Waw, "you have to heal to discern"........mind-blowing...... soo many more AHA moments.....you give me soo much stuff to think about, pray about and learn. Thank you both for this eye opening conversation.....
I grew up as Bahai, then became a Buddhist monk in India, my road to Jesus was long and complicated. Now, everywhere I look I see heresy, and some downright evil. Ugh...
Non judgmental is key for new believers. When I became a believer, I really enjoyed listening to Rick Warren because that’s what I needed as new believer. I no longer listen to Rick Warren but he served a purpose for someone who was new but not fully ready for what I listen & follow now.
I was confronted by my Pastor with this question? By what spirit are you speaking from. This came from a time when I was researching witchcraft. He reminded me of the subtle shifts than can happen unaware without a covering. Talk about being thankful.
Melissa, and Raj, I thank God for this talk. This led me to pray deeply and seek His forgiveness for certain issues I had, which were nuanced and needed understanding. May The Lord God bless you both.
Praise God for Raj and Melissa helping us see the deception! I came out of WoF by His mercy. When i got into it, i had never been discipled. Ive preordered "Happy Lies". Have so many friends who love Jesus but are deceived! Excited about the book!
Melissa you are coming though crystal clear please excuse the pun. I have followed you for quite some time now years really and I very much appreciate all your hard work and the truth you are teaching please keep going blessings to you and family in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
South African black churches are plagued by this "though" right now. It's sad but, Yeshua can deliver us from it all by knowing scripture. Thanks for sharing this.
I’m a disgusted in myself that I was so deceived by these beliefs. Before being saved, I thought I knew everything yet was so empty. When Jesus Christ saved me, I know nothing but Gods love and I am full.
Really appreciate your journey of “getting into the meat” as opposed to the milk of being a Christian. It never ends till the end I’m assuming. Though my beginning was way different than yours, the journey of discovery parallels in so many ways. Good content. Thanks.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I praise and thank God for this message He sent through you, because I really needed it! I’ve been butt-hurt for years wondering why other Christians seem to be receiving all these dreams and visions and experiences of Holy Spirit infilling and speaking in tongues and even healing and casting out demons, to the extent that I felt defective and rejected. I prayed, “Jesus, me too! At least a prophetic dream? It’s in Scripture that you’ll send those!” But nope. Nothing, nada. He gave me other evidence of His love, though: other answered prayers, blessings, comfort, help, etc., just nothing “magical mystical“. Hearing your message, hearing that it’s okay (and not defective) to be an ordinary John Q. Citizen (in my case, Jane Q.) of the Kingdom of Heaven, has eased my heart SO MUCH! I’m not rejected. Thank you again! God bless you both!
@Marvin-os5fqyou are practicing exactly what Melissa is speaking on and talks against. What you are suggesting is new age/new thought extra biblical hooey.
@Marvin-os5fqdo you read Paul, Peter, John, James, and the other inspired church authors teaching what you just taught?? Hold to the real practice- we have it in New Testament and we don’t have to imagine it. What’s our task? The greatest commandment and the second greatest and preaching Christ and Him crucified. You will experience Christ for real when you walk in His ways. Truth in love 🤍✝️
@Marvin-os5fq What I am saying is that scriptures are misapplied easily but a sound application is evident in the instructions from the church authors and early church history. Of course there were false teachings back then and the believers were told the course of action was to return to the apostles teaching. In regard to Revelation 1:10 of John being in the spirit- we aren’t told outright what that entails. The best explanation that matches early church history ( people who would be worshipping in the first two centuries after the apostles) is that “in the spirit” is being in an attitude of worship and a state of honoring God. And that makes sense using that application with the other scriptures written by the church authors mentioning “in the spirit”. We don’t find instruction or example by the apostle’s teachings that the church engaged in laying on of hands to produce a fit of ecstasy in convulsions and repetitive syllabic utterances. We are to be “in the spirit” or in other words being motivated by the spirit to: pray, walk, rejoice, live, worship. It is in a state of thinking about God and seeking His will be done in us because we are a living sacrifice we dedicate ourselves to Him. The instances in the early church where there was loss of control and disorder was displeasing. Examine everything you are experiencing and told with the apostles’ teaching and church’s approved examples. An “experience” is not confirmation of a holy presence or practice. We aren’t obedient towards God basing our theology on what we see or experiences. He does not tell us to do that. Jesus warned us that a wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign Matt 16:4 False messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive Matt 24:24 The Charismatic movement is not a faith movement; rather it is a signs movement. It teaches people to seek after a sign or to rely on personal experience rather than the teachings of the Jesus’ apostles to the churches. The righteous will live by faith Romans 1:17 Faith is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see,” Heb 11:1 Signs during the time of Christ and His apostles were for confirming the arrival of the Messiah and His teachings. Once the teachings were once and for all time delivered, the need for confirmation signs could be replaced by faith in and obedience to the Word. God told us through His church authors to be alert, conscious, aware, ready, and watchful. Self control is the Spirit’s fruit. The enemy teaches distortions to the fairly clear teachings. This disobedience is disorder, chaos, unconsciousness, confusion, mysticism, metaphysical spiritualism I have been where you are. Been there done that. Found that it did in fact involve spirits but not God’s Holy Spirit. Spirits indeed are at work and have been granted power to deceive. We can’t rely on anything but God and His word and His Spirit affirms the word. They will never disagree. What the charismatic groups put their faith in changes and dissipates and spiritually harms people. It is traumatic. But it is such a relief to no longer be afflicted by those deceiving spirits! I now walk by the sovereignty of God and I don’t have to manufacture it or use false spirits to give me an experience to believe that I do. God bless you and bring you closer to Himself in His love. 🤍✝️
My pastor aways said don’t go by what a pastor says go by what Gods word says. Because many pastors are teachers of man teaching outside the Bible adding taking away from the Bible.
This really needs more attention. I never put much stock in horoscopes. But when I had my come to Jesus moment and went back to church, and I came under spiritual attack. At first I withstood it pretty well. Then Satan sent in the big guns. Out of nowhere this man I was obsessed with but hadn’t seen for years pops back up and started messing with my life. And being new back to God I had not gotten far enough along to know about witchcraft being a problem. And I was trying to figure out what that man was doing back in my life all the sudden and I listened to a tarot reading. Well they have come a long way since dumb horoscopes and in no time I was addicted. It was so hard to release myself from that. We need to bring this up more often
I believe the point of the verse talking about Jesus saying "depart from me, I never knew you..." is that these people were focused on works righteousness. They listed all these things they "did in His name" as an argument for their salvation. We are saved by grace THROUGH faith, not by works.
As strange as it sounds, when I was far from God he used the Jehovah's witnesses to pull me back. I had a really good biblical foundation and while the community that the Jehovah's Witnesses have brought me in the bad theology hurt me so bad that it led me back where I was supposed to be.
Praise God. I witness to JW's at their booths and stands whenever possible. By God's grace and with The Holy Spirit having more fruitful conversations. I ask for help in being loving and patient and I bring up all the verses as led by The Spirit that speaks to Jesus Truly being The Name above ALL names. I ask questions and listen. I also ( after doing this the wrong way ) bring up these questions from Scripture as though I am chewing on them also. Testimonials are good too, where you share events where acts 1:8 is experienced. Then pray for them fervently as you leave ( have to know their names of course ). Blessings in Jesus to you and yours. - Bryan
Little similar story. I came to know wrong teachings in protestant churches when I was preaching among JW people and while reading their deceptions I understood similar thing are happening in my own Pentecostal congregation. From that day onwards I started studying The Bible in more in-depth and referred to Scholarly Literatures. Now I feel much better, but that face was very painful.
In speaking in other tongues is some kind of heresy, I obviously don't want to be part of that, but WHY does the Bible mention it...Paul thanked God that he spoke in tongues more than most or all of the Corinthians. *❤*
At my church the Lords prayer was written in the program like this "our father-mother in Heaven..." And since then I can't bring myself to go there. I figured they are adding to scripture and I'm not ok with that, am I wrong???
You need to read the first bishop who wrote about Gnosticism (new thought). The book of Irineus of Lion, Against heresies. You will never be tricked into heresies again! He explains what they think and uses the Bible to contradict their thinking!
Prov 18:25 Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it will eat its fruit. So of course this verse is hijacked by the enemy who counterfeits as much as he possibly can. The fruit of The Spirit is for others ( not used for our own selfish ideals ) and for Jesus to be glorified. So The Kingdom of God is definitely not denominational and it not cultural and it is not man's opinions / traditions of men. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. Great faith and much prayer ? OR little faith and a little prayer ? Fervent love OR organized institutionally taught love ? These are brought up because Proverbs 18:25 and the power of the spoken WORD are powerful and this power IS abused under the 'banner' of "Christianity" yet and so God is faithful and true. Jesus does heal and set free and is doing miracles as this is being read. Shar Shalom and Jeru Shalom. -An earthen vessel.
I wonder what she means by "Pentecostalism"? While Pentecost was historically a harvest festival held 50 days after Passover commemorating God's covenant with the Jewish people and giving of the 10 Commandments, it also marks the birth of the New Testament church of Spirit filled believers. So, to be Pentecostal in our New Birth experience and Apostolic in our doctrine, is to obey Peter's exhortation in Acts 2 to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for which the evidence of is speaking in "tongues", (that is a language in which one cannot normally converse), and to be Apostolic in doctrine is to obey what the Apostles taught. We find those teachings in the New Testament books of the Bible. If it isn't apparent to someone, I should point out that the writers of the NT used the Old Testament as scripture to teach and reference, so no one should ever think the OT is to be discarded, especially considering, Jesus himself said he came to fulfill the law, not do away with it. I found this podcast to be very enlightening and am reminded that scripture warns against adding or taking away from what God has said in His Word. It seems to me that that could be the error those pursuing "new thought" or New Age ideas could be making...
It depends on what you mean by ",positive mindset"... Reading God's Word, praying, listening to encouraging sermons/speaking, and trusting God for help and provision, all make me feel more hopeful and positive. That isn't the same as visualizing positivity as some energy force you just need to tap into. Just as thinking positive produces no magic or change, and yet our mindset and confidence is often vital to success. One person may be going through life looking down dejectedly and fail to notice opportunity and possibility, and another may actively be looking for a solution and find one. Scripture bears out that it does matter what and how we think: "For as he thinks within himself, so is he..." Prov. 23:7 "...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil.4:8 Now that's a lot of whatevers, but as you can see, what we think about impacts us and affects our mindset and mental attitude 😊
I think you are misunderstanding the basis of deconstruction for most believers. There comes a point in your walk where you begin to understand that in many churches, the doctrine of man has superseded the Word of God. Deconstruction means dumping out your box of beliefs and carefully examining each part of your belief system and searching the Word for yourself to ensure that it is based in scripture. So much is tradition. So much of it is cultural appropriation. And so much is false gospel. And to walk and commune with Christ, we NEED to know what is real, we need to know what we believe and we need to know why we believe it so that we may defend our faith.
What I find funny is that Satan stopped quoting scripture before it foretold the truth about him, Satan. "For He will command his angels to guard you in all your ways so that you will not strike your foot against a stone..." He stops right before "You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample on the great lion and the serpent.." Guess he didn't like that part.
Do you find Richard Rohr theology as New Thought as well ? It is gettin so popular in polish catholic church that I find it very strange. The Christ is no longer a person there
It's a huge problem here, too. A worship leader, Rita Springer, interviewed a former Bethel worship leader named Amanda Cook here on youtube. A lot of her terms she uses appear to be from Richard Rohr and/or a book Bethel sells called The Physics of Heaven, which promotes New Age and New Thought ideas and practices.
Jesus' humanity was our example, not his divinity. We live and strive as Christians to be like Jesus for what he said, did, and overcame as a human because we have zero chance of being 0% God.
Our example to live by YES, but, we as Christians base ourselves in the divinity of Christ. There are those of other faiths who also believe in his good works and humanity and miracles even, but otherwise reject his divinity -a pathway to a heavenless future ! There are those who would argue that Ghandi (for example) was a great humanitarian and so forth and model to live by, but that's where it ends. Only through our faith and the divine grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can we be saved and certainly do agree that we ARE called to live the teachings of Christ. 1 John 2:6 " He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." Best wishes to all 🙏🏼
I find it interesting this is on a TBN channel. Much of these experiential teachings fall into Word of Faith circles. These people that teach this mess have air time on their network. The Joel Osteen services. Joyce Meyer, Ken Copeland, Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis. This is why I won’t watch TBN.
Any worship practice outside of the examples of the New Testament church in the first century is sinful and vain worship and will not be accepted by God, Including instrumental music in worship! 2 Jn 9 "Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, does not have God...." Transgress" means to go beyond. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jn 4:24. "In truth" means according to His word. When anything is practiced other than what we see in scripture, preaching, praying, giving, taking the Lord's supper, singing, we are "adding to", "transgressing" God's word and do not have God!
Our worship leader says you have to turn your mind off in order to connect with God. Red flags all over. I'd change churches but my husbands the pastor.
New Age is a modern phrase, that Everyone who reaches a level with G-D and you haven't don't hate...ARE YOU DOING WHAT JESUS ORDERED YOU TO? LIP SERVICE IS WORSE THAN WHAT YOU DISCUSS.
Melissa Dougherty and Raj Nair Pay attention: ----------------------- Revelation 22:7 New King James Version Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. --------------------- Revelation 22:14-17 New King James Version 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. (the new Jerusalem City on the new earth in the new heaven) 15 But outside (the new Jerusalem City on the new Earth in the new heaven) are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel >>to testify to you these things
There’s only one being in the Bible that said we could be gods ourselves, equal to God. Yeah….where is he now? Pretty sure he got trampled by the Son of God!
Perhaps finding the churches bearing good fruits and how they are doing it would be better time spent than making this video. I am glad you are talking about all this, but who is right can be argued to death scripturally. I am seeing a lot of thoughts and it's actually confusing when it should be simple. Half-truths and I am seeing them in all organized religions and practices. This is why Jesus Christ had to come, as his own leaders at his time were proven wrong on their interpretations of the Torah. I am also noticing fruits, and now a new leader is just short of calling himself Jesus Christ as others are equating Trump as a Messiah. Trouble with Trump is he is adding onto our burdens not lifting them away as Jesus Christ did. My heart is broken as churches, radio shows and fox news is demanding obedience to a liar(the fruits of his church are fear and death). I also have to say this is where the Traditional Model is failing. FRUITS bear witness, you can tell by the fruits. Also leave alone the churches that believe in Jesus Christ who believe he is the son of God, died and was raised from the dead(biblical). Now the key is the HELPER which Jesus sent to us. Each believer is a temple of God. Christ also said every knee will bow down so who is to say who is unsaved. We also have long histories of religions especially Christian and Muslim out to control the people. Committing atrocities were the fruits they beared. No we need to focus on the Jesus Christ, Love, light, surrender to his helper. Realize the greatest serve the least. Love Our Neighbor is a commandment(could this because each person is a temple of God) they are holy. I can point at many scriptures and even share eye witness accounts where God did the unlikeliest things through the unlikeliest people because they held the core belief of Love thy God and the second Love thy neighbor. My point is here, your vague. In some churches the Holy Spirit doing something is mystical and not believed or limited. There is a big difference between worshipping yourself and being thankful to God that he made you a temple and the indwelling of his helper. Thus inspiring you to love yourself because he is in you. WOW be careful folks, normal folks will only take it that God is external and can only be accessed at the church. CAUTION. In others not the case. I think the fruits might need the scrutiny and skeptism you generalize and are dishing out. Generalizations only cause suspicion, anxiety and fear. Perhaps finding the churches bearing good fruits and how they are doing it would be better time spent. It's easy to be a critic and a skeptic?
This was the beginning of helpful but far from definitive. I feel slightly unraveled and confused about what to take away from this conversation. You used a lot of movie analogies that I'm unfamiliar with and VERY few real examples.
Lol, cause Tolkien used the Bible as a template for his novels. That's a fact. Also, William Barclay points out that the ancient Hebrews believed their words had measurable power in them which is where the emphasis on the Word of God comes from. Ancient Hebrew vernacular has so much less words than say that of Greek or Latin. Not that I'm subscribing to this gnostic nonsense your speaking of, I absolutely don't. But I can't help but feel the more you read the Bible, the more research anyone should do. The more you discover the more other non canonical scriptures start coming together, while others don't. In fact, some apocrypha have straight up anachronisms littered throughout their passages, totally discrediting them. Which is why it's hard not to get frustrated when people take books like the gospel of Barnabas and make posts about how it's some kind of hidden knowledge that the church doesn't want you to know. 🙄
Mmm intersting but for me not very clear, very confusion in fact (not an english speaker but undertsand english lol) ….i think it’s complicated because the evil can’t create nothing so he’s always copy, conterfeit God abd the Bible ( he sants to be like God since so long)….probably it’s more clear in his Book…🤔🤔🤔
"new thought' = repenting and renewing your mind. you are teaching christians to be scared and opposed to that which saves them. EXAMINE! May God Bless all of us and guide us. :)
@@7bag7 you obviously know very little about Orthodoxy. Look up the history of Christianity. The original Christians are still around, doing the same thing they did 2000 years ago 🤷
Public service Announcement. LOSE MOSES LAWS - immediately. They're the Curse of modern Christianity. We live - and get LIFE - thru the command of LOVE. And Grace. Surrender to the Living Spirit......................not the letter. Be Free!
@@RCGWho No arguing....there an OT and an NT - New promise replaces the Old promise. With New oil in the wine skin...Jesus replaces Moses.........and his Laws... . ...The New LAW? Grace - The New command Love. And you won't find this in most modern churches......... Because they teach a different gospel. (which isn't a gospel at all) This is why i post......to teach people the NT gospel. The ONLY Gospel. Blessings.
I so agree with the statement he quoted. Bible is very important.
Waw, "you have to heal to discern"........mind-blowing...... soo many more AHA moments.....you give me soo much stuff to think about, pray about and learn. Thank you both for this eye opening conversation.....
I left a church when they began offering yoga classes.
Was it goat yoga?
Wow. This was excellent. I’ve been saved for 40 years and didn’t realize even in my own thinking some of it came from New Thought
I grew up as Bahai, then became a Buddhist monk in India, my road to Jesus was long and complicated. Now, everywhere I look I see heresy, and some downright evil. Ugh...
God bless you all.
Non judgmental is key for new believers. When I became a believer, I really enjoyed listening to Rick Warren because that’s what I needed as new believer. I no longer listen to Rick Warren but he served a purpose for someone who was new but not fully ready for what I listen & follow now.
I was confronted by my Pastor with this question? By what spirit are you speaking from. This came from a time when I was researching witchcraft. He reminded me of the subtle shifts than can happen unaware without a covering. Talk about being thankful.
Melissa, and Raj, I thank God for this talk. This led me to pray deeply and seek His forgiveness for certain issues I had, which were nuanced and needed understanding. May The Lord God bless you both.
Good show. Great talk. Enjoyable uplifting conversation! 😊
Praise God for Raj and Melissa helping us see the deception! I came out of WoF by His mercy. When i got into it, i had never been discipled. Ive preordered "Happy Lies". Have so many friends who love Jesus but are deceived! Excited about the book!
The Charismatic Movement/Pentecostalism / Word of Faith / Prosperity (false) gospel are a huge part of "New Thought".
Melissa you are coming though crystal clear please excuse the pun.
I have followed you for quite some time now years really and I very much appreciate all your hard work and the truth you are teaching please keep going blessings to you and family in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
South African black churches are plagued by this "though" right now. It's sad but, Yeshua can deliver us from it all by knowing scripture. Thanks for sharing this.
This is so true and scaty
I’m a disgusted in myself that I was so deceived by these beliefs.
Before being saved, I thought I knew everything yet was so empty.
When Jesus Christ saved me, I know nothing but Gods love and I am full.
Me too! I was stuck in WOF for ten years until I woke up!
Love Melissa! 🙏✝️ Imorder her book! I’m so excited to read it. I have had similar experiences in the church. Repentance is key!
Really appreciate your journey of “getting into the meat” as opposed to the milk of being a Christian. It never ends till the end I’m assuming. Though my beginning was way different than yours, the journey of discovery parallels in so many ways. Good content. Thanks.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I praise and thank God for this message He sent through you, because I really needed it! I’ve been butt-hurt for years wondering why other Christians seem to be receiving all these dreams and visions and experiences of Holy Spirit infilling and speaking in tongues and even healing and casting out demons, to the extent that I felt defective and rejected.
I prayed, “Jesus, me too! At least a prophetic dream? It’s in Scripture that you’ll send those!”
But nope. Nothing, nada. He gave me other evidence of His love, though: other answered prayers, blessings, comfort, help, etc., just nothing “magical mystical“. Hearing your message, hearing that it’s okay (and not defective) to be an ordinary John Q. Citizen (in my case, Jane Q.) of the Kingdom of Heaven, has eased my heart SO MUCH! I’m not rejected. Thank you again! God bless you both!
@Marvin-os5fqyou are practicing exactly what Melissa is speaking on and talks against.
What you are suggesting is new age/new thought extra biblical hooey.
@Marvin-os5fqdo you read Paul, Peter, John, James, and the other inspired church authors teaching what you just taught?? Hold to the real practice- we have it in New Testament and we don’t have to imagine it. What’s our task? The greatest commandment and the second greatest and preaching Christ and Him crucified. You will experience Christ for real when you walk in His ways. Truth in love 🤍✝️
@Marvin-os5fq What I am saying is that scriptures are misapplied easily but a sound application is evident in the instructions from the church authors and early church history. Of course there were false teachings back then and the believers were told the course of action was to return to the apostles teaching.
In regard to Revelation 1:10 of John being in the spirit- we aren’t told outright what that entails. The best explanation that matches early church history ( people who would be worshipping in the first two centuries after the apostles) is that “in the spirit” is being in an attitude of worship and a state of honoring God. And that makes sense using that application with the other scriptures written by the church authors mentioning “in the spirit”.
We don’t find instruction or example by the apostle’s teachings that the church engaged in laying on of hands to produce a fit of ecstasy in convulsions and repetitive syllabic utterances.
We are to be “in the spirit” or in other words being motivated by the spirit to: pray, walk, rejoice, live, worship. It is in a state of thinking about God and seeking His will be done in us because we are a living sacrifice we dedicate ourselves to Him. The instances in the early church where there was loss of control and disorder was displeasing.
Examine everything you are experiencing and told with the apostles’ teaching and church’s approved examples.
An “experience” is not confirmation of a holy presence or practice.
We aren’t obedient towards God basing our theology on what we see or experiences. He does not tell us to do that.
Jesus warned us that a wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign Matt 16:4
False messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive Matt 24:24
The Charismatic movement is not a faith movement; rather it is a signs movement. It teaches people to seek after a sign or to rely on personal experience rather than the teachings of the Jesus’ apostles to the churches.
The righteous will live by faith Romans 1:17
Faith is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see,” Heb 11:1
Signs during the time of Christ and His apostles were for confirming the arrival of the Messiah and His teachings.
Once the teachings were once and for all time delivered, the need for confirmation signs could be replaced by faith in and obedience to the Word.
God told us through His church authors to be alert, conscious, aware, ready, and watchful. Self control is the Spirit’s fruit.
The enemy teaches distortions to the fairly clear teachings. This disobedience is disorder, chaos, unconsciousness, confusion, mysticism, metaphysical spiritualism
I have been where you are. Been there done that. Found that it did in fact involve spirits but not God’s Holy Spirit. Spirits indeed are at work and have been granted power to deceive. We can’t rely on anything but God and His word and His Spirit affirms the word. They will never disagree.
What the charismatic groups put their faith in changes and dissipates and spiritually harms people. It is traumatic. But it is such a relief to no longer be afflicted by those deceiving spirits! I now walk by the sovereignty of God and I don’t have to manufacture it or use false spirits to give me an experience to believe that I do. God bless you and bring you closer to Himself in His love. 🤍✝️
Excellent presentation. Kabbalah and gnosticism have secretly crept into the church and presented itself as new age and new thought.
My pastor aways said don’t go by what a pastor says go by what Gods word says. Because many pastors are teachers of man teaching outside the Bible adding taking away from the Bible.
This really needs more attention. I never put much stock in horoscopes. But when I had my come to Jesus moment and went back to church, and I came under spiritual attack. At first I withstood it pretty well. Then Satan sent in the big guns. Out of nowhere this man I was obsessed with but hadn’t seen for years pops back up and started messing with my life. And being new back to God I had not gotten far enough along to know about witchcraft being a problem. And I was trying to figure out what that man was doing back in my life all the sudden and I listened to a tarot reading. Well they have come a long way since dumb horoscopes and in no time I was addicted. It was so hard to release myself from that. We need to bring this up more often
Fantastic discussion, you two!
I believe the point of the verse talking about Jesus saying "depart from me, I never knew you..." is that these people were focused on works righteousness. They listed all these things they "did in His name" as an argument for their salvation. We are saved by grace THROUGH faith, not by works.
I love this channel and Melissa !!!!!
As strange as it sounds, when I was far from God he used the Jehovah's witnesses to pull me back. I had a really good biblical foundation and while the community that the Jehovah's Witnesses have brought me in the bad theology hurt me so bad that it led me back where I was supposed to be.
Praise God. I witness to JW's at their booths and stands whenever possible. By God's grace and with The Holy Spirit having more fruitful conversations. I ask for help in being loving and patient and I bring up all the verses as led by The Spirit that speaks to Jesus Truly being The Name above ALL names. I ask questions and listen. I also ( after doing this the wrong way ) bring up these questions from Scripture as though I am chewing on them also. Testimonials are good too, where you share events where acts 1:8 is experienced. Then pray for them fervently as you leave ( have to know their names of course ). Blessings in Jesus to you and yours. - Bryan
That’s a great example of how God can use anything for His Glory! Thanks for sharing.
Little similar story. I came to know wrong teachings in protestant churches when I was preaching among JW people and while reading their deceptions I understood similar thing are happening in my own Pentecostal congregation. From that day onwards I started studying The Bible in more in-depth and referred to Scholarly Literatures. Now I feel much better, but that face was very painful.
God can use anything. Good or bad. Look at how he would deliver the children of Israel into the hands of pagans in order to bring them back to him
love, love, LOVE Melissa!
So good !
Amen and Amen!
I've found churches that embraces NAR are very "new thought".
the eneagram is an exercise in total self indulgence ( narcissism). Read 1 Corinthians chapter 13
In speaking in other tongues is some kind of heresy, I obviously don't want to be part of that, but WHY does the Bible mention it...Paul thanked God that he spoke in tongues more than most or all of the Corinthians. *❤*
I was wondering if speaking in other tongues is a *thing * for today like it supposedly was in 1st Corinthians 12, 14, and Acts 10 and 19...❤
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you, Melissa, for your hard work in piecing all that together. So insightful.
How important is the Holy Spirt in every born again believer 🕊️
At my church the Lords prayer was written in the program like this "our father-mother in Heaven..." And since then I can't bring myself to go there. I figured they are adding to scripture and I'm not ok with that, am I wrong???
No, you are not wrong.
You are not wrong at all!
You need to read the first bishop who wrote about Gnosticism (new thought). The book of Irineus of Lion, Against heresies. You will never be tricked into heresies again! He explains what they think and uses the Bible to contradict their thinking!
I just bought it! Thanks for the heads up.
What about John Mark Comer and mysticism which seems to be in everywhere now
God bless you we need a list of the Bible’s which one is good to read because I heard that there are devil bible . Jesus Christ is coming. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Prov 18:25 Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it will eat its fruit.
So of course this verse is hijacked by the enemy who counterfeits as much as he possibly can. The fruit of The Spirit is for others ( not used for our own selfish ideals ) and for Jesus to be glorified. So The Kingdom of God is definitely not denominational and it not cultural and it is not man's opinions / traditions of men. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. Great faith and much prayer ? OR little faith and a little prayer ? Fervent love OR organized institutionally taught love ? These are brought up because Proverbs 18:25 and the power of the spoken WORD are powerful and this power IS abused under the 'banner' of "Christianity" yet and so God is faithful and true. Jesus does heal and set free and is doing miracles as this is being read. Shar Shalom and Jeru Shalom. -An earthen vessel.
Is the movement called " soul care" also under the "New Thought" umbrella
I'd like to know that as well!
Yes, yes it is.
I wonder what she means by "Pentecostalism"? While Pentecost was historically a harvest festival held 50 days after Passover commemorating God's covenant with the Jewish people and giving of the 10 Commandments, it also marks the birth of the New Testament church of Spirit filled believers. So, to be Pentecostal in our New Birth experience and Apostolic in our doctrine, is to obey Peter's exhortation in Acts 2 to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for which the evidence of is speaking in "tongues", (that is a language in which one cannot normally converse), and to be Apostolic in doctrine is to obey what the Apostles taught. We find those teachings in the New Testament books of the Bible. If it isn't apparent to someone, I should point out that the writers of the NT used the Old Testament as scripture to teach and reference, so no one should ever think the OT is to be discarded, especially considering, Jesus himself said he came to fulfill the law, not do away with it.
I found this podcast to be very enlightening and am reminded that scripture warns against adding or taking away from what God has said in His Word. It seems to me that that could be the error those pursuing "new thought" or New Age ideas could be making...
Does meditating on Jesus constitute new agism?
All those things happen when we don´t read and study the Bible in order.
"Shema Israel" is more accurately translated: Hear O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is the ONE and *ONLY* (true and living) ALMIGHTY GOD!
So many NDE s are anti biblical. You are a master or I am god small g, There is no hell, the list is endless
Is having a “positive mindset” biblical? I hear this so often in the church.
It depends on what you mean by ",positive mindset"...
Reading God's Word, praying, listening to encouraging sermons/speaking, and trusting God for help and provision, all make me feel more hopeful and positive. That isn't the same as visualizing positivity as some energy force you just need to tap into. Just as thinking positive produces no magic or change, and yet our mindset and confidence is often vital to success. One person may be going through life looking down dejectedly and fail to notice opportunity and possibility, and another may actively be looking for a solution and find one. Scripture bears out that it does matter what and how we think:
"For as he thinks within himself, so is he..." Prov. 23:7
"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phil.4:8
Now that's a lot of whatevers, but as you can see, what we think about impacts us and affects our mindset and mental attitude 😊
Nothing wrong with being positive, but its a slippery slope. New thought is creeping into your church.
If it pulls you away from putting your trust in God, then yes it leads into the territory of self idolatry.
Melissa cooked!
I think you are misunderstanding the basis of deconstruction for most believers.
There comes a point in your walk where you begin to understand that in many churches, the doctrine of man has superseded the Word of God.
Deconstruction means dumping out your box of beliefs and carefully examining each part of your belief system and searching the Word for yourself to ensure that it is based in scripture. So much is tradition. So much of it is cultural appropriation. And so much is false gospel. And to walk and commune with Christ, we NEED to know what is real, we need to know what we believe and we need to know why we believe it so that we may defend our faith.
What I find funny is that Satan stopped quoting scripture before it foretold the truth about him, Satan. "For He will command his angels to guard you in all your ways so that you will not strike your foot against a stone..." He stops right before "You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample on the great lion and the serpent.." Guess he didn't like that part.
Do you find Richard Rohr theology as New Thought as well ?
It is gettin so popular in polish catholic church that I find it very strange. The Christ is no longer a person there
It's a huge problem here, too.
A worship leader, Rita Springer, interviewed a former Bethel worship leader named Amanda Cook here on youtube. A lot of her terms she uses appear to be from Richard Rohr and/or a book Bethel sells called The Physics of Heaven, which promotes New Age and New Thought ideas and practices.
Yes Richard Rohr is new thought
Anything Bethel is bad.
Jesus' humanity was our example, not his divinity. We live and strive as Christians to be like Jesus for what he said, did, and overcame as a human because we have zero chance of being 0% God.
Our example to live by YES, but, we as Christians base ourselves in the divinity of Christ. There are those of other faiths who also believe in his good works and humanity and miracles even, but otherwise reject his divinity -a pathway to a heavenless future ! There are those who would argue that Ghandi (for example) was a great humanitarian and so forth and model to live by, but that's where it ends. Only through our faith and the divine grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can we be saved and certainly do agree that we ARE called to live the teachings of Christ. 1 John 2:6 " He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." Best wishes to all 🙏🏼
We must abide in the vine!
Interesting conversation. So does she have a book? If so I want to read it!
I dont think its released yet but can preorder on Amazon i believe
@@jtv_70 It says January 2025. Guess i'll wait 😀
I find it interesting this is on a TBN channel. Much of these experiential teachings fall into Word of Faith circles. These people that teach this mess have air time on their network. The Joel Osteen services. Joyce Meyer, Ken Copeland, Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis. This is why I won’t watch TBN.
Any worship practice outside of the examples of the New Testament church in the first century is sinful and vain worship and will not be accepted by God, Including instrumental music in worship! 2 Jn 9 "Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ, does not have God...." Transgress" means to go beyond. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jn 4:24. "In truth" means according to His word. When anything is practiced other than what we see in scripture, preaching, praying, giving, taking the Lord's supper, singing, we are "adding to", "transgressing" God's word and do not have God!
What is Melissa’s book called?
Happy Lies:
how a movement you've (probably) never heard of shaped our self-obsessed world
Will someone please answer my question. Is TAPPING new age? I need help with sleep and weight loss but I don't want to do something occultish.
Yes, it is
@@jtv_70 can you give me some information about this please
how could buddhism and hinduism which are both other than christianity be considered 'NEW AGE"? That is what i call grasping.
Why is this on TBN? This is s network that teaches this stuff.
Our worship leader says you have to turn your mind off in order to connect with God. Red flags all over. I'd change churches but my husbands the pastor.
Was not the first lie of satan you will become like God if you eat from that tree?
New Age is a modern phrase, that Everyone who reaches a level with G-D and you haven't don't hate...ARE YOU DOING WHAT JESUS ORDERED YOU TO? LIP SERVICE IS WORSE THAN WHAT YOU DISCUSS.
Melissa Dougherty and Raj Nair
Pay attention:
----------------------- Revelation 22:7
New King James Version
Behold, I am coming quickly!
Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.
--------------------- Revelation 22:14-17
New King James Version
14 Blessed are those who do His commandments,
that they may have the right to the tree of life,
and may enter through the gates into the city. (the new Jerusalem City on the new earth in the new heaven)
15 But outside (the new Jerusalem City on the new Earth in the new heaven)
are dogs
sexually immoral
whoever loves and practices a lie.
16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel >>to testify to you these things
There’s only one being in the Bible that said we could be gods ourselves, equal to God.
Yeah….where is he now? Pretty sure he got trampled by the Son of God!
I am not sending this man here.Any money's no better than those t v ministries.
Perhaps finding the churches bearing good fruits and how they are doing it would be better time spent than making this video. I am glad you are talking about all this, but who is right can be argued to death scripturally. I am seeing a lot of thoughts and it's actually confusing when it should be simple. Half-truths and I am seeing them in all organized religions and practices. This is why Jesus Christ had to come, as his own leaders at his time were proven wrong on their interpretations of the Torah. I am also noticing fruits, and now a new leader is just short of calling himself Jesus Christ as others are equating Trump as a Messiah. Trouble with Trump is he is adding onto our burdens not lifting them away as Jesus Christ did. My heart is broken as churches, radio shows and fox news is demanding obedience to a liar(the fruits of his church are fear and death). I also have to say this is where the Traditional Model is failing. FRUITS bear witness, you can tell by the fruits. Also leave alone the churches that believe in Jesus Christ who believe he is the son of God, died and was raised from the dead(biblical). Now the key is the HELPER which Jesus sent to us. Each believer is a temple of God. Christ also said every knee will bow down so who is to say who is unsaved. We also have long histories of religions especially Christian and Muslim out to control the people. Committing atrocities were the fruits they beared. No we need to focus on the Jesus Christ, Love, light, surrender to his helper. Realize the greatest serve the least. Love Our Neighbor is a commandment(could this because each person is a temple of God) they are holy. I can point at many scriptures and even share eye witness accounts where God did the unlikeliest things through the unlikeliest people because they held the core belief of Love thy God and the second Love thy neighbor. My point is here, your vague. In some churches the Holy Spirit doing something is mystical and not believed or limited. There is a big difference between worshipping yourself and being thankful to God that he made you a temple and the indwelling of his helper. Thus inspiring you to love yourself because he is in you. WOW be careful folks, normal folks will only take it that God is external and can only be accessed at the church. CAUTION. In others not the case. I think the fruits might need the scrutiny and skeptism you generalize and are dishing out. Generalizations only cause suspicion, anxiety and fear. Perhaps finding the churches bearing good fruits and how they are doing it would be better time spent. It's easy to be a critic and a skeptic?
This was the beginning of helpful but far from definitive. I feel slightly unraveled and confused about what to take away from this conversation. You used a lot of movie analogies that I'm unfamiliar with and VERY few real examples.
This message was brought to you by “crystal energy” via a black mirror aka your phone. 😅
Raj, Peter Jackson's movies replace God with magic. Read Tolkien.
Lol, cause Tolkien used the Bible as a template for his novels. That's a fact. Also, William Barclay points out that the ancient Hebrews believed their words had measurable power in them which is where the emphasis on the Word of God comes from. Ancient Hebrew vernacular has so much less words than say that of Greek or Latin. Not that I'm subscribing to this gnostic nonsense your speaking of, I absolutely don't. But I can't help but feel the more you read the Bible, the more research anyone should do. The more you discover the more other non canonical scriptures start coming together, while others don't. In fact, some apocrypha have straight up anachronisms littered throughout their passages, totally discrediting them. Which is why it's hard not to get frustrated when people take books like the gospel of Barnabas and make posts about how it's some kind of hidden knowledge that the church doesn't want you to know. 🙄
Mmm intersting but for me not very clear, very confusion in fact (not an english speaker but undertsand english lol) ….i think it’s complicated because the evil can’t create nothing so he’s always copy, conterfeit God abd the Bible ( he sants to be like God since so long)….probably it’s more clear in his Book…🤔🤔🤔
"new thought' = repenting and renewing your mind. you are teaching christians to be scared and opposed to that which saves them. EXAMINE! May God Bless all of us and guide us. :)
I disagree. The Word of faith came from the Bible. Romans 10:8
If you continue reading after that verse, you see this verse is referring to salvation.
@ , of course! But, not just that.
You are all heretics and I still love you. Come to Orthodoxy.
Lol. Everyone thinks they have the right view. Or they wouldn’t have that view 😂
@@7bag7 you obviously know very little about Orthodoxy. Look up the history of Christianity. The original Christians are still around, doing the same thing they did 2000 years ago 🤷
Public service Announcement.
LOSE MOSES LAWS - immediately.
They're the Curse of modern Christianity.
We live - and get LIFE - thru the command of LOVE.
And Grace.
Surrender to the Living Spirit......................not the letter.
Be Free!
Sounds like dump the OT. Nah. Things like the 10 Commandments are still applicable.
I won't argue. It's a waste of time.
@@RCGWho No arguing....there an OT and an NT - New promise replaces the Old promise. With New oil in the wine skin...Jesus replaces Moses.........and his Laws...
...The New LAW? Grace - The New command Love.
And you won't find this in most modern churches......... Because they teach a different gospel. (which isn't a gospel at all)
This is why i post......to teach people the NT gospel. The ONLY Gospel. Blessings.
@@gracehillcolorado2668Jesus fulfills the old laws, they still stand