I've been looking at RefluxStop for a while but only data I've found was through your own data. Not saying it's not good but seems just a bit of self advertising. Anyway is this treatment available in Europe. How many pations have been treated so far?
Stretta treatment for acid reflux or gerd minimal invasive treatment but knows United States Hospital offer that but in Philippines not available can you invest to promote that Treatment
Not enough data about this RefluxStop unfortunately. We dont know any long term side effects yet.
Is this gonna be offered in the USA ?
I've been looking at RefluxStop for a while but only data I've found was through your own data. Not saying it's not good but seems just a bit of self advertising. Anyway is this treatment available in Europe. How many pations have been treated so far?
Refluxstop is now approved by NHS?
Eat organic extra virgin olive oils help stomach problems
Stretta treatment for acid reflux or gerd minimal invasive treatment but knows United States Hospital offer that but in Philippines not available can you invest to promote that Treatment