I haven't played since 2019ish, and even then, calculate wasn't even a thing that existed. Since calculate was just a worse focus, and the Republic got Jedi Fighter's, I've just peeped back in every now and then to see if the villain factions have a fighting chance (I only play casually, and only the evil factions)
Hey Joseph, you are right a calculate is a less powerful focus but the ships that use it tend to have ways of making it very efficient, such as network calculations, so it can go a lot further. Also with separatists it tends to be weight of numbers that make the difference.
Another great break down. Very succinct but thorough.
Thanks Tony.
Very helpful. Have several but not sure if enough of each. Looks like a fun faction.
You tend to need multiples in this faction. It makes the servants of strife kit quite valuable.
I haven't played since 2019ish, and even then, calculate wasn't even a thing that existed. Since calculate was just a worse focus, and the Republic got Jedi Fighter's, I've just peeped back in every now and then to see if the villain factions have a fighting chance (I only play casually, and only the evil factions)
Hey Joseph, you are right a calculate is a less powerful focus but the ships that use it tend to have ways of making it very efficient, such as network calculations, so it can go a lot further.
Also with separatists it tends to be weight of numbers that make the difference.
great video
Cheers Jan.
Looking forward to flight academy - but are there no scum pilots this season?
We were surprised as well, a few pilots were.tempted by Cad in the rogue but went for other options instead.
@@OutofArcGaming Interested to see how the Auzitruck goes!
4 days til it starts going up!