ended the Battletech universe as it originally started out. The idea of the great houses with their inter-rival natures, dukes, lords, nobles and knights piloting their ancient machines to wage war against their enemies both internal and external. It was all taken away with the power gamers wet dream that the clans represent. Though they work on paper as a near alien society that seems so totally different to those of the Inner Sphere. Mechanically they ruin the setting and only serve to create a stupid arms race that today has spawned numerous god awful weapon systems and tech.
That said the story of the clans is a compelling one in its own right. Taken as a separate tale not connected to Battletech in this sort of Battlestar Galactica nomad fleet searching for a new home and having to overcome new challenges, it works quite well. The Wolverines represent the last remnants of the Star League in a way. People who hadn't quite fallen under Nicholas' spell and became the fall guy for the machinations of this new fragile league of clans. Me personally, I have my own narrative about the SLDF exodus fleet and its return. But that would be a different story entirely, one that does introduce new tech, but not anywhere near as potent and certainly not as game breaking as the clans.
Brian cache .... I always read Brain cache .... as in lost knowledge or not well known .... not named after some person ...
It's a really old reference to Brian Cameron and his castle Brian defence systems.
Hey Rocket it's Fuzzy. Hey I need your help with trying to find some Excerpts or Lore From a Novel bOok or magazine that Involves a scene inside the dropship when they are about to drop. Before they drop on the way to the drop and when they drop would be amazing. I know I read a chapter in a book awhile back that had A few pages in the novel about this. It may have been a dark age book but I am trying to find all the sources and Material I can Because I'm shooting a scene that is going to be in "Bravo Leader 1" soon after we have our Script Rehearsal and Test. And I want to immerse myself in it before I direct the scene and film.
Can you help me on this?
Its a book series waiting to be written.
it sounds the concept of the clans was crap.
It was ultimately flawed yes.
Are you saying that the in game reasoning for the clans (i.e. Nicholas's vision) was flawed? If so, I think that's a categorical "yes" from anyone who isn't a semi-genocidal maniac.
If you're saying that the out-of-game introduction by FASA was a mistake? Then I'd say "no". The clans are a polarizing (but generally much loved) addition to the game that engenders strong feelings no matter which side of the question you stand on. The 3050-3065 era is generally considered the most robust and varied era to play in and while the game balance issues between clans and IS present a number of challenges, the clan narrative (really right up until the Jihad, IMO) is generally viewed positively.
Jeff Hall
In universe the clans and their formation was a flawed idea from the start, they could never have succeeded with their culture and way of fighting.
Product wise it made FASA a shit load of money no doubt. Sadly it also contributed to the eventual lawsuit with HG over the timberwolf knock off figures. The 'mech additions were cool, the Timberwolf is iconic of the product and the clans helped make the series of MechWarrior on PC.
From a fan perspective I don't like the clans in any way shape or form. They ruined the original settings feudal nature and low tech style. However narratively they worked as an evil villain that brought a lot of interest to the product. From a gaming side the clans were a power gamers wet dream for the wargaming. Roleplaying they made for good material when dealing with their odd society and rules.
Given the hypothetical magic wand I wouldn't erase the clans but I would alter them considerably from what FASA added, but ultimately I would have kept the 'mechs, some of the tech and altered how they worked as a society and the such..
My understanding (and I'm 39 so I was a kid when much of this changed) was that the low-tech style didn't jive with the way the game was being played in hobby stores and kitchen tables. People were wanting to play larger fights more frequently than 2v2 fights. Lance vs. lance was common and most players wanted more so they deliberately took the IP a different direction from the very first original material. I know my friends and I played 4v4v4 games and occasionally even 12v12 games though those games would drag a lot.
As a fan, all I've ever really known was the clan era. For me, the clans were the bad guys but that ranged from full on super-villains (the Smoke Jaguars) to misguided pseudo villains (the Jade Falcons and Aidan Pryde) to actual good guys from a VERY different culture (Ulric Kerensky and Phelan Kell). To me, it added an important level of depth and also helped the Inner Sphere to be brought together as "the good guys" (Liao not withstanding).
I also liked the direction they took with the individual clans. Giving them a TON of individual personality. I would have payed a lot of money to get a Jade Falcon / Wolf Sourcebook for each of the clans. Frankly, I'm not sure why FASA didn't do that because it would seem like it would have been akin to printing money for them.
The HG vs. FASA fight is a whole separate matter (the 3055 TRO didn't do them any favors either).
For me, the 3050-3065 era is the best battletech era to play in. It allows you to play with pretty much any level of tech you want and allows you to play a TT game that reasonably has ANY faction battling ANY other faction (maybe it'd be hard to justify a Liao vs Blood Spirit TT battle... but almost any other fight is justifiable by the players).
Jeff Hall
I think the main issue was that although FASA created the clans, they didn't really want to do that much with them. Make models and books to make more money. Wolf and Falcon pretty much sum up what they imagined for the clans as a whole, semi good and semi bad.
I still don't understand the whole warden outlook of "we want to help guide the inner sphere, so we will arrive and basically kick the shit out of everyone while claiming to be all benevolent." Why not turn up and go "we are the descendants of the SLDF, we want to help you and improve your society and quality of life". Would have saved a lot of murdering going on with both sides.
Still even that means people get locked into the caste system. "what do you want to be little Billy Steiner when you grow up? A mechwarrior? Well unfortunately we have you down as burger flipper in the labour caste, sorry". Born of normal parents = lesser human so even the wardens come across as complete pricks. Not the mention the whole genetic sampling and subsequent murder of anyone linked to either the Amaris line or wolverine line.
I guess at least the Crusaders are pretty up front about their interests, while the wardens are in my view worse since they feign benevolence but still restrict people and would willingly commit murder against innocent people.
I'm looking for a large hq-picture of the wolverine insignia. Can anyone help me out?
So who returns first, Clan Wolverine or House Cameron?
Well the Cameron bloodline is considered dead by the time of the Wolverine expulsion and it is mainly rumour that the remnants of Wolverine joined comstar. Apparently early plans suggested the Wolverine clan setup somewhere east of the outworlds alliance but plans never went beyond that.
@@CriticalRocket tripitz
Nice reading of Sarna Wiki.
I’m a total noob on the lore but it’s interesting that possession of nuclear weapons would/could be strictly enforced. Wouldn’t the necessary materials be abundant in inter-stellar space? And the technical expertise child’s-play compared to building mechs?
It is and nations still have them, but after the wars it was agreed that using them would result in the end of humanity as it stood so they all agreed to the Ares conventions to prevent the use of nukes. That was disregarded later on with the Jihad but that was by a bunch of religious zealots so that was to be expected. Even the clans didn't use nukes due to viewing them as a dishonourable weapon. But the ability to make them is very common.
@@CriticalRocket Okay so MAD basically still applies. Thanks for the reply! Just discovered your channel recently. I never understood what was going on as a kid playing the Mechwarrior 2 games.
Well that is what the series is for. Generally hoping to clear some things up and expand on topics not covered in the games :)
Nukes were used in the Early succession wars as a means to kill warships.
Critical Rocket They also got popped off in the Fedcom civil war. Then the crazy nuke lady nuked her way to the Davion Capitol through the Word of Blake blockade.
i legitimately miss the daays when the wolverines were just a footnote, before people fan fictioned them to being under every rock and behind every plot. The days when they were just idiots who overplayed their hand and got curb stomped out of existance.
I liked the idea of their remnants hitting the outskirts of Kuritan space for supplies and tech before moving off into the eastern deep periphery. All of the stuff after that is kind of pointless really.
@@CriticalRocket Yeah I'm pretty much fine with that; the thing is that by the 31st century they'd be basically the exact same as all the other shitty periphery states that aren't named, since they wouldn't have been able to support any star league (let alone clan) level tech or even a decent sized military; Hell it's possible they got picked to death by pirates like the greater valkyrate.
The whole revisionist thing that happened in battlecorps fiction though? That thing where they were just so amazing and unbeatable that Kerensky had to connive a way to sabotage them and pit all the other clans against them? That's up their with Transformers omega verse slashfic levels of trash.
@@guitarhausdoesntknowwhatac3285 Clearly the writer was a fanboy of them and wanted some dumb reason for them to have to be forced out of the clans.
@@CriticalRocket Like he clearly was, since he went out of his way to infer that the widowmakers were able to manipulate basically everyone into this except Kerensky who was apparently too galaxy brained to be fooled, but went along with it anyways so that he could get what he wanted, but then had the widowmaker khan killed...?
Like it was fucking attrotious writing and the fact that it seems to have become nu canon just appalls me.
So, I take it that if you were to show the movie "Red Dawn" to the Clans, they would side with the Soviets.
Not surprising, since the Clans practiced socialism besides.
Having read Betrayal of ideals, I can tell you truthfully that the Wolverines do indeed use "Wolverines!" as a battle cry. The allusions to Red Dawn are there.
As much as I'd love for the Wolverines to make a comeback just in time to wreck the clan star league, I dread them being mary sues. BT has problems with author faction favoritism as it is *cough* Davion and Wolves *cough*
From what I have been told. They headed out east of the Outworld's Alliance and the original plan was for them to return at some point with a different type of 'mech. Those plans are pretty old now but a friend of mine has some of the original maps detailing their space. Again pretty much all of this has probably been changed or canned since but it's interesting to know.
@@CriticalRocket Would be amazing if you could please ask him to share those maps/plans. See what could've been, who knows what other plans fasa had.
I personally am planning a Wolverine force, should I get into the Battletech game proper. I'm going with Clan Wolverine Resurgent as the title, and they will have the goal of Humbling the Clan's via Operation Revelation.
Worth noting is that they plan on inflicting minimal damage to the clans, but rather destroy their pride.
No that sounds cool. Though they were subject to a brutal purge, maybe they might have a goal to heavily damage or wipe out one of the smaller clans? Given the fact that any trace or reference to the Wolverines is considered a great offense to the clans.
@@CriticalRocket Cheers man, it is just my own fan stuff, but I'm going to have them play a very long game, like how they sussed that the Wolves Dragoons were part of the invasion and were able to plan raids in which they "recruited" scientists, techs and material from the Clans during the Invasion. The warriors have been joining mercenary companies while the merchants joined Inner Sphere corporations.
My plan for Wolverine Resurgent is that they are going to reveal the truth to the clans and force them all to say two words. Care to guess what those words are?
The Wolverines would probably be allies with the remnants of the "society".
It's possible they could come to terms with Diamond Dhark/Sea Fox over a mutual disagreement on certain aspects of Clan society
That would be very bad news for the Clans
Weapon X-Clan...
Excelsior & vanglorious!
omg. this powerpoint presentation doesnt even have chapetrs or headlines for the topics.
I know what kind of piss ant production is this?! I say we burn this guy at the stake and make an example of him for others in the future. Who is with me!?
@@CriticalRocket if we burn him, then how he is going to improve upon hearing his critics? let him live.
@@deadwolf2978 Aw and I just got the local village folk together with burning pitchforks and pointy torches. If I remember correctly the content on the Wolverine stuff was a collection of articles from different books. Normal lorewarriors I use the headers and chapters where applicable. Sorry though :)
@@CriticalRocket well, it seems like burning is inevitable. let bring some gas tanks and molotov cocktails! get the party started Inner Sphere style!
@@CriticalRocket you know, before burning, may be this poor sod should see how things should be done by any selfrespecting lore warrior? Something like Black Pants Legion stuff : th-cam.com/video/sSFGE0mHg0I/w-d-xo.html
I thought this was all information formed by those survivors of Clan Wolverine. As in heavily biased to make them look like the victims.
Well every book is written from the perspective of Comstar so it is always slightly biased to their view. Wolverine and its history is fairly accurate though since the writers haven't written created anything new for them for a long time now. The Wolverine version of events is pretty accurate I think to highlight the cracks in the clan society and Nicky boys sanity.
Almost all of it came from Nicholas Kerensky's journals, so the one that singled them out for being too successful is the one painting them as the victims.
That's not the whole story though
Since there a few post exodus tales out there regarding the Wolverines it is mostly up for fan interpretation. The most plausible is the attack by the Massachusetts tribe who went off in the far eastern fringes of the Inner Sphere, while some prefer the story of them being absorbed into Comstar. My biggest question about the comstar angle though is if that was true, then why would they be sending scout vessels like the Outbound Light randomly into clan space when they should already know from information gained from the Wolverine remnants.
Personally I prefer the eastern fringe story. They have the option of bringing them back one day if they want.
this needs updateing
Interesting, which part?
@@CriticalRocket Im guessing with Betrayal of Ideals (plus epilogue), and Redemption and Malice, and the Clave? Or Intersteller Players 3 where a blakist nukes a Minnesota Tribe cache (and rumor of Wolverines join Comstar but thats bs to get Ghost Bears fight the Wobbies)
Clan wolverine is back. Getting stronger every day.
You referring to Redemption and Malice, and the Clave? If I remeber correctly Pardoe said on a interview w RenegadeHPG they may not be Wolverines.
Just a loud reading of the sarna article on Clan Wolverine.
Except for all that stuff that isn't in the article on sarna is from the book, but yeah, nice way to show you haven't read the books :D
@@CriticalRocket You literally spent the majority of the video reading the sarna article on Clan Wolverine - even using the same headlines as the article, using the same art from the article in the same order.
There is a market for this, don't get me wrong, but don't pretend that this isn't what you're doing.
@@KimKhan So it hasn't occured to you that the writer of the sarna used the books for the article as well? To which there is very little information about anyway, and the art is the same layout order as the book. Also forgive me for using the same extremely limited art. I should have commissioned some artists to make bespoke Wolverine art for me, Matt Plog is doing that for free lol.
Yes of course sarna is going to have a lot of the same information, but if you bothered to check other videos you will see or at least hear that my stuff and sarna are not exactly the same. Sarna is a fantastic source for information and clan wolverine is extremely limited compared to the other clans. Should I just stop now Kim? Because this one article is similar because of the lack of extra information?
If I didn't do a wolverine lorewarrior, people would ask why. I make it and people like you feel somehow empowered to slag it off and for what? Do you expect me to kowtow to you? Nah, if you don't like what I do with the lorewarrior series fine, but don't waste mine and your time with pointless hit and run comments without looking into the books yourself. As I said before, you clearly haven't read the books, because if you had you would have known why this and sarna are so similar, because that is pretty much all there is about Clan Wolverine.
The series was started for people who played MWO and PGI didn't bother putting any info for the 'mechs in their game on the website. Yes you could say "read sarna" but people like them and so I continued. Sorry this offended you so much you felt the burning need to shitpost and feel superior. This is the last I will bother replying. Enjoy screaming into the void.
So having time to look back here. I will say, tone in text is impossible to read obviously and my previous comment probably reads as me being very angry. That said I am not. I apologise for any offence caused Kim on my part.
As a explanation for the series in case this is the first one you have clicked. It is a series just made for people who want to listen to content from the universe, rather than read it, especially when a lot of these books aren't available in print anymore or they just cost a lot to get even in pdf form. Surprising to me really is people enjoy them, which I like and I never ask anyone for money, never run ads and just hope people like them. They aren't anything flashy, nor are they intended to be. Sometimes yes the information from the wiki is the same because the people writing the articles use the same material, sometimes verbatim as I do. I assure you, I am not reading the wiki verbatim, it would be pointless to do that. The annoying part of the Wolverine stuff is that the writers never really expanded them that much outside of what you see there. A friend who actually created some of the battlemechs in the original TRO's has mentioned some of the original plans, like where they went and what they intended to do with them, but it never happened.
I didn't see any reason to add that stuff because it isn't canon so what we have is what is in the book detailing dead clans. I wish there was more.
Anyway thank you for taking the time to listen and comment regardless. I have been quite tired recently and well, got ratty I supose. Again sorry for any offence, have a good week.
Shush don't speak of them the not named clan 😊