Knocked around with getting a Laser engraver for several years. Then I saw the price of the A5 drop to 250. So I decided to give it a try. Well, first run was a 400 x x420 simple grid layout for a base under the laser, That worked out great. Then I made a stencil and converted it to a Jpeg. Just like you I used a scrap of 1/4 pine underlayment. Same results as you.... Spent a little more time learning the Controls on Lasergrbl and ran the same stencil on 3/4 pine. Fantastic!!!!!!!! My Adult children want me to make a set of Large dressers for them but they wanted me to engrave designs and such into the drawer faces. With a wood burn/soldering iron that would take forever. Now I just download a Picture into Krita and edit it a bit, open in LaserGRBL, size it to what I want, set my power and speed. and away it goes. A good picture still takes about 5 hours but Im doing other things while it runs. So far it works just fine and the girls get a kick out of personalized furniture. Fixed focus and very easy to set up and use. Best point is "It is very adequate at under 300$". Have not done any cutting or other material yet except pine, Oak and Birch. But for Accenting furniture and cabinets it's doing a great job
@1dgabel I never thought of using it to engrave sections of furniture ... great idea! Like you said, it's all about the settings to use for your software.
@tristanlombardo6692 It isn't a bad laser. My only issue is the motherboard crapped out one it was a year old. I found a replacement on for like $30 or so.
@brianbloodworth2429 Correct, it was already uploaded in a different version. I changed a few things which I am trying to test out to see if I get different results.
Knocked around with getting a Laser engraver for several years. Then I saw the price of the A5 drop to 250. So I decided to give it a try. Well, first run was a 400 x x420 simple grid layout for a base under the laser, That worked out great. Then I made a stencil and converted it to a Jpeg. Just like you I used a scrap of 1/4 pine underlayment. Same results as you.... Spent a little more time learning the Controls on Lasergrbl and ran the same stencil on 3/4 pine. Fantastic!!!!!!!! My Adult children want me to make a set of Large dressers for them but they wanted me to engrave designs and such into the drawer faces. With a wood burn/soldering iron that would take forever. Now I just download a Picture into Krita and edit it a bit, open in LaserGRBL, size it to what I want, set my power and speed. and away it goes. A good picture still takes about 5 hours but Im doing other things while it runs. So far it works just fine and the girls get a kick out of personalized furniture. Fixed focus and very easy to set up and use. Best point is "It is very adequate at under 300$". Have not done any cutting or other material yet except pine, Oak and Birch. But for Accenting furniture and cabinets it's doing a great job
@1dgabel I never thought of using it to engrave sections of furniture ... great idea! Like you said, it's all about the settings to use for your software.
Damn I just bought this, I wish I would have seen this before, but so far I'm happy
@tristanlombardo6692 It isn't a bad laser. My only issue is the motherboard crapped out one it was a year old. I found a replacement on for like $30 or so.
Wasn't this video already uploaded?
@brianbloodworth2429 Correct, it was already uploaded in a different version. I changed a few things which I am trying to test out to see if I get different results.
Thank you so much Wild Cascadia Radio.