A few years ago, I bought a DS 151 boiler, a hand stoked coal fired unit . After trying to keep the thing burning, I found out it was designed wrong after seeing the new redesigned DS 151 boiler. I contacted DS stoves and inquired about buying the redesigned grates they couldn't get rid of me fast enough. They wouldn't return my calls. DS stoves does not stand behind their product, and remember, all I wanted was to get the new grates at my own expense. I wasn't looking for them to bear the expense.
Sorry to hear that. Whenever my stove first cracked they sent a welder on their dime. Then it cracked again and they sent me a new stove. I only paid for the installation and shipping of it
Glad DS took care of you on the old furnace. Thanks for the vid
Hey thanks for watching!
Great explanation!
Thank you! Hope it wasn't confusing
cool ty
Thanks Rich!
I have a DS aqua gem 3200 as I have hot water in my house but I love my stove. It’s a great company from PA. I just put a DS in my camp as well.
Do you burn coal or wood or both in the aqua gem?
Half and half. Does both great
Coal is so much easier unless wood is all you have
I've burned coal before but I prefer wood.
you should do like me pack it full wood
I only do that when it's really cold out. This was a fire just to take the chill out of the house
Burning coal is much better. I have a harman and it burns wood and coal. Coal last much longer and better heat
Yeah coal is an even heat. I just prefer burning wood because it's easier to get going and it's way more cost effective
How much does coal generally cost and how long does that coal last before you need to get more ?
A 40lbs bag at tractor supply is up to $14. If it's dead of winter that bag won't last long. I usually need a bag just to get a coal fire going good
What model is your stove ? It looks like a very well built stove
It's the Kozy King 300
A few years ago, I bought a DS 151 boiler, a hand stoked coal fired unit . After trying to keep the thing burning, I found out it was designed wrong after seeing the new redesigned DS 151 boiler. I contacted DS stoves and inquired about buying the redesigned grates they couldn't get rid of me fast enough. They wouldn't return my calls. DS stoves does not stand behind their product, and remember, all I wanted was to get the new grates at my own expense. I wasn't looking for them to bear the expense.
Sorry to hear that. Whenever my stove first cracked they sent a welder on their dime. Then it cracked again and they sent me a new stove. I only paid for the installation and shipping of it