Why Experts Say Permanent Daylight Saving Time is Unhealthy


ความคิดเห็น • 216

  • @rachelrodgers9171
    @rachelrodgers9171 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Arizona and Hawaii keeps their clocks at same time all year around. I lived in Tucson for a while, and I was born and raised in California. I actually *LOVED* not having to flip my clock forward and back.

    • @anarchistatheist1917
      @anarchistatheist1917 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      True and if california keeps daylight time year round it will be the same time as Arizona during the winter months despite arizona and California geographically being an hour apart in time in regards to time zones.

    • @rachelrodgers9171
      @rachelrodgers9171 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@anarchistatheist1917 interesting. I never thought about the time zone geographical differences.

    • @ZombieslayerLeena
      @ZombieslayerLeena ปีที่แล้ว

      I live in Phoenix, it is nice!

    • @jeffw5263
      @jeffw5263 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I remember when I first moved to AZ (1999) That half of the year TV programs would start later as California shifted to Pacific Daylight Time. Do they still do that?

  • @Adamborries
    @Adamborries ปีที่แล้ว +44

    That's really interesting about the health effects of living on the western edge of a time zone. It's almost like we weren't designed to live by a clock. 🤔

    • @farmergiles1065
      @farmergiles1065 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Fun fact: Los Angeles is very close to due south of Spokane, Washington, on the far east side of Washington state. The key there is that it's all Pacific time zone, as expected, because time zones separate according to longitude and these places share almost the same longitude. On the longest day of the year (summer solstice, June 21) the sun will set in Los Angeles more than *an hour before* it will set in Spokane. That's because the Earth's surface is curved, and the northern hemisphere tilts (along Earth's axis) towards the sun at that season. Moreover, dusk lingers in the north for much longer than in the south. The north of Washington state really gets only about 2 hours of full nighttime darkness (sun 18 degrees or more below the horizon) at the solstice. Los Angeles gets there much earlier, and stays there much more of the night.
      So these N/S effects are far more pronounced than anything to do with which side of a time zone you're on, they continue from pole to pole, with yet greater effect beyond the U.S. borders.
      So it's certainly worth asking why we do DST at all, and even more so to ask why the meridian (highest point of the sun in the sky) should be around 1 P.M. instead of around noon.

    • @TheDirthound
      @TheDirthound ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Thank the industrial revolution for that. Wake up when you're not rested, eat when you're not hungry all because a clock told you to to.

    • @farmergiles1065
      @farmergiles1065 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheDirthound This is quite true. Modern civilization and its technology are rather neutral things, and we don't always put them to constructive use, nor do we consider what we're doing very thoroughly. We pay full price, even if we are offered a deep discount.

    • @TheChamp1971
      @TheChamp1971 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm willing to bet ALL THAT I OWN that eating sugary junk foods and processed foods, as well as a lack of quality exercise contributes MUCH MORE to poor health than simply living on the western edge of a time zone. And you can combat any alleged health effects from daylight saving time by simply going to bed AN HOUR EARLIER.....We need to put things in perspective!!

    • @everettduncan7543
      @everettduncan7543 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe we need more time zones? And actually match them to the latitudes

  • @bankerdave888
    @bankerdave888 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Many places in the world do not have daylight saving time and they are all doing fine.

  • @robertmcmanus636
    @robertmcmanus636 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    This is all due to a clock based culture that insists people get up at a certain time. If people lived more in sync with the rising and setting of the sun and weren't forced to get up at times they naturally wouldn't(which is evidenced by the need for alarms for most people)they'd be happier and healthier.

    • @NoHurriesNoWorries
      @NoHurriesNoWorries ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is what i was hoping to hear from the video. In fact .. it's ridiculous that the lady says it's totally fine for people in Boston to have daylight at 4am knowing that they would be sleeping at 4am and going to work 5 hours after sunrise. Thus they'd be using blackout curtains and essentially have days shortened similar to a much higher latitude. With permanent standard time, Seattle would turn into Alaska for a portion of the year. What should happen is like you suggest. Have work schedules that adjust with the sunlight.

  • @bradliston8990
    @bradliston8990 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Unless you move to the equator or get as close as you can to it, it's a fact of the world that you will have longer and shorter days during the year. A clock face doesn't make the sunlight last longer.
    The unhealthy thing for me is changing my sleep schedule around once I get used to it. For seemingly no reason, I know the winter in my area will have shorter days and it doesn't matter what the clock says, the days won't get longer just because I move my clock forward or backwards.

    • @MechanicalSpencer
      @MechanicalSpencer ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree with you, our days will have a certain duration of sunlight we have in a given day. The duration of sunlight changes throughout the year.
      "It's not changing our clocks that make a difference, it's what we do with our hours that count."

  • @EattheApple666
    @EattheApple666 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Standard time, get rid of the fake day light savings time.

  • @lethaleefox6017
    @lethaleefox6017 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I am retired, but decades of having to be at work in the dark in production industry that was not 9 to 5, but 5 to 2... still has waking up at 3 am too often. My inclination was more night owl than early bird. Done giving a poop about time except for movie show times and pills for heart condition. Not surprising that the experiment in timing control happened during my lifetime. Bright ideas from dim bulbs, maybe.

  • @Seawitch907
    @Seawitch907 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I live in Juneau Alaska and because of the darkness in the winter months which is hard enough. Then along comes daylight savings time making it much harder for everyone especially for the school kids.

  • @JSchrumm
    @JSchrumm ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Wow! How did the human race survive before the invention of the clock?

  • @anarchistatheist1917
    @anarchistatheist1917 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    While I agree with the idea of the united states senate passing the bill to keep the same time year round. It should be to go back an hour to permanent standard time year round. The only time clocks should go forward or backwards is if you go another time zone.

  • @JJ-fx6hv
    @JJ-fx6hv ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Uhm thanks to fall daylight saving I will wake up at 4am it's dark, get home 6pm, still dark. Every thing should stay on standard time, this going back and forth is lunacy.

    • @Adamborries
      @Adamborries ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Fall is standard time. You just described the argument for permanent daylight savings: at least it might still be light at 6pm.

  • @janisgallagher2722
    @janisgallagher2722 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I agree. I live in the Boston area and I can never seem to adjust to DST. In the fall when we set the clocks back it's like my body gives a big sigh of relief.

  • @rocketmansdaughter5613
    @rocketmansdaughter5613 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If we had to pick just one option, why would 'Standard Time' not be the go-to option? Daylight Savings is a 'manufactured' concept, and I don't understand why it was chosen as the option for a 'permanent' time.

    • @lobstermania4025
      @lobstermania4025 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So northerners don't have to go and come home in the dark. Sunset at 4 pm stinks

  • @lunarorbit
    @lunarorbit ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I've been saying for years that we should change our clocks (either forward or back) one last time, but only by half an hour. That would split the difference and give us some of the benefits and some of the negatives of daylight savings all year round.

    • @ChrisG1392
      @ChrisG1392 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Standard time is based on science. The sun is directly overhead at noon during the two equinoxes at the equator.

    • @lunarorbit
      @lunarorbit ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ChrisG1392 So half an hour is a problem, but changing the time +/- 1 hour isn't?

    • @chillinwithdylan636
      @chillinwithdylan636 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@lunarorbit *saving 👌✌

    • @chillinwithdylan636
      @chillinwithdylan636 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SailaSobriquet -12 You failed!
      🤔 I need to talk to your parents about getting you a tutor. 🤓
      Until then, hang in there! 😳

    • @richg0404
      @richg0404 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ChrisG1392 The sun is directly overhead somewhere in the time zone but not everywhere. No matter which is chosen (daylight savings or standard time) someone is getting their sunlight at a time which could be considered "unhealthy" according to the discussion in this video.

  • @chiba_disk
    @chiba_disk ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Where were all these "going to work in the dark is unhealthy" people when I had to clock in a 4am?

  • @glennwebster1675
    @glennwebster1675 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The reason that it affects health is because you keep switching it back and forth. We adapt and adjust to our surroundings.

    • @richg0404
      @richg0404 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      exactly. The silly argument that some people will be getting the sunlight at the wrong time of day and will therefore be unhealthy, even if it was true (which I don't believe), has much less impact than changing the clock twice per year.

  • @jearne
    @jearne ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Don't know why there worried about me getting enough morning light. I don't get up at dawn, so I'm going to be missing it. Just adjust the clocks 30 minutes. There you go! A lovely compromise no one will like.

  • @lidar37
    @lidar37 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Daylight Savings Time is like cutting the top off a blanket and sewing it to the bottom, and then claiming that it's warmer that way.
    The energy savings claimed by some is minimal at best. The effects on our health and safety are intentionally overlooked to justify being able to spend more time being able to play, party or otherwise participate in recreational activities.
    Anyone who has children despises trying to get them to bed when the sun is still high enough in the sky that they don't understand, much less want to sleep then.
    Seeing children standing out in the dark waiting for their school bus while they're half asleep in the dark is dangerous to both themselves and the drivers who are feeling the same way.
    As you look at the history of Daylight Savings Time, you can see that its original purpose was to accommodate aristocratic desires for more functions in the evening. Farmers and workers still had to perform their work at the same times.
    As many have said in the past, " Money talks!"

    • @ChromaKeyMystress
      @ChromaKeyMystress ปีที่แล้ว +7

      maybe school should start later so that kids don't have to be in the dark - ever think of that?

    • @lidar37
      @lidar37 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ChromaKeyMystress That's one rationale politicians give. However, it's a shortsighted reason to endanger drivers and children to accommodate recreational activities.

    • @theoutdoorguy8740
      @theoutdoorguy8740 ปีที่แล้ว

      First of all the kids are still getting up and going to school in the dark even after the clocks go backwards. There's a brief week or two where it's semi light outside. But the rest of the time it's dark all the time in the mornings. So that argument that doesn't hold any water. I have found that once we change the clocks back to daylight savings. Crime goes down. People are more productive there's less depression. And overall people are genuinely happy.

    • @captsorghum
      @captsorghum ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theoutdoorguy8740 That's because it's Springtime and the days are longer, not because of the clock change.

    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Daylight Savings was first implemented in the US during WWI specifically to try and conserve energy resources during the war (note: this was year-round Daylight Savings, not seasonal). The actual savings was pretty negligible, particularly as electricity was in its infancy and very few ppl actually had it. After the end of WWI, they ended it. Then they started it back up again during WWII.
      The Uniform Time Act in 1966 is what standardized the seasonal Daylight Savings Time that we use today. They did try going to permanent Daylight Savings in 1974 due to the energy crisis, but that was repealed a year later after they received a ton of complaints about children and working ppl having to go to school/work in the dark.
      Clearly we've done this experiment before and our elders all agreed it was a terrible idea. So naturally, we have to rediscover this yet again.
      I do like that Benjamin Franklin is often credited with inventing Daylight Savings Time, despite the fact that it was in a satirical letter published in a French journal that was most definitely not supposed to be taken seriously. Our ancient predecessors had the right of it - they adjusted the time to fit the sun. Equal length hours (a strict 60 minutes) began in the 14th Century CE. Given the dominance of the standard clock in modern cultures, it's actually a little hard to wrap my head around the idea that in the Roman Empire, the 3rd hour from sunrise was only 44 minutes long on Winter Solstice, but would be 75 minutes long on the Summer Solstice.

  • @Phlegethon
    @Phlegethon ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Experts…. Yea the ones that want light in the early morning. Everyone is different some win some lose but everyone wins if the clock doesn’t randomly move around

  • @gabedarrett1301
    @gabedarrett1301 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Sounds slightly biased since you didn't mention the pros of permanent DST like less seasonal depression

  • @Healitnow
    @Healitnow ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This was tried years ago and was stopped in days when kids were being hit and killed at intersections in the dark winter mornings. We must have the clocks turned back for this reason alone, no matter what other reasons there are.

    • @davidcolantuono3622
      @davidcolantuono3622 ปีที่แล้ว

      100% agree.

    • @ShrunkedDude
      @ShrunkedDude ปีที่แล้ว

      Just keep it back all year round. This changing routine is extremely dumb.

    • @trudycolborne2371
      @trudycolborne2371 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Start school an hour later?

    • @NoiseJunkieRecords
      @NoiseJunkieRecords 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why is it necessary for kids to start school at 7AM to begin with?

  • @TheDirthound
    @TheDirthound ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm from the midwest, South West Michigan to be exact. I'm suspect that daylight savings is causing increases in obesity and diabetes etc. I suspect rampant poor decision making and living off fast food and no exercise is the main culprit in that.

  • @SonicRacingEPt
    @SonicRacingEPt ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Standard time is my choice! Interesting finds with this study but Standard FTW

  • @MNRick041
    @MNRick041 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Either way they go, permanent DST or permanent Standard time, it will affect people differently depending on where they are on the map. I am in Minnesota and we have dark winters, even with going to standard time in the winters most people (and their children) are still waking up and leaving home in the dark and then by the time they are getting home in the late afternoon it is already dark again. Then in the summer (when on daylight savings time) the sun comes up around 5 AM and it doesn't actually get dark until around 10 PM.
    So if we went to permanent DST our summers would stay the same but instead of the sun coming up around 8 AM in the winter it would come up around 9 AM but it would shift sunset closer to 6 PM instead of getting dark around 5 PM.
    If we stayed on permanent standard time we would have daylight at 4 AM in the summer and it would be dark around 9 PM and winters would be like they are now, sun comes up around 8 AM and it's dark around 5 PM.
    So either way is not ideal, I really don't care about winter, it is just dark where I live and no matter what they do with the clocks it does not give us more sunlight in the winter months, you just get used to doing everything in the dark for a few months a year but permanent DST would result in more people waking up to darkness, even kids whose schools don't start until 9 AM would be waking up and leaving home in the dark. I'd be more unhappy with the sun beaming in my windows at 4 AM in the summer if we went to permanent standard time. So I guess, for where I live, I'd rather be on permanent DST because you can't fix our winters but we get so much daylight in the summers that I'd rather have it later into the night than early in the morning.

    • @SadisticSenpai61
      @SadisticSenpai61 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There's this little invention called a curtain... 😜
      But more seriously, I've lived in Minnesota. The summer sunrise is not a big deal and the vast majority of ppl sleep through it without even noticing. Standard Time is frankly the better solution specifically because it's better in the period of time when we have less sunlight.

    • @MNRick041
      @MNRick041 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lcfgas It would require legislative action to get everyone on board.

  • @ChrisG1392
    @ChrisG1392 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Experts say that standard time is much healthier but congress is looking at making daylight savings time permanent

  • @johntracy72
    @johntracy72 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    No matter how much we fiddle with our clocks, it doesn't change the fact that daylight is shorter in December compared to June.

  • @djfaber
    @djfaber ปีที่แล้ว +2

    But But But, removing DST will mean less advertising potential and fewer "TV hours" during the "day". Won't you think of the advertisers and their products that need to be sold? Without that extra TV Time, how will they survive?

  • @funstuff7356
    @funstuff7356 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    US States that stay on Standard Time year round
    - Arizona
    - Hawaii
    US Territories that stay on Standard Time year round
    - American Samoa
    - Guam
    - American Virgin Islands
    - Northern Mariana Islands
    - Puerto Rico
    If US law passes for permanent Daylight Saving Time, then what will the states and territories do that are always on Standard Time?

  • @M.Mae.M
    @M.Mae.M ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just start the day later (work and school), easy solution.

  • @marksusskind1260
    @marksusskind1260 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    standard time year 'round, and set seasonal hours

  • @jeffjenks2533
    @jeffjenks2533 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I prefer Standard Time all year.

  • @farmergiles1065
    @farmergiles1065 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What's unhealthy about our society is that we determine our schedules by the clock, rather than by the sun. If morning light really is so important, then we should be shifting our schedules according to when the sun comes up. That is determined by latitude, not longitude (time zone). And we shouldn't be doing everything at the same clock time further north and further south, because the sun doesn't rise and set the same there. In fact, it's hours different if you go far enough. That's a much bigger effect than "eastern edge of the time zone".
    By using clocks, we're trying to impose a regularity that doesn't exist in nature, and therefore works against our circadian rhythms. Clocks ought to be for *measuring* time, not for *regulating* it. We can measure sunrise and sunset to fractions of a second. Why not arrange our society to do frequent gentle shuffles of schedule and make use of that ability in clocks to track what we do? We already need to shuffle according to vastly different plans in the far north and south than we do in the middles. One size and one plan does not fit all. And we all have to adjust to reduced daylight in winter and increased daylight in summer. That's only natural. We can't have our own individual preferences all year long.

  • @audiocircleband
    @audiocircleband ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have lived in areas that never change there clock in arizona and other countries. I highly disagree. Stop changing the time. its better staying the same.

  • @anarchistatheist1917
    @anarchistatheist1917 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Using daylight time was good in theory but bad in practice. The amount of time with sunlight on the summer solstice is approximately 4.5 hours more then the day of the winter solstice. So it's nonsense to switch the clock an hour ahead to daylight time during the winter months. Which is what permanent daylight time be.

  • @meejinhuang
    @meejinhuang ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's far better to have a consistent time schedule. Time change can be harmful also.

  • @keith4886
    @keith4886 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The answer is simple. Turn the clocks back to standard time & leave them there. No more moving the clocks forward an hour. Why standard time you ask? Simple....because it is the CORRECT TIME.

  • @ariochiv
    @ariochiv ปีที่แล้ว +4

    People in rural areas have been getting up before sunrise for centuries... their circadian rhythms seem fine.

  • @mls515
    @mls515 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I’d prefer standard time, but I’ll take permanent daylight time over having to switch twice a year. As it is, we’re only going back to standard time for four months over the winter.

  • @jacobv3396
    @jacobv3396 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Why does it matter? Why can't business and school hours change with the seasons?

    • @VagPoop_
      @VagPoop_ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      because as a society, we need to evolve. let's pull together and all get on the same time for better health! plants don't use a clock and work just fine. I smoke weed😊

  • @user-dg7on5ll9y
    @user-dg7on5ll9y 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Then don't do permanent DST - do permanent Standard Time. This changing back and forth makes me draggy for a week or two after - no matter which way the clock reset goes.

  • @leeleaverton3382
    @leeleaverton3382 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I live in the Western United States I am retired I can go to bed and wake up whenever I want but that's normally when the sun comes up so I would prefer daylight savings time definitely over changing the time every twice a year it's BS it's government control just leave it one or the other I prefer daylight savings time

    • @lethaleefox6017
      @lethaleefox6017 ปีที่แล้ว

      Changing time is BS... I have been reading the comments to see what the different opinions are... I am also retired and my time is now my own, the best argument for standard only so far was the sun at zenith at noon for old style uses... and maybe some new uses that centers days at noon for solar tracking charts... or what ever. As to night owls, I am one. My night sight is good and ball games often have lights, movie theaters after dark are sometimes like private showings whatever season it is. Seeing a movie that got out at midnight and going to a 24 hour grocery store and then a 24 hour gym was a favorite thing... walking on a treadmill looking out a window until dawn... by myself or a few others was a good pre Covid memory... that gym became an Asian market... I bought a treadmill rather than find another gym... my time schedule became my own with retirement.

  • @stevewithaq
    @stevewithaq ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Standard vs Daylight Savings is a red herring - those who will be positively affected by one will be negatively affected by the other and vice versa, and those cancel out.
    The brief snippets provided in this video in no way provide evidentiary support one over the other - instead they appear to be deliberately cut to cherry-pick one side over the other.
    The ideal is clearly to stop trying to force people to meet arbitrary time schedules that are out-of-sync with their environmental time.
    Work and school should start a reasonable time after sunrise and end a reasonable time before sunset.
    This is a societal problem, not a metric one.

    • @ChrisG1392
      @ChrisG1392 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Doctors and sleep experts are pretty adamant that standard time is healthier. Look it up

    • @stevewithaq
      @stevewithaq ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ChrisG1392 I don't care what they're adamant about; I care what the data says. This was supposed to be an educational video. They should have provided education, not some out-of-context snippets poorly cut together.

    • @captsorghum
      @captsorghum ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stevewithaq Where's your data? At least they offered some.

  • @kristensorensen2219
    @kristensorensen2219 ปีที่แล้ว

    #201👍🤔🤷I had this in Arizona for the 12 months I was in Prescott. Loved it!!! We just went back to fall back and it sucks!! Winters suck already!!

  • @marievavrek
    @marievavrek ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What about all those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder? What about all those who do not work 9-5, but work pm shift or night shift?

  • @rachelrodgers9171
    @rachelrodgers9171 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It would be interesting if all 50 states were the same exact time instead of different time zones, because when a person travels from like California to maybe Maine, they'll experience jet lag. I also have a question for those who speak of a 'flat earth' ... if earth is flat why aren't all states and countries running their clocks all at the same time zone?

    • @MarshallDTeach533
      @MarshallDTeach533 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bingo! also the sun and moon doesn’t rise and set like it used to, it’s all over the place

    • @rachelrodgers9171
      @rachelrodgers9171 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MarshallDTeach533 nailed it. Or like you said ... *Bingo* !

  • @mrscottygreenwood
    @mrscottygreenwood ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Maybe it’s time to stop shipping our kids off to “learn” so early

  • @fayecoldren-sallee5864
    @fayecoldren-sallee5864 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I go to work in the dark all year around. We start at 6am

    • @mom841
      @mom841 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You can go to work dark

  • @TheChamp1971
    @TheChamp1971 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm willing to bet ALL THAT I OWN that eating sugary junk foods and processed foods, as well as a lack of quality exercise contributes MUCH MORE to poor health than simply moving your clock an hour ahead. And you can combat any alleged health effects from daylight saving time by simply going to bed AN HOUR EARLIER.....We need to put things back in perspective!!

  • @jeffw5263
    @jeffw5263 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Arizona only has standard time. When people ask me why Arizona doesn't use DST, my reply is that we don't need an extra hour of Sun in the summertime.

  • @jasminespencer3992
    @jasminespencer3992 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Isn’t that a yes album from 1974, circadian misalignment

  • @micheleharbaugh8271
    @micheleharbaugh8271 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The easiest time for me to follow is nature's time.

  • @Vector_Ze
    @Vector_Ze 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    From numerous comments I've read on Quora, the number of people wanting permanent Standard Time vastly outnumber those of us who would prefer permanent Daylight Time. The one thing most of us agree on is a dislike of the switching back and forth, though that doesn't bother me. But, I live 11 miles (18 km) west of a Time Zone line. I'm on the eastern side of a Time Zone. I HATE that is is dark at 5 PM in the winter.
    Another factor that this clip didn't seem to address is latitude.
    In the Northern Hemisphere in winter, higher Latitudes have fewer daylight hours than lower latitudes. That is reversed in summer months, with lower latitudes receiving less than their northern friends on the same date. You can take this to the extreme by traveling north of the Arctic Circle and witnessing the Midnight Sun.
    Minneapolis and Lake Charles, Louisiana are at nearly the same longitude and Time Zone, but are 15° apart by latitude.
    In Minneapolis sunrise on 12/21 is 32 minutes later than in Lake Charles, and sunset is 43 minutes earlier. But, on 6/21 things are reversed, with Lake Charles having sunrise 46 minutes later than Minneapolis, and sunset 47 minutes earlier. Northern states have more daylight hours than southern in the winter, and fewer in the summer. Location, location, location.
    Latitude is a huge unmentioned part of the equation, and you can't legislate more hours of daylight. Lake Charles has 86 minutes more daylight on 12/21, and Minneapolis has 111 minutes more on 6/21. If a decision is ever enforced, either way, some people are not going to like it. As a southerner in the Central Time Zone only 11 miles from the Eastern Time Zone, and who is a night owl, and regardless of the season only sees sunrise if I haven't yet hit the hay, I'm all in for year around Daylight Time.
    Morning sunlight be damned, it's almost always daylight when I wake up. We poor nightowls. I'm often awake until 2 or 3 AM, and sleep til hours after sunrise, regardless of when that occurs. And what about people who are getting off work in the morning? We have a 24 hour economy. The video points out people in some locations driving to work in the dark (presumably in the morning), but says nothing about people driving home in the dark at 5 PM. In my lifetime, I have gone to work and gotten off work at all hours of the day, it makes no difference to me.
    This does strike me as a highly biased report. If the effort was made, it would be easy enough to find 'experts' who argue in favor of Daylight Time, and there were NONE. "One study says", is not adequate to conclude DT is "unhealthy".

  • @juliamihasastrology4427
    @juliamihasastrology4427 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm highly skeptical of this, because I see so much diversity in people's 'natural' circadian rhythm - for example I have friends who work best at night, and some in the morning. Also, there is historical diversity. In the middle ages, it was customary in part of Europe to only sleep in 2 hour cycles, multiple times a day. If the study referenced here was epidemiological, which it probably was, then it's very hard to find causation with it.

  • @markwilliamson2795
    @markwilliamson2795 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is a tough one...kids go to school after the sun comes up Fathers go to work ...In areas where the sun rises almost never set a time and stick with it..

  • @Mollikar
    @Mollikar ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How about NO daylight savings time that would be great.

  • @GraniteStateVictoria
    @GraniteStateVictoria 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who likes getting up early and going to bed early, I wish we had year round Standard Time. I'd love a 4 AM sunrise in June (I live in New Hampshire), much better than still being twilight at 10 PM. I like it being dark both when I go to bed and when I wake up. I'd go a step further and say we need to fix time zones, they're badly gerrymandered. We should have year round Standard Time and fix time zones, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio should for example be on Central Time. Texas should example be on Mountain Time.

  • @richardjarrell3585
    @richardjarrell3585 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If the differences between eastern and western points within a time zone are a health factor, we obviously should revert to local time, as we had before using railroads necessitated the invention of time zones.

  • @mascadadelpantion8018
    @mascadadelpantion8018 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well obviously this sounds fantastic to me because yeah I'm a night person!! However, this isn't for everyone clearly. This isn't a one size fits all situation here

  • @i_am_a_freespirit
    @i_am_a_freespirit ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am a morning person, and I can get up without an alarm clock when the Sun is up before 6 am...my System gets messed up every time with this "spring forward or fall back".

  • @krcmaine
    @krcmaine ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Let's get ride of time and just live by the rising and setting of the sun.

  • @ronkirk5099
    @ronkirk5099 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm retired so I don't pay much attention to the hands on the clock any more. This change wouldn't affect me one way or the other.

    • @Wayzor_
      @Wayzor_ ปีที่แล้ว

      Then why tell us?

  • @trudycolborne2371
    @trudycolborne2371 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    With sunrise at 8 am standard time and sunset at 4:30 pm on December 21st I go to work with the sun rising in my eyes and setting in my rearview. It might be nice to see a half hour of daylight when I get home. Perhaps school shouldn't start until 9:30 am. I have seen studies that suggest school starts too early for most students. It hardly matters but let's quit switching.

  • @intergalacticnews2581
    @intergalacticnews2581 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How does this effect ppl who work the grave yard shift?

  • @imalexlaven
    @imalexlaven ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think most of us had to get up so early for school that it was dark out until way after we got to school. So that point is just stupid to me. Same with work... we already go to work early aff IN THE DARK. So what are they worried about being "worse" its already "worse"

  • @Haseri8
    @Haseri8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Maybe we shouldn't work so much

  • @polyoptika4382
    @polyoptika4382 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the entire mess is easily solved by ending daylight savings and shortening the work day.

  • @gnagyusa
    @gnagyusa 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We lived just fine for millions of years before "daylight saving" was invented.

  • @SadisticSenpai61
    @SadisticSenpai61 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We need to go to Standard Time only.
    But this video does make an argument that perhaps our time zones need to be adjusted eastward by several hundred miles. I doubt that's the argument they were actually trying to make, but it is a fairly obvious take away when looking at the map with the western edges of time zones shaded to reflect the worse health effects.

  • @WodahsEht
    @WodahsEht ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Permanent standard time!!!

  • @SpacemanXC
    @SpacemanXC ปีที่แล้ว

    Just go to work or school an hour later then. Why change all the clocks?

  • @TexasVeteranPatriot
    @TexasVeteranPatriot ปีที่แล้ว +3

    DST has always played hell on my insomnia, making it near impossible to get enough sleep. Spent the last 20 working years as "walking dead". Best conditions are during winter (off DST)...

  • @quequechanbushcraft1451
    @quequechanbushcraft1451 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nobody wants permanent daylight savings time we don't want it at all.

    • @rishabpatil2467
      @rishabpatil2467 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nobody wants Permanent Standard Time

  • @i_am_a_freespirit
    @i_am_a_freespirit ปีที่แล้ว

    I love getting up at 4:30 am...

  • @crawkn
    @crawkn ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Everyone on Earth should simply use the same clock. i.e. when asked what time it is, or when something is scheduled, the answer will always be UTC time. Mental adjustments of schedules dependent on daylight can be estimated based on a statement of local high noon time expressed as UTC. This could be approximated or even precise when appropriate. Devices will calculate this information for current location using GPS data. Work schedules can be flex-time when possible to accommodate preferences.

  • @McsMark1
    @McsMark1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Never ask a scientist for a political solution.
    1. Create more time zones (within existing time zones) so sunrise is closer to 6am or 7am.
    2. Eliminate time zone (from pole to pole, just here in America) and have metropolitan time based on either an approximate 6am or 7am sunrise allowing us to experience life like it was prior to the creation of Trains and Telegraphs.
    In case 1, apps in our phones will allow us to sync communication with others across the country or world.
    In case 2, apps in our phones will do case 1, plus these apps will add or subtract moments every night after midnight to time so our natural circadian rhythms will be in sync.

  • @virtue_signal_
    @virtue_signal_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't really care about morning light because I sleep until 9:30 every morning anyway.

  • @maestromecanico597
    @maestromecanico597 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The problem is not the clock.

  • @lisazappala4381
    @lisazappala4381 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People don’t Tahoe that the earth moves so they will get more daylight without changing the clock to savings time.
    I live in standard time all year although I live in a place that changed the clock. I sleep eat workout do everything at the same time of day all year round no matter what thethe clock says I get so sick trying to adjust all the time and I was more tired during the summer months following sprinting ahead so I stopped changing and I feel so much better

  • @friendo760
    @friendo760 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Malarkey I say! This story, by NOVA of all media sources, is weak in that the human body is much more capable of adjusting to the annual cycles of the earth as it rotates around the sun while tilting on its axis.

  • @SunnyIlha
    @SunnyIlha ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is this a debate.
    It's self-explanatory.

  • @nbuehster
    @nbuehster ปีที่แล้ว

    They keep saying they're going to make it permeant, over, and over, and over again, and they never do it. So I'm not falling for it anymore. (I wonder when we'll find out if the house does, or doesn't, like the idea.)

  • @myathehappy_1
    @myathehappy_1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So sick of changing the clocks! Stay on daylight savings and be done with it!

  • @Simsim3e
    @Simsim3e 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How about we do permanent standard time for the west and permanent daylight savings time for the east?

  • @Gnilretsam
    @Gnilretsam ปีที่แล้ว

    Im fine with it

  • @noahcount7132
    @noahcount7132 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Permanent DST is WORTH the risk!

  • @JusNoBS420
    @JusNoBS420 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So springing ahead one last time in 2023 will put us on Standard time?? And then we’re done with this whole mess right? Finally

    • @tahmidabdin4625
      @tahmidabdin4625 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well it’s not signed into law yet
      You still have to change your clocks twice a year until further notice

  • @SolaceEasy
    @SolaceEasy ปีที่แล้ว

    Time for a change.

  • @qwertyuiopgarth
    @qwertyuiopgarth ปีที่แล้ว

    If we go to permanent 'daylight savings time' I expect there will soon be fewer 8am meetings and a lot of businesses will mostly start their business day an hour later.

    • @SpacemanXC
      @SpacemanXC ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Right. I dont understand why we have to change the clocks, instead of just doing things an hour later.

    • @tahmidabdin4625
      @tahmidabdin4625 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SpacemanXCthe reason why we change the clocks is to make better use of natural daylight
      Changing the clocks doesn’t create more daylight

    • @SpacemanXC
      @SpacemanXC ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tahmidabdin4625 I dont mind if it gets dark early. Changing the clocks creates a hassle.

  • @8paradoxful
    @8paradoxful ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I work nights most of my entire life and I live in a state near the 49th parallel I prefer to have permanent daylight savings. As it stands right now during the winter I have 3 hours of daylight but I am awake for. In the summer I have 9 and 1/2 hours of daylight that I am awake for. If we went to Standard Time, I would have even less daylight during the year to enjoy.

  • @SLJ1943
    @SLJ1943 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well you can’t please everybody. So let the big kahunas decide what’s best for everybody!!!

  • @jannea4318
    @jannea4318 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want permanent STANDARD TIME, not permanent Daylight Savings Time. Among myriad other reasons, but not primarily, because the many parts of the world that eliminated biannual time changes, eliminated their countries' versions of daylight savings time.

  • @zemtek420
    @zemtek420 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just wish they would do away with time switches. I think we should do a permanent DST and be done with it. Humans will adjust because that is what we do.

  • @yvonnefarrell1029
    @yvonnefarrell1029 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Permanent Daylight Saving Time would help anyone who has to go out after dark in the evenings. I am in favor of it.

  • @empmachine
    @empmachine ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We should just sacrifice an hour in the morning for permanent DST. So in the summer, there's ~8hr work/school/etc days, but in the winter we start everything an hour late, and have a ~7hr work day.
    That way we all get sleep (if desired), we don't drive too much in the dark, and we all get an extra hr for all the winter BS.
    just my 2cents

  • @theoutdoorguy8740
    @theoutdoorguy8740 ปีที่แล้ว

    Once we change the clocks then the next 24 hours they should be permanent. I don't care what these experts so-called experts have to say they are incorrect

    • @davidcolantuono3622
      @davidcolantuono3622 ปีที่แล้ว

      They tried that in 1974. It was disastrous, and they ended it. Lives were lost. Do you *REALLY* want that to happen again? You may not care, but people who struggle with sleep problems...myself included...are going to be the most affected.

    • @theoutdoorguy8740
      @theoutdoorguy8740 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidcolantuono3622 actually that's actually not true whatsoever. It was not disastrous. Before the time change there were 18 reported deaths. There were 20 after the clock change. That is not a significant number. At the end of the day even if you do keep the time as it is right now it is still dark when the kids go to school. The health benefits would be significant ly better with year-round permanent daylight savings. There aren't any problems in Arizona. Other countries do not play around with their clocks either.

    • @tahmidabdin4625
      @tahmidabdin4625 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes but permanent DST makes it worse
      If you don’t change the clocks in autumn,sunrise and sunset would be 1 hour later in winter so there’s more light in evening
      Permanent DST has failed in many countries
      Russia tried permanent DST in 2011 and it didn’t go well so the clocks were changed to permanent Standard time in 2014
      Chile tried it in 2015 and lasted 1 year and went back to the clocks changes
      Uk tried for 3 years from 1968 to 1971 went back to clock’s change after
      USA has also tried it and people didn’t like it because morning was really dark
      Other countries stays on Standard time year round and doesn’t change the clocks
      In the USA permanent DST is federally prohibited because states can only opt out of DST remain on standard time year round
      Permanent DST doesn’t create more daylight instead change the time of sunrise and sunset especially in winter

  • @Metal0sopher
    @Metal0sopher ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This argument is nonsense. How about people in Alaska and Scandinavia? No matter which, they still have to wake up in the dark to go to work and school in winter. Instead of screwing around with the time why don't we change our business hours. Who made it law that it has to be 9 to 5 year round? Why can't we have "two shifts", a morning and evening one? Especially in busy big cities. Morning people can work the early shifts and evening people can do the second. It would also alleviate morning and evening rush hour. The problem isn't time, it's our dopey 9 to 5 business/work/school mentality. Change that not Reality. Plus, forcing night people to work mornings, even with sunshine, and forcing all of us in this weird dystopian 9 to 5 routine is far more psychologically damaging than the time change, I can attest to that myself.

  • @JamesBiggar
    @JamesBiggar ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Drzhounder
    @Drzhounder ปีที่แล้ว

    BS - It changes the risk from the western part of a time zone to the eastern side because getting up with the sun and working deep into the dark is bad for you as well. fNow look at the map at 2:47the majorly productive areas that disproportionally affect our GDP are in the central and eastern portions of each time zone. So even if these researchers are correct, it will adversely affect fewer people, and our society as a whole will actually not be negatively affected.
    Taking this in another direction, these professionals are not taking into consideration the changes in work hours. In the central time zone, often things start and end at an earlier hour. In New York the average office worker is scheduled 9am-5pm. In Dallas Tx the average office worker is scheduled to work 8am-4pm, thus nullifying their arguments.

  • @oldschoolman1444
    @oldschoolman1444 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm self employed so I can get up and go to bed whenever I want. =)

  • @iinRez
    @iinRez ปีที่แล้ว

    "Experts" don't ignore the natural ecosystem in which we reside. There is no such thing as day lights savings time.
    We live on a spherical body that orbits a source of light and we sleep when in our planet's shadow. Simple.