The funny comes full circle when you realize that John Romero's sheer chill-ness and amazing sense of humor ended up making Yahtzee his bitch during the interview.
The funniest thing about daikatana I found was the fact that, despite how serious it was taking itself, it was essentially just called "big sword". It's like if dark souls was called "stabby slashy die time".
Also, it's a term that no Japanese person would ever use due to grammatical rules I'm too European to understand, so it's more appropriate to call it "sword big".
+ShootingStarNeo and it's not even correct japanese o.o the correct reading of these two characters is "daitô", another possibility, though extremely rare is "ôgatana" and both are just generic terms for a long sword.
Can we get more Jahtzee developer interviews please? I'd pay money to watch Ben awkwardly mention that he's written some ''slightly critical things'' for their games in their faces.
@@thomasboys7216 yahtzee has said that he's talked to peter a few times off camera, so I don't think that'd be too awkward, though the david cage one would be amazing
TH-cam immediately put this right after the John Romero Interview, then conveniently "froze" the page and auto-played it without my input. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!
Yeah, just searched it on TH-cam and could not find it, maybe I can somehow extract a soundfile and get a lucky cut to make it a ringtone, but first I need stuff to cut soundfile, oh boy
***** I saw that someone put one up in the comment section in the ET video somewhere. It should still be somewhat easy to find despite it being a couple weeks old. EDIT: found it!
"Contempt is the industry standard" when I hear him say this now, I think of EA saying "Don't like it, don't buy it" and calling their customers uneducated, and of course blizzard and their garbage mobile diablo.
Holy shit this was SAVAGE from start to end. Had to pause multiple times to wipe the tears of laughter off my face. Aaaaaaand after seeing this Romero still did an interview with Yahtzee at E3. Honestly though the man has been a really good sport for the past 10 years at least. Pretty sure he learned something from the Daikatana incident and 20 years of growth as an adult. Noclip or someone did a documentary with him not too long ago.
Just gonna assume that you aren't aware of the website. Each episode goes up on The Escapist a week in advance then goes it goes up on TH-cam. The end credit jokes are still on the website. And if you are aware of it, well then i wasted some time. Sorry
Langerzard >giving the Escapist pageviews >using the Excapist's clunky, unusable video system Not for a shitty five second joke. Gratz, you made me use meem arrows on reddit.
"See, that's the trouble with the cutting edge: it's hard to stay on 'cause it's very thin, and it keeps moving as it hacks at your balls." Yahtzee's analogies never get old
I not only bought this game day one, but I even bought a book called Masters of Doom which covers the history of id and this crap stain of a game. So many wasted hours lol. :(
@@walleras i just read it and while their story is amazing, the writer peters out towards the end. He paints a picture as if both Carmack and Romero are complete failures at the end of the day and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. What they accomplished was amazing and you get the sense by their actions that Romero/Carmack weren’t really taking the drama as seriously as even the author.
@@oscarsalesgirl296 Both are legends but I think both need each other. The truth is the Doom team is far more then the sum of its parts. It is a shame we will never see such a team light the whole world on fire again.
@@walleras Not necessarily. We’ll never get that exact same team back but there will be future teams who create amazing games. Games that can inspire and enthrall new gamers like Doom once did.
I just realized something. This series is about how the game industry never learns. But, in this case, isn't that exactly what happened? The industry learnt to never trust people with hope and dreams again, and instead safely produce the copy paste pig faeces we get today instead.
No, they didn't "learn that", they just found out how to not care about it. The lesson is about how it treats the customers. I mean, looking at No Man's and Anthem, yeah, they learned shit.
Learning only counts if the info gained is accurate. In this instance, the game industry saw Daikatana, misunderstood the problem, and made a fucking fist of everything. This is the notion of *misinfo*, the idea of inaccurate information having a negative impact. In this case, the game industry *mislearned* to coin a phrase and ending up making things worse.
Gustavo Wadas Lopes To give Hello Games credit, Sean Murray’s case was more of an issue of not understanding that having a contract with a AAA publisher means egregiously strict deadlines, even if the things you promised years ago (because you really did plan on adding them to the game) aren’t finished. And to further give those guys credit, they still never abandoned No Man’s Sky. They worked really hard on making it the product they promised without any of the bullshit PR moves that most companies would pull were they in HG’s shoes. I haven’t even bought NMS yet, but I do have to say I’m very proud of Sean and Hello Games for seriously putting work into their product. The launch didn’t fail because of Sean’s ego or because they were maliciously lying to sell a mediocre product. They failed because they had too much ambition with not enough time, and never thought to hire someone who actually knew how to speak in public.
@absolutely disgusting: I don’t believe he had knowledge and skills to do what he promised and to understand that the task is beyond his abilities and budget. They very obviously sold CG trailer full of empty promises and then doubled down on these promises. And if we go back to Daikatana, this is not actually the case. It failed because internal power struggles and shitheaded management caused many talented devs to quit Ion Storm, leaving Daikatana unfinished, and in the hands of much less capable ones. And with no extra budget and time to hire more.
@@devinodriscoll sean murray deserved jailtime for his fraudulent advertisement, another one for the "the industry learned the wrong lesson" since what they took away from it is lie as much as you can, take all the money and then vanish
Frank G I meant more in terms of the behind-the-scenes ego-trips and the flawed marketing gimmicks rather than the comic stories themselves. Concerning the actual stories I feel it depends where you look. I'm not too keen on the current stuff from the big two's main franchises, but a lot of the side stories and the more independent stuff have produced some cool things recently (Rat Queens and Sunstone are my current faves).
The depressing thing is that, seven years later, not a goddamn thing has changed. That "lessons nobody learned" speech is just as applicable today as in 2014. Maybe even moreso.
What points do you have to back this it's a refreshing game the first fps I've enjoyed since borderlands one maybe but destiny is good and I doubt you've actually played it if you have such strong negative feelings from day 2
Yeah, because everything from the last minutes of the video describes Destiny. I hope they will never cover up their 500 million dollar marketing infested budget and learn something. But Generation Halo/CoD destroys my wishes every time/year, feeding the producers more money to create more bullshit.
There's definitely a sad tragedy here. You've got an ambitious game developer essentially handed the keys to the kingdom, setting his sights too high, and crashing and burning. It was painful to watch. But the bigger tragedy is that it had a bad impact on the industry. For a brief shining moment, game developers were seen as rock stars and creative types, akin to the big expensive talent of the movie industry. And then it all went south. Nowadays, the only time we know about a game developer's accomplishments is when they're mentioned in an article about how they've been to subjected to 100+ hours of crunch time. A shame.
It's better this way. We don't need another class of overpaid, overindulgent celebrities but we could all sure use a bit more consciousness about workers rights and workplace abuse. The other version would still have the abuse, it's just that the "rockstars" would be doing most of it and the whole industry would be swarming with people who see abuse of others as a perk of status. But you could probably kill many more prostitutes in video games.
i remember playing, or at least trying to play this game when ii came out. the thing that stuck with me the most was always dying then going down ladders, as if the character did not to understand the concept of gravity, and would suddenly jump off.
That opening jingle is actually really pleasant to the ears for some reason. It's like Yahtzee channeled all of his cynicism and gleeful contempt at the gaming industry and the failed hubris of Daikatana's dev that he inexplicably sounded melodiously cheerful for those brief seconds.
The huge failure seemed to humble him a little, which is good because while he still knows he’s a rock star he still does stuff like make Sigil for free just to give his fans some more DOOM.
After reading Romero's autobiography (Doom Guy: Life in First Person), knowing the history & development of the game that turned out behind the scenes makes me see this video differently. It wasn't Romero or Tom Hall's fault that the leadership they hired turned out to be toxic (Todd going all dictator on the employees, Bob sabotaging the E3 demo behind their backs, Mike trying to establish a publishing company without permission), but it was technically their fault for not addressing the employees' concerns. Then again, Yahtzee did say in another Zero Punctuation that he only cares about the end result & not behind the scenes drama. So yeah, I guess it is Romero's fault this game sucked.
Everyone being surprised John Romero did an interview with Yahtzee even though he saw his criticism. People, I know this isn't very common anymore in this day and age but this is an aspect of "professionalism". Not taking things personally or falling into the infantile "100% for me or completely against me"-mindset.
"One failure can prevent many future ones", that's the motto I go for. I thing that this video is way more relevan now than ever in that Daikatana managed to postpone (not completely avoid, I'll come to it in a bit) an auteur movement, where the developers of successful games go around using their credits to basically make a game they would ensure it's their _magnum opus_, and hype it to unrealistic levels. Why would that be a problem? It's simple, when Jon Romero was busy making his "art" he was completely oblivious on its problems and how bad it actually looked, he would refuse advice or criticism, so any minor or major problems the game had he was completely blind to it. Sadly, the Auteur movement is happening in Japan and it's spreading quickly. How do I know it's happening and is a bad thing? Keiji Inafune, the creator of MegaMan, is a visionary, but he is going down the same path: He kickstarted a Megaman-like project called Mighty No. 9, and everything went downhill from there, Inafune tried to use the same credit he thought he had to make a spin-off to MN9, this raised many eyebrows, then he announced a whole franchise around MN9 including sequels and an anime, all of that from a game we hadn't even played! Now here's the kicker, the demo failed to impress most people, then the game was delayed multiple times, each one losing a fraction the audience it was going for. Some people said they saw this trainwreck coming as Keiji has a bit of an attitude problem and is hard to work with. I think that Mighty No. 9 is going to have a significant impact on the Kickstarter community and the developers careers as a whole And now Hideo Kojima is heading down the same path, using his credit as the creator of Metal Gear Solid, he has a fanbase that firmly believes that anything he touches is gold and since he left Konami he has been acting a bit of a smug, by his interactions with people he used to work with and his opinions on movie and gaming.
Interestingly enough Brenda Braithwaite, John Romero’s wife, headed the development of Wizardry 8, the final game of the beloved Wizardry series (inspiration for games like Dragon Quest, Dark Souls, and Etrian Odyssey) with a failing developer, a portion of their time and budget, and an infamously troubled development around the same time as Daikatana to critical praise and awards, going so far as to write the unusually hilarious game manual herself as well.
rushed? trying to beat and be better than Mario? a lot of bad choices were made? They gave it fake awards in hoping it would sale? (There could be a massive list, thats just all I know from past videos on other channels)
+weirdnwild91 the fact that you shouldn't release an unfinished game with little to no effort put in. The graphical design is so unfinished the game looks like an alpha build.
Yahtzee (And possibly everybody else): Could you maybe release the whole game and not leave out a whole bunch as paid DLC? EA (And possibly most companies): Could you remember our motto we said? Yahtzee: Player Firs... EA: to get squirted water in your face? OF COURSE! (proceeds to shoot water in Yahtzee's face) PLAYER FIRST!
" was notorious for running horribly with many issues - like a paperboy with polio." *sigh*. Well played. This went straight to the top of my "I'm going to hell for this" laughs.
I looked this up and linked it to someone in response to the Playstation Experience. We're heading dangerously close to developers and producers behaving like celebrities
The best part is that it ended up coming out right after Half Life, the game that revolutionized the genre. That's like following up a Metallica performance with one guy drunkenly shouting into a mic while attempting to play a guitar that doesn't actually have any functioning strings.
After Jedi Knight, Half-life and System Shock 2, all 3 games I would play instead of Daikatana if nostalgia hits me, and before Deus ex and Anachronox which were actually excellent games from the same company.
Publishers insulting their audience is always a bad sign. Just look at Mighty No. 9's "Make the bad guys cry like an anime on prom night" and Ouya's "Sixty bucks for a game?" commercial.
I would say Cliffy B should have paid closer attention to the story. Big name from a studio that created popular franchise goes off to create his own studio. Declares his games will be awesome, releases a game and then has to close down the studio. Hell at least Ion Storm managed to produce some finished games before disappearing off the face of the earth to be absorbed into Edios/Square.
"Let's all laugh at an industry that never learns anything, tee hee hee." Yahtzee should do more reviews involving bad games of the past just so he can play that jingle.
IT JUST WORKS Seriously though, Todd is fine in my book despite me thinking FO4 was mediocre. Watch the E3 presentation again, he never lied once. What was he supposed to do, point out the game's faults in a marketing campaign? He did his job, nothing more.
When you realize that John Romero saw this and still did the Interview
Ooh, this is a hot take!
He's a good sport!
we had the same idea when we saw it then
@@iBloodxHunter slightly critical lmao
And so we now know that Romero watched this. And laughed.
That gives us hope.
Nice to know Romero has a good sense of humor
What is the title of the video where John Romero did an interview and talked about this?! Want to watch it!
Chris’ Corner yes please
@hyndergogen yatzee interviewed Romero to talk about his new game, Empire of Sin. He knew about the review.
The funny comes full circle when you realize that John Romero's sheer chill-ness and amazing sense of humor ended up making Yahtzee his bitch during the interview.
"slightly critical"
I'm the 666th like of this comment
"...running horribly, with many issues, like a paperboy with polio"
How does he come up with this stuff?
a moose I swear to god I was gonna write “He’s a genius!” But this guy just said 2 days ago
Nobody knows...
Existential pain.
He's British.
Wasn’t it clear already? It’s the voices!
"let's all laugh at an industry" should have more episodes and it's own playlist
+butchdeadlift10 And not just because that jingle almost made me fall out of my chair laughing.
+butchdeadlift10 It'd be a hell of a lot more interesting than "Judging by the Cover"
Stuart Conrod I like that series :( . But yeah. I think if Yachtzee slows down a little bit he can do more research on subjects like this.
DiscoClam And I am a fan of all of that, but this is still something I want to see more of
+Kurt Adams Oui Oui I Agree.
The funniest thing about daikatana I found was the fact that, despite how serious it was taking itself, it was essentially just called "big sword". It's like if dark souls was called "stabby slashy die time".
I can't leave without my buddy Superfly
Also, it's a term that no Japanese person would ever use due to grammatical rules I'm too European to understand, so it's more appropriate to call it "sword big".
I'd be a lot more tempted to buy a game with that title though. It sounds like fun
One of my favorite jokes is one that sadly didn't survive the transition to TH-cam:
In the closing credits, the first joke reads "Bye, Katana".
As someone with a barely-functional knowledge of Japanese, I find it hilarious that this game's name is literally "big sword".
+ShootingStarNeo and it's not even correct japanese o.o
the correct reading of these two characters is "daitô", another possibility, though extremely rare is "ôgatana" and both are just generic terms for a long sword.
+ShootingStarNeo daikatana translates to long sword. though if i named this for this game i'd call it "Tawagotokatana".. or Shit Sword
+Adam Poole (animeguy4ever)
I'd call it: "kuso-ge".
+ShootingStarNeo John Romero was obviously compensating to a ridiculous level XD
+Adam Poole (animeguy4ever)
The "long sword" equivalent of "daikatana" (big sword) would be "choukatana" 長刀
大刀 is also an alternative spelling of 太刀
Can we get more Jahtzee developer interviews please? I'd pay money to watch Ben awkwardly mention that he's written some ''slightly critical things'' for their games in their faces.
i want yahtzee interview with tod howard
@@DreamskyDance Bethesda doesn't let the public meet them, unless it's one of their fanboys who desperately want to suck their dicks.
I want a Yahtzee interview with either Peter Molyneaux or David Cage.
@@thomasboys7216 yahtzee has said that he's talked to peter a few times off camera, so I don't think that'd be too awkward, though the david cage one would be amazing
I'm watching this for the 100th time and "The blurb should have read " cracks me up every single time.
No word of a lie, that jingle is going to be stuck in my head for days.
Has it been?
+Adam Davies Still is!
+Maximilianus101 How about now?
Let's all laugh at an industry
That never learns anything
Tee Hee Hee~
Let's all laugh at humanity
That never learns anything
Tee Hee Hee~
My god... the babies in the outlet pipes are the indie game makers!!! I GET THE JOKE!!!!
"Let's all laugh, at an industry, that never learn anything, tee hee hee..." oh, that made my cloudy day less depressing!
I want it on a shirt. So I can wear it around a bunch of game designers.
Who is here after watching the John ramero interview?
TH-cam immediately put this right after the John Romero Interview, then conveniently "froze" the page and auto-played it without my input.
@@MechaEmperor7000 Possible? I also think not. Most likely bs? I think so.
I'm actually here after civvie11 played this
Can someone give me a link to the interview?
"Let's all laugh at an industry, that never learns anything tehehe" I always laugh so hard when I hear this :D
Realag666 We need that as a ringtone or something.
Yeah, just searched it on TH-cam and could not find it, maybe I can somehow extract a soundfile and get a lucky cut to make it a ringtone, but first I need stuff to cut soundfile, oh boy
***** I saw that someone put one up in the comment section in the ET video somewhere. It should still be somewhat easy to find despite it being a couple weeks old.
EDIT: found it!
Cuckoo Phendula thx man, I would have been too lazy to do it myself anyway :b
+Realag666 Then you're doing it right.
"Contempt is the industry standard" when I hear him say this now, I think of EA saying "Don't like it, don't buy it" and calling their customers uneducated, and of course blizzard and their garbage mobile diablo.
@@rustyjones7908 lol. and the industry has only gotten worse and more tone deaf since that hilarious moment
The Spunkgargleweewee era seems rather quaint now that the SJWs have invaded video games. (E.g. battlefield 5)
@@mat2000100 they wouldn’t have any reason to if Trump never became president
@@emmettniles2099 and there are people who agreed with them, you will know them when you hear them disrespect their subscribers
2:09 the "topical humor" has remained relevant longer than anyone would wish
Let's all laugh, at an industry, that never learn anything, tee hee hee...
We are suffering!
Ya.....had to check the age of this video....5 years! Ooohhhhh dear.
Well yeah, that does tend to happen when _nothing fucking changes._
@@Keithustus 6 years now
Yeah, the interview WAS uncomfortable.
"Hey Yahtz, good news! We've got you set up to interview John Romero in a bit"
Yahtzee: "...oh shit"
I wonder if Yahtzee ever thought he would do an interview with John Romero when making this
I love how it says "Topical Humor" on a video from 6 years ago, and it's literally still topical
Holy shit this was SAVAGE from start to end. Had to pause multiple times to wipe the tears of laughter off my face.
Aaaaaaand after seeing this Romero still did an interview with Yahtzee at E3.
Honestly though the man has been a really good sport for the past 10 years at least. Pretty sure he learned something from the Daikatana incident and 20 years of growth as an adult. Noclip or someone did a documentary with him not too long ago.
Dear lord, I LOVE that jingle for some reason XD makes me crack up every time
do laugh saying "tee hee hee"?
Rc Cooper that was almost english
Do you laugh like: Tee Hee Hee. There, use take two. Sorry, I was too high at that time.
arose92795 It's my text notification on my phone.
Nye Covington Awesome!
I really miss the end credit written jokes.
Just wanted to say that too, there is just something missing.
Just gonna assume that you aren't aware of the website. Each episode goes up on The Escapist a week in advance then goes it goes up on TH-cam. The end credit jokes are still on the website.
And if you are aware of it, well then i wasted some time. Sorry
I am, but YT is my comfy zone man.
>giving the Escapist pageviews
>using the Excapist's clunky, unusable video system
Not for a shitty five second joke. Gratz, you made me use meem arrows on reddit.
pikistikman Reddit their a math term if anything else
Watch this video with Mighty No. 9 in mind.
replace romero with con man inafune
next kojima
I cry like a anime fan in prom night.
+Carson Chiu Metal Gear Survive?
John Romero: "It's better than nothing."
Daikatana was also released on the Game Boy Color as an RPG, and that version was surprisingly good.
"See, that's the trouble with the cutting edge: it's hard to stay on 'cause it's very thin, and it keeps moving as it hacks at your balls."
Yahtzee's analogies never get old
I will never get tired of that jingle.
I not only bought this game day one, but I even bought a book called Masters of Doom which covers the history of id and this crap stain of a game. So many wasted hours lol. :(
Masters of Doom is amazing
The hours reading were definitely not a waste. My copy is probably just feet from me now.
@@walleras i just read it and while their story is amazing, the writer peters out towards the end. He paints a picture as if both Carmack and Romero are complete failures at the end of the day and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. What they accomplished was amazing and you get the sense by their actions that Romero/Carmack weren’t really taking the drama as seriously as even the author.
@@oscarsalesgirl296 Both are legends but I think both need each other. The truth is the Doom team is far more then the sum of its parts. It is a shame we will never see such a team light the whole world on fire again.
@@walleras Not necessarily. We’ll never get that exact same team back but there will be future teams who create amazing games. Games that can inspire and enthrall new gamers like Doom once did.
"I am a monster spawned on this earth to plague the virtuous."
Yahtz pretty much summed up the entire AAA gaming industry in a single sentence.
I got kinda confused when I saw my name in the title, then I remembered John Romero is also a game developer.
He does something other than develop games?
@@brigidtheirish Well, that John Romero probably not that we know of, while this John Romero definitely doesn't.
@@tafua_a Ah. I see.
2:20 I would say something about how annoying the sidekick system is, but I can’t leave a comment without my buddy Superfly
Say what you will about John Romero.
At least he knows how to rock a pair of Kamina glasses.
Who the hell do you think he is?
I guess he's pretty good at level design. That mattered, when he wasn't in charge of everything.
I just realized something. This series is about how the game industry never learns. But, in this case, isn't that exactly what happened? The industry learnt to never trust people with hope and dreams again, and instead safely produce the copy paste pig faeces we get today instead.
No, they didn't "learn that", they just found out how to not care about it.
The lesson is about how it treats the customers. I mean, looking at No Man's and Anthem, yeah, they learned shit.
Learning only counts if the info gained is accurate. In this instance, the game industry saw Daikatana, misunderstood the problem, and made a fucking fist of everything.
This is the notion of *misinfo*, the idea of inaccurate information having a negative impact. In this case, the game industry *mislearned* to coin a phrase and ending up making things worse.
Gustavo Wadas Lopes To give Hello Games credit, Sean Murray’s case was more of an issue of not understanding that having a contract with a AAA publisher means egregiously strict deadlines, even if the things you promised years ago (because you really did plan on adding them to the game) aren’t finished. And to further give those guys credit, they still never abandoned No Man’s Sky. They worked really hard on making it the product they promised without any of the bullshit PR moves that most companies would pull were they in HG’s shoes. I haven’t even bought NMS yet, but I do have to say I’m very proud of Sean and Hello Games for seriously putting work into their product. The launch didn’t fail because of Sean’s ego or because they were maliciously lying to sell a mediocre product. They failed because they had too much ambition with not enough time, and never thought to hire someone who actually knew how to speak in public.
@absolutely disgusting: I don’t believe he had knowledge and skills to do what he promised and to understand that the task is beyond his abilities and budget. They very obviously sold CG trailer full of empty promises and then doubled down on these promises.
And if we go back to Daikatana, this is not actually the case. It failed because internal power struggles and shitheaded management caused many talented devs to quit Ion Storm, leaving Daikatana unfinished, and in the hands of much less capable ones. And with no extra budget and time to hire more.
@@devinodriscoll sean murray deserved jailtime for his fraudulent advertisement, another one for the "the industry learned the wrong lesson" since what they took away from it is lie as much as you can, take all the money and then vanish
This makes me think of Todd Howard and his reasoning around Fallout 76. Still relevant, good job Yahtzee.
Greatest jingle ever! I want you to rip on more old games just to here the jingle again!
Turns out that "American Police Officer" joke was not so much "topical" as "timeless"...
"Lets all laugh at an industry the never learns anything tehee." Catchiest theme song since Duck Tales.
Im in love with the intro tune.
It bothers a little bit that no one mentions that the "John Romero is gonna make you his bitch" promotion was an answer to an Id promotion
please tell us more
0:55 - Aw, crap, Yahtzee's got it out for me.
Shit man, you've kept that same username for 5 years? Legend.
Why are there only two episodes of this series, it's one of your best!
really hope the history doesn't repeat itself with Kojima now
It already did with Murray and Inafune, so it's not looking good....
He's already notorious for having no time management skills. So yeah, keep getting hyped.
Not as terrible as Daikatana, but not as good as it's promised either
Or, more likely, Suda51
I love that little theme he made. Wish I had that as a ringtone.
Roll up! Roll up!
Everyone come and see the freak!
That "let's all laugh at an industry" jingle should be sold as a ringtone.
Anyone else reminded of the dark age of comics by Romero's mentality.
+l0stndamned the 90's? Yep...
+l0stndamned Anything created during the "Dark Age of Comics" is superior to many recent comics (Old Man Logan is one of the exceptions).
Frank G I meant more in terms of the behind-the-scenes ego-trips and the flawed marketing gimmicks rather than the comic stories themselves. Concerning the actual stories I feel it depends where you look. I'm not too keen on the current stuff from the big two's main franchises, but a lot of the side stories and the more independent stuff have produced some cool things recently (Rat Queens and Sunstone are my current faves).
I still *REALLY* want that freaking jingle as a ringtone...
The depressing thing is that, seven years later, not a goddamn thing has changed. That "lessons nobody learned" speech is just as applicable today as in 2014. Maybe even moreso.
U can tell he's gunna fuck uup destiny lol
Why it's good I don't think he will at least not that bad
What points do you have to back this it's a refreshing game the first fps I've enjoyed since borderlands one maybe but destiny is good and I doubt you've actually played it if you have such strong negative feelings from day 2
Yeah, because everything from the last minutes of the video describes Destiny.
I hope they will never cover up their 500 million dollar marketing infested budget and learn something.
But Generation Halo/CoD destroys my wishes every time/year, feeding the producers more money to create more bullshit.
Man Yu
Halo Four was horrible. Try the books.
***** Wtf? Bullshit, Bungie did an amazing job with Halo games and pushed the FPS genre forward - to say otherwise is completely ignorant.
Cyberpunk 2077 is basically today's Daikatana.
CD Projek Red is gonna make you their &$$=%.
There's definitely a sad tragedy here. You've got an ambitious game developer essentially handed the keys to the kingdom, setting his sights too high, and crashing and burning. It was painful to watch.
But the bigger tragedy is that it had a bad impact on the industry. For a brief shining moment, game developers were seen as rock stars and creative types, akin to the big expensive talent of the movie industry. And then it all went south.
Nowadays, the only time we know about a game developer's accomplishments is when they're mentioned in an article about how they've been to subjected to 100+ hours of crunch time. A shame.
It's better this way. We don't need another class of overpaid, overindulgent celebrities but we could all sure use a bit more consciousness about workers rights and workplace abuse.
The other version would still have the abuse, it's just that the "rockstars" would be doing most of it and the whole industry would be swarming with people who see abuse of others as a perk of status.
But you could probably kill many more prostitutes in video games.
I just realized Daikatana, or 大刀, just means Big Sword. About as subtle as you'd expect, really
Came back after the interview
0:12 just the best XD
4:50 Everyone who bought Aliens Colonial Marines.
This came out the same year as Deus Ex by the same company, yeah
clearly Daikata was made by the B team that the trouble makers and imbeciles got sent off to
Three comment... I believe we can say for sure that the release of a certain game has been confirmed.
+McDucky sorry, there is four now. :(
Le Pootis Meng
Half Life 5 confirmed
+Blame Canada BIG difference is: Warren Spector is NOT John Romero (thanks God)...
i remember playing, or at least trying to play this game when ii came out. the thing that stuck with me the most was always dying then going down ladders, as if the character did not to understand the concept of gravity, and would suddenly jump off.
rewatching because of the interview just to notice that everyone did the same thing
ah publishers having emotions imagine a world with that
The "topical humour" made me cough up my drink.
Congratz on the 500k subs!
That opening jingle is actually really pleasant to the ears for some reason. It's like Yahtzee channeled all of his cynicism and gleeful contempt at the gaming industry and the failed hubris of Daikatana's dev that he inexplicably sounded melodiously cheerful for those brief seconds.
The huge failure seemed to humble him a little, which is good because while he still knows he’s a rock star he still does stuff like make Sigil for free just to give his fans some more DOOM.
Shinku Quickman TEE HEE HEE
"C'est useless" at 04:04 is still my favorite joke in Zero Punctuation.
Diablo "Don't you guys have phones?" Immortal
After reading Romero's autobiography (Doom Guy: Life in First Person), knowing the history & development of the game that turned out behind the scenes makes me see this video differently. It wasn't Romero or Tom Hall's fault that the leadership they hired turned out to be toxic (Todd going all dictator on the employees, Bob sabotaging the E3 demo behind their backs, Mike trying to establish a publishing company without permission), but it was technically their fault for not addressing the employees' concerns.
Then again, Yahtzee did say in another Zero Punctuation that he only cares about the end result & not behind the scenes drama. So yeah, I guess it is Romero's fault this game sucked.
Everyone being surprised John Romero did an interview with Yahtzee even though he saw his criticism.
People, I know this isn't very common anymore in this day and age but this is an aspect of "professionalism". Not taking things personally or falling into the infantile "100% for me or completely against me"-mindset.
Poker night at Yahtz's place with him, Romero, Peter Molyneux, Swery, and Hideo Kojima would be really interesting
True, the industry these days has more hubris to the point it makes Romero's harmless in comparison.
It's nice to think SOME people in the industry have some form of respect for the audience...
that jingle
This might be the best thing Yahtzee has ever done.
Watched this after the John Romero interview XD
i'm actually surprised that the opening wasn't just a joke.
"One failure can prevent many future ones", that's the motto I go for. I thing that this video is way more relevan now than ever in that Daikatana managed to postpone (not completely avoid, I'll come to it in a bit) an auteur movement, where the developers of successful games go around using their credits to basically make a game they would ensure it's their _magnum opus_, and hype it to unrealistic levels. Why would that be a problem? It's simple, when Jon Romero was busy making his "art" he was completely oblivious on its problems and how bad it actually looked, he would refuse advice or criticism, so any minor or major problems the game had he was completely blind to it.
Sadly, the Auteur movement is happening in Japan and it's spreading quickly. How do I know it's happening and is a bad thing? Keiji Inafune, the creator of MegaMan, is a visionary, but he is going down the same path: He kickstarted a Megaman-like project called Mighty No. 9, and everything went downhill from there, Inafune tried to use the same credit he thought he had to make a spin-off to MN9, this raised many eyebrows, then he announced a whole franchise around MN9 including sequels and an anime, all of that from a game we hadn't even played! Now here's the kicker, the demo failed to impress most people, then the game was delayed multiple times, each one losing a fraction the audience it was going for. Some people said they saw this trainwreck coming as Keiji has a bit of an attitude problem and is hard to work with. I think that Mighty No. 9 is going to have a significant impact on the Kickstarter community and the developers careers as a whole
And now Hideo Kojima is heading down the same path, using his credit as the creator of Metal Gear Solid, he has a fanbase that firmly believes that anything he touches is gold and since he left Konami he has been acting a bit of a smug, by his interactions with people he used to work with and his opinions on movie and gaming.
Interestingly enough Brenda Braithwaite, John Romero’s wife, headed the development of Wizardry 8, the final game of the beloved Wizardry series (inspiration for games like Dragon Quest, Dark Souls, and Etrian Odyssey) with a failing developer, a portion of their time and budget, and an infamously troubled development around the same time as Daikatana to critical praise and awards, going so far as to write the unusually hilarious game manual herself as well.
I think I know game he could dissect for the series: Bubsy 3D
What was not learned from that game?
rushed? trying to beat and be better than Mario? a lot of bad choices were made? They gave it fake awards in hoping it would sale? (There could be a massive list, thats just all I know from past videos on other channels)
Bobo Magroto
And is that what games these days do?
still get rushed and shoved out the door e.g Star Wars Battlefront EA
+weirdnwild91 the fact that you shouldn't release an unfinished game with little to no effort put in. The graphical design is so unfinished the game looks like an alpha build.
Man, this makes me laugh so hard from the very beginning! :D
Yahtzee (And possibly everybody else): Could you maybe release the whole game and not leave out a whole bunch as paid DLC?
EA (And possibly most companies): Could you remember our motto we said?
Yahtzee: Player Firs...
EA: to get squirted water in your face? OF COURSE! (proceeds to shoot water in Yahtzee's face) PLAYER FIRST!
" was notorious for running horribly with many issues - like a paperboy with polio."
*sigh*. Well played.
This went straight to the top of my "I'm going to hell for this" laughs.
Imagine if John Romero somehow made dark souls though
and if it was a shooter tho, it might be kinda boring
I looked this up and linked it to someone in response to the Playstation Experience. We're heading dangerously close to developers and producers behaving like celebrities
"Topical humor" yikes... still topical.
@@RabbiHerschel look into a mirror and see what you have become
@@RabbiHerschel you are either edgy of stupid, either way deserving of contempt but not effort
Remero is now working on Empire of Sin, a Paradox-Published RTS game set in Prohibition-Era Chicago.
The best part is that it ended up coming out right after Half Life, the game that revolutionized the genre. That's like following up a Metallica performance with one guy drunkenly shouting into a mic while attempting to play a guitar that doesn't actually have any functioning strings.
Actually Daikatana came out May 24, 2000. Half Life 2 was still being developed at that time and was released in 2004.
After Jedi Knight, Half-life and System Shock 2, all 3 games I would play instead of Daikatana if nostalgia hits me, and before Deus ex and Anachronox which were actually excellent games from the same company.
Man, I love that jingle.
Hello Cyberpunk 2077 players, burned again by the Hubris of game development
Publishers insulting their audience is always a bad sign. Just look at Mighty No. 9's "Make the bad guys cry like an anime on prom night" and Ouya's "Sixty bucks for a game?" commercial.
I would say Cliffy B should have paid closer attention to the story. Big name from a studio that created popular franchise goes off to create his own studio. Declares his games will be awesome, releases a game and then has to close down the studio. Hell at least Ion Storm managed to produce some finished games before disappearing off the face of the earth to be absorbed into Edios/Square.
Do you think Romero just watched this because it was about him, or do you think he's a fan of the show?
Maybe it's just the hair, but I imagine John Romero speaking like Tommy Wisseau.
"Let's all laugh at an industry that never learns anything, tee hee hee." Yahtzee should do more reviews involving bad games of the past just so he can play that jingle.
His song at the beginning is the hardest I've laughed in all the videos so far.
Can I get his jingle as a ring tone?
"Little laugh of an industry who never learned anything tee hee hee"
Oh those are the words? Lol duh. Lol
The only reason I even considered subscribing to The Escapist was Zero Puntuation
Todd Howard and Ken Levine are Jesus's way of apologizing for John Romero.
Devin Mcclanahan I disagree about Todd Howard, but
I also disagree about Ken Levine, specially after the whole bioshock infinite thing. he has just as inflated an ego
Seriously though, Todd is fine in my book despite me thinking FO4 was mediocre. Watch the E3 presentation again, he never lied once. What was he supposed to do, point out the game's faults in a marketing campaign? He did his job, nothing more.
Are you joking.
+guguy00 Are you forgetting when Todd Howard said shit like "Fallout 3 has 200 endings"?
I thought the last one was a joke but I'm glad it's a real thing and the jingle is omfg hilarious