"HOW IS _____ A BAD EXOTIC?? I ONCE SAW (professional pvp streamer who plays 12 hours per day) DROP BACK TO BACK WE-RANS WITH THAT WEAPON IN A QUICKPLAY LOBBY. UNSUBBING"
“People don’t like hurting themselves” me purposely taking arc damage so I can proc riskrunners exotic perk:😳 ,sidenote riskrunner is absolutely shreddding in pve as of now especially with the unlimited primary ammo you just absolutely have to take arc damage
Heads up, if you're facing a striker titan. It takes 3 melees for them to kill you if their first melee is charged, because of riskrunner. I learnt that the hard way. No go and cause chaos
Riskrunner can absolutely shred through strikes involving Fallen, and can handle Vex strikes pretty well if you can find Radiolaria sources(Pools or suiciders)
@@BenMaguireLONEWOLF9989 Septic Prime (cannot remember the name my bad) final fight arc will bounce off the shields onto the orbiting balls and it makes me sooooo happy
@@NejiLover94 Devils Lair is one of the weaker of fallen strikes for riskrunner, as it's more of a croud control weapon, and arc damage sources are harder to come by due to the fact that a it partially shares enemy spawns with Hive. Fallen SABER is the best for Riskrunner. The ships weapons deal minimal arc damage meaning Arc conductor is free.
@@carlosflores4179 mm needs to get crit damage buff to make it special like DMT and hawkmoon or another exotic trick such as a 3x dam buff you can activate like the terrabah by body shots… dont know actually how fair thatll be. Jade rabbits pretty cool though regardless but yea needs an unique buff
@@hillieo9760 playing devils advocate, as someone who really enjoys using Jade Rabbit in PvP and personally felt it could hold it's own against 120s pre nerf range nerf decently enough. I do slightly fear that making it's damage bonus come from crits could make it oppressive. But then again you love to see it.
Borealis is highly underrated! When it is honestly the best triple archetype Sniper in the entire game! Cloudstrike was cool at first but it’s boring to use and I’d take Borealis into a GM over the the Cloudstrike and day of the week!
@@NexusKirin I know! Why everyone loves Adored, Cloudstrike, and these other snipers is beyond me! It’s like the Destiny community retarded as fuck over the past 2 years.
@@elitejackal3439 because I your in a gm you dont need a single guy with all elements you are supposed to be a team and share the load. It's not us being retarded its just how the activity is making players adapt to the situation
There are only two times I use Salvation's Grip. The first, and primary reason, is to break those Darkness triangles to start an Aspect quest. The other is to make platforms to get outside the map.
tbh if it got a catalyse that made it have the two other types of genades but special and maybe more powerful slightly just so it fits well as a exotic
That's about it. Utilities are not bad but they certainly are not flashy or direct. Darci is also a utilitie weapon in that you can use it as a meter stick.
I still think arbalest needs antibarrier. It's whole thing is that it doesn't give crap about shields, yet it can't shoot through anti-barrier. I would love to use it if it could deal with a champion type.
They gave bastion unstoppable since it also was suppose to be a "fuck shields" kinda weapon before they changed it. I wish arbalest got similar treatment
Yea I agree, I think there's a ton of old exotics that could use that treatment, I'd definitely rock something like the Suros Regime a lot more if it had innate anti-barrier or overload rounds.
Ye I always imagined since they added the champ mods they could with adding them to some exotics (although not all cuz that would be broken and possibly retarded)
i use cereberus mainly in pve sometimes pvp and actually just got the catty so I'm just happy datto thinks its good even tho there's a clear bias being his gf likes it bc i was sure he'd knock like everyone i know does to me for using it :P
Make Darci have all 3 champ mods/ammo because it 'finds the enemies weakness and adapts'. It'd still be subpar damage etc but having an exotic heavy that can stun any of the Champs would be very cool. Edit: any of you that think this compromises the Champion system- hahahaha obv you struggle at killing Champs son
Its a really good idea but i think giving it the champ mods intrinsically seems a little too strong in my opinion. It would be nice to not have to worry about forgetting to put those mods on after loading a GM
@@tannernipper3756 maybe there could be a Reload mechanic sort of like Lord of wolves or hard light where you have to cycle through what kind of anti-champ it would get?
I will say about Borealis, I had one sitting in my vault from when I first played D2 and having a multi-damage type sniper available when shield match is so common in the mid-higher tier weekly activities was a blessing leveling up.
I main malfeasance hahaha its so satisfying when guardians feel "safe" cause I'm hitting them with a hand cannon from long range... then all of a sudden they don't exist anymore
Yeah Malfeasance is a great exotic. Still a great counter to roaming supers. And before the stasis nerf. Hedrons gave you infinite uptime on a DMG boost. 180 rpm handcannons are godly when they get kill clip/or any DMG buff bring their ttk down to some of the fastest. Higher mag size for them too and great stability 3 taps for days and super counter if you're charged with light or in a
IMO Acrius has been underwhelming since swords swung into relevance. It struggles to compete with them, despite the fact that the Acrius has less reserves and a much higher risk to use. This is especially relevant because it is a raid exotic. These are currently going for a lot of spoils, and the Acrius isn't unique or powerful enough to deserve such a grind. I'd say it needs the radar perk replaced for something tarrabah-esque, which allows the weapon to be a burst dps option, in the same vein as the fourth horseman but as a heavy.
Ye one of the main things holding acrius back is definitely gonna be the spoils needed. After all, those spoils can be spent better places I.e anarchy if you don't have it, or trying for good rolled guns in vog or dsc
Thunderlord's getting a damage buff when they do machine guns, scouts, and hand cannons in one of the next tuning passes, all it needs is a catalyst. It's a workhorse weapon, all it needs is something passive IMO.
@@SCRandall the trinity ghoul is way better then thunderlord it takes primary ammo the Salvagers salvo destroys both those weapons hopefully it can compete after the buff
Honestly I never really touched Merciless in the time between Year 1 of Destiny 2 and Season 15, so I never even realized they moved it from the heavy slot to the special slot. Honestly though, I think they should move it back to the heavy. Its perk is clearly meant to have the player focused on a single target so you can dump your whole mag in there, taking advantage of the ramping charge speed to skyrocket your dps, but with Special Weapon tier damage it just doesn't feel powerful enough to warrant its use. Set it back to a heavy weapon with proper damage numbers to compensate and I think you'll see people's opinion of the gun improve significantly.
Coldheart needs an actual intrinsic perk. Currently it's literally "is a trace rifle". We have 5 of them now, that's not a unique intrinsic perk any more.
@@Gunslinger8912 The beam it fires is the antithesis of cold. It's ammo is it's cooling liquid. Changing Coldheart to Stasis makes no sense at even a base level, before you even to get to the fact that the entire design philosophy and lore of the gun would have to be changed. At that point just make a new trace rifle.
@@flagmuffin1221 I could not disagree more. Read the lore, it says the ammo DOUBLES as the coolant, not that it only expends coolant after heating. There's nothing that says the beam is hot. It is literally a beam of liquid nitrogen coolant shooting out of it
@@flagmuffin1221 dont know where you're coming up with the idea that the lore and the gun philosophy would need to be changed. There is absolutely nothing tying it to Arc energy
I just hate gambit 😂. Mostly because, of the Drifter, I just hate him; he reminds me of a guy who was in my year all through elementary, middle and high school who wanted to be a poor man's rogue-like Chuck Norris looking martial arts master. When I hear the drifter speak I want to hide my face in a paper bag because, I'm getting so much second hand embarrassment. He was the kind of guy who tried to give himself edgy nicknames and then tried to convince us other people gave them to him.
@Anoneemus Noename Gamemode of it's time. It sucks now because of EoT and Truth and Sleeper, Lorentz, etc. It was great in the beta and during it's launch.
I love it but I hate it, I love the drifter but I hate rocket launchers. I swear I'll invade for like a second and some guy respawns behind me and shoves gjallarhorn where the sun don't shine
I love the actual pve part but having to deal with other people while fighting a shit ton of enemies, and that they can reset the bosses fucking health from nothing to full by killing 2 people is just bulshit
I know that Leviathan’s Breath is a meme but I use it pretty exclusively and love it. It’s also hilarious when I point blank an invader right in the face in gambit!
Malfeasance needs a catalyst that builds stacks on hits and at like 5 stacks fire a taken spike explosive round that does aoe damage. So at 5 hits the next hit does a taken explosion or something to that effect so it can add clear to some extent along with major and boss damge. Just a quick thought.
But then it will just be a copy-and-paste of polaris lance. I mean polaris sucks and I would love to see malfeasance do the job better, but I doubt bungo will be as hopeful as you bro.
Last season I used Malfeasance every week for Harbinger, with the Unstoppable Hand Cannon mod and the fact the entire level is Taken enemies it was a fantastic choice. It also made me realize how lovely the gun feels to use. Would really like to see it get a catalyst, if for nothing else but to add orb generation and a kill tracker. Oh, and it's also one of the best looking guns in the game
thats actually pretty clever, i might pull out Malfeasance for the Corrupted Expunge for the giggles. i forget that Taken buff sometimes. Something i found out recently; Crimson with the Overload mod can stun the Champions in 1 trigger pull. It counts each bullet of the 3-round burst together as "sustained fire", so it's basically an instant, fool-proof stun for virtually nothing. I dont see many people on PC taking advantage of it, but Crimson on PC is for Rumble and otherwise just a controller-user gun.
Maybe the catalyst should have an alt-fire where you shoot explosive bullets that deal a bit more damage but less overall damage than the full 5 bullet explosion so the exotic perk can be useful against ads? The main use of a primary is to clear ads, so it would make it a lot better imo
I personally love Malfeasence, it's a very balanced hand cannon, pretty fast firing but not as high damage as a normal hand cannon, very balanced in pvp and still amazing in pve
I used malfeasance the whole time I was doing the quest line for Lunas howl. Then when I finally got Lunas, they nerfed the shit outta it a week after. Now, you can literally just go buy Lunas or Not forgotten.
Agreed wholeheartedly. If we could somehow trigger the noble rounds like Symmetry changes to seekers, would make it a bit better too. I hate that I can’t hipfire it after getting a noble round.
Lumina as a 150 (after the shadow keep precision nerf) would leave red bars with a small amount of HP even with the buff active. The move to a 140 was actually a good thing for Lumina.
It would be interesting if each Noble Charge in your possession would give you +10 Recovery. Also that "hip-fire to Noble shoot" is irritating as hell.
Personally, in my experience, the ability to see allied healthbars would make Lumina a much more enjoyable weapon to use. I'd be able to see what I'm contributing to my team in terms of healing AND, y'know, I'd know when I really need to fire that healing shot.
I remember back in D1 Queenbreaker was my go to exotic for trials as i was pretty decent with it. Moving it to the heavy slot just killed any reason to use it for me.
That rant was funny. I've always thought the "body shot to gain bonus headshot" was a dumbass mechanic for a scout rifle. Edit : oh yeah, that's the same issue with Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten... Perks that mitigate mediocre accuracy.
It's legitimately my pick for the worst exotic in the game tbh. The perk sucks because you LOSE DAMAGE for the benefit of not reloading, and if you don't do the perk it's a 150 scout with a 10 round mag.
"Some exotics are meant to be unique, not good" Well yeah, that's true.. but why? Devs come up with a creative idea just to discourage people from using it?
Yeah, this argument doesn't really make sense. Nobody gives a shit about something being unique if it isn't good for anything. It's "unique" aspect still has to excel at what it does or it's just a waste of everybody's time.
Not every weapon can be the most powerful. Some are designed to intentionally be worse than others to help prevent power creep, bungie has said this themselves I think back in taken king.
@@dreadnaught5370 That's not how you deal with power creep though, you deal with power creep by introducing stronger enemies, not weaker guns Wyverns, Brigs and Master VoG are a great example of how it's done
Yeah, for people who always go for meta stuff and MAX DPS in PvE stuff (barring raids and M/GMs) will not use these things. Its about having fun in a video game, fancy that. Theres a time and place for Anarchy, and theres a time and place for skyburners if you think its fun to shoot.
I think the biggest problem with "bad" exotics is that unique != good. A lot of the worst exotics do something very unique and cool....but that thing isn't really useful. A generic exotic sword that just gives a lot of damage "lament" is top tier vs. a one-of-a-kind slug throwing heat seeking scout rifle that explodes "skyburners"
@@x-ler2066 it’s not even a bad gun, it’s catalyst is perfect for what it does and it’s dummy cracked against cabal. Honestly don’t know why people don’t pair it with solar buff gear
@@Evan-ug6qc it has almost no AoE, unless enemies are hugging each other they won't take dmg at all. Its more of a explosive payload range, it needs to be firefly level.
I remember that i saw a post about datamining and a section was about the malfeasance catalyst that was supposed to give it something similar to firefly, so we'll see !
So neat to go back and watch this and see how great Bungie did with bringing a bunch of these into the meta. It’s sweet what a couple buffs and a catalyst can do for some of the worst exotics a few years back.
@@ninjaslash52_98 it's *okay*. It's a 180 without having the 180 in-air accuracy and can't get Icarus, so it's already at a disadvantage. It will always just be okay with other HCs around. It's my favorite gun in the game but I won't try and make it sound better than it is.
You can use it with focusing lens to proc stasis as a light class, though now that we have another stasis weapon it's not as good. (Though being able to make free walls is fun somtimes)
@@lastwymsi The thing is having a stasis weapon is not useful at all right now other than doing bounties. There are no stasis shields or enemies or anything that stasis has an advantage over. The other stasis weapon also sucks ass too lol.
Merciless is actually a pretty solid PvP fusion with its catalyst. I know you can seldom make use of its exotic perk of faster charge time on non-lethal hits, but the catalyst causes it to become a stat MONSTER with range and stability. I consistently kill people from farther away than any other fusion rifle with Merciless.
Merciless is good in pvp just cause it's a good fusion, not cause of its exoticness. Luckily exotic slots don't matter as much in pvp so it isn't too much of a con.
I wish they would remove Merciless' uniquely slow charge rate. It should have the same charge time as the other high impact fusions. Maybe then it would compete with the other exotic fusions.
Its super good because one of its perks is literally Feeding Frenzy + Kill Clip plus its the a high impact archetype and the catalyst boosts the most important stats.
A great update for Salvations Grip would be to make it a “shotgun” grenade launcher. Instead of shooting 1 stasis crystal It would shoot like 3-5 small ish crystal in some unspecified pattern. But hopefully they don’t change it so I can continue to cheese my way around prophecy and other activities lol
Bro legit, most of these weapons were so fun back in the day and in my opinion, still can be fun, like when Polaris came out I remembered it was so fun and couldn’t put it down
@@exosus7451 It is, in my opinion, the best non heavy invasion tool in the game. It three taps, and it three taps quickly. Strong aim assist, long range enough to compete with snipers, ammo back meaning you don't have to reload on back to back kills, low recoil and good handling. Hell, even in just regular PvE it's its own monster, being able to crank out absurdly consistent DPS against ads and champions. As long as Scout Rifles have a seasonal anti-champion mod, I will always take Polaris Lance.
I achieved 1335 recently and did my 1st GM nightfalls... I hated scout rifles in general... but since this season is Anti-barrier scout, I found myself forced to take a scout, so i looked at Polaris Lance in my Bank.... took it out, wiped the dust out of it, put some gun oil in the barrel and wiped it clean and good Lord it Slays in GM nightfalls..... you basically never Reload, ever and you shoot through anything into their Heads xD. If they buff its Explosion exotic perk into making more overall damage or DOT damage im gonna go around using it outside Nightfalls too for sure!
It made it like actually viable as well, I think that’s what the catalyst should be. There’s already plenty of primaries that put out that much damage anyway.
@@reef1017831 same here, it was vaulted for me until the catty released. Hasn’t left my side since, and closing in on 100k kills with it because it’s just so damn fun. More catalysts like this please!
People sleep on the huge damage buff it gives as well. The damage buff given to your allies and you isn’t locked to lumina so you can grant the buff then use your heavy or special as if you were getting buffed by a mobile well of radiance. With luminas catalyst you have noble rounds super often too so it’s pretty much 100 percent uptime on the damage buff.
@Devil Bird Sure man. I'm a support main. I'm used to keeping teammates alive, and in D2 it's a huge help. Most people don't play supports in Destiny though. It's like Warframe: you all just want to kill shit. I get it, but don't undervalue a support.
"I love Lumina, it's so much fun playing as a support character!" *Datto says it's bad* "Wtf Lumina is actual hot garbage I'm never touching this thing again"
if i wouldnt dislike its design so much i would play it way more just because of the lore it has, there is an artist who drew some really great pictures of Reyzil Azzir (dregen yor), at a time we still thought yor was a hunter, together with his rose. and i mean it if i say i would even pay 15 bucks for an lumina ornament that looks like this (the artist is Shiniebezial or stjepan sejic on twitter
It's exotic effect is that it ramps up damage while on target. It's just missing a secondary ability to make you care about that or synergizes in some way with that ability.
@@HatTrickzTV it’s a supercold cooling system keeping a superhot blue fire laser in check with the weapon systems, if anything it should be solar lmao.
The Lumina has become one of my favorite hand cannons to use this season. Just like the thorn with the necrotic grips, lumina stacks with the boots of the assembler. Making so you never really need to reload and you rift will last forever because the healing effect of the noble rounds procs the the effect of the boots. While it is fun to do, you will lack the DPS for most things. You are just an RPG healer.
@@jameswooster4250 Boots of the assembler with the lumina on warlock With well of radiance you become a stationary healer never have to reload And you can heal from any distance with the gun And you're grenade.
I'm going to be completely honest, I absolutely love cerberus and I've been using it since it came out, and I find it viable in most situations (yes even at long range) it shreds guardians in pvp and a blast to use In pve, but I'm not gonna lie i don't get alot of use out of the catylist
I agree I love Cerberus it is basically a shotgun that is using primary ammo. I do agree the catalyst is kinda meh. After all I only use it for some farther range shots due to it making the spread tighter so each round hits it's mark. For weaker enemies though you wouldn't see me using that firing mode on a boss or something like that. That is just plain dumb due to the slower firing speed you would get shredded. It is a very underrated gun for sure.
I've been running Malfeasance with overload rounds this season since proccing the explosion will also end up stunning overload champs in the process. Fun to use in stuff like override, but not too sure about Master/GM stuff lol.
Wouldn't the gun stun them before the taken explosions happen? I mean that sounds fun and all but you'd probably get more bang for your buck with Crimson.
Malfeasance is one of my favs just a dope looking gun and its pretty good in pve imo. Don't really have any issues with it. Borealis and symmetry are pretty dope too. I like their abilities.
@@user-lv8dn8gw9z After their recent "buff", the assembler boots are good enough on their own, but coupled with Lumina, it loads noble rounds as well as healing teammates. You pretty much become a walking medkit.
I was surprised to see lumina in the bad exotics, its sooo good, just underrated. From my experience with it I would say a bit more range or stability, it have the same stability as ace(pretty low), but ace traded it off with high range. I also saw some comments about the hip fire stuff, it's a "precision" weapon, award u for hitting heads, u can do so well by aiming down sight.
Lumina with Boots of the Assembler is an amazing combo. Super support with infinite heals and buffs. Definitely drives Lumina much further towards the top.
Have you tried Lumina + Starfire Protocol yet? You become a healing machine with your two grenade charges and the middle solar warlock tree, I basically never run out of grenade for long and it feels really nice throwing a full heal over shield on an ally knowing they would have died otherwise
I love how I see you guys as warlocks use it, and honestly people like you are underappreciated. (Comes from a Hunter who's ass got saved a few times thanks to supportive warlocks)
@@lunatic756 when I feel like I havent contributed much in the offensives due to kill count I'm gonna remember this comment ^^ makes me wish there was a teammate's supported counter but this will have to do for now!
Salvations Grip catalyst idea: Give it regular heavy GL rounds that explode on impact. Holding reload swaps to the original mode. This way you can create crystal shards and swap modes to blow them up. Very versatile being able to create walls, traps, platforms, or just freezing stuff. Then being able to use it as a regular heavy GL.
It already has different firing modes so this would be easy to do without removing it's crystal creation as the clusters from holding would remain. Would be cool if it's catalyst let you detonate Stasis crystals by reloading with a mini penumbral blast as currently the game has no 'protection measures' for allied crystals so it wouldn't be a grief risk.
@@Perkustin it doesn't have an alternative fire mode I'm aware of? Holding the trigger lets you create a larger formation. This would let you hold reload and heavy regular grenades
Eriana's Vow is SO bae. I adore it and always have it on me. I feel like the insane length of the catalyst is a big turnoff for players, but this gun is amazing with it. I dare say that putting in the time on that catalyst is well worth it.
I just finished my symetry catalyst when I got eriana's vow... Two strikes later I get the catalyst... Now I basically gotta do same thing again DX can't say it's a turn off tho. Because for sym it was well worth the wait... Anyone who does lots of playlists will sail through these... Been huge help for solo nightfalls
@@damonspang9508 the nice thing about symmetry is that NFs count towards its progress while for Erianna’s they don’t. I bought the vow and symmetry a couple months back in season 13 and I’m almost done. Grinding GMs the latter part of season 14 bumped my progress close to that of the vow but either way I’m not tripping. At first I told myself that if I do 10 strikes a day I could get it in 40 days but the grind would’ve been exhausting so I didn’t do that.
There was actually a build on hunter with the tricksleeves that made it do some pretty big DPS, but it got nerfed into the ground a season or two ago I believe.
Could always make a slightly less bonkers version of that for its catalyst. Or put the full craziness back and move it to special ammo. It’s already the slowest draw bow outside Leviathan’s Breath.
@@thetwintiger i agree with @xRedliine it was not that severe .. and , the less said about Leviathan’s Breath Draw Time the better i was hoping the Catalist would fix it ... then i found out the 5 arrows more , was also needed .
coming back to this video nearly two years later is cool seeing how many of these weapons have been improved. Wish-ender is a great exotic now. Darci is not the greatest, but still decent with the added jolt. Skyburners is the same but with scorch. I Think Queensbreaker is kinda slept on at the moment, the chain bolt is suprisingly good for add clear. Malfeasance stunning unstoppables is neat. Leviathans Breath has probably the biggest turn around, currently being an amazing dps choice. Coldheart generating Ionic traces is cool for arc builds. Jade Rabbit is decent but still a bit wierd and janky, though not as bad as it was. Polaris lance is REALLY good now that the perfect fifth explosion scorches. Merciless is also another slept on dps choice. Lumina is really decent in pvp.
A lot of people say that sky burners oath is a bad exotic. However, different exotics have different roles in-game. Sky burners oath's role is to shred cabal, which it does quite well.
@@muratendmo The perk only outperforms coldheart by a small margin and if you're talking about pvp then y'know if you get a double kill with a trace rifle you should be rewarded with kill-clip2.0
The soft dps is very nice. I remember it saving my butt during the outbreak mission because it's explosions deal crit damage even to the scorpions that didn't have a crit spot
Malfeasance is fantastic. It shreds through small ads. With the perk it does good damage on majors/ultras/bosses for a primary. With the 5 hit perk, you can kill a guardian at almost any range. It’s a very underrated exotic.
It suffers from "it sucks when solo syndrome" compared to what you could be using. The point of the gun is to run multiple since everyone uses the same hit counter (as it's counted on the target, not the gun itself). With a fireteam slugging away at tough targets, it works much better. But, since no one else is using it, you'll be alone with it and that's the worst time to use it. Sort of like Rat King, in a way, though at least Rat King has competitive TTK and good solo utility in more difficult content.
@@ForeverLaxx I use it solo all the time and it performs just fine. Especially on Taken and Fallen but Malfeasance isn't for everyone especially in crucible. I still clap 3v1 everyday but not everyone can do that especially if you can't hit headshots constantly.
@@ShunTsukiko Compared to the exotic energy or power weapons you could be using in PvE, Malfeasance is a joke. Who cares how well you do against an average PvP lobby with a gun that has no advantage outside of maybe getting a cross-map 5 hit kill which is going to be rare, at best? Your best use of the gun in PvP is trying to take out a roaming super, but unless you have lots of space and no other option, that won't work anyway. Bring that gun into Gambit, the mode you have to play to even get the weapon, and when it's time to DPS the boss, the one thing Malfeasance can do better than other primary not named Dead Man's Tale with Vorpal, you're still getting completely dominated on the damage chart by your team who are using energy/power/supers. To keep up, you can't use Malfeasance, and when you can't use it in the one place it's meant to shine, what's the point? Wiping ads isn't hard either and requires no exotic to do, and boss DPS without energy/power/super contribution is bad. Most, if not all, Exotic primaries generally have this problem in PvE and they need certain niches/styles to be valuable in PvP, or at least have competitive TTK with some sort of upside. Malfeasance really has nothing going for it when alone that you couldn't get better results from elsewhere with a similar Primary and free up your Exotic slot. Don't get me wrong. I like the gun, but it needs help pretty badly.
@@ForeverLaxx I said it did just fine for me. If you read carefully you realize I used "I" my preference. Could I use Hawkmoon yes, could I use Ace? Yes. Could I use any other exotic yea and should I? I do. But I'm not gonna count any exotic out because it doesn't clap 100% in everything by stat and perk when I could use it to practice skill. I wasn't saying it didn't need help. No need to write an essay on things I already know. It has its faults and like every exotic it could do better, but just remember when it first dropped everyone was complaining it needed nerfing like every single weapon and when it does you complain it needs a buff. Yea there are weapons that have limited viability Malfeasance one, but at least it's balanced or at the moment fairly close. In my opinion some exotics need limited viability otherwise we'll have another WoW, Anarchy and Simulant issue. Where it claps in everything and some idiot take it into pvp and cause it to get nerfed.
@@ShunTsukiko "No need to write an essay." Yeah, that's cute. You kids and your phobia of reading is always good for a laugh. I put zero stock in "it works for me" claims. Anything can "work" in the right lobby. There's no denying it doesn't really stand out and easily falls behind standard options, though. The game does not work in a manner that Malfeasance can leverage, which was my point.
I’ve been using malfeasance since I first got it when it came out. I don’t think the weapons needs a buff or anything. I’m hoping for a cool catalyst for it Bc it’s well deserved. I wouldn’t have this weapon in this list in my opinion. It’s my favorite exotic and I’m fine with not a lot of people using it. Makes me feel unique among all the busted metas that have taken center stage ever since I got it.
Jade Rabbit was actually really good… for the 1 mission I used it for Since the seasonal mod was to use a scout rifle to stun barrier champions, it really came in clutch when doing that mission sent to you by Clovis Bray post-beyond light campaign (the one where you traverse freezing platforms and you can killoberloads instead of getting the shelter of the storm buff) Malfeasance looks fun but it’s really a Gambit weapon Haven’t used my coldheart yet Merciless… I just got the catalyst today. It runs more on its intrinsic trait more than the catalyst. It’s cool but very niche (to be used on only bosses) because that’s the only place it’s useful enough to use the exotic trait
Ez solution for Leviathan is that when you stun a champion, the bow gets returned to the "mag". As for other buffs I think a merciless type perk where for example each crit increases fire rate and a slight damage boost would be nice. I use the bow all of the time to just remove majors and champions quickly. Usually it takes 1-2 shots and when you get 5 bows per ammo brick and 15 in reserve no matter what mods you use, I think its pretty nice
It’d be nice to have a catalyst available for Le Monarch. Something along the lines of the poison DOT stacking. I just want to be able to generate orbs with it.
@@joelrobinson5457 Thats the problem with exotics though, they're either great in PvP or PvE not both. There's a few exceptions of course but they need to find a way to balance them between the two modes, and currently LM doesn't quite cut it in PvE
it is bruh, datto just getting his shit off, levi so broken in pvp and gambit, you can straight up army of 1 as an invader bruh that bow is nuts,unlimited range, instant kill any part of body, and it feels like the arrows track sometimes, only knock on that weapon is getting ammo for it
"HOW IS _____ A BAD EXOTIC?? I ONCE SAW (professional pvp streamer who plays 12 hours per day) DROP BACK TO BACK WE-RANS WITH THAT WEAPON IN A QUICKPLAY LOBBY. UNSUBBING"
@@knalb_ i slay with it
I'm a divinity man myself tbh
Hey its the ridge wallet guy
"exotics are meant to be unique"
Me: *looks at Coldheart, whos exotic perk is that its a trace rifle*
Ice ice baby intensifies
@@Mangopawsss yeah, it was the first one. back then, trace rifles kinda counted as autos, so it made sense as an exotic
"exotics are meant to be unique" also known as : please update/rework fighting lion
MIDA Multi-tool
"Is a lightweight"
"has radar...which is also on Ace of Spades"
A relic of the past
The worst part about this is that most of the 'cool idea' exotics are just trash in practical usage.
Great idea! Down right terrible execution
Ruinous Effigy was great before they nerfed it after 3 months of release.
@@Middle6Age6Warr6 why’d they nerf?
@@will9709 the drain was too much dps and healing, at least in their eyes, now it's just a right click exotic
“People don’t like hurting themselves” me purposely taking arc damage so I can proc riskrunners exotic perk:😳 ,sidenote riskrunner is absolutely shreddding in pve as of now especially with the unlimited primary ammo you just absolutely have to take arc damage
We can be friends xD
Heads up, if you're facing a striker titan. It takes 3 melees for them to kill you if their first melee is charged, because of riskrunner. I learnt that the hard way. No go and cause chaos
Riskrunner can absolutely shred through strikes involving Fallen, and can handle Vex strikes pretty well if you can find Radiolaria sources(Pools or suiciders)
@@BenMaguireLONEWOLF9989 Septic Prime (cannot remember the name my bad) final fight arc will bounce off the shields onto the orbiting balls and it makes me sooooo happy
@@NejiLover94 Devils Lair is one of the weaker of fallen strikes for riskrunner, as it's more of a croud control weapon, and arc damage sources are harder to come by due to the fact that a it partially shares enemy spawns with Hive. Fallen SABER is the best for Riskrunner. The ships weapons deal minimal arc damage meaning Arc conductor is free.
His rant on Jade rabbit is actually hilarious.
I love jade rabbit but it has nothing exotic about it
@@carlosflores4179 mm needs to get crit damage buff to make it special like DMT and hawkmoon or another exotic trick such as a 3x dam buff you can activate like the terrabah by body shots… dont know actually how fair thatll be. Jade rabbits pretty cool though regardless but yea needs an unique buff
You can tell he wanted to use profanity
@@hillieo9760 playing devils advocate, as someone who really enjoys using Jade Rabbit in PvP and personally felt it could hold it's own against 120s pre nerf range nerf decently enough. I do slightly fear that making it's damage bonus come from crits could make it oppressive. But then again you love to see it.
@@carlosflores4179 if a damage increase was given more on the level of hawkmoon… it could be great.
“We have adored and cloudstrike as arc sniper options right now”
Poor Borealis
Adored seems to be the only sniper I can get along with... Most of them zoom too close for the destiny maps or are too clunky for me to use
Borealis is highly underrated! When it is honestly the best triple archetype Sniper in the entire game! Cloudstrike was cool at first but it’s boring to use and I’d take Borealis into a GM over the the Cloudstrike and day of the week!
@@elitejackal3439 Borealis is ridiculous in match game ngl
@@NexusKirin I know! Why everyone loves Adored, Cloudstrike, and these other snipers is beyond me! It’s like the Destiny community retarded as fuck over the past 2 years.
@@elitejackal3439 because I your in a gm you dont need a single guy with all elements you are supposed to be a team and share the load. It's not us being retarded its just how the activity is making players adapt to the situation
There are only two times I use Salvation's Grip. The first, and primary reason, is to break those Darkness triangles to start an Aspect quest. The other is to make platforms to get outside the map.
I've also only used it for gatekeeper triumph where you have to kill the minotaurs with the super relic. Very niche still
tbh if it got a catalyse that made it have the two other types of genades but special and maybe more powerful slightly just so it fits well as a exotic
Ngl, I did that too
That's about it. Utilities are not bad but they certainly are not flashy or direct. Darci is also a utilitie weapon in that you can use it as a meter stick.
it's literally the gloo gun from Prey lol
“Fusions haven’t been it in pve for a while” this aged like milk
How could he have known particle deconstruction was coming
@@JM-bd4qh he couldn’t. Not the point of the comment though.
I used merciless when the very first raid came out for dogs
@@jeffharbaugh1726 Everyone did.
Jade Rabbit needs a complete rework. The returning ammo is garbage, make it actually good Bungie.
Not to mention the perk didn't even work for almost a year until Bungie fixed it before Beyond Light came out.
Especially when you keep in mind that Polaris Lance has a better ammo return perk, rewards crits and still sees no play
If jade rabbit could 2 body 1 head in pvp, that'd at least make the chain body to head gimmick not completely useless
@@epicgamerzfail4575 Naw, it should work like a weird version of rapid hit but for body shots that increased damage.
I completed the "250 kills" catalyst a few months ago. FUN TIME IN CRUCIBLE.
I still think arbalest needs antibarrier. It's whole thing is that it doesn't give crap about shields, yet it can't shoot through anti-barrier. I would love to use it if it could deal with a champion type.
They gave bastion unstoppable since it also was suppose to be a "fuck shields" kinda weapon before they changed it. I wish arbalest got similar treatment
Yeah you know it's only a FUCKING RAILGUN.
Yea I agree, I think there's a ton of old exotics that could use that treatment, I'd definitely rock something like the Suros Regime a lot more if it had innate anti-barrier or overload rounds.
Me too I’ve been thinking/ preaching this
Ye I always imagined since they added the champ mods they could with adding them to some exotics (although not all cuz that would be broken and possibly retarded)
Datto defending Cerberus for 18 minutes because Danielle has shown him how cool it is
Alternate take: Because she's standing behind him holding it.
@@randomguys2 This it fellas, the unarguably better version of my comment
i use cereberus mainly in pve sometimes pvp and actually just got the catty so I'm just happy datto thinks its good even tho there's a clear bias being his gf likes it bc i was sure he'd knock like everyone i know does to me for using it :P
TBF it is a fantastic auto rifle for things at close/medium range. It's just that that range drops off very quickly.
I mained cerberus for a bit back when the catalyst came out, it's super fun at close range.
Everyone: "You should be using Exotics for their perks and to abuse the current meta in PvP and PvE"
Me: *Uses an Exotic just because it looks cool*
*Me still using Monte Carlo*
@@burryeezy8837 Monte Carlo gang
Lumina gang
Outbreak gang
@@burryeezy8837 I mean it's a nice gun and fun for melee set ups
Remember when Merciless was a DPS powerhouse?
Good times
It uh... still is?!
After the lunafaction nerf it hasnt been used nearly as much
Back when Sealed Ahamkara's grasp would continually reload weapons with Mid Tree Gunslinger, Merciless definitely was a DPS monster.
It’s crazy in PvP with the masterwork
Merciless is top tier right now
Skyburners oath: literally unused for 4 years and completely useless in every activity.
Also Bungie: I’m going to ignore that
It’s only good against cabal it is cool but shit in general
"But it was op in GM Proving Grounds bc you can shoot through two specific bubble shields" - some dumbass, probably
The only reason to ever use skyburner's was to solo one encounter in SoTP, and now that's vaulted
I hope they never buff it though, it’s in the “funny bad” category tbh. Not everything has to be (and can be) good
I like it :(
Make Darci have all 3 champ mods/ammo because it 'finds the enemies weakness and adapts'. It'd still be subpar damage etc but having an exotic heavy that can stun any of the Champs would be very cool.
Edit: any of you that think this compromises the Champion system- hahahaha obv you struggle at killing Champs son
Bungie please do this
That's actually a gigabrain suggestion, I like this
Its a really good idea but i think giving it the champ mods intrinsically seems a little too strong in my opinion. It would be nice to not have to worry about forgetting to put those mods on after loading a GM
@@tannernipper3756 maybe there could be a Reload mechanic sort of like Lord of wolves or hard light where you have to cycle through what kind of anti-champ it would get?
@@bryanchemini6221 yes, your brain is massive bro. Actually a good idea.
I will say about Borealis, I had one sitting in my vault from when I first played D2 and having a multi-damage type sniper available when shield match is so common in the mid-higher tier weekly activities was a blessing leveling up.
I main malfeasance hahaha its so satisfying when guardians feel "safe" cause I'm hitting them with a hand cannon from long range... then all of a sudden they don't exist anymore
Yeah Malfeasance is a great exotic. Still a great counter to roaming supers. And before the stasis nerf. Hedrons gave you infinite uptime on a DMG boost. 180 rpm handcannons are godly when they get kill clip/or any DMG buff bring their ttk down to some of the fastest.
Higher mag size for them too and great stability
3 taps for days and super counter if you're charged with light or in a
Same here lol. I can't change my exotic. I love the gun so much
Also malfeasance being a primary ammo gun, it slaps in gambit.
I wonder for Malfy - if you keep damage etc the same but upped the fire rate what that might do for it's usage.
a 190/200 rpm.
@@frankiechan9651 if it went 200 rmp, I'd frickin go wild. It's allready one of my 2 favorite handcannons.
IMO Acrius has been underwhelming since swords swung into relevance. It struggles to compete with them, despite the fact that the Acrius has less reserves and a much higher risk to use. This is especially relevant because it is a raid exotic. These are currently going for a lot of spoils, and the Acrius isn't unique or powerful enough to deserve such a grind. I'd say it needs the radar perk replaced for something tarrabah-esque, which allows the weapon to be a burst dps option, in the same vein as the fourth horseman but as a heavy.
Ye one of the main things holding acrius back is definitely gonna be the spoils needed.
After all, those spoils can be spent better places I.e anarchy if you don't have it, or trying for good rolled guns in vog or dsc
lol "swung" into relevance
Give it 1 - 2 punch
Nah, I say just moved it to the special slot and call it a day. Throw WotW and DARCI there with it.
The grind is fine. It's still a raid exotic that some of us spent tons of time getting. The rest I agree with
There is one exotic that everyone seemed to forget about: Thunderlord
I remember when it was the only gun I used to dps Calus. I can't believe I foegot about it.
Thunderlord's getting a damage buff when they do machine guns, scouts, and hand cannons in one of the next tuning passes, all it needs is a catalyst. It's a workhorse weapon, all it needs is something passive IMO.
It's not bad as far as LMGs go, but it just doesn't warrant using it over heavy hitters.
@@SCRandall the trinity ghoul is way better then thunderlord it takes primary ammo the Salvagers salvo destroys both those weapons hopefully it can compete after the buff
A mandatory Riven's heart exotic
Honestly I never really touched Merciless in the time between Year 1 of Destiny 2 and Season 15, so I never even realized they moved it from the heavy slot to the special slot. Honestly though, I think they should move it back to the heavy. Its perk is clearly meant to have the player focused on a single target so you can dump your whole mag in there, taking advantage of the ramping charge speed to skyrocket your dps, but with Special Weapon tier damage it just doesn't feel powerful enough to warrant its use. Set it back to a heavy weapon with proper damage numbers to compensate and I think you'll see people's opinion of the gun improve significantly.
A full fireteam of Rat Kings: "Are we a joke to you?" 🐀 👑
That thing needs a serious rework
Rat king gang
@@Pocketinfinity2021 no
@@Pocketinfinity2021 no
@@Wah_Corp yes
Coldheart needs an actual intrinsic perk. Currently it's literally "is a trace rifle".
We have 5 of them now, that's not a unique intrinsic perk any more.
Also, we have Stasis now.. change its damage type to Stasis
@@Gunslinger8912 The beam it fires is the antithesis of cold. It's ammo is it's cooling liquid.
Changing Coldheart to Stasis makes no sense at even a base level, before you even to get to the fact that the entire design philosophy and lore of the gun would have to be changed. At that point just make a new trace rifle.
@@flagmuffin1221 I could not disagree more. Read the lore, it says the ammo DOUBLES as the coolant, not that it only expends coolant after heating. There's nothing that says the beam is hot. It is literally a beam of liquid nitrogen coolant shooting out of it
@@flagmuffin1221 dont know where you're coming up with the idea that the lore and the gun philosophy would need to be changed. There is absolutely nothing tying it to Arc energy
@@flagmuffin1221 nah it could 100% be stasis without issue but bungie only had arc in the game at the time so they had to throw it in arc
I'd use Darci and Queenbreaker PvP in a heartbeat if they were special lol.
especially Darci
Not sure queenbreakers will come back as a special due to its history back in d1
@@naderghuloom8075 uh, qbb was never broken in d1
YES! Darci was good when everything was a heavy weapon. Linears in general aren't that worthy of being a heavy, and qbb barely does anything exotic
If qb was a special weapon like it was back in d1 (or like arbalest) I'd use the hell out of it
Drifter: “You’re being invaded! Find them before they find y-“
*insta killed by sleeper simulant”
God I hated Gambit😂
I just hate gambit 😂. Mostly because, of the Drifter, I just hate him; he reminds me of a guy who was in my year all through elementary, middle and high school who wanted to be a poor man's rogue-like Chuck Norris looking martial arts master. When I hear the drifter speak I want to hide my face in a paper bag because, I'm getting so much second hand embarrassment. He was the kind of guy who tried to give himself edgy nicknames and then tried to convince us other people gave them to him.
@Anoneemus Noename Gamemode of it's time. It sucks now because of EoT and Truth and Sleeper, Lorentz, etc. It was great in the beta and during it's launch.
I love it but I hate it, I love the drifter but I hate rocket launchers. I swear I'll invade for like a second and some guy respawns behind me and shoves gjallarhorn where the sun don't shine
@@Razorlight3 😳Sleeper's my go-to invasion weapon, either that or ager's scepter 😳
I love the actual pve part but having to deal with other people while fighting a shit ton of enemies, and that they can reset the bosses fucking health from nothing to full by killing 2 people is just bulshit
Tommy's Matchbook also has a hidden perk that gives it perfect hipfire accuracy. Doesn't make it top tier but it's very fun
Yeah it does, one of the perks is less damage to yourself if you hipfire and it'd suck not having that lol
Yeah.. excellent hipfire accuracy, AND it looks like it has less in-air penalties for hipfire, too!
Give it dmt level hipfire :)
@@dafulegend5905 more like nerf dmt to tommy level
@@Kazuhira2249 Best idea ive heard all day
"I'll be in the next five weapons, right?"
Hey don’t be so down. Look on the bright side, energy accelerant gives you some extra power factor
graviton lance might be one of my fav guns
Grav lance is unironically a great weapon
@@joebenjamin7465 amen
I wish they would buff the rate of fire, feels like jade rabbit but with a cool explosion perk
by now we all know that Jade Rabbits real exotic perk is being a stat monster.
Honestly, lol. It's stats are great but it just feels like a really good normal rifle
Ah yes, the least interesting exotic type in Destiny...
Someone doesn't have Deadman's I guess ^
Ah yes like Boolean Gemini
I know that Leviathan’s Breath is a meme but I use it pretty exclusively and love it. It’s also hilarious when I point blank an invader right in the face in gambit!
Same. I do the same thing while I'm invading
Malfeasance needs a catalyst that builds stacks on hits and at like 5 stacks fire a taken spike explosive round that does aoe damage. So at 5 hits the next hit does a taken explosion or something to that effect so it can add clear to some extent along with major and boss damge. Just a quick thought.
Give it Triple Double. Then it becomes a dps contender.
the catalyst already has been datamined and it's just a bigger explosion
But then it will just be a copy-and-paste of polaris lance.
I mean polaris sucks and I would love to see malfeasance do the job better, but I doubt bungo will be as hopeful as you bro.
it was datamined ages ago btw so who knows when it arrives
I mean the whole lore of it is if everyone has one they can out shoot Shin, they should buff its damage and then add a rat king style teamwork buff.
I miss the damage Wishender used to do before the nerf. That arrow felt like it had weight.
Oh hell yeah they never should have took it out
It literally ended wishes now it's just meh.
Wait, when did this happen?
@@quill7889 Season of Opulence, Wishender did a massive amount of damage, quadruple of what it does now
Fk, I just came back to destiny and was so keen to use my wishender in pvp :’)
Last season I used Malfeasance every week for Harbinger, with the Unstoppable Hand Cannon mod and the fact the entire level is Taken enemies it was a fantastic choice. It also made me realize how lovely the gun feels to use. Would really like to see it get a catalyst, if for nothing else but to add orb generation and a kill tracker. Oh, and it's also one of the best looking guns in the game
thats actually pretty clever, i might pull out Malfeasance for the Corrupted Expunge for the giggles. i forget that Taken buff sometimes.
Something i found out recently; Crimson with the Overload mod can stun the Champions in 1 trigger pull. It counts each bullet of the 3-round burst together as "sustained fire", so it's basically an instant, fool-proof stun for virtually nothing. I dont see many people on PC taking advantage of it, but Crimson on PC is for Rumble and otherwise just a controller-user gun.
Maybe the catalyst should have an alt-fire where you shoot explosive bullets that deal a bit more damage but less overall damage than the full 5 bullet explosion so the exotic perk can be useful against ads? The main use of a primary is to clear ads, so it would make it a lot better imo
I just wish the quest wasn't bugged
I personally love Malfeasence, it's a very balanced hand cannon, pretty fast firing but not as high damage as a normal hand cannon, very balanced in pvp and still amazing in pve
I used malfeasance the whole time I was doing the quest line for Lunas howl. Then when I finally got Lunas, they nerfed the shit outta it a week after. Now, you can literally just go buy Lunas or Not forgotten.
@@adamray2305 I went out of my way to get malfeasance and it’s actually a really good dps weapon. For pve that is.
@@soolio9795 I used it a lot because the recoil was easier for me to manage the 30 shots needed for a kill in pvp
@@adamray2305 survivors epitaph is a good alternative bc it hits harder and the recoil is just as manageable
@@soolio9795 if I ever play pvp again, I'll look into getting that
I feel like lumina would've had more value if it stayed as a 150
Agreed wholeheartedly. If we could somehow trigger the noble rounds like Symmetry changes to seekers, would make it a bit better too. I hate that I can’t hipfire it after getting a noble round.
@@thetwintiger I'd use it if it did this since if does buff the user's damage for a short time.
Lumina as a 150 (after the shadow keep precision nerf) would leave red bars with a small amount of HP even with the buff active. The move to a 140 was actually a good thing for Lumina.
It would be interesting if each Noble Charge in your possession would give you +10 Recovery.
Also that "hip-fire to Noble shoot" is irritating as hell.
in pvp its the lack of icarus grip that makes it not fun
Seeing Trinity in top 5 best/used exotics:
"Look at my boy, I'm so proud of him"
Personally, in my experience, the ability to see allied healthbars would make Lumina a much more enjoyable weapon to use. I'd be able to see what I'm contributing to my team in terms of healing AND, y'know, I'd know when I really need to fire that healing shot.
What health rating does the “!” Pop up on allies? 40% health? It doesn’t really seem like they’re low
@@chriskirkland6976 It's whenever they take ANY damage, so it's of little help in almost all activities.
@@riasisbad when you take damage, the *!* stays like 0.5sec. When you're on critical health, it stays until you start regenerating shields
I remember back in D1 Queenbreaker was my go to exotic for trials as i was pretty decent with it. Moving it to the heavy slot just killed any reason to use it for me.
Damn, Datto. Tell us how you really feel about Jade Rabbit lol
That rant was funny. I've always thought the "body shot to gain bonus headshot" was a dumbass mechanic for a scout rifle.
Edit : oh yeah, that's the same issue with Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten... Perks that mitigate mediocre accuracy.
It's a trash perk but still one of the best-feeling 150 scouts in the game, with insane aim assist. We just need Equinox back lol.
It's legitimately my pick for the worst exotic in the game tbh. The perk sucks because you LOSE DAMAGE for the benefit of not reloading, and if you don't do the perk it's a 150 scout with a 10 round mag.
It's literally just a legendary 150 scout with really good stats. Definitely my least liked exotic in Destiny as a whole.
Love the rant about this weapon, whole heartedly agree, always hated it. 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
"Some exotics are meant to be unique, not good"
Well yeah, that's true.. but why? Devs come up with a creative idea just to discourage people from using it?
Yeah, this argument doesn't really make sense. Nobody gives a shit about something being unique if it isn't good for anything. It's "unique" aspect still has to excel at what it does or it's just a waste of everybody's time.
They should strive for both
Not every weapon can be the most powerful. Some are designed to intentionally be worse than others to help prevent power creep, bungie has said this themselves I think back in taken king.
@@dreadnaught5370 That's not how you deal with power creep though, you deal with power creep by introducing stronger enemies, not weaker guns
Wyverns, Brigs and Master VoG are a great example of how it's done
Yeah, for people who always go for meta stuff and MAX DPS in PvE stuff (barring raids and M/GMs) will not use these things. Its about having fun in a video game, fancy that. Theres a time and place for Anarchy, and theres a time and place for skyburners if you think its fun to shoot.
I think the biggest problem with "bad" exotics is that unique != good. A lot of the worst exotics do something very unique and cool....but that thing isn't really useful. A generic exotic sword that just gives a lot of damage "lament" is top tier vs. a one-of-a-kind slug throwing heat seeking scout rifle that explodes "skyburners"
i mean, tbf, lament is a chainsword
@@Lynch2507 yeah, but it still functions like a normal sword. Swish swish stab. Not that complicated.
@@traviswilliams2348 that’s basically what darci is
@@traviswilliams2348 I see what you did there
Agreed. Skyburners is great
Skyburners oath is one of my favorites to just braindead hipfire everything.
Same, i dont know why people hate it, its one of my fav guns
@@x-ler2066 it’s not even a bad gun, it’s catalyst is perfect for what it does and it’s dummy cracked against cabal. Honestly don’t know why people don’t pair it with solar buff gear
I have four favorite
Monteo Carol
Crimson hand Cannon
Skybunnees oath
Sweet business
Skyburners is great, esp on solar cabal strikes.
Its not bad, I’ve gotten quite some kills with it
malfeasance aesthetic is my favorite, just a clean Taken-esque gun.
Drifter has good taste
agreed one of my favourites
I use the red cord of fate skin, I love it
Like the whisper
Imagine they make an “fallen killer exotic” kind of like skyburners is for cabal and malfeasance is for taken. Id want to see mithrax’s reaction
Instant Malf fix: Make the slugs explode like Firefly if the target dies before 5 shots. Ez Pz.
It already does that
@@Evan-ug6qc it has almost no AoE, unless enemies are hugging each other they won't take dmg at all. Its more of a explosive payload range, it needs to be firefly level.
I remember that i saw a post about datamining and a section was about the malfeasance catalyst that was supposed to give it something similar to firefly, so we'll see !
Do you one better:
Five shots need to land, but they don't need to be on one target. Explosion damage scales to number of slugs in targets?
@@ArtDadDraws This seems like a pretty cool and unique idea
Remember when Merciless was the main option for Calus DPS?? Good times...
For all of two weeks, until Cluster Bombs.
Trust me, I remember
So neat to go back and watch this and see how great Bungie did with bringing a bunch of these into the meta.
It’s sweet what a couple buffs and a catalyst can do for some of the worst exotics a few years back.
Malfeasance is honestly one of my favorite guns, across both pvp and pve
It’s good in pvp
Me too
I think it’s not used as much because no catalyst. This is my reason yk? I want a primary gun i can track kills ig lol
@@ninjaslash52_98 it's *okay*. It's a 180 without having the 180 in-air accuracy and can't get Icarus, so it's already at a disadvantage. It will always just be okay with other HCs around. It's my favorite gun in the game but I won't try and make it sound better than it is.
@@lucinev well it's a 5 tap from any range because of the intrinsic per
wait, salvation's grip is for something more than beyond light campaign?
If salvations grip had a damage area like witherhord it might be useful :/
You can use it with focusing lens to proc stasis as a light class, though now that we have another stasis weapon it's not as good. (Though being able to make free walls is fun somtimes)
pretty sure its also used for getting out of bounds sometimes too, what a *great* weapon...
@@lastwymsi The thing is having a stasis weapon is not useful at all right now other than doing bounties. There are no stasis shields or enemies or anything that stasis has an advantage over. The other stasis weapon also sucks ass too lol.
Clipping through the map?
Merciless is actually a pretty solid PvP fusion with its catalyst. I know you can seldom make use of its exotic perk of faster charge time on non-lethal hits, but the catalyst causes it to become a stat MONSTER with range and stability. I consistently kill people from farther away than any other fusion rifle with Merciless.
Merciless is good in pvp just cause it's a good fusion, not cause of its exoticness. Luckily exotic slots don't matter as much in pvp so it isn't too much of a con.
I wish they would remove Merciless' uniquely slow charge rate. It should have the same charge time as the other high impact fusions. Maybe then it would compete with the other exotic fusions.
Oh yeah, merciless has been slept on for like two years now. It’s literally a perfect PvP fusion
@@dustrockblues7567 it does more damage for the higher charge rate tho. 52ish per bolt vs 49
Its super good because one of its perks is literally Feeding Frenzy + Kill Clip plus its the a high impact archetype and the catalyst boosts the most important stats.
A great update for Salvations Grip would be to make it a “shotgun” grenade launcher.
Instead of shooting 1 stasis crystal It would shoot like 3-5 small ish crystal in some unspecified pattern.
But hopefully they don’t change it so I can continue to cheese my way around prophecy and other activities lol
I’m just so glad that someone finally remembered Polaris lance exists
polaris is m favorite weapon to use in gambit its the only gun combined with malfeasance I've gotten someone to call me a sweat for using.
Bro legit, most of these weapons were so fun back in the day and in my opinion, still can be fun, like when Polaris came out I remembered it was so fun and couldn’t put it down
@@exosus7451 It is, in my opinion, the best non heavy invasion tool in the game. It three taps, and it three taps quickly. Strong aim assist, long range enough to compete with snipers, ammo back meaning you don't have to reload on back to back kills, low recoil and good handling. Hell, even in just regular PvE it's its own monster, being able to crank out absurdly consistent DPS against ads and champions. As long as Scout Rifles have a seasonal anti-champion mod, I will always take Polaris Lance.
I achieved 1335 recently and did my 1st GM nightfalls... I hated scout rifles in general... but since this season is Anti-barrier scout, I found myself forced to take a scout, so i looked at Polaris Lance in my Bank.... took it out, wiped the dust out of it, put some gun oil in the barrel and wiped it clean and good Lord it Slays in GM nightfalls..... you basically never Reload, ever and you shoot through anything into their Heads xD. If they buff its Explosion exotic perk into making more overall damage or DOT damage im gonna go around using it outside Nightfalls too for sure!
@@Opressivemind ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US.
if Vex was in the poll it would probably be in the top 5 worst exotics
this comment didnt age well
@@TheMarine0333 the poll existed before the buff so I have no idea what form of aging is there to have
imo Wishender when it was broken as fuck was the most fun i've had with that weapon ever
It made it like actually viable as well, I think that’s what the catalyst should be. There’s already plenty of primaries that put out that much damage anyway.
"Malfeasance is one of the worse exotics in the game"
Season 15:
"Hmm well you see, now we converted it to top tier dps. Is it bad now? :)"
it melts taken bosses like butter
Videos like this become outdated as soon as bungie watched the video
It's only good against taken bosses though. We need a catalyst
Imagine Mara saying that season 15 part
Even before 15, it’s perk works great with any champion mod thats goes to HCs for the season (not sure about barrier)
It could be pulled off, look at trinity ghoul when they released the catalyst🤙
With that catalyst it instantly became my favorite weapon in the game. I'm closing in on like 60,000 kills with it.
Trinity Ghoul is God Teir.
@@reef1017831 same here, it was vaulted for me until the catty released. Hasn’t left my side since, and closing in on 100k kills with it because it’s just so damn fun. More catalysts like this please!
I’ve never heard Datto be more angry with anything in Destiny’s entire franchise then he is with Jade Rabbit 😂
More like poop rabbit. Gottem
Im trying my best here
@@shigersky eww smelly big stinky
@@shigersky you’re best mode is momentum control
@@Demigodking Not anymore... it's Fukin lazer tag mode now... Welp... Jade rabbit is literally "Master of none" now
Playing Grace Warkock with Lumina is literally playing a medic and it's actually pretty fun
@Devil Bird it's pretty good in PvP, and is pretty decent in pve, it's certainly useable in master level content, maybe not GM's tho
@Devil Bird I ran lumina and boots of the assembler for the day 1 VoG experience and it was pretty decent but not great.
People sleep on the huge damage buff it gives as well. The damage buff given to your allies and you isn’t locked to lumina so you can grant the buff then use your heavy or special as if you were getting buffed by a mobile well of radiance. With luminas catalyst you have noble rounds super often too so it’s pretty much 100 percent uptime on the damage buff.
@Devil Bird That's not true AT ALL. Especially for endgame. A healer is amazing.
@Devil Bird Sure man. I'm a support main. I'm used to keeping teammates alive, and in D2 it's a huge help. Most people don't play supports in Destiny though. It's like Warframe: you all just want to kill shit.
I get it, but don't undervalue a support.
I can see Salvation's grip getting a rework, maybe add an alt function like "hold down reload" to detonate all stasis structures that the GL made
"I love Lumina, it's so much fun playing as a support character!"
*Datto says it's bad*
"Wtf Lumina is actual hot garbage I'm never touching this thing again"
I use it with those warlock boots as a way to get free damage buffs on my energy weapons.
I think Lumina should be changed back to a 150rpm.
It's viable. I swear ;-;
if i wouldnt dislike its design so much i would play it way more just because of the lore it has, there is an artist who drew some really great pictures of Reyzil Azzir (dregen yor), at a time we still thought yor was a hunter, together with his rose. and i mean it if i say i would even pay 15 bucks for an lumina ornament that looks like this (the artist is Shiniebezial or stjepan sejic on twitter
@@BustyBloodclot I like it
You seriously think Coldheart doesnt need a buff when its exotic effect is "is a trace rifle"? Wack.
Imo the best change is to double down on the "sustained damage" part of it and make it so as the damage increases, the ammo consumption decreases.
It's exotic effect is that it ramps up damage while on target. It's just missing a secondary ability to make you care about that or synergizes in some way with that ability.
I really think coldheart should be a stasis weapon
@@ziolan8970 it is supposed to be ice after all lol
@@HatTrickzTV it’s a supercold cooling system keeping a superhot blue fire laser in check with the weapon systems, if anything it should be solar lmao.
The Lumina has become one of my favorite hand cannons to use this season. Just like the thorn with the necrotic grips, lumina stacks with the boots of the assembler. Making so you never really need to reload and you rift will last forever because the healing effect of the noble rounds procs the the effect of the boots. While it is fun to do, you will lack the DPS for most things. You are just an RPG healer.
Don't forget that both proc blessings of the dawn in welllock as well
As a Hunter, Lumina is my only way of really helping.
hey what build are you using and what class? thanks
@@jameswooster4250 Boots of the assembler with the lumina on warlock With well of radiance you become a stationary healer never have to reload And you can heal from any distance with the gun And you're grenade.
@@XietheZebra thanks man!
I'm going to be completely honest, I absolutely love cerberus and I've been using it since it came out, and I find it viable in most situations (yes even at long range) it shreds guardians in pvp and a blast to use In pve, but I'm not gonna lie i don't get alot of use out of the catylist
I agree I love Cerberus it is basically a shotgun that is using primary ammo. I do agree the catalyst is kinda meh. After all I only use it for some farther range shots due to it making the spread tighter so each round hits it's mark. For weaker enemies though you wouldn't see me using that firing mode on a boss or something like that. That is just plain dumb due to the slower firing speed you would get shredded. It is a very underrated gun for sure.
I've been running Malfeasance with overload rounds this season since proccing the explosion will also end up stunning overload champs in the process. Fun to use in stuff like override, but not too sure about Master/GM stuff lol.
Wouldn't the gun stun them before the taken explosions happen?
I mean that sounds fun and all but you'd probably get more bang for your buck with Crimson.
Still waiting for my catalyst
Malfeasance is one of my favs just a dope looking gun and its pretty good in pve imo. Don't really have any issues with it. Borealis and symmetry are pretty dope too. I like their abilities.
Honestly if more of the "lower power" exotics intrinsically dealt with champions I can see them having a lot more use, especially the primary weapons.
Nobody is gonna use overload lumina bro
@@JayPatel-it6nd thanks for letting me know, bro
@@chulumpthebigmoneywizard851 crazy
Datto: *lumina is bad*
My Healer Warlock: *cries in noble rounds*
Yeah don't let Byf hear about this, he loves that gun.
@@mrsocko316 Lumina is bad as a weapon, but amazing as a way to heal others. Especially with the Assembler boots.
@@SSD_Penumbra how are the boots of the assembler in GM stuff, I imagine that dictates how useful lumina is
@@user-lv8dn8gw9z After their recent "buff", the assembler boots are good enough on their own, but coupled with Lumina, it loads noble rounds as well as healing teammates. You pretty much become a walking medkit.
I was surprised to see lumina in the bad exotics, its sooo good, just underrated. From my experience with it I would say a bit more range or stability, it have the same stability as ace(pretty low), but ace traded it off with high range. I also saw some comments about the hip fire stuff, it's a "precision" weapon, award u for hitting heads, u can do so well by aiming down sight.
The Jade Rabbit rant was the ultimate Datto moment.
@@bruh-fw7op no. i meant Datto. the name of the person who went on the rant
@@poetanderson3 issa joke
The Wish ender had an awesome short era when it was bugged in Shadowkeep:(
I used it so much when it was busted. Good times
It was actually Nightfall viable then. RIP to the bow, it only lasted in the limelight for like 2 weeks
Ohh that's right! I forgot all about it, that's how short it's amount of time to shine was.
A new catalyst should make it do JUST THAT, maybe a little less damage though to keep it fair.
Watching this after the wish ender situation is hilarious
Lumina with Boots of the Assembler is an amazing combo. Super support with infinite heals and buffs. Definitely drives Lumina much further towards the top.
Throw on Well of Radiance to that and if anyone dies, you're playing the game wrong.
Have you tried Lumina + Starfire Protocol yet? You become a healing machine with your two grenade charges and the middle solar warlock tree, I basically never run out of grenade for long and it feels really nice throwing a full heal over shield on an ally knowing they would have died otherwise
I love how I see you guys as warlocks use it, and honestly people like you are underappreciated. (Comes from a Hunter who's ass got saved a few times thanks to supportive warlocks)
@@lunatic756 when I feel like I havent contributed much in the offensives due to kill count I'm gonna remember this comment ^^ makes me wish there was a teammate's supported counter but this will have to do for now!
@@syaoran5476 Bungie should do what mobas do and add healing and shielding to the scoreboard
Salvations Grip catalyst idea:
Give it regular heavy GL rounds that explode on impact. Holding reload swaps to the original mode.
This way you can create crystal shards and swap modes to blow them up.
Very versatile being able to create walls, traps, platforms, or just freezing stuff. Then being able to use it as a regular heavy GL.
THIS IS A GREAT IDEA. I can't shatter shit as a warlock, warlocks have no shatter abilities so this would be great
It already has different firing modes so this would be easy to do without removing it's crystal creation as the clusters from holding would remain. Would be cool if it's catalyst let you detonate Stasis crystals by reloading with a mini penumbral blast as currently the game has no 'protection measures' for allied crystals so it wouldn't be a grief risk.
@@Perkustin it doesn't have an alternative fire mode I'm aware of? Holding the trigger lets you create a larger formation.
This would let you hold reload and heavy regular grenades
Shame. Queenbreakers was awesome in D1, you know, when it used special ammo
don't forget in D1 if you had 2 fusion rifle reserves you could get 61 shots, I think, it was something silly.
I’ve been a Lumina main since that gun released. It just sounds and feels good to use.
Eriana's Vow is SO bae. I adore it and always have it on me. I feel like the insane length of the catalyst is a big turnoff for players, but this gun is amazing with it. I dare say that putting in the time on that catalyst is well worth it.
I just finished my symetry catalyst when I got eriana's vow... Two strikes later I get the catalyst... Now I basically gotta do same thing again DX can't say it's a turn off tho. Because for sym it was well worth the wait... Anyone who does lots of playlists will sail through these...
Been huge help for solo nightfalls
@@damonspang9508 the nice thing about symmetry is that NFs count towards its progress while for Erianna’s they don’t. I bought the vow and symmetry a couple months back in season 13 and I’m almost done. Grinding GMs the latter part of season 14 bumped my progress close to that of the vow but either way I’m not tripping. At first I told myself that if I do 10 strikes a day I could get it in 40 days but the grind would’ve been exhausting so I didn’t do that.
That's a grind my friend took me weeks
still waiting on Devil's Ruins' day in the spotlight and I will die on this hill
Yeah that gun is really cool. They should give it a catalyst that fills the magazine on multikills with the laser and champion stuns.
My 2nd favorite sidearm, only behind Rat King
So proud of the hatemail I got after repeatedly beaming the same shotgun ape to death in multiple random lobbies with it.
There was actually a build on hunter with the tricksleeves that made it do some pretty big DPS, but it got nerfed into the ground a season or two ago I believe.
This. I will forever stand behind devils ruin
Wichender was really good that Time bungo fuckt up and it had 4 X damage
It wasn't even that severe, it was only the exit wound damage that happened multiple times, shows how close it is to actually being a relevant bow
Could always make a slightly less bonkers version of that for its catalyst. Or put the full craziness back and move it to special ammo. It’s already the slowest draw bow outside Leviathan’s Breath.
I convinced a lfg group to use it against riven when it was broken and after a couple tries we actually cheesed riven with it lmao
@@thetwintiger i agree with @xRedliine it was not that severe .. and , the less said about Leviathan’s Breath Draw Time the better i was hoping the Catalist would fix it ... then i found out the 5 arrows more , was also needed .
@@ioncavegrandma9256 there where easyer ways the chees riven at that time tho XD
coming back to this video nearly two years later is cool seeing how many of these weapons have been improved.
Wish-ender is a great exotic now.
Darci is not the greatest, but still decent with the added jolt.
Skyburners is the same but with scorch.
I Think Queensbreaker is kinda slept on at the moment, the chain bolt is suprisingly good for add clear.
Malfeasance stunning unstoppables is neat.
Leviathans Breath has probably the biggest turn around, currently being an amazing dps choice.
Coldheart generating Ionic traces is cool for arc builds.
Jade Rabbit is decent but still a bit wierd and janky, though not as bad as it was.
Polaris lance is REALLY good now that the perfect fifth explosion scorches.
Merciless is also another slept on dps choice.
Lumina is really decent in pvp.
Merciless is insane now. There is a reason that is what's used for solo nezarec
Odd that Prospector was low considering it was the go to "I don't have a god rolled gl" exotic.
That meta was 2 years ago, and if Legendary GLs do better than it, there isn’t a point to it being used.
@@Jagrofes True that. How many people remember that its exotic abilities beyond being full auto are burn damage and sticky grenades?
I remember cheesing riven with prospector cuz we didn't have anything better to use
Xenophage has become that roll
prospector is hilarious for dps, it’s actually greay
I do want Wish-Ender to get some love. It's one of my favorite weapons in the game.
remember when it did triple damage and still got almost zero usage? That thing really needs love.
My favorite d2 weapon, I agree
I’m with you
Datto: “Lets Talk about the Worst Exotic Weapons in Destiny 2”
Also Datto: *Talks about the Top 5 Best Exotics*
yeah his chapter titles in the video are hilarious
A lot of people say that sky burners oath is a bad exotic. However, different exotics have different roles in-game. Sky burners oath's role is to shred cabal, which it does quite well.
Agree. Was fantastic to use in Battlegrounds when anti-barrier scout rifle was on the artifact.
I wish they’d give a catylst to wave splitter
ornament when
They can't. The perk on it would make it absurdly busted if it had a cat
@@muratendmo they'd just have to adjust scaling with it like how they did Star Eater Scales, make it so it tops out at a certain percentage
@@muratendmo what if you got a double kill in the crucible and got an orb your ttk goes form .67 to .53
@@muratendmo The perk only outperforms coldheart by a small margin and if you're talking about pvp then y'know if you get a double kill with a trace rifle you should be rewarded with kill-clip2.0
Malfeasance will always be my favorite gun. Nothing will change my mind. Nothing.
Same. It might not be the best, but it’s so satisfying to use
The soft dps is very nice. I remember it saving my butt during the outbreak mission because it's explosions deal crit damage even to the scorpions that didn't have a crit spot
It just needs a catalyst. Malfeasance is A tier, A+ with Champion mods.
@@geraltofrivia3538 satisfying?!? A hand cannon with no recoil is NOT satisfying
Something I'd like to see put on The Queenbreaker would be the ability to hold reload to quickly swap between the scopes.
And they could easily add that in.
Happy that a lot of these weapons got big changes and are quite good now. (Malf, salvation, worldine, skyburner, leviathan, acrius, wishender)
Darci has always been one of my favorite weapons, it looks cool, it's fun to use. I want it moved to the energy or even kinetic slot.
Boy do i have new for you
yeah also used to have one of the highest dps or the highest of snipers
I've been using it just to try it lately. Not even sure what the exotic perk does but it hits like a truck
We all know Daniel had a gun to Datto's head when he was talking about Cerberus +1 🤣
Cerberus+1 is my baby
was wondering who was Daniel
Malfeasance is fantastic. It shreds through small ads. With the perk it does good damage on majors/ultras/bosses for a primary. With the 5 hit perk, you can kill a guardian at almost any range. It’s a very underrated exotic.
It suffers from "it sucks when solo syndrome" compared to what you could be using. The point of the gun is to run multiple since everyone uses the same hit counter (as it's counted on the target, not the gun itself). With a fireteam slugging away at tough targets, it works much better. But, since no one else is using it, you'll be alone with it and that's the worst time to use it.
Sort of like Rat King, in a way, though at least Rat King has competitive TTK and good solo utility in more difficult content.
@@ForeverLaxx I use it solo all the time and it performs just fine. Especially on Taken and Fallen but Malfeasance isn't for everyone especially in crucible.
I still clap 3v1 everyday but not everyone can do that especially if you can't hit headshots constantly.
@@ShunTsukiko Compared to the exotic energy or power weapons you could be using in PvE, Malfeasance is a joke. Who cares how well you do against an average PvP lobby with a gun that has no advantage outside of maybe getting a cross-map 5 hit kill which is going to be rare, at best? Your best use of the gun in PvP is trying to take out a roaming super, but unless you have lots of space and no other option, that won't work anyway.
Bring that gun into Gambit, the mode you have to play to even get the weapon, and when it's time to DPS the boss, the one thing Malfeasance can do better than other primary not named Dead Man's Tale with Vorpal, you're still getting completely dominated on the damage chart by your team who are using energy/power/supers. To keep up, you can't use Malfeasance, and when you can't use it in the one place it's meant to shine, what's the point?
Wiping ads isn't hard either and requires no exotic to do, and boss DPS without energy/power/super contribution is bad. Most, if not all, Exotic primaries generally have this problem in PvE and they need certain niches/styles to be valuable in PvP, or at least have competitive TTK with some sort of upside. Malfeasance really has nothing going for it when alone that you couldn't get better results from elsewhere with a similar Primary and free up your Exotic slot.
Don't get me wrong. I like the gun, but it needs help pretty badly.
@@ForeverLaxx I said it did just fine for me. If you read carefully you realize I used "I" my preference. Could I use Hawkmoon yes, could I use Ace? Yes. Could I use any other exotic yea and should I? I do. But I'm not gonna count any exotic out because it doesn't clap 100% in everything by stat and perk when I could use it to practice skill. I wasn't saying it didn't need help. No need to write an essay on things I already know. It has its faults and like every exotic it could do better, but just remember when it first dropped everyone was complaining it needed nerfing like every single weapon and when it does you complain it needs a buff.
Yea there are weapons that have limited viability Malfeasance one, but at least it's balanced or at the moment fairly close. In my opinion some exotics need limited viability otherwise we'll have another WoW, Anarchy and Simulant issue. Where it claps in everything and some idiot take it into pvp and cause it to get nerfed.
@@ShunTsukiko "No need to write an essay." Yeah, that's cute. You kids and your phobia of reading is always good for a laugh.
I put zero stock in "it works for me" claims. Anything can "work" in the right lobby. There's no denying it doesn't really stand out and easily falls behind standard options, though. The game does not work in a manner that Malfeasance can leverage, which was my point.
Loved using The Devil You Know in D1, so slick.
I mean, I find Salvation's grip pretty useful when helping blueberries get up to that one Lost Sector in the Cosmodrome
'Momentum Control isnt even real anyway' - fucking lmao xD
I’ve been using malfeasance since I first got it when it came out. I don’t think the weapons needs a buff or anything. I’m hoping for a cool catalyst for it Bc it’s well deserved. I wouldn’t have this weapon in this list in my opinion. It’s my favorite exotic and I’m fine with not a lot of people using it. Makes me feel unique among all the busted metas that have taken center stage ever since I got it.
Jade Rabbit was actually really good… for the 1 mission I used it for
Since the seasonal mod was to use a scout rifle to stun barrier champions, it really came in clutch when doing that mission sent to you by Clovis Bray post-beyond light campaign (the one where you traverse freezing platforms and you can killoberloads instead of getting the shelter of the storm buff)
Malfeasance looks fun but it’s really a Gambit weapon
Haven’t used my coldheart yet
Merciless… I just got the catalyst today. It runs more on its intrinsic trait more than the catalyst. It’s cool but very niche (to be used on only bosses) because that’s the only place it’s useful enough to use the exotic trait
Ez solution for Leviathan is that when you stun a champion, the bow gets returned to the "mag". As for other buffs I think a merciless type perk where for example each crit increases fire rate and a slight damage boost would be nice. I use the bow all of the time to just remove majors and champions quickly. Usually it takes 1-2 shots and when you get 5 bows per ammo brick and 15 in reserve no matter what mods you use, I think its pretty nice
They need to give more exotics anti-champion capabilities to make them consistently better season to season.
Why is that you're profile picture
It’d be nice to have a catalyst available for Le Monarch. Something along the lines of the poison DOT stacking. I just want to be able to generate orbs with it.
It's overpowered enough in pvp
@@joelrobinson5457 Thats the problem with exotics though, they're either great in PvP or PvE not both. There's a few exceptions of course but they need to find a way to balance them between the two modes, and currently LM doesn't quite cut it in PvE
@@arthurmorgan8526 true
Tommy’s matchbook is one of those guns that I just go “I’d rather run Sweet Business”
me going through dattos videos and seeing him posting a vid: cool new content
Fallen 'bouta go bzzz
As I've said a hundred times, Levi's Breath is a great exotic, and this is the hill I'll die on.
it is bruh, datto just getting his shit off, levi so broken in pvp and gambit, you can straight up army of 1 as an invader bruh that bow is nuts,unlimited range, instant kill any part of body, and it feels like the arrows track sometimes, only knock on that weapon is getting ammo for it
@@ChiefCheddar hey hey, woah there.... don't go telling people about our secret... Let them think Levi's is bad and we'll keep mopping floors with it.
Funny enough, I never saw someone using it except me.
One of my favourite exotic weapons.
I'll die on it with you, i consistently get army of one in gambit solely because of it. The only heavy I 100% trust to get the job done
you must have been that one guy insisting on using it for dps in my deep stone run
Sanguine Alchemy + Tommy’s = The most fun I’ve had in a FPS.
Sanguine nerf… I retract my statement.
Buff idea for salvations grip. Give it the effect of focusing lens where anything that gets hit by it takes more damage from light based abilities
The fact that they haven’t buffed scouts blows my mind! And sky burners oath needs a major buff I’ve always wanted it to be good because it looks cool