U are very important person for my life . U always gives me Relief for my life. Wenn i lesen U. I feel relax i hose one Day i will come to U. When i came in ethiopia.
Dr... Enea Betam gobez negn. 1 Hulunm sew akebralew ....enam yakbrugnal but some time Endetbekut emalagegnew sew ale So ,,, andandea huletga lesu keber ayigebawm or tm elalew lemn yihun
Dr, why not u start live video courses at kg, elementary,high school level to build , well disciplined young generation, well any one can search and find through u tubes, the question is interest . If it's given as a mandatory courses through elementary and high school, Ethiopia will be blessed by the coming generation
00:00 - ቀናነት | Positivity
04:08 - ንፅህና | Purity
06:55 - ልግስና | Liberity
07:55 - ትእግስት | Patience
09:32 - ነፃነት | Freedom
10:51 - እዉነተኛነት | Authenticity
12:24 - በሳልነት | Maturity
13:29 - መንፈሳዊነት | Spirituality
ይህን ዶክተር አገናኙኚ
ተባረክ እ/ር እረጅም እድሜ ይስጥህ
ድንቅ እዉቀት ስላካፈላችሁን እናመሰግናለን
ዶክተር እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን እኔ አንተን ንግግር በጣም ነው የምደሰተው አክባሪህ ነኝ
"አስተዋይም መልካም ምክርን ገንዘቡ ያደርጋል" ! በእውነት እግዚአብሔር ዘመናችሁን በነገሮች ሁሉ ይባርክ በእውነት ምክራችሁ ልብን ይነካል ሰው የዋለበትን ይመስላል የሚለው ብሂል ሰው በውስጡ ያለውን ሀሳብ ነው የሚናገረው በተረፈ አብሮነታችሁን ወድጄዋለሁ ! አመሰግናለሁ !!!
"ለአስተዋይም እውቀትን ማግኘት አያስቸግረውም "(ምሳ 14:6)
Thanks 🙏 so much really all true 👍 ❤️ 💕 🙏 💖 💗 all blessed
Dr thank you very much about that message
Yihen comment lemtanebu hulu yihe malet behiwot alachu malet nw lezihem fetarin mamesgen alebachu yhichin ken yalayu yale edmyachew yemotu bzu nachew slezih amesgnu …. Zemenachu ybarek melkam adis amet
አሜን ተመሥገን❤
Lenantem melkam adis amet yhunlachihu
you are apsoulotly great and gentle man❤
አንተ ሰው በጣም አመሰግናለሁ! ❤❤❤
በጣም አመሰግናለው ብዙ ነገር እዳስብ አደረከኝ dr አመሰግናለው
U are very important person for my life . U always gives me Relief for my life. Wenn i lesen U. I feel relax i hose one Day i will come to U. When i came in ethiopia.
This one is a very very special gift that i recived in this new year dr wedajeneh meharene thanks to you ❤
great for a fresh start
you are Ethiopian optmist,thank you very much.
You are positive thank you.
Thankyou ❤❤❤❤❤
Amazing ❤❤ I just wanna thank u, it may be my turning point to change my life and everything about me… Happy New Year Dr 🎉🎉🎉
ዶ/ር እየወደድኩህ ነው
😂😂እንዳርሽ ታድያ
Pure class
Dr. thank you for your advise🙏
Please we need more his advice 🙏🙏🙏
👉👉Happy new year
ሀይማኖት እና መንፈሳዊነት በጣም ሚለያዩ ነገሮች ናቸዉ ይህን ለመረዳት የጣዎት አምልኮ ያላቸዉ ሰወችን ማየት ይቻላል። ሌላዉ ደግነት መልሶ ይከፋላል ልክ ነዉ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ ዶ/ር መልካም አዲስ አመት 🌼🌼❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉
እንኳን አደረሳችሁ 🙏💓 🙏 ቅን ለሆናችሁ ብቻ ውዱን ቻናሌን ገብታችሁ ተማሩበት ሳብስክራይብ ታደርጉ ዘንድ ስጋብዛችሁ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው ❤❤❤
ich timrt minaygna inde Xeqemeygn😭🙏🙏🙏😰🍇🍇🍇🍇
Dr... Enea Betam gobez negn.
1 Hulunm sew akebralew ....enam yakbrugnal but some time Endetbekut emalagegnew sew ale So ,,, andandea huletga lesu keber ayigebawm or tm elalew lemn yihun
Thank you, Dr.
D.R dink sew nek...betam enaeseginalen
ዶክተር አና ፈቅር መልካም አመት
ዶክተር እባኮት በ አዲሱ 2017 እራሶትንም አክብረው ይምከሩ ተባረኩ
Please we need more his advice 🙏🙏🙏
Inspire metadergachew mnegedoch &agelaltsoch des sel..
Dr, why not u start live video courses at kg, elementary,high school level to build , well disciplined young generation, well any one can search and find through u tubes, the question is interest . If it's given as a mandatory courses through elementary and high school, Ethiopia will be blessed by the coming generation
ዶክተር ን እንዴት ነው ማግኘት የሚቻለው ?????
dr. wedajinehi imnetu mind new / are you orthodox, buddhism, new religion what is your reference for this presentation?
Non of your business .focus on the points .
ዶ/ር =ወዳጄነህ አንተ
ቀውስ የሻእብያ ውሻ ዲቃላ